

中医英语课程 五行针灸外文课

中医英语课程 五行针灸外文课

中医英语课程五行针灸外文课Hello, everyone! Today, we're gonna talk about Five-Element Acupuncture, a unique approach in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It's all about balancing the fiveelements in our bodies: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element represents a different aspect of our healthand well-being.You know, the wood element is associated with growthand new beginnings. In acupuncture, we focus on the liver and gallbladder to nurture this energy. It's like wateringa plant, ensuring it grows strong and healthy.Moving on to fire, it represents our passion and energy. The heart and small intestine are the organs linked to this element. An imbalance here can lead to anxiety or fatigue. With acupuncture, we aim to restore the balance, igniting the spark within.Now, earth is the foundation. It's our stability, ourgrounding force. The spleen and stomach are the organs that nurture this element. When they're not functioning properly, we can feel a bit off-kilter. Acupuncture helps to harmonize and bring us back to center.Metal, on the other hand, represents clarity and focus. It's associated with the lungs and large intestine. When these organs are in sync, we feel sharp-minded and able to take on any challenge. Acupuncture can sharpen our senses and clear away any mental fog.Finally, water — the element of flow and change. It's linked to our kidneys and bladder. A balanced water element means we're.。

传统中医 针灸 英文介绍

传统中医 针灸 英文介绍

传统中医针灸英文介绍英文回答:Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture.Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing techniquethat involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. It is based on the belief that illness and pain are caused by imbalances in the body's energy, or "qi." Acupuncture aims to restore balance and promote healing by stimulating these energy points.Acupuncture has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of conditions, including:Pain.Headaches.Back pain.Neck pain.Arthritis.Digestive problems.Menstrual cramps.Infertility.Anxiety.Depression.Acupuncture is generally considered to be safe when performed by a qualified practitioner. However, it is important to note that there are some potential risks, such as:Bruising or bleeding at the needle insertion site.Infection.Nerve damage.Allergic reaction.Acupuncture is not a cure-all for all illnesses, but it can be an effective way to manage pain and improve overall health. If you are considering acupuncture, it is important to talk to your doctor first to discuss the risks and benefits.How Acupuncture Works.Acupuncture is based on the belief that the body is made up of channels of energy, or "qi." These channels are believed to be responsible for the flow of blood, fluids, and nutrients throughout the body. When the flow of qi is blocked, it can lead to illness and pain.Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on the body that are believed to be located on these energychannels. This stimulation is thought to help unblock the flow of qi and restore balance to the body.There is some scientific evidence to support the use of acupuncture for pain relief. For example, a study published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology found that acupuncture was effective in reducing pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Another study, published in the journal The Lancet, found that acupuncture was effective in reducing pain in patients with chronic headaches.However, it is important to note that the research on acupuncture is still limited. More studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of acupuncture for different conditions.Benefits of Acupuncture.Acupuncture has been shown to have a number of benefits, including:pain relief.improved circulation.reduced stress.improved sleep.boosted immunity.enhanced mood.Acupuncture can also be used to treat a variety of specific conditions, such as:headaches.back pain.neck pain.arthritis.digestive problems.menstrual cramps.infertility.anxiety.depression.Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to improve your overall health and well-being. If you are considering acupuncture, talk to your doctor to discuss whether it is right for you.中文回答:中医针灸。









为了一下案例分析方便,这里借用李阳波先生的六组数字,代替六气115 君火410风木17相火28燥金126湿土39寒水注:只代表六气五运仍沿用金木水火土代表郭xx 男43岁乏力心悸咳嗽忽冷忽热多汗曾输液一周未效来诊症见神情萎靡舌红少苔脉结代出生日期1968-5-4戊申丁巳甲戌诊疗日期2012-2-11 壬辰壬寅日干支略(以下案例同不再赘述)先天六气17 126 115 当时六气39 410 17 综合分析属热症无疑五运中水亏木旺处方熟地30克柴胡10克瓜蒌10克蒲公英10克3剂药后脉复症消微咳继续原方10剂调理善后。

马xx 男31岁患中耳炎一年余两耳流水经常输液耳道用药时好时坏曾就医一老中医服药半月余无效现又增耳鸣听力严重受损心情烦躁舌脉基本无异常唯左关略大出生日期1981 11 14 辛酉己亥丙申诊疗日期2012 4 30 壬辰乙巳先天六气115 410 28 当时六气39 28 115 综合分析偏热五运四行偏弱显得木强清补其他四行与肝木平衡即可处方生地30克黄精30克蝉衣5克10剂5剂后两耳道干爽不再流水耳鸣听力明显好转因是外地来此地学习人员学习结束欲回本地要求带药回家考虑路途遥远带药不便随给予处方嘱其服用到5月20日巩固疗效调理体质。

张xx 女68岁糖尿病高血压多年用西药控制血糖血压空腹血糖8.6 血压70——170 出生日期1944 9 23 甲申癸酉庚寅诊疗日期2012 4 28 壬辰乙巳先天六气410 39 28 当时六气39 28 115 综合分析寒症五运水火两虚之前有医以热证论治用药5剂无效处方当归10克巴戟肉10克黑附子10克桂枝10克20剂嘱停服其他所有降糖降压药物 5月7日在医院测得空腹血糖7.1 血压85——135。



