Isotope shifts of 6s5d $^3$D-states in neutral Barium


Ovation I O Reference Manual

Ovation I O Reference Manual

This publication adds the Eight Channel RTD module to the Ovation I/O Reference Manual. It should be placed between Sections 19 and 20.Date: 04/03IPU No.243Ovation ® Interim Publication UpdatePUBLICATION TITLEOvation I/O Reference ManualPublication No. R3-1150Revision 3, March 2003Section 19A. Eight Channel RTDModule19A-1. DescriptionThe Eight (8) channel RTD module is used to convert inputs from Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) to digital data. The digitized data is transmitted to the Controller.19A-2. Module Groups19A-2.1. Electronics ModulesThere is one Electronics module group for the 8 channel RTD Module:n5X00119G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Personality module 5X00121G01 (not applicable for CE Mark certified systems).19A-2.2. Personality ModulesThere is one Personality module groups for the 8 channel RTD Module:n5X00121G01 converts inputs for all ranges and is compatible only with Electronics module 5x00119G01 (not applicable for CE Mark certified systems).19A-2.3. Module Block Diagram and Field Connection WiringDiagramThe Ovation 8 Channel RTD module consists of two modules an electronics module contains a logic printed circuit board (LIA) and a printed circuit board (FTD). The electronics module is used in conjunction with a personalty module, which contains a single printed circuit board (PTD). The block diagram for the 8 channel RTD moduleis shown in Figure 19A-1.Table 19A-1. 8 Channel RTD Module Subsystem ChannelsElectronic Module Personality Module85X00119G015X00121G01Figure 19A-1. 8 Channel RTD Module Block Diagram and Field Connection Wiring Diagram19A-3. SpecificationsElectronics Module (5X00119)Personality Module (5X00121)Table 19A-2. 8 Channel RTD Module SpecificationsDescription ValueNumber of channels8Sampling rate50 HZ mode: 16.67/sec. normally. In 3 wire mode, leadresistance measurement occurs once every 6.45 sec.during which the rate drops to 3/sec.60 HZ mode: 20/sec. normally. In 3 wire mode, leadresistance measurement occurs once every 6.45 sec.during which the rate drops to 2/sec.Self Calibration Mode: Occurs on demand only. The ratedrops to 1/sec. once during each self calibration cycle.RTD ranges Refer to Table 19A-3.Resolution12 bitsGuaranteed accuracy (@25°C)0.10% ±[0.045 (Rcold/Rspan)]% ± [((Rcold + Rspan)/4096 OHM)]% ± [0.5 OHM/Rspan]% ±10 m V ± 1/2LSBwhere:Rcold and Rspan are in Ohms.Temperature coefficient 10ppm/°CDielectric isolation:Channel to channel Channel to logic 200V AC/DC 1000 V AC/DCInput impedance100 M OHM50 K OHM in power downModule power 3.6 W typical; 4.2 W maximumOperating temperature range0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)Storage temperature range-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)Humidity (non-condensing)0 to 95%Self Calibration On Demand by Ovation ControllerCommon Mode Rejection120 dB @ DC and nominal power line frequency+/- 1/2%Normal Mode Rejection100 dB @ DC and nominal power line frequency+/- 1/2%Table 19A-3. 8 Channel RTD RangesScale #(HEX)Wires Type Tempo FTempo CRcold(ohm)Rhot(ohm)Excitationcurrent(ma)Accuracy± ±countsAccuracy± ±% ofSPAN1310OhmPL0 to1200–18 t o6496106.3 1.090.222310OhmCU 0 to302–18 t o1508.516.5 1.0 130.32D350OhmCU 32 to2840 to1405080 1.0110.2711350OhmCU 32 to2300 to1105378 1.0120.30193100Ohm PL –4 to334–16 t o16892163.671.0110.27223100Ohm PL 32 to5200 to269100200 1.0100.25233100Ohm PL 32 to10400 to561100301 1.0100.25253120Ohm NI –12 t o464–11 t o240109360 1.0100.25263120Ohm NI 32 to1500 to70120170 1.0130.32283120Ohm NI 32 to2780 to122120225 1.0110.27804100Ohm PL 32 to5440 to290100 208 1.0100.25814100Ohm PL 356 t o446180 t o230168 186 1.0300.74824200Ohm PL 32 to6980 to370200 473 1.0120.30834200Ohm PL 514 t o648268 t o342402452 1.0290.71844100Ohm PL 32 to1240 to51100120 1.0190.47854100Ohm PL 32 to2170 to103100 140 1.0130.3286 4100Ohm PL 32 to4120 to211100 180 1.0110.27874100Ohm PL 32 to7140 to379100 240 1.0100.25884120Ohm PL 511 t o662266 t o350200230 1.0240.5919A-4. 8 Channel RTD Terminal Block Wiring Information19A-4.1. Systems Using Personality Module 5X00121G01 Each Personality module has a simplified wiring diagram label on its side, which appears above the terminal block. This diagram indicates how the wiring from the field is to beconnected to the terminal block in the base unit. The following table lists and defines the abbreviations used in this diagram.Table 19A-4. Abbreviations Used in the DiagramAbbreviation Definition+IN, -IN Positive and negative sense input connectionEarth ground terminal. Used for landing shields when the shield is to begrounded at the module.PS+, PS-Auxiliary power supply terminals.RTN Return for current source connection.SH Shield connector. used for landing shields when the shield is to begrounded at the RTD.SRC Current source connection.Note:PS+ and PS- are not used by this module.19A-5. 8 Channel RTD Module Address Locations19A-5.1. Configuration and Status RegisterWord address 13 (D in Hex) is used for both module configuration and module status. The Module Status Register has both status and diagnostic information. The bit information contained within these words is shown in Table 19A-5.Definitions for the Configuration/Module Status Register bits:Bit 0:This bit configures the module (write) or indicates the configuration state of the module (read). A “1” indicates that the module is configured. Note that until the module is configured, reading from addresses #0 through #11 (B in Hex) will produce an attention status.Bit 1:This bit (write “1”) forces the module into the error state, resulting in the error LED being lit. The read of bit “1” indicates that there is an internal module error,or the controller has forced the module into the error state. The state of this bit is always reflected by the module’s Internal Error LED. Whenever this bit is set,an attention status is returned to the controller when address #0 through #11(B in Hex) are read.Table 19A-5. 8 Channel RTD Configuration/Status Register (Address 13 0xD in Hex)Bit Data Description -Configuration Register (Write)Data Description -Status Register (Read)0Configure Module Module Configured(1 = configured; 0 = unconfigured)1Force errorInternal or forced error(1 = forced error; 0 = no forced error)250/60 Hz select (0 = 60Hz, 1 = 50Hz)50/60 Hz System (1 = 50Hz) d(read back)3SELF_CAL (Initiates Self Calibration)Warming bit (set during power up or configuration)40050060Module Not Calibrated 708CH.1 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.1 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)9CH.2 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.2 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)10CH.3 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.3 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)11CH.4 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.4 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)12CH.5 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.5 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)13CH.6 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.6 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)14CH.7 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.7 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)15CH.8 _ 3/4 Wire.CH.8 _ 3/4 Wire - Configuration (read back)Bit 2:The status of this bit (read) indicates the conversion rate of the module, write to this bit configures the conversion rate of A/D converters as shown below.see Table 19A-6.Bit3:Write: This bit is used to initiate self-calibration. Read: This bit indicates that the module is in the “Warming” state. this state exists after power up and ter-minates after 8.16 seconds. the module will be in the error condition during the warm up period.Bit4 & 5:These bits are not used and read as “0” under normal operation.Bit 6:This bit (read) is the result of a checksum test of the EEPROM. A failure of this test can indicate a bad EEPROM, but it typically indicates that the module has not been calibrated. A “0” indicates that there is no error condition. If an error is present, the internal error LED is lit and attention status will be returned for all address offsets 0-11 (0x0 - 0xB). The “1” state of this bit indicates an unre-coverable error condition in the field.Bit 7:This bits is not used and read as “0” under normal operation.Bit 8 - 15:These bits are used to configure channels 1 - 8 respectively for 3 or 4 wire op-eration. A “0” indicates 3 wire and a “1” indicates 4 wire operation, see Table 19A-7 and Table 19A-8).Word address 12 (0xC) is used to configure the appropriate scales for Channels 1 - 4 (refer to Table 19A-7 and Table 19A-8).Table 19A-6. Conversion Rate Conversion Rate (1/sec.)Bit 260 (for 60Hz systems)050 (for 50Hz systems)1Table 19A-7. Data Format for the Channel Scale Configuration Register(0xC)Bit Data Description Configuration (Write)Data Description Status (Read)0 Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 0Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 01Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 1Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 12Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 2Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 23Configure Channel #1scale - Bit 3Channel #1 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 34Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 0Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 05Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 1Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 16Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 2Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 27Configure Channel #2 scale - Bit 3Channel #2 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 38Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 0Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 09Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 1Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 1Caution:Configuring any or all channel scales while the system is running will cause all channels to return attention status for up to two seconds following the reconfiguration.Caution:Configuring any or all channel scales while the system is running will cause all channels to return attention status for up to two seconds following the reconfiguration.10Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 2Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 211Configure Channel #3 scale - Bit 3Channel #3 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 312Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 0Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 013Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 1Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 114Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 2Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 215Configure Channel #4 scale - Bit 3Channel #4 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 3Table 19A-8. Data Format for the Channel Scale Configuration Register(0xE)Bit Data Description Configuration (Write)Data Description Status (Read)0 Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 0Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 01Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 1Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 12Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 2Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 23Configure Channel #5 scale - Bit 3Channel #5 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 34Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 0Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 05Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 1Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 16Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 2Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 27Configure Channel #6 scale - Bit 3Channel #6 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 38Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 0Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 09Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 1Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 110Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 2Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 211Configure Channel #7 scale - Bit 3Channel #7 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 312Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 0Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 013Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 1Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 114Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 2Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 215Configure Channel #8 scale - Bit 3Channel #8 scale configuration (read back) - Bit 3Table 19A-7. Data Format for the Channel Scale Configuration Register(0xC)19A-6. Diagnostic LEDsTable 19A-9. 8 Channel RTD Diagnostic LEDsLED DescriptionP (Green)Power OK LED. Lit when the +5V power is OK.C (Green)Communications OK LED. Lit when the Controller is communicatingwith the module.I (Red)Internal Fault LED. Lit whenever there is any type of error with themodule except to a loss of power. Possible causes are:n - Module initialization is in progress.n - I/O Bus time-out has occurred.n - Register, static RAM, or FLASH checksum error.n - Module resetn - Module is uncalibrated.n - Forced error has been received from the Controllern - Communication between the Field and Logic boards failedCH1 - CH 8 (Red)Channel error. Lit whenever there is an error associated with a channel or channels. Possible causes are:n - Positive overrangen - Negative overrangen Communication with the channel has failed。

input hysteresis的含义

input hysteresis的含义

14down vote accepted Let's say you detect a low-to-high transition at 2.5 V. A 100 mV hysteresis would mean that the low-to-high transition is detected at 2.55 V and the high-to-low transition is detected at 2.45 V, a 100 mV difference.Hysteresis is used to prevent several quickly successive changes if the input signal would contain some noise, for example. Thenoise could mean you cross the threshold of 2.5 V more than just once, which you don't want.A 100 mV hysteresis means that noise levels less than 100 mV won't influence the threshold passing. Which threshold applies depends on whether you go from low to high (then it's the higher threshold) or from high to low (then it's the lower one):editAnother way to illustrate hysteresis is through its transfer function , with the typical loop:As long as the input voltage remains below \$V_{T+}\$ the output is low, but if it exceeds this value the output switches to high (the up-going arrow). Then the output remains high as long as the input voltage stays above \$V_{T-}\$. When the input voltage drops below this threshold the output switches to a low level (the down-going arrow).Note: hysteresis can also be used for other purposes than increasing noise immunity. The inverter below has a hysteresis input (which makes it a Schmitt trigger, indicated by the symbol inside the inverter). This simple circuit is all you need to make an oscillator.Here's how it works. When it's switched on the capacitor's voltage is zero, so the output is high (it's an inverter!). The high output voltage starts charging the capacitor through R. When the voltage over the capacitor reaches the higher threshold the inverter sees this as a high voltage, and the output will go low. The capacitor will now discharge to the low output via R until the lower threshold is reached. The inverter will then again see this as a low voltage, and make the output high, so the capacitor starts to charge again, and the whole thing repeats.The frequency is determined by the capacitor's and resistor's value as given in the equations. The difference between the frequency for the normal HCMOS (HC) and the TTL-compatible (HCT) is because the threshold levels are different for both parts.。


