



郑州大学西亚斯学院2011-2012 学年第二学期试卷(供2009/2011 级外语学院商务英语本科/ 专升本专业使用)考试科目:高级英语(二)试卷种类: A 备注:()Part I (10 points, 1 point for each)Word explanation. Explain the italicized words.1.However intricate the ways in which animals communicate with each other,they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation.2.This much we pledge—and more.3.New York was never a good convention city, but it is making something of acomeback as a tourist attraction.4.Nature’spleasures are muchqualified in New York.5.Youth was faced with the challenge of bringing ourmores up to date.6.Meanwhile, the true intellectuals were far from flattered .7.The scene was so hideous that it reduced the whole aspiration of man to amacabre joke.8.Red brick, even in a steel town,ages with some dignity.9.The conversation hadswung from Australian convicts of the 19th century to thethEnglish peasants of the 12 century.10. The cars wouldn’tstart, and the electrical systems had beenkilled by water.Part II(20 points, 2 points for each)Paraphrase. Write the answers down on the answer sheet.1.The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like aderelict building-lot.2.The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere,and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows.3.So let us remember on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness,and sincerity is always subject to proof.4.The country itself is not uncomely, despite the grime of the endless mills.5.It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpiecesof horror.6.No aspect of life in the Twenties has been more commented upon andsensationally romanticized than the so-called Revolt of the Younger Generation.7.They had outgrown town and families and had developed a suddenbewildering world-weariness which neither they nor their relatives could understand.8.No longer so looked up to or copied, New York even prides itself on beinga holdout from prevailing American trends.9. A testing of oneself, a fear of giving in to the most banal and marketable ofone’stalents, still draws many of the young to New York.10.There is always a danger that“words will harden into things for us”.Part III (20 points, 2 points for each)Translation. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and English respectively. Write your translations down on the answer sheet.1.The larger children sprawled on the floor, with the smaller ones in a layer ontop of them, and the adults bent over them. The floor tilted. The boxcontaining the litter of kittens slid off a shelf and vanished in the wind.2.They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and then theysink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard and nobody notices that they are gone. And even the graves themselves soon fade back into the soil.3.We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizingan end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change.4.With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge ofour deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’swork must truly be our own. 5.The condescending view from the fiftieth floor of the city ’scrowds below cutsthese people off from humanity. So does an attitude which sees the publiconly in terms of large, malleable numbers.6.多样化使纽约这个城市多姿多彩,千变万化。



《高级英语(二)》题库及答案I.Explain the italicized words in English1.Broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reporter.2.and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring3.Casually he debunked revered artists and art treasures.4.So monstrous a discrepancy in evaluation requires us to examine basic principles.5.There can be linguistic objection to the eradication of proper names.6.and thus beguile ourselves for an hour or so after dinner7.prefacing his remarks by “Of course it’s not for me to suggest to you”8.So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura’s character,9.I would never have believed in the simple bliss of being, day after day, at sea.10.which he imparts from time to time without insistence11. Indeed, this nation’s best-loved author was every bit as adventurous as anyone had ever imagined.12. that gave California a name for getting up astounding enterprises13. “Well, that is California all over.”14. He insisted that man drop his religious illusions15. Has the dictionary abdicated its responsibility?II. Paraphrase1.a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race2.Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.3.He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant.4.All languages are dynamic rather than static.5.But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionary’s6.They make it easier to weather the bad times7.The Russians will hold. But it’ll be a near thing.8. Mark Twain digested the new American experience before sharing it with the world as writer and lecturer.9. The case had erupted round my head.10. spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related.11.Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.12.“Let’s take the thing to court and test the legality of it.”13.a flagrant example of lexicographic irresponsibility.14.lexicography, like God, is no respecter of persons15.They made it harder to make a big killing in good times16.But it softens the ground for the second demand17.I want my fill of beauty before I go.18.who are bent on taking over the lion’s share of the trade19.And when they go, so does a huge slice of the new traditional industries worth keeping.20.Pug saw no point of equivocating.21.there is a touch of rough poetry about himIII. Translate the following into Chinese1.From them all Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference between what people claim to be and what they really are.2.What underlies a ll this sound and fury? Is the claim of the G&C Merriam Company, probably the world’s greatest dictionary maker, that it required the efforts of three hundreds scholars over a period of twenty-seven years, working on the largest collection of citations ever assembled in any language ---is all this a fraud, a hoax?3. Mark Twain suggested that an ingredient was missing in the American ambition when he said: “ What a robust people, what a nation of thinkers we might be, if we would only lay ourselves on the shelf occasionally and renew our edges.”4. But, today, this vital British industry is more in peril than ever before. On almost all the major sea routes of the world, the British fleet risks being elbowed out by stiff foreign competition.5.“……they vanish from a world where they were of no consequence; where they achieved nothing; where they werea mistake and a failure and foolishness; where they have left no sign that they had existed--- a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever.”6.Smaller shipping lines do not have the resources to diversify. They face extinction. And when they go, so does a huge slice of the few traditional industries worth keeping.7.Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. “Today it is the teachers,” he continued, “and tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the man who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind.”8.What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring. What plants of the high altitudes grow unravished among their crags and valleys? So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura’s character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome.IV. Translate the following into English1.汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上的第一名学生。



电大高级英语阅读2期末复习资料(考试参考).doc高级英语阅读(2)Section 1 New WordsMatch the words on the left with the meanings on the right.(3 points each)1 ? determine2.afford3.reflect4.nontraditional5.drawback6.statistic7.—一一——discipl ine8.---------- a spect9.10.involvest UltlOnA.unusualB.disadvantagec. side, part, or characteristicD.fact in the form of a numberE.controlF.decide onG? have enough money forH.showI.fees (moneys) for school].includesFill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each) acquire focusing research capacity identicalstructures communication journal percent produceBut is this language? What distinguishes 11 from true language? Do chimps actual lyhave the 12 for language? There is much disagreement about this. Some people arguethat chimps can 13 only the vocabulary of a 2 1 /2-year ?old human. They also point outthat a sentence such as "Lana tomorrow scare snake river monster" is not exactlyShakespearean English .It goes without saying that there is a gap between the languageabi1 ity of chimps and humans. But clearly, this gap is not as wide as we used to think itwas. Recent 14 is now 15 on the 16 and activity of the bTain. Biologists have looked at one smal 1 area of the brain, the planum temporale, which humans use tounderstand and 17 language .In chimps , this is larger on the left side of the brain than onthe right. In the 18 Science, researchers tel 1 us that this is "essential ly19 n to thep lanum temporale in humans. This is not surprising to people who believe that chimps dohave the capacity for language ? After all , they say, 99 20 of the genetic material inchimps and humans is identical, making chimps our closest relative. 1365Section n Reading ComprehensionHRcad the passage. Then answcr 伽questions that follow?(5 points each The Consumers UnionA The Consumers Union (CU) was founded in 1936 to give information and adviceto the public about goods and services? By doing research in laboratories and conducting testson products, scientists were able to rate them, or tell if they were good or bad. They startedby testing food like milk and cereal-and then personal products like soap and stockings. There were three categories in their ratings: Best Buy , Also Accc p table , and N otAcceptable? Later, CU began testing cars and home appliances , such as fans , radios , andother small machinesB In the same year it was founded , the organization began publishing a magazine forits mBmbers , Consumers Union Reports , listing the ratings of products that they tested.In1940 , CU sent out a questionnaire, that is, a list of questions , to its members, asking themto rate the products that they used. This questionnaire became so popular that it hascontinued until today」n 1942. the magazine1 s name was changed to Consumer Reports andsold to the general public?C By the 1950s, the number of people buying Consumer Reports (CR) reached 400 ,000. During this decade, the magazine reported on the dangers of tobacco , the poor quality ofcolor TV sets, the contamination of milk bynuclear testing , and other news that wascontroversial, or caused debate.ln the 1960s, the magazinereported that the price of autoinsurance varied widely, or was different, among companies? In the 1970s, it reported on thepollution of America1 s drinking water by factories. These articles won national prizes becausethey informed the public about problems that needed to be solved?D In the 1980s, CR began publishing special newsletters for different readers oncars , travel , health , and even one for children on how to earn and save money. In the 1990s,the Consumers Union moved to a new testing and research center with 50 modernlaboratories in Yonkers , New York. By this time , CR had over 5 mil lion magazine readersand 1 million online readers. After 70 years , this organization is still protecting consumersfrom the false claims of advertisers and the dangers of unsafe products. 1366For each question , choose the best answer based on the reading passage?Write A, B, C or D onyour Answer Sheet.21 ? The Consumers Union started to publish a magazineA.in 1936B. in 1940C. in the 1980sD. in the 1990s22.The magazine was sold only to members until --------A.1936C.1942B.1940D.196023.In the 1950s, CR didn't report on -------------------A.bad TV setsB. contaminated milkC.tobacco's dangersD. polluted drinking water24.The magazine won prizes because 一一一一一?A.it rated productsB.it told the public about problemsC.some products were not acceptableD.there were so many problems25.After 70 years , people ------- *-------A.are still reading CRB.are tired of reading CRC.believe the false claims of advertisersD.buy unsafe productsThen answer?(3 points each)Elephant CommunicationA Researchers at Stanford and Cornell Universities are studyingcommunicationpatterns of the savannah , or plains elephants , and forest elephants ofsub-SaharanAfrica. They have made many audio and video recordings , matching the sound and behaviorof the elephants in order to understand the meaning from observed patterns.B Their findings are that elephants use many senses tocommunicate: sight, smell ,taste , hearing, and touch? For example, when two female elephants greet each other after along separation, they stand side by side, flapping their ears , touching and smelling each1367other with their trunks , making rumbling sounds? The longer they've been separated, thelouder and more demonstrative they act when they meet again.C Elephant rumbling is a low , infrasonic sound of 12-20 Hertz CHz) that humans cannot hear. C Human range is between 20-20,000 Hz.) Researchers have divided thisrumbling into three main signals: contact, "Let's go," and mating. The contact call is usedby elephants that are miles away to communicate their location to otherherds? All day,female leaders rumble to other groups , who rumble back. They stay far apart to ensureenough food for all the members and later meet at a watering hole and greet each other.D Another type of rumbling is the ”Let's go n signal of a head female when shewants to leave a place after drinking or resting. Facing the direction she wants to go, sherumbles until the others begin to answer and follow her. The third type is the mating rumblethat a male in musth emits. Females in a herd usually answer him , although none of themmay be receptive , because they mate only once every four years. However, when the malehears them , he travels to the group to assess the situation.E A final interesting form of communication among elephants is the way they acttoward their dead .If they come upon elephant bones , they stand around touching the skullsand tusks with their trunks. When researchers left the bones of other large animals, likerhinos or buHaloes, in these places, elephants examined them briefly, but they touched onlythe elephant remains.In India, where elephants are often killed by trains , other elephantscome to the scene to caress and mourn the dead ones?Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write n T n for True and n F n for Falseon the Answer Sheet.26.Researchers are studying elephants in order to understand their communicationpatterns.27.When female elephants greet each other after a long separation, they rumble andwalk away.28.Elephant rumbling has several meanings?29.The word emits in paragraph D probably means produces.30.The word remains in paragraph E is closest in meaning to stays behind.section 1 New wordsMatch the words on meanings on the right. (3 poin each)1.F6.D2.G7.E3.H8.C4.A9.15.B10.1with words from the box below?(3 points each) 11 ? communication13.acquire15.focusing17. produce19. identical12. capacity14.research16.structures。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语阅读〔2〕》2029-2030期末试题及答案〔试卷号:1354〕Sccllon 1 New Word*|A MuUrh cnch Yocabulaiy worti on the left with lhe correct dcrinitionon lhe righL(3 poinUcitch)L ________ eKnlnanan A. unknown2. ________ anonymous B. make »omronr fcrl better3. ________ d TAW buck C. writitig as un art form4. ________ international D・ jihow in thr form of n picture知 ______ rettMure E< rtnimrth of the same type6. ___ colliKniphy E. cquftl7. ________ depict (;• Hnrhnge8. ________ species H・ nut ricxihlr0. ________ trHNh 1. among othef countries10. _______ rigid J. disadvantage• unfavotiniblc ni^pcttH: Fill in lhe blunks »»lth words from the box bdm (3 points cuch)cognitivt:colkaKue» idrnlity intuitioninvolved maturnlian memory nruroxtentiHt p^yrholoK^i rrnrarchersDenr RonemnryeA。

you know. I f vr been looking for my identical twin niMrr for yem. nnd I (molly hiund her} J IJJI I pjiychulogiNtji predict • wr have rnnny hirniUritirft. A M you know t I f vc been )1 with work on the xcirnccof the brain. A N A 12 11 vr utudird king term13 • or how adulr* remember evenT» from childhood. WcIL my wiMcr is A14utudytntf the 。



