



Led 灯简易使用说明书
一、 后面板图解说明
菜单 减键 加键 却换/进入 操作说明:
1、 按菜单键可在’IMAGE ’、’DMX ’、’STAT ’、’RUN ’、’AUTO ’、’TEMP ’、’VOX ’、
‘MODE ’8个菜单中选择;
2、 按却换/进入键可以进入相应菜单的子项,且有多个子项时按此键进行子项
3、 减键和加键进行数值的加减和功能的设置;
4、 在参数设置好后,按菜单键退出此菜单并将参数记忆;
二、 Led 显示功能对照表
1、工作电压:AC220v 50Hz
3、亮度:3m距离>3500 CD
4、颜色:R 控制等级0—255
G 控制等级0—255
B 控制等级0—255
W 控制等级0—255



LED 射灯是一种用于照明和装饰的灯具,其标准参数可能因不同

以下是一些常见的光控 LED 射灯标准参数:
1. 光源类型:LED
2. 功率:通常在 3-30W 之间,具体取决于灯具的设计和用途。

3. 光通量:一般在 100-2000lm 之间,光通量越高,灯具照明效

4. 色温:常见的色温范围为 2700K-6500K,可以根据需要选择暖色、自然色或冷色光。

5. 光束角度:一般在 15°-60°之间,光束角度越小,光线越集中,照明范围越小。

6. 显色指数:Ra 一般在 80 以上,显色指数越高,物体颜色还原

7. 控制方式:光控 LED 射灯通常具备调光功能,可以通过手动或

8. 材质:灯具外壳通常采用铝合金或压铸铝等材质,具有良好的

9. 防护等级:IP 防护等级通常在IP20-IP65 之间,防护等级越高,灯具的防水、防尘能力越强。

10. 使用寿命:LED 射灯的寿命一般在 20000-50000 小时之间,

以上是一些常见的光控LED 射灯标准参数,具体参数可能因产品型号和品牌而有所不同。

在选择和使用LED 射灯时,建议参考产品说明书和相关标准,确保其满足实际需求和安全要求。



Agradecemos su compra!Por favor, lea el manual de instrucciones antes de la instalación y consérvelo a mano para consultas futuras.Luminaria con disipador térmico de aluminio fundido de alta pureza, alta luminosidad, chip SMD Nichia, con un driver Sosen de corriente constante. Diseño del PCB LED para media y gran altura en industria: producción, almacenes diáfanos con estanterías a media altura, talleres, gasolineras, centros comerciales, mercados, peajes de autopistas y aplicaciones similares.ProblemaPosible CausaSolucionesLED no funciona El cable de red no está conectado Conecta el cable de red.El enchufe está sueltoConéctelo firmemente a la toma de corriente. El driver del LED tiene una avería Reemplace el driver con uno nuevo.El chip LED está dañado Puede ser reparado sólo por Venalsol. La luz LED se enciende y apaga La salida del driver es anómala Reemplace el driver por uno nuevo.El chip LED tiene una averíaPuede ser reparado sólo por Venalsol.Venalsol garantiza sus productos, dentro de las condiciones generales de suministro, siempre que se trate de un defecto de fabricación o materiales por un período de cinco años a partir de la fecha de compra. La garantía consiste en la reparación/sustitución de las partes o conjuntos que se consideren defectuosos. No se aplicará por lo tanto a los artículos que presenten daños como consecuencia de no haber seguido correctamente las instrucciones de uso, o cuando la instalación haya sido realizada por personal no especializado. Así mismo, quedan excluidos los daños ocasionados por uso indebido del aparato y averías producidas en el transporte.Para realizar una reclamación de garantía, es necesario notificarlo por escrito a su vendedor, aportar factura de compra y cumplir con los demás requisitos de garantía. Siempre será necesario la devolución del producto averiado con su original placa identificativa de Venalsol Smart Light y su número de serie. Los costes de transporte están excluidos.1. La decisión de si el producto es defectuoso será tomada por Venalsol, que comprobará el mal funcionamiento del producto. SiVenalsol comprueba que el producto es defectuoso, decidirá si se ha de reparar o reemplazar por uno nuevo. Venalsol se reserva el derecho de utilizar productos nuevos o reparados en el proceso de reparación o sustitución del producto en garantía. El producto que se haya reparado o reemplazado, se garantizará durante el período de garantía original que le quede. El coste de personal y el coste de la maquinaria necesaria para la sustitución queda excluido. La responsabilidad total de Venalsol respecto al producto defectuoso estará siempre limitada al dinero pagado por el comprador por ese producto originalmente.2. En caso de solicitud de un producto en buen estado, previo al envío del producto defectuoso, con el fin de facilitar las labores de sustitución, Venalsol podrá aceptar suministrarlo y éste será facturado. Esta factura será abonada si procede, una vez sea recibido y verificado el producto supuestamente averiado. De no cumplir los requisitos de garantía, o no recibirse el material averiado, pasados 60 días de la reposición previa, se procederá al cobro de la factura.La garantía no cubrirá las siguientes circunstancias:1. Daños causados por fuerza mayor como guerras, revueltas, sabotajes, ciclones, terremotos, inundaciones explosiones, incendios, etc.2. Daños causados por uso inapropiado durante el período de entrega, defectos causados por su mal uso, tratamiento erróneo o destrucción de la maquinaria.3. Desmontaje, modificación o mantenimiento inapropiado productos reparados sin autorización del proveedor.4. Daños causados por el comprador o instalador usando cableado de baja calidad o otros componentes no compatibles con el producto.5. Esta garantía no es válida si el producto es usado para propósitos diferentes para los que está originalmente diseñado.Lea detenidamente las instrucciones antes de comenzar a utilizar el producto.50W - 100W - 150W – 200WVenalsol Smart Light S.L.C/ Garbí nº15. - Polígono Industrial Palma de Gandía - 46724 - Palma de Gandía Valencia (España) - Atención al cliente: +34 962 808 219 *****************< VER FICHA TÉCNICATodos los derechos reservados - Copyright © 2017Manual de instrucciones1. Desconecte el suministro de energía antes de la instalación o del mantenimiento de la luminaria.2. Es estrictamente obligatorio conectar el cable de tierra (Amarillo/Verde) con el conexionado de tierra de la instalación.3. No toque la fuente de alimentación cuando la lámpara esté en funcionamiento.4. Para evitar daños, descargas eléctricas o incendios, no desmonte o reemplace la lámpara (PCB CHIP LED).5. Para evitar daños, caídas, descargas eléctricas o incendios, por favor no modifique o reemplace los accesorios originales porotros que no lo sean, sin consultar y estar autorizado por Venalsol con anterioridad.6. Sólo personal cualificado puede realizar la sustitución o instalación de la luminaria y asegúrese de que sigue las instruccionesdel manual. Si la instalación no se realiza adecuadamente, puede causar caídas, descargas eléctricas, incendios u otros daños.7. Desconecte el suministro de energía si sale humo o produce olor, ya que podría producirse un incendio o descarga eléctrica.8. Consulte a personal cualificado para la inspección y mantenimiento de la lámpara.9. Si el cableado propio de la luminaria está dañado, sólo puede ser reemplazado por Venalsol.Normativa aplicableHa pasado los test y verificaciones necesarios para la obtención del Marcado CE. Este producto cumplecon los estándares de aplicación sobre Baja Tensión (LVD) 2014/35/EU: EN60598-1:2015, EN60598-2-24:2013, EN60598-2-1:1989, EN62031:2008, EN62471:2008, EN62493:2010 y CompatibilidadElectromagnética (EMC)2014/30/EU: EN61000-3-2:2014, EN61000-3-3:2013, EN61547:2009,EN55015:2013.Este símbolo indica que el producto al final de su vida útil deberá eliminarse por separado de los demásdesechos, puesto que se identifica como un aparato de uso eléctrico o electrodoméstico según el RealDecreto 208/2005. Por lo tanto, al final del uso, deberá hacerse cargo de entregar el producto a uncentro de recogida selectiva o a un gestor de residuos autorizado. Venalsol está registrado en elRegistro Nacional de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos con número de inscripción registral 3493 y seencuentra adherida a un Sistema de Gestión de Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos para losproductos con la categoría de "aparatos de alumbrado".Las luminarias LED Venalsol son respetuosas con el Medio Ambiente. No contienen mercurio y loscomponentes electrónicos utilizados cumplen con lo establecido en la normativa RoHS de transposiciónal Real Decreto 208/2005.Parámetros TécnicosEspecificaciones del producto 50W 100W 150W 200WVoltaje de entrada AC200-277V 50/60Hz Clase I ( Necesita toma de tierra )CRI Ra70Angulo del Haz de Luz 65x120º, 30x60º, 30º, 15º, 120ºClasificación IP IP66Dimensiones 300x240x69mm 335x295x71mm 375x320x75mm 400x345x78Peso neto de la luminaria 2.2 ±0.3kg 3.5 ±0.3kg 4.0 ±0.3kg 5.1 ±0.3kgFactor de potencia >0.90Vida útil ≥50000Hrs (LM70@35°C)Temperatura de funcionamiento -30 ~ +50°CHumedad de funcionamiento 15% ~ 90%RHTemperatura de almacenaje -40 ~ +70°CA. Dimensiones (mm.) e instalación mediante fijación ajustable50W 100W 150W 200WA 300 335 375 400B 240 295 320 345C 69 71 75 78D 215 265 290 320E 90 120 120 120F 120 165 170 180B. Dimensiones e instalación mediante posteDiagrama de cableado。



