Comprehensive and Fuzzy Study of Performance Evaluation on Green Marketing in Enterprises
考虑舒适性的公交乘客出行时间价值对比李田野;邵敏华【摘要】考虑公共交通乘客出行的舒适性因素,将车内拥挤程度作为衡量乘客舒适性的指标.选取上海市轨道交通乘客和常规公交乘客两个样本,通过嵌入式SP与RP 相结合的调查方法,分析得出车内拥挤程度分级阈值;通过标准Logit模型,分析得出不同车内拥挤程度下乘客出行时间价值;建立车内拥挤程度与时间价值的函数关系.%Considering the comfort factor of public transport passengers, congestion Level in metro/bus is used as an indicator in this paper to consider the influence of passengers' feeling in metro/bus to their realized travel cost. Metro and bus passengers are selected as two samples. Congestion level threshold in metro/bus is obtained by the integrated method of Stated Preference and Revealed Preference Survey. Value of time of passengers under different congestion level in metro/bus is obtained using standard Logit model. The relationship between the congestion in metro/bus and the value of time is given.【期刊名称】《交通科学与工程》【年(卷),期】2011(027)003【总页数】5页(P82-86)【关键词】公共交通;拥挤程度;时间价值;SP/RP调查【作者】李田野;邵敏华【作者单位】同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海201804;同济大学交通运输工程学院,上海201804【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U491.1作为一种基于消费者选择行为的时间价值研究,公共交通乘客的出行时间价值研究是合理制定票价政策、实现客流均衡的根本.目前,对于该类问题的调查方法主要有SP调查(Stated Preference Survey)、SP与 RP相结合的调查,如:关宏志[1]、刘志明[2].但只是将 RP 调查(Revealed Preference Survey)与SP调查简单地合并,并不能有效地克服SP调查自身的缺点.随着交通方式和线路的增多[3]以及乘客收入水平的提高,乘客舒适性的影响将不能忽视.因此,作者拟采用嵌入式SP与RP相结合的调查方法,对城市轨道交通和常规公交分别进行分析,以期得出车内拥挤程度分级标准,得到对应拥挤程度下的乘客出行时间价值,并给出车内拥挤程度与乘客出行时间价值的关系.1 乘客出行选择行为理论与问题分析1.1 乘客选择效用函数简介效用(Utility)是指消费某种物品或劳务带给消费者的满足程度.在乘客出行选择行为中,出行者以效用最大化为目标作出自己的选择.在描述人的选择行为中,效用函数包括两个部分:①可观测的部分;②随机部分.该效用函数被称为随机效用函数,表示为:式中:z表示作出选择的人;q表示选择集中的一个可选项;Vzq为可观测到的效用部分,表示为Vzq=βTxzq;εzq为随机效用部分.这里xzq是所观测到的变量,包括:选择主体的特性和选择客体的性质.向量β中的每个分量βz是要求解的模型的参数,反映了人们的效用对相应的xzq变量的敏感性.εzq表示效用函数的随机部分,它是指影响主体作出决策但不能被观测得到的部分[4].1.2 问题分析随着人民生活水平的提高和公共交通网络的日益完善,人们不仅关注出行时间和票价,对出行舒适性的要求也越来越高[5-7].但是,乘客舒适性对出行时间价值的影响缺乏相应的调查分析.为此,作者采用SP与RP相结合的调查方法,对表征乘客舒适性的指标——车内拥挤程度进行了调查,分别以上海市轨道交通和常规公交乘客为对象,对比分析其时间价值及车内拥挤程度对时间价值的影响.2 调查分析方法的提出2.1 SP与RP调查方法分析SP调查与RP调查是行为调查中常用的两种方法.其中:SP调查是指人们为了获得“对假定条件下的多个方案所表现出来的主观偏好”而进行的意愿调查,而针对某些已经实施的政策措施或已经存在的交通设施进行的对被调查者实际出行行为的调查被称为RP调查[8].SP调查与RP调查的优越性对比见表1.与时间、票价两个易量化、易描述的因素不同,车内拥挤程度是一个主、客观相结合的影响因素,如:沿用考虑时间、票价影响的常用SP调查方法,则对车内拥挤程度的情景假设难以描述,也容易造成被调查者对假设情景的困惑和误解.考虑这一因素的行为调查需要对传统SP调查进行改进,以提高假设情景的真实性.作者提出一种新的调查方法——嵌入RP的SP调查分析方法:将车内拥挤程度的RP调查嵌入到乘客选择意愿的SP调查中.这一方法既获取了乘客对于拥挤程度的主观判断结果,也为乘客的SP调查提供了一种身临其境的情景,使得SP调查的结果更贴近真实情况,从而提高数据的准确性.表1 SP调查与RP调查的优越性对比Table 1 Comparative advantages of SP and RP survey注:(*)表示优点.不能处理当前不存在的方案可从一个回答者得到多个数据(*)调查可以处理当前不存在的方案(*)SP调查 RP从一个回答者只能得到一个数据回答值未必和实际行动一致变量的测量不存在误差(*)2.2 拥挤程度分级阈值基于SP调查与RP调查的两种方法,将车内拥挤程度主观感受及选择意愿调查集中在一张问卷上.本次调查时间为2010年8月,地点在上海市轨道交通2,3和10号线车内及123和47路等公交车内,轨道交通采集有效问卷181份,地面公交采集有效问卷278份.车内拥挤程度的客观指标选择立席密度.车辆的立席密度为扣除坐席面积后车内站立乘客数与立席面积的比值.在国际上,对车辆立席标准可以概括为两种概念:①舒适度,定为3人/m2的标准;②拥挤度,定为6人/m2的标准.当前,中国也出现3种不同的立席密度标准:①《地铁设计规范》规定,车辆立席按6人/m2、超员按9人/m2考虑;②在《地铁车辆通用技术条件》中,车辆立席按6人/m2、超员按8人/m2考虑;③在某些城市的轨道交通建设标准中,车辆立席按5人/m2、超员按8人/m2考虑.但这些分级标准不能代表轨道交通乘客的主观偏好,而且对地面公交的拥挤程度缺乏划分标准.因此,利用该调查方法中嵌入的RP调查,将车内拥挤程度分为不拥挤、拥挤和非常拥挤3个等级,得到了车内拥挤程度的分级标准.具体的分级结果分别如图1,2所示.图1 轨道交通车内拥挤程度分级阈值Fig.1 Classification threshold of metro congestion degree图2 常规公交车内拥挤程度分级阈值Fig.2 Classification threshold of buscongestion degree从图1,2中可以看出,轨道交通车内拥挤程度分级阈值分别为5.6和8.4人/m2,常规公交车内拥挤程度分级阈值分别为3.6和6.2人/m2.3 乘客出行选择效用函数与时间价值3.1 出行选择效用函数研究进一步将调查所得数据按照立席密度标准分为不拥挤、拥挤和非常拥挤3类,分别采用标准Logit模型,该模型的表达式为:式中:Yi为第i等级拥挤程度情况下乘客选择某一线路的效用(以轨道交通为例,假设p表示立席密度,当0≤p<5.6人/m2时,i=1,不拥挤;当5.6≤p<8.4人/m2时,i=2,拥挤;当p≥8.4人/m2时,i=3,非常拥挤);C为乘客乘车的票价,元;T为乘客乘车的车内时间,min;Ci为常数项;βCi和βTi均为第i等级拥挤程度情况下票价与车内时间的系数,通过回归分析得到.对轨道交通的不拥挤、拥挤和非常拥挤情况进行Binary Logistic分析,得到Y1(表示不拥挤),Y2(表示拥挤)和Y3(表示非常拥挤):对常规公交的不拥挤、拥挤和非常拥挤情况进行Binary Logistic分析,得到Y1(表示不拥挤),Y2(表示拥挤),Y3(表示非常拥挤):3.2 乘客出行时间价值的概念及计算方法从经济学的角度来讲,时间[9]是一种稀缺资源,具有机会成本和价值.乘客出行时间价值其实就是乘客选择某条线路而不选择其他线路时所考虑的该条线路给自己所带来的个人效用增加量的货币表现[10-11].在不同拥挤程度下,时间价值(用VT表示)可以由公式进行计算:得到轨道交通乘客与常规公交乘客在不拥挤、拥挤和非常拥挤情况下的出行时间价值(元/h)分别见表2.表2 轨道交通乘客不同拥挤程度下的时间价值Table 2 Value of time under different congestion levels元/h拥挤程度不拥挤拥挤非常拥挤轨道交通乘客15.12 20.52 26.11常规公交乘客8.04 9.96 14.94从表2可以看出,在车厢内不拥挤的情况下,出行者愿意用15.12元换取1h出行时间的节约;而车内非常拥挤时,乘客甚至愿意花费26.11元来换取1h时间的节约.该现象表明:轨道交通出行者在进行出行选择时,不仅受出行时间和票价的影响,车内拥挤程度也会产生较大影响.不同的车内拥挤程度对应不同的时间价值,假设货币价值不变,拥挤程度的增加带来了出行者对车内时间感受的增加,时间价值增加了73%,而对于常规公交乘客,时间价值增加了86%.可见,拥挤程度的影响不仅不可忽略,还需要运用恰当的方法进行调查分析.从表2还可以看出,轨道交通的乘客出行时间价值明显高于常规公交乘客.与常规公交相比,考虑轨道交通相对快捷、准时且票价较高,这一结果符合实际情况.4 车内拥挤对乘客出行时间价值的影响分析对于轨道交通调查所得数据,将立席密度作进一步细分成4个区间,它们分别为0.0~2.8,2.8~4.2,4.2~8.4和8.4~11.0人/m2,每一区间取中值.将所有问卷按照该立席密度进行重新分类,对每一类问卷的调查结果再进行一次乘客出行选择效用函数的回归.特别针对立席密度为0人/m2的情况,得到此时的乘客出行选择效用函数.进而剥离出各个立席密度下乘客出行的时间价值.其结果见表4.表3 轨道交通取值实例Table 3 Example of values in metro?考虑到常规公交所得数据量多于轨道交通所得数据量[12],故将立席密度细分成5个区间,它们分别为0.0~1.8,1.8~4.9,4.9~6.2,6.2~8.1和8.1~10.0人/m2.其结果见表4.表4 常规公交取值实例Table 4 Example of values in bus?对表3,4的数据进行回归分析,得到轨道交通和常规公交的车内拥挤程度与乘客出行时间价值的关系,分别如图3,4所示.由图3,4可见,随着车内拥挤程度的提高,轨道交通与常规公交的乘客出行时间价值均增大,且曲线的斜率呈增大趋势.图3 轨道交通乘客时间价值与立席密度的关系Fig.3 Relationship between value of time and density of standing passengers in metro图4 常规公交乘客时间价值与立席密度的关系Fig.4 Relationship between value of time and density of standing passengers in bus5 结语将车内拥挤程度作为衡量乘客舒适性的指标,引入到公共交通乘客出行时间价值的研究中,提出了嵌入式SP与RP相结合的调查方法,采用这一方法,分别对上海城市轨道交通和常规公交乘客进行调查,提出了车内拥挤程度分级的立席密度阈值.在此基础上,建立了不同车内拥挤程度下的公共交通乘客出行选择效用函数,进而得到不同车内拥挤程度下乘客出行时间价值及时间价值与车内拥挤程度的关系.参考文献(References):[1]关宏志,王山川.基于SP和RP数据融合的城市轨道交通选择模型[J].北京工业大学学报,2007,33(2):203-204.(GUAN Hong-zhi,WANG Shanchuan.Urban railway choice behavior model based on RP data and SP data[J].Journal of Beijing University of Technology,2007,33(2):203-204.(in Chinese))[2]刘志明,邓卫,郭唐仪.基于RP/SP调查的非集计模型在交通方式分担率预测的应用[J].交通运输工程与信息学报,2008,6(3):59-64.(LIU Zhi-ming,DENG Wei,GUO Tang-yi.Application of disaggregate model based on RP/SP survey to transportation planning[J].Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information,2008,6(3):59-64.(in Chinese))[3]胡列格,杨柳.多线路公交站台线路容纳能力的优化[J].长沙理工大学学报:自然科学版,2010,7(4):26-31.(HU Lie-ge,YANG Liu.Capacity of mltiline bus station routes[J].Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Natural Science,2010,7(4):26-31.(in 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RESEARCH WORK引言单光子发射计算机断层扫描(Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography,SPECT)装置是借助于单光子核素标记药物来实现体内功能和代谢显像的设备。
国际上使用最多的SPECT质量控制标准是美国国家电气制造商协会颁布的NEMA NU 1-2007[5]。
我国标准主要有GB/T 18988.2-2013和GB/T 18988.3-2013[6-7]。
因此,虽然SPECT质量控制标准对SPECT 应用质量评价有参考意义,但由于应用质量评价的特殊性,因此需要增减部分指标,使之适应临床实际应用环境。
SPECT应用质量评价指标的遴选康婉星1,姚国庆1,2,郑小溪2,米永巍2,李涛2,郑诗强21. 东莞市厚街医院医务科,广东东莞 523900;2. 中国人民解放军中部战区总医院医学工程科,湖北武汉 430070[摘 要] 目的 遴选出一套衡量单光子发射计算机断层扫描(Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography,SPECT)应用质量的评价指标,为临床评估SPECT应用状态提供参考依据。
关键词社会责任感敬岗爱业动手能力A Brief Discussion on the Cultivation of Students 'Good Professional Ethics and Comprehensive Quality //Chen ChenAbstract This paper elaborates three aspects of cultivating good professional ethics in vocational education,including sense of so-cial responsibility,spirit of respecting and loving the post,and a-bility to connect theory with practice,which are Huang Yanpei's core concepts on vocational education.Key words sense of social responsibility;respecting and lovingone's own post;hands-on ability职业教育的目的是培养社会所需要的具备一定职业技能和职业素养的人才。
对双学位的看法英语作文The Pros and Cons of Double Degrees.In the increasingly competitive academic and professional landscapes, the concept of pursuing a double degree has gained significant traction among students worldwide. This trend is particularly evident in higher education institutions that offer integrated or concurrent programs, allowing students to obtain two degrees in a shorter duration than pursuing them separately. While the allure of acquiring more qualifications in a shorter timeframe is undoubtedly appealing, it is crucial to weigh the pros and cons of double degrees before making a decision.Expanded Knowledge Base and Enhanced Employability.One of the primary benefits of pursuing a double degree is the expanded knowledge base it confers. Students have the opportunity to delve into two distinct disciplines,gaining a broader understanding of different fields and perspectives. This diverse academic background can significantly enhance their employability, as employers often prefer candidates who possess a blend of skills and competencies. Double degree holders are often seen as more versatile and adaptable, able to contribute to a range of projects and tasks across different departments or industries.Moreover, double degrees can open up a wider array of career opportunities. Some professions or industries may require or prefer candidates with a combination of skills and knowledge from two or more disciplines. For instance, in the field of biotechnology, a combination of science and business knowledge can be invaluable. Similarly, in the realm of international relations, a blend of political science and language skills can be highly advantageous. By pursuing a double degree, students position themselves to capitalize on these unique career paths.Increased Intellectual Stimulation and Development.Another significant advantage of double degrees is the increased intellectual stimulation and personal growth they foster. Studying two distinct fields simultaneously encourages students to think critically and creatively, as they are constantly challenged to connect ideas and concepts from different disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach to learning not only enhances cognitive abilities but also cultivates a more holistic understanding of the world.Moreover, double degrees often require students to undertake projects or dissertations that integrate knowledge from both fields. These experiences provide valuable opportunities for hands-on learning and the application of theoretical concepts to real-world problems. They also foster skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, and critical thinking, which are crucial for professional success.Challenges and Considerations.However, while the benefits of double degrees arenumerous, there are also several challenges and considerations that students need to keep in mind. Firstly, the academic workload of a double degree can besignificantly heavier than that of a single degree. Students are required to take a larger number of courses, complete more assignments and projects, and often undertake additional exams. This increased workload can be extremely demanding, especially if students are also balancing part-time work or other responsibilities.Moreover, double degrees often take longer to complete than single degrees. While the duration may vary depending on the program and institution, students pursuing a double degree can expect to spend an additional year or more in higher education. This extended timeframe can have implications for career plans and financial considerations.Additionally, not all double degree combinations are equally valuable or recognized in the job market. It is crucial for students to carefully research and understand the demand for their chosen degree combinations. Investing in a double degree that does not lead to increasedemployability or career advancement may not be worth the effort and resources invested.Conclusion.In conclusion, double degrees offer a uniqueopportunity for students to expand their knowledge base, enhance their employability, and foster intellectual growth. However, they also come with significant challenges and considerations that need to be carefully weighed. Before embarking on this path, students should thoroughly research their options, consider their career goals and financial situation, and prepare themselves for the rigors of adouble degree program. By doing so, they can make an informed decision that aligns with their long-termobjectives and personal growth.。
