小学五年级英语PEP 版Grade 5 (上)Final Test单元测试卷201302

亲爱的小朋友,你们好! 经过两个月的学习,你们一定有不小的收获吧,用你的自信和智慧,认真答题,相信你一定会闯关成功。
相信你是最棒的!1Unit 5 There is a big bed满分:100分 时间:60分钟 得分: 听力部分一、听录音,判断图片与内容是(T)否(F)一致。
(10分)1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )二、听录音,将下列句子排序。
(10分)( )There are lots of plants here.( )There are lots of plants in my grandma’s garden.( )There are some children in front of the tree.( )Xiaoming is behind me.( )I live next to the nature park.三、听录音,补全短文。
赣州“PEP”2024年小学五年级上册英语第5单元测验卷[有答案]考试时间:100分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、What do we celebrate on Christmas?A. New YearB. BirthdayC. HolidayD. Jesus' birth答案:D2、听力题:A _______ is a chemical substance that can donate protons.3、选择题:What is 8 - 5?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 54、听力题:The _____ is a natural satellite of Earth.5、填空题:I enjoy visiting the ______ (动物园) to see all the different animals. My favorite is the ______ (老虎).6、填空题:This ________ (玩具名称) is very colorful.7、听力题:My mom reads me a ______ (story) at bedtime.The chemical symbol for phosphorus is _______.9、听力题:Sedimentary rocks are often found in ______, where they were deposited over time.10、填空题:A ________ (野花) can be found in nature.11、选择题:What is the boiling point of water?A. 50 degrees CelsiusB. 100 degrees CelsiusC. 150 degrees CelsiusD. 200 degrees Celsius12、听力题:A mixture that can be separated by chemical means is called a ______.13、选择题:What is the color of snow?A. BlackB. WhiteC. BrownD. Blue14、听力题:The ______ helps us learn about global issues.15、听力题:A chemical reaction that releases gas is called _____.16、选择题:What is the main ingredient in chocolate chip cookies?A. FlourB. SugarC. Chocolate chipsD. All of the above17、What do we call a person who repairs cars?A. AccountantB. MechanicC. ArchitectD. Chef答案:BElements in the same column of the periodic table have similar _______.19、听力题:The chemical symbol for neon is ________.20、填空题:I love to build and create with my _________ (玩具工具).21、填空题:In the future, I hope to design toys that are both ________ (形容词) and educational.22、What do penguins live in?A. ForestB. DesertC. ArcticD. Ocean23、听力题:The chemical symbol for lanthanum is _______.24、What is the name of the river that flows through Egypt?A. AmazonB. NileC. YangtzeD. Mississippi答案: B. Nile25、What do you call a large, round fruit that is usually red or green?A. PearB. AppleC. PeachD. Plum答案:B26、填空题:The ancient Egyptians preserved ________ to pass down history.27、听力题:A __________ is a major geological feature of the earth.28、What do we call a scientist who studies the weather?A. MeteorologistB. OceanographerC. ClimatologistD. Geologist答案: A29、Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing down on them?A. GuitarB. DrumC. PianoD. Violin答案: C30、填空题:A _____ (草地) is a good spot for children to play.31、听力题:I want to ______ (travel) to new places.32、听力题:I want to ___ a great leader. (become)33、What is a meteoroid?A. A piece of rock in spaceB. A starC. A planetD. A comet34、听力题:In winter, some plants _______ their leaves.35、ical plants need a lot of _____ (湿度). 填空题:Sometime36、填空题:The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called __________ (凝结).37、听力题:A frog goes through ______ stages in its life.38、填空题:I can explore my imagination with my ________ (玩具类型).39、填空题:The butterfly's metamorphosis is a fascinating ________________ (过程).40、听力题:The chemical formula for lead(II) nitrate is __________.41、What do we call a young kangaroo?A. CalfB. JoeyC. KidD. Pup42、听力题:Oxygen is essential for _____ combustion.43、填空题:There are many _______ (昆虫) in the garden.44、填空题:We have a ______ (快乐的) time at family reunions.45、填空题:A ______ (植物园) showcases many varieties of plants.46、填空题:The _____ (种子) of a plant can be spread by wind or animals.47、填空题:The sky is _______ (晴朗的) today.48、听力题:The children are _____ in the sandbox. (playing)49、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium bicarbonate is __________.50、What is the name of the famous ship that sank in 1912?A. TitanicB. LusitaniaC. BritannicD. Queen Mary51、填空题:The rabbit's favorite treat is ______ (水果).52、填空题:My dad tells me __________. (传说)53、听力题:The chemical formula for ethylene is _______.54、What is the name of the first successful Mars rover?A. SpiritB. CuriosityC. PerseveranceD. Opportunity55、填空题:The ______ (小鸟) chirps happily as it collects twigs for its nest.56、听力题:The Earth's surface is made up of various ______ types.57、听力题:The grass is ______ (wet) after the rain.58、What is the capital of England?A. ParisB. LondonC. MadridD. Rome59、填空题:The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic was ______ (阿梅莉亚·厄哈特).60、填空题:I like to __________ (动词) my __________ (玩具名) with colorful stickers.61、What