L E D灯具使用说明书警告:
2. :30W□60W□90W□120W□140W□160W□

欧普 LED射灯安装说明书

欧普 LED射灯安装说明书





















LED 射灯有毒有害物质表技术要求:1.印刷清晰2.尺寸公差±2mm3.单色正反面印刷。



从启动起立即点亮光明:这是我们入门级节能灯 泡的承诺。
发行日期 2011-04-27 版本 : 1.0.1
© 2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 保留所有权利。
规格如有更改,恕不另行通知。 所有商标是 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 或它们各自所有者 的财产。
* 精于心 简于形
7 瓦 (50 瓦)GU10 清爽白
• 外形 : 特制聚光灯 • 功率 : 7 瓦 • 瓦当量 : 50 瓦 • 接头 / 灯帽 : GU10 • 电压 : 210-250 伏 • 显色指数 (CRI): >80 • 亮度可调 • 颜色 : 清爽白 • 色温 : 4200 K • 额定使用寿命 : 40000 小时
• 流明 : 290 流明 • 汞含量 : 0 毫克 • 额定发光率 : 290 lm • 额定功率 : 7 瓦 • 灯具寿命 : 40000 小时 • 灯光效果 : 清爽白 • 标准瓦数灯泡 : 50 瓦
• 光束角度 : 25D

所有飞利浦节能灯均可让您在开灯的那一刻起就 开始节能。在其整个使用寿命期间,它们使用的 电量更少,为您节省更多电费。节能的级别因每 个灯泡型号和技术而异。
12 NC: 9290 001 64202
飞利浦 MASTER LED 市电电压聚光灯
7 瓦 (50 瓦)
GU10 清爽白
技术先进的 LED 灯具,用柔和的白光展现物体
可持续发展的选择 • 从开灯的那一刻起开始节能 轻松回收 • 安全适用任何房间,并且方便回收 安心无忧 • 立即节能高达 80% • 我们的 LED 技术令灯泡至少可持续使用 25,000 小时 值得您的信赖 • 您可以信赖飞利浦包装盒上的描述 转动按钮调校光线 • 即时启动



