



Inhibitors, Agonists, Screening LibrariesSafety Data Sheet Revision Date:Nov.-23-2018Print Date:Nov.-23-20181. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION1.1 Product identifierProduct name :Gelucire 14/44Catalog No. :HY-Y1892CAS No. :121548-04-71.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstIdentified uses :Laboratory chemicals, manufacture of substances.1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany:MedChemExpress USATel:609-228-6898Fax:609-228-5909E-mail:sales@1.4 Emergency telephone numberEmergency Phone #:609-228-68982. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.2 GHS Label elements, including precautionary statementsNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.3 Other hazardsNone.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 SubstancesSynonyms:NoneFormula:N/AMolecular Weight:N/ACAS No. :121548-04-74. FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measuresEye contactRemove any contact lenses, locate eye-wash station, and flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water. Separate eyelids with fingers to ensure adequate flushing. Promptly call a physician.Skin contactRinse skin thoroughly with large amounts of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and call a physician.InhalationImmediately relocate self or casualty to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Avoid mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.IngestionWash out mouth with water; Do NOT induce vomiting; call a physician.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedThe most important known symptoms and effects are described in the labelling (see section 2.2).4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreat symptomatically.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing mediaUse water spray, dry chemical, foam, and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureDuring combustion, may emit irritant fumes.5.3 Advice for firefightersWear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresUse full personal protective equipment. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, dust or gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas.Refer to protective measures listed in sections 8.6.2 Environmental precautionsTry to prevent further leakage or spillage. Keep the product away from drains or water courses.6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upAbsorb solutions with finely-powdered liquid-binding material (diatomite, universal binders); Decontaminate surfaces and equipment by scrubbing with alcohol; Dispose of contaminated material according to Section 13.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safe handlingAvoid inhalation, contact with eyes and skin. Avoid dust and aerosol formation. Use only in areas with appropriate exhaust ventilation.7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep container tightly sealed in cool, well-ventilated area. Keep away from direct sunlight and sources of ignition.Recommended storage temperature:Pure form-20°C 3 years4°C 2 yearsIn solvent-80°C 6 months-20°C 1 monthShipping at room temperature if less than 2 weeks.7.3 Specific end use(s)No data available.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parametersComponents with workplace control parametersThis product contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.8.2 Exposure controlsEngineering controlsEnsure adequate ventilation. Provide accessible safety shower and eye wash station.Personal protective equipmentEye protection Safety goggles with side-shields.Hand protection Protective gloves.Skin and body protection Impervious clothing.Respiratory protection Suitable respirator.Environmental exposure controls Keep the product away from drains, water courses or the soil. Cleanspillages in a safe way as soon as possible.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance White to off-white (Oil)Odor No data availableOdor threshold No data availablepH No data availableMelting/freezing point No data availableBoiling point/range No data availableFlash point No data availableEvaporation rate No data availableFlammability (solid, gas)No data availableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits No data availableVapor pressure No data availableVapor density No data availableRelative density No data availableWater Solubility No data availablePartition coefficient No data availableAuto-ignition temperature No data availableDecomposition temperature No data availableViscosity No data availableExplosive properties No data availableOxidizing properties No data available9.2 Other safety informationNo data available.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 ReactivityNo data available.10.2 Chemical stabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactionsNo data available.10.4 Conditions to avoidNo data available.10.5 Incompatible materialsStrong acids/alkalis, strong oxidising/reducing agents.10.6 Hazardous decomposition productsUnder fire conditions, may decompose and emit toxic fumes.Other decomposition products - no data available.11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1 Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Skin corrosion/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Serious eye damage/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Respiratory or skin sensitizationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Germ cell mutagenicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2CarcinogenicityIARC: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.ACGIH: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by ACGIH.NTP: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a anticipated or confirmed carcinogen by NTP.OSHA: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by OSHA.Reproductive toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - single exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Aspiration hazardClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 212. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityNo data available.12.2 Persistence and degradabilityNo data available.12.3 Bioaccumlative potentialNo data available.12.4 Mobility in soilNo data available.12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT/vPvB assessment unavailable as chemical safety assessment not required or not conducted.12.6 Other adverse effectsNo data available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1 Waste treatment methodsProductDispose substance in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.Contaminated packagingConduct recycling or disposal in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT (US)This substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IMDGThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IATAThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONSARA 302 Components:No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.SARA 313 Components:This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.SARA 311/312 Hazards:No SARA Hazards.Massachusetts Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.Pennsylvania Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act.New Jersey Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the New Jersey Right to Know Act.California Prop. 65 Components:This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or anyother reproductive harm.16. OTHER INFORMATIONCopyright 2018 MedChemExpress. The above information is correct to the best of our present knowledge but does not purport to be all inclusive and should be used only as a guide. The product is for research use only and for experienced personnel. It must only be handled by suitably qualified experienced scientists in appropriately equipped and authorized facilities. The burden of safe use of this material rests entirely with the user. MedChemExpress disclaims all liability for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with this product.Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 E-mail: tech@Address: 1 Deer Park Dr, Suite Q, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, USA。



