AATCC 174-1998(2007)地毯抗微生物活性的评定(英文)




AATCC标准(美国纺织印染业)发布办公室: 上海司达信产品检测中心[转摘] | 发布时间: 2008-4-29 9:32:28 AATCC标准(美国纺织印染业)标签:纺织品干洗织物地毯分散染料标准代号标准名称AATCC 6-2001 耐酸碱色牢度AATCC 8-2001 耐摩擦色牢度:AATCC耐摩擦色牢度测定器AATCC 15-2002 耐汗渍色牢度AATCC 16-2003 耐光色牢度AATCC 17-1999 湿润剂,评定AATCC 20-2002 纤维分析:质量AATCC 20A-2000 纤维分析:数量AATCC 22-2001 排水:喷雾试验AATCC 23-1999 耐烟熏色牢度AATCC 24-1999 昆虫,纺织品耐AATCC 26-1999 硫染纺织品用剂:加速AATCC 27-1999 湿润剂:再湿润剂评定AATCC 28-1999 纺织品防昆虫、害虫AATCC 30-1999 耐真菌活性,纺织品材料的评定:纺织品材料耐霉菌防腐烂AATCC 35-2000 耐水渍:雨水试验AATCC 42-2000 耐水渍:冲击穿透试验AATCC 43-1999 丝光处理湿润剂AATCC 61-2003 耐家庭、商业洗涤色牢度:加速AATCC 66-2003 机织物折痕回复:回复角AATCC 70-2000 排水:滚筒水击动态吸收试验AATCC 76-2000 纤维表面电阻AATCC 79-2000 漂白纺织品的吸收性AATCC 81-2001 湿加工时纺织品水萃取PH值AATCC 82-2001 漂白棉布中纤维素分散质的流度AATCC 84-2000 纱线电阻AATCC 86-2000 干洗:应用设计和整理的耐久性AATCC 88B-2003 多次家洗后织物缝线处的平滑性AATCC 88C-2003 织物多次家洗后留下的折痕AATCC 89-2003 棉的丝光处理AATCC 92-1999 氯,存留的,张力损耗:单个取样法AATCC 93-1999 织物耐磨:加速剂方法AATCC 94-2002 织物整理:鉴别AATCC 96-2001 机织和针织物(毛织物除外)商业洗涤后尺寸变化AATCC 97-1999 原纱和/或已处理纺织品的可提取成分AATCC 98-2002 含过氧化氢的漂白槽中的碱AATCC 99-2000 机织或针织毛纺织品尺寸变化:松弛、收缩和毡合AATCC 100-1999 纺织品材料上耐细菌整理:评定AATCC 101-1999 过氧化氢漂白色牢度AATCC 102-2002 过氧化氢漂白,高锰酸钾滴定法:测定AATCC 103-1999 用于退浆的细菌性α淀粉酶,化验AATCC 104-1999 耐水滴色牢度AATCC 106-2002 耐水浸色牢度:海水AATCC 107-2002 耐水浸色牢度AATCC 109-2002 耐低湿度大气臭氧色牢度AATCC 110-2000 纺织品的白色AATCC 111-2003 纺织品耐气候性AATCC 112-2003 织物挥发甲醛,测定:封罐法AATCC 114-1999 氯,存留的,张力损耗:多次取样法AATCC 115-2000 织物静电依附:织物—金属试验AATCC 116-2001 耐摩擦色牢度:旋转垂直耐摩擦色牢度测定器法AATCC 117-1999 耐高温色牢度:干燥(不包括熨烫)AATCC 118-2002 排油:耐烃试验AATCC 119-1999 平面磨蚀引起的色变(消光):屏蔽电线方法AATCC 120-1999 平面磨蚀引起的色变(消光):金刚砂方法AATCC 121-2000 地毯玷污:可视评定法AATCC 122-2000 地毯沾污:使用沾污法AATCC 123-2000 地毯沾污:加速沾污法AATCC 124-2001 织物多次家洗后外形AATCC 125-1991 耐水耐光色牢度:交替暴露AATCC 127-2003 耐水性:流体静压试验AATCC 128-1999 织物折痕回复:外形AATCC 129-2001 耐高湿度大气臭氧色牢度AATCC 130-2000 排除污垢:油污排除法AATCC 131-2000 耐褶裥色牢度:蒸汽褶裥AATCC 132-2003 耐干洗色牢度AATCC 133-1999 耐高温色牢度:热压AATCC 134-2001 地毯的静电性AATCC 135-2003 机织和针织物自动家洗时尺寸变化AATCC 136-2003 黏合或层压织物的黏合强度AATCC 137-2002 瓷砖上小地毯背面沾污AATCC 138-2000 清洁:铺地织物的清洗AATCC 139-2000 耐光色牢度:致光色变现象的观察AATCC 140-2001 轧-烘处理过程中染料和涂剂泳移AATCC 141-1999 碱性染料与丙烯酸纤维的相容性AATCC 142-2000 植绒织物经多次家洗和/或在投币自动干洗后外形AATCC 143-2001 衣服和其他纺织成品多次家洗后的外形AATCC 144-2002 湿处理织物所含碱:整体AATCC 146-2001 分散染料的分散性:过滤试验AATCC 147-1998 织物材料抗菌活性测定:平行条纹法AATCC 149-2002 螯合剂:氨基聚羧酸螯合作用值及其盐分;草酸钙法AATCC 150-2003 服装自动家洗时尺寸的变化AATCC 151-2003 污物再沉积AATCC 154-2001 分散染料的热固定性AATCC 157-2000 耐溶剂滴色牢度:全氯乙烯AATCC 158-2000 全氯乙烯干洗后尺寸变化:机械法AATCC 159-1999 尼龙上酸和金属络合酸性染料的转移AATCC 161-2002 螯合剂:金属引起的分散染料色度阴暗;控制AATCC 162-2002 耐水浸色牢度:氯化水池AATCC 163-2002 色牢度:留存染料转印;织物对织物AATCC 164-2001 耐高湿度大气中氧化氮色牢度AATCC 165-1999 耐摩擦色牢度:铺地织物-AATCC耐摩擦色牢度测定器AATCC 167-2003 分散染料的起泡性AATCC 168-2002 螯合剂:聚氨基聚羧酸的活性成分含量极其盐分;铜硝酸过氧化乙酰法(PAN)AATCC 169-2003 织物的耐气候性:氙灯暴露AATCC 170-2001 粉状染料的喷撒性:评定AATCC 171-2000 地毯:热水萃取法AATCC 172-2003 家洗耐无氯漂白色牢度AATCC 173-1998 CMC:小色差合格率计算AATCC 174-1998 地毯耐微生物活性测定AATCC 175-2003 耐脏:绒毛铺地材料AATCC 176-2001 染料剂分散质斑点:评定AATCC 178-1999 纬向染疵:可视测定和渐次调和AATCC 179-2001 自动家洗时缠绕引起织物和衣服变形AATCC 180-1997 高温下耐光色牢度:受装置控制的天然光温度AATCC 181-1997 高温下耐光色牢度:受装置控制的天然光温度和湿度AATCC 182-2000 溶液中染料颜色的相对强度AATCC 183-2000 紫外线穿透织物强度AATCC 184-2000 染料喷撒性能:测定AATCC 185-2000 螯合剂:过氧化氢漂白槽中的百分含量:铜硝酸过氧化乙酰(PAN)指示剂方法;AATCC 186-2001 耐气候性:紫外线和湿度暴露AATCC 187-2002 织物的尺寸变化:加速的AATCC 188-2003 家洗耐钠、次氯盐酸漂白色牢度AATCC 189-2002 地毯纤维含氟量AATCC 190-2003 耐活性氧漂白洗涤剂家洗的色牢度:加速酸性纤维素酶,作用于:最大负荷量洗涤器AATCC 191-2003 木纤维质酵酶酸一洗衣机顶部装载的影响AATCC 192-2003 织物的耐久性:有水或者无水情况暴露于电孤光下。


GBT 20944.1-2007纺织品抗菌性能的评价第1部分:琼脂扩散法GBT 20944.2-2007纺织品抗菌性能的评价第2部分:吸收法
是ISO 20743/日本JIS L 1902标准的等同采用。
ISO 846-1978(E)塑料在真菌和细菌作用下的行为的测试--用直观检验法或用测量质量或物性变化的方法评价
QB/T 2591-2003抗菌塑料——抗菌性能评价及其测试方法
是我国影响很大的抗菌材料抗菌测试标准,被广泛用于坚硬固体表面抗菌性能的评价,是ISO 21996/日本JIS Z 2801标准非等同采用的标准。
ISO 22196-2007塑料制品表面抗菌性能评价方法Plastics Measurement of antibacterial
是日本JIS Z 2801标准和中国QB/T 2591标准的对应国际方法标准。
ASTM G21-96(2002)Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi合成聚合材料防霉(耐真菌)性能测试标准

















