investement negotiation

—现在 在四川理工学院担任经济学院副院长
姓 名
张 玲
性 别
民 族
籍 贯
学 历
职 称
姓 名
性 别
民 族
汉 族
籍 贯
学 历
本 科
职 称
宜宾天原股份有限公司财务处副处长,并在 兼任宜宾天原股份有限公司上市办公室副主任
借用翠屏区财政局政府和社会资本合作中心 翠屏区财政局政府和社会资本合作中心科员

Definition of Negotiation谈判的定义Negotiating is part of everyday life. You negotiate far more than you realize. In a business or an administrative position, you do so when you’re dependent upon others for getting your ideas accepted, your goals accomplished or your problems solved. You also negotiate on how tasks, rights and responsibilities, resources and risks, and monetary gains and losses should be assigned or divided up.Negotiation is a cooperative undertaking, in which you and the opposing party attempt constructively to find solutions that satisfy both your needs. Successful cooperation results in solutions that are more cost-effective and involve less risk. The needs of others and the needs of the environment are more likely to be given consideration.Negotiator of Two Extremes两种极端的谈判者We not only negotiate to solve problems, but also how to divide up responsibilities and work, as well as the distribution of costs, risks, profits and gains. Accomplishing this successfully places special demands on you as a negotiator. You need to be businesslike. This requires your finding a happy balance between two extreme behaviors, that of being na’i’ve, and that of being greedy.A na’i’ve negotiator gives away too many advantages and too much potential profi t. He accepts too much of the work and responsibility, and too many of the risks. Thus, a na’i’ve negotiator is expensive for the organization. He is easily taken advantage of. Even the parties he negotiates for many have little trust in him.A greedy negotiator wants to get everything without being willing to give. He is unable to accept the idea of the other party gaining anything. He wants to threat the other party and defeat it. A greedy negotiator is also expensive for the organization. No one wants to deal with him. People avoid him if they can. Those he has victimized are likely to seek revenge. A greedy negotiator, just like the na’i’ve one, fails to gain trust and support.Dynamics of Negotiation谈判的潜在力量The negotiation process is about power, ego, and saving face.Power: At the core, every negotiation is a power struggle, no matter how small. It is one side’s attempt at primacy over the other side’s point of view or position. And, no one ever wants to feel powerless. Even police hostage negotiators know as a first tactic to create the illusion of power or control in the mind of the hostage-taker. If he feels powerless, the situation could erupt. The same is true in even more calm surroundings. In a broad sense, people have power when they have the ability to bring about outcomes they desire or the ability to get things done the way they want them to be done. However, a person could also be described asshavingsinfluence, being persuasive, or being a leader.Ego: Ego also drives many negotiations and lies at the heart of many disputes. Negotiators of all shapes, and sizes, and levels of sophistication have enormous amounts of ego invested in their proposals. Also, people like winning, however they might define it. To lose is a blow to the ego, and no one wants that. Negotiations grow more difficult the more the negotiators are owed to their proposals, to their way of seeing the world.Saving Face: Also tied up in ego and power is the concept of saving face. No one wants be taken advantage of at the end of the day, both parties must be able to save face. The morehigh-level the dispute, the harder this is, which is one reason why mediators attempt toinstitute“media blackouts”in very public cases. The greatest decisions are made when no more than two people are in a room. Even mediators must sometimes clear out and let the parties talk directly to one another, because they’ve been busy posturing for the mediator as well. They need to save face even with the mediator.As a negotiator, it is very easy to become caught up in your own point of views and to grow increasingly averse to the point of views of your counterpart. This is natural because you are an advocate after all. In difficult or prolonged negotiationsswherespersonalities clash, it is easy for each negotiator to want unconditional surrender from the other. However, the best negotiators understand that it is their job to make sure their counterpart saves face. You need to give your counterparta“back door,”a way out, a way to claim even partial victory. If you do, it makes it easier to reach a deal on your terms, which, presumably, is your goal.Key Elements of Negotiation谈判的关键要素TrustMany researchers have explored trust in negotiation. As one might expect, the research has generally shown that higher levels of trust make negotiation easier, while lower levels of trust make negotiation more difficult. Similarly, integrative processes tend to increase trust, while more competitive processes are likely to decrease trust.There is a three-stage developmental mode of trust: calculus-based trust, knowledge-based trust, and identify-cationbased trust.Calculus-based Trust. Calculus-based trust has to do with assuring consistency of behavior: It holds that individuals will do that they say because (a) they are rewarded for keeping their word and preserving the relationship with others, or (b) they fear the consequences of not doing what they say. Trust is sustained to the degree that the punishment for not trusting is clear, possible, and likely to occur. Thus, the threat of punishment is likely to be a more significant motivator than the promise of reward.How to Increase Calculus-based Trust1. Create and meet the other party’s expectation. Be clear about what you intend to do and then do what you say.2. Stress the benefits of creating mutual trust. Point out the benefits that can be gained for the other, or both parties, by maintaining such trust.3. Establish credibility. Make sure your statements are honest and accurate. Be believable.4. Keep promises. Make a commitment and then follow through on it.5. Develop a good reputation. Help others believe that you are someone who has a reputation for being trusted and acting trustworthily.Knowledge-based Trust. The second form of trust, knowledge-based trust, is grounded in knowing the other sufficiently well so that you can anticipate and predict his or her behavior. Knowledge-based trust relies on information about the other rather than the management of rewardsand punishment. It develops over time, largely because the parties develop a history of experience with each other that allows them to predict the other, which contributes to trust. The better you know the other party, the more accurately you can predict what he or she will do.Consider the example of two friends who agree to meet at a restaurant at 6 p.m. Alan fails to show up until 6∶30 and Beth is kept waiting. To the degree that their friendship is based simply on calculus-based trust, Beth will be angry at the high costs s he must incur for being“stood up.”She might be upset