Inhibitors, Agonists, Screening LibrariesSafety Data Sheet Revision Date:May-24-2017Print Date:May-24-20171. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION1.1 Product identifierProduct name :EL-102Catalog No. :HY-16187CAS No. :1233948-61-21.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstIdentified uses :Laboratory chemicals, manufacture of substances.1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany:MedChemExpress USATel:609-228-6898Fax:609-228-5909E-mail:sales@1.4 Emergency telephone numberEmergency Phone #:609-228-68982. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.2 GHS Label elements, including precautionary statementsNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.3 Other hazardsNone.3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 SubstancesSynonyms:EL 102; EL102Formula:C19H16N2O3S2Molecular Weight:384.47CAS No. :1233948-61-24. FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measuresEye contactRemove any contact lenses, locate eye-wash station, and flush eyes immediately with large amounts of water. Separate eyelids with fingers to ensure adequate flushing. Promptly call a physician.Skin contactRinse skin thoroughly with large amounts of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and call a physician.InhalationImmediately relocate self or casualty to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Avoid mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.IngestionWash out mouth with water; Do NOT induce vomiting; call a physician.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedThe most important known symptoms and effects are described in the labelling (see section 2.2).4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededTreat symptomatically.5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing mediaUse water spray, dry chemical, foam, and carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureDuring combustion, may emit irritant fumes.5.3 Advice for firefightersWear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresUse full personal protective equipment. Avoid breathing vapors, mist, dust or gas. Ensure adequate ventilation. Evacuate personnel to safe areas.Refer to protective measures listed in sections 8.6.2 Environmental precautionsTry to prevent further leakage or spillage. Keep the product away from drains or water courses.6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upAbsorb solutions with finely-powdered liquid-binding material (diatomite, universal binders); Decontaminate surfaces and equipment by scrubbing with alcohol; Dispose of contaminated material according to Section 13.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safe handlingAvoid inhalation, contact with eyes and skin. Avoid dust and aerosol formation. Use only in areas with appropriate exhaust ventilation.7.2 Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep container tightly sealed in cool, well-ventilated area. Keep away from direct sunlight and sources of ignition.Recommended storage temperature:Powder-20°C 3 years4°C 2 yearsIn solvent-80°C 6 months-20°C 1 monthShipping at room temperature if less than 2 weeks.7.3 Specific end use(s)No data available.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parametersComponents with workplace control parametersThis product contains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.8.2 Exposure controlsEngineering controlsEnsure adequate ventilation. Provide accessible safety shower and eye wash station.Personal protective equipmentEye protection Safety goggles with side-shields.Hand protection Protective gloves.Skin and body protection Impervious clothing.Respiratory protection Suitable respirator.Environmental exposure controls Keep the product away from drains, water courses or the soil. Cleanspillages in a safe way as soon as possible.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance Light yellow to yellow (Solid)Odor No data availableOdor threshold No data availablepH No data availableMelting/freezing point No data availableBoiling point/range No data availableFlash point No data availableEvaporation rate No data availableFlammability (solid, gas)No data availableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits No data availableVapor pressure No data availableVapor density No data availableRelative density No data availableWater Solubility No data availablePartition coefficient No data availableAuto-ignition temperature No data availableDecomposition temperature No data availableViscosity No data availableExplosive properties No data availableOxidizing properties No data available9.2 Other safety informationNo data available.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 ReactivityNo data available.10.2 Chemical stabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactionsNo data available.10.4 Conditions to avoidNo data available.10.5 Incompatible materialsStrong acids/alkalis, strong oxidising/reducing agents.10.6 Hazardous decomposition productsUnder fire conditions, may decompose and emit toxic fumes.Other decomposition products - no data available.11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1 Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Skin corrosion/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Serious eye damage/irritationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Respiratory or skin sensitizationClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Germ cell mutagenicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2CarcinogenicityIARC: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.ACGIH: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by ACGIH.NTP: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a anticipated or confirmed carcinogen by NTP.OSHA: No component of this product present at a level equal to or greater than 0.1% is identified as a potential or confirmed carcinogen by OSHA.Reproductive toxicityClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - single exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposureClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 2Aspiration hazardClassified based on available data. For more details, see section 212. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1 ToxicityNo data available.12.2 Persistence and degradabilityNo data available.12.3 Bioaccumlative potentialNo data available.12.4 Mobility in soilNo data available.12.5 Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT/vPvB assessment unavailable as chemical safety assessment not required or not conducted.12.6 Other adverse effectsNo data available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1 Waste treatment methodsProductDispose substance in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.Contaminated packagingConduct recycling or disposal in accordance with prevailing country, federal, state and local regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT (US)This substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IMDGThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.IATAThis substance is considered to be non-hazardous for transport.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONSARA 302 Components:No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.SARA 313 Components:This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.SARA 311/312 Hazards:No SARA Hazards.Massachusetts Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.Pennsylvania Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the Pennsylvania Right to Know Act.New Jersey Right To Know Components:No components are subject to the New Jersey Right to Know Act.California Prop. 65 Components:This product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or anyother reproductive harm.16. OTHER INFORMATIONCopyright 2017 MedChemExpress. The above information is correct to the best of our present knowledge but does not purport to be all inclusive and should be used only as a guide. The product is for research use only and for experienced personnel. It must only be handled by suitably qualified experienced scientists in appropriately equipped and authorized facilities. The burden of safe use of this material rests entirely with the user. MedChemExpress disclaims all liability for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with this product.Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only.Tel: 609-228-6898 Fax: 609-228-5909 E-mail: tech@Address: 1 Deer Park Dr, Suite Q, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852, USA。



