01-DIM 2 Week 1 Lesson 1
1. 获取当前日期和时间在VBA中,可以使用Now函数获取当前日期和时间。
```vbaDim currentDate As DatecurrentDate = Now```2. 获取日期的年、月和日VBA提供了Year、Month和Day函数,分别用于获取日期的年、月和日。
```vbaDim yearValue As IntegeryearValue = Year(currentDate)Dim monthValue As IntegermonthValue = Month(currentDate)Dim dayValue As IntegerdayValue = Day(currentDate)```3. 获取日期的星期几使用Weekday函数可以获取一个日期是星期几。
```vbaDim weekdayValue As IntegerweekdayValue = Weekday(currentDate)```4. 计算日期之间的差异在VBA中,可以使用DateDiff函数计算两个日期之间的差异。
```vbaDim diff As Longdiff = DateDiff("d", startDate, endDate) '计算两个日期之间的天数差异```5. 基于指定格式格式化日期和时间VBA提供了Format函数,用于将日期和时间格式化为特定的形式。
1年级起点外研版1年级下英语m1课文Unit 1: My School DayHello everyone! Welcome back to our English class. Today, we are going to explore the first unit of the Grade 1 Starters level textbook from the Outside Edition. In this unit, we will focus on the topic "My School Day" and dive into the exciting world of learning English. Let's begin!In this unit, students will be introduced to basic English vocabulary and expressions related to their daily school routines. The main aim is to provide young learners with a comprehensive understanding of typical activities and enable them to communicate effectively in English. The lessons are designed to be interactive and engaging, catering to the needs and interests of young learners.The unit consists of several lessons, each highlighting a different aspect of a school day. The lessons are carefully designed to facilitate learning in a progressive manner. In the first few lessons, students will be exposed to simple greetings and introductions, allowing them to practice basic conversation skills. Additionally, they will learn essential vocabulary related to classrooms, subjects, and school supplies.Lesson 1: Morning GreetingsThis lesson introduces students to common morning greetings. They will learn how to greet their teachers and classmates using phrases such as "Good morning" and "Hello." Through interactive activities and role-playing, students will practice their speaking and listening skills in a fun and engaging way.Lesson 2: Classroom ObjectsIn this lesson, students will familiarize themselves with common classroom objects. They will learn the names of objects such as desks, chairs, books, and pencils. Vocabulary games and hands-on activities will enhance their understanding and ensure retention of the new vocabulary.Lesson 3: School SubjectsMoving on, Lesson 3 focuses on school subjects. Students will learn the names of various subjects such as English, Math, Science, and Art. By incorporating visual aids and flashcards, the teacher will assist students in memorizing and recognizing the subjects, fostering their language development.Lesson 4: Daily RoutineLesson 4 brings students' attention to their daily routines. They will learn how to express activities they do throughout the school day, such as eating lunch, having recess, and studying. Through interactive discussions and group activities, students will practice speaking and gain confidence in using the learned expressions.Throughout the unit, the emphasis is not only on vocabulary acquisition but also on developing students' listening, speaking, and reading skills. Carefully selected texts and audio materials enable students to listen to and comprehend simple conversations. This helps them grasp the context and meaning of words and sentences, in turn building their overall comprehension skills.To reinforce learning and provide additional practice, the unit is supplemented with exercises and worksheets. These activities focus on blending language skills, allowing students to apply their knowledge in different contexts. By engaging in various tasks, students will enhance their language acquisition and become more fluent and confident in using English.In conclusion, the Grade 1 Starters level textbook from the Outside Edition provides an engaging and comprehensive curriculum for young learners. Unit 1 introduces students to the topic "My School Day," enabling them to develop a solid foundation in essential English vocabulary and expressions. Through interactive lessons, carefully designed activities, and supplementary materials, students will enjoy the learning journey and gradually build their language skills. So, let's embark on this exciting adventure and make English learning both enjoyable and fruitful!。
粤教版 必修1第一章 数据与信息 综合复习训练(含答案)
粤教版(2019) 必修1第一章数据与信息综合复习训练一、选择题1.列表q=[1,2,3,4,5,6],删除列表数值1,下列代码不能实现此功能的代码是()A.del q[1]B.del q[0]C.q.pop(0)D.ABC都不可以。
2.下列程序执行后的结果是( )。
a=1if a<0:print("a<0")print("a<0")elif a<1:print("0<a<1")else:print("a>=1")A.a<0B.0<a<1C.a>=1D.a>03.调试如下VB程序段,出现如图所示的错误信息。
For i = 1 To 10If d(i) >= 0 Thent=t+1List1.AddItem Str(d(i))Elset=t-1List2.AddItem Str(d(i))Next则该程序段出错的原因是缺少了()A.Next B.i C.For D.End If4.下列选项中,属于Python输出函数的是()。
而能在VBA中直接应用的函数也有几十个,下面将逐一详细介绍常用的40个VBA 函数,以供大家学习参考。
第1.1例 ASC函数一、题目:要求编写一段代码,运行后得到字符串”Excel”的首字母和”e”的ASCII 值。
二、代码:Sub 示例_1_01()Dim myNum1%, myNum2%myNum1 = Asc("Excel") '返回69myNum2 = Asc("e") '返回101[a1] = "myNum1= ": [b1] = myNum1[a2] = "myNum2= ": [b2] = myNum2End Sub三、代码详解1、Sub 示例_1_01():宏程序的开始语句。
2、Dim myNum1%, myNum2%:变量myNum1和myNum2声明为整型变量。
也可以写为 Dim myNum1 As Integer 。
Integer 变量存储为 16位(2 个字节)的数值形式,其范围为 -32,768 到 32,767 之间。
Integer 的类型声明字符是百分比符号 (%)。
3、myNum1 = Asc("Excel"):把Asc函数的值赋给变量myNum1。
Asc函数返回一个 Integer,代表字符串中首字母的字符的ASCII代码。
语法Asc(string)必要的 string(字符串)参数可以是任何有效的字符串表达式。
如果 string 中没有包含任何字符,则会产生运行时错误。
4、myNum2 = Asc("e"):把Asc函数的值赋给变量myNum2。
英语日期缩写各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢英语日期的缩写英语日期写法大全美式英語是要以月/日/年英式英語是要以日/月/年中國語文是以年/月/日January (Jan.) 一月;February (Feb.) 二月;March (Mar.) 三月;April (Apr.) 四月;May (may.)五月;June(Jun.)六月;July(Jul.)七月;August(Aug.)八月;September(Sept.)九月;October(Oct.)十月;November(Nov.)十一月;December(Dec.)十二月. 後面要打點(.)啊常用的星期英文縮寫:星期一:Mon.=Monday 星期二:Tues.=Tuesday 星期三:Wed.=Wednesday 星期四:星期五:星期六:星期天:Thur.=Thurday Fri.=Friday Sat.=Saturday Sun.=Sunday英语中日常用语的缩写和简写英语中日常用语的缩写和简写星期星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SATURDAY=SAT星期天:SUNDAY=SUN月份一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB三月份=MAR 四月份=APR五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC常用词4=FOR=FOREVER(到永远)2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回)BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请)BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD =酬谢REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢ALLRG=过敏军事术语USMC=海军陆战队NA VY=海军AF=AIR FORCE(空军) ARMY=陆军宗教类C=CHRISTIANISM(基督教) J=JUDAISM(犹太教)C=CATHOLICISM(天主教) B=BUDDHISM(佛教)I=ISLAM NR=NO REFERENCE(没有宗教信仰)星座水瓶座:AQUARIUS双鱼座:PISCES白羊座:ARIES金牛座:TAURUS双子座:GEMINI巨蟹座:CANCER狮子座:LEO处女座:VIRGO天秤座:LIBRA天蝎座:SCORPIUS人马座:SAGITTARIUS山羊座:CAPRICORNUS1. 国际性或全美性:UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization)联合国教育科学文化组织例如:(The)UNESCO has made some contributions to the world.NATO北大西洋公约组织。