do we call a person who helps sick people?A. TeacherB. NurseC. CookD. Driver62、What is the capital of France?A. BerlinB. MadridC. ParisD. Rome63、填空题:The __________ (历史的回声) echoes through generations.64、听力题:The balloon is ___ (floating/deflating).65、填空题:The ________ loves to eat grass.66、What do you call a scientist who studies rocks?A. BiologistB. ChemistC. GeologistD. Physicist答案:C67、What do you call a person who studies the weather?A. MeteorologistB. GeologistC. ClimatologistD. Oceanographer答案:A68、听力题:An indicator is a substance that changes color in response to _____.69、填空题:A bison roams the ________________ (草原).70、What do you call the liquid we drink?A. AirB. WaterC. JuiceD. Soda答案:B71、填空题:I like to ________ (跑步) in the morning.72、听力题:She is _____ (drawing) a picture.73、选择题:Which shape has four equal sides?A. TriangleB. SquareC. RectangleD. Circle74、选择题:What is the capital of the USA?A. New YorkB. Washington, D.C.C. ChicagoD. Los Angeles75、adaptive reuse) repurposes old buildings. 填空题:The ____76、填空题:My teacher is very __________ (有条理).77、听力题:The atomic mass of an element is measured in _____ units.78、What is 8 3?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 7答案: B79、填空题:The hedgehog curls into a _______ (球).80、填空题:In autumn, leaves __________ (变色).81、 Age is known as the first period in human __________. (历史) 填空题:The Ston82、填空题:The continent with the most countries is ________ (非洲).83、填空题:The _____ (lily) blooms in the summer.84、填空题:I like to draw on my toy ____ with chalk. (玩具名称)85、填空题:The __________ (历史的探究) fosters curiosity.86、听力题:The Voyager spacecraft have traveled beyond our ______.87、选择题:What do we call the act of making something clean?B. WashingC. ScrubbingD. Dusting88、听力题:The _______ can be used to make herbal remedies.89、填空题:I want to learn how to ______.90、听力题:The dog likes to _____ in the sand. (dig)91、听力题:We are going to the ___. (zoo) tomorrow.92、How do you say "goodbye" in Russian?A. DasvidaniyaB. AdiósC. SayonaraD. Arrivederci93、填空题:The famous battle where Napoleon was defeated took place at ______ (滑铁卢).94、听力题:The table is ______ with food. (full)95、听力题:I have a pet ________ named Max.96、听力题:The _______ of a sound can change based on the distance from the source.97、填空题:I enjoy coloring in my ________ (涂色书) on rainy days.98、填空题:The _______ (猫) licks its paws.99、What do we call the study of insects?A. EntomologyB. ZoologyC. Botany答案:A100、What do we call the act of setting goals?A. PlanningB. StrategyC. TargetingD. All of the Above答案:D。
“PEP”2024年小学五年级上册英语第五单元期末试卷[含答案]考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、What do you call a book that tells about someone's life?A. FictionB. BiographyC. NovelD. Autobiography答案:B2、What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. SugarB. CocoaC. FlourD. Milk3、听力题:We need to ________ (study) for the test.4、What do we call the tool used to cut wood?A. KnifeB. SawC. AxeD. Cutter5、填空题:I have a _____ (小汽车) that I can race with my friends.我有一辆可以和朋友们比赛的小汽车。
6、填空题:The __________ (历史的编纂) requires diligence.7、What is the name of the famous ancient city in Mexico?A. TeotihuacanB. Machu PicchuC. Angkor WatD. Petra答案: A8、填空题:A ____(railway system) facilitates efficient transport.9、填空题:The _______ (The Age of Enlightenment) influenced modern democracy.10、What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. DoughB. RiceC. BreadD. Salad11、听力题:A glacier is a large mass of ______ that moves slowly over land.12、What is the smallest continent?A. AsiaB. AustraliaC. EuropeD. Antarctica答案:B13、填空题:My friend and I are in the same __________. (班级)14、听力题:The antelope runs very ____.15、填空题:The _______ (Lewis and Clark Expedition) explored the western territories of the US.16、选择题:What is the opposite of empty?A. FullB. LightC. HeavyD. Small17、Which shape has four equal sides?A. TriangleB. RectangleD. Circle18、听力题:The chicken is ___ (cooking) on the stove.19、听力题:I want to _______ (learn) how to cook.20、填空题:My puzzle has ______ pieces.21、听力题:The capital of Thailand is ________.22、Which is the fastest land animal?A. HorseB. CheetahC. LionD. Gazelle答案:B23、听力题:My mom enjoys writing ____ (letters).24、填空题:The cat has a fluffy _______ that makes it look cute.25、What is the name of the largest desert in the world?A. SaharaB. GobiC. ArcticD. Antarctic答案:A26、Which is the largest ocean on Earth?A. AtlanticB. IndianC. ArcticD. Pacific答案:D27、Which part of the plant absorbs water?A. LeavesB. StemC. Roots答案:C28、听力题:The Great Wall is located in _______.29、填空题:The __________ is a large lake located in Canada. (安大略湖)30、What is the name of the fairy tale character who had a magic mirror?A. CinderellaB. Snow WhiteC. RapunzelD. Belle31、填空题:My mom cooks ______ food. (我妈妈做______饭。