at Alan’s unreliability, and may be angry enough to terminate the relationship. If they are operating more on knowledge-based trust, however, Beth will tolerate Alan’s behavior to the degree that she can muster some adequate explanation for his behavior-“He must have gotten stuck at work,”or“He is always running behind and that doesn’t bother me because I know he will get here eventually.”How to Increase Knowledge-based Trust1. Have frequent interaction with the other. Meet often. Get to know the other and tell him or her about yourself.2. Build familiarity with the other. See him or her in a variety of situations and context. Learn each other’s thoughts and reactions, likes and dislikes, reasons for doing what you do.3. Be predictable. Help the other understand how you will respond to certain situation, and then act in that manner.Identification-based Trust. The third type of trust is based on identification with the other’s desires and intentions. At this level, trust exists because the parties effectively understand and appreciate each other’s wants; this mutual understanding is developed to the point that each can effectively act for the other. Identification-based trust thus permits a party to serve as the other’s agent in interpersonal transactions. The other can be confident that his interests will be fully protected, and that no monitoring of the actor is necessary.How to Increase Identification-based Trust1. Develop similar interest. Try to be interested in the same things.2. Develop similar goals and objective. Try to develop similar goals, objective, scenarios for thefuture.3. Act and respond similar to the other. Try to do what you know he or she would do in the same situation.4. Stand for the same principles, values, and so on. Hold similar values and commitments.EmotionsA second factor that plays a significant role in negotiation within long-term relationships is emotions. While emotions can certainly be a factor in market-transaction negotiations - parties express delight at another’s offer, parties express anger and outrage at the other’s tactics - emotion is much more of a critical factor when negotiators have an ongoing relationship.At the negotiating table, you’re likely to encounter surprisingly bad behavior. People take negotiations personally and invest a lot of emotion and energysintosthem. Don’t be surprised if people behave irrat ionally or don’t seem to play by any logical set of rules. The most familiar example of an irrational negotiation emerges in a personal relationship. People have so much invested and so much history with each other that the negotiation is rarely about the purported topic.“So I think California would be a great vacation.”“You would! I think Florida would be much better.”“But California has everything that Florida has - seafood, ocean, sun - and it has the wind region. We could drive down to Mexico, we could go hiking in the mountains-”“It’s not Florida. I like the water in the Atlantic much better than the Pacific.”“The water is just about the same.”“Not true! You just don’t want to go to Florida because I suggested it.”“That’s not true. I just think that California is like Florida plus more stuff. I think it’ll make a better vacation spot.”“I don’t. I guess we have to agree to disagree.”When the negotiation heads down a personal path, you have to find a way to steer it back to theissues at hand without aggravating the personal issues that are already at stake. Again, the use of the question is immensely valuable here. Use questions to open the discussion up.“So I think California would be a great vacation.”“You would! I think Florida would be much better.”“But California has everything that Florida has - seafood, ocean, sun-and it has the wind region. We could drive down to Mexico, we could go hiking the mountains-”“It’s not Florida. I like the water in the Atlantic much better than the Pacific.”“What do you like about the water?”“It’s not as salty.”“You don’t like salty water?”“No, not really.”“What do you want out of a vacation?”“I don’t know, sun, relaxation, some interesting thing to see.”“How about Arizona? It’s warm, there are freshwater streams, there are the desert and Death Valley and all the spots out there.”“Sounds interesting.”By asking questions, one party opens up the discussion and can change the entire negotiating mindset. In emotional situations you have to acknowledge the emotional state of the other party. If you don’t, you are going to runsintosthe illogical negotiator problem, which almost always leads to the end of discussion.Emotions shouldn’t be simply dismissed - after all, even the person you’re negotiating with is human. Take his feelingssintosconsideration. Behave as if you want to make him comfortable. By thinking about the things that drive you crazy, you can avoid driving him crazy. Before you walksintosthat room, think of all the things people have asked you to stop doing, from picking yournose to whistling in an elevator, and make sure you don’t do then during the negotiation.Negotiations create both positive and negative emotions. As we noted above, both the negotiation process and the outcomes create positive and negative feelings. Positive emotions can result from being attracted to the other party, feeling good about the development of the negotiation process and the progress that the parties are making, or liking the results that the negotiations have produced. Thus, a cognitive assessment of a“good outcome”leads parties to feel happy and satisfied. Conversely, negative emotions can result from being turned off by the other party, feeling bad about the development of the negotiation process and the progress being made, or disliking the results.JusticeThe third key element in negotiation is the question of what is fair or just. Justice has been a major issue in the organizational sciences; individuals in organizations are often debating whether their pay is fair, or whether they are being fairly treated, or whether the organization might be treating somesgroupsof people like women, minorities, or people from other cultures in an unfair manner.Many negotiations will also require a negotiation about which fairness principles should apply to a particular situation. For example, two boys have agreed to paint a neighbor’s garage together and to split the money they get paid. One boy winds up doing about two-thirds of the work. The boy who worked harder will probably argue that he should receive two-thirds of the money; the boy who worked less hard may argue that their initial agreement was to split their pay evenly, and that the rule should not be changed. Many negotiations over the tough issues described above focus on which outcome-distribution rules should apply in a given situation.Summary总结Negotiation is a cooperative undertaking, in which you and the opposing party attempt constructively to find solutions that satisfy both your needs. Power, ego and saving face are the dynamics of negotiation, while trust, emotions and justice are the key elements of negotiation.。