文献出处:Ferrucci F, Bock S. Real-time control of express pickup and delivery processes in a dynamic environment [J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2014, 63: 1-14.原文Real-time control of express pickup and delivery processes in a dynamic environmentFrancesco Ferrucci ;Stefan Bock1. IntroductionDaily transportation services of express courier service companies are characterized by a highly dynamic environment in which the system situation frequently changes by the occurrence of various dynamic events. A key characteristic is that dynamically arriving requests have to be transported from pickup locations to delivery locations on the same day. Since it is highly desired that requests are fulfilled within given time windows, transportation activities are often carried out under high time pressure. Moreover, road networks are frequently congested and unreliable. Consequently, besides the arrival of new requests, traffic congestion and vehicle disturbances, i.e., slowdowns and breakdowns, have to be managed in real-time. Thanks to advances in information and communication technologies, information about dynamic events which is only available during the execution of the transportation service can now be utilized ( Larsen, 2000 and Giaglis et al., 2004). 1.1. ContributionsIn this paper, we propose a new real-time control approach for efficiently coordinating dynamic transportation services of express courier service companies. In order to provide practical decision support, this approach is based on an extended Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem (DPDP) that integrates various sources of dynamic events as well as several real-world aspects. We denote this new variant as the Dynamic Pickup and Delivery Problem with Real-Time Control (DPDPRC). It is specifically designed in order to efficiently control urgent real-world transportation services which are executed by express courier service companies. The main contributions of this paper are:•Consideration of various real-world aspects.The DPDPRC extends the DPDP by considering realistic aspects that are typical of the considered transportation services. Vehicles are heterogeneous in terms of capacity, personnel costs, travel speed, and route-dependent travel costs. Soft request time windows with variable lateness costs are integrated as well as legal driving time restrictions. The primary objective is to minimize lateness at request locations and the secondary objective is to minimize vehicle operating costs. Moreover, vehicles travel on a detailed real road network.•Dynamic environment comprising various types of dynamic events.Besides newly incoming requests, further dynamic events such as traffic congestion, vehicle slowdowns as well as vehicle breakdowns are integrated. The integration of these sources of dynamic events, which are common in real-world transportation services, ensures the practical applicability of the DPDPRC.•Real-time control and appropriate solution method.In the DPDPRC, transportation services are coordinated by a real-time control approach that handles the concurrency of tour plan execution and tour plan adaptation. In order to efficiently adapt the existing transportation plan according to the consequences of occurring dynamic events, a specifically designed Tabu Search approach is applied. Due to the resulting extended adaptability, many challenging scenarios with tight time windows and a large number of different types of dynamic events can be efficiently handled.• Generation of appropriate test instances.In order to evaluate the efficiency and practicability of the proposed approaches under different possible situations, various test scenarios with different types of dynamic events are generated. For this purpose, we propose new methods for generating problem instances of desired complexity. Furthermore, a new approach for simulating traffic congestion in road networks is introduced.The practicability of the proposed real-time control approach is evaluated by means of a comprehensive computational study.1.2. Literature reviewThe considered transportation services can be modeled as a variant of the Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) which is a generalization of the well-studied Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP, see Toth and Vigo, 2002 and Golden et al., 2008) and a special case of the General Pickup and Delivery Problem (GPDP, see Savelsbergh and Sol, 1995). Variants of PDPs have become a vital research area because of their practical relevance. A closely related problem that focuses on passenger transportation is the Dial-a-Ride Problem (DARP, see Cordeau and Laporte, 2007, Cordeau et al., 2007, Paquette et al., 2013 and Kirchler and Wolfler Calvo, 2013). In the DARP, additional driving constraints and convenience objectives are considered.In the literature, approaches for static PDPs are distinguished from dynamic concepts. In approaches for static PDPs it is assumed that the problem data is known in advance with certainty (see, e.g., Nanry and Wesley Barnes, 2000, Lu and Dessouky, 2004 and Bard and Jarrah, 2009). Hence, on account of the absence of dynamic events, no plan adaptation is necessary during the execution of the transportation service. In contrast, real-time concepts can handle unexpected changes of the system situation caused by dynamic events (see Ghiani et al., 2003, Mitrovic-Minic et al., 2004, Mitrovic-Minic and Laporte, 2004 and Fabri and Recht, 2006). With regard to the focus of this paper, only real-time approaches are described in what follows. An overview about dynamic PDPs can be found in Berbeglia et al. (2010).While most approaches consider the arrival of new requests, other sources of dynamic events are also considered in selected research work. Modeling of traffic congestion is considered in the work of Fleischmann et al., 2004, Attanasio et al., 2007, Barcelóet al., 2007, Haghani and Yang, 2007, Cortés et al., 2008 and Bock, 2010. Moreover, vehicle disturbances are considered in Li et al., 2009, Li et al., 2009, Bock, 2010 and Mu et al., 2010.Recently, there have been a number of approaches that use stochastic knowledge about expected future request arrivals. While most approaches deal with dynamic VRPs (see, e.g., Bent and van Hentenryck, 2004, Ichoua et al., 2006, Hvattum et al., 2006, Hvattum et al., 2007, van de Klundert and Wormer, 2010 and Ferrucci et al.,2013), there are also approaches for DPDPs. Relocation strategies are used to reposition idle vehicles to areas in which future requests are expected (see Powell, 1988, Attanasio et al., 2007 and Ghiani et al., 2009). In Yang et al. (2004), a reoptimization approach which directly uses stochastic knowledge about expected future requests in the request assignment is presented. Moreover, different methods of generating stochastic knowledge are proposed. In Attanasio et al. (2007), stochastic knowledge is derived from historical data using a time series decomposition approach. Sáez et al. (2008) integrate stochastic knowledge generated from historical data using a fuzzy clustering method.With regard to modeling vehicle movements, only few approaches make use of a road network (see Fleischmann et al., 2004 and Bock, 2010), while an integration of road class-dependent vehicle costs is missing. Another approach which can be advantageous is vehicle en-route diversion. Using en-route diversion, a new request, which arrives close to the remaining route that a vehicle is currently taking to its next request, can be directly serviced. However, only few DPDP approaches in the literature make use of this possibility (c.f., e.g., Attanasio et al., 2007 and Branchini et al., 2009).Another important aspect of real-time control approaches is the simultaneity of plan adaptation and plan execution activities. However, although this is a prerequisite for approaches modifying complex transportation services in real-time, it can only rarely be found (see, e.g., Gendreau et al., 1999 and Ichoua et al., 2000 for dynamic VRPs, and Bock (2010) for a substantially extended DPDP). In particular, in order to provide practical decision support for urgent real-world transportation services of express courier service companies, extended DPDP approaches that cover this aspect together with the integration of different sources of dynamic events are lacking.1.3. OrganizationThe remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the considered problem. Section 3 describes the proposed real-time control approach and characteristics of the static problem instances which are solved during the execution of the transportation service. Section 4 presents the Tabu Search metaheuristic that isused in order to solve static problem instances. In Section 5, generated test instances and computational results are presented. The paper closes with a summary and an outlook on future work in Section 6.2. Problem descriptionIn the considered daily transportation service of an express courier service company, a set of requests has to be serviced by a fleet of vehicles. Each request consists of a good which needs to be transported from one pickup location to one delivery location. Each request location has a time window during which service is desired. Time windows are soft at the end so that service is also allowed after the end of a time window but this generates undesired lateness. Service of a request prior to the opening of the time window is not possible due to customer restrictions. However, a vehicle may wait at a request location before the start of the time window at no penalty. For each request the corresponding good that has to be transported possesses a specific one-dimensional weight. Consequently, tour plans have to comply with capacity constraints of vehicles.Besides new requests that dynamically appear over time, the dynamic nature of the situation arises from traffic congestion, vehicle slowdowns, i.e., vehicles travel at reduced speed, and from vehicle breakdowns. Since no information about dynamic events is known in advance, they have to be handled in real-time. Note that the duration of traffic congestion and vehicle disturbances is unknown. Hence, these dynamic events may or may not be revoked during the execution of the transportation service. Furthermore, transshipment of requests is not permitted. However, if a vehicle breaks down, requests that have already been loaded onto this vehicle can be picked up by other vehicles at the breakdown location.The express courier service company does not own any vehicles but contracts with third parties. Each vehicle has one driver and no initial vehicle usage costs occur. Note that the number of available vehicles is limited. Since different types of vehicles (e.g., cars or small vans) are used by the third parties, vehicles are considered to be heterogeneous with regard to loading capacity, personnel costs, travel speed, and route-dependent travel costs. Once a vehicle has been dispatched, an attempt is madeat finding further requests for the vehicle. However, if this is not possible, the vehicle returns to the depot. The express courier service company pays the costs for traveling back to the depot for each of the booked vehicles. Hence, each vehicle starts and ends its tour at the same depot. Vehicle operating costs comprise route-dependent travel costs and personnel costs for each booked vehicle until it has returned to the depot. Vehicles travel on a real road network and always use the fastest routes between locations. En-route diversion of vehicles is allowed. This enables re-routing of vehicles to another location while traveling to their next assigned location. Furthermore, driver deployments need to follow legal restrictions on driving time.Since a timely delivery of express goods is of exceptional importance, a hierarchical objective function is applied. The primary objective is to minimize the total lateness for each customer request location which is measured in minutes. Note that an adequate modeling of lateness costs requires a suitable operationalization of consequences of lateness-induced customer inconvenience. In what follows, by using a constant cost factor for each minute of generated lateness, we assume a linear increase of customer inconvenience as empirically derived and validated by Davis and Maggard (1990). Moreover, it allows for a direct comparison of the total lateness incurred at customer locations. However, note that, as is the case with every lateness penalty function, this linear lateness penalization has application-dependent pros and cons. Specifically, some customers may benefit at the expense of other customers that are serviced later. Nevertheless, a linear penalization does not lead to distortion while pursuing a minimization of average lateness, as is the case when applying over-linear lateness penalty functions. As the secondary objective, the minimization of vehicle operating costs is pursued.译文动态环境中快递分拣的实时控制和配送过程弗朗西斯科·费鲁奇;斯蒂芬·波克1引言快递服务公司的日常快递运输服务,其特点是高度动态的环境系统,经常会因为各种动态事件发生变化。
英语三年级上册第三课1、 say never the word abandons中文翻译:我们能失败例句:♪ Never mentioned The word addiction ♪翻译:♪Never mention the word addiction♪。
2、abstract中文翻译:抽象的例句:Apart from anything else, the party doesn't approve of abstract art. 翻译:the party doesn't approve of abstract art.。
xx年级核心词汇表:13、 academia sinica中文翻译:中央研究院例句:in 1980, he was elected Fellow of Academia Sinica. 翻译:xx年当选中央研究院院士。
4、accessary中文翻译:附属的例句:Accessary QA make sure the bulk accessary meet customer's requirement. 翻译:辅料QA确保所有的辅料符合客人要求。
5、acreage中文翻译:英亩数例句:Extensive acreage which is a forest area... 翻译:的森林土地...。
6、 adjusted current assets中文翻译:调整后的流动资产经调整的流动资产调整后的负债例句:There are two main types of assets: current assets and noncurrent assets.1、翻译:同资产相似,债务也有两种主要分类:流动债务与非流动债务。
7、admiration中文翻译:钦佩例句:has always developed admiration for me. 翻译:has always developed admiration for me.。
草莓果酱感官品质评价方法比较研究刘晓伟【摘要】以色泽、滋味与口感、杂质、组织状态为评价因素,通过百分制法、线性标度法、模糊数学判定法对6种草莓果酱的感官品质进行比较,选择最优的感官评定方法.3种方法的优劣从高到低为:模糊数学判定法>线性标度法>百分制法.结果表明:模糊数学感官评价方法在草莓果酱感官评定中更能客观反映产品品质的优劣.%Using color,taste,impurity and organization status as evaluation factors,the sensory quality of six kinds of strawberry jam was compared by percentage system method,linear scale method and fuzzy mathematics method.The superiority of three methods was ranked as fuzzy mathematical decision method > linear scale method > percent method.The results showed that the fuzzy mathematics sensory evaluation method could objectively reflect the product quality in the sensory evaluation of strawberry jam.【期刊名称】《食品研究与开发》【年(卷),期】2018(039)008【总页数】5页(P20-23,47)【关键词】草莓果酱;百分制法;线性标度法;模糊数学;感官评价【作者】刘晓伟【作者单位】长垣烹饪职业技术学院,河南新乡453400【正文语种】中文草莓营养丰富[1],含有17种氨基酸[2]、多种维生素和矿物质,并含有类黄酮和酚酸类等活性物质,具有多种保健功效,被誉为“水果皇后”、“活的维生素丸”、“神奇之果”等[3-9]。
