2014 Lecture 3
2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题(三)答案与详解Part ⅠWriting审题思路本作文话题为大学校阿中令你受益最多的一项活动,非常贴近大学生的生活。
写作提纲一、指出大学校园中最让“我”受益的活动(benefited me most)二、阐述该活动让“我”受益之处:1、描述活动(a debate competition)2、活动所得(what I have leamt from it)三、升华主题:指出“我”从活动中得到了对未来而言最珍贵的礼物(the most precious gift for future)范文点评1高分范文精彩点评The Most Beneficial Activity on Campus①Every university offers numerous kinds of activities to enrich students’extracurricular life ② As one of the young college students, I have leamt a lot from all of these well- organized activities. ③But the one that has benefited me most is the debate competition I took part in last year.④That was a debate competition between different majors and the topic was about theoretical knowledge versus practice. ⑤What matters most is not the result of the debate, but what I have leamt froth it. ⑥That is, no individual could accomplish a challenging task all by herself or himself. ⑦Joint efforts are of ①指出校园活动多种多样。
• 3.5 I’ll just mark the register
– – – – – Could you pass me the register, please? I haven’t filled in the register. Take the register to room 26. Right ! I’m going to call the roll. Now ! I’ll take the register.
– Is everyone/ everybody here/ present? – Is anyone away?/ Is anybody away? – Regular class attendance is expected of all students in this course. – For excused absences, the student must provide an explanation to the teacher and supply supporting evidence as required by the teacher. – Students leaving school because of illness or other excused reason must still submit a written parental excuse upon their return to school. – Attendance for less than five periods in a day will be treated as full-day absence. – Grading will be affected by your attendance record.
• 差异阈值不是恒定的 (随强度而变化) 非线性物理方程 函数是非线性的 • 韦伯法则: 差异阈值与 初始刺激值的比例是恒 定的 ΔI / I = c • 韦伯法则 斜率随强度而变化 只是大约!
感 觉 大 小
• 费克纳的3种方法:
• 恒定刺激法 • 极限法 • 调整法 • 阶梯法 • 恒定刺激法的修正(适应的, 没有标准)
绝对阈值: 观察者可以只是勉强检测的强度
• 绝对阈值以下的强度:检测不到 • 绝对阈值以上的强度:检测
• 差异阈值(又名 最小可觉差(JND ): 观察者注意到的最小强度差
• 强度变化比差异阈值小:察觉不到 • 强度变化比差异阈值大:察觉得到
如果假定一个线性关系, 两个值确定一个函数 :
Percentage “stronger”
75% 50% 25%
0% PSE
当观察者看不到差异时,他/她在“更强”或“更弱” 中随机选择;心理测量函数中这对应于50%的主观的对 等点(PSE)
Percentage “stronger”
测量阈值相当于于50% 的心理测量函数(恒定 刺激法)
+ •
+ 比较刺激的光强 + + + 阈值估计 + 试验 + 比较明朗 - 比较暗 + + + + + + +
• 直到反应比较刺激 的变化强度下降或 者上升 • 阈值估计 : 用标准和 比较刺激之间的强 度差来反应变化 • 取两个方向上的多 个系列求平均结果
High-context cultures:
Easy to determine who is a member of the group and who is not Emphasis on group as a self-identity long-term relationship
2.1.1 High-context Culture:
It prefers to use high-context messages in which most of the meaning is either implied by the physical setting or is presumed to be part of the individual’s internalized beliefs, values, and norms; very little is provided in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the message. Examples of high-context cultures include Chinese, Japanese, Middle Easterners, etc.
Three layer version of culture
Trompenaars & Hempden-Turner, 1997
The outer layer
----artifacts & products, including language and food, architecture, style, rituals and behavior etc.
The Appreciation of the English Translation of Da Xue
Background Information
?大学?原为?礼记?中的一篇,相传为曾参〔前505-前432〕所撰, 为唐人韩愈、李翱所竭力推崇。宋代程颐程颢兄弟对其进展了系 统地整理和深入研究,使其初具独立成经的地位。
Psalm 94:1: “O LORD, the God who avenges, O God who avenges, shine forth.〞(耶和华啊,你是伸冤的神;伸冤的神啊,求你发出 光来!)