PLEASE READTHIS USER GUIDE BEFORE INSTALLING, OPERATING OR PERFORMING MAINTENANCE ON THE ILLUMINATOR UNIT PRODUCT USER GUIDESirius Illuminator RangeE357731Rev: C3Thank you for purchasing this UFO illuminator/luminaire.To ensure that the illuminator is set up optimally and gives a long service life, please read this user guide before installing, operating or performing any maintenance on the unit.Please keep this User Guide for future reference. This User Guide is laid out in three sectionsInstallation -details on how to connect your luminaireOperation - details how to programme and set up your luminaireMaintenance - maintenance log, troubleshooting guide, technical specificationMODELS COVERED BY THIS USER GUIDEUFOSIRCW UFOSIRCW-C UFOCIRCW-T UFOSIRCW-Cs UFOSIRCW-TsUFOSIRSW UFOSIRSW-C UFOSIRSW-T UFOSIRSW-Cs UFOSIRSW-TsUFOSIRNW UFOSIRNW-C UFOSIRNW-T UFOSIRNW-Cs UFOSIRNW-TsUFOSIRWW UFOSIRWW-C UFOSIRWW-T UFOSIRWW-Cs UFOSIRWW-TsUFOSIRGW UFOSIRGW-C UFOSIRGW-T UFOSIRGW-Cs UFOSIRGW-TsUFOSIRGW27UFOSIRGW27-C UFOSIRGW27-T UFOSIRGW27-Cs UFOSIRGW27-Ts IMPORTANTThis product must be installed in accordance with the applicable installation code, by a person familiar with the construction and operation of the product, and the hazards involved.These illuminators are not mains dimmable.The LED array and heatsink in this illuminator can be replaced when it reaches end of life. Contact UFO for details.Type Y Attachment: If the external flexible cable or cord of this luminaire or associatedPSU/driver is damaged, it shall be exclusively replaced by the manufacturer or his service agent or a similar qualified person to avoid a hazard.Location: Do not locate this illuminator closer than 200mm from any flammable surface.Clearance / Ventilation: It is imperative that a gap of 200mm is left around the unit. This is to allow air to circulate and prevent overheating. The location must have free ventilation and must not have an ambient temperature higher than that specified for the luminaire.Mounting: This luminaire comes with an integral mounting plate for securing the unit to a vertical or horizontal surface. Refer to the instruction sheet supplied with the plate. Warning: Never look directly at the luminaire through the fiber port of the illuminator. Warning: The luminaire should be positioned so that prolonged staring into theluminaire at a distance closer than 2.7 metres is not expected.23UFO LIGHTING1. Manual dimming - local and remote2. No sensor, manual decorative wheel control (wheel speeds 0.5rpm, 1.2rpm, 2.4rpm, 4rpm, 7.5rpm and stop), stop on random color3. Sensor, manual decorative wheel control (wheel speeds 1.6rpm, 2.6rpm, 3.75rpm, 5.5rpm and stop), stop on 1 color4. DMX dimming5. No sensor - DMX decorative wheel control, adjustable speed from stop up to 7.5rpm + LED and fan on/off6. Sensor - DMX decorative wheel control, snap colors andadjustable speed from stop up to 7.5rpm + LED and fan on/off 7. No sensor - 0-10v decorative wheel control, adjustable speed from stop up to 7.5rpm - channel 1 (receiving)8. Sensor - 0-10v decorative wheel control, snap colors andadjustable speed from stop up to 7.5rpm - channel 1 (receiving)9. 0-10V dimming – channel 2 (receiving) - two versions, standard and emergency lightThe Sirius is a 90W white light LED illuminator with optional decorative wheel capability. The Sirius LED illuminator driver PCB has all the control functionality fitted as standard. The following control functionality and configurations are available.MODEL TYPESThe Sirius LED illuminator incorporates a range of LED arrays focussed through a series of static lenses to provide optimum display and illumination within the following optical range.MODEL TYPES [CONT ]SIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE4CONNECTIONS AND CONTROLS OVERVIEW0-10VDIMMING DMX 24V DC INPUT MANUAL DIMMINGMANUALDMX ADDRESS AND CONTROLMOUNTING FEETThe illuminator is supplied with non-slip rubber feet pre-fitted the base of the unit. Alsoin the box there are 2 x user fixable mounting brackets which allow for the illuminator tobe securely mounted to a wall or other surface if necessary.To fit these feet, remove the 4 rubber feet from the base of the unit and retain the screws.The wall mounting brackets are supplied as a pair - one left and one right hand. Positionthe brackets over the holes that have been left empty by the rubber feet and fix in placewith the removed screws.The illuminator can now be fixed to the mounting surface.5SIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE6CONNECTION - FOR LOCAL MANUAL OPERATIONThere are 2 connections required – the fiber port and the mains supply cable. The fiber port should be connected first. Connect and secure the fiber optic connector into the collar and secure using the M5 locking screw.Connect the PSU to the DC input jack socket on the illuminator, and connect the IEC plug to the PSU. Plug the mains plug into the electrical supply socket. Switch on power. The LED Indicator on the PSU will illuminate and the illuminator is ready for use. If no light is produced consult the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this user guide.CONNECTION - FOR LOCAL MANUAL OPERATION There are 3 connections required – the fiber port, the remote dimmer cable and the mains supply cable. The fiber port should beconnected first. Connect and secure the fiber optic connector into the collar and secure using the M5 locking screw. Connect the RJ45 connector on the end of the remote dimmer cable as detailed below into the right hand RJ45 socket (0-10V dimming) on the side of the illuminator.Connect the PSU to the DC input jack socket on the illuminator, and connect the IEC plug to the PSU. Plug the mains plug into the electrical supply socket. Switch on power. The LEDIndicator on the PSU will illuminate and the illu-minator is ready for use. If no light isproduced consult the TROUBLESHOOTINGsection of this user guide.7There are 3 connections required – the fiber port, the mains supply cable and the DMX cables. The fiber port should be connected first. Connect and secure the fiber optic connector into the aluminium collar and secure using the M5 locking screw.Connect the PSU to the DC input jack socket on the illuminator, and connect the IEC plug to the PSU. Plug the mains plug into the electrical supply socket. Switch on power. The LED Indicator on the PSU will illuminate and the illuminator is ready for use. If no light is produced consult the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this user guide.Connect to the 3 pin XLR sockets on the side panel as detailed below using an approved DMX cable.Only approved DMX cables should be used.Always “daisy chain” a DMX universe. Never use a T joint in a DMX universe unless using an approved interface.It is always recommended that the last illuminator output in the DMX universe or cable run be terminated with a 120 ohm resistor across DMX+ and DMX-.SIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE8There are 3 connections required – the fiber port, the mains supply cable and the 0-10V cable. The fiber port should be connected first. Connect and secure the fiber optic connector into the aluminium collar and secure using the M5 locking screw.Connect the PSU to the DC input jack socket on the illuminator, and connect the IEC plug to the PSU. Plug the mains plug into the electrical supply socket. Switch on power. The LED Indicator on the PSU will illuminate and the illuminator is ready for use. If no light is produced consult the TROUBLESHOOTING section of this user guide.Connect the 0-10V RJ45 as detailed below using CAT5 cable.Note : for emergency light functionality, the mains supply for the illuminator must bemaintained so that failure of the mains supply to the 0-10V controller will result in the illumina-0-10V RJ45 Connections:-VE RJ45 Brown/White (Pin 7) +VE RJ45 Blue/White (Pin 5)POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTSThe LED illuminator is powered from a 24V DC PSU/Constant Voltage SELV LED driver.The driver caters for UK/European/other mains supplies using the relevant power cord supplied.9UFO LIGHTINGLOCAL WHITE LIGHT DIMMINGAll Sirius models in the range can be manually controlled