6j-symbols for symmetric representations of SO(n) as the double series









newmark法的基本框架可以表示为:\[ M\Delta \ddot{u}^{n+1} + C\Delta\dot{u}^{n+1} +Ku^{n+1} = P^n \]其中\(M\)是结构的质量矩阵,\(C\)是结构的阻尼矩阵,\(K\)是结构的刚度矩阵,\(\Delta \ddot{u}^{n+1}\)是时间步长\(n+1\)时刻的加速度增量,\(\Delta\dot{u}^{n+1}\)是时间步长\(n+1\)时刻的速度增量,\(u^{n+1}\)是时间步长\(n+1\)时刻的位移,\(P^n\)是时间步长\(n\)时刻的外部荷载。







功 的概率分别记为 , s P, , 。 和 . 仲裁人 了解通信系统的全部但 不参与通信活动 , 只有 当发方与收方发生争执时, 才出面解 决争端 , 因此假定仲裁者总是诚实的. 文献 『 利用非奇异 辛几 何构造 了一个无仲 裁的认证码, 献f 6利用 非奇异酉几何 、非奇 2 1 文 31 — 异辛几何构造 了一系列带仲裁 的认证码, 文献f 利用奇异辛几何构造 了一个带仲 裁的认证码, 7 1 这 些结果极大地丰 富了有限典型群的几何学在认证码构造 方面的应用. 本文 利用奇异酉几何构造 了一个新的带仲裁 的认证码, 并计算 了这个码的参数与各种 攻击成功 的概率. 所有酉几何中的符号及计数公式见文献f . 8 1
设F。 日 是具有q个元素的有限域, 其中q 是素数幂. 定义F: q 的对合自同构, 面=a, 0 q 任意 取n q. ∈F 它是一个二阶自同构, 其不变域是F . q

I:I ) 0 l
/ 0

0) (/ 1
I .
上满足 = 的所有( +f×( +/ 2 ) 2 ) u 阶非奇异矩阵构成一个群, 称为F。:v 级, q 2 +f J 秩为2 的奇异酉群, 用 外1uF。 , (a 来表示. 2 ) 设 蚪 q 是F。 上的( 2 +z ) 维向量空间. 定义 外 (q 在 蚪 F。 ) 上的作用如下:
证 1 )由sc U上 任取s∈S 可 设 , ,
/ ‘ 0 0 0 0 0 0、 , I 1 R 0 2 0 R 0 1 R 0 3l 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 1 J
\ 0 0 0 0 0 Ik 1 0 / ( ) .
并 定义:
加密函数.: 厂 S×E M, ,T H =s T T ( e) m 8 +e ; 解密函数g: ×E M R u{ 欺诈) , ( e) m ̄R H 8 , { 欺诈) ,


Ab t a t t i a s me h t t e t n mi e n h e ev r t s a h o h r a d t e o n tc e t i r d t n l sr c :I s su d t a h r s t r a d t e r c ie r t e c t e n h y d o h a n a t i o a a t u a i
u c n i o al e u e a t e t ai n c d .Bu ti n ta w y i e t i , rn mi e y d n e d n n o d t n y s c r u h n i t o e i l c o ti s o l a s l h s a ta s t r ma e y s n i g a k t
第2 9卷
Байду номын сангаас
第 5期
中 国 民 航 大 学 学 报
V0 _ 9 l No5 2 . 0co e 2 1 tb r 0l
21 0 1年 1 0月
利用有 限域上二元多项式构造带仲裁的认证码
c re p n e c y t m.An a t e t a in c d t r i ai n f m i a y p l n mil v r f i ed s orso d n es s e u h n i t o e wi a b t t r c o h r o o b n r oy o a s o e n t f l s i i ei
me s g ih h cu l e t a d a r c ie y t o c n tu t a fa ln s a e o e af o h s a e wh c e a t al s n n e ev r ma r t o sr c r u e t me s g n b h l f t e y y



(0,2) 插值||(0,2) interpolation0#||zero-sharp; 读作零井或零开。

0+||zero-dagger; 读作零正。

1-因子||1-factor3-流形||3-manifold; 又称“三维流形”。

AIC准则||AIC criterion, Akaike information criterionAp 权||Ap-weightA稳定性||A-stability, absolute stabilityA最优设计||A-optimal designBCH 码||BCH code, Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codeBIC准则||BIC criterion, Bayesian modification of the AICBMOA函数||analytic function of bounded mean oscillation; 全称“有界平均振动解析函数”。

BMO鞅||BMO martingaleBSD猜想||Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture; 全称“伯奇与斯温纳顿-戴尔猜想”。

B样条||B-splineC*代数||C*-algebra; 读作“C星代数”。

C0 类函数||function of class C0; 又称“连续函数类”。

CA T准则||CAT criterion, criterion for autoregressiveCM域||CM fieldCN 群||CN-groupCW 复形的同调||homology of CW complexCW复形||CW complexCW复形的同伦群||homotopy group of CW complexesCW剖分||CW decompositionCn 类函数||function of class Cn; 又称“n次连续可微函数类”。




i e s n to y te t n mi e ,a s c e su mp ro ai n b h e e v ra d a s c e s ls b t u in b mp ro ai n b h r s t r u c sf li e s n t y t e r c i e n u c s f u si t y a t o u t o
其 中
的秩 为 2。 r 从而 P是一 个含 于 并 且满 足
中所 有元 素正交 的 向量 组成 的集合 , 则
( v) 2
与 的 和 为 ( r 型 子 空 间 的 ( m,) m—m. ) 子 空 一m , 型 r
P ∈ =
,1 、
K =0 V 期
中 国 民 航 大 学 学 报
V0 . 9 12 No 1 .
21 0 1年 2月
F b ay 2 1 e r r 01 u
基 于 辛几 何 构 作 一 类新 的 带仲 裁 的认 证 码
显 然 , 知 ) G 勘 F ) 一 个 子 群 , 定 义 ( 是 L ( q的 则

( ) 在 驯上 的作 用如 下

x S Fq— p ) Fq
基 金 项 目 : 津 市 自然 科 学 基 金 项 目 ( 8 G J 1 9 0) 中 国 民航 大 学 科 研 项 目( 9 A C S 2 天 0 J YB G 3 0 ; 0C U — 0 )
称 为 维 非迷 向子空 间 。
设 P是 F 中的 m 维子 空 间 ,用 P 表 示 由与 P



1.基于交点符号法的凸多边形窗口的线裁剪算法 [J], 张剑达;张全伙
2.基于顶点间距离性质的凸多边形直径算法 [J], 蒋联源
3.求凸多边形直径的改进算法 [J], 戴海鹏;唐厚君
4.基于关节间夹角变化序列的动作识别算法研究 [J], 王松;党建武;王阳萍;杜晓刚
5.基于夹角符号序列的凸多边形直径优化算法 [J], 李博;刘润涛;余存光


ef i t t su e f c n.I i sd i XML t p h c igb s do e ua reg a ie n y ec e k a e nrg l t rmma i i on r d ci ls n r e rw t d ̄ it o u t n r e . h p o u
ga r mma t ion rd ci ue. An a oi m i d sr e ,whc ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้c s te itret n b t e wo a tmaa rwi d jitpo ut n rls h s o l r h s eci d g t b i c ek h nesci e h o wen t uo t
Ke r s ywo d :XM L y ec e kn t p h c ig;rg lrte r mma ;p o u t n r ls ne scin c e kn e ua r eg a r r d ci ue ;itr e t h c ig;rg lre p eso a tmaa o o e ua x r sin u o t
su e Tei mli O I 1 ・ 2 ・∑ⅡU∑ E『 Tex r e os a h ot s n a t cd ht eo pxy t I I r t . c eti ( E I E I m s I 2) he emns w t i lr m s u d . pi t h t s g i i o dn ht a h
t ec n e tmo e fp o u t n r ls h o tn d l r d ci ue .whc e ua x r sin。t e h c st eitret no h woa t mao o — o o ih i arg lre pe so S h ni c ek h es ci f et uo tn i c n t n o t S

A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition The Wavelet ...

A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition The Wavelet ...

Manuscript received July 30. 1987: revised December 23. 1988. This work was supported under the following Contracts and Grants: NSF grant IODCR-84 1077 1. Air Force Grant AFOSR F49620-85-K-0018. Army DAAG-29-84-K-0061. NSF-CERiDC82-19196 Ao2. and DARPAiONR ARPA N0014-85-K-0807. The author is with the Department of Computer Science Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. New York University. New York, NY 10012. IEEE Log Number 8928052.
A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation
STEPHANE Gsolution representations are very effective for analyzing the information content of images. We study the properties of the operator which approximates a signal at a given resolution. We show that the difference of information between the approximation of a signal at the resolutions 2’ + ’ and 2jcan be extracted by decomposing this signal on a wavelet orthonormal basis of L*(R”). In LL(R ), a wavelet orthonormal basis is a family of functions ( @ w (2’ ~ n)) ,,,“jEZt, which is built by dilating and translating a unique function t+r(xl. This decomposition defines an orthogonal multiresolution representation called a wavelet representation. It is computed with a pyramidal algorithm based on convolutions with quadrature mirror lilters. For images, the wavelet representation differentiates several spatial orientations. We study the application of this representation to data compression in image coding, texture discrimination and fractal analysis. Index Terms-Coding, fractals, multiresolution pyramids, ture mirror filters, texture discrimination, wavelet transform. quadra-