2024年国际商务协议英文版翻译示例本合同目录一览1. 协议概述1.1 协议类型1.2 协议方1.3 协议日期2. 定义与解释2.1 专业术语2.2 地点与日期2.3 涉及的组织与个人3. 商务条款3.1 产品或服务描述3.2 数量与质量3.3 价格与支付方式3.4 交付与交货期限3.5 违约责任4. 权利与义务4.1 协议方的权利4.2 协议方的义务5. 保密协议5.1 保密信息5.2 保密期限5.3 信息的使用与披露6. 争议解决6.1 协商解决6.2 调解6.3 仲裁7. 法律适用7.1 法律的选取7.2 法律的适用8. 强制性规定8.1 协议的适用法律8.2 协议的适用法规9. 合同的生效与终止9.1 生效条件9.2 终止条件9.3 终止后的权利与义务10. 一般条款10.1 通知10.2 修改与补充10.3 完整协议11. 第三方受益人11.1 第三方受益人的权益11.2 第三方受益人的责任12. 保险12.1 保险的要求12.2 保险的赔偿范围13. 知识产权13.1 知识产权的保护13.2 知识产权的使用权14. 不可抗力14.1 不可抗力的定义14.2 不可抗力事件的处理第一部分:合同如下:1. 协议概述1.1 协议类型本协议为2024年国际商务协议英文版翻译示例,由双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上签订。
1.2 协议方甲方:(公司名称/个人姓名)乙方:(公司名称/个人姓名)1.3 协议日期本协议签订日期为2024年国际商务协议英文版翻译示例之日期,具体日期由双方共同商定。
2. 定义与解释2.1 专业术语(1)产品:指乙方根据甲方要求提供的商品或服务。
2.2 地点与日期本协议项下的一切活动,包括但不限于交付、付款、争议解决等,均在本协议约定的地点进行。
2.3 涉及的组织与个人本协议涉及的包括但不限于甲乙双方的工作人员、负责人、代表、代理人等。

国际商务谈判International Negotiation1. 谈判是人们为了协调彼此之间的关系,满足各自的需要,通过协商而争取到意见一致的行为和过程.2. 参与谈判的各方都是有所求的,但同时也不能无视他方的需要(win —winconcept )AB3. 4. Principles :1) Sincere, true , honest 真诚2) Equality and mutual benefit 平等互利3) Seek common ground while leaving differences求同存异4) Fairness 公平5. 用图表表示谈判的良性循环6.7.美国商人谈判风格1) History◆ 《The Declaration of Independence 》独立宣言◆ Immigrant from Europe to America◆ Open up America◆ The spirit of developing America◆ Creation2) Americans attach importance on◆ Practice 实际◆Keep one’s promise and respect contractsLawyers play a very important role in the negotiation. Not until they confirm everything in the contract will they sign it. After the agreement,Americans keep it seriously.◆Take efficiency 讲求效率Before a negotiation,Americans will map out a plan first, and then carry it out step by step.与美国人谈判要尽量简明扼要,直接进入实质阶段,那些繁文缛节往往会使他们产生反感◆Pursue pragmatic achievement and fond of ventureThey press their goals,value efficiency and prefer to include all necessary parts in the negotiation embracing designing, development,production, engineering,sale and price and reach a package deal3)Personal characteristics◆Self—confidentAmerican's high individualism is manifested through their decision making process-—individual has the right to make the decision。
Negotiation 国际商务谈判

《国际商务谈判》课程报告Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties resolve a dispute or come to a mutual agreement. It is aimed to resolve points of difference, to gain advantage for an individual or collective, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. It is often conducted by putting forward a position and making concessions to achieve an agreement. The degree to which the negotiating parties trust each other to implement the negotiated solution is a major factor in determining whether negotiations are successful. Negotiation occurs in organizations, including businesses, non-profits, and within and between governments as well as in sales and legal proceedings, and in personal situations such as marriage, divorce, parenting, etc.Negotiation in business require a good legal education and a good financial education so that the parties can understand each other, make sound decisions, and understand the potential consequences of those decisions.The art of negotiating illustrates the important points of negotiating. At peroration stage, it’s important to know the party and familiar with the product or service that you’re negotiating with so that to establish a negotiation goal. As for the strategy of negotiating, the first offer needs to be aggressive and be presented by writing. You need to know the negotiation position that in great demand and low supply or much supply and lowerdemand and do not disclose the budget or other limitations in the negotiation position in order to establish a solid foundation early by demonstrating your knowledge and expertise on the topic in the negotiation process. However, understanding the other side's priorities is just as important as understanding your own and be prepared to give up the little things in exchange for the big things you don't want to concede. That’s to say, some point collaboration and compromise are needed to reach a win-win solution.In my opinion, there are 5 tactics for successful business negotiations.1.Listen and understand the other party’s issues and point ofview. Basically, in any conversation or discussion or negotiation, listening is just as important, or even more important, than talking. You should listen to understand instead of listening to respond. The key to gathering information effectively is the process of active listening. Try to understand what the important points of the other side, identify where they may be flexible, and what limitations they may have. You've got to take all of your assumptions and test them.2.Be prepared. The preparation of negotiating require thefollowing points:1)Check whether you're in a negotiating situation.(Advantages and disadvantages.)2)Clarify your aims. (Achieve the objectives you and yourconstituents have set, getting a good deal and improving your relationship with the other side etc.)3)Gather information. (Gather information about the otherparty, the company, the person you are negotiating with and the similar deals have been completed etc.)4)Prepare the setting. [Who? who is to take part and dowhat?; Where? (i.e. our place or theirs?); When? (i.e. what is the time scale?); Why? (i.e. what are we negotiating about?); and How? (i.e. how are we to present our case?).]5)Prepare Yourself Mentally. (Don't put yourself above orbelow them; stay relaxed and unhurried; don't reveal your feelings at any point etc.)3.Understand the deal dynamics. Less negotiation can be dealtat once, thus, there may be some changes during several negotiations. It is essential to understand the deal dynamics , for example, who wants the deal more, who has the leveragein the negotiation, what alternatives does the other side have and so on.4.Avoid the bad strategy of “negotiating by continuallyconceding.” Imagine that you have a potential client who will greatly benefit from your business. This client has unreasonable demands that will create more losses than wins for you, however you accept these demands in hopes of getting close to a beneficial deal. If you continue to give in, the client will learn that they can continue with unreasonable demands, and that you will always accept. Instead of giving in to these requests, make sure that the situation will lead to future benefits for you.5.Never accept the first offer. Most buyers will leave room intheir first offer to go up by at least 5%-15% in price, depending on the situation. One of the most common negotiation techniques: Don’t ever accept the first offer, or risk “showing your cards” and perhaps unknowingly giving away some of the bargaining zone. Some experts provided experimental and real-world examples of negotiation evidence that the people who made first offers did better in economic terms than those who did not. Therefore, there isflexibility and possible to bargain after rejecting the first offer.Negotiation is a fundamental element in the social life of organizations and negotiation skills can be of great benefit in resolving any differences that arise between you and others. Take accepting a new job as an example, the employer's first compensation offer is often not a company's best offer, and the employee can negotiate different terms such as higher pay, more vacation time, better retirement benefits, and so on. In the deal-based economy of today’s world, there is a growing need for companies to collaborate with each other. As a consequence of the varying needs, wants, aims, opinions, and beliefs of the parties brought together, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable. Thus, negotiation plays an important role in business world. The benefits of negotiation can be showed that help build relationships because the aim is to foster goodwill despite difference in interests, help in avoiding future conflicts and problem by leaving both parties equally satisfied with no barriers to communication for the future etc.。