?礼记·学记?:“古之教者,家有塾,党有庠,术 有序,国有学。比年入学,中年考校。一年视离 经辨志,三年视敬业乐群,五年视博习亲师,七 年视论学取友,谓之小成。九年知类通达,强立 而不反,谓之大成。夫然后足以化民易俗,近者 说服而远者怀之,此大学之道也。〞
Only when one comes to understand this point of rest can one reach a state of unwavering stability. Having reached this unwavering state, one can then enjoy an unruffled quietude; having attained this state of quietude, one can then achieve an inner calm; once one has achieved this inner calm, one is then in a position to exercise one’s capacity to deliberate clearly. And it is the capacity of deliberation that provide the basis for all moral attainment.
Lecture 3词类转换
• 有些英语被动句中的动词可 以译成“遭(受、得)到…+ 名词”、“加(予)以…+名 词”这类结构。
• Satellites, however, must be closely watched, for they are constantly being tugged at by the gravitational attraction of the sun, the moon and the earth. • 由于经常受到太阳、月亮以及地球引力的 影响,卫星活动必须加以密切的观察。
• 这篇发言清楚明白、心平气和地说明了 总统希望开始中美对话的原因。
This is sheer nonsense. 这完全是胡说。 Buckley was in a clear minority. 巴克利显然属于少数。 We must make full use of the technical equipment. • 我们必须充分利用现有的技术设备。 • • • • •
• 英语与汉语相比,使用介词较多, 而且有一些英语介词本身就是由动 词演变而来。因此,在翻译时,英 语中的介词或介词短语常译成动词 。
• "Coming!“Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. • "来啦!"她转身蹦跳着跑了,越过草 地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台 ,进了门廊。 • w
1967年联合国文件要求在以色列撤出所占的土 地以及阿拉伯承认以色列的生存权利的基础上 来解决中东冲突。
Lecture 3 形式的复活
Dolphins were far hornier than Flipper ever let on; randy males had even been known to attempt couplings with human females.(Chromosome 8)
The lip of the sun curled over the horizon to blow a red glow across the island.
The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.(Love Your Life)
You hear it all along the river. You hear it, loud and strong, from the rowers as they urge the junk with its high stern, the mast lashed alongside, down the swift running stream. You hear it from the trackers, a more breathless chant, as they pull desperately against the current…(The Song of the River)
Lecture 3 - Multinational Corporations
classifications; ▪ Critically appraise the extent to which MNCs promote a
convergence of HRM strategies;
▪ ‘Acting locally-thinking globally’
▪ Multidirectional communication and mobility of managers and staff
P 1
Perlmutter’s typology
▪ Midway between ethnocentricity and Geocentricity (Harzing 2015)
2nd PHASE- (Growth and internationalization) Concentrates in developing and penetrating markets (home/abroad)
Adler and Ghadar’s model (1990) Phases of internationalization
▪ The complexity of the international business play an important role on implementing strategies which could affect the performance and success of the MNCs.
Domestic- focus on home market and export
lecture 3 科技英语的翻译
1、词汇层面 (1) 专业术语多。这些专业术语的特点是: a. 词形较长,大多含有源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语的词 根、词缀。 如:nucleonics (核子学), semisomnus (半昏迷), excoriation (表皮脱落)等。 b. 多复合词。人们常常通过各种构词方法创造出一些 复合词来表示科技发展中出现的新事物, 如radiophotography (无线电传真), c. 多缩略词。为使用便利和节省时间,科技英语同经 贸英语一样,也有许多缩略词, FM (frequency modulation调频)
(6) 介词词组连用多。为了较为简练地反映 各事物(即各句子成分)之间的时空、所属、因果 等逻辑关系,科技英语中介词词组(短语)连用较 多。例如: The action of air on an airplane in flight at low altitude is greater than that at high altitude. 空气对于低空飞行飞机的作用力大于高空飞 行的飞机。
Lecture 3
Translation of English for Science and Technology (EST)
科技英语(English for Science and Technology,简称EST)是从事科学技术活动时 所使用的英语,是英语的一种变体(科技文体)。 科技英语自70年代以来引起了人们的广泛关注和 研究,目前已发展成为一种重要的英语语体。 I. 科技英语的文体特点 科技英语由于其内容、使用域和语篇功能的 特殊性,也由于科技工作者长期以来的语言使用 习惯,形成了自身的一些特点,使其在许多方面 有别于日常英语、文学英语等语体。这些特点主 要表现在词汇和句法两个层面上:
Lecture3 学习的类型 林轩田
Learning with Different Input Space X
• 上面几部分介绍的机器学习分类都是根据输出来分类的,比如根 据输出空间进行分类,根据输出y的标记进们将谈谈输入X有哪些类 型。
• 简单总结一下,根据输入X类型不同,可以分为concetet, raw, abstract。将一些抽象的特征转换为具体的特征,是机器学习过 程中非常重要的一个环节。在《机器学习技法》课程中,我们再 详细介绍。
• 二元分类有线性模型也有非线性模型,根据实际问题情况,选择 不同的模型。
• 除了二元分类,也有多元分类(Multiclass Classification)问题。 顾名思义,多元分类的输出多于两个,y={1, 2, … , K}, K>2. 一般 多元分类的应用有数字识别、图片内容识别等等。
• PLA能够在平面中选择一条直线将样本数据完全正确分类。而对 于线性不可分的情况,可以使用Pocket Algorithm来处理。
• 本节课将主要介绍一下机器学习有哪些种类,并进行归纳。
二元分类-Learning with Different Output Space Y
• 二元分类的问题很常见,包括信用卡发放、垃圾邮件判别、患者 疾病诊断、答案正确性估计等等。二元分类是机器学习领域非常 核心和基本的问题。
• 简单总结一下,机器学习按照输出空间划分的话,包括二元分类、 多元分类、回归、结构化学习等不同的类型。其中二元分类和回 归是最基础、最核心的两个类型,也是我们课程主要介绍的部分。
Learning with Different Data Lablel Yn
• 如果我们拿到的训练样本D既有输入特征x,也有输出yn,那么我们把这种类型的学习称为监督式学习 (Supervised Learning)。监督式学习可以是二元分类、多元分类或者是回归,最重要的是知道输出标 签yn。与监督式学习相对立的另一种类型是非监督式学习(Unsupervised learning)。
章振邦英语语法教程--Lecture 3 Clause Element