专业英语☆Elements of 1-36 ☆常用: ppm: parts per million ppb: parts per billion pH: potential of hydrogen 1. 化合物的命名:规则:金属或某些非金属元素+阴离子名称 1MgCl2 magnesium m ɡ’ni:zjm 2NaNO2 sodium ‘naitrait 3KNO3 potassiump’tsim nitrate ‘naitreit 4硝酸 nitric 5NaHCO3 sodium 练习: FeBr2 NH42SO4 NH4H2PO4 KMnO4 亚硫酸 sulfurous acid H2S NO 2 有机物命名 Hydrocarbon{Aliphatic hydrocarbon; Aromatic Hydrocarbon}Aliphatic hydrocarbon 脂肪烃{Alkane 烷; Alkene 烯; Alkyne 炔}Alcohol 醇Aldehyde 醛Ketone ‘ki:tun 酮Carboxylic acid 羧酸Aromatic hydrocarbon 芳香烃{benzene 苯 hydroxybenzene 酚 quinone 醌无机物中关于数字的写法mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- hexa-, hepta-, octa-, nona-, deca-一, 二, 三, 四, 五, 六, 七, 八, 九, 十Hydrogen ‘haidrdn n.氢 Helium ‘hi:ljm n.〈化〉氦 Lithium ‘liθim n.锂 Beryllium b’riljm n.铍Be Boron ‘b:rn n. 硼 Carbon ‘kɑ:bn n. 碳 Diamonds are pure carbon. 钻石是纯净的碳; Nitrogen 氮 Oxygen 氧 Fluorine ‘fluri:n 氟 Neon ni:n n. 〈化〉氖 Sodium ‘sudim n.钠 Magnesiumm ɡ’ni:zjm n.镁 Aluminum ,lju:-‘minjmn. 铝 Silicon ‘silikn n. 硅 Phosphorus ‘fsfrs n. 磷Sulfur ‘slf n.硫磺,硫黄; vt.用硫磺处理 Chlorine ‘kl:ri:nn.〈化〉氯, 氯气 Argon ‘ɑ:ɡn n. 氩 Potassium p’tsim 钾 Calcium ‘klsim 钙 Scandium ‘kndim 钪Sc Titanium tai’teinim 钛 Vanadium v’neidim 钒, Chromium ‘krumjm 铬 Manganese ‘mɡni:z 锰 Iron ‘ain 铁 Cobalt k’b:lt, ’kub:lt 钴Co Nickel ‘nikl 镍 Nickel can be used for making coins. 镍可做成钱币; Copper ‘kp 铜 Copper conducts electricity well. 铜是电的良导体; Zinczik 锌 Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. 黄铜是铜和锌的合金; Gallium ‘ɡlim 镓 Germanium d:’meinim 锗 Arsenic ‘ɑ:snik 砷;三氧化二砷;砒霜 Selenium si’li:nim 硒 Bromine ‘brumi:n 溴 krypton ‘kriptn 氪有机物中关于数字的写法meth-, eth-, prop-, but-, pent-, hex-, 甲乙丙丁戊已hept-, oct-, non-, dec-, cyclo-, poly- 庚辛壬葵环聚练习甲烷乙炔丙酮丁醇戊烷己烯庚醛辛烷2-甲基壬酸 3,5-二乙基癸醇Lesson 1Lithium ‘liθim n.锂Beryllium b’riljm n.铍BeSodium ‘sudim n.钠Potassium p’tsim 钾Rubidium ru:’bidim 铷Caesium ‘si:zim 铯Nucleus‘nju:klis 原子核,是nuclear的复数Halogen‘hldn 卤素general chemistry 普通化学positive‘pztiv ion 阳离子orbital electron 轨道电子effective nuclear charge 有效核电荷atomic radius 原子半径,raddi的复数ionic radius 离子半径negative ion 阴离子electron cloud 电子云单质分子晶体中相邻分子间两个非键合原子核间距离的一半称为范德华半径Lesson 2metallic mi’tlik character‘krikt 金属特性electropositive I’lektru’pztiv a.带正电的Ionization ‘ainai’zein energy 电离能carbon 碳 germaniumd:’meinimtin tin 锡 lead led 铅sodium‘sudim 钠 magnesiummɡ’ni:zjm 镁silicon ‘silikn 硅 chlorine ’kl:ri:n 氯nonmetallic ‘nnmi’tlik.非金属的,非金属ElectronegativityMetallic oxide 金属氧化物Metallic hydroxide hai’drksaid 金属氢氧化物Hydroxyl hai‘drksil ions 氢氧根离子insolublein’sljubl 不溶解的Ionic ai‘nik adj. 离子的Transition element 过渡元素Basicity b’sisiti n. 碱性,碱度Oxyacid ,ksi’sid 含氧酸Carbonate ‘kɑ:bneit 碳酸盐Nitrate ‘naitreit 硝酸盐Sulphate ‘slfeit 硫酸盐 = sulfateAmphoteric ,mf’terik adj.两性的Acid ‘sid n. adj.alkali ‘lklai .Hydration hai’drein 水合作用Hydrolyze ‘haidrlaiz vi. 水解Oxysalt ‘ksis:lt 含氧酸盐Complex 络合物,复合物句子理解1)Metals are electropositive and have a tendency to loss electrons, if suppliedwith energy: M M+ + e. 金属是电正性的,如果供给能量,有失去电子的趋势;2)The stronger this tendency, the more electropositive and more metallic anelement is. 元素失电子趋势越强,其电正性和金属性越强;3)Thus sodium and magnesium are more metallic than silicon, which in turn, ismore metallic than chlorine. 因此,钠和镁的金属性比硅强,以此类推,硅的金属性比氯强;Which 引导非限定定语从句,修饰Silicon4)Oxides, which are insoluble in water, are regarded as basic if they reactwith acids to form salts. 不溶于水的氧化物,如果和酸能够反应生成盐,则认为是碱性的;5)Weakly electropositive elements are unaffected by water and are much lessreadily attacked by acids. 弱电正性的金属不与水反应,且不易与酸反应6)Salts of strongly electropositive metals have little tendency to hydrolyzeand form oxysalts. 强电正性的金属盐水解形成含氧酸盐的趋势很小;It is + adj.+ to: It is advantageous to work at lower temperature It is possible to do sth.It seems advantageous to do sth.It appears useful to do sth.It proves correct to do sth.It becomes obvious to do sth.It is important to do sth.It is clear to do sth. 明显的It is apparent to do sth.显而易见的It is necessary for us to know how to convert energy from one form into another.It is + adj. + thatIt is apparent that the difference between elements is in the structure of their atoms.It is important that the polymerization proceeds under nitrogen atmosphere It is + 过去分词+ thatIt is + believed + thataccepted、mentioned、proposed、found、supposed、recommended、known. It is found that oxygen plays an important role in the reactionIt is + 名词动名词+ that1 It is worth noting mentioning that ……值得一提的是……. It is worth noting that the polymer is highly soluble inorganic solvents.2 It is no use that3 It is a fact that ……事实上It +不及物动词+ tha1)It turns out that…… seems、appears2)It follows that……由此可见…..3)It goes without saying that…... 毫无疑问……. It goes without saying that the material does not have good stability in air.It +系动词+ that 被动句型,See P29It is considered that ……….understood、supposed、suggested 、noticed、preferredIt is generally recognized that ……It can be foreseen that ……It must be stressed that……It has been shown that ……Lesson 3Vocabularylvnaizvt.通电流于;电镀;镀锌于iron‘ain 铁 Zinc zik 锌rusting rsti n 生锈anodic ’ndik adj. 阳极的Scratch skrt vt. & vi.擦伤,刮伤Sacrifice ‘skrifais n. vt. & vi.牺牲, 舍身Magnesium mɡ’ni:zjm n.镁Pipeline ’paiplain n.管道, 管线hull hl n.船体, 船身Consolidate kn’slideit vt. & vi.使巩固; 使加强;合并,统一hydrogen‘haidrdn 氢Copper ‘kp 铜Disproportionate ‘dispr’p:nit adj. 不相称的, 不成比例的, 不均匀的;歧化需掌握的词汇Oxidation-reduction reaction 氧化还原反应iron‘ain 铁 Zinc zik 锌Forward reaction 正向反应spontaneous spn’teinis reaction自发反应anodic protection 阳极保护Magnesium mɡ’ni:zjm n.镁Reduction potential 还原电势Strong oxidizing、reducing agent 强氧化/还原剂Standard electrode potential 标准电极电势hydrogen‘haidrdn 氢Thermodynamic functions 热力学函数Free energy吉布斯自由能Copper ‘kp 铜Disproportionate ‘dispr’p:nit adj. 不相称的, 不成比例的, 不均匀的;歧化Self-oxidizing/reducing agent 自氧化还原剂Ferrous 亚铁Ferric 三价铁句子理解1)Oxidation is the removal of electrons from, and reduction is the additionof electrons to an atom.氧化反应是原子失去电子,而还原反应是原子得到电子;2)Consider the galvanizing of iron, that is coating from with zinc to preventrusting.关于铁的电镀,是用锌作镀层来防止铁锈生成;3)If the galvanized steel 镀锌钢材is scratched, allowing the air to oxidizesome iron, the Fe2+ produced is immediately reduced to iron by the zinc, and rusting does not occur.如果镀锌钢材被刮伤,部分铁被空气氧化,生成的Fe2+可以立即被锌还原成铁,这样避免了锈蚀;4)This information is consolidated into a single diagram, in which the highestoxidation state is written at the left, and the lowest state at the right.这一知识可以统一为专门的图示,即高氧化态写在左边,低氧化态写在右边;5)M aterials which are generally accepted as oxidizing agents have E0 valuesabove + Volts, those such as Fe3+→Fe2+ of about are stable equally oxidizing and reducing, and those below volts becoming increasingly reducing.通常作为氧化剂的材料其还原电势E0大于,以及那些如Fe3+→Fe2+等于的材料是稳定的氧化和还原反应趋势相等,而那些还原电势低于的材料还原性增加;6)Since the zinc reaction in the forward reaction produces a larger negativepotential, that is liberates more energy, the spontaneous reaction is……由于锌的正向反应产生较大的负电势,也即释放较多能量,则自发反应是……Vocabulary’trulim 石油Geologicdi’ldik adj.地质学的Prohibitivepr’hibitiv adj.禁止的,抑制的Homologous h’mlɡsadj.相应的,类似的,同源的Ingenuity‘ndi’njuiti n.机灵, 独创性, 精巧, 灵活性Terminology‘t:mi’nldi n.术语学Acquisition ‘kwi’zinn.获得,获得物Nomenclature nu’meklt n.命名法,术语Systematize‘sistimtaiz v. 系统化Procurement pr’kjumentn.获得,取得Lubricant ‘lju:brikntn.润滑剂Aliphatic ‘li’ftik adj. 脂肪族的Aromatic ‘ru’mtik adj. 芳香物族的benzene‘benzi:n n.苯biological ‘bai’ldikl adj.生物学的isolation‘ais’lein n.隔绝, 孤立, 离析Elaborate I’lbreit adj. 精心制作的, 详细阐述的, 精细 vt.精心制作, 详细阐述v.详细描述Painstaking ‘peinz’teiki n.苦干, 辛苦 adj.辛苦的, 辛勤的, 艰苦的criteria n.标准empirical em’pirikl adj.完全根据经验的, 经验主义的, 化实验式molecular mu’lekjul adj.分子的, 由分子组成的coincide ‘kuin’said with vi. 一致, 符合assignment ’sainmnt n. 分配, 委派, 任务, 作业unambiguous ,nm’biɡjus adj.不含糊的, 明确的Standpoint ‘stndpint n.立场,观点需要掌握的词和短语organic chemistry 有机化学organic compound 有机化合物homologous series of compounds同系物aliphatic compounds 脂族化合物aromatic compounds芳香族化合物benzene derivative 苯衍生物empirical formula 实验式,经验式molecular formula 分子式structural formula 结构式molecular weight 分子量qualitative analysis 定性分析quantitative analysis定量分析常用短语be formed throughbe derived frombe described asbe defined asbe entitledbe divided intoIn summary句子理解1)Once the structural relationships of certain typical members of a particular group or family of compounds are understood, these structural features are understood for any one of the many members of the family, even though some may not be known compounds.一旦了解了某一特定类或族中典型化合物的结构关系,则可以推断这一族中任一化合物的结构特点,包括那些即使未知化合物的结构特点;2)Another important phase of the study of organic chemistry is communication, or exchange of information, among organic chemists.Study 此处为研究 Phase 方面3)This science of nomenclature nu’meklt has received considerable attention during the development of organic chemistry, and it will constitute a second important topic for consideration in connection with each homologous series of compounds to be studied.这种命名法在有机化学的发展过程中受到相当重视 ,它将构成研究每一同系物时要考虑的第二个重要主题4) A third important topic for consideration in connection with each homologous series of compounds is procurement pr’kjument .与各种同系物相关的第三个主题是如何制取该类物质;5)Many organic compounds, as pointed out earlier, are naturally occurring. Itis more often however, to mean the chemical process of changing orconverting an available compound into the desired compound, either in the laboratory or on a larger scale, as in a manufacturing plant.