思杰增值 Microsoft Windows Terminal Services
2003 server微软终端的激活方法2003 server 在使用中会在120天内过期,从而在终端产品使用过程中出现无法登陆的问题,就以上问题我们提供以下两种方式解决,在操作之前需要先在2003系统的"添加/删除程序〞的添加系统组件中添加"终端效劳器授权〞模块:激活合约码〔6565792、5296992、6879321〕(注意:用方式2:WEB浏览器方式激活,不是用1:自动连接)1、有些2003版本可以只要系统连接internet就可以通过简单的操作自动完成注册。
2)右键选择"激活效劳器〞3)下一步后,选择"自动连接〞4)之后按照提示输入相应客户资料后即可完成激活,需要注意的是2、如果自动连接无法注册可以采用手工注册的方法完成:1)如自动注册1-3步,在激活方式中选择"web浏览器〞,下一步后,记录下你效劳器的ID号,2)登陆微软注册〔 s:// activate.microsoft.〕,并选择中文3)输入效劳器ID并填写有"*〞标记的注册信息,然后选择下一步。
错误2:系统找不到指定的文件1.故障现象尝试在“服务”管理单元窗口手动启动服务是,系统提示“错误2:系统找不到指定的文件”Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.,如图1所示。
2.原因分析两种可能:1 服务的可执行文件丢失或者被破坏。
2 服务相关注册表键值ImagePath的数值数据被篡改,导致SCM无法加载服务的可执行文件。
3.解决办法以“Task Scheduler”服务为例。
或者借助sc命令:sc config Schedule binpath= "%SystemRoot%\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs"如果是可执行文件丢失或者破坏,请用正确的副本进行替换,并重启系统。
citrix mcs技术实现方式
Citrix Machine Creation Services (MCS) 是一种用于创建和管理虚拟桌面的技术,它可以帮助用户快速部署虚拟机并进行统一管理。
MCS 技术的实现方式包括以下几个方面:1. 虚拟机镜像管理MCS 技术通过对虚拟机镜像的管理来实现快速部署虚拟机的功能。
2. 虚拟机克隆MCS 技术采用了虚拟机克隆的方式来创建新的虚拟机实例。
在用户需要创建新的虚拟机时,MCS 会直接复制已有虚拟机的镜像,并在复制的基础上进行一些必要的配置和修改,从而快速生成新的虚拟机实例。
3. 虚拟机存储管理MCS 技术对虚拟机的存储管理也非常重要。
4. 虚拟机资源管理MCS 技术能够对虚拟机的资源进行有效管理,包括 CPU、内存、磁盘等。
5. 虚拟机生命周期管理MCS 技术还支持对虚拟机生命周期的管理,包括虚拟机的创建、启动、暂停、恢复、停止、删除等操作。
与此MCS 还提供了对虚拟机的监控和报警功能,可及时发现和解决虚拟机运行中的问题。
Citrix MCS 技术通过对虚拟机镜像、虚拟机克隆、虚拟机存储、虚拟机资源和虚拟机生命周期的管理,实现了快速部署和统一管理虚拟机的功能,为用户提供了更加便捷和高效的虚拟化解决方案。
高手破解Win 2003终端服务许可证有绝招
高手破解Win 2003终端服务许可证有绝招
导读:终端服务(Terminal Services)也叫WBT(Windows-based Terminal,基于Windows的终端),它集成在 Server中,作为系统服务器服务组件存在。
Server终端服务由五个组件组成: Server服务器多用户内核、远程桌面协议、终端服务客户端软件、终端服务许可服务以及终端服务系统管理工具.据了解,其中服务器最重要的远程管理“终端服务”居然要求授权,要许可证,否则120天过期。
其实这个服务在WINDOWS2003安装完就有,大家可以注意2003在添加/删除服务的时候经常不用从安装盘的I386里读东西,嘿嘿…………用过windows server 2003做服务器的人都知道windows2003的性能安全性比以前的windows 版本高出很多,但是也带来很多麻烦,为此,多多来本网站学习关于win2003各个方面的知识很有必要哦.。
Windows 终端计算机高危端口和远程协议关闭
搜索”控制面板” 并打开
搜索“远程” ,搜索结果的“允许远程访问你的计算机”
如果“允许远程协助连接这台计算机” √是选择的需要去掉√,表示不允许开启远程协助
搜索cmd ,以管理员身份运行打开”命令提示符”
输入关闭命令:sc config w32time start=disabled
搜索cmd ,以管理员身份运行打开”命令提示符”
输入关闭命令:sc config SSDPSRV start=disabled
搜索cmd ,以管理员身份运行打开”命令提示符”
输入检查命令:netstat -ano | find "445"
找到“Server” 服务并选择属性
选择“禁用” 此服务启动
搜索powershell,以管理员身份运行打开”Windows PowerShell”
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol 然后重启电脑。
WSYE 瘦终端产品线及解决方案
Increased Improved Improved Fail over Faster Use Increases
Still Complex Still Unsecure Still Required Still an Issue Still Imaging the HDD Still Energy Wasteful
操 应 存
作 用 储
系 统 程 序
Copyright © 2010 Wyse Technology. All Rights Reserved.