人教版PEP五年级上册Unit5单元测试卷(一)小学英语Unit 5综合能力测评(40分钟100分) 开始计时: ________Part 1 Speaking说(25%)一、跟读下面的单词或短语。
(10分)1. clock2. plant3. bottle4. bike5. photo6. between7. above8. beside9. behind 10. in front of二、跟读下面的句子。
(5分)1. There is a big bed.2. There are so many pictures here.3. My father can draw very well.4. What a nice photo!5. What's in the room?三、跟读下面的对话。
(10分)1. A: Where is the ball?B: It's in front of the dog.2. A: Where are the plants?B: They are on the desk.3. A: This is my room. There is a bed, a desk and. . .B: Wow. Your room is really nice!A: Thanks.B: There is a computer on the desk. And there are so manypictures above the bed.Part 2 Listening听(25%)一、听录音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。
(5分)() 1. There are some flowers in the room.() 2. There is a big tree in front of the house.() 3. The boy is between his parents.() 4. You can see some plants on the table.() 5. There is a mouse in the box.四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的正确答案。

“PEP”2024年小学五年级上册英语第5单元测验试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、(选择题)总分:20分(2分/题)1、What do you call the meal eaten in the morning?A) BreakfastB) LunchC) DinnerD) Snack2、What is the name of the room where we sleep?A) KitchenB) BathroomC) BedroomD) Living room3、What do we call the organ that pumps blood in our bodies?A) BrainB) HeartC) LiverD) Lung4、What is the English translation of "小狗"?A) PupB) KittenC) CubD) Chick5、What is the English word for "医院"?A) SchoolB) OfficeC) HospitalD) Clinic6、Which word describes a loud sound?A) QuietB) NoisyC) SoftD) Silent7、What does "香水草" mean in English?A) LavenderB) RosemaryC) MintD) Sage8、How do you say "书" in English?A) BookB) PenC) PaperD) Table9、Where do we go to learn?中文解释:我们去哪里学习?A) ParkB) SchoolC) Store10、How many ounces are in a cup?A) 4B) 6C) 8D) 1011、What is the English translation of "植物资源保护"?A) Plant resource conservationB) Agricultural conservationC) Environmental conservationD) Ecological conservation12、Which of these is a wild animal?A) DogB) CatC) TigerD) Cow13、读短文,选词填空。

人教PEP 版五年级英语上册第五单元综合检测试卷Unit 5听力部分(40 分))一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。
(每小题 2 分,共计10 分)听力材料:1.bike 2.rɑin 3.house 4.there 5.grɑndmother( B )1.A.bed B.bike C.big( C )2.A.sɑy B.wɑy C.rɑin( A )3.A.house B.mouse C.horse( B )4.A.here B.there C.where( C )5.A.grɑndpɑrents B.grɑndfɑther C.grɑndmother二、听录音,选择正确的图片。
(每小题2 分,共计10 分)听力材料:1.ɑwɑter bottle 2.ɑ plɑte on the desk 3.ɑ clock on the wɑll4.ɑbɑll in front of the box 5.ɑ rɑbbit on the box( B )1. ( A )2.( B )3. ( B )4.( A )5.三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。
(每小题 2 分,共计10 分)听力材料:1.There ɑre lots of flo w ers here. 2.The rooms ɑre dirty.3 .There ɑre pens e v ery w here. 4.Whɑt ɑ nice picture ! 5.This is the bedroom.( A )1.A.There ɑre lots of flowers here. B .There ɑre lots of pictures here.C.There ɑre lots of plɑnts here.( B )2.A.The rooms ɑre cleɑn.B.The rooms ɑre dirty.C.The rooms ɑre cool.( C )3.A.There ɑre pencils everywhere. B .There ɑre books everywhere.C.There ɑre pens everywhere.( B )4.A.Whɑt ɑ nice photo! B.Whɑt ɑ nice picture!C.Whɑt ɑ nice room!( C )5.A.This is the kitchen. B.This is the living room.C.This is the bedroom.四、听录音,选择正确的答语。

