

迈克尔逊 EMERSON 半封闭活塞压缩机产品规格书说明书

迈克尔逊 EMERSON 半封闭活塞压缩机产品规格书说明书

EMERSON Copeland semi-hermetic reciprocating compressor 2SKW-07 /file/1893558From collects and classifies the global productinstrunction manuals to help users access anytime andanywhere, helping users make better use of products.Home: / Chinese: /EMERSON. CONSIDER IT SOLVED7.5265.1/5431.2启动电流(LRA)(A)EWL380-420V 3PH 50Hz 85.3最大运行电流(MCC)(A)EWL380-420V 3PH 50Hz16.470排气管Discharge Port 7/8"吸气管Suction Port 11/8"长Length560宽Width 330高(不带风扇)Height395295X279(22)2.4净重Net Weight 92毛重Gross Weight97排气量(m 3/h)Displacement外型尺寸(mm)Dimension底脚安装尺寸(孔径)(mm)Mounting Size油充注量(L)Oil Charging重量(kg)Weight曲轴箱加热器功率(W)Crankcase Heater接管外径尺寸(Inch)Connection Size产品技术参数 Technical Data型号Model2SKW-075E缸径×行程(mm)Bore×Stroke 名义功率(HP)Norminal Input Power 缸数Number Of Cylinders压缩机铭牌示例 NameplateRD ORBN BK压缩机配置 Compressor Configuration 桔色棕色黑色颜色代码标准配置红色硬底脚组件电机热保护器(外置模块)弹簧底脚组件OPS 可选配置冷却风扇压缩机应用指导 Application GuidelineSL 回气冷却吸气管DL 排气管2. 高压接口丝堵规格1/8” - 27 NPTF 3/8" - 18 NPSL请参考《2S 系列半封闭制冷压缩机使用说明书》1/8” - 27 NPTF4. 油加热器孔塞1. 低压接口丝堵3. 电子式油压差控制器接口5. 注油口丝堵规格1/4" - 18 NPSL SL-AIR 风冷吸气位置(2SC2-0550 AIR)艾默生环境优化技术上海分公司上海市中山南路28号久事大厦16楼电话 021-********传真 021-********广州分公司广州市黄埔大道西76号富力盈隆广场508-509室电话 020-********传真 020-********北京分公司北京市西城区南礼士路66号建威大厦310室电话 010-********传真 010-********EMERSON. CONSIDER IT SOLVED。



No.4253 No.248
FT10416F0 FT20416F0 FST0508F0 P02552-01 263224M01 264001M01 376454M01 377811M01 376455M01 420470-06 427902-05 427902-04 FSK0408S0 259891P01 P02697-01 P02698-01 P02760-01 P00193-01 448949-01 121899M01 121900M01 121901M01 FSG0408S0 121228P01 341489G01 376725M01 121230P02 379018M01
50Hz 50Hz / 60Hz
50Hz 50Hz 50Hz 50Hz 50Hz 50Hz / 60Hz 50Hz 50Hz
Auxiliary Codes
Auxiliary Code Breakdown
The auxiliary code is the first two characters in the serial number. The first character indicates the year. Years progress or regress in alphabetical order. The series runs from "A" through "V" and the letters "I" and "O" are skipped. The second character indicates significant part changes within a year. Base is "0" and this number advances for each change. In cases where there is a letter in parentheses, this designates the month. This is the last character in the serial number. The series runs from "(A)" through "(M)" and the letter "(I)" is skipped. This designation is only included when identifying a parts change within an auxiliary code.



NOTE: (1) For the most current specifications and package information, refer to our web site at .

