Automating the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of Safety Critical Systems
DFMEA(Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,设计失效模式及后果分析)
DFMEA出自 MBA智库百科(/)DFMEA(Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,设计失效模式及后果分析)目录[隐藏]• 1 什么是DFMEA• 2 DFMEA基本原则• 3 DFMEA与PFMEA的关系• 4 形式和格式(Forms and Formats)• 5 我们应在何时进行设计失效模式及后果分析?• 6 我们应在什么时间进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•7 我们应在什么时间进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•8 我们应在什么时间进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•9 由谁进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•10 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•11 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•12 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•13 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•14 DFMEA的案例分析[1]o14.1 实施DFMEA存在的困难o14.2 实施DFMEA的准备工作o14.3 实施DFMEA的流程•15 相关条目•16 参考文献[编辑]什么是DFMEADFMEA是指设计阶段的潜在失效模式分析,是从设计阶段把握产品质量预防的一种手段,是如何在设计研发阶段保证产品在正式生产过程中交付客户过程中如何满足产品质量的一种控制工具。
product/process and the effects of that failure 识别和评估一个产品或过程的潜在失效模式及其影响; 2. List down the actions which could eliminate or reduce the chance of the potential failure occurring 确定能排除或减少潜在失效发生的机率的措施; 3. Document all the elements for review and action 文件化整个过程。
•Taken from “The Certified Quality Engineer Handbook” ASQ
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
Definition of FMEA FMEA定义 (II)
FMEA : Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FMEA:失效模式和效果分析
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
Definition of FMEA FMEA定义
•An FMEA can be described as a systematic group of activities intended to : •FMEA 是一系列系统化的活动,其目的是 : 1. Identify and evaluate the potential failure modes of a
Failure modes&failure theories_Mechanics of Materials
Theories of FailureFailure is generally perceived to be fracture or complete separation of a member. However, failure may also occur due to excessive deformation (elastic or inelastic) or a variety of other reasons.Failure Modes 3Excessive elasticdeformationYielding Fracture•stretch, twist, or bending •buckling •vibration •plastic deformation atroom temperature•creep at elevatedtemperatures•yield stress is theimportant design factor•sudden fracture of brittlematerials•fatigue (progressivefracture)•stress rupture at elevatedtemperatures•ultimate stress is theimportant design factorDuring the latter part of the 19th century and continuing up to the present, a number of basic failure theories were proposed and tested on a few materials.1Most of the theories were based on the assumption that failure occurs when some physical variable such as stress, strain, or energy reaches a limiting value.Deformation:•Elastic deformation is temporary (reversible) and involves bond stretching.•Plastic deformation is permanent (irreversible), and involves bond breaking.•Fracture is catastrophic./matse81/Spring%202003/LectureNotes/ Classification System for Mechanical Failure Modes 4Manifestations of Failure elastic deformationplastic deformationrupture or fracturematerial change Failure-Inducing AgentsCommonly Observed Mechanical Failure Modes Force and/or Temperature-Induced Elastic DeformationYieldingBrinnellingDuctile RuptureBrittle FractureFatigueforcetimetemperaturereactive environmentFailure Locationsbody typesurface type CorrosionWearImpactFrettingCreepThermal RelaxationStress RuptureThermal ShockGalling and SeizureSpallingRadiation DamageBucklingCreep BucklingStress CorrosionCorrosion WearCorrosion Fatigue Combined Creep and FatigueStress TheoriesMaximum Principal Stress Theory (Rankine, Lamé)Applied satisfactorily to many brittle materials, the theory is based on a limiting normal stress. Failure occurs when the normal stress reaches a specified upper limit.1Failure is predicted when either ofthe principal stresses, σ1or σ2,equals or exceeds the yield strength,σyp , of the material.3σ1< σypσ2< σypExamplesClick on image for full size.Maximum Shear Stress Theory (Tresca, Guest, Coulomb)Applied satisfactorily to ductile materials, the theory is based on the concept of limiting shearing stress at which failure occurs.1Failure by yielding in a more complicated loading situation is assumed to occur when the maximum shearing stress in the material reaches a value equal to the maximum shearing stress in a tension test at yield.This yield criterion gives good agreement with experimental results for ductile materials; because of its simplicity, it is the most often used yield theory.2The main objection to this theory is that it ignores the possible effect of the intermediate principal stress, σ2. However, only one other theory, the maximum distortional strain energy theory, predicts yielding better than does the Tresca theory, and the differences between the two theories are rarely more than 15%.Failure is predicted when any of the three shear stresses corresponding to the principal stresses, σ1,2, equals or exceeds the shear stresscorresponding to the yield strength, σyp , of the material in uniaxial tension or compression.3Maximum Octahedral Shearing Stress TheoryFailure by yielding in a more complicated loading situation is assumed to occur when the octahedral shearing stress in the material reaches a value equal to the maximum octahedral shearing stress in a tension test at yield.Plane stress caseUniaxial stress caseNote: This theory gives the same results as the maximum distortion energy theory.Strain TheoriesMaximum Principal Strain Theory (Saint-Venant )The theory is based on the assumption that inelastic behavior or failure is governed by a specified maximum normal strain.1 Failure will occur at a particular part in a body subjected to an arbitrary state of strain when the normal strain reaches a limiting level.Failure is predicted when either of the principal strains, resulting from the principal stresses, σ1,2, equals or exceeds the maximum straincorresponding to the yield strength, σyp , of the material in uniaxial tension or compression.3 σ1 - ν(σ2 + σ3) < σypTotal Strain Energy Theory (Beltrami-Haigh)Applicable to many types of materials, the theory predicts failure or inelastic action at a point when the strain energy per unit volume exceeds a specified limit.1Failure is predicted when the total strain energy associated with the principal stresses, σ1,2, equals or exceeds the total strain energy corresponding to thatfor the yield strength, σyp , of the material in uniaxial tension or compression.3 σ12 + σ22 +σ32 -2ν(σ1σ2 + σ2σ3 + σ1σ3) < σyp 2Maximum Distortion Energy Theory (Huber-Henky-von Mises )The theory is based on a limiting energy of distortion, i.e. energy associated with shear strains.1Strain energy can be separated into energy associated with volume change and energy associated with distortion of the body. The maximum distortion energy failure theory assumes failure by yielding in a more complicated loading situation to occur when the distortion energy in the material reaches the same value as in a tension test at yield.This theory provides the best agreement between experiment and theory and, along the Tresca theory, is very widely used today.2Note: This theory gives the same results as the octahedral shear stress theory.Failure is predicted when the distortional energy associated with the principal stresses, σ1,2, equals or exceeds the distortional energy corresponding to thatfor the yield strength, σyp , of the material in uniaxial tension or compression.3 0.5 ( (σ1 - σ2)2 + (σ2 - σ3)2 + (σ3 - σ1)2) < σyp 2SummaryOf the failure criteria, the Tresca is the most conservative for all materials, the von Mises the most representative for ductile materials, and the Rankine the best fit for brittle materials.3Laminated-Composite Failure EnvelopesMore on failure theoriesBelow is a summary of two of most popular theories of failure applied to a simple uniaxial stress state and to a pure shear stress state.Failure CriteriaReferences1. Mechanics of Wood and Wood Composites, by J. Bodig & B.A. Jayne, KriegerPublishing, 1993, pp. 314-5.2. The Science and Technology of Civil Engineering Materials, by J.F. Young, S.Mindess, R.J. Gray, & A. Bentur, Prentice Hall, 1998, pp. 115-7.3. "Failure Prediction and Avoidance," Experimental Stress Analysis Notebook,Issue 22, Dec. 1993, Measurements Group, pp. 6-11.4. Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design - Analysis Prediction Prevention, byJ. A. Collins, John Wiley and Sons, 1981, pp. 6-8.。
How do we do a PFMEA?
