则当年需用量为多少件时应该自制?4.某厂计划生产乙产品1200只,设单价为20元,单位变动成本为单价的60%,固定成本为6000元,则乙产品的安全边际率为多少?5. 在责权利三者关系中,“权”是前提条件。
6. 变动成本率其数值越小,说明企业经营的安全程度越大。
7. 在采用评价指标分析长期投资决策项目财务上的可行性时,设定的折现率小于内含报酬率,投资项目一般可以接受。
8. 变动制造费用的价格差异即为耗费差异。
9. P公司全年需要甲材料为4000千克,单位变动储存成本每年为16元,订购甲材料一次的成本为80元,该公司最优订货次数是多少10.在变动成本法下,固定制造费用、变动销售费用、固定销售费用对期末存货成本高低无影响。
12. 评价投资中心的指标主要有经济附加值、投资报酬率、剩余收益。
13. 在投资决策评价指标中,需要以预先设定的贴现率作为计算依据的有净现值法、现值指数法、回收期法。
17. 制定内部转移价格的主要作用是有助于经济责任的合理落实,为管理的评价和考核提供客观、公正和可比的基础,保证各责任中心与整个企业的经营目标一致性。
18. 平衡记分卡从财务视角、顾客视角、内部流程视角、学习与成长视角等四个方面来考察企业的业绩。
要求:分别按两种成本法的有关公式计算下列指标:(1)单位产品成本(2)期间成本(3)销货成本(4)营业利润.解:1、变动成本法:(1)单位产品成本=10+5+7=22元(2)期间成本=4000+4×600+1000=7400元(3)销货成本=22×600=13200元(4)贡献边际=40×600-(22×600+4×600)=8400元营业利润=8400-(4000+1000)=3400元2、完全成本法:(1)单位产品成本=22+4000/1000=26元(2)期间成本=4×600+1000=3400元(3)销货成本=26×600=15600元(4)营业利润=40×600-15600—3400=5000元2、已知:某厂只生产一种产品,第一、二年的产量分别为30 000件和24 000件,销售量分别为20 000件和30 000件;存货计价采用先进先出法。
产品单价为15元/件,单位变动生产成本为5元/件;每年固定性制造费用的发生额为180 000元。
销售及管理费用都是固定性的,每年发生额为25 000元.要求:分别采用两种成本计算方法确定第一、第二年的营业利润(编制利润表)。
解:贡献式利润表单位:元传统式利润表单位:元3、已知:某厂连续两年的产销量、成本和售价等资料如下表:资料单位:元该厂按变动成本法计算的营业利润第一年为150 000元,第二年为100 000元,存货按先进先出法计价。
要求:用利润差额简算法计算完全成本法的各年营业利润.解:1、第一年的营业利润差额=0-0=0第一年完全成本法的营业利润=150 000+0=150 0002、第二年的营业利润差额=(40 000÷10 000)×4000—0=16 000第一年完全成本法的营业利润=100 000+16 000=116 0004、已知:某厂生产甲产品,产品单位为10元/件,单位产品变动生产成本为4元,固定性制造费用总额为24 000元,销售及管理费用为6 000元,全部系固定性的,存货按先进先出法计价,最近三年的产销量资料如下表:资料单位:件要求:(1)分别按两种方法计算单位产品成本;(2)分别按两种方法计算期末存货成本;(3)分别按两种方法计算期初存货成本;(4)分别按两种方法计算各年营业利润(编制利润表);(5)用差额简算法验证完全成本法下的各年利润。
(15分)(2012年1月考题)(15分)解:高点(360,148 000);低点(200,,100 000)b=(148 000-100 000)/(360-200)=48 000 / 160=300元/台将b=300元/台代入高点或低点:a=148 000-360*300=40 000元或a=100 000-200*300=40 000元成本模型为y=40 000+300x从案例解析可得,制造费用中固定部分为40 000元,变动部分为300x。
7月份的总成本=40 000+300*350=145 000元单位成本=145 000 / 350=414元/台3、已知某灯饰制造公司2011年1-6月份修理费(为混合成本)与有关业务量(为直接要求:(1)根据上述资料用高低点法对维修费进行成本性态分析并建立成本模型。
变动成本法下:单位产品成本=10+5+7+4=26(元)期间成本=1000+4000=5000(元)销货成本= 26×600=15600(元)营业利润=600×(40-26)-5000=3400(元)完全成本法下:单位产品成本= (元)期间成本=1000(元)销货成本=30×600=18000(元)营业利润=600×(40-30)-1000=5000(元)2.某公司只产销一种产品,本年单位变动成本为6元,变动成本总额为84000元,获营业利润18000元,若该公司计划下一年度变动成本率仍维持本年度的4000,其他条件不变。
(15分)销售收人= (元)销售量= (件)单位售价= (元)单位贡献边际=15-6=9(元)固定成本=210000-84000-18000=108000(元)保本量= (件)保本额= (元)3.某企业2006年利润为250000元,2007年的经营杠杆系数为2,如果2007年的销售变动率为5%。
2007年利润变动率=5%×2=10%2007年利润预测额=250000 ×(1+5%×2)=275000(元)4.某企业组织多品种经营,其中有一种变动成本率为80%的产品于2005年亏损了10000元,其完全销售成本为110000元。
解:1、变动成本法:(1)单位产品成本=10+5+7=22元(2)期间成本=4000+4×600+1000=7400元(3)销货成本=22×600=13200元(4)贡献边际=40×600-(22×600+4×600)=8400元营业利润=8400-(4000+1000)=3400元2、完全成本法:(1)单位产品成本=22+4000/1000=26元(2)期间成本=4×600+1000=3400元(3)销货成本=26×600=15600元(4)营业利润=40×600-15600-3400=5000元2、已知:某厂只生产一种产品,第一、二年的产量分别为30 000件和24 000件,销售量分别为20 000件和30 000件;存货计价采用先进先出法。
产品单价为15元/件,单位变动生产成本为5元/件;每年固定性制造费用的发生额为180 000元。
销售及管理费用都是固定性的,每年发生额为25 000元。
解:贡献式利润表单位:元传统式利润表单位:元3、已知:某厂连续两年的产销量、成本和售价等资料如下表:资料单位:元该厂按变动成本法计算的营业利润第一年为150 000元,第二年为100 000元,存货按先进先出法计价。
(15分)(2012年1月考题)(15分)解:高点(360,148 000);低点(200,,100 000)b=(148 000-100 000)/(360-200)=48 000 / 160=300元/台将b=300元/台代入高点或低点:a=148 000-360*300=40 000元或a=100 000-200*300=40 000元成本模型为y=40 000+300x从案例解析可得,制造费用中固定部分为40 000元,变动部分为300x。
7月份的总成本=40 000+300*350=145 000元单位成本=145 000 / 350=414元/台3、已知某灯饰制造公司2011年1-6月份修理费(为混合成本)与有关业务量(为直接要求:(1)根据上述资料用高低点法对维修费进行成本性态分析并建立成本模型。
管理会计 -计算分析题(共 50 分)1.某企业某产品有关成本资料如下:单位直接材料成本为 10元,单位直接人工成本为 5 元,单位变动制造费用为 7元,固定性制造费用总额为 4000元,单位变动性销售及管理费 用为 4元,固定性销售及管理费用为 1000元。
期初存货量为 0,本期产量为 1000件,销量 为 600 件,单位售价为 40 元。
( 15 分) 要求:分别按两种方法的有关公式计算下列指标:( 1 )单位产品成本;( 2)期间成本;( 3)销货成本;( 4)营业利润。
变动成本法下:单位产品成本 =10+5+7+4=26 (元)3.某企业 动率为 5% 。
( 10 分) 要求:请预测在销售量变动后 额。
2007 年利润变动率 =5%X 2=10%2007 年利润预测额 =250000 X ( 1+5%X2) =275000(元)期间成本 =1000+4000=5000 (元)销货成本 =26 «00=15600 (元)营业利润 =600 X ( 40 - 26)— 5000=3400 (元)完全成本法下:单位产品成本 = (元)期间成本 =1000(元)销货成本=30X600=18000 (元)营业利润=600X (40 — 30)— 1000=5000 (元)2.某公司只产销一种产品,本年单位变动成本为6 元,变动成本总额为 84000 元,获营业 利润 18000元,若该公司计划下一年度变动成本率仍维持本年度的 4000,其他条件不变。
(销售收人 = (元)15分)销售量 = (件)单位售价 = (元)单位贡献边际 =15— 6=9(元)固定成本 =210000—84000—18000=108000(元)保本量 = 件)保本额 = 元) 2006年利润为 250000元,2007年的经营杠杆系数为 2,如果 2007 年的销售变 2007 年的利润变动率以及利润变动B1型号:折旧额=(200000-20000)/5=36000 (元)净现值=-200000+(26800+36000) X3.433+20000X).519=25972.4 (元)B2型号:税后净利=30000X(1-33%)=20100(元)折旧额=(150000-15000) /5=27000(元)净现值=-150000+(20100+27000) X3.433+15000X0.519=19479.3 (元)B1型号的净现值大于 B2型号的净现值,所以应选择 B1型号设备。
