打破沉默者 Silence Breakers








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1 . 火 箭 筒 : 奶 油 壶 , To r g u e 社 , 蓝 色 红 字 , 自 然 选 择 区 竞 技 场 最 后 一 轮任务奖励。 2.手枪:鲁比,M社,从末底改那里接的一个任务,去沙洲打劫酒桶 车,拿到酒桶(任务具体名字忘记了,囧……),然后选择将任务物品-酒桶 交给莫西。 3.手枪:醉酒,M社,小提娜DLC,贪婪矿井的小吵闹的任务,这是 任务武器,交了任务的话这把枪就没收了,接了任务留意一下背包,在任 务武器栏里。 4.SMG:好触感,M社,固定火元素,在避难所给莫西小费所得。 5.SMG:坏触感,M社,固定腐蚀元素,在避难所给莫西小费所得。 6.SMG:暴击,M社,固定电元素,小提娜DLC莫西交给的任务奖 励。 7.霰弹枪:慢手,H社,托格DLC剧情BOSS皮士通掉落,以及大火龙 掉落。 8.霰弹枪:伤心的人,H社,固定火元素,避难所莫西交给的任务奖 励。 9.突击步枪:小猫,V社,托格DL杀戮环最后一轮任务奖励。 附:11.(亲爱的朋友)- Chere Amie,M社蓝色狙击,大矿坑亥伯龙竞 技场最后一轮任务奖励,射击敌人后有回血波出现,不过回血波的追踪效 果很差,也木有MOXXI涂装,不包括在MOXXI武器的范畴,但是可以回 血,故在此从下划线分开并列出。 PS:以上任务地点及武器名称均以3DM汉化为准。可见,除了慢手以 外,其余全是任务奖励,做做这些支线再拿到武器实在是又过瘾又开心。 至于代码之类的,小编不推荐。具体的任务名称实在是记不住,见谅。 摩西一套枪代码: 摩西的鲁比 BL2(hwAAAAAO0wCGBwJAECEDMMOIhdEMowHG//////////87w9jEYg3j) 摩西的ChereAmie BL2(hwAAAAC1HQCDyIFBECEDXIJRABMJ5gWMBZj///////9LgrEEUwnm) 摩西的伤心着 BL2(hwAAAAB8zgACyIBADCGjiEBBg1ICpQBKGxQLKAtQ/v+bQNnEkgnl 摩西的奶油壶 B L 2 ( h w A A A A D J J Q B B 5 4 E / C C E D L K AY Q x G J 4 v + / G w o I F P / / / / 9 L o q B E M Y n i ) 摩西的好触感

打破沉寂-A Time to Break Silence

打破沉寂-A Time to Break Silence

打破沉寂(A Time to Break Silence)我们都知道,马丁·路德·金是美国的民权运动领袖,他为黑人谋求平等,甚至献出了自己的生命,被誉为是“黑人的麦加”。



本演讲发表于1967年4月4日,是马丁·路德·金在“忧世教士和俗人协会”的一个反越站的集会上的演讲,集会的地点是纽约著名的河边大教堂(Riverside Church)。




”I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. I join you in this meeting because I am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. The recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines: "A time comes when silence is betrayal."在线收听:演讲下载【打破沉寂(A Time to Break Silence)MP3下载链接】演讲全文:A Time to Break Silence by Martin Luther King, Jr.I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. I join you in this meeting because I am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. The recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines: "A time comes when silence is betrayal." And that time has come for us in relation to Vietnam.The truth of these words is beyond doubt, but the mission to which they call us is a most difficult one. Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men do not easily assume the task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war. Nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist thought within one's own bosom and in the surrounding world. Moreover, when the issues at hand seem as perplexed as they often do in the case of this dreadful conflict, we are always on the verge of being mesmerized by uncertainty; but we must move on.And some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. And we must rejoice as well, for surely this is the first time in our nation's history that a significant number of its religious leaders have chosen to move beyond the prophesying of smooth patriotism to the high grounds of a firm dissent based upon the mandates of conscience and the reading of history. Perhaps a new spirit is rising among us. If it is, let us trace its movements and pray that our own inner being may be sensitive to its guidance, for we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us.Over the past two years, as I have moved to break the betrayal of my own silences and to speak from the burnings of my own heart, as I have called for radical departures from the destruction of Vietnam, many persons have questioned me about the wisdom of my path. At the heart of their concerns this query has often loomed large and loud: "Why are you speaking about the war, Dr. King?" "Why are you joining the voices of dissent?" "Peace and civil rights don't mix," they say. "Aren't you hurting the cause of your people," they ask? And when I hear them, though I often understand the source of their concern, I am nevertheless greatly saddened, for such questions mean that the inquirers have not really known me, my commitment or my calling. Indeed, their questions suggest that they do not know the world in which they live.In the light of such tragic misunderstanding, I deem it of signal importance to try to state clearly, and I trust concisely, why I believe that the path from Dexter Avenue Baptist Church -- the church in Montgomery, Alabama, where I began my pastorate -- leads clearly to this sanctuary tonight.I come to this platform tonight to make a passionate plea to my beloved nation. This speech is not addressed to Hanoi or to the National Liberation Front. It is not addressed to China or to Russia. Nor is it an attempt to overlook the ambiguity of the total situation and the need for a collective solution to the tragedy of Vietnam.Neither is it an attempt to make North Vietnam or the National Liberation Front paragons of virtue, nor to overlook the role they must play in the successful resolution of the problem. While they both may have justifiable reasons to be suspicious of the good faith of the United States, life and history give eloquent testimony to the fact that conflicts are never resolved without trustful give and take on both sides.Tonight, however, I wish not to speak with Hanoi and the National Liberation Front, but rather to my fellowed [sic] Americans, *who, with me, bear the greatest responsibility in ending a conflict that has exacted a heavy price on both continents.Since I am a preacher by trade, I suppose it is not surprising that I have seven major reasons for bringing Vietnam into the field of my moral vision.* There is at the outset a very obvious and almost facile connection between the war in Vietnam and the struggle I, and others, have been waging in America. A few years ago there was a shining moment in that struggle. It seemed as if there was a real promise of hope for the poor -- both black and white -- through the poverty program. There were experiments, hopes, new beginnings. Then came the buildup in Vietnam, and I watched this program broken and eviscerated, as if it were some idle political plaything of a society gone mad on war, and I knew that America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube. So, I was increasingly compelled to see the war as an enemy of the poor and to attack it as such.Perhaps the more tragic recognition of reality took place when it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home. It was sending their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and to die in extraordinarily high proportions relative to the rest of the population. We were taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East Harlem. And so we have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools. And so we watch them in brutal solidarity burning the huts of a poor village, but we realize that they would hardly live on the same block in Chicago. I could not be silent in the face of such cruel manipulation of the poor.My third reason moves to an even deeper level of awareness, for it grows out of my experience in the ghettoes of the North over the last three years -- especially the last three summers. As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social change comes most meaningfully through nonviolent action. But they ask -- and rightly so -- what about Vietnam? They ask if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government. For the sake of those boys, for the sake of this government, for the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent.For those who ask the question, "Aren't you a civil rights leader?" and thereby mean to exclude me from the movement for peace, I have this further answer. In 1957 when a group of us formed the Southern ChristianLeadership Conference, we chose as our motto: "To save the soul of America." We were convinced that we could not limit our vision to certain rights for black people, but instead affirmed the conviction that America would never be free or saved from itself until the descendants of its slaves were loosed completely from the shackles they still wear. In a way we were agreeing with Langston Hughes, that black bard of Harlem, who had written earlier:O, yes,I say it plain,America never was America to me,And yet I swear this oath --America will be!Now, it should be incandescently clear that no one who has any concern for the integrity and life of America today can ignore the present war. If America's soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read: Vietnam. It can never be saved so long as it destroys the deepest hopes of men the world over. So it is that those of us who are yet determined that America will be are led down the path of protest and dissent, working for the health of our land.As if the weight of such a commitment to the life and health of America were not enough, another burden of responsibility was placed upon me in 1954** [sic]; and I cannot forget that the Nobel Prize for Peace was also a commission -- a commission to work harder than I had ever worked before for "the brotherhood of man." This is a calling that takes me beyond national allegiances, but even if it were not present I would yet have to live with the meaning of my commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ. To me the relationship of this ministry to the making of peace is so obvious that I sometimes marvel at those who ask me why I'm speaking against the war. Could it be that they do not know that the good news was meant for all men -- for Communist and capitalist, for their children and ours, for black and for white, for revolutionary and conservative? Have they forgotten that my ministry is in obedience to the One who loved his enemies so fully that he died for them? What then can I say to the Vietcong or to Castro or to Mao as a faithful minister of this One? Can I threaten them with death or must I not share with them my life?And finally, as I try to explain for you and for myself the road that leads from Montgomery to this place I would have offered all that was most valid if I simply said that I must be true to my conviction that I share with all men the calling to be a son of the living God. Beyond the calling of race or nation or creed is this vocation of sonship and brotherhood, and because I believe that the Father is deeply concerned especially for his suffering and helpless and outcast children, I come tonight to speak for them.This I believe to be the privilege and the burden of all of us who deem ourselves bound by allegiances and loyalties which are broader and deeper than nationalism and which go beyond our nation's self-defined goals and positions. We are called to speak for the weak, for the voiceless, for the victims of our nation and for those it calls "enemy," for no document from human hands can make these humans any less our brothers.And as I ponder the madness of Vietnam and search within myself for ways to understand and respond in compassion, my mind goes constantly to the people of that peninsula. I speak now not of the soldiers of each side, not of the ideologies of the Liberation Front, not of the junta in Saigon, but simply of the people whohave been living under the curse of war for almost three continuous decades now. I think of them, too, because it is clear to me that there will be no meaningful solution there until some attempt is made to know them and hear their broken cries.They must see Americans as strange liberators. The Vietnamese people proclaimed their own independence *in 1954* -- in 1945 *rather* -- after a combined French and Japanese occupation and before the communist revolution in China. They were led by Ho Chi Minh. Even though they quoted the American Declaration of Independence in their own document of freedom, we refused to recognize them. Instead, we decided to support France in its reconquest of her former colony. Our government felt then that the Vietnamese people were not ready for independence, and we again fell victim to the deadly Western arrogance that has poisoned the international atmosphere for so long. With that tragic decision we rejected a revolutionary government seeking self-determination and a government that had been established not by China -- for whom the Vietnamese have no great love -- but by clearly indigenous forces that included some communists. For the peasants this new government meant real land reform, one of the most important needs in their lives.For nine years following 1945 we denied the people of Vietnam the right of independence. For nine years we vigorously supported the French in their abortive effort to recolonize Vietnam. Before the end of the war we were meeting eighty percent of the French war costs. Even before the French were defeated at Dien Bien Phu, they began to despair of their reckless action, but we did not. We encouraged them with our huge financial and military supplies to continue the war even after they had lost the will. Soon we would be paying almost the full costs of this tragic attempt at recolonization.After the French were defeated, it looked as if independence and land reform would come again through the Geneva Agreement. But instead there came the United States, determined that Ho should not unify the temporarily divided nation, and the peasants watched again as we supported one of the most vicious modern dictators, our chosen man, Premier Diem. The peasants watched and cringed as Diem ruthlessly rooted out all opposition, supported their extortionist landlords, and refused even to discuss reunification with the North. The peasants watched as all this was presided over by United States' influence and then by increasing numbers of United States troops who came to help quell the insurgency that Diem's methods had aroused. When Diem was overthrown they may have been happy, but the long line of military dictators seemed to offer no real change, especially in terms of their need for land and peace.The only change came from America, as we increased our troop commitments in support of governments which were singularly corrupt, inept, and without popular support. All the while the people read our leaflets and received the regular promises of peace and democracy and land reform. Now they languish under our bombs and consider us, not their fellow Vietnamese, the real enemy. They move sadly and apathetically as we herd them off the land of their fathers into concentration camps where minimal social needs are rarely met. They know they must move on or be destroyed by our bombs.So they go, primarily women and children and the aged. They watch as we poison their water, as we kill a million acres of their crops. They must weep as the bulldozers roar through their areas preparing to destroy the precious trees. They wander into the hospitals with at least twenty casualties from American firepower for one Vietcong-inflicted injury. So far we may have killed a million of them, mostly children. They wander into the towns and see thousands of the children, homeless, without clothes, running in packs on the streetslike animals. They see the children degraded by our soldiers as they beg for food. They see the children selling their sisters to our soldiers, soliciting for their mothers.What do the peasants think as we ally ourselves with the landlords and as we refuse to put any action into our many words concerning land reform? What do they think as we test out our latest weapons on them, just as the Germans tested out new medicine and new tortures in the concentration camps of Europe? Where are the roots of the independent Vietnam we claim to be building? Is it among these voiceless ones?We have destroyed their two most cherished institutions: the family and the village. We have destroyed their land and their crops. We have cooperated in the crushing of the nation's only noncommunist revolutionary political force, the unified Buddhist Church. We have supported the enemies of the peasants of Saigon. We have corrupted their women and children and killed their men.Now there is little left to build on, save bitterness. *Soon the only solid physical foundations remaining will be found at our military bases and in the concrete of the concentration camps we call "fortified hamlets." The peasants may well wonder if we plan to build our new Vietnam on such grounds as these. Could we blame them for such thoughts? We must speak for them and raise the questions they cannot raise. These, too, are our brothers.Perhaps a more difficult but no less necessary task is to speak for those who have been designated as our enemies.* What of the National Liberation Front, that strangely anonymous group we call "VC" or "communists"? What must they think of the United States of America when they realize that we permitted the repression and cruelty of Diem, which helped to bring them into being as a resistance group in the South? What do they think of our condoning the violence which led to their own taking up of arms? How can they believe in our integrity when now we speak of "aggression from the North" as if there were nothing more essential to the war? How can they trust us when now we charge them with violence after the murderous reign of Diem and charge them with violence while we pour every new weapon of death into their land? Surely we must understand their feelings, even if we do not condone their actions. Surely we must see that the men we supported pressed them to their violence. Surely we must see that our own computerized plans of destruction simply dwarf their greatest acts.How do they judge us when our officials know that their membership is less than twenty-five percent communist, and yet insist on giving them the blanket name? What must they be thinking when they know that we are aware of their control of major sections of Vietnam, and yet we appear ready to allow national elections in which this highly organized political parallel government will not have a part? They ask how we can speak of free elections when the Saigon press is censored and controlled by the military junta. And they are surely right to wonder what kind of new government we plan to help form without them, the only party in real touch with the peasants. They question our political goals and they deny the reality of a peace settlement from which they will be excluded. Their questions are frighteningly relevant. Is our nation planning to build on political myth again, and then shore it up upon the power of new violence?Here is the true meaning and value of compassion and nonviolence, when it helps us to see the enemy's point of view, to hear his questions, to know his assessment of ourselves. For from his view we may indeed see the basic weaknesses of our own condition, and if we are mature, we may learn and grow and profit from thewisdom of the brothers who are called the opposition.So, too, with Hanoi. In the North, where our bombs now pummel the land, and our mines endanger the waterways, we are met by a deep but understandable mistrust. To speak for them is to explain this lack of confidence in Western words, and especially their distrust of American intentions now. In Hanoi are the men who led the nation to independence against the Japanese and the French, the men who sought membership in the French Commonwealth and were betrayed by the weakness of Paris and the willfulness of the colonial armies. It was they who led a second struggle against French domination at tremendous costs, and then were persuaded to give up the land they controlled between the thirteenth and seventeenth parallel as a temporary measure at Geneva. After 1954 they watched us conspire with Diem to prevent elections which could have surely brought Ho Chi Minh to power over a united Vietnam, and they realized they had been betrayed again. When we ask why they do not leap to negotiate, these things must be remembered.Also, it must be clear that the leaders of Hanoi considered the presence of American troops in support of the Diem regime to have been the initial military breach of the Geneva Agreement concerning foreign troops. They remind us that they did not begin to send troops in large numbers and even supplies into the South until American forces had moved into the tens of thousands.Hanoi remembers how our leaders refused to tell us the truth about the earlier North Vietnamese overtures for peace, how the president claimed that none existed when they had clearly been made. Ho Chi Minh has watched as America has spoken of peace and built up its forces, and now he has surely heard the increasing international rumors of American plans for an invasion of the North. He knows the bombing and shelling and mining we are doing are part of traditional pre-invasion strategy. Perhaps only his sense of humor and of irony can save him when he hears the most powerful nation of the world speaking of aggression as it drops thousands of bombs on a poor, weak nation more than *eight hundred, or rather,* eight thousand miles away from its shores.At this point I should make it clear that while I have tried in these last few minutes to give a voice to the voiceless in Vietnam and to understand the arguments of those who are called "enemy," I am as deeply concerned about our own troops there as anything else. For it occurs to me that what we are submitting them to in Vietnam is not simply the brutalizing process that goes on in any war where armies face each other and seek to destroy. We are adding cynicism to the process of death, for they must know after a short period there that none of the things we claim to be fighting for are really involved. Before long they must know that their government has sent them into a struggle among Vietnamese, and the more sophisticated surely realize that we are on the side of the wealthy, and the secure, while we create a hell for the poor.Somehow this madness must cease. We must stop now. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering poor of Vietnam. I speak for those whose land is being laid waste, whose homes are being destroyed, whose culture is being subverted. I speak for the poor of America who are paying the double price of smashed hopes at home, and death and corruption in Vietnam. I speak as a citizen of the world, for the world as it stands aghast at the path we have taken. I speak as one who loves America, to the leaders of our own nation: The great initiative in this war is ours; the initiative to stop it must be ours.This is the message of the great Buddhist leaders of Vietnam. Recently one of them wrote these words, and Iquote:Each day the war goes on the hatred increases in the heart of the Vietnamese and in the hearts of those of humanitarian instinct. The Americans are forcing even their friends into becoming their enemies. It is curious that the Americans, who calculate so carefully on the possibilities of military victory, do not realize that in the process they are incurring deep psychological and political defeat. The image of America will never again be the image of revolution, freedom, and democracy, but the image of violence and militarism (unquote).If we continue, there will be no doubt in my mind and in the mind of the world that we have no honorable intentions in Vietnam. If we do not stop our war against the people of Vietnam immediately, the world will be left with no other alternative than to see this as some horrible, clumsy, and deadly game we have decided to play. The world now demands a maturity of America that we may not be able to achieve. It demands that we admit that we have been wrong from the beginning of our adventure in Vietnam, that we have been detrimental to the life of the Vietnamese people. The situation is one in which we must be ready to turn sharply from our present ways. In order to atone for our sins and errors in Vietnam, we should take the initiative in bringing a halt to this tragic war.*I would like to suggest five concrete things that our government should do immediately to begin the long and difficult process of extricating ourselves from this nightmarish conflict:Number one: End all bombing in North and South Vietnam.Number two: Declare a unilateral cease-fire in the hope that such action will create the atmosphere for negotiation.Three: Take immediate steps to prevent other battlegrounds in Southeast Asia by curtailing our military buildup in Thailand and our interference in Laos.Four: Realistically accept the fact that the National Liberation Front has substantial support in South Vietnam and must thereby play a role in any meaningful negotiations and any future Vietnam government.Five: *Set a date that we will remove all foreign troops from Vietnam in accordance with the 1954 Geneva Agreement.Part of our ongoing...part of our ongoing commitment might well express itself in an offer to grant asylum to any Vietnamese who fears for his life under a new regime which included the Liberation Front. Then we must make what reparations we can for the damage we have done. We must provide the medical aid that is badly needed, making it available in this country, if necessary. Meanwhile... meanwhile, we in the churches and synagogues have a continuing task while we urge our government to disengage itself from a disgraceful commitment. We must continue to raise our voices and our lives if our nation persists in its perverse ways in Vietnam. We must be prepared to match actions with words by seeking out every creative method of protest possible.*As we counsel young men concerning military service, we must clarify for them our nation's role in Vietnam and challenge them with the alternative of conscientious objection. I am pleased to say that this is a path now chosen by more than seventy students at my own alma mater, Morehouse College, and I recommend it to all who find the American course in Vietnam a dishonorable and unjust one. Moreover, I would encourage all ministers of draft age to give up their ministerial exemptions and seek status as conscientious objectors.* These are the times for real choices and not false ones. We are at the moment when our lives must be placed on the line if our nation is to survive its own folly. Every man of humane convictions must decide on the protest that best suits his convictions, but we must all protest.Now there is something seductively tempting about stopping there and sending us all off on what in some circles has become a popular crusade against the war in Vietnam. I say we must enter that struggle, but I wish to go on now to say something even more disturbing.The war in Vietnam is but a symptom of a far deeper malady within the American spirit, and if we ignore this sobering reality...and if we ignore this sobering reality, we will find ourselves organizing "clergy and laymen concerned" committees for the next generation. They will be concerned about Guatemala and Peru. They will be concerned about Thailand and Cambodia. They will be concerned about Mozambique and South Africa. We will be marching for these and a dozen other names and attending rallies without end, unless there is a significant and profound change in American life and policy.And so, such thoughts take us beyond Vietnam, but not beyond our calling as sons of the living God.In 1957, a sensitive American official overseas said that it seemed to him that our nation was on the wrong side of a world revolution. During the past ten years, we have seen emerge a pattern of suppression which has now justified the presence of U.S. military advisors in Venezuela. This need to maintain social stability for our investments accounts for the counterrevolutionary action of American forces in Guatemala. It tells why American helicopters are being used against guerrillas in Cambodia and why American napalm and Green Beret forces have already been active against rebels in Peru.It is with such activity in mind that the words of the late John F. Kennedy come back to haunt us. Five years ago he said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." Increasingly, by choice or by accident, this is the role our nation has taken, the role of those who make peaceful revolution impossible by refusing to give up the privileges and the pleasures that come from the immense profits of overseas investments. I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin...we must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our past and present policies. On the one hand, we are called to play the Good Samaritan on life's roadside, but that will be only an initial act. One day we must come to see that the whole Jericho Road must be transformed so that men and women will not be constantly beaten and robbed as they make their journey on life's highway. True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars。