益生菌对阿尔茨海默病作用的研究进展发布时间:2021-12-14T06:08:15.523Z 来源:《中国结合医学杂志》2021年12期作者:宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清1[导读] 阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。


宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清11.延边大学农学院,吉林延吉 1330022.吉林省农业科学院农产品加工研究所,吉林长春 130033摘要:阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。



关键词:益生菌;阿尔茨海默病;肠道菌群;机制Recent Progress in Research on Probiotics Effect on Alzheimer’s DiseaseSONG Xinping1,2,LI Shengyu2,JI Qing1*(1.College of Agricultural, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002,China)(2.Institute of Agro-food Technology, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chanchun 130033, China)Abstract:Alzheimer’s disease has become one of the major diseases threatening the life and health of the global elderly. The number of patients is increasing year by year, and the economic cost of nursing is high, which poses a major challenge to the global economy. In recent years, studies have shown that probiotics, as microorganisms beneficial to the health of the host, have a positive impact on the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Its mechanism may be through regulating intestinal flora, affecting the nervous immune system, regulating the neuroactive substances and metabolites, and affecting the occurrence and development of the disease through thegut- brain axis. This paper reviews the progress of probiotics on Alzheimer’s disease at home and abroad in recent years, as well as its potential mechanism of prevention and treatment.Key words:probiotics; Alzheimer’s disease; gut microbiota; mechanism阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD),系中枢神经系统退行性疾病,属于老年期痴呆常见类型,临床特征主要包括:记忆力减退、认知功能障碍、行为改变、焦虑和抑郁等。