as detailed in the following sections.Note: For all manual operation modes, dip switch 10 must be set to on.During normal manual white light operation, the illuminator can be dimmed from 0 to 100% using the manual dimming control on the side panel.EMERGENCY WHITE LIGHT DIMMINGDuring normal manual white light operation the emergency light configured illuminator can be dimmed from maximum light at 0%, to no light at 10% then again up to maximum light at 100% using the manual dimming control on the side panel.DECORATIVE COLOR OR TWINKLE WHEEL CONTROL - WITHOUT SENSORDuring normal manual decorative operation the illuminator can be dimmed from 0 to 100% using the manual dimming control and the motor can be controlled from stop to 5 speeds (see table below) using the push button manual motor control on the side panel.Note: When manually selecting stop (switch position 6) the decorative wheel will stop instantly on a random color (color wheel) or a random section of the twinkle wheelREMOTE WHITE LIGHT DIMMINGDuring remote manual white light operation, the illuminator can be dimmed from 0 to 100% using the remote dimming control.Note : For remote manual dimming operation, dip switch 10 on the illuminator must be set to on and the local manual dimming control on the side of the illuminator must be turned to mini-mum (fully counter clockwise)SIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE10DECORATIVE TWINKLE WHEEL CONTROL - WITH SENSORDuring normal manual decorative operation the illuminator can be dimmed from 0 to 100% using the manual dimming control and the motor can be controlled with stop + 4 speeds ranging from very slow to fast using the push button manual motor control on the side panel.Note: For this configuration the twinkle wheel is supplied with a cut out segment. The wheel in motion will give an uninterrupted twinkle by rotating backwards and forwards either side of the segment. When stop is selected the wheel will come to rest at the segment giving unobstructed white light output.DECORATIVE COLOR WHEEL CONTROL - WITH SENSORDuring normal manual decorative operation the illuminator can be dimmed from 0 to 100% using the manual dimming control and the motor can be controlled from stop to 4 speeds (see table below) using the push button manual motor control on the side panel.Note: When manually selecting stop (switch position 5) the decorative wheel will automatically return to color 1 (normally white)DMX OPERATIONEach Sirius occupies 3 DMX channels• Channel 1 dimming• Channel 2 decorative wheel control • Channel 3 LED and fan ON/OFF controlDecorative wheel DMX functions are different depending on decorative model. More details on individual DMX channels and values are provided in the following DMX tablesNote : For ALL DMX operations, DIP switch 10 on the illuminator must be set to off, the correct DMX address must be set (switches 1-9) and the XLR plug(s) must be plugged into the XLR sockets on the side panel.11LIGHTINGSETTING THE DMX ADDRESSBecause the Sirius occupies 3 DMX channels, when setting addresses on multiple illuminators the addresses must be selected to give 3 channel separation. For example, if the first address is 009, the next address must be at least 012, the next address must be at least 015 and so on. Any illuminators with the same address will operate identically under DMX control.The DMX address is set manually using the DIP switch on the side panel of the Sirius. Each DIP switch number (1 to 9) represents a binary number which when added together make up the DMX address as shown in the table below.WHITE LIGHT DIMMINGThe illuminator can be dimmed on DMX channel 1 and controlled on DMX channel 3 as detailed in Table A. DMX Channel 2 is redundant.Alternatively use the online calculator from link below: /calc.aspSIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE12The Illuminator can be controlled as detailed in Table ASIRIUS DMX CHANNELS - TABLE AEach Sirius occupies 3 DMX channels as detailed below.DECORATIVE COLOR OR TWINKLE WHEEL CONTROL - WITH SENSORFor this configuration of a decorative wheel with sensor:• The Twinkle wheel has a cut-out segment. The wheel in motion will give an uninterrupted twinkle by rotating backwards and forwards either side of the cut-out segment. When stopped the wheel will return to the cut-out segment and display unobstructed white light • The color wheel when stopped will return to color wheel segment 1 (normally white) The Illuminator can be controlled as detailed in Table B for Color Wheel with sensor and Table C for Twinkle Wheel with sensorDECORATIVE COLOR OR TWINKLE WHEEL CONTROL - NO SENSORFor this configuration of a decorative wheel without sensor:• The Twinkle wheel is solid with no cut out segment. The wheel in motion will give a continu-ous twinkle effect. When stopped the wheel will remain in front of the LED array giving an ob-structed white light output• The color wheel when stopped will display the color where it stoppedThe illuminator decorative wheel can be controlled on DMX channel 2 as shown in table A.SIRIUS DMX CHANNELS - TABLE BEach Sirius occupies 3 DMX channels as detailed below.13 LIGHTINGSIRIUS DMX CHANNELS - TABLE CEach Sirius occupies 3 DMX channels as detailed below:14SIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE15UFO LIGHTINGSTANDARD WHITE LIGHT DIMMINGOnce the Sirius illuminator has been set up and connected as detailed above the illuminator can be dimmed from 0 (0 Volts DC) to 100% (10V DC) with a receiving 0-10V signal.EMERGENCY WHITE LIGHT DIMMINGOnce the Sirius illuminator has been set up and connected as detailed above the illuminator can be dimmed with a receiving 0-10V signal as detailed in the table below:Note: In this configuration when the mains supply to the 0-10V controller fails, the illuminator will illuminate fully as an emergency light.For ALL 0-10V operation control DIP switch 10 on the Sirius illuminator side panel must be set to ON and in addition:• For 0-10V dimming the Manual Dimming Control on the Sirius illuminator side panel must be set to minimum (fully counter clockwise) and the RJ45 plug must be plugged into the right hand (0-10V dimming) RJ45 socket on the side panel.• For 0-10V decorative wheel control the Manual Motor Control on the Sirius illuminator side panel must be set to STOP and the RJ45 plug must be plugged into the left hand (0-10V motor.SIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE16DECORATIVE COLOR OR TWINKLE WHEEL CONTROL - WITH SENSOROnce the Sirius illuminator has been set up and connected as detailed above the illuminator decorative wheel can be controlled with a receiving 0-10V signal as detailed in the following table:DECORATIVE COLOR OR TWINKLE WHEEL CONTROL - NO SENSOROnce the Sirius illuminator has been set up and connected as detailed above the illuminator decorative wheel can be controlled with a receiving 0-10V signal from stop at 0V to 7.5rpm at 10VNote: For this configuration the twinkle wheel is solid without a cut out segment.DECORATIVE TWINKLE WHEEL CONTROL - WITH SENSOROnce the Sirius illuminator has been set up and connected as detailed above the illuminator decorative wheel can be controlled with a receiving 0-10V signal to give stop (0V DC) to varying speeds (0.5 to 10V DC) ranging from very slow to fast.Note: For this configuration of a twinkle wheel with sensor, the wheel is supplied with a cut out segment. The wheel in motion will give an uninterrupted twinkle by rotating backwards and for-wards either side of the segment. When 0V is selected the wheel will come to rest at the segment giving unobstructed white light output.MAINTENANCELOGMAINTENANCE17 LIGHTINGTROUBLESHOOTINGSIRIUS RANGE USER GUIDE18[1] - white light manual dimming version / [2] - decorative manual motor version / [3] - DMX only [4] - decorative or dimming 0-10V control / [5] - dimming 0-10V control / [6] - 0-10V controlTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION19UFO LIGHTINGDESIGNSPECIFYBUILDINSTALLUnited Kingdom •United States • Germany •Europe • UAEUFO Licht GmbH\ Gutenbergstraße 185737 Munchen \ Deutschland+49 (0)9491 955880 www.ufo-licht.deUniversal Fiber Optics USA LLC\\Universal Fiber Optics Ltd \\。