外文字符书稿中使用外文字母表示科学技术中的概念、术语时,使用正确的字型字体是很重要 的。

以下分别对数学、生命科学、物理、化学和其他情况中使用的外文字母符号的正斜体、 黑体、大小写加以说明。

数学符号白正体 函数符号:指数函数 e ;对数函数 log,ln,lg;三角函数sin,cos,tan(tg),cot,sec,csc(cosec);反三角函数arcsin,arccos,arctan(arctg),arccot,arcsec,arccsc(arccosec) ;双曲函数 sinh(sh),cosh(ch),tanh(th),coth,sech,csch(cosech);反双曲函数 arsinh(arsh),arcosh(arch),artanh(arth),arcoth,ar sech,Arcsch(arcosech)特殊函数F(超几何函数),Γ(伽马函数),Β(贝塔函数),erf(误差函数),J t(x)(第 一类柱贝塞尔函数),Ei(指数积分)F,E ,Π(椭圆积分)等复数符号:Re(实部), Im(虚部),arg(辐角), sgn(单位模函数),i(虚数单位)其他有特定意义的符号: lim(极限), sup(上确界), inf(下确界) , sgn(符号函数), tr(迹),card(势或基数),e(超越数),π(圆周率),d(微分)div(散度),det(行列式),ent a(小于或等于a的最大整数),def(定义) 等正体黑正体 数集:R,C,Z,N,Q(或空心字体)梯度 grad,旋度 rot curl ,那勃拉算子 ▽黑斜体 向量 a,b,n张量 T,S矩阵 A,B,A T (转置矩阵)斜体 白斜体几何符号:如A,B(点)、AB(线段)、l(直线),a,h(边长)集合符号:A,B数量(变量)符号:f(x)(函数),a,b(变量),P m n(排列数),C m n,(组合数)说明: 以上列出的是国家标准 GB3102.11-1993 中规定的部分数学符号的用法,该规定列出的是在物理科 学和技术中使用的数学符号。