Trends: Cloud Client Computing Evolution 趋势:客户端计算演进
Open Cloud Computing:
用 户 体 验 和 创 新 User Experience and Innovation
33.33 $ 4.58 $ 37.92 $ 19.00 12.50 12.58 44.08 31.58 15.58 15.58 37.92 44.08 31.58 15.58 6.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
33.33 4.58 37.92 19.00 8.08 12.58 39.67 18.00 15.58 15.58 37.92 39.67 18.00 15.58 6.00
3.13 $ 8.33 $ 11.46 $ 5.58 $ 4.42 $ 10.42 $ 20.42 $ 30.08 10.75 10.75 11.46 20.42 30.08 10.75 0.21 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Client TCO (monthly) TCO Difference VDI Models Only TCO Difference
终端服务Terminal Service
终端服务Terminal Service微软的win2000服务器版中带了一个终端服务Terminal Service,这个服务基于远程桌面协议RDP,他的速度非常快,也很稳定,是一个比较好的远程管理软件,不过这个终端服务有几个不方便的地方:第一是没有改端口的地方,终端服务只能使用默认得3389端口。
打开注册表,找到类似这样的键值HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\Wds\Repwd\Tds\Tcp, 看到那个PortNumber没有?0xd3d,这个是16进制,就是3389啦,我改...这个值是RDP(远程桌面协议)的默认值,也就是说用来配置以后新建的RDP服务的,要改已经建立的RDP服务,我们去下一个键值:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations这里应该有一个或多个类似RDP-TCP的子健(取决于你建立了多少个RDP服务),一样改掉PortNumber。
(转者注:在这里可以在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 下面通过搜索3389来找到所有的portnumber项)2、第二步,改客户端。
服务端改了端口而客户端端口没有改变,我们岂不是白瞪眼?再来改客户端:打开客户端连接管理器,按照正常的步骤建立一个客户端连接的快捷方式,选中这个连接,然后在“文件”菜单里选择“导出”(Menu->File->Export),这个操作会生成一个cns文件,就是终端服务客户端的配置文件,你可以用文本编辑器(比如记事本)编辑这个文件,找到“Server Port=3389”,改成你要的端口,然后再选导入(Menu->File->Import),这是的客户端快捷方式已经变成你需要的端口了。
微软商业许可计划中的Windows Server远程桌面服务(RDS)和Microsoft桌面应用程
This brief applies to all Microsoft Commercial Licensing programs. Table of contentsSummary (1)What's new in this brief (1)Details (1)RDS technologies requiring RDS CALs (1)Available RDS CALs (2)Licensing Microsoft desktop applications for use with Windows Server RDS (2)Dos and don'ts of using Microsoft Office with Windows Server Remote Desktop Services: samplescenarios (3)Frequently asked questions (4)SummaryThis licensing brief helps to clarify Microsoft licensing policies for Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (RDS)and Microsoft desktop applications for use with Windows Server RDS.What's new in this briefThis brief replaces previous versions of two briefs: Licensing Windows Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services andLicensing of Microsoft Desktop Application Software for Use with Windows Server Remote Desktop Services. The contenthas been combined into this single brief.DetailsRemote Desktop Services (formerly known as Terminal Services) accelerates and extends desktop and application deployments to any device, improving remote worker efficiency, while helping to keep critical intellectual propertysecure and simplify regulatory compliance. Remote Desktop Services enables virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI),session-based desktops, and applications, allowing users to work anywhere. Microsoft RDS provides threedeployment choices so that customers can have the flexibility to deploy the right type of VDI desktop for their users,all from a single platform. Customers can host either sessions-based desktop, pooled virtual machines, or personalvirtual machines.RDS technologies requiring RDS CALsMicrosoft licensing policies for Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (including the components that areincluded in Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, andWindows Server 2016) require that, in addition to a Windows Server Client Access License (CAL) (acquired eitherstandalone or through Microsoft Core CAL Suite or Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite), you must acquire a WindowsServer RDS CAL for each user or device that (i) directly or indirectly accesses any of the RDS functionality and/or (ii) directly or indirectly accesses the server software to interact with a graphical user interface (GUI) using RDS functionality or any other third-party technology.Remote Desktop Services functionality is defined as those features or services that are running when enabling the Remote Desktop Services role and/or role service(s) in Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows Server 2016. This includes, but is not limited to, Remote Desktop Gateway, Remote Desktop Web Access, Remote Desktop Connection Broker, Remote Desktop Session Host, and Remote Desktop Virtualization Host.Note: No RDS CALs are required for up to two users to access instances of the server software for administration purposes. Available RDS CALsThe following types of RDS Server Client Access Licenses are available:RDS Device CAL: Permits one device (used by any user) to use Remote Desktop Services functionality on any of your servers.RDS User CAL: Permits one user (using any device) to use Remote Desktop Services functionality on any of your servers.RDS External Connector: Permits multiple external users to access a single Remote Desktop server. If you have multiple servers, you need multiple external connectors in addition to any