API 7K 第5版中文版

API 7K 第5版中文版
7.6 焊后热处理(PWHT).............................................................15
8.2 质量控制人员资格...............................................................16
9.7 活塞泥浆泵零部件...............................................................31



LZ OIL-FREE COMPRESSORA zero-compromiseoil-free air solutionPREMIUM PERFORMANCEPiston compressors have always presented a compelling offer: robust, low maintenance and energy efficient. However, this strong performance typically came with high noise levels and few control options.The Atlas Copco LZ eliminates this trade-off. Simply the most complete oil-free piston compressor on the market today, the LZ meets all your compressed air needs and then some. ABSOLUTEL Y CLEAN AIRWhen your operations require unquestionably cleanair, “technically oil-free” really won’t do. Oil-injectedcompression, even filtered, cannot guarantee thatall oil vapors, aerosols and other contaminants areremoved from the air. T hanks to the pioneeringAtlas Copco oil-free technology built into the LZ,you can be sure of absolutely clean air.FIRST-CLASS RELIABILITYWith an operational lifetime of 16,000 hours, the LZis a long-term companion. T his supreme reliabilitystems from the LZ’s quality components as well as itscompression technology. Because the LZ doesn’t useany oil, it will last longer with only minimal service.No oil changes are required.HIGH EFFICIENCYEnergy use matters, as it constitutes the highestcost of running a compressor. T he direct driven LZcomes with a number of innovations (one-bearingmotor, load/stop technology, etc.) to reduce energyconsumption to an impressive minimum.LOW NOISEThanks to its sound-attenuating materials and canopy,the LZ offers noise levels as low as 67 dB(A). With thissilent performance previously unattainable for an oil-free piston compressor, the LZ is suitable for sound-sensitive environments.ADVANCED CONTROLThe LZ comes with the Atlas Copco Elektronikon®already built in to give you advanced electroniccontrol and monitoring. T he one-touch controlleris easy to use, optimizing both performance andreliability.LZThe zero-compromise piston compressorReliability•pump valves.••Energy savings• Direct drive technology offers major energy savings compared to belt-driven compressors.• Start-stop technology eliminates waste during the unload cycle.• One-bearing motor to reduce mechanical friction.Flexibility• Full range with different power (7–20 hp), pressure (4–10 bar) and electric potential (230/400/460V) options.• Pack and full feature, base and tankmounted versions available (for the LZ 7/10).Complete control• Dual pressure set point.• Remote control.• Remote alarm.• Integrated saver cycles.• Integrated smart algorithm for cooling and duty cycle.• Maintenance schedule.• Pressure, temperature and lifetime monitoring.D E S I G N E D I N E U R O P ET h e A tl a s C o p c oL Z c o m p re s s o r w a s d e s ig n e d an dd e v e lo p e d i n t heA tl a s C o p c o p isto nc e n te r o f e x c e lle n c ein I ta ly .Continuous operationLubricated compressors operate up to 20% of their running time in cool-down mode. T hanks to its oil-free technology and internal cooling fan system, the LZ can offer a 100% duty cycle for uninterrupted service.Quality air• ISO 8573-1 Class 0 pump produces TÜV-certified 100% clean air.