diaphragm 膈abdomen 腹sagittal section 矢状位coronal section 冠状位transverse section 横断面clavicie 锁骨scapula 肩胛骨radius 桡骨ulna 尺骨hip 髋thigh 大腿leg 小腿joint cavity 关节腔capsule 关节囊sensory 感觉motor 运动neurone 神经元Indications 适应症therapeutic effect 疗效contraindications 禁忌症Differentiation 辩证Reinforcing 补Reducing 泻p10绪论:包括四个方面:经脉络脉腧穴刺灸手法It includes four aspects, i.e. the meridian and collaterals,acupoints,manipulating methods and clinical treatments. Plain Question 素问Canon of Medicine 内经Miraculous Pivot(Lingshu) 灵枢Classic on Medical problems 难经A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸甲乙经Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸大成”For the fullness and oppression due to cold in Zang-organs,moxibustion is indicated to be applied.” 脏寒生满病,其治宜灸焫经络定义The Meridians and collaterals are the passages through which Qi and blood can be conducted.The meridians and collaterals pertain to the Zang-fu organs interiorly and extend to the extremities and joints exteriorly,integrating the Zang,Fu,tissues and organs into an organic whole经络内属于腑脏,外络于肢节,使脏腑筋肉组织成为一个有机整体the Twelve Regular Meridians 十二正经the Eight Extra Meridians 奇经八脉the Twelve Divergent Meridians 十二经别the Twelve Muscle Regions 十二筋经the Twelve Cutaneous Regions 十二皮部the Fifteen Collaterals 十五络脉medial aspects 内侧lateral aspects 外侧anterior 前medium 中posterior 后pertain to 属Zang-organs 脏Communicate 络Fu-organs 腑The lung Meridian 肺经(手太阴)The Large Intestine Meridian 大肠经(手阳明)The Stomach Meridian 胃经(足阳明)The Spleen Meridian 脾经(足太阴)The Heart Meridian 心经(手少阴)The Small Intestine Meridian 小肠经(手太阳)The Bladder Meridian 膀胱经(足太阳)The kidney Meridian 肾经(足少阴)The Pericardium Meridian 心包经(手厥阴)The Sanjiao Meridian 三焦经(手少阳)The Gallbladder Meridian 胆经(足少阳)The Liver Meridian 肝经(足厥阴)4. The Twelve Divergent MeridiansThe Twelve Divergent Meridians strengthen the connections between the Zang and Fu organs by the distribution of branching out from the Twelve Regular Meridians.5. The Twelve Muscle RegionsThe Twelve Muscle Regions(or called musculartendons) are the conduits, which distribute the Qi of the Twelve Regular Meridians to the muscles,tendons and joints.6.The Twelve Cutaneous RegionsThe Cutaneous Regions are within the domains of the Twelve Regular Meridians.Since the Cutaneous Regions are the most superficial part of the body tissues,they render protection to the organism,resist exopathogens and reflectpathogenic changes.P22 specific points (特定穴)Five-shu Point, Yuan-primary Point, Luo-connecting Point, Xi-cleft point, Back-shu Point, Front-mu Point, Lower He-sea Point, Eight-influential Point, Eight-confluent Point and crossing point.五输穴定义Five Shu Points refer the collective name of five specific points namely, Jing-well, ying-spring, Shu-stream, jing-river and he-sea, which are located below the elbow or knees (肘膝以下) on the twelve regular meridians.《难经》第68章说,The jing-well point is generally indicated in epigastric fullness; the ying-spring Point in febrile diseases; the Shu-stream Point, in heaviness and joint pain, the jing-river point, in asthma and coughing with fever; the He-sea Point, in Qi rebellion(气逆)with diarrhea(泄泻).原穴定义“Yuan” means the origin, the primary Qi(原气). Yuan-primary Point is the site where the yuan-primary Qi of Zang-Fu organs passes and stays.郄穴定义the Xi-cleft Point is the site where the Qi of the meridian is deeply converged(深聚).Back-shu points are corresponding points on the back and where the Qi of the respective Zang-Fu organs is infused; front-mu points are those on the chest and abdomen where the Qi of the respective Zang-Fu organs is infused and converged. Eight- influential Points are the eight points where the vital essence and energy of the Zang-organs, fu-organs, Qi, blood, tendon, vessel, bone and joint.Eight-confluent Points refer to the eight points where eight meridians communicate with the twelve regular meridians, distributed on the areas superior and inferior to the wrist joints and ankle joints.P25 Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin (手太阴肺经,起于中焦,下络大肠。






1. 顾植山的五行学说:顾植山将五行学说与人体的生理病理状况联系在一起,认为五行是根据自然界的变化规律来划分的,每个五行代表一种生理活动和脏腑器官。



2. 顾植山的六气学说:顾植山认为六气代表了一年中不同季节的气候变化。




3. 五运六气诊断:根据五运六气的理论,顾植山通过观察病人的症状和体征来进行诊断。



4. 五运六气治疗:在治疗过程中,顾植山采用了针灸、草药、调理饮食和精神疗法等方式来帮助恢复体内五行平衡。




5. 五运六气预防:除了治疗疾病,顾植山还非常注重疾病的预防。






中医英语翻译..中国医药学:traditional Chinese medicine 中医基础理论:basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine临床经验:clinical experience辨证论治:treatment based on syndrome differentiation本草:materia medica //medicinal herbs 中药Chinese herbs四气五味:four properties and five tastes 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion 各家学说theories of different schools 汗法: diaphoresis /diaphoretic therapy 下法:purgative therapy 吐法:emetic therapy补土派:school of invigorating the earth 病因学说:theory of etiology 养生:health-cultivation 医疗实践medical practice 治疗原则:therapeutic principles 寒凉药物:herbs of cold and cool nature 滋阴降火:nourishing yin to lower fire 瘀血致病:disease caused by blood stasis 先天之精:congenital essence气的运动变化:movement and changes of qi 形与神俱:inseparability of the body and spirit 神明: spirit/mental activity 脏腑:zang-organs and fu-organs/viscera 功能活动:functional activities 形神统一:unity of the body and spirit 阴阳失调:imbalance of yin and yang 正邪相争:struggle between healthy qi and pathogenic factors治未病prevention of disease 调养to cultivate health 正气healthy qi 病邪 pathogenic factor疾病的防治prevention and treatment of disease 整体观念concept of holism 五脏five zang-organs 六腑six fu-organs 经络系统system of meridians and collaterals 形神统一 unity of the body and spirit 有机整体organic wholeness表里关系exterior and interior relation 开窍opening into生长化收藏five element function脉象pulse conditions正邪关系the states of pathogenic factors and healthy qi自然现象natural phenomena 哲学概念philosophical concept 对立统一unity and opposites 相互消长mutual waning and waxing 阴阳属性nature of yin and yang 相互转化mutual transformation 相互联系interrelation 相互制约mutual restraint 动态平衡dynamic balance阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium 阳消阴长 yang waning and yin waxing阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading to disorderof yang阳胜则热predominance of yang generating heat 寒极生热extreme cold generating heat 热极生寒extreme heat generating cold相反相成 opposite and supplementary to each other 生理功能physiological functions 病理变化pathological changes 临床诊断clinical diagnosis有机整体organic wholeness/entirety正邪斗争struggle between healthy qi and pathogenicfactors绝对偏盛absolute predominance 阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold 阳损及阴consumption of yang involving yin 阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid 病机pathogenesis五行学说theory of five elements 运动变化motion and variation 条达舒畅free development相生相克mutual generation and restriction 生我我生to be generated and to generate 克我我克to be restricted and to restrict 生中有制restriction within generation 克中有生generationwithin restriction木曰曲直Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally火曰炎上Fire is characterized by flaming up 土曰稼穑Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping金曰从革Metal is characterized by change 水曰润下Water is characterized by moistening anddownward flowing方位配五行correspondence of the directions to the five elements相乘相侮over-restriction and reverse restriction 土乘木The wood over-restrains the earth 土虚木乘 Earth deficiency leading to over-restriction by wood金虚木侮metal deficiency leading to counter-restriction by wood生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction制则生化restriction ensuring generation 传变transmission of disease母病及子disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organ子病犯母disease of the child-organ affecting the mother-organ肝肾精血不足insufficiency of kidney and liver essence and blood肝阳上亢hyperactivity of liver yang 藏象学说 theory of visceral manifestations 五脏六腑 five zang-organs and six fu-organs 奇恒之府 extraordinary fu-organs 水谷精微 cereal nutrients 传化水谷 transmissions and transformation of food 贮藏精气storage of essence表里关系 interior and exterior relationship 治疗效应 curative effect 临床实践 clinical practice藏而不泻storage without excretion 心肝血虚deficiency of heart and liver blood 心肝火旺exuberance of heart and liver fire 心火亢盛exuberance of heart fire 滋肾养肝nourishing the kidney and liver 肝阴不足insufficiency of the liver yin温肾健脾warming the kidney and strengthening the spleen 肾阳式微declination of kidney yang 脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang肝旺脾虚hyperactivity of the liver and weakness of the spleen 脾胃虚弱weakness of the spleen and stomach 平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach水湿停聚retention of water-dampness 肾阴不足insufficiency of kidney yin..心肾不交disharmony between the heart and kidney 水火不济discordance between water and fire 阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin and yang 阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin and yang损其有余reducing excess补其不足supplementing insufficiency 阴中求阳obtaining yang from yin 虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome扶阳益火strengthening yang to increasing fire 祛风散寒eliminating wind to dispersing cold 消导积滞promoting digestion and removing food retention潜阳息风suppressing yang to quench wind 阴阳的互根互用interdependence of yin and yang 相互依存interdependence 阴阳离决separation of yin and yang阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang 发热恶寒feverand aversion to cold 头身疼痛headache and body pain 感受湿邪the attack of dampness清热泄火cleaning away heat and reducing fire 腠理muscular interstices水湿停滞retention of water and dampness 气血运行circulation of qi and blood疾病的本质与现象:nature and manifestations of disease阴阳的相对平衡:relative balance between yin and yang疾病的发生与发展:occurrence and development of disease同病异治:treating the same disease with different therapies异病同治:treating different diseases with the same therapy1.中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结。