-c 参数
iostat -c 1 10
avg-cpu: %user %nice %sys %iowait %idle
sda 39.29 21.14 1.44 441339807 29990031
sda1 0.00 0.00 0.00 1623 523
sda2 1.32 1.43 4.54 29834273 94827104
sda 3.06 41.84 444.90 54.08 14204.08 2048.98 7102.04 1024.49 32.57 2.10 4.21 1.85 92.24
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda10 60.72 18.95 71.53 395637647 1493241908
sda10 299.02 4266.67 129.41 4352 132
sda1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
tps:该设备每秒的传输次数(Indicate the number of transfers per second that were issued to the device.)。"一次传输"意思是"一次I/O请求"。多个逻辑请求可能会被合并为"一次I/O请求"。"一次传输"请求的大小是未知的。



Iostat 显示参数详解:rrqm/s: 每秒进行merge 的读操作数目.即delta(rmerge)/swrqm/s:每秒进行merge 的写操作数目.即delta(wmerge)/sr/s:每秒完成的读I/O 设备次数.即delta(rio)/sw/s: 每秒完成的写I/O 设备次数.即delta(wio)/srsec/s:每秒读扇区数.即delta(rsect)/swsec/s:每秒写扇区数.即delta(wsect)/srkB/s:每秒读K字节数.是rsect/s 的一半,因为每扇区大小为512字节.(需要计算) wkB/s:每秒写K字节数.是wsect/s 的一半.(需要计算)avgrq-sz:平均每次设备I/O操作的数据大小(扇区).avgqu-sz:平均I/O队列长度.即delta(aveq)/s/1000 (因为aveq的单位为毫秒). await: 平均每次设备I/O操作的等待时间(毫秒)。

svctm:平均每次设备I/O操作的服务时间(毫秒).即delta(use)/delta(rio+wio)%util:一秒中有百分之多少的时间用于I/O 操作,或者说一秒中有多少时间I/O 队列是非空的.即delta(use)/s/1000 (因为use的单位为毫秒)注解:如果%util接近100%,说明产生的I/O请求太多,I/O系统已经满负荷,该磁盘可能存在瓶颈. idle小于70% IO压力就较大了,一般读取速度有较多的wait.同时可以结合vmstat查看查看b参数(等待资源的进程数)和wa参数(IO等待所占用的CPU时间的百分比,高过30%时IO压力高)另外await的参数也要多和svctm来参考.差的过高就一定有IO 的问题.avgqu-sz也是个做IO 调优时需要注意的地方,这个就是直接每次操作的数据的大小,如果次数多,但数据拿的小的话,其实IO 也会很小.如果数据拿的大,才IO 的数据会高.也可以通过avgqu-sz ×( r/s or w/s ) = rsec/s or wsec/s.也就是讲,读定速度是这个来决定的.另外还可以参考svctm一般要小于await(因为同时等待的请求的等待时间被重复计算了),svctm的大小一般和磁盘性能有关,CPU/内存的负荷也会对其有影响,请求过多也会间接导致svctm的增加.await的大小一般取决于服务时间(svctm) 以及I/O 队列的长度和I/O 请求的发出模式.如果svctm 比较接近await,说明I/O 几乎没有等待时间;如果await 远大于svctm,说明I/O 队列太长,应用得到的响应时间变慢,如果响应时间超过了用户可以容许的范围,这时可以考虑更换更快的磁盘,调整内核elevator 算法,优化应用,或者升级CPU.队列长度(avgqu-sz)也可作为衡量系统I/O 负荷的指标,但由于avgqu-sz 是按照单位时间的平均值,所以不能反映瞬间的I/O 洪水.别人一个不错的例子.(I/O 系统vs. 超市排队)举一个例子,我们在超市排队checkout 时,怎么决定该去哪个交款台呢? 首当是看排的队人数,5个人总比20人要快吧? 除了数人头,我们也常常看看前面人购买的东西多少,如果前面有个采购了一星期食品的大妈,那么可以考虑换个队排了.还有就是收银员的速度了,如果碰上了连钱都点不清楚的新手,那就有的等了.另外,时机也很重要,可能5 分钟前还人满为患的收款台,现在已是人去楼空,这时候交款可是很爽啊,当然,前提是那过去的5 分钟里所做的事情比排队要有意义(不过我还没发现什么事情比排队还无聊的).I/O 系统也和超市排队有很多类似之处:r/s+w/s 类似于交款人的总数平均队列长度(avgqu-sz)类似于单位时间里平均排队人的个数平均服务时间(svctm)类似于收银员的收款速度平均等待时间(await)类似于平均每人的等待时间平均I/O数据(avgrq-sz)类似于平均每人所买的东西多少I/O 操作率(%util)类似于收款台前有人排队的时间比例.我们可以根据这些数据分析出I/O 请求的模式,以及I/O 的速度和响应时间.。

电脑故障 英语作文

电脑故障 英语作文

When it comes to computer malfunctions,there are a variety of issues that can arise, each requiring a different approach to resolve.Heres a detailed look at some common computer problems and their potential solutions.1.Software Issues:Sometimes,the problem is not with the hardware but with the software.This can include anything from a virus or malware infection to software that has become corrupted or outdated.Solution:Regularly update your software and operating e reliable antivirus software to scan and remove any threats.If a particular software is causing issues,try reinstalling it or looking for updates.2.Slow Performance:A sluggish computer can be incredibly frustrating.This can be due to a lack of RAM,an overloaded hard drive,or too many programs running in the background.Solution:Close unnecessary programs and tabs.Consider upgrading your RAM or switching to a solidstate drive SSD for faster e system optimization tools to clean up your hard drive and remove temporary files.3.Blue Screen of Death BSOD:This is a critical error that occurs when Windows encounters a problem it cant recover from.Solution:Restart your computer and check for any error messages.If the problem persists,you may need to perform a system restore or reinstall Windows.Always back up your data before doing so.4.Overheating:Computers can overheat due to dust buildup,poor ventilation,or malfunctioning fans.Solution:Ensure your computer is in a wellventilated area.Clean the dust from the vents and fans.If the issue continues,you may need to replace the thermal paste or the fans themselves.5.Hard Drive Failure:This is a serious issue that can lead to data loss if not addressed promptly.Solution:Back up your data regularly to prevent loss.If you suspect a hard drive failure,run diagnostics to check the health of the drive.If necessary,replace the hard drive and restore your data from a backup.6.Internet Connectivity Issues:Problems with your internet connection can range from slow speeds to complete disconnection.Solution:Check your router and modem for any issues.Restart them to see if that resolves the problem.If not,you may need to contact your internet service provider for assistance.7.Battery Problems:Laptops can experience battery issues,such as not holding a charge or overheating.Solution:Check the battery health in your laptops settings.If the battery is old or damaged,consider replacing it.Avoid using your laptop on soft surfaces that can block ventilation and cause overheating.8.Driver Issues:Outdated or corrupted drivers can cause a range of problems,from hardware not working to system instability.Solution:Regularly update your drivers through the device manager in your operating system.If a specific device is causing issues,try uninstalling and reinstalling its driver.9.System Crashes:Random system crashes can be caused by a variety of factors, including software conflicts,hardware issues,or overheating.Solution:Check the Event Viewer for any critical errors that might indicate what is causing the crash.Update your software and drivers,and ensure your hardware is functioning properly.10.Virus and Malware Attacks:These can cause a wide range of problems,from system slowdowns to data theft.Solution:Install a reputable antivirus program and run regular scans.If your computer is infected,follow the antivirus softwares instructions to remove the malware.In severe cases,you may need to perform a clean install of your operating system. Remember,prevention is the best cure for computer issues.Regular maintenance,such as updates,backups,and cleaning,can go a long way in keeping your computer running smoothly.If youre ever in doubt,consulting with a professional technician can provide peace of mind and ensure that your computer is in good hands.。

CISCO catalyst 2960交换机配置方法

CISCO catalyst 2960交换机配置方法

CISCO catalyst 2960交换机配置方法一、连接交换机1、将交换机配置电缆连接于交换机的通讯配置端口(console口)和计算机的串口(可以直接连接到SCADA服务器后面的串口上)。

2、点击Start(开始)> Programs(程序)> Accessories(附件)>Cojhunications(通讯)> HyperTerminal(超级终端),运行HyperTerminal。

3、在Connection Description对话框中,为这一连接输入一个名称(自己识别方便即可),点击“ok”。


5、在Connect To对话框,选择正在被使用的串口(一般为COM1口),并确认。

6、在Properties对话框配置端口如下:Bits per second: 9600Data Bits: 8Parity: NONEStop bits: 1Flow control: Xon/Xoff通讯端口默认为COM1,点击“ok”。



Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: yAt any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.Basic management setup configures only enough connectivityfor management of the system, extended setup will ask youto configure each interface on the systemWould you like to enter basic management setup? [yes/no]: yConfiguring global parameters:2、为交换机输入一个“host name”,可以自己先任意写一个,要便于识别就行,因为当用TFTP软件恢复之前备份的配置后,hostname也会恢复到原先的设置,在如下部分输入相应的值(粗斜体),并回车,以京海为例:Enter host name [Switch]: jh_switch01 (京海第一路交换机,即FTE网络A交换机)The enable secret is a password used to protect access toprivileged EXEC and configuration modes. This password, afterentered, becomes encrypted in the configuration.Enter enable secret(要求输入特权模式进入密令): *******The enable password is used when you do not specify anenable secret password, with some older software versions, andsome boot images.Enter enable password(要求输入特权模式进入密码): *******The virtual terminal password is used to protectaccess to the router over a network interface.Enter virtual terminal password: *******Configure SNMP Network Management? [no]: N3、下面是显示信息的一部分,太长没有完全抄录,无需操作,可压空格键完成显示。



计算机专业英语试题及答案1. 选择题1. Which of the following is not a programming language?a) Javab) HTMLc) Pythond) CSS答案: b) HTML2. Which protocol is used for sending and receiving email?a) HTTPSb) FTPc) SMTPd) DNS答案: c) SMTP3. What does the acronym CPU stand for?a) Central Processing Unitb) Computer Processing Unitc) Control Processing Unitd) Central Power Unit答案: a) Central Processing Unit4. Which programming language is commonly used for web development?a) C++b) Javac) JavaScriptd) Swift答案: c) JavaScript5. What does HTML stand for?a) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Languageb) Hyper Text Markup Languagec) Home Tool Markup Languaged) Hyper Text Modeling Language答案: b) Hyper Text Markup Language2. 填空题1. The process of converting high-level programming code into machine code is called ___________.答案: compilation2. HTTP stands for ___________ Transfer Protocol.答案: Hyper Text3. The process of testing software by executing it is called ___________.答案: debugging4. Java is an object-_____________ programming language.答案: oriented5. DNS stands for Domain Name ___________.答案: System3. 简答题1. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?答案: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented protocol, which means it establishes a connection between the sender and receiver before transferring data. It ensures that all packets are received in the correct order and provides error checking. UDP (User Datagram Protocol), on the other hand, is a connectionless protocol that does not establish a direct connection before transmitting data. It does not guarantee packet delivery or order but is faster and more efficient for time-sensitive applications.2. What is the purpose of an operating system?答案: An operating system (OS) is a software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services forcomputer programs. Its primary purpose is to enable the user to interact with the computer and provide a platform for running applications. It manages memory, file systems, input/output devices, and multitasking. The OS also handles system security and resource allocation to ensure optimal performance.4. 解答题请参考下文并给出自己的解答。