Lecture 3 Clause ElementsClause elements can be divided into two categories: central elements and peripheral elements.3.1 Central elementsThe central elements of a clause include subject, predicate verb, object, complement, and adverbial.1) Subject semantically classifieda) personal subject and non-personal subject The audience remain silent. (personal subject)My dream has come true. (non-personal subject.)b) agentive subject and recipient subjectHe broke the window out of carelessness. (agentive subject)He broke his leg. (recipient subject)c) temporal subject and locative subjectBy the time you got back, it was nine o’clock.(temporal subject)This bedroom sleeps six students. (locative subject)d) instrumental subject and eventive subject The key opened the door. (instrumental subject)A car knocked them down. (instrumental subject)His marriage is next week. (eventive subject)2) Predicate verb/PredicatorThe predicate verb is the central part of the predication. It is usually expressed by a verb phrase, either a simple VP or a complex VP. For example:He got up early so as to catch the first train. Nobody could make me change my mind. The children might have been playing in the garden.3) Object semantically classifiedSemantically, objects can be divided into recipient object, resultant object, causative object, metonymic object and cognate object.a) Recipient objecte.g. The department has offered me a post.b) Resultant objecte.g. I’m baking a cake.c) Causative objecte.g. The captain marched the troops away.d) Metonymic objecte.g. He is not smoking a pipe.e) Cognate objecte.g. John lives a quiet life.He dreamt a terrifying dream.4) ComplementThe complement includes subject complement and object complement. The subject complement, which describes what the subject refers to, is usually used together with the linking verb, forming a “linking verb + complement” construction.She was all smiles when we went in.You can rest assured that we will do our best.The object complement, which describes thecharacteristics of what the object refers to, is usually placed immediately after the direct object. It is preceded by as, or occasionally by for, with some verbs. For example:Police were treating the incident as murder. The anticipatory it is used as the formal object when the object is too long. For example:We consider it very important to use information technology.5) AdverbialAdverbials are generally optional in the clause structure. Adverbials in the form of adverb phrases, prepositional phrases, or clauses are more mobile than the other clause elements. Their positions are determined, to a larger extent, by textual and pragmatic factors rather than by syntactical factors. Adverbials can be divided into three types: depictive adverbial/adjunct, stance adverbial/disjunct, and linking adverbial/conjunct. The depictive adverbial isthe central element of the clause and the stance and linking adverbials are peripheral. Semantically, depictive adverbials can be classified into:a) adverbial of time and placee.g. I’ll be back before you have left. Wherever you go, I’ll go with you.b) adverbial of manner and accompanying circumstancese.g. They treated the child kindly.With all the noise, she was finding it hard to concentrate.c) adverbial of reason, result and purposee.g. He just had to apologize, seeing that he knew he’d made a mistake.The train was so slow that it was almost two hours late.This is good for getting rid of headaches.d) adverbial of condition and concessione.g. You’d be invited to more parties if you smiled more often.Much as I enjoyed the holiday, I was glad tobe home.3.2 Peripheral elementsThe peripheral elements of a clause refer to those that are not structurally integrated with the main structure of the clause. They include stance adverbials, linking adverbials, vocatives, insertions, interjections, parentheses, and initial YES or NO. The following are a few examples of stance and linking adverbials:1) Stance adverbialStance adverbial, also called disjunct, expresses an evaluation of what is being said. It is usually placed at the beginning of (occasionally in the middle or at the end of) a sentence, with a comma to separate it from the rest of the sentence. Stance adverbials are usually realized by adverbs or adverb phrases. They are also realized by prepositional phrases, non-finite