怪兽来自日语猎人来自德语我还小的时候When I was a kid,只要感到孤独或渺小whenever I'd feel small or lonely,我就会仰望星空I'd look up at the stars.好奇那里会不会有外星人Wondered if there was life up there.结果我望错了方向Turns out I was looking in the wrong direction.外星人是从太平洋深底When alien life entered our world进入我们这个世界的it was from deep beneath the pacific ocean.在两个板块的缝隙中A fissure between two tectonic plates.产生了连接不同次元的通道A portal between dimensions.形成了一个穿越口The breach.第一只怪兽登陆旧金山那年I was fifteen when the first kaiju我只有十五岁made land in San Francisco.怪兽名:入侵者(Trespasser) 学名:斧首(Axe-head) 级别:未分级高度:92米体重:2700吨♥飞机坦克大炮轰了六天才将其打倒By the time tanks, jets and missiles took it down那时它已经推进了35英里six days and 35 Miles later,三座城市被它摧毁了three cities were destroyed.数以万计的生命遭其毒手Tens of thousands of lives were lost.我们哀悼死者We mourned our dead,纪念那次袭击memorialized the attack,生活依然继续着and moved on.接着只过了六个月And then, only six months later,马尼拉受到了第二只怪兽的袭击the second attack hit Manila.怪兽名:坏脑(Kaiceph) 数据不详怪兽血液中的酸性成分The acid factor of the kaiju blood造成了一种名为怪兽毒蓝的毒性现象creates a toxic phenomenon named kaiju blue.接着第三只袭击了圣卢卡斯角And then the third one hit Cabo.然后是第四只And then the fourth.至此我们方知进攻不会停止And then we learned this was not gonna stop.那只是开始This was just the beginning.我们需要新型武器来抵御We needed a new weapon.各国联合了起来集中资源The world came together, pooling its resources为了更大的共同利益and throwing aside old rivalries抛开了过去的竞争与敌对for the sake of the greater good.为了打败怪物我们制♥造♥了自己的怪物To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own.猎人计划诞生了The jaeger program was born.最开始遇到了一些挫折There were setbacks at first.实验证明与猎人的交互The neural load to interface with a jaeger对单一驾驶员的神经负荷过大proved too much for a single pilot.于是实施了双驾驶员系统A two-pilot system was implemented.分别操控左半球和右半球Left-hemisphere, right-hemisphere pilot control.之后我们开始打胜仗了We started winning.猎人虽在各地阻止了怪兽前进的脚步Jaegers stopping kaijus everywhere.猎人忧郁罗密欧(Romeo Blue) 第一代机甲产地美国出厂日期:2015年12月15日身高:69米重量:7775吨♥ 在美国地区服役的第一台机甲但猎人的实力取决于驾驶员的能力But the jaegers were only as good as their pilots.所以猎人驾驶员变成了明星So jaeger pilots turned into rock stars.危险变成了宣传Danger turned into propaganda.怪兽变成了玩具Kaijus into toys.忧郁罗密欧对阵苦难兽胜利对于我们而言We got really good at it.易如反掌Winning.突然Then...突然一切都变了Then it all changed.危险流浪者Gipsy Danger,到08号♥舱报道级别A42report to bay 08, level a-42.怪兽出现代号♥镰刀头三♥级♥怪兽Kaiju. Code name: Knifehead. Category 3.杨希醒醒穿越口有动静了Yo, Yancy, wake up! Movement in the breach.快起来上头让我们上场Hey, come on! We're being deployed.醒了早上好Great. Good morning.阿♥拉♥斯加 2020年怪兽战争第七年早啊Mornin'.是三♥级♥怪兽迄今遇到最大的Kaiju's a category 3, biggest one yet.代号♥是镰刀头Code name Knifehead.现在几点了What time is it?-两点 -走走走快点-Two. - Go, go, go! Move it!-凌晨吗 -对- A.M.? - Yep.怎么样What do you say?让它成为第五个手下亡魂吗Fifth notch on the belt?快点贝克特兄弟得走了Come on, Beckets. Time for the drop.-小子 -怎么- Hey, kid. - Yeah?别骄傲Don't get cocky.若在多年前Years before,你绝不会选我哥杨希和我来当英雄的you wouldn't have picked my brother Yancy and I for heroes. 绝不可能No chance.早上好长官Good morning, sir.好了穿上作战服好好表现一番All right, let's suit up and kick some ass!我们以前没那么强壮的We were never star athletes.在班里也不是优等生Never at the head of the class.但打架我们却是个中好手But we could hold our own in a fight.而且事实证明我们拥有一个独特的能力And it turned out we had a unique skill:我们的神经交互在一起了We were drift compatible.脊髓夹与人体相连以便机甲电脑读取脑电波好了All right.头盔载入数据Data on helmet.继电凝胶注入电路装甲服Data relay gel dispersing in circuitry suit.继电凝胶类似于电池的电解质传输彼此的意识和思维早上好贝克特小子们Good morning, becket boys!天童怎么样兄弟Tendo, what's happening, my man?昨晚和爱丽丝的约会怎么样了蔡先生How'd that date with Alison go last night, Mr. Choi?她当然爱我啦她男友就...Oh, she loved me. Her boyfriend? Not so much.你就等着被爆菊吧You're gonna get your ass kicked.男人应该做男人该做的事哥们A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, brother.准备下落蔡先生Engage drop, Mr. Choi.正在准备下落长官Engaging drop, sir.彭蒂科斯将军到达指挥室Marshal Pentecost on deck.关闭操作舱Securing the conn pod.准备下落Gettin' ready to drop.操作舱关闭上锁Conn pod door lock secure.下落释放Release for drop.危险流浪者已准备好下落Gipsy Danger ready for the big drop.-出发了 -好- Here we go. - Yeah!我们出发了Here we go!对接交互成功长官Coupling confirmed, sir.进行驾驶员间交互Engage pilot-to-pilot protocol.正在进行Engaging now.启动驾驶员间交互程序Pilot-to-pilot connection protocol sequence.流浪者在六号♥舱准备发射Gipsy launch, bay 6.猎人危险流浪者(Gipsy Danger) 第三代机甲产地:阿♥拉♥斯加生产日期:2017年7月10日高度:79米重量:1980吨♥操作系统:"蓝星火"4.1 动力核心:"电弧9"核动力涡轮处理器危险流浪者已做好准备长官Gipsy Danger ready and aligned, sir.驾驶员们我是斯泰克·彭蒂科斯将军Rangers, this is Marshal Stacker Pentecost.准备神经交互Prepare for neural handshake.十五秒后开始Starting in 15 seconds.十四十三14... 13...十二十一十12, 11, 10...准备好进入我的脑海了吗小子Ready to step into my head, kid?九八七六9, 8, 7, 6...你先请Please, after you.尊老爱幼老先生Age before beauty, old man.启动驾驶员间交互程序Pilot-to-pilot connection protocol sequence.五四三5, 4, 3...-神经交互启动 -二一- Neural handshake initiated. - 2, 1.神经交互猎人的技术The drift. Jaeger tech.源于国防高级研究规划局的战机神经系统Based on DARPA jet fighter neural systems.两个驾驶员通过记忆进行精神融合Two pilots, mind-melding through memories与巨大的机甲躯体相连with the body of a giant machine.结合得越紧密The deeper the bond...战斗得越出色The better you fight.神经交互感应完美Neural handshake strong and holding.右半球正在校准Right hemisphere is calibrating.左半球正在校准Left hemisphere calibrating.通过验证传输中Proofed and transmitting.先生们你们的任务是Gentlemen, your orders are坚守安克雷奇最后防线明白吗to hold the miracle mile off Anchorage. Copy?收到长官Copy that, sir.长官海湾里还有一艘民用船Sir, there's still a civilian vessel in the Gulf...伙计们你们要保护的是两百万民众Gentlemen, you're protecting a city of 2 million people. 不能冒险营救只有十人的民船You will not risk those lives for a boat that holds 10.听明白没Am I clear?是长官Yes, sir兄弟那样太冷血了吧Man, that's cold.你知道我在想什么吧You know what I'm thinking.我在你的脑子里呢I'm in your brain.-我懂 -那我们去钓大鱼吧- I know. - Then let's go fishing.出发Here we go!来啊兄弟使点劲Come on, bro! Put some muscle to it!顾你自己吧小子Worry about yourself, kiddo!总有些事情你无法抵抗There are things you can't fight,比如天灾acts of God.看见飓风袭来You see a hurricane coming,你就得赶快躲开you have to get out of the way.但当你驾驶着猎人But when you're in a jaeger,你突然间就要能扛得住它suddenly, you can fight the hurricane.你能赢的You can win.阿♥拉♥斯加海岸线10英里处绑紧后赶快下来Get 'em tied down and go down below!快Now!离陆地还有多远How far to the mainland?离安克雷奇还有七英里船长7 Miles off Anchorage, sir.但我们不一定能到达浅海区域But we won't even make it past the shallows! 是的到不了No, we won't!那东边三英里的小岛呢What about that island 3 Miles east?不不只有两英里船长No! No! It's 2 Miles, sir.一...一英里了船长O-one mile, sir!越来越近了It's getting closer.搞啥会越来越近的?How the hell can it be getting closer?是怪兽Kaiju.右满舵Harder starboard!正在尽力I'm doing it as fast as I can!快Now!怪兽代号♥:镰刀头(Knifehead) 等级:第三♥级♥ 高度:96米重量:2700吨♥天啊Oh, God!这边又是什么鬼东西啊What the hell?抓稳啊Hang on!船只已安全Ship secure.-调整扭矩 -正在弄- Adjust the torque! - I'm on it.扭矩锁定Torque locked.抓住它快射它Get him. Come on. Shoot him.来了来了I'm on it! I'm on it!电流报告长官Discharge reading, sir.有等离子加农炮Plasma Cannon in the shallow shelves在距离海岸线七英里海域释放7 Miles off the coastal line.流浪者到底发生了什么Gipsy, what the hell is going on?任务完成长官打了两次Job's done, sir. Lit it up twice.我们的第五次击杀收入囊中Bagged our fifth kill.你们违抗了直接命令You disobeyed a direct order!不是有意冒犯长官Respectfully, sir,我们拦截了怪兽we intercepted a kaiju救了那条船上所有人and saved everyone on that boat.马上回到你们的位置去Get back to your post, now!是的长官Yes, sir.怪兽的生命信♥号♥♥在上升Kaiju signature rising!传感器检测无误Sensor checks.那东西还活着长官That thing's still alive, sir.流浪者Gipsy!我们还能收到生命信♥号♥♥ We're still getting a signature!那头怪兽还活着That kaiju is still alive!带上船离开那里Grab the boat and get out of there.听到了吗You copy?带上船立刻离开那里Grab the boat and get out of there now!-拿下它罗利 -我来- Take it, Raleigh! - I got this!指挥室我们被击中了Loccent, we're hit!左臂失去控制了长官Left arm's gone cold, sir.外壳它打穿了外壳The hull! It went through the hull!罗利听我说你要...Raleigh, listen to me! You need...不不No! No!蓄电中Loading.第二次放电中断了所有通讯长官Second discharge fried all the comms, sir.我接收不到任何信♥号♥♥I'm not getting any signals.压力下降Pressure dropping!失去压力重复失去压力No pressure! Repeat: No pressure!没有生命信♥号♥♥了长官No signatures, sir.现在怎么办长官What do we do now, sir?现在我要你注意看探测器Now, I want you to keep your eye on that gauge there. 你知道我想找什么吗Now, you know what I'd like to find?我想找到一艘完整的船I'd like to find a whole ship.这就是我要找的That's what I'd like to find.等等等等Wait, wait!等等等等等等Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!等下就在那就在那Wait! Right there, right there!挖吧Dig!这是什么Hey, what is it?只是个旧玩具It's just an old toy.我们总找不到什么好东西We never find anything good.听Listen.天啊Oh, my God.别过来Stay here!先生Mister?需要帮忙吗Can I help?杨希Yancy.杨希Yancy.快快去找人快Run! Get help, fast!会没事的It's gonna be all right.环太平洋怪兽了解了我们的防御方式The kaiju are learning our defenses.它们在适应在进化They're adapting. Evolving.我们损失猎人的速度比制♥造♥的速度更快And we're losing jaegers faster than we can build them.利马Lima.西雅图Seattle.符拉迪沃斯托克Vladivostok.现在从穿越口过来的是四级怪兽Category 4 kaijus are now coming through the breach.就算是你也能看得出来将军I think even you can see, marshal,这不再是良策了this is no longer a sound strategy.五年后阿♥拉♥斯加基地关闭日袭击的频率正在增加The frequency of the attacks has increased.而猎人不再是最效的防线了The jaegers are not the most viable line of defense anymore. 我意识到了I am aware.每次猎人倒下死的都是我的驾驶员Those are my rangers that die every time a jaeger falls,所以我才最后一次请求你which is why I'm asking you for one last chance...对不起将军对不起Excuse me, marshal. Excuse me!-最后一次倾尽全力作战 -听我说- one final assault with everything we've got. - Listen to me. 猎人计划已经终止了将军The jaeger program is dead, marshal.另一方面On the other hand,海岸线的筑墙计划是个更有效的选择the coastal wall program is a promising option.全世界都很感激The world appreciates你和你的手下所做的一切all that you and your men have done,但是已经结束了but it's over.我们授权你带所有剩下的猎人We will authorize you to take all remaining jaegers到最后一个作战基地香港to the last battle station: Hong Kong.我们准备接下来八个月继续给你拨款We're prepared to fund you for the next eight months直到海防城墙建好while the coastal wall is completed.之后我们就会停止拨款了After that, you will receive no further support.这就是最终决定将军You have your answer, Marshal.就这样结束了?So that's it?结束了吗It's over?西装革履口蜜腹剑Suits and ties, flashy smiles.他们就是这样一群人斯泰克That's all they are, Stacker.我们不需要他们We don't need 'em.阿♥拉♥斯加州锡特卡生命之墙反怪兽墙按工分配定量供应卡伙计们Ration cards, guys!快来快来啊Come on, come on!咱们走Let's go!伙计们我这里有一条好消息和一条坏消息Now, I got good news and I got bad news, fellas.你们想先听哪一个Which one you wanna hear first?坏消息Bad news!坏消息就是Bad news:昨天有三名工人在城墙顶上工作时死了Three guys died yesterday working the top of the wall.那好消息是什么What's the good news?好消息是The good news is,我这里现在缺三个人手I got three new job openings.在城墙顶上Top of the wall.好了谁想要这份工作谁想填饱肚子Okay, who wants to work? Who wants to eat?来吧Come on!我现位于悉尼今天早些时候I am here in Sydney, where earlier today,又发生了一起怪兽袭击事件yet another Kaiju attack took place.巨大的四级怪兽The Kaiju,an enormous Category 4,用了不到一小时就冲破了海防城墙broke through the coastal wall in less than an hour.怪兽代号♥:病毒(Mutavore) 等级:4级高度:90米重量:2630吨♥ 生命之墙曾被其建造者称作是The wall of life had been deemed unbreachable坚不可摧的by its builders.我们建这破墙究竟有什么用Why the hell are we even buildin' this thing?这些生物从悉尼湾攻入了城市The creature entered the city through Sydney cove.那那家伙That ... that thing竟然就那么简单地攻破了城墙went through the wall like it was nothing.赫克·汉森和查克·汉森The recently decommissioned Jaeger, Striker Eureka,驾驶着刚刚退役的猎人尤里卡突袭者piloted by Herc and Chuck Hansen,最终打败了怪兽that finally took the beast down.猎人尤里卡突袭者(Striker Eureka) 第五代机甲产地:悉尼生产日期:2019年11月22日重量:1850吨♥ 高度:76米操作系统:"航者12"战术控制舱动力核心:X12超级单体内核涡轮驱动由于没有出色的驾驶员Look, they decommissioned the Jaeger program导致他们终止了猎人计划because of mediocre pilots.就这么简单It's that simple.这是尤里卡突袭者的第十次胜利That's Striker Eureka's tenth kill to date.又一次刷新了纪录It's a new record.在现在这种局势下And you're still going to Hong Kong,你还要坚持去香港吗even at a time like this?军令如山Well, orders are orders.我能有什么办法What else am I supposed to do?别这样哥们Come on, mate.查克·汉森就是驾驶尤里卡突袭者Chuck Hansen, one of the pilots of Striker Eureka,打败怪兽的驾驶员之一the Jaeger that took down the Kaiju.贝克特先生Mr. Becket.将军您看起来不错嘛Marshal. Looking sharp.好久不见Long time.五年零四个月了Five years, four months.聊两句吧Can I have a word?注意每个区域要三名焊工Attention,all zone three welders.将军这就是我的办公室了Step into my office, Marshal.找到你可真不容易Took me a while to find you.什么偏僻的地方都找了Anchorage,Sheldon Point,nome...我这种人每天在各地的防御工事上yeah, a man in my position travels with the wall, 辗转谋生chasing shifts to make a livin'.你找我♥干♥什么What do you want?在过去的六个月里I've spent the last six months我到处寻找可用的机器activating everything I can get my hands on.终于找到有一个三代的猎人了There's an old Jaeger,a Mark 3.你也知道它需要一个驾驶员You may know it. It needs a pilot.我想我应该不是你的最佳人选吧I'm guessing I wasn't your first choice.你确实是最佳人选You are my first choice.所有三代机的驾驶员都牺牲了All the other mark 3 pilots are dead.听着Look...我不会再让别人进入我的大脑了I can't have anyone else in my head again.我受够了I'm done.我哥哥死的时候我和他还是一体的I was still connected to my brother when he died. 我再也无法承受那种痛苦了抱歉I can't go through that again, man, I'm sorry.你听说了吗贝克特先生Haven't you heard, Mr. Becket?这个世界就要完蛋了The world is coming to an end.你想死在什么地方So where would you rather die?!死在这里还是在猎人上Here, or in a Jaeger?!香港 18时破碎穹顶猎人基地贝克特先生这位是森真子Mr. Becket,this is Mako Mori.我们最优秀的人员之一One of our brightest.主管三代机系列的修复工作Also in charge of the Mark 3 restoration program. 她特意为你挑选了几位副驾驶候选人She personally handpicked your copilot candidates. 他和我想象中的不太一样比你想的更好还是更糟对不起贝克特先生久仰你大名了放松点At ease.先熟悉一下这里的环境We will tour the facility first之后真子小姐会带你去看你的猎人and then Miss mori will show you to your Jaeger, 贝克特先生Mr. Becket.-等等我们 -别关门啊- Wait for us, please! - Hold the door, please!谢谢谢谢Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.退后怪兽样本十分珍贵Stay back! Kaiju specimens are extremely rare,只能看不能摸so look but don't touch, please.贝克特先生这是我们的研究小组Mr. Becket, this is our research team.戈特利布博士和葛泽尔博士Dr. Gottlieb and Dr. Geiszler.不要这样叫我牛顿就好Oh, no, call me Newt.只有我妈妈才会叫我博士Only my mother calls me doctor.赫尔曼他们不是怪兽Hermann, these are human beings.过来打个招呼Why don't you say hello?我告诉过你I have asked you not to refer to me不要在别人面前叫我的名字by my first name around others.我可是有十几年专业经验的博士I am a doctor with over 10 years decorated experience... -没错 -我是有十年经验了- Oh, no. - Yes. I have ten 10 years of experience, man. 抱歉I'm very sorry.少来了Oh, please.这是哪只山岚吗[三♥级♥怪兽]Who is that, Yamarashi?这只小怪兽吗Oh, this little Kaiju?你眼力不错Yeah, you got a good eye.我和我哥哥在2017年击败了它My brother and I took him down in 2017.你知道它是三♥级♥怪兽中个体最大的吗You know he was one of the biggest category 3s ever? 太了不起了足足有2500吨♥重He was 2,500 tons of awesome.其实也什么Or awful.算了随你怎么说You know, whatever you wanna call it.原谅他吧Yes, please excuse him.他是个怪兽迷他喜欢He's a Kaiju groupie. He loves...闭嘴赫尔曼我不喜欢这玩意儿Shut up, Hermann, I don't love them, okay? 我只是在研究它们I study them.和大多数人不同And unlike most people,我只希望有天能接触到活体I wanna see one alive and up close one day. 相信我你到时会后悔的Trust me, you don't want to.这就是你的研究部门吗So that's your research division?一切都不同了Things have changed.我们不再是军队的一部分贝克特先生We're not an army anymore, Mr. Becket.我们是抵抗者We're the resistance.欢迎来到破碎穹顶Welcome to the Shatterdome.战争之钟War clock.每次怪兽袭击后我们都会重新调整它的时间We reset it after every Kaiju attack.让我们时刻保持警觉Keeps everyone focused.袭击的频率在加快The frequency of attacks is accelerating.距离下一次又要多久呢How long till the next reset?幸运的话一周吧A week, if we're lucky.专家们认为在这之前还会有一次My experts believe there'll be a Kaiju attack 怪兽袭击even before that.以前这里曾停放过30台This complex used to lodge 30 Jaegers和这台一样的猎人five bays just like this one.现在我们只剩下4台猎人了Now we only have four Jaegers left.我没想到事情会发展到这么糟I didn't know it was this bad.就是这么糟It is that bad.中国的暴风赤红Crimson Typhoon, China.猎人暴风赤红第♥四♥代♥机甲最强的猎人之一One of the greatest.在常州装配完成Assembled in Changzhou.全钛打造不含合金Full titanium core, no alloys.产地:中国生产日期:2018年8月22日每股肌肉由50台柴油发动机驱动Fifty diesel engines per muscle strand.精确致命的战士Deadly, precise fighter.高度:76米重量:1722吨♥操作系统:"三阳"地平线闸道器动力核心:"午夜"环形处理核心涡轮活塞式驱动它由魏氏兄弟驾驶She's piloted by the Wei Tang brothers.他们是三胞胎Triplets.而且是当地人Local lads.他们曾七次成功地保卫了香港港口They've successfully defended Hong Kong port seven times.他们采取雷云整形They use the thundercloud formation.三臂操作Oh, yeah. Triple-arm technique.效果显著Very effective.那是最后一辆T90S坦克了That tank, last of the t-90s.切尔诺阿尔法第一代机Cherno Alpha. First generation Mark 1.猎人切尔诺阿尔法第一代机甲是现役最老最重的猎人The heaviest and oldest Jaeger in the service.产地:海参崴生产日期:2015年从不出错贝克特先生But make no mistake, Mr. Becket,高度:84米重量:2412吨♥这是台残忍♥的战争机器it's a brutal war machine.这两个人And those two,操作系统:"红眼9"核心处理器动力核心:"眩晕核心88" 电力驱动萨沙和阿莱克斯·卡德诺夫斯基.Sasha and Aleksis Kaidanovksy.我听说过他们两个Yeah, I've heard of 'em.在西伯利亚城墙外♥围♥巡逻Perimeter patrol, Siberian wall.他们在那里守卫了六年On thie watch it stayed unbreached for six years.整整六年Six years.赫克查克Herc! Chuck!先生们欢迎来到香港Gentlemen, welcome to Hong Kong!在这儿等着Wait here.麦克斯到这里来Max! Come here!还记得我吗Remember me?别对着真子小姐犯花痴了Don't drool all over Miss Mori. Hi.它一看到漂亮小妞就激动Sees a pretty girl and he gets all wound up.罗利这位是赫拉克勒斯·汉森Raleigh, this is Hercules Hansen,第一代机甲时代的老朋友an old friend from the mark 1 glory days.我知道你我们以前共事过I know you, mate. We rode together before.2019年12月19日马尼拉四级怪兽首次露面美国"流浪者" 中国”地平线勇士“ 澳大利亚“尤里卡突袭者”合作将其击败是的长官六年前我和哥哥We did, sir. Six years ago. My brother and I.那是个三台猎人的团队协作任务It was a three Jaeger team drop.没错在马尼拉That's right. Manila.你哥哥的事我很难过Sorry about your brother.多谢关心长官Thank you, sir.赫克和他儿子查克将是转折点Herc and his son Chuck'll be runnin' point他们驾驶尤里卡突袭者usin' Striker Eureka.这是世界上跑得最快的猎人Fastest Jaeger in the world.第一台也是最后一台五代机甲First and last of the Mark 5s.在悉尼遭袭前一天Australia decommissioned it a day澳大利亚才宣布它退役before the Sydney attack.对啊幸好我们还未离开Yeah, it was lucky we were still around. Yep.现在它是我们的转折点Now it's runnin' point for us.等等什么转折点Wait, running point on what?你还没有告诉我来这里做什么You haven't told me what I'm doing here yet.我们要摧毁穿越口贝克特先生We're going for the breach, Mr. becket.我们要给突击者的背上装上We're gonna strap a 2,400 pound一吨♥多的热核弹头thermonuclear warhead to Striker's back.相当于120万吨♥TNT炸♥药♥ Detonate an equivalent of 1.2 million tons of TNT,你和其他两台猎人的任务是掩护他们and you and two other Jaegers'll be runnin' defense for them. 我以为我们只是抵抗者Thought we were the resistance.你从哪儿搞来这么大的家伙的?Where'd you get something that big?看到那群俄♥罗♥斯♥人了吗See the Russians back there?他们应有尽有They can get us anything.赫克走吧Herc, shall we?你能回来真好Good to have you back.谢谢长官Thank you, sir.现在我带你去看你的猎人I'll show you to your Jaeger now.真子小姐请您等等好吗Miss mori, will you give me a minute?将军Marshal!长官我们以前也袭击过穿越口Sir, we've hit the breach before.可是没用穿不透它It doesn't work. Nothing goes through.这次有什么不一样吗What's changed?我已经有计划了你只要准备好就够了I've got a plan. I need you ready.就是这样That's all.咱们走吧赫克Let's go, Herc!麦克斯快过来Max, come here!第十七组前去五层报告Crew 17, please report to the fifth floor.〇减二Zero minus two.XY减二XY minus two.R E QR-e-q.一开始In the beginning,怪兽每隔二十四周袭击一次the Kaiju attacks were spaced by 24 weeks.之后是十二周六周两周Then twelve, then six, then every two weeks.最近的悉尼那一次只隔了一周The last one in Sydney was a week.四天后我们每八小时就会看到一只怪兽In four days, we could be seeing a Kaiju every eight hours 直到缩短到每四分钟until they are coming every four minutes.将军七天之内或许就会看到Marshal, we should witness a double event两头怪兽同时发起的双重事件within seven days.戈特利布先生Mr. Gottlieb,我要投下一枚一顿重的热核弹头I'm to drop a 2,400 pound thermonuclear bomb.我需要你准确的结论I need more than a prediction.好吧确实是这样Well, uh, that's a problem, then因为如你所见because see, he actually他除了会预测其他啥都不会can't give you anything more than a prediction.别把怪兽内脏弄到我这边来No Kaiju entrails over my side of the room.你知道规矩You know the rules.每一天都充满血腥没完没了Every bloody day. It's incessant.先生们闹够没Gents! On point.数字是不会说谎的Numbers do not lie.政♥治♥ 诗歌♥ 承诺Politics and poetry, promises,这些统统都是谎言these are lies.数字是我们获取上帝手谕最好的途径Numbers are as close as we get to the handwriting of God. 什么What?你别打岔Would you give me a moment?将会发生双重事件There will be a double event之后会是三重事件and then, shortly thereafter, three.然后是四重And then four.最后我们就都死了And then we're dead.-我知道 -悲剧诞生了- I get it. - Alas.可这也有好的一方面This is where the good news comes.这是我们所在的宇宙Here is our universe,这是它们所在的宇宙and here is theirs.而这里就是我们通常所说的"咽喉地带"And this is what we call "the throat,"是我们和缺口之间的通道the passage between the breach and us.我们都知道这实际上是原子构成We know that it's atomic in nature.据我推测怪兽穿越数量的增加I predict that the increased traffic可以使缺口保持will force the breach to stabilize长时间的稳定and remain open long enough让我们的装置通过to get the device through...并摧毁它And collapse its structure.我不得不插一句Yeah, and that's where I gotta chime in因为说真的我可不想because, really, I wouldn't wanna go in there在对其一无所知之前跑到里面去with that limited amount of information.牛顿别丢脸了Newton, don't embarrass yourself.这就是我想要说的That's what I was tryin' to say.你听我说Just hear me out for a second.听我说好吗Give me a second, please.我们为什么把怪兽分级呢Why do we judge the Kaiju on a category system?因为它们彼此之间差异很大没错吧It's because each one is completely different from the next, right? 明白我的意思了吗You see what I'm saying?它们有的像鲨鱼有的像小鱼One looks like a shark and one looks like a fish...葛泽尔博士请你说重点Dr. Geiszler. Just get to the point.好的重点就是我认为Yes. The point is I don't think它们并不是完全不同的they're all completely different after all.还记得我收集的那些样本吗These are some samples I collected, all right?这个是在悉尼得到的Now, this one here was harvested in Sydney.这个是在马尼拉得到的And this was harvested in Manila.六年前的时候6 years ago.可它们有着相同的DNAThey have the same exact DNA.。