期初存货量为0,本期产量为1000件,销量为600件,单位售价为40元.(15分)要求:分别按两种方法的有关公式计算下列指标:(1)单位产品成本;(2)期间成本;(3)销货成本;(4)营业利润.变动成本法下:单位产品成本=10+5+7+4=26(元)期间成本=1000+4000=5000(元)销货成本= 26×600=15600(元)营业利润=600×(40-26)-5000=3400(元)完全成本法下:单位产品成本= (元)期间成本=1000(元)销货成本=30×600=18000(元)营业利润=600×(40-30)-1000=5000(元)2.某公司只产销一种产品,本年单位变动成本为6元,变动成本总额为84000元,获营业利润18000元,若该公司计划下一年度变动成本率仍维持本年度的4000,其他条件不变.(15分)要求:预测下年度的保本销售量及保本销售额。
(15分)销售收人= (元)销售量= (件)单位售价= (元)单位贡献边际=15-6=9(元)固定成本=210000-84000-18000=108000(元)保本量= (件)保本额= (元)3.某企业2006年利润为250000元,2007年的经营杠杆系数为2,如果2007年的销售变动率为5%。
2007年利润变动率=5%×2=10%2007年利润预测额=250000 ×(1+5%×2)=275000(元)4.某企业组织多品种经营,其中有一种变动成本率为80%的产品于2005年亏损了10000元,其完全销售成本为110000元。
问题:1. 计算A产品的单位成本。
2. 如果公司本月销售A产品2500件,计算本月的总成本和单位成本。
答案:1. A产品的单位成本计算如下:- 直接材料成本:20元/件- 直接人工成本:15元/件- 变动制造费用:10元/件- 固定制造费用分摊:30000元 / 3000件 = 10元/件- 单位成本 = 20 + 15 + 10 + 10 = 55元/件2. 本月的总成本计算如下:- 总成本 = (直接材料成本 + 直接人工成本 + 变动制造费用)× 生产量 + 固定制造费用- 总成本= (20 + 15 + 10) × 3000 + 30000 = 135000 + 30000 = 165000元- 单位成本 = 总成本 / 销售量 = 165000 / 2500 = 66元/件试题二:成本-体积-利润分析假设某公司生产B产品,其售价为每件100元,固定成本为50000元,变动成本为每件60元。
问题:1. 计算B产品的盈亏平衡点。
2. 如果公司希望实现利润50000元,需要销售多少件B产品?答案:1. 盈亏平衡点计算如下:- 盈亏平衡点 = 固定成本 / (售价 - 变动成本)- 盈亏平衡点 = 50000 / (100 - 60) = 50000 / 40 = 1250件2. 利润计算如下:- 利润 = 销售量× (售价 - 变动成本) - 固定成本- 设销售量为x,需要解方程:x × (100 - 60) - 50000 = 50000 - 解得:x × 40 - 50000 = 50000- x = 50000 / 40 + 50000 / 40 = 1250 + 1250 = 2500件试题三:预算编制某公司预计下个月的销售额为200000元,变动成本占销售额的40%,固定成本为每月50000元。
160000X 5=800000
160000X 3=480000
700000 X 5%=35000
(3+150000+170000) X
(3+150000+140000) X
解:1、变动成本法:(1)单位产品成本=10+5+7=22元(2)期间成本=4000+4×600+1000=7400元(3)销货成本=22×600=13200元(4)贡献边际=40×600-(22×600+4×600)=8400元营业利润=8400-(4000+1000)=3400元2、完全成本法:(1)单位产品成本=22+4000/1000=26元(2)期间成本=4×600+1000=3400元(3)销货成本=26×600=15600元(4)营业利润=40×600-15600-3400=5000元2、已知:某⼚只⽣产⼀种产品,第⼀、⼆年的产量分别为30 000件和24 000件,销售量分别为20 000件和30 000件;存货计价采⽤先进先出法。
产品单价为15元/件,单位变动⽣产成本为5元/件;每年固定性制造费⽤的发⽣额为180 000元。
销售及管理费⽤都是固定性的,每年发⽣额为25 000元。
解:贡献式利润表单位:元传统式利润表单位:元3、已知:某⼚连续两年的产销量、成本和售价等资料如下表:资料单位:元该⼚按变动成本法计算的营业利润第⼀年为150 000元,第⼆年为100 000元,存货按先进先出法计价。
4 已知:某企业常年生产需用的某部件,以前一直从市场上采购。
4 已知:某企业常年生产需用的某部件,以前一直从市场上采购。
《管理会计》试题集锦二、 计算题1、 某公司1-6月份各月的维修工时和维修费等有关资料如下:要求:(1)分别采用高低点法和回归直线法计算各月的维修费。
(2)假如7月份预计发生维修工时4600小时,用高低点法预计7 月的维修费是多少。
解:(1)用高低点法:单位变动维修费(b )=(2600-2000)÷(5000--3000) =0.30(元/小时) a=y-bx =2600-0.3⨯5000=1100(元) 或:a=2000-0.3⨯3000=1100(元) (2)回归直线法:22)(.∑∑∑∑∑--=x x n y x xy n b=(6⨯60490000-25600⨯14000) ÷ (6⨯111780-25600⨯25600) =0.296(元/小时)nx b y a )(∑∑-==(14000-0.296⨯25600)/6 =1070.40(元) (3)7月份的维修费为: 1100+0.30⨯4600=2480(元)2、某公司的收益表采用完全成本法编制,其1997-1999年的简明资料如下表:该公司这三年的产销情况如下:假定该公司产品的单位变动成本为3元,其固定成本按每件2元的基础分摊于产品。
(2) 说明采用两种不同的计算方法所得到的净收益相差的数额以及形成差异的原因。
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CHAPTER 3:Quiz/Demonstration ExercisesⅡPROBLEMS:1. Identify the following planned costs as (a) purely variable costs, (b) discretionary fixed costs, (c) committed fixed costs, (d) mixed costs, or (e) step costs.1.Straight-line depreciation on office furniture.2.Electricity used in operating equipment.3. A lump sum amount of advertising costs planned by a local restaurant.4.Nursing supervisors' salaries (a supervisor is needed for every 10 nursing personnel).5.Repairs made on computers.6.Training costs for employees.7. Crew supervisor in a small construction company. A new supervisor is needed for every 12 workers employed.8.Sales commissions based on sales dollars.pensation of accountants employed internally by a local manufacturing company.10.Direct labor.11.Rental payment on a 30-year lease for office space in a private office building.12.Repairs made on computers in the officeAnswer:mitted fixed costs2.Mixed costs3.Discretionary fixed costs4.Step costs5.Purely variable costs6.Discretionary fixed costs1.Step costs2.Purely variable costs3.Discretionary fixed costs4.Purely variable costsmitted fixed costs6.Purely variable costs2.The Cleveland Recreation Center is planning its annual fundraiser. The event committee has developedthe following budget for the event.Ballroom rental $2,900Entertainment $4,500Printing $600 + $9 per guestFood$29 per guestDecorations and favors $700 + $5 per guestThe committee expects that 3,000 people will attend the event.a. Compute the fixed and variable components of the maintenance department.b. Prepare the cost function.c. If Cleveland Recreation Center charges $100 per person, how much money will be raised by this event?Answer:管理会计a.Fixed = $2,900 + $4,500 + $600 + $700 = $8,700Variable = $9 + $29 + $5 = $43b.Y = $8,700 + $43xc.