投资顾问协议(中英文)AGREEMENT OF INVESTMENT CONSULTANT(以下简称“甲方”)愿意聘请(以下简称“乙方”)作为甲方的投资顾问。
(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)hereby agree that will use theconsulting service provided by Business Connect China Company Limited, a Hong Kong corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Party B")as its investment consultant.双方就合作事宜达成以下一致意见:Both parties hereby mutually agree upon the cooperation issues as set forth below:01定义Definition1)“资金需求方”系指经乙方推荐的有资金需求,并通过全部或部分股权或债权的出售、交换或其他方式的处置,包括但不限于资产出售、股权出售、合并、合资、股权投资、资本结构的重组或任何其他会改变其财务结构、控制权或所有权的一方。
“Investee” means the party which desires to finance and recommended by PartyB, will change its financial structure, control right or ownership, of the entire or part of its equity, creditor,s rights, either by selling, exchangeor other manners, including but not limited to, asset sales, shareflotation, acquisition, joint venture, equity investment, Recapitalization. 2)“交易”系指甲方和/或其母公司、关联方与乙方推荐的资金需求方。

商务谈判常用英语词汇1、出口方面的词汇出口信贷 export credit出口津贴 export subsidy商品倾销 dumping外汇倾销 exchange dumping优惠关税 special preferences保税仓库 bonded warehouse贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade进口配额制 import quotas自由贸易区 free trade zone对外贸易值 value of foreign trade国际贸易值 value of international trade普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT2、价格条件价格术语trade term (price term)运费freight单价 price码头费wharfage总值 total value卸货费landing charges金额 amount关税customs duty净价 net price印花税stamp duty含佣价price including commission港口税port dues回佣return commission .装运港port of shipment折扣discount, allowance卸货港port of discharge批发价 wholesale price目的港port of destination零售价 retail price进口许口证import licence现货价格spot price出口许口证export licence期货价格forward price现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price国际市场价格 world (International)Market price离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight3、交货条件交货delivery轮船steamship(缩写S.S)装运、装船shipment租船charter (the chartered ship)交货时间 time of delivery定程租船voyage charter装运期限time of shipment定期租船time charter托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor收货人consignee班轮regular shipping liner驳船lighter舱位shipping space油轮tanker报关clearance of goods陆运收据cargo receipt提货to take delivery of goods空运提单airway bill正本提单original B\\\\L选择港(任意港)optional port选港费optional charges选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers’ account 一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment two lots在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment two equal lots分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments立即装运 immediate shipments即期装运 prompt shipments收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable4、交易磋商、合同签订订单 indent订货;订购 book; booking电复 cable reply实盘 firm offer递盘 bid; bidding递实盘 bid firm还盘 counter offer发盘(发价) offer发实盘 offer firm询盘(询价) inquiry;enquiry5、交易磋商、合同签订订单 indent订货;订购 book; booking电复 cable reply实盘 firm offer递盘 bid; bidding递实盘 bid firm还盘 counter offer发盘(发价) offer发实盘 offer firm询盘(询价) inquiry;enquiry6、交易磋商、合同签订指示性价格 price indication速复 reply immediately参考价 reference price习惯做法 usual practice交易磋商 business negotiation不受约束 without engagement业务洽谈 business discussion限**复 subject to reply **限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here **有效期限 time of validity有效至**: valid till **购货合同 purchase contract销售合同 sales contract购货确认书 purchase confirmation销售确认书 sales confirmation一般交易条件 general terms and conditions以未售出为准 subject to prior sale需经卖方确认 subject to seller’s confirmation需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation7、贸易方式INT (拍卖auction)寄售consignment招标invitation of tender投标submission of tender一般代理人agent总代理人general agent代理协议agency agreement累计佣金accumulative commission补偿贸易compensation trade (或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade (又叫:往返贸易)counter trade来料加工processing on giving materials来料装配assembling on provided parts独家经营/专营权exclusive right独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement独家代理sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency;exclusive agent8、品质条件品质quality 原样original sample规格specifications 复样duplicate sample说明description 对等样品countersample标准standard type 参考样品reference sample商品目录catalogue 封样sealed sample宣传小册pamphlet 公差tolerance货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment样品sample 5% 增减5% plus or minus代表性样品representative sample大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality9、商检仲裁索赔claim 争议disputes罚金条款penalty 仲裁arbitration不可抗力force Majeure 仲裁庭arbitral tribunal产地证明书certificate of origin品质检验证书inspection certificate of quanlity重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity)**商品检验局**commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书inspection certificate10、数量条件个数number 净重net weight容积capacity 毛作净gross for net体积volume 皮重tare毛重gross weight溢短装条款more or less clause11、外汇外汇foreign exchange 法定贬值devaluation外币foreign currency 法定升值revaluation汇率rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate国际收支balance of payments 硬通货hard currency直接标价direct quotation 软通货soft currency间接标价indirect quotation 金平价gold standard买入汇率buying rate 通货膨胀inflation卖出汇率selling rate 固定汇率fixed rate金本位制度gold standard 黄金输送点gold points铸币平价mint par 纸币制度paper money system国际货币基金international monetary fund黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuation。