required Windows Server External Connectors.You may choose to combine RDS Device CALs and RDS User CALs simultaneously with the server software. You may permanently reassign your device CAL from one device to another or your user CAL from one user to another. You may temporarily reassign your device CAL to a loaner device while the first device is out of service, or reassign your user CAL to a temporary worker while the worker is absent.Licensing Microsoft desktop applications for use with Windows Server RDSThe content below is limited to Microsoft Office per device on-premises licenses and does not include per user Online Services customer scenarios.Microsoft licenses its desktop applications on a per device basis. Per device licensing means a customer must obtain a license for each desktop on or from which the product is used or accessed. For example, when a desktop application is accessed remotely across an organization using Windows Server Remote Desktop Services, a separate desktop application license is required for each desktop from which the application is accessed.Use of Microsoft desktop applications in a Remote Desktop Services environment requires that the suite/edition, components, language, and version of the license acquired for the desktops from which the desktop application is remotely accessed matches that of the copy of the application being accessed. For example:④Product (or suite): Microsoft Office Standard 2016 and Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 are differentproducts (or suites). A desktop licensed for Office Standard 2016 may not remotely access and use OfficeProfessional Plus 2016.④Components: A license for a suite (for example, a Microsoft Office suite) for the accessing desktop must have thesame components as the copy of the Microsoft Office suite being remotely accessed.④Language: The English/multi-language version of the Microsoft Office suite may not be accessed remotely from adesktop, which is licensed for a single language version of the Microsoft Office suite. Likewise, remote access to a licensed copy of Microsoft Office Multi-Language Pack 2013 requires the accessing desktop be licensed for the Office Multi-Language Pack 2013.Version: Microsoft Office 2016 and Microsoft Office 2013 are different versions. You may not remotely access Microsoft Office 2016 from a desktop that is licensed for Microsoft Office 2013.Microsoft Office retail (full packaged product) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) products released in 2007 or later do not permit network use.Windows Server 2016 is licensed under a Per Core + Client Access License (CAL) model. The Per Core + CAL model provides both user and device licensing options. Customers with more devices than users can license users rather than devices. In contrast, Microsoft desktop applications are licensed under a device-based model. This means, while user CALs permit a user to access the server software from any device in a Remote Desktop Services environment, a Microsoft desktop application license permits that user to access the application only from the desktop to which the license is assigned.Remote Desktop Services can be used by both Windows desktops and non-Windows desktops (for example, Linux PCs or thin client devices). Microsoft desktop applications must be licensed for every desktop from which they are remotely accessed regardless of whether that desktop is a Windows desktop.Do s and don't s of using Microsoft Office with Windows Server Remote Desktop Services: sample scenariosRemote Desktop Services functionality provides a rich Windows desktop experience and delivers Microsoft desktop applications such as Microsoft Office to users of hardware running earlier operating systems that are licensed for those applications. Remote Desktop Services can help you centrally manage and support deploying Microsoft Office in your organization.Note: Every device that uses Windows Server Remote Desktop Services to remotely access Microsoft Office requires a Remote Desktop Services CAL, in addition to Windows Server CAL and a Microsoft Office license. Dedicate a Microsoft Office license for every desktop on or from which you plan to use or access Microsoft Office, even if that use is only occasional. Examples of desktops that might access Microsoft Office using Windows Server Remote Desktop Services functionality include Windows-based workstations, Macintosh computers, and UNIX workstations. The servers hosting the applications do not require Microsoft Office licenses.Scenario 1: Remote use in a call centerA customer has 50 Windows-based desktops in a call center and would like to use Microsoft Office on these. Two servers running Windows Server Remote Desktop Services support using Microsoft Office on these desktops. The customer needs to acquire 50 Microsoft Office licenses—one for each desktop that accesses