常用的122个美标AATCC标准1、 AATCC估计步骤一《颜色变化的灰度》2、 AATCC估计步骤二《着色的灰度色标》3、 AATCC估计步骤三《织物色差的视觉评估》4、 AATCC估计步骤四《深度测试的标准深度级别》5、 AATCC估计步骤五《织物手感:主观故测指南》6、 AATCC估计步骤六《工具性颜色检测》7、 AATCC估计步骤七《测试样品颜色变化的仪器评估》8、 AATCC估计步骤八《-步色级转移尺》9、 AATCC6-2001《耐酸碱色牢度》10、 AATCC8-2001(2004)《耐摩擦色牢度标准》11、 AATCC15-2002《耐汗色牢度》12、 AATCC16-2003(2004)《耐光色牢度》13、 AATCC17-1999《润湿剂效果的表征》14、 AATCC20A-2000《纤维分析(定量)》15、 AATCC20-2002《纤维分析(定性)》16、 AATCC22-2001《防水性:(沾水、淋水试验)》17、 AATCC23-1999《抗燃气烟的不褪色性》18、 AATCC24-1999《纺织品的防蛀能力的测试》19、 AATCC26-1999《用硫磺处理的纺织品的老化:加速》20、 AATCC27-1999《润湿剂:再润湿的评估》21、 AATCC28-1999《用于纺织品上的虫害预防物》22、 AATCC30-1999《纺织品的抗真菌能力的评估:纺织品的抵抗霉变和腐烂的能力》23、 AATCC35-2000《防水性:防止雨水测试》24、 AATCC42-2000《防水性:渗透作用测试》25、 AATCC43-1999《墨塞丝光处理法的润湿剂》26、 AATCC61-2003《耐洗色牢度》27、 AATCC66-2003《折痕回复角》28、 AATCC70-2000《水排斥性:摇液瓶动力学吸收测试》29、 AATCC76-2000《纺织物的表面电阻》30、 AATCC79-2000《脱色纺织物的吸收》31、 AATCC 81-2001《PH值的检测法》32、 AATCC82-2001《漂白棉布溶液中分散纤维素流度的测定》33、 AATCC84-2000《纱线电阻的测定》34、 AATCC86-2000《干洗:外加图案和涂饰漆的耐用性》35、 AATCC88B-2003《纺织品经反复家庭洗涤干燥接缝外观的评定方法》36、 AATCC88C-2003《经过多次的家庭洗涤后织物上折痕的持久性》37、 AATCC89-2003《棉花碱化处理度的测定》38、 AATCC92-1999《氯,残留物以及拉伸损失:单一样品的测试方法》39、 AATCC93-1999《纺织品的耐磨性能测试:加速型耐磨测试仪法》40、 AATCC94-2002《织物中整理剂的鉴定》41、 AATCC96-2001《除了毛料衣物之外的机织织物和编织织物在商业洗涤过程中的尺寸变化》42、 AATCC97-1999《原坯布和或者精致纺织品中的可分离量》43、 AATCC98-2002《含有过氧化氢的漂白槽中的碱含量检测》44、 AATCC99-2000《机织和编织毛纺织品的尺寸变化:松弛、凝固和粘连》45、 AATCC100-1999《织物材料中抗菌整理剂的鉴定》46、 AATCC101-1999《过氧化氢漂白色牢度的检测》47、 AATCC102-2002《通过高锰酸钾标准溶液滴定确定过氧化氢含量》48、 AATCC103-1999《对脱浆工艺中采用的细菌性a-淀粉酶的鉴定》49、 AATCC104-1999《耐水斑色牢度》50、 AATCC106-2002《耐海水色牢度》51、 AATCC107-2002《耐水色牢度》52、 AATCC109-2002《耐低湿大气中臭氧色牢度》53、 AATCC110-2000《纺织物的白度》54、 AATCC111-2003《织物耐候性:暴晒于日光和气候环境下》55、 AATCC112-2003《甲醛含量检测》56、 AATCC114-1999《残留氯造成的拉伸强度的降低:复合样品的试验》57、 AATCC115-2000《织物的静电吸附:织物对金属测试》58、 AATCC116-2001《耐摩擦色牢度:旋转垂直摩擦牢度仪法》59、 AATCC117-1999《耐干热(热压)色牢度》60、 AATCC118-2002《疏油性:耐烃类测试》61、 AATCC119-1999《表面磨损产生色变(起霜):金属丝方法》62、 AATCC122-2000《地毯去污:保养方法》63、 AATCC123-2002《地毯污染:加速污染方法》64、 AATCC124-2001《多次家庭洗烫之后织物的表面外观》65、 AATCC125-1991《耐水和光色牢度:交替作用》66、 AATCC127-2003《耐水性:流体静压测试》67、 AATCC128-1999《织物皱纹复原:外观方法》68、 AATCC129-2001《耐高湿大气中臭氧色牢度》69、 AATCC130-2000《污物消除:污物消除方法》70、 AATCC131-2000《褶皱下的染色牢度:汽蒸法处理的褶皱》71、 AATCC132-2003《干洗色牢度》72、 AATCC133-1999《耐热染色牢度:热处理》73、 AATCC134-2001《地毯的静电性能》74、 AATCC135-2003《织物水洗尺寸变化检测》75、 AATCC136-2003《粘合和层压织物的粘结强度》76、 AATCC137-2002《地毯背面在乙烯树脂瓦面上的着色》77、 AATCC138-2000《纺织品类地面覆盖物的洗涤》78、 AATCC139-2000《光照下的染色牢度:光致变色的检测》79、 AATCC140-2001《浸压烘干过程中染料游移和颜料泳移的评定》80、 AATCC141-1999《丙烯酸纤维碱性染料的相容性》81、 AATCC142-2002《经多次水洗或投币自动干洗后织物的外观》82、 AATCC143-2001《重复多次家庭洗涤后衣物及其他纺织产品的外观表现》83、 AATCC144-2002《湿法纺织中的总碱度》84、 AATCC146-2001《分散染料的分散性:过滤测试》85、 AATCC147-1998《纺织材料抗菌活性的评定:平行条纹法》86、 AATCC 149-2002《鳌合剂:利用草酸钙滴定的方法测量氨基聚羟基酸及其盐类形式的鳌合值》87、 AATCC150-2003《家庭洗涤后衣物的尺寸变化》88、 AATCC151-2003《污物再沉淀:旋转清洗方法》89、 AATCC154-2001《分散染料的热固化性》90、 AATCC157-2000《溶剂点染的不褪色性:全氯乙烯》91、 AATCC158-2000《用全氯乙烯干洗时的尺寸变化:机械方法》92、 AATCC159-1999《酸与预金属化酸染料在尼龙中的迁移》93、 AATCC 161-2002《鳌合剂:由金属导致的分散染料颜色变化标准》94、 AATCC162-2002《耐水色牢度:含氯水池》95、 AATCC163-2002《色牢度:储存时的染料迁移;由织物向织物》96、 AATCC164-2001《在高湿度环境下对二氧化氮的色牢度》97、 AATCC165-1999《沾色磨擦色牢度:铺地纺织品-AATCC沾色测试仪方法》98、 AATCC167-2003《分散染料的发泡倾向》99、 AATCC 168-2002《鳌合剂:聚氨基聚羟酸以其盐类的活性成分含量;铜指示剂法》100、 AATCC169-2003《纺织品的耐气候腐蚀性:氙气灯照射》101、 AATCC170-2001《粉末染料的起尘倾向评价》102、 AATCC171-2000《地毯的热水抽吸法的清洗方法》103、 AATCC172-2003《家庭洗涤中无氯漂白剂的色牢度》104、 AATCC 173-1998《CMC:小色差可接受的计算》105、 AATCC174-1998《地毯抗微生物活性的评估》106、 AATCC175-2003《圈绒地毯的耐染色性》107、 AATCC178-1999《纬向条花:视觉评估和评级》108、 AATCC176-2001《着色剂分散斑点的评估》109、 AATCC179-2001《自动家庭洗涤的织物和成衣扭斜程度的变化》110、 AATCC180-1997《高温下耐光色牢度:日光温度控制设备》111、 AATCC181-1997《高温下耐光色牢度:日光温度和湿度控制设备》112、 AATCC182-2000《溶液中染料的相对色强度》113、 AATCC183-2000《织物对红斑加权总紫外辐射的透射率或阻隔率》114、 AATCC184-2000《染料的扬尘性及其定值》115、 AATCC185-2000《铜聚丙稀睛法测定过氧化氢漂白液中鳌合剂的百分含量》116、 AATCC186-2001《耐候性:紫外线和湿气》117、 AATCC187-2002《织物尺寸变化:加速情况下》118、 AATCC188-2003《在家用洗涤中次氯酸钠漂白作用不褪色性研究》119、 AATCC189-2003《地毯织物中的氟含量》120、 AATCC190-2003《在家庭洗涤中采用含活性氧漂白清洁剂的不褪色性:加速作用的研究》121、 AATCC191-2003《木纤维质酵素酶酸-洗衣机顶部装卸的影响》122、 AATCC192-2003《织物的耐久性:有水或者无水情况暴露于电弧光下》。




本标准按E 2149确定的标准颁布;紧随名称的数字表示最初采用的年份,在修订的情况下,则表示最终修订版本的年份。





这些困难包括保证接触培养液的处理面(如在AATCC 100),在不同接触时间下检索的灵活性,使用不适当应用静态条件(如在AATCC 147),灵敏度,和可重复性。








2.参考文献2.1 ASTM标准:E1054实践于评估灭活剂,主要为应用于消毒剂、防腐剂、或腌制产品的抗菌剂。

2.2其他文件:试验方法A ATCC 147-1998纺织材料抗菌活性评价:平行划线法。

美国纺织化学家和染色家协会,RTP,NC试验方法AATCC 100-1999织物的抗菌整理,美国纺织化学家和染色家协会,RTP,NC3.测试方法概要3.1固定抗菌剂,如表面复合材料,正常使用条件下不得随意扩散到他们的环境中。