($100 x 3,000) – [$8,700 + ($43 x 3,000)] = $162,3003.Austin Powers Company used least-squares regression analysis to obtain the following output:Payroll Department CostExplained by Number ofEmployeesConstant $9,300Standard error of Y estimate $630R - squared 0.9624No. of observations 20Degrees of freedom 18X coefficient(s) 3.102Standard error of coefficient(s) 0.0966a.What is the total fixed cost?b.What is the variable cost per employee?c.Prepare the linear cost function.d.What is the coefficient of determination? Comment on the goodness of fit.Answer:a.The constant or intercept is the total fixed cost of $9,300.b.The variable cost per employee is the X coefficient of $3.102.c.Y = $9,300 + $3.102Xd.The coefficient of determination is the R - squared of 0.9624. This represents a very highgoodness of fit. The closer to 1.0, the better the cost driver explains the cost.Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn that there is a significant relationship betweenthe cost of the payroll department and the number of employees.4.Explain the difference between committed fixed costs and discretionary fixed costs, and give an example of each.Answer:Committed fixed costs usually arise from the possession of facilities, equipment, and a basicorganization. These are large, indivisible chunks of cost that the organization is obligated toincur or usually would not consider avoiding. Discretionary fixed costs are determined bymanagement as part of the periodic planning process in order to meet the organization's goals.Unlike committed fixed costs, managers can alter discretionary fixed costs easily, up or down,even within a budget period. Examples of a committed fixed cost include property taxes,insurance, mortgage payments, and interest payments on long-term debt. Examples of adiscretionary cost include advertising, research and development, employment training, andmanagement salaries.CHAPTER4McCain Company, a manufacturer of windows, has prepared the following list of accounts and their balances:Advertising $7,200Assemblers' wages 26,840Depreciation of machinery 1,840Factory utilities 11,120Lathe operators' wages 23,280Machinery repairs 4,520Office salaries 22,760Purchases of glue 320Purchases of nails 160Purchases of oak 60,000Purchases of pine 33,800Supervisors' salaries 38,280There were no beginning or ending inventories. Calculate the following:a.Direct materials usedb.Direct laborc.Factory overheadAnswer:a.$60,000 + $33,800 = $93,800b.$23,280 + $26,840 = $50,120c.$320 + $1,840 + $38,280 + $4,520 + $160 + $11,120 = $56,240Indicate whether each of the following costs is an Inventoriable cost (I) or a Period cost (P):1. depreciation on factory equipment2. depreciation on treasurer's desk3. direct materials4. factory supplies5. indirect labor6. factory equipment repairs and maintenance7. office supplies8. advertising expense9. depreciation on office equipment10. direct labor11. factory supervisor's salary12. factory utilities13. indirect materials14. office salaries15. sales commissions管理会计Answer:__I__ 1.__I__ 6.__I__11.__P__ 2.__P__ 7.__I__12.__I__ 3.__P__ 8.__I__13.__I__ 4.__P__ 9.__P__14.__I__ 5.__I__10.__P__15.Happy Corporation has supplied the following information for the year ended December 31, 20X0:Direct labor 16,480Direct material purchases 19,260General and administrative expenses 14,240Indirect manufacturing costs 16,780Selling expenses 13,520Beginning direct materials inventory 2,460Direct materials used 2,900Big Corporation produces 8,000 units. There was no beginning balance or ending balance work-in-process inventory. Ending inventory consisted of 1,000 finished units.Required:a. Prepare the inventories section of the balance sheet.b. Compute the cost of goods sold.Answer:a.Direct material inventory:Beginning direct materials inventory$2,460Direct materials purchased19,260Less: Direct materials used- 2,900Ending direct materials inventory$18,820Cost of goods manufactured:Direct materials used$18,820Direct labor16,480Indirect manufacturing costs16,780$52,080Finished Goods = $52,080 x (1,000 / 8,000) = $6,510b.Cost of Goods Sold = $52,080 x (7,000 / 8,000) = $45,570Activity-based costing, unused capacity. Bronco Electric operates at capacity and manufactures and sells two types of motors: a special motor, Thermo, and a basic motor, Basca. Bronco’s traditional product costing system has two direct-cost