Microsoft Office on the servers.Even if a desktop is expected to use Microsoft Office infrequently, the customer still needs to acquire and assign a Microsoft Office license to that desktop. If 20 of these desktops never use Microsoft Office, then the customer only needs to acquire 30 Microsoft Office licenses. In addition, the customer needs RDS CALs and Windows CALs for each device or user and one or more Windows Server licenses for each server.Scenario 2: Call centers with multiple shiftsA customer has 100 Windows-based desktops in a call center and would like to use Microsoft Office on all of them using Remote Desktop Services. The workers who sit at these desktops work in three eight-hour shifts, so the 100 desktops support 300 workers. Whenever a shift change takes place, the current worker closes Microsoft Office and logs off the server so that a new worker can log on and begin running Microsoft Office. The customer needs to acquire 100 Microsoft Office licenses—one for each desktop from which Microsoft Office is used. Windows Server licenses and Windows and RDS CALs are also required. Device-based CALs may be the right option when the users outnumber the devices.Note: The number of desktops, and not the number of workers, is important to this licensing scenario.Scenario 3: Desktop licenses for employeesA customer has 40 Windows-based desktops and 30 employees who use Microsoft Office on all 40 desktops.The customer needs to acquire 40 Microsoft Office licenses. This is consistent with the per device licensing policy. Scenario 4: Laptops as secondary portable devicesA customer has 20 portable desktops (for example, laptop computers) in addition to 100 desktop devices licensed under a Select Agreement.Under Select and Open Programs, Microsoft Office licenses include secondary or portable device rights for those 20 laptops. Users may not remotely access Office software running in a Windows Server Remote Desktop Services environment from those 20 secondary, portable devices. Secondary portable device rights do not cover network use. Scenario 5: Laptops as qualified desktopsAn Enterprise Agreement customer has 20 portable desktops (for example, laptop computers) that already have Microsoft Office licensed and installed on them.Under an Enterprise Agreement, all devices should be counted as qualified desktops and separately licensed for Enterprise products (for example, Office), including those 20 portable devices. The users of these 20 portable desktops occasionally connect to a server running Windows Server Remote Desktop Services to access Microsoft Office remotely while they are using a dial-up or broadband connection. As long the 20 portable desktops are licensed for the same edition, language, and version of Microsoft Office being remotely accessed, that use is covered under the licenses assigned to those 20 portable desktops. For both the licensed desktop and the separately licensed portable desktop, Microsoft Office may be used locally or accessed remotely using Remote Desktop Services or similar functionality.Note: Do not deploy and use Microsoft Office with Windows Server Remote Desktop Services with the expectation to just count and license the greatest number of desktops from which Microsoft Office is accessed at any one time. The Microsoft Office licenses may not be shared or used concurrently for different desktops. Even if you have fewer sessions active at any given time than the overall number of desktops from which you access the software, you must still count all the desktops. Every desktop must have a license regardless of whether it is used at any given point in time.Frequently asked questions1.Do I need an RDS CAL if I am using a third-party technology like Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop, EricomPowerTerm WebConnect, Quest Virtual Access Suite, GraphOn Go-Global, and so on to directly orindirectly access the server software to interact with the GUI?Yes. An RDS CAL is required for any technology used to directly or indirectly interact with the GUI. This includes (but is not limited to) using Microsoft Remote Desktop Services or other third-party software that enablesmultiuser scenarios on Windows Server.2.What version of the RDS CALs do I need?The CAL version must correspond to the server software version it accesses. Older version of CALs cannot be used with the newer version of the server software, but newer version RDS CALs can be used with an olderversion of the server software as defined in the interoperability matrix at/wiki/contents/articles/14988.rds-and-ts-cal-interoperability-matrix.aspx.The only exception to this rule are the R2 server releases where the older CALs can sometimes work with the newer R2 release of server software. For example, Windows Server 2012 RDS CALs can be used with Windows Server 2012 R2, and there are no new Windows Server 2012 R2 RDS CALs