如AATCC 147中的测试方法直接依赖于来自处理过的织物中的抗菌剂的准备浸出能力,这些试验方法用于评估固定化抗菌剂是不合适的。







测试仪器和方法测试仪器在对地毯产品进行测评时,我们使用了以下测试仪器:1.磨损机 - 用于检查地毯的耐磨性和寿命2.滑动仪 - 用于确定地毯的防滑性3.红酒 - 用于测试地毯的易清洁性(我们使用了红酒代替常见的污渍)4.手持式显微镜 - 用于检查地毯的细节和纤维质量测试方法我们按照以下步骤对地毯产品进行了测评:a.在测试前,我们将地毯展开并让其放置数天,以确保其完全展平并恢复到正常状态a.用磨损机对地毯进行10000次旋转磨损测试,并记录下表面耐磨性和寿命a.用滑动仪测试地毯的防滑性a.在地毯表面机械受损后,使用红酒手动污染其表面,并在15分钟后使用洗碗液和水清洗其表面a.用手持式显微镜检查地毯的细节和纤维质量测试结果耐磨性和寿命经过10000次旋转磨损测试后,我们的测试显示,该地毯表现良好,表面耐磨性强,经久耐用。










整套AATCC标准 上下两册共135个中英文标准 目录如下:

整套AATCC标准 上下两册共135个中英文标准 目录如下:

整套AATCC标准上下两册共135个中英文标准目录如下:标准代号标准名称AA TCC 测试方法的修订AA TCC 6-2001 耐酸碱色牢度AA TCC 8-2001 耐摩擦色牢度:AATCC耐摩擦色牢度测定器AA TCC 15-2002 耐汗渍色牢度AA TCC 16-2003 耐光色牢度AA TCC 17-1999 湿润剂,评定AA TCC 20-2002 纤维分析:质量AA TCC 20A-2000 纤维分析:数量AA TCC 22-2001 排水:喷雾试验AA TCC 23-1999 耐烟熏色牢度AA TCC 24-1999 昆虫,纺织品耐AA TCC 26-1999 硫染纺织品用剂:加速AA TCC 27-1999 湿润剂:再湿润剂评定AA TCC 28-1999 纺织品防昆虫、害虫AA TCC 30-1999 耐真菌活性,纺织品材料的评定:纺织品材料耐霉菌防腐烂AA TCC 35-2000 耐水渍:雨水试验AA TCC 42-2000 耐水渍:冲击穿透试验AA TCC 43-1999 丝光处理湿润剂AA TCC 61-2003 耐家庭、商业洗涤色牢度:加速AA TCC 66-2003 机织物折痕回复:回复角AA TCC 70-2000 排水:滚筒水击动态吸收试验AA TCC 76-2000 纤维表面电阻AA TCC 79-2000 漂白纺织品的吸收性AA TCC 81-2001 湿加工时纺织品水萃取PH值AA TCC 82-2001 漂白棉布中纤维素分散质的流度AA TCC 84-2000 纱线电阻AA TCC 86-2000 干洗:应用设计和整理的耐久性AA TCC 88B-2003 多次家洗后织物缝线处的平滑性AA TCC 88C-2003 织物多次家洗后留下的折痕AA TCC 89-2003 棉的丝光处理AA TCC 92-1999 氯,存留的,张力损耗:单个取样法AA TCC 93-1999 织物耐磨:加速剂方法AA TCC 94-2002 织物整理:鉴别AA TCC 96-2001 机织和针织物(毛织物除外)商业洗涤后尺寸变化AA TCC 97-1999 原纱和/或已处理纺织品的可提取成分AA TCC 98-2002 含过氧化氢的漂白槽中的碱AA TCC 99-2000 机织或针织毛纺织品尺寸变化:松弛、收缩和毡合AA TCC 100-1999 纺织品材料上耐细菌整理:评定AA TCC 101-1999 过氧化氢漂白色牢度AA TCC 102-2002 过氧化氢漂白,高锰酸钾滴定法:测定AA TCC 103-1999 用于退浆的细菌性α淀粉酶,化验AA TCC 104-1999 耐水滴色牢度AA TCC 106-2002 耐水浸色牢度:海水AA TCC 107-2002 耐水浸色牢度AA TCC 109-2002 耐低湿度大气臭氧色牢度AA TCC 110-2000 纺织品的白度AA TCC 111-2003 纺织品耐气候性AA TCC 112-2003 织物挥发甲醛,测定:封罐法AA TCC 114-1999 氯,存留的,张力损耗:多次取样法AA TCC 115-2000 织物静电依附:织物—金属试验AA TCC 116-2001 耐摩擦色牢度:旋转垂直耐摩擦色牢度测定器法AA TCC 117-1999 耐高温色牢度:干燥(不包括熨烫)AA TCC 118-2002 排油:耐烃试验AA TCC 119-1999 平面磨蚀引起的色变(消光):屏蔽电线方法AA TCC 120-1999 平面磨蚀引起的色变(消光):金刚砂方法AA TCC 121-2000 地毯玷污:可视评定法AA TCC 122-2000 地毯沾污:使用沾污法AA TCC 123-2000 地毯沾污:加速沾污法AA TCC 124-2001 织物多次家洗后外形AA TCC 125-1991 耐水耐光色牢度:交替暴露AA TCC 127-2003 耐水性:流体静压试验AA TCC 128-1999 织物折痕回复:外形AA TCC 129-2001 耐高湿度大气臭氧色牢度AA TCC 130-2000 排除污垢:油污排除法AA TCC 131-2000 耐褶裥色牢度:蒸汽褶裥AA TCC 132-2003 耐干洗色牢度AA TCC 133-1999 耐高温色牢度:热压AA TCC 134-2001 地毯的静电性AA TCC 135-2003 机织和针织物自动家洗时尺寸变化AA TCC 136-2003 黏合或层压织物的黏合强度AA TCC 137-2002 瓷砖上小地毯背面沾污AA TCC 138-2000 清洁:铺地织物的清洗AA TCC 139-2000 耐光色牢度:致光色变现象的观察AA TCC 140-2001 轧-烘处理过程中染料和涂剂泳移AA TCC 141-1999 碱性染料与丙烯酸纤维的相容性AA TCC 142-2000 植绒织物经多次家洗和/或在投币自动干洗后外形AA TCC 143-2001 衣服和其他纺织成品多次家洗后的外形AA TCC 144-2002 湿处理织物所含碱:整体AA TCC 146-2001 分散染料的分散性:过滤试验AA TCC 147-1998 织物材料抗菌活性测定:平行条纹法AA TCC 149-2002 螯合剂:氨基聚羧酸螯合作用值及其盐分;草酸钙法AA TCC 150-2003 服装自动家洗时尺寸的变化AA TCC 151-2003 污物再沉积AA TCC 154-2001 分散染料的热固定性AA TCC 157-2000 耐溶剂滴色牢度:全氯乙烯AA TCC 158-2000 全氯乙烯干洗后尺寸变化:机械法AA TCC 159-1999 尼龙上酸和金属络合酸性染料的转移AA TCC 161-2002 螯合剂:金属引起的分散染料色度阴暗;控制AA TCC 162-2002 耐水浸色牢度:氯化水池AA TCC 163-2002 色牢度:留存染料转印;织物对织物AA TCC 164-2001 耐高湿度大气中氧化氮色牢度AA TCC 165-1999 耐摩擦色牢度:铺地织物-AATCC耐摩擦色牢度测定器AA TCC 167-2003 分散染料的起泡性AA TCC 168-2002 螯合剂:聚氨基聚羧酸的活性成分含量极其盐分;铜硝酸过氧化乙酰法(PAN)AA TCC 169-2003 织物的耐气候性:氙灯暴露AA TCC 170-2001 粉状染料的喷撒性:评定AA TCC 171-2000 地毯:热水萃取法AA TCC 172-2003 家洗耐无氯漂白色牢度AA TCC 173-1998 CMC:小色差合格率计算AA TCC 174-1998 地毯耐微生物活性测定AA TCC 175-2003 耐脏:绒毛铺地材料AA TCC 176-2001 染料剂分散质斑点:评定AA TCC 178-1999 纬向染疵:可视测定和渐次调和AA TCC 179-2001 自动家洗时缠绕引起织物和衣服变形AA TCC 180-1997 高温下耐光色牢度:受装置控制的天然光温度AA TCC 181-1997 高温下耐光色牢度:受装置控制的天然光温度和湿度AA TCC 182-2000 溶液中染料颜色的相对强度AA TCC 183-2000 紫外线穿透织物强度AA TCC 184-2000 染料喷撒性能:测定AA TCC 185-2000 螯合剂:过氧化氢漂白槽中的百分含量:铜硝酸过氧化乙酰(PAN)指示剂方法;AA TCC 186-2001 耐气候性:紫外线和湿度暴露AA TCC 187-2002 织物的尺寸变化:加速的AA TCC 188-2003 家洗耐钠、次氯盐酸漂白色牢度AA TCC 189-2002 地毯纤维含氟量AA TCC 190-2003 耐活性氧漂白洗涤剂家洗的色牢度:加速酸性纤维素酶,作用于:最大负荷量洗涤器AA TCC 191-2003 木纤维质酵酶酸一洗衣机顶部装载的影响AA TCC 192-2003 织物的耐久性:有水或者无水情况暴露于电孤光下AA TCC 估测步骤1 着色变化的灰度AA TCC 估测步骤2 着色的灰度色标AA TCC 估测步骤4 深度测试的标准深度级别AA TCC 估测步骤5 织物手感:主观估测指南AA TCC 估测步骤6 工具性颜色检测AA TCC 估测步骤7 测试样品颜色变化的仪器评估AA TCC 估测步骤8 AA TCC-9-步色级转移尺AA TCC 估测步骤9 织物色差的视觉评估AA TCC 测试方法中使用的特殊仪器和材料1993年AATCC标准参考清洁剂和一般洗涤清洁剂2003年AATCC标准参考液体洗涤清洁剂家庭洗涤测试条件的标准化在可燃性测试之前对家庭洗涤织物进行标准实验实践来区分耐久和非耐久整理主观分级过程的术语多实验室测试的ASTM方法概述2003年5月1日修订AA TCC标准术语1999年5月1日修订AA TCC撰写测试方法格式指南2000年5月1日修订AA TCC测试方法的程序规则和技术委员会。