1. 额外报酬(Additional Compensation):客户会提供的额外报酬,注意披露。
2. 旁观者效应(Bystander Effect):情景影响的一种,当周围有旁人时,人的行为会受到影响。
3. 考生保证书(Candidate Pledge):考试时考生签署的保证遵守考试纪律的承诺书。
4. 警告信(Cautionary Letter):警告信是非公开的,一般适用于相对不太严重的违反行为。
5. 民事非暴力反抗(Civil Disobedience):民众举行的抗议活动,属于个人行为。
6. 客户指定经纪费(Client Directed Brokerage):客户指定经纪费如何使用的一种费用。
7. 共同投资(Co-Investment):与客户共同进行投资,目的是共担风险。
8. 合规部门(Compliance Department):保持公司治理、风险控制及遵守法律法规的部门。
9. 机密(Confidentiality):遵守保密性,不可随意的泄露客户的信息。
10. 对价(Consideration):一方为换取另一方做某事的承诺而向另一方支付的金钱代价或得到该种承诺的代价。
11. 信用评级机构(Credit-rating Agencies):对证券发行人和证券信用进行等级评定的组织,给出的债券评级会影响债券发行人的融资成本。
12. 下行风险(Downside Risk):是指未来股价走势有可能低于分析师或投资者预期的目标价位的风险。
13. 尽职调查(Due Diligence):投资人在与目标企业达成初步合作意向后,投资人对目标企业一切与本次投资有关的事项进行现场调查、资料分析的活动。
14. 公平交易(Fair Dealing):在提供投资分析,做投资建议,采取投资决策等活动时,公平公正对待所有的客户。
15. 信托(Fiduciary):委托人基于对受托人的信任,将其财产权委托给受托人,由受托人按委托人的意愿以自己的名义,为受益人的利益或特定目的,进行管理和处分的行为。

1. 谈判(negotiation):指在商业交易中双方通过交流和讨论,寻找共同的利益和解决方案的过程。
2. 目标(goal):谈判参与者希望在谈判过程中实现的具体结果。
3. 利益(interest):在谈判中,各方的利益是驱动双方行动的核心动机。
4. 谈判策略(negotiation strategy):谈判参与者制定和执行的一系列行动计划,以达到他们的谈判目标。
5. 谈判准备(negotiation preparation):在谈判前,对谈判过程所需的信息、数据和策略进行全面分析和准备的过程。
6. 谈判技巧(negotiation skills):指在谈判过程中所需要运用的有效技巧和方法。
7. 建议(proposal):在谈判过程中,各方提出的解决方案或交易条件。
8. 僵局(impasse):在谈判中,当双方无法就某个问题达成一致时,就会出现僵局。

2024年国际贸易有限公司跨国协议协议编号:2024ITC001协议起草日期:2024年1月1日参与机构:1. 国际贸易有限公司(以下简称ITC):总部位于中国,为一家专注于国际贸易业务的跨国企业。
2. ABC国际贸易公司:总部位于美国,为一家专注于国际贸易业务的跨国企业。
一、合作领域和目标1. 双方将共同探索新的市场和商机,特别关注亚洲、北美和欧洲市场。
2. 双方将开展互补性的合作,共同研发和生产新产品,满足全球市场的需求。
3. 双方将共享市场信息和商业机密,为双方业务拓展提供支持。
4. 双方将共同开发和实施市场营销策略,提高品牌影响力。
二、合作方式和方式1. 双方将建立跨国合资公司,合资比例为ITC占70%,ABC国际贸易公司占30%。
2. 双方将派遣技术、市场和管理人员到对方公司,进行人员交流和技术合作。
3. 双方将共同开展营销活动,包括参加国际贸易展览和商务洽谈会等。
三、合作期限和评估1. 本协议自签署之日起生效,有效期为5年。
2. 双方将每年对合作项目进行评估并进行调整。
3. 双方在协议有效期内可终止协议,但需提前6个月书面通知对方。
四、知识产权保护1. 双方在合作过程中产生的知识产权,将由合资公司共同享有。
2. 双方在合作过程中必须保护对方的商业机密和知识产权,不得侵犯对方的合法权益。