• Dryer and filters included as standard in the full feature and pack versions.NEED NITROGEN? ADD THE LZAre you a frequent user and/or producer of nitrogen? The Atlas Copco LZ is the high-performance, cost-saving foundation of your nitrogen generation system. Unlike lubricated compressors, the oil-free LZ doesn’t require additional filtration equipment.As a result, the LZ gives you a more compact footprint, lower maintenance and minimized downtime. Because the LZ doesn’t compromise the adsorbent of the nitrogen generator, your system will last longer as well.T raditional nitrogen generation systems:LZ-powered nitrogen generation systems:*BM: base mounted – T M: tank mounted – FF: full feature.**Voltage: 400 50Hz – 230/380/460 60Hz.***Unit performance measured according to ISO 1217, Ed.3, Annex C-2009.****Mean noise level measured according to ISO 2151/Pneurop/Cagi PN8NTC2 test code; tolerance 3 dB(A).TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPERFORMANCEREFERENCE CONDITIONSDIMENSIONSTank mounted:LZ 7/10 • Smaller investment.• Reduced maintenance cost.• Increased generatorlifetime.Nitrogen generatorNitrogen generatorreceiverreceiverBase mounted: LZ 7/10 – LZ 15/20Full feature: LZ 7/10COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.2935 0805 44 © 2015, Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved.Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.Read all safety instructions in the manual before usage.。



8471.5-子目8471.41或8471.49所列以外的 处理部件,不论是否在同一机壳内有一个 或两个下列部件:存储部件、输入部件、
8471.4920---小型机 8471.4940---微型机
8471.4991----分散型工业过程控制设备 8471.4999----其他
8471.49--其他,以系统形式进口或出口的84.ຫໍສະໝຸດ 1 自动数据处理设备及
学阅读机 、将数据 以代码形 式转录到 数据记录
8471.9000 10-专用于复制的光盘刻录机 (也称光盘复读机) 8471.9000 90-未列名的磁性或光学阅读器 (包括将数据以代码形式转录的机器及处 理这些数据的机器)
数据处理是指按预定的逻辑顺序对各种信息进行处理,既可专用于某一方面,也可用于多方面。 自动数据处理设备可根据预定指令(程序),进行逻辑上相互关联的操作,以提供可直接使用的数据。有些数据则用作其他数据处理的依据。 本品目包括的数据处理设备可因任务不同而变换逻辑操作顺序;还可自动操作,即在操作过程中不需要人工干预。这些机器多数是利用电子信号进行工作;但也可利用其他技术进行工作。这些机器可以 本品目还包括单独报验的上述自动数据处理系统的各种组成部件。 但本品目不包括配有自动数据处理装置,或与数据处理机连用,但具有特定功能的某些机器、仪器或设备。这些机器、仪器或设备应按其特定功能归入相应的品目;无特定功能的应归入未列名品目(参 (一)自动数据处理设备 本品目的自动数据处理设备必须能同时满足本章注释六(一)所列的条件,即: 1.能存贮一个或多个处理程序及执行程序直接需要的起码数据; 2.可按照用户要求随意编辑程序; 3.可按照用户指令进行算术计算; 4.在运行过程中,可不需人为干预而通过逻辑判断,执行一个处理程序,这个处理程序可修正计算机指令的执行。 因此,仅可使用固定程序(即不能由用户修改的程序)操作的机器,即使有多个固定程序可供用户选择,也不归入本品目。 这些设备具有存贮能力,可按不同的任务变换存贮的程序。 自动数据处理设备是以代码形式进行数据处理的。代码是一组限定字符(二进制代码、国际标准化组织的标准六位代码等)。 数据的输入通常是利用各种数据记录媒体(例如,磁带)或通过直接阅读原始文件等自动进行;也可由人工用键盘将数据输入;或用某些仪器(例如,测量仪器)直接将数据输入。 所输入的数据由输入部件转换成设备可以使用的信号,存入存贮部件内。 部分数据及程序可暂时存贮在使用磁盘、磁带等的辅助存贮器内。但数据处理设备必须配有一个主存贮器,可为直接执行某一具体程序服务,并具有足够容量存贮部分处理和编译程序以及当次处理运行 自动数据处理设备可以装在同一机壳内,由一个中央处理部件、一个输入部件(例如,键盘或扫描器)及一个输出部件(例如,可视显示器)组成,也可由多个分离的部件互相连接而成。对于后一种情 完整的自动数据处理系统至少包括: 1.一个中央处理部件,一般包括主存贮器、运算及逻辑元件、控制元件;这些元件有时以分立单元的形式出现。 2.一个输入部件,用以接收输入数据,并将其转换成机器能够处理的信号。 3.一个输出部件,用以将机器提供的信号转换成可阅读的形式(打印文字、图表或显示等),或转换成代码数据,以便于进一步使用(处理、控制等)。