AATCC_100-2004_纺织品材料上耐细菌整理:评定AATCC T est Method 100-2004Antibacterial Finishes on T extile Materials: Assessment ofDeveloped in 1961 by AATCC CommitteeRA31; revised 1965, 1981, 1988 (with ti-tle change), 1993, 1999; editorially re-vised 1969, 1971, 1974, 1985;reaffirmed 1977, 1981, 1989, 1998; edi-torially revised and reaffirmed 1986,2004.1.Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method provides a quanti-tative procedure for the evaluation of thedegree of antibacterial activity. Assess-ment of antibacterial finishes on textilematerials is determined by the degree ofantibacterial activity intended in the useof such materials. If only bacteriostaticactivity (inhibition of multiplication) isintended, a qualitative procedure whichclearly demonstrates antibacterial activityas contrasted with lack of such activity byan untreated specimen may be accept-able. However, if bactericidal activity isintended or implied, quantitative evalua-tion is necessary. Quantitative evaluationalso provides a clearer picture for possi-ble uses of such treated textile materials.2.Principle2.1 Swatches of test and control textilematerials are tested qualitatively for anti-bacterial activity by AATCC Method 147.Those showing activity are evaluatedquantitatively. Test and control swatchesare inoculated with the testorganisms.After incubation, the bacteria are elutedfrom the swatches by shaking in knownamounts of neutralizing solution. Thenumber of bacteria present in this liquid isdetermined, and the percentage reductionby the treated specimen is calculated.3.T erminology3.1 activity, n.—of an antibacterialagent, a measure of effectiveness of theagent.3.2 antibacterial agent, n.—in tex-tiles, any chemical which kills bacteria(bactericide) or interferes with the multi-plication, growth or activity of bacteria(bacteriostat).4. Safety Precautionsdetails such as material safety data sheetsand other manufacturer’s recommenda-tions. All OSHA standards and rulesmust also be consulted and followed.4.1 Both the qualitative and quantita-tive tests should be carried out by personswith training and experience in the use ofbacteriological techniques. The U.S. De-partment of Health and Human Servicespublication, Biosafety in Microbiologicaland Biomedical Laboratories, should beconsulted (see 13.1).4.2 CAUTION: Some of the bacteriaused in this test are capable of infectinghumans and producing disease. There-fore, every necessary and reasonable pre-caution must be taken to eliminate thisrisk to the laboratory personnel and topersonnel in the associated environment.Wear protective clothing and respiratoryprotection that prevents penetration bythe bacteria.4.3 Good laboratory practices shouldbe followed. Wear safety glasses in alllaboratory areas.4.4 All chemicals should be handledwith care.4.5 An eyewash/safety shower shouldbe located nearby for emergency use.4.6Sterilize all contaminated samplesand test materials prior to disposal.4.7 Exposure to chemicals used in thisprocedure must be controlled at or belowlevels set by government authorities (e.g.,Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-tration’s *OSHA+ permissible exposurelimits *PEL+ as found in29 CFR1910.1000 of January 1, 1989). In addition,the American Conference of Governmen-tal Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Thresh-old Limit Values (TLVs) comprised of timeweighted averages (TLV-TWA), short termexposure limits (TLV-STEL) and ceilinglimits (TLV-C) are recommended as a gen-eral guide forair contaminant exposurewhich should be met (see 13.2).5.Limitationscan Type Culture Collection No. 4352.Gram negative organism (see 13.10).6.1.3 Other suitable species can also beused.7.Culture Medium7.1 Suitabl ebroth/agar media are Nu-trient, Trypticase Soy andBrain-HeartInfusion.Nutrient Broth:Peptone (Bacto-peptone)(see 13.3)5 gBeef extract (see 13.4)3 gDistilled waterto 1000 mL7.2 Heat to a boil to disperse ingre-dients. Adjust to pH 6.8 ± 0.1 with 1Nsodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. (Thisis not necessary if prepared, dehydratedmedium is used.)7.3 Dispense in10 mL amounts in con-ventional bacteriological culture tubes(i.e., 125 × 17 mm). Plug and sterilize at103 kPa (15 psi) for 15 min.7.4 Nutrient agar. Add 1.5% bacterio-logical agar to nutrient (or appropriate)broth (see 7.1). Heat to boiling. CheckpH and adjust to 7.1 ± 0.1 using NaOHsolution if necessary. Dispense in 15 ± 1mL amounts in conventional bacteriolog-ical culture tubes. Plug and sterilize at103 kPa (15 psi) for 15 min. (May besterilized in 1000 mLborosilicate glassflasks and petri dishes poured from this.)7.5Slurry Inoculum Carrier (for hy-drophobic fabrics) (see 7.2 and 7.3):Sodium Chloride8.5 gAgar3.0 gDistilled Water1000 mL8.Maintenance of Culture of T estOrganisms NOTE: These safety precautions arefor information purposes only. The pre-cautions are ancillary to the testing proce-dures and are not intended to be all inclu-sive. It is the user’s responsibility to usesafe and proper techniq ues in handlingmaterials in this test method. Manufac-turers MUST be consulted for specific5.1 For a qualitative, relatively quickand easily executed method to determineresidual antibacterial activity of textilematerials, refer to AATCC Method 147,Antibacterial Activity Assessment ofTextile Materials: Parallel Streak Method.6.Test Organisms8.1 Using a 4 mm inoculating loop,transfer the culture daily in nutrient (orappropriate medium) broth for not morethan two weeks. At the conclusion of twoweeks, make a fresh transplant from stockculture. Incubate cultures at 37 ± 2°C (99± 3°F) or other optimal temperature.8.2 Maintain stock cultures on nutrientor appropriate agar slants. Store at 5 ±1°C (41 ± 2°F) and transfer once a monthto fresh agar (see13.5).9.Qualitative Test (Screening orPresumptive Test)6.1 Test bacteria.6.1.1 Staphylococcus aureus, AmericanType Culture Collection No. 6538. Grampositive organism (see13.10).6.1.2 Klebsiella pneumoniae, Ameri-9.1 For detection of bacteriostatic ac-tivity use AATCC Method 147 on a testspecimen and control specimen using theorganisms referred to above. Fordemon-stration of bactericidal activity, proceedto the quantitative testdescribed below.AATCC Technical Manual/2007Copyright ? 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and ColoristsTM 100-200414510.Quantitative Test (Reference orConfirmatory T est)10.1 Preparation. The following de-scription will be in terms of fabricswatches. Textile materials not in fabricform can likewise be tested with the ap-propriate modification.10.1.1 Size and shape of treatedswatches: Cut circular swatches 4.8 ±0.1 cm (1.9 ± 0.03 in.) in diameter, fromthe test fabric (preferably with a steeldie). Stack the swatches in a 250 mLwide-mouth glass jar with screw cap.The number of swatches to be used isdependent on the fiber type and fabricconstruction. Use that amount of fabricwhich will absorb the 1.0 ±0.1 mL ofinoculum, and leave no free liquid in thejar. For example, 4 swatches of cottonprint cloth will absorb 1 mL. The num-ber of swatches used per jar should bereported.10.1.2 Controls. Swatches of the samefiber type and fabric construction as testsample but containing no antibacterialfinish (negative control).10.1.3 Sterilization of samples. This isoptional. The method to be used dependson the type of fiber and finish. Cotton, ac-etate and many manmade fibers can besterilized in the autoclave. Wool can besterilized by ethylene oxide or by inter-mittent (fractional) sterilization in flow-ing steam. The latteris also least damag-ing to certain finishes. Report method ofsterilization, if used.10.1.4 Size of inoculum per sample.Apply 1.0 ± 0.1 mL of an appropriate di-lution of a 24 h broth culture of the testorganism so that recovery from (1) un-treated cont rol fabric swatches or (2)treated test fabric swatches at “0” contacttime (plated as soon as possible after in-oculation) will show counts of 1-2 × 105organisms. The dilution of the test organ-ism should be made in nutrient (or appro-priate) broth (see 7.1, 7.5 and 13.6).10.2 Procedure.10.2.1 Inoculation of fabrics. Whenusing Staphylococcus aureus, shake a 24h culture and let stand for 15-20 min be-fore preparing the inoculum.* Place theswatches separately in sterile petri dishesand use a microliter pipette to inoculatethem making sure that there is even dis-tribution of the inoculum (see 13.7).Transfer these swatches aseptically to thejar. Screw the jar tops on tightly to pre-vent evaporation.10.2.2 As soon as possible after inocu-lation (“0” cont act time), add 100 ± 1 mLof neutralizing solution to each of the jarscontaining the inoculated untreated con-trol swatches, the inoculated treated testswatches and the uninoculated treatedtest swatches.10.2.3 The neutralizing solution shouldinclude ingredients to neutralize the spe-cific antibacterial fabric treatment and totake care of any pH requirements of thefabrics (from finishes, antibacterialagents, etc.). Theneutralizing solutionemployed should be reported (see 13.8).10.2.4 Shake the jars vigorously forone minute. Make serial dilutions withwater and plate (in duplicate) on nutrient(or appropriate) agar. Dilutions of 100,101, 102 are usually suitable.10.2.5 Incubation over contact periods.Incubate additional jars containing inocu-lated untreated control swatches andjarscontaining inoculated treated testswatches at 37 ± 2°C (99 ± 3°F) for 18-24 h. Similar jars may be incubated overother periods (e.g., 1 or 6 h) to provideinformation about the bactericidal activ-ity of the treatment over such periods.10.2.6 Sampling of inoculated andincubated swatches. After incubation,add 100 ± 1 mL of neutralizing solutionto jars containing untreated controlswatches and to jars containing treatedtest swatches. Shake the jars vigorouslyfor one minute. Make serial dilutions andplate (in duplicate) on nutrient (or appro-priate) agar. Dilutions of 100, 101, 102 areusually suitable for treated test fabrics.Several different dilutions may be re-quired for untreated control fabrics de-pending on the incubation period.10.2.7 Incubate all plates for 48 hat37 ± 2°C (99 ± 3°F) or other optimaltemperature.11. Evaluation2)100 (C – A)/C = Rwhere:C=the number of bacteria recoveredfrom the inoculated untreatedcontrol specimen swatches in thejar immediately after inoculation(at “0” contact time)If “B and C” are not similar, the largernumber should be used. If “B” and “C”are not significantly different, (B + C)/2should be use d as follows:3) 100(D – A/D) = Rwhere:D=(B + C)/211.3 If an untreated control is not avail-able, use the following calculation whichallows for any background organismsthat might interfere with the test.Bg=100[(B – E) – (A – F)/B – E]where:A, B=(see11.2)E=the number of bacteria initiallyrecovered from the uninocu-lated treated test sample (exist-ing background organisms)F=The number of bacteria recov- ered from the uninoculated,pre-wet treated test sample after incubation in the jar over thedesired contact period (existingbackground organisms aftercontact period) Bg=background organisms11.4 For a valid test there should be:(1) “0” colonies of test organism recov-ered from the uninoculated treated testspecimen swatches and (2) a significantincrease in the numbers of bacteria recov-ered from the inoculated untreated con-trol specimen swatches incubated for thespecified contact time over the numbersof bacteria recovered from the inoculateduntreated specimen swatches at “0” co n-tacttime (immediately after inoculation).This applies only if dilution was made inbroth (see 10.1.4 and 13.6).11.5 Report percent reduction of bac-teria by the specimen treatment againsteach test organism.11.6 The criterion for passing the testmust be determined by the interestedparties.11.7 Report the dilution medium used.12. Precision and Bias11.1 Report bacterial counts as thenumber of bacteria per sample (swatchesin jar) not as the number of bacteria permL of neutralizing solution. Report “0”counts at 100 dilution as “less than 100.”11.2 Calculate percent reduction ofbacteria by the specimen treatments byone of the following formulas:1)100 (B – A)/B = R*Using a 1 mL pipette, pad the inoculum carefully ontothe fabric. If a strain of Pseudomonas that forms a pelli-cle is used, avoid including fragments of the pellicle inthe inoculum.where:R=% reductionA=the number of bacteria recoveredfrom the inoculated treated testspecimen swatches in the jar in-cubated over the desired contactperiodB=the number of bacteria recoveredfrom the inoculated treated testspecimen swatches in the jarim-mediately after inoculation (at“0” contact time)12.1 Studies (see 13.9) indicate the fol-lowing within-laboratory precision of theStandard Plate Count (SPC) Test: (a)among-analyst variation of 18% and(b)within-analyst variation of 8%.13. Notes and References13.1 Publication available from U.S. De-partment of Health and Human Services CDC/146TM 100-2004Copyright ? 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists AATCC T echnical Manual/2007NIH-HHS Publication No. (CDC) 84-8395.13.2 Booklet available from PublicationsOffice, ACGIH, Kemper Woods Center, 1330Kemper Meadow Dr., Cincinnati OH 45240;tel: 513/742-2020.13.3 Bacto-Peptone may be obtained fromDifco Laboratories, 920 Henry St., Detroit MI48201.13.4 Beef extract may be obtained fromBaltimore Biological Laboratories, 250 Schill-ing Cir., Cockeysville MD 21030; DifcoLaboratories (address above); or Oxoid (USA)Ltd., 9017 Red Branch Rd., Columbia MD21045.13.5 Consistent and accurate testing re-quires maintenance of a pure, uncontaminated,nonmutant test culture. Avoid contaminationby use of goodsterile technique in plating andtransferring. Avoid mutation by strictadher-ence to monthly stock transfers. Check culturepurity by making streak plates periodicallyand observing for single species-characteristictype of colonies.13.6 The dilution of the test organism maybe prepared in sterile 0.85% saline solution orsuitable buffer if a steady-state culture is de-sired during the contact period with a fabric orin the slurry inoculum carrier whenhydropho-bic fabrics are being tested.13.7 A surfactant may be added to the dilu-tion medium to enhance wetting of hydropho-bic fabrics. The surfactant must be shown notto cause a reduction in bacterial numbers, byprior testingat the intended use concentration.Report the use and concentration of surfactantused.13.8 If sterile distilled water is used in theplace of a neutralizing solution, there will al-ways be the possibility that some of thebio-cide will be carried over.13.9 Peeler, J. T.; Leslie, J. W.; Messer,J.W. Replicate counting errors by analystsand bacterial colony counters. J. Food Protec-tion, Vol. 45, 1982, pp 238-240.13.10 Available from American TypeCul-ture Collection (ATCC), P.O. Box 1549, Ma-nassas VA 20108; tel:703/365-2700; fax: 703/365-2701.AATCC T echnical Manual/2007Copyright ? 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and ColoristsTM 100-2004147。