针灸治疗英语Acupuncture Therapy in EnglishAcupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical practice that has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide range of health conditions. It involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points, to stimulate the body's natural healing processes and restore balance and harmony within the body.The origins of acupuncture can be traced back to ancient China, where it was first recorded in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, a text believed to have been written around 100 BCE. Over the centuries, acupuncture has evolved and developed, with practitioners refining the techniques and expanding the range of conditions that can be treated.One of the fundamental principles of acupuncture is the belief that the body has a network of energy pathways, called meridians, that flow through the body. These meridians are thought to carry a vital life force, known as qi (pronounced "chee"), which is essential for good health. When the flow of qi is disrupted or imbalanced, it canlead to various health problems. Acupuncture aims to restore the balance and flow of qi by stimulating specific acupuncture points along the meridians.During an acupuncture session, the practitioner will carefully insert thin, sterile needles into specific acupuncture points on the body. The placement of the needles is based on the individual's symptoms and the underlying imbalance or disruption in the flow of qi. The needles are typically left in place for 20-30 minutes, during which time the patient may experience a range of sensations, such as a slight tingling, warmth, or heaviness in the area.Acupuncture has been used to treat a wide range of health conditions, including chronic pain, headaches, digestive disorders, respiratory problems, and even mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Many studies have shown that acupuncture can be an effective complement to conventional medical treatments, and it is increasingly being integrated into mainstream healthcare systems around the world.One of the key benefits of acupuncture is its holistic approach to healthcare. Rather than simply treating the symptoms of a particular condition, acupuncture practitioners aim to address the underlying causes of the problem and restore balance and harmony within the body. This can lead to a more comprehensive and lasting solution tohealth issues.Another advantage of acupuncture is its relatively low risk of side effects. Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, acupuncture is generally considered safe when performed by a trained and licensed practitioner. The needles used are sterile and single-use, and the risk of infection or other complications is very low.Despite the growing acceptance and popularity of acupuncture, there is still some skepticism and misunderstanding about the practice. Some people may be hesitant to try acupuncture due to concerns about the use of needles or a lack of understanding about how it works. However, many people who have experienced the benefits of acupuncture firsthand have found it to be a safe, effective, and often transformative form of healthcare.In conclusion, acupuncture is a powerful and ancient healing modality that has the potential to improve the health and well-being of people around the world. Whether you are seeking relief from a specific health condition or simply want to maintain your overall health and balance, acupuncture may be worth considering as a complementary or alternative therapy. With its holistic approach, low risk of side effects, and growing body of scientific evidence, acupuncture is an increasingly valuable tool in the pursuit of optimal health and wellness.。



中医科普系列英文版Acupuncture: The Basics.Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique that involves inserting thin needles into theskin at specific points on the body. It is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including pain, headaches, nausea, and stress.The theory behind acupuncture is that the body has a network of energy channels called meridians. Thesemeridians carry qi, which is the vital energy that flows through the body. When qi is blocked or out of balance, it can lead to illness. Acupuncture is thought to work by stimulating the meridians and restoring the flow of qi.There is some scientific evidence to support the use of acupuncture for certain conditions. For example, a numberof studies have shown that acupuncture can be effective in reducing pain. One study found that acupuncture was moreeffective than sham acupuncture in reducing pain in people with osteoarthritis of the knee.Acupuncture is generally considered to be safe. However, there are some risks associated with the procedure, such as bleeding, bruising, and infection. It is important to see a qualified acupuncturist who is licensed and experienced.How to Prepare for an Acupuncture Treatment.Before your first acupuncture treatment, it isimportant to discuss your health history with your acupuncturist. This will help them to determine whether acupuncture is right for you and to develop a treatment plan.On the day of your treatment, wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will need to lie down on a table during the treatment. The acupuncturist will insert the needles into your skin at specific points on your body. The needles are very thin, so you should not feel any pain.The needles will typically be left in place for 15-30 minutes. During this time, you may feel a sense of relaxation or peace. You may also experience some tingling or numbness around the needles.Once the needles are removed, you may experience some soreness or bruising at the injection sites. This is normal and should go away within a few days.What to Expect After an Acupuncture Treatment.After your acupuncture treatment, you may feel relaxed and refreshed. You may also experience some improvement in your symptoms. However, it is important to be patient, as acupuncture often takes several treatments to work.If you are experiencing any side effects from acupuncture, such as pain, bleeding, or infection, be sure to see your acupuncturist as soon as possible.中文回答:针灸,基础知识。


