required.3.Do I need an RDS CAL if I am not running a multiuser environment but use functionality in RemoteDesktop Services—for example, Remote Desktop Gateway?Yes. An RDS CAL is required to use any functionality included in the Remote Desktop Services role in Windows Server. For example, if you are using RDS Gateway and/or Remote Desktop Web Access to provide access to a Windows client operating system on an individual PC, both an RDS CAL and Windows Server CAL are required.4.Do I have to acquire RDS CALs if I am only remotely administering Windows Server operating systems byusing Remote Desktop for Administration?No. Up to two users may connect to the Windows Server operating system simultaneously to performadministrative functions without needing any RDS CALs. Additional administrative users need the appropriate RDS CALs.5.If I am using VMware to enable a VDI solution, do I need an RDS CAL?If the solution uses any RDS roles (Remote Desktop (RD) Gateway, RD Web Access, RD Connection Broker, RD Session Host, or RD Virtualization Host), then an RDS CAL is required.6.What are the use terms for desktop applications in a Remote Desktop Services environment (where theapplication runs on the server and not on the client desktop)?Device-based licensing means a license must be obtained for each desktop on or from which the product is used or accessed. You may not share a license for the product with another desktop or assign it to different desktops.Therefore, in a Remote Desktop Services environment, you must acquire a license for all desktops that access the product running on the server.Note: Microsoft Office retail (full packaged product) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) products released in 2007 or later do not permit network use.7.Is there a separate desktop application licensing model for use of software with Windows Server RemoteDesktop Services?No. Use of applications with Windows Server Remote Desktop Services does not change the Microsoft per device desktop application licensing model. Each desktop on or from which the software is accessed or used requires a desktop application license.8.In addition to licensing the desktops that are accessing Microsoft Office using Remote Desktop Services,do I need to purchase a license for Microsoft Office for the server that is hosting the application for other desktops to access?No. A license is not required for the copy installed on the server.9.Can I install a retail or OEM version of Microsoft Office on a network server?Microsoft Office retail (full packaged product) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) products released in 2007 or later do not permit network use.10.If a desktop is licensed for a Microsoft desktop application, can I use that application both locally on thedesktop and remotely using Remote Desktop Services?Yes, if that license was acquired in Commercial Licensing. Commercial Licensing desktop application licenses give the customer the right to locally install the software and to use the same software remotely from a network server using Windows Server Remote Desktop Services (or similar technology). Local installation is not aprerequisite for network use. In some cases, local installation may not be technically possible or desired.However, Microsoft Office retail (full packaged product) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) products released in 2007 or later do not permit network use, but only locally installed software.11.If I already have a desktop license for a desktop application, what additional licenses do I need for adesktop to use the software from that desktop remotely in a Remote Desktop Services environment?In addition to the license for the desktop application, you need Windows Server and Remote Desktop Services Client Access Licenses for that desktop for remote access using Remote Desktop Services.12.I have installed Microsoft Office on a network server for access and use using Windows Server RemoteDesktop Services. I have acquired Remote Desktop Services User Client Access Licenses for each of my employees. I want my employees to be able to access Microsoft Office from any company managed desktop. What licenses are needed to properly license Microsoft Office within this environment?Because Microsoft Office is licensed through a device-based licensing model only, each desktop that is used to access Microsoft Office using Remote Desktop Services must have a separate Microsoft Office license dedicated to it. Licenses for Microsoft Office cannot be shared across desktops to support concurrent use. In addition, you may not reassign a license within 90 days of the last assignment. Furthermore, Microsoft Office retail (fullpackaged product) and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) products released in 2007 or later do not permit network use.13.I have installed Microsoft Office on a network