OPERATIONThe ASHCROFT ®differential pressure control is a precision device which features a snap action switch.Fixed deadband is available with single or dual SPDT independently adjustable switches with various electrical ratings.Adjustable deadband is available with a SPDT switch with various electrical ratings.Several wetted material constructions for compatibility with pressure media may be obtained.Series LD-S switches have a fixed deadband which will be within the limits noted on the nameplate.Series LD-D switches may be set to operate simultaneously or up to 85 percent of the range apart.The deadband of each switch will be within the limits noted on the nameplate.Series LD-A switches may be set to operate with any dead-band within the limits shown on the nameplate.MOUNTINGThe “L ”Series ASHCROFT ®snap action differential pressure switch has a NEMA-4X enclosure which is an epoxy coated aluminum casting.T wo holes in the integral bracket are used to surface mount the control.Location of these holes is shown on the general dimension drawings.An optional pipe mounting bracket is also available.Mount on a vibration free surface or pipe in any orientation.PRESSURE CONNECTIONSFor operation as a differential pressure control – connect the high pressure to the side port marked “H”and the low pressure to the side port marked “L.”CONDUIT CONNECTIONSOne 3⁄4NPT hole fitted with a shipping plug, and two additional knock outs are provided.The knockouts may be removed by placing a screwdriver in the slot and rapping sharply with ahammer.It is recommended that T eflon tape or other sealant be used on conduit bushing or plug threads to ensure integrity of the enclosure.ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONRemove cover, held in place by two screws.On all units except one with terminal blocks – wire directly to the switch according to circuit requirements.Units with terminal blocks – wire directly to terminal blocks as required.T erminals are marked common (C), normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC).STANDARD RANGES 30, 60, 90, 200, 400 psid4.121/P R E LEFT SWITCH TERMINAL BLOCKRIGHT SWITCH TERMINAL BLOCKSERVICE LEADS TO THESE TERMINALSSETPOINT ADJUSTMENTSSetpoints are changed by means of the setpoint adjusters.The LD-S single switch has one adjuster and the LD-A adjustable deadband and LD-D dual switches each have two adjusters.On switches with two adjusters, the one on the left is referred to as “A”and the right one is referred to as “B”;see illustration.Setpoints can be adjusted from 20 to 100 percent of full range on increasing pressure.SERIES LD-S SINGLE SWITCHRemove cover.For setpoint adjustment on either increasing or decreasing pressure to within ±1% of nominal range, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use a suitable reference such as an ASHCROFT®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Apply Low pressure.Then apply High pressure equal to the low pressure plus the differential pressure setpoint.If setpoint is on increasing differential pressure, turn adjuster so that switch operates (if common-normally closed circuit is being monitored light goes off).If setpoint is on decreasing differential pressure,turn adjuster so that switch resets (if common – normally closed circuit is being monitored light comes on).When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the high pressure to ensure that the setpoint is correct.The deadband (difference between the operate and resetpressures) may be verified at this time to be between the values noted on the nameplate label.SERIES LD-D DUAL SWITCHRemove cover.For setpoint adjustment to within ±1% of nominal range, mount the switch on a calibration stand and use the suit-able reference such as an ASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Apply Low pressure.Then apply High pressure to the higher of the two required setpoints.T urn adjuster “B”until the switch operates or resets as required.See discussion of increasing or decreasing differential pressure setpoints and deadband verification under Series LD-S Single Switch.When the setpoint has been achieved, raise and lower the Highpressure.Then reduce the High pressure to the lower setpoint differential pressure and turn adjuster “A”until the switch oper-ates or resets as required.Verify this setpoint by raising and lowering the High pressure.Now increase the High pressure to the higher setpoint and make final adjustment on “B.”SERIES LD-A ADJUSTABLE DEADBAND SWITCHRemove cover.Adjuster “B”controls the operating point of the switch on increasing pressure.Adjuster “A”controls the re-set-point of the switch on decreasing pressure.For accurate setpoint adjustment, mount the switch on a cali-bration stand and use a suitable reference such as anASHCROFT ®Duragauge or test gauge.Monitor switch with a light or meter.Apply Low pressure.Then apply High pressure to the required setpoint pressure.T urn adjuster “B”until switch operates.Then lower differential pressure to the re-setpoint and turn adjuster “A”until the switch resets.Now increase pressure to the operating point and make final adjustment on “B”.Raise and lower pressure to ensure that the setpoint and re-setpoint are correct.SOME PRECAUTIONS TO OBSERVEDo not loosen the screws holding the precision switch element(s) or mounting bracket in place.Nameplate PROOF pressure should not be exceeded.Intermittent operation up to proof pressure is permissible, how-ever, some change of setpoint may be noted.Operation and correct setpoint actuation should be routinely tested.AB0204060。


【 iostat 】 - 输入输出负载监控
iostat 命令:通过iostat方便查看CPU、网卡、tty设备、磁盘、CD-ROM 等等设备的活动情况,负载信息。而iostat的数据主要来源 对应的文件是 /proc/partitions 而Linux 内核为 2 6 对应的文件是/proc/diskstats或/sys/block/[块设备名]/stat
sda 11.71 411.45 270.48 650358 427536
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
范例2: 定时显示所有信息
snail@hnlinLinux 2.6.32-21-generic (hnlinux) 2010年09月26日 _i686_ (1 CPU)
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
Linux 2.6.32-21-generic (hnlinux) 2010年09月26日 _i686_ (1 CPU)
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
1.36 4.92 9.95 1.60 0.00 82.17
%iowait CPU 空闲期间系统有未完成的磁盘 I/O 请求时的时间百分比
* 磁盘使用率的信息
%tm_act 物理磁盘处于活动状态的时间百分比(驱动器的带宽使用率)

ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol.-2013-Vas-Umnuay-P120-9

ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol.-2013-Vas-Umnuay-P120-9

P120ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology ,2(4)P120-P129(2013)2162-8769/2013/2(4)/P120/10/$31.00©The ElectrochemicalSocietyGrowth Kinetics of Copper Sulfide Thin Films by Chemical Bath DepositionParavee Vas-Umnuay and Chih-hung Chang ∗,zSchool of Chemical,Biological,and Environmental Engineering,Oregon State University,Corvallis,Oregon 97331,USACopper sulfides (Cu x S)are compound semiconductor materials that exhibit considerable variations of optical and electrical properties.Copper sulfide thin films can be used in many applications,such as solar control coatings,solar cells,photothermal conversion of solar energy,electroconductive coatings,and microwave shielding coatings.In this paper,chemical bath deposition growth of copper sulfide thin films were monitored for the first time using an in-situ quartz crystal microbalance as a function of time,temperature,concentrations of reactants,and pH.The reaction activation energy was determined based on initial growth rates.The high activation energy,68[kJ/mol],indicates that the rate limiting step of the deposition is the chemical reaction rather than mass transport.The structure,morphology,composition and optical absorption of the films were studied by scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy,energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy respectively.These properties were found to depend strongly on the deposition conditions.©2013The Electrochemical Society.[DOI:10.1149/2.008304jss ]All rights reserved.Manuscript submitted November 27,2012;revised manuscript received January 8,2013.Published January 28,2013.Metal chalcogenide thin films,like metal sulfide,metal selenides,and metal tellurides,possess useful electrical and optical properties and can be found in many technical applications.Copper sulfide (Cu x S)thin films are one of the potentially useful metal chalco-genides with signification variation in properties depending on the stoichiometry,1≤x ≤2.At room temperature,five stable phases of Cu x S are known to exist in the bulk form:CuS (covellite),Cu 1.75S (anilite),Cu 1.8S (digenite),Cu 1.96S (djurleite),Cu 2S (chalcocite).1The different phases of Cu x S exhibit considerable variations of optical and electrical properties,therefore they can be used in different potential applications,such as solar control coatings,solar cells,photothermal conversion of solar energy,electroconductive coatings,microwave shielding coatings,etc.2Copper sulfide thin films could be prepared by a variety of meth-ods,including solution-based techniques (for example,successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR),photochemical depo-sition,electrodeposition,chemical bath deposition (CBD),etc.)and gas phase techniques (for example,chemical vapor deposition (CVD),thermal co-evaporation,sputtering,etc.).Solution-based techniques require simpler and much lower capital cost equipment.Therefore,solution-based deposition methods are being considered as low-cost alternatives to gas phase techniques.3–6Among various solution-based techniques,CBD is the most widely used technique for the deposition of Cu x S thin films.4,7–16In a typical batch CBD process,Cu x S thin films are deposited by simply immers-ing the substrates in a dilute solution containing copper and sulfur reactive species.The reaction is thermally activated.There are a few reports regarding the growth kinetics of CBD Cu x S thin films.Munce et al.investigated chemical bath deposition of copper sulfide thin films in details using a plethora of in-situ and ex-situ characterization tools including Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS),Scan-ning Electron Microscopy (SEM),Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM),Neutron reflectometry,and small angle X-ray scattering to in-vestigate the early stages of film growth.11,17,18The deposition of CBD Cu x S was found to occur by a mechanism where the particles form in the solution and then adhere to the substrate according to the lack of a definable SERS spectrum prior to 1min deposition.While during the incubation period,the spectra obtained from the nucleation products exhibited a similar composition to the final product formed on the substrate.Another Cu x S film growth study was reported by Xin et al.2They compared the Cu x S film growth by the conventional CBD with the microwave assisted CBD by measuring the film thickness at cer-tain deposition times using the profilometer as an ex-situ technique.They found that the high frequency electromagnetic radiation of mi-crowave heating accelerated the growth rate of copper sulfide thin∗Electrochemical Society Active Member.zE-mail:changch@films,resulting in thicker films at the same reaction time compared with the conventional CBD method.Moreover,Lu et al.investigated the growth study of Cu x S thin films by depositing CuS thin films by CBD on functionalized -NH 2-terminated self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)surface which helps to control crystal heterogeneous nucle-ation and growth.4The reaction mechanism of ion-by-ion growth and cluster-by-cluster deposition were proposed for the observed depo-sition phenomena.There are a number of papers that report copper sulfide thin film growth by CBD,with different bath compositions and conditions (i.e.acidic or alkaline).9,12,13,19–21However,no quantitative kinetic study of CBD Cu x S thin film growth has been reported in these studies.In-situ measurements are valuable and effective means to gain a better and more quantitative understanding of CBD Cu x S thin film growth mechanism and kinetics.In this paper,we investigated CBD Cu x S thin film growth mecha-nism using in-situ quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)by considering the initial values of the growth rate as a function of the main reac-tion parameters (temperature,concentrations of reactants,and pH).The resulting thin films were characterized by scanning electron mi-croscopy,transmission electron microscopy,energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy,atomic force microscopy,and UV-Vis absorption.These characterizations together determine the composition,structural,and optical properties of the resulting thin films.ExperimentalSubstrate preparation.—Microscope glass slides (1×3inch from Fisher Scientific)were cleaned with a commercial detergent solution by scrubbing followed by rinsing with acetone,methanol,and deion-ized water.Clean substrates were dried in flowing nitrogen.Deposition of Cu x S thin films.—Various deposition conditions were performed in this study.A typical growth procedure is describe here as an example.8mL of 1M CuSO 4.5H 2O,8mL of 1M sodium acetate (NaAC)solution,8mL of triethanolamine (TEA)solution were mixed in a 100mL beaker.This was followed by the addition of 4.44mL of 28%ammonia solution and 4.44mL of 1M thiourea solution.The resulting solution was made up to 80mL with deionized water,resulting in the final concentration of each reactant as follows:[CuSO 4]=0.1M,[thiourea]=0.056M,[NaAc]=0.1M,[TEA]=0.755M,and [NH 3]=0.821M.Stirring and heating the mixture were applied in a water bath by a hot plate.After a few seconds the glass slide was immersed vertically in the solution bath.At the end of the deposition the coated substrates were taken out,rinsed with deionized water,and dried in nitrogen.ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,2(4)P120-P129(2013)P121 In-situ growth measurement.—Thefilm thickness and growth ratebased on different bath conditions was measured using a quartz crystalmicrobalance(QCM,Maxtek incorporated Model at a frequency of5MHz).The setup consisted of a QCM probe with a quartz crystalinserted inside and immersed in the solution bath.The signal from thequartz crystal probe is sent to the quartz crystal monitor and computerfor data acquisition.Characterization of Cu x S thinfilms.—The Cu x S thin-film surfacemorphology,composition,and structure were analyzed by scanningelectron microscopy(SEM)coupled with the X-ray analysis(EDS)(Quanta600FEG SEM).The formed nanoparticles in the solutionwere analyzed using transmission electron microscopy(TEM,PhilipsCM12STEM operated at120kV).The crystal structure of CBDCu x Sfilms were characterized using high resolution TEM(FEI Titan80–200STEM).The surface morphology was analyzed using atomicforce microscope(AFM Veeco Innova).The optical transmission and optical bandgap of CBD Cu x S thinfilms were determined using UV-VIS absorption measurement(JASCO V670spectrophotometer).Results and DiscussionInitial growth rate dependent.—Influence of temperature.—The composition of the baseline solution used in this study is[CuSO4] =1M,[thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,and[NH3]=14.8M.Thegrowth curves obtained as a function of bath temperature are shown in Fig.1a.The solution temperature is varied with an increment of 10◦C,from30to60◦C.The growth curve shows an initial induction phase where nofilm growth can be observed by QCM.Following the induction period,a subsequent linear growth phase starts with the increasingfilm thickness proportionally with deposition time.Finally,film thickness reaches a plateau where the growth rate drops to nearly zero.The growth curves clearly show strong temperature dependence. The induction period at30◦C lasts for almost10minutes but decreases to1–2minutes at60◦C.Fig.1b shows a growth curve with three growth regimes(i.e.induction,growth,and terminal regime)for CBD Cu x S film growth at60◦C.The initialfilm growth rates were estimated by taking the slope of the linear growth curves.The reacting species concentration within the initial linear growth region was assumed to be constant.Since the process is strongly temperature-activated, its variation is attributed only to the rate constant dependence on temperature,as expressed by Arrhenius equationr(T)=A exp(−E a/RT)[1] where r(T)is the growth rate as a function of temperature,A is the pre-exponential factor which includes the frequency factor and a con-stant related to the initial reagent concentration,E a is the activation energy,and R is the molar gas constant.Fig.1c represents the Nepe-rian logarithm of the initial growth rate as a function of1000/T(K), showing the linear dependence of temperature.Each data point is the Neperian logarithm of growth rate which is calculated as the slopes at initial growth regions of different reaction temperatures,as shown in the inset of Fig.1c obtained from Fig.1a.Table I summarizes the initial growth rates at different temperatures.The activation energy can be determined from the slope of the linearfit of the logarithm of the initial growth rate as a function of1000/T.The mean value of the activation energy in this case is about68kJ/mol over the tempera-ture range considered.This value,which is considered high(50–100 [kJ/mol]),indicates that the rate determining step in thefilm deposi-tion mechanism is a reaction limiting step rather than a mass transport step(e.g.diffusion)that normally has a lower activation energy value (a few tens of kJ/mol).21Influence of copper concentration.—Fig.2a shows the growth rate variation with CuSO4concentration,which was varied from 0.5–1.25M while the other parameters are kept constant([thiourea] =1M,[TEA]=7.55M,[NH3]=14.8M at40◦C).An increase(a)(b)0.511.522.533.54020406080 Thickness(kAng)Time (min)30°C40°C50°C60°C0.511.522.533.544.55020406080 Thickness(kAng)Time (min)60°CI IIIIII II(c)y = -8.2045x + 28.495R² = 0.96811.522.533.544.52.9533.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35ln(Rate(µm/hr))1000/T (K-1)Figure1.(a)Quartz crystal microbalance growth curves of Cu x Sfilms with different temperatures,(b)Growth curve of CBD Cu x Sfilm at60◦C with three deposition regimes:I=induction regime;II=growth regime;III=terminal regime,and(c)Neperian logarithm of the initial growth rate against1000/T (K−1)with[CuSO4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,and[NH3] =14.8M with the inset showing the initial slopes(growth rates)of Fig.1(a).of growth rate with CuSO4concentration is observed.The induction time also becomes shorter at higher CuSO4concentration.In order to determine the apparent reaction orders,the growth rate is assumed to be dependent on the variation of initial reagentP122ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology ,2(4)P120-P129(2013)Table I.Summary of the initial growth rates at different temperatures,[CuSO 4],[Thiourea],[TEA],pH values,and [NH 3].Temperature,◦CGrowth rate (slope),kÅ/min[CuSO 4],mol/lGrowth rate (slope),kÅ/minCondition:[CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,Condition:[thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,[TEA]=7.55M,and [NH 3]=14.8Mand [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C.300.00780.500.010400.01500.750.013500.0320 1.000.015600.0920 1.250.016[thiourea],mol/l Growth rate (slope),kÅ/min[TEA],mol/l Growth rate (slope),kÅ/minCondition:[CuSO 4]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,Condition:[CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦Cand [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C0.500.009 1.000.02870.750.013 2.500.0201.000.015 5.000.0161.250.0167.550.015pH Growth rate (slope),kÅ/min[NH 3],mol/l Growth rate (slope),kÅ/minCondition:[CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,Condition:[CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦Cand [TEA]=7.55M at 40◦C9.920.0065 5.00.00859.990.009210.00.011010.050.010613.00.013010.100.015014.80.0150concentration during the initial linear growth region.The initial growth rate is expressed as in Eq.2.21r =K C ni [2]where r is the growth rate which can be estimated from the slopes of linear growth curves as shown in the inset of Fig.2b .K is a constant(a)(b) h i c k n e s s (k A n g )Time (min)[CuSO 4] 0.5 M [CuSO 4] 0.75M [CuSO 4] 1.0 M [CuSO 4] 1.25 My = 0.5217x -1.0554R² = 0.9794-1.25-1.2-1.15-1.1-1.05-1-0.4-0.3-0.2- o g (r a t e ) (µm /h r )log[CuSO 4] (mol/l)Figure 2.(a)Influence of CuSO 4concentration (0.5,0.75,1,and 1.25M)on the growth curves of Cu x S films with samples prepared with [thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C.(b)The corresponding logarithmic graph for reaction order calculations of the initial growth rate dependence on CuSO 4concentration with the inset showing the initial slopes (growth rates)of Fig.2(a).for a fixed set of conditions,C i is the initial reagent concentration that is being varied,and n is the reaction order of this reagent.Therefore,n can be estimated for each reagent as the slope of the linear fit of the log r vs.log[C i ].The summary of the initial growth rates at different concentration of CuSO 4is shown in Table I and Fig.2b shows the linear plot of film growth rate as function of the concentration of CuSO 4.The mean apparent reaction order of the CuSO 4concentration was estimated to be about 0.52±0.2.Influence of thiourea concentration.—Fig.3a shows the influence on the growth curves of the thiourea concentration from 0.5–1.25M while the other parameters are kept constant ([CuSO 4]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,[NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C).An increase of the initial growth rate with the concentrations is observed as expected,as shown in the inset of Fig.3b .The summary of the initial growth rates at different concentration of thiourea is shown in Table I .A reaction order of 0.63±0.1is obtained from the slope of the linear fit of the log r vs.log[thiourea]shown in Fig.3b .Copper ions (Cu 2+),introduced in solution as copper salts,can form different complex species with complexing agents such as TEA and ammonia.Appropriate complexing agents are present to produce stable complex of Cu 2+ions in the solution in which Cu 2+ions are slowly released on dissociation,resulting in a controllable reaction rate.For a metal M and complexing agent A,the existence of free metal ions in the solution can be expressed by the equilibrium reactionM(A)2+↔M 2++A[3]Influence of TEA concentration.—Fig.4a shows the growth curves of Cu x S thin film as a function of TEA concentration from 1–7.55M while the other parameters are kept constant ([CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,[NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C).A decrease of the growth rate is observed with increasing TEA concentration,as shown in the inset of Fig.4b ,in which it retards the rate of formation of Cu x S.The immediate homogeneous precipitation appears sooner in the solution as the concentration decreases,also yields less terminal thicknesses of the films.The summary of the initial growth rates at different concentration of TEA is shown in Table I .The effect of TEA concentration shows opposite effect to those observed for the CuSO 4and thiourea,as the reaction rate shown in Fig.4b decreases with in-creasing TEA concentration,with an apparent order of −0.33±0.2.In this case,an increase in TEA concentration results in a decrease inECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology ,2(4)P120-P129(2013)P123(a)(b) h i c k n e s s (k A n g )Time (min)[TU] 0.5 M [TU] 0.75 M [TU] 1.0 M [TU] 1.25 My = 0.6347x -1.0575R² = 0.9518-1.28-1.23-1.18-1.13-1.08-1.03-0.35-0.25-0.15-0.050.05l o g (r a t e ) (µm /h r )log[TU] (mol/l)Figure 3.(a)Influence of thiourea concentration (0.5,0.75,1,and 1.25M)on the growth curves of Cu x S films with samples prepared with [CuSO 4]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C.(b)The corresponding logarithmic graph for reaction order calculations of the initial growth rate dependence on thiourea concentration with the inset showing the initial slopes (growth rates)of Fig.3(a).growth rate,corresponding to Eq.3,which denotes that the Cu 2+free concentration decreases when TEA concentration is increased.Influence of pH.—In this study,the initial pH value of the solution was controlled by the addition of 1M of NaOH while keeping other parameters constant ([CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,[NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C).As observed in Fig.5a ,an increase of pH value leads to a higher film growth rate.Higher concentration of OH −ions in the solution will push the re-action of thiourea hydrolysis forward,resulting in a high generation of sulfide ion source,as shown in Eq.4–5.Table I summarizes the initial growth rates at different pH values,which were obtained from the slope at initial growth regions as shown in the inset of Fig.5b .A mean fractional apparent order of about 1.91±0.1is obtained as shown in Fig.5b .(NH 2)2CS +OH −↔CH 2N 2+H 2O +HS −[4]HS −↔S 2−+H +[5]Influence of NH 3concentration.—Fig.6a shows the Cu x S growthcurves as a function of ammonia concentration from 5–14.8M while keeping other parameters constant at [CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,at 40◦C.The effect of ammonia concen-tration was expected to behave similarly to TEA as they both act as(a)(b) h i c k n e s s (k A n g )Time (min)[TEA] 1 M[TEA] 2.5M [TEA] 5.0 M[TEA] 7.55 My = -0.3283x -0.775R² = 0.9828-1.05-1-0.95-0.9-0.85-0.8-0.75-0.700. o g (r a t e ) (µm /h r )log[TEA] (mol/l)Figure 4.(a)Influence of TEA concentration (1,2.5,5,and 7.55M)on the growth curves of Cu x S films with samples prepared with [CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C.(b)The correspond-ing logarithmic graph for reaction order calculations of the initial growth rate dependence on TEA concentration with the inset showing the initial slopes (growth rates)of Fig.4(a).complexing agents.The inset of Fig.6b shows the slopes of the growth curves in the linear growth region.The summary of the initial growth rates at different concentration of ammonia is shown in Table I .It has been reported by Mondal et al.that complexing the Cu 2+ions with TEA first,and then adding ammonia yields better uniformity of films with a maximum terminal thickness.22,23An apparent reaction order of 0.49±0.2was calculated according to Fig.6b .Normally,the addition of complexing agent decreases the reaction rate.The role of ammonia is not only to control the complexation of copper ions but also to provide OH −ions according to the equilibrium reaction expressed in Eq.6.Thus addition of ammonia tends to increase the growth rate.NH +4+OH −↔NH 3+H 2O[6]Since the ammonia concentration variation affects the pH of thesolution,the reaction order cannot be determined directly with respect to ammonia concentration.The reaction order obtained in Fig.6b is taken as an apparent reaction order affected by pH variation.In order to derive a real reaction order of ammonia,the ammonia hydrolysis equilibrium is taken into account,21we can writeK b =10−4.8=[NH +4][OH −]/[NH 3][7]For nonbuffered solutions [NH 4+]=[OH −],hence[OH −]=(10−4.8[NH 3])1/2[8]P124ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology ,2(4)P120-P129(2013)(a) h i c k n e s s (k A n g )Time (min)pH 9.92pH 9.99pH 10.05pH 10.10(b)y = 1.9078x -20.334R² = 0.9711-1.42-1.37-1.32-1.27-1.22-1.17-1.12-1.07- o g (r a t e ) (µm /h r )pHFigure 5.(a)Influence of pH (9.92,9.99,10.05,and 10.10)on the growth curves of Cu x S films with samples prepared with [CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,[TEA]=7.55M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C.(b)The corresponding logarithmic graph for reaction order calculations of the initial growth rate dependence on pH with the inset showing the initial slopes (growth rates)of Fig.5(a).Using Eq.2for ammonia,we can writer =K [NH 3]na[9]where na is an apparent order and Eq.9can be rewritten asr =K [NH 3]nr [OH −]1.91[10]where nr is a real reaction order of ammonia.Eq.10can be rewritten using Eq.8r =K [NH 3](nr +0.96)[11]so nr can be calculated asnr =na −0.96[12]which gives place to a reaction order of −0.47for ammonia.The negative apparent reaction order indicates that the role of ammonia complexing with Cu 2+ions,which lowers the reaction rate when the ammonia concentration increases,dominates the effects of the variation of pH in the solution.The initial growth rate is given approximately by the following empirical equationrate of reaction (μm /hr)=K[CuSO 4]0.52[TU]0.63[OH −]1.91[TEA][NH 3][13]K =2.94×106[μm7.78/]at 40◦CMorphology dependence of Cu x S thin films on deposition conditions.—The results of visual examination and Scotch tape test(a) h i c k n e s s (k A n g )Time (min)[NH 3] 5 M [NH 3] 10M [NH 3] 13 M [NH 3] 14.8 M(b)y = 0.4928x -1.6474R² = 0.9557-1.3-1.25-1.2-1.15-1.1-1.05- 1.1 1.2l o g (r a t e ) (µm /h r )log[NH 3] (mol/l)Figure 6.(a)Influence of [NH 3]concentration (5,10,13,and 14.8M)on the growth curves of Cu x S films with samples prepared with [CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=1M,and [TEA]=7.55M at 40◦C.(b)The correspond-ing logarithmic graph for reaction order calculations of the initial growth rate dependence on NH 3concentration with the inset showing the initial slopes (growth rates)of Fig.6(a).of the obtained films indicate that glass substrate provides suitable nucleation sites for the growth of Cu x S thin films with good adhesion of the film to the substrate surface.The microstructure and crystalline structure of the Cu x S films prepared by CBD were studied by SEM and TEM.SEM micrographs of samples prepared from the composi-tion of [CuSO 4]=1M,[thiourea]=2.02M,[TEA]=7.55M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C with different deposition time (30,40,and 60min)are shown in Fig.7.These micrographs display densely packed films with granular morphologies.The grain sizes increase with an increase of deposition time,ranging from about 70–200nm.More large particles appear on the surface at longer deposition time.These large particles might come from the sticking of particles formed in the solution.The surface roughness of Cu x S thin films was examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM).The inset images in Fig.7a -7c show the evolution of root mean square roughness (RMS),RMS is defined as the standard deviation of the surface height profile from the average height,of 32.0,32.8,and 36.7nm of the films deposited for (a)30min,(b)40min,and (c)60min,respectively.The results from the AFM are consistent with the results from the SEM accordingly,showing the formation of larger size grains at longer deposition time.A cross-sectional SEM image of the resulting Cu x S thin film de-posited on glass substrate for 60min is shown in Fig.8.The measured thickness is about 80nm which corresponds to the QCM growth curve obtained earlier for the bath containing [CuSO 4]=1M,[SC(NH 2)2]=2.02M,[TEA]=7.55M,and [NH 3]=14.8M at 40◦C.The cross-sectional SEM also shows larger particles on top of the film.TheECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,2(4)P120-P129(2013)P125Figure7.SEM micrographs of Cu x Sfilms prepared at(a)30min,(b)40min, and(c)60min with[CuSO4]=1M,[SC(NH2)2]=2.02M,[TEA]=7.55 M,and[NH3]=14.8M at40◦C.The insets show AFM images of Cu x S thin films deposited for30min,40min,and60min accordingly.observedfilm thickness is low because part of the reacting species is lost to the competing formation of Cu x S particles in the solution.We deposited Cu x S heterogeneously on the thin lacey carbon sur-face of TEM copper grid.Thefilm was prepared by dipping the grid in a batch solution at40◦C for15minutes.The TEM image of Cu x S given in Fig.9a shows a large collection of rice-shaped nanoparticles. Fig.9b shows the corresponding a high resolution image of the Cu xS Figure8.Cross-sectional SEM image of Cu x S deposited for60min,with [CuSO4]=1M,[SC(NH2)2]=2.02M,[TEA]=7.55M,and[NH3]=14.8 M at40◦C.Figure9.High resolution TEM images of Cu x S thinfilms from a heteroge-neous reaction prepared by dipping the copper grid in hot solution for15min at40◦C.(a)low resolution image of Cu x Sfilm,(b)high resolution image of the lattice fringes,and(c)FFT pattern.P126ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology ,2(4)P120-P129(2013)Figure 10.TEM micrographs of Cu x S nanoparticles from CBD bath after (a)10min,(b)15min,(c)30min,and (d)40min of deposition time.nanocrystal.The image shows a number of nanocrystals at the order of a few nanometers on the grid with clearly observed lattice image.The corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT)image is given in Fig.9c .The observed lattice-plane spacing-d values are in good agree-ment with the JCPDS card no.06-0464for the hexagonal phase of CuS with a =3.792Åand c =16.344Å.Cu x S particles formed homogeneously in the solution were also studied by TEM as a function of deposition time.TEM images of nanoparticles taken from the solution at the deposition time of 10,15,30,and 40min are given in Fig.10a -10d .It can be clearly observed from the micrograph shown in Fig.10a that the very small particles were formed in the solution at the beginning of the process,showingECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,2(4)P120-P129(2013)P127Figure11.SEM micrographs showing the influence of[CuSO4]/[SC(NH2)2] ratio on the surface morphology of the50min deposited Cu x Sfilms prepared at40◦C.(a)0.100:0.112,(b)0.100:0.056,and(c)0.100:0.028.a speckled appearance of spherical particles.At15min,these small particles(<10nm)start to aggregate with each other and form a network(Fig.10b).At this stage there is no obvious single particle forming and growing.At30min(Fig.10c),larger particles with a size of about30–50nm were observed.Particles continue to grow to60–80nm at40minutes of deposition time(Fig.10e).The large particles tend to aggregate together and form clusters which might12345678090100300800130018002300T(%)Wavelength (nm)(a)30 min(b)40 min(c)50 min(d)60 min(e)90 min(f)120 minFigure12.Optical transmission spectra of as-prepared Cu x Sfilms,deposited at40◦C with durations of deposition ranging from30–120min.(The inset image shows thefilm appearance at50min).correlate with the large particles observed in the SEM micrographs (Fig.7c-7d).Figure11a-11c shows SEM micrographs of Cu x Sfilms prepared under the conditions consisting offinal[TEA]=0.755M,[NH3] =0.821M at40◦C by varying thefinal[CuSO4]/[SC(NH2)2]ratio in the reaction bath(0.100:0.112,0.100:0.056,and0.100:0.028M, respectively)with a deposition time of50minutes.It is observed that for the ratios of0.100:0.112,where thiourea is in an excess of copper concentration,thefilm is continuous,compact with good coverage of the substrate,as shown in Fig.11a.Whereas thefilms obtained at ratio of0.100:0.056and0.100:0.028,when the concentration of thiourea is less than copper,thefilms do not fully cover the glass substrate surface,as shown in Fig.11b-11c.This result coincides with thefilm appearance in which thefilm is discontinuous across the substrate surface.According to these observations,we believe that Cu x Sfilm deposition requires the formation of meta-stable complex of copper as an anchoring site for the thiourea molecule adsorption. Therefore,when there is an excess of thiourea molecules compared to the copper sites,all of copper sites could be occupied,resulting in the uniform formation of Cu x Sfilm across the substrate surface. On the contrary,in a thiourea deficient condition not all the copper sites would be occupied,resulting in nonuniformly coveredfilms. This result clearly shows that the proper copper to thiourea ratio is important for obtaining continuousfilm coverage.Optical studies.—The optical transmittance and optical bandgap of the Cu x S thinfilms were measured using a UV-visible spectropho-tometer.The optical transmission spectra of the Cu x Sfilms,pre-pared from a solution with a[CuSO4]to[SC(NH2)2]molar ratio of0.100:0.056at40◦C at various deposition time ranging from30to 120minutes,are shown in Fig.12.The as-depositedfilms visually look uniform and transparent with a metallic appearance(see the inset in Fig.12).Thefilms show high transmittance in the visible region and the transmittance decrease for thefilms obtained at longer de-position times.This could be attributed to increasingfilm thickness and the change of stoichiometry of resulting Cu x S thinfilms.Optical transmission measurements were also performed forfilms obtained from chemical baths with various[CuSO4]/[SC(NH2)2]molar ratios at40◦C.The spectra fromfilms with a60minute deposition time and[CuSO4]/[SC(NH2)2]molar ratio of0.050:0.056,0.075:0.056, 0.100:0.056,0.100:0.042,0.100:0.028are given in Figure13a,13b, 13c,13d,and13e respectively.These spectra indicate that the Cu x S films have high transmittance after the absorption edge at about 670nm throughout the visible and near-infrared region.Lower trans-mittance is observed fromfilms deposited from baths with a higher concentration of copper and thiourea.。