L E D射灯的使用说明(总1页)
1. LED射灯使用低压直流电即可驱动:具有负载小、干扰弱的优点,对使用环境要求较低。

2. LED射灯能够较好地控制发光光谱组成,从而能够很好地用于博物馆以及展览馆中的局部或重点照明。

3. LED射灯的发光指向性非常强:亮度衰减比传统光源低很多,LED射灯价格平民化。

4. LED射灯响应时间非常快:在微秒级别,只要开关一开,马上就会亮,不会出现延迟的和闪烁的现象。

5. LED射灯的发出的光线能量集中度很高:集中在较小的波长窗口内,纯度高。


7. 环保性好,LED射灯在生产过程中不要添加“汞”,也不需要充气,不需要玻璃外壳,抗冲击性好,抗震性好,不易破碎,便于运输,非常环保,被称为”绿色能源”,LED射灯价格平民化。

8. 节能, LED射灯的光谱几乎全部集中于可见光频段,其发光效







1. 输入电压:AC90-240V
2. 光源:LED灯珠
3. 灯体功率:18W
4. 色温:3000K/4200K/6400K可选
5. 输出光通量:1350Lm
6. 环境温度:-20℃-40℃
7. 灯体效率:75Lm/W
8. 寿命:>30000小时
9. 发光角度:28°/38°可选
10. 外观颜色:银色/金色
1. 将LED射灯安装在指定位置,确保灯体稳固,避免晃动或掉落。

2. 根据需要选择合适的色温,通过调节开关或遥控器进行控制。

3. 使用过程中请避免长时间打开或关闭,以免影响寿命。

4. 请定期清洁灯罩表面,保持干净整洁。

1. 请勿在潮湿环境下使用LED射灯,以免造成短路或损坏。

2. 请勿随意拆卸或改装LED射灯,以免造成安全隐患。

3. 请勿在高温环境下使用LED射灯,以免影响寿命或造成损坏。

4. 请勿将LED射灯长时间直射人眼,以免造成视力损伤。



ApplicationDownlightPanel LightFlood LightSpotlightCeiling LightFloor LightDecorative LightSummaryProduct FeaturesEUP30D-1HMC-0 (Product No.:102100250101)Technical Paramaters220VAC-240VAC 50/60Hz87%@230VAC,Full load ≥0.95@230VAC,Full load Cold start,28A(twidth=30us measured at 50% Ipeak)@230VAC 0.17Amax@230VAC IP20-20℃~50℃-40℃~85℃, 20-90%RH 90℃EN50515,EN61000-3-2 Class C,IEC61000-3-3,GB/T17743EN61000-4-2,3,4,5,6,8,11 EN61547,GB17625.1IEC/EN61347-1,IEC/EN61347-2-13,GB19510.1,GB19510.14,L-N:500VI/P-O/P: 3000VAC/1min/5mAPC 30,000h@tc:80℃0.1%-100% Dimming to off50V Max±5%<3%DALI /Touch DIM(Push DIM)>15,000 times1550mA/9-45VDC/24.75W 650mA/9-45VDC/29.25W 600mA/9-45VDC/27W 700mA/9-43VDC/30.1W 750mA/9-40VDC/30W 850mA/9-35VDC/29.75W800mA/9-38VDC/30.4W900mA/9-34VDC/30.6W<10%@230VAC, Full load EUP30D-1HMC-0SurgeWithstand VoltageIEC 62386-101: 2014, IEC 62386-102: 2014; IEC 62386-207: 2009, DALI 1.0DALI Standard Safety Standards EMC Eission EMC Immunity tc LifetimeMaterialDimming Range IP Rating Working Temp.Storage Temp., Humidity Dimming Type Switch Cycle Warranty Condition 3 Years No load output voltageEfficiency AC Current(max)Standby power <0.5WInrush Current(max)THD(full load)Current(mA)/Voltage (VDC)Power(W)Ripple CurrentChannel Current Tolerance VoltageFrequency Range(Hz)Power Factor Short CircuitOver Load Over temperature Close output, recovers automatically after fault removedShut down the output, recovers automatically when temp. back to normal.When the output voltage is exceeded, the output current decreases and, recovers automatically when the load is reduced.Safety&EMCOthersFunctionModelOutputInputProtectionNet weight: 155g±5%/PCS; 50PCS/Carton; 8.25kg±5%/Carton; Carton Size : 319*254*136mm(L*W*H)Packing(weight)150*42.5*28.5mm (L*W*H )DimensionEUP30D-1HMC-0 is a 30W AC/DC constant current mode output LED driver featuring the multiple levels selectable by DIP switch and complies with DALI standard protocol IEC 62386. EUP30D-1HMC-0 can be connected to DALI main controller or Touch DIM to a chieve a smooth dimming effect.·Single channel output, output current level selectable by DIP S.W.·Meet DALI Protocol IEC 62386·Support Touch-DIM function ·High efficiency up to 87%·Built-in active PFC function ·Dimming effect smooth, no flicker·Protections: Short circuit, over load, over temperature·Suitable for indoor LED lighting application, such as down light, panel light, and so onCurrent Selection TableRemark: Function default setting is: 550mA (@switch are all OFF state)DALI WiringPush DIM(Touch DIM) DiagramPush DIM Function1. Press the Push DIM (Touch DIM) switch for 8s or more,the driver can be controlled via Push DIM switch.2. Short press the Push DIM (Touch DIM) switch (<0.5s) to control the lamp on or off.3. Long press the Push DIM (Touch DIM) switch (>0.5s) to dim the brightness of light. The dimming direction will change every time after pressing switch.4. Double-click the Push DIM (Touch DIM) switch (<0.3s), then all lamps connected on the device will be set maximum brightness.5. The brightness adjustment range is 1%-100%, and the light can be turned off through short pressing when doing the adjustment with long pressing Push DIM (Touch DIM) switch.6. With the Power off memory function, the power-down state will be recovered when power on again.DALI DiagramRemark: Only use open push button without indicator light. Maximum cable length between each Unit: 20 meters.※ The contents of this manual are updated without prior notice. If the function of the product you are using is inconsistent with the instructions, the function of the product shall prevail.Please contact us if you have any questions .Dimming CurveCautionsDerating CurveAmbient Temperature(℃)-20020406080100120L o a d (%)-10010203040506020406080100120DALI Dimming LevelO u t p u t C u r r e n t (%)1.This product should be installed by qualified personnel.2.This product is non waterproof, need to avoid sun and rain.In case of outdoor use, please ensure it is mounted in a water proof enclosure.3.Good heat dissipation conditions extend product life. Please install the product in a well-ventilated environment.4.Please make sure LED power supply output voltage, current is used to meet the product requirements.5.Please ensure that adequate sized cable is used from the controller to the LED lights to carry the current. Please also ensure that the cable is secured tightly in the connector.6.Due to safety concerns, PVC or rubber cord of 0.75- 1.5mm ² is recommended for input and output terminal(s)(excluding signal terminals). Flat power cord is not suitable.Ensure all wire connections and polarities are correct before applying power to avoid any damages to the LED lights.7.In case of malfunction, do not repair it yourself.220VAC-240VAC 50/60Hz87%@230VAC, 满载≥0.95@230VAC, 满载<0.5W冷启动, 28A(在 50%Ipeak 下测twidth=14us)@230VAC 0.17Amax@230VAC 150*42.5*28.5mm (长*宽*高)IP20-20℃~50℃-40℃~85℃, 20-90%RH 85℃PC 30,000小时@tc:75℃0.1%-100% 变暗直至关闭50V Max±5%<3%>15,000次1<10%@230VAC, 满载EUP30D-1HMC-0浪涌耐压标准DALI标准安全标准电磁兼容EMC 抗扰度tc寿命材质调光范围尺寸包装尺寸(重量)防水等级工作温度储存温度、湿度调光方式开关周期3年质保空载输出电压效率待机功耗电流浪涌电流THD 电流/电压/功率波纹电流通道电流精度电压频率功率因素短路过载过温关断输出,移除故障后自恢复关闭输出,温度恢复后, 电源正常工作。