clauses, verbless clauses and occasionally by finite clauses.Honestly, I think you are mistaken.Very frankly, I’m tired o f it.In my opinion, you’d better go with us.To be sure, some people may disagree. Curious, the game turned out that way. Even more important, he is in charge of the project.What’s more, this project offers prospects ofa great profit.2) Linking adverbialLinking adverbial, also called conjunct, has the function of conjoining independent units: phrases, clauses or sentences. Linking adverbials are commonly realized by conjunctive and explanatory adverbs and prepositional phrases, etc. semantically, the conjunctive roles can be dintinguished into: a) Linking adverbials denoting listing and enumeration, e.g.This project won’t work: for a start, it’s a bad idea, and secondly, it’ll cost too much. They talked about it for hours. Finally, they decided to go.b) Linking adverbials denoting reinforcement,e.g:The house is not big enough for us, and furthermore, it is too far from town.They ate a seven-course meal; in addition, they drank three bottles of wine.c) Linking adverbials denoting apposition, e.g.:The passenger plane of the 1980s, namely, the supersonic jet, transformed relations between people of the world.He is very fat, that is, he weighs 273 pounds.d) Linking adverbials denoting result, e.g.:It rained three days on end. Consequently, all the land here was under water.The Rainers refused to pay the higher rent when an increase was announced. As a result, they were evicted from the house.e) Linking adverbials denoting semantic equation, e.g.:You must pack plenty of food for the journey. Likewise, you will need warm clothes, so pack them too.f) Linking adverbials denoting inference, e.g.: I’ve never been to Wales. I, therefore, don’t know much about that place.Do what you are told to; otherwise, you will be punished.g) Linking adverbials denoting replacement, e.g.:They are enjoying themselves. (Or) Rather, they appear to be enjoying themselves.A common saying goes, “Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem.” In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.h) Linking adverbials, denoting antithesis, e.g.: On the one hand, you don’t want to be too aggressive. On the other hand, you shouldn’t be too tired.He takes no interest in studies; instead, he plays tennis all day.i) Linking adverbials denoting concession, e.g.:It was a very complicated test. He, nevertheless, passed it with distinction.The expression is ungrammatical; all the same, it is a part of the common tongue.j) Linking adverbials denoting temporal transition, e.g.:They’ll be here in 10 minutes. Meantime/Mean while we’ll have some coffee. Tom was now undergoing many hardships. His brother in the meantime was having an easy time.k) Linking adverbials denoting change of discoursal topic, e.g.:We shall expect you; by the way, dinner will be at eight.The airlines charge half price for the students; incidentally, I’ve bought my ticket to New York.l) Linking adverbials denoting summation, e.g.:All in all, their financial condition is not bad. In conclusion, I’d like to say how much I’ve enjoyed staying here.。
商务英语句子的翻译Lecture 3
1.1.4翻译为目的状语 英语定语从句如果在语义上表示目的,可以 译成汉语的目的从句,分局之前应当加上关 联词语"以","以便","为了","从 而"等. 1. Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments. 译文:中国派出一些贸易代表团出访非洲各 国,以便同各国政府洽谈贸易协议 以便同各国政府洽谈贸易协议. 以便同各国政府洽谈贸易协议
1.1.6翻译为结果状语 1. There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them. 译文:这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很 有魅力,因而博得了他们所有人的欢心 因而博得了他们所有人的欢心. 因而博得了他们所有人的欢心
2. As I just said, the first decade in space saw accomplishments in science and technology which affected our concept of the entire universe. 译文:正如我刚才所说,第一个十年在外 层空间方面科学和技术都取得了成就,从 从 而影响了我们对整个宇宙的看法. 而影响了我们对整个宇宙的看法
Lecture 3
a) Choose between WILL+INF. and WILL BE+- ING: 1. A: I am going to Switzerland next week. B: You are lucky. The wild flowers just ___(come) out. 2. It ___ (be) very late when she gets home, and her parents ___ (wonder) what’s happened. 3. He ___ (come) if you ask him. 4. A: I wonder what I ___ (do) this time next year. B: I expect you ___ (work) at the same office. 5. A: I ___ (get) you some cigarettes if you like. The shops still ___ (be) open. B: No, don’t bother. The office boy ___ (go) out in a minute to post the letters; I ___ (ask) him to buy me some.