categories (direct materials and direct manufacturing labor) and a single indirect-cost pool. Bronco allocates all indirect costs using direct manufacturing labor-hours as the allocation base.Recently, a team of managers from product design, manufacturing, sales, and marketing decided to replace the single indirect-cost pool with seven indirect-cost pools: design, setups, materials handling, manufacturing operations, shipping, distribution, and administration. The two direct-cost categories were retained. The team felt that the traditional costing system did not accurately represent the indirect resources demanded by each product. The team collected the following information for 2006, the year just ended.CHAPTER66-30 Opportunity Cost at Nantucket NectarsSuppose Nantucket Nectars has a machine for which it paid $160,000 several years ago and is currently not being used. It can use the machine to produce 12 oz. bottles of its Juice Cocktails or 12 oz. bottles of its 100% Juices. The contribution margin from the additional sales of 100% Juices would be $90,000. A third alternative is selling the machine for cash of $75,000. What is the opportunity cost of the machine when we analyze the alternative to produce 12 oz. bottles of Juice Cocktails?6-30Answer:Opportunity cost is the maximum available contribution to profit forgone by using limited resources for a particular purpose. In this case, the opportunity cost of the machine when analyzing the alternative to produce 12-oz. bottles of Juice Cocktails is $90,000, the larger of the $90,000 contribution margin from additional sales of the 100% Juices or the $75,000 proceeds from the sale of the machine. The $160,000 historical cost of the machine is a past cost and thus irrelevant.6-31 Hospital Opportunity CostAn administrator at Saint Jude Hospital is considering how to use some space made available when the outpatient clinic moved to a new building. She has narrowed her choices,as follows:A.Use the space to expand laboratory testing. Expected future annual revenue would be $330,000; future costs $290,000.B.Use the space to expand the eye clinic. Expected future annual revenue would be $500,000; future costs $480、000.C.The gift shop is rented by an independent retailer who wants to expand into the vacated space. The retailer has offered $11 ,000 for the yearly rental of the space. All operating expenses will be borne by the retailer.The administrator's planning horizon is unsettled. However,she has decided that the yearly data given will suffice for guiding her decision.Tabulate the total relevant data regarding the decision alternatives. Omit the concept of opportunity cost in one tabulation,but use the concept in a second tabulation. As the administrator,which tabulation would you prefer if you could receive only one?6-31 Answer:The first tabulation is probably easier to understand, but the choice of a tabulation is a matter of taste:(a)(b)(c)Expand Expand Rent toLaboratory Eye GiftTesting Clinic ShopRevenues$330,000$500,000$11,000Expenses290,000 480,000 0Income effects per year$ 40,000$ 20,000$11,000管理会计Treating the gift shop as the forgone (rejected) alternative, the tabulation is:(a)(b)Expand ExpandLaboratory Testing Eye ClinicRevenue $330,000 $500,000Expenses:Outlay costs $290,000 $480,000Opportunity cost,rent forgone 11,000 301,000 11,000 491,000Income effects per year$ 29,000$ 9,000The numbers favor laboratory testing, which will generate a contribution to hospital income that is $20,000 greater than the eye clinic's.The numbers have been analyzed correctly under both tabulations. Both answer the key query: What difference does it make? As a general rule, we prefer using the first tabulation. It is a straightforward presentation.6-32 Make or BuyAssume that a division of Bose makes an electronic component for its speakers. Its manufacturing process for the component is a highly automated part of a just-in-time production system. All labor is considered to be an overhead cost,and all overhead is regarded as fixed with respect to output volume. Production costs for 100,000 units of the component are as follows:A small,local company has offered to supply the components at a price of$3.30 each. If the division discontinued its production of the component,it would save two-thirds of the supplies cost and $30,000 of indirect labor cost. All other overhead costs would continue.The