三、使用方法使用八眼射灯前,请务必先阅读使用说明,并按照以下步骤进行操作:1. 连接电源将八眼射灯的电源插头插入相应的电源插座,并确认灯光指示灯是否亮起,表示设备已正常供电。

2. 打开开关按下开关按钮,启动八眼射灯,此时灯光开始工作。

3. 调节亮度通过旋钮或按钮,调节八眼射灯的亮度,适应不同场景的需求。

4. 选择模式根据需要,选择八眼射灯的工作模式。


5. 切换颜色八眼射灯可以呈现多种不同的颜色。


四、注意事项在使用八眼射灯时,请遵守以下几点注意事项,以确保使用安全和不损坏设备:1. 避免过度使用八眼射灯虽然具有强大的照明效果,但过度使用可能会导致灯珠过热,影响寿命。


2. 防止水和潮气八眼射灯属于室内照明设备,不适用于室外使用。


3. 避免剧烈震动八眼射灯具有一定的灵敏度,需要放置在稳固的支架上,避免受到剧烈震动,以免影响正常使用和寿命。

4. 定期保养定期清理八眼射灯的灯罩和散热孔,保持良好的散热效果。


五、常见问题及解决方法在使用八眼射灯过程中,可能会遇到一些常见问题,下面列举几个常见问题及相应的解决方法:1. 八眼射灯亮度不稳定可能是电源供应不稳定,可以检查电源线是否松动、插座是否正常,或更换电源供应。

KTV 长条射灯说明书

KTV 长条射灯说明书

KTV 长条射灯说明书














它采用LED (Light Emitting Diode)作为光源,具有寿命长、节能环保等特点。






















LED PAR30射灯使用说明书一、技术参数产品型号; P30-35W-3000K输入电压:AC 85-265V 50-60Hz输出功率:≤35W效率:≥85%功率因素:≥0.9光通量:≥110ml/W显指:≥85色温:3000K 4000K 6000K发光角度:15°°°灯珠数量: 16 PCS使用温度: 0℃-35℃贮藏温度: -10℃- +55℃外形尺寸:Φ95*120mm二、应用场所:本产品配标准E27灯头,直径95mm,可替换传统PAR30光源的最佳选择适用于汽车展示、珠宝首饰、星级酒店、品牌服装、高档会所、陶瓷卫浴展厅、连锁商场、品牌营业厅、陶瓷卫浴展厅、博物馆、家私卖场等重点照明场所,是替代传统卤钨灯和金卤灯的理想光源。

三、产品特点:LED PAR30是一款紧凑型LED射灯,结合OSRAM系列16颗灯珠独特的配光,可产生高质量的光线,比传统卤素灯光源节能约50%。


PAR30 LED射灯外观简洁时尚,永不变色。


LED PAR30射灯该产品采用高亮度低衰欧司朗LED发光管作为光源,低压恒流驱动,安全可靠,耗电少,寿命长。

LED PAR30射灯优异的光学设计使得整个灯具出光效率高,发光均匀。


LED PAR30射灯在使用过程中操作简单,瞬间点亮,无频闪、无鸣音、无铅、汞等有害物质。





输入电压In put voltage : AC90-240V 光源LED qua ntity : LED 9 pcs 灯体功率power : 18W 色温Color temperature : 3000k/4200k/6400k输出光通量Luminous flux : 1350Lm 环境温度Ambient temperature : -20°C -+40°C 灯体效率Efficiency : 75Lm/W 寿命Lifetime : >30000 hours 发光角度Beam angle : 28/38 ° 外观颜色Fixture color : 银色/金Silver/Golde n103.2mm显色指数Ra :138mm158.5mm138mm158.5mm138mm103.2mm 158.5mm158.5mm158.5mm75-90产品尺寸图Ptoduct Size :产品特点Characteristics : 材质工艺:采用导热性极高的铝合金及专利结构技术设ELU99卜A103 2mm◎使用光源:一律采用低光衰的大功率的LED作为光源,以确保其长寿命、节能、高效、环保的特点防触电等级:11级配光方式:光面(强光玻珠面(半强光雾面(柔光配光种类:28 738。

安装地点:室内Material tech ni cs:Aviati on alumi num of hingh heat con du- ctivity and pate ned configuration technics lighting source: Low light attenuation and high power LED to make sure long lifetime, energy-saving , high efficiency and pro-environment Antielectric shock rate: Class IILens surface: Tran spare nt surface(high bright bead surface (bright fog-effect surface(lambe ncy Beam an gle: 28/38 °installati on place: in door应用场所Application :适用于汽车展示、珠宝首饰、高档服装、专业橱窗等重点照明场所,是替代传统卤素灯和金卤灯的理想光源Suitable for carjewelry and cloth ing display;ca n be in show windon s,shop coun ters and other lighting locations It is the ideal lighting source for the replacement market of conven ti onal haloge n lamps and metal halide lamps技术参数Technic Parameters :ZB-D901-18Professio nalLEDLight in gE nterprise 專業LED 照明生產商en vir onmen tal en ergyU n R e gi s t e r e d输入电压In put voltage : AC90-240V 光源LED qua ntity : LED 12 pcs 灯体功率power : 12W 色温Color temperature : 3000k/4200k/6400k输出光通量Luminous flux : 970Lm 环境温度Ambient temperature : -20°C -+40°C 灯体效率Efficiency : 80Lm/W 寿命Lifetime : >30000 hours 发光角度Beam angle : 28/38 °外观颜色Fixture color : 银色Silver显色指数Ra :75-90产品尺寸图Ptoduct Size :产品特点Characteristics : 材质工艺:采用导热性极高的铝合金及专利结构技术设计生产使用光源:一律采用低光衰的大功率的LED作为光源,以确保其长寿命、节能、高效、环保的特点防触电等级:11级配光方式:光面(强光玻珠面(半强光雾面(柔光配光种类:28 738。