Expression, Purification and Crystallization of

Expression, Purification and Crystallization of

Expression, Purification and Crystallization of the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3 Molecular Chaperone Background of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3HSP16.3, a 16.3 kDa protein from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, was originally identified as a prominent antigen (Kingston et al., 1987). During the stationary phase, HSP16.3 is maximally expressed and becomes a main protein of the latent phase (Yuan et al., 1996). Previous studies showed that HSP16.3 can make the cell structure stable and prevent stationary Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from autolysing (Cunningham et al., 1998). In previous studies, HSP16.3 was found as one of theα-crystallin-related small heat shock proteins (sHSP) with molecular chaperone activity. Experiments in vitro revealed that HSP16.3 can suppress the thermal aggregation of citrate synthase at 39.5˚C, without consumption of A TP (Chang et al., 1996).Now the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3 gene was cloned to the plasmid pSTE-HSP16.3, and transformed to E.Coli. BL21(DE3) strain.Material and MethodExpressionThings to have ready before Starting.-Plate or glycerol culture-Sterile LB 25ml in a 50mL shaker flasker, 250ml in a 500mL shaker flasker, all together autoclaved, antibiotic added afterword.- antibiotic and sterile water- TipsPrepare the LB and autoclave:Fomula of the LB medium for 1 Liter:Bacto Tryptone (BT) 10 gBacto Y east Extract (BYE) 10 gNaCl 10gThe LB medium, dd H2O and the tips all together autoclaved at 121 ˚C for 20 minutes.Method:1 Innoculate 25 ml LB Medium ( containing 100 ug) and grow culture overnight(37˚C, 200rpm).2 Next morning inoculate 250 ml prewarmed LB Medium ( containing 100 ug) with the 25 ml overnight culture and grow at 37 ˚C, 200rpm, HSP16.3 was overexpressed in soluble form intracellularly without IPTG induction.3 Incubate the Culture for 10 hours before havesting the cell at 4000 g for 20 minutes.4 Resuspend the cell pellet in 30 ml Butter A and freeze the Sample in -80˚C refigerator.PurificationDE52 Ion-Exchange columnThings to have ready before Starting.-Butter A: 50 mM Imidazole pH 6.5 (1 liter)-Butter B: 50 mM Imidazole pH 6.5 , 300mM NaClall together Fitrate with 0.2 um membrane.- DE52 medium , column ,Gradient maker, UV-monitor and Fractioner- TipsMethod:1 Thaw the cell pellet and vortex .2 Add 0.4ml 100 mM PMSF and sonicate (400kw, 4s-6s 50 cycle* 5 )3 Centrifuge 15000 rpm, 30 minutes to pellet debris4 Transfer supernatant to a 50 ml conicale tube and discard the pellet.5 The supernatant dilute to 50 ml with Buffer A and then load to DE52 ion-exchange columns (20ml), which was pre-equibrated with 100ml Buffer A. And then wash the unbound proteins with 100 ml Buffer A.6 Elute the protein with a linear gradient : 200ml buffer A plus 200ml buffer B, 2ml/min, 6ml each fraction.7 Run 15% SDS-PAGE to determine the HSP16.3 peak.Desalting by dialysis1 Preparation of the dialysis tubeCut the tube in a suitable length (20-30 cm)Boil the tube in solution containing 10 mM NaHCO3 for a few minutes.Boil the tube in solution containing 10 mM EDTA for a few minutes.Rasin the tube with de-ion water2 Pool the HSP16.3 peak and dialysis the Sample against 1000ml Buffer A for more than 6hours.Q-Separose (HP) Ion-Exchange Column1 load the sample to Q-Separose (HP) Ion-Exchange column (20ml), which was pre-equibrated with 100ml Buffer A. And then wash the unbound proteins with 100 ml Buffer A.2 Elute the protein with a linear gradient : 200ml buffer A plus 200ml buffer B, 2ml/min, 6ml each fraction.3 Run 15% SDS-PAGE to determine the purity of the HSP16.3 peak.Gel filtration ColumnThe HSP peak was a final volumn 0.3ml and then run though a Superdex75 (HR, 10/30mm) gel filtration column in 150mM NaCl and 5mM Imdazole, pH6.5. Crystallization1 The purified HSP16.3 was solvent-exchanged to water and concentrated to 20mg/ml before crystallization trails (Bradford). All the crystallization trials were carried out using the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method at 291K: drops consisted of2 microlitres of HSP16.3 protein solution plus 2 microlitres of the precipitant. The drops were equilibrated against 0.2 ml precipitant at room temperature. The crystallization conditions were investigated with a PEG4000 Kit.Result and discussionThe purity of the final HSP16.3 was over 95% by SDS-PAGE. The crystallization trials of HSP16.3 yielded Cubic crystals with a size of 0.8*0.8*0.6mm in a few days.20040060080010001200mAUBuffer Tris-HCL pH 8.5 Precipitant PEG 4000 MethodV apor Diffusion Temperature 293 K Size0.8*0.8*0.6mmReferencesChang Z., Primm, T.P., Jakana J., Lee H. I., Serysheva I., Chiu W., Gilber H. F., Quiocho F. A., (1996) J Biol Chem 271:7218-7223Cunningham A. F., Spreadbury C. L., (1998) J. Bacteriol. 184:801-808Kingston A. E., Salgame P. R., Mitchison N.A., Colston M. J. (1987) Infect. Immun 55,3149-3154Yuan Y., Crane D. D., Barry C. E. III (1996) J Bacteriol178: 4484-4492。