iostat用法 -回复

iostat用法 -回复



1. iostat的安装iostat是sysstat软件包的一部分,在大多数Linux发行版上都已经预装。

若没有预装,则可以使用以下命令在终端中安装:sudo apt-get install sysstat (Debian, Ubuntu)sudo yum install sysstat (CentOS, Red Hat)2. 基本用法一旦安装完成,我们可以使用以下命令来运行iostat:iostat这将显示CPU使用率、磁盘活动情况以及平均负载等信息。


3. 选项iostat可以通过各种选项来控制显示的内容和更新频率。

以下是一些常用的选项:- `-c`:显示CPU使用情况- `-d`:显示磁盘活动情况- `-n`:以网络设备为主题进行显示- `-p`:显示进程使用情况- `-t`:显示时间戳- `-x`:显示详细磁盘活动情况例如,要以每秒两次更新的速度显示CPU使用情况和磁盘活动情况,可以使用以下命令:iostat -c -d 24. CPU使用情况使用`iostat -c`命令可以查看CPU的使用情况。

在输出中,我们可以看到以下几个重要的指标:- `user`:CPU在用户进程中的使用率- `nice`:CPU运行nice进程的使用率- `sys`:CPU在内核进程中的使用率- `iowait`:CPU等待I/O操作完成的使用率- `idle`:CPU空闲的使用率5. 磁盘活动情况使用`iostat -d`命令可以查看磁盘的活动情况。

在输出中,我们可以看到以下几个重要的指标:- `tps`:每秒钟的传输速率(即每秒完成的I/O请求次数)- `kB_read/s`:每秒读取的数据量(以KB为单位)- `kB_wrtn/s`:每秒写入的数据量(以KB为单位)- `kB_read`:总共读取的数据量(以KB为单位)- `kB_wrtn`:总共写入的数据量(以KB为单位)6. 其他常用选项`iostat -n`命令可以按网络设备显示统计数据,`iostat -p`命令可以按进程显示统计数据。



Installation Instructions180905DoP0247EN54-17:2005+AC:2007EN54-18:2005+AC:2007 SpecificationMCOM MCOM-R MCOM-SLoop load - Quiescent Current (nom)310 μA310 μA310 μAOperating Voltage18.5 -30 VDC 18.5 -30 VDC18.5 -30 VDCOutput relaySwitching voltage24VDC24VDC24VDC Contact rating1A1A1A Switching power30W30W30W EnvironmentalOperating Temperature-10 to+60 °C -10 to+60 °C-10 to+60 °CHumidity (Non Condensing)95 %RH95 %RH95 %RH PhysicalDimensions (mm)63 x 35 x18.563 x 35 x18.563 x 35 x18.5Wiring cable (max) 1.5mm 1.5mm 1.5mm Weight> 0.1g> 0.1g> 0.1g Ingress Protection IP40IP40IP40 StandardsEN54 : PT17EN54 : PT18CompatibilityEaton analogue addressable fire systems(800 series protocol PR-200-07-400)MCOM Addresses as a standard I/O unit (limited to maximum I/Oaddresses supported on the panel)MCOM-S Addresses as a sounder, resets on reset. (limited to maximumsounder addresses supported on the panel)MCOM-R Addresses as a standard I/O unit and performs a 5 second reset pulse (limited to maximum I/O addresses supported on the panel) If the unit needs to be installed in an environment that requires a higher IP rating then the unit must be installed inan appropriately rated enclosure, such as the Eaton IP65 rated ULBU enclosure.Short circuit isolatorThis addressable device contains an integral short circuit isolator, which operates between the – IN terminal and the – OUT terminal. The isolator operates in conjunction with the Eaton Addressable Control Panel when a low parallel resistance fault of typically 200Ω is present between the +VE and –VE of the loop wiring.Short circuit isolation data (integral with each device)Total loop resistance for correct operation of short circuit isolator50Ω (max) Parallel fault resistance to be seen at the control panel forisolators to open200Ω (typ) Continuous current allowable through isolator700mA (max) Isolator resistance in closed state0.26Ω (max) Leakage current into direct short circuit with isolator open14mA (max) Voltage at which isolator changes from open to closed or closedto open state3.8V to 11V Maximum switching current to isolator 1.5A Installation1. Fit the box in position using the mounting details below2. Connect the unit according to the diagram below3. Recommended Loop Cable Type: FIRETUF, FP200, MICC Notes:1. No addressing of the interface is required. See controlpanel operation for details.2. There are no serviceable parts so no maintenanceprocedures apply.3. When manually adding the MCOM, MCOM-R using theSite Installer PC software, the device type that must beselected is “I/O Unit”4. When manually adding the MCOM-S using the SiteInstaller PC software, the device type that must be selected is “Sounder”.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 25-13636-D November 2019Installation & User GuideEffective November 2019INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 25-13636-D November 2019Eaton EMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland TEL: +44 (0) 1302 321541FAX: +44 (0) 1302 303220********************************************© 2019 Eaton All Rights Reserved Eaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are property of their respective Eaton Electrical Systems Ltd.Wheatley Hall Road Doncaster DN2 4NBTEL: +44 (0) 1302 303303FAX: +44 (0) 1302 367155。










iostat 各项指标含义

iostat 各项指标含义

iostat 各项指标含义iostat -x 1 -d sdaDevice: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rsec/s wsec/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %utilsda 0.05 63.14 0.11 28.55 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.06 2.11 0.69 1.97rrqm/s: 每秒进行merge 的读操作数目。

即delta(rmerge)/swrqm/s: 每秒进行merge 的写操作数目。

即delta(wmerge)/sr/s: 每秒完成的读I/O 设备次数。

即delta(rio)/sw/s: 每秒完成的写I/O 设备次数。

即delta(wio)/srsec/s: 每秒读扇区数。

即delta(rsect)/swsec/s: 每秒写扇区数。

即delta(wsect)/srkB/s: 每秒读K字节数。

是rsect/s 的一半,因为每扇区大小为512字节。

wkB/s: 每秒写K字节数。

是wsect/s 的一半。

avgrq-sz: 平均每次设备I/O操作的数据大小(扇区)。

即delta(rsect+wsect)/delta(rio+wio) avgqu-sz: 平均I/O队列长度。

即delta(aveq)/s/1000 (因为aveq的单位为毫秒)。

await: 平均每次设备I/O操作的等待时间(毫秒)。

即delta(ruse+wuse)/delta(rio+wio) svctm: 平均每次设备I/O操作的服务时间(毫秒)。

即delta(use)/delta(rio+wio)%util: 一秒中有百分之多少的时间用于I/O 操作,或者说一秒中有多少时间I/O 队列是非空的1.磁盘I/O性能监控命令1)iostat命令iostat 命令主要通过观察物理磁盘的活动时间以及他们的平均传输速度,监控系统输入/ 输出设备负载。