BurrĆBrown Productsfrom TexasInstrumentsFEATURES APPLICATIONSDESCRIPTIONBYTE16-/8-BitParallel DA TAOutput BusCONVSTBUSYCSRDREFOUTADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER2006 16-BIT,1-MSPS,PSEUDO-BIPOLAR,FULLY DIFFERENTIAL INPUT,MICROPOWERSAMPLING ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH PARALLEL INTERFACE,REFERENCE•Medical Instruments•0to1-MHz Sample Rate•Optical Networking•±0.4LSB Typ,±0.65LSB Max INL•Transducer Interface•±0.3LSB Typ,±0.5LSB Max DNL•High Accuracy Data Acquisition Systems •16-Bit NMC Ensured Over Temperature•Magnetometers•±0.1-mV Offset Error•±0.05-PPM/°C Offset Error Drift•±0.035%FSR Gain ErrorThe ADS8472is an16-bit,1-MSPS A/C converter •±0.4-PPM/°C Gain Error Drift with an internal 4.096-V reference and a•95dB SNR,-120dB THD,123dB SFDR pseudo-bipolar,fully differential input.The deviceincludes a16-bit capacitor-based SAR A/D converter •Zero Latencywith inherent sample and hold.The ADS8472offers •Low Power:225mW at1MSPS a full16-bit interface or an8-bit bus option using two•Unipolar Differential Input Range:V ref to–Vref read cycles.•Onboard Reference with6PPM/°C Drift The ADS8472is available in a48-lead7x7QFN •Onboard Reference Buffer package and is characterized over the industrial–40°C to85°C temperature range.•High-Speed Parallel Interface•Wide Digital Supply2.7V to5.25V•8-/16-Bit Bus Transfer•48-Pin7x7QFN PackageHIGH SPEED SAR CONVERTER FAMILYTYPE/SPEED500kHz~600kHz750kHz1MHz 1.25MHz2MHz3MHz4MHzADS8383ADS8381ADS848118-Bit Pseudo-DiffADS8380(s)18-Bit Pseudo-Bipolar,Fully Diff ADS8382(s)ADS8482ADS8327ADS8370(s)ADS8371ADS8471ADS8401ADS841116-Bit Pseudo-DiffADS8328ADS8372(s)ADS8405ADS8410(s)ADS8472ADS8402ADS8412ADS842216-Bit Pseudo-Bipolar,Fully DiffADS8406ADS8413(s)14-Bit Pseudo-Diff ADS7890(s)ADS789112-Bit Pseudo-Diff ADS7886ADS7883ADS7881Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2006,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)ADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006ORDERING INFORMATION (1)MAXIMUM MAXIMUM INTEGRAL NO MISSING CODES PACKAGE PACKAGE TEMPER-ATUREORDERING TRANS-PORT MODELDIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY RESOLUTION (BIT)TYPEDESIGNATORRANGEINFORMATIONMEDIA QTY.LINEARITY (LSB)(LSB)Tape and reelADS8472IRGZT2507x748Pin ADS8472I ±1±0.7516RGZ–40°C to 85°CQFNTape and reelADS8472IRGZR 1000Tape and reelADS8472IBRGZT2507x748Pin ADS8472IB ±0.65±0.516RGZ–40°C to 85°CQFNTape and reelADS8472IBRGZR1000(1)For the most current package and ordering information,see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document,or see the TI website at .over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)VALUEUNIT +IN to AGND –0.4to +VA +0.1V –IN to AGND–0.4to +VA +0.1V Voltage+VA to AGND –0.3to 7V +VBD to BDGND –0.3to 7V +VA to +VBD–0.3to 2.55V Digital input voltage to BDGND –0.3to +VBD +0.3V Digital output voltage to BDGND–0.3to +VBD +0.3V T A Operating free-air temperature range –40to 85°C T stgStorage temperature range –65to 150°C Junction temperature (T J max)150°CPower dissipation (T J Max –T A )/θJAQFN packageθJA thermal impedance 22°C/W Vapor phase (60sec)215°C Lead temperature,solderingInfrared (15sec)220°C (1)Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.2Submit Documentation Feedback SPECIFICATIONSADS8472 SLAS514–DECEMBER2006T A =–40°C to85°C,+VA=5V,+VBD=3V or5V,Vref=4.096V,fSAMPLE=1MSPS(unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITANALOG INPUTFull-scale input voltage(1)+IN–(–IN)–V ref V ref V+IN–0.2V ref+0.2Absolute input voltage V–IN–0.2V ref+0.2Common-mode input range(V ref)/2–0.2(V ref)/2(V ref)/2+0.2VInput capacitance65pF Input leakage current1nA SYSTEM PERFORMANCEResolution16BitsADS8472I16No missing codes BitsADS8472IB16ADS8472I–1±0.41LSB Integral linearity(2)(16bit)(3)ADS8472IB–0.65±0.40.65ADS8472I–0.75±0.30.75LSB Differential linearity(16bit)ADS8472IB–0.5±0.30.5ADS8472I–0.5±0.10.5Offset error(4)mVADS8472IB–0.5±0.10.5ADS8472I±0.05Offset error temperature drift ppm/°CADS8472IB±0.05ADS8472I V ref=4.096V–0.1±0.0350.1%FS Gain error(4)(5)ADS8472IB V ref=4.096V–0.1±0.0350.1%FSADS8472I±0.4Gain error temperature drift ppm/°CADS8472IB±0.4At dc(±0.2V around V ref/2)65Common-mode rejection ratio dB+IN–(–IN)=1Vpp at1MHz55Noise25µV RMS Power supply rejection ratio At1FFFFh output code60dB SAMPLING DYNAMICSConversion time625650ns Acquisition time320350ns Throughput rate1MHz Aperture delay4ns Aperture jitter5psStep response150nsOver voltage recovery150ns(1)Ideal input span,does not include gain or offset error.(2)This is endpoint INL,not best fit.(3)LSB means least significant bit(4)Measured relative to an ideal full-scale input[+IN–(–IN)]of8.192V(5)This specification does not include the internal reference voltage error and drift.3Submit Documentation FeedbackSPECIFICATIONS (Continued)ADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006T A =–40°C to 85°C,+VA =5V,+VBD =3V or 5V,V ref =4.096V,f SAMPLE =1MSPS (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSADS8472I –120V IN =8V pp at 2kHz ADS8472IB–121ADS8472I -105Total harmonic distortion (THD)(1)V IN =8V pp at 20kHz dBADS8472IB -110ADS8472I -100V IN =8V pp at 100kHz ADS8472IB -103ADS8472I 9495.1V IN =8V pp at 2kHz ADS8472IB9495.3ADS8472I 95Signal to noise ratio (SNR)(1)V IN =8V pp at 20kHz dB ADS8472IB 95.1ADS8472I 93V IN =8V pp at 100kHz ADS8472IB 94.5ADS8472I 9495V IN =8V pp at 2kHz ADS8472IB9495.2ADS8472I 94.5Signal to noise +distortion (SINAD)(1)V IN =8V pp at 20kHz dB ADS8472IB 95ADS8472I 92V IN =8V pp at 100kHz ADS8472IB 94ADS8472I 120V IN =8V pp at 2kHz ADS8472IB123ADS8472I 107Spurious free dynamic range (SFDR)(1)V IN =8V pp at 20kHz dB ADS8472IB 113ADS8472I 102V IN =8V pp at 100kHzADS8472IB105–3dB Small signal bandwidth15MHz (1)Calculated on the first nine harmonics of the input frequency.4Submit Documentation Feedback SPECIFICATIONS(Continued)ADS8472 SLAS514–DECEMBER2006T A =–40°C to85°C,+VA=5V,+VBD=3V or5V,Vref=4.096V,fSAMPLE=1MSPS(unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITVOLTAGE REFERENCE INPUTReference voltage at REFIN,V ref 3.0 4.096+VA–0.8VReference resistance(1)500kΩReference current drain f s=1MHz1mAINTERNAL REFERENCE OUTPUTInternal reference start-up time From95%(+VA),with1-µF storage capacitor120msReference voltage range,V ref I O=0 4.081 4.096 4.111VSource current Static load10µALine regulation+VA=4.75V~5.25V60µVDrift I O=0±6PPM/°CDIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUTLogic family–CMOSV IH I IH=5µA+VBD–1+VBD+0.3V IL I IL=5µA–0.30.8Logic level V V OH I OH=2TTL loads+VBD–0.6V OL I OL=2TTL loadsData format–Straight BinaryPOWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS+VBD 2.7 3.3 5.25V Power supplyvoltage+VA 4.755 5.25V Supply current(2)f s=1MHz4550mA Power dissipation(2)f s=1MHz225250mW TEMPERATURE RANGEOperating free-air–4085°C(1)Can vary±20%(2)This includes only+VA current.