标题:大学生综合素质的培育与发展**The Cultivation and Development of University Students' Comprehensive Quality**In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of today, the importance of cultivating comprehensive quality among university students has become increasingly evident. Comprehensive quality refers to a blend of intellectual, emotional, social, and practical abilities that enable individuals to adapt to and excel in various aspects of life. This essay explores the significance of fostering comprehensive quality among university students and suggests ways to achieve this objective.Intellectual ability is the foundation of comprehensive quality. University students must possess a solid foundation of knowledge and skills in their respective fields of study. This foundation not only equips them with the tools necessary for future professional success but also broadens their perspectives and enhances their ability to think critically and innovatively. Encouraging students to explore beyond their majors, participate in researchprojects, and engage in intellectual discussions are effective ways to foster intellectual growth.Emotional intelligence is another crucial aspect of comprehensive quality. University students should be equipped with the ability to manage their emotions effectively, understand the emotions of others, and establish healthy interpersonal relationships. This emotional intelligence is essential for navigating the social complexities of university life and for succeeding in future careers. Programs that focus on emotional intelligence training, such as workshops on communication skills and conflict resolution, can help students develop these important abilities.Social responsibility is another key component of comprehensive quality. University students, as future leaders of society, must be aware of their responsibilities towards society and the environment. Encouraging them to participate in community service projects, volunteer work, and environmental conservation activities can help them develop a sense of social responsibility. This, in turn,will enable them to make positive contributions to society and promote sustainable development.Practical ability is also essential for university students. The ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations is crucial for success in the workplace. Providing students with opportunities to gain practical experience through internships, cooperative education programs, and hands-on projects can help them develop their practical abilities. This practical experience not only enhances their employability but also prepares them to tackle real-world problems effectively.In conclusion, the cultivation of comprehensive quality among university students is crucial for their personal and professional success. By focusing on the development of intellectual ability, emotional intelligence, social responsibility, and practical ability, universities can help their students become well-rounded and prepared to face the challenges of the future.**大学生综合素质的培育与发展**在当今快节奏、不断变化的世界中,培育大学生综合素质的重要性日益凸显。
第36卷第12期2020年12月商丘师范学院学报JOURNAL OF SHANGQIU NORMAL UNIVERSITY Vol.36No.12Dec.2020收稿日期:2020-03-20;修回日期:2020-03-29基金项目:教育部2018年第二批产学合作协同育人项目(201802123039);安徽省教育厅质量工程项目(2017mooc240);安庆师范大学校级教研项目(2019aqnujyzc110)作者简介:江健生(1982—),男,安徽安庆人,安庆师范大学讲师,硕士,主要从事数字图像处理、智能算法的研究.层次分析法和模糊综合评判法在研究生学业评价中的应用江健生1,吴洋2,陈飞3,钱坤1(1.安庆师范大学计算机与信息学院,安徽安庆246133;2.安庆师范大学现代教育技术中心,安徽安庆246133;3.铜陵学院数学与计算机学院,安徽铜陵244061)摘要:针对研究生学业评价过程中的复杂性、多层次性和模糊性,提出基于层次分析法和模糊综合评判法的研究生学业评价方法.首先合理确定研究生学业评判指标,接着利用层次分析法和模糊综合评判法对研究生学业进行指标权重量化及综合评价.通过应用验证,表明该方法的客观性和有效性,为研究生学业奖学金评选提供了重要参考依据.关键词:研究生培养;学业评价;层次分析法;模糊综合评判法中图分类号:TP273+.4文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3600(2020)12-0012-06Application of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluationmethod in graduate students'academic evaluation JIANG Jiɑnshenɡ1,WU Yɑnɡ2,CHEN Fei 3,QIAN Kun 1(1.School of Computer and Information ,AnqinɡNormal University ,Anqinɡ246133,China ;2.Center of Modern Education Technology ,AnqinɡNormal University ,Anqinɡ246133,China ;3.School of Mathematics and Computer ,TonɡlinɡUniversity ,Tonɡlinɡ244061,China )Abstract :Aiming at the complexity ,multi-level and fuzziness in the process of graduate students'academicevaluation ,this paper proposes a method of postgraduate academic evaluation based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation.Firstly the academic evaluation index of graduate students is reasonably determined.Then the analytic hierarchy process is used to quantify the weight of each index.And the comprehensive academic evaluation of graduate students is carried out by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.Theapplication verification shows that the method is objective and effective ,and the experimental results provides an important reference for the selection of graduate scholarships.Key words :graduate student cultivation ;academic evaluation ;analytic hierarchy process ;fuzzy comprehensive evaluation研究生培养是高校高水平、多层次发展的重要环节,而学业发展是其中的核心和灵魂.学业贯穿整个研究生培养阶段,是根据研究生培养方案的要求,对研究生提出明确任务和发展方向,研究生通过一系列学习任务完成学业的过程[1].学业和每一位研究生密切相关,它能指导、激励、督促、约束每一位研究生健康成长.同时,学业水平与研究生的学业奖学金评选有着密切联系.所以有效评价研究生学业水平对促进研究生成长和高校发展具有重要的意义,是高校研究生管理工作者要积极思考的问题.研究生学业评价是指以教育目标为评价标准,通过完整收集研究生学习过程中的客观事实材料,以恰当、有效的评判方法,对研究生学习、科研和实践等多方面学业水平做出价值判断,为研究生学业水平的决策提供依据,进而促进研究生学业发展的评价活动[2].在实际学业评价过程中,根据研究生学业评价的复杂性、多层次性、模糊性等特点,利用层次分析法和模糊综合评判法,综合相关部门、研究生导师、研究生辅导员和所有研究生,制定一套具有合理评价指标、准确指标权重、科学评判方法的研究生学业评价模型.通过对不同年级研究生学业水平的综合评判,评价结果有效、客观.1层次分析法-模糊综合评判法的相关理论1.1层次分析法层次分析法是上世纪70年代中期由美国运筹学家萨蒂教授提出的一种决策分析法[3],该方法适合解决模糊、难以定量的决策问题,张万朋等[4]利用层次分析法和德尔菲法确定专业学习和通用学习的权重,完成研究生学习成果评判.张丽华等[5]基于层次分析法对高校学生职业能力评价体系展开研究,得到高校学生职业能力的最终评价.刘子建等[6]利用于SEEQ 与层次分析法,形成高校认证型评价体系.层次分析法为许多高校教育决策问题提供了简单、实用、有效的方法,本文将它运用到研究生学业评价中.运用层次分析法的主要步骤如下:(1)建立层次结构模型将一个复杂决策问题分解出各个因素,按其属性及关系从上到下层次化,上一层因素对下一层从属因素起支配作用,而下一层因素对上一层关联因素起影响作用.其中最上层为目标层,是一个问题的决策目标.中间层是实现目标需要的准则、指标等,又称准则层或指标层.一般当下一层因素多于9个则需要分解出子层,所以中间层可以有一至多个层次.最下层通常称为方案层,是针对目标的各种备选方案、措施等,因此又被称为措施层.(2)构造成对比较矩阵对从属于上层某一因素的下层中n 个因素X ={x 1,…,x n },按照两两比较构造如下对比矩阵A :A =(a ij )n ˑn其中a ij 是因素x i 和x j 的重要程度比,显然x j 和x i 的重要程度比为a ji =1/a ij ,另外当i =j 时有a ij =1,表示重要程度相等,a ij 可按1-9标度法进行取值,对应的重要程度含义见表1,其中2、4、6、8表示相邻程度的中间值.表11-9标度法a ij 123456789x i /x j 程度相等稍强强很强绝对强上述矩阵满足:a ij >0、a ji =1/a ij 、a ij =1(当i =j 时),所以可称为正互反矩阵.(3)层次单排序和一致性检验层次单排序是对上述矩阵A 求最大特征值λmax ,通过归一化对应特征向量W (各元素和为1),那么W 即为本层因素对上层某一因素重要程度的排序权值.由于满足a ij a jk =a ik , i ,j ,k =1,…,n 的正互反矩阵才是一致矩阵,只有在一定范围内的不一致性才可以接受,所以要进行一致性检验.按下式对A 一致性检验:CR =CI RI根据定理知λmax 比n (矩阵阶数)越大,矩阵A 的非一致性越严重,据此计算一致性指标CI 如下式:CI =λmax -n n -1萨蒂等人通过大量计算得到平均随机一致性指标RI ,n =1到9取值见表2:表2n 与RI 对应值n 123456789RI0.580.891.121.261.361.411.46图1层次总排序的分层示意只有一致性比例CR <0.1,矩阵A 才通过一致性检验,归一化的W 可作为单层权重向量,否则需要调整a ij 来修正矩阵.(4)层次总排序层次总排序是确定某层所有因素关于总目标的重要程度排序权值,按照从最上层至最下层的顺序进行.如图1所示:最上层总目标为Z ,A 层m 个因素A 1,A 2,…,A m ,对总目标Z 的排序为a 1,a 2,…,a m ,B 层n 个因素对A 层中A j 因素的单层次排序为b 1j ,b 2j ,…,b nj (j =1,2,3,…,m ),那么B 层的层次总排序如下:B 1:a 1b 11+a 2b 12+…+a m b 1mB 2:a 1b 21+a 2b 22+…+a m b 2m …B n :a 1b n 1+a 2b n 2+…+a m b nm31第12期江健生,等:层次分析法和模糊综合评判法在研究生学业评价中的应用即B 层第i 个因素对总目标的权值为:∑mj =1a jbij,那么总排序一致性比例计算如下:CR =∑mj =1CI (j )a j∑mj =1RI (j )ajCI (j ),j =1,…,m 是单排序一致性指标,RI (j ),j =1,…,m 是随机一致性指标,同样只有求得CR <0.1,层次总排序通过一致性检验.1.2模糊综合评判法模糊综合评判法是汪培庄教授基于模糊数学理论提出的一种综合评判方法[7],该方法被广泛使用于模糊、难以量化的问题上,布光等[8]利用模糊综合评判法对大学生体能进行评价.尤游等[9]结合模糊评价和熵值法对高校教师教学质量进行评价.陈志恩等[10]融合粒矩阵与模糊综合评判对课堂教学质量进行评价研究.许晶[11]在本科毕业论文质量评价中使用模糊综合评判法,上述应用都取得了良好效果.运用模糊综合评判法的主要步骤如下:(1)确定因素集因素集是一个由可以评判对象的主要因素所组成的集合,可表示为U ={u 1,u 2,…,u m },其中m 是评判因素的个数,u i 是第i 个评判因素.根据具体情况,可以将评判因素按不同属性进行分层,包括第一级评判因素集,下属的第二级评判因素集甚至第三级评判因素集等,这些因素一般都具有不同程度的模糊性.(2)建立综合评判集评判集是一个由评判对象的可能评判结果所组成的集合,可表示为V ={v 1,v 2,…,v n },其中n 是评判结果的数目,V j 是第j 种评判结果,评判集一般可划分为3至7个等级.(3)单因素模糊评判,获得评判矩阵单因素模糊评判是从一个因素出发,确定评判对象对评判集合V 的隶属程度.设r i 1是U ={u 1,u 2,…,u m }中第i 个元素对评判集V ={v 1,v 2,…,v n }中第1个元素的隶属度,则对第i 个元素单因素评判的结果可表示为:Ri ={r i 1,r i 2,…,r in },那么以m 个单因素评判集R 1,R 2,…,R m 为行组成矩阵R ,就是模糊综合评判矩阵.(4)确定因素权向量由于各因素的重要程度不同,即权重不同,设各因素u i 的权重为a i ,那么各因素的权重集合的模糊集可表示为:W ={a 1,a 2,…,a m }.这里可以通过加权平均法、频率分布确定法、层次分析法等方法计算因素权向量,本文通过层次分析法获得权向量.(5)多指标综合评判对上述因素权向量W 和矩阵R ,通过模糊算子 将模糊向量W 从因素集U 上转换到评判集V 上,即模糊向量B ,如下式:B =W R =(a 1,a 2,…,a m )r 11r 12…r 1nr 21r 22…r 2nr m 1r m 2…rmn =(b 1,b 2,…,b n )其中B 表示评判集各因素的隶属度,根据最大隶属原则,评判结果取最大的b j 对应的评判集v j .常用的模糊算子有以下4种[12]:M (∧,∨):b j =∨m i =1(a i ∧r ij )=max 1≤i ≤mmin (a i ,r ij {}),j =1,2,…,n M (·,∨):b j =∨mi =1(a i ,r ij )=max 1≤i ≤m(a i ·r ij ),j =1,2,…,n M (∧,⊕):b j =min 1,∑mi =1min (a i ,r ij {}),j =1,2,…,n M (·,⊕):b j =min 1,∑mi =1a i r ()ij ,j =1,2,…,n 4种算子的特点如表3,可以根据具体情况进行选择:表34种模糊变化合成算子比较算子类型综合程度利用信息体现权重作用M (∧,∨)主因素突出型弱不充分不明显M (·,∨)主因素突出型弱不充分明显M (∧,⊕)加权平均型强较充分不明显M (·,⊕)加权平均型强充分明显41商丘师范学院学报2020年2研究生学业评判模型的构建2.1确定评判指标、构建评判因素集评判研究生学业水平需要构建全面、合理、科学的学业评判指标,既要真实、准确反映研究生的实际学业水平,还要对研究生培养起到指导和激励作用,同时又为研究生学业奖学金的评选提供参考依据.通过和研究生导师讨论、对研究生调查反馈,结合教育部、财政部、教育厅和高校关于学业奖学金评选相关文件的规定,我们制定多层次、多因素的研究生学业评判二级指标体系.该体系由4个一级指标组成,包括学业成绩、综合素质、科研成果、创新实践,一级指标又细分为14个二级指标.所有指标是对研究生进行全面综合的评价,既包括了学业成绩和综合素质的基本要求,又包括了科研成果和创新实践的导向要求,充分体现了研究生人才培养的目标.按照模糊综合评判法,建立第一级评判因素集:U ={学业成绩U 1,综合素质U 2,科研成果U 3,创新实践U 4}第二级评判因素集分别如下:U 1={考试成绩u 11,考勤成绩u 12}U 2={思想品德u 21,荣誉表彰u 22,学生干部u 23}U 3={科研获奖u 31,科研项目u 32,学术发表u 33,发明创造u 34}U 4={A 类赛事u 41,B 类赛事u 42,C 类赛事u 43,专业实践u 44,社会实践u 45}2.2建立模糊综合评判集我们根据研究生学业奖学金设置的一、二、三等奖和无奖项为依据,将研究生学术评判结果分为4个等级,分别为很好、较好、一般、不好,写成评判集:V ={很好v 1,较好v 2,一般v 3,不好v 4}2.3层次分析法确定各指标权重研究生学业评判中,各指标的权重有所不同,而且不同年级研究生评判的侧重点也不相同.一年级学生主要以课程学习为主;二年级学生课程相对较少,且科研成果暂未体现,主要以创新实践为主;三年级学生经过两年的学习积累,有了一定的科研成果,此时主要以科研成果为主.这里以三年级研究生学业评判为例,利用层次分析法设置各指标权重:根据多元化成员对一级指标的1-9标度法对比打分,我们构造一级指标成对比较矩阵A :学业成绩综合素质科研成果创新实践学业成绩综合素质科研成果创新实践111/51/2111/51/25512221/21一级指标各因素的权重向量,按层次单排序得到.这里利用方根法求权重向量[13],令W'=(a 1',a 2',a 3',a 4'),其中a i '=4Π4j =1a 槡ij ,得W '=(0.562,0.562,2.659,1.189),通过a i =a i '/∑4i =1a i '对W'进行归一化,得到W =(a 1,a 2,a 3,a 4)=(0.113,0.113,0.535,0.239).若矩阵A 满足一致性检验,W 即一级指标学业成绩、综合成绩、科研成果、创新实践的权重向量.下面判断构建的成对比较矩阵A 是否满足一致性,计算:AW T =111/51/2111/51/25512221/210.1130.1130.5350. 239=0.45250.45252.14300.9585那么:λmax=1n∑ni =1(AW T )ia i =140.45250.113+0.45250.113+2.14300.535+0.95850.()239=4.006CI =λmax -nn -1=0.002CR =CI /RI =0.002/0.89=0.002<0.1成对比较矩阵A 通过一致性检验.同理计算4个一级指标所对应的二级指标权重如表4,且全部通过一致性检验.51第12期江健生,等:层次分析法和模糊综合评判法在研究生学业评价中的应用表4各指标权重及一致性评价指标评价指标指标权重λmax CI RI CRU1-U4(0.113,0.113,0.535,0.239)4.0060.0020.890.002u 11-u12(0.500,0.500)2000u 21-u23(0.571,0.286,0.143)300.580u 31-u34(0.128,0.128,0.522,0.114)4.0280.0090.890.010u 41-u45(0.348,0.185,0.097,0.185,0.185)5.0100.00251.120.00223应用选取我校统计学专业研三某一学生,由学院领导、导师代表、研究生辅导员、同班研究生共10人组成学业评判组,根据学生实际情况及证明材料进行评判打分.该研究生的具体打分情况如表5:表5该研三学生学业打分结果一级指标二级指标评判集很好较好一般不好U1u110910u120820U2u216310u220460u234420U3u310460u323700u338200u341720U4u4100100u423610u431900u442620u451630对表5中该研究生各指标所得评分,通过归一法得到4个二级指标评判矩阵:R 1=00.90.1000.80.[]20R2= 3=00.40.600.30.7000.80.2000.10.70.20R4=00100.由B=W R得到综合评价结果,其中W为二级指标权重向量,这里根据算子特点,模糊变化合成算子 使用M(·,⊕),一级指标U1的综合评价结果如下:B 1=W1R1=(0.50.5)00.90.1000.80.[]20=(0,0.8500,0.1500,0)同理得到U2,U3,U4综合评判结果:B 2=W2R2=(0.3998,0.3429,0.2573,0)61商丘师范学院学报2020年B 3=W 3 R 3=(0.4836,0.3844,0.1320,0)B 4=W 4 R 4=(0.1207,0.4203,0.4590,0)由此得到总评判矩阵:R =B 1B 2B 3B 4=00.85000.150000.39980.34290.257300.48360.38440.132000.12070.42030.45900最后根据一级指标权重W =(0.113,0.113,0.535,0.239)进行综合评判:B =W R =(0.113,0.113,0.535,0.239)00.85000.150000.39980.34290.257300.48360.38440.13200.12070.42030.45900=(0.3328,0.4409,0.2263,0)由上面结果看出,该研究生学业评判“较好”占44.09%,按最大隶属度原则,该研究生的学业评判应为较好.4结语本文针对研究生学业水平评判,结合层次分析法和模糊综合评判法,运用数学思想建立模型,使用编程实现评判.整个评判过程完整、可操作性强,评判结果合理、可靠,能够较为客观、公正地体现研究生的学业水平,为高校评价研究生学业水平提供参考方法,也为研究生学业奖学金的评选提供重要依据,对提高研究生培养质量具有重要意义.参考文献:[1]黄成思,王毅磊,陆海霞,等.学术型硕士研究生学业质量评价体系结构构建研究[J ].南昌师范学院学报(社会科学版),2016,37(1):67-71.[2]刘永凤,袁顶国.高校学业评价[M ].北京:高等教育出版社,2019.[3]伍亚华,王永斌,杨小翠,等.基于层次分析法的家庭经济困难学生模糊综合评判认定[J ].蚌埠学院学报,2017,6(2):153-156.[4]张万朋,柯乐乐.基于德尔菲法和层次分析法的研究生学习成果评价研究—以教育经济与管理专业为例[J ].现代大学教育,2018(1):93-99.[5]张丽华,李雅娟,王一然.高校学生职业能力评价体系研究—基于层次分析法[J ].教育理论与实践,2019,39(24):12-14.[6]刘子建,李冉,陈富强.基于SEEQ 与层次分析法的认证型评教体系研究[J ].河南师范大学学报(自然科学版),2019,47(5):32-38.[7]汪培庄.模糊集合论及其应用[M ].上海:上海科学技术出版社,1983:33-76.[8]布光,黄冬梅.基于模糊综合评判的大学生体能评价[J ].河北北方学院学报(自然科学版),2018,34(1):50-57.[9]尤游,刘莉,刘苏兵.熵权模糊综合评判在高校教师教学质量评价中的应用[J ].宁夏师范学院学报,2019,40(4):81-86.[10]陈志恩,王喜玲.粒矩阵与模糊综合评判融合的课堂教学质量评价研究[J 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孰能生巧英语四级作文Title: Practice Makes Perfect: Strategies for Improving English Proficiency。