底材名 Shako Armet Spired Helm Spired Helm Demonhead Mask Corona Bone Visage Tiara Diadem Fury Visor Destroyer Helm Conquerer Crown Blood Spirit Earth Spirit Sky Spirit Corona Spired Helm Diadem Bone Visage Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Amulet Tomahawk Ettin Axe War Spike Berserker Axe Silver-Edged Axe Decapitator Champion Axe Glorious Axe Crusader Bow Ward Bow Hydra Bow Grand Matron Bow Colossus Crossbow Demon Crossbow Bone Knife Fanged Knife Legend Spike Truncheon Tyrant Club Devil Star Scourge Scourge Legendary Mallet Legendary Mallet Ogre Maul Thunder Maul Thunder Maul
60 71 79 85 62 62 85 85 58 74 85 61 74 85 74 61 63 73 73 82 71 77 85 85 85 82 75 86 71 79 85 65 62 73 78 85 67 85 77 56 80 61 72 68 79 76 84 70 82 81 85 85 84 65 70 76
长杆 长杆 长杆 长杆 权杖 权杖 权杖 权杖 矛 矛 矛 矛 杖 杖 杖 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 剑 法杖 法杖 标枪 标枪 标枪 标枪 爪 爪 爪 爪 法珠 法珠 投掷 投掷 投掷 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 盾 死神的丧钟 The Reaper's Toll 锐利之斧 盗墓者 Tomb Reaver 神秘之斧 暴风尖塔 Stormspire 鲛尾巨斧 天堂之光 Heaven's Light 强威权杖 忏悔者 The Redeemer 强威权杖 爱斯特龙之铁的保护区 Astreon's Iron Ward 神使权杖 格瑞斯华尔德的救赎 Griswold's Redemption 神使权杖 爱理欧克之针 Arioc's Needle 亥伯龙之矛 蝮蛇叉 Viperfork 刺人枪 铁柱 Steel Pillar 战枪 石乌鸦 Stoneraven 女族长之矛 安戴尔的智慧 Ondal's Wisdom 长老之杖 梅格之歌的教训 Mang Song's Lesson 执政官之杖 娜吉的解密棒 Naj's Puzzler 长老之杖 魔灵杀手 Djinn Slayer 土耳其剑 血月 Bloodmoon 优雅之刃 光之军刀 Lightsabre 幻化之刃 青色忿怒 Azurewrath 幻化之刃 冰霜之风 Frostwind 神秘之剑 火焰号叫 Flamebellow 炎魔之刃 末日毁灭者 Doombringer 冠军之剑 祖父 The Grandfather 巨神之刃 布尔凯索的部族守护 Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian 秘仪之剑 布尔凯索的神圣代价 Bul-Katho's Sacred Charge 巨神之刃 沙撒璧的忏悔之钴 Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer 神秘之剑 白骨阴影 Boneshade 巫妖法杖 死亡之网 Death's Web 破隐法杖 恶魔之王 Demon's Arch 炎魔长矛 死灵夜翔 Wraith Flight 鬼魂尖枪 石像鬼之噬 Gargoyle's Bite 翼鱼叉 雷击 Thunderstroke 女族长之标枪 碧玉爪 Jadetalon 腕剑 影杀者 Shadowkiller 斗腰刀 火蜥蜴之爪 Firelizard's Talons 猛禽爪 娜塔亚的记号 Natalya's Mark 近身剪 艾丝屈塔的脾气 Eschuta's temper 怪异之球 死亡深度 Death's Fathom 次元碎片 战争之鸟 Warshrike 翼刀 碎片贪婪者 Gimmershred 飞斧 撕裂者 Lacerator 翼斧 黑橡树盾 Blackoak Shield 月精灵护盾 暴风之盾 Stormshield 统治者大盾 尖刺根源 Spike Thorn 刀刃刺盾 梅杜莎的凝视 Medusa's Gaze 圣盾 猎头人的荣耀 Head Hunter's Glory 洞穴巨魔巢穴骨盾 魂系结界 Spirit Ward 保护盾牌 阿尔玛-尼格拉 Alma Negra 神圣轻圆盾 龙麟 Dragonscale 撒卡兰姆盾牌 骨焰 Boneflame 女妖之骨 魔力重生 Darkforce Spawn 血王之骨 格瑞斯华尔德的荣耀 Griswold's Honor 旋风盾 泰比克的光荣 Taebaek's Glory 保护盾牌 奥玛斯的长袍 Ormus' Robes 灰暮寿衣 斗士的祸根 The Gladiator's Bane 线羊毛皮甲 阿凯尼的荣耀 Arkaine's Valor 炎魔皮板甲


Bang! Splash! Boom! Kaboom! HomeImprovement
20 重放一段记忆
发现在 CatacombediRoma 的 20
发 现 在 theTermediTraiano 20
20 发现在 IlColosseo 的圣所
完成 2 次或 3 次逃跑(仅限多 20
20 完成 DNA 序列 3.
PrincipessainAnotherCastello 20 完成 DNA 序列 4.
20 完成 DNA 序列 5.
20 完成 DNA 序列 6.
20 完成 DNA 序列 7.
20 完成 DNA 序列 8.
20 完成 DNA 序列 9.
50 保护 theAppleofEden.
在一个序列中达成 100%的同 30
Déjàvu Undertaker2.0
GoldenBoy Gladiator Plumber
在一节比赛结束前保持 10 秒 20 领先并赢得比赛(仅限多人模
10 秒内杀掉你的目标并逃脱
25 你的追杀者(仅限多人模式).
在 OpenConflict ( 自 由 火 20 拼?)的条件下,杀掉你的目



魔兽争霸3 秘籍来了冰封王座秘籍大全_包能用啊!!!!!greedisgood =黄金木材各加500单位greedisgood # 黄金和木材各加#多(多谢各位补充)KeyserSoze =加黄金LeafItToMe =加木材whosyourdaddy =无敌且拥有一击必杀iseedeadpeople =显示全部地图allyourbasearebelongtous =立即获胜somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败thereisnospoon =法力无限WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速RiseAndShine =黎明LightsOut =黄昏DaylightSavings =调整时间Motherland =跳关(如human 04)IocainePowder =fastdeathTheDudeAbides =cooldowniseedeadpeopie........打开地图strengthandhonor......无敌环境itvexesme.......不能胜利的模式keysersoze..........+500的金子leafittome..........+500的木头warpten...........生产速度变快回答者:嘉嘉大仙| 三级| 2010-6-28 11:31 无限力量:thereisnospoon(魔法无限)神化:whosyourdaddy无敌:***********(神化=无敌)加金子:keysersoze+空格+你要的票票加木头:leafittome+空格+你要的木头无限食物:pointbreak生产加快:warptengreedisgood =黄金木材各加500单位KeyserSoze =加黄金LeafItToMe =加木材PointBreak =加人口上限whosyourdaddy =无敌且拥有一击必杀iseedeadpeople =显示全部地图allyourbasearebelongtous =立即获胜somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败thereisnospoon =法力无限WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速WarpTen =快速建筑SharpAndShiny =建筑物升级Synergy =科技全开WarpTen 快速建造WhosYourDaddy 无敌KeyserSoze 10000 得到黄金10000LeafItToMe 10000 得到木头10000ThereIsNoSpoon 魔力无限ISeeDeadPeople 显示地图SharpAndShiny 升级SombodySetUpUsTheBomb 击败敌人OK 就这些不过不要每次都打密码玩不然会很无聊的无限力量:thereisnospoon(魔法无限)神化:whosyourdaddy无敌:***********(神化=无敌)加金子:keysersoze+空格+你要的票票加木头:leafittome+空格+你要的木头无限食物:pointbreak生产加快:warptengreedisgood =黄金木材各加500单位KeyserSoze =加黄金LeafItToMe =加木材PointBreak =加人口上限whosyourdaddy =无敌且拥有一击必杀iseedeadpeople =显示全部地图allyourbasearebelongtous =立即获胜somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败thereisnospoon =法力无限WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速WarpTen =快速建筑SharpAndShiny =建筑物升级Synergy =科技全开WarpTen 快速建造WhosYourDaddy 无敌KeyserSoze 10000 得到黄金10000LeafItToMe 10000 得到木头10000ThereIsNoSpoon 魔力无限ISeeDeadPeople 显示地图SharpAndShiny 升级SombodySetUpUsTheBomb 击败敌人在游戏中按下回车,输入以下密码后再按下回车即可:iseedeadpeople 地图全开allyourbasearebelongtous 立即获胜somebodysetupusthebomb 立即失败thereisnospoon 无限魔法whosyourdaddy 无敌模式strengthandhonor 在胜利或者失败了之后继续玩warpten 快速建设keyseroze 增加500金钱iocainepowder 快速灭亡leafittome 增加500木材pointbreak 获得食物thedudeabides 安静下来itvexesme 拒绝胜利whoisjohngalt 研究synergy 科技树全开sharpandshiny 升级riseandshine 设置早上时间lightsout 设置晚上时间daylightsavings (hour) 设置一天的指定时刻daylightsavings 白昼连续开关motherland (race) (level) 选关WarpTen : 快速建造IocainePowder : 快速死亡WhosYourDaddy : 无敌KeyserSoze [amount] : 得到黄金[数字]LeafItToMe [amount] : 得到木头[数字]GreedIsGood [amount] : 得到资源PointBreak : 得到食物ThereIsNoSpoon : 得到魔力TheDudeAbides : cooldownStrengthAndHonor : nodefeatItVexesMe : novictoryWhoIsJohnGalt : 搜索ISeeDeadPeople : 显示地图Synergy : 科技树RiseAndShine : 黎明LightsOut : 黄昏DaylightSavings [hour] : 时间[数字]SharpAndShiny : 升级Motherland [race] [level] : 升级[人物] [级别]SombodySetUpUsTheBomb : 击败敌人AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs : 完全胜利回答者:xiaobao_257 | 二级| 2010-6-28 11:26 你打的是魔兽遭遇战吧,楼上的好像比较全,我也来发一个好了!在游戏中按下Enter键叫出对话框后输入密技如果输入正确会出现Cheat enabled 字样greedisgood =黄金木材各加500单位greedisgood # 黄金和木材各加#多(多谢各位补充)KeyserSoze =加黄金LeafItToMe =加木材PointBreak =加人口上限whosyourdaddy =无敌且拥有一击必杀iseedeadpeople =显示全部地图allyourbasearebelongtous =立即获胜somebodysetupusthebomb =立即战败ItVexesMe =不会被判定获胜StrengthAndHonor =不会被判定战败thereisnospoon =法力无限WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速WarpTen =快速建筑SharpAndShiny =建筑物升级Synergy =科技全开RiseAndShine =黎明LightsOut =黄昏DaylightSavings =调整时间Motherland =跳关(如human 04)IocainePowder =fastdeathTheDudeAbides =cooldownthedudeabides - 平静iocainepowder -快速死亡pointbreak - 清除食物限制strengthandhonor - 无敌环境allyourbasearebelongtous - 直接胜利whosyourdaddy -神化模式sharpandshiny - 研究升级motherland - 选择等级daylightsavings - 设定白天的时间thereisnospoon 无限魔法lightsout 设置晚上时间daylightsavings 白昼连续开关greedisgood =黄金木材各加500单位KeyserSoze =加黄金LeafItToMe =加木材PointBreak =加人口上限iseedeadpeople =显示全部地图WhoIsJohnGalt =研发加速WarpTen =快速建筑魔兽争霸三秘籍魔兽争霸游戏秘籍魔兽争霸3游戏秘籍魔兽争霸4秘籍魔兽争霸秘籍只有玩不过的或是想看剧情时候用下就好参考资料:自己回答者:a464596406 | 四级| 2010-6-28 11:39在游戏中按下Enter键叫出对话框后输入秘籍,如果输入正确会出现Cheat enabled 字样。