A Summary 怎样进行PFMEA?提要
Assess, 评估 the severity of the effect (S) 后果的严重程度
Process FMEA 过程FMEA
How do we do a PFMEA?
A Summary 怎样进行PFMEA?提要
Assemble the cross-functional PFMEA team 组建跨部门PFMEA小组
Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
PFMEA Proprietary Information 专有信息
Your FMEA (Control Plan, Process Capability, etc.) may be considered proprietary and should not be shared with anyone outside the division without first consulting your management. FMEA (控制计划、过程能力等) 可视为专有信息,在未事先 征 得管理部门同意之前,不得向部门以外的任何人透露。 this includes the sharing of information with your customer 也不得向顾客透露有关信息。
FMEA管理模式(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,失效模式及效应分析)什么是FMEA?FMEA(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,失效模式和效果分析)是一种用来确定潜在失效模式及其原因的分析方法.具体来说,通过实行FMEA,可在产品设计或生产工艺真正实现之前发现产品的弱点,可在原形样机阶段或在大批量生产之前确定产品缺陷。
DFMEA(Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,设计失效模式及后果分析)
DFMEA出自 MBA智库百科(/)DFMEA(Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,设计失效模式及后果分析)目录[隐藏]• 1 什么是DFMEA• 2 DFMEA基本原则• 3 DFMEA与PFMEA的关系• 4 形式和格式(Forms and Formats)• 5 我们应在何时进行设计失效模式及后果分析?• 6 我们应在什么时间进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•7 我们应在什么时间进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•8 我们应在什么时间进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•9 由谁进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•10 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•11 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•12 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•13 怎样进行设计失效模式及后果分析?•14 DFMEA的案例分析[1]o14.1 实施DFMEA存在的困难o14.2 实施DFMEA的准备工作o14.3 实施DFMEA的流程•15 相关条目•16 参考文献[编辑]什么是DFMEADFMEA是指设计阶段的潜在失效模式分析,是从设计阶段把握产品质量预防的一种手段,是如何在设计研发阶段保证产品在正式生产过程中交付客户过程中如何满足产品质量的一种控制工具。
输入 1 输入 2
输入 3 输入 4
输入 5 输入 6 过程输入 (X们)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
STEP #1: 过程图 a. – 建立一支有主题有关专家和流程负责人的团队 b. – 定义目前的过程步骤和输入(X) c. – 确定影响CTQ的是哪些步骤 d. – 确定每个过程输入的特性 (可控的, 关键的 和/或 干扰)
Version 1.00
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
Process Step Key Process Input Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects What is the impact on the Key Output Variables (Customer Requirements) or internal requirements? S E V
Poorly Defined
Decrease in CM 10
Inadequate specification Inexperienced AE
Inadequate specification
STEP #4: 数据收集 a. – 对于有最高风险系数和任何未知数的那些潜在原因 (X’s), 进行数据收集.
FMEA: 作用是什么?
• 对导致失效的那些特殊原因, 进行风险评估
• 为了预防失效的发生,评价目前控制计划的长处和短处
缺陷模式和影响分析(Failure modes and Effect analysis)Difference between C&E and FMEA, (no severity and detective, occurrence1五大质量手册生产件批准程序(PPAP) 产品质量先期策划和控制计划(APQP) 潜在失效模式及后果分析(FMEA) 测量系统分析(MSA) 统计过程控制(SPC) 潜在失效模式及后果分析(FMEA)是QS-9000中极其重 要的缺陷预防技术,是实现预防为主的重要手段之一。
2FMEA的定义FMEA是一种系统化的设计评估系统,其目标为: 是一种系统化的设计评估系统,其目标为 是一种系统化的设计评估系统1. 认可和评估潜在的缺陷模式及其原因与设计 认可和评估潜在的缺陷模式及其原因与设计 及制造新产品或升级现有产品的关系。
确定用于消除和降低潜在缺陷发生机会的行 用于消除和降低潜在缺陷发生机会 2. 确定用于消除和降低潜在缺陷发生机会的行 动。
3. 文件化过程。
文件化过程 过程。
3缺陷模式可能是 . .完成一个确定功能时的缺陷 不希望发生的事件 错误的应用4背景开发于1960’s早期,美国宇航 局在APOLLO进行 登月计划时所开发。
1970’s 早期被美国海军采用。
1880’s末, 汽车工业实施 FMEA 并开始要求其供应商也实施 它。
降低成本为主要驱动力.(Honda 召回事件)1980’s开始被推广使用。
5国内的应用情况 随着国内制造业与国际的接轨,故障模 式影响分析技术在各行各业得以广泛应 用并逐步发展成熟。
自20世纪90年代起 FMEA工作一直是很多行业必须开展的 一项重要的可靠性工作,ISO9000, ISO14000, 汽车行业的QS9000和 TS16949标准等也读将FMEA作为重要 的考核内容6NASA 使用 FMEA 在APOLLO登月计划中确定单点缺陷。
Mandatory on all control and load carrying parts 必须在所有控制和负荷零件
Design Project FMEA
“Failure” - a component or system not meeting or not functioning to the design intent Design intent - may be stated in terms of MTBF, load or deflection, coat thickness, finish quality, etc. “Failure” need not be readily detectable by a customer
Beginning with a failure mode (FM-1) – list all its potential consequences 例示所有潜在的影响 Separate the consequences that can result when FM-1 occurs: “Effects of FM-1” Write additional failure modes for remaining, depending on circumstances
Complete failure 完全的失效 Partial failure 部分的失效 Intermittent failure 间歇的失效 Failure over time 随着时间的过去而失效 Over-performance failure 超越性能而失效
Failure Mode 失效模式
Failure – Severity 失效 - 严重度
【持续性肾脏替代治疗CRRT英文精品课件】Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
FMEA Procedure
FMEA Procedure (continued)
• 5. Identify Failure Modes. A failure mode is defined as the manner in which a component, subsystem, system, process, etc. could potentially fail to meet the design intent. Examples of potential failure modes include:
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
IE789 Product Manufacturing Engineering for Medical Spring 2010
Types of FMEA
• System - focuses on global system functions • Design - focuses on components and subsystems • Process - focuses on manufacturing and assembly
processes • Service - focuses on service functions • Software - focuses on software functions
FMEA Usage
Often the engineer (and now the healthcare provider) uses safety factors as a way of making sure that the design or treatment will work and protect the user against product or process fe: "A large safety factor does not necessarily translate into a reliable product. Instead, it often leads to an over-designed product with reliability problems." Failure Analysis Beats Murphy's Law Mechanical Engineering , September 1993