3.1.2 Uses of present future time 1) will /shall do We shall have a meeting tomorrow. The crisis will soon come to an end. 2) will /shall be doing (1) He will be playing football at three tomorrow afternoon. (2) I will be writing to Peter
Lecture 3
例1 “好”的译法●好的开始,是成功的一半。
Well begun, half done.●邻居对她都很好。
Her neighbors are all very kind to her.●这我们好解决。
The problem can be easily solved.●今天下行好几个人找你。
●Quite a few people came in looking for you this afternoon.●你留个电话,有事好跟你商量。
●Give me your telephone number so that I can contact you when necessary.例2 “轻”的译法●这摩托车很轻巧。
●The motorcycle is light and handy.●她动作很轻巧。
●She is nimble in movement.●你说得倒轻巧,你也我捧个奖杯回来。
●You talk as if it were just a walkover. Why not try yourself and see if you can bring back atrophy, too?例3 “考察”的译法●中国明朝的著名旅行家徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍布全国。
●In his lifetime, Xu Xiake, a great traveler in China’s Ming Dynasty, toured 16 provinces,leaving his footmarks in nearly every corner of the country.●为了进行真实、细致的考察,他很少乘船,坐车。
●In order to get a detailed and truthful picture of the places he visited, he usually travelledon foot even when carriages and boats were available.●他总是选择道路艰险的山区,人迹罕至的森林进行考察。
1、直译与意译: Literal Translation Vs. Free Translation Literal Translation, superficially speaking, means “not to alter the original words and sentences”; Strictly speaking, it strives “to keep the sentiments and style of the original”. It’s different from word-for-word word-fortranslation.
2、归化与异化 domestication/adaptation Vs foreignization / alienation Free translation & literal translation: from the linguistic perspective domestication/adaptation Vs foreignization / alienation: go beyond the linguistic level, focus more on cultural, stylistic and aesthetic factors.
- The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that they rarely leave hope at bottom. - The professor rapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentlemen, order!” the entire class yelled, “Beer!” - Why a river is so rich? The answer:Because it has two banks. answer: banks. - What usually happen to a lawyer after his death? The answer:He lies still. answer:
Lecture 3-外部环境分析一
Components of A Firm’s External Environment
Economic Demographic Industry Environment Competitive Environment Political /Legal Technological Global Sociocultural
External environmental analysis
A firm’s external environment is divided into three major areas: General environment analysis Industry environment analysis Competitor analysis
Demographic segment- population size, age structure, geographic distribution, income distribution, ethnic mix Economic segment- inflation rates, interest rates, personal savings rate, business savings rate, trade deficits or surpluses, GDP political/legal segment- antitrust laws, labor training laws, taxation laws, educational philosophies and policies, deregulation philosophies
Classification of stakeholders
Capital market stakeholders shareholders, major suppliers of capital (e.g. banks) Product market stakeholders Primary customers, suppliers, host communities, unions Organizational market stakeholders Employees, managers,
As a high school student, the English composition exam in 2014 was a significant event in my academic life. It was not just a test of my language skills, but also a reflection of my ability to express thoughts and ideas in a coherent and engaging manner. The prompt for the national English exam that year was to write a letter to a friend who was considering dropping out of school. This task was particularly challenging as it required empathy, persuasive skills, and a deep understanding of the importance of education.I began the composition by addressing my friend directly, creating a sense of intimacy and urgency. I empathized with their struggles, acknowledging the pressures of school and the allure of the outside