server for access and use using Windows Server RemoteDesktop Services. I want my employees to be able to access Microsoft Office from third-party devices.What licenses are needed to properly license Microsoft Office within this environment?With active Software Assurance for Office in Commercial Licensing, you can exercise your roaming rights benefit to enable users to remotely access the Office software on a qualified third-party device, regardless of thetechnology used to access the software. Roaming rights do not permit the Office software be installed and run locally on the third-party device. Roaming rights also apply only to the primary user of a licensed device with Software Assurance coverage, and are subject to the limitation on the number of users in the base license terms.14.I have just purchased several new desktops from an OEM with preinstalled licenses for Microsoft OfficeProfessional 2016. Can I install the software on a network server and use these desktops to remotely access it? What if the copy running on the server is licensed under my Commercial Licensing agreement—does that change the answer?The answer is no in both cases. First, the OEM license does not permit access and use from a network server. Even if you are licensed under your Commercial Licensing agreement to use the software on a network server from licensed desktops, your OEM Office licenses do not permit you to access the Commercial Licensing software on the server. The OEM versions and Commercial Licensing editions of Microsoft Office are not the same. However, within 90 days of purchase, you can acquire Software Assurance coverage for your OEM licenses under your Commercial Licensing agreement. Doing so gives you rights to a Commercial Licensing Office Standard edition (please refer to the Product Terms for a more complete description of the rules related to purchasing Software Assurance for OEM software). You may use the software locally on those licensed desktops enrolled in Software Assurance or remotely from a network server (for example, using Remote Desktop Services).15.I have Office Professional Plus 2016 installed on a network server. Can I access this copy of MicrosoftOffice using Remote Desktop Services from a desktop that has Office Professional Plus 2013 installed and is covered by Software Assurance?Yes. To use Office Professional Plus 2016 in this scenario, you would need to be licensed for Office Professional Plus 2016. A desktop that is licensed for and has Office Professional Plus 2013 installed and is covered by active Software Assurance is licensed for Office Professional Plus 2016.© 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. This information is provided to help guide your authorized use of products you license; it is not your agreement. Your use of products licensed under your commercial license agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of that agreement. In the case of any conflict between this information and your agreement, the terms and conditions of your agreement control. Prices for licenses acquired through Microsoft resellers are determined by the reseller.。
二、设置代理服务器在Windows系统中,我们可以通过以下步骤设置代理服务器:1. 打开“设置”应用。
2. 在“设置”应用中,点击“网络和Internet”选项。
3. 在“网络和Internet”选项界面中,选择“代理”选项卡。
4. 在“代理”选项卡中,找到“手动设置代理服务器”部分。
5. 打开“手动设置代理服务器”开关。
6. 在“服务器”字段中,输入代理服务器的IP地址或域名。
7. 在“端口”字段中,输入代理服务器的端口号。
8. 根据需要,选择是否需要代理服务器进行“LAN”或“本地地址”通信。
9. 点击“保存”按钮,代理服务器设置即完成。
1. 认证代理服务器:如果代理服务器需要进行身份验证,我们可以在“代理”选项卡中的“代理服务器的认证信息”部分,输入相应的用户名和密码。
2. 自动配置代理服务器:有些网络环境中,代理服务器的设置需要通过自动配置脚本。
四、代理服务器的管理在Windows系统中,我们可以通过以下方式管理代理服务器:1. 启用或禁用代理服务器:在“代理”选项卡中,可以通过打开或关闭“使用代理服务器”开关来启用或禁用代理服务器。
终端服务的安装与设置终端服务(Terminal Service)是一种在网络环境下提供远程访问计算机操作系统及应用程序的服务。
以下是一些要求的示例:•操作系统:Windows Server 2016或更高版本•CPU:2 GHz或更快的64位处理器•内存:4 GB或更多•硬盘空间:至少40 GB的可用空间步骤二:安装终端服务角色1.打开服务器管理器。
5.在“通过 RD 集合访问 RD 会话主机”中,创建一个终端服务集合并设置连接属性。
开始→运行→CMD→键入以下命令即可:gpedit.msc组策略sndrec32录音机Nslookup IP地址侦测器explorer打开资源管理器logoff注销命令tsshutdn60秒倒计时关机命令lusrmgr.msc本机用户和组services.msc本地服务设置notepad打开记事本cleanmgr垃圾整理net start messenger开始信使服务compmgmt.msc计算机管理net stop messenger停止信使服务netmeeting dvdplay DVD播放器charmap启动字符映射表diskmgmt.msc磁盘管理实用程序calc计算器dfrg.msc磁盘碎片整理程序chkdsk.exe Chkdsk磁盘检查devmgmt.msc 设备管理器regsvr32 /u *.dll停止dll文件运行drwtsn32系统医生rononce p 15秒关机dxdiag检查DirectX信息regedt32注册表编辑器Msconfig.exe系统配置实用程序rsop.msc组策略结果集mem.exe显示内存使用情况regedit.exe注册表winchat XP自带局域网聊天progman#NAME?winmsd系统信息perfmon.msc计算机性能监测程序winver检查Windows版本sfc /scannow扫描错误并复原winipcfg IP配置taskmgr任务管理器fsmgmt.msc 共享文件夹netstat an查看端口osk屏幕键盘eventvwr.msc 事件查看器secpol.msc 本地安全设置services.msc 服务accwiz.exe辅助工具向导acsetups.exe acs setup dcom server executableactmovie.exe直接显示安装工具append.exe允许程序打开制定目录中的数据arp.exe显示和更改计算机的ip与硬件物理地址的对应列表at.exe计划运行任务atmadm.exe调用管理器统计attrib.exe显示和更改文件和文件夹属性autochk.exe检测修复文件系统autoconv.exe在启动过程中自动转化系统autofmt.exe在启动过程中格式化进程autolfn.exe使用长文件名格式bootok.exe boot acceptance application for registry