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a structured approach used to identify potential failure modes in a system, process, or product, and to assess the potential impact of those failures. It is a proactive tool that helps organizations anticipate and prevent problems before they occur, ultimately improving overall performance and reliability. FMEA is a critical component of quality management and risk assessment, as it allows organizations to prioritize and address potential risks based on their likelihood and severity. One of thekey benefits of conducting an FMEA is the ability to identify and prioritize potential failure modes. By systematically analyzing each step of a process or component of a system, organizations can identify weak points and vulnerabilities that may lead to failures. This proactive approach allows organizations to address issues before they escalate, saving time and resources in the long run. Additionally, by prioritizing failure modes based on their potential impact, organizations can focus their efforts on addressing the most critical risks first. Another important aspect of FMEA is the ability to assess the potential effects of failures. By considering the potential consequences of a failure, organizationscan develop contingency plans and mitigation strategies to minimize the impact on operations. This proactive approach not only helps organizations respond more effectively to failures when they occur but also helps prevent failures from happening in the first place. By understanding the potential effects of failures, organizations can make informed decisions about how to allocate resources and prioritize risk management efforts. In addition to identifying and assessing potential failure modes, FMEA also helps organizations improve communication and collaboration within teams. By involving cross-functional teams in the FMEA process, organizations can leverage the diverse expertise and perspectives of team members to identify and address potential risks more effectively. Thiscollaborative approach not only improves the quality of the analysis but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and shared responsibility for risk management. Furthermore, FMEA can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Many industries, such as healthcare, automotive, and aerospace, have strict regulations and standards that requireorganizations to identify and mitigate potential risks. By conducting FMEA, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to quality and safety, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This proactive approach not only helps organizations avoid costly fines and penalties but also enhances their reputation and credibility in the marketplace. Overall, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis is a powerful tool that can help organizations improve performance, reliability, and safety. By systematically identifying and assessing potential failure modes, organizations can proactively address risks, improve communication and collaboration, and comply with regulatory requirements. Ultimately, FMEA helps organizations build a culture of continuous improvement and risk management, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.。
FMEA Failure Mode and EffectAnalysis (FMEA)失效模式及后果分析1FMEA Learning Objectives学习目标•Provide familiarization with FMEA principles and techniques.熟练运用FMEA原理与方法2Definition of FMEA FMEA的定义FMEA is a systematic design evaluation procedure whose purpose is to: FMEA是一个系统的设计评估程序,其用途是:1. recognize and evaluate the potential failure modes and causesassociated with the designing and manufacturing of a new product or a change to an existing product,识别与评估潜在失效模式与原因,与新产品的设计与制造或当前产品的变化联系起来,2. identify actions which could eliminate or reduce the chance of thepotential failure occurring,识别可消除或减少潜在失效事件产生的措施,3. document the process.将过程形成文件。
45FMEA is Function-driven FMEA 是功能性的FMEA begins with a definition of the FUNCTIONS an item is supposed toperform. The inputs must come from several sources to be effective:FMEA 是以其应该执行的项目功能的定义为开端。
• Analyticaltechniqueandsystemizedgroupofactivities. 分析技术和系统化的小组活动.
• UtilizedprimarilybyDesignResponsibleEngineer/Team 它主要被具有设计责任的工程师/小组会所运用.
FMEA 失效模式及后果分析
• For purposes of preparing FMEAs, the definition of “customer” includes: 对于准备FMEAs的目的来讲“,顾“客” 的定义包括:
– The enduser 最终用户 – Designresponsible engineers/teamsof vehicle andhigherlevelassemblies. 车型设计和更高一级装配过程设计的工程师们/设计小组 – Processresponsible engineers/teamsin activitiessuch as 在如下活动中,负有过程责任的工程师们/小组 Manufacturing生产 Assembly装配 Service售后服务 – Subsequent downstreammanufacturing, assembly, orservice operation. 下一道生产,装配工序,或服务.
参加这个概述课程,将会使与会者学会: – DescribehowtoprepareFMEAsusingtheReferenceMቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ nual. 运用参考手册,描述怎样去准备FMEAs. – UnderstandtheformatoftheReferenceManual. 了解参考手册的格式. – Knowwheretogotoreceiveadditionalassistance. 5
在整个设计过程中都应该使用设计PFMEA,从最初设计到产品量 在整个设计过程中都应该使用 , 产
Jul18th - 2007
STRATTEC Key concepts for the automotive world
Process PFMEAS uncover potential failures that could cause: 过程PFMEAS用于发现可能导致的失败 用于发现可能导致的失败 过程 – Impact product quality影响产品质量 影响产品质量 – Reduce process reliability减少过程可靠性 减少过程可靠性 – Cause customer dissatisfaction导致客户不满 导致客户不满 – Create safety or environmental hazards引起安全或者环境危害 引起安全或者环境危害 Ideally, Process PFMEAS should be conducted prior a start up of new process, but they can be conducted on existing process as well 理论上,过程PFMEAS优先于新的过程产生,但是它会一直伴随着过程而存 优先于新的过程产生, 理论上,过程 优先于新的过程产生 在
Jul18th - 2007
STRATTEC Key concepts for the automotive world
How can PFMEAs help companies improve quality and productivity?
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis失效模式教学文稿
Example Failure Modes
Pump, normally operating
• Fails on (fails to stop when required) • Transfers off (stops when required to run) • Seal leak/rupture • Pump casing leak/rupture
system’s response to the equipment failure. An FMEA identifies single failure modes that either directly
result in or contribute significantly to an
Types of Results
An FMEA generates a qualitative, systematic reference list of equipment, failure modes, and effects. A worst-case estimate of consequences resulting from single failure is included. The FMEA may be easily updated for design changes or system/plant modifications. FMEA results are usually documented in a columnformat table. Hazard analysts usually include suggestions for improving safety in appropriate items in the table.