南昌“PEP”2024年小学五年级上册英语第5单元测验卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What fruit is yellow and curved?A, PearB, BananaC, AppleD, Peach2、What is the main ingredient in a cake?A, SugarB, FlourC, ButterD, Egg3、What do you call the bright tail of a comet?A, TailwindB, ComaC, PlasmaD, Stream4、What is the opposite of "safe"?A, SecureB, DangerousC, ProtectedD, Guarded5、How many states are in the USA?A, 50B, 52C, 48D, 516、Which planet rotates in the opposite direction to most planets?A, VenusB, SaturnC, MarsD, Mercury7、What is the capital city of Azerbaijan?A, BakuB, GanjaC, MingachevirD, Lankaran8、What is 3 x 4?A, 10B, 11C, 12D, 139、How many legs does a spider have?A, 6B, 8C, 10D, 1210、What do you call the main character in a story? A, ProtagonistB, AntagonistC, NarratorD, Sidekick11、How many continents are in the world?A, FiveB, SixC, SevenD, Eight12、What is the capital city of the UK?A, LondonB, DublinC, EdinburghD, Cardiff13、What do you call a collection of short stories? A, AnthologyB, CompilationC, CollectionD, All of the above14、How do you say "school" in French?A, ÉcoleB, AulaC, EscuelaD, Schola15、How many points is a touchdown worth in American football?A, 5B, 6C, 7D, 816、Which planet is known for its blue color due to methane in its atmosphere? A, NeptuneB, UranusC, EarthD, Saturn17、What is the name of the fairy tale character with long hair?A, CinderellaB, RapunzelC, Snow WhiteD, Belle18、Which fruit is red and often associated with teachers?A, BananaB, AppleC, OrangeD, Grape19、What is the main language spoken in the UK?A, SpanishB, FrenchC, EnglishD, German20、What do you call a person who writes books?A, AuthorB, PainterC, DirectorD, Producer二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)My favorite subject is ________.2、听力题:George Washington led the American _______ War.3、听力题:We will _____ (去) the park tomorrow.4、听力题:The Amazon River is located in __________.5、听力题:The symbol for gold is ____.6、听力题:The pH scale measures how _______ or basic a solution is.7、听力题:It is important to ______ (exercise) every day.8、听力题:The sky is ________ today.9、听力题:Acids taste _____ and can be sour.10、听力题:My brother likes to _____ (玩) games.11、听力题:The smallest unit of an element is called an _____.12、听力题:I want to _____ (travel) to China.13、听力题:The __________ is the part of a flower that produces pollen.14、听力题:A catalyst is used to _______ a reaction.15、听力题:She has a blue ___. (dress)I can see a ___ (bird) in the tree.17、听力题:I need to buy some ________.18、听力题:This is my ___ (friend/teacher).19、听力题:My birthday is in ________ (December).20、听力题:A __________ is a large cat that roams in the jungle.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:We have a ______ (丰富的) variety of snacks at home.2、填空题:My aunt loves __________ (参与公益).3、填空题:He is a soldier, ______ (他是一名士兵), who protects our country.4、填空题:I enjoy imagining adventures with my ________ (玩具名称).5、填空题:A llama can carry heavy loads on its ______ (背部).6、填空题:I enjoy visiting the ________ (文化中心) on weekends.7、填空题:I can ______ (提高) my performance through practice.8、填空题:I enjoy watching ______ movies.9、填空题:A turtle is very ______ (耐心) when moving.I like to ______ (参与) in debates.11、填空题:A _____ (小狗) enjoys playing fetch with a ball.12、填空题:I love to play ______ outside.13、填空题:I can ______ (保持) a positive outlook in life.14、填空题:A __________ (催化循环) enhances reaction efficiency in chemical processing.15、填空题:My ________ (玩具名称) can change shapes easily.16、填空题:In geography, a ________ (平原) is a flat area of land.17、填空题:I love to ______ (与朋友一起) enjoy nature.18、填空题:I found a ________ under the leaf.19、填空题:I like to draw ________ in art class.20、填空题:I love exploring new ________ (地方).。
PEP Grade 5 (上)Final Test

PEP Grade 5 (上)Final Test1. Listen and number2. Listen and tick(1)(3)(4)(5) (6)3. Listen, choose and write(1) math (2) Chinese(3) English (4) music (5) P .E.(6) play computer games (7) Thursday (8) Monday(9) Wednesday (10) Tuesday (11) Friday (12) Saturday(13) SundayModel: I have an (3) class at 8:00 on (8).(1) At on , I have a class.(2) There is a class at on .(3) I have a class at on .(4) There is a class at on .(5) I can on and .4. Look and write(1) Monday —Mon.Wednesday —______ Thursday —______ Friday—______ Sunday —______ Tuesday —______ Saturday—______ (2) tall—ballcoat —______ on —______sour —______pork —______short —______ horse —______(3) three —treetoo —______ read —______ any —______ from —______(4) red —greenyoung —______ active —______ strong —_______ sweet —______ tall—_________ in front of —_________ (5) he’s —he isthey’re —___________ don’t —__________ I’d like —_________ what’s —___________ she’s —_________5. Make sentences(1) day, What, today, is, it, (?)__________________________________________________________ (2) lunch, for, What, you, have, do, Mondays, on, (?)__________________________________________________________ (3) favourite, your, fruit, What’s, (?)____________________________________________________________ (4) English, teacher, your, What’s, (?)____________________________________________________________ (5) active, very, She’s, (.)____________________________________________________________(6) can What you do (?)____________________________________________________________6. Look and writeModel: Where is the duck? It’s in the trash bin.(1) Where is the dog? It’s the(2) W here is the mouse? It’s the(3) Where is the cat? It’s the(4) Where is the rabbit? It’s the(5) Where is the monkey? It’s the7. If you’re John, please write a short passage about yourself with the keywordsAbout MeMy name is John.Key Words1. Listen and number(1) may, say, day, play(2) tea, peach, bean, sheep(3) house, mouth, now, howAn: 3-2-4-1; 2-3-1-4; 4-3-2-12. Listen and choose(1) Our math teacher is a young man. He’s thin and tall.(2) What day is it today? It’s the day after Wednesday.(3) I have some meet from the pig for lunch.(4) Look! There is a pair of shoes under the bed.(5) There is a mirror near the shelf.(6) Candy can play computer games. But she can’t cook the meals. An: 1-2-2-1-1-23. Listen and tickModel: I have an English class at 8:00 on Monday.(1) At 10:00 on Wednesday, I have a math class.(2) There is a Chinese class at 8:50 on Tuesday.(3) I have a P.E. class at 13:30 on Thursday.(4) There is a music class at 14:10 on Friday.(5) I can play computer games on Saturday and Sunday.An:(1) At 10:00 on 9, I have a 1 class.(2) There is a 2 class at 8:50 on 10.(3) I have a 5 class at 13:30 on 7.(4) There is a 4 class at 14:10 on 11.(5) I can 6 on 12 and 13.4. Look and write(1) Wed. Thu. Fri. Sun. Tue. Sat.(2) goat/boat; in; four; fork/park; shirt; house(3) to; red; an; for(4) old; quiet; thin; sour; short; behind(5) they are; do not; I would like; what is; she is5. Make sentences(1) What day is it today?(2) What do you have for lunch on Mondays?(3) What’s your favourite fruit?(4) What’s your English teacher?(5) She’s very active.(6) What can you do?6. Look and write(1) Where is the dog? It’s in the river.(2) Where is the mouse? It’s near the window.(3) Where is the cat? It’s behind the door.(4) Where is the rabbit? It’s in front of the mirror.(5) Where is the monkey? It’s under the tree.7. If you’re John, please write a short passage about yourself with the key words (略)。
人教版PEP五年级上册Unit 5单元测试卷(一) 小学英语