英文介绍针灸的作文Acupuncture: An Ancient Practice for Modern Health.Acupuncture, an ancient healing technique originatingin China over 2,500 years ago, has gained widespread recognition as a complementary and alternative medicine practice in modern healthcare. This therapeutic approach involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, known as acupuncture points, to alleviate pain, improve overall health, and promote well-being.The History of Acupuncture.The origins of acupuncture can be traced back toancient Chinese medical philosophies that emphasize the maintenance of balance and harmony within the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body is interconnected by a network of meridians, channels through which qi, or vital energy, flows. When the flow of qi is disrupted, imbalances arise, leading to pain and illness.Acupuncture practitioners believe that inserting needles at specific points along these meridians can stimulate the release of blocked qi and restore balance. The selection of acupuncture points is based on a thorough evaluation of the patient's symptoms, physical examination, and pulse diagnosis.Acupuncture Techniques.Acupuncture needles are typically made of stainless steel and are sterilized before each use. They are very fine, about the size of a hair, and are inserted to a depth of a few millimeters to a few centimeters. The practitioner may use various techniques to manipulate the needles, including twirling, lifting, and tapping, to stimulate the desired points.Other related techniques used alongside acupuncture include:Moxibustion: Burning dried mugwort herb on or nearacupuncture points to provide heat and stimulate circulation.Cupping: Applying heated cups to the skin to create a suction effect, which can promote blood flow and release muscle tension.Electroacupuncture: Passing a mild electrical current through acupuncture needles to enhance stimulation.Benefits of Acupuncture.Acupuncture has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic benefits, including:Pain relief: Acupuncture is particularly effective for chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, headaches, and osteoarthritis.Stress reduction: Acupuncture can help reduce stress and anxiety levels by promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system.Improved sleep: Acupuncture can improve sleep quality by regulating melatonin production and reducing stress hormones.Boosted immunity: Acupuncture can enhance immune function by stimulating the production of white blood cells.Enhanced mood: Acupuncture can elevate mood and reduce symptoms of depression by releasing endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.Digestive health: Acupuncture can alleviate digestive issues, such as constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome.Gynecological conditions: Acupuncture can helpregulate menstrual cycles, reduce cramps, and treat infertility.Scientific Evidence for Acupuncture.While acupuncture has been practiced for centuries, its efficacy has been a subject of ongoing scientific research. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of acupuncture for various conditions, including pain management, stress reduction, and improved sleep.For example, a 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis published in the journal "Acupuncture in Medicine" found that acupuncture was significantly more effective than sham acupuncture or no treatment in reducing chronic pain. Another study, published in the journal "The Lancet" in 2018, showed that acupuncture was effective in reducing the frequency and severity of headaches in patients with episodic tension-type headaches.Safety and Side Effects of Acupuncture.Acupuncture is generally considered a safe procedure when performed by a trained and certified practitioner. However, as with any medical treatment, there are potential side effects. These may include minor discomfort, bruising, or bleeding at the injection sites. In rare cases, moreserious side effects, such as infections or nerve damage, can occur.It is important to note that acupuncture should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical care. If you are considering acupuncture, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to discuss the potential benefits and risks and to determine if it is an appropriate treatment option for you.Conclusion.Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice that has stood the test of time. With its growing body of scientific evidence and its ability to alleviate a wide range of health conditions, acupuncture has become an increasingly popular and valuable tool in modern healthcare. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture practitioners aim to restore balance, promote healing, and enhance overall well-being.。



New quintessence of chinese culture
.Chinese food .Chinese kungfu .Acupuncture .chinese madecine
Acupuncture and moxibustion
introduction history kinds effection
. introduction
Acupuncture is the needle under the guidance of Chinese medicine theory according to certain angle pierce into the body of the patient, use of twisting and lifting and thrusting manipulation(操作 处理) of acupuncture to stimulate (刺激) a specific part of the body, so as to achieve the purpose of treating disease.
. history
Originated in t China and has a long history. Acupuncture originated in the period of Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns legend(三皇五 帝), legend has it that Fu Xi(伏羲) invented acupuncture ", he tasted the medicine and preparation nine(“尝百药而 制九针)


Tradtional Chinese Medicine
The first clinical college of Xinxiang Medical College Department of traditional Chinese medicine Zhai jianli
the fifteen collaterals
the minute collaterals
the superficial collaterals
The twelve regular meridians
• • • • • • 1. the compositon 2. the nomenclature 3. the characteristics of the distribution 4. the direction of flow and the connecting places 5. the exterior-interior relationship 6. the function of the twelve meridians
The three yin meridians of hand
the twelve regular meridians
The three yang meridians of hand The three yin meridians of foot The three yang meridians of foot
perecardium liver