东 北 大 学秦 皇 岛 分 校课程名称: 高 级 英 语 试卷: A 考试形式: 闭 卷授课专业: 考试日期: 试卷:共 7 页I. Reading Comprehension (20*1%=20%).Requirements: You ’re required to read Passage 1~3 in depth and skim & scan Passage 4~6 and answer questions on your answer sheet. Passage 1I was born in Tuckahoe, Talbot Country, Maryland. I have no accurate knowledge of my age, never having seen any authentic record containing it. By far the larger part of the slaves knows as little of their age as horses know of theirs, and it is the wish of most masters within my knowledge to keep their slaves thus ignorant. I do not remember having ever met a slave who could tell of his birthday. They seldom come nearer to it than planting-time, harvesting, springtime, or falltime. A lack of information concerning my own was a source of unhappiness to me even during childhood. The white children could tell their ages, I could not tell why I ought to be deprived of the same privilege. I was not allowed to make any inquires of my master concerning it. He considered all such inquires on the part of a slave improper and impertinent. The nearest estimate I can give makes me now between twenty-seven and twenty-eight years of age. I come to this, from hearing my master say, some time during 1835, I was about seventeen years old. My mother was named Harriet Bailey. She was the daughter of Isaac and Betsey Bailey, both colored, and quite dark.My mother was of a darker complexion than either my grandmother or grandfather.My father was a white man. The opinion was also whispered that my master was my father; but of the correctness of this opinion, I know nothing; the means of knowing was withheld from me. My mother and I were separated when I was but an infant-before I knew her as my mother. It is a common custom, in the part of Maryland from which I ran away, to part children from their mothers at a veryearly age. Frequently, before the child has reached its twelfth month, its mother is taken from it, and hired out on some farm a considerable distance off, and the child is placed under the care of an older woman, too old for field labor. For what this separation is done, I do not know, unless it was to hinder the development of the child's affection towards its mother.1. The author did not know exactly when he was born because ______ A. he did not know who his mother was. B. there was no written evidence of it. C. his master did not tell his father.D. nobody on his farm knew anything about it. 2. In the mid-nineteenth century, slaves often ______ A. marked their birthdays by the season. B. did not really care how old they were.C. forgot the exact time when they were born.D. pretended not to know each other's birthdays. 3. The author ’s mother told him ______ A. his father was black. B. his father was white. C. nothing about his father. D. his master was his father.4. According the passage, when the author was very young his mother ______ A. ran away.B. was light-skinnedC. had several children.D. was sent to work elsewhere.5. The author had not spent much time with his ______ A. mother. B. master. C. grandfather. D. grandmother.6. The author was most probably raised ______ A. by his grandparents. B. by an old woman slave. C. with his master ’s support. D. together with other children.装订线装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题学 号姓 名班 级Passage 2When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States in 1932, not only the United States but also the rest of the world was in the throes of an economic depression. Following the termination of World War I, Britain and the United States at first experienced a boom in industry. Called the Roaring Twenties, the 1920s ushered in a number of things -- prosperity, greater equality for women in the work world, rising consumption, and easy credit. The outlook for American business was rosy.October 1929 was a month that had catastrophic economic reverberations worldwide. The American stock market witnessed the ―Great Crash‖, as it is called, and the temporary boom in the American economy came to a standstill. Stock prices sank, and panic spread. The ensuing unemployment figure soared to 12 million by 1932.Germany in the postwar years suffered from burdensome compensation it was obliged to pay to the Allies. The country's industrial capacity had been greatly diminished by the war. Inflation, political instability, and high unemployment were factors helpful to the growth of the initial Nazi party. Germans had lost confidence in their old leaders and heralded the arrival of a messiah-like figure who would lead them out of their economic wilderness. Hitler promised jobs and, once elected, kept his promise by providing employment in the party, in the newly expanded army, and in munitions factories.Roosevelt was elected because he promised a ―New Deal‖ to lift the United States out of the doldrums of the depression. Following the principles advocated by Keynes, a British economist, Roosevelt collected the spending capacities of the federal government to provide welfare, work, and agricultural aid to the millions of down-and-out Americans. Elected President for four terms because of his innovative policies, Roosevelt succeeded in dragging the nation out of the depression before the outbreak of World War II.7.Which of the following was NOT true at the time Roosevelt was elected?A. Stock prices were recovering slowly.B. The nation was in a deep depression.C. There were 12 million unemployed workers.D. The nation needed help from the federal government.8.The ―Great Crash‖ in the passage refers to _____.A. the end of World War IB. the Great DepressionC. high unemployment figuresD. a slump in the stock market9.We can infer that the author of this passage _____.A. disapproves of Roosevelt's ―New Deal‖B. thinks the Depression could have been avoidedC. blames the Depression on the ―Great Crash‖D. feels there was some similarity between Roosevelt and Hitler10.The best title for the passage is _____.A. The TwentiesB. The Great CrashC. The DepressionD. The End of World War IPassage 3In most sectors of the economy, it is the seller who attempts to attract a potential buyer with various induction of price, quality and utility, and it is the buyer who makes the decision. In the health care industry, however, the doctor-patient relationship is the mirror image of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer, Once an individual has chosen to see a physician, the physician usually makes all significant purchasing decisions: whether the patient should return ―next Wednesday‖, whether X-rays are needed, whether drugs should be prescribed, etc.This is particularly significant in relation to hospital care. The physician must certify the need for hospitalization, determine what procedures will be performed, and announce when the patient may be discharged. The patient may be consulted about some of these decisions, but in the main it is the doctor’s judgments that are final. Little wonder then that in the eyes of the hospital it is the physician who is the real ―consumer‖. As a consequence, the medical staff represents the ―power-center‖ in hospital policy and decision-making, not the administration.Although usually there are in this situation four identifiable participants, the physician, the hospital, the patient and the prayer (generally an insurance carrier or government), the physician makes the essential decision for all of them. The hospital becomes an extension of the physicians; the payer generally meets most of the bonafide (真正的) bills generated by the physician/hospital and for the most part, the patient plays a passive role. In routine or minor illnesses, or just plain worries, the patient’s options are of course much greater with respect to use and price. But in illnesses that are of some significance, such choice tends to evaporate. And it is for these illnesses that the bulk of the health care dollar is spent. We estimate that about 75-80 percent of health care expenditures are determined by physicians, not patients. For this reason, economy measures directed at patient or thegeneral or the general public are relatively ineffective.11.The author’s primary purpose is to _________.A. criticize doctors for exercising too much control over patientsB. analyze some important economic factors in health careC. urge hospitals to reclaim their decision-making authorityD. inform potential patients of their health care rights12.It can be inferred that doctors are able to determine hospital policiesbecause ________.A. it is doctors who generate income for the hospitalB. most of a patient’s bills are paid by his health insuranceC. hospital administrators lack the expertise to question medical decisionsD. a doctor is ultimately responsible for a patient’s health13.According to the author, when a doctor tells a patient to ―return nextWednesday,‖ the doctor is in fact _________.A. taking advantage of the patient’s concern for his healthB. instructing the patient to buy more medical servicesC. warning the patient that a hospital stay might be necessaryD. advising the patient to seek a second opinion14.The author is most probably leading up to a (n) _________.A. proposal to control medical costsB. discussions of new medical treatmentC. analysis of the causes of inflation in the United StatesD. comparison of hospitals and factories15.The tone of the passage can best be described as _________.A. arbitraryB. faultfindingC. analyticalD. inquisitive Passage 4First read the following questions. The text below is a selection from a leaflet.16.If you want to know something about Stanislavski methods, you shouldattend the activity on ____A.10 May.B. 24 June.C. 9 July.D. 9 June.17.The workshops are arranged for ____.A. students withoutB. NT Education membersC. teachers onlyD. students with ID Now scan the text quickly and answer the questions.Education EventsPlease do not use the new booking formfor the following two events; pleasebook in person or on 071-928 2252.STOP PRESSThe William Poel Festival10 May Olivier 2.00-4.15pmAn annual dramatic verse speakingevent, established by Dame Edith Evansin memory of the actor-director WilliamPoel. Students from the accrediteddrama schools perform duologues fromElizabethan / Jacobean Dramaticliterature. Arranged with the Society forTheatre Research. £3.5Some Places Still Available …Mr. A’s Amazing Maze Plays 12 June2-4pmOnly for children who have alreadyseen the production.A practical drama workshop on theplay. £5New Education EventsMacbeth 24 June 10.30am-5pm.For English or Drama teachers whoplan see the production.Thisworkshop aims to provide teachers withan insight into the production and itsworking methods.£36 (includes matinee ticket)Brecht Workshop26 June 1 p.m. –6.30 p.m.For teachers of Drama & English.The aim of this one day workshop is togive an insight into the work of Brecht,as well as offering practical exercisesand approaches for use with students.With reference to Mother Courage.£30Stanislavski Workshop9/10 July1 p.m. -- 6.30 p.m.For teachers of Drama & TheatreStudies. A practical two-day workshop,Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard. Onlyfor teachers who have not taken part ina previous Stanislavski course at theNational.£60.Young Student CardA free card for students without ID,which enables the holder to buy StudentStandby tickets (only£5.50-- see pp18/19). To obtain cards teachers mustwrite to the Mailing Department at theNational. To be eligible,teachers/students must be NTEducation members.Royal National Theatre / W H SmithInteractThis scheme makes workshopsavailable to schools and colleges allover the UK, at an affordable price. Fora copy of the Interact leaflet please sendan SAE to the Education Department.For more information please ring theled by Richard Hahlo, looking at theway actors apply Stanislavski methodsto next and character. With reference toInteract direct line 071-928 5214.Passage 5First read the questions.18.The purpose of the letter is to ____A. show travellers their hospitality.B. prevent ill will.C. encourage travellers to stay.D. inform the travellers of their rate increases.Now, go through the text quickly and answer the question.GRAND CAY HOTELNottingham-Darby Stockbridge Lane NC 125 FQTelephone: (06362) 04183Telex: 585746 Dear Traveller,In attempting to provide the best service possible for our guests, we’ve been faced with a problem. More and more often, it seems, people are engaging hotel accommodations without prior booking, and leaving without settling their accounts.These ―silent departures‖have caused us —and other hotels as well —substantial cash losses. So far, at Grand Cay we’ve been able to absorb these losses without passing their cost on to our guests in the form of increased prices. But we’re approaching our limit.So, in order to prevent further losses of this sort, and to keep our prices as low as possible in this time of inflation, we are asking that — any person desiring overnight accommodation without a prior confirmed booking, please pay in advance the full cost of the accommodation.Only by the introduction of such safeguards can the problem be alleviated. Please understand our position, and know that the service we will provide you will continue to be the best we can humanly offer.Many thanks,Godfrey BillinghamGeneral Manager Passage 6First read the questions.19.According to the notes, for visitors, National Trust properties are not open ____A. on Saturdays.B. on Sundays.C. on Good Fridays.D. on Bank holidays.20.We learn from the notes, reduced rates are given to ____A. the handicapped.B. unescorted children.C. senior citizens.D. pre-arranged groups of visitors.Now go through the text quickly and answer the questions.NOTES FOR VISITORS TO NATIONAL TRUST PROPERTIES1. Children under seventeen and accompanied by an adult are welcome at half price. If unaccompanied they are admitted at the discretion of the Trust; children under five admitted free. (Children over 3 are charged at Wimpole Home Farm.)Prams, pushchairs and back packs are not allowed inside Trust Houses. Please check with the property before the visit. Most Houses provide baby slings.2. Car parking is free unless otherwise stated.3. Dogs: the Trust regrets that dogs are not allowed in Houses, Restaurants, Shops and Gardens (with the exception of guide dogs for the blind). In Parks dogs must be under proper control.4. Disabled visitors: many of the properties in this leaflet are accessible to visitors in wheelchairs, and are suitable for escorted visually handicapped visitors. Please check with the property before making a visit; special parking arrangements are often available.5. Parties of 15 or more visitors are welcome at reduced rates provided their visit is prearranged with the person responsible at each property.6. All houses are closed on Good Friday.For further information please contact the Regional Public Affairs Manager at Blickling. Norwich, NR 11 6 NF, telephone (0263) 733471.II. Vocabulary and Structure (30×0.5%=15%).21.When Tom insulted the referee, he _____ by ordering him off the field.A. repliedB. retortedC. resolvedD. responded22.Helen Keller’s _____ over deafness, blindness, and muteness was a miracle.A. improvementB. successC. advanceD. triumph23.International _____ should be reduced when this agreement is signed.A. pressureB. nervousnessC. tensionD. strain24.In spite of the heavy snow and hard rain, the buses still ran on _____.A. listB. planC. arrangementD. schedule21-25 DDCDC 26-30 BCCDD 31-35 BABAD36-40 AABBC 41-45 CAADC 46-50 ABACA25.Only a few people have _____ to the full facts of the case.A. approachB. admissionC. accessD. acquaintance26.Let me _____ the broken glass before someone walks on it.A. cover upB. clear upC. wash upD. spring up27.It is _____ of him to put everything in disorder in the room. He is so peculiar.A. unconsciousB. awareC. typicalD. unkind28.John was young, _____, he was equal to this important task.A. thereforeB. moreoverC. neverthelessD. hence29.Air is composed of _____ gases including hydrogen, oxygen and carbondioxide.A. variedB. variantC. variableD. various30.You can’t let the situation get worse. You must take _____.A. decisionsB. sidesC. directionsD. steps31.It’s difficult to _____ with the knowledge that he is a failure.A. feedB. liveC. stayD. get onlions of workers were on the streets in the greatest _____ of working classsolidarity this country has ever seen.A. demonstrationB. explanationC. presentationD. communication33.For many patients, institutional care is the most ______ and beneficial form ofcare.A. pertinentB. appropriateC. acuteD. persistent34.Among all the changes resulting from the ______ entry of women into the work force,the transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important.A. massiveB. quantitativeC. surplusD. formidable35.Mr. Smith became very ______ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.A. ingeniousB. empiricalC. objectiveD. indignant36.Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calmsituations into ______ ones.A. turbulentB. tragicC. vulnerableD. suspicious37.Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ______.A. simultaneouslyB. spontaneouslyC. homogeneouslyD. contemporarily38.The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the ______.A. vainB. vicinityC. courtD. jail39.Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ______ in every family’s budget.A. nutritionB. expenditureC. routineD. provision40.Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from______ on earth rather than bacteria on Mars.A. configurationB. condemnationC. constitutionD. contamination41.My sister’s professor had her _____ her paper many times before allowing her topresent it to the committee.A. rewrittenB. to rewriteC. rewriteD. rewriting42.Scarcely had her husband arrived home _____ his wife started complaining.A. whenB. thatC. thanD. and43.A body weighs _____ from the surface of the Earth.A. less the farther it getsB. the farther it gets, the lessC. less than it gets fartherD. less than it, the farther it gets44.You never told us why you were late for the last meeting, _____?A. weren’t youB. didn’t youC. had youD. did you45._____ it is you’ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.A. ThatB. BecauseC. WhateverD. However46._____ for you help, we’d never have been able to get over the difficulties.A. Had it not beenB. If it were notC. Had it notD. if we had not been47._____ neglecting our education, my father sent my brother and me to asummer school.A. Accusing ofB. Accused ofC. That he was accused ofD. To be accused of48.The prisoner stood there _____.A. with his hands cuffedB. with his hands cuffingC. with his cuffed handsD. with his cuffing hands49.The leaders insisted on their _____ as ordinary people.A. treatingB. be treatedC. being treatedD. having treated50._____, I must do another experiment.A. Be it ever so lateB. It is ever so lateC. It be ever so lateD. So late it be everIII. Paraphrase the following sentences (5×2%=10%).51.Grandmother carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away.52.Even with the most educated and the most literate,the King’s English slips andslides in conversation.53.Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.54.I award this championship of ugliness to Westmoreland only after laboriousresearch and incessant prayer.55.Its habits are too uncouth for it to respond to humane treatment. Grandmother sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped. Even the most educated and literate people do not use standard,formal English all the time in their conversation.Let bothI have given Westmoreland the highest award for ugliness after having done a lot of hard work and research and after continuous praying.The habits of the child are so crude and uncultured that it will show no sign of improvement even if it is treated kindly and tenderly.IV. Rhetorical Devices (5×2%=10%).Requirements:Make one sentence or a group of sentences according to the following rhetorical devices.56.hyperbole57.personification58.antithesis59.metonymy60.parallelismV. Translation.Section A. Please translate the following sentences into Chinese. (5×2%=10%)61.The child has no understanding of time or interval--sometimes the door opens, and aperson, or several people, are there.62.There was not one house that was not misshapen, and there was not one house that wasnot shabby.63.Look at Petey--a knothead, a jitterbug, a guy who’ll never know where his next meal iscoming from.64.The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this task will light our country andall who serve it.65.As we listen to the arguments about bilingual education today, we ought to thinkourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant.Section B. Please translate the following passages into English. Your translations would be marked for the words and structures of sentences. (2×5%=10%)66.库恩(Kuhn)一生译有长篇小说12部、中篇小说(novella)34部,更重要的是,其译作中的50部被转译为其他语言。