Unit 5综合能力测评(40分钟100分) 开始计时: ________Part 1 Speaking说(25%)一、跟读下面的单词或短语。
(10分)1. clock2. plant3. bottle4. bike5. photo6. between7. above8. beside9. behind 10. in front of二、跟读下面的句子。
(5分)1. There is a big bed.2. There are so many pictures here.3. My father can draw very well.4. What a nice photo!5. What's in the room?三、跟读下面的对话。
(10分)1. A: Where is the ball?B: It's in front of the dog.2. A: Where are the plants?B: They are on the desk.3. A: This is my room. There is a bed, a desk and. . .B: Wow. Your room is really nice!A: Thanks.B: There is a computer on the desk. And there are so many pictures above the bed.Part 2 Listening听(25%)一、听录音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片。
(5分)() 1. There are some flowers in the room.() 2. There is a big tree in front of the house.() 3. The boy is between his parents.() 4. You can see some plants on the table.() 5. There is a mouse in the box.四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子的正确答案。

Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元测试一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。
)()1. A. green B desk C. blue()2. A. behind B. mouse C. beside()3. A. apple B. above C. front()4. A. kitchen B. between C. bedroom()5. A. in B. on C. what二、Look and choose.(看图片,选择恰当的单词完成句子。
)1. A monkey is ________ the umbrella.2. There is a fox ________ the box.3. A toy bike is ________ the desk.4. There is a desk ________ the window.in on under beside1. 2. 3. 4.三、Choose the best answer.(选择最佳答案。
)()1. I have ________ room now.A. a newB. an bigC. isD. /()2. 一________?一There is a bed and a desk.A. What’s itB. Where’s itC. What’s in the bedroomD. How are you()3. Cindy and Mark live with ________ grandparents.A. herB. hisC. theyD. their()4. 一________ is the bike?一It’s between the cars.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. Which()5. The computer is ________ the desk.A. withB. onC. ofD. to()6. 一Where’s the tree?一________.A. Thank youB. I have a bed and a deskC. It’s in front of the houseD. Yes, it is()7. 一________ can you see above the bed?一My picture.A. WhatB. WhoseC. WhereD. Which()8. My grandparents are ________ the big tree.A. ofB. onC. aboveD. under四、Fill in the blanks.(用is或are填空。

( ) ①A. bedroom B. kitchen C. study D. flowers( ) ②A. table B. desk C. bag D. house( ) ③A. first B. plants C. third D. three( ) ④A. table B. fridge C. sofa D. shelf( ) ⑤A. curtain B. grandparents C. trash bin D. clothes3.我会听录音,给下面的句子连线。
( )①There is a computer and a bed A. in our classroom( )②There is a big table and many desks B. on the wall( )③My picture is C. long yellow hair.( )④Look, my pictures are D. in my living room( )⑤My mother has E. in my bedroom( )⑥There is a big bed and a sofa F. purple and white( )⑦There are two sofas G. third floor.( )⑧I live on the H. in my parents' Bedroom. Writing(笔试部分)4.我会选出划线部分发音不同的单词。
( )①A. shirt B. bird C. girl D. bee( )②A. nurse B. purple C. your D.fur( )③A. rain B. say C. way D. air( )④A. that B. those C. math D. clothes( )⑤A. these B. third C. thirty D. think5.我会选出每组中不同类的单词。

人教PEP五年级上Unit1 What’s he like单元测试卷听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或词组。
(10分)()1. A. shy B. kind C. polite()2. A. science B. music C. sometimes()3. A. fan B. funny C. fun()4. A.old B. know C.robot()5. A. smart B. thin C. strict二、听录音,根据所听内容,将下列句子排序。
(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,根据对话内容,在对应的表格内打“√”。
(10分)characteristicteacherthin short strong tall old young kind funny Miss LiMiss YoungMr WangMr Ma四、听录音,根据对话内容,判断下面句子的正(T)误(F)。
(10分)( )1. Amy has three new teachers.( )2. A Chinese teacher, an art teacher and a maths teacher.( )3. Mr John is her Chinese teacher.( )4. Amy’s Chinese is tall and strong.( )5. Amy’s Chinese is strict.笔试部分(60分)五、找出画线部分发音与其他三个不同的词。
(10分)( ) 1. A. like B. kind C. strict( ) 2. A. windy B. funny C. shy( ) 3. A. happy B. baby C. candy( ) 4. A. old B. young C. know( ) 5. A. sunny B. funny C. student六、选出每组中不同一类别的词。