合成一词是指由较小的单元构筑某种分子;然而更常用的是指在实验室或生产规模的,由已知物质转化成所要求的某种物质的化学过程;6)In order that the above conversion of one compound to another may be accomplished, the chemical properties of each compound must be understood. 为使上述转化由一种物质转化成另一种物质能够实现,;7)Again, the solution of this problem would be impossible were it not for the fact that the chemical properties of a family of compounds are documented, thus making it possible to predict the chemical properties of any member of the family, even though a particular member may not be a known compound.再者,如果不是因为已经明确同系物的化学性质,使得预测同系物中任一物质、甚至未知物的化学性质成为可能这一事实,则不可能有解决该问题的方法;8)Isolation procedures are usually followed by the application of certain criteria of purity to the compound isolated.分离过程中通常将特定的纯度标准应用于分离出的化合物;9)The chemist must establish that the isolation procedure has resulted in the elimination of essentially all of the “foreign” molecules from the compound, and that he is dealing with a single molecular species. 化学家必须确定分离过程使大部分异质分子从该化合物中去除,而研究的只是单一分子组成的物质;10)Extensive chemical and physical methods for establishing the order in which atoms are linked together have been worked out.已采取大量的物理、化学方法来确定分子中原子之间的连接方式;Vocabularyhaibridaiz v. 使杂交,杂化Alkanes ’lkein n. 链烷,烷烃Flora ‘fl:r n.某地区或某时期的植物群Fauna ‘f:n n. 动物群,动物区系,动物志Phyla ‘fail n. 生物分类学上的门,语群比语系关系松散的一种语言phylum的复数Assimilation ,simi’leinn.被吸收或同化的过程Segment ‘seɡmnt n. 部分, 片段paraffin‘prfinn.煤油,石蜡,链烷烃divergent dai’v:dnt adj. 有分歧的; 叉开的novice‘nvis n. 新手, 初学者Exasperateiɡ’zɑ:spreit vt. 激怒, 触怒charmtɑ:m n. 魅力, 吸引力魔力, 咒语 vt. 使高兴, 使着迷; 吸引entrenchin’trentvt.牢固地确立…Suffix ‘sfiks n. 后缀, 词尾 vt. 加后缀Derivative di’rivtiv n. 派生物, 引出物adj. 模仿他人的; 衍生的; 派生的Prefix ‘pri:fiks n. 前缀 vt. 在…前加上Alkyl ‘lkil n. 烷基,烃基 adj. 烷基的Secondary-butyl 仲丁基tertiary tert-‘t:ri adj. 第三的, 第三级的Pentyl ‘pentil n. 戊烷基Isopentyl ,ais’pentil n.异戊基Neopentyl ,ni:u’pentil n. 新戊烷基应掌握的词汇和术语,烷烃alkene‘lki:n n. 烯烃,链烯Alkyne‘lkain n.炔Hybridize ‘haibridaiz v. 使杂交,杂化Derivative di’rivtiv n. 派生物, 引出物Alkyl ‘lkil n. 烷基,烃基 adj. 烷基的Secondary-butyl 仲丁基tertiary tert-‘t:ri adj. 第三的, 第三级的Pentyl ‘pentil n. 戊烷基Isopentyl ,ais’pentil n.异戊基Neopentyl ,ni:u’pentil n. 新戊烷基Saturated hydrocarbons 饱和烃Homologous series同系物Side chains 侧链,支链句子理解1)The classification of compounds into families, in which the members possesssimilar structures and similar chemical properties, provides one of the important generalizing principles of organic chemistry.有机化合物分成族的分类方法为有机化学提供了一个重要的普遍法则,每一族的所有成员具有相似的结构和化学性质;2)The first of these families classes to be discussed is called the alkanesor paraffin hydrocarbons, the term paraffin having been chosen because of the general chemical inertness of these compounds Latin, parum affinis, “slight affinity”.praffin ‘prfinn.煤油,石蜡,链烷烃 inertness 惰性affinis ‘finis近缘的 affinity ’finiti 密切关系, 亲合力3)Similarly, the members of any particular class of organic compounds do notshow identical physical or chemical behavior, although, in general, the similarities are striking.类似地,尽管任何一族有机化合物的成员其物理化学性质不完全一致,但通常它们的相似性是惊人的;4)By means of : 用,以,依靠To weld 焊接 metals is possible by means of heat produced by a current. 利用电流产生的热可以焊接金属;5)by all means的意思是“一定”、“无论如何”、“用一切手段”;例:You must bring him here by all means.This project must be realized by all means.by all means亦可用于回答,表示有礼貌的同意,作“好的”、“当然可以”;May I have one—Yes,by all means.我可以拿一个吗——当然可以;6)By no means的意思是“决不”,相当于not at all.She is by no means bright.她一点儿也不聪明;I will by no means consent.我决不同意;请注意下列三点:by all means和by no means的 means永远用复数形式;by all means与by all manner of means通用;by no means 可与 by no manner of means换用,但后者只作特别强调,不如前者普遍;by any means的意思是“总之”;by some means or other的意思是“用某种方式或方法”;7)Locate the longest continuous chain of atoms in the formula for the compound. 找出化合物分子式中最长链的原子8)Name the compound as a derivative of the hydrocarbon, which corresponds tothis longest continuous chain of carbon atoms.derivative di’rivtiv adj.引出的 n.派生物, 派生词命名该化合物为与最长链碳原子数相符的烃衍生物;9)Locate all side chains by number so that the sum of number has the lowestpossible value.用数字确定所有支链位置,使支链位置的数字尽可能有最小值; 10)Name all side chains as prefixes by dropping “ane” from the name of thehydrocarbon having the same number of carbon atoms as the side chain, and adding “yl”. 把所有支链作为前缀,通过将具有相同碳原子数烃的名字中的-ane 去掉后加上-yl来命名该支链;Example: 2,4-dimethyl-3-ethylhexane生词和词组Methane ‘meein n. 化甲烷, 沼气Bond angles 键角parent 父母,根源fades into 减弱brethren‘breern n 弟兄们, 同胞.Primeval prai’mi:vl adj. 原始的broth br: n. 肉汤M orphine m:fi:n n. 吗啡peptide ‘peptaid n. 缩氨酸symmetrical si’metrikl adj. 对称的, 均匀的tetrahedral ‘tetr’hedrl adv. 有四面的, 四面体的depict di’pikt vt.描述, 描写Symmetry ‘simitri n. 对称, 匀称Representation ‘reprizen’tein n. 表示法, 表现, 陈述, 请求, 扮演, 画像, 继承, 代表Fashion ‘fn n. 样子, 方式, 流行,vt. 形成, 造, 作, 把...塑造成, 使适应, 使适合, 改变ideality ‘aidi’liti n. 理想ethane ‘eein n. 化乙烷Conformational Isomerism 构象异构化‘knf:`meinl adj. 化构象的Isomerism ai’smrizm n. 异性three-quarters view 侧视head-on view 正视eclipse I’klips n. 食, 日蚀, 月蚀, 蒙蔽, 衰落vt. 引起日蚀, 引起月蚀, 超越, 使黯然失色stagger ‘stg v. 摇晃, 交错, 摇摆 adj. 交错的Isomer ‘aisum n. 异构体subtle ‘stl adj. 狡猾的, 敏感的, 微妙的, 精细的, 稀薄的twisting ‘twisti 扭曲Conformers 顺式异构体Rotamers 旋转异构体eclipsed conformation 重叠构象staggered conformation 交叉构象intuitively 直觉得interference ’int‘firns n. 冲突, 干涉Intramolecular ’intrm‘lekjul 作用存在、发生于分子内的nonbonded interference 非成键干扰nonbonded strain 非成键张力ordinary room temperature 普通室温interconversion互换现象conformations构型interconversion of the conformations 构型互换需要掌握的词和词组Methane 甲烷bond angles键角molecular formula 分子式sp3-hybridized carbon atomsymmetrical molecule 对称的分子tetrahedral symmetry 四面体对称Ethane乙烷three-dimensional molecule三维分子molecular weight 分子量Isomers 异构体absolute zero 绝度零度ordinary room temperatue 普通室温thermal energy 热能句子理解1)It is the smallest stable organic molecule, and its size fades intoinsignificance when compared with some of its larger brethren.它是最小的稳定的有机分子,与其他较大的同系物比较,它的大小显得重要;fade into 变暗淡,渐渐退去2)On the basis of abundant experimental evidence, methane is now recognizedto be a symmetrical si’metrikl molecule in which the four hydrogens are attached to the central carbon by tetrahedrally ‘tetr’hedrli directed bonds of equal length.以大量的实验证据为基础,现在认为甲烷是对称分子,其中四个氢原子以相等的长度按照四面体定向连接在中心碳原子上;3)The hydrogens are said to be equivalent, for each one is related to theremainder of the molecule in precisely the same fashion.这些氢原子是等价的,因为分子中的每一个氢原子都精确地按照同样的方式与其余原子相联系;be said to be 被说成是 have to be said 不得不说4)Two of the bonds in the molecule have slightly more p character than a sp3hybrid orbital provides, and two of the bonds have slightly less.分子中的两个键比sp3杂化轨道提供的键具有稍强的P轨道特性,而另外两个键则有稍弱的P 轨道特性;5)Fortunately, the departure from strict tetrahedral geometry is usually no more than a few degrees in most compounds containing sp3-type-hybridized carbon atoms.幸运地是,在大多数包含sp3杂化碳原子的化合物中,偏离严格意义的四面体几何结构通常不过几度;no more……than=和……一样不否定两者not less……than=不如……不指不如 less 后形容词的反面no less……than=和……一样肯定两者例:You are more careful than he is. 你比他仔细;You are not more careful than he is. 你不如他仔细;You are no more careful than he is. 你和他一样不仔细;You are less careful than he is. 你不如他仔细你比他粗心;You are not less careful than he is. 你比他仔细你不如他粗心;You are no less careful than he is. 你和他一样仔细;6)Consequently, the general statements containing the structure and chemistry of these compounds need not be significantly modified by these small departures from ideality.因此,在一般的论述这些化合物的结构和化学性质时无需特意修正这种小偏差;7)The two-carbon called ethane has the molecular formula C2H6 and contains two sp3-hybridized carbons.含有两个C的烷烃称为乙烷,它的分子式为C2H6,含有两个sp3杂化碳原子;8)Let us, for the moment, concentrate our attention on just one of thepossibilities, specifically the one shown in Fig. 1, in which the hydrogen of CH3 groups as close to each other as possible. 现在,让我们注意其中一种可能的情况,特别是图1中的那种,甲基中的氢原子都是尽可能地互相靠近;9)This structure can be represented reprizentid by a “three-quarters view”or by a “head-on view”, in which the viewer looks directly down the axis of the carbon-carbon bond often referred to Newman projection.这种结构可以由3/4视图或正视图来表示,正视图是指观察者直接沿着碳-碳键轴观察通常指纽曼投影图10)Quite clearly, the hydrogens on the “front” CH3 group are directly in frontof the hygrogens on the “back” CH3 group, eclipsing them.很清楚,前面甲基中的碳原子直接位于后面甲基中碳原子的前面,遮住了它们;11)A more subtle kind of isomerism is illustrated by the eclipsed and staggered forms of ethane.