飞利浦PHILIPS LED深嵌防眩射灯4W-11W说明书

飞利浦PHILIPS LED深嵌防眩射灯4W-11W说明书

https:///zh-cn 2021年8月 印刷于上海本资料所列数据仅供参考,具体产品数据以产品说明书为准,如有更改恕不另行通知昕诺飞控股版权所有,未经许可,禁止全部及部分复制*本手册所有数据来源于昕诺飞实验室。

7W 500/550lm Ø75mm 7W 78lm/W 80mmIP20CRI ≥ 90 SDCM < 5 CCT : 2700K / 4000K24度220-240V ~ 50/60Hz0.5飞线设计高效率铝涂层反射器 + 压铸铝25,000 小时 (L70B50 @25°C )-20°C < Ta < +40°Cccc11W 950/1000lm Ø75mm 11W 90lm/W 80mm9W 700/750lm Ø75mm 9W 83lm/W 80mm产品参数4W 350/380lm Ø75mm 4W 95lm/W 80mm型号流明开孔尺寸功率光效产品高度防水防尘等级基本光学参数发光角度输入电压 / 频率PF 接线方式材质寿命工作温度认证 / 证书12NC929003073110929003073310929003073510929003073710929003073910929003074110929003074310929003074510功率流明产品型号订购信息LED 深嵌防眩射灯 4W 2700K 24D D75LED 深嵌防眩射灯 4W 4000K 24D D75LED 深嵌防眩射灯 7W 2700K 24D D75LED 深嵌防眩射灯 7W 4000K 24D D75LED 深嵌防眩射灯 9W 2700K 24D D75LED 深嵌防眩射灯 9W 4000K 24D D75LED 深嵌防眩射灯 11W 2700K 24D D75LED 深嵌防眩射灯 11W 4000K 24D D75350lm 380lm 500lm 550lm 700lm 750lm 950lm 1000lm显色指数开孔尺寸产品尺寸眩光指数IP等级4W7W9W 11W CRI ≥90UGR <6IP20Ø75mmØ84x80mm色温2700K 4000K 2700K 4000K 2700K 4000K 2700K 4000KCRI ≥90 高显指LED 显色指数高显色指数低深嵌防眩40°遮光角*40mm* 遮光角:又称保护角,是指光源发光体最外沿一点和灯具出光口边沿的连线与通过光源光中心的水平线之间的夹角。

阿尔特曼 Altman Chalice 70 单点 LED 嵌入式射灯 说明书

阿尔特曼 Altman Chalice 70 单点 LED 嵌入式射灯 说明书

1.01 Chalice 70 Recessed1. General1. The luminaire shall be a full spectrum fixed white LED downlight employing asingle 7,400 lumen emitter that is convection cooled. The Luminaire shall be theChalice 70 down light by Altman Stage Lighting, Inc. or approved equal.2. The luminaire shall incorporate a state of the art microprocessor-controlled solidstate LED light engine, and on-board power supply.3. The luminaire shall have the ability to house several different fixed white LEDchoices of 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, & 5000K each with an output of greater than92 CRI.4. The luminaire’s light source shall incorporate silent, convection cooling withoutemploying the use of fans or filters. Any luminaire not employing a light sourceconvection cooling shall not be accepted.5. The luminaire shall utilize a high efficiency reflector system to determine beamangle with Seven (7) different choices.6. IES Photometric files shall be available upon request from the manufacturer tomodel light output using the industry standard design software.7. For DMX controlled models: The luminaire shall comply with USITT DMX-512 Aand RDM ANSI E1.20 Standards.8. For Mains Dimmable models: The luminaire shall be able to be controlled from aphase cut dimming system in either forward or reverse phase (leading or trailingedge) and shall not require additional power sources for capacitance voltagecontrol.9. The luminaire shall be constructed of a spun aluminum housing with steel fittingsand attachment components, all free of pits and burrs.10. Standard finish shall be Epoxy Sandex White, electrostatic application. Theluminaire shall be available with optional Black and additional custom colorfinishes available upon request.11. Each luminaire’s power supply, cooling and electronics shall be integral to eachunit.12. The housing shall serve as a directional chimney to guide heat away from theLED array, integral driver and integral power supply.13. The LED substrate is coupled to a highly efficient heat sink and cooling systemfor prolonged life of the LEDs.14. The luminaire shall be capable of, dependent upon model: both new constructionand remodel installations. This luminaire shall have the capability for mountingeither new construction or remodel units, and shall be interchangeable betweenthe two different mounting types. Units not employing these mountingdifferentials shall not be accepted.2. Electrical1. Supply Voltage shall be 120 to 277VAC, 50/60Hz. (+/- 10% auto-ranging)2. The luminaires current draw shall not exceed 0.58 amps (120VAC) or 0.31 amps(220VAC) or 0.25 amps (277VAC) luminaires that do not meet these criteria shallnot be accepted.3. The light engine source shall be one (1) 2700K, 3000K, 4000K, or 5000K, 70Watt LED chip.4. The luminaire shall be cETLus listed.3. Control1. The DMX luminaire shall be equipped with an LED system compatible withstandard 8-bit input, and utilizing PWM high resolution dimming.2. The Mains Dimmable luminaire shall be equipped with an LED control systemcompatible with both forward and reverse phase dimming systems, and utilizing aPWM high resolution dimming.3. The luminaire shall interact seamlessly with conventional sources.4. The luminaire shall be digitally driven using high-speed Pulse Width Modulation(PWM)5. The DMX luminaire shall have a local control keypad with an LED display forconfiguration and control of:1. DMX-512A device address2. Luminaire personality3. Stand Alone operation6. It shall be possible to lock out the control keypad on the DMX model on theluminaire to prevent accidental change in luminaire configuration. Locking andunlocking the luminaire shall be via a predefined key sequence.7. Luminaire shall have an available “Master” function to provide control of intensityof additional luminaires on the DMX string, when applicable.8. Luminaire shall provide full range dimming performance based upon its DMXinput control signal and configuration and shall be equipped with an LED systemcompatible with standard 8-bit input, with high resolution dimming.9. The luminaire shall be capable of standalone operation, activated and configuredat the keypad.4. Physical1. The Chalice 70 Downlight LED Light shall not exceed 12-inches in height by 6-inches in diameter, and shall be able to mount to the optional remodeler ring ornew construction tray.2. The addition of optional add on reflectors shall not protrude past the outerhousing of the luminaire. Optional reflectors shall include the options for 20, 29,39, 46, 51, 64, & 91 degrees.3. The construction of the unit shall be a machined aluminum, sheet metal andmolded engineering grade plastic.4. The luminaire shall be capable of, dependent upon model: Pendant Mounting,Aircraft Cable Mounting, Yoke Mounting, or Wall Mounting.5. Environmental1. Maximum operating ambient temperature shall not exceed 104 degreesFahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius).2. A convective cooling system shall be employed to maintain the optimaloperating temperature of the luminaire’s LED.3. Luminaires shall be low maintenance and environmentally friendly, all units shallbe mercury free.4. The unit shall be listed as a NON-IC and shall conform to listings thereof.END CHALICE 70 SINGLE POINT RECESSED LUMINAIRE SPECIFICATION。