U204 Liftgate Latching System
1) Latch releases 2) Latch retains striker fully Error State Response
Control Factors Latch material selections - Frameplate - Housing - Ratchet & Pawl Ratchet & pawl heat treat: 36-42 HRC Component finish Spring material selection
-1 -2 -1 -1 2 -2 -1 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 2 -2 -1 -1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 2
Negative values are analyzed for recommended functions.
Design Potential FMEA is: 设计潜在失效模式及效应分析是: • an analytical technique used primarily by Design-Responsible Engineer/Team 由负责设计的工程师/小组采用的分析技术 • to identify potential failure modes 用作辨别潜在失效模式 • to identify associated cause/mechanisms 辨别相关原因/机理 • to support the design process in reducing the risk of failures 支持设计过程, 减少失效风险 • apply to system, subsystem, and component 应用于系统、 子系统及部件
Interface Matrix: Example of HeadLamp
G rill O pening P anel Hood H eadlam p H ousing H eadlam p
-1 -2 -1 -1 2 -2
-1 -2
-1 -1 -1 -1
-1 -1 -1 -1
2 -2 -1 -1 2
P-Diagram Identifies noise and control factors
and error states
FMEA (with
Robustness Linkage)
Robustness & Reliability Checklist
Summarizes error states, noise factors, and associate design control
Negative values are analyzed for recommended functions.
Design Potential FMEA is: 设计潜在失效模式及效应分析是: an analytical technique used primarily by Design-Responsible
Ideal Function Response 1) Latch releases 2) Latch retains striker fully
Error State Response 1) Latch no function 2) Striker not aligned with latch 3) Striker not properly engaged 4) Gap issues with trim 5) High/low release effort 6) High/low release travel 7) Inside/outside release handle not functioning
《风险评价技术及方法》 13._Failure_Mode_and_Effects_Analysis
Chapter 13Failure Mode andEffects Analysis13.1INTRODUCTIONFailure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)is a tool for evaluating the effect(s)of potential failure modes of subsystems,assemblies,components,or functions.It is primarily a reliability tool to identify failure modes that would adversely affect overall system reliability.FMEA has the capability to include failure rates for each failure mode in order to achieve a quantitative probabilistic analysis.Additionally,the FMEA can be extended to evaluate failure modes that may result in an undesired system state,such as a system hazard,and thereby also be used for hazard analysis.A more detailed version of the FMEA is known as failure mode,effects and cri-ticality analysis (FMECA).The FMECA requires that more information be obtained from the analysis,particularly information dealing with the criticality and detection of the potential failure modes.The FMEA method is a disciplined bottom-up evaluation technique that focuses on the design or function of products and processes in order to prioritize actions to reduce the risk of product or process failures.In addition,the FMEA is a tool for documenting the analysis and capturing recommended design changes.Time and resources for a comprehensive FMEA must be allotted during design and process development,when design and process changes can most easily and inexpensively be implemented.235Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety ,by Clifton A.Ericson,IICopyright #2005John Wiley &Sons,Inc.236FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS13.2BACKGROUNDThe FMEA technique falls under the detailed design hazard analysis type (DD-HAT)because it is a detailed analysis done at the component or functional level.The basic hazard analysis types are described in Chapter3.An alternate name for this technique is FMECA.FMECA is basically the same as FMEA except it adds criticality evaluation to each failure mode,as well as the evaluation of possible failure mode detection methods.The purpose of FMEA is to evaluate the effect of failure modes to determine if design changes are necessary due to unacceptable reliability,safety,or operation resulting from potential failure modes.When component failure rates are attached to the identified potential failure modes,a probability of subsystem or component failure can be derived.FMEA was originally developed to determine the reliability effect of failure modes,but it can also be used to identify mishap hazards resulting from potential failure modes.The FMEA is applicable to any system or equipment,at any desired level of design detail—subsystem,assembly,unit,or component.FMEA is generally per-formed at the assembly or unit level because failure rates are more readily available for the individual embedded components.The FMEA can provide a quantitative reliability prediction for the assembly or unit that can be used in a quantitative safety analysis(e.g.,fault tree).FMEA tends to be more hardware and process oriented but can be used for software analysis when evaluating the failure of soft-ware functions.The technique is thorough for evaluating potential individual failure modes and providing reliability information.However,for safety purposes,an FMEA is limited because it considers only single item failures and not the combination of items fail-ing together;generally,mishaps result from failure combinations.Also an FMEA does not identify hazards arising from events other than failures(e.g.,timing errors, radiation,high voltage,etc.).The technique can be easily performed and mastered;however,a basic under-standing of failures and failure mode theory and hazard analysis theory is necessary as well as knowledge of system safety concepts.Additionally a detailed understand-ing of the system design and operation is required.The methodology is uncomplicated and easily learned.Standard FMEA forms and instructions are included in this chapter.The FMEA technique is a valuable reliability tool for analyzing potential failure modes and calculating subsystem,assembly,or unit failure rates.Severity and prob-ability evaluation of failure modes provides a prioritized list for corrective actions. FMEA can also be extended to identify hazards resulting from potential failure modes and evaluating the resulting mishap risk.Note,however,that an FMEA will likely not identify all system hazards because it is only looking at single com-ponent failure modes,while hazards can be the result of multiple hazards and events other than failure modes.For this reason,FMEA is not recommended as the sole tool for hazard identification.FMEA should only be used for hazard analysis when done in conjunction with other hazard analysis techniques.13.4DEFINITIONS237A modified FMEA for hazard identification is recommended for evaluation of failure modes,when done in support of other hazard analyses.However,the FMEA is not recommended as the sole hazard analysis to be performed,since the FMEA primarily looks at single failure modes only,while a hazard analysis con-siders many additional system aspects.13.3HISTORYThe FMEA was developed for the itary as a formal analysis technique. Military procedure MIL-P-1629(now MIL-STD-1629A)[1],titled“Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode,Effects and Criticality Analysis,”is originally dated November9,1949.It was used as a reliability evaluation technique to deter-mine the effect of system and equipment failures.Failures were classified according to their impact on mission success and personnel/equipment safety.The term per-sonnel/equipment,taken directly from an abstract of military standard MIL-P-1629, is notable because of the significance given to ed for aerospace/rocket development,the FMEA and the more detailed FMECA were helpful in avoiding errors on small sample sizes of costly rocket technology.Use of the FMEA was encouraged in the1960s for space product development and served well on getting a man on the moon.Ford Motor Company reintro-duced FMEA in the late1970s for safety and regulatory consideration after mul-tiple Pinto automobile exploding gas tank accidents.Ford Motor Company has also used FMEAs effectively for production improvement,as well as design improvement.The Automotive Industry Action Group(AIAG)and the American Society for Quality Control(ASQC)copyrighted industrywide