《高级英语》期末考试试卷(A)参考答案05-062005 -2006 学年第二学期《高级英语》期末考试试卷(A)参考答案I.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words andphrases. (15%)1. speaks volumes2. in the vicinity of3. at his disposal4. acted as5. oblivious不知道的of6. look up to7. to no avail8. follow suit9. a battery of 10. in lieu of场所11. unparalleled 12. reassuring 13. circulation 14. significance 15. engulfedII.Paraphrase the following sentences, especially paying attention to the underlined part. (20%)看要求评分III.Proofreading (10%)The Great Depression first started in the New York StorkExchange. In the 1920s, there were fatal flaws on the prosperity 1. inof the economy. Overproduction of crops depresses food prices, 2. depressedand farmers suffered. Industrial workers were earning better wages,but they still did not have enough purchased power tocontinue buying 3.purchasingthe flood of goods that poured out of their factories. With profitssoar and interest rates low, a great deal of money was available 4.soaringfor investment, and much of tha t capital wen t into reckless 5. butspeculation. Billions of dollars \that poured into the stock market, and 6 thatfrantic bidding boosted the price of share far above their real value. 7.sharesAs long as the market prospered, speculators could make fortunesovernight, but they could be ruined just as quick if stock 8.quicklyprices fell. On October 24, 1929 –“Black Thursday” -- awave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York StockExchange. Once started, the collapse of shares and othersecurity prices could not be halted. By 1932, thousandsof banks and over 100,000 businesses had been failed. Industrial 9. beenproduction was cut in half, farm income had fallen by more than half, wages had increased 60%, new investment was 10. decreaseddown 90%, and one out of every four was unemployed in the USA.IV.Reading comprehension (25%)1-5 BCADB 6-10 BCBCA11-15 CCBCA 16-20 DDCCB 21-25 BAACAV. Text analysis (30%)看要求评分。

《高级英语阅读(二) 》 答案

《高级英语阅读(二) 》  答案

▆■■■■■■■■■■■■福建师范大学网络与继续教育学院《高级英语阅读(二)》期末考试A卷姓名:张倩专业:英语学号: 182201807653109学习中心:东北大学无锡研究院奥鹏学习中心[2017]答案务必写在最后一页答案卷上,否则不得分!一、客观题(答案务必写在答题纸上,60分,每题2分)I 判断对错:对的写“T”,错的写“F”Read lesson 4 Text B , Do True or False Questions(阅读教材第4课课文B ,判断对错):Washington Irving’s Sunnyside in Tarrytown, New YorkAccompanying a plan of Sunnyside (unprinted here), a former residence of Washington Irving in New York, is the following text. We have left out its title, which indicates clearly its purpose, in the hope that the reader will reconstruct it after reading the text.Sunnyside is one of the few surviving and best-documented examples of American romanticism in architecture and landscape design. Andrew Jackson Downing featured Sunnyside in his Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1841) as an example of the "progressive improvement in Rural Architecture..." which, he explained, strives to be in "perfect keeping" with "surrounding nature" by its "varied" and "picturesque" outline. 'Architectural beauty," he taught, "must be considered conjointly with the beauty of the landscape,"Walking the 24-acre grounds is a pleasure in every season. Swans glide on the pond Irving called "the little Mediterranean", and a stone flume delights the ear with the sound of rushing water. A path leads up a small rise and from there down into "the glen," and up to the house. Behind the house, another path winds along the Hudson for views of the river at its widest point, the Tappan Zee.The modest stone cottage which was later to become Sunnysidewas originally a tenant farmer's house built in the late-seventeenthcentury on the Philipsburg Manor. During the eighteenth century, thecottage was owned by a branch of the Van Tassel family, the nameIrving later immortalized in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".Irving purchased the cottage in 1835 and directed the remodeling,adding Dutch-stepped gables, ancient weathervanes, and developingGothic and Romanesque architectural features for other parts of thehouse. He was so pleased with his home that in 1836 he wrote to hisbrother, Peter: "I am living most cozily and delightfully in this dear,bright little home, which I have fitted up to my own humor. Everythinggoes on cheerily in my little household and I would not exchange thecottage for any chateau in Christendom."Today's visitor to Sunnyside sees Irving's home much as itappeared during the final years of his life. The author's booklined studycontains his writing desk—a gift from his publisher, G.P. Putnam andmany personal possessions. The dining room, in which Irving and hisdinner guests often gathered to enjoy the beautiful sunsets over theHudson River, adjoins the parlor. Here Irving played his flute, while hisnieces, Sarah and Catherine, accompanied him on the rosewood piano.The piano and other original furnishings still grace the room. The smallpicture gallery off the parlor contains some original illustrations forIrving's work. The kitchen was quite advanced for its day, having a hotwater boiler and running water fed from the pond through agravity-blow system. The iron cookstove was also a "modernconvenience," replacing the open hearth in the 1850's.The second floor of the house contains several bedrooms, each ofwhich has its own personal character. The guest bedroom is furnishedwith a French-style bed and painted cottage pieces. The ingeniousarches in this and other rooms were designed by Irving. His bedroom,where he died in 1859, contains the author's tester Sheraton bed, alongwith his walking stick and a number of his garments and personaleffects. The small, bright room between the bedrooms might have beenused by Irving's nephew and biographer, Pierre Munro Irving, whocared for his uncle during the last months of his life. The room wasused originally to store books and papers. The bedroom used byIrving's nieces contains an Irving-family field bed with hand-madebobbin lace hangings, a chest of drawers, sewing stands, and anornamental stove. The guest room contains a cast iron bed probablymade in one of the foundries along the Hudson.Write True (T) or False (F)for the following questions.1.Sunnyside is the former residence of Washington Irving in WashingtonD.C2..Sunny side is a typical representative of Romanticism of Americancity architecture.3.According to Andrew Jackson Downing , architectural beauty must bein harmony with the beauty of the surrounding landscape.4.During the 18th century ,the cottage was owned by Van Tassel who wasmentioned by Irving in his book “the Legend of the Hollow” .5.Irving didn’t make any change to the cottage after he purchased it.6.Today’s Sunnyside has changed a lot compared with its appearance inIrving’s time.7.Sunnyside was built near the Hudson River.8.The study , the dining room , the parlor and the kitchen are all on thefirst floor of Irving’s house..9.All the bedrooms on the second floor are almost furnished in the samestyle.10.Washington Irving was cared for by his daughter during the last periodof his life.II 选择题Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Eachpassage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D).You should decide on the best choice and write the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Exchange a glance with someone, then look away. Do yourealize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a secondlonger, and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every socialsituation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a person’s gazewithout being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an elevator,what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, considerwhat you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quickglance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no threat.Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction,you need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone. Soyou cut off eye contact, what sociologist Erving Goffman (1963) calls“a dimming of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at theindicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger’s eyes. Shouldyou break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator? You willmake the other person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely tofeel a bit strange yourself.If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds, what are youtelling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation.For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner.They typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, thendrop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their eyes meet again.▆▆■■■■■■■■■■■■。




A篇In the small town of Greenfield, there is a legend about a mysterious old man who lives in a secluded house at the edge of town. The old man is said to have a magical touch that can heal any kind of illness. People from all around come to seek his help, but he only opens his door to a few.1. What is the main characteristic of the old man according to the legend?A. He is very old.B. He has a magical touch.C. He lives alone.D. He is very wealthy.答案:B2. Why do people come to the old man?A. To ask for his wealth.B. To seek healing.C. To live with him.D. To learn magic.答案:BB篇Jane has been working at a bookstore for five years. She loves her job because she gets to meet interesting people and read a variety of books. However, she has decided to quit her job and start her own online bookstore. She believes that with the rise of digital technology, traditional bookstores will struggle to survive.3. What does Jane enjoy about her current job?A. Earning a high salary.B. Meeting new people.C. Reading various books.D. Both B and C.答案:D4. Why does Jane want to start an online bookstore?A. She wants to earn more money.B. She thinks traditional bookstores will fail.C. She dislikes her current job.D. She wants to work from home.答案:B二、词汇与语法(共20分,每题4分)5. The company has _______ a new policy that allows employees to work from home.A. enactedB. embarkedC. declinedD. dismissed答案:A6. Despite the heavy rain, the concert _______ on schedule.A. proceededB. succeededC. ceasedD. dispersed答案:A7. The scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for his _______ in the field of physics.A. contributionB. distributionC. circulationD. repetition答案:A8. She _______ the old book from the shelf and began to read it carefully.A. extractedB. abstractedC. subtractedD. injected答案:A三、完形填空(共20分,每题4分)One day, a teacher asked her students if anyone knew how to make fire. A boy named Tom quickly raised his hand and said he could. The teacher, surprised, asked him to demonstrate. Tom took out a match, struck it against the side of the box, and a flame appeared.9. What did the teacher want to know?A. How to make fire.B. How to use a match.C. How to strike a match.D. How to light a candle.答案:A10. What did Tom use to make fire?A. A match.B. A box.C. A candle.D. A lighter.答案:A11. How did Tom create the flame?A. By lighting a candle.B. By striking a match.C. By using a lighter.D. By rubbing two sticks together.答案:B12. What was the teacher's reaction to Tom's action?A. She was angry.B. She was surprised.C. She was bored.D. She was disappointed.答案:B四、翻译(共20分,每题10分)13. 将下列句子从英文翻译成中文。



2020年上学期《高级英语(二)》期末考试试卷课程名称:1.(单选题)—Do you think the shirt really fits me? —_________. It goes well with your tie, too.(本题2.0分)A.Of course it doesB.Yes, it doesC.I am not sureD.Perhaps it does答案:A.解析:无.2.(单选题)—Have you got anything to do tomorrow? —________.(本题2.0分)A.Yes, a lot ofB.No, I won't be busyC.Certainly haveD.Oh, that's a pity答案:B.解析:无.3.(单选题)—Can I use your tape recorder for a while? —Yes,————.(本题2.0分)A.go aheadB.you can't broke itC.all rightD.no, sorry答案:A.解析:无.4.(单选题)—Do you want to have a message? —No, thanks. I_________ in half an hour.(本题2.0分)A.will call againB.can callC.may phone himD.would call5.(单选题)—My whole body feels weak and I've got a headache. —________?(本题2.0分)A.How long ago did you get it thisB.How long have you been like thisC.How soon have you got itD.How soon have you liked this6.(单选题)—I'm going camping this weekend. —________.(本题2.0分)A.Can you fish?B.Have a good timeC.No, I'm too busyD.Don't give up now7.(单选题)—Can I have some meat? —Certainly, just————.(本题2.0分)A.take it as you likeB.eat it as you pleaseC.help yourselfD.help yourself at home8.(单选题)—I can't see the words on the blackboard. —Perhaps you need _________.(本题2.0分)A.to examine your eyesB.to have your eyes examinedC.to have examined your eyesD.your eyes to be examined答案:B.解析:无.9.(单选题)—My stomach hurts. I feel sick. —For safety's sake,________.(本题2.0分)A.go to see a doctor tomorrowB.Better to go to hospitalC.you'd better see a doctor at onceD.Quick go to hospital答案:C.解析:无.10.(单选题)—I'll come back tomorrow evening at nine. Can you meet me at the airport? —_________.(本题2.0分)A.All rightB.All right. Nice to see youC.OK, wait for meD.All right. See you then答案:D.解析:无.11.(单选题)A small child has to learn to keep its _______ before he can walk far.(本题2.0分)A.borderB.blockC.baggageD.balance答案:D.解析:无.12.(单选题)It takes two weeks for Smith's left hand to get entirely _______.(本题2.0分)A.curedB.dedicatedC.healedD.mended13.(单选题)Staying in a hotel costs _______ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.(本题2.0分)A.as much twice asB.twice as much asC.as much as twiceD.twice more than14.(单选题)He was _______ the prize for being the fastest runner in this competition.(本题2.0分)A.rewardedB.awardedC.succeededD.won15.(单选题)Researchers cannot ______ the possibility that Earth may one day run out of its orbit.(本题2.0分)A.hand outB.drop outC.rule outD.keep out答案:C.解析:无.16.(单选题)I am interested in _______ you have told me.(本题2.0分)A.whichB.all thatC.all whatD.that17.(单选题)By the time the course ends, _______ a lot about the British way of life.(本题2.0分)A.we have learnedB.we'll learnC.we are learningD.we'll have learned18.(单选题)When _______ where he was born, John said that he was a New Yorker.(本题2.0分)A.askingB.being askedC.was askedD.asked答案:D.解析:无.19.(单选题)You may fly to Japan next Saturday, _______ you don't mind changing planes on the way.(本题2.0分)A.as far asB.unlessC.supposingD.provided答案:D.解析:无.20.(单选题)It is time we _______ computers to the production of iron and steel.(本题2.0分)A.will applyB.appliedC.have appliedD.would have applied21.(单选题)The small man wore a suit _______ large for him and therefore looked ridiculous.(本题2.0分)A.very muchB.too muchC.much tooD.very many答案:C.解析:无.22.(单选题)The audience was quite disappointed at the film because it wasn't such a good film ______ the advertisement had promisedthem.(本题2.0分)A.whichB.asC.thatD.like答案:B.解析:无.23.(单选题)The show _______ by the time we arrive at the theatre.(本题2.0分)A.has startedB.will startC.startsD.will have started答案:D.解析:无.24.(单选题)Dr. Smith, together with his wife, _______ to arrive in the evening flight.(本题2.0分)A.areB.are going toC.isD.will be答案:C.解析:无.25.(单选题)We should make our reservations as far _____ as possible to get the flight we want.(本题2.0分)A.in detailB.in advanceC.in realityD.in practice答案:B.解析:无.26.(单选题)It is only in the most difficult circumstances _______ a man's abilities are fully tested.(本题2.0分)A.in whichB.whereC.whenD.that答案:D.解析:无.27.(单选题)Nancy was so shy that she looked _____ when she was standing before the audience.(本题2.0分)A.frighteningB.embarrassedC.confusedD.discouraged答案:B.解析:无.28.(单选题)Tom _______ attended the meeting last night, but he didn't as he suddenly fell ill.(本题2.0分)A.should haveB.hadC.must haveD.could have答案:A.解析:无.29.(单选题)I don't like the desk because it takes _____ too much space.(本题2.0分)A.upB.inC.onD.away答案:A.解析:无.30.(单选题)At the beginning of this semester, our history professor _____ a list of books for us to read.(本题2.0分)A.made outB.fished outC.passed onD.handed in答案:A.解析:无.31.(问答题)直到深夜他才回到宿舍。