bootvrfy.exe通报启动成功cacls.exe显示和编辑aclcalc.exe计算器cdplayer.exe cd播放器change.exe与终端服务器相关的查询charmap.exe字符映射表chglogon.exe启动或停用会话记录chgport.exe改变端口(终端服务)chgusr.exe改变用户(终端服务)chkdsk.exe磁盘检测程序chkntfs.exe磁盘检测程序cidaemon.exe组成ci文档服务cipher.exe在ntfs上显示或改变加密的文件或目录cisvc.exe索引内容ckcnv.exe变换cookiecleanmgr.exe磁盘清理cliconfg.exe sql客户网络工具clipbrd.exe剪贴簿查看器clipsrv.exe运行clipboard服务clspack.exe建立系统文件列表清单cluster.exe显示域的集群_cmd_.exe没什么好说的!cmdl32.exe自动下载连接管理cmmgr32.exe连接管理器cmmon32.exe连接管理器监视cmstp.exe连接管理器配置文件安装程序comclust.exe集群comp.exe比较两个文件和文件集的内容*compact.exe显示或改变ntfs分区上文件的压缩状态conime.exe ime控制台control.exe控制面板convert.exe转换文件系统到ntfsconvlog.exe转换iis日志文件格式到ncsa格式cprofile.exe转换显示模式cscript.exe较本宿主版本csrss.exe客户服务器runtime进程csvde.exe日至格式转换程序dbgtrace.exe和terminal server相关dcomcnfg.exe dcom配置属性dcpromo.exe ad安装向导ddeshare.exe dde共享debug.exe就是debug啦!dfrgfat.exe fat分区磁盘碎片整理程序dfrgntfs.exe ntfs分区磁盘碎片整理程序dfs_cmd_.exe配置一个dfs树dfsinit.exe分布式文件系统初始化dfssvc.exe分布式文件系统服务器diantz.exe制作cab文件diskperf.exe磁盘性能计数器dllhost.exe所有com+应用软件的主进程dmadmin.exe磁盘管理服务dmremote.exe磁盘管理服务的一部分dns.exe dns applications dnsdoskey.exe命令行创建宏dosx.exe dos扩展dplaysvr.exe直接运行帮助drwatson.exe华生医生错误检测drwtsn32.exe华生医生显示和配置管理dtcsetup.exe installs mdtcdvdplay.exe dvd播放dxdiag.exe direct x诊断工具edlin.exe命令行的文本编辑器(历史悠久啊!)esentutl.exe ms数据库工具eudcedit.exe type造字程序eventvwr.exe事件查看器evnt_cmd_.exe event to trap translator; configuration tool evntwin.exe event to trap translator setupexe2bin.exe转换exe文件到二进制expand.exe解压缩extrac32.exe解cab工具fastopen.exe快速访问在内存中的硬盘文件faxcover.exe传真封面编辑faxqueue.exe显示传真队列faxsend.exe发送传真向导faxsvc.exe启动传真服务fc.exe比较两个文件的不同find.exe查找文件中的文本行findstr.exe查找文件中的行finger.exe一个用户并显示出统计结果fixmapi.exe修复mapi文件flattemp.exe允许或者禁用临时文件目录fontview.exe显示字体文件中的字体forcedos.exe forces a file to start in dos mode. 强制文件在dos模式下运行freecell.exe popular windows game 空当接龙ftp.exe file transfer protocol used to transfer files over a network co gdi.exe graphic device interface 图形界面驱动grpconv.exe program manager group convertor 转换程序管理员组help.exe displays help for windows 2000 commands 显示帮助hostname.exe display hostname for machine. 显示机器的hostnameie4uinit.exe ie5 user install tool ie5用户安装工具ieshwiz.exe customize folder wizard 自定义文件夹向导iexpress.exe create and setup packages for install 穿件安装包iisreset.exe restart iis admin service 重启iis服务internat.exe keyboard language indicator applet 键盘语言指示器ipconfig.exe windows 2000 ip configuration. 察看ip配置ipsecmon.exe ip security monitor ip安全监视器ipxroute.exe ipx routing and source routing control program ipx路由和源路由控irftp.exe setup ftp for wireless communication 无线连接ismserv.exe intersite messaging service 安装或者删除service control manager jdbgmgr.exe microsoft debugger for java 4 java4的调试器jetconv.exe convert a jet engine database 转换jet engine数据库jetpack.exe compact jet database. 压缩jet数据库jview.exe command line loader for java java的命令行装载krnl386.exe core component for windows 2000 2000的核心组件label.exe change label for drives 改变驱动器的卷标lcwiz.exe license compliance wizard for local or remote systems. 许可证符ldifde.exe ldif cmd line manager ldif目录交换命令行管理licmgr.exe terminal server license manager 终端服务许可协议管理lights.exe display connection status lights 显示连接状况llsmgr.exe windows 2000 license manager 2000许可协议管理llssrv.exe start the license server 启动许可协议服务器locator.exe rpc locator 远程定位lodctr.exe load perfmon counters 调用性能计数logoff.exe log current user off. 注销用户lpq.exe displays status of a remote lpd queue 显示远端的lpd打印队列的状lpr.exe send a print job to a network printer. 重定向打印任务到网络中的lsass.exe lsa executable and server dll 运行lsa和server的dlllserver.exe specifies the new dns domain for the default server 指定默认ser osk.exe屏幕键盘packager.exe windows 2000 packager manager 对象包装程序pathping.exe combination of ping and tracert 包含ping和tracert的程序pax.exe is a posix program and path names used as arguments must be spe pentnt.exe used to check the pentium for the floating point division error perfmon.exe starts windows performance monitor 性能监视器ping.exe packet internet groper 验证与远程计算机的连接posix.exe used for backward compatibility with unix 用于兼容unixprint.exe cmd line used to print files 打印文本文件或显示打印队列的内容。
Windows终端服务器配置优化与登录限制问题排查目录目录 (1)一、前言 (2)二、终端服务器的几项设置优化 (2)1、关闭自动报错调试工具 (2)2、终端服务安装安全选项选择 (4)3、定期重启终端服务器 (4)4、通过在终端服务器上定制用户设置来减少网络数据流量 (6)5、同一用户会话数的限制 (6)6、大型NLB环境下的用户配置文件存储配置 (7)7、加速RDP或ICA的响应速度 (8)三、终端服务器可能遇见的问题及处理方法 (9)1、修改注册值解决用户端连接和登录限制问题 (9)一、前言当我们安装完一台终端服务器并对终端服务进行必要的配置,且用户可以正常登录后,是不是就大功告成了呢?对于大部份的应用来说,默认的安装配置也许能满足应用需要。
毕竟Windows 2000 Server及Windows Server 2003并不是专为终端服务的,所有很多设置需要我们手工或借助一定的工具去修改。
其实很简单,我们只要删除HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\Debugger这个键及其值即可,如下图所示:但我们强列建议采用前面介绍的方法,而不采用本方法。
xterminal win用法
xterminal win用法xterminal win是一款集合了终端和命令行工具的Windows软件。
本文将以xterminal win的使用方法为主题,详细介绍它的安装、配置和常用功能,帮助读者更好地了解和使用这款软件。
第一步:安装xterminal win要使用xterminal win,首先需要进行安装。
用户可以从官方网站或其他可靠的下载平台获取xterminal win的安装文件。
默认情况下,xterminal win将会被安装在系统的“Program Files”目录下。
安装完成后,用户可以在开始菜单或桌面上找到xterminal win的快捷方式,双击即可启动软件。
第二步:配置xterminal win启动xterminal win后,用户将看到一个空白的终端界面。
为了更好地适应用户的需求,可以对xterminal win进行一些配置。