FMEA standards,in February of1993,that are the technical equivalent of the Society of Automotive Engineers procedure SAE J-1739[2].The standards are presented in an FMEA manual[3] approved and supported by all three makers,which provides general guidelines for preparing an FMEA.13.4DEFINITIONSIn order to facilitate a better understanding of FMEA,some definitions for specific terms are in order.The following are basic FMEA terms:Failure Departure of an item from its required or intended operation,function,or behavior;problems that users encounter.The inability of a system,subsystem,or component to perform its required function.The inability of an item to perform within previously prescribed limits.Failure mode Manner by which an item fails;the mode or state the item is in after it fails.The way in which the failure of an item occurs.238FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSISFailure cause Process or mechanism responsible for initiating the failure mode.The possible processes that can cause component failure include physical failure, design defects,manufacturing defects,environmental forces,and so forth. Failure effect Consequence(s)a failure mode has on the operation,function,or status of an item and on the system.Fault Undesired anomaly in the functional operation of an equipment or system.The occurrence of an undesired state,which may be the result of a failure. Critical item list(CIL)List of items that are considered critical for reliable and/ or safe operation of the system.The list is generated from the FMEA. Indenture level Levels of system hierarchy that identify or describe the relative complexity of a system.The levels progress from the more complex(system) to the simpler(part/component)divisions level(MIL-STD-1629A[1]on FMEAs).The hierarchy is the organizational structure defining dominant and subordinate relationships between subsystems down to the lowest component/ piece part.Risk priority number(RPN)Risk ranking index for reliability.RPN¼(probability of occurrence)Â(severity ranking)Â(detection ranking).13.5THEORYThe FMEA technique is a qualitative and quantitative analysis method used for the evaluation of potential failure modes.The FMEA is a technique that answers a series of questions:.What can fail?.How does it fail?.How frequently will it fail?.What are the effects of the failure?.What is the reliability/safety consequence of the failure?To conduct an FMEA,it is necessary to know and understand certain system characteristics:.Mission.System design.Operational constraints.Success and failure boundaries.Credible failure modes and a measure of their probability of occurrenceFigure13.1depicts the FMEA concept.The subsystem being analyzed is divided into its relevant indenture levels,such as unit1,unit2,unit3,and so forth.Each unitis then further subdivided into its basic items.Each item is listed down the left-hand column of the FMEA worksheet and individually analyzed.The concept is to break-down the “entity”being analyzed into individual items.In effect,the subsystem is analyzed top-down when it is divided into indenture levels,and then it is analyzed bottom-up when each item is individually evaluated.An item can be a hardware part or component,or it can be a function.Each item is then singularly isolated and all potential failure modes for this item are listed in the first column of the FMEA.Each item is then evaluated in detail.The primary building blocks of a system that an FMEA analyzes are the system hardware and the system functions,referred to as the system structural aspect and the system functional aspect.Figure 13.2depicts the functional vs.structural con-cept of a system,which is relevant for FMEA.The functional aspect defines how the system must operate and the functional tasks that must be performed.The struc-tural aspect defines how the functions will be implemented via the hardware that actually carries out the system operations.System design and implementation progresses from the system functions down to the hardware piece parts.Conceptually,there are three approaches to performing an FMEA:1.Functional Approach The functional FMEA is performed on functions.Thefunctions can be at any functional indenture level for the analysis:system,subsystem,unit,or assembly.This approach focuses on ways in which func-tional objectives of a system go unsatisfied or are erroneous.The functional approach is also applicable to the evaluation of software through the Unit 1Unit 3 Unit 2OUTPUT Figure 13.1FMEA concept.13.5THEORY 239evaluation of required software functions.The functional approach tends to be more of a system-level analysis.2.Structural Approach The structural FMEA is performed on hardware andfocuses on potential hardware failure modes.The hardware can be at any hardware indenture level for the analysis:subsystem,unit,assembly,or part (component).The structural approach tends to be a detailed analysis at the component level.3.Hybrid Approach The hybrid FMEA is a combination of the structural andthe functional approaches.The hybrid approach begins with the functional analysis of the system and then transitions to a focus on hardware,especially hardware that directly contributes to functional failures identified as safetycritical.FunctionalSystemViewStructuralSystemViewFigure 13.2Functional vs.structural levels.240FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS13.5THEORY241The functional approach is performed when the system is being defined by the functions that are to be accomplished.The structural hardware approach is per-formed when hardware items can be uniquely identified from schematics,drawings, and other engineering and design data.The hybrid approach combines both aspects, beginning with identification of important system functional failures and then iden-tifying the specific equipment failure modes that produce those system functional failures.13.5.1Structural and Functional ModelsThe purpose of an FMEA is to evaluate potential design failure modes early in the development program to cost effectively implement safety design corrections.To attain this objective the FMEA must closely track the design as it progresses from conceptual to detailed.Design depth and detail correlates to structural and functional decomposition of the system.A structural model of the system captures the static structure of the system comprised of the hardware components.A functional model of the system captures the functions that must be performed in order for the system to achieve its goals and objectives.These two system views contrast what must be done (function)with how it is to be done(structure).Figure13.3provides a brief example of a structural model and a functional model for a radio system and the failure modes that might be considered.These models also depict indenture levels for each type of model.Functional ModelFigure13.3Functional and structural models.13.5.2Product and Process FMEAThe FMEA is classified as a product FMEA or a process FMEA,depending upon the application.The product FMEA analyzes the design of a product or system by examining the way that the item’s failure modes affect the operation of the product or system.The process FMEA analyzes the processes involved in the manufacture, use,and maintenance of a product.It examines the way that process methods affect the operation of the product or system.Both types of FMEA focus on design—design of the product or design of the process.The FMEA classification types, along with general failure mode areas,are presented in Figure13. Failure ModesFunctional-type FMEAs evaluate system,subsystem,and unit functions.Functional failure modes are a little more abstract than hardware failure modes.The key is to consider each adverse state that is possible for each function.Example functional failure modes may include,but are not limited to,the following:1.Function fails to perform.2.Function performs incorrectly.3.Function performs prematurely.4.Function provides incorrect or misleading information.5.Function does not fail safe.13.5.4Hardware