中医英语术语Lesson 11.中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2.中基基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3.临床经验clinical experience4. 辩证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation5.杂病miscellaneous diseases6. 中药学Chinese pharmacy/ Chinese materia medica7. 四气五味four properties and five tastes 8. 针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox9.古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy 10. 汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis11.下法purgation/ purgative therapy 12. 吐法vomiting therapy /emetic therapy13.补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth 14. 病因学etiology15.方剂学prescription / formula 16. 医学实践medical practice17.治疗原则therapeutic principles 18. 寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature19.滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire 20. 瘀血致病diseases caused by blood stagnationLesson21.五脏five zang-organs; five zang-viscera2.六腑six fu-organs2.经络系统system of meridians and collaterals 4. 整体观念concept of holism5.有机整体organic whole(ness)6. 社会属性social attribute7.开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into 8. 生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store9.诊断学diagnostics 10. 邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi11.治疗学therapeutics 12. 风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold13.同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease14. 异病同治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases15.水液代谢平衡balance of water metabolism 16. 清心火clearing away heart fire17.疾病本质nature of disease 18. 以左治右treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side 19.从阴引阳drawing yang from yin 20. 病在上者下取之treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part Lesson 31.哲学概念philosophical concept2. 相互转化mutual transformation3.阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang4. 阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang5.寒极生热extreme cold turning into heat6. 病理变化pathological changes7.绝对偏盛absolute predominance 8. 病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis9. 补其不足supplementing what it lacks of 10. 祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold 11.相互消长mutually inhibiting and promoting/ mutual warring and waxing 12. 相互制约mutually inhibiting and restraining13.相互依存interdependence 14.阴胜则阳病excess of yin leading to decline of yang 15.相反相成contrary and supplementary to each other 16. 有机整体organic whole17.阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin 18. 阴阳两虚deficiency of both yin and yang19.虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome 20. 潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating wind Lesson 41.五行学说the doctrine of five elements; the theory of five phases2.条达舒畅free development3.生我,我生to be generated and to generate4.生中有制restraint in generation5.木曰曲直Wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally.6.土爰稼穑Earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping.7.水曰润下Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing. 8.相乘相侮over restriction and counter-restriction9.土虚木乘Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient. 10.生克制化promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation11.母病及子disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ12.肝肾精血不足insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney13.心肝血虚blood deficiency in the heart and liver 14.心火亢盛exuberant fire in the heart15.肝阴不足insufficiency of liver yin 16.肾阳式微declination of kidney yang17.脾胃虚弱weakness of the spleen and stomach 18.平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 19.肾阴不足insufficiency of kidney yin 20.水火不济discordance of water and fireLesson 51.藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations2. 五脏六腑five zang-organs and six fu-organs2.奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs 4.水谷精微nutrients of water and food5. 传化水谷transmitting and transforming water and food6.贮藏精气storing essence7. 表里关系internal and external relationship 8.治疗效应therapeutic effects9. 临床实践clinical practice 10.藏而不泻storage without discharge11. 泻而不藏discharge without storage 12.形体诸窍physical build and various orifices13. 开窍(of five zang-organs) open into 14.精神情志spirit and emotions15.心藏神the heart storing spirit 16. 肺藏魄the lung storing corporeal soul17.肝藏魂the liver storing ethereal soul 18. 脾藏意the spleen storing consciousness19.肾藏志the kidney storing will 20. 其华在面the luster manifesting upon the faceLesson 61.心主血脉the heart governing blood and vessels2.心气充沛sufficiency of heart qi3.面色红润rosy complexion4.血液充盛sufficiency of blood5.脉道不利unsmooth vessels6.面色无华lusterless complexion7.脉象细弱thin and weak pulse 8.心藏神the heart storing spirit9.汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin 10.升降出入ascending, descending, going out and going in11.宣发肃降dispersion, purification and descent 12.通调水道regulating water passage13.脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation 14.水谷精微nutrients of water and food15.水液停滞stoppage of water and fluid 16.后天之本acquired base of life17.调畅气机regulating qi activity 18.肝气上逆upward adverse flow of liver qi19.先天之精innate essence 20.肾主纳气the kidney receiving qiLesson 71.奇桓之腑extraordinary fu-organs2.孤腑isolated fu-organ2.腐熟水谷digest water and food 4. 魄门anus5.肝之余气remaining part of liver qi6.上焦upper energizer7. 泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid 8.食物残渣residue of foods9. 大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid 10.精汁bile11. 小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid 12. 初步消化primary digestion13. 精气essential qi 14.七充门the seven important portals15. 胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment 16. 排泄糟粕discharge waste17. 月经来潮occurrence of menstruation 18. 吸门epiglottis19. 形态中空morphological hollowness 20.传化水谷transporting and transforming water and food Lesson 81.先天禀赋innateness2. 精微物质nutrients; refined substance2.血液循行blood circulation 4. 水液代谢water metabolism5.气的运动形式way of qi movement6.气的升降出入运动ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi7.气机调畅normal function of qi activity8. 生命的原动力primary motive force of life9. 温养脏腑warming and nourishing the viscera 10.脏腑经络之气qi of the viscera and meridians11.气机qi activity 12. 气化qi transformation13. 先天之气innate qi 14. 后天之气acquired qi15. 正气healthy qi 16. 邪气pathogenic factors17.元气primordial qi 18. 宗气thoracic qi19. 营气nutritive qi 20. 卫气defensive qiLesson 91.气生血qi promoting the production of blood2.气行血qi promoting the flow of blood3.气摄血qi commanding blood4.血载气blood carrying qi5.血生气blood generating qi6. 气生津液qi promoting the production of body fluid7.气行津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid8.气摄津液qi commanding body fluid9.津液载气body fluid carrying qi 10. 津液生气body fluid generating qi 11.津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin 12. 气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid 13.气随血脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage 14. 气随津泄loss of qi due to profuse sweating 15气行则血行,气滞则血瘀normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of blood while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of blood 16气为血帅,血为气母qi commanding the blood and the blood carries qi 17气行则水行,气滞则水滞normal flow of qi ensures normal flow of fluid while stagnation of qi causes stagnation of fluid 18益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse 19亡血家不可发汗sweating therapy should be not be used to treat patients suffering from hemorrhage 20夺血者勿汗sweating therapy should not be used to treat hemorrhage Lesson 101.经络学说theory of meridians and collaterals2. 经络系统system of meridians and collaterals2.运行全身气血transporting qi and blood to the whole body 4. 联络脏腑肢节being connected with the viscera and limbs5.循行线路running routes6. 十二正经twelve regular meridians7. 循行部位和交接顺序the regions through or along which the meridians run and the order by which the meridians are connected with each other8. 络属关系(of a collateral) pertaining to a certain meridian 9. 奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels (meridians)10.十二经别branches of the twelve regular meridians 11. 别络divergent collaterals12.十二皮部skin divisions of the twelve regular meridians 13.十二筋经tendons of the twelve regular meridians14. 经络之气qi of meridians 15. 经络辨证syndrome differentiation of meridians and collaterals 16.经络感传meridian conduction 17. 经络现象meridian manifestations 18. 经络阻滞blockage of meridians19. 舒经活络soothing meridians and activating collaterals 20. 刺络拔罐collateral pricking and cupping therapy Lesson 111.外感六淫six exogenous pathogenic factors2. 饮食劳倦improper diet and overstrain3.风寒感冒common cold due to wind-cold4. 湿热泄泻diarrhea due to damp-heat/damp-heat diarrhea5. 内生五邪five endogenous pathogenic factors6.风邪外袭pathogenic wind attacking the exterior7.游走性关节疼痛migratory arthralgia/joint pain 8. 风为百病之长wind being the leading pathogenic factor9.感受寒邪attacked/invaded by pathogenic cold 10. 阳气衰退decline of yang qi11.寒性凝滞cold tending to stagnate by nature 12. 腠理闭塞stagnation of interstitial space13.筋脉拘急收引spasm and contraction of muscles and tendons 14.湿邪困脾pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen15.脾阳不振inactivation of spleen-yang 16.阴虚生内热production of endogenous heat due to yin deficiency 17.热极生风extreme heat producing wind 18.七情内伤internal impairment due to yin deficiency19. 饮食不节improper diet 20.暴饮暴食engorgementLesson 121疾病的发生发展变化occurrence, development, and changes of disease 2.体质强弱(body )constitutional state3气血功能紊乱dysfunction of qi and blood 4.多种多样的病理变化various pathological changes5.邪正盛衰exuberance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi/ strength contrast between pathogenic factors and healthy qi6.病症的虚实变化deficiency or excess changes of disease /transformation between deficiency and excess during a disease7. 人体的抗病能力the human body’ resistance agains t diseases8. 五心烦热feverish sensation over the five centers (palms, soles, and chest)9.虚实夹杂deficiency complicated with excess 10.疾病转归turnover of disease/prognosis of disease11.阴阳偏盛relative predominance of yin or yang 12. 五志过极extreme changes of five emotions13.精气夺则虚depletion of essence causing deficiency 14.阴阳互损mutual consumption of yin and yang15.真热假寒或假寒真热true heat and false cold; false cold and true heat 16.气机郁滞不畅stagnation of qi activity17.津液代谢失常disorder of fluid metabolism 18.寒从中生endogenous cold/ cold originating from the interior19.津伤化燥fluid consumption producing dryness 20.风气内动stirring of endogenous wind/disturbance of endogenous wind Lesson 131.神色形态spirit, complexion, and physical conditions2. 精神活动mental activities2.精充气足sufficient essence and abundant qi 4.表情淡漠apathetic facial expressions5. 主色与客色normal complexion and varied normal complexion6. 四肢抽搐convulsion of the limbs7. 湿热动风stirring of wind due to damp-heat 8.邪毒内陷interior sinking of pathogenic toxin9. 肌肤甲错scaly skin/ squamous and dry skin 10.饥不欲食hunger without appetite11. 四诊合参combined use of the four diagnostic methods 12.面部表情facial expressions13. 预后良好favorable prognosis 14.精神不振dispiritedness15. 五色主病five colors indicating diseases / diagnostic significance of five colors 16.口眼歪斜facial distortion17. 虚火上炎flaming of deficient fire 18.大肠热结retention of heat in the large intestine19. 光剥舌uncoated tongue/ mirror-like tongue 20.脉象pulse manifestationsLesson 141未病先防prevention before occurrence 2.气血平和harmony between qi and blood3调摄精神regulating mental conditions 4血脉流畅smooth circulation of blood 5关机通利-smooth movement of joints 6.气机调畅-smooth flow of qi/ free activity of qi7益寿延年-prolonging life and promoting longevity 8.防治原则-preventive and therapeutic principles9.治病求本-treatment should focus on the root of diseases 10.急则治其标-treating secondary symptoms in acute disease11.缓则治其本-treating primary symptoms in chronic disease 12.标本兼治-simultaneous treatment of primary and secondary symptoms 13.正虚邪实-deficiency of healthy qi and excess of pathogenic factors 14.祛虫消积-removing parasites to eliminate accumulation 15.痰湿壅肺-accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung 16.血为气母-blood serving as the mother of qi17.因时因地因人制宜-treatment in accordance with seasons, locality and individuality. 18.用寒远寒-avoiding cold herbs in cold weather 19.外感秋燥-exogenous dry disease in autumn 20.辛凉润燥-moistening dryness with pungent and cool herbsLeeson151辨证论治treatment with syndrome differentiation/ treatment according to syndrome differentiation2表里同病disease involving both exterior and interior/ simultaneous disorder of exterior and interior3寒热错杂simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat/ mixture of cold and heat4里邪出表regression of interior pathogenic factors to the exterior5. 真寒假热true cold and false heat6.恶寒与恶热aversion to cold and aversion to heat7. 口淡不渴tasteless sensation in the mouth without thirst 8.寒邪郁而化热transformation of stagnated pathogenic cold into heat 9. 外感表虚exterior-deficiency syndrome due to exogenous pathogens 10. 五心烦热feverish sensation over five centers11.病位与病性location and nature of disease 12.虚实夹杂mixture of deficiency and excess/co-existence of deficiency and excess 13.外邪入里invasion of exterior pathogenic factors into the interior 14.寒证化热cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome 15.真假寒热true heat and false cold 16.热证转寒heat syndrome transforming into cold syndrome17.舌淡苔白而润滑pale tongue with white, moist and slippery fur 18.脉数无力rapid and weak pulse19.潮热盗汗tidal fever and night sweating 20.神昏谵语coma with deliriumLeeson161中草药Chinese medicinal herbs 2.四气五味four properties and five flavors3入药部分the part used for medical purpose 4.药物采集collection of herbs5.炮制processing of herbs6.清除杂质eliminating impurity/ removal of impurity7.作用缓和mild/ moderate effect 8.发散解表relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion9.收敛固涩astringing and checking 10.软坚润下lubricant purgation by softening hardness11.燥湿健脾drying dampness to invigorate the spleen 12.升降沉浮ascending, descending, sinking and floating13.归经channel tropism/channel distribution of medicines 14.用药禁忌medication contraindication15.药物用量dosage 16.辛温解表药pungent and warm herbs with the function of relieving exterior syndrome17.祛风湿药herbs for expelling wind and dampness18.十八反、十九畏eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism19.清热凉血药herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood 20.祛痰止咳药herbs for eliminating sputum and stopping cough Leeson17方剂学Science of prescription/prescriptionology 配伍关系compatibility/combinative relationship组成规律prescription-formulating principle 方剂的加减modification of prescriptions剂型与剂量drug form and dosage 君臣佐使sovereign, minister, assistant and guide药物毒性toxicity of medicinal herbs 缓和药性moderating /neutralizing the property of herbs引经报使guiding action 调和诸药mediating all herbs in a prescription温经散寒warming meridians to dissipate cold 宣肺平喘dispersing lung to relieve/sooth asthma灵活化裁flexible modification 清散郁热clearing away and dispersing stagnated heat随症加减modification according to symptoms 药物饮片processed herbs/prepared slices of Chinese crude herbs 内服散剂powder for oral taking 外用膏药medicinal extract for external application开水冲服mixed/infused in boiled water for oral taking 浓缩浸膏condensed extractLeeson18针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion therapy 针刺补泻reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling针刺手法needling techniques 进针手法methods for needle-inserting针刺止痛alleviating pain with acupuncture 针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia针感needling sensation 皮内针intradermal needle针刺的角度和深度angle and depth of needling 双手进针法insertion of needle with double hands行针manipulation of needle 耳针疗法ear acupuncture therapy提插捻转lifting, thrusting, twisting and rotating 水针疗法water-acupuncture therapy头针疗法scalp-acupuncture therapy 化脓灸blistering moxibustion瘢痕灸scarring moxibustion 艾炷灸moxibustion with moxa cone灯火灸lamp moxibustion 温针灸needle-warming moxibustionLeeson19推拿手法tuina manipulations 减轻疼痛alleviating pain功法训练exercise for practicing tuina 放松肌肉relaxing muscles解除肌肉紧张relieving muscular tension 活动受限restricted activity关节脱位dislocation of joint 腰椎间盘突出protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc旋转复位rotating reduction 软组织挫伤injury of soft tissue关节粘连僵硬adhesion and stiffness of joint 滑利关节lubricating joint手法补泻reinforcing and reducing manipulation 拇指平推法horizontal pushing with the thumb一指禅推法pushing manipulation with one finger 点按法point-pressing manipulation大鱼际推法kneading manipulation with the large thenar 交替搓揉alternated rubbing and kneading腰肌劳损injury of lumbar muscles 垂直用力vertical exertion of forceLeeson20辨舌象differentiation of tongue manifestations 辨脉象differentiation of pulse manifestations正邪兼顾taking account of both expelling pathogenic factors and strengthening healthy qi / balancing expelling pathogenic factors with strengthening healthy qi支饮thoracic retention of fluid 北部恶寒chills in the back/aversion to cold in the back面色黧黑dark complexion/black complexion 舌苔水滑slippery tongue coating/ moist and glossy tongue coating 弦脉taut pulse/wiry pulse 发散寒邪dispelling pathogenic cold健脾化饮invigorating the stomach to resolve fluid 滋肾水以敛肺气nourishing kidney water to astringe lung qi养阴血以护肝阴nourishing yin blood to protect liver yin 调和诸药mediating all herbs in a prescription祛邪而不伤正expelling pathogenic factors without impairing the healthy qi益气和中invigorating qi to harmonize the middle-jiao 发汗峻剂prescriptions for drastic diaphoresis表寒里饮cold in the exterior and fluid in the interior 水寒犯胃cold water attacking the stomach有效方剂effective prescriptions 手足厥冷cold hands and feet in syncope / cold limbs in syncope Leeson21补充疗法complementary therapy 替代医学alternative medicine 康复过程rehabilitation process 副作用side-effects 有效成风active ingredients 循证数据evidence-based data双盲随机试验double-blind randomized trial中风发病stroke onset 超急性期hyper-acute stage 专利药品proprietary medicine 动物模型animal models 出血的危险因素risk of bleeding作用机制mechanism of action 医疗质量低下low-quality medical treatments 物理疗法physiotherapy 神经可塑性neuroplasticity 主流药物mainstream medicine 抗血小板剂antiplatelet agent微生物分析microbial analysis 重金属研究heavy metal research。