“PEP”2024年小学五年级上册英语第5单元测验试卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、(选择题)总分:45分(1分/题)1、How many months are there in a year?A) 10B) 11C) 12D) 132、What is the name of the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro?A) Christ the RedeemerB) Statue of LibertyC) DavidD) Venus de Milo3、What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?A) IceB) JuiceC) FruitD) Milk4、( )这是什么?A,What's that?B,How are you?C,What's your5、Which of these is a mammal?A) SharkB) DolphinC) LizardD) Eagle6、What do we call the second month of the year?A) JanuaryB) FebruaryC) MarchD) April7、Which of these is a mode of transport?A) BicycleB) TableC) ChairD) Bed8、What is the opposite of "over"?A) UnderB) AboveC) BelowD) Up9、Which of these is a mode of communication?A) EmailB) RoadC) BuildingD) School10、What do we call the time when we celebrate the new year?A) ChristmasB) ThanksgivingC) New Year’s EveD) Halloween11、What do people usually drink in the morning?A) WaterB) CoffeeC) JuiceD) All of the above12、What do you call a person who plays music?A) PainterB) MusicianC) WriterD) Dancer13、What is the longest river in the world?A) AmazonB) NileC) MississippiD) Yangtze14、How many days are in a week?A) FiveB) SevenC) TenD) Twelve15、What do you call the act of moving to music?A) JumpingB) DancingC) SingingD) Playing16、What do we call the person who takes care of our teeth?A) DoctorB) DentistC) NurseD) Pharmacist17、Which animal is known for its stripes?a) Zebrab) Elephantc) Giraffe18、放学时,你应该对老师说: ________。
南昌“PEP”2024年小学五年级上册英语第五单元自测题[含答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:What is the name of the activity of exploring new places?A. TravelingB. VisitingC. TouringD. Exploring答案: A2. 听力题:A solution that is uniform throughout is called a _______ mixture.3. ts are known for their _____ (颜色变化). 填空题:Some pla4. 听力题:A __________ can reveal information about past climates.5. 填空题:The ________ is a little friend.6. 填空题:The rabbit has big ______.7. 填空题:A rabbit is known for its strong ______ (后腿).8. 选择题:What is the term for the energy released during a nuclear fusion reaction in a star?A. Stellar EnergyB. Radiant EnergyC. Nuclear EnergyD. Gravitational Energy9. 填空题:A ________ (悬崖) can be dangerous but beautiful.10. 填空题:I wish I could take my __________ (玩具名) everywhere I go.11. 选择题:What is the primary color of grass?A. RedB. YellowC. GreenD. Blue12. 听力题:I found a ________ on the ground.13. 听力题:My cousin is very good at ____ (acting).14. 听力题:We have _____ (homework/tests) to do.15. 选择题:What is the capital of Italy?A. RomeB. VeniceC. MilanD. Florence答案: A16. 填空题:A tarantula can live in various ______ (栖息地).17. 填空题:I can’t wait to show you my new ____. (玩具名称)18. 填空题:Gardening can be a rewarding ______ that connects people with nature. (园艺是一项有益的活动,可以将人们与自然联系起来。

PEP人教版五年级英语上学期全册全套单元测试卷有答案(含期中期末)(三起点)PEP人教版五年级上册英语全套测试卷及答案(含期中期末)PEP人教版五年级上册Unit 1单元测试卷PEP 人教版五年级上册Unit 2单元测试卷PEP人教版五年级上册Unit 3单元测试卷PEP人教版五年级上册Unit 4单元测试卷PEP人教版五年级上册Unit 5单元测试卷PEP人教版五年级上册Unit 6单元测试卷PEP人教版五年级上册期中单元测试卷PEP人教版五年级上册期末单元测试卷Unit 1测试卷(满分:100分)听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。
(10分)()1. A. young B. you C. your ()2. A. finish B. shy C. know ()3. A. small B. short C. helpful ()4. A. strict B. polite C. kind ()5. A. Mr B. Miss C. Ms 二、听录音,用数字给下列图片排序。
(10分)()1. A. Who’s Miss Wang? B. What’s Miss Wang like? ()2. A. Is she strict? B. Is she polite? ()3. A. He’s helpful.B. He’s hard-working. ()4. A. Mr Jones is quiet. B. Mr Smith is funny. ()5. A. He can speak English. B. He can speak Chinese.四、听录音,补全对话。
(10分)Jenny: Do you know this 1.__________? Mike: Yes. Jenny: Who’s she? Mike: She’s my 2.__________. Jenny: What’s she like? Mike: She is 3. __________. Jenny: Is she 4. __________ ? Mike: No, she isn’t. Jenny: Is she 5. __________? Mike: Yes, she is. 笔试部分五、找出每个句子中含有与例词画线部分读音相同的单词,将其圈出来。

(10分)( ) 1. A. strict B. polite C. funny( ) 2. A. kites B. kind C. sky( ) 3. A. Chinese B. English C. science( ) 4. A. plant B. clock C. bike( ) 5. A. above B. beside C. behindB)听录音2 遍,根据你所听到的内容,给下列图片排序。
(10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )C)听录音2遍,选出你所听到的句子的正确答语。
(10分)( ) 1. A. There is a bed. B. I have a bed. C. It’s a bed.( ) 2. A. It’s a photo. B. It’s on the wall. C. I like the picture.( ) 3. A. I can play the erhu. B. There are some flowers. C. I can see many flowers.( ) 4. A. You can see two. B. Two. C. They’re plates.( ) 5. A. Yes, they are. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, the re are.D)听录音2遍,补全下面的短文。
(10分)My name is Peter. I have a big house. There is a garden the house. There are many vegetables the garden. There is a tree my house. There is a dog the tree. There are many plants the house.笔试部分(共60分)二、判断下列单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。