VW_01014 大众图纸图框及字体规范

VW_01014 大众图纸图框及字体规范

Engineering DrawingsDrawing Frames and Text MacrosPrevious issuesVW 01014: 1971-05, 1984-03, 1992-08, 1998-04, 1998-10, 2000-09, 2001-03, 2002-06, 2003-11,2006-01, 2007-01, 2008-03, 2009-04, 2010-05, 2010-12, 2011-05, 2011-12ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with VW 01014: 2011-12:–Technical responsibility changes–Section 1 "Scope of application": the note concerning the application in section 6 has been re‐moved. It now appears as NOTE 3 in section 1–Section 2.3 "PDM drawing frame": English legal notice updated and table of existing PDM draw‐ing frame formats in KVS added.–Section 3.7 "Volkswagen AG Know-How Protection": text macro NO-A12 added ContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................4Drawing frames ..........................................................................................................5Drawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing), see Figure 1....................................................................................................................................5Type approval drawing frame, see Figure 2 ...............................................................6PDM drawing frame, see Figure 3 .............................................................................7Drawing frames for operating equipment ...................................................................8Basic drawing frame for operating equipment, see Figure 4 ......................................8Drawing frame for method plan, see Figure 5 ............................................................9Text macros .............................................................................................................10Basic title block .. (10) StandardVW 01014Issue 2012-09Class. No.:02115Descriptors:drawing frames, text macro, standard frame, drawingVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 43Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2011-08gTitle blocks for drawings with restrictions on use .....................................................11Title block for layout drawings (ENT) > A0 ...............................................................12Symbol for European projection method ..................................................................13Change block for formats > A0 .................................................................................13Tolerancing principle as per VW 01054 ...................................................................13Volkswagen Group know-how protection .................................................................13Drawing field ............................................................................................................14Lower left corner of drawing for formats > A0 ..........................................................14Left drawing edge for formats > A0 ..........................................................................14Explanation of parenthesized dimensions for formats > A0 (lower left corner ofdrawing field) ............................................................................................................14References for formats > A0 ....................................................................................15Migration from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5 ....................................................................15Parts marking ...........................................................................................................15Part number assignment drawn / symmetrically opposite ........................................15Note on utilization of scrap material .........................................................................16NO-F1 Drawings with multiple sheets ......................................................................16Repeating and unchanging notes, mostly on body components ..............................16Drawing only for the company stated .......................................................................16Note on parts which are subject to build sample approval (BMG) ...........................17Notes on testing as per Technical Supply Specifications (TL) .................................17Note on type approval ..............................................................................................17Note on undimensioned design models in the data record ......................................17Note on open-air weathering ....................................................................................17Note on model approval ...........................................................................................17Note on master model ..............................................................................................18Note on second original, font size 7 mm ..................................................................18Note on second original, font size 3,5 mm ...............................................................18Note on heavy-duty component ...............................................................................18Note on mandatory type approval ............................................................................19Note on avoidance of hazardous substances ..........................................................19Note on other relevant drawings ..............................................................................19Note on undimensioned bend and trim radii ............................................................19Note on simplified representation .............................................................................19Note on flawless condition of surfaces .....................................................................19Note on material for form tool in grain area ..............................................................20Table for RPS ...........................................................................................................20Note on emission behavior .......................................................................................20Note on length dimensions to be measured up to relevant functional datum plane ..................................................................................................................................20Note on related tolerances for nominal dimension ranges up to relevant functional datum plane .............................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPS..................................................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked surfaces as compared to the data record anddefined RPS .............................................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked and limited surfaces as compared to the datarecord and defined RPS ...........................................................................................21Note on tolerances of marked edges as compared to the data record and defined RPS ..........................................................................................................................21Note on alternative materials and surface protection types .....................................22Note on color and grain .. (22) 2VW 01014: 2012-09Note on temperature resistance ...............................................................................22Note on color consistency ........................................................................................22Note on lightfastness ................................................................................................22Note on fixing, clamping and contact surface ..........................................................23Note on related finished part drawing ......................................................................23Note on material specifications, complete ................................................................23Note on material specifications, subdivided .............................................................24Note on optional welding technology .......................................................................24Note on flammability features ...................................................................................24Note on table containing gear tooth data .................................................................25Note on weight indication .........................................................................................25Note on amine emission of foam parts .....................................................................25Note on cleanliness requirements for engine components ......................................25Countersinks for internal threads .............................................................................26Testing of rolled bushings ........................................................................................26Table for limit dimensions ........................................................................................26Detail drawing for radius under screw head, mostly for standard part drawings (27)Test specification for disk wheels .............................................................................27Test specification for brake drums ...........................................................................28General tolerances for castings ...............................................................................28General tolerances for forgings ................................................................................29Coordinate dimensioning for tubes and bars ...........................................................30Bill of materials for layout drawings (ENT) ...............................................................30Distribution list for layout drawings (ENT) ................................................................31Text macros for operating equipment ......................................................................31Title block for individual part .....................................................................................31Note on pass direction, left .......................................................................................32Note on pass direction, right ....................................................................................32Title block for operating equipment label .................................................................32General tolerances for nominal dimensions without tolerance specification ............32Note on simplified drawing specifications on surface roughnesses .........................33Permissible deviations for nominal sizes without tolerance specification onweldments ................................................................................................................33Permissible deviations for nominal dimensions without tolerance specificationson flame-cut parts ....................................................................................................33Note on parts used ...................................................................................................34Note on rolled flame-cutting template plots ..............................................................34Note on "Add ½ kerf" ................................................................................................34Note on "designed" and "symmetrical opposite" ......................................................34Text macros for the "3D drawingless process" (3DZP – German abbreviation) ......35VW copyright ............................................................................................................35Note on restriction on use ........................................................................................35Note on type approval documentation and type approval number ...........................35Draft number ............................................................................................................36Note on engineering project number ........................................................................36Note on safety documentation .................................................................................36Recycling requirements as per VW 91102 ...............................................................36All dimensions apply to the finished part including surface protection .....................36Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 ..............................................36Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference without symbol) (37)4.394.404.414.424.434.444.454.464.474.484.494.504.514.524.534.544.554.564.574.584.594.604.614.6255. 3VW 01014: 2012-09Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol) .......37Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol,collective specification 1) .........................................................................................38Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol,collective specification 2) .........................................................................................39Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 .........................................................................39Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference without symbol) .............................40Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol) ..................................40Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 1) .........................................................................................................41Workpiece edges as per VW 01088 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 2) .........................................................................................................42Applicable documents ..............................................................................................426. standard applies to the computer-aided graphical representation and presentation of drawing templates, standard frames and text macros for drawings within the Volkswagen Group.NOTE 1 The standardized text macros are subject to drawing standard regulations and are centrally managed by the "Virtual Systems and Standardization" department.NOTE 2 All drawing frames and text macros shown here are available in the appropriate standard system environment of the CAD systems CATIA and Creo Elements/Pro (formerly PRO/E). The PDM drawing frames are also available as IsoDraw and Excel templates in the KVS, and also as Catia V5templates.NOTE 3 The text macros shown in section 6 are for the drawingless process only. The creator and the user of the data must agree whether their process chain allows for the use of documents as per the 3DZP method, and whether this is permissible.1Page 4VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing framesDrawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing), see Figure 1Figure 1 – Drawing frame for Design Engineering (series-production drawing)2 2.1Page 5VW 01014: 2012-09Type approval drawing frame, see Figure 2Figure 2 – Type approval drawing frame2.2 Page 6VW 01014: 2012-09PDM drawing frame, see Figure 3Figure 3 – PDM drawing frame2.3 Page 7VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing frames for operating equipmentBasic drawing frame for operating equipment, see Figure 4Figure 4 – Basic drawing frame for operating equipment2.4 2.4.1Page 8VW 01014: 2012-09Drawing frame for method plan, see Figure 5Figure 5 – Drawing frame for method plan2.4.2 Page 9VW 01014: 2012-09Text macrosBasic title blockFigure 6 – Code no: NO-A1Basic title block for formats > A03 3.1Page 10VW 01014: 2012-09Title blocks for drawings with restrictions on useFigure 7 – Code no: NO-A7 A3The title block may only be used if supplier original drawings are used as modified finished part drawings.Notes on the usage of these title blocks see VW 01058.3.2Title block for layout drawings (ENT) > A0Figure 8 – Code no: NO-A3ENT = Draft3.3Symbol for European projection methodFigure 9 – Code no: NO-A5Change block for formats > A0Figure 10 – Code no: NO-A6Tolerancing principle as per VW 01054Figure 11 – Code no: NO-A11Volkswagen Group know-how protectionFigure 12 – Code no: NO-A123.4 3.5 3.6 3.7Drawing fieldLower left corner of drawing for formats > A0Figure 13 – Code no: NO-B1Left drawing edge for formats > A0Figure 14 – Code no: NO-B3Explanation of parenthesized dimensions for formats > A0 (lower left corner of drawingfield)Figure 15 – Code no: NO-B644.1 4.2 4.3References for formats > A0Figure 16 – Code no: NO-B7Migration from CATIA V4 to CATIA V5Figure 17 – Code no: NO-B8Parts markingFigure 18 – Code no: NO-E2Part number assignment drawn / symmetrically oppositeFigure 19 – Code no: NO-E54.4 4.5 4.6 4.7Note on utilization of scrap materialFigure 20 – Code no.:NO-F1 Drawings with multiple sheetsFigure 21 – Code no: NO-F2Repeating and unchanging notes, mostly on body componentsFigure 22 – Code no: NO-F3Drawing only for the company statedFigure 23 – Code no: NO-F4 (do not use for new designs!)4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11Note on parts which are subject to build sample approval (BMG)Figure 24 – Code no: NO-F5Notes on testing as per Technical Supply Specifications (TL)Figure 25 – Code no: NO-F6Note on type approvalFigure 26 – Code no: NO-F7Note on undimensioned design models in the data recordFigure 27 – Code no: NO-F8Note on open-air weatheringFigure 28 – Code no: NO-F9Note on model approvalFigure 29 – Code no: NO-F104.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17Note on master modelFigure 30 – Code no: NO-F11Note on second original, font size 7 mmFigure 31 – Code no: NO-F12Note on second original, font size 3,5 mmFigure 32 – Code no: NO-F13Note on heavy-duty componentFigure 33 – Code no: NO-F144.18 4.19 4.20 4.21Note on mandatory type approvalFigure 34 – Code no: NO-F15Note on avoidance of hazardous substancesFigure 35 – Code no: NO-F16Note on other relevant drawingsFigure 36 – Code no: NO-F17Note on undimensioned bend and trim radiiFigure 37 – Code no: NO-F18Note on simplified representationFigure 38 – Code no: NO-F19Note on flawless condition of surfacesFigure 39 – Code no: NO-F204.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27Note on material for form tool in grain areaFigure 40 – Code no: NO-F22Table for RPSFigure 41 – Code no: NO-F23Note on emission behaviorFigure 42 – Code no: NO-F24Note on length dimensions to be measured up to relevant functional datum planeFigure 43 – Code no: NO-F254.28 4.29 4.30 4.31Note on related tolerances for nominal dimension ranges up to relevant functional datumplaneFigure 44 – Code no: NO-F26Note on tolerances of surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 45 – Code no: NO-F27Note on tolerances of marked surfaces as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 46 – Code no: NO-F28Note on tolerances of marked and limited surfaces as compared to the data record anddefined RPSFigure 47 – Code no: NO-F29Note on tolerances of marked edges as compared to the data record and defined RPSFigure 48 – Code no: NO-F304.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36Note on alternative materials and surface protection typesFigure 49 – Code no: NO-F31Note on color and grainFigure 50 – Code no: NO-F32Note on temperature resistanceFigure 51 – Code no: NO-F33Note on color consistencyFigure 52 – Code no: NO-F35Note on lightfastnessFigure 53 – Code no: NO-F364.37 4.38 4.39 4.40 4.41Note on fixing, clamping and contact surfaceFigure 54 – Code no: NO-F37Note on related finished part drawingFigure 55 – Code no: NO-F38Note on material specifications, completeFigure 56 – Code no: NO-F394.42 4.43 4.44Note on material specifications, subdividedFigure 57 – Code no: NO-F40Note on optional welding technologyFigure 58 – Code no: NO-F41Note on flammability featuresFigure 59 – Code no: NO-F424.45 4.46 4.47Note on table containing gear tooth dataFigure 60 – Code no: NO-F43Note on weight indicationFigure 61 – Code no: NO-F44Note on amine emission of foam partsFigure 62 – Code no: NO-F45Note on cleanliness requirements for engine componentsFigure 63 – Code no: NO-F464.48 4.49 4.50 4.51Countersinks for internal threadsFigure 64 – Code no: NO-G0Testing of rolled bushingsFigure 65 – Code no: NO-G1Table for limit dimensionsFigure 66 – Code no: NO-G24.52 4.53 4.54Detail drawing for radius under screw head, mostly for standard part drawingsFigure 67 – Code no: NO-G4Test specification for disk wheelsFigure 68 – Code no: NO-G64.55 4.56Test specification for brake drumsFigure 69 – Code no: NO-G7General tolerances for castingsFigure 70 – Code no: NO-G84.57 4.58General tolerances for forgingsFigure 71 – Code no: NO-G94.59Coordinate dimensioning for tubes and barsFigure 72 – Code no: NO-G10Bill of materials for layout drawings (ENT)Figure 73 – Code no: NO-H14.60 4.61Distribution list for layout drawings (ENT)Figure 74 – Code no: NO-H2Text macros for operating equipmentTitle block for individual partFigure 75 – Code no: R001 individual part4.62 55.1Note on pass direction, leftFigure 76 – Code no: R002 pass direction, leftNote on pass direction, rightFigure 77 – Code no: R003 pass direction, rightTitle block for operating equipment labelFigure 78 – Code no: R004 operating equipment labelGeneral tolerances for nominal dimensions without tolerance specificationFigure 79 – Code no: R005 machining operation5.2 on simplified drawing specifications on surface roughnessesFigure 80 – Code no: R006 surfacesPermissible deviations for nominal sizes without tolerance specification on weldmentsFigure 81 – Code no: R007 welded partsPermissible deviations for nominal dimensions without tolerance specifications on flame-cut partsFigure 82 – Code no: R008 flame-cut parts5.6 5.75.8Note on parts usedFigure 83 – Code no: R009 parts usedNote on rolled flame-cutting template plotsFigure 84 – Code no: R010 flame-cutting templateNote on "Add ½ kerf"Figure 85 – Code no: R011 kerfNote on "designed" and "symmetrical opposite"Figure 86 – Code no: R012 symmetrical opposite5.9 macros for the "3D drawingless process" (3DZP – German abbreviation)The following text macros are not created in CAD systems, but only in the PDM system KVS.The design engineer must add the necessary parameters to the text macros.VW copyrightFigure 87 – Code no: NOZ-01Note on restriction on useLegend P01Company nameFigure 88 – Code no: NOZ-02Note on type approval documentation and type approval numberLegend P01Type approval doc. and type approval numberFigure 89 – Code no: NOZ-036 numberLegend P01Draft numberFigure 90 – Code no: NOZ-04Note on engineering project numberLegend P01Engineering project numberFigure 91 – Code no: NOZ-05Note on safety documentationLegend P01TLD number (technical guideline for documentation – German abbreviation)Figure 92 – Code no: NOZ-06Recycling requirements as per VW 91102Figure 93 – Code no: NOZ-07All dimensions apply to the finished part including surface protectionFigure 94 – Code no: NOZ-08Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005The design engineer must add the required parameters to the symbols shown here (e.g., Rz value).Two types of text macros (with and without graphical representation) have been defined. Variant NOZ-09 is a reference to Standard VW 13705, additional information possible, but restricted. Variants NOZ-09-01 a to f are reserved for the main surface roughness value. Due to system restrictions,identical symbols cannot be used more than once. For this reason, the symbols in section 6.9.3 and6.4 6.9.4 must be used for cases of multiple use. If surface roughness values are added as a note, the text macros are placed beneath each other instead of beside each other. This deviating representation has been released for the 3DZP drawingless process.Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference without symbol)Figure 95 – Code no: NOZ-09Surface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol)Figure 96 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-aFigure 97 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-bFigure 98 – Code no.: NOZ-09-01-cLegend P01Machining allowance (numerical value in mm)P02Production processP03Surface parameter and numerical valueP04if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P05if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P06if applicable, second requirement on surface texture (surface parameter,numerical value)P07Specification of the surface groovesLegend P01Letter for simplified drawing specification. Method defined in section "simplified specifi‐cation" in VDA 2005Figure 99 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-d6. 100 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-e Figure 101 – Code no: NOZ-09-01-fSurface roughness as per VW 13705 and VDA 2005 (reference with symbol, collectivespecification 1)Figure 102 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-aFigure 103 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-bFigure 104 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-cLegend P01Machining allowance (numerical value in mm)P02Production processP03Surface parameter and numerical valueP04if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P05if applicable, additional requirement as per VDA 2005P06if applicable, second requirement onsurface texture (surface parameter,numerical value) P07Specifica‐tion of thesurface groovesCode no.:Legend P01Letter for simplified drawing specification. Method defined in section "simplified specifi‐cation" in VDA 2005Figure 105 – NOZ-09-02-dFigure 106 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-e Figure 107 – Code no: NOZ-09-02-f6.9.3。