world. However, I transitioned into the crux of my argument by highlighting the longterm benefits of education. I used a mix of personal anecdotes and hypothetical scenarios to illustrate how education can open doors to opportunities that might otherwise remain closed.One of the key points I made was the importance of perseverance. I shared a personal story of a time when I too felt overwhelmed by the demands of school. I described the moment of clarity I had when a teacher encouraged me to push through the challenges, emphasizing that the most rewarding experiences often come after overcoming adversity. This narrative was meant to resonate with my friend, showing them that they were not alone in their struggles.To further strengthen my argument, I provided examples of successful individuals who had faced similar challenges and chose to continue theireducation. I mentioned the story of a famous entrepreneur who had dropped out of college but later returned to complete his degree, attributing his success to the knowledge and skills he gained from his education. This example served to counter the common misconception that success is only achieved by those who break away from traditional educational paths.Moreover, I discussed the broader societal implications of education. I argued that an educated populace contributes to the overall development and progress of a nation. I cited statistics on how higher levels of education correlate with lower unemployment rates and improved quality of life, making a case for the collective benefits of staying in school.To make the composition more relatable and engaging, I employed a conversational tone and included rhetorical questions that invited my friend to reflect on their own values and aspirations. I asked, Do you want to limit your future to the choices available today, or do you want to broaden your horizons with the knowledge and skills that education can provide?In conclusion, I reiterated the importance of education and the potential it holds for personal growth and societal contribution. I ended the letter with a heartfelt plea for my friend to reconsider their decision, expressing my belief in their ability to succeed and make a positive impact on the world.The 2014 English composition exam was a pivotal moment for me as it challenged me to think critically about the value of education and the roleit plays in shaping our lives. It was an opportunity to practice not only my writing skills but also my ability to persuade and inspire. Reflecting on this experience, I am grateful for the lessons it taught me about the power of words and the importance of staying committed to ones education.。
知乎精讲2014英语二第三篇Introduction to Zhihu精讲2014英语二第三篇Zhihu, a popular question-and-answer platform in China, has become a valuable resource for individuals seeking to expand their knowledge in various fields. In this article, we will delve into the third section of the Zhihu精讲2014英语二 series, providing a comprehensive overview of the content covered in this section.Section 3: Understanding Culture and SocietyThe third section of the Zhihu精讲2014英语二 series focuses on cultural and societal aspects, providing insights into different cultures, traditions, and social issues. This section aims to broaden the readers' understanding of the world, helping them develop a global perspective.1. Cultural Diversity: In this part, the Zhihu精讲2014英语二 series highlights the importance of cultural diversity in a globalized world. It emphasizes the need to respect and appreciate different cultures, as well as the benefits of cultural exchange and understanding.2. Cross-Cultural Communication: Understanding and effectively communicating across cultures is vital in our increasingly interconnected world. This section provides valuable tips and strategies for overcoming cultural barriers and