2008版中文《AATCC技术手册》标准编号 标准名称AATCC 6-2006 耐酸和碱色牢度AATCC 8-2007 耐摩擦色牢度:AATCC摩擦测试仪法AATCC 15-2007 耐汗渍色牢度AATCC 16-2004 耐光色牢度AATCC 17-2005 润湿剂效果的评价AATCC 20-2007 纤维分析:定性AATCC 20A-2007 纤维分析:定量AATCC 22-2005 拒水性:喷淋试验AATCC 23-2005 耐烟熏色牢度AATCC 26-2004 硫化染料染色纺织品的老化测试:快速法 AATCC 27-2004 润湿剂:再润湿剂的评估方法AATCC 28-2004 纺织品的防害虫AATCC 30-2004 抗菌性:纺织品防发霉和腐烂性能 AATCC 35-2006 拒水性:淋雨测试AATCC 42-2007 拒水性:冲击渗水性测试AATCC 43-2004 丝光润湿剂的测试方法AATCC 61-2007 耐洗涤色牢度:快速法AATCC 66-2003 机织物折皱回复性的测定:回复角法 AATCC 70-2005 拒水性:滚筒罐动态吸水性测试AATCC 76-2005 织物表面电阻率AATCC 79-2007 纺织品的吸水性AATCC 81-2006 湿处理纺织品水萃取液pH值的测定 AATCC 82-2007 漂白棉布的纤维素分散质流度的测定 AATCC 84-2005 纱线的电阻AATCC 86-2005 印花图案及整理剂的干洗耐久性 AATCC 88B-2006 织物经多次家庭洗涤后的缝线平整度 AATCC 88C-2006 织物经多次家庭洗涤后的褶裥保持性 AATCC 89-2003 棉花丝光AATCC 92-2004 残留氯的强力损失:单试样法 AATCC 93-2005 织物的耐磨性能:埃克西来罗测试仪法 AATCC 94-2007 纺织品中整理剂:鉴别方法AATCC 96-2004 机织物和针织物(除毛织物外)商业洗涤后的尺寸变化AATCC 97-1999 坯布及前处理后纺织品中的可萃取物含量 AATCC 98-2007 过氧化氢漂白浴中碱含量的测定AATCC 99-2004 机织或针织毛纺织品尺寸变化:松弛、毡合和毡缩 AATCC 100-2004 纺织材料抗菌整理剂的评定AATCC 101-2004 耐过氧化氢漂白色牢度AATCC 102-2007 高锰酸钾滴定法测定过氧化氢AATCC 103-2004 退浆中使用的细菌α-淀粉酶的分析AATCC 104-2004 耐水斑色牢度AATCC 106-2007 耐水色牢度:海水AATCC 107-2007 耐水色牢度AATCC 109-2005 耐低湿大气中臭氧色牢度AATCC 110-2005 纺织品的白度AATCC 111-2003 纺织品耐气候性:日光和气候曝晒 AATCC 112-2003 织物中释放甲醛:密封广口瓶法 AATCC 114-2005 残留氯的强力损失:多样品法 AATCC 115-2005 织物静电吸附:织物与金属测试 AATCC 116-2005 耐摩擦色牢度:旋转垂直摩擦仪 AATCC 117-2004 耐干热色牢度(热压除外) AATCC 118-2007 拒油性: 抗碳氢化合物测试AATCC 119-2004 平磨变色(霜白):金属丝网法 AATCC 120-2004 平磨变色(霜白):金刚砂法 AATCC 121-2005 地毯沾污:视觉评级法AATCC 122-2000 地毯沾污:使用沾污法AATCC 123-2000 地毯沾污:快速污染法AATCC 124-2006 织物经多次家庭洗涤后的外观平整度 AATCC 125-2004 耐汗光色牢度AATCC 127-2003 抗水性:静水压法AATCC 128-2004 织物折皱回复性:外观法AATCC 129-2005 耐高湿大气中臭氧色牢度AATCC 130-2000 去污性:油渍清除法AATCC 131-2005 耐褶裥色牢度:蒸汽褶裥AATCC 132-2004 耐干洗色牢度AATCC 133-2004 耐热色牢度:热压AATCC 134-2006 地毯的静电倾向AATCC 135-2004 织物经家庭洗涤后的尺寸稳定性AATCC 136-2003 粘合和层压织物的粘合强度AATCC 137-2007 小地毯背面对乙烯地板的玷污AATCC 138-2005 去污:纺织地毯的洗涤AATCC 139-2005 耐光色牢度:光致变色的测定AATCC 140-2006 染料和颜料在浸轧烘干过程中的泳移性评价 AATCC 141-2004 用于腈纶纤维的碱性染料的配伍性AATCC 142-2005 植绒织物多次家庭洗涤和(或)商业干洗后的外观 AATCC 143-2006 服装及其它纺织制品经多次家庭洗涤后的外观 AATCC 144-2007 湿加工纺织品中的总碱量AATCC 146-2006 分散染料的分散性:过滤测试法AATCC 147-2004 纺织品的抗菌性:平行划线法AATCC 149-2007 螯合剂:氨基多元酸及其盐类的螯合值测定——草酸钙法AATCC 150-2003 服装经家庭水洗后的尺寸稳定性 AATCC 151-2003 抗污垢再沉积:洗涤仪法 AATCC 154-2006 分散染料的热固性AATCC 157-2005耐溶剂斑色牢度:全氯乙烯AATCC 158-2005全氯乙烯干洗的尺寸变化:机洗法AATCC 159-2006酸性染料和酸性含媒染料在尼龙上的移染 AATCC 161-2007螯合剂:由金属引起的分散染料色变及对比 AATCC 162-2002耐水色牢度:氯化游泳池水AATCC 163-2007色牢度:贮存中的染料转移 织物到织物 AATCC 164-2006耐高湿大气中二氧化氮色牢度AATCC 165-1999耐摩擦色牢度:铺地纺织品-AATCC摩擦仪法 AATCC 167-2003分散染料的发泡倾向AATCC 168-2007 螯合剂:聚氨基多元羧酸及其盐类活性成分含量分析:潘酚(PAN)铜法AATCC 169-2003纺织品的耐气候性:氙弧灯曝晒AATCC 170-2006粉末状染料粉尘化倾向的评定AATCC 171-2005地毯去污:热水萃取法AATCC 172-2007家庭洗涤中耐无氯漂白粉色牢度AATCC 173-2005CMC:可接受的小色差计算AATCC 174-2007地毯抗微生物活性的评定AATCC 175-2003抗沾色性:毛绒地毯、AATCC 176-2006染料分散液色斑现象的评定AATCC 178-2004横档的视觉评定和评级AATCC 179-2004经家庭洗涤的织物纬斜和成衣扭曲性能 AATCC 181-2005 高温耐光色牢度: 可控日光温度和湿度仪器法 AATCC 182-2005 染料在溶液中的相对着色力AATCC 183-2004 紫外辐射通过织物的透过或阻挡性能 AATCC 184-2005 染料粉尘化特性的测定AATCC 185-2006 螯合剂:过氧化氢漂白浴中螯合剂的百分含量;潘酚(PAN)铜指示剂法AATCC 186-2006 纺织品耐气候性:紫外光和湿态曝晒AATCC 187-2004 织物尺寸稳定性: 快速法AATCC 188-2003 耐次氯酸钠家庭漂白洗涤色牢度AATCC 189-2007 地毯纤维的含氟量AATCC 190-2003 耐活性氧漂白剂家庭洗涤色牢度:快速法AATCC 191-2004酸性纤维素酶对纤维素的影响测定:上装式洗衣机法 AATCC 192-2005 纺织品耐气候性:给湿与不给湿条件下日弧灯曝晒 AATCC 193-2007拒水性:抗水/乙醇溶液测试AATCC 194-2007纺织品在长期测试条件下抗室内尘螨性能的评定 AATCC 评定程序1-2007变色灰卡2-2007沾色灰卡4-2007标准深度卡5-2006织物手感:主观评定6-2003仪器测色方法7-2003仪器评估试样的变色8-2007AATCC 沾色彩卡9-2007视觉评估多纤维贴衬织物的评定10-2007荧光增白纺织品用分光光度计校准UV能量的程序 11-2007专论1993 AATCC标准洗涤剂和一般洗涤剂2003 AATCC标准液体洗涤剂织物和成衣手洗的标准化家庭洗涤测试条件的标准化织物在可燃性测试之前进行标准家庭洗涤实验以区别耐久和非耐久整理 实验室间测试的ASTM方法概述AATCC编写测试标准的格式指南联合报告研究委员会(由中国纺织信息中心质量认证部提供)。