电影美丽心灵 中英剧本全翻译

电影美丽心灵 中英剧本全翻译

美丽心灵是数学家赢得了世界大战Mathematicians won the war是数学家破解了日本密码Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes也是数学家发明了原子弹and built the A-bomb就像你我一样的数学家Mathematicians like you苏联的终极目标是赤化全世界The stated goal of the Soviets is global communism包括医学经济In medicine or economics科技太空in technology or space战争的界线已经划出battle lines are being drawn为了争取胜利我们需要结果To triumph we need results需要可以发表和应用的结果Publishable applicable results谁是未来的摩尔斯?Now who among you will be the next Morse?谁又是下一个爱因斯坦?The next Einstein?你们当中谁将是Who among you will be the vanguard民主自由和发明的先锋?of democracy freedom and discovery?今天我们将美国的未来Today we bequeath America's future交到你们的手中into your able hands欢迎加入普林斯顿的行列Welcome to Princeton gentlemen汉森赢得卡内基奖学金居然还不满足It's not enough Hansen won the Carnegie Scholarship 他想要通吃No he has to have it all for himself这是第一次由两人共享It's the first time the Carnegie prize这项奖学金汉森当然不爽has been split Hansen's all bent听说他一心想进入惠勒研究室Rumor is he's got his sights set on Wheeler Lab就是麻省理工学院新的军事智囊团the new military think tank at MIT今年他们只收一个人They're only taking one this year而汉森认为他是第一人选Hansen's used to being picked first研究数学实在浪费他的才能yeah he's wasted on math他应该去选总统He should be running for president你的领带这样糟There could be a mathematical explanation一定有数学上的合理解释for how bad your tie is谢谢你Thank you我是尼尔森专攻符号密码学Neilson symbol cryptography他破解过日本密码Neils here broke a Jap code也曾帮助世界摆脱法西斯主义Helped rid the world of fascism他都是这样对女孩子说的At least that's what he tells the girls Neils?我叫宾达专攻原子物理学The name's Bender Atomic physics-你是哪位? -我迟到了吗?-And you are? -Am I late?-是的-苏先生-Yes -Yes Mr Sol好! 你好good Hi我是理查·苏Sol Richard Sol这就是天才的负担The burden of genius-他来了-宴会这么多时间真不够用-There he is -So many supplicants and so little time -苏先生您好-您好-Mr Sol -How are you sir?-宾达-很高兴看到你-Bender -Nice to see you汉森先生恭喜你Congratulations Mr Hansen谢谢Thank you再给我一杯I'll take another什么?Excuse me?真抱歉我以为你是服务生A thousand pardons I simply assumed you were the waiter汉森给他留点面子Play nice Hansen他才不会替人留面子Nice is not Hansen's strong suit我真的是无心之过Honest mistake想必你就是马丁·汉森Well Martin Hansen你是马丁吧?It is Martin isn't it?没错我就是Why yes John it is我猜你对误估已习以为常I imagine you're getting quite used to miscalculation我读过你的初稿I've read your pre-prints两份都读过Both of them一份是纳粹党的密码文件The one on Nazi ciphers另一份是非线性方程式and the other one on non-linear equations我确信and I am supremely confident不管是哪一份that there is not a single seminal都不具有发展和创新性or innovative idea in either one of them好好享受你的水果酒Enjoy your punch各位这位就是约翰·纳什Gentlemen meet John Nash西弗吉尼亚州的神秘天才the mysterious West Virginia genius也是另一位著名的卡内基奖学金得主The other winner of the distinguished Carnegie Scholarship 宾达当然了Bender Of course真要命! Christ我就是你的浪子室友The prodigal roommate arrives室友?Roommate?天呀饶了我吧! God no你知道所谓的宿醉Did you know that having a hangover is就是体内没有足够的水份is not having enough water in your body去执行克雷布斯循环to run your Krebs cycles?这和因渴至死的情况Which is exactly what happens to you完全一样when you're dying of thirst如此说来因渴至死的感觉So dying of thirst可能和宿醉的感觉一样would probably feel pretty much like the hangover反正最后仍逃不过一死that finally bloody kills you你是约翰·纳什吗?John Nash?哈罗Hello我叫查尔斯·赫曼Charles Herman很高兴认识你Pleased to meet you正式宣布Well it's official我已经恢复正常了I'm almost human again警官我看见撞到我的驾驶人Officer I saw the driver who hit me他的名字是"约翰走路"His name was Johnny Walker昨晚我去参加Well I got in last night英文系办的in time for鸡尾酒会English department cocktails我当然是那只雄纠纠的鸡Cock was mine至于那个美丽可爱的女孩the tail belonged to a particularly lovely young thing则是情欲大师劳伦斯的崇拜者with a passion for DH你居然不怕被打扰DH Lawrence You're not easily distracted are you?我是来工作的I'm here to work哎呀那当然Hmmm are you? Right我明白了I see Crikey!你真是个无趣的家伙Is my roommate a dick?既然打不破我们之间的冰山Listen If we can't break the ice干脆大醉一场如何?How about we drown it?告诉我你的故事So what's your story?一个从没出过家门的穷小孩You the poor kid that never got to go to Exeter or Andover?虽然我从小接受高等教育Despite my privileged upbringing但身心却很平衡I'm actually quite well-balanced我的弱点是人际关系I have a chip on both shoulders人与事比较起来Maybe you're just better你恐怕比较会应付事with the old integers than you are with people我的小学老师说过My first grade teacher she told me我有两个脑袋that I was born with two helpings of brain却只有半颗心but only half a helping of heart-真的? -是呀-Really? -Yeah哇她似乎挺可爱的Wow! She sounds lovely!其实The truth is that I我并不喜欢人们I don't like people much他们也不喜欢我And they don't much like me怎么可能?But why你既风趣又有魅力with all your obvious wit and charm?说真的Seriously John讲到数学嘛Mathematics它永远不能领导你找到更高的真理Mathematics is never going to lead you to a higher truth想知道原因吗?And you know why?因为它太枯燥无味了Because it's boring It's really boring你知道半数以上的学生已经发表了他们的论文You know half these schoolboys are already published? 我不能在课堂上I cannot waste time with these classes和书本上再浪费时间and these books去记住那些毫无说服力的假设吧!Memorizing the weaker assumptions of lesser mortals!我必须要为博弈论I need to look through有所突破to the governing dynamics找出它的原创理论来Find a truly original idea那是唯一能让我出头的方法That's the only way I'll ever distinguish myself是唯一使我能成为It's the only way that I'll ever举足轻重的人物?Matter是的Yes下一个是谁?All right who's next?我下够了今天不玩了No I've played enough "go" for one day thank you-来嘛-我不喜欢围棋-Come on -I I hate this game你们都是胆小鬼Cowards all of you!没人敢向我挑战None of you rise to meet my challenge?宾达别这样嘛Come on Bender谁赢阿苏就替他洗一学期的衣服Whoever winsso does his laundry all semester 你们不觉得这很不公平吗?Does that seem unfair to anyone else?不觉得Not at all-你们看他-纳什-Look at him -Nash!在研究反组织理论吗?Taking a reverse constitutional?我想找出一个演算法I'm hoping to extract an algorithm好替它们的活动下定义to define their movement神经病Psycho你一直没去上课Hey Nash I thought you dropped out我以为你退学了You ever going to go to class or上课会使你的脑筋迟钝Classes will dull your mind也会破坏创造的潜能Destroy the potential for authentic creativity这我倒不知道oh I didn't know that有一天纳什的才华会惊倒大家Nash is going to stun us all with his genius但这也可能是Which is another way of saying他不敢和我比赛的藉口he doesn't have the nerve to compete怕了吗?You scared?我被你吓呆了Terrified惊呆了窘呆了Mortified Petrified而且是目瞪口呆Stupefied by you咱们就一战定英雄No starch Pressed and folded我能不能问你一件事Let me ask you something John尽管问Be my guest Martin宾达和阿苏已经完全无误的Bender and Sol here correctly completed证明出艾伦的推论Allen's proof of Peyrot's Conjecture尚差强人意啦Adequate work可惜没有创新without innovation谢谢夸奖你呢? 我很感动你呢?I'm flattered You flattered?感动Flattered而我有两样武器纲要And I've got two weapons briefs正由国防部审查中under security review by the DOD真叫我垂涎不已Derivative drivel而纳什的成就却是零But Nash achievements zero我有耐心I'm a patient man Martin你到底想问什么?Is there an actual question coming?假若你永远找不出原创理论What if you never come up with your original idea?最后惠勒研究室选择了我How will it feel when I'm chosen for Wheeler你会有什么感觉?and you're not?输是什么感觉?What if you lose?你不应该赢You should not have won是我先走的每一步都很完美I had the first move my play was perfect这就是所谓的骄兵必败The hubris of the defeated这个游戏有缺点The game is flawed这就是伟大的约翰·纳什Gentlemen the great John Nash你呆在这里已经两天了You've been in here for two days汉森又发表了一篇报告You know Hansen's just published another paper?而我连博士论文的主题都没有I can't even find a topic for my doctorate可是你却发明了橱窗艺术Well on the bright side you've invented window art这是美式橄榄球队的比赛This is a group playing touch football这是一群鸽子在争夺面包屑This is a cluster of pigeons fighting over bread crumbs而这是一个女人And this here is a woman在追逐偷她皮包的男人who is chasing a man who stole her purse你居然目击抢劫案John you watched a mugging真不可思议That's weird在竞争的状态下总有人会输In competitive behavior someone always loses这点连我的小侄女都懂Well my niece knows that John而她只有这么点大and she's about this high如果我能找出一种均衡See if I could derive an equilibrium在优势可逆的情况下where prevalence is a non-singular event就会出现双赢的局面where nobody loses你想这在有冲突的情况下会有多大的影响can you imagine the effect that would have 像武器协商on conflict scenarios and arms negotiations你什么时候吃过东西?When did you last eat?你什么时候吃的饭?When did you last eat?像货币交换Currency exchange?吃东西You know food你一点也不尊重幻想You have no respect for cognitive reverie你知道吗?you know that?没错Yes但是说到比萨饼But pizza我对它可是满腔的尊重Now pizza I have enormous respect for当然还有啤酒And of course beer我敬重啤酒I have respect for beer我非常敬重啤酒I have respect for beer!-晚安尼尔森-嗨纳什-Good evening Neils -Hey Nash谁赢这个你还是另一个你Who's winning? You or you?-晚安纳什-你们好-Evening Nash -Hey guys纳什你好Hey Nash他在看你He's looking at you你确定?Are you sure?嗨纳什Hey Nash尼尔森要你过去Neils is trying to get your attention-你一定在开玩笑呢-不是吧-You're joking -Oh no勇敢的去Go with God一定要失身哟Come back a man幸运与勇者同在Fortune favors the brave炸他个屁滚尿流Bombs away各位让我提醒你们Gentlemen might I remind you that my odds of success每试一次就会增加我一分胜算dramatically improve with each attempt?保证绝对精彩This is going to be classic你是不是要请我喝杯酒Maybe you want to buy me a drink为了想让你和我上床I don't exactly know what I'm required to say我实在不知道该说些什么in order for you to have intercourse with me你干脆就当我把该说的都说过了but could we assume that I said all that?反正我们所谈的是有关液体交流的事Essentially we're talking about fluid exchange right? 所以何不立刻切入性交的主题So could we just go straight to the sex?你可真鲜that was sweet再见啦你这个混蛋Have a nice night asshole!小姐们等一下Ladies wait!我最喜欢液体交流那一段I I especially liked the bit about fluid exchange真的很棒It was really charming约翰陪我走一走Walk with me John我一直想和你谈谈I've been meaning to talk with you教授们已经完成了期中的审核The faculty is completing mid-year reviews我们正在决定如何分配学生We're deciding which placement applications to support教授到惠勒研究室是我的第一选择Wheeler sir That would be my first choice也是唯一的选择我知道And actually I don't really have a second choice sir其他的人都按时上课John your fellows have attended classes不但写论文也已经发表了They've written papers They've published教授我仍在研究我的I'm still searching sir for my你的原创理论?Your original idea I know是博弈论Governing dynamics sir很好可惜It's very clever John but I'm afraid还是不够好it's just not nearly good enough-您的外套? -谢谢-May I? -Thank you我一直在研究"符合嵌入"I've been working on manifold embedding这个理论已经开始见到成效My bargaining stratagems are starting to show some promise希望你能再次安排If you could just arrange another meeting我和爱因斯坦教授会面if you'd be kind enough with Professor Einstein-我曾再三请你替我安排-约翰听我说-I've repeatedly asked you for that -Now John我会让他看修订后的I'd be able to show him my revisions on his约翰John你知道他们在做什么吗?Do you see what they're doing in there?-恭喜-非常感谢-Congratulations -Thank you so much教授恭喜你Congratulations Professor Max那支笔代表着It's the pens会员们Reserved for a member of the department肯定了他的终生成就that makes the achievement of a lifetime告诉我你看到了什么?Now what do you see John?表扬Recognition做得好教授谢谢Well done Professor well done你看到贯彻了吗?Well try seeing accomplishment难道还有分别吗?Is there a difference?约翰John你仍没有集中你的注意力you haven't focused对不起到目前为止I'm sorry but up to this point根据你的记录我不能保证你一定会有工作your record doesn't warrant any placement at all 再见Good day我向你致意多谢And my compliments to you sir非常感谢Thank you so much怎么就是看不出来呢I can't see it约翰你别这样Jesus Christ John我不能失败I can't fail这是我的全部呀This is all I am咱们出去走走Come on let's go out我必须做些成绩出来I got to get something done光瞪着天空不是办法I can't keep staring into space够了我还是向他们屈服吧John enough!面对墙壁Got to face the wall你想来硬的没问题Fine you want to do some damage? Fine-别浪费时间了-上他们的课-But don't mess around -Do their classes干脆敲破你的脑袋自杀算了Come on! Go on bust your head! Kill yourself好! 去呀别浪费时间了John do it Don't mess around去撞你的脑袋呀Bust your head!去啊把你那个没用的脑袋撞开Go onbust that worthless head wide open查尔斯你这个混蛋Goddamn it Charles!你到底有什么毛病What the hell is your problem?!我没有毛病It's not my problem你也没有问题And it's not your problem全是他们的问题It's their problem面对墙壁不可能找到答案Your answer isn't face the wall答案在你工作的地方It's out there where you've been working那张桌子可真重That was heavy看来牛顿的理论还挺正确的That Isaac Newton fellow was right-他可真厉害-聪明的家伙-He was onto something -Clever boy别担心是我的东西Don't worry that's mine等会儿就去收拾I'll come and get it in a minute我的天呀God美女来了Incoming gentlemen深呼吸Deep breaths纳什你最好Nash you might want to stop shuffling先休息几秒钟your papers for five seconds我不请你们喝啤酒I will not buy you gentlemen beer我们不是来喝啤酒的we're not here for beer my friend你们同不同意她最好以慢镜头移动Does anyone else feel she should be moving in slow motion? 她会要求一个盛大的婚礼吗?Will she want a large wedding you think?要用剑决斗还是在黄昏时用手枪决斗?Shall we say swords gentlemen? Pistols at dawn?你们怎么都忘了Have you remembered nothing?还记得现代经济学之父Recall the lessons of Adam Smith亚当·史密斯的理论the father of modern economics在竞争中"In competition个人的野心往往会促进公共利益individual ambition serves the common good"-没错-每个人都为自己着想-Exactly -Every man for himself gentlemen被三阵出局的人只能去约她的朋友And those who strike out are stuck with her friends我绝不会被三阵的I'm not gonna strike out你可以把美女带到水边You can lead a blonde to water但你不能逼她喝水but you can't make her drink他好像没说过这句话I don't think he said that别动她在看我们了Nobody move She's looking over here她在看纳什She's looking at Nash好吧可能他现在占有优势God He may have the upper hand now但等他一开口保证完蛋but wait until he opens his mouth还记得上次吗?Remember the last time?对那一次可真鲜yes that was one for the history books亚当·史密斯需要修订他的理论了Adam Smith needs revision你在说些什么?What are you talking about?如果我们全去追那个美人If we all go for the blonde结果一定全军覆没we block each other谁也得不到她Not a single one of us is gonna get her然后我们去找她的女朋友So then we go for her friends她们肯定会浇我们冷水but they will all give us the cold shoulder因为没人愿意屈居第二because nobody likes to be second choice但是若没人去追那个金发美女Well what if no one goes for the blonde?那我们之间既互不侵犯We don't get in each other's way也没有羞辱到其他女孩and we don't insult the other girls只有这样大家才能赢That's the only way we win也只有这样才都有上床的机会That's the only way we all get laid亚当·史密斯曾说过Adam Smith said最好的结果the best result comes是要能做到from everyone in the group doing分工和专业对不对?what's best for himself right?那是他说的对不对?That's what he said right?他的理论不完整Incomplete Incomplete okay?因为最好的结果是Because the best result will come团体中的每一个人from everyone in the group都做对本身和团体最有利的事doing what's best for himself and the group你想拿这套歪理去独占美人Nash if this is some way for you to get the blonde on your own门儿都没有you can go to hell各位这就是所谓的博弈论Governing dynamicsgentlemen博弈论亚当·史密斯Governing dynamics Adam Smith他错了was wrong-又来啦-小心点-Oh here we go -Careful careful谢谢你Thank youC(S)等于C(T)"C" of "S" equals "C" of "T"你知道这会推翻一百五十年来You do realize this flies in the face牢不可破的经济理论of a years of economic theory?我知道Yes I do sir你不觉得太放肆了吗?That's rather presumptuous don't you think?是有一点It is sir纳什先生Well Mr Nash由于你做出如此重大的突破with a breakthrough of this magnitude我相信你可以去任何你想去的地方I'm confident you will get any placement you like惠勒研究室Wheeler Labs会请你介绍两位组员they'll ask you to recommend two team members太棒了Yes!史提和法兰克应该很合适Stills and Frank are excellent choices我要阿苏和宾达Sol and Bender sir阿苏和宾达都是非常优秀的数学家Sol and Bender are extraordinary mathematicians但你可曾想过Has it occurred to you that Sol and Bender他们俩可能另有打算might have plans of their own?我们终于能进惠勒研究室了Baby! Wheeler we made it!干杯干Cheers cheers cheers!祝To各位尴尬的时刻来了Okay awkward moment gentlemen博弈论Governing dynamics-约翰恭喜你了-谢谢-Congratulations John -Thanks-干杯-为惠勒研究室干杯-Toast! -To Wheeler Labs!为惠勒研究室干杯To Wheeler!"年五角大楼""五年后"将军惠勒研究室的分析家到了General the analyst from Wheeler Lab is here纳什博士你的外套Dr Nash your coat?谢谢你Thank you sir博士Doctor将军这位就是惠勒研究室的领导人约翰·纳什博士General this is Wheeler team leader Dr John Nash很高兴你能来Glad you could come Doctor你好Hello这边走Right this way我们截获由莫斯科发出的无线电报We've been intercepting radio transmissions from Moscow电脑无法查出它的模式The computer can't detect a pattern但我认为绝对是密码but I'm sure it's code何以见得Why is that General?就是有那种感觉你会吗?Ever just know something Dr Nash?经常会Constantly我们研发了几个密码索引We've developed several ciphers要不要看看我们的初步资料If you'd like to review our preliminary data纳什博士?Doctor?--------------------------我需要一份地图I need a map----------------缅因州的斯达基角Starkey Corners Maine--------明尼苏达州的波吉特草原Prairie Portage Minnesota这些都是经纬线These are latitudes and longitudes至少还有十个There are a least others这似乎是进入美国边境的路线顺序They appear to be routing orders across the border into the US 太惊人了Extraordinary各位Gentlemen我们需要做更进一步的研究we need to move on this那位老大是谁?Who's big brother?你为国家贡献良多You've done your country a great service son-上尉-是的长官-Captain! -Yes sir替纳什博士带路Accompany Dr Nash将军俄国人有什么动向?What are the Russians moving general?罗杰上尉会陪你Captain Rogers will escort you到不受限区to the unrestricted area Doctor谢谢Thank you纳什博士请跟我来Dr Nash follow me please是纳什博士It's Dr Nash好的All right"麻省理工学院""惠勒国防研究室"-谢谢你先生-在五角大楼打出全垒打了吗?-Thank you sir -Home run at the Pentagon?他们有没有把"机密"两个字Have they actually taken the word "classified"从字典里删掉out of the dictionary?嗨冷气机又坏了hi The air conditioning broke again我都快融化了How am I supposed to be in here saving the world怎么去整救世界?if I'm melting?约翰我们真替你叫屈Our hearts go out to you四年中五角大楼两度叫我去You know two trips to the Pentagon in four years那你比我们多去了两次That's two more than we've had好的还在后面It gets better John我们才接到最新的伟大任务Just got our latest scintillating assignment你们知道苏俄已经制出氢弹You know the Russians have the H-bomb纳粹的魔爪已伸向南美the Nazis are repatriating South America中国有两百八十万的常备军the Chinese have a standing army of million而我却在替水坝做压力试验and I am doing stress tests on a dam但是你却二度上"财富杂志"的封面You made the cover of Fortune again请注意你用了"你" 而不是"我们"Please note the use of the word "you" not "we"应该只有我一个人才对That was supposed to be just me如今他们不但剥夺我得奖的机会So not only do they rob me of the Fields medal居然把我和这些小鼻子小眼的文人学者们now they put me on the cover of Fortune magazine 一起放在"财富杂志" 的封面上with these hacks these scholars of trivia约翰天才和才气横溢John exactly what's the difference到底有什么不同?between genius and most genius?差别大了Quite a lot反正你总是有道理He's your son你只剩下十分钟了Anyway you've got minutes我的时间多得是I've always got minutes你现在得去上课了Before your new class?能不能请医生开张病假单Can I not get a note from a doctor or something?抱歉这回可不行You are a doctor John and no你知道这里的规定Now come on you know the drill学校既然给了我们这些设施we get these beautiful facilities就要用当今美国最伟大的脑袋MIT gets America's great minds of today去教未来伟大的脑袋做交换teaching America's great minds of tomorrow好了祝你在学校里过的愉快Now have a nice day at school上课铃要响了The bell's ringing未来饥渴稚嫩的脑袋The eager young minds of tomorrow教授可以留一个窗户不要关吗?Can we leave one open Professor?实在太热了It's really hot sir课堂的安静Your comfort comes second比你舒不舒服重要得多to my ability to hear my own voice我个人认为Personally这堂课不但浪费I think this class will be a waste你们的时间of your糟糕的是更浪费了And what is infinitely worse我宝贵的时间my time不过However既然来了那就说清楚here we are So来不来上课随你们的便you may attend or not你可以喜欢了就完成你的作业You may complete your assignments at your whim课这就开始了We have begun小姐Miss打扰一下Excuse me!打扰一下Excuse me!我们有点小小的问题We have a little problem关上窗户这里会很热It's extremely hot in here with the windows closed开着却又太吵and extremely noisy with them open我在想能不能请你们So I was wondering if there was any way you could先修别的地方大约分钟就行了I don't know maybe work someplace else for about minutes? -没问题-谢谢你们-Not a problem -Thank you so much!-休息一下-好的-At a break! -Got it!你们会发现As you will find in multivariable calculus在多变性的微积分中there is often往往一个难题会有多种解答a number of solutions for any given problem黑板上的这个问题As I was saying this problem here有些人可能会解上好几个月will take some of you many months to solve更有些人For others among you可能要花上一辈子的时间it will take you the term of your natural lives纳什教授Professor Nash我是威廉·帕彻William Parcher你所谓的老大Big brother在此听候你的吩咐at your service我能为国防部做些什么?What can I do for the Department of Defense?你是来替我加薪的吗?Are you going to to give me a raise?咱们散散步Let's take a walk-你在五角大楼的工作让人钦佩-的确如此-Impressive work at the Pentagon -Yes it was原子弹之父常说Oppenheimer used to say"天才在问题发生前就已找到解答""Genius sees the answer before the question"你认识奥本海默?You knew Oppenheimer?他的计划就在我的监督之下进行的His project was under my supervision哪个计划?Which project?喔那个计划That project其实并不简单It's not that simple you know?可是你们仍然结束了战争Well you ended the war我们杀死十五万人We incinerated people in a heartbeat要有牺牲才能完成伟业Great deeds come at great cost Mr Parcher可是对旁观者而言Well conviction it turns out却不应该随便去断罪is a luxury of those on the sidelines Mr Nash我会试着去记住它I'll try and keep that in mind据我所知你没家人So John no family也没好友no close friends怎么会这样子?Why is that?我宁愿想成自己是个独行侠I like to think it's because I'm a lone wolf但主要原因是人们不喜欢我But mainly it's because people don't like me妙的是由于你缺少人际关系Well there are certain endeavors在这里where your lack of personal connection却成为你的一大长处would be considered an advantage这里是管制区This is a secure area他们认识我They know me你曾来过这里吗?Have you ever been here?在刚来的时候We were told during our initial briefing他们说这是一栋废弃的仓库that these warehouses were abandoned其实并不正确That's not precisely accurate由于要告诉你以下的机密By telling you what I'm about to tell you我特地把你参与机密的资格I am increasing your security clearance升高至"最高机密"to top secret泄露机密资料会去坐牢的Disclosure of secure information can result in imprisonment懂吗?Get it?什么行动?What operation?"由战略室制作"这东西倒挺好用的Those are a good idea这家工厂位于柏林This factory is in Berlin战后我们把它关闭了We seized it at the end of the war纳粹工程师Nazi engineers were attempting原打算制造轻型原子弹to build a portable atomic bomb苏联在我们之前到这里The Soviets reached this facility before we did拿去所有的资料and we lost the damn thing五角大楼的路线顺序The routing orders at the Pentagon是不是和这有关?they were about this weren't they?苏联的内部并没有真正的统一The Soviets aren't as unified as people believe赤军集团称他们自己为"新自由"A faction of the Red Army calling itself Novaya Svobga 他们已经控制住原子弹"the New Freedom" has control of the bomb而且打算在美国本土上引爆and intends to detonate it on US soil他们计划造成百姓们最大的伤害Their plan is to incur maximum civilian casualties人类是非常Man is capable of as much atrocity残酷的as he has imagination新自由在美国派有间谍New Freedom has sleeper agents here in the US麦卡锡议员是个白痴McCarthy is an idiot但并不等于他的见解是错的but unfortunately that doesn't make him wrong新自由组织是通过报纸和杂志上的密码New Freedom communicates to its agents和他们的间谍传递消息through codes imbedded in newspapers and magazines所以我们需要借助你的才能and that's where you come in约翰你明白的You see John你与别人最大的不同what distinguishes you在于你是一个is that you are简单的说quite simply你是我所见过最好的天生破码专家the best natural code-breaker I have ever seen你到底要我干什么?What exactly is it that you would like me to do?记住上面所列的所有期刊Commit this list of periodicals to memory仔细浏览每一期Scan each new issue只要发现密码find any hidden codes就去破解它decipher them把下巴放在下巴台上Place your chin on the chin rest凝视灯光Stare into the light脉搏跳动正常Pulse regular这个会有点不舒服Okay this may be a little uncomfortable有点痛对不对?That's got a little zap to it doesn't it?他植入一个镭两极真空管He just implanted a radium diode别担心很安全Don't worry it's safe它会渐渐蜕变The isotope decays predictably结果会使这些数字定期变换As a result these numbers change over time那是你进入投信点的密码They're the access codes to your drop spot这么说我是个密探罗So what am I now a spy?进来Come天呀你一定很重要Boy you must be really important迈克没事了It's all right Mike你在做什么?What are you working on?这是机密Classified我们已经等了半个钟头Everyone waited half an hour等什么?For?你的课呀Class你今天没来上课You missed class today我以为I suspect that没人会去的nobody missed me你写在黑板上的问题The problem that you left on the board我已经解决了I solved it不可能no you didn't你连看都没看You didn't even look我并没有说向量场是有理函数I never said that the Vector Fields were rational functions 解答是一流的Your solution is elegant但是在这种特殊的情况下Though on this particular occasion答案却是错误的ultimately incorrect你还在这里You're still here我还在这里I'm still here还有什么事吗?Why?我在想I'm wondering纳什教授Professor Nash能不能请你去吃晚餐if I can ask you to dinner你总要吃饭吧?You do eat don't you?。