根据iostat 命令产生的报告,用户可确定一个系统配置是否平衡,并据此在物理磁盘与适配器之间更好地平衡输入/ 输出负载。



Check the items supplied in the package.This product, which is waterproof to IPX5/IPX7 standards, is designed to ensure normal operation in water at a specified pressure.Speaker unit (1)USB charging cable (1)User’s Manual (this document)Part NamesCharge the battery from your PC via the USB charging cable included in the package.The LED lamp is turned off when the battery is fully charged.* It takes up to 4.5 hours to fully charge the battery.The LED lamp is lit red while the battery is charged.(1) Connect the USB charging cable to the unit.(2) Connect the USB charging cable to your PC.To charge the battery from your PC❑blue for one second before the unit turns on.❑for one second before the unit turns off.turn off.)Turning on/off the unit(1) Before using the unit, charge the battery by connecting the unit to your PC.* To use the unit on the battery, charge the battery before starting the pairing procedure.* If the unit is turned on before starting the pairing procedure, turn off the unit.(3) Follow the pairing procedure of the Bluetooth device to be connected to the unit.* Check the pairing procedure in the user’s manual for the Bluetooth device to be connected to the unit.* When the unit is detected by the Bluetooth device, “LBT-SPWP100” will appear on the display of the Bluetooth device.* When a link key is requested, enter [0000] (four zeros). (The link key may be requested with such terms as “PIN code” and “password.”)* If the unit is turned on before starting the pairing procedure, turn off the unit.(2) Open the iPhone’s “Settings” screen.(3) On the “General” menu, turn “Bluetooth” on.(4) Detected Bluetooth devices are listed. Select “LBT-SPWP100.”(5) When the pairing procedure is completed, a signal will sound.starting from the oldest, to register new ones. A device that is registered twice or more is identified as one device.The pairing procedure cannot be started while a Bluetooth connection is established between the unit and a registered device. Terminate the connection and turn off the unit.* Note that the pairing procedure cannot be started while the unit is connected to a device via an audio cable.[Basic] Pairing procedureEx. Pairing the unit with an iPhone* When the unit is connected to an audio device via an audio cable, please do not use the unit in a wet or damp environment, because the watertight cap cannot be closed to ensure waterproof performance.* When a connection cannot be established, the unit tries to connect to devices with which a connection was previously * For some mobile phones, 1seg channels may not be changed.(1) Turn on the Bluetooth device.(2) Turn on the unit. -> The connection is automatically established.* The procedure may be different depending on the devices to be used. For more information, please refer to the * The music playing function will be interrupted during the call; the music playing function will resume when you hang up the phone.* For some mobile phones, it is necessary to stop playing music before redialing.❑ Making a callMake a call with your mobile phone. -> Your mobile phone is automatically connected to the unit. You can talk over the phone via the unit.follow the instructions of “How to switch the sound output mode during a call” below.❑ Redialing❑❑❑-> When the registration history is successfully initialized, the LED lamp will blink purple four times.or longer.❑❑ Adjusting the volume● Muting the microphone …… ● Increase the volume …… ● Reduce the volume ……… When the unit is connected to a device equipped with a 1seg tunerProcedure to establish a connection with a registered (paired) Bluetooth devicekeeping/using the unit, etc.* Batteries are consumables. The battery service time gradually decreases after the charging and discharging cycles, even if the batteries are used properly.* The battery performance deteriorates quickly if the unit is kept under high temperature conditions. Please keep the unit in a cool, well-ventilated location, away from direct sunlight.This operation is necessary to use the unit for the first time or to connect the unit to a new Bluetooth device.Warning⏹Other precautions⏹Precautions when using this product near medical devicesAny liquid entering this product may result in troubles, fire, or electric shock.Unexpected accidents (ex. accidental ingestion) may result.This product can be wirelessly connected to iPhones, mobile phones, etc. The setting procedures and precautions are different depending on the devices to be connected to this product. Carefully read the user’s manual for these devices and observe any precautions.If this product emits an abnormal odor or smoke, stop using this product immediately. Turn off the power, or while charging the battery, unplug the USB charging cable (included in the package) from your PC. After doing this, consult the retailer from whom you purchased this product.This product is a precision electronic device. Avoid using/keeping this product in a location that is subject to high temperature, high humidity or direct sunlight for many hours. When subject to significant temperature changes in the environment, this product may malfunction due to condensation inside the product.Leaving this product in a hot car cabin for many hours will result in rupture of the built-in battery, sparking, and other troubles, posing significant danger.Static electricity or fouling may cause a malfunction or electric shock.Do not repair, modify or disassemble this product on your own, unless operational instructions to the contrary are given in this user’s manual. Electric shock, fire, or burns may result.When this product is paired with a mobile phone, a loud ringtone may give you a shock, which in turn mayresult in an accident or a heart attack. Gradually increase the volume from the minimum to set it appropriately.Fire and disconnection will result.The important precautions below must be strictly observed to ensure appropriate use and safe operation of this product.* The description below is based on the Guidelines Regarding the Use of Mobile Phone Terminals, etc., to Prevent Electromagnetic Effects on Electronic Medical Devices developed by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference Japan.●For individuals with implantable cardiac pacemakers/defibrillators, please keep this product at a distance of at least 22 cm from the place where the cardiac pacemaker/defibrillator is implanted when carrying or using this product. Electromagnetic waves may affect the operation of implantable cardiac pacemakers/defibrillators.●In crowded places (ex. packed trains), this product may affect the operation of implantable cardiac pacemakers/defibrillators located in the vicinity.●At medical institutions, observe the following rules in using this product:• Do not bring this product into operating rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), or coronary care units (CCUs).• Turn off the power of this product in hospital wards.• Turn off the power of this product in a lobby, etc., if medical electronic devices are present in the vicinity.• Follow the instructions of respective medical institutions that designate areas where it is prohibited to use or bring in Bluetooth devices, etc.●When using electronic devices other than implantable cardiac pacemakers/defibrillators outside medical institutions (ex. for recuperation at home), please contact manufacturers of medical electronic devices, etc., to obtain information regarding the impact of electromagnetic waves. The operation of medical electronic devices may be affected by electromagnetic waves.●Turn off the power of this product in areas where use of wireless devices is prohibited (ex. in airplanes or hospitals). Use of this product in such areas may affect electronic and medicaldevices and result in accidents.●Immediately stop using this product if automated electronic devices (ex. vehicles, elevators or automatic doors) are affected. Cruising or operational safety may be reduced.●Do not place vases, flowerpots, cups, liquid containers (ex. containing cosmetics, chemicals, or water) or small metal objects near this product. When using this product in outdoor applications, take precautions so that this product is not exposed to water. Fire, electric shock, or troubles may result if water or other liquids enter this product without the watertight cap being properly closed; in such events, immediately turn off the power of this product and contact the retailer from whom you purchased this product.Caution ●Do not use/keep this product in a wet or damp environment.●Do not keep this product within reach of small children.●Follow the user’s manual instructions of devices (ex. iPhones and mobile phones)to be connected to this product.●If trouble arises●Do not leave this product under high temperature conditions.●Never leave this product in a car.●Do not touch the metal parts of this product such as the power supply connectors and the charging cable’s connector terminals.●Do not disassemble this product.●Please take full precautions when setting the ringtone volume.●Do not damage cables that are connected to this product.⏹To ensure appropriate use and safe operationWarning is used to indicate practices that are likely to cause severe personal injury if relevant instructions are not followed properly.Caution is used to indicate practices that are likely to cause personal injury or only property damage if relevant instructions are not followed properly.⏹I cannot hear the person at the other end of the line.Some mobile phones are automatically switched to power-saving mode when silence continues for approx. 20 seconds or longer during a call. The person at the other end of the line cannot be heard if the sound input/output is disabled. In such a case, press the multifunction button on this product and disable the power -saving mode on your mobile phone.⏹I cannot turn on the power of this product.Charge the battery before turning on this product, or reset the hardware.⏹I hear noises and echoes.Change the distance from a device that is paired with this product, or adjust the volume, etc.⏹I cannot receive a call by pressing the multifunction button.For some mobile phones, this product’s multifunction button must be pressed several times when receiving a call. If you press the multifunction button once and cannot receive a call, press the multifunction button several times.⏹The person at the other end of the line cannot hear me.For some mobile phones, manual settings are required to activate the microphone of this product. If the microphone is disabled, the person at the other end of the line will not be able to hear the sound picked up with the microphone of this product.⏹An incoming call is forwarded to the answering service before I receive it.If the interval setting from detection of an incoming call to forwarding to the answering service is short, the call is forwarded to the answering service before it is forwarded to this product. In such a case, extend the interval from detection of an incoming call to forwarding to the answering service.⏹I cannot pair this product with a Bluetooth device.Check that the Bluetooth function of the device is available. Y ou need to establish the connection again if the pairing mode is off due to timeout.Check that your device is compatible with this product’s profiles.⏹I cannot hear the ringtone melody/ringtone.Even if a ringtone melody is set on your mobile phone, an ordinary ringtone will be heard from this product. The ringtone melody set on your mobile phone is not available on this product. For some mobile phones, the “handsfree ringing for incoming calls” setting on a Bluetooth device needs to be configured to cause this product to ring as well (ex. “Ring a paired device”).industrial/scientific/medical devices, etc., as well as in-plant radio stations (requiring a license) and specified low-power radio stations (not requiring a license) for identifying mobile objects in production lines, etc.●Before using this product, check that in-plant/specified low-power radio stations for identifying mobile objects are not in operation in the vicinity.●If this product gives rise to electromagnetic wave interference on in-plant radio stations for identifying mobile objects, immediately stop transmission of electromagnetic waves from this product and contact ELECOM (contact information provided below) to obtain information regarding measures for avoiding interference, etc. (ex. installation of partition walls).●If this product gives rise to electromagnetic wave interference on specified low-power radio stations for identifying mobile objects, or if other troubles occur, please contact ELECOM.modulation method2.4 :FH :1 : 2.4 FH 1The entire bandwidth is used, and it is impossible to avoid the specific bandwidth used by mobile object identification systems.The expected interference distanceis 10 meters or equipment that uses 2.4 GHzbandwidth●Make sure to close the watertight cap when using this product in a wet or damp environment. Make sure to remove any dust, hair, etc., that is present between the watertight cap and the main unit.●This product is a precision electronic device. Avoid using/keeping this product in an environment that is subject to impact/vibration, strong magnetic forces, static electricity, etc.⏹Discarding the productThis product uses a lithium polymer battery for its internal battery. The lithium polymer battery is a recyclable resource.When you no longer need to use this product and the battery, be sure to dispose of it in accordance with the local ordinances and laws of your area.The Bluetooth word mark and Bluetooth logo are all trademarks that are owned by the Bluetooth SIG and licensed out for use to ELECOM Co., Ltd. that are incorporating Bluetooth wireless technology into their products.Company names, product names, and other names in this manual are generally trademarks or registered trademarks.ELECOM CO., LTD.URL:******************.jp宜麗客(上海)貿易有限公司上海市徐匯区肇嘉浜路1065甲号飛雕国際大厦704 号電話 : 86-21-33680011FAX : 86-21-64271706URL : Korea Co., Ltd.5F Suam Bldg. 1358-17, Seocho2-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-862, Korea TEL : 1588-9514FAX : (02)3472-5533URL : ELECOM Singapore Pte. Ltd33 UBI AVENUE 3 # 03-56. VERTEX SINGAPORE (408868)TEL: (65)-6347-7747FAX: (65)-6753-1791ELECOM India Pvt. Ltd.408-Deepali Building, 92- Nehru Place, New Delhi-110 019, India TEL: 011-40574543e-mail:************************URL: /ednet gmbhOberliederbacher Weg 36 D-65843 Sulzbach/T aunus, Germany T elefon:+49 6196 8838 0T elefax:+49 6196 8838 111URL :。