第49卷第10期2021年5月广㊀州㊀化㊀工Guangzhou Chemical Industry Vol.49No.10 May.2021甲氧基乙酸甲酯的合成及应用进展陈春玉,王少楠,胡㊀迎(西南化工研究设计院有限公司,四川㊀成都㊀610225)摘㊀要:甲氧基乙酸甲酯不仅是一种合成维生素B6㊁周效磺胺等药物的重要原材料,而且还是更经济合理合成乙二醇的重要原材料㊂当前制备工艺主要包括甲醛和甲酸甲酯偶联法㊁氯乙酸类和甲醇钠取代法㊁乙二醇单甲醚氧化法和甲缩醛羰基法㊂分析了制备甲氧基乙酸甲酯的方法的优缺点,综述了甲氧基乙酸甲酯在应用领域的研究进展,并对其发展趋势和应用前景作了展望㊂关键词:甲氧基乙酸甲酯;合成;应用㊀中图分类号:O622.5㊀文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-9677(2021)010-0014-02 Synthesis and Application of PolymethylmethacrylateCHEN Chun-yu,WANG Shao-nan,HU Ying(Southwest Research&Design Institute of the Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.,Sichuan Chengdu610225,China)Abstract:Methyl methoxyacetateis not only an important raw material for vitamin B6,sulfanilamide and other drugs, but also an important even more economical and reasonable raw material for ethylene glycol.Current productions include mainly formaldehyde and methyl formate coupling method,chloroacetic acid and sodium methoxide substitution method, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether oxidation method and methylal carbonyl method.The advantages and disadvantages of eachmethods,the research progress on application of methyl methoxyacetate and the developing trend,as well as prospects for future application of methyl methoxyacetate,were presented.Key words:methyl methoxyacetate;synthetic;application甲氧基乙酸甲酯(下简称MMAc)是一种非常重要的精细化学品,具有酯的性质,常用于水解反应或加成反应,应用面广,比如:是手性胺类化合物的拆分剂,也是多种化工产品的中间体,同时在医药方面也具有很大用途,例如合成维生素B6㊁周效磺胺等药物;此外它也是高效合成下游产品乙二醇重要的前驱体原料㊂1㊀MMAc的合成方法MMAc的合成方法比较多,按照原料划分,有甲醛和甲酸甲酯偶联法㊁氯乙酸类和甲醇钠取代法㊁乙二醇单甲醚氧化法和甲缩醛羰基法等㊂(1)甲醛和甲酸甲酯偶联法甲醛和甲酸甲酯在酸催化剂条件下反应生成MMAc,此法分三步进行,第一步是甲酸甲酯在酸催化剂条件下分解成甲醇和一氧化碳;第二步是甲醇在酸催化剂条件下,醇羟基与氢离子结合生成佯盐的过渡态,甲醛在酸催化剂条件下,醛基与氢离子结合形成质子化的过渡态;第三步是两种过渡态分别与CO结合,发生羰基化反应,最终生成目标产物㊂基于此合成机理,2006年,王克冰等[1]报道了以三聚甲醛和甲酸甲酯为原料,在CF3SO3H酸催化条件下,110ħ反应2h,MMAc的收率为42.72%,由于此反应副产物多,所以收率很低㊂(2)氯乙酸类和甲醇钠取代法氯乙酸类化合物和甲醇钠反应生成MMAc,是卤代烃与醇钠反应制备混合醚的威廉姆逊合成法,反应机理为醇羟基在碱性条件下形成醇负离子,进攻卤代烃的碳正中心,卤代烃脱去卤素形成醚键㊂1989年,中国专利[2]报道了一种制备甲氧基乙酸的方法,采用氯乙酸和甲醇钠为原料,在40ħ条件下反应,得到甲氧基乙酸收率为91%;然后甲氧基乙酸与甲醇酯化后生成MMAc㊂CH3ONa+ClCH2COOHңCH3OCH2COOH+NaCl CH3OOH+CH3OCH2COOHңCH3OCH2COOCH3+H2O 2002年,徐志珍等[3]报道以氯乙酸甲酯和甲醇钠为原料,在80ħ条件下反应4h,合成的MMAc收率为96.2%㊂CH3ONa+ClCH2COOCH3ңCH3OCH2COOCH3+NaCl此法中使用的甲醇钠,价格比较昂贵,而且容易与空气中的水蒸气反应,不易保存,故不是一条经济合理的工业化合成路线㊂(3)乙二醇单甲醚氧化法以乙二醇单甲醚为原料合成MMAc,分两步完成,第一步是乙二醇单甲醚氧化生成甲氧基乙酸,第二步是甲氧基乙酸与甲醇发生酯化反应,生成目标产物㊂第49卷第10期陈春玉,等:甲氧基乙酸甲酯的合成及应用进展15㊀2015年,中国专利[4]报道以Pt/C为催化剂,O2为氧化剂,水为溶剂,在70ħ下反应7h,则乙二醇单甲醚氧化制得甲氧基乙酸,收率为91%;然后甲氧基乙酸再与甲醇酯化,生成MMAc㊂3CH3CO(CH2)2OH+3O2ң4CH3OCH2COOHCH3OCH2COOH+CH2OHңCH3OCH2COOCH3+H2O此氧化法中虽然反应收率较高,但是反应中使用了贵金属,成本高,同时反应时间较长,不是一条合适的工业化路线㊂(4)甲缩醛羰基法甲缩醛羰基法是迄今为止研究的最多的制备MMAc的方法㊂以甲缩醛为原料合成MMAc,是一种Koch型机理,即CO 与酸中氢正离子结合后,进攻甲缩醛中的仲碳,使仲碳失去氢正离子后,完成在仲碳上的插入CO的羰基化反应㊂3CH3OCH2OCH3+COңCH3OCH2COOCH3+2CH3OCH3+HCOOCH3 2015年,中国专利[5]报道在一价铜改性的磺酸型聚苯乙烯交联树脂催化剂条件下,甲缩醛与CO在120ħ下发生羰基化反应,生成最终产物MMAc,反应收率为87%左右㊂2016年,中国专利[6]报道在固体酸催化剂和多聚甲醛的条件下,110ħ反应6h,含水甲缩醛(含水量2%)与CO生成主产物MMAc,反应收率为72%左右㊂2020年,张晓艳[7]报道以ZSM-5分子筛为催化剂,110ħ下反应7h,甲缩醛和CO生成的MMAc收率为69%左右㊂甲缩醛简单易得且价格便宜,是合成MMAc的最佳原料,但是由于甲缩醛易发生歧化反应,副产物较多,只有通过研究不同催化剂来提高MMAc的选择性,才能走出一条清洁生产㊁经济合理的工业化路线㊂综上所述,尽管合成MMAc的路线很多,但由于反应条件苛刻,反应过程复杂,副产物比较多,收率比较低,所用催化剂难回收,分离成本高,易腐蚀设备,耗能高,污染环境,不利于工业化高质量生产㊂故迫切需要找出一种低能耗㊁高效率㊁低污染的生产MMAc的方法㊂2㊀MMAc的应用研究MMAc是一种重要的医药中间体和精细化工产品中间体,能在一定条件下转化为其衍生物维生素B6㊁周效磺胺以及乙二醇等药物或化工产品,具有广泛的用途㊂(1)医药领域MMAc经取代㊁环化等过程可以合成维生素B6,该方法是1939年Harris S A等[8]开发的,简称 吡啶酮法 ㊂维生素B6是人体必需的维生素之一,是人体内约140种酶的辅酶,参与催化80多种生化反应,是人体内许多代谢反应不可或缺的指挥者,还可以预防妇产科疾病以及在保健方面也有一定的作用,所以MMAc在制备维生素B6过程中有着悠久的历史㊂另外,由MMAc经克氏反应㊁酰胺化环合反应㊁氯化反应㊁缩合反应㊁甲氧基化反应合成周效磺胺㊂周效磺胺治疗各种细菌感染,特别适用于皮肤感染㊁肺及上呼吸道感染㊁细菌性痢疾,还治疗疟疾㊁麻疯病,与异烟肼合用治疗肺结核[9]㊂由此可见,MMAc在制备周效磺胺过程中发挥着重要作用,相信在不久的将来,越来越多的以MMAc为原料的药物将会被合成㊂(2)化工领域MMAc除了可以合成维生素B6㊁合成周效磺胺外,更多的使用价值是作为乙二醇的前体,即MMAc通过加氢㊁水解两步高效制成乙二醇㊂乙二醇是国家重要的化工原料和战略物资,可用作溶剂㊁防冻剂以及合成涤纶的原料㊂在溶剂方面,乙二醇常可代替甘油使用,在制革和制药工业中分别用作水合剂和溶剂,也可用于玻璃纸㊁纤维㊁皮革㊁粘合剂的湿润剂㊂在防冻剂方面,乙二醇60%的水溶液凝固点为-40ħ,可用作冬季汽车散热器的防冻剂和飞机发动机的致冷剂㊂乙二醇也是合成聚酯涤纶㊁纤维和化妆品的原料㊂乙二醇的高聚物聚乙二醇(PEG)是一种相转移催化剂,用于细胞融合;乙二醇的硝酸酯是一种炸药,因此,MMAc作为合成下游产品乙二醇的应用前景十分广阔㊂3㊀结㊀语通过对MMAc的合成方向及应用方面的介绍,可以看出,虽然MMAc在国内外研究较多,但是至今在工业化生产道路上还是存在,如何提高其反应收率,降低生产成本,减少环境污染等问题㊂尤其是在廉价的甲缩醛法越来越显现出其特有的优越性的条件下,但是甲缩醛法的研究工作仍然进展缓慢,且不是很理想㊂一方面,甲缩醛容易发生歧化反应,使得反应副产物多,后处理困难,不利于环保要求,如何尽可能多的得到目标产物MMAc,以此提高反应收率也是迫切需要解决的问题;另一方面,甲缩醛的羰基化反应受酸强度的影响非常大,较强的酸具有较强的催化活性,但是强酸对设备腐蚀严重,所以就需要通过寻找合适的催化剂或助催化剂来解决,还需要通过探索最佳化学计量比㊁改变反应时间或温度来提高反应的收率与纯度,以此取得较好的效果㊂因此,发展高效㊁温和的催化体系,实现生产成本低,环境污染小,适合于MMAc的工业化生产路线无论从经济利益还是环境影响两个方面,都具有重要意义㊂总之,随着科技的进步,MMAc的应用领域会越来越广,因此对其合成方向及应用领域的深入开发和研究还是十分有价值的㊂参考文献[1]㊀王克冰,姚洁,王越,等.酸催化剂在甲醛与甲酸甲酯偶联反应中的作用研究[J].天然气化工2006,31(6):19-21.[2]㊀奥戈奇㊃巴尔,瑞奇㊃劳尤什,佩伊瓦㊃耶诺,等.甲氧基乙酸的制备方法[P].中国:1039798A.1989-07-14.[3]㊀徐志珍,潘鹤林.甲氧基乙酸甲酯合成工艺研究[J].上海化工,2002,27(7):14-15.[4]㊀聂俊琦,李雄,王亦鸣,等.一种甲氧基乙酸的制备方法[P].中国:104892390A.2015-04-17.[5]㊀李晓明,吕建刚,刘波,等.甲氧基乙酸甲酯催化剂[P].中国:106582833A.2015-10-14.[6]㊀石磊,龚页境,王玉鑫.利用工业含水原料甲缩醛制备甲氧基乙酸甲酯的方法[P].中国:106518676A.2016-09-05.[7]㊀张晓艳.ZSM-5分子筛催化甲缩醛气相羰基化制备甲氧基乙酸甲酯研究[D].太原:山西大学化学化工学院,2020.[8]㊀Harris S A,Folkers K.Synthesis of vitamin B6[J].J.Am.Chem.Soc.,1939,61:1245-1247.[9]㊀上海化学工业设计院.周效磺胺设计简介[J].医药农药工业设计,1972(4):1-7.。