In the realm of language acquisition, the proverb "practice makes perfect" holds profound significance, especially for learners endeavoring to master English. The pursuit of English proficiency demands dedication, perseverance, and strategic approaches. In this essay, we delve into effective strategies to enhance English skills, emphasizing the transformative power of consistent practice.First and foremost, a comprehensive grasp of English necessitates immersion in the language. Immersion can take various forms, such as engaging with authentic English materials like books, newspapers, movies, and podcasts. By exposing oneself to diverse linguistic contexts, learnersnot only enhance their vocabulary but also refine their comprehension skills and gain insights into cultural nuances.Moreover, active engagement in speaking and writing is indispensable for honing English proficiency. Speaking regularly in English, whether through conversations with native speakers, participation in language exchange programs, or even practicing aloud alone, cultivatesfluency and confidence. Similarly, writing exercises, including journaling, essay composition, and creative writing, foster linguistic precision and creativity. Through consistent practice, learners develop the abilityto express themselves articulately and coherently inwritten and spoken English.Furthermore, leveraging technology can significantly augment language learning endeavors. Language learning apps, online courses, and educational websites offer interactive tools and resources tailored to diverse proficiency levels. These platforms provide opportunities for structured learning, personalized feedback, and gamified activities, making the learning process both enjoyable and effective. Additionally, digital resources facilitate asynchronous learning, allowing learners to adapt their study schedulesto suit their lifestyles and commitments.In addition to individual efforts, collaborative learning environments contribute substantially to English proficiency enhancement. Joining English-speaking communities, either in person or online, enables learners to practice communication skills in authentic social settings. Group discussions, debates, and collaborative projects not only enhance language skills but also foster intercultural competence and teamwork. Moreover, receiving constructive feedback from peers and mentors facilitates continuous improvement and cultivates a supportive learning community.Furthermore, integrating English into daily routines can fortify language acquisition efforts. Simple practices such as setting English as the default language on electronic devices, listening to English music or podcasts during commutes, and labeling household items in English enhance passive exposure to the language. By seamlessly incorporating English into everyday life, learners create an immersive environment conducive to subconscious languageacquisition.Additionally, systematic vocabulary expansion and grammar mastery are essential components of English proficiency enhancement. Employing mnemonic devices, flashcards, and spaced repetition techniques aid in vocabulary retention. Similarly, engaging with grammar resources, such as textbooks, online tutorials, and grammar exercises, enables learners to internalize grammatical rules and structures. A solid foundation in vocabulary and grammar empowers learners to communicate accurately and effectively in English.Furthermore, cultivating a growth mindset is paramount to sustained progress in English proficiency. Embracing challenges, persisting through setbacks, and celebrating incremental successes foster resilience and motivation. By viewing language learning as a journey of continuous improvement rather than a destination, learners adopt a proactive approach to skill development and remainresilient in the face of difficulties.In conclusion, the maxim "practice makes perfect" encapsulates the essence of English proficiency enhancement. Through immersion, active engagement, technological integration, collaborative learning, habitual integration, systematic study, and a growth mindset, learners can embark on a transformative journey towards mastery of the English language. By embracing these strategies and committing to consistent practice, one can navigate the complexities of English with confidence and proficiency. Remember, excellence in English is not an endpoint but a lifelong pursuit fueled by dedication and perseverance.。
英语二对比型作文话题Comparing and Contrasting Two English Proficiency ExamsEnglish proficiency exams are a crucial component of academic and professional success in today's globalized world Mastering the English language has become an essential skill for individuals seeking to further their education or advance their careers Employers and educational institutions often require applicants to demonstrate their English language abilities through standardized testing Two of the most widely recognized English proficiency exams are the Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL and the International English Language Testing System IELTS Both exams assess a candidate's proficiency in the four core language skills reading writing listening and speaking however they differ in their format structure and overall approachThe TOEFL exam is developed and administered by the Educational Testing Service ETS a renowned non-profit organization that specializes in educational assessment The exam is designed to evaluate a test taker's ability to use and understand English at theuniversity level The TOEFL is primarily focused on academic English and assesses the skills necessary for successful study in an English-speaking higher education institution The exam is divided into four sections reading listening speaking and writing each of which is scored separately on a scale of 0 to 30 points The total TOEFL score ranges from 0 to 120 pointsIn contrast the IELTS exam is jointly owned by the British Council the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations and IDP Education a company that specializes in international education services The IELTS is intended to measure a candidate's proficiency in English for both academic and non-academic purposes The exam is divided into four equally weighted sections listening reading writing and speaking Unlike the TOEFL the IELTS speaking section is conducted face-to-face with an examiner rather than as a recorded response The IELTS scoring system ranges from 1 to 9 bands with 9 representing expert-level proficiencyOne key difference between the two exams is the emphasis on academic English in the TOEFL versus the broader focus on both academic and general English in the IELTS The TOEFL is designed to assess a candidate's readiness for university-level study in an English-speaking institution and therefore places greater weight on skills such as understanding academic lectures and writing research papers In contrast the IELTS aims to evaluate an individual's overallEnglish language competency which may be applicable to a wider range of professional and personal contextsAnother distinguishing factor is the test format The TOEFL is a computer-based exam with all sections completed on a computer with the exception of the speaking component which is recorded The IELTS on the other hand is a paper-based exam with the listening reading and writing sections completed on paper and the speaking section conducted face-to-face with an examiner This difference in format may appeal to different test-taking preferences some candidates may feel more comfortable with the computer-based TOEFL while others may prefer the paper-based IELTSThe scoring systems of the two exams also differ The TOEFL uses a scale of 0 to 120 points with each section contributing equally to the overall score The IELTS utilizes a 9-band scoring system with each section scored separately and the overall band score calculated as the average of the four section scores This difference in scoring may be relevant for candidates who are aiming for specific score requirements set by universities or employersIn terms of test content both the TOEFL and IELTS assess the four core language skills of reading writing listening and speaking However the specific tasks and question types within each section may vary For example the TOEFL reading section may include moreacademic passages and question types focused on understanding main ideas and making inferences while the IELTS reading section may incorporate a wider range of text types and question formatsThe listening sections of the two exams also differ the TOEFL listening tasks are primarily based on academic lectures and discussions while the IELTS listening section includes a broader range of audio materials such as conversations and announcements Additionally the IELTS speaking section is conducted face-to-face with an examiner allowing for a more interactive and dynamic assessment of the candidate's spoken English proficiencyIn terms of test preparation both the TOEFL and IELTS offer a range of resources and practice materials to help candidates prepare for the exam However the specific preparation strategies may differ based on the exam format and content For instance TOEFL preparation may involve more practice with computer-based tasks and academic English skills while IELTS preparation may focus on developing fluency and coherence in spoken English as well as familiarizing oneself with a broader range of text types and question formatsUltimately the choice between the TOEFL and IELTS exam will depend on the specific requirements and preferences of the individual candidate and the institutions or organizations they areapplying to Some universities or employers may have a stated preference for one exam over the other or may accept both exams equally Candidates should carefully research the requirements of their target institutions and choose the exam that best aligns with their academic and professional goals as well as their personal strengths and test-taking preferences。
目录摘要 (1)Abstract (2)第一章家乐园超市概述 (3)1.1 家乐园超市简介 (3)1.2 家乐园超市的采购组织结构 (3)1.3 家乐园超市现行的采购模式 (4)第二章家乐园超市供应商选择存在的问题 (4)2.1 家乐园超市选择供应商受主观因素影响程度高 (4)2.2 家乐园超市供应商的选择指标缺乏灵活性和实用性 (5)2.3 家乐园超市缺乏与供应商建立合作精神 (5)第三章建立家乐园超市供应商选择的评价指标体系 (6)3.1 确定家乐园超市供应商选择目标 (6)3.2 家乐园超市供应商评价指标的影响因素和指标选取 (6)3.3 供应商评价指标的界定 (7)第四章家乐园超市潜在供应商选择实施与分析 (8)4.1 利用层次分析法确定家乐园超市供应商评价指标权重 (8)4.1.1 构建判断矩阵 (8)4.1.2 计算判断矩阵的特征向量并进行一致性检验 (9)4.2 利用模糊综合评价法计算家乐园超市潜在供应商评价值 (11)4.2.1 确定因素集 (11)4.2.2 建立权重集 (12)4.2.3 建立评价集 (12)4.2.4 计算综合评价值 (12)结论 (17)参考文献 (17)致谢 ................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第19卷第1期大 学 物 理 实 验 V ol.19N o.12006年3月出版PHY SIC A L EXPERI ME NT OF C O LLEGE Mar.2006收稿日期:2005-08-20文章编号:1007-2934(2006)01-0080-03弗兰克-赫兹实验的演示秦 颖 高永生(大连理工大学,大连,116024)摘 要 本文介绍了弗兰克一赫兹实验的C AI 教学软件的制作和使用。
关键词 弗兰克—赫兹(F.H )实验;碰撞;激发中图分类号:O4-33 文献标识码:A1 引言弗兰克—赫兹(F.H )实验的目的是了解原子内部能量的量子化,掌握气体放电现象中低能电子和原子之间的相互作用过程,其重点是测量原子的第一激发电位。
F -H 实验C AI 教学软件,应用Flash 动画模拟实验装置中的整个作用过程,重点突出反映了加速电压与流经弗兰克—赫兹碰撞管的电流之间的关系。
本C AI 教学软件通过文字表达和动画演示,生动形象的再现了整个实验过程,使实验者更加清楚的理解实验原理,加深实验印象,在教学应用中取得了较好的效果。
2 Flash 动画的制作思想本C AI 教学软件中应用Flash MX2004进行制作。
突出显示了随着加速电压(VG 2K )的增加弗兰克—赫兹管内的现象和微电流检测仪的电流值。
第52卷 第2期2024年2月西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)J o u r n a l o f N o r t h w e s t A&F U n i v e r s i t y(N a t .S c i .E d .)V o l .52N o .2F e b .2024网络出版时间:2023-08-07 17:27 D O I :10.13207/j .c n k i .jn w a f u .2024.02.013网络出版地址:h t t ps ://l i n k .c n k i .n e t /u r l i d /61.1390.S .20230807.0830.003基于模糊B o r d a 组合评价法筛选适宜基质袋培的螺丝椒品种[收稿日期] 2022-12-07[基金项目] 陕西省重点研发计划项目(2022N Y -116);国家大宗蔬菜产业技术体系项目(C A R S -23-D 06);中央引导地方项目(X Z 202202Y D 0002C )[作者简介] 周道明(1998-),男,山东夏津人,在读硕士,主要从事设施作物栽培与生理生态研究㊂E -m a i l :z h o u d a o m i n g2022@163.c o m [通信作者] 胡晓辉(1977-),女,河北滦县人,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事设施农业理论与生产技术研究㊂E -m a i l :h x h 1977@163.c o m周道明1,2,杨铭菲1,2,贾媛婕1,2,王鹏举1,2,朱轲钰1,2,胡晓辉1,2,3(1西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌712100;2农业农村部西北设施园艺工程重点实验室,陕西杨凌712100;3陕西省设施农业工程技术研究中心,陕西杨凌712100)[摘 要] ʌ目的ɔ筛选适合基质袋培的高产优质螺丝椒品种,为陕北地区无土栽培辣椒的发展提供依据㊂ʌ方法ɔ以20个螺丝椒品种(丝路新星㊁丝路之星㊁楼兰之星㊁特早一尺长㊁中农青螺王子㊁陇旋339㊁博收019㊁H P 29017㊁H P 29037㊁H P 29047㊁H P 29082㊁西域长龙㊁久保田螺椒王㊁金椒6号㊁金椒8号㊁金椒9号㊁金椒12号㊁博陇(37-94)㊁茎毛802和沃尔斯天萝)为试材,进行基质袋栽培,测定并比较分析各品种辣椒果实的单果质量㊁果皮厚度㊁果实长度㊁维生素C 含量㊁可溶性蛋白含量㊁游离氨基酸含量㊁还原糖含量㊁可溶性总糖含量㊁硝态氮含量和产量等10项指标,对各指标的相关性进行P e a r s o n 分析㊂同时,采用主成分分析法㊁T O P S I S 分析法㊁隶属函数分析法和灰色关联度分析法对各品种螺丝椒的产量和品质指标进行评价,经事前一致性检验(K e n d a l l -W )后,采用模糊B o r d a 评价法进行组合评价,以筛选出适合陕北地区基质袋培的螺丝椒品种㊂ʌ结果ɔ20个螺丝椒品种的单果质量为25.62~52.83g,以陇旋339最大;果皮厚度为1.58~2.17mm ,以沃尔斯天萝最厚;果实长度为19.42~30.55c m ,以H P 29082最长;维生素C 含量为276.37~1058.09m g /h g ,以金椒8号最高;可溶性蛋白含量为0.97~1.61m g /g ,以金椒12号最高;游离氨基酸含量为393.78~969.69μg /g,以沃尔斯天萝最高;还原糖和可溶性总糖含量分别为3.82%~6.65%及9.87%~13.91%,均以博收019最高;硝态氮含量在各品种间无显著性差异;产量为9625.98~84600.00k g/h m 2,以丝路新星最高㊂4种单一综合评价方法的评价结果存在差异,主成分分析法的评价结果与其他分析方法评价结果的相关性较弱,其余3种单一评价方法间评价结果的相关系数通过了K e n d a l l -W 协和系数事前检验,具有相容性,可进行组合评价㊂模糊B o r d a 组合评价方法的评价结果通过了事后检验,具有可信性,其评价结果显示排名前5位的螺丝椒品种为丝路新星㊁H P 29047㊁丝路之星㊁陇旋339和博收019㊂ʌ结论ɔ丝路新星㊁H P 29047㊁丝路之星㊁陇旋339和博收019为适宜陕北地区基质栽培的螺丝椒品种㊂[关键词] 螺丝椒;辣椒品种筛选;模糊B o r d a 组合评价法;基质袋培;陕北地区[中图分类号] S 641.3[文献标志码] A[文章编号] 1671-9387(2024)02-0113-14S c r e e n i n g s c r e w p e p p e r v a r i e t i e s s u i t a b l e f o r s u b s t r a t e b a g c u l t u r i n gb a s e d o n f u z z y Bo r d a c o m b i n a t i o n e v a l u a t i o n m e t h o d Z H O U D a o m i n g 1,2,Y A N G M i n g f e i 1,2,J I A Y u a n ji e 1,2,WA N G P e n g j u 1,2,Z HU K e yu 1,2,HU X i a o h u i 1,2,3(1C o l l e g e o f H o r t i c u l t u r e ,N o r t h w e s t A&F U n i v e r s i t y ,Y a n g l i n g ,S h a a n x i 712100,C h i n a ;2K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f Pr o t e c t e d H o r t i c u l t u r e E n g i n e e r i n g i n N o r t h w e s t ,M i n i s t r y o f A g r i c u l t u r e a n d R u r a l A f f a i r s ,Y a n g l i n g ,S h a a n x i 712100,C h i n a ;3P r o t e c t e d A g r i c u l t u r e E n g i n e e r i n g T e c h n o l o g y R e s e a r c h C e n t e r i n S h a a n x i P r o v i n c e ,Y a n g l i n g ,S h a a n x i 712100,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t:ʌO b j e c t i v eɔT h i s s t u d y s c r e e n e d h i g h-y i e l d i n g a n d h i g h-q u a l i t y s c r e w p e p p e r v a r i e t i e s s u i-t a b l e f o r s u b s t r a t e b a g c u l t i v a t i o n i n N o r t h e r n S h a a n x i t o p r o v i d e b a s i s f o r t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f s o i l l e s s c u l-t i v a t i o n o f p e p p e r.