中医助理医师英语1.针灸:acupuncture2.中药:traditional Chinese medicine3.脉搏:pulse4.草药:herbal medicine5.推拿:tuina massage6.肾炎:nephritis7.保健:healthcare8.疫苗:vaccine9.气虚:qi deficiency10.经络:meridians11.针刺:needle insertion12.风湿病:rheumatism13.保健品:health supplements14.病因:etiology15.神经病:neurosis16.足三里穴:ST36 acupuncture point17.血糖:blood sugar18.强直性脊柱炎:ankylosing spondylitis19.中枢神经系统:central nervous system20.腰椎间盘突出:lumbar disc herniation21.血压:blood pressure22.病理:pathology23.肝炎:hepatitis24.手法:manipulation techniques25.心血管疾病:cardiovascular diseases26.中医诊断:traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis27.骨质疏松症:osteoporosis28.腹心肌梗塞:acute myocardial infarction29.推拿师:tuina therapist1. Acupuncture is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.2. Traditional Chinese medicine involves the use ofherbal medicine.3. The TCM practitioner checked the patient's pulse.4. Herbal medicine is prescribed to patients with various ailments.5. Tuina massage can help relieve muscle tension and pain.6. Nephritis is a common kidney disease treated in TCM.7. Healthcare plays an important role in maintaining overall well-being.8. Vaccines are used to prevent various diseases.9. Qi deficiency is a common condition treated in TCM.10. Meridians are the pathways through which energy flows in the body.11. Needle insertion is a technique used in acupuncture.12. Rheumatism is a chronic condition often treated in TCM.13. Health supplements can support overall health andwell-being.14. Etiology refers to the cause or origin of a disease.15. Neurosis is a psychological disorder treated in TCM.16. ST36 acupuncture point is commonly used for various conditions.17. Blood sugar levels are monitored in patients with diabetes.18. Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of rheumatic disease.19. The central nervous system is responsible for controlling bodily functions.20. Lumbar disc herniation is a common condition treated in TCM.21. Blood pressure is an important indicator of cardiovascular health.22. Pathology is the study of diseases and their effects on the body.23. Hepatitis is a liver disease treated in TCM.24. TCM practitioners use various manipulation techniques during treatment.25. Cardiovascular diseases are a major health concern worldwide.26. TCM diagnosis involves a comprehensive analysis of symptoms and medical history.27. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weak bones.28. Acute myocardial infarction is a medical emergency, often treated in TCM.29. A tuina therapist specializes in tuina massage techniques.。