xxxx学院学年学期英语专业级《高级英语(下)》试卷(A)(考试形式:闭卷)I. Sentence and Structure (20%)A. Paraphrase the following sentences. Use brief words. (10%)1. He will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining.2. As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear.3. The few Americans seemed just as inhibited as I was.4. I thought somehow I had been spared.5. I will unsay no word that I have spoken about it.6. We shall be strengthened not weakened in determination and in resources.7. Now we are getting somewhere.8. The house detective clucked his tongue reprovingly.9. In no area of American life is personal service so precious as in medical care.10. Well, that is California all over.B. Collocation: Choose the most appropriate expression to fill the blank. (10%)1. Little girls and elderly ladies in kimonos ______ teenagers and women in western dress.a. rubbed the shoulder withb. rubbed shoulders withc. rubbed the shoulder withd. rubbed the shoulders with2. At last this intermezzo ______, and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.a. came to an endb. came to the endc. came to endd. came to ending3. The seller makes a point ______ protesting that the price he is charging is depriving him ______ all profit.a. of…fromb. from…ofc. of…ofd. from…from4. The shop-keepers speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers ______.a. follow suitb. take suitc. follow suitsd. take suits5. I suppose they will be ______ in hordes.a. gathered upb. collected upc. piled upd. rounded up6. Hitler was however wrong and we should ______ to help Russia.a. make all outb. make out allc. go all outd. go out all7. The Nazi regime is devoid ______ all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.a. fromb. ofc. outd. away8. In June 1941 Hitler suddenly ______ an attack on Russia. a. launched b. exerted c. developed d. created9. The custom-made object will be ______.a. in everyone’s reachb. within everyone’s reachc. in everyone’s touchd. within everyone’s touch10. The widest benefits of the electronic revolution will ______the young.a. accrue tob. accrue atc. accrue ford. accrue withII. Please identify the figures of speech used in the following underlined parts of the sentences. (10%)1 ( ) The din of the stall-holders crying their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing away for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous and makes you dizzy.2( ) Was I not at the scene of the crime?3 ( ) I felt sick, and every since then they have been testing and treating me.4 ( ) I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, still smarting from many a Britishwhipping, delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey.5 ( ) We will never parley, we will never negotiate...6 ( ) We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air,until, ...7 ( ) The latter-day Aladdin, still snugly abed, then presses a button on a bedside box andissues a string of business and personal memos, which appear instantly on the genie screen.8 ( ) Tom Sawyer’s endless summer of freedom and adventure.9 ( ) Mark Twain gained a keen perception of the human race, of the difference betweenwhat people claim to be and what they really are.10 ( ) The instant riches of a mining strike would not be his in the reporting trade, but formaking money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax.III. Proofreading and Error Correction(10%)Directions: The following passage contains TEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following way. For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line. For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “∧” sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line. For an unnecessary word cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/’ and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.One of the strangest things about dispute over advertisingis that the greater the fuss the much of a mystery the industryitself seems to become. Advertising is a passionate area.It seems to affect those who attack it and those whodefend it in remarkable similar ways. Before long both are (1) ______exhibiting the same compulsive urge to overstate their case tothat it is difficult to believe that the critics and the defendersof advertising are even arguing for the same thing. But just (2) ______as it seemed sensible for us to regard advertising without go (3) ______to either extreme, so it also seemed logical to try and find ascold-bloodedly as if we could, what advertising in the Britain (4) ______of the sixties really was.We knew that they consumed around $950 million a (5) ______year, or roughly 2 percent of the national income. We knewthat it employed something over 200,000 individuals, themajority of which were paid salaries considerably above the (6) ______national average. And we knew that it was supposedly run inaccordance certain rather vague and often complex rules and (7) ______professional orders.Therefore once we tried finding out exactly what all this (8) ______money went on, what these highly paid individuals did for it(and with it), and how the rules and orders influenced them,a curious thing happened. This strange animal called advertising,so disliked by its supporters and so beloved by its (9) ______defenders, began to disappear. In its place were advertisingmen and advertising agencies—all working in different waysand to different rules and all showed quite startling differences (10) ______of competence, taste and effectiveness.IV. Reading Comprehension (30%)A. Multiple Choice (10%)Passage 1INK-STAINED RICHES:Mencken, the Daddy of Bad-Boy PunditryIn his essay on H.L. Mencken entitled “Saving a Whale,” journalist Murray Kempton points out that “whales are the only mammals that the museums have never managed to stuff and mount in their original skins.” To Kempton, Mencken is a very great whale who, almost 40 years aft er his death, still defies critical taxonomy. That is putting it politely. Mencken in death provokes as much vitriol as he did while living. He has been called a racist, a humanitarian, an arch conservative and a great liberal, and the thorny fact is, he was all those things. Nobody knows what to make of a man who turned his diary into a manure pile of anti-Semitism at the same time he was working diligently to get Jews out of Hitler’s Germany.Biographers have been struggling to take Mencken’s measure since the 1920s. Fred Hobson’s Mencken...is the latest and best attempt. Hobson is the first of Mencken’s biographers to use all the posthumously published diaries, where the “Sage of Baltimore” vented his most odious bigotries and where he most clearly revealed the alienation and loneliness at the heart of his personality. Hobson does not try to resolve the contradictions in Mencken’s personality. Instead, he wisely uses this new material to portray Mencken as a man forever in conflict with himself, the carefree cutup coexisting with the control freak, the comic with the tragedian. Eventually—at least a decade before the 1948 stroke that robbed him of the ability to read or write—Mencken’s darker angels took charge of his soul. In 1942, he wrote, “I have spent all of my 62 years here, but I still find it impossible to fit myself into the accepted patterns of American life and thought. After all these years, I remain a foreigner.”But as Hobson points out, the darkness was there all along, and the miracle is that out of this almost paralyzing bleakness, Mencken was once able to spin exuberant, lacerating prose that is as funny as it is essentially serious. At the peak of his powers, in the ‘20s and early ‘30s, he slaughtered every sacred cow in sight, from Prohibition to fundamentalism. But as hard as he could be on hillbillies and Klansmen, he was even harder on professors: “Of a thousand head of such dull drudges not ten, with their doctors’ dissertations behind them, ever contribute so much as a flyspeck to th e sum of human knowledge.” Coining phrases like “the Bible belt” and aphorisms like “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard,” Mencken left his indecorous fingerprints all over American though t and speech.As a newspaper columnist, a magazine editor and a book writer, Mencken radically broadened the scope and raised the standards of American journalism. But most important, he proved that an intellectual could thrive in the popular press....M any have imitated Mencken’s style....But the sad fact is, Mencken’s disciples are not Mencken. Flaws and all, he was inimitable. As Hobson says, “He was our nay-saying Whitman, and...he sounded his own barbaric yap over the roofs of the timid and the fea rful, the contented and the smug.” With his cheap cigars and his hick’s haircut, and with his gaudy, orotund prose, he looks and sounds like an old-fashioned vaudevillian.... As nice as it would be to stick this curmudgeonly, politically incorrect relic on a back shelf and forget about him, we need his rancor too much. Better than anyone, he still instructs us on the value of the loyal opposition. At his best, he made his readers think and he kept them honest. No journalist could want a better epitaph.1. Kempton thinks that Mencken was[A] a huge man. [B] beyond reproach. [C] larger than life. [D] hard to classify.2. Hobson’s biography is atypical of previous books abut Mencken because it[A] sues samples of Mencken’s prose.[B] creates a one-sided portrait.[C] glosses over inconsistencies. [D] uses material Mencken never published.3. Mencken is probably best characterized as a/an[A] optimist. [B] pessimist. [C] enthusiast. [D] defeatist.4. According to the author of the passage, Mencken’s prose is[A] pedantic. [B] prosaic. [C] pungent. [D] poetic.5. The reviewer believes that Mencken’s work should be appreciated because[A] it has historic value.[B] it reminds Americans of the importance of dissent.[C] Mencken was an excellent reporter.[D] Mencken cannot be copied.Passage 2THE DEA TH OF A SPOUSEFor much of the world, the death of Richard Nixon was the end of a complex public life. But researchers who study bereavement wondered if it didn’t also signify the end of a private grief. Had the former president merely run his allotted fourscore and one, or had he fallen victim to a pattern that seems to afflict longtime married couples: one spouse quickly following the other to the grave?Pat, Nixon’s wife of 53 years, died last June after a long illness. No one knows for sure whether her death contributed to his. After all, he was elderly and had a history of serious heart disease. Researchers have long observed that the death of a spouse particularly a wife is sometimes followed by the untimely death of the grieving survivor. Historian Will Durant died 13 days after his wife and collaborator, Ariel; Bickminster Fuller and his wife died just 36 hours apart. Is this more than coincidence?“Part of the story, I suspect, is that we men are so used to ladies feeding us and taking care of us,” says Knud Helsing, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, “that when we lose a wife we go to pieces. We don’t know how to take care of ourselves.” In one of several studies Helsing has conducted on bereavement, he found that widowed men had higher mortality rates than married men in every age group. But, he found that widowers who remarried enjoyed the same lower mortality rate as men who’d never been widowed.Women’s health and res ilience may also suffer after the loss of a spouse. In a 1987 study of widows, researchers form the University of California, Los Angeles, and UC, San Diego, found that they had a dramatic decline in levels of important immune-system cells that fight off disease. Earlier studies showed reduced immunity in widowers.For both men and women, the stress of losing a spouse can have a profound effect. “All sorts of potentially harmful medical problems can be worsened,” says Gerald Davison, professor of psycholog y at the University of Southern California. People with high blood pressure, for example, may see it rise. In Nixon’s case, Davison speculates, “the stroke, although not caused directly by the stress, was probably hastened by it.” Depression can affect the surviving spouse’s will to live; suicide rates are elevated in the bereaved, along with accidents not involving cars.Involvement in life helps prolong it. Mortality, says Duke University psychiatrist Daniel Balzer, is higher in older people without a good social-support system, who don’t feel they’re part of a group or a family, that they “fit in” somewhere. And that’s a common problem for men, who tend not to have as many close friendships as women. The sudden absence of routines can also be a health ha zard, says Blazer. “A person who loses a spouse shows deterioration in normal habits like sleeping and eating,” he says. “They don’t have that other person to orient them, like when do you go to bed, when do you wake up, when do you eat, when do you take your medication, when do you go out to take a walk? Y our pattern is no longer locked into someone else’s pattern, so it deteriorates.”While earlier studies suggested that the first six months to a year—or even the first week—were times of higher mortality for the bereaved, some newer studies find no special vulnerability in this initial period. Most men and women, of course do not die as a result of the loss of a spouse. And there are ways to improve the odds. A strong sense of separate identity and lack of over-dependency during the marriage are helpful. Adult sons and daughters, siblings and friends need to pay special attention to a newly widowed parent. They can make sure that he or she is socializing, getting proper nutrition and medical care, expressing emotion and, above all, feeling needed and appreciated.6. According to researchers, Richard Nixon’s death was[A] caused by his heart problems. [B] indirectly linked to his wife’s death.[C] the inevitable result of old age. [D] an unexplainable accident.7. The research reviewed in the passage suggests that[A] remarried men live healthier lives. [B] unmarried men have the longest life spans.[C] widowers have the shortest life spans. [D] widows are unaffected by their mates’ death.8. One of the results of grief mentioned in the article is[A] loss of friendships. [B] diminished socializing.[C] vulnerability to disease. [D] loss of appetite.9. The passage states that while married couples can prepare for grieving by[A] being self-reliant. [B] evading intimacy.[C] developing habits. [D] avoiding independence.10. Helsing speculates that husbands suffer from the death of a spouse because they are[A] unprepared for independence. [B] incapable of cooking.[C] unwilling to talk. [D] dissatisfied with themselves.B. Read the following passage and answer the questions. Your answers should be given in English. Be brief and straight to the point. (20%)The Penalty of DeathH. L. MenckenOf the arguments against capital punishment that issue from uplifters, two are commonly heard most often, to wit:1. That hanging a man (or frying him or gassing him) is a dreadful business, degrading to those who have to do it and revolting to those who have to witness it.2. That it is useless, for it does not deter others from the same crime.The first of these arguments, it seems to me, is plainly too weak to need serious refutation. All it says, in brief, is that the work of the hangman is unpleasant. Granted. But suppose it is? It may be quite necessary to society for all that. There are, indeed, many other jobs that are unpleasant, and yet no one thinks of abolishing them---that of the plumber, that of the soldier, that of the garbage man, that of the priest hearing confessions, that of the sand-hog, and so on. Moreover, what evidence is there that anyactual hangman complains of his work? I have heard none. On the contrary, I have known many who delighted in their ancient art, and practiced it proudly.In the second argument of the abolitionists there is rather more force, but even here, I believe, the ground under them is shaky. Their fundamental error consists in assuming that the whole aim of punishing criminals is to deter other (potential) criminal ---that we hang or electrocute A simply in order to so alarm B that he will not kill C. This, I believe, is an assumption which confuses a part with the whole. Deterrence, obviously, is one of the aims of punishment, but it is surely not the only one. On the contrary, there are at least a half dozen, and some are probably quite as important. At least one of them, practically considered, is more important. Commonly, it is described as revenge, but revenge is really not the word for it. I borrow a better term from the late Aristotle: katharsis. Katharsis, so used, means a salubrious discharge of emotions, a healthy letting off of steam. A school-boy, disliking his teacher, deposits a tack upon the pedagogical chair; the teacher jumps and the boy laughs. This is katharsis. What I contend is that one of the prime objects of all judicial punishments is to afford the same grateful relief (a) to the immediate victims of the criminal punished, and (b) to the general body of moral and timorous men.These persons, and particularly the first group, are concerned only indirectly with deterring other criminals. The thing they crave primarily is the satisfaction of seeing the criminal actually before them suffer as he made them suffer. What they want is the peace of mind that goes with the feeling that accounts are squared. Until they get that satisfaction they are in a state of emotional tension, and hence unhappy. The instant they get it they are comfortable. I do not argue that this yearning is noble; I simply argue that it is almost universal among human beings. In the face of injuries that are unimportant and can be borne without damage it may yield to higher impulses; that is to say, it may yield to what is called Christian charity. But when the injury is serious Christianity is adjourned, and even saints reach for their side-arms. It is plainly asking too much of human nature to expect it to conquer so natural an impulse. A keeps s store and has a bookkeeper, B. B steals $700, employs it is playing at dice or bingo, and is cleaned out. What is A to do? Let B go? If he does so he will be unable to sleep at night. The sense of injury, of injustice, of frustration will haunt him like pruritus. So he turns B over to the police, and they hustle B to prison. Thereafter A can sleep. More, he has pleasant dreams. He pictures B chained to the wall of a dungeon a hundred feet underground, devoured by rats and scorpions. It is so agreeable that it makes him forget his $700. He has got his katharsis.The same thing precisely takes place on a larger scale when there is a crime which destroys a whole community’s sense of security. Every law-abiding citizen feels menaced and frustrated until the criminals have been struck down---until the communal capacity to get even with them, and more than even, has been dramatically demonstrated. Here, manifestly, the business of deterring others is no more than an afterthought. The main thing is to destroy the concrete scoundrels whose act has alarmed everyone, and thus make everyone unhappy. Until they are brought to book that unhappiness continues; when the law has been executed upon them there is a sigh of relief. In other words, there is katharsis.I know of no public demand for the death penalty for ordinary crimes, even for ordinary homicides. Its infliction would shock all men of normal decency of feeling. But for crimes involving the deliberate and inexcusable taking of human life, by men openly defiant of all civilized order---for such crimes it seems to nine men out of ten, a just and proper punishment. Any lesser penalty leaves them feeling that the criminal has got the better of society---that he is free to add insult to injury by laughing. That feeling can be dissipated only by a recourse to katharsis, the invention of the aforesaid Aristotle. It is more effectively and economically achieved, as human nature now is, by wafting the criminal to realms of bliss.The real objection to capital punishment doesn’t lie against the actual extermination of the condemned, but against our brutal American habit of putting it off so long. After all, every one of us must die soon or late, and a murderer, it must be assumed, is one who makes that sad fact the cornerstone of his metaphysic. But it is one thing to die, and quite another thing to lie for long months and even years under the shadow of death. No sane man would choose such a finish. All of us, despite the Prayer Book, long for a swift and unexpected end. Unhappily, a murderer, under the irrational American system, is tortured for what, to him, must seem a whole series of eternities. For months on end he sits in prison while his lawyers carry on their idiotic buffoonery with writs, injunctions, mandamuses, and appeals. In order to get his money (or that of his friends) they have to feed him with hope. Now and then, by the imbecility of a judge or some trick of juristic science, they actually justify it. But let us say that, his money all gone, they finally throw up their hands. Their client is now ready for the rope or the chair. But he must still wait for months before it fetches him.That wait, I believe, is horribly cruel. I have seen more than one man sitting in the death house, and I don’t want to see any more. Worse, it is wholly useless. Why should he wait at all? Why not hang him the day after the last court dissipates his last hope? Why torture him as not even cannibals would torture their victims? The common answer is that he must have time to make his peace with God. But how long does that take? It may be accomplished, I believe, in two hours quite as comfortably as in two years. There are, indeed, no temporal limitations upon God. He could forgive a whole herd of murderers in a millionth of a second. More, it has been done.1. What is the author’s point in this essay? Sum up the author’s argument in 50 words. (4%)2. How does the author put forward his argument? What does he do before he proposes his own idea about the death penalty? (4%)3. What method does the author use to refute the first argument proposed by the uplifters, that the death penalty should be abolished because it is unpleasant? How do you characterize the supporting details the author provides throughout the essay? (4%)4. What is the author’s real objection to the death penalty? Sum up his description of how the death penalty is carried out currently within 50 words. (4%)5. Does the author expect his audience to agree with him? Where in the essay does he indicate his audience may disagree? (4%)V. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (15%)The bird, however hard the frost may be, flies briskly to his customary roosting-place, and, with beak tucked into his wing, falls asleep. He has no apprehensions; only the hot blood grows colder and colder, the pulse feebler as he sleeps, and at midnight, or in the early morning, he drops from hisperch—dead.Yesterday he lived and moved, responsive to a thousand external influences, reflecting earth and sky in his small brilliant brain as in a looking-glass; also he had a various language, the inherited knowledge of his race, and the faculty of flight, by means of which he could shoot, meteor-like, across the sky, and pass swiftly from place to place; and with it he was able to drop himself plumb down from the tallest tree-lop, or out of the void air, on to a slender spray, and scarcely cause its leaves to tremble.Now, on this morning, he lies stiff and motionless; so easy and swift is the passage from life to death in wild nature! But he was never miserable.VI. Translate the following passage into English. (15%)我一直以为大学校长是高瞻远瞩、指导学术与教育大方向的决策人,而不是管馒头稀饭的保姆,但这也暂且不提。