ʌM e t h o dɔT w e n t y s c r e w p e p p e r v a r i e t i e s i n c l u d i n g S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r,S i l k R o a d S t a r, L o u L a n S t a r,E x t r a E a r l y O n e-f o o t L o n g,Z h o n g n o n g Q i n g l u o P r i n c e,L o n g x u a n339,B i o s o w019, H P29017,H P29037,H P29047,H P29082,W e s t e r n L o n g D r a g o n,K u b o t aC o n c h P e p p e r K i n g,G o l d e n P e-p p e r N o.6,G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.8,G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.9,G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.12,B o l o n(37-94),S t e m H a i r 802a n d V o l s T e n r o w e r e c h o s e n f o r s u b s t r a t e b a g c u l t i v a t i o n i n t h i s s t u d y.T h e w e i g h t o f s i n g l e f r u i t,p e-r i c a r p t h i c k n e s s,f r u i t l e n g t h,c o n t e n t s o f v i t a m i n C,s o l u b l e p r o t e i n,f r e e a m i n o a c i d,r e d u c i n g s u g a r,t o t a l s o l u b l e s u g a r,n i t r a t e n i t r o g e n a s w e l l a s y i e l d w e r e m e a s u r e d a n d c o m p a r e d.T h e c o r r e l a t i o n s o f i n d e x e s w e r e a n a l y z e d b y P e a r s o n a n a l y s i s.T h e y i e l d a n d q u a l i t y i n d e x e s o f e a c h v a r i e t y w e r e e v a l u a t e d b y p r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t a n a l y s i s,t e c h n i q u e f o r o r d e r p r e f e r e n c e b y s i m i l a r i t y t o i d e a l s o l u t i o n,m e m b e r s h i p f u n c t i o n a-n a l y s i s a n d g r e y r e l a t i o n a l d e g r e e a n a l y s i s.T h e r e s u l t s o f t h r e e s i n g l e c o m p r e h e n s i v e e v a l u a t i o n s b y e x t a n t c o n s i s t e n c y t e s t(K e n d a l l-W)w e r e e v a l u a t e d i n c o m b i n a t i o n a n d t h e f u z z y B o r d a e v a l u a t i o n m e t h o d w a s u s e d t o s e l e c t v a r i e t i e s s u i t a b l e f o r s u b s t r a t e b a g c u l t u r i n g i n N o r t h e r n S h a a n x i.ʌR e s u l tɔT h e w e i g h t o f s i n g l e f r u i t w a s25.62-52.83g,w i t h t h e h e a v i e s t i n L o n g x u a n339.T h e p e r i c a r p t h i c k n e s s w a s1.58-2.17mm,w i t h V o l s T e n r o t h e t h i c k e s t.T h e f r u i t l e n g t h w a s19.42-30.55c m,w i t h t h e l o n g e s t i nH P29082.T h e c o n t e n t o f v i t a m i n C w a s276.37-1058.09m g/h g,a n d G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.8w a s t h e h i g h-e s t.T h e c o n t e n t o f s o l u b l e p r o t e i n w a s0.97-1.61m g/g,a n d G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.12w a s t h e h i g h e s t.T h e c o n t e n t o f f r e e a m i n o a c i d w a s393.78-969.69μg/g,w i t h t h e h i g h e s t i n V o l s T e n r o.C o n t e n t s o f r e d u c i n g s u g a r a n d t o t a l s o l u b l e s u g a r w e r e3.82%-6.65%a n d9.87%-13.91%,a n d B i o s o w019h a d t h e h i g h e s t c o n t e n t s.T h e r e w a s n o s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e i n n i t r a t e c o n t e n t a m o n g v a r i e t i e s.T h e y i e l d w a s9625.98-84600.00k g/h m2,a n d S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r h a d t h e h i g h e s t v a l u e.T h e r e s u l t s o f s i n g l e c o m p r e h e n s i v e e-v a l u a t i o n m e t h o d s w e r e d i f f e r e n t,a n d t h e r e s u l t s o f p r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t a n a l y s i s m e t h o d h a d w e a k c o r r e l a-t i o n s w i t h t h o s e o f o t h e r m e t h o d s.T h e c o r r e l a t i o n s a m o n g o t h e r s i n g l e e v a l u a t i o n m e t h o d s p a s s e d t h e K e n-d a l l-W t e s t a n d t h e y w e r e c o m p a t i b l e f o r c o m b i n e d e v a l u a t i o n.T h e f u z z y B o r d a c o m b i n a t i o n e v a l u a t i o n m e t h o d p a s s e d t e s t s w i t h g o o d c r e d i b i l i t y.T h e o b t a i n e d t o p5v a r i e t i e s w e r e S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r, H P29047,S i l k R o a d S t a r,L o n g x u a n339a n d B i o s o w019.ʌC o n c l u s i o nɔS i l k R o a d N e w S t a r,H P29047,S i l k R o a d S t a r,L o n g x u a n339a n d B i o s o w019w e r e s u i t a b l e f o r s u b s t r a t e c u l t i v a t i o n i n N o r t h e r n S h a a n x i.K e y w o r d s:s c r e w p e p p e r;p e p p e r v a r i e t y s c r e e n i n g;f u z z y B o r d a c o m b i n a t i o n e v a l u a t i o n m e t h o d;s u b-s t r a t e b a g c u l t u r e;N o r t h e r n S h a a n x i辣椒(C a p s i c u m a n n u u m L.)营养丰富,是人们日常生活中必不可少的调味品[1-2],同时辣椒还具有活血㊁镇痛㊁减肥㊁防癌等作用,深受消费者喜爱[3-4]㊂辣椒因具有适应性强等优点,已成为我国目前播种面积最大㊁产值最高的蔬菜作物[5],同时也是陕北延安地区设施栽培的主栽作物之一㊂螺丝椒因果面有褶皱㊁形状似螺丝而得名,具有连续坐果能力强㊁产量高等优点,在辣椒产业中具有重要地位[6]㊂我国陕北地区水质较硬[7-8],土壤盐渍化严重,加上长期连作㊁盲目施肥等人为因素[9],导致以土壤栽培为主流栽培方式的设施农业发展受阻[10-11]㊂基质栽培可以有效解决上述问题[12],因此受到种植者的青睐㊂目前陕北地区螺丝椒的栽培规模逐渐扩大,但种植品种较杂,主导优势品种不明确,同时适合基质栽培的品种缺乏,限制了该地区设施农业无土栽培优势的发挥㊂有关作物综合评价方面的研究有很多,但多以单一评价方法(主成分分析法[13-14]㊁T O P S I S分析法[15-17]㊁隶属函数分析法[18-19]㊁灰色关联度分析法[20]等)或几个评价方法简单组合[13-15]进行评价㊂由于各单一评价方法的评价标准不一致,在利用不同评价方法对相同评价对象进行评价时,往往会出现不同的综合评价结果[21-22]㊂目前,将组合评价方法应用于品种比较㊁引种等方面的研究还较少㊂为此,本研究以20个螺丝椒品种为试材,利用主成分分析法㊁T O P S I S分析法㊁隶属函数分析法和411西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)第51卷灰色关联度分析法对其品质和产量进行评价,再结合模糊B o r d a评价法进行组合评价,以期筛选出适合陕北地区基质栽培的高产优质螺丝椒品种,为陕北地区辣椒无土栽培发展提供依据㊂1材料与方法1.1试验材料20个供试螺丝椒品种均为早熟品种,其品种特性相近㊂其中丝路新星㊁丝路之星㊁楼兰之星㊁特早一尺长和中农青螺王子种子,购自河南郑州中农福得绿色科技有限公司;陇旋339㊁博收019㊁H P29017㊁H P29037㊁H P29047和H P29082种子,购自北京博收种子有限公司;西域长龙和久保田螺椒王种子,购自安徽淮北市久保田种业有限公司;金椒6号㊁金椒8号㊁金椒9号和金椒12号种子,购自甘肃兰州金桥种业有限责任公司;博陇(37-94)种子,购自瑞克斯旺(青岛)农业服务有限公司;茎毛802种子,购自陕西广良种业有限公司;沃尔斯天萝种子,购自河南鼎优农业科技有限公司㊂1.2试验设计试验于2022年3-7月在西北农林科技大学延安蔬菜试验示范站(北纬36ʎ87',东经109ʎ32',海拔1009.23m)下沉式日光温室(长110m,宽12m,下沉深度1m)内进行㊂参照当地春茬辣椒的种植模式,供试螺丝椒品种均于3月16日(四叶一心)定植,7月1日拉秧,在4月下旬至7月初采收,共采收6层果实㊂采用基质袋(外白内黑的P E薄膜袋,规格为60c mˑ20c mˑ16c m)栽培种植方式,每袋种植2株辣椒,基质量18L/袋㊂栽培基质由V(羊粪)ʒV(菇渣)ʒV(珍珠岩)=2ʒ4ʒ1混合而成,其化学性质为:速效氮1775.50m g/k g,速效磷784.70m g/k g,速效钾1975.50m g/k g,全氮17.44 g/k g,全磷6.72g/k g,全钾16.99g/k g,p H值6.78,电导率2.37m S/c m㊂当地水质p H7.5~7.8,电导率2.00m S/c m㊂每个品种3次重复,每个品种一个小区,小区长10m,宽2.4m,大小行距分别为80和40c m,每个小区设置44个基质袋,种植88株螺丝椒㊂采用水肥一体化系统进行水肥供应,供应方法见文献[13,15,17],各品种管理方式相同㊂1.3测定指标及方法1.3.1产量每个螺丝椒品种选取10株,每15 d采收1次,用电子天平(Y P,上海衡际科技仪器有限公司,精度0.001g)称量各单果质量,最后统计单株产量㊂按照单株产量乘以每公顷种植株数折算每公顷产量㊂1.3.2果实品质在第3层辣椒采收期,分别在各小区的相同位点取样,选取同层次的果实进行品质测定㊂采用数显游标卡尺测量辣椒果皮厚度[13],用卷尺测量辣椒果实长度[13],用钼蓝比色法[23]测定维生素C含量,考马斯亮蓝G-250染色法[23]测定可溶性蛋白含量,茚三酮显色法[13]测定游离氨基酸含量,3,5-二硝基水杨酸法[23]测定还原糖含量,蒽酮比色法[23]测定可溶性总糖含量,水杨酸法[23]测定硝态氮含量㊂1.4螺丝椒品质和产量评价体系的构建对各品种螺丝椒品质和产量指标进行P e a r s o n 相关性分析,观察各指标之间是否存在相关性㊂采用主成分分析法(p r i n c i p l e c o m p o n e n t a n a l y s i s, P C A)[13-14]㊁T O P S I S分析法(t e c h n i q u e f o r o r d e r p r e f e r e n c e b y s i m i l a r i t y t o a n i d e a l s o l u t i o n,T O P-S I S)[15-17]㊁隶属函数分析法(m e m b e r s h i p f u n c t i o n a n a l y s i s,M F A)[18-19]和灰色关联度分析法(g r e y r e-l a t i o n a l d e g r e e a n a l y s i s,G R D A)[20]分别对各品种螺丝椒的品质和产量进行综合评价㊂采用K e n d a l l协和系数检验法[24-25]进行事前检验,以明确各单一评价方法的评判结果是否具有一致性㊂在通过事前检验的基础上,采用模糊B o r d a组合评价法[26]对各结果进行组合评价㊂采用S p e a r m a n等级相关系数检验法[24]对组合评价方法和各单一评价方法的评判结果进行事后检验,确定最优组合评价方法,并筛选出适合陕北地区基质栽培的最优螺丝椒品种㊂模糊B o r d a组合评价法[20,26]的具体步骤如下:(1)计算各单一评价方法得分的隶属优度㊂μi j=x i j-m i n(x i j)m a x(x i j)-m i n(x i j)ˑ0.9+0.1㊂式中:x i j表示第i个品种在第j种方法下的得分;μi j表示第i个品种在第j种评价方法下属 优 的隶属度,即隶属优度㊂(2)计算第i个品种处于h位排名的模糊频数ρh i及模糊频率W h i㊂ρh i=ðmj=1δi hˑμi j,h=1,2, ,n;W h i=ρh i/ðn h=1ρh i㊂式中:m表示使用的单一评价方法数;n表示品种数;δi h=1,处理i排在h位0,处理i未排在h位㊂(3)将排序转化成分数,定义为Q h i j,代表在第j 种评价方法下第i个品种排名在第h位的得分㊂511第2期周道明,等:基于模糊B o r d a组合评价法筛选适宜基质袋培的螺丝椒品种Q h i j =[(n -h )(n -h +1)]/2㊂(4)计算品种i 的模糊B o r d a 数B i ㊂B i =ðmj =1W h i ㊃Q h i j (i =1,2, ,n ;j =1,2, ,m )㊂B i 值越大,表示该处理综合评价越优㊂1.5 数据处理采用S P S S 23.0统计分析软件进行单因素方差分析㊁T u k e y 法(P <0.05)多重比较以及P e a r s o n ㊁S pe a r m a n 和K e n d a l l 相关系数的计算,主成分分析法㊁T O P S I S 分析法㊁隶属函数分析法㊁灰色关联度分析法㊁事前事后检验以及模糊B o r d a 综合评价法均采用M i c r o s of t E x c e l 2019完成㊂2 结果与分析2.1 不同品种螺丝椒品质和产量的比较由表1可知,螺丝椒单果质量最大的品种是陇旋339(52.83g ),其次为丝路新星(52.25g)㊁楼兰之星(51.00g ),单果质量最小的品种是金椒12号(25.62g );果皮最厚的品种是沃尔斯天萝(2.17mm ),果皮较厚的品种有丝路新星(1.92mm )㊁博收019(1.89mm ),果皮最薄的品种是金椒12号(1.58mm );果实最长的品种是H P 29082(30.55c m ),果实较长的品种有特早一尺长(29.87c m )㊁H P 29037(29.30c m ),果实最短的品种是沃尔斯天萝(19.42c m );维生素C 含量最高的品种是金椒8号(1058.09m g /h g),含量较高的品种有金椒9号(877.72m g /h g )㊁博陇(37-94)(730.13m g /h g )和茎毛802(730.13m g /h g),含量最低的品种是丝路之星(276.37m g /h g );可溶性蛋白含量最高的品种是金椒12号(1.61m g /g),含量较高的品种有金椒6号(1.49m g /g )㊁金椒8号(1.49m g /g )㊁博陇(37-94)(1.38m g /g),含量最低的品种是博收019(0.97m g /g);游离氨基酸含量最高的品种是沃尔斯天萝(969.69μg /g ),含量较高的品种有H P 29047(957.48μg /g )㊁楼兰之星(925.48μg /g),含量最低的品种是H P 29037(393.78μg /g);还原糖含量最高的品种是博收019(6.65%),含量较高的品种有金椒9号(5.37%)㊁H P 29017(5.32%),含量最低的品种是H P 29082(3.82%);可溶性总糖含量最高的品种是博收019(13.91%),含量较高的品种有西域长龙(12.68%)㊁金椒12号(12.56%),含量最低的品种是H P 29037(9.87%);硝态氮含量各品种间无显著性差异;产量最高的品种是丝路新星(84600.00k g/h m 2),产量较高的品种有丝路之星(67149.82k g /h m 2)㊁H P 29047(60475.64k g/h m 2),产量最低的品种是金椒8号(9625.98k g/h m 2)㊂表1 不同品种螺丝椒品质和产量的比较T a b l e 1 C o m p a r i s o n o f q u a l i t y a n d y i e l d i n d e x e s o f d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f s c r e w p e p pe r 品种S pe c i e s 单果质量/gW e i g h t o f s i n gl e f r u i t 果皮厚度/mmP e r i c a r p th i c k n e s s 果实长度/c mF r u i t l e n gt h 维生素C 含量/(m g ㊃h g -1)V i t a m i n C c o n t e n t 可溶性蛋白含量/(m g ㊃g -1)S o l u b l e p r o t e i n c o n t e n t丝路新星S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r52.25ʃ1.93a b1.92ʃ0.06a b26.60ʃ0.43c d e325.83ʃ1.42j k1.23ʃ0.01e丝路之星S i l k R o a d S t a r48.40ʃ1.95a b c 1.76ʃ0.04b c d e 25.30ʃ0.61d e f g 276.37ʃ0.93k0.99ʃ0.04i j楼兰之星L o u l a n S t a r51.00ʃ2.44a b1.78ʃ0.05b c d e 25.85ʃ0.82d e f390.08ʃ3.26h i j 1.04ʃ0.00h i j 特早一尺长E x t r a E a r l y O n e -f o o t L o n g47.97ʃ1.58a b c 1.61ʃ0.05c d e29.87ʃ0.30a b364.54ʃ3.79i j1.07ʃ0.01g h中农青螺王子Z h o n g n o n g Q i n g l u o P r i n c e 46.33ʃ1.71a b c d 1.72ʃ0.03b c d e 25.60ʃ0.43d e f g 421.26ʃ4.22h i 1.06ʃ0.01g h i 陇旋339L o n gx u a n 33952.83ʃ2.25a1.76ʃ0.05b c d e 25.10ʃ0.46d e f g h 539.01ʃ14.25e f 1.09ʃ0.00g h博收019B i o s o w 01941.56ʃ0.92c d e 1.89ʃ0.07b22.55ʃ0.24g h354.33ʃ6.46i j0.97ʃ0.01jH P 2901737.91ʃ1.41d e f 1.72ʃ0.06b c d e 27.70ʃ0.45a b c d 452.98ʃ9.78g h 1.09ʃ0.00g h H P 2903734.30ʃ1.15e f g1.65ʃ0.06b c d e 29.30ʃ0.33a b c493.58ʃ1.42f g 1.31ʃ0.02c dH P 2904748.10ʃ2.00a b c1.80ʃ0.06b c d e24.48ʃ0.56e f g h 325.03ʃ6.15j k1.24ʃ0.00d e H P 2908238.72ʃ1.57d e1.67ʃ0.05b c d e30.55ʃ0.63a658.63ʃ1.40c d 1.04ʃ0.01h i j 西域长龙W e s t e r n L o n g D r a go n 40.57ʃ1.49c d e 1.86ʃ0.05b c d24.10ʃ0.67e f g h 409.17ʃ0.97h i 1.20ʃ0.01e f久保田螺椒王K u b o t a C o n c h P e p p e r K i n g 43.62ʃ1.43b c d 1.87ʃ0.04b c d22.60ʃ0.44g h651.10ʃ3.90d1.21ʃ0.01e f金椒6号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .638.48ʃ2.89d e1.84ʃ0.02b c d e 26.90ʃ1.00b c d e 527.45ʃ5.59f1.49ʃ0.01b金椒8号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .833.76ʃ1.82efg 1.88ʃ0.05b c25.20ʃ1.04d e f gh 1058.09ʃ33.45a 1.49ʃ0.02b金椒9号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .934.57ʃ1.06e f1.80ʃ0.07b c d e 23.06ʃ0.44f gh 877.72ʃ43.29b 1.13ʃ0.02f g 金椒12号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o .1225.62ʃ0.72g1.58ʃ0.07e22.59ʃ0.30g h608.63ʃ4.27d e1.61ʃ0.01a博陇(37-94)B o l o n (37-94)29.28ʃ2.06f g1.60ʃ0.05d e 26.12ʃ0.98d e f 730.13ʃ8.66c1.38ʃ0.02c茎毛802S t e m H a i r 80233.37ʃ1.63e f g1.82ʃ0.06b c d e22.18ʃ0.52h i730.13ʃ4.85c1.36ʃ0.02c沃尔斯天萝V o l s T e n r o39.57ʃ1.25c d e2.17ʃ0.05a19.42ʃ0.49i623.95ʃ1.23d1.19ʃ0.01e f611西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)第51卷表1(续) T a b l e 1(c o n t i n u e d)品种S pe c i e s 游离氨基酸含量/(μg ㊃g -1)F r e e a m i n o a c i dc o n t e n t还原糖含量/%R e d u c i n g s u g a r c o n t e n t可溶性总糖含量/%T o t a l s o l u b l e s u ga r c o n t e n t 硝态氮含量/(μg ㊃g -1)N i t r a t e n i t r o ge n c o n t e n t产量/(k g ㊃hm -2)Y i e l d丝路新星S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r652.65ʃ2.10g h4.90ʃ0.04b c d11.16ʃ0.13f g142.40ʃ6.65a84600.00ʃ548.18a丝路之星S i l k R o a d S t a r919.08ʃ2.10a b5.06ʃ0.16b c d11.07ʃ0.03g h 139.65ʃ3.58a 67149.82ʃ548.63a b 楼兰之星L o u l a n S t a r925.48ʃ5.61a b4.61ʃ0.09d e10.59ʃ0.08h163.46ʃ0.79a54833.45ʃ603.16a b 特早一尺长E x t r a E a r l y O n e -f o o t L o n g757.36ʃ14.85e f 5.31ʃ0.08b c 11.70ʃ0.18d e f 172.16ʃ2.79a58306.91ʃ548.40a b中农青螺王子Z h o n g n o n g Q i n gl u o P r i n c e 681.73ʃ6.16g h5.13ʃ0.10b c d 11.58ʃ0.23e f g142.86ʃ3.17a45205.09ʃ549.63b c陇旋339L o n gx u a n 339713.73ʃ15.39f g 4.86ʃ0.05b c d e12.16ʃ0.07b c d 139.65ʃ6.16a53952.00ʃ668.39b博收019B i o s o w 019789.35ʃ7.05d e6.65ʃ0.04a13.91ʃ0.12a193.68ʃ15.07a 58276.36ʃ552.39a b H P 29017849.27ʃ9.36c d5.32ʃ0.04b c 12.17ʃ0.03b c d 113.10ʃ2.79a49581.82ʃ548.18bH P 29037393.78ʃ3.08j3.92ʃ0.01f9.87ʃ0.07i127.75ʃ3.97a38727.27ʃ545.45b c d H P 29047957.48ʃ9.03a b5.05ʃ0.02b c d 11.89ʃ0.02d f145.15ʃ2.42a60475.64ʃ549.90a bH P 29082619.49ʃ18.06h 3.82ʃ0.03f12.48ʃ0.04b c 128.21ʃ8.41a13278.20ʃ5020.88d西域长龙W e s t e r n L o n g D r a g o n 532.81ʃ2.67i5.16ʃ0.07b c d 12.68ʃ0.08b152.01ʃ40.63a 16172.15ʃ6114.12c d 久保田螺椒王K u b o t a C o n c h P e p p e r K i n g827.75ʃ15.64c d 4.30ʃ0.30e f11.24ʃ0.04f g434.98ʃ332.10a 12913.97ʃ4883.22d 金椒6号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .6848.11ʃ7.43c d4.75ʃ0.18d e 11.41ʃ0.16e f g 103.02ʃ3.97a10729.95ʃ4058.34d金椒8号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .8797.50ʃ1.54d e 4.80ʃ0.06c d e 11.26ʃ0.10f g122.71ʃ5.28a9625.98ʃ3641.48d金椒9号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .9707.33ʃ2.67f g5.37ʃ0.02b11.84ʃ0.02d f 135.99ʃ7.81a13649.20ʃ5160.99d金椒12号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o .12894.65ʃ37.57b c 4.86ʃ0.03b c d e 12.56ʃ0.03b118.13ʃ4.76a11459.96ʃ4334.13d 博陇(37-94)B o l o n (37-94)508.96ʃ3.24i4.69ʃ0.03d e 11.44ʃ0.09e f g130.49ʃ1.37a12209.06ʃ4617.12d茎毛802S t e m H a i r 802801.57ʃ18.66d e 4.64ʃ0.04d e11.96ʃ0.14c d f89.74ʃ3.91a11117.57ʃ4204.80d沃尔斯天萝V o l s T e n r o969.69ʃ1.54a5.11ʃ0.14b c d12.15ʃ0.11b c d236.26ʃ2.38a11798.54ʃ4461.83d注:同列数据后标不同小写字母表示品种间差异显著(P <0.05)㊂N o t e :D i f f e r e n t l o w e r c a s e l e t t e r s i n d i c a t e s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e s a m o n g va r i e t i e s (P <0.05).2.2 螺丝椒各指标间的P e a r s o n 相关性分析螺丝椒各品质和产量指标间的P e a r s o n 相关性分析结果见表2㊂表2 螺丝椒各品质指标和产量间的P e a r s o n 相关性分析T a b l e 2 P e a r s o n c o r r