五输穴 双语

五输穴 双语

between the fingers and the elbow on the upper extremity(手足), between the toes and the knee on the lower extremity.
located at the end of either hand or foot where

located in the places where the
meridian qi starts to gush

located posterior to the metacarpal-
phalangeal or metatarso-phalangeal
joints where the meridian qi starts to
another Selections According to Time:

According to the ebb and flow of qi and blood in the twelve main meridians in the whole day-needling methods midnight-noon cycle of qi
Specific points——
five shu points
Versions of Translations
Definition and Location
Each of The Location and The Meaning 六十六穴歌
Versions of Translations







第五课一.术语翻译1. 藏象学说 doctrine of visceral manifestations2. 五脏六腑 five zang-organs and six fu-organs3. 奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs水谷精微 nutrients of water and food传化水谷 transmitting and transforming water and food贮藏精气 storing essence表里关系 internal and external relationship治疗效应 therapeutic effects临床实践 clinical practice藏而不泻 storage without discharge泻而不藏 discharge without storage形体诸窍 physical build and various orifices开窍(of five zang-organs) open into精神情志 spirit and emotions心藏神 the heart storing spirit肺藏魄 the lung storing corporeal soul肝藏魂 the liver storing ethereal soul脾藏意 the spleen storing consciousness肾藏志 the kidney storing will其华在面 the luster manifesting upon the face二.句子翻译1. 藏象学说是研究人体各个脏腑的生理功能、病理变化及相互关系的学说。

























拟方:柴胡18克,黄芩10克,法半夏10克,石莒蒲10克,郁金10克,胡黄连6克,川芎1 0克,磁石12克,血竭8克,苏木8克,桃仁9克,红花8克,生姜10片,红枣12枚,5剂。