2024年跨国贸易合作协议英文版翻译服务协议本合同目录一览1. 服务内容1.1 翻译服务1.1.1 翻译文件范围1.1.2 翻译质量标准1.1.3 翻译时间安排2. 双方义务2.1 甲方义务2.1.1 提供原始文件2.1.2 提供术语表2.1.3 配合乙方进行翻译工作2.2 乙方义务2.2.1 保证翻译质量2.2.2 按时完成翻译任务2.2.3 保密原始文件信息3. 费用与支付3.1 费用标准3.1.1 翻译费用计算3.1.2 附加服务费用计算3.1.3 费用支付方式3.2 支付时间3.2.1 预付款比例3.2.2 验收合格后支付尾款4. 交付与验收4.1 交付方式4.2 验收标准4.3 验收时间5. 违约责任5.1 甲方违约5.1.1 甲方未按约定提供原始文件5.1.2 甲方未按约定提供术语表5.1.3 甲方未按约定配合乙方进行翻译工作5.2 乙方违约5.2.1 乙方未保证翻译质量5.2.2 乙方未按时完成翻译任务5.2.3 乙方未保密原始文件信息6. 争议解决6.1 双方协商解决6.2 提交仲裁机构解决6.3 法律适用7. 其他约定7.1 保密条款7.2 知识产权归属7.3 不可抗力8. 合同的生效、变更与终止8.1 合同生效条件8.2 合同变更条件8.3 合同终止条件9. 甲方信息9.1 名称9.2 地址9.3 联系人及联系方式10. 乙方信息10.1 名称10.2 地址10.3 联系人及联系方式11. 附件11.1 原始文件清单11.2 术语表11.3 翻译费用明细表12. 签署日期13. 签署地点14. 合同份数第一部分:合同如下:第一条服务内容1.1 翻译服务1.1.1 翻译文件范围包括但不限于:商业计划书、产品说明、市场推广材料、合同协议、技术文件、用户手册等。
1.1.2 翻译质量标准应符合国际翻译行业标准,包括但不限于准确性、流畅性、一致性和专业术语的正确使用。
1.1.3 翻译时间安排应根据文件长度、复杂程度和乙方的工作进度制定,并在合同中具体约定。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年跨国贸易合作协议英文版翻译服务协议一本合同目录一览1. 服务内容1.1 翻译服务1.2 翻译材料1.3 翻译格式和交付时间2. 翻译人员2.1 翻译人员的资质和经验2.2 翻译人员的分配2.3 翻译人员的管理和监督3. 质量控制3.1 翻译质量标准3.2 质量控制流程3.3 客户反馈和修改4. 保密和知识产权4.1 保密义务4.2 知识产权保护4.3 数据安全和隐私保护5. 交付和支付5.1 翻译交付方式5.2 翻译交付时间5.3 支付条件和方式6. 违约责任6.1 违约行为的界定6.2 违约责任的具体规定6.3 违约赔偿的计算和支付7. 争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 争议解决的时效7.3 争议解决的地点和适用法律8. 合同的生效和终止8.1 合同的生效条件8.2 合同的终止条件8.3 合同终止后的权利和义务处理9. 一般条款9.1 合同的修改和补充9.2 合同的转让9.3 合同的解除10. 独立条款10.1 独立合同10.2 非代理关系10.3 非合伙关系11. 法律适用和争议解决11.1 适用法律11.2 争议解决方式11.3 争议解决的地点12. 合同的语言和解释12.1 合同的语言12.2 合同的解释规则13. 通知和通讯13.1 通知的方式和时间13.2 通讯的地址和联系方式14. 其他条款14.1 双方的其他约定14.2 合同的附件和附录14.3 合同的签字盖章第一部分:合同如下:1. 服务内容1.1 翻译服务1.1.1 翻译服务包括但不限于商业文件、技术手册、产品说明、网站内容、广告宣传材料等。
1.1.2 翻译材料应包括所有需要翻译的文件和资料,以及为完成翻译服务所需的任何其他信息。
1.2 翻译格式和交付时间1.2.1 翻译文件应按照客户提供的格式或双方协商一致的格式进行。
1.2.2 翻译完成的时间应根据翻译文件的复杂程度、翻译人员的安排和客户要求的交付时间共同决定。

Investment Intent Letter[Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to express my interest in investing in [Company Name], a company that [briefly describe the company's business]. After conducting thorough research and analysis, I am confident that this investment opportunity has the potential for significant returns and aligns with my investment strategy.I would like to invest [investment amount] in [Company Name] in exchange for [percentage of ownership] equity stake in the company. I understand that this investment will be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the company's investment agreement and any other relevant agreements that may be entered into between us.Before proceeding with the investment, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss and clarify the following aspects:1. Business Model and Strategy: I would like to gain a deeper understanding of [Company Name]'s business model, growth strategy, and competitive advantages in the market. Please provide me with an overview of the company's products or services, target market, and marketing strategies. Additionally, please explain how the company plans to differentiate itself from its competitors and achieve long-term success.2. Financial Performance: I would like to review the company's financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement for the past few years. This will help me assess the company's profitability, liquidity, and financial health. Please provide me with any additional financial data or projections that may be available, suchas revenue growth rates, profitability margins, and cash flowprojections for the upcoming years.3. Management Team: The success of a company is greatly dependent on its management team. I would like to know more about the qualifications, experience, and track record of [Company Name]'s management team. Please provide me with biographical information about the key members of the management team, including their past work experience, expertise, andany notable achievements.4. Risk Analysis: Every investment carries certain risks. I would appreciate it if you could identify and explain the potential risks and challenges that [Company Name] may face in the future. This includes industry-specific risks, regulatory risks, competitive risks, and any other relevant risks. Additionally, please discuss the measures that the company is taking to mitigate these risks and ensure its long-term sustainability.5. Exit Strategy: As an investor, it is important for me to understand the potential exit strategies available to me in case I decide to sell my investment in the future. Please discuss any potential exitstrategies that [Company Name] may have, such as an initial public offering (IPO), acquisition by a larger company, or a buyback of shares by the company.Based on the information provided and the discussions held, I intend to proceed with the investment in [Company Name]. However, I would like to request a meeting or further discussions to address the questions and concerns raised in this letter. I believe that a face-to-face meetingwill provide me with a better understanding of the company and its potential.Please let me know your availability and preferred venue for the meeting.I am flexible and can accommodate your schedule.Thank you for considering my investment proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon and discussing the opportunity further.Sincerely,[Your Name]。