e l a t i o n a n a l y s i s o f q u a l i t y a n d y i e l d i n d e x e s o f s c r e w p e p pe r 指标I n d e x单果质量W e i g h t o f s i n gl e f r u i t 果皮厚度P e r i c a r p t h i c k n e s s 果长T h e f r u i t l e n gt h 维生素CV i t a m i n C游离氨基酸含量F r e e a m i n o a c i d c o n t e n t 可溶性蛋白含量S o l u b l ep r o t e i n c o n t e n t还原糖含量R e d u c i n gs u g a r c o n t e n t 可溶性总糖含量T o t a l s o l u b l es u ga r c o n t e n t硝态氮含量N i t r a t e n i t r o ge n c o n t e n t产量Y i e l d单果质量W e i g h t o f s i n g l e f r u i t 1.00果皮厚度P e r i c a r p th i c k n e s s 0.231.00果长T h e f r u i t l e n gt h 0.16-0.62**1.00维生素C 含量V i t a m i n C c o n t e n t -0.65**0.07-0.221.00游离氨基酸含量F r e e a m i n o a c i d c o n t e n t 0.210.37-0.47*-0.111.00可溶性蛋白含量S o l u b l e p r o t e i n c o n t e n t -0.66**-0.09-0.160.50*-0.031.00还原糖含量R e d u c i n g s u g a r c o n t e n t 0.150.27-0.39-0.280.30-0.331.00可溶性总糖含量T o t a l s o l u b l e s u g a r c o n t e n t -0.130.15-0.36-0.030.18-0.180.63**1.00硝态氮含量N i t r a t e n i t r o g e n c o n t e n t 0.230.36-0.35-0.010.19-0.21-0.03-0.021.00产量Y i e l d0.77**-0.060.29-0.78**0.10-0.56**0.34-0.12-0.091.00注:*表示在P <0.05水平显著相关,**表示在P <0.01水平极显著相关㊂下同㊂N o t e :*i n d i c a t e s s i g n i f i c a n t c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n i n d i c a t o r s (P <0.05);**i n d i c a t e s h i g h l y s i gn i f i c a n t c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n i n d i c a t o r s (P <0.01).T h e s a m e b e l o w.711第2期周道明,等:基于模糊B o r d a 组合评价法筛选适宜基质袋培的螺丝椒品种如表2所示,螺丝椒单果质量与产量呈极显著正相关(P <0.01),与维生素C 含量和可溶性蛋白含量均呈极显著负相关(P <0.01);果皮厚度与果长呈极显著负相关(P <0.01);果长与游离氨基酸含量呈显著负相关(P <0.05);维生素C 含量与可溶性蛋白含量呈显著正相关(P <0.05);还原性糖含量与可溶性总糖含量呈极显著正相关(P <0.01);产量与维生素C 含量和可溶性蛋白含量均呈极显著负相关(P <0.01)㊂该结果表明,这些指标之间存在信息重叠,如直接利用其进行评价,会影响结果的准确性,故需进行综合评价㊂2.3 基于螺丝椒产量和品质的各单一评价方法的综合评价结果2.3.1 主成分分析 分别对20个螺丝椒品种表征产量和品质的10个指标进行主成分分析,主成分的相关矩阵特征值及方差贡献率见表3,各品种指标的主成分载荷矩阵见表4㊂由表3可知,第1主成分方差贡献率达32.11%,第2主成分方差贡献率达25.96%,第3主成分方差贡献率为14.53%,第4主成分方差贡献率为8.81%,前4个主成分累积方差贡献率为81.40%,各主成分方差贡献率占累积方差贡献率的比值分别为0.39447,0.31886,0.17847和0.10820㊂令4个主成分得分分别为Y 1㊁Y 2㊁Y 3和Y 4,则综合得分(F )的表达式为:F =0.39447Y 1+0.31886Y 2+0.17847Y 3+0.10820Y 4㊂综合评分(表5)排名前5位的品种依次是博收019(2.136)㊁沃尔斯天萝(0.979)㊁H P 29047(0.870)㊁丝路之星(0.767)和H P 29017(0.431)㊂2.3.2 T O P S I S 分析 利用T O P S I S 分析法对20个螺丝椒品种10个产量和品质指标正向化和归一化后的数值进行分析,可得到各处理的相对贴合度C i 值(表6)㊂C i 值排序前5位的螺丝椒品种依次为丝路新星(0.616)㊁丝路之星(0.550)㊁陇旋339(0.546)㊁H P 29047(0.544)和特早一尺长(0.523)㊂表3 不同品种螺丝椒各品质和产量指标主成分的方差贡献率T a b l e 3 V a r i a n c e c o n t r i b u t i o n r a t e s o f p r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t s o f q u a l i t y an d y i e l d i n d e x e s o f d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f s c r e w p e p pe r 主成分P r i n c i p a l c o m po n e n t s 特征值E i g e n v a l u e 方差贡献率/%V a r i a n c e c o n t r i b u t i o n累积方差贡献率/%C u m u l a t i v e v a r i a n c e c o n t r i b u t i o n13.2132.1132.1122.6025.9658.0731.4514.5372.6040.888.8181.4050.595.8587.2660.464.6091.8670.333.3095.1580.222.2197.3690.181.7799.13100.090.87100.00表4 不同品种螺丝椒各品质和产量指标的主成分载荷矩阵T a b l e 4 P r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t l o a d i n g m a t r i x o f q u a l i t y a n d y i e l d i n d e x e s o f d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f s c r e w p e p pe r 指标I n d e x主成分P r i n c i p a l c o m p o n e n t 1234单果质量W e i g h t o f s i n gl e f r u i t 0.87-0.15-0.330.03产量Y i e l d0.86-0.330.060.21维生素C 含量V i t a m i n C c o n t e n t-0.810.26-0.09-0.12可溶性蛋白含量S o l u b l e p r o t e i n c o n t e n t -0.780.08-0.010.44果实长度F r u i t l e n gt h 0.05-0.900.08-0.08果皮厚度P e r i c a r p th i c k n e s s 0.210.71-0.370.03游离氨基酸含量F r e e a m i n o a c i d c o n t e n t0.300.58-0.130.57可溶性总糖含量T o t a l s o l u b l e s u g a r c o n t e n t 0.150.560.66-0.30硝态氮含量N i t r a t e n i t r o ge n c o n t e n t -0.18-0.400.640.46还原糖含量R e d u c i n g s u ga r c o n t e n t 0.510.510.57-0.01811西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)第51卷表5基于主成分分析法的不同品种螺丝椒品质和产量的综合得分及排名T a b l e5 C o m p r e h e n s i v e s c o r e a n d r a n k i n g o f q u a l i t y a n d y i e l d o f d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f s c r e w p e p p e rb a s e d o n p r i nc i p a l c o m p o n e n t a n a l y s i s品种S p e c i e s第1主成分P r i m a r y p r i n c i p a lc o m p o n e n t第2主成分S e c o n d a r y p r i n c i p a lc o m p o n e n t第3主成分T h i r d p r i n c i p a lc o m p o n e n t第4主成分F o u r t h p r i n c i p a lc o m p o n e n t综合得分C o m p o s i t es c o r e s排名R a n k i n g丝路新星S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r2.05-1.08-0.720.590.3986丝路之星S i l k R o a d S t a r2.35-0.61-0.360.910.7674楼兰之星L o u l a n S t a r1.69-0.82-1.400.920.2558特早一尺长E x t r a E a r l y O n e-f o o t L o n g1.73-1.710.54-0.290.20410中农青螺王子Z h o n g n o n g Q i n g l u o P r i n c e1.11-0.740.25-0.360.2049陇旋339L o n g x u a n3391.33-0.410.05-0.290.3727博收019B i o s o w0192.692.482.29-1.152.1361 H P290170.83-0.441.220.260.4315 H P29037-1.63-3.45-0.90-0.34-1.94020 H P290471.640.29-0.041.300.8703 H P29082-1.10-1.890.28-1.50-1.14918西域长龙W e s t e r n L o n g D r a g o n-0.050.510.82-1.250.15411久保田螺椒王K u b o t a C o n c h P e p p e r K i n g-0.351.61-3.34-1.52-0.38715金椒6号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.6-1.29-0.06-0.081.31-0.40216金椒8号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.8-2.800.81-0.400.74-0.83517金椒9号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.9-金椒12号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.12-2.580.891.501.22-0.33614博陇(37-94)B o l o n(37-94)-2.58-1.160.71-0.67-1.33519茎毛802S t e m H a i r802-1.881.010.360.67-0.27913沃尔斯天萝V o l s T e n r o0.073.71-1.350.100.9792表6基于T O P S I S分析法的各品种螺丝椒品质和产量的综合评价及排名T a b l e6 C o m p r e h e n s i v e e v a l u a t i o n a n d r a n k i n g o f q u a l i t y a n d y i e l d o f d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f s c r e wp e p p e r b a s e d o n T O P S I S a n a l y s i s品种S p e c i e s单果质量W e i g h t o fs i n g l e f r u i t果皮厚度P e r i c a r pt h i c k n e s s果实长度F r u i t l e n g t h维生素C含量V i t a m i n Cc o n t e n t可溶性蛋白含量S o l u b l e p r o t e i nc o n t e n t游离氨基酸含量F r e e a m i n oa c i d c o n t e n t还原糖含量R e d u c i n gs u g a r c o n t e n t丝路新星S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r0.丝路之星S i l k R o a d S t a r0.楼兰之星L o u l a n S t a r0.特早一尺长E x t r a E a r l y O n e-f o o t L o n g0.中农青螺王子Z h o n g n o n g Q i n g l u o P r i n c e0.陇旋339L o n g x u a n3390.博收019B i o s o w0190. H P290170. H P290370. H P290470. H P290820.西域长龙W e s t e r n L o n g D r a g o n0.久保田螺椒王K u b o t a C o n c h P e p p e r K i n g0.金椒6号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o.第2期周道明,等:基于模糊B o r d a组合评价法筛选适宜基质袋培的螺丝椒品种表6(续) T a b l e 6(c o n t i n u e d)品种S pe c i e s 单果质量W e i g h t o f s i n gl e f r u i t 果皮厚度P e r i c a r p t h i c k n e s s果实长度F r u i t l e n gt h 维生素C 含量V i t a m i n C c o n t e n t可溶性蛋白含量S o l u b l e p r o t e i nc o n t e n t游离氨基酸含量F r e e a m i n o a c i d c o n t e n t还原糖含量R e d u c i n g s u ga r c o n t e n t 金椒8号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .金椒9号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .金椒12号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o .博陇(37-94)B o l o n (37-94)茎毛802S t e m H a i r 8020.沃尔斯天萝V o l s T e n r o0. +品种S pe c i e s 可溶性总糖含量T o t a l s o l u b l e s u ga r c o n t e n t 硝态氮含量N i t r a t e n i t r o ge n c o n t e n t产量Y i e l d D +i D -i C i排名R a n k i n g 丝路新星S i l k R o a d N e w S t a r0.丝路之星S i l k R o a d S t a r楼兰之星L o u l a n S t a r0.特早一尺长E x t r a E a r l y O n e -f o o t L o n g中农青螺王子Z h o n g n o n g Q i n gl u o P r i n c e陇旋339L o n gx u a n 3390.博收019B i o s o w 0190. P 290170. P 290370. P 290470. P 290820.西域长龙W e s t e r n L o n g D r a go n久保田螺椒王K u b o t a C o n c h P e p p e r K i n g0.金椒6号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .金椒8号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .金椒9号G o l d e n P e p pe r N o .金椒12号G o l d e n P e p p e r N o .博陇(37-94)B o l o n (37-94)茎毛802S t e m H a i r 8020.沃尔斯天萝V o l s T e n r o0. +注:C i表示相对贴合度,S +㊁S -分别表示理想解和逆理想解;D +i ㊁D -i 分别表示各处理与理想解和逆理想解的距离㊂N o t e :C i de n o t e s r e l a t i v ef i t n e s s .S +a n d S -d e n o t e i d e a l s o l u t i o n a n d i n v e r s e i d e a l s o l u t i o n ,r e s p e c t i v e l y .D +i a n d D -i d e n o t e d i s t a n c e b e -t w e e n e a c h t r e a t m e n t a n d i d e a l s o l u t i o n a n d i n v e r s e i d e a l s o l u t i o n ,r e s p e c t i v e l y.2.3.3 隶属函数分析 分别对20个螺丝椒品种表征产量和品质的10个指标进行隶属函数综合评价,各指标隶属函数值及排名如表7所示㊂由表7可知,排名前5的螺丝椒品种依次为丝路新星(0.567)㊁H P 29047(0.557)㊁博收019(0.553)㊁金椒8号(0.544)和陇旋339(0.528)㊂2.3.4 灰色关联度分析 通过灰色关联度分析,取分辨率ρ=0.5,计算得出参考序列与比较序列在各个时刻绝对差值的最大值为0.11,最小值为0.00㊂各品种的关联度㊁权重㊁灰色评判值及排名如表8所示㊂由表8可知,排名前5的螺丝椒品种依次为丝路新星(0.437)㊁金椒8号(0.419)㊁H P 29047(0.410)㊁丝路之星(0.399)和博收019(0.398)㊂021西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)第51卷。
关键词:生鲜农产品;配送模式;评价;优化中图分类号:F724.6;F326.6 文献标志码:A DOI:10.13714/ki.1002-3100.2024.12.005Abstract: With the rapid development of e-commerce, fresh agricultural product e-commerce has become an important channel for the circulation of agricultural products. However, fresh agricultural products face many challenges in the logistics distribution process due to their perishable and vulnerable characteristics. This article uses the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method to construct an evaluation system for the logistics distribution mode of fresh agricultural product e-commerce, and conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the logistics distribution of fresh agricultural products under different modes through empirical analysisand case studies. Finally, based on the evaluation results and existing problems, optimization strategies for the logistics distribution of fresh agricultural product e-commerce are proposed. Through implementing these optimization strategies, it is expected to further improve the efficiency and quality of e-commerce logistics distribution of fresh agricultural products, meet the diversified needs of consumers, and promote the in-depth integration and development of agriculture and e-commerce.Key words: fresh agricultural product; distribution mode; evaluation; optimization0 引言生鮮农产品电商是指通过互联网或移动应用程序,直接从农场、渔民、肉类和奶制品供应商等生产者手中购买新鲜食品的平台。
谈谈你对双学位的看法英语作文英文回答:Double degrees are academic programs that allow students to pursue two distinct areas of study simultaneously. They offer several advantages, including:1. Expanded Knowledge Base: Double degrees enable students to acquire a comprehensive understanding of two different fields, broadening their intellectual horizons. This diverse knowledge base can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability.2. Specialized Expertise: By pursuing two degrees, students can develop specialized expertise in specific areas. This dual competence can increase career prospects and earning potential, especially in fields where interdisciplinary skills are highly valued.3. Enhanced Career Options: Double degrees providestudents with a wider range of career opportunities. They can leverage their expertise in multiple domains to explore diverse roles across industries. Graduates with double degrees are often sought after by employers seeking individuals with diverse skill sets.4. Personal Development: Engaging in double degree programs fosters personal growth and self-discovery. Students learn to manage their time effectively, prioritize their commitments, and develop resilience in the face of academic challenges.5. Global Perspective: Double degrees often involve international collaborations or study abroad opportunities. These experiences expose students to diverse cultures and perspectives, enhancing their global awareness and intercultural competence.However, it is important to consider the challenges associated with double degrees:1. Increased Time Commitment: Pursuing two degreesrequires a significant time investment. Students must be prepared to dedicate substantial effort and time management skills to succeed in both programs.2. Academic Rigor: Double degree programs are academically demanding, requiring students to perform at a high level in multiple disciplines. This can be challenging for students who may not excel equally in all areas.3. Financial Considerations: Double degrees typically result in higher tuition and living expenses. Students should carefully consider the financial implications and explore scholarship opportunities to offset the costs.4. Limited Socialization: Double degree students may have limited time for extracurricular activities and social interactions. This can impact their overall university experience and sense of belonging.Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to pursue a double degree is a personal one. Students should carefully consider their career goals, interests, and abilitiesbefore making a decision. Those who are highly motivated, organized, and passionate about their fields of study may find that the benefits of a double degree outweigh the challenges.中文回答:谈及双学位,我的看法是它是一条兼具优势与挑战的道路。
刘海鑫,李伟,乔雅诗,等. 免疫调节性袋泡茶配方优化及功能性评价[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(12):388−396. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022080176LIU Haixin, LI Wei, QIAO Yashi, et al. Formulation Optimization and Functional Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Teabags[J].Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(12): 388−396. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022080176· 营养与保健 ·免疫调节性袋泡茶配方优化及功能性评价刘海鑫,李 伟,乔雅诗,曹宇旺,张博驹,刘彩霞*(山西中医药大学中药与食品工程学院,山西晋中 030619)摘 要:目的:以绿茶、黄芪、党参、枸杞子、大枣为原料研制一款具有增强免疫力的功能性袋泡茶。