海洋奇缘In the beginning... 混沌初开之时there was only ocean... 世界只有一片汪洋until the Mother Island emerged. 直到母亲岛Te Fiti. 特菲提出现Her heart held the greatest power ever known. 特菲提之心拥有世上最强大的力量It could create life itself. 能够创造生命And Te Fiti shared it with the world. 特菲提创造了世间一切生命But in time... 可不久之后some began to seek Te Fiti's heart. 有些人开始寻找特菲提之心They believed if they could possess it... 他们坚信得到它the great power of creation would be theirs. 就能获得创造一切的强大力量And one day... 有一天the most daring of them all... 这些人中最大胆的一位voyaged across the vast ocean to take it. 跨越浩瀚的海洋去夺取特菲提之心He was a demigod of the wind and sea. 他是主宰风与海的半神He was a warrior. 他是一名勇士A trickster. 一位魔术师A shapeshifter who could change form... 一个能用他神奇鱼钩的法力with the power of his magical fish hook. 随意变换形体的变形者And his name... 他的名字叫作was Maui. 毛伊But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble...但是失去了心之后特菲提开始瓦解giving birth to a terrible darkness. 创造出了可怕的黑暗Maui tried to escape... 毛伊试图逃走but was confronted by another who sought the heart.但碰上了另一个寻找特菲提之心的人Te Ka! 特卡A demon of earth and fire. 他是土与火的恶魔Maui was struck from the sky... 毛伊被从空中击中never to be seen again. 从此了无踪迹And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti... 而他的魔法鱼钩和特菲提之心were lost to the sea. 一起沉入了大海Where, even now 1,000 years later... 即使在一千年之后的今天Te Ka and the demons of the deep 特卡和深海的恶魔still hunt for the heart. 仍在寻找特菲提之心Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...他们隐藏在不断蔓延的黑暗之中chasing away our fish... 赶跑我们的鱼群draining the life from island after island... 侵占一座又一座岛屿until every one of us is devoured... 我们所有人都将by the bloodthirsty jaws... 被那嗜血的死亡魔爪of inescapable death! 吞噬殆尽But one day... 但总有一天the heart will be found... 会有人找到特菲提之心by someone who will journey beyond our reef... 那个人将驶过环礁扬帆远航find Maui... 找到毛伊deliver him across the great ocean... 带他穿洋过海to restore Te Fiti's heart... 归还特菲提之心and save us all. 拯救众生Thank you, Mother. That's enough. 谢谢母亲讲到这儿就行了Papa. 爸爸No one goes outside the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁We are safe here. There is no darkness. 这里很安全世上没有黑暗势力There are no monsters. 也没有什么怪兽Monsters! Monsters! 怪兽怪兽- There's no monsters, no monsters.- It's the darkness! - 不不没有怪兽 -黑暗势力来了No, there is nothing beyond our reef,but storms and rough seas. 不 ,环礁外只有风暴和汹涌的大海I'm gonna throw up. 我要吐了As long as we stay on our very safe island... 只要我们大家都待在这座岛上we'll be fine. 就会很安全The legends are true. 传说都是真的Someone will have to go. 一定有人会扬帆远航的Mother, Motunui is paradise. 母亲莫图鲁尼岛就是天堂Who would want to go anywhere else? 谁还想去别的地方呢Moana! 莫阿娜There you are, Moana. 总算找到你了莫阿娜What are you doing? You scared me. 你在做什么吓坏我了What? I wanna's go back. 干嘛我想回去I know, I know. But you don't go out there. 我知道但你不能靠近海边It's dangerous. 那里很危险Moana, come on. 莫阿娜走吧Let's go back to the village. 我们回村子去You are the next great chief of our people. 你是我们族人的下一任伟大的酋长And you will do wondrous things,my little minnow. 你会做许多了不起的事我的小宝贝Oh, yes. But first, you must learnwhere you're meant to be. 没错但首先你要清楚自己的所属之地Moana 莫阿娜驾到Make way, make way 大伙都让开Moana, it's time you knew 莫阿娜你是时候该知晓The village of Motunui is all you need 你有莫图鲁尼村就已足够The dancers are practicing 舞者们在排练They dance to an ancient song 伴着古老的歌曲起舞Who needs a new song, this old one's all we need 要新歌干嘛我们只要这首老歌This tradition is our mission 继承传统是我们的使命And Moana, there's so much to do 莫阿娜还有很多事要做We share everything we make 劳动成果人人共享We joke and we weave our baskets 有说有笑编织篮子The fishermen come back from the sea 渔夫从大海归来I wanna see 我想看看Don't walk away 别走远Moana, stay on the ground now 莫阿娜快快坐下Our people will need a chief 族人需要一位酋长And there you are 就是你There comes a day 终有一天When you're gonna look aroundand realize happiness is 当你回首就会明白真正的幸福Where you are 就在你的所属之地Consider the coconut 瞧瞧这椰子The what? Consider its tree 什么瞧瞧这椰树We use each part of the coconut. 我们充分利用椰子的每一处It's all we need 我们有它已足够We make our nets from the fibers 纤维制成鱼网The water is sweet inside 椰汁清甜可口We use the leaves to build fireswe cook up the meat inside 树叶生火椰肉烹调Consider the coconuts 瞧瞧这些椰子The trunks and the leaves 这树干和树叶The island gives us what we need 小岛给予我们所需*无人离开**And no one leaves**没错我们留在这里**That's right, we stay**这里安全又富饶**We're safe and we're well-provided**未来引导我们之人**And when we look to the future**就是你**There you are**不用担心**You'll be okay**你会学我所学**In time you'll learn just as I did**你必须在所属之地找到幸福**You must find happiness right where you are**我喜欢随海浪起舞伴着潮起潮落**I like to dance with the water the undertow and the waves**海水十分顽皮但我就喜欢它淘气**The water is mischievous. I like how it misbehaves**村民们可能觉得我疯了**The village may think I'm crazy**或者我的思维漂得太远**Or say that I drift too far**可一旦你知晓所爱这才是真正的你**But once you know what you like. Well, there you are**女儿像爸爸顽固又骄傲**You are your father's daughter stubbornness and pride* *他的教导自有道理但你的心声也许不同**Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside**如果你内心轻喃追随最远的那颗星**And if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star**莫阿娜那心声就是真实的你**Moana, that voice inside is who you are*Dad! 爸爸I was only looking at the boats.I wasn't gonna get on them. 我只是看看那些船没打算登船Come on. There's something I need to show you. 来吧我给你看样东西I've wanted to bring you here 从你出生起from the moment you opened your eyes. 我就一直想带你来这里This is a sacred place. 这是个神圣的地方A place of chiefs. 酋长之地There will come a time... 总有一天when you will stand on this peak 你会站在这峰顶and place a stone on this mountain. 给这座山添上一块石头Like I did. Like my father did. 就像我我的父亲And his father, and every chief that has ever been.他的父亲还有每一代酋长都这么做And on that day... 到那一天when you add your stone... 等你把你的石头放上去you will raise this whole island higher. 你就会让这座小岛变得更高You are the future of our people, Moana. 你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜And they are not out there. 他们并非远在天边They are right here. 而是近在眼前It's time to be who they need you to be. 你是时候该成为他们需要的人了*纤维制成鱼网**We make our nets from the fibers**椰汁清凉可口树叶生火**The water is sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires**大伙一起歌唱**We sing these songs in our choirs**椰肉烹调养活族人**To cook up the meat inside. We have mouths to feed inside* *大家都信任我们没错**The village believes in us. That's right**大家都信任**The village believes**小岛给予我们所需**The island gives us what we need**无人离开**And no one leaves**所以我会留在这里**So here I'll stay**与我的家人族人一起**My home, my people beside me**当我展望未来之时**And when I think of tomorrow**我们相伴**There we are**我会带领大家**I'll lead the way**也需要族人指引我**I'll have my people to guide me**我们会共筑未来**We'll build our future together**就在此地**Where we are**因为每条路都会带你回到**'Cause every path leads ya back to**你的所属之地**Where you are**你会发现幸福就在**You can find happiness right**你的所属之地**Where you are**你的所属之地**Where you are*And every storm, 每次风暴过后this roof leaks, no matter how many fronds I add.无论我铺了多少树叶这屋顶还是漏水Fixed! Not the fronds. 搞定不是树叶的问题Wind shifted the post. 是风把柱子吹偏了That's good pork! 这猪肉真好吃I didn't mean... I wasn't... 不是说你我的意思是What? They are calling me. So I gotta--. Bye! 什么他们在叫我那我先走了You're doing great. 你表现得很好Is it done yet? 好了吗So close. 就快了I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock. 我好奇为什么那只鸡喜欢啄石头He seems to lack the basic intelligence 它看起来好像required for pretty much everything. 已经完全丧失理智了Should we maybe just cook him? 我们能把它给煮了吗Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface. 有时我们的优点隐藏在外表之下Far beneath in some cases. 某些时候还藏得很深But I'm sure there's more to Heihei than meets the eye.但憨憨一定有我们看不到的过人之处It's the harvest. 这是今天摘的This morning, I was husking the coconuts and... 今早我在剥椰子时发现...We should clear the diseased trees 我们应该砍掉这些病树and we will start a new grove. 然后重新种一片椰子林There. 就在那Thanks, Moana. 谢谢莫阿娜She's doing great. 她做得真棒This suits you. 这活很适合你Chief? 酋长There's something you need to see. 有些东西你得瞧瞧Our traps in the east lagoon... 这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓they're pulling up less and less fish. 捕到的鱼越来越少了Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds. 那我们就换个地方捕鱼We have. There's no fish. 我们试过了还是没有鱼Then we'll fish the far side of the island. 那我们就去岛的另一面捕鱼We tried. 也试过了The windward side. 迎风的那边呢And the leeward side, the shallows, the channel. 还有背风的那边浅滩海峡We've tried the whole lagoon. 整个礁湖我们都试过了They're just gone. 到处都没有鱼Have you tried using a different bait? 你试过用另一种鱼饵吗I don't think it's the bait. There's no fish. 我觉得不是鱼饵的问题完全没有鱼It seems like it's getting worse and worse. 而且情况越来越糟Of course, I understand you have reason for concern.当然我理解你的担心不无道理I will talk to the council. I'm sure we... 我会和长老们商量我确信... What if we fish beyond the reef? 如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢No one goes beyond the reef. 谁都不准越过环礁I know. But if there are no fish in the lagoon... 我明白但如果礁湖里面没有鱼群Moana. - And there's a whole ocean. -莫阿娜 -而海洋那么大- We have one rule. 我们要遵守规矩An old rule, when there were fish. 那是有鱼可捕时的旧规矩A rule that keeps us safe... - But Dad... - 遵守规矩我们才安全 -可是爸爸-Instead of endangering our people 不准你为了能再次靠近大海so you can run right back to the water. 而使我们的族人身陷危险Every time I think you're past this... 我还以为你早放弃了那个念头... No one goes beyond the reef! 谁都不能越过环礁Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad 你不该当着你爸爸的面Standing on a boat. 提出海的事情I didn't say go beyond the reef.' 我说的是出海捕鱼Because I want to be on the ocean.; 又不是要去冒险But you sill do, 但你还是想去He's hard on you, Because Because he doesn't get me.你爸爸生你的气是因为-是因为他不懂我- Because he was you. 是因为他也曾跟你一样Drawn to the ocean. 对大海着迷Down by the shore. 想去海上He took a canoe, Moana.! 莫阿娜他曾经驾着独木舟He crossed the reef. 绕过那片礁石And found an unfogiving sea. 驶入了-片危险的海或Waves like mountains. 哪里的浪像山-样高His best friend beged to be on that 他最好的朋友非要跟他一起出海Your dad couldn't save him. 但你爸爸没能教回他He's hoping he can save you. 现在他不想让你重蹈覆辙Sometimes, who we wish we were 有时候我们总想首What we wish we could do 要做些大事It's just not meant to be. 却忘了该做些什么I've been staring at the edge of the water. 我每天总喜欢眺望这海洋Long as I can remember. I 没有尽头的彼方Never rally knowing why. 却不明白为什么I wish I could be the perfect daugher. 也许你希望我听你的话But I come back to the water. 我也曾经努力的尝试No matter how hard I try. 我还是回到这海洋Every tum I take, every trail I track. 每一个转弯每一个路段Every path I make, every road leads back. 每一次选择每一.次失望To the place I know where I cannot go. 不怕多困难那熟悉的地方Where I long to be. 是我的渴望See the line where the sky meets the sea?! 我听到地平线的那- -边It calls me. 呼唤我And no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes 能走多远f the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆me One dav I'll know 终会知道If I go theres just no telling how far Til go 我要走的路不管有多远也好1 know everybody on this 虽然在这海岛每一个人island seems so happy. on this island 仿佛开心没有忧愁Everything is by design 所有事都被安排1 know everybody on this 虽然海岛上的每一个人都有他们的责任island has a role. on this islandSo maybe I can roll with mine. 也许我有自己主张1 can lead with pride. I can make us strong 我可以带领让你们坚强 I'li be satisfied if I play along. 也可以妥协不再有期望 But the voice inside sines a different song 我心中想起另一个声音 What is wrong with me? 我不能自己See the light as it shines on the sea? 那海岸在闪烁很耀眼 Its binding 的光芒But no one knows 谁会知道How deep it goes. 海有多深And it seems like its calling out to me 仿佛它在等待我的回应So come find me 我在这里An let me know. 请告诉我What's beyond that line, wil I cross that line? 我应该期待什么是未来See the line where the sky meets the sea 在那地平线的另一边It calls me 呼我And no one knows 谁会知道How far it goes 能走多远1 f te wind in Iuy sail on the sea stays 乘着风迎着浪扬着帆勇敢前行One day TT1know. 总会知道How far I'll go 能走多远Okay,Pua 别担心胖胖1 can do this 相信我There's more fish beyond the reet. 出海肯定能捕到更多的鱼There's more beyond the reef 我相信肯定能的 Not so had 没那么嘛Pua! 胖胖Whatever just happened. 不管发生了什么事 Blame it on the pig 就说是胖胖干的Grandma 奶奶Are you gonna tell dad. 你会告诉爸爸吗?I m his mon 我是他妈I don't have to tell him anything. 不用事事都跟他汇报He was right. 他说得对About going out there 海上很危险It's time to put my stone on the mountain. 我也应该接任酋长了Okay 好呀Well then head on back 那就回村子去Put that stone up there. 把你的石头放上去Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it? 你为什么不劝阻我呢You said that's what you wanted. 你说了那是你想做的事It is. 没错呀When I die. 等我死了I'm going to come back as one of these. 我想要变成一条黄貂鱼Or I chose the wrong tatoo. 不然我背上的刺青就白刺了Why you're acting weird? 你今天怎么怪怪的?I'm the village crazy, lady. 我是村里的怪奶奶啊That's my job. 这才是我嘛If there's something you want to tell me. 如果你有什么话想跟我说Just tell me. 就直说吧Is there something you want to tell me? 您有什么话想跟我说吗? Is there something you want to hear? 你想听我说什么啊? You've been told all our people stories. 我们族人的故事你都已经听过了But one. 可这个除外What is this place? 这是哪儿啊?Do you really think our ancestors stayed with the reef?你真以为我们的祖辈从来没有出过海吗?What's in there? 里面有什么呢?The answer. 有你To the question you keep asking yourself. 一直在苦苦寻找的答案Who are you meant to be 你想要做什么样的人Go inside. 走进去Bang the drum. 敲敲鼓And find out. 你就能找到答案Bang the drum. 对了敲敲We read the wind and sky. 看太阳高高在上When the sun is high. 风吹散云彩We sail the length of the seas on the ocean breeze 我们在大海航行迎着风前进 At night we name every star. We know where we are 在夜里数每颗星能找到方向 We know who we are. 知道我是谁Who we are. 我是谁We set a course to find. 定好了目的地A brand new island everywhere we roam. 每一次出行找寻新天地We keep our island in our mind. 家乡的模样放心里And when it's time to find home. 时间到了就回家We know the way.. 千山万水We are explorers reading every sign. 我们去探索每一个符号We tell the stories of our elders. 这里有我们的祖先In a never ending chain. 古老的故事与传承Naeko hakilia. We know the way! 千山万水We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We were voyagers! 我们是航海者Why'd we stop? 后来发生了什么? Maui 是毛伊When he stole from the Mother Island. 在他偷走了特菲提之心后Darkness fell. 黑暗降临到了人间Te Ka awoke. 恶卡苏醒了Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back. 海底的怪兽吞噬了渔船To protect our people, the ancient chief 为了族人的安全历代酋长都下令Forbid voyaging. 禁止航海And now we have forgotten who we are 于是人们渐渐忘记了自已是航海者的后代And the darkness has continued to spread. 然而黑暗势力仍在不断扩张Chasing away our fish. 他们赶走了我们的鱼群Draining the life 霸占了From island after island. 一座又一座海岛Our island 我们的岛But one day 但是终有一天Someone will journey beyond our reef 有人会重新扬帆起航Find Maui 找到毛伊Deliver him across the great ocean. 并带他跨越整片大海To restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I was there that day. 那天我都看到了你The ocean chose you! 大海选择了你1 thought it was a dream. 我还以为那只是个梦Nope! 不是梦Our ancestors believed, Maui lies there. 我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里At the bottom of his hook. 在钩形星座的尽头Follow it, and you will find him. 朝着它的方向走你就能找到毛伊But.. 但是Why would it choose me? 大海为什么会选中我呢?I don't even know how to make it pass the reef 我连怎么驾船出海都不会But I know who docs. 但我知道谁能教我The crops are turning black! 庄稼都变黑了What about the fish? 那鱼呢?This is happening all over the island. Please Please 现在整座岛都是这样. 安静 Settle down! - What are you going to do 请安静- 我们该怎么办? - We will dig new fields.. 我们会开皇更多田地- We will find a way toWe can stop the darkness 找到解决方法的. 我们能战胜黑暗势力Save our island! 拯救我们的小岛There's a cavern boats! 我发现一个山洞里有船Huge canoes! 很大的船We can take them, find Maui 我们可以驾着那些船找到毛伊Make him restore the heart 让他归还特菲提之心We were voyagers. 我们是航海者We can voyage again! 我们应该重新出海You told me to help our people. 你说过族人需要我们的保护This is how we help our people! 只有这样才能保护他们Dad? 爸爸What are you doing? 你要干什么?I should've burned those boats a long time ago 我早就应该把那些船全都烧掉 No! Don't! 不不要We have to find Maui 我们必须找到毛伊 We have to restore the heart. 然后归还特菲提之心There is no heart! 根本没有什么心This..this is just a rock! 这就是一块石头No! 不Chief! 酋长It's your mother! 你母亲不行了Mother. 妈妈What can be done? 现在还能做什么? Go. 快去Grandma. 奶奶Go. 快去Not now. 现在不行I can't 我不能You must! 你必须去The ocean chose you 大海选择了你Follow the fish hook. - Grandma. 朝着钩状星座的方向走. 奶奶- And when you find Maui 等你找到毛伊You grab him by the ear! 你就揪着他的耳朵 You say.. 告诉他I am Moana of Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat! 快上船Sail across the sea! 跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fitil 归还特菲提之心I.. can't leave you. 我离不开您There is no way you could go, 无论你在哪里,that I won't be with you 我都与你同在Go! 快去There's a line where the sky meet the sea and he calls me我听见地平线另- 边在呼唤我But no one knows. 谁会知道How far it goes. 能走多远All time wondering where I need to be is behind me曾经的不知所措的日子已经远离I'm on my own 全靠自已Towards unknown! 我往前走Every turn I take. Every rail I track 每一一个转弯每一个路段It's a choise I make. Now I can't turn back 都是我选择不能有遗憾From a great unknown. 过去多伟大Where I go alone. Where I long to be. 未来独自闯我渴望那里See her light of the night. in the sea, she calls me 她光芒照亮了这海洋呼唤我And yes, I know. 让我知道That I can go. 能走得到There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me在天空的月亮与晚风陪我前行So now I 'll know. 终会知道How far Ill go! 能走多远I am Moana Motunui 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜You will board my boat. 快上船Sail across the sea! 我要带你跨越整片大海And restore the heart of Te Fiti 归还特菲提之心I am Moana. 我是莫图鲁尼岛Of Motu.. nui. 的莫阿..娜Hei-hei?! 憨憨?It's okay 别害怕You're alright 没事的See? 看到了吧?There we go. 我们走吧Nice water. 多棒的海水啊The ocean is a friend of mine. 大海是我们的朋友Hei-hei? 憨憨Hei-heil 憨憨Stay! 别动Okay. 好了Next stop 下一站Maui 毛伊I am Moana of Motunui. 我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜快上船You will board my boat.我要带你跨越整片大海Sail across the sea归还特菲提之心And restore the heart of Te Fiti我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Maa..of.M.t...快上船Board my boat!不Oh, no!不不No .. no... n..no!不No!大海Ocean?你能帮帮我吗? Can I get a little help?糟了No.. no拜托Please.快点儿Come on!救命Help me!救命Please!什么情况What?!我说了我需要帮助I said help me!但你让大浪来袭击我的船? And wrecking my boat?!这也叫帮忙Not helping!就让你被鱼群臭死吧Fish pee in you.. all day!那么So.. ,毛伊? Maui?毛伊Maui!毛伊主宰风和海的半神Maui demigod of the wind and sea我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui!请上船吧You will board my boat!不No!快上船You will board my boat!没错Yeah!我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜Hi, I'm Moana of Motunui快上... - 船-You will board my.. - Boat!这有艘船A boat!老天爷赐给我-艘..The Gods have given me ...毛伊Mau万能的变形者Shape shifter.主宰风和海的半神Demigod of the wind and sea.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜. 男人们的英雄- I am Moana of Mo.. .hero of men 什么?Wha.What?应该说毛伊是万能的变形者 It's actually Maui, shape shifter主率风和海的半神 Demigod of the wind and sea男人们的英雄 Hero of Men不好意思打断你了,从头开始吧人类的英雄 I interupted. From the top.hero of men开始Go!我是莫-等等等等- I am Mo..-Sorry,Sorry,Sorry,Sorry所有人 And women.包括男人和女人所有人才对 Men and women. Both! All这个可不分男女 Not a guy- girl thing你知道的毛伊是所有人的英雄 You know? Maui is a hero to all再来一遍吧 You're doing great什么?What?不我来这儿是.我知道-No! I came here to Of course. of course好吧好吧Yes,yes,yes,yes毛伊对他的祟拜者总是很有耐心的 Maui always has time for his fans.这种用鸟来写字的方式 When you use a bird to write with叫做欧 It's called" tweeting"我明白的英雄可不是想见就能见到的 I know, not every day, you get a chance to meet your hero你可不是我的英雄 You are not my hero!我来这儿也不是为了让你在我的桨上签名 And I'm not here so you can sign my oar我来这是因为你偷走了特菲提之心I'm here because you stole the heart of Te Fiti现在我要你上船And you will board my boat.跟我一-起把它还回去Sail across the sea and put it back!好吧Yeah.听起来你好像不太喜欢我It almost sounded like you don't like me.但这是不可能的因为我已经被困在这里Which is impossible because I Got stuck here一千年了就是为了For a thousand years, trying to get the heart..给你们凡人寻找那颗心As a gift for you, mortals...好让你们拥有创造生命的力量So you could have the power to create life itself 所以我猜你原本想说的是Yeah, so what I believe you're trying to say.谢谢-谢谢?-Is thank you. -Thank you?不用谢- 什么?不You're welcome. - What? No, no, no.我没有我不会I.. I didn't .. I wasn't ..我为什么要说谢谢- 好啦好啦~ Why would I ever say.. I mean.. –Okey okey我知道发生了什么I see what's happening, yeah.面对这伟大的神明很奇妙You're face to face with greatness and it's strange 都不知道该怎么反应You don't even know how you feel.这是很可爱的It's adorable!我发觉人类- -直没有改变Well, it's nice to see that humans never change现在让你开眼界Open your eyes let's begin.要看清楚是我毛伊请冷静Yeg,it's really me,It's Maui. Breathe it in. 我这完美的发型身型I know it's a lot the hair,the body!当你盯着这优质神明When you're staring at a Demigod我只能说一句What can I say?不客气Except you're welcome把汐睛天送你For the tides,the sun,the sky这很简单很容易不客气Hey,it's okay. It is okay. You're welcome.我只是一个普通硬汉子I'm just an ordinary demi-guy,Hey!我用手指把天空托起Hey,what has two thumbs and pulled up the sky当你蹒跚前行有我扶持When you were waddling yay high. This guy!在寒冷夜里When the nights got cold.取暖的火都被偷走Who stole you fire from down below?有我在这里哟You're looking at him,yo!噢是我让太阳升起Oh,also I lasso'd the sun.不客气You're welcome让你多点开心日子To stretch your days and bring you fun.我能把狂风驾驭Also I harnessed the breeze不客气让船航行树叶落地You're welcome,to fill your sails and shake your trees 这不过是小意思不客气So what can I say except You're welcome.我让大地从海中耸立For the islands I pulled from the sea.不需要膜拜的意思不客气There's no need to pray, it's okay. You're welcome.我只是单纯的做我自已I guess it's just my way of being me不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.啊回头想一想Well, come to think of it.我其实可以一-口气的Kid, honestly I can go on and on.把所有大自然的现象都解释I can explain every natural phenomenon.潮汐草地大地The tide, the grass, the ground.都是我毛伊所做的好事Oh.. that was Maui just messing around.我把海鳗狠狠地除掉I killed an eel, I buried is guts.种一颗树让你得到椰子Sprouted a tee, now you got coconuts.明不明白What's the lesson?有没有新启示What is the takeaway.就是当毛伊生气你快点回避Don't mess with Maui when he's on the breakaway你看我皮肤上的印记And the tapestry here in my skin.都是彰显胜利的标志Is a map of the victories I win.我到哪里哪里就出现好事Look where I've been, I make everything过去小气的小毛伊已变好脾气Look at that mean mini Maui just tikitty tappin’还是这句告诉你不客气Well anyway, let me say, You're welcome我把这世界变美丽For the wonderful world you know.这很简单很容易不客气Hey, it's okay.. it's okay. You're welcome我现在想起来我要出行Well, come to think of it, I gotta go.给你机会说声不客气Hey, it's your day to say You're welcome.我要借用你的船Cause I'm gonna need that boat.要扬帆而去远地不客气I'm sailing away... aw ay. You're welcome.我除了源浮什么都最棒Cause Maui can do everything but float.不客气You're welcome.不客气You're welcome.谢谢你And thank you!放我出去Hey, let me out!你这个中鄙的大骗子You lying, slimy, son of a..不用谢You're welcome.不No!我可不想跟着个小孩去特菲提岛I'm not going to Te Fi with some kid. 我还得找回我的鱼钩I'm gonna get my hook.你有一个但我没有毛伊不能没有鱼钩You have yours. And I'm not好了去我背后安静会儿Okay, talk to the back.旅途小点心Boat snack!再见啦讨厌的石头品Good riddance you filthy pile of pebbles!不Oh,no,no,no.别那样看着我Don't look at me like that.那个山洞挺好的她肯定喜欢It's a beautiful cave, she's gonna love it.而且我会好好And I'm going to love you.享用你的In my belly不过得先让你长点肉Now let's fatten you up, drumstick!真是精彩的- -跳啊I could watch that all day.好了这座岛是你的了Okay, enjoy the island!-毛伊号出发-不Maui, out! - No!;停下Stop!; 你必须把那颗心还回去Hey! You have to put back the heart!。