一种更微妙的异构现象是乙烷表现出的重叠构象和交叉构象;12)They are said to be conformational isomers also called conformers or rotamers;any particular twist form is called conformation. 它们被称为构象异构体也叫顺式异构或旋转异构;任何特定的扭曲形式都称为构象;13)The idea that the staggered conformation is at a lower energy level than the eclipsed conformation is intuitively appealing, for the greater distance between the hydrogens in the staggered conformation produces less interference between the hydrogens than in the eclipsed conformation. 交叉构象比重叠构象能量低这一观点是直观的,因为交叉构象中原子之间的较大距离产生的干扰比重叠构象的干扰小;主语idea,系词is 表语 appealing令人感兴趣的that 从句做后置定语修饰ideaFor引导原因状语从句原因状语从句中the great distance 做主语Produces做谓语14)Intramolecular encounter of this sort is often called “nonbonded”interference, indicating that the interacting groups ., the hydrogens in thecase of ethane are not directly bonded: the strain arising from this encounter is called “nonbonded strain”.这种分子内的相互作用通常被称为非成键干扰,表明相互作用的基团不是直接成键的:由这种分子内的相互作用引起的应力称为非键合应力;15)The staggered conformation, lower in energy, will always be more heavily populated than the eclipsed conformation, but the lifetime of any particular molecule in any particular conformation will be short <10-6 sec. 交叉构象,由于能量较低,将总是比重叠构象更占优势,但是任何构象的寿命都很短小于10-6秒;生词:’mlikju:l 高分子polymer ‘plim 聚合物体molecular mu’lekjul adj.分子的dimer ‘daim n.二聚物trimer ‘traim 三聚体,三聚物tetramer ‘tetrm n.四聚物synthetic sin’θetik adj. 合成的, 人造的ellulose ‘seljulus n.纤维素Protein ‘pruti:n n. 蛋白质hypothesis hai’pθisisn.假说, 假设, 前提Laureate ‘l:riit n.资金荣誉获得者Fiber ‘faib 纤维Fabric ‘fbrik 织物, 布Vulcanization vlknai’zein n橡胶硫化Merit ‘meritn.长处, 优点Polysaccharide pli’skraidn.多醣,聚糖, solubility ,slju’biliti 可溶解性;Fusibility 可熔性Graphite ‘ɡrfait n. 石墨Configuration kn,fiɡju’rein n.形状, 外貌Asymmetric si’metrikadj.不均匀,不对称的Enantiomer I’nntiumn.对映结构体Isotactic ,aisu’tktikadj.全规的,全同立构的Syndiotactic ,sindiu’tktikadj.间规立构的Atactic ’tktikadj.不规则的,不合语法的Steric ,stirik,,sterik n.原子空间排列的Amorphous ’m:fs adj.无固定形状的,非结晶的应掌握的词汇和术语’mlikju:l n.高分子natural polymers 天然聚合物Plastic ‘plɑ:stik 塑料; Rubber ‘rb n.合成橡胶synthetic fiber人造纤维 Cellulose ‘seljulus纤维素protein ‘pruti:n n. 蛋白质 Fiber ‘faib 纤维Molecular weight 分子量 Addition polymer 加聚物Condensation polymer 缩聚物Chain reaction 连锁反应需掌握的词汇’lriti n. 摩尔浓度Normality n:’mliti n. 当量浓度Equivalent weight n.当量Mole 摩尔Molar concentration 摩尔浓度Millimole 毫摩尔Milliliter 毫升Sodium chloride 氯化钠Standard solution 标准溶液Primary standard 基准物Sodium bicarbonate 碳酸氢钠Sodium carbonate 碳酸钠Hydrochloric acid 盐酸生词’sesbl adj. 容易取得的, 容易达到的Spectrum ‘spektrm n. 光谱, 来自拉丁语原意:外貌,像,牛顿1671年专用来指光谱;Spectra是spectrum的复数类似:Datum 数据,资料;data 是datum的复数Erratum 印刷或书写的错误,勘误表,errata Pl.memorandum 备忘录 memoranda Pl.Miscellaneous method ‘misi’leinjs 其它方法Polarimetry ‘pul’rimitri n.偏振法,旋光测定需掌握的词汇:化学动力学Thermodynamic ,θ:mudai’nmik equillibrium热力学平衡Pressure 压力As a function of 作为…的函数nitrogenV oxides五氧化二磷Gas phase 气相Spectroscopy spek’trskpi n. 光谱学,波谱学Bromine ‘brumi:n n. 溴HBr = hydrogen bromideElectrochemical method 电化学方法Conductivity 电导率Electrode 电极Titration tai’trein 滴定M ass spectrometry spek‘trmitri 质谱Gas chromatography ‘krum’tɡrfi 气相色谱分析M agnetic resonance ‘reznns 磁共振N M R = nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振Analytical techniques 分析技术Real time analysis 实时分析Quenching method 骤停熄法Flow method 流动法The rates of chemical reactions 化学反应速率Catalyst 催化剂Mechanisms of reactions 反应机理elementary reaction 基元反应,单元反应Reactive collision活性碰撞Reactive encounter 活性碰撞Stoichiometry ,stiki’mitri n. 化学计算法;化学计量学Overall reaction 总包反应Rate law 速率定律Rate constant / rate coefficient 速率常数The rate law of the reaction 反应速率定律The order of a reaction 反应级数The overall order of a reaction反应总级数Nitrogen II oxide NO2Logarithm ‘lɡriθm n. 对数数学表达式5乘3等于15; Five times three is fifteen./ 5 multiplied by 3 is 15.2的6次方是64. The six power of two is 64./ 64 is two to the power of six.。
小学上册英语第2单元真题试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.This book is very ______. (interesting)2.Which planet is closest to the sun?A. EarthB. MercuryC. VenusD. Mars答案:B3.What do we use to clean our teeth?A. SoapB. ToothbrushC. ShampooD. Towel答案: B4.My uncle has a __________. (商店)5.My dad is a strong __________ (支持者) of my dreams.6. A ____ is a small mammal that digs in dirt.7.I like to _____ (跑步) in the morning.8.The first successful heart-lung transplant was performed in ________.9.Chemical reactions can be classified as ________ or endothermic.10.How many days are there in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight答案: C. Seven11.Some _______ like to grow in water.12.The jellyfish floats gracefully in the ______ (水).13.The ________ was a major crisis in the Cuban Missile Crisis.14.My uncle enjoys __________ (户外活动).15.The river is _______ (sparkling) in the sunlight.16.She is _____ (wearing/taking) a red dress.17.What is the name of the famous American author known for "Moby Dick"?A. Mark TwainB. Herman MelvilleC. Nathaniel HawthorneD. Edgar Allan Poe答案: B18.His favorite color is ________.19.hills) provide scenic views. The ____20.The kitten plays with a ______.21._____ (植物维护) ensures their health and beauty.22.My grandpa tells me __________ (关于战争的故事).23.My favorite hobby is ______ (gardening).24.What is the opposite of "dark"?A. LightB. DimC. BrightD. Faint答案: A25.The _____ (狮子) is a powerful predator.26.The __________ (历史的辉煌) showcases human achievement.27.The city of Vilnius is the capital of _______.28. A horse can gallop very ________________ (快).29.She is wearing a beautiful ___. (necklace)30.I enjoy baking ______ (饼干) during the holidays with my family.31. A _____ (植物教学) can engage students in science.32.I think it’s essential to have a positive attitude. It helps us face challenges with optimism and resilience. I try to stay positive even when things get tough.33.The _____ (orchid) has many varieties.34.I like to watch ________ about nature.35.The flowers in the garden look _______ and bright.36.My uncle is very __________ (关心的) about his family.37.The puppy is ______ around the house. (running)38.province) is a division of a country. The ____39.The _____ (铁路) connects cities.40.The process of separating a solid from a liquid using a filter is called _______.41.The _______ (The Cuban Revolution) led to a communist government in Cuba.42.The ________ is a gentle creature that lives in the water.43.Many plants grow well in _______ soil.44.We enjoy _____ games on the weekends. (board)45.stakeholder meeting) engages key players in discussions. The ____46.I like to ______ (参与) in community service projects.47.What is the term for a story that teaches a lesson?A. FableB. MythC. LegendD. Novel答案: A48.I can ___ (tie) my shoelaces.49.My cousin is a great ____ (swimmer).50.The book is _____ (interesting/boring).51. A chemical that can form salts is called a ______.52.The ______ (鸽子) is often seen in city parks.53.What do you call a person who studies philosophy?A. PhilosopherB. ThinkerC. ScholarD. Academic答案: A54.The _______ can change with the seasons.55.Turtles can hide in their ______ (壳).56.The periodic table organizes elements by their _____.57.My grandma is very . (我奶奶很。
VBA中常用的日期时间数据类型有以下几种:1. Date类型:用于表示日期,包括年、月、日;存储精确到秒级。
2. Time类型:用于表示时间,包括小时、分钟、秒;存储精确到秒级。
3. DateTime类型:用于表示日期和时间,包括年、月、日、小时、分钟、秒;存储精确到秒级。
使用格式为yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss或yyyy-mm-ddhh:mm:ss。
1. DateAdd函数:用于在指定的日期或时间上添加或减去一段时间间隔。
其基本语法为DateAdd(interval, number, date),其中interval表示时间间隔,如"yyyy"表示年,"m"表示月,"d"表示天,"h"表示小时,"n"表示分钟,"s"表示秒;number表示要添加或减去的数量;date表示指定的日期或时间。
例如,可以使用DateAdd("m", 1, Now)在当前日期上加上一个月。
2. DateDiff函数:用于计算两个日期或时间之间的时间间隔。
其基本语法为DateDiff(interval, date1, date2),其中interval表示时间间隔,如"yyyy"表示年,"m"表示月,"d"表示天,"h"表示小时,"n"表示分钟,"s"表示秒;date1和date2表示两个日期或时间。
1 unit2 第一课时
G:Is he strict ? J:No. He’s funny . What do you do on Thursdays, grandpa? G:Oh,I have a cooking class with your grandma! J:Haha!
Look and write
3. I like __M__or_a_l_E_d_u_c_at_i_on__(思想品德课) and ___S_o_c_ia_l_S_t_u_d_ie_s__(社会课).
4. Today is ___T_h_ur_s_d_a_y_ (星期四), ___W_h_a_t_d_a_y_i_s_i_t _t_om__or_r_o_w__ (明天是星期几)?
B: I have
Warming up
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
∕´mʌndei∕ ∕´tju:zdei∕ ∕´wenzdei∕ ∕´θə:zdei∕ ∕´fraidei∕ ∕´sætədei∕ ∕´sʌndei∕
We have music.