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《高级英语阅读二》期末试题(请把答案写在试题下面的“答案卷"上,在离线作业栏目提交)I Read Lesson 8 ,Text A “The Girl in the Fifth Row”, translate the following two sentences into Chinese. (阅读教材《高级英语阅读教程(下册)》第八课课文A,翻译以下句子)On my first day as an assistant professor of education at the University of Southern California, I entered the classroom with a great deal of anxiety. My large class responded to my awkward smile and brief greeting with silence. For a few moments I fussed with my notes。

Then I started my lecture,stammering; no one seemed to be listening.II Read lesson 3 ,Text A “To the Victor Belongs the Language”, answer the following Questions (阅读教材第三课课文A ,回答问题):To the Victor Belongs the LanguageBy Rita Mae Brown Language is the road map of a culture。



国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语阅读(2)》2019-2020期末试题及答案(试卷号:1354)Section I NewWords[Al Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right (3 pointseach)L _________ aMhmatic2. _______ chronic3. _______ indoor pollutants4. _______ inhaler5. _______ injection6. _______ long-haired pets7. _______ outdoor pollutsnts8. _______ respiratory illness9. _______ triggers10> ________ vehicles A. asthmaB. buses and trucksC. cats and dogsD. causes a reactionEL chemicals, dust, and nmogF. cigarette smoke> dirt, insectsG・ conuins medicine for BsthmnticsH. having difficulty brenthingI. medicine given under skin with needle J・ over a long period of timeBj Fill in the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)called founded region traditional cultureroutes under experts project technologyToday, there is new intercs! in the history and 11 of the Silk Rond* which the famous Chinese-American musician Yo-Yo Ma has 12 "the Internet of nntiquity11. New13 is helping us to learn more about this ancient "Irnenwt”. Special radar on the space shuttle JI II QWNarchAeologints to: sice ^objects and ruined cities 1-2 meters 14 the dry dcMert sumdt for cxnmplc. Tourists now come from all over rhe world to follow the old trade15 > And 16 want to make *ure that the cuntomK in the vast 17 do not die out as the world modernircs^To this end t Yo-Yo Ma has 18 the Silk Road 19 which encourages the living arts of these 2。



2020-2021《英语阅读》2期末课程考试试卷A1适用于考试日期:试卷所需时间:120分钟;闭卷; 总分:100分。

Part I True or False (10 points)Section ADirections: The following ten statements are details of plots adapted from the novels read during the semester. Read and decide whether they are true or false, and mark a T for a true statement and an F for a false one.1. ( ) In the novel Great Expectations , the story ends with the marriage of Pip andEstella.2. ( ) In the novel Great Expectations , the reason for Miss Havisham’s being mad andvengeful is the death of her husband on their wedding day. 3. ( ) O ’liver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s England.4. ( ) In the novel Far From the Madding Crowd , two major characteristic of theprotagonist Bathsheba Everdene is her vanity and spiritual independence on others. 5. ( ) In the novel Far From the Madding Crowd , Gabriel Oak loses his farm because ofa huge storm.6. ( ) The novel Wuthering Heights is a gothic novel, which is designated to both horrifyand fascinate readers with scenes of passion and cruelty; supernatural elements; and a dark, foreboding atmosphere.7. ( ) The narrator of the novel Wuthering Heights is Nally, the servant.8. ( ) A galaxy is a star system in which a great many stars gather in one group.9. ( ) Galileo made his first telescope, which is a radio telescope, for the study of stars. 10. ( ) In America, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in December in every twoyears is Election Day.Part II Vocabulary (20 points)Section ADirections: There are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE word or phrase that best completes the sentence.1. With all its advantages, the computer is by no means without its ________. A. boundaries B. limitations C. confinements D. restraints2. While nuclear weapons present grave _______ dangers, the predominate crisis of overpopulation is with us today.A. inevitableB. constantC. overwhelmingD. potential 3. Many people lost their jobs during the business ________.A. despairB. decreaseC. desperationD. depression4. He was such a _________ speaker that he held our affection every minute of the three-hour lecture.A. specificB. dynamicC. heroicD. diplomatic 5. I had to stand in a ________ for hours to get tickets fro the film.A. rowB. processionC. tailD. queue 6. The clock works well; there is only ______ of a second per year.A. a faultB. a mistakeC. an errorD. flaw7. Professor Taylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong _______ on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.A. motivationB. perspectiveC. impressionD. impact 8. Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage ______.A. relativelyB. actuallyC. annuallyD. comparatively 9. Writing is a slow process, requiring _________ thought, time and effort. A. significant B. considerable C. enormous D. numerous 10. He was _______ with sorrow for his wife’s sudden death.A. overthrownB. overcomeC. overpoweredD. overtaken11. She _________ that it was a trick to get her involved in the matter, for she knew themtoo well.A. doubtedB. suspectedC. conceivedD. convinced 12. We have planned an exciting publicity _________ with our advertisers. A. battle B. struggle C. conflict D. campaign13. That problem is beyond the __________ of this article, so I’ll not discuss it here. A. scale B. extent C. scope D. range14. They took _________ measures to prevent poisonous gasses from escaping. A. fruitful B. beneficial C. valid D. effective 15. These seats are ________ for special guests.A. preservedB. reservedC. reversedD. occupied 16. His hands were _________ so violently that he almost split his tea.A. quiveringB. trembleC. shiveringD. shaking 17. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state __________. A. pensions B. earnings C. salaries D. donations.18. Many regional associations are _________ the government so that they may promotetheir common interests together.A. kept track ofB. combined withC. transferred toD. registered with19. All the guests were invited to attend the wedding _________ and had a very good time. A. feast B. congratulations C. festival D. recreation 20. The Pope is the _________ leader of the Roman Catholic Church. A. supreme B. superior C. ultimate D. utmostPart III Reading Comprehension (55 points)院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号装 ……… 订 线Section ADirections:In this section there are two passages followed by ten questions, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that you think is the best answer.Passage 1Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following passage:It is generally agreed that the first true cities appeared about 5000 years ago in the food-producing communities of the Middle East. The cities of Sumeria, Egypt and the Indus Valley possessed a number of characteristics which distinguished them a truly urban. The cities were very much larger and more densely populated than any previous settlement, and their function was clearly differentiated from that of the surrounding villages. In the cities the old patterns of kinship relations were replaced by a complex hierarchy of social classes based on the specialization of labor. Moreover, the need to keep records led to the development of writing and arithmetic, and the increased sophistication of urban society gave a new impetus to artistic expression of every kind.When the basis of city life was established in Europe the urban tradition was drawn from the ancient cities of the middle East, via the civilizations of Greece and Rome, we can trace three main phases in the growth of the West European city. The first of these is the medieval phase, which extends from the beginning of the 11th century A. D to about 1500. The second is the renaissance and Baroque phase, which can be traced from about 1 500 to the beginning of the 19th century. The third is the modern phase, extending from the early 19th century to the present day.Every medieval city began as a small settlement which grew up round a geographical or cultural focal point. This would often be a permanent structure such as a stronghold, a cathedral or a large church. In districts where travel and trade were well established, it might be a market, a river crossing, or a place where two or more trade routes met. In studies of urban geography other oldest part of a town is referred to as the nuclear settlement. There are many small towns in Europe where it is still possible to trace the outline of the original nuclear settlement. It is, of course, much more difficult to do this in the case if a large modern city which has grown to may times its original size. (358 words)1. The ancient cities were characterized by all the following EXCEPT _____A. larger populationsB. different locationsC. different rolesD. different social classes2. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. West European cities established their own urban tradition。