魔兽3语音中英文完全版-=亡灵=-侍从=建造音效=- The damned stand ready! 诅咒者就绪!=选定音效=- My life for Nazul! Ner ''zhul万岁!(Nazul应为Ner ''zhul,UD的老大,下同)- I wish only to serve! 服从是我的天命!- Thy bidding, Master? 您的命令,主人?- Where shall my blood be spilled? 我的热血应撒向何处?- I bow to your will. 服从您的意愿。

=行动/执行动作音效=- Yes, Master! 是,主人!- I gladly obey. 我乐意服从。

- My fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。

- Thy will be done! 您的意愿已完成!=骂游戏者音效(就如星际里连续点多次一样)=- This is the hour of the scourge! 天罚的时代降临了!- Death shall cleanse the world! 死亡将清洗大地!- All I see is blackness... Oh, my hood''s down. 我见到无尽的黑暗…噢,我的头巾掉下来了。

- Let blood drown the weak! 让血海淹没弱者吧!- My life for Aiur! Uh, I mean Nazul! Aiur万岁!啊,我指的是Ner ''zhul!- The living be cursed! 诅咒生者!- Would you like to know the secret to eternal happiness? Page 246. 想知道永恒的幸福的秘密吗?翻到246页。

- Once you head down the Dark Path, forever will it dominate your destiny! And you get dental. 一旦你步入黑暗,它会永恒支配你的命运!=攻击音效=- [.vs 英雄] I am sanctified! 我被净化了!- Death shall reign! 亡灵支配一切!- Fear the Reaper! 在死神面前颤抖吧!- Let life cease! 生命,终结吧!噬尸鬼- (注解: 所有其他音效都是噪音)=骂玩家音效=- Me eat dead people! 我吃死人~- Me scary! 我好怕怕哦~- Me eat brains! 我吃脑髓~- No guts, no glory! 不贪婪地吃,怎么能获得荣耀!地穴魔王- (趣味注解: 他的死亡音效文件名是''PitFiendDeath'' 而不是''CryptFiend'' )=建造音效=- The sleeper awakes! 沉睡者苏醒了!=选定音效=- Proceed! 前进!- Make your choice!请指示!- You rang? 你在召唤我吗?- I await. 待命。



