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Advances in Marine Sciences 海洋科学前沿, 2019, 6(2), 93-98

Published Online June 2019 in Hans. /journal/ams


Land Sea and Air Integrated Surveying and

Mapping Technology

Jisheng Ding, Yilan Chen*, Long Yang, Yikai Feng

First Institute of Oceanography, MNR, Qingdao Shandong

Received: Jun. 5th, 2019; accepted: Jun. 20th, 2019; published: Jun. 27th, 2019


With the development of science and technology, space geographic information acquisition equip-ment and means are becoming more and more advanced. Multibeam full coverage measurement, three-dimensional laser scanning measurement and UAV aerial measurement represent the more common and advanced technology methods for acquiring underwater, land and spatial location information data respectively. The integration of these measuring devices to form an integrated three-dimensional space stereo measurement system is a hot spot in the future. This paper intro-duces the composition, implementation method and measurement effect of Multibeam Bathyme-tric system, ship-borne three-dimensional laser scanning and UAV aerial surveying integrated three-dimensional surveying and mapping system. The results show that the Multibeam Bathy-metric System and ship-borne three-dimensional laser scanning system can achieve synchroniza-tion on the premise of ensuring the accuracy of peripheral auxiliary equipment and the accuracy of system installation and calibration. Volume stereo measurement and UAV aerial measurement, as aerial survey means, can effectively compensate for the missing measurement data of multi-beam and three-dimensional laser because of their wide field of vision and high density of mea-surement points. The three measurement techniques are effectively combined to provide the spa-tial position information of underwater and water objects for the surveyors, and to achieve high-density data point cloud and no omission topographic survey.


Multibeam Echo Sounder, 3D Laser Scanning, Unmanned Air Vehicle Measurement System,

Integrated Mapping





丁继胜 等





Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/

1. 引言

多波束条带测深技术自从20世纪60年代开始研发[1],到70年代投入实际使用,到目前,已经发展成了海洋测绘领域一种主导技术手段,技术指标和测量效果也达到了一个空前的高度。激光扫描测量技术是20世纪90年代开始广泛应用的一种测量技术[2],最多使用的是LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging)测量系统,既利用机载激光测量系统,实现对目标物的地理位置信息的快速获取。在将多波束测深系统与激光扫描系统成功进行组合,实现同步立体测量之前,测量者要实现同样的测量效果,必需针对实际测量区域和测量要求,分别进行多波束全覆盖水深测量和水上部分目标物(岸滩、码头、岛礁或者其他水上建筑物)三维激光扫描测量,完成各自的数据处理之后,利用合适数据处理方法将两种测量数据进行融合[3]。这不仅要花费更多的人力、物力和财力,而且由于是各自在不同测量载体平台独自进行数据采集,较多的测量进程,特别是各自采用独立的定位及姿态测量系统,会给最终的测量成果带来更多的误差源,从而影响测量结果的准确度。

近些年,随着各项技术发展,一些设备生产厂商开始尝试为客户提供多波束测深系统和三维激光扫描系统同步测量技术方案,并取得了成功应用[4] [5]。在这些成功进行商业应用推广的案例中,丹麦Reson 公司和荷兰QPS 公司都结合相关的硬件测量设备给出了自己的技术集成方案,并将这些方案成功集成到各自的专业海洋测量软件中。在过去的几年,相关设备代理商也在国内进行过技术展示和推广,展示了多波束测量系统和船载激光扫描测量系统一体化同步测量技术。