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Analysis on the application of “five elements and six pathogens”in the clinical practice of acupunctureAbstract: The theory of “five elements and six pathogens” is based on the unity of nature and man, including the four seasons, yin and yang and five elements of, while the theory of "five shu points" in "Nei Jing" is based on the four seasons, yin and yang and five elements combined with the five-organ system, so the clinical acupuncture puts The combination of “five elements and six pathogens”and "five shu points" often results in better curative effect.Key words: five elements and six pathogens; acupuncture; low back pain; vertigo cervical spondylosis; medical case."five elements and six pathogens" is a discipline in ancient China that analyzed the law of climate change and studied its impact on life. Its content is to deduce the law of climate change and its impact on human health and disease under the guidance of the overall concept of TCM, based on the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, using symbols such as Tiangan-Dizhi as a deductive tool. The author applies the theory of five elements and six Qi to the treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion in clinic. The following examples are given:1.Low back painThe patient, female, was born in 1986 (Bingyin) and was seen on September 7, 2017. Chief Complaint: Repeated back and leg pain for 2 years, and then increased for 1 week.History: Recurrent low back pain accompanied by posterior involvement pain of both lower limbs in recent two years, prolonged sedentary, fatigue symptoms aggravated, self-hot compress symptoms alleviated, the above symptoms accompanied by mild edema near the ankles of both lower limbs, weakness of both knees, poor sleep, short urine, loose stool, white tongue coating, tight pulse string. In the past, lumbar 4/5 disc herniation and lumbar 5 vertebral instability occurred. There was no abnormal liver and kidney function, no history of hypertension, diabetes and coronary heart disease. Diagnosis: Lumbago and leg pain (deficiency of kidney-yang, cold-dampness obstruction)Acupoints: Pishu, Shenshu, Dachangshu, Guanyuanyu, Ranbian, Weizhong, Xuanzhong, Kunlun. Pingbu Pingxie, keep needle for 30 minutes. Second complaint: lumbago and leg pain relief, there are still lower limb ankle edema, knee weakness, poor sleep, etc. Second diagnosis and acupoint selection: Zhongwan, Guanyuan, Zhongji, Zusanli, Yingu, Tonggu, Rangu, Taibai, wrist, Kunlun. Warm needling Guanyuan, Zusanli. Three clinicians complained that ankle edema disappeared, knee weakness improved, and lumbar and leg pain disappeared. After the same treatment for 2 times, no recurrence occurred.Note: In 2017, the timber transportation was not as good as it could be. In September, the patient suffered from the disease. The main Qi was the damp soil of Taiyin, and the politeness was the cold water of the Taiyang. At this time, cold and damp prevail. The patient was born in the year of Binyin. People born in the Year of too much kidney water so that heart fire restrained .kidney water was too much, so that the spleen earth restrained . The patient's limbs are not warm enough, he hates cold and likes warmth,and he works too hard and has a longillness, so that his kidney is empty to nourish . In addition, the lumbar loses protection, the evil of cold and dampness invades by deficiency, blockades meridians, and the circulation of Qi and blood is not smooth, resulting in low back pain. not only the problems of the department were taken into account but also the impact of the "five elements and six pathogens" on the disease was taken into account. Therefore The main method of the diagnosis is to purge kidney water and invigorate the heart and spleen. Yingu of water acupoint of kidney meridian, zhongji of Mu acupoint of bladder meridian and Tonggu of water acupoint of bladder meridian ; Rangu of the fire acupoint of kidney meridian and Kunlun of fire acupoint of bladder meridian; Taibai of earth acupoint of spleen meridian, Zusanli of earth acupoint of stomach meridian, ZhongWan of Mu acupoint of stomach and Guanyuan of Mu acupoint of small intestine meridian.2.vertigo cervical spondylosisThe patient, male, was born in 1957 (Ding Wei) and was seen on February 28, 2016. Chief Complaint: Repeated neck stiffness with dizziness and headache for 2 months. History: The patient developed neck pain two months ago, the activity was unfavorable, followed by dizziness, nausea and vomiting. The neck is stiff, accompanied by dizziness, migraine,limb numbness, the sleep is poor, the urine is red, and the stool is not smooth. Red tongue with yellow tongue coat, pulse strings. Previous History of hypertension.Diagnosis: vertigo (Hyperactivity of liver Yang).Initial diagnosis and acupoints: liver Yu, Tai Chong, Qiu Xu,zulinqi, all use the supplement method; jingqu, Yangxi,fengchi with the diarrhea method, leaving the needle for 30 minutes. Shangyang pricked the blood. After the needle was opened, the patient's symptoms of vertigo were alleviated. After 2 treatments,all the symptoms were disappeared.Note:The patient was born in Dingyi year, Self-reports are easy to get depressed and get angry. The onset time is 2016 for the Bingshen Year, and the Late January is the beginning qi of six pathogens of year. The main gas is the Jue yin wind wood ;the politeness is the Shaoyin Monarch fire, the tempering of the heavens and the earth, the liver wood are unfavorable, and it is easy to cause Liver Qi Internal Depression and Fire Reduction.The patient's emotional disorder, liver disorder, liver Yang fire disturbance,aggravated dizziness, accompanied mouth bitter, sleep less , urine yellow. Wood transportation is not good so Liver wood being evil, lung gold is too much. Take back Shu point Ganshu, liver meridian original point Taichong, gallbladder meridian original point Qiuxu, wood point zulinqi, intersection point Fengchi . depressing lung gold point jingqu . large intestine gold point Shangyang, fire Point Yangxi, in order to inhibit excessive lung gold and restrain liver wood.3. experienceTraditional Chinese medicine holds that man and nature are a dynamic whole. Climate changes in the four seasons of the year experience the laws of spring temperature, summer heat, autumn cool and winter cold, which have a certain impact on the viscera, meridians, qi, blood, Yin and Yang of the human body. The theory of "five elements and six pathogens" is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, which studies climate change and its relationship with human health and disease in ancient China. we should grasp the modern Chinese medicine and learn to use the "five elements and six pathogens" so as to expand the thinking of traditional Chinese medicine.Reference:[1]Fu Bangze, Tang Qiaoling, Huang Ling, et al. Periodic Thought in the Five-Movement andSix-Qi Theory [J] Jilin Traditional Chinese Medicine,2012,32 ( 12) : 1189 -1191[2]Tian Helu, Zhenyuan of Acupuncture and Moxibustion [M]. Taiyuan: Shanxi Science andTechnology Publishing House, 2011: 60-62author: Tao Jing, Master of Acupuncture and Massage, is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Research direction: Clinical study of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of pain. Guangzhou 510360, Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine。