人教PEP版五年级上册英语Unit5单元试卷(附听力材料)PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit 5 单元检测Listening part(听力部分)一. Listen and number.(听音,根据听到的内容给图片排序)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.Listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的单词) ( ) 1. A. clock B. plant C. front( ) 2. A. bike B. beside C. behind ( ) 3. A. rainbow B. always C. rain( ) 4. A. Monday B. today C. wait ( ) 5. A. day B. way C. paint三. Listen and write(听写)1. _____________ is ________________. It’s a _________day.2. There is a __________ ____________ the ______________.3. There is a _____________________ on the desk.4. There is a _____________ on the wall.Writing Part(笔试部分) 四.Read and choose(读一读,选择正确的图片)1. The woman is under the tree.2. There is a man in front of the car.3. The pen is beside the book.4. The dog is behind the cat.5. There is a book, a clock and a pencil.五Read and choose(读一读,选一选)( ) 1. There a big bed.A. areB. isC. am( ) 2. —Look! There a big desk.—And there many books.A. are; isB. is; areC. are; are( ) 3. There are so many ________ in the living room.A. flowerB. plantsC. plant( ) 4. —is the photo?—It’s on the wall.A. WhereB. WhatC. When( ) 5. —Where is the man?— He is _______ the cars.A. behindB. besideC. between六Choose and write(选词填空)There is There are1. _________ a clock on the wall.2. _________ a desk beside my bed.3. _________ many books on the shelf.4. _________ lots of flowers in my garden.a an many1. There are ________ photos on the wall.2. There is ________ apple on the table.3. There is ________ dog under the bed.七、Read and finish the exercises(阅读短文,完成练习)This is my bedroom. There is a bed, a desk and a chair here.I have a big desk and a big shelf (书橱). There is a lamp on the desk. There are many books on the shelf. There is an end table (床头柜)near the bed. The phone is on the endtable. There is a picture above the bed. The chair is in front of the desk. Where is my dog? It’s under the bed. How cute! I love my room very much. Do you like it?(一)Read and choose(根据短文内容,选出正确的图片)A. B.(二)Read and judge(判读句子正“T”误“F”)( ) 1. There is a bed, a desk and a shelf in my bedroom.( ) 2. There is a lamp on the end table.( ) 3. There is a phone on the desk.( ) 4. There is a cat under the bed.( ) 5. There is a chair behind the desk.八.Look at the picture and finish the exercises(根据图片内容,完成练习)(一)Look and write(根据图片内容,补充单词)Look at this picture. The boy is Ben. He is ________ the big tree.What can you see ________ the tree? There are some birds. There is a table in the picture. You can see two pears ________ the table. There are two balls ______ the table. There is a model plane ________ the balls. The chair is _______ the table. Can you see the cat? Yes, it’s ______ the basket. What else can you see in the picture? Yeah, there is a dog, where is it? It’s _________ the tree, so you can’t see it.(二)Read and judge(根据图片及补充好的短文,判断下列句子的正“T”误“F”)。

小学英语(PEP)五年级上册测试题Unit 5 There is a big bed一、填入所缺字母,完成单词。
(10分)1.植物 pl __ __ t2.瓶子b__ __ t __e3.自行车b __ i___e 4.照片ph ___t___5.时钟 c __o__ k 6.正面 fr ___ ___t7. 在……中间bet__ __ __n 8.在……下面 __ nd __ r9.在……后面b __ h __ nd 10.在……旁边 n __ __r二、将汉语与对应英语连线。
(15分)1.我的房间 A. on the third floor2.在第三层 B. in front of the desk3.在书桌前面 C. my room4.在墙上 D. beside the bed5. 在床的旁边 E. on the wall三、选出不同类的一项。
(10分)( )1、A. toy B. pencil C. crayon( )2、A. we B. their C. my( )3、A. behind B. email C. under( )4、A. ball B. draw C. move( )5、A. mouse B. dog C. plant四、选择填空。
(20分)( ) 1.There ___ a small bike in my bedroom.A. amB. isC. areD. be( ) 2.There ____ some pictures on the wall.A. amB. isC. areD. be( ) 3.My father has ______ pictures.A. aB. anC. manyD. \( ) 4.Tom is behind Jim, Jim is _______Tom.A. frontB. in front ofC. overD. behind ( ) 5.There is a TV ______ the bed.A. nearB. inC. underD. behind( ) 6.This is a picture _____ my room.A. onB. inC. ofD. to( ) 7.My father can draw very________.A. goodB. wellC. prettyD. beautiful( ) 8.Two photos _____ near the bed.A. amB. isC. areD. be( ) 9.There _____ a desk, a TV and two sofas in my room.A. isB. amC. areD. be( ) 10.We are rabbits. We_____ a new house.A.haveB. hasC. isD. areB.五、找出句中的错误并在它下面划线,将正确的单词写在横线上。