division manager recently attended a seminar on cost behavior and learned about fixed and variable costs. He wants to continue to make the component because the variable cost of $3.00 is below the $3.30 bid pute the relevant cost of (a) making and (b) purchasing the component. Which alternative is lesscostly and by how much?2.What qualitative factors might influence the decision about whether to make or to buy the component?6-32Answer:1.It is easiest to analyze total costs, not unit costs.Make PurchaseDirect materials$300,000Avoidable overhead costs:Indirect labor30,000Supplies20,000Allocated occupancy cost0Purchase cost $330,000Total relevant costs$350,000$330,000The difference in favor of purchasing is $350,000 - $330,000 = $20,000.2.Because the quantitative difference is small, qualitative factors may dominate the decision.Companies using a just-in-time system need assurance of both quality and timeliness of supplies of materials, parts, and components. A small, local company may not be reliable enough for Bose.In essence, Bose may be willing to "invest" $20,000, the quantitative advantage of purchasing, in order to have more control over the supply of the components.The division manager may have made the right decision for the wrong reason. He incorrectly ignored avoidable fixed costs, leading to a mistaken belief that making the components was less costly by $.30 per unit or $30,000 in total. The $50,000 of avoidable fixed costs makes the purchase option less costly by $20,000. If the manager's decision is to make the component, it should be because forgoing profits of $20,000 has a long-run qualitative benefit of more than $20,000, not because the bid is greater than the variable cost.6-33 Make or Buy at Nantucket NectarsAssume that Nantucket Nectars reports the following costs to make 17.5 oz. bottles for its Juice Cocktails:Another manufacturer offers to sell Nantucket Nectars the bottles for $.25. The capacity now used to make bottles will become idle if the company purchases the bottles. Further,one supervisor with a salary of $60,000,a fixed cost,would be eliminated if the bottles were purchased. Prepare a schedule that compares the costs to make and buy the 17.5 oz. bottles. Should Nantucket Nectars make or buy the bottles?6-33Nantucket Nectars should make the bottles._______Make______________Buy_____Total Per Bottle Total Per Bottle Purchase cost$250,000$.250 Direct materials$80,000$.080Direct labor30,000.030Variable overhead60,000.060Avoidable fixed overhead_ 60,000.060___________ Total relevant costs$230,000$.230$250,000$.250 Difference in favor of making$20,000$.020管理会计6-34 Make or Buy and the Use of Idle Facilities at Nantucket NectarsRefer to the preceding exercise. Suppose Nantucket Nectars can use the released facilities in another manufacturing activity that makes a contribution to profits of $75,000 or can rent them out for $55,000. Prepare a schedule that compares the four alternative courses of action. Which alternative would yield the lowest net cost?Make Buy and LeaveFacilities IdleBuy and UseFacilities for OtherActivitiesBuy and RentOut FacilitiesContribution from other activities$ 75Rent revenue$ 55 Relevant cost of bottles$(230)$(250)_(250)_(250) Net relevant costs$(230)$(250)$(175)$(195)Nantucket Nectars should buy the bottles and use the facilities for other activities.6-35 Profit per Unit of SpaceSeveral successful chains of warehouse stores such as Costco and Sam's Club have merchandising policies that differ considerably from those of traditional department stores. Name some characteristics of these warehouse stores that have contributed to their success.Food chains such as Safeway have typically regarded approximately 20% of selling price as an average target gross profit on canned goods and similar grocery items. What are the limitations of such an approach? Be specific.6-35(20 min.)1.These warehouse stores attempt to maximize profits by cutting prices and increasing inventoryturnover. Since profit is the product of contribution margin and unit sales, it can be affected by changing either. Total profit can be increased if the added inventory turnover brought about by a lowering of price brings in more contribution margin than was lost by the price cut. They also try to minimize fixed costs by limiting their investment in buildings and equipment.Characteristics: (a) choose product lines