AATCC-100-2012-抗菌纺织品评价(AATCC 100-2012 Antibacterial Finishes 翻译)

AATCC-100-2012-抗菌纺织品评价(AATCC 100-2012 Antibacterial Finishes 翻译)

AA TCC 100-2012 抗菌纺织品的评价方法本标准1961年由AA TCC委员会RA31研发完成:1965,1981,1988(标题改变),1993,1999,2012修正;1969,1971,1974,1985,2009,2010编辑修正;1977,1981,1989,1998重申;1986,2004编辑修正并重申。






2. 原理2.1本测试方法通过织物与细菌接触24小时后,对抗菌活性的定量评定,经培养后,细菌从织物上洗脱,通过计算细菌的减少百分比来计算。















ASTM D 4576-2008蓝色原料(皮革)抗霉菌生长的试验方法
GB/T 2423-16-2008电子电工产品环境试验
ASTM E 2149-2001在动态接触条件下固定抗菌剂抗菌活性测定的标准试验方法
JIS Z 2801-2010抗菌加工制品-抗菌性试验方法和抗菌效果
GB /T 21510-2008纳米无机材料抗菌性能检测方法
ISO 22196-2007塑料制品表面抗菌性能评价
HG/T 3950-2007抗菌涂料
GB/T 1741-2007漆膜耐霉菌测定法
HG/T 3950-2007抗菌涂料
GB/T 21866-2008抗菌涂料(漆膜)抗菌性测定法和抗菌效果
ASTM G 21-2009合成聚合材料防霉性的测定
JC/T 897-2014抗菌陶瓷制品抗菌性能
一般28天,但有特殊的,如AATCC 30,可以7天,或者14天
QB/T 2591抗菌塑料-抗菌性能试验方法和抗菌效果
GB/T 24128-2009塑料防霉性能试验方法
ISO 846-1997塑料在微生物作用下的行为评价
AATM E 2149
JISZ 2801
QB/T 2591抗菌塑料-抗菌性能试验方法和抗菌效果
JC/T 939-2004建筑用抗细菌塑料管抗细菌性能
JIS Z 2911-2010纺织品耐霉菌试ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้方法(日本标准)
GB/T 24346-2009纺织品防霉性能的评价(国家标准)

AATCC纺织品 标准汇编(2012)

AATCC纺织品 标准汇编(2012)
AATCC 66——2003
Wrinkle Recovery of Woven Fabrics: Recovery Angle
AATCC 70——2010
Water Repellency: Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test
AATCC 157——2005
Colorfastness to Solvent Spotting: Perchloroethylene
AATCC 162——2009
Colorfastness to Solvent Spotting: Perchloroethylene
AATCC 24——2004
Insects, Resistance of Textiles to Related to ISO 3998
AATCC 28——2004
InsectPestDeterrents on Textiles Related to ISO 3998
AATCC 30——2004
Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials: Mildew and Rot Resistance of Textile Materials
AATCC 100——2004
AATCC 117——2009
Colorfastness to Heat: Dry (Excluding Pressing




AATCC 美国纺织化学师与印染师协会标准

AATCC 美国纺织化学师与印染师协会标准

AATCC 美国纺织化学师与印染师协会标准





美国纺织化学师与印染师协会(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists,简称AATCC)是辨别与分析纺织品的色牢度、物理性能和生物性能的非官方机构。

1. 纺织产品化学性能
2. 纺织品研究测试方法。



中国药典2015(第二部)附录XIX N 抑菌剂效力检查法指导原则
GB 4806.1-2016 食品安全国家标准食品接触材料及制品通用安全要求
GB 9685-2016 食品安全国家标准食品接触材料及制品用添加剂使用标准GB 4806.10-2016 食品安全国家标准食品接触用涂料及涂层
GB/T 17219-1998《生活饮用水输配水设备及防护材料安全性评价标准》
GB/T 18260-2000 木材防腐剂对白蚁毒效实验室试验方法
GB/T 29399-2012 木材防虫( 蚁) 技术规范
NY/T 1151.1-2015 农药登记用卫生杀虫剂室内药效试验及评价第1 部分:防蛀剂
NY/T 1151.2-2006 农药登记用卫生杀虫剂室内药效试验及评价第2 部分: 灭螨和驱螨剂
NY/T 1151.4-2012 农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验及评价第4 部分: 驱蚊帐
NY/T 1151.6-2016 农药登记用卫生杀虫剂室内药效试验及评价第6 部分: 服装面料用驱避剂
NY/T 1153.4-2013 农药登记用白蚁防治剂药效试验方法及评价第4 部分: 农药木材处理预防白蚁
QB/T 4367-2012 衣物防蛀剂出入境检验检疫
SN/T 3229-2012 食品消毒剂和防腐剂杀菌效果评价方法备注二:本体系涉及标准类别说明。