观察组尿酮体转阴时间、血糖达标时间、胰岛素用量均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05)。

观察组空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖、糖化血红蛋白均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。





[关键词] 2型糖尿病;德谷门冬双胰岛素注射液;不良反应;心血管不良事件[中图分类号] R59 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)09(a)-0098-04Discussion on the Clinical Effect and Safety of Insulin Degludec and Insu⁃lin Aspart Injection in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes MellitusLIN Sheng, XIE Ping, CHEN YuDepartment of Endocrinology, Changle District People's Hospital, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, 350200 China[Abstract] Objective To study the clinical effect and safety of insulin degludec and insulin aspart injection in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods A total of 98 patients with type 2 diabetes admitted to Fuzhou Changle District People's Hospital from July 2022 to April 2023 were selected as the study objects and divided into two groups with 49 cases in each group by random lottery method. Both groups were treated with conventional hypoglycemic drugs, the control group was treated with insulin glargine injection, and the observation group was treated with Degu asparton double insulin injection. The clinical therapeutic effect, time of improvement of clinical symptoms, insulin dosage, glucose metabolism index, insulin function index, occurrence of adverse reactions and cardiovascular adverse events were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The time of urine ketone body turning negative, blood glucose reaching standard and insulin dosage in observation group were better than those in control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Fasting plasma glucose, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The function index of islet β cells in observation group was higher than that in control group, the insulin resistance index and fasting insulin was lower than that in control group, the dif⁃ference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the total incidence of [作者简介]林生(1981-),男,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为糖尿病及其并发症的相关临床研究。



上海应用技术学院研究生课程《高等天然产物化学》试卷2014 / 2015 学年第1 学期课程代码:NX0702013论文题目:乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂的研究进展姓名:芮银146061414康满满146061409专业:制药工程学院:化工学院乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂的研究进展芮银,陈祎桐,康满满摘要:本文阐述了乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂(AChEI)的研究进展,介绍了用于药物治疗的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂的各种来源如植物、微生物等,及其抑制乙酰胆碱的活性物质。




关键词:乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂,筛选方法,薄层显色法,荧光显色法The progress of acetylcholinesteraseinhibitorsRui Yin, Chen Yitong, Kang ManmanAbstract:In this artical, the research elaborates progress of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEI), and introduces a variety of sources for drug treatment acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as plants, microorganisms, and its active ingredients. On this basis, the review summarizes several modern analytic techniques such as Ellman's method which based on the colorimetric method, TLC chromogenic method, fluorescent color method, Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry and so on. However, at present, the application of modern analytic techniques in AD drug resources is still in infancy.Key word: Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, Screening Methods, TLC chromogenic method, Fluorescent color method目录摘要.................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。



2007年,英国牛津大学的刘骥陇等在研究果蝇U 小体和P 小体(U 小体和P 小体是真核生物细胞质中的无膜细胞器)的功能关系时,用4种针对Cup (P 小体中的一种蛋白质)的抗体,对雌性果蝇的卵巢组织进行免疫组织化学染色,染色结果除了预期标记上的P 小体外,还标记出了长条形的丝状结构[1]。