将SPF 级昆明小鼠随机分为空白对照组、模型对照组、阳性对照组(1.40 mg/kg BW 的蛋白粉)和袋泡茶低(0.52 g/kg BW )、中(1.04 g/kg BW )、高剂量组(1.56 g/kg BW ),除空白对照组外,其余各组小鼠腹腔注射环磷酰胺制备免疫低下模型,连续给药21 d 后测定小鼠体重和脏器指数;流式细胞术检测小鼠脾脏淋巴细胞CD3+细胞、CD4+细胞、CD8+细胞及CD4+CD8+细胞比例值;ELISA 法测定小鼠血清中干扰素γ(interferon-γ,IFN-γ)含量。
结果:袋泡茶的最佳配方为黄芪、党参、枸杞子、大枣、绿茶量分别为茶袋内容物总质量的13.00%、26.30%、20.50%、20.50%、19.70%,多糖含量为33.84±0.52 mg/g 。
1 引言随着城市汽车保有量不断增加,城市道路空间资源越来越紧张,导致交通拥堵问题逐渐演化为城市常态。
例如,北京市根据实时GPS 轨迹数据,以拥堵路段里程比例评价道路的实时交通运行状态;高德、百度等互联网公司通过实时GPS 轨迹数据,测算道路的拥堵延迟指数,评价路段拥堵情况,向用户发布实时路况信息。
但从实际效果来看,此类方法的可靠性在一些地区难以取得理想的效果,究其原因,主要是由于这些地区摘要 随着机动车数量的快速增长,由城市道路交通资源供需不均衡引起的交通拥堵越来越严重,缓解城市交通拥堵成为世界性难题。
Literature Review of the Study on Fuzzy ComprehensiveEvaluation of Regional TechnologicalInnovation Ability of China Changzhutan “3 +5” UrbanAgglomeration Based on AHPAbstractBased on the relevant statistical data of 2008,taking regional technological innovation ability of Changzhutan “3+5” urban agglomeration as a study object , constructing the objective and comprehensive index system of regional technological innovation ability, combining Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) and fuzzy, this paper conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the technological innovation ability of the region. The result shows that the greater differences on technological innovation ability are existed in different cities of this region. The overall level of the technological innovation ability also needs to be enhanced. Based on the analysis, this paper tries to find the differences on technological innovation ability in different cities of this region and puts forward some related policy proposals on the development of regional technological innovation ability of Changzhutan"3 +5" urban agglomeration. Key words Regional technological innovation ability; AHP; Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; IndexSystem1 IntroductionIn the era of knowledge economy, the imbalance of regional economic development is caused mainly by the differences of regional technological innovation ability, and the evaluation of regional technological innovation ability depends on an objective and comprehensive index system of regional technological innovation ability. Many scholars had conducted studies on index system of regional technological innovation ability from different aspects, foreign studies mainly focused on regional innovation strategy, regional technical planning and transfering, regional innovation policy, and so on. There are also relatively large number of studies on literature and many types of index system designs of regional technological innovation ability in China. But from the general point of view, present studies on index system of regional technological innovation ability are in the exploratory stage, mainly using qualitative research methods, thus the index system designs of regional technological innovation ability also needed to be improved. this paper selects regional technological innovation ability of Changzhutan "3 +5" urban agglomeration as study object to improve index system, gather first-hand information to undertake research, and hoping the research result has a certain reference value.2 Empirical AnalysisFrom the above analysis, assessment shows that only Changsha is V1 ( excellent), Zhuzhou is V2( good), other cities is V4(bad). as can be seen, in the column of score, Changsha is listed the first with79.57, thus its regional technological innovation ability is strongest. Zhuzhou is second with 69.93, Xiangtan is the third with65.80,thus they are ranked in the second group. as for their overall technical ability innovation, it is lower than Changsha, but it is higher than the average level, Yiyang gets 62.11 ,Hengyang gets 61.85, Loudi gets 61.60, Yueyang gets 60.83. They can be ranked in the third Group, from these figures, their ability of technological innovation have the highest concentration, but they lowered the overall level. Changdegets 53.66 which ranked in the fourth group, its technical innovation is lower than other cities and the average level. This shows that regional technological innovation ability level of Changzhutan “3+5” urban agglomeration is not high and the big gaps are existed between cities in regional innovation ability.3 ConclusionExploring regional technological innovation ability of Changzhutan “3+5” urban agglomeration deeply, and integration regional innovational resource to enhance original power of the knowledge. Increasing the intensity of investment in science and technology funding, vigorously develop the diversity of scientific research institutions Accelerating industrial restructure of Changzhutan “3+5” urban agglomeration .According to the data of yearbook, proportion of the first industry of other large cities is high, while the proportion of the second industry and third industry is low except Changsha, and urbanization level is lower too. Therefore, improving its industrialization and urbanization has become a key to enhance technological innovation regional ability and regional economic development. A favorable environment for innovation should be built. As a comprehensive reform area Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Innovation & Management of a “two-oriented society”, Changzhutan “3+5” urban agglomeration is different from Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and other Pudong, Binhai new economic areas. It is mainly an exploration based on domestic market, domestic resources, and domestic technology development model. Therefore, government’s active guide is needed while the cluster has its own self-exploration and self-innovation. Strengthening collaborative innovation within the cluster, the regional technological innovation and regional economic development should be combined effectively. As an innovative city, Changzhutan “3+5” group should not be isolated. In order to strengthen the city's exchanges and cooperation, generally, Changsha should be made as regional economic development engine, while Zhuzhou and Xiangtan as two wings, then to promote around city's development and make the weak strong ultimately, and the coordinated development of the regional technological innovation ability will arrive.References[1] Shen Juhua. China's Regional Scientific and Technological Innovation Ability Evaluation System of Research and Application[J]. Economic issues, 2005, (8) (In Chinese)[2] Zhang Lidong. Regional Technology Innovation System Problems and Countermeasures - In the Northeast Old Industrial Bases in the Innovation System as an Example[J]. China Science and Technology Information, 2006, (7) (In Chinese) [3] Shao Yunfei, Ouyang Qingyan. Based on Multivariate Statistical Regional Technological Innovation Ability of Our Classification Features[J]. Engineering, 2009, (6) (In Chinese)[4] Zhang Jingqiang, Xia jun. Survey of China's Regional Technical Capacity[J]. Productivity Studies,2009, (15) (In Chinese)[5] Zhu Haijiu. Index System Research of Regional Innovation Ability Evaluation[J]. R&D Management, 2005, 25(5) (In Chinese)[6] Wang Guozhen. Regional Technological Innovation Ability Evaluation Studies of Hebei Province[J]. Journal of Hebei University of Technology, 2005, 26(3) (InChinese)。
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Comprehensive and Fuzzy Study of Performance Evaluation onGreen Marketing in Enterprises∗Wei Feng1,2, Liu Sifeng1, Chen Shangtao21 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, P.R.China, 2100162 Guangxi University of Technology, Liuzhou, P.R.China, 545006(E-mail: fwei916@, sfliu@, weif20062006@)Abstract From a view of corporate innovation, this paper probes into the basic contents of green marketing performance and describes a number of factors and conditions that influence green marketing performance. Meanwhile based on an analysis into characteristics of enterprises’ green marketing performance, this paper constructs an index system for the comprehensive evaluation on enterprises’ green marketing performance and delivers a model for the fuzzy evaluation of green marketing performance to underpin the improvement of innovative enterprises’ green marketing performance.Key words Green marketing; Performance; Index system; Fuzzy evaluation model1 IntroductionModern green marketing is originated from the researches carried out by a number of scholars on ecological marketing in middle 1970s. Green marketing has become the focus of corporate innovations for the worsening environmental issues and the reinforcing consumers’ awareness of environment protection. Internationally, significance of green marketing has not been widely acknowledged until the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s, especially during 1991 to 1993. Morgan Mars and Lynda Monira defined the concept of environmental marketing direction, i.e., an enterprise shall attach importance to social morals, ethics, and responsibilities, and shoulder the task to create and sustain a healthy environment without endangering benefits of posterities. This concept is different from the traditional theory of production direction, promotion direction, and marketing direction[1]. In Chinese researchers’ study on green marketing performance, Wei Mingxia had an opinion that green marketing performance are mainly expressed at three aspects, namely corporate performance, performance of ecological environment, and performance of social environment. These three aspects are an inseparable integrity. Wei Mingxia presented the correlation among these three aspects. The focus of researches is corporate performance, while performance of ecological environment is an important condition for researches of corporate performance, and social performance expresses the value of green marketing[2]. However, generally researches on green marketing performance lacked systematic evaluation and control. Therefore, one of the important tasks for modern enterprises to implement green marketing strategy is to construct an index system for the evaluation of green marketing performance and therefore to evaluate and control green marketing performance and conduct innovative green marketing activities in a scientific way, and thus to improve green marketing performance[4].2 Green Marketing Performance System2.1 Classification of performance systemGreen marketing performance system has four tiers for enterprises’ marketing activities feature hierarchy[2].(1) Environmental super-system of enterprises’ green marketingEnvironmental super-system of enterprises’ green marketing existing outside of enterprises is a target to be realized by enterprises’ green marketing.(2) Idea system of enterprises’ green marketing∗Spported by the Project Fund of Educational Department of Guangxi Autonomous Region of China – Research of Green Supply Chain Management and its Architectural Structure of Traditional Manufacturing in Guangxi, China (Project No.: 200712LX191).Project of Philosophical and Social Scientific Research of Guangxi, China – Research on Current Situation and Development Approaches for Green Supply Chain of Manufacturing in Guangxi, China (Project No.: 06BJY012).Project of Philosophical and Social Scientific Research of Guangxi, China – Research on Circular Economic Development Strategy for Beibuwan Economic Zone of Guangxi, China (Project No.: 08BJY016).Green marketing idea is the premise and foundation for enterprises to implement green marketing. The marketing strategy of enterprises shall show the requirements of four aspects, namely re-consumption of products, re-conducting of customer requirements, re-determination of marketing combination, and re-organization of enterprises.(3) Executive system of enterprises’ green marketingExecutive system of green marketing means enterprises’ integrated green marketing activities conducted by green marketing idea. An important, internal security system for enterprises is used to implement green marketing.