—What do you have on
—I have
Let’s choose
1. She often does __B__ homework on the weekend. A. my B. her C. his
学习外国朋友吃中国美食的单元计划英文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Let's Learn Chinese Cuisine with Our Foreign Friends!Hi guys, today I'm going to share with you a fun and exciting unit plan on learning Chinese cuisine with our foreign friends. Are you ready? Let's get started!1. Introduction:- Start by introducing the concept of Chinese cuisine to our foreign friends. Explain the history, cultural significance, and diversity of Chinese dishes.- Show them pictures and videos of popular Chinese dishes such as dim sum, hot pot, and Peking duck.2. Vocabulary Building:- Teach our foreign friends some basic Chinese food vocabulary such as "baozi" (steamed bun), "jiaozi" (dumplings), and "congee" (rice porridge).- Practice pronunciation and spelling of these words through fun games and activities.3. Cooking Class:- Hold a cooking class where our foreign friends can learn how to make traditional Chinese dishes. Divide them into groups and assign each group a dish to prepare.- Provide them with recipes, ingredients, and cooking instructions. Supervise and assist them as they cook.4. Taste Test:- After the dishes are cooked, have a taste test where everyone can sample each other's creations. Encourage our foreign friends to try new flavors and textures.- Discuss the differences and similarities between Chinese cuisine and their own cultural dishes.5. Cultural Exchange:- Organize a cultural exchange session where our foreign friends can share their own traditional dishes with us. Have them explain the ingredients, cooking methods, and significance of their dishes.- Encourage open dialogue and mutual appreciation of each other's culinary traditions.6. Presentation:- To conclude the unit, have our foreign friends give a presentation on what they have learned about Chinese cuisine. They can share their favorite dishes, cooking techniques, and cultural insights.- Provide feedback and commend them on their efforts in embracing a new culinary experience.By the end of this unit, our foreign friends will have gained a deeper appreciation and understanding of Chinese cuisine. They will have not only learned new cooking skills but also forged stronger bonds with us through the shared love of food. Let's continue to explore the world of culinary diversity together! Thank you for joining me on this delicious adventure.篇2Title: Let's Learn About Chinese Food with Our Foreign Friends!Hey guys! Do you know what's super cool? Learning about different countries and cultures through their delicious food!Today, we are going to plan a fun unit to teach our foreign friends all about Chinese cuisine.First, we will start by introducing our friends to the four main regional cuisines of China: Sichuan, Cantonese, Shandong, and Huaiyang. We will teach them about the different flavors and cooking styles of each cuisine, and maybe even show them some cool videos or pictures of famous Chinese dishes.Next, we will plan a cooking class where we can teach our friends how to make some traditional Chinese dishes. We can choose easy recipes like fried rice, dumplings, or spring rolls, and help our friends learn all about Chinese ingredients and cooking techniques. It will be so much fun to cook together and taste our delicious creations!After our cooking class, we can organize a Chinese food tasting party where our friends can try different Chinese dishes and snacks. We can set up a mini buffet with dishes like kung pao chicken, sweet and sour pork, and hot pot, and let our friends experience the amazing flavors of Chinese food. We can also teach them how to use chopsticks and share some fun facts about Chinese dining customs.To wrap up our unit, we can create a mini cookbook with all the recipes we learned and tried together. Our friends can take ithome as a souvenir and keep practicing their Chinese cooking skills. We can also exchange recipes with them and learn about their own traditional dishes.Learning about Chinese food is not only delicious but also a great way to connect with our foreign friends and show them how much we appreciate their culture. Let's get ready for an exciting journey of food and friendship!So are you guys excited? Let's get started and have an amazing time learning about Chinese food with our foreign friends! Let's go!篇3Title: Learning to Eat Chinese Food with Foreign FriendsHey guys! Today I'm going to tell you about our super cool plan to teach our foreign friends all about Chinese food. It's gonna be so much fun!First, we are going to start off by introducing them to some basic Chinese dishes like fried rice, dumplings, and noodles. We'll show them how to use chopsticks and teach them some basic Chinese table manners. It's going to be hilarious watching them try to pick up the food with chopsticks for the first time!Next, we are going to take them to a Chinese grocery store so they can see all the different ingredients we use in our dishes. We'll teach them how to read the labels and pick out the best quality ingredients. They might be a little confused at first, but we'll help them out.After that, we'll invite them over to our house for a cooking class. We'll show them how to make some simple Chinese dishes from scratch. They'll get to chop vegetables, mix sauces, and fry up some tasty food. It's going to be messy, but so much fun!Finally, we'll have a big Chinese feast where our friends can try all the dishes we made together. They'll get to taste all the flavors of Chinese cuisine and see how delicious it is. They might even ask for seconds!By the end of our unit, our foreign friends will be experts at eating Chinese food. They'll know all the best dishes, how to use chopsticks like a pro, and they'll have a new appreciation for Chinese culture. It's going to be an awesome experience for all of us!I can't wait to get started on our plan and teach our friends all about Chinese food. It's going to be so much fun and I know they'll love it. Let's do this!篇4Title: Let's Learn About Chinese Food with Our Foreign Friends!Hey everyone! Today I'm super excited to share with you our plan to teach our foreign friends about Chinese food. It's gonna be so much fun and we're gonna learn a lot too! Here's our unit plan for the lesson:Week 1: Introduction to Chinese Food- Start by introducing our foreign friends to some popular Chinese dishes like dumplings, fried rice, and noodles.- Show them pictures of the different types of Chinese food and teach them the names in Chinese.- Talk about the ingredients used in Chinese cooking and their importance in making the food taste delicious.Week 2: Learning to Cook Chinese Food- Have a cooking class where we teach our friends how to make dumplings from scratch.- Show them how to roll out the dough, fill the dumplings with meat and veggies, and fold them up.- Let them have a go at making their own dumplings and cooking them in a hot pan.Week 3: Chinese Food Culture- Talk about the importance of food in Chinese culture and how meal times are a time for family and friends to gather.- Teach them about Chinese dining etiquette like using chopsticks and not playing with their food.- Show them some Chinese table manners and teach them how to say "thank you" in Chinese when they finish their meal.Week 4: Tasting Chinese Food- Take our foreign friends to a Chinese restaurant where they can try a variety of dishes like sweet and sour pork, Kung Pao chicken, and egg rolls.- Encourage them to try new foods and flavors and share their thoughts on what they liked best.- Have a little food tasting party where everyone can sample different Chinese snacks and treats.I can't wait to start this unit with our foreign friends! It's gonna be so much fun and we'll all learn a lot about Chinese food and culture together. Let's get cooking and eating!篇5Title: Unit Plan: Learning about Chinese Food with Foreign FriendsHey everyone, today I am going to tell you about our exciting new unit plan where we will be learning about Chinese food with our foreign friends! It's going to be so much fun and we will get to try lots of yummy food together.Week 1: Introduction to Chinese FoodIn the first week, we will learn about the different types of Chinese food such as dumplings, noodles, rice dishes, andstir-fries. We will also learn about the ingredients that are commonly used in Chinese cooking like soy sauce, ginger, and garlic.Week 2: Cooking Chinese FoodDuring this week, we will have a cooking class where we will learn how to make some traditional Chinese dishes. We will work in groups with our foreign friends and follow a recipe to make dumplings or fried rice. It will be great fun and we will get to eat our delicious creations!Week 3: Chinese Food Around the WorldIn week 3, we will learn about how Chinese food has spread around the world and how it has been adapted in different countries. We will talk to our foreign friends about the Chinese food they eat in their home countries and compare it to the food we eat here.Week 4: Chinese Food CultureDuring the final week of the unit, we will learn about the cultural significance of food in Chinese society. We will learn about the importance of sharing meals with family and friends, and the traditions that are associated with Chinese food.At the end of the unit, we will have a Chinese food festival where we will cook and share our favorite Chinese dishes with our foreign friends. It will be a great way to celebrate everything we have learned and to enjoy some delicious food together.I can't wait to get started on this unit plan and to learn more about Chinese food with our foreign friends. It's going to be a great experience and I'm sure we will have lots of fun along the way!篇6Unit Plan: Learning about Chinese Food with Foreign FriendsHello everyone! Today I want to share with you a super fun unit plan for learning about Chinese food with our foreign friends. It's going to be so cool to introduce them to our yummy dishes and teach them all about our food culture. Let's get started!Lesson 1: Introduction to Chinese FoodIn this lesson, we will talk about the different types of Chinese cuisine like Sichuan, Cantonese, and Shandong. We will show our foreign friends pictures of popular Chinese dishes like dumplings, noodles, and Peking duck. We can also bring in some food samples for them to try so they can get a taste of our delicious food.Lesson 2: Chinese Food IngredientsIn this lesson, we will teach our friends about the common ingredients used in Chinese cooking like soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and rice vinegar. We can do a fun activity where they match the ingredients to the dishes they are used in. We can also have them taste each ingredient to learn about the flavors they add to our food.Lesson 3: Cooking Chinese FoodIn this lesson, we will show our friends how to cook some simple Chinese dishes like fried rice, stir-fried vegetables, and sweet and sour chicken. We will teach them important cooking techniques like stir-frying, steaming, and braising. We can have them try their hand at cooking these dishes themselves and have a mini cooking competition to see who makes the tastiest dish.Lesson 4: Chinese Food CultureIn this lesson, we will talk about the importance of food in Chinese culture and how it brings families and friends together. We will share stories about Chinese food traditions like eating dumplings on Chinese New Year and the significance of certain dishes for special occasions. We can also show them videos of Chinese food markets and street food vendors to give them a glimpse of our food culture.Lesson 5: Chinese Food Tasting PartyIn this final lesson, we will have a Chinese food tasting party where our friends can try a variety of Chinese dishes that we have prepared. We can set up different food stations with dishes from different regions of China so they can experience the diversity of Chinese cuisine. We can also have them share their thoughts on the food they have tried and what their favorite dishes are.I hope you guys are excited about this unit plan as I am! I can't wait to see our foreign friends try our delicious Chinese food and learn more about our food culture. Let's make this a fun and tasty learning experience for everyone!