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九年级 英语


第一节:听小对话,请从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择正确的答案。每段对话读一遍。 1. What do they like to eat every day?

2. Where has the woman been?

3. What’s the weather like?

4. How much does the woman have to pay each month?

5. Where are they talking?

第二节:听下面两段长对话。每段对话后有2-3个问题,请从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项

中选出问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答6~7小题。 6. What did Cindy use to look like?

A. She was short.

B. She wore glasses.

C. She had straight hair. 7. What sport is Frank playing now?

A. Soccer.

B. Ping-pong.

C. Basketball. 听下面一段较长对话,回答8-10小题 8. When was the museum opened to the public?

A. Last Wednesday.

B. Last Thursday.

C. Last Friday. 9. Which movie did Amy watch? A. Sky Dog.

B. Paper Airplane.

C. Golden Monkey.

10. What can the robots in the museum do?

A. Play football.

B. Do housework.

C. Talk with people.

第三节:听下面一段独白,然后从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的信息 11. A. China B. Japan C. India

12. A. visits famous places B. studies in the library C. goes shopping 13. A. busy B. quiet C. convenient 14. A. pet shows B. talk shows C. sports shows 15. A. two weeks B. two months C. two years 二、词汇知识(10分)

1. It’s _______ (believe) that tea was discovered by Shen Nong.

2. He is _______ (interest) in English. (interest)

3. Cheese is _______ (make) from milk.

4. Amy used to _______ glasses. (wear)

5. I spend much time _______ (watch) TV every day.

6. I stopped Tom from _______ (play) football on the street.

7. We can see some________ (policeman) in the picture.

8. This old table is a (value) piece of furniture. It was made in 1879. 9. When did you get your bike ? (repair) 10. The scientist died of ________(ill). 三、单项选择(20分)

( ) 1. You can improve your English reading more.

A B C A. In a bookshop.

B. At a bus stop.

C. In a zoo


¥350元 ¥450元 A B C



A. in

B. with

C. by

D. of

( ) 2. Though the old man didn't have enough money, he gave a thousand yuan to the charity.

A. /

B. and

C. but

D. or

( ) 3. is really hard them to climb Mount Qomolangma.

A. This; to

B. It; for

C. This; for

D. It; to

( ) 4. My father and Mr.Smith talked about things and persons they remembered in the country.

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. whose

( ) 5. --- nice dress it is!

--- Thank you!

A. What a

B. What

C. How

D. How a

( ) 6. --- I wonder at 8:00 last night?

--- I was watching NBA.

A. What were you doing

B. What did you do

C. what you were doing

D. What are you doing

( ) 7. --- your father take you to concerts?

--- Yes, he did .

A. Did; used to

B. Did; used for

C. Did; use for

D. Did; use to

( ) 8. Kangkang the math exam because he was not careful enough.

A. passed

B. failed

C. finished

D. won

( ) 9. Yuan Longping is his hybrid rice.

A. known of

B. known as

C. known about

D. known for

( )10. Jim is shy and he always avoids in front of the class.

A. speak

B. speaking

C. speaks

D. to speak

( ) 11. The paper is made wood and the desk is also made wood.

A. of; from

B. of; of

C. from; of

D. into; of

( ) 12. There are people in this city .

A.one millions


lions of

D.two million of

( ) 13. The teacher the class small groups.

A. divide; into

B. divided; into

C. divided; to

D. divide; to

( )14. Boys and girls, don't forget your report . It today.

A. can't finish

B. can't be finished

C. should finish

D. should be finished ( ) 15. Teenagers should to choose their own clothes.

A. allow

B. to allow

C. be allowed

D. allowed

( )16. ---I hear that Lucy’s uncle is a worker here.

---Yes. Look, the man is working over there is her uncle.

A. whom

B. who

C. what

D. which

( ) 17. Many people think that some hobbies can the way school work.

A. get up; at

B. get off; on

C. get on; of

D. get in; of ( )18. Not only my friends but also I interested in football and Messi is our favorite.

A. is

B. be

C. am

D. are

( )19. ---Do you know if he to play football with us?

---I think he will come if he _ free tomorrow.

A. comes; is

B. comes; will be

C. will come; is

D. will come; will be

( )20. --- bookcase is this?

---It must be .

A. Who’s; Tom

B. Who’s; Tom’s

C. Whose; Tom’s

D. Whose; Tom


Many people around the world study English. English is spoken in more than forty 1 all over the world. It is the only 2 that is spoken in so many countries. If you learn English well, it would be much easier for you to 3 with people in the English speaking countries. It is not easy 4 English well, 5 you need to work hard. Where there is a will, there is a 6 . You can watch English 7 programs, English films on DVDs or videos. You can talk with your classmates in and out of class. You can speak to foreign friends 8 the phone in English. You can also read English books, newspapers and magazines and 9 letters to your friends in English. If you study hard, you are 10 to make progress.

1. A. countries B. cities C. schools D. villages

2. A. French B. language C. Chinese D. Japanese

3. A. talk B. tell C. say D. know

4. A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learned

5. A. but B. because C. so D. then

6. A. road B. street C. path D. way

7. A. radio B. TV C. MP3 D. computer

8. A. in B. for C. to D. on

9. A. write B. send C. post D. give

10. A. tired B. kind C. sure D. ready