以下是一些常用的投资洽谈英语口语:1. We are interested in your project and would like to know more about it.我们对您项目很感兴趣,想了解更多信息。
2. Could you please explain the details of the project to us?能否请您向我们解释一下该项目的细节?3. What are the expected returns for this investment?这个投资的预期回报率是多少?4. How does the investment structure work?投资结构是如何运作的?5. What is the timeline for this investment?这个投资的时间表是什么?6. What is the total investment required for this project?这个项目需要的总投资额是多少?7. What is the role of our company in this investment?我们公司在这次投资中扮演什么角色?8. What are the risks associated with this investment?这个投资有哪些风险?9. How will the funds be used?资金将如何使用?10. Do you require any additional information from us?您是否需要我们提供其他信息?。

在投资谈判中,双方会使用一些专业术语和名词,以下是其中一些常见的名词解释:1. 投资者(Investor):愿意提供资金或资源以获取利润或回报的个人或机构。
2. 被投资方(Investee):寻求投资资金或资源以支持业务发展的个人或公司。
3. 谈判团队(Negotiation Team):双方派出的代表团队,负责代表自己的利益进行谈判。
4. 投资协议(Investment Agreement):投资者和被投资方之间达成的正式协议,包含投资条件、权益、责任和利益等。
5. 估值(Valuation):对被投资方价值的评估,用于确定投资金额和投资者所占股份。
6. 股权(Equity):投资者以投资金额换取的被投资方的所有权。
7. 融资(Financing):通过向投资者募集资金来支持被投资方业务发展的过程。
8. 资金投入(Capital Injection):投资者向被投资方提供资金支持的行为。
9. 盈利分配(Profit Distribution):投资利润按照约定的比例分配给投资者和被投资方的过程。
10. 尽职调查(Due Diligence):投资者对被投资方进行详细调查和评估,以了解其财务状况、经营能力和风险等。
11. 股权投资(Equity Investment):投资者以购买股权的方式投资被投资方。
12. 债权投资(Debt Investment):投资者以借款的方式向被投资方提供资金支持,并以利息收益回报。
13. 衡平投资(Balanced Investment):投资者以股权和债权相结合的方式投资被投资方。
14. 确认书(Term Sheet):谈判双方初步达成协议后,起草列明主要投资条款的文件。
15. 出售与退出(Exit):投资者将其股权出售或退出被投资方,以获取投资回报。

投资谈判名词解释1. 投资(Investment):将资金、资源或资产用于购买或创办企业、项目或商品,以期获得经济利益的行为。
2. 谈判(Negotiation):双方或多方就某事项进行讨论、协商,以达成共识或达成协议的过程。
3. 名词(Term):双方在谈判中就某一具体条款或细节达成的协议或约定。
4. 投资方(Investor):愿意将资金投入某个项目、企业或商品中以获得回报的个人或机构。
5. 估值(Valuation):对企业、项目或商品价值的评估,通常通过财务分析、市场研究等方法进行。
6. 融资(Financing):为企业或项目筹集资金的过程,可以通过借款、发行债券或股票等方式实现。
7. 盈利分享(Profit sharing):投资方与企业或项目合作方就盈利的分配方式达成的协议,可以是固定比例或按投资额占盈利的比例。
8. 投资回报率(Return on Investment, ROI):衡量投资项目或企业盈利能力的指标,通常以投资金额与实际获得的利润之比表示。
9. 退出机制(Exit strategy):投资方在一定时间或条件下退出投资的具体方式和计划,例如出售股权、上市或收购等。
10. 小股东保护(Minority shareholder protection):在投资中,保护投资方小股东的利益和权益,确保其在决策、分红等方面受到公平对待的措施。
11. 尽职调查(Due diligence):投资方对企业或项目进行全面调查和评估,包括财务状况、市场前景、法律合规等方面的审查。
12. 不可撤销委托(Irrevocable power of attorney):投资方授权给另一方代表其进行特定行为或决策的权力,一旦授权生效,就无法撤销。
13. 竞价(Bidding):投资方或买家通过报价参与项目或企业的竞购过程。
14. 股权(Equity):投资者持有的公司或企业的所有权或份额,通常以股票形式存在。