2020-2021《高级英语》(二)期末课程考试试卷A考试班级: 考试日期:;试卷所需时间:120分钟闭卷,试卷总分:100分Part One Grammar &Vocabulary (30%)Directions : There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.1. __________to some parts of South America is still difficult, because parts of the continent are still covered with thick forests.A. OrientationB. AccessC. ProcessionD. V oyage2. You don’t have to install this radio in your new car, it’s an____________ extra.A .excessive B. optional C. additional D. arbitrary3. Her long illness was gradually _____________Charlotte’s strength.A. tappingB. lappingC. sappingD. napping4. As the offender ______________his crime ,he was dealt with leniently.A. admitB. confessC. commitD. transmit5. It is well known that knowledge is the __________ condition for expansion of mind.A. incompatibleB. incredibleC. indefiniteD. indispensable6. He spoke so_____________ that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.A. bluntlyB. convincinglyC. emphaticallyD. determinedly7. France’s ___________of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered political debates and mass demonstrations.A. assumptionB. consumptionC. presumptionD. resumption8.The 215-page manuscript, circulated to publishers last October,__________ an outburst of interest.A. flaredB. glitteredC. sparkedD. flashed9.I am not____________with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live.A. concernedB. compatibleC. considerateD. complied10.At first, the____________ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.A. transactionB. transmissionC. transformationD. transition11.The English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest___________ to everyone.A. speculationB. attributionC. utilizationD. proposition12. __________ boys in pink shirts hanging about on Washday after school.A. SecretB. SlyC. FurtiveD. Cunning13. If the work done ____________we could pay well.A. discreetlyB. carelesslyC. internationallyD. sepulchrally14. We were tortured in the outback by the ____________ Austrian fly.A. co-existingB. ubiquitousC. appreciativeD. favorable15. The newspapers were extremely __________about him. A. sluggish B. astound C. succumb D. scathing16. The president statements were ______________ by all parties.A. contaminatedB. denouncedC. flirtedD. concealed17. Chemical plants in the vicinity __________more than half the national’s soda ash for industry.A . turned to B. turned out C. turned downed D. turned in18. Please do not be ________ by his bad manners since he is merely trying to attract attention.A. disregardedB. distortedC. irritatedD. intervened19. As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals____________ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.A. relieveB. releaseC. dismissD. discard20. Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would ____________be able to walk.A. in no timeB. by all meansC. in no wayD. on any account21. While typing, Helen has a habit of stopping ____________to give her long and flowing hair a smooth.A. occasionallyB. simultaneouslyC. eventuallyD. promptly22. One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the U.S. is that theyhave taken great ______________to educate their children.A. effortsB. painsC. attemptsD. endeavours23.If any man here does not agree with me, he should ______________his own plan for improving the living conditions of these people.A. put onB. put outC. put inD. put forward24. Your improper words will give ___________to doubts concerning your true intentions.A. riseB. reasonC. suspicionD. impulse25.The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made ______________.A. on the spotB. on the siteC. on the locationD. on the ground26. Too much ______________ to X-rays can cause skin burns, cancer or other damage to the body.A. disclosureB. exhibitionC. contactD. exposure27. When confronted with such questions, my mind goes _____________, and I can hardly remember my own date of birth.A. dimB. blankC. faintD. vain28. When travelling, you are advised to take travelers’checks, which provide a secure _______________ to carrying your money in cash.A. substituteB. selection C preference D. alternative29. The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her ______________attitude toward customers.A. impartialB. mildC. hostileD. opposing30. Christmas is a Christian holy day usually celebrated on December25th___________the birth of Jesus Christ.A. in accordance withB. in terms ofC. in favor ofD. in honor ofPart Two Reading Comprehension (20%)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Americans are proud of their variety and individuality, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of an elevator operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian clothes. People have become conditioned to expect superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform?Uniforms also have many practical benefits .They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bill. They are tax-deductible. They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes.Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act similarly, on the job at least.Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their initial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes.31. It is surprising that Americans who worship variety and individuality _______ .A. still judge a man by his clothesB. hold the uniforms in such high regardC. enjoy having a professional identity.D. will respect an elevator operator as much as a general in uniform32.People are accustomed to thinking that a man in uniform________.A. suggests quality workB. discards his social identityC. appears to be more practicalD. looks superior to a person in civilian clothes33. The chief function of a uniform is to _________ .A. provide practical benefits to the wearerB. make the wearer catch the public eyeC. inspire the wearer’s confidence in himselfD. provide the wearer with a professional identity34. According to the passage, people wearing uniforms________ .A. are usually helpfulB. have little or no individual freedomC. tend to lose their individualityD. enjoy greater popularity35. The best title for this passage would be ________ .A Uniforms and SocietyB. The Importance of Wearing a UniformC. Practical Benefits of Wearing a UniformD. Advantages and Disadvantages of UniformsPassage TwoQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.You don’t need every word to understand the meaning of what you read. In fact, too much emphasis on individual words both slows your speed and reduces your comprehension. You will be given the chance to prove this to yourself, but meanwhile, let us look at the implications.First, any habit which slows down your silent reading to the speed at which you speak, or read aloud, is inefficient. If you point to each word as you read, or more your head, or form the words with your lips, you read poorly. Less obvious habits also hold back reading efficiency. ONE is “Saying” each word silently by moving your tongue or throat or vocal cords; another is “hearing” each word as you read.These are habits which should have been outgrown long ago. The beginning reader is learning how letters can make words, how written words are pronounced, and how sentences are put together. Your reading purpose is quite different; it is to understand meaning.It has been estimated that up to 75% of the words in English sentences are not really necessary for conveying the meaning. The secret of silent reading is to seek out those key words and phrases which carry the thought, and to pay less attention to words which exist only for the sake of grammatical completeness.An efficient reader can grasp the meaning from a page at least twice as fast as he can read the passage aloud. Unconsciously perhaps, he takes in a whole phrase or thought unit at a time. If he “says”or “hears”words to himself. They are selected ones, said for emphasis.36. This passage is mainly about_________.A. improving eye movementsB. reading more widelyC. eliminating poor reading habitsD. concentrating while reading37. Saying each word to yourself as you read__________.A. improves comprehensionB. increases reading speedC. prevents regression (退步)D. hinders reading efficiency38. Your reading purpose should be___________.A. to understand all the wordsB. to make fewer eye movementsC. to understand meaningD. to understand the grammatical structures39. It has been estimated that up to 75% of words in English sentences are ________.A. grammatically unnecessaryB. essential to the meaningC. not absolutely essential to grasp of meaningD. regressed more than once by poor readers40. Efficient readers usually__________.A. move their heads quicklyB. take in whole phrases at a timeC. point at key wordsD. miss some important points for speedPassage ThreeQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Back in 1922, Thomas Edison predicted that “the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and...in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.” Well, we all make mistakes. But at least Edison did not squander vast quantities of public money on installing cinema screens in schools around the country.With computers, the story has been different. Many governments have packed them into schools, convinced that their presence would improve the pace and efficiency of learning. Large numbers of studies, some more academically respectable than others, have purported to show that computers help children to learn. Now, however, a study that compares classes with computers against similar classes without them casts doubt on that view.In the current Economic Journal, Joshua Angrist of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Victor Lavy of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem look at a scheme which put computers into many of Israel’s primary and middle schools in the mid-1990s. Dr Angrist and Dr Lavy compare the test scores for maths and Hebrew achieved by children in the fourth and eighth grades (i.e, aged about nine and 13) in schools with and without computers. They also asked the classes’ teachers how they used various teaching materials, such as Xeroxed worksheets and, of course, computer programs. The researchers found that the Israeli scheme had much less effect on teaching methods in middle schools than in elementary schools. It also found no evidence that the use of computers improved children’s test scores. In fact, it found the reverse. In the case of the maths scores of fourth-graders, there was a consistently negative relationship between computer use and test scores.The authors offer three possible explanations of why this might be. First, the introduction of computers into classrooms might have gobbled up cash that would otherwise have paid for other aspects of education. But that is unlikely in this case since the money for the programme came from the national lottery, and the study found no significant change in teaching resources, methods or training in schools that acquired computers through the scheme.A second possibility is that the transition to using computers in instruction takes time to have an effect. Maybe, say the authors, but the schools surveyed had been using the scheme’s computers for a full school year. That was enough for the new computers to have had a large (and apparently malign) influence on fourth-grade maths scores. The third explanation is the simplest: that the use of computers in teaching is no better (and perhaps worse) than other teaching methods.The bottom line, says Dr Angrist, is that “the costs are clear-cut and the benefits are murky.”The burden of proof now lies with the promoters of classroom computers. And the only reliable way to make their case is, surely, to conduct a proper study, with children randomly allocated to teachers who use computers and teachers who use other methods, including the cheapest of all: chalk and talk.41. We can learn from the first paragraph that ____________.A. motion picture has revolutionized education systemB. Edison’s prediction has been proved wrongC. Edison encouraged schools to install cinema screensD. schools are cautious about Edison’s idea42. Dr. Angrist and Dr. Lavy have done the following except ____________.A. comparing the test scores of students in different age groupsB. interviewing teachers about their teaching methodsC. launching the computer program in many Israeli schoolsD. explaining students’ school pe rformance43. According to Dr. Angrist and Dr. Lavy, in the Israeli scheme, students didn’t make improvement in their test scores because____________.A. other aspects of education were affected due to cash shortageB. it was not long enough for the program to take effectC. there was a negative relationship between computer use and test scoresD. the use of computer was no better than other teaching methods44. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ____________.A. there hasn’t been a proper st udy on this issue yetB. school authorities should provide proof to support the computer programC. installing computers in schools costs too much, but has little or no effectD. chalk and talk work better than computer in teaching45. The author’s attit ude towards governments’ packing computers in schools seems to be _____________.A. biasedB. indifferentC. disapprovingD. puzzlingPassage FourQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Ours has become a society of employees. A hundred years or so ago only one out of every five Americans at work was employed, i. e., worked for somebody else. Today only one out of five is not employed but working for himself. And when fifty years ago “being employed” meant working as a factory labourer or as a farmhand, the employee of today is increasingly a middle-class person with a substantial formal education, holding a professional or management job requiring intellectual and technical skills. Indeed, two things have characterized American society during these last fifty years: middle-class and upper- class employees have been the fastest- growing groups in our working population- growing so fast that the industrial worker, that oldest child of the Industrial Revolution, has been losing in numerical importance despite the ex- pans/on of industrial production.Yet you will fine little if anything written on what it is to be an employee. You can find a great deal of very dubious advice on how to get a job or how to get a promotion. You can also find a good deal of work in a chosen field, whether it be the mechanist’s trade or bookkeeping (簿记). Every one of these trades requires different skills, sets different standards, and requires a different preparation. Yet they all have employeeship in common. And increasingly, especially in the large business or in government, employeeship is more important to success than the special professional knowledge or skill. Certainly more people fail because they do not know the requirements of being an employee than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade; the higher you climb the ladder, the more you get into administrative or executive work, the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge46. It is implied that fifty years ago__________.A. eighty percent of American working people were employed in factoriesB. twenty percent of American intellectuals were employeesC. the percentage of intellectuals in the total work force was almost the same as thatof industrial workersD. the percentage of intellectuals working as employees was not so large as that ofindustrial workers47. According to the passage, with the development of modern industry,___________.A. factory labourers will overtake intellectual employees in numberB. there are as many middle -class employees as factory labourersC. employers have attached great importance to factory labourersD. the proportion of factory labourers in the total employee population has decreased48. The word “dubious” (L. 2, Para. 2) most probably means__________.A. valuableB. usefulC. doubtfulD. helpful49. According to the writer, professional knowledge or skill is__________.A. less important than awareness of being a good employeeB. as important as the ability to deal with public relationsC. more important than employer-employee relationsD. as important as the ability to co-operate with others in the organization50. From the passage it can be seen that employeeship helps one__________.A. to be more successful in his careerB. to be more specialized in his fieldC. to solve technical problemsD. to develop his professional skillPart Three TranslationTranslate the following sentences into Chinese (30%)51. We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.52. The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no onehas any idea it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows.53. Most of all, he hates himself, because he sees his life passing by, without making anysense beyond the momentary intoxication of success.54. Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beauty as it hates truth.55. Flaming diatribes poured from their pens denouncing the materialism and what theyconsidered to be the cultural boobery of our society.56. To be or not to be, it’s a question.57. I was supposed to make a connecting flight when we landed in New Jersey.68. The western tip of the island is blessed with a string of superb beaches.59. He didn’t even bother to say thank-you to us.60.The children laughed at the shiny head of that bald man.Part Four Writing (20%)Mandarin, or putonghua, is the standard service sector language in China. However lately some employees of a metropolis subway company start using dialects to cater to the requirements of people from different areas in order to render better service. Opponents see the countering effects of such movement to the national policy of promoting mandarin across China. Write in 200 words your opinion and support your argument and bring your essay to a natural conclusion.2020-2021《高级英语》(二)期末课程考试试卷A答案Part One Grammar &Vocabulary (30%)1-5 BBCBD 6-10BDCBB 11-15 ACABD 16-20BBCBC 21-25 ABDAA26-30 DBDCDPart Two Reading Comprehension(20%)31-35 BCDAC 36-40 BCDBB41-45 BCDACPart Three Translation1. 为维护自由,使其长存不灭,我们将会不惜付出任何代价,肩负任何重担,迎战一切困难,援助一切朋友,反击一切敌人。



高级英语二期末答案福建师范大学网络与继续教育学院《高级英语(二)》期末考试A卷(答题卷)教学中心贵阳学习中心专业英语(教育)学号姓名卫金珍成绩注:考试时间为100分钟I. Vocabulary 20%1.B2.B3.C4.D5.C6.B7.C8.C9.B 10.B11.D 12.C 13.B 14.C15.C 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.B 20.BII. Text Comprehension 20%1.A2.B3.C4.C5.A6.B7.D8.C9.D 10.B11.D 12.D 13.A 14.A15.A 16.D 17.B 18.B 19.D 20.BIII. Blank Filling 20%1. derives2. literal3. amounts to4.inferred from5. faced with6.can’t take it to heart7. downright8.took refuge9.reminiscent of 10. take it for grantedIV. Cloze 10%1. exclusively2. were3. hit4. any5. suffered6. retrenching7. therefore8.sphere9. suggest 10. towardsV. Translation 20%A.10%1.Whether I pay or whether my wife pays amounts to the same thing, because we share all our money.2.In any case, the more costly experiments in beautification are still as much beyond most European means as are high-powered motor-cars and electric refrigerators.B.1. 3%1. 在十七到二十四岁之间,我曾努力试图放弃这一念头,但是却感觉到我在侮辱自己的真实本性,并且迟早我得安定下来开始写作。