and sizes that move quickly and avoid stocking slow-moving items and sizes; (b) stock lower cost, lower quality items; (c) rely heavily on self service; and(d) attempt to cut costs by providing fewer services, and (e) build low-cost buildings in a placewhere property costs are not too high.2. Such a criterion by itself gives no indication what total contribution margin (TCM) can be expected.Inventory turnover or sales volume must be used also. The total contribution margin is determined by TCM = Unit contribution margin x Total sales in unitsIf inventory turnover can be assumed to be fairly constant among items, then such a figure as a 20% average target gross profit might be meaningful.6-36 Deletion of Product LineZurich American School is an international private elementary school. In addition to regular classes,after-school care is provided between 3 :00 PM and 6:00 PM at SFR 12 per child per hour. Financial results for the after-school care for a representative month areThe director of Zurich American School is considering discontinuing the after-school care services becauseit is not fair to the other students to subsidize the after-school care program. He thinks that eliminating theprogram will free up SFR 400 a month to support regular classespute the financial impact on Zurich American School from discontinuing the after-school careprogram2.List three qualitative factors that would influence your decision.6-36(10-15 min.)1.The key is to focus on lost revenues and avoidable costs:Revenues, 600 hours@ SFR12 per hour SFR7,200Avoidable costs*:Teacher salaries SFR5,200Supplies800 6,000Decrease in operating income SFR1,200*In addition to the avoidable costs shown, there might be some savings in sanitary engineering(less cleaning necessary) and depreciation (less wear and tear on equipment). Unless thesesavings are more than the SFR1,200 decrease in operating income, the school will be worse offfinancially without the after-school care program.2.Among the qualitative factors to consider are that the after-school care program might attractstudents to the regular program, it provides additional compensation to teachers, and there is a social need for such programs.管理会计6-37 Sell or Process FurtherAn Exxon petrochemical factory produces two products,L and M as a result of a particular joint process. Both products are sold to manufacturers as ingredients for assorted chemical products.Product L sells at split off for $.25 per gallon; M,for $.30 per gallon. Data for April follow:Suppose that in April the 2,500,000 gallons of M could have been processed further into Super M at an additional cost of $210,000. The Super M output would be sold for $.38 per gallon. Product L would be sold at split off in any event.Should M have been processed further in April and sold as Super M? Show your computations.6-37(10 min.)Product M should not have been processed further. The only valid approach is to concentrate on the separable costs and revenues beyond split-off:Sell at ProcessSplit-off Further asas M Super M DifferenceRevenues, 2,500,000 gallons @30¢ & 38¢$750,000$950,000$200,000Separable costs beyond split-off --210,000 210,000Income effects for April$750,000$740,000$ (10,000)The joint costs do not differ between alternatives and are irrelevant to the question of whether to sell or process further. The next table (not required) confirms the results (in thousands):Alternative 1Alternative 2Super DifferentialL M Total L M Total EffectsRevenues$1,000$750$1,750$1,000$950$1,950$200Joint costs$1,600$1,600---Separable costs---210210210Total costs$1,600$1,810$210Income effects$ 150$ 140$ (10)6-38 Joint Products,Multiple ChoiceFrom a particular joint process,Edgerton company produces three products,A,B,and C. Each product may be sold at the point of split off or processed further. Additional processing requires no special facilities,and production costs of further processing are entirely variable and traceable to the products involved. In 2006,all three products were processed beyond split off. Joint production costs for the year were $72,000. Sales values and costs needed to evaluate Edgerton's 2006 production policy follow:1.For units of C, the unit production cost most relevant to a sell-or-process-further decision is (a) $5,(b) $12,(c) $4,(d) $9.2.To maximize profits,Edgerton should subject the following products to additional processing:(a) A