射灯产品使⽤说明书★产品特点:1,MR16灯头灯具安装:2,E27灯头灯具安装:3,GU10灯头灯具安装:备注:1,灯具安装15CM范围内不适放电器.2,正确区分电源驱动器上输出端与输⼊端,不能接反.3,需要正确连接光源对应的正负极与驱动或电源的正负级,否则将可能导致光源不亮或损坏驱动.★灯具安装⽅法:1,家居及公共场所照明,装饰2,别墅,酒店,⾼档宾馆,娱乐场所照明,装饰★应⽤范围:5,防潮:LED灯具要存放在⼲燥透风的环境中,储存环境温度控制在23±5℃,相对湿度控制在40-70%; 6,不要使⽤不明的化学液体清洗LED灯具,这样可能会损伤LED树脂表⾯,甚⾄引起树脂裂痕,如有必7,在安装过程中,要注意安装地是否稳固,是否可以永久承受灯具的重量。




特别是在超过绝对最⼤额定的电流和电压时,会损害或破坏产品且发⽣危险.在使⽤产品必须安装相对应的驱动电源.或者相配套驱动与电源:★ LED灯具使⽤过程中的注意事项:2,装灯具前⼀定要注意对应的电源电压。



产品使⽤说明书1,造型美观,线条流畅. 2,⾊彩靓丽,⾼雅⼤⽓.3,光⾊纯净,柔和,绚丽 4,性能稳定,安全可靠.5,减排节能,寿命长. 6,安装简便,适⽤性⼴.民巨照明灯具插⼊底座,如不亮,请转180度安装U n R e g i s t e r e d★ Product characteristics:1,Shape beauty, lines flowing freely. 2 , beautiful color and elegant atmosphere3,optics color pure soft and gorgeous. 4, stable performance and safety is dependable5,save energy ,economy and spanlife long. 6, install simple, wide compatibility.★led light install method:1,MR16 lamp receptacle installs:It isn't suitable to put a machine within 15 cm of the lamp install area .2, Accurate partitioning power supply driver output port and input port , please not incapability connects anti.3, Need accurate connectivity light source plus or minus polar with drive or power supply of plus or minus, otherwise will may cause light source anti bright or failure drive.★ Notice regulation in the process of use:1,Before using the light,user must note to check whether the lamp was broken or loosed.2,Before using the light,user must note to check the voltage,make sure the power supply is match.3, strictly forbid to change light source and dismantle to unload structure and closeness piece with the variations.4, if want store after using up , need to wipe the surface clean.5, Notice defend tide :The LED light should be deposited into dry ventilated environment.environment temperature is controled within 18 ℃-28 ℃. relative humidity is controled in 40-70%6, strictly forbid clear led light by chemistry liquid , may hurt LED resin surface and spark resin crack, if necessity, please put LED light into alcohol Container under the normal temperature , time is within a minute.7,when installing , must note whether install is Firmness , whether can permanently bear the weight of lamp.8,this product is vs electrostatic sensitive product, need to be kept in mind specially on the use.Especially at exceed absolute maximum rating of current and voltage, will injure or baffled a product and take place risk.when use the products,must match the drive power supply.★ Application Range:1, home and the public place illuminate and decorate2, villa, hotel, the upscale guest house, The entertainment area illuminates, decorates 3, board room, the exhibition hall,The cmporium, the counter light,decorates Product manualMinju lightingU n R e g i s t e r e。

LED 射灯安装使用说明

LED 射灯安装使用说明

* 照度为距光源 0.5m 处的垂直照度
本灯具系采用单颗 1W 大功率 LED 作为光源,配以隔离
的 AC-DC 恒流驱动电源或 DC-DC 恒流驱动电源。灯体由金
型号 Model
尺寸 Dimension(mm)
单个包装尺寸(mm) Single Packing Size
外包装尺寸(mm) Outside Packing Size
装箱数量 Quantites (pcs/ctn)
电Байду номын сангаас数表
型号 Model
总功率 功率因数
Voltage(V)Frequency(Hz) Powe(r W) PF(λ) Illuminance(lx)View(indgegA)ngle
LED 射灯安装使用说明
发生故障或不亮,可进行维修。 2、技术指标 型 号:YHSDAB01; 电源电压:AC 220V,85~250V,AC/DC12~24V; LED 功率:1 W 功率因数:≥0.7 光 通 量:冷白色≥40 lm,暖白色≥35 lm 3、应用场所:商场柜台照明,橱窗照明,家庭装饰照明。 4、LED 系列射灯特点: a、使用寿命超长,维护成本极低; b、功耗低,高亮度,不发烫,低压电路与市电完全隔离, 使用安全,绿色环保; c、无紫外线和红外线,无闪烁,对眼睛和皮肤无任何危害; d、安装灵活方便; e、光色有冷白色和暖白色以及红、黄、琥珀黄、绿、蓝等。
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1. LED射灯使用低压直流电即可驱动:具有负载小、干扰弱的优点,对使用环境要求较低。

2. LED射灯能够较好地控制发光光谱组成,从而能够很好地用于博物馆以及展览馆中的局部或重点照明。

3. LED射灯的发光指向性非常强:亮度衰减比传统光源低很多,LED 射灯价格平民化。

4. LED射灯响应时间非常快:在微秒级别,只要开关一开,马上就会亮,不会出现延迟的和闪烁的现象。

5. LED射灯的发出的光线能量集中度很高:集中在较小的波长窗口内,纯度高。


7. 环保性好,LED射灯在生产过程中不要添加“汞”,也不需要充气,不需要玻璃外壳,抗冲击性好,抗震性好,不易破碎,便于运输,非常环保,被称为”绿色能源”,LED射灯价格平民化。

8. 节能, LED射灯的光谱几乎全部集中于可见光频段,其发光效率可达80~90%。