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Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 312TM 174-1998AATCC Technical Manual/2007Developed in 1991 by Committee RA31;revised 1992; editorially revised and re-affirmed 1993; reaffirmed 1998; editori-ally revised 2004.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is designed to determine the antimicrobial activity of new carpet materials and consists of three procedures:1.1.1 A qualitative antibacterial assess-ment.1.1.2 A quantitative antibacterial assess-ment.1.1.3 A qualitative antifungal assess-ment.1.2 This test method may also be used to evaluate the effect of a cleaning process (agreed upon by the interested parties) on the antimicrobial resistance of carpets.2. Principle2.1 This test method consists of three procedures, the principles of which are given in Sections 6, 14 and 22.3. Terminology3.1 activity, n.—of an antimicrobial agent , a measure of effectiveness of the agent.3.2 antibacterial agent, n.—any chem-ical which kills bacteria (bactericide) or interferes with the multiplication, growth or activity of bacteria (bacteriostat).3.3 antifungal agent, n.—any chemi-cal which kills or inhibits the growth of fungi.3.4 antimicrobial agent, n.—any chemical which kills or inhibits thegrowth of microorganisms.3.5 bacterial resistance, n.—in tex-tiles , resistance to the development of visible bacterial growth and accompany-ing odors, resulting from bacterial degra-dation of fibers or soil on them, as distin-guished from musty fungal odors.3.6 mildew resistance, n.—in textiles ,resistance to the development of un-sightly fungal growths and accompany-ing unpleasant, musty odors on carpet materials exposed to conditions favoring such growths.3.7 rot resistance, n.—in textiles , re-sistance to deterioration of a carpet mate-rial as a result of fungal growth in or on it.3.8 zone of inhibition, n.—clear area of no growth of a microorganism, cul-tured onto the surface of agar growth medium, in proximity to the borders of a specimen placed in direct contact withthis agar surface.NOTE: A zone of inhibition occurs as result of the diffusion of an antimicrobial agent from the specimen.4. Safety PrecautionsNOTE: These safety precautions are for information purposes only. The pre-cautions are ancillary to the testing proce-dures and are not intended to be all inclu-sive. It is the user’s responsibility to use safe and proper techniques in handling materials in this test method. Manufac-turers MUST be consulted for specific details such as material safety data sheets and other manufacturer’s recommenda-tions. All OSHA standards and rules must also be consulted and followed.4.1 This test should be performed only by trained personnel. The U.S. Depart-ment of Health and Human Services pub-lication Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories should be con-sulted (see 27.1).4.2 CAUTION: Some of the microor-ganisms used in these tests are allergenic and pathogenic; i.e., capable of infecting humans and producing disease. There-fore, every necessary and reasonable pre-caution must be taken to eliminate this risk to the laboratory personnel and to personnel in the associated environment.Wear protective clothing, respiratory pro-tection, and impervious gloves when working with the organisms. NOTE:Choose respiratory protection that pre-vents penetration by the spores.4.3 Good laboratory practices should be followed. Wear safety glasses in all laboratory areas.4.4 All chemicals should be handled with care.4.5 An eyewash/safety shower should be located nearby for emergency use.4.6 Sterilize all contaminated samples and test materials prior to disposal.4.7 Exposure to chemicals used in this procedure must be controlled at or below levels set by government authorities (e.g.,Occupational Safety and Health Admin-istration’s [OSHA] permissible exposure limits [PEL] as found in 29 CFR 1910.1000 of January 1, 1989). In addi-tion, the American Conference of Gov-ernmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) com-prised of time weighted averages (TLV-TWA), short term exposure limits (TLV-STEL) and ceiling limits (TLV-C) are recommended as a general guide for air contaminant exposure which should be met (see 27.2).5. Uses and Limitations5.1 This test method is designed for use only for new carpets and must not be used for carpets that have been laid down and worn.I. Qualitative Assessment of Antibacterial Activity on Carpets:Single Streak Method 6. Principle6.1 Specimens of the test material,including corresponding untreated con-trols of the same material (if available but not required), are placed in intimate con-tact with nutrient agar which has been previously streaked with a bacterial cul-ture. After incubation, a clear area of interrupted growth underneath and along the sides of the test material indicates antibacterial activity of the specimen.Standard strains of bacteria are used with Staphylococcus aureus (Gram positive)and Klebsiella pneumoniae (Gram nega-tive), the representative organisms.7. Test Organisms7.1 Staphylococcus aureus , American Type Culture Collection No. 6538 (see 27.3).7.2 Klebsiella pneumoniae , American Type Culture Collection No. 4352 (see 27.3).8. Culture Medium8.1 Suitable broth/agar media are Nu-trient, Trypticase Soy and Brain-Heart In-fusion (BHI).8.2 Nutrient Broth Beef Extract 3 g Peptone 5 g Distilled water to 1000 mL 8.3 Heat to a boil to disperse ingredi-ents. Adjust to pH 6.8 with 1N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. (This is not necessary if prepared, dehydrated me-dium is used.)8.4 Dispense in 10 mL amounts in con-ventional bacteriological culture tubes (i.e., 125 × 17 mm) plug and sterilize at 103 kPa (15 psi) for 15 min.8.5 Nutrient Agar (see 27.4). Add 1.5% bacteriological agar to nutrient broth. Heat to boiling. Check pH and ad-just to 7.0-7.2 using NaOH solution if necessary. Dispense in 15 mL amounts in conventional bacteriological culture tubes, plug and sterilize at 103 kPa (15psi) for 15 min.AATCC Test Method 174-1998Antimicrobial Activity Assessment of CarpetsCopyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and ColoristsProvided by IHS under license with AATCCLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100Not for Resale, 03/24/2007 04:07:53 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`````,``````,,``,`,,,```,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---标准 下载Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists AATCC Technical Manual/2007TM 174-19983139.Maintenance of Culture of TestOrganisms9.1 Using a 4 mm inoculating loop,transfer the culture daily in nutrient broth for not more than two weeks. At the con-clusion of two weeks, make a fresh trans-plant from stock culture. Incubate cul-tures at 37 ± 2°C (99 ± 3°F).9.2 Maintain stock cultures on nutrient agar slants. Store at 5 ± 1°C (41 ± 2°F)and transfer once a month to fresh agar (see 27.5).10. Test Specimens10.1 Test specimens (non-sterile) are cut by hand or with a die. They may be any convenient size although oblong spec-imens cut 25 × 50 mm are recommended.10.2 If possible, test a specimen of the same material treated in exactly the same way with whatever other finishing agents were used, but without the antibacterial agent. However, this is not essential for the validity of the test. Many standard fin-ishing chemicals will give strong antibac-terial activity even after many cleanings.11. Procedure11.1 If durability data are desired, car-pet specimens must be tested before and after being cleaned by a test method agreed upon by the interested parties.11.2 Dispense sterilized nutrient agar cooled to 45 ± 2°C (113 ± 4°F) by pour-ing 15.0 ± 2.0 mL into each 100.0 mm di-ameter flat bottomed Petri dish. Allow agar to gel firmly before inoculating.11.3 Prepare inoculum by transferring 1.0 ± 0.1 mL of a 24 h broth culture into 9.0 ± 0.1 mL of sterile distilled water contained in a test tube or small flask.Mix well using appropriate agitation.11.4 Using a 4 mm inoculating loop,load one loopful of the diluted inoculum and transfer it to the surface of the sterile agar plate by making one long streak of approximately 75 mm in length across the center of the plate. Do not break the sur-face of the agar while making the streak.11.5 Gently press the test specimen transversely across the inoculum streak to ensure intimate contact with the agar sur-face. An easy technique is to press the specimen to the agar surface with a biolog-ical section lifter or with a spatula which has been sterilized in a flame and then air-cooled immediately before use. Test both the pile (face fibers) and the backing of the carpet on separate agar plates.11.6 Incubate the plates at 37 ± 2°C (99± 3°F) for 18-24 h.12. Evaluation and Report12.1 Examine the incubated plates for interruption of growth along the streak of inoculum beneath the specimen and for a clear zone of inhibition beyond the speci-men edge. The width of the zone of inhi-bition around the test specimen may be calculated using the following equation:W = (T – D )/2where:W =width of clear zone of inhibitionin mmT =total diameter of test specimenand clear zone in mmD =diameter of the test specimen inmm12.2 The criterion for passing the test must be agreed upon by the interested parties. To constitute acceptable antibac-terial activity, there must be no bacterial colonies directly under the sample in the contact area.12.3 Report the results of testing the carpet both before and after cleaning. The number of cleanings is to be agreed upon by the interested parties.12.4 The size of the zone cannot be construed as a quantitative evaluation of antibacterial activity. The report of results will include an observation of zones of inhibition and growth under the specimen if present.13. Precision and Bias13.1 A precision and bias statement is not applicable because data are not gener-ated by this method.II. Quantitative Assessment of Antibacterial Activity on Carpets 14. Principle14.1 This test method provides a quan-titative procedure for the evaluation of the degree of antibacterial activity.14.2 Test carpets are inoculated with the test organisms. After incubation, the bacteria are eluted from the swatches by shaking in known amounts of liquid. The number of bacteria present in this liquid is determined, and the percent reduction by the specimen is calculated (see 27.7).15. Test Organisms15.1 See Section 7.16. Culture Medium16.1 See Section 8.17.Maintenance of Culture of