篇7Unit Plan: Learning Chinese Cuisine with Foreign FriendsHey everyone! I’m so excited to share our upcoming unit plan on learning about Chinese cuisine with our foreign friends. It’s going to be so much fun exploring new dishes, flavors, and cooking techniques together. Let’s dive into the details of our plan!Week 1: Introduction to Chinese Cuisine- We will start by discussing the importance of food in Chinese culture and how cuisine varies in different regions of China. We will watch videos and look at pictures of popular Chinese dishes.- Our foreign friends will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their favorite dishes from their own countries.Week 2: Basic Ingredients and Cooking Techniques- In this week, we will learn about common ingredients used in Chinese cooking such as soy sauce, ginger, and garlic. We will also practice basic cooking techniques like stir-frying and steaming.- Our foreign friends will have the chance to taste different ingredients and try their hand at cooking simple Chinese dishes.Week 3: Regional Cuisines of China- We will explore the unique flavors and dishes from different regions of China, such as Sichuan, Cantonese, and Hunan cuisine. We will learn about the key ingredients and cooking styles of each region.- Our foreign friends will get to taste dishes from each region and compare the flavors and textures.Week 4: Cooking Chinese Dishes- In our final week, we will put our new skills to the test and cook some traditional Chinese dishes together. We will work in small groups to prepare a full meal using the recipes we have learned.- Our foreign friends will showcase their cooking abilities and we will all sit down to enjoy the delicious feast we have created together.I can’t wait to start this unit and share the joy of Chinese cuisine with our foreign friends. Let’s get ready to cook up some tasty dishes and make some unforgettable memories together!篇8Title: Let’s Explore Chinese Cuisine with Foreign FriendsHey guys! Are you ready to learn about Chinese food and introduce it to our foreign friends? It’s going to be so much fun! Here’s a plan for our unit about learning and trying out Chinese cuisine with our international buddies.Week 1: Introduction to Chinese Cuisine- We will start by learning about the different types of Chinese dishes like noodles, dumplings, stir-fries, and soups.- We will watch videos and look at pictures of famous Chinese dishes.- We will discuss the importance of food in Chinese culture and how it brings people together.- We will share our favorite Chinese dishes with each other.Week 2: Cooking Class- We will have a special cooking class where we will learn how to make popular Chinese dishes like fried rice, spring rolls, and sweet and sour chicken.- We will work in teams with our foreign friends to prepare the dishes.- We will learn about the key ingredients used in Chinese cooking and how to use them properly.Week 3: Dinner Party- We will invite our foreign friends to a Chinese dinner party at school.- We will set up tables with red tablecloths and decorate the room with Chinese lanterns.- We will serve the dishes we learned to make in the cooking class and share traditional Chinese tea with our guests.- We will teach our friends how to use chopsticks and share the customs of eating in Chinese culture.Week 4: Chinese Food Tasting- We will visit a Chinese restaurant in our neighborhood with our foreign friends.- We will try out different dishes like Peking duck, hot pot, and dim sum.- We will learn how to order food in Chinese and show our friends how to eat the dishes properly.- We will have a great time trying new foods and experiencing Chinese cuisine together.Isn’t this going to be an awesome unit, guys? I can’t wait to learn and share Chinese food with our international friends. Let’s get ready to explore the delicious world of Chinese cuisine! Let’s do this!篇9Unit Plan: Learning Chinese Food with Foreign FriendsHey everyone! Today I want to tell you about our super cool unit plan for learning Chinese food with our foreign friends. It's going to be so much fun and we'll get to try lots of yummy dishes from China. Let's get started!Week 1: Introduction to Chinese Food- We'll start off by talking about the different types of Chinese food, like noodles, dumplings, and rice dishes.- We'll watch some videos and look at pictures of popular Chinese dishes.- Our foreign friends can share what they know about Chinese food and we can teach them some new things too.Week 2: Cooking Class- We'll have a special cooking class where we can learn how to make some Chinese dishes, like fried rice or spring rolls.- Our foreign friends can help us and we can teach them some basic Chinese cooking techniques.- We'll all get to try each other's dishes and have a big feast together.Week 3: Food Tasting- We'll have a food tasting session where we can try lots of different Chinese snacks and treats.- Our foreign friends can bring some snacks from their country for us to try too.- We'll talk about the flavors and textures of the food and learn about the different ingredients used in Chinese cooking.Week 4: Field Trip to a Chinese Restaurant- We'll go on a field trip to a local Chinese restaurant and try some authentic Chinese dishes.- Our foreign friends can help us order food and we can teach them how to use chopsticks.- We'll have a great time trying new foods and practicing our Chinese language skills.Week 5: Cultural Exchange- We'll have a cultural exchange day where we can share our own food traditions with our foreign friends.- We can bring in dishes from our own cultures and teach our friends how to make them.- We'll learn about the similarities and differences between Chinese food and other types of cuisine.I hope you're all excited for our unit plan on learning Chinese food with our foreign friends. It's going to be a delicious and educational experience that we'll never forget. Let's get cooking and tasting some amazing dishes together!篇10Unit Plan: Learning Chinese Cuisine with Foreign FriendsHey everyone! Have you ever thought about sharing Chinese cuisine with your foreign friends? In this unit, we are going to learn about different types of Chinese food and how to cook them. It's going to be so much fun!Lesson 1: Introduction to Chinese CuisineWe will start by learning about the history of Chinese food and why it is so important to Chinese culture. We will also talk about the different regions in China and the unique dishes they are known for.Lesson 2: Popular Chinese DishesIn this lesson, we will explore some of the most popular Chinese dishes, such as Kung Pao Chicken, Peking Duck, and Dim Sum. We will learn how to pronounce the names of these dishes and what ingredients are commonly used.Lesson 3: Cooking Chinese FoodNow it's time to roll up our sleeves and get cooking! We will learn how to make some simple Chinese dishes, like fried rice, stir-fried vegetables, and dumplings. We will also practice using chopsticks and eating etiquette.Lesson 4: Sharing Chinese Food with FriendsIn our final lesson, we will invite our foreign friends to a Chinese food party! We will cook a variety of dishes together and share our knowledge of Chinese cuisine with them. It will be a great way to celebrate our new learned skills!I hope you are excited to learn about Chinese cuisine with your foreign friends. Let's get cooking!。
小学上册英语第2单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Rocks can be classified into three types: igneous, ______, and metamorphic.2.Plants need _______ to photosynthesize.3.Which insect is known for its ability to produce honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. FlyC4.The __________ is a popular destination for hiking.5.The _____ (萼片) protects the flower before it blooms.6.The _____ (阳光) brings life to the garden.7.The turtle crawls slowly on the ______.8.She is ___ her homework now. (doing, done, do)9.I believe that kindness can make a big difference in someone's day.10.What is the capital of Hungary?A. BudapestB. DebrecenC. SzegedD. Pécs11.What is the freezing point of water?A. 0 degrees CelsiusB. 100 degrees CelsiusC. 32 degrees FahrenheitD. Both A and CD12.What do we call the study of stars and planets?A. BiologyB. ChemistryC. AstronomyD. Geology13. A _____ (植物观察活动) can encourage curiosity and exploration.14.Which one is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. StrawberryB15.I find ________ (工程学) very interesting.16.What do you call a piece of furniture to sit on?A. TableB. ChairC. BedD. Couch17.What is the term for a plant that lives for more than two years?A. AnnualB. BiennialC. PerennialD. SeasonalC18.What do we call the path that a planet takes around the Sun?A. OrbitB. RotationC. RevolutionD. Cycle19.What do we call the frozen form of water?A. IceB. SteamC. SnowD. RainA20.The ____ is a small animal that loves to dig.21.His favorite food is ________.22. A _____ (猴子) can use tools to get food.23.What do we call the study of weather?A. BiologyB. GeologyC. MeteorologyD. AstronomyC Meteorology24.What is the name of the fairy tale character with long hair?A. CinderellaB. RapunzelC. Snow WhiteD. BelleB25.The __________ can provide insights into the health of an ecosystem.26.The _______ is essential for pollination.27.Which animal is known as man's best friend?A. CatB. DogC. HamsterD. ParrotB28.What do we call a story that is based on real events?A. FictionB. NonfictionC. BiographyD. Autobiography29.The ants work together to build a ______.30.My mom is a ______. She enjoys crafting.31.We will have a ________ (聚会) for the holidays.32. A _____ is an area of land that is primarily covered with sand.33. A __________ is a type of reaction where heat is released to the surroundings.34.What do we call the process of combining two or more colors?A. BlendingB. MixingC. MergingD. CombiningB35.Certain plants can ______ (支持) local fauna.36. A _____ (花园) is a beautiful place to relax and enjoy nature.37.The boiling point of water is __________ degrees Celsius.38.I love to draw pictures of _____ in my sketchbook.39.Certain plants can produce flowers that are not only beautiful but also ______. (某些植物可以产生既美丽又有用的花朵。