only,(b) A,B,and C,(c) Band C only,(d) Conly.6-38(10 min.)1.Answer (a): $10,000 ÷ 2,000 = $5.002.Answer (a): Product A is the only product that produces an incremental profit ($42,000 - $25,000)- $9,000 = $8,000.6-39 Obsolete InventoryThe Ohio State bookstore bought more "Buckeye Champs" calendars than it could sell. It was nearly June and 200 calendars remained in stock. The store paid $4.50 each for the calendars and normally sold them for $8.95. Since February,they had been on sale for $6.00,and two weeks ago the price was dropped to $5.00. Still,few calendars were being sold. The bookstore manager thought it was no longer worthwhile using shelf space for the calendars.The proprietor of Hurricane Collectibles offered to buy all 200 calendars for $100. He intended to store them until the 2006 football season was over and then sell them as novelty items.The bookstore manager was not sure she wanted to sell for $.50 calendars that cost $4.50. The only alternative,however, was to scrap them because the publisher would not take them back.1. Compute the difference in profit between accepting the $100 offer and scrapping the calendars.2. Describe how the $4.50 x 200 = $900 paid for the calendars affects your decision.6-39(5-10 min.)1.The only relevant item is the $100 to be received for the calendars. No additional costs will beincurred. Therefore, profit will be $100 higher if the offer is accepted than if it is rejected.2.The amount paid for the calendars is irrelevant. Even if $1 million had been paid for the calendars,the added profit from selling them for $100 is $100. The $900 paid is a past cost, a sunk cost, that will not be affected by the decision.管理会计6-40 Replacement of Old EquipmentThree years ago、the Oak Street TCBY bought a frozen yogurt machine for $8、000. A salesman has just suggested to the TCBY manager that she replace the machine with a new,$12,500 machine. The manager has gathered the following data:pute the difference in total costs over the next five years under both alternatives,that is,keeping the original machine or replacing it with the new machine. Ignore taxes.2.Suppose the Oak Street TCBY manager replaces the original machine. Compute the "loss on disposal" of the original machine. How does this amount affect your computation in number I? Explain.6-40(15-20 min.)1.The difference in total costs over the five years is $3,000 in favor of replacement, computed asfollows:Five Years TogetherKeep Replace DifferenceCash operating costs$22,500$10,000$ 12,500Old machine (book value):Depreciation5,000--or--Lump-sum write-off--5,000Disposal value---3,0003,000New machine: Acquisition cost -- 12,500 -12,500Total costs$27,500$24,500$ 3,0002.The loss on disposal of the old machine combines the lump-sum write-off (an irrelevant item) withthe disposal value (a relevant item), $5,000 - $3,000 = $2,000 loss on disposal. Because of the inclusion of an irrelevant item, this amount does not affect the computation in requirement 1. It is best to keep the lump-sum write-off and the disposal value separate, as is done in the table in requirement 1.6-41 Unit CostsBrandon Company produces and sells a product that has variable costs of $9 per unit and fixed costs of $220,000 per year.1. Compute the unit cost at a production and sales level of 10,000 units per year.pute the unit cost at a production and sales level of 20,000 units per year.3.Which of these unit costs is most accurate? Explain6-41(10 min.)1.Variable cost$ 90,000Fixed cost220,000Total cost$310,000Cost per unit, $310,000 ÷ 10,000$ 31.002.Variable cost$180,000Fixed cost220,000Total cost$400,000Cost per unit, $400,000 ÷ 20,000$ 20.003.The two unit costs are equally accurate (or, more appropriately, equally inaccurate). Unit coststhat include unitized fixed costs are always suspect. A unit cost that includes fixed costs will be accurate at only one volume; using it at any other volume will be misleading.6-42 Relevant InvestmentRoberta Thomas had obtained a new truck with a list price,including options of$21,000. The dealer had given her a "generous trade-in allowance" of$5,000 on her old truck that had a wholesale price of $3,000. Sales tax was $1,260 .The annual cash operating costs of the old truck were $4,200. The new truck was expected to reduce these costs by one-third,to $2,800 per year.Compute the amount of the original investment in the new truck. Explain