超米克斯电导电缸EMI EMP防护胶体说明说明书

超米克斯电导电缸EMI EMP防护胶体说明说明书

36SealsUS Tel:781-935-4850 Fax:781-933-4318Europe Tel:(44) 1628 486030 Fax:(44) 1628 890053Conductive Elastomer EMI/EMP GasketsConductive Elastomer EMI/EMP GasketsChomerics has invented and extended virtually every aspect of conductive elastomer materials technology – from the earliest silver and silver/copper based silicones to the latest and more cost effective silver/aluminum composites. Parker Seal has significantly enhanced Chomerics’ capabilities, especially in manufacturing technology.Chomerics’ two types of conductive elastomers for EMI shielding are –CHO-SEAL®–homogeneous structure CHO-SIL®–reticular structure Each composite consists of a silicone, fluorosilicone, EPDM or fluorocarbon binder with a filler of either pure silver, silver-plated copper, silver-plated aluminum,silver-plated nickel, silver-platedglass or nickel-coated graphite. They all meet MIL-STD-810 requirements for fungus resistance.The development of Chomerics’conductive composites is the result of years of research and testing, bothin the laboratory and in the field. Our proprietary manufacturing techniques allow the precise dispersion of metal particles in resinous binders to producematerials with stable and consistentFigure 1Homogeneous Structure:CHO-SEAL materialsTest Procedure CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL (Type of Test) ¶1215*1285121712871298122412211239 s 1240 s Type (Ref. MIL-G-83528)Type A Type B Type C Type D Type D Type E Type F Type G Type H Elastomer Binder Silicone Silicone Fluoro-Fluoro-Fluoro-Silicone Fluoro-Silicone Silicone silicone silicone silicone silicone Conductive FillerAg/Cu Ag/Al Ag/Cu Ag/Al Passivated Ag Ag Ag/Cu Ag Ag/Al Volume Resistivity (ohm-cm, max.)MIL-G-83528as supplied (without pressure-Para. adhesive)Hardness (Shore A ±5)ASTM D2240 (Q/C)656575707065758080Specific Gravity (±.25)ASTM D792 (Q/C) 3.7 1.9 4.1/3.8§ 2.0 2.0 3.4 4.0 4.75 ±0.75 4.0Tensile Strength psi (MPa), min.ASTM D412 (Q/C)200 (1.38)200 (1.38)180 (1.24)180 (1.24)180 (1.24)300 (2.07)250 (1.72)600 (4.14)400 (2.76)Elongation, (percent, min.)ASTM D412 (Q/C)10010010060602001002090Tear Strength lb/in. (kN/m), min.ASTM D624 (Q/C)40/25§30 (5.25)35 (6.13)35 (6.13)35 (6.13)50 (8.75)40 (7.00)70 (12.25)60 (10.50)Compression Set 70 hrs @100°C ASTM D39532323530304560NA 60(percent, max.)§§Method B (Q)Low Temperature Flex, TR10 (°C, min.)ASTM D1329 (Q)–65–65–55–55–55–65–65NA –55Maximum Continuous Use (Q)125160/200125160/200160/200160/200160/200125160Temperature (°C)**200 kHz (H Field)7060705555707070––100 MHz (E Field)120115120110110120120110110500 MHz (E Field)MIL-G-83528120110120100100120120 110110 2GHz (Plane Wave)Para. 4.6.12 (Q)120105115959512012011011010 GHz (Plane Wave)1201001109090120120110110Heat Aging MIL-G-835280.0100.0100.0150.0150.0150.0100.0100.0100.008Para. 4.6.15 (Q/C)Vibration During MIL-G-83528 (Q)0.0060.0120.0150.0150.0150.0100.0100.0100.006Resistance AfterPara. 4.6.13 (Q)0.0040.0080.0100.0120.0120.0020.0020.0070.005Post Tensile Set MIL-G-835280.0080.0150.0150.0150.0150.0100.010NA 0.006Volume Resistivity Para. 4.6.9 (Q/C)EMP Survivability MIL-G-83528>0.9>0.9>0.9>0.9>0.9>0.9>0.9>0.9>0.9(kA per in. perimeter)Para. 4.6.16 (Q)CONDUCTIVE ELASTOMER SPECIFICATIONSS h i e l d i n g E f f e c t i v e n e s s (s e e n o t e b e l o w )E l e c t r i c a l S t a b i l i t y(o h m -c m , m a x .)(d B , m i n .)Table 1*Extruded version of 1215 formerly designated 1250; extruded version of 1401 formerly designated 1405.**Where two values are shown. First represents max. operating temp. for conformance to MIL-G-83528 (which requires Group A life testing at 1.25 times max. operating temp.) Second value represents practical limit for exposure up to 1000 hours (compressed between flanges 7-10%). Single value conforms to both definitions.§Second value applies to extruded forms only.§§Compression set is expressed as a percentage of deflection per ASTM D395 Method B.,at 25% deflection. To determine percent recovery, subtract 1/4 of stated compression set value from 100%. For example, in the case of 30% compression set, recovery is 92.5%.¶Q = Qualification C = QC Conformance NA = Not ApplicableNote:It may not be inferred that the same level of shielding effectiveness provided by a gasket material tested in the fixture per MIL-G-83528 Para. 4.6.12 would be provided in an actual equipment flange, sincemany mechanical factors of the flange design (tolerances, stiffness, fastener location, and size, etc.) could lower or enhance shielding effectiveness. This procedure provides data applicable only to the test fix-ture design of MIL-G-83528, but which is useful for making comparisons between different gasket materials.s Not available in extruded form.37SealsUS Tel:781-935-4850 Fax:781-933-4318Europe Tel:(44) 1628 486030 Fax:(44) 1628 890053electrical and physical properties.Chomerics controls all aspects of the manufacturing process, including powder plating.The performance of these superior elastomers depends on many care-fully engineered factors, including the size and shape of the filler particles and their composition.For most applications, CHO-SEAL materials are preferred over CHO-SIL materials, owing to their superior physical properties and excellent shielding performance.Table 1 outlines the properties and specification limits of Chomerics’conductive elastomers. Refer also to our “EMI Shielding Theory and Design Guide”in this handbookfor further assistance in material selection.We recommend that users ofconductive elastomer gaskets specify that materials meet the requirements of MIL-G-83528 and be procured from MIL-G-83528 QPL sources.T o avoid the risk of system EMI or environmental seal failure, anychange in conductive elastomer seal supplier (including MIL-G-83528 QPL suppliers)should be preceded by thorough system qualification testing.Since these materials contain silver,packaging and storage conditions should be similar to those for other silver-containing components, such as relays or switches. They should be stored in sheet plastic, such as poly-ester or polyethylene and kept awayfrom sulphur-containing materials such as sulphur-cured neoprene,cardboard, etc. To remove dirt, clean with water or alcohol containing mild soap (do not use aromatic or chlorinated solvents).Chomerics also manufactures commercial grade conductive elas-tomer gaskets. Contact Chomerics for additional information.Figure 2Reticulate Structure:CHO-SIL materialsTable 1continuedCONDUCTIVE ELASTOMER SPECIFICATIONSCHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SIL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SIL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL CHO-SEAL 1212s 1278s 1401*13501501s1485L6303S6304S6305E6306sV6433sE6434sType K Type L ––––––––––––––––––––Silicone Silicone Silicone Silicone Silicone Silicone Fluoro-Silicone Silicone EPDM Fluoro-EPDM silicone carbon Ag/Cu Ag/Ni Ag Ag/Glass Ag Ag/Al Ni/C Ni/C Ni/C Ni/C Ag/Ni Ag/Ni 0.0050.0050.0100. (±7)6065 (±10)55 (±10)65 (±10)75 (±7)85 (±7)75 (±7)3.5 4.0 1.6 1.8 2.7 (typ.) 1.7 2.3 1.92 1.9 4.8 3.9400 (2.76)200 (1.38)200 (1.38)150 (1.03)80 (0.55)180 (1.24)150 (1.30)150 (1.03)200 (1.38)200 (1.38)400 (2.76)200 (1.38)100100/3007575NA 1002001001007510020040 (7.00)30 (5.34)20 (3.50)25 (4.375)20 (3.50)30 (5.25)35 (6.13)35 (6.13)50 (8.75)70 (12.25)70 (12.25)75 (13.125)353230308030253030404540–45–55–55–55NA –40–45–45–45–45–25–45125125160/200**160160/200**85150150150125200125707060506050NA NA NA –– ––––1201201001001001001001001009510510512012010010010010010010010090100100120115909090901001001008590851201108080 80801001001008590850.0100.0100.150.01NA 0.060.25†0.25†0.25†10††0.008†††0.0125††0.0100.0100.015NA NA 0.060.1NS 0.1NA NA NA 0.0050.0050.01NA 0.1NA NA NA 0.0100.0100.020.01NA NA ––––––NA ––––>0.9>0.9***NS>0.3>*** CHO-SIL 1401 degrades electrically after simulated EMP current levels less than 0.9kA per in. NA = Not Applicable NS = Not Survivable s Not available in extruded form.† Heat aging condition: 150°C/48 hrs.††Heat aging condition: 125°C/48 hrs.†††Heat aging condition: 200°C/48 hrs.Note:It may not be inferred that the same level of shielding effectiveness provided by a gasket material tested in the fixture per MIL-G-83528 Para. 4.6.12 would be provided in an actualequipment flange, since many mechanical factors of the flange design (tolerances, stiffness, fastener location, and size, etc.) could lower or enhance shielding effectiveness. This procedure provides data applicable only to the test fixture design of MIL-G-83528, but which is useful for making comparisons between different gasket materials.。







iostat使用了以下几个/proc文件来获取磁盘I/O信息:1. /proc/diskstats:该文件提供了有关每个磁盘的统计信息,包括读写次数、读写扇区数、读写延迟等。


2. /proc/stat:该文件提供了有关CPU的统计信息,包括用户态、系统态、空闲态等CPU利用率。



二、iostat的使用方法iostat命令的使用方法如下:$ iostat [选项] [时间间隔] [次数]选项常用的有:-c:显示CPU利用率报表;-d:显示磁盘I/O报表;-k:以KB为单位显示报表;-m:以MB为单位显示报表;-N:显示网络I/O报表。


例如,iostat -d 1 3表示每秒刷新一次磁盘I/O报表,共显示3次。

三、iostat报表的解读iostat的报表包含了大量的信息,下面是对常见的几个字段进行解读:1. Device:磁盘设备的名称;2. tps:每秒传输的I/O请求个数,即每秒的I/O事务数;3. kB_read/s:每秒读取的数据量,以KB为单位;4. kB_wrtn/s:每秒写入的数据量,以KB为单位;5. kB_read:读取的总数据量,以KB为单位;6. kB_wrtn:写入的总数据量,以KB为单位;7. svctm:平均I/O请求的服务时间,以毫秒为单位;8. %util:磁盘的利用率,即磁盘忙碌的百分比。