TestOrganisms17.1 See Section 9.18. Test Specimens18.1 Cut a circular disc of approxi-mately 48 mm in diameter from the test carpet (preferably with a steel die). Place the disc in a 250 mL wide-mouth glass jar with screw cap. The carpet disc should lie flat at the bottom of the jar.18.1.1 An uninoculated treated carpet may be used to determine the level of background organisms present on the car-pet.18.1.2 Do not sterilize carpet samples prior to testing. Sections 18.1.1 and 20.3address any problems that might arise due to the presence of background organ-isms on the carpet.19. Procedure19.1 If durability data are required, test carpet specimens before and after being cleaned in accordance with a method agreed upon by the interested parties.19.2 Apply 0.1-0.5 mL of an 18-24 h broth bacterial inoculum adjusted to 1-2× 105 CFU on the prewetted carpet fibers.The dilution of the test organism may be prepared in sterile 0.85% saline solution or suitable buffer if a steady-state culture is needed during the contact period. If,however, this test is to be performed un-der in-use conditions, use nutrient broth as the dilution medium. The carpet disc may be prewetted by dipping it in sterile deionized water or in water containing 0.05% of a non-bacteriocidal wetting agent (see 27.6) and then briefly blotting it on filter paper.19.3 Inoculate the carpet fibers evenly using a sterile pipette and place the speci-men in a glass jar. Screw the jar top on tightly to prevent evaporation.19.4 As soon as possible after inocula-tion (0 contact time), add 100 ± 0.1 mL of neutralizer solution to the jar (see 27.9).19.5 Shake the jar, either mechanically or by hand, vigorously for 1 min. Make serial dilutions and plate (in duplicate) on nutrient (or appropriate) agar. Dilutions of 100, 101 and 102 are usually suitable.19.6 The neutralizer solution should include ingredients to neutralize the spe-cific antibacterial carpet treatment and to adjust the pH to 6-8. Report the neutral-izer used.19.7 Incubation over contact periods. In-cubate additional jars containing inoc-ulated carpet discs at 37 ± 2°C (99 ± 3°F)for 6-24 h. Similar jars may be incubated over other periods (i.e., 1 or 6 h) to provide information about the bacteriocidal activ-ity of the treatment over such periods.19.8 Sampling of inoculated and incu-bated swatches. After incubation, add 100 ± 0.1 mL of neutralizer solution to jars containing treated carpet discs.Shake the jars vigorously for 1 min.Make serial dilutions and plate (in dupli-cate) on nutrient (or appropriate) agar.Dilutions of 100, 101 and 102 are usually suitable for treated test specimens. Sev-eral different dilutions may be required for untreated control carpets depending on the incubation period.19.9 Incubate all plates for 24 h at 37 ±2°C (99 ± 3°F).Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCCLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100Not for Resale, 03/24/2007 04:07:53 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`````,``````,,``,`,,,```,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---标准 下载Copyright © 2006 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists 314TM 174-1998AATCC Technical Manual/200720. Evaluation20.1 Report bacterial counts as the number of bacteria per specimen not asthe number of bacteria per mL of neutral-izer solution. Report 0 counts at 100 dilu-tion as “less than 100.”20.2 Calculate percent reduction of bacteria by the specimen treatments by one of the following formulas:1)100(B – A )/B = R 2)100(C – A )/C = R 3)100(D – A /D ) = R where:A =the number of bacteria recoveredfrom the inoculated treated test carpet in the jar incubated over the desired contact period.B =the number of bacteria recovered from the inoculated treated test carpet in the jar immediately af-ter inoculation (at 0 contact time).C =the number of bacteria recoveredfrom the inoculated untreated control carpet in the jar immedi-ately after inoculation (at 0 con-tact time). If B and C are not sim-ilar, the larger number should be used. If B and C are not signifi-cantly different, (B + C )/2 should be used.D = (B + C )/2R =% reduction20.3 If an untreated control for carpet is not available, use the following calcula-tion which allows for any background or-ganisms that might interfere with the test:Bg = 100 {(B – E ) – (A – F )/B – E }where:A ,B =(see20.2).E =the number of bacteria initially (0contact time) recovered from the uninoculated, treated test carpet (existing background organisms).F =The number of bacteria are cov-ered from the uninoculated,prewet treated test carpet after incubation in the jar over the desired contact period (existing background organisms after contact period).Bg =background organisms20.4 The criterion for passing the test must be determined by the interested parties.20.5 Report the dilution medium used.20.6 Report the results of testing the carpet both before and after cleaning. The number of cleanings is to be determined by the interested parties.21. Precision and Bias21.1 Studies (see 27.8) indicate the fol-lowing within-laboratory precision of the Standard Plate Count (SPC) Test: (a)among-analyst variation of 18%, and (b)within-analyst variation of 8%.III. Antifungal Activity Assessment of Carpet Materials: Mildew and Rot Resistance of Carpet Materials 22. Principle22.1 The carpet is subjected to the growth of a common fungus on a nutrient agar medium.23. Test Specimens23.1 Cut 38.0 ± 1.0 mm (1.5 ± 0.04 in.)diameter discs from the sample. Other shapes and sizes can be used provided the anticipated sizes of growth-free zones are taken into consideration.24. Test Procedure24.1 If durability data are required, car-pet specimens must be tested before and after being cleaned in accordance with a method agreed upon by the interested parties.24.2 Organism: Aspergillus niger ,American Type Culture Collection No.6275 (see 27.1).24.3 Culture medium: Sabouraud dex-trose agar (see 27.2).24.4 Inoculum: Add scrapings from a slant of ripe (7-14 days) fruiting culture of Aspergillus niger grown on the Sab-ouraud dextrose agar to a sterile Erlen-meyer flask containing 50 ± 2 mL of ster-ile water and a few glass beads. Shake the flask thoroughly to bring the spores into suspension. With the aid of a hemocy-tometer or a Petroff-Hausser bacteria counter, adjust the inoculum to contain one million conidia per milliliter, using sterile distilled water.24.5 Inoculation: Distribute 1.0 ± 0.1mL of the inoculum over the surface of the agar. Prewet the carpet fibers by dip-ping the carpet disc in sterile deionized water or in water containing 0.05% of a nonionic wetting agent (see 27.6), and then briefly blotting on filter paper. Dis-tribute evenly over each disc 0.2 mL of fungal spore inoculum by means of a ster-ile pipette. Inoculate the carpet specimens with the face fibers up and also with the fibers down in separate petri dishes. Incu-bate the inoculated plates at 28 ± 1°C (82± 2°F) for seven days. Longer periods of incubation may be used to provide infor-mation about antifungal activity.25. Evaluation and Report25.1 Assess the activity of the carpet as follows:25.1.1 From the plate with the speci-men whose pile is down and whose back-ing is up, observe and measure the size of any growth-free zone (in mm) produced by the pile fibers. Also from the same plate, record fungal growth on the back-ing according to the scheme below.25.1.2 From the other plate with thespecimen whose backing is down and whose pile is uppermost, observe and measure the size of any growth-free zone (in mm) from the backing and score the fungal growth on the pile side according to the scheme given below.25.1.3 Scoring Scheme:Observed Growth on SpecimenNo growth (if present, report the size of the growth-free zone in milli-meters)Microscopic Growth (visible only under the microscope)Macroscopic Growth (visible to the eye)26. Precision and Bias26.1 A precision and bias statement is not applicable because data are not gener-ated by this method.27. Notes and References27.1 American Type Culture Collection,P.O. Box 1549, Manassas V A 20108; tel: 703/365-2700; fax: 703/365-2701.27.2 Dehydrated agar may be obtained from Difco Laboratories, 920 Henry St., De-troit MI 48201. Dehydrated agar and broth can be custom formulated, upon request, from Baltimore Biological Laboratories, 250 Schill-ing Cir., Cockeysville MD 21030.27.3 Consistent and accurate testing re-quires maintenance of a pure, uncontaminated,non-mutant test culture. Avoid contamination by using good sterile technique in plating and transferring. Avoid mutation by strict adher-ence to monthly stock transfers. Check culture purity by making streak plates periodically and observing for single species-characteristic type of colonies.27.4 Publication available from U.S. De-partment of Health and Human Services CDC/NIH-HHS Publication No. (CDC) 84-8395.27.5 Booklet available from Publications Office, ACGIH, Kemper Woods Center, 1330Kemper Meadow Dr., Cincinnati OH 45240;tel: 513/742-2020.27.6 Triton™ X-100 (Union Carbide Chemicals and Plastics Co., 39 Old Ridgebury Rd., Danbury CT 06817) has been found to be a good wetting agent. Suitable alternatives are dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate or N-methyl-tauride derivatives.27.7 The presence of antimicrobials and/or monomers in the backing of some carpets whose face fibers have not been treated may influence the results of the antibacterial quan-titative test method. Positive and favorable re-sults from this test method are not sufficient to qualify a carpet as being antimicrobial. A U.S.EPA registered biocide must be used in some part of the carpet before an antimicrobial claim can be made.27.8 Peeler, J. T., J. W. Leslie and J. W.Messer, Replicate counting errors by analysts and bacterial colony counters. Journal of Food Protection , V ol. 45, 1982, pp238-240.27.9 The following are examples of ingre-dients and their concentrations that may be added to the culture medium to neutralize in-hibitory substances present in the sample: soy lecithin, 0.5%; and Polysorbate™ 20 and 80,4.0% (ICI Americas Inc., Concord Pike and New Murphy Rd., Wilmington DE 19897; tel:800/456-3669; fax: 302/652-8836).Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCCLicensee=Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ/9976803100Not for Resale, 03/24/2007 04:07:53 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`````,``````,,``,`,,,```,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---标准 下载。