全面投资协议英文版Comprehensive Investment AgreementThis document serves as a legally binding agreement between the parties involved in a comprehensive investment venture. The purpose of this agreement is to outline the terms and conditions that govern the investment process and ensure the smooth operation of the project.Parties InvolvedThe parties involved in this agreement include the investor(s) and the recipient of the investment funds. The investor(s) agree to provide financial resources for the project, while the recipient agrees to utilize these funds for the designated purpose outlined in the agreement.Investment TermsThe investment terms include the amount of funds to be invested, the timeline for investment, and the expected returns on investment.Both parties must agree on these terms before proceeding with the investment.Rights and ResponsibilitiesEach party has certain rights and responsibilities outlined in the agreement. The investor(s) have the right to monitor the progress of the project and ensure that the funds are being used appropriately. The recipient has the responsibility to provide regular updates on the project and use the funds in a manner that aligns with the agreed-upon terms.Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any disputes or disagreements between the parties, a dispute resolution process will be followed. This process may involve mediation, arbitration, or other methods of resolving conflicts to ensure that the investment venture can continue without interruption.Termination ClauseIf either party wishes to terminate the agreement, there must be a clear process outlined for how this can be done. This may include providing notice to the other party and settling any outstanding financial obligations before the termination can be finalized.Governing LawThis agreement is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the investment is taking place. Both parties agree to abide by these laws and any legal requirements that may apply to the investment venture.SignaturesBoth parties must sign the agreement to indicate their acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined. Signatures signify that both parties have read and understood the agreement and are committed to fulfilling their obligations as outlined.In conclusion, this comprehensive investment agreement is designed to protect the interests of all parties involved in the investmentventure and ensure that the project can proceed smoothly and successfully.。
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estment Negotiation
Management and operation of Joint venture 合资企业的管理与运作
1. Form of organization Sino-foreign EJV shall take the form of a limited liability company. 2. Registered capital total amount/ it shall not be reduced during the term of the EJV
4. Compensation trade
• Compensation trade is a form of barter in which one of the flows is partly in goods and partly in hard currency. • 补偿贸易指交易的一方在对方提供信用的基 础上,进口设备技术,然后以该设备技术所 生产的产品,分期抵付进口设备技术的价款 及利息。
5. non-legal person status 非法人身份
• 法人是相对于或区别于自然人而言的,如企业是应 有法人的资格和地位、应受到法律承认和法律保护 并依法行使决定权等权利义务的独立单位。 • 非法人组织是指不具有法人资格,但可以自己的名 义进行社会活动的社会组织。非法人组织是具有相 应的民事权利能力和民事行为能力的组织体;非法 人组织是不能独立承担民事责任的组织。
中外合资经营企业亦称股权式合营企业。它是外国公司、 企业和其他经济组织或个人同中国的公司、企业或其他经 济组织在中国境内共同投资举办的企业。其特点是合营各 方共同投资、共同经营、按各自的出资比例共担风险、共 负盈亏。各方出资折算成一定的出资比例,外国合营者的 出资比例一般不低于25%。
2. Cooperative/contractual Joint Venture (CJV)- A contractual joint venture is formed by investors who make investment in accordance with the provisions of the contract signed by the investors. 中外合作经营企业,是以确立和完成一个项目而签订契约 进行合作生产经营的企业;是一种可以有股权,也可以无 股权的合约式的经济组织。合作方的权利和义务,包括投 资或者合作条件、收益或者产品分配、风险和亏损的分担、 经营管理的方式和合作企业终止时财产的归属等事项,均 由中外合作者共同协商,制定合作协议、合同,并在合作 企业合同中加以约定。
5. Distribution of profits Net profit distributed in proportion to their respective contributions to the R. C. 6. Technology introduction of JV 7. Procurement of materials and the sales of products Give first priority to Chinese suppliers/ market its products outside China
Word bank
priority industries tax incentives/waiver preferential treatment barter trade compensation trade joint venture export-oriented representative office managerial expertise registered capital non-legal person status procurement
3. Form of investment and the proportion of investment In cash, in kind, or in industrial property rights/ no less than 25% 4. Board of Directors and the Management body No less than three persons (elected)/general manager &deputy general manager (appointed)
Company Logo
Golden rules of conflict management
1. Separate the people from the problem 2. Distinguish between interests and position 3. Silence is golden 4. Pursue fairness
Approaches to conflicts
Different approaches to conflict reflect different underlying cultural values. Generally speaking, there are two approaches:
Identity and face-saving
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Effective conflict management In order to communicate effectively, negotiators should: 1. Learn to respect each other’s culture 2. Be objective about the culture differences 3. Pay attention to the language barriers 4. Use skills when communicating crossculturally.
Business Culture-chapter 2
Negotiation styles of European countries
Negotiation styles of Asian countries
In this chapter, Britain, German, Japan and Korea are taken as typical examples of these two negotiation styles.
1. 投资什么行业?(国家鼓励和扶持的重点行业) 2. 什么类型的投资? 3. 具体采取哪种企业合作形式?
This is a placeholder text.
4. 投资金额和所占比例?
This is a placeholder text.
5. 双方在哪些方面可以互惠互利?
Case 1
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Discussion questions:
Choose one or two features of negotiation from these countries and compare them with Chinese style to find out differences and similarities.
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Cultural conflicts management in business negotiation Negotiation is a conflict-solving process. Different cultures solve problems in different ways.
投资类谈判的学习最重要的是把 握一般此类谈判中必须谈及的问 题以及相关的国家规定和法律知 识。
This is a placeholder text. This is placeholder text. All phrases can be replaced with your own text.
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In western cultures, conflict is viewed as fundamentally a good thing. Working through conflicts constructively results in stronger, healthier and more satisfying relationships. In many Asian countries, people regard conflict as ultimately destructive for relationships and see conflict as disturbing the peace.
3. Barter trade
• Barter is a system of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money • 易货贸易是指在换货的基础上,把等值的出 口货物和进口货物直接结合起来的贸易方式。 买卖双方各以等值的货物进行交换,不涉及 货币的支付,易货双方签订一份包括相互交 换抵偿货物的合同
Preferential treatment
• 经营期在10年以上的,企业所得税实行“二 免三减半”的优惠,即自获利年度起,两年 免征,三年减半征收。 • 企业受让土地使用权,实行弹性地价. 生产型 工业企业投资额在1000万元以上,可向开发 区申请租用短期土地使用权,其标准为:租 用年限5年以下(不含5年)的,租用费为 600元/亩· 年 • 主要针对地区或国家开发区企业,出口型企 业,高新技术企业