fostering effective cross-cultural communication.3. Social Issues: This part of the Zhihu精讲2014英语二 series sheds light on important social issues, such as gender equality, environmental protection, poverty, and education. It explores the challenges and potential solutions to these problems, encouraging readers to take an active role in addressing them.4. Cultural Traditions: Culture plays a significant role in shaping societies and individuals. This section delves into various cultural traditions, such as festivals,ceremonies, and customs, offering readers a deeper understanding of the diverse cultural heritage across the globe.5. Globalization and its Impact: The Zhihu精讲2014英语二 series also examines the impact of globalization on culture and society. It discusses both the positive and negative effects of globalization, including the homogenization of cultures and the preservation of cultural identities.6. Intercultural Sensitivity: This part emphasizes the importance of developing intercultural sensitivity, which involves understanding, respecting, and appreciating cultural differences. It provides practical tips for cultivating intercultural sensitivity and becoming a global citizen.Conclusion:The third section of the Zhihu精讲2014英语二 series is a valuable resource for individuals interested in expanding their knowledge of culture and society. It offers insights into cultural diversity, cross-cultural communication, social issues, cultural traditions, globalization, and intercultural sensitivity. By exploring these topics, readers can develop a broader perspective and enhance their intercultural competence. Whether for academic or personal reasons, the content covered in this section of the series provides a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of culture and society in the modern world.。
【图像要点复习】横纵坐标有简单的公式关系的图像: 1. 斜率a) 若 yx 有物理意义,在图像中表示为______________________ 的斜率。
b) 若∆y ∆x有物理意义,在图像中表示为________________的斜率。
2. 面积a) 若 yx 有物理意义,在图像中表示为___________________________的面积。
b) 若 y∆x 有物理意义,在图像中表示为__________________________的面积。
图像 x-t v-t Φ-t φ-x p-t W-x W-t q-t 斜率图像 v-ta-tE-tE-xF-tF-xP-tI-t面积【例】小灯泡通电后其电流I 随所加电压U 变化的图线如图所示,P 为图线上一点,PN 为图线的切线,PQ 为U 轴的垂线,PM 为I 轴的垂线.则下列说法中正确的是( )A. 随着所加电压的增大,小灯泡的电阻增大B. 对应P 点,小灯泡的电阻为12UR I =C. 对应P 点,小灯泡的电阻为121U R I I =- D. 对应P 点,小灯泡的功率为图中矩形PQOM 所围的面积【答案】ABD【例1】(2013上海)32.(12分)半径为R ,均匀带正电荷的球体在空间产生球对称的电场;场强大小沿半径分布如图所示,图中0E 已知,E r -曲线下~O R 部分的面积等于~2R R 部分的面积。
⑴ 写出E r -曲线下面积的单位;⑵ 己知带电球在r R ≥处的场强2kQE r =,式中k 为静电力常量,该均匀带电球所带的电荷量Q 为多大?⑶ 求球心与球表面间的电势差U ∆;⑷ 质量为m ,电荷量为q 的负电荷在球面处需具有多大的速度可以刚好运动到2R 处?【例2】一质点竖直向上运动,运动过程中质点的机械能与高度关系的图象如图所示,其中10~h 过程的图线为水平线,12~h h 过程的图线为倾斜直线.根据该图象,下列判断正确的是A .质点在10~h 过程中除重力外不受其它力的作用B .质点在10~h 过程中动能始终不变C .质点在12~h h 过程中合外力与速度的方向一定相反D .质点在12~h h 过程中可能做匀速直线运动【例3】(2013新1)21.2012年11月,“歼-15”舰载机在“辽宁号”航空母舰上着舰成功。
Part II 英语新闻导语
美国的新闻学大师梅尔文· 曼彻把导语分成两种基本类型:直接式导语与延迟 式导语。直接式导语在文章开头直接告诉读者最重要的信息,通常用于突发 新闻的写作。延迟式导语通过暗示的手法吸引受众阅读正文,通常用于特稿 的写作。 他还认为,在内容上,导语需要满足两个要求,一是抓住基本事实,二是吸 引读者在此文停留片刻; 在形式上,好的导语通常只包含一个中心意思,只包含一个主谓宾结构,并 且不超过35个单词。 导语写作不超过35个单词的要求可能也只适用于消息写作,新闻导语的写作 在本质上强调直入主题,但这并非说所有的导语都只能是千篇一律的“开门 见山”。美英报刊所载文章的导语的确演绎了多样的精彩,或许对我们的导 语写作有所助益。
一. 直接式导语(direct lead)
• 直接式导语是媒体使用频率最高的导语形式。它主要用于突发性新闻、重大 新闻、时间性强的新闻的报道。因为这些新闻是读者急于快速了解的信息 , 读者没有时间和兴趣在获取这些信息时去玩味记者制造的文字游戏。 • 消息类新闻属于“硬新闻”,是广泛采用的的一种新闻体裁。消息报道中的 导语十分重要,它位于第一段或第一、二段。通过它点出新闻的主题,这是 消息这种新闻文体区别于其它文体的一个重要特征。 • 它最突出的特点便是:从第一句话开始,就集中描述新闻事件的主题,单刀 直入地先进告诉读者新闻事件的核心内容,将何人(who)、何事(what)、何 时(when)、何地(where)、为何(why)及如何(how)这些要素中最为重要的内 容交代出来,让读者一目了然。
• 牵引主题的作用,使读者看了导语就知道这条消息的大体 信息,从而引出主题以及阐述这个主题的主体; • 逗引读者的阅读兴趣,使读者在阅读导语的过程中,产生 阅读兴趣,情不自禁地把新闻读下去。
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What’s in a Japanese name?
Popular names for babies in 2013
Boys: Hiroto 大翔, Ren 蓮, Yuuma 悠真, Minato 湊, Haruto 陽斗, Shoota 翔太, Yuuto悠斗 Girls: Yuina 結菜, Hina 陽菜, Aoi 葵, Yua 結愛, Yui 結衣, Rin 凛, Airi 愛莉源自保 ほ ホ れ礼 レ
When are katakana used?