2020年上学期《高级阅读(二)》期末考试试卷课程名称:1.(阅读理解)Reading Comprehension (30%, 2×15) Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. In giving a business presentation, many speakers think that if their idea is strong, their audience will get it readily. They feel discouraged when the audience is unable to understand their presentations. That happens a lot especially when technical experts are invited to make a product presentation to a group of users. What can we do to make a business presentation easier to understand? In my view, good presentations have always been simple and visual. In an effective business presentation, the fewer the points, the better the message gets passed on. You focus on the depth of coverage instead of the width of coverage. Additionally, you make your ideas visual and relevant, so the message is understood better and remembered longer. Great business presenters relate their ideas and concepts to their audience by using simple, powerful diagrams instead of relying on text-based slides. In fact, drawing diagrams forces a presenter to make the idea clear even at the preparation. It is impossible to draw a diagram when you are not clear about an idea. When your idea is clear, it is easier to transfer it. Most audiences understand a diagram faster and remember it longer. This possibly explains why most of the memorable presentations have been visual in nature.(本题10.0分)1.(单选题)Many speakers believe that the stronger their idea______.(本题2.0分)A.the more powerful their speech will beB. the more meaningful their speech will beC. the more easily the audience will understand itD.the harder the audience will find it to follow答案:C.解析:无.2.(单选题)Why are you advised to give fewer points in your presentation?(本题2.0分)A.To pass on the messages better.B.To avoid wasting too much time.C.To allow audience to take notes.D. To leave more time for questions.答案:A.解析:无.3.(单选题)The speaker can help the audience remember the message longer by______.(本题2.0分)A. displaying text-based slidesB.avoiding long technical termsC.focusing on the width of coverageing simple and powerful diagrams答案:D.解析:无.4.(单选题)The underlined word “transfer” in this passage most probably means“______”.(本题2.0分)A.createB.pass onC.take offD.describe5.(单选题)This passage is mainly about______.(本题2.0分)A.how to make an effective business presentationB.how to present strong ideas in a presentationC.how to focus on the depth of coverageD. how to prepare a powerful diagram2.(阅读理解)Passage Two Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Blue Jeans Company was established in October 2012 and operates as a partnership between Elena Horowitz and James Foster. In fact, it began in Elena’s basement when they sold jeans to friends. And now the company has grown to have its own online store, relationships with suppliers in Alisa, and local factories. The company has had its revenues double every two months. For our day-to-day operations, Blue Jeans Company has established several key relationships and we can easily expand our production when the demand for our goods increases. We obtain the best organic cotton from two suppliers, one located in Turkey and the other in Japan, which means that their supplies are produced without the use of any chemicals. Once t he shipment arrives in the US, it’ll be routed to our production and shipping partner in Los Angeles. We work closely with our partner to ensure quality through regular checks. It is also where the products will ship out. Our office is located on 2029 Century Park East where all staff work together, handling all online order processing and ensuring the purchase and delivery of the products run smoothly. It’s also where all requests for refunds arehandled in addition to the future launch of the jean-recycling program.(本题10.0分)1.(单选题) Blue Jeans Company first started it business by______.(本题2.0分)A.selling its product to friendsB.doing business in an online storeC.exporting jeans to Asian countriesD. supplying raw materials to local factories2.(单选题)“Organic cotton” in Line 1, para. 3, probably means “cotton______’(本题2.0分)A.manufactured automaticallyB.grown in local regionsC.produced without using chemicalsD.imported from foreign countries3.(单选题) To ensure product quality, the company______.(本题2.0分)es man-made materialsB. observes strict regulationsC.checks its products regularlyD.often asks for clients’ opinions答案:C.解析:无.4.(单选题)The company’s products will ship out from______.(本题2.0分)A.New YorkB.Los AngelesC.TurkeyD.Japan答案:B.解析:无.5.(单选题)What will the company do in the future?(本题2.0分)A.Sell its products worldwide.B.Handle all its orders online.C. Establish a new office in New York.D.Carry out a jean-recycling program.3.(阅读理解)Passage Three Questions 1to 5 are based on the following passage. Falls are the number one cause of death to old people athome. Most old people can live safely at home if they make a few changes. Falls are common as people are getting older. Up to half of home accidents could be prevented by making some very simple changes. Here are a few suggestions: Mark trouble spots with bright tapes. The first and last steps on stairs are usually high-risk accident areas. Applying bright tapes and using bright light in these areas would make these spots easier to see. Put grab bars (扶手) in the bathroom.A large number of falls occur in the bathroom. This is unfortunate because it’s easy to make the area from accidents. Putting grab bars in the bathroom gives people something to hang on to. Invest in a personal alarm. A personal alarm can be started if a person falls or otherwise gets in trouble. With the push of a button, the alarm automatically sends a signal, which gets someone to call and see if the person needs help.(本题10.0分)1.(单选题)By making some very simple changes at home, old people________.(本题2.0分)A. are free from home accidentsB.can improve their healthC. are likely to live longerD.can live more safely2.(单选题)Last steps on stairs may become a high-risk accident area if they are _________. (本题2.0分)A.not painted in a different colorB.not marked with bright tapesC.fixed with grab barsD.very brightly lit3.(单选题) Falls in the bathroom are considered to be unfortunate because __________.(本题2.0分)A.they can easily be avoidedB.old people seldom fall in bathroomC.grab bars do not help to prevent fallsD. bathroom accidents are difficult to prevent4.(单选题) A personal alarm is designed for old people to________.(本题2.0分)A.detect safety conditions at homeB.avoid falls in the bathroomC.send out signals for helpD.make phone calls easily5.(单选题)The purpose of this passage is to tell people that_________.(本题2.0分)A.most old people die from accidents at homeB.up to half of home accidents could be preventedC. falls at home can be avoided by taking some simple measuresD.protection of old people should be the first concern for the public4.(填空题)ⅠCloze (10%, 1×10) One man was to meethis wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited_____ for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became _______. When he saw a photograph booth nearby, he had ______. He wrote the most unhappy expression he could manage, which not ______ in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that ______ even him. He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photo and handed them to a________ behind the desk in the booth. “______you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously______someone, w ould you please give her this?”he said. He then_______ his office in Morrison Building, ______ that if a pictureis worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a goodlecture! He sat down with a smile. 1. A. proudly B. respectfully C. patiently D. curiously 2. A. angry B. hungry C.frightened D. thirsty 3 .A. a question B.a reason C. an opinion D. an idea 4. A. serious B. difficult C.regular D. convenient 5. A.hurt B. encouraged C.attracted D. shocked 6. A.clerk B. secretary C. passer-by D. friend 7. A. Since B.Before C. As D. If 8.A. looking forB. working forC. sendingfor D. paying for 9. A. called up B. returned to C. visited D. left 10. A. worried B. disappointed C.satisfied D. surprised(本题10.0分)答案:C,A, D, B,D,A, D, A,B,C.解析:无.5.(填空题)III World Spelling 1.滥用v._____________ 2.住处 n.(pl.)_____________ 3.细节n.___________ 4.开销,花费v._____________ 5. 范围,程度n.__________ 6. 公共的,共同的 adj. __________ 7. 上下班交通n._________ 8. 预算 n.___________ 9. 声称,主张v.___________ 10. 撤退,退却v.____________ 11. 各自地adv. _________ 12. 潜在的 adj._________ 13.运输n._________ 14. 变化,改变 v.__________ 15. 取款v.__________ 16. 批评的 adj.__________ 17. 印象n. __________ 18. 支配,统治v ___________ 19 亲密的adj._______ 20.建议 v.__________ 21. 消耗,消费v._________ 22. 影响,效果n.__________ 23. 手工的 adj. __________ 24. 取代,替换v.___________ 25. 最初的,原始的adj. _________ 26. 种族的adj.________ 27. 紧急情况n.__________ 28. 资格,条件 n.________ 29. 加强,巩固 v.__________ 30. 有效的 adj.__________(本题30.0分)答案:滥用v.___abuse__, 住处n.(pl.)_accommodation_,细节n.___detail____,开销,花费v._expense,范围,程度n.__extent__,公共的,共同的adj. __common_,上下班交通n.__commute_,预算 n. __budge,声称,主张v.__claim,撤退,退却v.__retreat, 各自地adv. respectively,潜在的adj.__potential, 运输n._transportation,变化,改变v.___vary_,取款v._withdraw, 批评的adj.__critical,印象n. __impression_,支配,统治v._dominate, 亲密的adj._intimate, 建议v._recommend, 消耗,消费v.__consume,影响,效果n._impact,手工的 adj. __manual_,取代,替换v.___ replace,最初的,原始的adj. original,种族的adj.__racial, 紧急情况n. __emergency,资格,条件n.__qualification_,加强,巩固 v.__strengthen_,有效的adj.__valid ___.解析:无.6.(问答题) Translation 很高兴获悉您是我店常客。