除了界面设置,xterminal win还提供了一些高级配置选项。
第三步:使用xterminal winxterminal win提供了许多功能,可以帮助用户更好地进行命令行操作。
以下是一些常用的功能介绍:1. 命令输入和执行:在xterminal win的终端界面中,用户可以输入各种命令,并通过按下回车键执行。
xterminal win支持大部分标准的命令行指令,用户可以使用这些命令来管理文件、运行程序、查看系统信息等。
Google 工程师的一个新的Linux 内核补丁解决了一个问题,这个问题是由许多人可能没有体验过的情况引起的,那就是一台服务器当中插着太多的NVMe 驱动器,这个问题使正确关闭一个驱动器所需时间较长。
还记得Sun 公司的X4500存储服务器吗,它的代号为Thumper ,它出现时确实很激进:一个3U 的双处理器服务器密密麻麻装了48个驱动器托架。
一个有16个驱动器的存储服务器,每次重启都会浪费72s 的时间。
例如,有一个为内核开发者提供的工具叫kexec ,它允许一个内核将另一个内核加载到内存中并启动它。
不仅如此,还可以加速Linux 的重新启动。
由于计算机在加载操作系统之前必须读在取固件过程中花费1min 左右的时间,进行一些自我测试等,如果能绕过这一点,直接从一个操作系统重启到另一个,就可以把时间缩短到几秒钟而不是现在的几分钟。
■杨蓉Google 为Linux 提供补丁加快服务器关机速度受疫情冲击,全球很多企业都采用了混合办公模式,因此终端管理比以往任何时候都更加重要。
微软正在对终端管理器(Endpoint Manager )进行优化,旨在提高安全性的同时降低总拥有成本(TCO ),并增强终端用户体验。
微软将这些终端管理解决方案捆绑在一个新的、具有成本效益的Microsoft 365计划中,供企业使用。
Windows全能终端神器,实在是太棒了!再也不⽤担⼼会收到律师函!近年来,⼤家的版权意识越来越强员⼯使⽤盗版软件导致公司被罚的新闻也屡屡曝出▲盗版被罚最近,我司也发出通知不让⽤ Xshell 了个⼈免费版的也不能⽤!也许会有⼩伙伴有疑问免费版的为啥不能⽤?为此,⼩编特地去官⽹查看了⼀下:▲ Xshell免费使⽤条款其声明中很明显的指出不可⽤于商业⽤途也就是说,可以在家⾥⽤,不可以在公司⽤!那么,有没有什么替代品呢?今天⼩编(公号:不正经程序员)就给⼤家介绍⼀款免费可商⽤的 SSH 客户端它就是MobaXterm!免费可商⽤⾸先它是有免费版本和专业版本的免费版本的功能⾜够使⽤▲免费版本再来看⼀下它的使⽤说明▲ MobaXterm使⽤说明⽤我英语专⼋的⽔平翻译⼀下▲ Google了⼀下意思就是免费版可以在公司环境下使⽤但是!软件使⽤者必须⾃⼰到官⽹下载不允许在公司内批量分发本软件好了,只要是⾃⼰下载的就可以愉快得使⽤啦~下载安装到官⽅下载页这⾥有绿⾊版和安装版按需直接下载即可▲下载页⾯绿⾊版下载后解压安装就可以使⽤了安装版下载后傻⽠式安装即可功能介绍新建连接连接类型⽀持丰富常⽤的 SSH、SFTP、VNC▲连接类型甚⾄可以直连 RDP(Windows 远程桌⾯)如何使⽤ MobaXterm 进⾏ SSH 连接指定远程主机的主机名或 IP 地址还可以指定 SSH 连接的⽤户名另外还有其他的⾼级设置、终端设置、⽹络设置等点击确定后,就开始进⾏连接了▲新建SSH连接RDP 连接下⾯是 Windows 远程桌⾯连接效果可以看到顶部⼯具栏可以进⾏很多操作▲ RDP连接会话管理MobaXterm 会话连接同样⽀持多标签式当要打开多个连接时可以以标签的⽅式呈现另外已连接的会话历史是以树状进⾏存储的▲树状书签+多标签图形化SFTP功能SSH 登录后左侧会⾃动登录 SFTP 窗⼝▲ SFTP窗⼝另外还可以设置 SFTP ⽬录⾃动跟踪▲ SFTP⽬录⾃动跟踪可以上传下载⽂件▲上传下载⽂件多窗⼝和分屏内置多标签页、横向纵向 2 分屏和⽥字形 4 分屏▲分屏另外还⽀持多窗⼝并发执⾏仅输⼊⼀次让⼀条命令同时在这些不同的服务器终端执⾏▲多窗⼝并发执⾏很好的满⾜了多台主机同时删库的功能就像这样▲并发执⾏内置⼩⼯具MobaXterm 内置了很多⼩⼯具包括⽂本编辑器、⽬录对⽐⼯具▲内置⼩⼯具▲⽬录对⽐⽹络⼯具可以⽤于直接在本机启动⼀些⽹络服务▲⽹络⼯具Linux shell ⼯具MobaXterm 引⼊了很多 Linux shell可以直接在 Windows 上使⽤⽐如:ls、clear、cat、mkdir、grep、awk 等等▲ shell ⼯具划⽔专区MobaXterm ⾥还可以安装⼀些⼩游戏⽐如 2048、俄罗斯⽅块等点击⼯具栏的 Packages▲安装包管理▲安装包列表选中安装包点击 Install 即可其他通过 SSH 连接到远程主机后⾃动显⽰服务器性能监控信息▲性能监控信息⿏标双击选中⽂本更加友好▲⿏标双击选中⽂本⽽ Xshell 中是这样的▲ Xshell⿏标双击选中⽂本总结MobaXterm 免费版⾜够正常的使⽤,多标签浏览、SFTP ⼯具、分屏窗⼝等等但是它有⼀个缺陷就是免费版只能保存 12 个连接信息好了,就到这了对于懒得⾃⼰下的⼩伙伴。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
思杰增值Microsoft® Windows Terminal Services这篇文章对比了Windows Terminal Services的基本功能以及Citrix Presentation Server TM带来的增值功能。
2003 高级版 企业版 铂金版性能性能和和终端用户体验 思杰改善思杰改善了了Terminal Services 应用应用的的可用性和性能可用性和性能,,从而提高了用户满意度从而提高了用户满意度,,减少了对IT 支持的需求支持的需求。
性能CPU 利用管理在共享和多用户Terminal Services 的环境中,一个用户的行为会影响到其他用户的性能。
思杰的CPU 管理功能确保了由一个用户发起的CPU 密集型进程不会降低其它用户会话的性能。
Windows Server 2003企业版 部分支持√ √ 会话共享当用户请求Terminal Services 的下一个应用时,该应用会在当前用户会话中立即启动和运行。
(而不是创建一个全新的会话),减少了服务器内存和CPU 的消耗。
√ √ √ 增强的应用性能Tolly Group 的研究表明Citrix Presentation Server 改善了Terminal Services 的应用性能高达2倍。
√ √ √ 快速打印 Tolly Group 的研究表明Citrix Presentation Server 的通用打印机驱动提供的打印速度比Windows Terminal Services 所提供的快了两到三倍。
√ √ √ 增强的打印机兼容性利用Citrix Presentation Server 的通用打印机驱动,用户可以使用高级打印功能如纸托盘、分拣、装订和打印预览,提高了用户生产率,减少了对IT 支持的需求。
√ √ √ 带宽优化IT 管理员可以通过限制诸如打印、文件传输等行为使用的带宽来确保最佳的性能。
√ √ √ 多媒体应用支持要Terminal Services 支持多媒体应用如Windows Media Player (和电脑培训应用一样非常普遍)是不可能的,因为Microsoft RDP 协议不支持音频和视频的同步。
思杰的SpeedScreen 多媒体加速功能实现了音视频同步发送。
它通过在Presentation Server 上抓取所需的媒体文件,并以流媒体的方式把媒体文件交付到本地的客户端,然后可以在(客户端)本地解码。
√ √ √ 二维图形应用增强SpeedScreen Progressive Display 图形渐进显示功能支持二维图形如PACS 和GIS 的应用系统,即使经由广域网连接也可以快速优质的显示二维图形。
√ √ √ 支持高延迟网络链路基于Terminal Services 的应用在高延迟的网络链路(即卫星)下,难以提供足够的性能。
思杰的SpeedScreen 技术只传递本地键盘和鼠标点击的刷新数据,从而优化了传输性能。
√ √ √ Web 应用增强思杰改善了运行在Terminal Services 上的B/S 架构的Web 应用系统的可用性和性能。
这是通过先下载网页的HTML 文本信息再下载2003 高级版企业版铂金版即访问信息。
√√√服务器到客户端的URL重定向点击Terminal Services应用的URL(如HTTP或HTTPS链接)时,链接是由本地客户端浏览器打开的而不是由终端服务器的浏览器启动的。
这个功能改善了对混合桌面/Terminal Services环境的支持,确保了本地浏览器和Internet连接用于Web浏览。
√√√应用的多监视器支持思杰允许运行在Terminal Services上应用系统与工作站本地连接的多个监视器上显示。
√√√直通认证对于连接到公司目录的Windows客户端,本地设备登录使用的凭证可自动发送给Terminal Services会话。
√√√移动性重新连接断开的会话允许用户重新连接Terminal Services会话,而不用重复耗时的登录过程。
√√√√2003 高级版企业版铂金版2003企业版支持使用流技术将应用交付至桌面将应用按需发布并传送到设备上,例如那些需要进行脱机应用访问的笔记本电脑。
√√√动态显示重配置为重新连接的客户端设备自动采用当前的Terminal Services会话的显示模式(即分辨率、颜色深度)。
√管理和配置思杰利用一套成熟且易用的管理和监控工具来改善Terminal Services,这提高了IT和用户生产率和用户生产率,,提供了基础Terminal Services环境环境无法使用无法使用无法使用的额外的额外的额外功功能。
负载管理 使用Round-robin进程管理技术,把连接请求分配到多个服务器承载支持简单的负载管理规则:服务器按照相继次序提供负载服务。
附加了SoftGrid TM许可的Terminal√√2003 高级版企业版铂金版(仅用于x32)区域优先选择和故障转移支持在邻近的某个可用的特定服务器上建立用户会话。
√√√应用性能监控Citrix EdgeSight TM的Application PerfMon功能可视化了终端用户对应用性能的感受。
√应用发布 使用无缝Window发布应用让用户感到,Terminal Services应用就像是在本地运行一样。
√√√为不同的应用系统创建桌面快捷方式可以在用户的本地桌面为Terminal Services的应用创建快捷方式。
这个功能对于创建远程门户网站而言是非常有用的,当通过Terminal Service在远端执行Web应用访问时可以调用本地浏览器完成所需的操作√√√支持应用发布的文件夹思杰允许把应用分组到各个文件夹,以便为多个用户组提供更清晰更简单的结构。
√√√Web应用门户 发布到Web应用门户允许通过Web浏览器实现独立的应用发布。
√√√发布到第三方企业信息门户,包括通过包含Terminal Services应用,强化了企业信息门户作为企业应用接入核心点的地位。
√√√2003高级版 企业版 铂金版自助服务密码变更允许用户自己变更Web 应用门户的密码,无需电话求助Help Desk 。
√ √ √ 支持多因子认证思杰轻松地集成了第三方多因子认证解决方案如RSA SecurID®和Secure Computing SafeWord®,增强了Web 应用门户的安全性。