(4) Control system of enterprises’ green marketingControl system of green marketing is the critical part to guarantee the normal running of green marketing system and to improve performance of green marketing.2.2 Performance index systemThe effects of green marketing have a direct influence on the sales performance of enterprises’ innovation, even on the survival and development of enterprises’ innovation. Thus enterprises shall estimate and evaluate the performance of green marketing activities they implemented. When to evaluate the performance of green marketing, we should note that the green marketing activities of enterprises are involving all the aspects of society and ecology. They have a potential, lasting influence. Therefore, green marketing performance is not the simple sum of one or several effects, but a comprehensive and integrative concept. Thus the evaluation on green marketing performance shall be a comprehensive evaluation of multiple tiers, factors, and targets. Only an index system designed from multiple aspects and levels can show exactly whether the green marketing performance of innovative enterprises is low or high. [5]As shown in Table 1, an index system to evaluate enterprises’ green marketing performance is structured based on the meaning of green marketing, features of its performance system, taking into account the principles of target-oriented, scientific, practical, systematic, hierarchical, comparative, comprehensive, and both qualitative and quantitative. [4]Table 1 Performance Index System of Enterprises’ Green MarketingTier of Target Tier of Rules Tier of Sub-rules Tier of IndexCorporateProfitabilitySales Profit Margin; Power of Cost ControlCorporate GrowthPotentialSales Increase Rate; Market ShareCorporate Image Enterprise Fame; Acknowledged ReputationCorporate Culture Staff’s Green Awareness; Green ExecutionPower of EnterpriseCorporate PerformanceCorporate Competence Competitors’ Imitation Rate; Customers’FidelityResource Usage Rate Effective Usage Rate of Resource; ResourceConsumption RatePerformance ofEcologicalEnvironment EnvironmentalProtection Capacity Clean Production Rate; Harmless ExhaustRateCustomer ServiceAbility Green Products Rate; Customer SatisfactionRatePerformance ofConsumersCustomer Influence Green Consumption Rate; Green ProductsRecognitionSocial InfluenceBrand Recognition; Environmental Influence Public Recognition Social Return Rate; Media Attention RateComprehensive Goodness of Green Marketing Performance Social PerformanceService Level Service Project Investment Rate and Satisfaction Degree3 Performance Evaluation Model of Enterprises’ Green MarketingAs the integrated evaluation on green marketing performance shall take into account many factors, the performance index system is quite complicated for many factors are of fuzzy type that features uncertainty and impreciseness. Using the performance index system of enterprises’ green marketing shown in Table 1, we firstly took a comprehensive evaluation on each class of indices of different tiers, and then to undertake a higher comprehensive integration on evaluation results, i.e., to have a multi-tier fuzzy integrated evaluation. The basic steps are: [2]Determine the evaluation subsystems that affect green marketing performance and mark them as 12{,,,}n V V V V =L , totally n evaluation subsystems. For example: Performance Goodness = {Subsystem of Enterprise, Subsystem of Ecology, Subsystem of Society}.Determine the evaluation rules that affect the performance of No. i (i =1,2,…,n ) evaluation subsystem and mark them as 12(,,,)i i i im V V V V =L to indicate that No.i subsystem has m evaluation rules. For example: Social Performance = {Service Level, Social Direction, Public Effects}.Determine the basic evaluation index set under No. j (j =1, 2, …, m ) rule that affects No. i evaluation subsystem and mark it as 12{,,,}ij ij ij ijq V V V V =L to indicate that No. j tier of rules of No. i evaluation subsystem has q basic evaluation indices. For example: Service Level ={Service Project Investment Rate, Product Return and Exchange Rate }.Suppose the weight of each basic index in ij V to be 12{,,,}ij ij ij ijq A a a a =L . The corresponding set of comments is 12{,,,}p U U U U =L , totally p levels, for example U ={Very Bad, Bad, Common, Good, Very Good }. The membership matrix for the membership degree of each basic index in ij V is 1R .ij R indicates that in No.j rule of No.i evaluation subsystem, the membership of No. g (g =1,2,…,q)basic index to the tier H (H =1,2,…,p). Take the integration of the first tier on the basic evaluation indices of No.j tier of rules of No.i evaluation subsystem, i.e., the basic indices of V ij using the original model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, we get the result of fuzzy integrated evaluation on No.j tier of rules of No.i evaluation subsystem as:12(,,,)ij ij ij ij ij ijp B A R b b b == L (1)From Formula (1) we get the fuzzy evaluation matrix of No. m tier of rules in i V as 2R : 2jH r means the membership of No. K (K =1, 2, …, j) tier of rules of No. i evaluation subsystem to the tier H (H =1, 2,…, p). Suppose the weight for each tier of rules in i V as 12(,,,)i i i ij A a a a =L , and take an integration of the second tier on the tier of rules of No. i subsystem, i.e., the tier of rules of i V , we get the result of fuzzy integrated evaluation on No. i evaluation subsystem as:12(,,,)i i i i i ip B A R b b b == L (2)From Formula (2) we get the fuzzy evaluation matrix of No. n evaluation subsystem of V as 3R : 3lH r means the membership of No.(1,2,,)l l n =L performance goodness evaluation subsystem to the tier H (H =1,2,…,p). Suppose the weight of V evaluation subsystem as 12(,,,)n A a a a =L ,we take an integration of the third tier on the performance goodness evaluation subsystem, i.e., evaluation subsystem of V, using the original model of fuzzy integrated evaluation. We get the result of fuzzy integrated evaluation of performance goodness as:12(,,,)n B A R b b b == L .Calculate out performance goodness of green marketing:T P B C = (3)Of which C is the row vector of fuzzy evaluation constituted of the representative value or mean value of each grade.4 Demonstrative AnalysisConsumers come directly to marketplaces of household appliances, so they are apt to form some kind of image towards such marketplaces. Performance goodness of these marketplaces influences directly the quantity of consumers and their consumption amount, and thus influences the survival and development of innovative enterprises. Therefore, this paper selects one marketplace of household appliances in western China for a comprehensive analysis on the performance goodness of this enterprise’s green marketing. Selecting from corporate performance, performance of ecological environment, performance of consumers, and social performance, this paper evaluates the performance goodness of social performance as an example. According to the theory of green marketing, the enterprise has achieved outstanding social performance in social influence, public recognition, and service level. Below we used the fuzzy evaluation method to evaluate performance goodness.We collected back 88 among 100 questionnaires presented to the company. Of these 88 questionnaires, 55 are valid, staying for 65% validity rate. Questionnaires were made to survey information and data such as marketplace’s reputation (whether consumers know it), coverage of consumers, quality of sold products, media report frequency, donation for commonweal, paid-up taxes, post-sale service level of sold products, and management level of the enterprise’s service department.By collecting and combing the collected data, and taking into account relevant data of similar enterprises, together with the survey of some experts’ comments, this paper constructed an index system with tiers as shown in Figure 1, and values of related indices were delivered.4.1 Construction of index system for social performance evaluationFigure 1 Indices for Evaluating Social Performance of Household Appliances4.2 Set and standardize values of basic indicesMatrix X is delivered using the scale of 100-score based on the evaluated and elected data. Then formula ij j ij j j x x d x x Δ∗Δ−=− (j x ∗is the optimal value of Index j, j xthe worst) is used to get the matrix of benefits. Suppose: The ideal score is 100, the worst score is 50.80899387829188848183918285888081807984807881827688848786807986877081898384808982867978818683758375818376899184857288878386858180X ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦ 4.3 Determine the weight valueGet experts’ calculation results on the importance degree of the second tier’s indices, as shown in Table 2. Table 2 Statistics of Importance Degree of Second Tier’s IndicesGrade Very Important Important To be Accounted InsignificantSocial Influence 3 4 1 0 Public Recognition 5 3 0 0 Service Level 3 3 2 0 ⇒0.600.780.860.740.640.820.760.680.700.660.820.640.700.760.600.620.600.480.680.600.560.620.640.520.760.680.740.720.600.580.720.740.400.620.780.660.680.600.780.640.720.580.760.620.720.660.500.660.500.D =620.660.520.780.820.680.700.840.780.740.660.720.700.620.60⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦Importance degrees of different indices are got in Table 3 based on Table 2. Table 3 Values of Importance Degree Grade ofIndicesVery Importa nt Medium Importa nt Medium To be Account ed Medium Low Signific ance Medium Insign ificant QuantitativeInterval8.5— 9.5 7.5— 8.5 6.5— 7.5 5.5— 6.5 4.5— 5.5 3.5— 4.5 2.5— 3.5 1.5— 2.5 0.5—1.5 IntervalMedian 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Using the formula 9911f f a a i j ij ij j j =•∑∑== (of which the median of No.ij j grade’s quantitativeinterval is i a ,while i a is the value of importance degree of No.ij i index, ij f the quantity of experts’ who evaluate No.ij i as No.ij j grade), as shown in Table 4.Table 4 Importance Degree of Second Tier’s IndicesIndex Social Influence Public RecognitionService Level Value of Importance Degree 7.5 8.57.25 Importance Degree Important Very Important ImportantDetermine proportional scaleHere we use the relative comparison method to make the relative importance degrees of any two indices can be comparative. This comparison can be transferable in subjective judgment.Proportional scale for the comparison of two factors:a ij ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} is used to indicate the relative importance degree when two factors are compared. 1 means the former and the latter has the same importance degree; 9 means the former is much more important than the later. The other numbers are used to indicate the importance differences between 1 and 9. Then the formula 111n n n W a a i ij ijj i j =∑∑∑=== is used to calculate out the weight. P-SP S1 S2 S3 Wp S1 1 1/2 3 0.32 S2 2 1 4 0.56 S3 1/3 1/4 1 0.12 Wp means the weight of Tier S compared with the target tier P.S1-BS1 B1 B2 Ws1 B1 1 1/6 0.14 B2 6 1 0.86Ws1 means the weight of basic indices B1 and B2 compared with Tier S1.S2-BS2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Ws2 B3 1 1/4 1/2 1/4 0.09 B4 4 1 2 1 0.36 B5 2 1/2 1 1/2 0.18 B6 4 1 2 1 0.36 Ws2 means the weight of basic indices B3-B6 compared with Tier S2.S3—BS3 B7 B8 Ws3 B7 1 3 0.75 B8 1/3 1 0.25Ws3 means the weight of basic indices B7 and B8 compared with Tier S3.4.4 Determine the results of social performance evaluationThe fuzzy integrated valuation method is used for evaluation with grades set as social performance 0<P ≤0.2 (very bad); 0.2<P ≤0.4 (bad); 0.4<P ≤0.6 (common); 0.6<P ≤0.8 (good); 0.8<P ≤1 (very good); of which P means the social performance of household appliances.Standardized values are calculated out based on the scores given by experts. Based on grades scale of social performance, we got Table 5, which shows the membership degree of each index.Based on the weight and membership degree of indices mentioned above and using Formula (1), we calculated out the result of “social influence” for the integrated evaluation of social performance of household appliances’ marketplace as:10.1250.3750.3750.12500.140.860.0180.6980.2680.018000.750.2500B =•=⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦ Using the same way we calculated out the integrated evaluation result of “public recognition” as: 20.250.7500000.750.25000.090.360.180.360.1130.6530.2250000.750.25000.250.50.2500B =•=⎡⎤⎢⎥⎡⎤⎡⎤⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦ Integrated evaluation result of “service level” is:300.750.25000.750.2500.750.250000.750.2500B =•=⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦ From Formula (2), we calculated out the integrated evaluation of the second tier as:0.0180.6980.2680.01800.320.560.120.1130.6530.225000.070.680.240.01000.750.2500P =•=⎡⎤⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎣⎦ From Formula (3), we calculated out the result of fuzzy integrated evaluation of social performance of household appliances’ marketplace: =•=⎡⎤⎢⎥⎡⎤⎣⎦⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦0.6<P =0.6620.8. Thus we know that the fuzzy integrated evaluation result of marketplace of ≦household appliances is good, which indicates that the enterprise has a high goodness of social performance. However, the enterprise wants innovations to improve brand marketing and corporate responsibility, and thus to increase social influence of the enterprise in an overall way. Using the same way we can calculate out the fuzzy integrated evaluation results for corporate performance, performance of ecological system, and performance of consumers, and thus to get the performance goodness of green marketing of this marketplace of household appliances.5 ConclusionThe fuzzy integrated evaluation model for green marketing performance collects and treats information based on the integral effects of green marketing activities of innovative enterprises. Basedon the fuzziness of performance evaluation, this model uses fuzzy mathematics as the methodological foundation, while an index system for green marketing performance evaluation is constructed to build single-factor evaluation matrix and weight fuzzy sets, and thus to calculate out the comprehensive evaluation on the performance goodness of green marketing. With the performance goodness we got, we may point out risks an enterprise faces and its defects to be amended. Therefore, it becomes possible for an enterprise to adjust and perfect its operational and managerial system[6], realizing the true sustainable development in an innovative way.References[1] Yang Chunmei. Green Marketing and Sustainable Development of Garment Industry[M]. ChineseBusiness Review, 2006 (In Chinese)[2] Wei Mingxia, Si Linsheng. Management of Green Marketing Performance[M]. Beijing: Economicand Management Publishing klouse, 2005 (In Chinese)[3] Ruan Yusheng. 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