(12分) 1. i p o t e l 2, t t s c i r 3.n k d i__________ __________ __________4. e r l c v e5.u y n o g6. n y f u n__________ ____________ ___________ 二、找出画线部分读音不同的单词。
(12分)( )1. A. seat B meat C. head( )2. A. she B. helpful C. clever( )3. A. robot B old C polite( )4. A. will B him C kind( )5. A, funny B. shy C, happy( )6. A. baby B. party C fly 三、单项选择。
(16分)( )1,--_____your maths teacher? ---.Mr LiA Who’sB What's C. He's( )2,--________you know Mr Li?A. Are B do C Do( )3. I like our English teacher. What_____you?A. butB. about C, are( )4. Mr Jones is______English teacher.A. anB.a C,/( )5. My brother is a football______.A playB plays C. player( )6. Let_____show you.A,me B my C.I( )7. I have two sisters. They_____kind.A. is B am C. are( )8. Her mother is strict. Her father is strict,____.A, to B. too C, sometimes四、给问句选择正确的答语。
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小学五年级英语PEP 版Grade 5 (上)Final Test 单元测试卷1. Listen and number2. Listen and tick(1) (2)(3) (4)(5) (6)3. Listen, choose and write(1) math (2) Chinese (3) English (4) music (5) P .E.(6) play computer games (7) Thursday (8) Monday(9) Wednesday (10) Tuesday (11) Friday (12) Saturday(13) Sundayday ( ) say ( ) play ( ) may ( ) peach ( ) bean ( ) tea ( ) sheep ( ) how ( )now ( ) mouth ( )house ( ) 年轻的数学老师,高高瘦瘦的,手里拿着三角尺和圆规( ) 矮矮胖胖的地理老师,上了年纪,手里拿 着地球仪 ( ) 日历上写着7Tuesday ( ) 日历上写着7 Thursday ( ) 茄子 ( ) 一盘猪肉 ( ) 床下有一双鞋 子 ( ) 床旁边有一双鞋子( ) 书柜旁边是一面镜子 ( ) 书柜旁边是写字台 ( ) 衣着时髦的Candy 在开心地玩电脑 ( ) 衣着时髦的Candy 在做饭 ( )Model: I have an (3) class at 8:00 on (8).(1) At on , I have a class.(2) There is a class at on .(3) I have a class at on .(4) There is a class at on .(5) I can on and .4. Look and write(1) Monday —Mon.Wednesday —______ Thursday —______ Friday—______Sunday —______ Tuesday —______ Saturday—______(2) tall—ballcoat —______ on —______sour —______pork —______short —______ horse —______(3) three —treetoo —______ read —______ any —______ from —______(4) red —greenyoung —______ active —______ strong —_______sweet —______ tall—_________ in front of —_________(5) he’s —he isthey’re —___________ don’t —__________ I’d like —_________ what’s —___________ she’s —_________5. Make sentences(1) day, What, today, is, it, (?)__________________________________________________________(2) lunch, for, What, you, have, do, Mondays, on, (?)__________________________________________________________(3) favourite, your, fruit, W hat’s, (?)____________________________________________________________(4) English, teacher, your, What’s, (?)____________________________________________________________(5) active, very, She’s, (.)____________________________________________________________(6) can What you do (?)____________________________________________________________6. Look and writeModel: Where is the duck? It’s in the trash bin.(1) Where is the dog? It’s the(2) W here is the mouse? It’s the(3) Where is the cat? It’s the(4) Where is the rabbit? It’s the(5) Where is the monkey? It’s the 7. If you’re John, please write a short passage about yourself with the key words Name: John Age: 12Favourite Food: fish and green beans Favourite colour: white and black猴子在椰子树下看书兔子在照镜子 鸭子从家用的垃圾桶里探出半个身子 猫从门背后探出脑袋 狗在河里游泳 鸟靠在窗户旁唱歌Favourite clothes: T-shirt, jeans and sneakersFavourite subjects: P.E and Social StudiesThe others: tall, strong, short black hairAbout MeMy name is John.新课标第一网Key Words1. Listen and number(1) may, say, day, play(2) tea, peach, bean, sheep(3) house, mouth, now, howAn: 3-2-4-1; 2-3-1-4; 4-3-2-12. Listen and choose(1) Our math teacher is a young man. He’s t hin and tall.(2) What day is it today? It’s the day after Wednesday.(3) I have some meet from the pig for lunch.(4) Look! There is a pair of shoes under the bed.(5) There is a mirror near the shelf.(6) Candy can play computer games. But she can’t c ook the meals. An: 1-2-2-1-1-23. Listen and tickModel: I have an English class at 8:00 on Monday.(1) At 10:00 on Wednesday, I have a math class.(2) There is a Chinese class at 8:50 on Tuesday.(3) I have a P.E. class at 13:30 on Thursday.(4) There is a music class at 14:10 on Friday.(5) I can play computer games on Saturday and Sunday.An:(1) At 10:00 on 9, I have a 1 class.(2) There is a 2 class at 8:50 on 10.(3) I have a 5 class at 13:30 on 7.(4) There is a 4 class at 14:10 on 11.(5) I can 6 on 12 and 13.4. Look and write(1) Wed. Thu. Fri. Sun. Tue. Sat.(2) goat/boat; in; four; fork/park; shirt; house(3) to; red; an; for(4) old; quiet; thin; sour; short; behind(5) they are; do not; I would like; what is; she is5. Make sentences(1) What day is it today?(2) What do you have for lunch on Mondays?(3) What’s your favourite fruit?(4) What’s your English teacher?(5) She’s very active.(6) What can you do?6. Look and write(1) Where is the dog? It’s in the river.(2) Where is the mouse? It’s near the window.(3) Where is the cat? It’s behind the door.(4) Where is the rabbit? It’s in front of the mirror.(5) Where is the monkey? It’s under the tree.7. If you’re John, please write a short passage about yourself with the key words (略) 新课标第一网。