Failure ModesHardware-type FMEAs consider both component catastrophic and component out-of-tolerance modes of failure.Catastrophic failure means complete component func-tional failure in the required mode of operation.For example,a resistor failing open or shorted means that it no longer functions as intended.Out-of-tolerance failure refers to a failure mode where the component is functional but not within specifiedProduction • Assembly • Chemical • Machining • SoftwareMaintenance• ConfigurationControl• Documentation• TrainingUse• Modes• Human interface• Overstress• Documentation• TrainingHardware • Electrical • Mechanical • InterfacesSoftware• SW functions• HW interfacesFunctions• System• SubsystemFMEA TypesProcess ProductFigure13.4FMEA types—product and process.242FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSISoperating boundaries.Example modes for a resistor might include too low resistance or too high resistance,but it still provides some level of resistance.An intermittent failure is a failure that is not continuous;the failure occurs in a cyclic on /off fashion.The basic failure categories for hardware items include:plete failure2.Partial failure (e.g.,out of tolerance)3.Intermittent failureIn a typical FMEA,these basic failure modes may be expressed by the following examples:13.5.5Software Failure ModesPerforming an FMEA on a mechanical or electrical system is generally more straightforward than performing an FMEA on software.Failure modes of com-ponents such as relays and resistors are generally well understood.Mechanical and electrical components fail due to aging,wear,or stress.For software the situ-ation is different because software modules do not fail per se,they only display incorrect behavior.A software-oriented FMEA can only address incorrect behavior of software (i.e.,the software fails to perform as intended).A software FMEA (SFMEA)normally involves performing an analysis of the software functions.An SFMEA would follow the same basic steps as a hardware FMEA:set up a starting point,understand the design,make a list of typical failure modes,and then perform the analysis.Software failure modes would be seen as types of erroneous behavior and not typos in the code.Distinguishing characteristics between the hardware and software FMEA are shown in Table 13.1.Example software functional failure modes may include,but are not limited to,the following:1.Software function fails.2.Function provides incorrect results.3.Function occurs prematurely.4.Unsent messages.5.Messages sent too early or too late.1.Open circuit 2.Short circuit 3.Out of tolerance 4.Leak 5.Hot surface 6.Bent 7.Oversize /undersize 8.Cracked 9.Brittle 10.Misaligned 11.Binding 12.Corroded 13.Failure to operate 14.Intermittent operation 15.Degraded operation 16.Loss of output13.5THEORY 2436.Faulty message.7.Software stops or crashes.8.Software hangs.9.Software exceeds internal capacity.10.Software startup failure.11.Software function has slow response.13.5.6Quantitative Data SourcesWhen performing a quantitative FMEA /FMECA,component failure rates are required.Although many models are available for performing reliability prediction analyses,each of these models was originally created with a particular application in mind.Table 13.2describes the most widely used reliability prediction models in terms of their intended applications,noting both their advantages and disadvantages.Note that there is no available failure rate data for software as there are no defined failure modes.13.6METHODOLOGYFigure 13.5shows an overview of the basic FMEA process and summarizes the important relationships involved.Based on reliability theory,all components have inherent failure modes.The FMEA process evaluates the overall impact of each and every component failure mode.The primary FMEA goal is to determine the effect on system reliability from component failures,but the technique can be extended to determine the effect on safety.Input data for the FMEA includes detailed hardware /function design infor-mation.Design data may be in the form of the design concept,the operational TABLE 13.1Hardware /Software FMEA CharacteristicsHardwareSoftware Is performed at a part (component)levelwhere failure rates can be obtained.Is only practical at the functional level.System is considered free of failures at startof operation.System is assumed to contain software faults at start of operation.Postulates failure modes due to aging,wear,or stress.Postulates failure modes according to functional failure.Analyzes failure consequence at the itemlevel and the system level.Analyzes failure consequence at the system level.States the criticality in measures ofconsequence severity and probability.States the criticality in measures of consequence severity,but probability cannot be determined.States hardware measures taken to preventor mitigate failure consequence.States software measures taken to prevent or mitigate failure consequence.Software can cause hardware to fail.Hardware can cause software to fail.244FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIST A B L E 13.2C o m p a r i s o n o f R e l i a b i l i t y P r e d i c t i o n M o d e l sR e l i a b i l i t y P r e d i c t i o n M o d e lA p p l i c a t i o n a n d O r i g i n a t i n g C o u n t r yA d v a n t a g e s D i s a d v a n t a g e sM I L -H D B K -217,T h e M i l i t a r y H a n d b o o k f o r t h e R e l i a b i l i t y P r e d i c t i o n o f E l e c t r o n i c E q u i p m e n tM i l i t a r y a n d c o m m e r c i a l ,U n i t e d S t a t e sP r o v i d e s f o r b o t h p a r t s s t r e s s a n d p a r t s c o u n t a n a l y s i s o f e l e c t r o n i c p a r t s .C a n e a s i l y m o v e f r o m p r e l i m i n a r y d e s i g n s t a g e t o c o m p l e t e d e s i g n s t a g e b y p r o g r e s s i n g f r o m p a r t s c o u n t t o p a r t s s t r e s s .I n c l u d e s m o d e l s f o r a b r o a d r a n g e o f p a r t t y p e s .P r o v i d e s m a n y c h o i c e s f o r e n v i r o n m e n t t y p e s .W e l l -k n o w n a n d w i d e l y a c c e p t e d .D o e s n o t c o n s i d e r o t h e r f a c t o r s t h a t c a n c o n t r i b u t e t o f a i l u r e r a t e s u c h a s b u r n -i n d a t a ,l a b t e s t i n g d a t a ,fie l d t e s t d a t a ,d e s i g n e r e x p e r i e n c e ,w e a r -o u t ,e t c .C o n s i d e r s o n l y e l e c t r o n i c p a r t s .T e l c o r d i a (B e l l c o r e ),R e l i a b i l i t y P r e d i c t i o n P r o c e d u r e f o r E l e c t r o n i c E q u i p m e n t (T e c h n i c a l R e f e r e n c e #T R -332o r T e l c o r d i a T e c h n o l o g i e s S p e c i a l R e p o r t S R -332),A T &T B e l l L a b s C o m m e r c i a l ,U n i t e d S t a t e sO f f e r s a n a l y s i s r a n g i n g f r o m p a r t s c o u n t t o f u l l p a r t s s t r e s s t h r o u g h t h e u s e o f c a l c u l a t i o n m e t h o d s .C o n s i d e r s b u r n -i n d a t a ,l a b t e s t i n g d a t a ,a n d fie l d t e s t d a t a .W e l l -k n o w n a n d a c c e p t e d .C o n s i d e r s o n l y e l e c t r o n i c p a r t s .S u p p o r t s o n l y a l i m i t e d n u m b e r o f g r o u n d e n v i r o n m e n t s .F e w e r p a r t m o d e l s c o m p a r e d t o M I L -HD B K -217.D o e s n o t a c c o u n t f o r o t h e r f a c t o r s s u c h a s d e s i g n e r e x p e r i e n c e ,w e a r -o u t ,e t c .T h e H a n d b o o k o f R e l i a b i l i t y P r e d i c t i o n P r o c e d u r e s f o r M e c h a n i c a lE q u i p m e n t (N S W C -98/L E 1),N a v y M i l i t a r y a n d c o m m e r c i a l ,U n i t e d S t a t e sP r o v i d e s f o r a n a l y z i n g a b r o a d r a n g e o f m e c h a n i c a l p a r t s (s e a l s ,s p r i n g s ,s o l e n o i d s ,b e a r i n g s ,g e a r s ,e t c .)L i m i t e d t o m e c h a n i c a l p a r t s .H R D 5,T h e H a n d b o o k f o r R e l i a b i l i t y D a t a f o r E l e c t r o n i c C o m p o n e n t s U s e d i n T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n S y s t e m sT e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ,U n i t e d K i n g d o m S i m i l a r t o T e l c o r d i a .F a i r l y b r o a d r a n g e o f p a r t t y p e s m o d e l e d .C o n s i d e r s o n l y e l e c t r o n i c p a r t s .N o t w i d e l y u s e d .