小学上册英语第6单元测验试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. Christ the RedeemerB. Eiffel TowerC. Statue of LibertyD. Big Ben2.What is the term for animals that eat both plants and meat?A. HerbivoresB. CarnivoresC. OmnivoresD. Insectivores答案:C3.What do we call the process of a liquid turning into a gas?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. FreezingD. Melting答案:A4.I have a toy ________ that can bounce high.5.The country famous for its lakes is ________ (加拿大).6.The _____ (生长速度) of plants varies widely.7.What do you call the liquid that comes from trees and is used for syrup?A. JuiceB. NectarC. SapD. Oil8.I enjoy _____ (visiting) botanical gardens.9.What is 25 + 15?A. 30B. 35C. 40D. 45答案:B10.I have a pet _______.11.The _____ (青蛙) can be found near ponds and streams.12.What is the capital of South Korea?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Hanoi答案:B13.I want to _____ (know) about dinosaurs.14.What do we call the act of taking care of someone?A. CaringB. NurturingC. Looking afterD. All of the Above答案:D15.The ancient Egyptians practiced ______ (农业) along the Nile River.16.What is the most widely spoken language in the world?A. EnglishB. MandarinC. SpanishD. Hindi17.The antelope runs very _________ (快).18.Goldfish can live in _______ tanks.19.The capital of Kiribati is __________.20.Hydrogen is the lightest _______ on the periodic table.21.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "Shake It Off"?A. Taylor SwiftB. Katy PerryC. Miley CyrusD. Demi Lovato答案:A22.What do you call a baby meerkat?A. PupB. KitC. CalfD. Cub23.The process of respiration produces __________ as a byproduct.24.I like to ________ my friends.25.My sister has a collection of _____.26.What do you call a person who teaches?A. ChefB. TeacherC. DriverD. Engineer27.What do we call a person who studies the nature of reality?A. PhilosopherB. ScientistC. MathematicianD. Historian答案:A28. A saturated fatty acid contains only ______ bonds.29.She made a _____ drawing. (nice)30.What is the capital of Norway?A. OsloB. BergenC. TrondheimD. Stavanger31.The __________ of a solution increases as the concentration of solute increases.32.The _______ (猫) plays with a ball of yarn.33.We will go _____ (shopping/working) tomorrow.34.What do we call the study of human behavior and mental processes?A. PsychologyB. SociologyC. AnthropologyD. Geography答案:A35.I want to be a __________ (作家) when I grow up.36.In spring, the _____ blooms beautifully.37.The fish swims in the _____ (water).38.What is the name of the famous island in the Pacific Ocean?A. Bora BoraB. FijiC. TahitiD. All of the above答案:D All of the above39.The rabbit has sharp _______ (牙齿) for chewing.40.In a vacuum, sound cannot ______ (travel).41.The boy likes ________.42.They are _____ (watering) the plants.43.My brother loves to __________ (挑战) himself in sports.44.The process of crystallization leads to the formation of __________.45. A _______ can help to measure the speed of electricity.46.What is the main purpose of a school?A. ShoppingB. LearningC. PlayingD. Eating47.The chemical symbol for sodium is ______.48.The chemical symbol for carbon is ______.49.Chlorine is commonly used as a _____ to disinfect water.50.This girl, ______ (这个女孩), loves to read.51.The ancient Egyptians believed in a pantheon of _____.52.I feel __________ (形容词) when I play with my __________ (玩具名).53.ts can repair ______ (受损) ecosystems. Some pla54.The atmosphere of Mars is very thin and mostly _______.55.I saw a ________ digging in the dirt.56. A chemical reaction can create new ______.57.The sunrise is _______ (美丽的).58.The puppy is _______.59.What do you call a story that teaches a lesson or moral?A. FableB. NovelC. BiographyD. Play答案:A60.I have a __________ (玩具名) that looks like a __________ (动物).61.The chemical symbol for chlorine is __________.62.The dolphin is very _______ (聪明) and playful.63.My favorite snack is ________ (坚果) for energy.64.I can swim very ______.65.What is the first month of the year?A. DecemberB. JanuaryC. FebruaryD. March答案:B66.What is the capital of the United Kingdom?A. LondonB. ManchesterC. EdinburghD. Cardiff答案:A67.The scientist, ______ (科学家), studies climate change.68.I watch the ______ (天气预报) every morning.69.The element with the symbol Y is __________.70.How many days are there in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight答案:C71.The food is _______ (很好吃).72.What do you call a period of ten years?A. CenturyB. DecadeC. MillenniumD. Era答案:B73.The chemical formula for potassium sulfate is __________.74.I love to ______ (与其他人分享) my knowledge.75.I heard a _______ (小蟋蟀) chirping in the grass last night.76.My sister is my best _______ who loves to share laughter and joy.77. A ladybug has a red ______ (外表) with black spots.78.The _____ (bicycle/car) is fast.79.What do we call a person who studies the behavior of animals?A. EthologistB. BiologistC. ZoologistD. Ecologist答案:A80.My friend is my best _______ who listens to my thoughts and feelings.81.The ______ teaches us about media literacy.82.The puppy needs _______ (洗澡).83.Turtles can hide in their ______ (壳).84.What do we call the solid state of water?A. VaporB. IceC. LiquidD. Steam答案:B85.What is the opposite of 'dark'?A. BrightB. LightC. DimD. Shadow86. A __________ is a small area of land surrounded by water.87.I believe that dreams can come true if __________.88.The process of condensation occurs when a gas turns into a _______.89.The parrot has a colorful ______ (羽毛).90. A chemical reaction that occurs when a fuel burns is called a ______ reaction.91.The butterfly's delicate wings are covered in tiny ________________ (鳞片).92.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?A. ColumbusB. MagellanC. Vasco da GamaD. Cook答案:A93.My friend is ______ (smart) and funny.94.What do you call a baby kiwifruit?A. KiwiberryB. CalfC. KitD. Pup95.The chemical formula for zinc oxide is __________.96.My friend gave me a ________ (玩具名称) for my birthday.97.What is the name of the common game played with marbles?A. JacksB. MarblesC. Snakes and LaddersD. Chess答案:B98.The phase change from gas to solid is called ______.99.The symbol for cerium is _____.100.__________ can live both in water and on land.。
小学上册英语第5单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous landmark in Egypt?A. ColosseumB. Great WallC. PyramidsD. StonehengeC2.My favorite movie is ________ because it is funny.3.The hedgehog curls into a _________. (球)4.The Great Red Spot on Jupiter has been raging for hundreds of ______.5.The teacher is _____ (kind/strict) to us.6.My favorite animal is a ________ (狗) because it is very friendly.7.My pet is very ___ (playful).8.The capital of Djibouti is __________.9.What is the term for a young sheep?A. PigletB. CalfC. LambD. KidC10.I can ______ (表达) my ideas confidently.11.The _______ of sound can be measured by how loud it is.12.What do we call a scientist who studies the stars and planets?A. AstronomerB. AstrophysicistC. CosmologistD. GeologistA13.The _______ can help inspire creativity in children.14.Every morning, I listen to _______ (音乐类型) while getting ready. It makes me feel _______ (形容词).15.What is the name of the famous horror author who wrote "Dracula"?A. H.P. LovecraftB. Stephen KingC. Bram StokerD. Edgar Allan Poe16. A _______ is used to measure the amount of current flowing in a circuit.17.I see a squirrel in the ___. (park)18.What is the main ingredient in sushi?A. RiceB. NoodlesC. BreadD. TortillaA19.I like to play outside with my ______.20.The gas that is essential for breathing is ______.21.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. FiveA22.Which holiday involves dressing up and asking for candy?A. ChristmasB. HalloweenC. EasterD. ThanksgivingB23.Which sport is known as "the beautiful game"?A. CricketB. SoccerC. BasketballD. Tennis24.The fall of the Roman Empire happened in _____.25. A ________ (植物展览馆) showcases diversity.26.The _____ (蟑螂) is not a very popular insect.27.What is the name of the first man on the moon?A. Yuri GagarinB. Neil ArmstrongC. Buzz AldrinD. John Glenn28.The city of Oslo is the capital of _______.29.The ________ has colorful petals that shine.30. A dog barks and a cat _______.31.I wish for a warm ______ (冬天).32.My ___ (小狗) loves to fetch the ball.33.What do you call the time of day when the sun rises?A. DawnB. DuskC. NoonD. MidnightA34.The stars are ___. (twinkling)35. A sunflower always turns towards the __________ (阳光).36.What is the capital of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. LimaD. BogotáA37.The capital of Australia is _____ (84).38.What is the smallest unit of life?A. CellB. TissueC. OrganD. OrganismA39. A comet is a celestial body made of ice and ______.40.The _______ of an object can be tested by dropping it.41. A __________ (生态旅游) can promote awareness.42.My dad makes the best ______ (pasta).43.What do we call the act of saving money for future use?A. SpendingB. InvestingC. SavingD. Budgeting44.What is 12 ÷ 4?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4C45.What is the capital of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. LimaD. BogotaA46.My brother is my silly _______ who makes me laugh every day.47.The capital of Switzerland is __________.48.What do we call the process of becoming a butterfly?A. MetamorphosisB. TransformationC. EvolutionD. GrowthA49.The ______ teaches us about modern technology.50.Elements are organized in the _______ table.51.I want to _______ (参加) a theater club.52.Which planet is known as the "Evening Star"?A. VenusB. SaturnC. MarsD. Jupiter53.I want to be a __________ when I grow up.54.The armadillo can roll into a _______ (球).55.The __________ (印度独立运动) was led by many leaders including Gandhi.56.I enjoy playing ______ with my family.57.I have a _____ (class/lesson) in the afternoon.58.What do you call a person who writes poems?A. PoetB. AuthorC. NovelistD. Writer59.The three states of matter are solid, liquid, and _____.60.What is the capital of Japan?A. BeijingB. SeoulC. TokyoD. Bangkok61.I like to eat ________ for breakfast.62.My friend has a ______ (猫咪) that likes to play with yarn.63. A goldfish can recognize its own _______ (影子).64.The chemical symbol for mercury is ______.65.The beach is very _______ (热闹的).66.What do we call the lines on a map that run north to south?A. LatitudeB. LongitudeC. EquatorD. Prime MeridianB67.I like to play ________ (橄榄球) with my friends at school.68.We like to _______ games at home.69.I enjoy _____ (乘坐) the bus.70.What do we call the act of making something new again?A. RenewB. RestoreC. RebuildD. RevitalizeA Renew71.What do we call a scientist who studies the atmosphere?A. ChemistB. MeteorologistC. GeologistD. BiologistB Meteorologist72.The chemical symbol for lanthanum is _______.73.What do you call the sound a dog makes?A. MeowB. BarkC. RoarD. HissB74.The flowers are ________ and colorful.75.The ________ was a prominent figure in the history of philanthropy.76.The capital city of France is .77.Which shape has four equal sides?A. TriangleB. SquareC. CircleD. RectangleB78.I want to _____ (read/write) a story.79.His favorite game is ________.80.What do you call a baby tegu?A. HatchlingB. KitC. PupD. Calf81.The dog digs a hole in the _______ (狗在_______里挖了一个洞).82.I enjoy playing games with my _________ (玩具朋友).83.My sister has a ________ that she loves to dress up.84.The chemical symbol for chlorine is _______.85.The _______ is essential for growth.86.The ______ is a common sight in gardens.87.The __________ is a large area with unique ecosystems.88.The __________ (历史的情感共鸣) foster connections.89.The stars are _____ (bright/dim) at night.90.ts can ______ (通过地下根茎扩展). Some pla91.My dad works _____ (hard/easy) every day.92.What do we call the top of a tree?A. TrunkB. LeafC. BranchD. CanopyD93.non-renewable resource) is limited and cannot be replaced. The ____94.My brother loves to __________ (踢足球) with his friends.95.What is the main source of light for Earth?A. StarsB. MoonC. SunD. FireC96.I like to watch ________ in the summer.97.I can _____ to the top of the slide. (climb)98.My sister's favorite animal is a ______ (海豹).99.We use a thermometer to measure ______.100. A chemical that can neutralize an acid is called a ______.。
小学上册英语第4单元寒假试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the part of the plant that provides support?A. LeafB. RootC. StemD. FlowerC2.The clock is _______ (ticking).3.The _____ (螃蟹) scuttles along the sandy beach.4.The cake is _____ with sprinkles. (topped)5.What is the name of the large mammal with tusks?A. HippoB. ElephantC. RhinoD. Giraffe6.What do we call a person who performs on stage?A. ActorB. PerformerC. EntertainerD. Artist7.I love to ______ (认识) new friends.8.My friend, ______ (我的朋友), is a talented musician.9.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on plate tectonics?A. Alfred WegenerB. Harry HessC. Charles LyellD. James HuttonA10.Planting trees is a great way to combat ______ (全球变暖).11.I can ___ (fold) origami.12.The _____ (青蛙) is an important part of the ecosystem.13.Certain plants can tolerate ______ and require less care. (某些植物可以耐旱,并且需要较少的护理。