1 , 7 , 2 , 7 , 7 ) 。
( 3 ) N 3 编码
总的来说 , 四种编码方法 都是以叶 节点的删除为基础, 直至只剩 下一条边 为止, 按照n 一 2 个叶节点的删除顺序, 依 次将其在 删除前的邻接点编号组 成一 个 数字 序列, 就 是其标号 树的编码。 四 种 编码的不 同在于 叶节点的删 除顺序
{ l , 上 U , ;
L V = = j =O ;
( 3 ) N 3 编码 算 法
N 3 编码 算法 的实现 参见 函数P R
( ) , 只要在第五行打“ ” 的条件语句中
去掉v < j 条 件即可; 当前 节点u 删除后, 如果 其邻 接点v 的度 数为 1 , 则v 为 叶节
关键词: 标号树; P r u f e r 编码; N e v i l e 编码; D M 编码
镑 引言
在综述上述四种编解码规则之后, 用c
语言 , 就标号树直 观的边集表 示和编码 表示 之间的转换 , 给 出了编码和解码的
线『 生算法。 (Fra bibliotek2 ) N 2 编码
标 号树 是计 算机领域中常 见的一 种数据组织形式, 它的传统存储方法通 常有双 亲表示法 、 孩子表 示法、 孩子兄 弟表示法 、 边集 表示法 等, 这些表示 方 法, 在遗传 、 粒子群等现代优化算法中, 由于 很难进 行运 算, 所 以很少 被使 用。 而标 号树 的编码 是一 串可以映 射一 棵 标 号树 的标 号序 列, 由于其 存储简单 、 便于运算, 常常被采甩 因而对于标号树 编码的深入讨论 , 无论在计算机的理论 还是应用上, 都有着十分重要的意义。 1 9 1 8 年P r u f e r 在 证 明C a y l e y 定 理时, 最先 提 出了P r u f e r 编码 , 1 9 5 3 年 Ne v i l l e 提 出了三 种编 码方法 , 其 中第






AC代码:#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const ll INF = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;vector<int> vec[100005];ll dp[100005];int score[100005];ll ans = -INF;int DP(int now, int fa){dp[now] = score[now];for(int i = 0; i < vec[now].size(); i++){if(vec[now][i] == fa)continue;DP(vec[now][i], now);dp[now] += max(0ll, dp[vec[now][i]]);}}int main(){int n;scanf("%d", &n);for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)scanf("%d", &score[i]);int u, v;for(int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);vec[v].push_back(u);vec[u].push_back(v);}DP(1, 0);for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)ans = max(ans, dp[i]);printf("%lld\n", ans);return0;}。







在ES6中,可以使用Symbol定义全局属性,以防止全局变量发生冲突:let s = Symbol(My Symbolwindow[s] = Hello WorldSymbols也可以用作辨识符,以表明某个变量或属性是私有的: const MySymbol = Symbol(my private symbolclass MyClass {constructor(){this[MySymbol] = I am private!;}getMySymbol(){return this[MySymbol];}}Symbols还可以用来表示函数的行为,可以为每个函数提供唯一的标识符:const TYPE = {ADD: Symbol(addSUBTRACT: Symbol(subtractMULTIPLY: Symbol(multiply};function mathFunc(type, a, b) {switch (type) {case TYPE.ADD:return a + b;case TYPE.SUBTRACT:return a - b;case TYPE.MULTIPLY:return a * b;default:throw new Error(Unsupported type}}Symbols也可以用于模块导入。