Ⅰ. Word explanation: (30%)1. convictA. criminalB. aggressorC. captainD. captor2. plightA. conditionB. irritationC. conscienceD. objection3. putridA. clearB. religiousC. purifiedD. decaying4. infuriateA. set apart from othersB. fill with rageC. become fastenedD. keep in a certain position5. vantageA. advantageB. disadvantageC. comfortless positionD. variable situation6. perspicaciousA. determinateB. flagitiousC. keenD. prestigious7. unfathomableA. which can't be understoodB. which can be measuredC. which is not realisticD. which is not deep8. succinctlyA. successfullyB. clearlyC. obviouslyD. continuously9. derelictA. grievousB. deprivedC. abandonedD. hunted10. intoxicationA. exhilarationB. extricationC. extinctionD. extraction11. myopicA. obscureB. short-sightedC. far-reachingD. uncertain12. incarceration A. importanceB. compassionC. imprisonmentD. influence13. barbarityA. crueltyB. forgivenessC. civilizationD. commitment14.invectiveA. beautiful wordsB. facial expressionsC. convincing speechD. abusive language15. alienatA. allyB. estrangeC. uniteD. oppose16.cornyA. old fashionedB. stupidC. humorousD. opinionated17. diabolicalA. boringB. dreadfulC. interestingD. reasonable18.debrisA. small individual partsB. completely good placesC. well preserved piecesD. scattered broken pieces19. ponderousA. considerateB. thoughtfulC. heavyD. divided20. forsakeA. saveB. abandonC. supportD. benefit21. heedA. rise on feetB. strike on the headC. pay attention toD. give new life22. desistA. insist onB. ceaseC. hackleD. castrate23. immuneA. impureB. revivalC. odorousD. secure24. fracasA. appearanceB. wealthC. residenceD. fight25. pathologyA. the study of religionB. the study of philosophyC. the study of diseaseD. the study of path26. modulateA. fixB. varyC. hesitateD. speak27. illicitA. uneducatedB. unreasonableC. unlawfulD. illiterate28. slumpA. rise upB. sink downC. move onD. repeat29. subversionA. rebuildingB. successionC. destroyingD. salvage30. incredulousA. unbelievingB. increasingC. industriousD. unimprovedⅡ. Spell out the words according to the meaning.1. Something that is _______ is deliberately deceitful, dishonest or untrue.A. spontaneousB. frenziedC. fraudulentD. stultifying2. If something ____________ your skin, it cuts it badly and deeplyA. lacerateB. demolishC. scudD. shrink3. People and animals that are _________ are hostile and unfriendly.A. inimicalB. derelictC. facetiousD. aberrant4. Something that is __________ is so bad or unpleasant that it makes you feel disgust or dismay.A. appealingB. appallingC. apparentD. appearing5. If you _________, you travel or move slowly and not in any particular direction.A. invokeB. meanderC. prescribeD. infuse6. A person who acts without thinking about what they are doing is often called an ____________.A. automationB. automatonC. automatD. autonomy7. A __________ is a group of trees that are close together, often because they have been planted in this way.A. gruffB. grudgeC. grovelD. grove8. If you ________ to something, you mention it in avery indirect way.A. illustrateB. concoctC. alludeD. invoke9. If a place is ______ by a particular route or method of transport, you are able to reach it by this route or method.A. accessibleB. assessableC. accessableD. acessable10. If someone has _______ motives or reasons for doing something, they do not show their motives openly but hide them.A. hideousB. desultoryC. compulsiveD. ulteriorⅢ.Paraphrase: (10%)1. All are expressions of creative transformation of nature by man' reason and skill.2. They meet, in some unfathomable way, its obscure and unintelligible demands.3. The benefit is that he begins to suspect home in the traditional sense is another name for limitations.4. Every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury.5. Yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war.Ⅳ. Determine, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false. Put a "T" for True and "F" for False. (15%)1. The "sad young men" in the 20's were also called the"lost generation" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.2. The concerns and objectives of industrial psychologists are to make the workers happy andsatisfied.3. With the spread of technology and science, peoplebecome more and more identical.4. "The King's English" was regarded as a form of racial discrimination during the Normal rule in England about1154- 1399.5. President Kennedy, in his address, made concrete proposals to stop the arms race and to build a just andpeaceful world.6. The old women screamed in surprise when the writer gave her a five-sou piece because she was not taken notice of by anyone and treated as a human being.7. If there is not a great disaster caused by a nuclear war, the universalizing force of technology will not continue to influence modern culture and the people's conscience.8. In "the Future of the English", Priestley doesn't explain what the future of the English is going to be.9. According to Mencken, the landscape of Westmoreland is not pleasant to look at for there are somany ugly houses along the line.10. John Koshak felt very guilty because it was he who made the final decision to stay and face the hurricane.11. In "Loving and hating New York", the writer states he both loves and hates New York, but he fails to tell thereasons, especially why he hates New York.12. The machine aesthetic was discovered by MadameGabrielle Buffet-Picabia.13. Science has showed that the world is made of realmaterial object that we see with our eyes.14. There were no real architects in Westmoreland, or they could otherwise have built a chelet with low-pitchedroof and taller than it was wide.15. Fromm agrees to the activities of those industrial psychologists, whose concerns and the objectives are toincrease the productivity of workers.Ⅴ. Choose the one which fits the meaning of the texts we've learned. (10%)1. Mencken wrote that when the house becomes absolutely black, it appears _________.A. pleasing to the eyeB. ugly to the eyeC. dirty to the eyeD. horrible to the eye2. When the girl, Polly, backfired him with all the logical fallacies she had learned from him, the law student felt that he was like _______________.A. Madame CurieB. Mr. PidgeonC. PygmalionD. Frankenstein3. The general impression of the color of the houses in Westmoreland is ___________.A. greenB. redC. blackD. yellow4. There is always a great danger that "words are harden into things for us" means that there is always a great danger that ____________A. we might forget that words are only symbols andtake them for things they are supposed to represent.B. we might remember that words are only symbolsand they are not concrete things.C. we might forget that words are concrete things.D. we might remember that words are only symbolsand they are only representation of concrete things.5. "You would go far to find another girl so agreeable" means _______________A. It would be easy if you could find another girlwho was so agreeable.B. It would be easy if you could find another girlwho was not so agreeable.C. It would not be easy if you could find anothergirl who was so agreeableD. It would not be easy if you could find anothergirl who was not so agreeable.6. The Arab navvy was hungry. He was not used to begging, so he sidled slowly toward the writer. Here " he sidled slowly" means _________.A. he spoke slowly and shylyB. he looked shyly and sidewiseC. he looked shyly and sidewiseD. he looked shyly and sidewise7. In the Middle Ages, work, according to Fromm, was_________A. a duty.B. a drudgeryC. meaningful.D. forced labor8.The stated policy of Kennedy toward Latin American countries is summed up in the phrase:________A. "alliance for progress".B. "revolutionary belief".C. "help them help themselves"D. "support their own freedom"9. The look of the young Negro soldier that Orwell was expecting was ________A. gthat of profound respect.sB. that of curiosityC. that of curiosityD. sensitive and uneasy.10. The writer of "In Favor of Capital Punishment" wants _____A. to abolish capital punishment.B. the government to support capital punishmentC. to retain capital punishment.D. to refute capital punishment.Ⅵ. Reading comprehension: (15%)TEXT A THE PLEDGEThe old woman glanced for a moment at what he had brought to pawn, but at once stared in the eyes of her uninvited visitor. She looked intently, maliciously and mistrustfully.A minute passed; he even fancied something like a sneer in her eyes, as though she had already guessed everything. He felt that he was losing his head, the he was almost frightened, so frightened that if she were to look like that and not say a word for another half minute, he thought he would have run away from her."Why do you look at me as though you did not know me?" he said suddenly, also with malice. "Take it if you like, if not I'll go elsewhere, I am in a hurry."He had not even thought of saying this, but it was suddenly of itself. The old woman recovered herself, and her visitor's resolute tone evidently restored her confidence."But why, my good sir, all of a minute... What is it?" she asked, looking at the pledge."The silver cigarette case; I spoke of it last time, you know."She held out her hand."But how pale you are, to be sure... and your hands are trembling too? Have you been bathing, or what?""Fever," he answered abruptly. "You can't help getting pale... if you've nothing to eat," he added, with difficulty articulating the words.His strength was failing him again. But his answer sounded like the truth; the old woman took the pledge."What is it?" she asked once more, scanning Raskolnikov intently and weighing the pledge in her hand."A thing... cigarette case...Silver... Lookat it.""It does not seem somehow like silver...How he had wrapped it up!"Try to untie the string and turning to the window, to the light (all her windows were shut, in spite of the stifling heat), she left him altogether for some seconds and stood with her back to him. He unbuttoned his coat and freed the axe from the noose, but did not yet take it out altogether, simply holding it in his right hand under the coat. His hands were fearfully weak, he felt them every moment growing more numb and more wooden. He was afraid he would let the axe slip and fall... A sudden giddiness came over him.1. "... she had already guessed everything" means that the old woman ________A. was sure that he had stolen something.B. was aware that he was sick unto death.C. was sure that he was up to somethingevil.D. knew what he had brought her.2. That Raskolnikov had probably done some careful planning, prior to his commission of a crime is indicated by which of the following statements?A. "She looked intently, maliciously andmistrustfully."B. "Why do you look at me as though youdid not know me?"C. "Have you been bathing, or what?"D. "How he has wrapped it up!"3. The word "pledge" as used here in the passage means ________A. something given as security for a loanB. a promise to be loyal.C. a written agreement.D. anything that is stolen4. The fact that "all her windows were shut" is probably indicative of ________A. the old woman's poor physicalcondition.B. the old woman's caution.C. Raskolnikov's cunning.D. nothing more than a mere coincidence.5. The mood of the passage is one ofA. thoughtfulnessB. disgustC. nonchalance.D. anxietyTEXT B WIT AND HUMORI am not sure that I can draw an exact line between wit and humor (perhaps the distinction is so subtle that only those persons can decide who have long white beards); but even an ignorant person may express an opinion in this matter.I am quite positive that humor is the more comfortable and lovable quality, for humorous persons, if their gift is genuine and not a mere shine upon the surface, are always agreeable companions. They have pleasant mouths turned up at the corners, to which the greatMaster of Marionettes has fixed the strings and he holds them in his nimblest fingers to twitch them at the slightest jest. But the mouth of a merely witty man is hard and sour. Nor is the flash from a witty man always comforting, but a humorous man radiates a general pleasure.I admire wit, but I have no real liking for it; it has been too often employed against me, whereas humor is always an ally: it never points an impertinent finger into my defects. A wit's tongue, however, is as sharp as a donkey's stick ___ I may gallop the faster for its prodding, but the touch behind is too persuasive for any comfort.Wit is a lean creature with a sharp inquiring nose, whereas humor has a kindly eye and a comfortable girth. Wit has a better voice in a solo, but humor comes into the chorus best.Wit keeps the season's fashions and is precise in the phrases and judgements of the day, but humor is concerned with homelyeternal things.6. The author's attitude toward wit can most accurately be described as _______A. cautious admiration.B. wholehearted amusement.C. tolerant disapprovalD. aversion7. A wit's tongue is like a donkey's stick in that both ______A. consider their victim's feelings.B. are gently persuasiveC. goad their victims.D. are used with definite purpose.8. The author thinks of humor as an ally because it ________A. seldom fails to amuse people.B. is enjoyableC. can be employed against others.D. does not cause discomfort.9. Implied but not stated:A. Humor is always genuine.B. Wit is more nimble that humor.C. Humorous persons have pleasant faces.D.Humor comes by more naturallythan wit.10. The distinction between wit and humor is _______A. of no particular importance.B. solely a matter of opinion.C. subtle.D. exact and important.TEXT C Which is a catalog card in a library and answer question 11.PR2065G31 B81966 Burrow, John Anthony.A Reading of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by J. A. Burrow.New York, Bares & Noble (1966)viii, 199p. 23mm.Bibliographical references.Green Knight. 1. Title.1. Gawain and the Green KnightPR2065.G31B81966821.166-568Library of Congress (3)11. The phrase "Bibliographical references" gives usA. the call number.B. publication dataC. a description of the bookD. subjects under which the books iscatalogued.TEXT D is an ad in a telephone directory. Skim it quickly to answer question 12.MARKHAM PLUMBING & HEATINGSince 1935Plumbing and Heating InstallationLARGE OR SMALL REPAIRSRESIDENTIAL COMMERCIALN.J. State FREELicense #4807 ESTIMATES24 Hour 7 Day Service 228-4495461 GORDON WAYHARRINGTON12. What service is offered free by Markham Plumbing & Heating?A. InstallationB. State licensing.C. Estimates of costsD. Large or small repairsTEXT EWherever a dramatic author is asked to discuss "the mission of the playwright", there is a great temptation for him to become pretentious. Instead of being just a hardworking writer, he suddenly becomes a man with a mission. For a moment this makes him feel quite important and he begins to think about his mission: to hold up the mirror to nature, to interpret a generation to itself, to question outmoded conventions, to protest, to extol, to criticize--- and so on through the cliches.Ask a hundred playwrights what they see as their mission and you will get a hundred different answers. Playwriting, like any other kind of writing, is a highly personal matter. The dramatist writes out of a personal need to express himself on some facet of his world--- on social abuse, personal morality, the need for love and understanding, loneliness, or whatever. None of these is better than anyother, only different. Nor is the playwright any less worthy who simply sets out to entertain his audience, to amuse it, to make it laugh.The mission of the playwright, then, is to look into his heart and write, to write of whatever concerns him at the moment, to write with passion and conviction. Of course, the measure of the man will be the measure of his plays. A man cannot express more than is in him, though often, to his regret, he expresses less because of almost the inevitable failure to realize his vision fully.Of course, the writer whose heart beats in a too special way, whose interests and concerns are esoteric, will probably not be a good playwright because---to get back to the cliches, as we must---a writer does reflect nature, does interpret his generation to itself; and if he and his concerns are far removed from his generation, an audience will find no recognition in his work and therefore no pleasure, no enlightenment.13. If a playwright neither reflects nature nor interprets his generation to itself, he_________A. may not be understood by his audience.B. will become successful.C. will not write of whatever concerns him.D. cannot define his "mission".14. A playwright _________A. usually expresses more than what is inhim.B. usually realizes his vision fullyC. can always express more than what isin him.D. often expresses less than what is inhim.15. "To hold the mirror up to nature" "to interpret a generation to itself," these are_________A. examples of cliches used byplaywrights.B. what playwrights conceive to be theirmission.C. the only real missions of the playwright.D. both A and B.Notes:extol --- to praise very highlyesoteric --- limitedⅦ. Answer briefly the following sentences: (5%)1. What are the specific positive values of work?2. Why the chief attraction of Lesson Five is its humor?Ⅷ. Translate the following into English: (5%) 1.21世纪,世界科学技术和生产力必将发生新的革命性突破。

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▆ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■▆ 《高级英语阅读二》 试卷 共2页(第 1 页) 答案务必写在对应的作答区域内,否则不得分,超出黑色边框区域的答案无效! ▆《高级英语阅读(二)》期末考试A 卷姓名: 专业:学号: 学习中心:答案务必写在最后一页答案卷上,否则不得分!一、客观题( 60分,每题2分) I 判断对错: 对的写“T ”, 错的写“F ”Read lesson 4 Text B , Do True or False Questions (阅读教材第4课课文B ,判断对错):Washington Irving ’s Sunnyside in Tarrytown, New YorkAccompanying a plan of Sunnyside (unprinted here), a former residence of Washington Irving in New York, is the following text. We have left out its title, which indicates clearly its purpose, in the hope that the reader will reconstruct it after reading the text.Sunnyside is one of the few surviving and best-documented examples of American romanticism in architecture and landscape design. Andrew Jackson Downing featured Sunnyside in his Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (1841) as an example of the "progressive improvement in Rural Architecture..." which, he explained, strives to be in "perfect keeping" with "surrounding nature" by its "varied" and "picturesque" outline. 'Architectural beauty," he taught, "must be considered conjointly with the beauty of the landscape,"Walking the 24-acre grounds is a pleasure in every season. Swans glide on the pond Irving called "the little Mediterranean", and a stone flume delights the ear with the sound of rushing water. A path leads up a small rise and from there down into "the glen," and up to the house. Behind the house, another path winds along the Hudson for views of the river at its widest point, the Tappan Zee.The modest stone cottage which was later to become Sunnyside was originally a tenant farmer's house built in the late-seventeenthcentury on the Philipsburg Manor. During the eighteenth century, the cottage was owned by a branch of the Van Tassel family, the name Irving later immortalized in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow".Irving purchased the cottage in 1835 and directed the remodeling, adding Dutch-stepped gables, ancient weathervanes, and developing Gothic and Romanesque architectural features for other parts of the house. He was so pleased with his home that in 1836 he wrote to his brother, Peter: "I am living most cozily and delightfully in this dear, bright little home, which I have fitted up to my own humor. Everything goes on cheerily in my little household and I would not exchange the cottage for any chateau in Christendom."Today's visitor to Sunnyside sees Irving's home much as it appeared during the final years of his life. The author's booklined study contains his writing desk —a gift from his publisher, G .P. Putnam and many personal possessions. The dining room, in which Irving and his dinner guests often gathered to enjoy the beautiful sunsets over the Hudson River, adjoins the parlor. Here Irving played his flute, while his nieces, Sarah and Catherine, accompanied him on the rosewood piano. The piano and other original furnishings still grace the room. The small picture gallery off the parlor contains some original illustrations for Irving's work. The kitchen was quite advanced for its day, having a hot water boiler and running water fed from the pond through a gravity-blow system. The iron cookstove was also a "modern convenience," replacing the open hearth in the 1850's.The second floor of the house contains several bedrooms, each of which has its own personal character. The guest bedroom is furnished with a French-style bed and painted cottage pieces. The ingenious arches in this and other rooms were designed by Irving. His bedroom, where he died in 1859, contains the author's tester Sheraton bed, along with his walking stick and a number of his garments and personal effects. The small, bright room between the bedrooms might have been used by Irving's nephew and biographer, Pierre Munro Irving, who cared for his uncle during the last months of his life. The room was used originally to store books and papers. The bedroom used by Irving's nieces contains an Irving-family field bed with hand-made bobbin lace hangings, a chest of drawers, sewing stands, and an ornamental stove. The guest room contains a cast iron bed probably made in one of the foundries along the Hudson.Write True (T) or False (F)for the following questions. 1. Sunnyside is the former residence of Washington Irving in Washington D.C2. Sunny side is a typical representative of Romanticism ofAmerican city architecture.3. According to Andrew Jackson Downing , architectural beauty must be in harmony with the beauty of the surrounding landscape.4. During the 18th century ,the cottage was owned by Van Tassel who was mentioned by Irving in his book “the Legend of the Hollow” .5. Irving didn’t make any change to the cottage afte r he purchased it.6. Today’s Sunnyside has changed a lot compared with its appearance in Irving’s time.7. Sunnyside was built near the Hudson River.8. The study , the dining room , the parlor and the kitchen are all on the first floor of Irving’s house..9. All the bedrooms on the second floor are almost furnished in the same style.10. Washington Irving was cared for by his daughter during the last period of his life.II 选择题 Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Exchange a glance with someone, then look away. Do you realize that you have made a statement? Hold the glance for a second longer, and you have made a different statement. Hold it for 3 seconds, and the meaning has changed again. For every social situation, there is a permissible time that you can hold a pers on’s gaze without being intimate, rude, or aggressive. If you are on an elevator, what gaze-time are you permitted? To answer this question, consider what you typically do. You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no threat. Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction, you need to emit a signal telling others you want to be left alone. So you cut off eye contact, what sociologist Erving Goffman (1963) calls “a dimming of the lights”. You look down at the floor, at the indicator lights, anywhere but into another passenger’s eyes. Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on an elevator? You will make the other person exceedingly uncomfortable, and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself. If you hold eye contact for more than 3 seconds, what are you telling another person? Much depends on the person and the situation. For instance, a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner. They typically gaze at each other for about 3 seconds at a time, then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds, before letting their。