your reasoning6-42 The original investment is the "cash equivalent" cost. "Excess" trade-in allowances, such as the $2,000 in this instance, are really reductions in the "list price." The $1,260 sales tax is added to the original cost. The problem is silent regarding how the sales tax is computed. The original investment is:List price$21,000Less price allowance, $5,000 - $3,0002,000Cash equivalent cost before sales tax$19,000Sales tax1,260Cash equivalent cost$20,260The annual cash operating costs are irrelevant. Another way of computing the $20,260 is:Cash payment ($21,000 - $5,000 + $1,260)$17,260Opportunity cost of truck traded in3,000Total cost$20,260管理会计6-43 Weak DivisionLake Forest Electronics Company paid $7 million in cash 4 years ago to acquire a company that manufactures CD-ROM drives. This company has been operated as a division of Lake Forest and has lost $500,000 each year since its acquisitionThe minimum desired return for this division is that,when a new product is fully developed,it should return a net profit of $500,000 per year for the foreseeable future.Recently,the IBM Corporation offered to purchase the division from Lake Forest for $5 million The president of Lake Forest commented,I've got an investment of $9 million to recoup ($7 million plus losses of $500,000 for each of four years). I have finally got this situation turned around,so I oppose selling the division now."Prepare a response to the president's remarks. Indicate how to make this decision. Be as specific as possible.6-43The $9 million is gone. It is irrelevant for decision purposes. The relevant comparison is whether to invest $5 million in the division or to invest it elsewhere:Sell HoldDivision DivisionInvestment required$5 million$5 millionIncome generated?$500,000 yearly**This assumes that the division has truly "turned around" and will now make a net profit of $500,000 per year for the foreseeable future.The $5 million is relevant because Lake Forest is forgoing the opportunity to invest it elsewhere for some return. If projects or divisions of comparable risk can be expected to generate more than $500,000 yearly, the division should be sold.CHAPTER88-35 Flexible and Static BudgetsBeta Gamma Sigma,the business honor society,recently held a dinner dance. The original (static) budget and actual results were as follows:1.Subdivide each variance into a sales-activity variance portion and a flexible-budget variance portion. Use the format of Exhibit 8-5,page 347.2.Provide possible explanations for the variances.1. Flexible-SalesActual Budget Flexible Activity StaticResults Variance Budget Variance Budget Attendees 90 - 90 15F 75Revenue $3,255$105F$3,150 $525F $2,625Chicken dinners 1,767 57U 1,710285U 1,425 Beverages 466 74F540 90U450Club rental 810 81 0 81Music 875 125U 750 0 750Profit$ 66$ 3U $ 69 $150F $ (81)2.If all costs had behaved as budgeted, the extra 15 attendees would have produced an extra $150 of profit ($525 more revenue and $285 + $90 = $375 more cost). The sales activity variance summarizes this effect of volume. Revenue was $105 over budget for the number of attendees – perhaps three tickets were sold to persons who did not attend. Costs ran $57 - $74 + $125 = $108 more than the flexible budget for 90 attendees. Dinner cost was $57 over budget; this is the cost of three dinners – again, perhaps three people who purchased tickets did not attend but the caterer was still paid for their dinners. Beverages were under budget by $74. The band seems to have played (or at least was paid for) an extra half hour.8-41. Flexible BudgetingFor the convenience of its reporters and staff based in London,CNN operates a motor pool. The motor pool operated with 25 vehicles until February of this year,when it acquired an additional automobile. The motor pool furnishes petrol (gasoline), oil,and other supplies for the cars and hires one mechanic who does routine maintenance and minor repairs. Major repairs are done at a nearby commercial garage.A supervisor manages the operations.Each year the supervisor prepares an operating budget,informing CNN management of the funds needed to operate the pool. Depreciation on the automobiles is recorded in the budget in order to determine the cost per mile.The schedule below presents the annual budget approved by the news division. The actual costs for March are compared with one-twelfth of the annual budget.。