一种存储复杂多边形包含关系的四叉树索引作者:汪红松周晓光来源:《湖南大学学报·自然科学版》2020年第04期摘要:地表覆盖/土地利用矢量数据中存在大量包含成千上万个空洞(甚至嵌套空洞)的复杂多边形,现有空间数据索引没有表达复杂多边形及其空洞之间的包含关系,导致空间数据冲突检测与更新等处理存在计算量大、效率低等问题. 针对此问题,提出了一种存储多边形包含关系的四叉树索引方法. 该方法根据结点中的多边形与四叉树相应象限中轴线相交的方式将多边形对象分为5种类型,即仅与X正轴相交、仅与X负轴相交、仅与Y正轴相交、仅与Y 负轴相交以及与XY轴都相交,并将这些多边形对象分别存储在相应层次索引结点中的5个子列表(桶)中,然后在结点多边形对象中存储多边形之间的父子包含关系. 最后设计并实现了该索引及相应的查询、插入、删除等算法,并用实际地表覆盖数据验证了本文方法的有效性. 实验结果表明,采用本文索引方法的复杂地表覆盖矢量数据增量更新效率数倍于现有四叉树索引方法,且随着数据量的增加效率提高更明显.关键词:空间索引;复杂多边形;包含关系;四叉树;空间数据管理中图分类号:P208 文献标志码:AAbstract:There are a large number of complex polygons containing thousands of holes (or even nested holes) in the land cover/land use vector data, and the existing spatial data indexing method has failed to indicate the inclusion relationship between complex polygons and their holes,resulting in computationally heavy and inefficient processing such as spatial data conflict detection and updating. In order to solve this problem, an improved quadtree spatial index method with inclusion relations of the complex polygons is presented in this paper. The method classifies the polygons in the nodes into five types according to the way they intersect the axes in the corresponding quadrant of the quadtree, i.e., intersect only the X positive axis, intersect only the X negative axis, intersect only the Y positive axis, intersect only the Y negative axis, and intersect both Xand Y axes, and stores each of these polygons in five sublists (buckets) in the corresponding hierarchical index nodes, and then stores the parent-child inclusion relationship between the polygons in the node polygon objects. The authors developed the spatial index structure with inclusion relations and the algorithms of the corresponding operations(e.g.,insert, delete and query)for the complex polygons. The effectiveness of the approach in this paper is verified by an experiment of land cover data incremental updating, experimental results show that the time efficiency of the incremental updating is increased about several times using the proposed index method than that of the traditional quadtree index, and the improvement in efficiency is more significant with increasing data volume.Key words:spatial index;complex polygon;inclusion relation;quadtrees;spatial data management随着全球30 m地表覆盖地图GlobeLand30[1-2]和全球10 m地表覆盖数据FROM-GLC10[3]的完成与发布,全球地表覆盖数据已成为联合国等国际组织开展全球变化与可持续发展等重大科学研究的基础数据. 全球地表覆盖数据的验证、服务与持续更新成为本领域的研究热点[4-8].在全球地表覆盖矢量数据更新方面,周晓光等[7]提出了一种基于二维交细分拓扑关系的地表覆盖/土地利用数据增量更新方法,但由于地表覆盖矢量数据中存在大量包含成千上万个空洞(甚至嵌套空洞)的复杂多边形,目前空间数据模型中没有表达复杂多边形及其空洞之間的包含关系,导致在计算增量多边形与已存在的复杂多边形间二维交时存在计算量大、效率低等问题.GIS中空间数据处理一般包括过滤和精化计算两个步骤,空间数据索引用来过滤掉大部分无关的目标,使得精化计算仅在少数密切相关目标间进行的效率提升的特殊空间数据结构. 目前,空间数据索引方法包括传统矢量数据索引的四叉树[9-10]、R树[11-12]、R+树[13]、R*树[14-15]、网格索引[16]、Hilbert R树[17]等和轨迹数据索引Geohash-Trees[18]等. 上述传统矢量数据索引方法均采用目标的最小外接矩形(MBR)减小索引结构的存储量并提高过滤效率. 但是对于复杂多边形,现有索引方法仅存储了其外边界的MBR,不能表达复杂多边形及其空洞间的包含关系,在空间数据冲突检测与更新处理中,无关空洞不能通过索引而过滤掉,大量空洞需参与精化计算,是导致计算量大、效率低等问题的根本原因.图1所示为地表覆盖矢量数据的局部示例,图中C为一个包含上千个空洞的复杂多边形,图1(a)中B、 D、 E、 F等都是其空洞,其中阴影部分为其他图层图斑,在当前图层中为空白区域. P1为增量多边形(图1(b)),P1只与C和它的一个空洞多边形B和空白区域存在二维交,需要进行更新处理. 但采用现有索引方法,需要计算P1与C及其所有空洞多边形的拓扑关系,导致更新处理效率极低. 如果在索引结构中能够存储复杂多边形与其空洞间的包含关系,无关的空洞通过索引过滤掉,那么地表覆盖数据更新效率有望大大提高. 根据上述分析,本文提出一种存储复杂多边形包含关系的空间数据索引方法.地表覆盖矢量数据嵌套复杂,多边形MBR重叠严重,若构建索引R树结构,则索引性能不佳[15],同时R树索引无法避免地重复存储空间对象,造成空间数据更新时存储的包含关系一致性维护困难. 处理面目标的四叉树结构主要有线性四叉树、PMR四叉树、CIF四叉树等结构[9,19-20]. 线性四叉树用自定义大小的网格映射空间目标[21],由于地表覆盖矢量数据面积分布极度不均,难以选择大小合适的网格,同时索引中空间对象也无法避免重复存储;PMR四叉树索引以线段而非以面目标作为整体概念;CIF四叉树索引以分层的网格映射空间目标[22],索引结构形态不依赖空间对象插入的顺序,不重复存储空间对象,同时空间数据更新时,结点变更较小[21-23],本文在CIF四叉树基础上提出一种存储拓扑包含关系的四叉树空间索引方法.1 包含关系四叉树索引的建立1.1 多边形包含关系的表达复杂多边形与其空洞多边形之间的嵌套包含关系类似于父子关系,可通过父-子-孙间的序关系来表达多边形之间嵌套包含关系,如图2所示.图2中H的父多边形为F,F与H互为父多边形与子多边形,H与C不存在直接包含关系(H为C的孙子多边形). 子多边形被包围在父多边形的相应内环(Ring in Parent,RIP)中,多边形F包含在C中的内环rc1中(即F的RIP为rc1),因此,内环是父多边形和子多边形之间的联系,内环嵌套体现多边形之间复杂包含关系. 一个多边形的内环可以被多个子多边形共享,F的内环rf2包含了T、J、I共 3个子多边形. 内环不是一个独立对象,因此不能直接建立内环对象与其所包围的子多边形对象的对应关系,但通过遍历内环所在多边形的子多边形,判断具有共同RIP的子多边形即可确定上述对应关系. 因此,一个多边形的直接包含关系可表达为:{父多边形,在父多边形中相应的环,包含的子多边形}.根据以上分析,设CP(Current Polygon)表示当前多边形,PP(Parent Polygon)为CP的父多边形,RIPID(Ring in Parent ID)为CP在PP中相应的内环序号,CPL(Children Polygon List )为CP的子多边形指针数组,为每个内环建立子多边形列表,则四叉树结点中多边形对象的数据结构可表达为:{CP,PP,RIPID,CPL}.空間数据往往分图层构建,且具有铺盖特征,其中复杂多边形与其空洞多边形可能分别存储在不同图层中,导致一个图层中存在很多空白区域,如图1中的阴影部分(下同). 当前图层只存储了空白区域的RIP,而无相应多边形对象. 由于空白区域的RIP不能独立存储为多边形对象,为完整表达该RIP相关的包含关系,本文引入内环虚拟多边形对象来填满复杂多边形内连续的空白区域,即内环虚拟多边形对象为一个复杂多边形内空洞边界构建的虚拟对象,其结构为{CP,PP,-RIPID,Ø}. 其中CP为内环虚拟多边形,PP为内环虚拟多边形的父多边形,-RIPID为该内环在PP中的序号(用负号来区别于实际存在的多边形).为确定多边形间的包含关系,建立了如下4条判别规则. 设多边形P1、P2,若满足以下规则,则P1直接包含P2.规则1 P1有内环;规则2 P2的MBR被P1的MBR包含,同时与P1的某一内环r的MBR相等(如图2中F 与rc1)或相交(如图2中T与rf2);规则3 P2上任取一顶点在r的环内或环上;规则4 不存在MBR小于P1的多边形包含P2.上述规则,每条都是建立在前一条规则的基础上. 其中规则2需要遍历P1的内环,对满足规则2的内环,再使用规则3判别. 若P2的子多边形均为简单多边形,则前3条规则可确定P1与P2的包含关系,否则利用规则4进一步约束,以排除嵌套的间接包含关系. 规则1判别多边形是否有内环的时间复杂度为常量O(1),若P1所有内环数的总边数为e,则规则2遍历P1的内环并判别MBR是否相交的主要开销为遍历P1内环计算MBR,其时间复杂度为GIS中空间数据处理一般包括过滤和精化计算两个步骤,空间数据索引用来过滤掉大部分无关的目标,使得精化计算仅在少数密切相关目标间进行的效率提升的特殊空间数据结构. 目前,空间数据索引方法包括传统矢量数据索引的四叉树[9-10]、R树[11-12]、R+树[13]、R*树[14-15]、网格索引[16]、Hilbert R树[17]等和轨迹数据索引Geohash-Trees[18]等. 上述传统矢量数据索引方法均采用目标的最小外接矩形(MBR)减小索引结构的存储量并提高过滤效率. 但是对于复杂多边形,现有索引方法仅存储了其外边界的MBR,不能表达复杂多边形及其空洞间的包含关系,在空间数据冲突检测与更新处理中,无关空洞不能通过索引而过滤掉,大量空洞需参与精化计算,是导致计算量大、效率低等问题的根本原因.图1所示为地表覆盖矢量数据的局部示例,图中C为一个包含上千个空洞的复杂多边形,图1(a)中B、 D、 E、 F等都是其空洞,其中阴影部分为其他图层图斑,在当前图层中为空白区域. P1为增量多边形(图1(b)),P1只与C和它的一个空洞多边形B和空白区域存在二维交,需要进行更新处理. 但采用现有索引方法,需要计算P1与C及其所有空洞多边形的拓扑关系,导致更新处理效率极低. 如果在索引结构中能够存储复杂多边形与其空洞间的包含关系,无关的空洞通过索引过滤掉,那么地表覆盖数据更新效率有望大大提高. 根据上述分析,本文提出一种存储复杂多边形包含关系的空间数据索引方法.地表覆盖矢量数据嵌套复杂,多边形MBR重叠严重,若构建索引R树结构,则索引性能不佳[15],同时R树索引无法避免地重复存储空间对象,造成空间数据更新时存储的包含关系一致性维护困难. 处理面目标的四叉树结构主要有线性四叉树、PMR四叉树、CIF四叉树等结构[9,19-20]. 