• Loan words from English and other European languages: コーヒー パン スパゲッティー coffee bread spaghetti • Names of European origin:
- Grammatical words, - adverbs
Katakana ハ ガ
- Western loan words, - onomatopoeic words
日本人 高い 行く
- nouns, - stems of verbs and adjectives, etc
What do they look like?
“Look at some authentic texts and see how katakana are used.”
モー moo
ブーブー buubuu
ゲロゲロ gerogero ニャー nyaa
ワンワン wanwan
Some of the katakana are similar to Hiragana
Katakana カタカナ
Japanese Writing System
(one unit of sound )
Chinese characters (meaning, sounds)
(English alphabet)
Hiragana は が
JAPANESE 130G Summer School
Lecture 3 14 Jan 2014
It is a well known one-pot dish in Japan. It usually consists of thinly sliced beef, tofu and various vegetables. They are slowly cooked in a shallow iron pot in a mixture of soy sauce, sugar and mirin at a table, then dipped in a small bowl of row, beaten eggs just before being eaten. Food such as meat, milk and eggs were uncommon in Japan until the Meiji Period when Japan was open to other countries.
basuketto booru バスケ
L2: ko so a do こそあど
are ano asoko dore? dono? doko?
kore kono koko
sore sono soko
People are all over the place What the new words? and are they are talking about the ownership of a pen. What do they mean? Let’s listen to what they are saying.
伊藤 翔太 Ito Shoota
高橋 直美 Takahashi Naomi
山田 あい Yamada Ai
• How to decide on a given names in Japan? (Number of strokes, combination of characters, names of other members of the family, meaning, etc) • Common meanings in given names: harmony, courage, goodness, strength, fairness, cheerfulness, generosity, intelligence, beauty, grace, leadership, etc. • A number of names is increasing. One can be creative in naming. • Sometimes it is hard to know the reading of names even by Japanese people. In all official forms there is a box to provide the readings of names. • Surnames are used more often than given names in school, office, and communities. • Social roles sometimes replace names, sensee ‘teacher’, okusan ‘wife’, buchoo ‘department chief’ • The most common kanji used in a surname is 田 7 ‘paddy field’
Haruki Murakami Yoko Ono Takuya Kimura Ichiro Kana Nishino Sinzo Abe
Family name + Given name
鈴木 博 Suzuki Hiroshi 佐藤 裕子 Satoo Yuuko
田中 正弘 Tanaka Masahiro
ケーキ sutaa bakkusu
sutahhu スタッフ
buraddo pitto ブラッド ピット
basuketto booru バスケットボール
makudonarudo マクドナルド
chiketto チケット
ケーキ Starbucks
Brad Pitt ブラッド ピット
Listening Comprehension
Let’s try Exercises on WB pp.17-18
A: Greetings B: Time C: Telephone Numbers D: Akira and Kate Please review these exercises at home!
TB pp.62-64
Self Introduction
わたしは りさ です。 わたしは 19さい です。 わたしは オークランドだいがく の 2 ねんせい です。 わたしの せんこうは にほんご です。
Japanese Names TB p.45
Do you know any Japanese names?
アイウエオ カキクケコ サシスセソ タチツテト ナニヌネノ
Hiragana developed as cursive abbreviations of whole kanji.
Katakana is one of the components from kanji. They have more angular appearance.
ジョン キー John Key ニュージーランド New Zealand オークランド Auckland
• Onomatopoeic words (sound-imitative words): カーカー リンリン ガチャガチャ ‘cawing ‘ringing ‘crashing sound’ sound’ sound’
あれは わたしのペンです。 are wa watatshi no pen desu これは わたしの ペンです。 kore wa watashi no pen desu
いいえ、それは わたしの ペンです。 Iie, sore wa watashi no pen desu
て ん ぷ ら
End おわり
カ セ ウ
か せ う
キ モ
き も や リ
Watch out for the following similar ones!
Here are some western loanwords.
Guess the original English words from the following katakana words.
staff スタッフ
basket ball バスケットボー ル ticket チケット
MacDonald’s マクドナルド
Japanese love abbreviation
sutaba スタバ
buraddo pitto ブラピ
makudonarudo マック (Tokyo) マクド (Osaka)