最初是抗Cup 抗体不纯产生假象,意外发现的细胞蛇,而采用亲和层析纯化后的抗Cup 抗体无法再DOI:10.16605/ki.1007-7847.2020.10.0258细胞蛇的研究进展收稿日期:2020-10-22;修回日期:2020-11-19;网络首发日期:2021-07-27基金项目:宁夏自然科学基金项目(2020AAC03179);国家自然科学基金资助项目(31560329)作者简介:李欣玲(1999—),女,广西贵港人,学生;*通信作者:俞晓丽(1984—),女,宁夏银川人,博士,副教授,主要从事干细胞与生殖生物学研究,E-mail:********************。


细胞蛇是由三磷酸胞苷合成酶(cytidine triphosphate synthetase,CTPS)聚合而成的无膜细胞器,其形成过程及功能在不同类型的细胞中不尽相同。

例如:细胞蛇能促进癌细胞增殖,并使患者病情恶化;过表达的细胞蛇可抑制神经干细胞增殖,影响大脑皮层发育;在卵泡细胞中,细胞蛇相当于CTPS 的存储库,在卵子发生过程起到促进细胞增殖和代谢的作用。



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%!3广西大学动物科学技术学院"南宁 4:8884*"3广西畜牧研究所"南宁 4:888!'
摘要为评价迷迭香酸对哮 喘 小 鼠 模 型 氧 化 性 肺 损 伤 的 保 护 作 用"本 研 究 用 卵 清 蛋 白 %,(;'致 敏$激 发 雌 性 &;B&&S小鼠建立哮喘模型"并用 ,(; 和 Z"," 联合激发小鼠作为氧化肺损伤阳性对照模型#在最后一次滴鼻激 发 "$O 后 "取 支 气 管 肺 泡 灌 洗 液 %&;B['进 行 细 胞 计 数 并 测 定 活 性 氧 %9,D'$超 氧 化 物 歧 化 酶 %D,''和 谷 胱 甘 肽 过 氧化物酶%1DZ?CQ'水平"取左侧肺脏固定做 Z= 染色#结果显示"迷迭香酸可明显减少 &;B[ 中 细 胞 总 数 和 嗜 酸 性粒细胞数目"显著抑制肺组织和 &;B[ 中 9,D的产生"升高 D,' 和 1DZ?CQ水 平"改 善 肺 组 织 病 理 变 化# 本 试 验 结 果 表 明 "迷 迭 香 酸 对 氧 化 肺 损 伤 起 到 明 显 的 保 护 作 用 # 关 键 词 迷 迭 香 酸 *哮 喘 *氧 化 性 肺 损 伤 *抗 氧 化 中 图 分 类 号 9"0434 文 献 标 识 码 ; 文 章 编 号 !+6!?6":+%"8!6'!"?:+48?8+



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 201810819628.2(22)申请日 2018.07.24(71)申请人 中国科学院海洋研究所地址 266071 山东省青岛市市南区南海路7号(72)发明人 张全斌 邓真真 刘英娟 王晶 耿丽华 岳洋 (74)专利代理机构 沈阳科苑专利商标代理有限公司 21002代理人 马驰(51)Int.Cl.C07K 7/06(2006.01)C12P 21/06(2006.01)C07K 1/14(2006.01)A61K 38/08(2006.01)A61P 9/12(2006.01)A23L 33/18(2016.01)(54)发明名称龙须菜降压肽提取物和龙须菜降压肽及其应用(57)摘要本发明公开了龙须菜降压肽及其在制备降血压药物和保健食品中的应用。

龙须菜降压提取物经酶解获得,对该提取物进一步分离纯化得到一特定序列的多肽,该降压肽的氨基酸序列为Phe -Gln -Ile -Asn -[Met(O)]-Cys -Ile -Leu -Arg (F Q I N[M(O )]C I L R ),质谱鉴定分子量为1153.43Da。




在体外和非自发性高血压大鼠(SHRs )体内都显示出良好的降压效果,可用于高血压治疗相关的保健品和药品。

权利要求书1页 说明书6页 附图3页CN 108892710 A 2018.11.27C N 108892710A1.一种龙须菜降压肽,其特征在于:所述龙须菜降压肽具有下述序列中的一种或二种以上,第一序列:具有序列表SEQ ID NO:1中氨基酸序列,多肽序列为Phe -Gln -Ile -Asn -Met -Cys -Ile -Leu -Arg(FQINMCILR);第二序列:Phe -Gln -Ile -Asn -Met -Cys -Ile -Leu -Arg(FQINMCILR)的甲硫氨酸修饰为甲硫氨酸亚砜的多肽序列;第三序列:Phe -Gln -Ile -Asn -Met -Cys -Ile -Leu -Arg(FQINMCILR)的半胱氨酸修饰为半胱氨酸亚砜的多肽序列;第四序列:Phe -Gln -Ile -Asn -Met -Cys -Ile -Leu -Arg(FQINMCILR)的甲硫氨酸和半胱氨酸修饰为甲硫氨酸亚砜和半胱氨酸亚砜的多肽序列。