线性四叉树用自定义大小的网格映射空间目标[21],由于地表覆盖矢量数据面积分布极度不均,难以选择大小合适的网格,同时索引中空间对象也无法避免重复存储;PMR四叉树索引以线段而非以面目标作为整体概念;CIF四叉树索引以分层的网格映射空间目标[22],索引结构形态不依赖空间对象插入的顺序,不重复存储空间对象,同时空间数据更新时,结点变更较小[21-23],本文在CIF四叉树基础上提出一种存储拓扑包含关系的四叉树空间索引方法.1 包含关系四叉树索引的建立1.1 多边形包含关系的表达复杂多边形与其空洞多边形之间的嵌套包含关系类似于父子关系,可通过父-子-孙间的序关系来表达多边形之间嵌套包含关系,如图2所示.图2中H的父多边形为F,F与H互为父多边形与子多边形,H与C不存在直接包含关系(H为C的孙子多边形). 子多边形被包围在父多边形的相应内环(Ring in Parent,RIP)中,多边形F包含在C中的内环rc1中(即F的RIP为rc1),因此,内环是父多边形和子多边形之间的联系,内环嵌套体现多边形之间复杂包含关系. 一个多边形的内环可以被多个子多边形共享,F的内环rf2包含了T、J、I共 3个子多边形. 内环不是一个独立对象,因此不能直接建立内环对象与其所包围的子多边形对象的对应关系,但通过遍历内环所在多边形的子多边形,判断具有共同RIP的子多边形即可确定上述对应关系. 因此,一个多边形的直接包含关系可表达为:{父多边形,在父多边形中相应的环,包含的子多边形}.根据以上分析,设CP(Current Polygon)表示当前多边形,PP(Parent Polygon)为CP的父多边形,RIPID(Ring in Parent ID)为CP在PP中相应的内环序号,CPL(Children Polygon List )为CP的子多边形指针数组,为每个内环建立子多边形列表,则四叉树结点中多边形对象的数据结构可表达为:{CP,PP,RIPID,CPL}.空间数据往往分图层构建,且具有铺盖特征,其中复杂多边形与其空洞多边形可能分别存储在不同图层中,导致一个图层中存在很多空白区域,如图1中的阴影部分(下同). 当前图层只存储了空白区域的RIP,而无相应多边形对象. 由于空白区域的RIP不能独立存储为多边形对象,为完整表达该RIP相关的包含关系,本文引入内环虚拟多边形对象来填满复杂多边形内连续的空白区域,即内环虚拟多边形对象为一个复杂多边形内空洞边界构建的虚拟对象,其结构为{CP,PP,-RIPID,Ø}. 其中CP为内环虚拟多边形,PP为内环虚拟多边形的父多边形,-RIPID为该内环在PP中的序号(用负号来区别于实际存在的多边形).为确定多边形间的包含关系,建立了如下4条判别规则. 设多边形P1、P2,若满足以下规则,则P1直接包含P2.规则1 P1有内环;规则2 P2的MBR被P1的MBR包含,同时与P1的某一内环r的MBR相等(如图2中F 与rc1)或相交(如图2中T与rf2);规则3 P2上任取一顶点在r的环内或环上;规则4 不存在MBR小于P1的多边形包含P2.上述规则,每条都是建立在前一条规则的基础上. 其中规则2需要遍历P1的内环,对满足规则2的内环,再使用规則3判别. 若P2的子多边形均为简单多边形,则前3条规则可确定P1与P2的包含关系,否则利用规则4进一步约束,以排除嵌套的间接包含关系. 规则1判别多边形是否有内环的时间复杂度为常量O(1),若P1所有内环数的总边数为e,则规则2遍历P1的内环并判别MBR是否相交的主要开销为遍历P1内环计算MBR,其时间复杂度为GIS中空间数据处理一般包括过滤和精化计算两个步骤,空间数据索引用来过滤掉大部分无关的目标,使得精化计算仅在少数密切相关目标间进行的效率提升的特殊空间数据结构. 目前,空间数据索引方法包括传统矢量数据索引的四叉树[9-10]、R树[11-12]、R+树[13]、R*树[14-15]、网格索引[16]、Hilbert R树[17]等和轨迹数据索引Geohash-Trees[18]等. 上述传统矢量数据索引方法均采用目标的最小外接矩形(MBR)减小索引结构的存储量并提高过滤效率. 但是对于复杂多边形,现有索引方法仅存储了其外边界的MBR,不能表达复杂多边形及其空洞间的包含关系,在空间数据冲突检测与更新处理中,无关空洞不能通过索引而过滤掉,大量空洞需参与精化计算,是导致计算量大、效率低等问题的根本原因.图1所示为地表覆盖矢量数据的局部示例,图中C为一个包含上千个空洞的复杂多边形,图1(a)中B、 D、 E、 F等都是其空洞,其中阴影部分为其他图层图斑,在当前图层中为空白区域. P1为增量多边形(图1(b)),P1只与C和它的一个空洞多边形B和空白区域存在二维交,需要进行更新处理. 但采用现有索引方法,需要计算P1与C及其所有空洞多边形的拓扑关系,导致更新处理效率极低. 如果在索引结构中能够存储复杂多边形与其空洞间的包含关系,无关的空洞通过索引过滤掉,那么地表覆盖数据更新效率有望大大提高. 根据上述分析,本文提出一种存储复杂多边形包含关系的空间数据索引方法.地表覆盖矢量数据嵌套复杂,多边形MBR重叠严重,若构建索引R树结构,则索引性能不佳[15],同时R树索引无法避免地重复存储空间对象,造成空间数据更新时存储的包含关系一致性维护困难. 处理面目标的四叉树结构主要有线性四叉树、PMR四叉树、CIF四叉树等结构[9,19-20]. 线性四叉树用自定义大小的网格映射空间目标[21],由于地表覆盖矢量数据面积分布极度不均,难以选择大小合适的网格,同时索引中空间对象也无法避免重复存储;PMR四叉树索引以线段而非以面目标作为整体概念;CIF四叉树索引以分层的网格映射空间目标[22],索引结构形态不依赖空间对象插入的顺序,不重复存储空间对象,同时空间数据更新时,结点变更较小[21-23],本文在CIF四叉树基础上提出一种存储拓扑包含关系的四叉树空间索引方法.1 包含关系四叉树索引的建立1.1 多边形包含关系的表达復杂多边形与其空洞多边形之间的嵌套包含关系类似于父子关系,可通过父-子-孙间的序关系来表达多边形之间嵌套包含关系,如图2所示.图2中H的父多边形为F,F与H互为父多边形与子多边形,H与C不存在直接包含关系(H为C的孙子多边形). 子多边形被包围在父多边形的相应内环(Ring in Parent,RIP)中,多边形F包含在C中的内环rc1中(即F的RIP为rc1),因此,内环是父多边形和子多边形之间的联系,内环嵌套体现多边形之间复杂包含关系. 一个多边形的内环可以被多个子多边形共享,F的内环rf2包含了T、J、I共 3个子多边形. 内环不是一个独立对象,因此不能直接建立内环对象与其所包围的子多边形对象的对应关系,但通过遍历内环所在多边形的子多边形,判断具有共同RIP的子多边形即可确定上述对应关系. 因此,一个多边形的直接包含关系可表达为:{父多边形,在父多边形中相应的环,包含的子多边形}.根据以上分析,设CP(Current Polygon)表示当前多边形,PP(Parent Polygon)为CP的父多边形,RIPID(Ring in Parent ID)为CP在PP中相应的内环序号,CPL(Children Polygon List )为CP的子多边形指针数组,为每个内环建立子多边形列表,则四叉树结点中多边形对象的数据结构可表达为:{CP,PP,RIPID,CPL}.空间数据往往分图层构建,且具有铺盖特征,其中复杂多边形与其空洞多边形可能分别存储在不同图层中,导致一个图层中存在很多空白区域,如图1中的阴影部分(下同). 当前图层只存储了空白区域的RIP,而无相应多边形对象. 由于空白区域的RIP不能独立存储为多边形对象,为完整表达该RIP相关的包含关系,本文引入内环虚拟多边形对象来填满复杂多边形内连续的空白区域,即内环虚拟多边形对象为一个复杂多边形内空洞边界构建的虚拟对象,其结构为{CP,PP,-RIPID,Ø}. 其中CP为内环虚拟多边形,PP为内环虚拟多边形的父多边形,-RIPID为该内环在PP中的序号(用负号来区别于实际存在的多边形).为确定多边形间的包含关系,建立了如下4条判别规则. 设多边形P1、P2,若满足以下规则,则P1直接包含P2.规则1 P1有内环;规则2 P2的MBR被P1的MBR包含,同时与P1的某一内环r的MBR相等(如图2中F 与rc1)或相交(如图2中T与rf2);规则3 P2上任取一顶点在r的环内或环上;规则4 不存在MBR小于P1的多边形包含P2.上述规则,每条都是建立在前一条规则的基础上. 其中规则2需要遍历P1的内环,对满足规则2的内环,再使用规则3判别. 若P2的子多边形均为简单多边形,则前3条规则可确定P1与P2的包含关系,否则利用规则4进一步约束,以排除嵌套的间接包含关系. 规则1判别多边形是否有内环的时间复杂度为常量O(1),若P1所有内环数的总边数为e,则规则2遍历P1的内环并判别MBR是否相交的主要开销为遍历P1内环计算MBR,其时间复杂度为GIS中空间数据处理一般包括过滤和精化计算两个步骤,空间数据索引用来过滤掉大部分无关的目标,使得精化计算仅在少数密切相关目标间进行的效率提升的特殊空间数据结构. 目前,空间数据索引方法包括传统矢量数据索引的四叉树[9-10]、R树[11-12]、R+树[13]、R*树[14-15]、网格索引[16]、Hilbert R树[17]等和轨迹数据索引Geohash-Trees[18]等. 上述传统矢量数据索引方法均采用目标的最小外接矩形(MBR)减小索引结构的存储量并提高过滤效率. 但是对于复杂多边形,现有索引方法仅存储了其外边界的MBR,不能表达复杂多边形及其空洞间的包含关系,在空间数据冲突检测与更新处理中,无关空洞不能通过索引而过滤掉,大量空洞需参与精化计算,是导致计算量大、效率低等问题的根本原因.图1所示为地表覆盖矢量数据的局部示例,图中C为一个包含上千个空洞的复杂多边形,图1(a)中B、 D、 E、 F等都是其空洞,其中阴影部分为其他图层图斑,在当前图层中为空白区域. P1为增量多边形(图1(b)),P1只与C和它的一个空洞多边形B和空白区域存在二维交,需要进行更新处理. 但采用现有索引方法,需要计算P1与C及其所有空洞多边形的拓扑关系,导致更新处理效率极低. 如果在索引结构中能够存储复杂多边形与其空洞间的包含关系,无关的空洞通过索引过滤掉,那么地表覆盖数据更新效率有望大大提高. 根据上述分析,本文提出一种存储复杂多边形包含关系的空间数据索引方法.地表覆盖矢量数据嵌套复杂,多边形MBR重叠严重,若构建索引R树结构,则索引性能不佳[15],同时R树索引无法避免地重复存储空间对象,造成空间数据更新时存储的包含关系一致性维护困难. 处理面目标的四叉树结构主要有线性四叉树、PMR四叉树、CIF四叉树等结构[9,19-20]. 线性四叉树用自定义大小的网格映射空间目标[21],由于地表覆盖矢量数据面积分布极度不均,难以选择大小合适的网格,同时索引中空间对象也无法避免重复存储;PMR四叉树索引以线段而非以面目标作为整体概念;CIF四叉树索引以分层的网格映射空间目标[22],索引结构形态不依赖空间对象插入的顺序,不重复存储空间对象,同时空间数据更新时,结点变更较小[21-23],本文在CIF四叉树基础上提出一种存储拓扑包含关系的四叉树空间索引方法.1 包含关系四叉树索引的建立1.1 多边形包含关系的表达复杂多边形与其空洞多边形之间的嵌套包含关系类似于父子关系,可通过父-子-孙间的序关系来表达多边形之间嵌套包含关系,如图2所示.图2中H的父多边形为F,F与H互为父多边形与子多边形,H与C不存在直接包含关系(H为C的孙子多边形). 子多边形被包围在父多边形的相应内环(Ring in Parent,RIP)中,多边形F包含在C中的内环rc1中(即F的RIP为rc1),因此,内环是父多边形和子多边形之间的联系,内环嵌套体现多边形之间复杂包含关系. 一个多边形的内环可以被多个子多边形共享,F的内环rf2包含了T、J、I共 3个子多边形. 内环不是一个独立对象,因此不能直接建立内环对象与其所包围的子多边形对象的对应关系,但通过遍历内环所在多边形的子多边形,判断具有共同RIP的子多边形即可确定上述对应关系. 因此,一个多边形的直接包含关系可表达为:{父多边形,在父多边形中相应的环,包含的子多边形}.根据以上分析,设CP(Current Polygon)表示当前多边形,PP(Parent Polygon)为CP的父多边形,RIPID(Ring in Parent ID)为CP在PP中相应的内环序号,CPL(Children Polygon List )为CP的子多边形指针数组,为每个内环建立子多边形列表,则四叉树结点中多边形对象的数据结构可表达为:{CP,PP,RIPID,CPL}.空间数据往往分图层构建,且具有铺盖特征,其中复杂多边形与其空洞多边形可能分别存储在不同图层中,导致一个图层中存在很多空白区域,如图1中的阴影部分(下同). 当前图层只存储了空白区域的RIP,而无相应多边形对象. 由于空白区域的RIP不能独立存储为多边形对象,为完整表达该RIP相关的包含关系,本文引入内环虚拟多边形对象来填满复杂多边形内连续的空白区域,即内环虚拟多边形对象为一个复杂多边形内空洞边界构建的虚拟对象,。