小学上册英语第3单元寒假试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.One of my favorite hobbies is __________ because it helps me relax.2.The chef is known for his _____ (独特的风格) in cooking.3.How many continents are on Earth?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8答案:C4.My mom makes _____ for dinner. (chicken)5.What do you use to measure time?A. RulerB. ClockC. ScaleD. Thermometer答案:B6.The fish swims in the __________.7.The filmmaker produces amazing _____ (电影).8.What is the name of the famous American singer known for "Vision of Love"?A. Mariah CareyB. Whitney HoustonC. Janet JacksonD. Celine Dion答案:A9.Did you see the _____ (小狗) chasing a butterfly?10.I want to ________ my friends.11.The _____ (moon) is bright tonight.12.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. CocoaB. SugarC. MilkD. Vanilla13.My teacher has a ______ (鹈鹕) that catches fish.14. A sound that is loud has a high ______ (amplitude).15.She _____ (likes/dislikes) chocolate ice cream.16. A ______ is a natural formation that can influence climate.17.My sister has a keen interest in __________ (科技).18.The turtle is very ______.19. A __________ is a large body of freshwater surrounded by land.20.How many planets are terrestrial (rocky.in our solar system?A. ThreeB. FourC. FiveD. Six答案:B21.What is the name of the famous painting of a woman with a mysterious smile?A. The Starry NightB. The Last SupperC. The ScreamD. The Mona Lisa答案:D22.She is _____ (practicing) her speech.23.What is the name of the famous lion in "The Lion King"?A. SimbaB. MufasaC. ScarD. Nala答案:A24.The ____ hops around and is known for its powerful legs.25.What is the capital of Greece?A. AthensB. RomeC. IstanbulD. Cairo26.She is painting a ___. (mural)27.His favorite game is ________.28. A process that absorbs heat is called an ______ process.29.The chemical symbol for potassium is _____ (K).30.What do you call a baby deer?A. FawnB. CalfC. KidD. Pup答案:A31.What is the capital of Mongolia?A. UlaanbaatarB. ErdenetC. DarkhanD. Choibalsan答案:A32.The __________ is the part of the atom that carries a positive charge.33.What do we call the place where we keep animals?A. ZooB. FarmC. AquariumD. Safari答案:A34. A kitten pounces on ______ (玩具).35.What is the opposite of dark?A. GrayB. LightC. BrightD. Dim答案:B36.The tortoise carries its home on its ______ (背上).37.The __________ (历史的遗产) shapes our collective memory.38.What do we call the time when we eat in the middle of the day?A. BreakfastB. LunchC. DinnerD. Snack答案:B39.What type of animal is a dolphin?A. FishB. AmphibianC. MammalD. Reptile答案:C40. A _______ (小海马) wraps its tail around the coral.41.What do we call a picture made with tiny pieces of glass?A. DrawingB. PaintingC. MosaicD. Sculpture42.The ancient Greeks valued _____ and knowledge.43.The sun is ______ (setting) in the evening.44.The ancient Romans used ________ to build their cities.45. A _______ is a reaction that requires energy input.46.What do we call a story that teaches a lesson?A. FableB. NovelC. BiographyD. Myth答案:A47.The capital of Kiribati is _______.48.The weather is ________ (晴朗) today.49.What do we call a person who writes books?A. AuthorB. EditorC. PublisherD. Journalist答案:A50.The ______ (彩色的) flowers attract attention.51.The ______ (老鼠) is afraid of cats.52.I love going to the library to find new __________.53.We visit the ______ (历史博物馆) to learn about ancient cultures.54.What do we call the large body of fresh water surrounded by land?A. OceanB. RiverC. LakeD. Pond55.My uncle is a skilled ____ (artist).56.Hydrochloric acid is found in our ________.57.What is the name of the third planet from the sun?A. MarsB. EarthC. VenusD. Mercury58.We have a ________ (meeting) after school.59.What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. Tijuana60.Chemistry is often called the __________ science because it connects physics, biology, and other sciences.61.The _______ (小鸟) sings beautifully.62.What do you call the study of the mind and behavior?A. PsychologyB. SociologyC. AnthropologyD. Psychiatry答案:A63. A fuel is a substance that can be burned to produce _____.64. A __________ is a combination of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together.65.What is the capital of the Republic of the Congo?A. BrazzavilleB. KinshasaC. Pointe-NoireD. Ouesso答案:A Brazzaville66.Which day of the week comes after Friday?A. SaturdayB. SundayC. MondayD. Thursday答案:A Saturday67.My friend is very __________ (有耐心).68.My dad is a great __________ (支持者) of my interests.69.What is the main function of leaves on a plant?A. To hold the plant uprightB. To absorb sunlight for photosynthesisC. To attract animalsD. To store water答案:B70.Butterflies love to land on ________.71. A chemical equation uses symbols to represent a _____.72.The ice cream is ___ (melting) in the sun.73.What is the name of the famous artist known for his work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?A. MichelangeloB. Leonardo da VinciC. RaphaelD. Donatello答案:A74.I want to ______ a new bike. (get)75. A _______ forms when a gas cools and turns into a liquid.76.The cat loves to chase its _____ shadow.77.What do you call the large area of flat land with few trees?A. DesertB. PlainsC. MountainD. Valley78.The chemical symbol for chlorine is ______.79.What is the capital of the Philippines?A. ManilaB. BangkokC. JakartaD. Hanoi80.What is the name of the famous landmark in Egypt?A. Great WallB. PyramidsC. ColosseumD. Stonehenge答案:B81. A covalent bond involves the sharing of ______.82.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. SugarB. CocoaC. MilkD. Flour答案:B83.The garden is full of lovely _______ that bloom brightly.84. A ______ is a type of animal that can be trained to do tricks.85.How many colors are there in a rainbow?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight86.I can ______ (创造) unique artworks.87.How many hours are there in a day?A. 12B. 24C. 36D. 48答案:B88.I see a ________ (cat) in the tree.89.The chemical reaction between metals and acids usually produces ______.90.They are going to ________.91.The __________ (法老) were the rulers of ancient Egypt.92. A ______ is a large depression in the ground formed by a meteor impact.93.The __________ is the largest desert in the world. (撒哈拉沙漠)94.What do you call the act of making a choice?A. DecidingB. ChoosingC. SelectingD. Picking答案:A95.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work on the atom?A. Niels BohrB. Albert EinsteinC. Ernest RutherfordD. J.J. Thomson答案:A96.What is the opposite of "big"?A. LargeB. SmallC. TallD. Heavy97.My cousin is a great ____ (chef).98.My aunt is a __________ (护士).99.I enjoy _______ (参加) charity events with friends.100.I want to _______ (学习) how to swim.。
一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、Which type of plant is usually grown at higher altitudes?哪种植物通常生长在较高海拔地区?A, Alpine plantB, Tropical plantC, Desert plantD, Aquatic plant2、What does "画" translate to in English?A, DrawingB, PaintingC, SculptureD, Photograph3、How many fingers do you have on one hand?A, FourB, FiveC, SixD, Seven4、What do we call a piece of land surrounded by water?A, IslandB, PeninsulaC, CoastD, Bay5、What is the name of the planet we live on?A, MarsB, EarthC, SaturnD, Neptune6、Which fruit is known for having seeds on the outside? A, BlueberryB, StrawberryC, RaspberryD, Blackberry7、What is the opposite of "dark"?A, BrightB, LightC, DimD, Black8、What is the capital of France?A, BerlinB, MadridC, ParisD, Rome9、What is the English word for "植物资源战略"?A, Plant resource strategyB, Agricultural strategyC, Environmental strategyD, Ecological strategy10、What do you wear on your feet?A, HatB, GlovesC, ShoesD, Belt11、What is the main ingredient in sushi?A, NoodlesB, RiceC, BreadD, Meat12、听音,选出你所听到的答语。
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Develop International Markets 2
Managing Risk
Risk for an organisation can include: • Any unexpected event that has the potential to impact the organisation in a negative/bad way • A change that occurs suddenly and impacts the company achieving its objectives
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
What is this subject about cont…
The subject also focuses on combining the following themes into this semester’s program. Establish risk context Identify risks Analyse risks Select and implement treatments
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
What resources are required
Students will need to have access to the following books and resources: •Student assessment book •Chapter 22 – Identifying and Managing Risk from Management theory and practice by Kris Cole. •A Risk Management Standard document by IRM and AIRMIC (attached to student assessment book)
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
Managing Risk
Key questions needs to be considered to identify risks: • What level of interruption or restriction will happen to our day-to-day running of the business? • Is their the possibility of financial loss? • Will the company be able to continue producing their product/service? • Will there be legal issues because of the risk? • Will there be any environmental; threat or damage? • Will there be injury or harm to the employees or the general public? • What is the chance of the company losing its data or operating systems? • Can the company operate at all?
Personal Study Plan Make studying a regular part of your schedule List and do tasks according to priorities Plan to study for blocks of time Set an agenda for each study period Plan to study during your best hours, which is usually daytime Spread your assignments out over several days Study on the weekends
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
What is Risk?
• Risk is a threat or possibility that an action or an event will be harmful or favourable to an organisation and its ability to achieve objectives • It is a critical function and needs to be implemented across an organisation.
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
Risk Management Process
Managers and employees must: • Review and understand the organisational procedures, processes and requirements for risk management • Understand the scale and background for risk management in the workplace • Identify who is responsible for risk • Review current risk strategies and if there are changes that can be made for better risk management • Document the risk management requirements • Make sure all employees are aware of the risk management policy
Develop International Markets 2
Manage Risk
Introduction to Manage Risk Week 1 Lesson 01
Presented by: Your Name Your Job Title Your Centre Date
Subject introduction
What is this subject about? What resources are needed for this subject? How will this subject be assessed? What is the best way to learn this subject?
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Marketseffective management of risk relies on the ability of the right individuals within an organisation to:
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
Subject assessment
Assessment is based on 3 major assessment tasks. Students must demonstrate competence in the 3 tasks: Formative classroom assessments Major assessment project Examination 35% 30% 30%
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
What is this subject about
There is one unit in the Develop International Markets 2 subject; BSBRSK 501A Manage Risk Develop International Markets 2 requires the student to work on a variety
•Organise and plan risk management •Apply problem-solving skills to identify ways of managing risk •Practice effective communication about risk and risk management •Understand and apply the legislation, codes of practice and standards of risk management within the organisation •Develop and communication risk policy and procedures to make sure risk is managed correctly.
Presentation Name Date: Semester 3
Develop International Markets 2
Managing Risk
Risk can come from a number of places: • Processes • People • Procedures • Unexpected catastrophic events