(c o n t i n u e d )245T A B L E 13.2C o n t i n u e dR e l i a b i l i t y P r e d i c t i o n M o d e lA p p l i c a t i o n a n d O r i g i n a t i n g C o u n t r yA d v a n t a g e s D i s a d v a n t a g e sP R I S M ,S y s t e m R e l i a b i l i t y A s s e s s m e n t M e t h o d o l o g y d e v e l o p e d b y t h e R e l i a b i l i t y A n a l y s i s C e n t e r (R A C )M i l i t a r y a n d c o m m e r c i a l ,U n i t e d S t a t e sI n c o r p o r a t e s N P R D /E P R D d a t a b a s e o f f a i l u r e r a t e s .E n a b l e s t h e u s e o f p r o c e s s g r a d i n g f a c t o r s ,p r e d e c e s s o r d a t a ,a n d t e s t o r fie l d d a t a .S m a l l ,l i m i t e d s e t o f p a r t t y p e s m o d e l e d .N e w e r s t a n d a r d ,s t i l l g a i n i n g a c c e p t a n c e .C o n s i d e r s o n l y e l e c t r o n i c p a r t s .C a n n o t m o d e l h y b r i d s .N o r e f e r e n c e s t a n d a r d a v a i l a b l e .N P R D /E P R D ,N o n e l e c t r o n i c s P a r t s R e l i a b i l i t y (N P R D )a n d E l e c t r o n i c P a r t s R e l i a b i l i t y (E P R D )d a t a b a s e s b y R A CM i l i t a r y a n d c o m m e r c i a l ,U n i t e d S t a t e sB r o a d a r r a y o f e l e c t r o n i c a n d n o n e l e c t r o n i c p a r t s .B a s e d c o m p l e t e l y o n fie l d d a t a .C o n s i s t s e n t i r e l y o f d a t a b a s e s o f f a i l u r e r a t e s ,n o t m a t h e m a t i c a l m o d e l s .24613.7WORKSHEET247Figure13.5FMEA overview.concept,and major components planned for use in the system and major system functions.Sources for this information include design specifications,sketches, drawings,schematics,function lists,functional block diagrams(FBDs),and/or reliability block diagrams(RBDs).Input data also includes known failure modes for components and failure rates for the failure modes.FMEA output information includes identification of failure modes in the system under analysis,evaluation of the failure effects,identification of hazards,and identification of system critical items in the form of a critical items list(CIL).Table13.3lists the basic steps in the FMEA process,which involves performing a detailed analysis of all item failure modes.A worksheet is utilized to document the FMEA as identified in the next section.13.7WORKSHEETThe FMEA is a detailed analysis of potential failure modes.It is desirable to perform the FMEA using a form or worksheet to provide analysis structure,consistency,and documentation.The specific format of the analysis worksheet is not critical.Typi-cally,matrix-,columnar-or text-type forms are utilized to help maintain focus and structure in the analysis.An FMEA that supports system safety and hazard analysis should contain the following information,as a minimum:1.Failure mode2.System effect of failure mode3.System-level hazards resulting from failure4.Mishap effect of hazards5.Failure mode and/or hazard causal factors6.How the failure mode can be detected7.Recommendations(such as safety requirements/guidelines that can beapplied)8.The risk presented by the identified hazardMany different FMEA worksheet formats have been proposed by different programs,projects,and disciplines over the years.Some different examples are shown below.Each form provides a different amount and type of information to be derived from the analysis.The specific form to be used may be determined by the customer,the system safety working group,the safety manager,the reliability group,or the reliability /safety analyst performing the analysis.Typically a program stays with the same FMEA worksheet over the life of the program.Therefore it is important to ensure that relevant safety-related information is included in the FMEA worksheet.Figure 13.6uses a very basic FMEA worksheet format,primarily for use by the reliability organization.TABLE 13.3FMEA Process Step Task Description1Define system.Define,scope,and bound the system.Define the mission,mission phases,and mission environments.Understand the system design and operation.Note that all steps are applicable for an SFMEA.2Plan FMEA.Establish FMEA goals,definitions,worksheets,schedule,and process.Start with functional FMEA then move to FMEA ofhardware that is safety critical (identified from functional FMEA).Divide the system under analysis into the smallest segmentsdesired for the analysis.Identify items to be analyzed and establish indenture levels for items /functions to be analyzed.3Select team.Select all team members to participate in FMEA and establish responsibilities.Utilize team member expertise from several different disciplines (e.g.,design,test,manufacturing,etc.).4Acquire data.Acquire all of the necessary design and process data needed (e.g.,functional diagrams,schematics,and drawings)for the system,subsystems,and functions for FMEA.Refine the item indenture levels for analysis.Identify realistic failure modes of interest for the analysis and obtain component failure rates.5Conduct FMEA.a.Identify and list the items to be evaluated.b.Obtain concurrence on the list and level of detail.c.Transfer the list to the FMEA worksheet.d.Analyze each item on the list by completing the FMEA worksheet questions.e.Have the FMEA worksheets validated by a system designer for correctness.6Recommend corrective action.Recommend corrective action for failure modes with unacceptable risk.Assign responsibility and schedule for implementing corrective action.7Monitor corrective action.Review test results to ensure that safety recommendations and system safety requirements are effective in mitigating hazards as anticipated.8Track hazards.Transfer identified hazards into the hazard tracking system (HTS).9Document FMEA.Document the entire FMEA process on the worksheets.Update for new information and closure of assigned corrective actions.248FAILURE MODE AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS。
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Automating the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis of Safety Critical SystemsYiannis Papadopoulos & David ParkerDepartment of Computer Science,University of Hull U.K.{y.i.papadopoulos, d.j.parker}@Christian Grante Volvo Cars CorporationSwedencgrante@Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a classical system safety analysis technique which is currently widely used in the automotive, aerospace and other safety critical industries. In the process of an FMEA, analysts compile lists of component failure modes and try to infer the effects of those failure modes on the system. System models, typically simple engineering diagrams, assist analysts in understanding how the local effects of component failures propagate through complex architectures and ultimately cause hazardous effects at system level.Although there is software available that assists engineers in performing clerical tasks, such as forming tables and filling in data, the intelligent part of an FMEA process remains a manual and laborious process. Thus, one of the main criticisms of FMEA is that the time taken to perform the analysis can often exceed the period of the design and development phases and therefore the analysis de facto becomes a mere deliverable to the customer and not a useful tool capable of improving the design. Difficulties naturally become more acute as systems grow in scale and complexity.To address those difficulties, a body of work is looking into the automation and simplification of FMEA [1-3]. To mechanically infer the effects of component failures in a system, several approaches have been proposed which use domain specific qualitative or quantitative fault simulation. These approaches are restricted to particular application domains such as the design of electrical or electronic circuits. Limitations in scope but also difficulties