Here it is, folks, the script for Pirates of the Caribbean: at World's End!这里是,伙计,对加勒比海盗脚本:世界的尽头!We have typed it all up from memory and by ear, so there are sure to be some mistakes.我们的输入所有从内存和耳朵,所以肯定会被一些错误。

Comments and corrections are welcome; email to jack_5845@ .批注和更正欢迎;电子邮件jack_5845@。

(Special thanks to Beriawen for help with Jack's Latin.) We will update it periodically to include corrections. (特别感谢与杰克的拉丁帮助Beriawen。


Read on, and enjoy!阅读,欣赏!Version 1.4, 6/30/07版本1.4,07/06/30First posted 6/6/07第一张贴07-6-6Transcribed by Fedah & Colozamia转录由Fedah&ColozamiaDownload script as a pdf file 下载脚本为PDF文件DISCLAIMER: We do not own any characters, rights, etc. or know anyone who worked on this movie. 免责声明:我们不拥有任何字符,权利等,或者知道谁对这部电影工作。

This script is for your reading enjoyment only; anyone wishing to use it for anything other than personal reading should contact Disney. 此脚本只是,谁都希望使用个人的阅读以外的任何其他联系,迪斯尼应该为您的阅读享受。



吟游诗人学院(Bards College)任务调查吟游诗人学院(Investigate the Bards College)薪火相传(Tending the Flames)杂项任务:芳恩的鲁特琴(Finn's Lute)潘提亚的长笛(Pantea's Flute)荣恩的鼓(Rjorn's Drum)冬堡学院(College of Winterhold)任务主线任务:参观冬堡学院(College Objective Quest)第一课(First Lessons)萨塔尔之下(Under Saarthal)用功(Hitting the Books)善良本意(Good Intentions)揭开未知之谜(Revealing the Unseen)遏制政策(Containment)玛格努斯之杖(The Staff of Magnus)玛格努斯之眼(The Eye of Magnus)可选任务:一次性任务以及次要任务阿内尔的努力(Arniel's Endeavor)布莱丽娜的练习(Brelyna's Practice)扎格的实验(J'Zargo's Experiment)昂蒙德的请求(Onmund's Request)失衡(Out of Balance)重新加入学院(Rejoining the College)瑟吉尔斯·图里亚努斯(Sergius Turrianus)的任务捎个附魔物品(Enchanting Pick-Up)填充灵魂石(Filling Soul Gems)进货灵魂石(Restocking Soul Gems)托夫迪尔(Tolfdir)的任务流浪法师(Rogue Wizard)怅然若失的托夫迪尔(Tolfdir the Absent-Minded)余震(Aftershock)乌拉葛·格洛-舒布(Urag gro-Shub)的任务取回那本书!(Fetch me that Book!)沙利多的见解(Shalidor's Insights)技能大师任务改变系仪式咒语(Alteration Ritual Spell)召唤系仪式咒语(Conjuration Ritual Spell)毁灭系仪式咒语(Destruction Ritual Spell)幻术系仪式咒语(Illusion Ritual Spell)恢复系仪式咒语(Restoraion Ritual Spell)战友团(Companions)任务本帖最后由 FelixH 于 2012-2-3 22:29 编辑主线任务:拿起兵器(Take Up Arms)荣耀的证明(Proving Honor)银手(The Silver Hand)鲜血的荣光(Blood's Honor)纯粹的复仇(Purity of Revenge)死者的荣耀(Glory of the Dead)其它任务:(这些任务在加入战友团之后才可以接到)狩猎(Animal Extermination)狩猎(Animal Extermination)雇佣兵(Hired Muscle)天际省的问题(Trouble in Skyrim)传家宝(Family Heirloom)逃脱的罪犯(Escaped Criminal)营救任务(Rescue Mission)(这些任务在完成银手任务之后才可以接到)直击心脏(Striking the Heart)盗窃计划(Stealing Plans)补偿(Retrieval)(这些任务在完成死者的荣耀任务之后才可以接到)海尔辛图腾(Totems of Hircine)净化(Purify)(这个任务在完成死者的荣耀任务和龙之崛起任务之后才可以接到)寻龙者(Dragon Seekers)黑暗兄弟会(Dark Brotherhood)任务主线任务:推迟的葬礼(Delayed Burial)不再天真(Innocence Lost)如此患难之交……(With Friends Like These...)圣所(Sanctuary)永不哀恸(Mourning Never Comes)黑暗中的低语(Whispers in the Dark)打破寂静(The Silence Has Been Broken)至死不渝(Bound Until Death)渗透(Breaching Security)治愈疯狂(The Cure for Madness)灾难的良方(Recipe for Disaster)Recipe在这里明明是菜谱啊弑王(To Kill an Empire)死神化身(Death Incarnate)西帝斯万岁! -(Hail Sithis!)你没看错,最后有个减号,我认为这是汉化的bug 契约任务:契约:杀死纳菲(Kill Narfi)契约:杀死贝提尤德(Kill Beitild)契约:杀死恩诺迪尤斯·帕尤斯(Kill Ennodius Papius)契约:杀死赫恩(Kill Hern)契约:杀死卢布克(Kill Lurbuk)契约:杀死蒂库斯(Kill Deekus)契约:杀死玛'兰德鲁-约(Kill Ma'randru-jo)契约:杀死阿诺利亚斯(Kill Anoriath)契约:杀死阿尼斯(Kill Agnis)契约:杀死毛乌瑞尔(Kill Maluril)契约:杀死黑尔瓦德(Kill Helvard)契约:杀死萨非亚(Kill Safia)其它任务:摧毁黑暗兄弟会!(Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!)你要把敌人的头颅挂在哪里…(Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head)为你的家族带来荣誉(Honor Thy Family)永远的黑暗兄弟会(The Dark Brotherhood Forever)不计入日志的任务:拿取隐藏的宝藏(Take the Hidden Treasure)找到老刺客(Locate the Assassin of Old)盗贼行会(Thieves Guild)任务主线任务:偶然的安排(A Chance Arrangement)照顾生意(Taking Care of Business)清楚明晰(Loud and Clear)沮丧的灵魂(Dampened Spirits)无赖的玩笑(Scoundrel's Folly)尽在不言中(Speaking With Silence)艰难的回答(Hard Answers)追捕(The Pursuit)三人组恢复(Trinity Restored)视而不见(Blindsighted)黑暗回归(Darkness Returns)可选的任务以及特殊的任务:戴尔文(Delvin)的任务:骚乱任务(The Bedkam Job)钓鱼任务(The Fishing Job)改帐本任务(The Numbers Job)威克斯(Vex)的任务:偷窃任务(The Burglary Job)诈骗任务(The Shill Job)清扫任务(The Sweep Job)抢劫任务(The Heist Job)其他任务:想方设法(No Stone Unturned)新官上任(Under New Management)玩弄死者(Toying With The Dead)盗贼行会虎人商队销赃任务(Thieves Guild Caravan Fence Quest)魔神(Daedric)任务任务名魔神等级需求黑色星辰(The Black Star)阿祖拉(Azura) 0勃耶希亚的召唤(Boethiah's Calling)勃耶希亚(Boethiah) 30 魔族的挚友(A Daedra's Best Friend)卡拉威库斯·维尔(Clavicus Vile) 11唯一的治疗药物(The Only Cure)魄伊特(Peryite) 10被诅咒的部落(The Cursed Tribe)马拉卡斯(Malacath) 9见识超凡(Discerning the Transmundane)赫麦尤斯·莫拉(Hermaeus Mora) 15****月光下再见(Ill Met By Moonlight)海尔辛(Hircine) 0 ****过去的片段(Pieces of the Past)梅鲁涅斯·大衮(Mehrunes Dagon) 20****低语之门(The Whispering Door)梅法拉(Mephala) 20****破晓(The Break of Dawn)美瑞蒂亚(Meridia) 12****恐惧之屋(The House of Horrors)莫拉格巴尔(Molag Bal) 0****死亡的意味(The Taste of Death)娜米拉(Namira) 0****黑暗回归(Darkness Returns)盗贼行会主线任务诺克图娜尔(Nocturnal) 0****值得铭记之夜(A Night To Remember)血腥(Sanguine) 14****疯狂的思想(The Mind of Madness)佩拉吉奥斯(Sheogorath) 0****恶梦苏醒(Waking Nightmare)错别字... 瓦尔迷纳(Vaermina) 0神灵(Divine)任务凯恩的神圣试炼(Kyne's Sacred Trials)爱情之书(The Book of Love)****大自然的祝福(The Blessings of Nature)****迪贝拉之心(The Heart of Dibella)1、摩洛克伊,在冬堡学院任务中获得。



















一、《I'll Keep Coming》这首歌曲是《逝去搁浅》中最具代表性的音乐之一。

它由Low Roar乐队演唱,深情的歌词和悠扬的旋律让人印象深刻。


二、《Easy Way Out》又一首令人印象深刻的作品,这首歌由Low Roar乐队演唱。



三、《Patience》《Patience》是由Tame Impala乐队演唱,在游戏中也有着重要的位置。



四、《The Timefall》这首歌是《逝去搁浅》中的另一大亮点。



五、《Death Stranding》这是由CHVRCHES乐队演唱的歌曲,其独特的旋律和电子音乐的处理方式让这首歌成为了游戏中的重点之一。

《Death Stranding》带来了一种全新的音乐体验,让人过耳难忘。

六、《Once in a Long, Long While》这首歌由Low Roar乐队演唱,其成熟的音乐风格和深情的歌词让人印象深刻。


七、《Gaunt Kids》这是一首充满了独特氛围和情感的歌曲。

歌曲的旋律充满了活力和激情,同时也展现出了Low Roar乐队独特的音乐风格。

八、《Yellow Box》这首歌曲是游戏中的亮点之一,其深情的旋律和引人入胜的歌词让人印象深刻。

魔兽争霸3 各英雄 台词

魔兽争霸3 各英雄 台词

大法师- This had better be worth it! 这样做最好值得!- You require my assistance? 需要我的协助吗?- What is it now? 现在如何?- Get on with it! 继续!- Well? 什么?- I can hardly wait! 我不能再等了!- Perfect! 好极了!- Whatever! 怎样都行!- Fine! 很好!山丘之王--Alright, who wants some? 好吧,谁想来试试- Aye? 什么?- Wait till you see me in action!* 等待行动指示- Give me something to do! 让我做点事吧- Hmmmph! 恩!- Brilliant! 英明!- I''m coming through! 我来了!- Move it! 行动!- Out of my way! 让开!圣骑士- I live to serve all believers! 我为服务信徒而生!- What would you ask of me? 您要我做什么?- I am not afraid! 我没有恐惧!- Let me face the peril! 让我来面对危险!- At your call! 为您效劳!- As you wish! 随你所愿!- For honor! 为了荣誉!- For my people! 为了我的人民!- It shall be done! 理应如此!BloodMage血法师- "Burning to avenge" ---复仇在燃烧- "By the blood of the high-born!" ---为了高等精灵之血!- "Do you see something?" --你看到什么了吗?- (Elvish) ---(精灵语)- "Evil is near." ---邪恶就在附近- "I am here, mortal." ---我在这,人类。