式中C ij就是我们通常所说的弹性模量,可以证明,上述刚度矩阵为对称阵,C ij=C ji,因此,弹性模量的独立张量元数目至多只有21个。


需要指出的是,C ij的数目只与晶系有关,而与晶系中具体的对称类型无关。

1.1 三斜晶系(Triclinic system)



es6 symbol的理解 -回复

es6 symbol的理解 -回复

es6 symbol的理解-回复ES6 Symbol 是一种新的数据类型,用于表示唯一的标识符。


本文将以ES6 Symbol作为主题,从基本概念、创建和使用、扩展应用等多个方面进行一步一步的解释。

1. 概念Symbol是一个原始类型的值,定义为"唯一的"和"不可变的"。



2. 创建和使用Symbol可以使用Symbol()函数来创建一个新的Symbol值。



例如:javascriptconst mySymbol = Symbol();console.log(typeof mySymbol); "symbol"3. Symbol作为对象属性使用Symbol作为对象的属性键,可以创建真正私有的属性和方法。


例如:javascriptconst obj = {[Symbol("myProperty")]: "value",[Symbol("myMethod")]() {...}};4. 获取Symbol属性要访问对象中的Symbol属性,必须使用方括号表示法。


例如:javascriptconst obj = {[Symbol("myProperty")]: "value"};console.log(obj[Symbol("myProperty")]); undefinedconsole.log(obj[Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj)[0]]); "value"5. Symbol全局注册表ES6中引入的Symbol全局注册表是一个特殊的对象,用于存储全局共享的Symbol值。

面结构光 格雷码编码

面结构光 格雷码编码

面结构光(Structured Light)是一种三维扫描技术,通过光结构投影(如条纹、格子、圆点等)和相应图像的采集,来计算目标物体的三维坐标和形状。

而格雷码编码(Gray Code Encoding)是一种数字编码方式,将相邻数值之间只有一位差异的多个二进制数按从小到大的序列连接起来,形成格雷码序列。





1.(m,5)和(m,6)-分裂系的一个递归构造法 [J], 李向阳
2.一种新的二维光正交码的构造与性能分析 [J], 杨刘洋;吕翔
3.正形置换的一种新递归构造方法 [J], 郑浩然;崔霆;史建红
4.介绍一种新的客观分析法—递归滤波法 [J], 孙东联;王宗皓
5.构造一系列新的最优循环填充及其相应的光正交码 [J], 黄必昌

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The importance of 6j (Racah) coefficients of SU(2) for the quantum angular momentum theory is well known, as well as their applications in many branches of mathematical physics, representation theory of Lie and quantum groups, in theory of orthogonal polynomials and other special functions. The Racah coefficients (6j -symbols) and other recoupling coefficients of the unitary SU(n), orthogonal SO(n) and symplectic Sp(2n) groups of different rank are useful when calculating energy levels and transition rates in atomic, molecular and nuclear theory (for example, in connection with Jahn–Teller effect and structural analysis of atomic shells, see many papers of Judd and co-workers [1–7], for description of multi-fermionic systems and in the microscopic nuclear theory [8–14]) and in conformal field theory [15]. Special classes of coupling coefficients and 6j -symbols of the SO(n) groups were considered by Aliˇ sauskas [16, 17], Junker and Hormeß [18, 19], with the fourfold [16, 19] and triple [16] sum expressions for the recoupling coefficients with all most degenerate (symmetric or class-one) irreducible representations. (Such 6j -symbols have application
6j -symbols for symmetric representations of SO(n) as the double series
arXiv:math-ph/0206044v2 30 Sep 2002
Sigitas Aliˇ sauskas
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University, A. Goˇ stauto 12, Vilnius 2600, Lithuania Abstract. The corrected triple sum expression of Aliˇ sauskas (1987) for the recoupling (Racah) coefficients (6j -symbols) of the symmetric (most degenerate) representations of the orthogonal groups SO(n) (previously derived from the fourfold sum expression of Aliˇ sauskas also related to result of Hormeß and Junker 1999) is rearranged into three new different double sum expressions (related to the hypergeometric Kamp´ e de F´ eriet type series) and a new triple sum expression with preferable summation condition. The Regge type symmetry of special 6j -symbols 1:4 of the orthogonal groups SO(n) in terms of special Kamp´ e de F´ eriet F1:3 series is revealed. The recoupling coefficients for antisymmetric representations of symplectic group Sp(2n) are derived using their relation with the recoupling coefficients of the formal orthogonal group SO(−2n).
2 in the statistical physics, in the high-temperature expansion of the SO(n)-symmetric classical lattice models [18–21]). Other special expressions for 6j -symbols of the SO(n) were also considered in [22–25] and extended to the Racah coefficients of the quantum algebras Oq (n) [26]. The fourfold sum expressions (5.1)–(5.3) of [16] and (2)–(10) of [19] (cf. the integral representation in section 6 of [18]) for the 6j -symbols of SO(n) with all six irreducible representations (irreps) symmetric are equivalent, taking into account the different expressions (11)–(15) of [19] and (3.10a)–(3.10b) of [17] for the integrals involving triplets of the Gegenbauer polynomials in terms of the very well-poised 7 F6 (1) or balanced 4 F3 (1) hypergeometric series, related to the 6j coefficients of SU(2). The Biedenharn–Elliott identity [27, 28] (see [29–31]), used in two stages and related expansions allowed us [16] to derive the triple sum expression (5.7) for the corresponding 6j -symbols of SO(n). Note that the phase factor (−1)(g−e)/2 (where g ≥ e) should be omitted in the right-hand side of this expression, in contrast with (5.5) of the same paper. Expressions (5.3) and (5.7) of [16] for the 6j -symbols of SO(n) are given as expansions in terms of three and two multiplied 6j coefficients of SU(2) (with some multiple of 1/4 parameters for odd n), respectively. The corresponding sums over the angular momentum type parameters resemble the usual expansions [29, 30] of 9j and 12j coefficients of SU(2) in terms of 6j coefficients, which recently were rearranged by Rosengren [32] (for the SU(1,1) group) and Aliˇ sauskas [33–35] using the appropriate (less symmetric) expressions (29.1b) and (29.1c) of Jucys and Bandzaitis [29] (see also (5) and (6) in section 9.2 of [30]) for the Racah coefficients (related to the balanced hypergeometric 4 F3 (1) series) and Dougall’s summation formula [36] of the very wellpoised 4 F3 (−1) series. In [33, 35], Dougall’s summation formula [36, 37] of the very well-poised hypergeometric 5 F4 (1) series, together with the corresponding expressions for the Racah coefficients, was suitable for rearrangement of 12j coefficients of SU(2). This way the total number of sums in expressions was reduced. In this paper, the triple sum expression (5.7) of [16] for the 6j -symbols of SO(n) with all six irreps symmetric is rearranged in a similar manner into the different double sum expressions of the hypergeometric (Kamp´ e de F´ eriet [38, 39]) type, as well as into the triple sum expression, with all three separate sums of the balanced 4 F3 (1) type restricted by a single parameter. In section 2, the main results of [16] concerning the 6j -symbols of SO(n) are summarized and reconsidered in view of our objectives and some approaches used in [33–35] in the case of 9j and 12j coefficients of SU(2). Three new double sum expressions for the renormalized 6j -symbols of SO(n) (specified in terms of so-called α-graphs (α,n) In (a, b, e|d, c, f ) or related rational ca,b,e;d,c,f functions of [19]) are derived in section 3, where the Regge [40] type symmetry is also revealed (for n ≥ 5), as well as the role of the Bargmann–Shelepin [41, 42] parameters, extended from the 6j coefficients of SU(2)