with the efficiency and scalability of algorithms seem to have so far limited the industrial take-up of this automated FMEA technology which is still under development.In this paper we propose a new approach to the automatic synthesis of FMEAs which builds upon recent work towards automating fault tree analysis [4]. In this approach, FMEAs are built from engineering diagrams that have been augmented with information about component failures. The proposed approach is generic, i.e. not restricted to an application domain, and potentially applicable to a range of widely used engineering models. The models that provide the basis for the analysis identify the topology of the system, i.e. the system components and the material energy and data transactions among those components. Models can also be hierarchically structured and record in different layers the decomposition of subsystems into more basic components. We should note that this type of structural models include piping and instrumentation diagrams, data flow diagrams and other models commonly used in many areas of engineering design.The first step in the analysis of such models is the establishment of the local failure behaviour of components in the model as a set of failure expressions which show how output failures of each component can be caused by internal malfunctions and deviations of the component inputs. Once this local analysis has been completed for all components, the structure of the model is then used to automatically determine how local failures propagate through connections in the model and cause functional failures at the outputs of the system. This global view of failure is initially captured in a set of fault trees which are automatically constructed by traversing the model of the system backward moving from the final elements of the design, i.e. the actuators, towards system inputs and by evaluating the failure expressions of the components encountered during this traversal.The fault trees synthesized using this approach show how functional failures or malfunctions at the outputs of the system are caused by logical combinations of component failures. These fault trees may share branches and basic events in which case they record common causes of failure, i.e. component failures that contribute to more than one system failures.Thus, in general, the result of the fault tree synthesis process is a network of interconnected fault trees which record logical relationships between component and system failures as this is illustrated in figure 1.Component failuresSystem failuresof failureFigure 1. A network of automatically createdfault treesThe top events of these fault trees represent system failures. Leaf nodes represent component failure modes while the body of intermediate events (and intervening logic) records the propagation of failure in the system and the progressive transformation of component malfunctions to system failures.In the final step of the process, this complex body of fault propagation logic is removed from the analysis by an automated algorithm which translates the network of interconnected fault trees into a simple table of direct relationships between component and system failures. In a similar way to a classical FMEA, this table determines for each component in the system and for each failure mode of that component, the effect of that failure mode on the system, i.e. whether, and how, the failure mode contributes to one or more system failures and malfunctions (i.e. the top events of fault trees).Note that in a classical manual FMEA only the effects of single failures are typically assessed. Thus, one advantage of generating an FMEA from fault trees is that fault trees record the effects of combinations of component failures and this useful information can also be transferred into the FMEA. To accommodate this additional information, the resultant FMEA tables are split into two, one containing the direct effects on the system, i.e. those effects caused by single component failures, and the other containing further effects, i.e. those effects caused by two or more component failure modes. This allows separate, easy access to the most critical information, the single points of failure. Perhaps more importantly, the FMEA shows all functional effects that a particular component failure mode causes. This is useful as a failure mode that contributes to multiple system failures is potentially more significant than those that only cause a single top event.The FMEA can, in practice, help analysts not only to locate problems in the design, but also to determine the level of fault tolerance in the system, i.e. determine whether the system can tolerate any single or any combination of two, three or more component failures.To enable the practical and useful application of the above concept in engineering design, we have developed a tool that generates fault trees and FMEAs from models developed in Matlab Simulink, a popular modeling and simulation tool. The proposed method and tool are currently being evaluated by Volvo cars in a case study of medium complexity performed on a Matlab-Simulink model of an advanced steer-by-wire prototype system for cars.This work is still at early stages and we have not had a chance yet to perform a rigorous performance evaluation of the proposed algorithms. First applications indicate though that this approach can lead to fast and efficient ways of generating useful safety analyses from system design representations. The process is largely automated and can make use of design information from the early stages of the design thus minimising the effort required to examine system safety and, perhaps more importantly, to study the effect of design modifications on safety.An indication of the present performance of the system is that it is taking a little more than a minute in an average personal computer to generate an FMEA from a model of a steer-by-wire system for cars that contains more than a hundred components and results in over seven thousand cut sets. This result refers to an FMEA that records the effects of up to four simultaneously occurring component failures modes. When this limit is set at two, the time dramatically decreases, obtaining timings in the order of a few seconds. To the best of our knowledge, these speeds compare favorably with other results reported in the literature of automated FMEA, where systems have been reported to take hours even when considering only the effects of single component failures. Direct comparisons, however, are not possible because the proposed approach leads only to semi-automatic synthesis of FMEAs, while most other work aims to fully automate the process.To further improve the speed of the synthesis, we currently consider using a recently proposed minimal cut-set calculation algorithm [5] for the conversion of the network of fault trees into an FMEA. This algorithm preprocesses fault trees, converting them into Binary Decision Diagrams, using ordering rules to determine the position of failure modes in the hierarchy of the tree. We hope that the improvements in efficiency that could be achieved by using this algorithm will further improve the scalability of the proposed techniques and ultimately enable their application in problems of industrial scale.References[1] Renovell M., Cambon G. and Auvergne D.,“FSPICE: atool for fault modelling in MOS circuits”, VLSI Journal, 1985, 3:245-255.[2] Lehtela M., “Computer-Aided FMEA of ElectronicCircuits”, Microelectronics and Reliability, 1990, 30(4):761-773.[3] Price C. J., Taylor N., “Automated multiple failureFMEA”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2002, 76:1-10.[4] Papadopoulos Y., McDermid J. A., Sasse R. Heiner G.,“Analysis and synthesis of the behaviour of complex programmable systems in conditions of failure”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2001, 71:229-247.[5] Sinammon R. M., Andrews J. D., “New approaches toevaluating fault trees”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 1997, 58:89-96.。