解压缩后直接找exe后缀文件启动软件,然后File->open MPQ->定位到你机器的魔兽世界安装根目录->Data文件夹->这时候选择"enCN是英文语音包,选择zhCN是中文语音包!->不管进哪个,进去之后找对应的speech-enCN.MPQ和speech-zhCN.MPQ->sound->Creature-> OK看见的就是大部分语音文件了,不过貌似这些大都是TBC以前的,要找TBC以后的就得从""接这两个文件expansion-speech-enCN.MPQ和expansion-speech-zhCN.MPQ然后就好找了!推荐使用例如Mp3cutter什么的分割截取软件魔兽世界专有词汇英汉对照表人名艾德拉斯·布莱克摩尔 Aedelas Blackmore艾格文 Aegwyn阿尔萨斯·米奈希尔 Arthas Menethil阿克蒙德 Archimonde安度因·洛萨 Anduin Lothar阿鲁巴拉克 Anub'arakh阿莱克斯塔萨 Alexstrasza奥蕾莉亚 Alleria阿伦索斯·法奥 Alonsus Faol艾萨拉 Azshara阿纳克洛斯 Anachronos阿奴布雷坎Anub'Rekhan艾索雷葛斯 Azuregos大法师阿鲁高Archmage Arugal大主教本尼·迪塔斯Archbishop Benedictus 猎手阿图门 Attumen the Huntsman血领主曼多基尔 Bloodlord Mandokir瑞文戴尔男爵 Baron Rivendare迦顿男爵Baron Geddon凯恩·血蹄 Cairne Bloodhoof塞纳留斯 Cenarius克苏恩 C'Thun加尔范上尉 Captain Galvangar死亡之翼 Deathwin戴林·普罗德摩尔 Daelin Proudmore杜隆坦 Durotan黑暗院长加丁 Darkmaster Gandling德雷克塔尔 Drek'Thar艾露恩 Elune伊兰尼库斯 Eranikus爱德温·范克里夫Edwin VanCleef范达尔·鹿盔 Fandral Staghel格罗姆·地狱咆哮 Grom Hellscream古尔丹 Gul'dan屠龙者格鲁尔Gruul the Dragonkiller加尔 Garr焚化者古雷曼格Golemagg the Incinerator大检察官伊森利恩Grand Inquisitor Isillien 收割者戈提克 Gothik the Harvester加尔鲁什·地狱咆哮 Garrosh Hellscream哈卡 Hakkar伯瓦尔·弗塔根公爵Highlord Bolvar Fordragon大工匠梅卡托克High Tinker Mekkatorque大领主提里奥·弗丁 Highlord Tirion Fordring大领主泰兰·弗丁Highlord Taelan Fordring大检察官怀特迈恩High Inquisitor Whitemane大领主莫格莱尼灰烬使者 Highlord Mograine The Ashbringer 伊利丹·怒风 Illidan Stormrage教官拉苏维奥斯 Instructor Razuvious吉安娜·普罗德摩尔 Jaina Proudmoore妖术师金度Jin'do the Hexxer凯尔萨斯·逐日者 Kael'thas Sunstrider克尔苏加德 Kel'thuzad基尔加丹 Kil'jaeden基尔罗格·死眼 Kilrogg Deadeye卡扎克 Kazzak欺诈者卡拉然Kalaran the Deceiver瓦里安·乌瑞恩国王 King Varian Wrynn卡德加 Khadgar巫妖王 Lich King莱恩 Llane维克多·奈法里奥斯Lord Victor Nefarius女公爵布劳缪克斯 Lady Blaumeux洛瑟玛·塞隆Lor'themar Theron玛法里奥·怒风 Malfurion Stormrage玛瑟里顿 Magtheridon玛维·影歌 Maiev Shadowsong麦迪文 Medivh玛里苟斯 Malygos穆拉丁·铜须 Muradin Bronzebeard麦格尼·铜须 Magni Bronzebeard管理者埃克索图斯Majordomo Executus摩拉迪姆Mor'Ladim耐奥祖 Ner'zhul聂拉斯·埃兰 Nielas Aran诺兹多姆 Nozdormu奈法利安 Nefarian奥格瑞姆·毁灭之锤 Ogrim Doomhammer奥妮克希亚 Onyxia桑德兰王子 Prince Thunderaan先知维纶 Prophet Velen帕奇维克 Patchwerk拉格纳罗斯 Ragnaros罗宁 Rhonin萨格拉斯 Sargeras萨弗隆先驱者Sulfuron Harbinger希尔瓦纳斯·风行者Sylvanas Windrunner腐蚀者塞索瓦尔 Sathrovarr the Corruptor 萨菲隆 Sapphiron瑟里耶克爵士 Sir Zeliek泰瑞纳斯·米奈希尔Terenas Menethil泰兰德·语风 Tyrande Whisperwind萨尔 Thrall图拉扬 Turalyon库尔塔兹领主 Thane Korth'azz塔隆·血魔 Teron Gorefiend乌瑟尔·光明使者 Uther Lightbringer沃金 Vol'jin瓦拉斯塔兹 Vaelastrasz瓦里玛萨斯Varimathras范达尔·雷矛Vanndar Stormpike温蕾萨·风行者 Vereesa Windrunner大酋长雷德·黑手 Warchief Rend Blackhand 伊瑟拉 Ysera祖尔金 Zul'jin组织银色黎明 Argent Dawn联盟 Alliance奥尔多 Aldor灰舌死誓者 Ashtongue Deathsworn火刃氏族 Burning Blade Clan燃烧军团 Burning Legion血环氏族 Bleeding Hollow Clan黑牙氏族Black Tooth Grin Clan黑石氏族 Blackrock Clan诺兹多姆的子嗣 Brood of Nozdormu血帆海盗 Bloodsail塞纳里奥议会 Cenarion Circle诅咒神教 Cult of the Damned星界财团 Consortium龙喉氏族 Dragonmaw Clan暗矛部族 Darkspear tribe暗月马戏团 Darkmoon Faire烈焰行者 Flamewaker霜狼氏族 Frostwolf Clan部落 Horde上层精灵 Highborne白银之手骑士团 Knights of the Silver Hand时光守护者 Keepers of Time库雷尼 Kurenai嘲颅氏族 Laughing Skull Clan贫民窟 Lower City玛格汉 Mag'har奥格瑞拉 Ogri'la皇家药剂师协会 Royal Apothecary Society 影子议会 Shadow Council影月氏族 Shadowmoon Clan艾露恩姐妹会 Sisterhood of Elune血色十字军 Scarlet Crusade占星者 Scryer破碎残阳 Shattered Sun天空卫队 Skyguard流沙之鳞 Scale of Sands沙塔尔 Sha'tar辛德拉 Shen'dralar雷王氏族 Thunderlord Clan肯瑞托议会 The Order Of Kirin Tor迪菲亚兄弟会 The Defias The Defias探险者协会 The Explorers' Guild辛迪加 The Syndicate瑟银兄弟会 Thorium Brotherhood木喉熊怪 Timbermaw furbolgs守护者 Guardian紫罗兰之眼 Violet Eye蛮锤部族 Wildhammer赞达拉 Zandalar种族血精灵 Blood Elf半人马 Centaur奇美拉 Chimaera地穴魔 Cypt Fiend树妖 Dyrad矮人 Dwarf恶魔 Demon龙鹰 Dragonhawk黑铁矮人 Dark Iron德莱尼 Draenei地狱战马 Dreadsteed死亡军马 Deathcharger雷象 Elekk冰霜巨龙 Frost Wyrm霜刃豹 Frostsaber侏儒 Gnome地精 Goblins狮鹫 Gryphon豺狼人 Gnoll鹰身人 Harpy人类 Human陆行鸟 Hawkstrider高等精灵 High Elf陆行鸟 Hawkstrider角鹰兽 Hippogryph狗头人 Kobold科多兽 kodo鱼人 Murlocs机械鸟 mechanostrider纳迦 Nagas暗夜精灵 Night Elf夜刃豹 Nightsabers虚空鳐 Nether Ray虚空幼龙 NetherwingDrake纳鲁 Naaru兽人 Orc食人魔 Ogres奥的灰烬 Phoenix野猪人 Quilboar萨特 Satyrs骷髅马 Skeletal Horses异种蝎 Silithid巨魔 Troll山羊 Ram迅猛龙 Raptor牛头人 Tauren树人 Treant石腭怪 Trogg泰坦 Titan蛇颈龙 Threshadon被遗忘者、亡灵 Undead/Forsaken 雪怪 Wendigo狼人 Worgen双足飞龙 Wyvern吸血蝠 Vampire Bats地名52区 Area 52安其拉 Ahn'Qiraj奥特兰克 Alterac沙塔尔祭坛 Altar of Shatar深沙平原 Abyssal Sands安多哈尔 Anhorha安威玛尔 Anvil Marr阿拉希高地 Aralbi Highlands鹰巢山 Aerle Peak奥伯丁 Auberdine奥蕾莉亚要塞 Allerin Strounghold 阿斯特兰纳 Astranaar奥金尼地穴Auchenai Crypts奥金顿 Auchindoun艾泽拉斯 Azeroth艾萨拉 Azshara秘蓝岛 Azuremyst Isles黑石山 Blackrock Mountain黑石塔 Blackrock Spire黑暗深渊 BlackFathom Deep黑翼之巢 Black Wing Lair黑石深渊 Blackrock Depths黑暗神庙 Black Temple燃烧平原 Burning Steppes刀锋山Blade’s Edge Mountains布瑞尔 Brill藏宝海湾 Booty Bay蕨墙村 Brakenwall Village血毒岗哨 Bloodvenom Post血蹄村 Bloodhoof Village凯尔达隆 Caer Darrow盘牙洞穴 Coilfang Reservoir时光之穴Caverns of Time凯尔达隆 Caer Darrow莫沙彻营地 Camp Mojache冰风岗 Chillwind Point十字路口 Crossroads丹莫德 DunModr黑暗之门 Dark Portal塔伦米尔 Darrowmere达纳苏斯 Darnassas达拉然 Dalaran深水旅店Deepwater Tavern死亡矿井 DeadMines逆风小径 Deadwind Pass厄运之锤 Dire Maul德拉诺 Draenor杜隆塔尔 Durotar敦霍尔德 Durnholde丹莫罗 Dun Morogh暮色森林 Duskwood夜色镇 Darkshire达隆郡 Darrowshire丧钟镇 Deathknell暗语峡谷 Darkwishper Gorge丹奥加兹 Dun Algaz东瘟疫之地 Eastern Plaguelands东部王国 Eastern Kingdoms东谷伐木场 Eastvale Logging Camp艾尔文森林 Elwynn Forest永望镇 Everlook翡翠梦境 Emerald Dream埃索达 Exodar霜刀石 Frostsaber Rock霜语峡谷 Frostwhisper Gorge乱凤岗 Freewind Post菲拉斯 Feralas羽月要塞 Feathermoon Stronghold诺莫瑞根 Gnomeregan格瑞姆巴托 Grim Batol闪金镇 Goldshire加拉达尔 Garadar加基森 Gadgetzan格罗姆高营地Grom’Gol格鲁尔的巢穴Gruul's Lair壁炉谷 Hearthglen地狱火堡垒 Hellfire Citadel荣耀堡 Honor Hold希尔斯布莱德丘陵 Hillsbrad Foolhills 辛特兰 Hinterlands落锤镇 Hammerfall地狱火半岛 Hellfire Peninsula铁炉堡 Ironforge铁木森林 Irontree Woods恐怖之岛 Isle of Dread卡拉赞Karazhan卡兹莫丹 Khaz Modan卡利姆多 Kalimdor卡加斯 Kargathe卡拉诺斯 Kharanos洛丹伦 Lordaeron洛克莫丹 Loch Modan圣光之愿礼拜堂 Lights Hope Chapel 湖畔镇 Lakeshire止水湖 Lake Everstill月神湖Lake Elune’ara门纳尔湖 Lake Mennar玛拉顿 Mauradon法力陵墓Mana-Tomb玛瑟里顿的巢穴 Magtheridon's Lair 海加尔山 Mount Hyjal月光林地 Moonglade熔火之心 Molten Core莫高雷 Mulgore米奈希尔港 Menethll Harbor麦索瑞尔 Mazthorll马绍尔营地Marshal’s Refuge主宰之剑Master’s Glalve纳克萨玛斯 Naxxramas守望堡 Nethergarde诺森德 Northrend北郡山谷 Northshire Valley虚空风暴 Netherstorm永夜港 Nighthaven纳格兰 Nagrand尼耶尔前哨站Nijel’s Point奥格瑞玛 Orgrimmar外域 Outland奎尔萨拉斯 Quel'Thalas怒焰裂谷 Ragefire Chasm剃刀沼泽/高地 Razorfen Kraul/Down 赤脊山 Redridge Mountains红石高地 Redrock Mesa安其拉废墟 Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj荆齿城 Ratchet卢瑟兰村 Rut Thran Village避难谷地 Refuge Polnte灼热峡谷 Searing Gorge热沙港 Steamwheedle Port哨兵岭 Sentinel Hill破碎岗哨 Shatter Point裂石堡 Stonebreaker Hold斯通纳得 Stonard葬影村 Shadowprey Village斯坦恩布莱德 Strahnbrad斯坦索姆 Stratholme暴风要塞 Stormwind Keep巨石水坝 Stonewrought Dam银月城 Silvermoon银松森林 Silverpine Forest影月村 Shadowmoon Village激流堡 Stromgarde Keep逐日岛 Sunstrider Isle碎木岗哨 Splintertree Post石爪山脉 Stonetalon Mountains石爪峰 Stonetalon Peak群星圣殿 Sacntum of the Stars烈日石居 Sunrock Retreat影月谷 Shadowmoon Valley沙塔斯城 Shattrath City悔恨岭 Sorrow Hill希利苏斯 Sililhus南海镇 Southshore荆棘谷 Stranglethorn Vale暴风城 Stormwind悲伤沼泽 Swampof Sorrows毒蛇神殿Serpentshrine Cavern塞泰克大厅Sethekk Halls暗影迷宫Shadow Labyrinth太阳之井高地 Sun Well影牙要塞 Shadowfang Keep暴风城监狱 Stockade血色修道院 Scarlet Monastary通灵学院 Scholomance悲伤沼泽 Swamp of Sorrows扭曲虚空 Twisting Nether萨多尔 Thandol泰达希尔 Teldrassil阿塔哈卡神庙Temple of Atal'Hakkar 安其拉神庙 Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 雷霆崖 Thunderbluff提瑞斯法林地 Tirisfal Glades幽暗城 The Undercity镶金玫瑰 The Gilded Rose已宰的羔羊The Slaughtered Lamb蓝色隐士The Blue Recluse鲜血熔炉 The Blood Furnace破碎大厅 The Shattered Halls 奴隶监狱The Slave Pens毒牙沼泽The Underbog蒸汽地窖The Steamvault风暴要塞The Eye荒芜之地 The Badlands塔兰 Telaar大熔炉 The Cauldron灰烬之海 The Sea of Cinder风暴尖塔 The Stormspire石爪小径 Talondeep path塞尔萨玛 Thesalmar诅咒之地 The Blasted Lands萨尔玛 Thrallmar泰雷多尔 Telredor泰卡罗森林 Terokaar Forest塞拉摩 Theramore Isle索拉丁之墙Thoradln’s Wall提尔之手Tyr’s Hand千针石林 Thousand Needles闪光平原 The Shimmering Falts 瑟伯切尔 The Sepuicher萨兰纳尔 Thalanaar塔伦米尔 Tarren Mill能源舰 The Mechanaar生态船 The Botanica禁魔监狱 The Arcatraz塔纳利斯 Tanaris塔伦迪斯营地 Talrendis Point 刺枝林地 Talonbranch Glade永恒之井 The Well of Eternity 奥达曼 Uldaman安戈洛环形山 Un Goro Crater国王谷 Valley of Kings瓦罗莫克 Valaomok西瘟疫之地 Western Plaguelands 西部荒野 Westfall哀嚎洞穴 Wailing Cavern冬泉谷 Winterspring寒水村 Winterfall Village蛮锤要塞 Wildhammer Stronghold 湿地 Welland西部荒野 Westfall祖尔法拉克 Zul'Farrak祖尔格拉布 Zul'Gurub左拉姆前哨Zoram’gar Outpost赞加沼泽 Zangarmarsh萨布拉金Zabra’jin武器光环石锤 Aurastone Hammer银色复仇者 Argent Avenger咒逐 Anathema上古骨弓 Ancient Bone Bow灰烬使者 Ashbringer碧空之歌 Azuresong Mageblade阿什坎迪,兄弟会之剑 Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood 安杜尼苏斯·灵魂收割者 Andonisus,Reaper of Souls埃堤耶什,守护者之杖 Atiesh,greatstaff of guardian阿契厄斯摩根·拉迪莫尔之剑 Archeus Morgan Ladimore's sword 血之召唤者 Bloodcaller血领主庇护者 Bloodlord's Defender残忍利刃 Brutality Blade沙赫拉姆黑剑 Blackblade of Shahram削骨之刃 Bonereaver's Edge祈福 Benediction碎灵 Brain Hacker爆击猎枪 Blastershot Launcher死亡飞刀 Blade of Life's Inevitability泰坦之刃 Blade of the Titans多彩之剑 Chromatically Tempered Sword灾变之刃 Cataclysm's Edge无情打击之弩 Crossbow of Relentless Strikes堕落的灰烬使者 Corrupted Ashbringer熔火犬牙 Core Hound Tooth火核狙击步枪 Core Marksman Rifle残酷倒钩 Cruel Barb无情利斧 Cleaver of the Unforgiving龙之召唤 Dragon's Call龙息手持火炮 Dragonbreath Hand Cannon龙鳞 Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade命运 Destiny厄运制造者 Doombringer矮人手持火炮 Dwarven Hand Cannon火石法杖 Emberstone Staff霜之哀伤 Frostmourn芬克的熔岩挖掘器 Finkle's Lava Dredger古尔丹之颅 Gul''dan skull亮木法杖 Glowing Brightwood Staff无情 Heartless希望的终结 Hope Ender惩戒长戟 Halberd of Smiting院长之杖 Headmaster's Charge北风 Hammer of the Northern Wind飓风 Hurricane冰刺长矛 Ice Barbed Spear铁皮法杖 Ironbark Staff国王护卫者 King's Defender克罗之刃 Krol Blade罗克迪洛尔,上古守护者的手杖 Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers 玛拉达斯,黑龙军团的符文之剑 Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight 曼多基尔之刺 Mandokir's Sting米奈希尔之力 Might of Menethil黑曜石之刃 Obsidian Edged Blade毁灭之刃 Perdition's Blade奎尔萨拉 Quel'Serrar瑞文戴尔之剑 Runeblade of Baron Rivendare伦鲁迪洛尔,上古守护者的长弓 Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers 先知之刃 Sageblade怨恨 Spiteblade风暴使者 Stormherald魔脊之枪 Shivering Felspine乔丹法杖 Staff of Jordan暗影烈焰法杖 Staff of the Shadow Flame骨火 Skullflame Shield统御法杖 Staff of Dominance速射强弓 Striker's Mark萨弗拉斯,炎魔拉格纳罗斯之手 Sulfuras,Hand of Ragnaros雷霆之怒·逐风者之祝福之剑 Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker 痛击之刃 Thrash Blade狂野之刃 The Untamed Blade无坚不摧之力 The Unstoppable Force无法撼动之物 The Immovable Object索利达尔,群星之怒 Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury混乱之触 Touch of Chaos放血者维斯卡格 Vis'kag the Bloodletter哈卡莱战刃 Warblade of the Hakkari埃辛诺斯战刃 Warglaive of Azzinoth亡者之墙 Wall of the Dead寡妇制造者 Widowmaker辛洛斯,诸界的毁灭者 Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds 职业德鲁伊 Druid恶魔猎手 Demon Hunter死亡骑士 Death knight猎人 Hunter法师 Mage牧师 Priest圣骑士 Paladin盗贼 Rogue萨满祭司 Shaman暗影猎手 Shadow Hunter术士 Warlock战士 Warrior资源奥数水晶 Arcane Crystal翡翠 Aquamarine精金矿脉 Adamantite Deposit阿尔萨斯之泪 Arthas'Tears黑莲花 Black Lotus蓝宝石 Blue Sapphire盲目草 Blindweed荆棘草 Briarthorn跌打草 Bruiseweed铜矿 Copper Vein黄水晶 Citrine土之微粒 Crystallized Earth水之微粒 Crystallized Water空气微粒 Crystallized Air火焰微粒 Crystallized Fire劣质的石头 Coarse Stone黑铁矿 Dark Iron Ore厚重的石头 Dense Stone梦叶草 Dreamfoil地根草 Earthroot枯叶草 Fadeleaf火焰花 Firebloom恶魔布 Felcloth霜纹布 Frostweave幽灵菇 Ghost Mushroom金矿 Gold Vein黄金参 Golden Sansam金棘草 Goldthorn墓地苔 Grave Moss格罗姆之血 Gromsblood巨型绿宝石 Huge Emerald沉重的石头 Heavy Stone重皮 Heavy Leather冰盖草 Icecap铁矿 Iron Depesit青绿石 Jade卡德加的胡须Khadgar’s Whisker结缔皮 Knothide Leather皇血草 Kingsblood活根草 Liferoot次级月亮石 Lesser Moonstone次级血矿石 Lesser Bloodstone Deposit 大猫眼石 Large Opal轻皮 Light Leather亚麻布 Linen魔皇草 Mageroyal山鼠草 Mountain Silversage秘银矿 Mithril Deposit孔雀石 Malachite魔纹布 Mageweave绿玛瑙 Moss Agate月布 Mooncloth中皮 Medium Leather灵纹布 Netherweave宁神花 Peacebloom瘟疫花 Plaguebloom紫莲花 Purple Lotus粗糙的石头 Rough Stone破烂的皮革Ruined Leather Scraps符文布 Runecloth银叶草 Silverleaf丝绸 Silk银矿 Silver Vein暗影石 Shadowgem瑟银矿 Small Thorium Vein荆棘藻 Stranglekelp太阳草 Sungrass红宝石Star Ruby艾泽拉斯钻石 Star Ruby坚固的石头 Solid Stone富瑟银矿 Rich Thorium Vein硬甲皮 Rugged Leather锡矿 Tin Vein厚皮 Thick Leather虎眼石 Tigerseye真银矿 Truesilver Deposit 野钢花 Wild Steelbloom冬刺草 Wintersbite毛料 Wool套装奥术师 Arcanist奥尔多 Aldor赦免 Absolution神使 Avatar野蛮角斗士 Brutal Gladiator 野兽追猎者 Beaststalker骨镰 Bonescythe血牙 Bloodfang塞纳里奥 Cenarion地穴追猎者 Cryptstalker晶铸 Crystalforge飓风 Cyclone灾难 Cataclysm腐蚀者 Corruptor梦游者 Dreamwalker恶魔追猎者 Demon Stalker巨龙追猎者 Dragonstalker虔诚 Devout死亡阴影 Deathmantle鬼雾 Dreadmist无畏 Dreadnaught毁灭者 Destroyer大地之怒 Earthfury元素 Elements碎地者 Earthshatter霜火 Frostfire信仰 Faith恶魔之心 Felheart审判 Judgement公正 Justicar化身 Incarnate角斗士 Gladiator戈隆追猎者 Gronnstalker巨人追猎者 Giantstalker光铸 Lightforge秩序之源 Lawbringer光明使者 Lightbringer博学者 Magister玛洛恩 Malorne残酷角斗士 Merciless Gladiator凶星 Malefic力量 Might诺达希尔 Nordrassil灵风 Netherwind夜暮杀手 Nightslayer虚空刀锋 Netherblade复仇 Nemesis冲锋 Onslaught预言 Prophecy瘟疫之心 Plagueheart裂隙追猎者 Rift Stalker救赎 Redemption怒风 Stormrage迅影 Shadowcraft刺杀者 Slayer破天 Skyshatter提瑞斯法 Tirisfal风暴 Tempest雷霆之心 Thunderheart卓越 Transcendence无尽风暴 Ten Storms复仇角斗士 Vengeful Gladiator虚空之心 Voidheart勇气 Valor野性之心 Wildheart愤怒 Wrath战神 Warbringer其他拍卖行 Auction House竞技场 Arena成就 Achievement炼金术 Alchemist水下诱鱼器 Aquadynamic Fish Attractor 敏捷 Agility奥术 Arcane战场 Battleground明亮的小珠 Bright Baubles锻造 Blacksmith护腕 Bracers腰带 Belt马裤 Breeches披风 Blight烹饪Cooking斗篷 Cape头冠 Crown护胸 Chest肩甲 Desolation匕首 Dagger我们以鲜血捍卫荣耀 Esarus thar no'Darador' By Blood And Honor We Serve附魔 Enchanting工程学 Engineering马靴 Endurance钓鱼 Fishing急救 First Aid雕文 Frostfire公会 Guilds地精飞艇 Goblin Zeppelin护手 Gauntlets巨盔 Greathelm护胫 Greaves手套 Gloves草药学 Herbalism头盔 Helm胸甲 Hauberk外套 Harness肩铠 Pauldrons短裤 Pants智力 Intellect铭文 Inscription珠宝加工 Jewelcrafting制皮 Leatherworking护腿 Leggings坐骑Mount采矿Mining主城 Major city衬肩 Mantle夜色虫 Nightcrawlers长袍 Robes力量 Strength耐力 Stamina精神 Spirit法杖 Staff盾牌 Shield肩垫 Shoulderpads护肩 Shoulderguards剥皮 Skinning灵魂绑定 Soulbound锋利的鱼钩 Sharpened Fish Hook 闪亮的小珠 Shiny Bauble萨拉斯语 Thalassian裁缝 Tailoring魔兽世界 World of Warcraft。









































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打破沉默者Silence Breakers
"The Silence Breakers" who sparked a national outcry over sexual harassment across the US have been named as Time magazine's 2017 Person of the Year.

《时代》将“打破沉默者”(Silence Breakers)定义为今年主动揭露一些社会上最具权势公众人物的性骚扰、性侵甚至强奸行为的个体(come forward this year to expose patterns of sexual harassment, assault and even rape by some of society's most powerful public figures),其中大多数人为女性。

她们中既包括向声名扫地的好莱坞大鳄哈维·温斯坦发难(take on disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein)的多名著名女演员,也包括使用“我也是”标签分享自身经历(share their stories of abuse using the hashtag #MeToo)的普通女性。

《时代》在有关年度人物的报道中称,“打破沉默者”开启了一场拒绝革命,每天都在积蓄力量(start a revolution of refusal, gathering strength by the day)。

仅在过去两个月,她们共同的怒火就已经促成了直接且令人震惊的结果(their collective anger has spurred immediate and shocking results):几乎每天都有首席执行官被解雇、大佬应声倒下、偶像声名扫地。


《时代》周刊主编爱德华·费尔森塔尔称:“这成为了一个标签、一场运动、一次反思(become a hashtag, a movement, a reckoning)。

但它起源于充满勇气的个人行动(individual acts of courage),伟大的社会变化(great social change)大都如此。

最近一期《时代》封面是一张人物合成照(a composite group photograph),其中包括女演员阿什利·贾德、歌手泰勒·斯威夫特和前优步工程师苏珊·福勒。

费尔森塔尔表示,"打破沉默者"为公开的秘密发声(give voice to open secrets),将私下耳语放上社交网络(move whisper networks onto social networks),推动我们所有人停止接受不可接受的事情。

性骚扰sexual harassment
性侵sexual violation/assault
文化反思cultural reckoning
mogul[ˈməʊgl] n-count
A mogul is an important, rich, and powerful businessman, especially one in the news, film, or television industry.
an international media mogul国际传媒大亨
Hollywood movie moguls好莱坞电影业巨头
mogul[ˈməʊgl] n-count
A Mogul was a Muslim ruler in India in the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries.
grope [grəʊp] v.
If you grope for something that you cannot see, you try to find it by moving your hands around in order to feel it.
With his left hand he groped for the knob, turned it, and pulled the door open. 他左手摸索着门把手,转动一下,然后推开门。

Bunbury groped in his breast pocket for his wallet.

grope [grəʊp] v.
If you grope your way to a place, you move there, holding your hands in front of you and feeling the way because you cannot see anything.
I didn't turn on the light, but groped my way across the room.

grope [grəʊp] v.
If you grope for something, for example the solution to a problem, you try to think of it, when you have no real idea what it could be.
He groped for solutions to the problems facing the country.

She groped for a simple word to express a simple idea.

grope [grəʊp] v.
If one person gropes another, they touch or take hold of them in a rough, sexual way.
He would try to grope her breasts and put his hand up her skirt.