CP-系列Expansion I O Unit和Expansion I O Unit用户指南说明书

CP-系列Expansion I O Unit和Expansion I O Unit用户指南说明书

41(10)Input IndicatorsThe input indicators light when input terminal contacts turn ON.(11)Expansion I/O Unit ConnectorCP-series Expansion I/O Units and Expansion Units (Analog I/O Units,Temperature Sensor Units, CompoBus/S I/O Link Units, or DeviceNet I/O Link Units) can be connected. Up to three Expansion Units or Expansion I/O Units can be connected to a CPU Unit with 30, 40 or 60 I/O points and one Expansion Unit or Expansion I/O Unit can be connected to a CPU Unit with 20 or 14 I/O points. (For details on using Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units, refer to SECTION 7 Using Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units .)(12)Output IndicatorsThe output indicators light when output terminal contacts turn ON.(13)External Power Supply and Output T erminal Block2-1-2CP1W-CIF01 RS-232C Option BoardsAn RS-232C Option Board can be mounted to an Option Board slot on the CPU Unit. With a CPU Unit with 30, 40 or 60 I/O points, either Option Board slot may be used.When mounting an Option Board, first remove the slot cover. Grasp both of the cover's up/down lock levers at the same time to unlock the cover, and then pull the cover out.Then to mount the Option Board, check the alignment and firmly press it in until it snaps into place.!Caution Always turn OFF the power supply to the PLC before mounting or removingan Option Board.External power supply terminalsCPU Units with AC power supply specifications have external 24-VDC, 300-mA, power supply terminals. (except for the CP1L-L @DR-A, which has a 200-mA power supply terminals). They can be used as service power supplies for input devices.Output terminalsUsed for connecting output devices.42RS-232C Connector2-1-3CP1W-CIF11/CIF12 RS-422A/485 Option BoardsAn RS-422A/485 Option Board can be mounted to an Option Board slot on the CPU Unit. With a CPU Unit with 30, 40 or 60 I/O points, either Option Board slot may be used.When mounting an Option Board, first remove the slot cover. Grasp both of the cover's up/down lock levers at the same time to unlock the cover, and then pull the cover out.Then to mount the Option Board, check the alignment and firmly press it in until it snaps into place.!Caution Always turn OFF the power supply to the PLC before mounting or removingan Option Board.RS-422A/485 Terminal Block43SpecificationsSection 2-2DIP Switch for Operation SettingsNote (1)Set both pins 2 and 3 to either ON (2-wire) or OFF (4-wire).(2)To disable the echo-back function, set pin 5 to ON (RS control enabled).(3)When connecting to a device on the N side in a 1: N connection with the4-wire method, set pin 6 to ON (RS control enabled).Also, when connecting by the 2-wire method, set pin 6 to ON (RS control enabled).2-2Specifications2-2-1CP1L CPU UnitsGeneral SpecificationsPin Settings1ON ON (both ends)Terminating resistance selection OFF OFF 2ON 2-wire 2-wire or 4-wire selection (See note 1.)OFF 4-wire 3ON 2-wire 2-wire or 4-wire selection (See note 1.)OFF 4-wire4------Not used.5ON RS control enabledRS control selection for RD (See note 2.)OFFRS control disabled (Data always received.)6ON RS control enabledRS control selection for SD (See note 3.)OFFRS control disabled (Data always sent.)Power supplyAC power supply DC power supplyModel numbers60 I/O points CP1L-M60DR-A,CP1L-M60DT -A CP1L-M60DR-D, CP1L-M60DT-D, orCP1L-M60DT1-D 40 I/O points CP1L-M40DR-A,CP1L-M40DT -A CP1L-M40DR-D, CP1L-M40DT-D, orCP1L-M40DT1-D30 I/O points CP1L-M30DR-A,CP1L-M30DT -A CP1L-M30DR-D, CP1L-M30DT-D, orCP1L-M30DT1-D20 I/O pointsCP1L-L20DR-A,CP1L-L20DT-A,or CP1L-J20DR-A CP1L-L20DR-D, CP1L-L20DT-D, CP1L-L20DT1-D, CP1L-J20DR-D, orCP1L-J20DT1-D14 I/O pointsCP1L-L14DR-A,CP1L-L14DT-A,or CP1L-J14DR-A,CP1L-L14DR-D, CP1L-L14DT-D, CP1L-L14DT1-D, CP1L-J14DR-D, orCP1L-J14DT1-D 10 I/O pointsCP1L-L10DR-A,CP1L-L10DT-ACP1L-L10DR-D, CP1L-L10DT-D, orCP1L-L10DT1-DPower supply100 to 240 VAC 50/60 Hz24 VDCOperating voltage range85 to 264 VAC20.4 to 26.4 VDC。

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a r X i v :0805.2022v 1 [p h y s i c s .a t o m -p h ] 14 M a y 2008EPJ manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)Isotope shifts of 6s5d 3D-states in neutral bariumU.Dammalapati a ,S.De,K.Jungmann,and L.WillmannKernfysisch Versneller Instituut,University of Groningen,Zernikelaan 25,9747AA Groningen,The NetherlandsMay 14,2008ser spectroscopy of the low lying 1P and 3D states in atomic barium has been performed.This work contributes substantially to the development of an effective laser cooling and trapping for heavy alkaline earth elements and aims in particular for a better understanding of the atomic wave function of these systems.Isotope shifts and hyperfine structures are ideal probes for the wave functions at the position of the nucleus.This is essential input for a theoretical evaluation of the sensitivity to fundamental symmetry breaking properties like permanent electric dipole moments.We report the first isotope shift measurements of the 3D 1,2-1P 1transitions.A deviation of the King plot from its expected behavior has been observed.Further we have optically resolved the hyperfine structure of the 3D 1,2states.PACS.4 2.62.Fi,39.30.+w,32.80.Pj1IntroductionRecently heavy alkaline earth atoms have attracted at-tention due to high enhancement factors for possible per-manent electric dipole moment (edm’s),both of electrons and nuclei in several isotopes which have nuclear spin.Of particular interest are radium (Ra)isotopes which ex-hibit the largest known enhancement factors for an elec-tron edm and for nucleon edm in nuclei.These arise from close lying states of opposite parity [1,2]in the atomic shell (3P and 3D)or in the nucleus where they are associ-ated with octopole deformations in some nuclei near the region of the valley of stability [3,4].In order to conduct such research a good understanding of the atomic struc-ture,i.e.wave functions,transition probabilities,lifetimes,and hyperfine structure splitting,is needed.At this time atomic structure calculations with independent numerical approaches are underway [5].Sensitive experiments with rare or radioactive isotopes such as Ra require samples of laser cooled and trapped atoms.Experiments are prepared at Argonne National Laboratory,Il,USA [6]and at the TRI µP facility at the Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut,The Netherlands [7,8].The development of an effective method for laser cool-ing and trapping is indispensable.Elaborate laser cooling schemes need to be explored.They involve several lasers at the same time.Barium (Ba),a chemical homologue to Ra,has a similar level structure and is well suited for the development of the technical method due to the copious availability of a large number of stable isotopes.In atomic Ba,the 6s 21S 0-6s6p 1P 1transition (Fig.1)is the strongest transition.It is the only option for laser cooling and trapping in the ground state.The upper state2U.Dammalapati et al.:Isotope shifts of 6s5d 3D-states in Ba36s5d 21Lower λLevel (k)[nm]1P 1λ1 1.19(1)a λir 10.0025(2)a λir 20.0011(2)a λir 30.000031(5)a1S 0791.33D 22923.03D 12775.71P 13D 2τ0.25s[15]1345(14)ns[16]Table 2.Lifetimes of the 1P 1,1D 2,3D 2and 3P 1states.The reference [14,16]quote experimental values and [15]quote cal-culated values.The experimental apparatus (Fig.2)is designed to ful-fill two requirements:First,the production of an atomic beam of metastable D-state atoms by optical pumping.Second,infrared laser spectroscopy of the metastable states.The setup provides two separate interaction zones of the atomic beam with laser beams.We observe the transitions originating from the metastable D-states by fluorescence at the wavelength λ1.In this paper we focus on the 3D states.2.1Isotope selective metastable productionMetastable atoms in the D-states are produced by opti-cal pumping with a laser beam orthogonal to the atomic velocity direction.Isotope selective production can be ac-complished either by driving the 6s 21S 0-6s6p 1P 1transi-tion at wavelength λ1=553.7nm followed by spontaneousIsotope pairIsotope shift [MHz]at λ2-215.15(16)-128.02(39)-259.29(17)-143.0(5)U.Dammalapati et al.:Isotope shifts of6s5d3D-states in Ba34U.Dammalapati et al.:Isotope shifts of 6s5d 3D-states in Ba100020003000-150-100-5050100150200250300138B a136B a134B aIaFrequency [MHz ]C o u n t [1/s ]20004000-150-100-5050100150200250300IbFrequency [MHz ]C o u n t [1/s ]100020003000-150-100-5050100150200250300IIaFrequency [MHz ]C o u n t [1/s ]5000100001500020000-150-100-50050100150200250300IIbFrequency [MHz ]C o u n t [1/s ]Fig. 5.Isotope shift for 138Ba,136Ba,134Ba at wavelength λir 3.Spectra Ia and Ib,respectively IIa and IIb,are taken si-multaneously.(Ia)Selecting 134Ba.Because the isotope shift at wavelength λ2of the pumping transition is small,we pop-ulate also the other isotopes at the same time.(Ib)and (IIa)Selecting 136Ba and (IIb)138Ba.The strength of the signal scales with the natural abundance of the selected isotope.A Lorentzian lineshape is fitted to the resonances.The frequency can be given relative to the transition in 138Ba.3.2Odd isotopes In the odd isotopes we have hyperfine structure multi-plets.The hyperfine levels in the triplet D-states are pop-ulated by locking the diode laser to the 1S 0(F =3/2)-3P 1(F =3/2)transition,which is shifted by -925.6(1.0)MHz relative to the transition in 138Ba.The selection rules al-low to populate the F =1/2,3/2and 5/2states of the 3D 1level for 137Ba and 135Ba.The hyperfine structure splitting of the 3P 1state inBa isotopes with nuclear spin I =3/2has been measured before with high accuracy by optical-rf double-resonance,using a hollow cathode lamp as a light source [21].Thehyperfine structure of the 3D 1state was determined byan atomic beam magnetic resonance method [22].We have measured the hyperfine spectrum of 137Ba and 135Ba isotopes for the 3D 1-1P 1transition simultane-ously by selecting the isotopes through optical pumping using the intercombination line.The laser frequency at λir 3is scanned over the entire set of hyperfine lines which are spreaded over more than 2GHz (Fig.6).All the seven transitions can be fitted with a sum of Lorentzian func-0100020003000400050006000-1.5-1-0.500.51Frequency offset [GHz]F l u o r e s c e n c e [C t s /s ]100020003000400050006000-1.5-1-0.500.51Frequency offset [GHz]F l u o r e s c e n c e [C t s /s ]Fig.6.Measured hyperfine spectra for the 3D 1-1P 1transition for 137Ba and 135Ba.The frequency axis is relative to the same transition in 138Ba.Each frequency point was measured for 1second.tionsF ν=C +7 i =1A iΓ/2)2,(1)where C represents the background counts,i is the index of the hyperfine components,A i is the amplitude of each component,Γis the full width at half maximum and νi is the center of the hyperfine component.From the fit we obtain Γ=20(1)MHz,which is in good agreement withthe natural linewidth of the transition.We derived the isotope shift between the isotopes 137Ba and 135Ba from the measured hyperfine spectra.We deter-mine the difference frequencies ∆ν1(Tab.4)of all seven hyperfine components.With the known hyperfine split-tings of the 3D 1[22]and 1P 1-states [9]we calculate the difference ∆ν2for all hyperfine transitions of the two iso-topes.Thus,the isotope shift ∆νIS is ∆νIS =∆ν1+∆ν2,(2)where the difference in the hyperfine structure ∆ν2for the two isotopes is ∆ν2=[∆νhfs (3D 1)∆νhfs (1P 1)]137(3)−[∆νhfs (3D 1)−(∆νhfs (1P 1)]135.(4)We note that the error is smallest where the transitions nearly coincide in frequency ((5/2→5/2)and (5/2→3/2)).Here,the effect of the uncertainty of the frequency calibra-tion of the fiber laser is minimal.The average over all seven values for ∆νIS yields an isotope shift of -75.3(5)MHz be-tween 137Ba and 135Ba.U.Dammalapati et al.:Isotope shifts of 6s5d 3D-states in Ba5Odd isotopes:3D 1-1P 1transitionTransition ∆ν2[MHz][MHz]-229.3(3.3)-78.4(3.3)1/2→1/297.8(0.6)-143.2(2.6)-81.1(2.6)3/2→3/253.8(0.4)-76.2(2.2)-75.5(2.3)5/2→5/2-68.5(0.3)1.2(1.0)-75.5(1.1)Table 4.Isotope shifts between 137Ba and 135Ba for the6s5d 3D 1-6s6p 1P 1transition.The measured frequency differ-ence ∆ν1of corresponding hyperfine transitions and the differ-ence in thehyperfine splitting ∆ν2of the involved states from literature [9,22]are given.Isotope pair3D 2-1P 1[MHz]-59.3(6)-144.1(1.0)-84.8(8)114(4)39(4)-75.3(5)m pA 1−A 2A 1A 2,(7)where F SMS is a constant for a specific transition and it is insensitive to the nuclear moments.It can be derived from theory.The field shift arises due to the change in the spatial distribution of the nuclear charge between the different isotopes and is-10001000-2500-2000-1500-1000-5005001000∆νM 3D 1 [GHz ]∆νM 3D 2 [G H z ](a)(138,136)(136,134)(138,134)(138,137)1000200030004000-5005001000150020002500300035004000∆νM 1P 1 [GHz ]∆νM 3P 1 [G H z ](b)(138,136)(136,134)(137,135)(138,134)(138,137)(138,135)-2000-10001000-10001000200030004000∆νM 1P 1 [GHz ]∆νM 3D 1 [G H z ](c)(138,136)(136,134)(137,135)(138,134)(138,137)(138,135)Fig.7.King plot for the measured modified isotope shifts ∆M of the 3D 1-1P 1and 3D 2-1P 1transitions in Ba isotopes.A linear correlation is found for the transitions at the wavelengths λir 2and λir 3(a)as well as at the wavelengths λ1and λ2(b).For the the wavelength pair λir 2and λ1we find a deviation (c).There is a linear dependence for pairs of even-even isotopes which differs from the relation for odd-odd and even-odd pairs of isotopes.The data for λ1and λ2are taken from [17].δνF S =F δ r 2 ,(8)where F is a factor depending on the electronic config-uration and r 2 is the expectation value of the square of the radius of the charge distribution in the nucleus.This term provides information on the overlap of the electron wavefunctions with the nucleus.6U.Dammalapati et al.:Isotope shifts of6s5d3D-states in Ba Isotope shifts for different transitions are often com-pared using a King plot[23].Here,the modified isotopeshifts∆νM,which is given asA1A2∆νM=(∆νIS−∆νNMS)×U.Dammalapati et al.:Isotope shifts 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