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=====================================================================Acq. Operator : Li Shan(LCMS-02) Seq. Line : 81Acq. Instrument : HY-LCMS-02 Location : P1-F-01Injection Date : 5/7/2015 4:09:23 PM Inj : 1 Inj Volume : 3.000 µl Acq. Method : D:\AGLIENT 1260\DATA\20150507\20150507 2015-05-07 09-02-19\100-1000MS+3MIN- 1.5_(0.02%FA).M Last changed : 5/7/2015 9:02:19 AM by Li Shan(LCMS-02)Analysis Method : D:\AGLIENT 1260\METHOD\10-80A(RP-HPLC).M Last changed : 5/8/2015 10:33:41 AM by Li Shan(LCMS-02) (modified after loading)Method Info : 10-80A,16MIN Catalog No : HY-14720 Batch#08448 A-RP-132 Additional Info : Peak(s) manually integrated min
0.51 1.52 2.53mAU 0
DAD1 B, Sig=214,4 Ref=off (D:\AGLIENT...0\DATA\20150507\20150507 2015-05-07 09-02-19\CPK2015-507-08448.D)
1.548 1.642
2.068 2.248 ===================================================================== Area Percent Report ===================================================================== Sorted By : Signal Multiplier : 1.0000Dilution : 1.0000Do not use Multiplier & Dilution Factor with ISTDs Signal 1: DAD1 B, Sig=214,4 Ref=off Peak RetTime Type Width Area Height Area # [min] [min] [mAU*s] [mAU] %----|-------|----|-------|----------|----------|--------| 1 1.548 MM 0.0429 1.13350 4.40117e-1 0.0193 2 1.642 MM 0.0701 5830.80566 1385.37378 99.0681 3 2.068 MM 0.0716 51.21102 11.91663 0.8701 4 2.248 MM 0.0645 2.50266 6.46907e-1 0.0425 Totals : 5885.65284 1398.37743 ===================================================================== *** End of Report ***
===========================================================Acq. Operator : Li Shan(LCMS-02) Seq. Line : 81Acq. Instrument : HY-LCMS-02 Location : P1-F-01Injection Date : 5/7/2015 4:09:23 PM Inj : 1 Inj Volume : 3.000 µl Acq. Method : D:\AGLIENT 1260\DATA\20150507\20150507 2015-05-07 09-02-19\100-1000MS+3MIN- 1.5_(0.02%FA).M Last changed : 5/7/2015 9:02:19 AM by Li Shan(LCMS-02)Analysis Method : D:\AGLIENT 1260\METHOD\10-80A(RP-HPLC).M Last changed : 5/8/2015 10:35:31 AM by Li Shan(LCMS-02) (modified after loading)Method Info : 10-80A,16MIN Catalog No : HY-14720 Batch#08448 A-RP-132 Additional Info : Peak(s) manually integrated min
0.51 1.52 2.530
MSD1 TIC, MS File (D:\AGLIENT 1260\DATA\20150507\20150507 2015-05-07 09-02-19\CPK2015-507-08448.D) ES-API, Pos, Sc
MS Signal: MSD1 TIC, MS File, ES-API, Pos, Scan, Frag: 50 Spectra averaged over upper half of peaks. Noise Cutoff: 1000 counts. Reportable Ion Abundance: > 10%. Retention Mol. Weight Time (MS) MS Area or Ion 1.638 5096925 438.70 I 437.70 I 436.80 I 435.80 I
m/z 1002003004005006007008009000
*MSD1 SPC, time=1.598:1.689 of D:\AGLIENT 1260\DATA\20150507\20150507 2015-05-07 09-02-19\CPK2015-507-08448.D ES-API Max: 224864
457.7 218.4 436.8 437.7 *** End of Report ***。