+VBD current is typical1mA with5pF load capacitance on all output pins.5Submit Documentation FeedbackTIMING CHARACTERISTICSADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006All specifications typical at –40°C to 85°C,+VA =+VBD =5V(1)(2)(3)PARAMETERMIN TYP MAX UNIT t (CONV)Conversion time 625650ns t (ACQ)Acquisition time320350ns t (HOLD)Sample capacitor hold time 25ns t pd1CONVST low to BUSY high40ns t pd2Propagation delay time,end of conversion to BUSY low15ns t pd3Propagation delay time,start of convert state to rising edge of BUSY 15ns t w1Pulse duration,CONVST low 40ns t su1Setup time,CS low to CONVST low 20ns t w2Pulse duration,CONVST high 20ns CONVST falling edge jitter 10ps t w3Pulse duration,BUSY signal low t (ACQ)minns t w4Pulse duration,BUSY signal high650ns t h1Hold time,first data bus transition (RD low,or CS low for read cycle,or BYTE input 40ns changes)after CONVST low t d1Delay time,CS low to RD low 0ns t su2Setup time,RD high to CS high 0ns t w5Pulse duration,RD low50ns t en Enable time,RD low (or CS low for read cycle)to data valid 20ns t d2Delay time,data hold from RD high5ns t d3Delay time,BYTE rising edge or falling edge to data valid 1020ns t w6Pulse duration,RD high 20ns t w7Pulse duration,CS high20ns t h2Hold time,last RD (or CS for read cycle )rising edge to CONVST falling edge 50ns t pd4Propagation delay time,BUSY falling edge to next RD (or CS for read cycle)falling 0ns edget d4Delay time,BYTE edge to edge skew 0ns t su3Setup time,BYTE transition to RD falling edge 10ns t h3Hold time,BYTE transition to RD falling edge10ns t dis Disable time,RD high (CS high for read cycle)to 3-stated data bus 20ns t d5Delay time,BUSY low to MSB data valid delay 0ns t d6Delay time,CS rising edge to BUSY falling edge 50ns t d7Delay time,BUSY falling edge to CS rising edge50ns t su5BYTE transition setup time,from BYTE transition to next BYTE transition.50ns t su(ABORT)Setup time from the falling edge of CONVST (used to start the valid conversion)to thenext falling edge of CONVST (when CS =0and CONVST are used to abort)or to the 60550nsnext falling edge of CS (when CS is used to abort).(1)All input signals are specified with t r =t f =5ns (10%to 90%of +VBD)and timed from a voltage level of (V IL +V IH )/2.(2)See timing diagrams.(3)All timing are measured with 20pF equivalent loads on all data bits and BUSY pins.6Submit Documentation FeedbackTIMING CHARACTERISTICSADS8472 SLAS514–DECEMBER2006All specifications typical at–40°C to85°C,+VA=5V+VBD=3V(1)(2)(3)PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITt(CONV)Conversion time625650nst(ACQ)Acquisition time320350nst(HOLD)Sample capacitor hold time25nst pd1CONVST low to BUSY high40nst pd2Propagation delay time,end of conversion to BUSY low25nst pd3Propagation delay time,start of convert state to rising edge of BUSY25nst w1Pulse duration,CONVST low40nst su1Setup time,CS low to CONVST low20nst w2Pulse duration,CONVST high20nsCONVST falling edge jitter10pst w3Pulse duration,BUSY signal low t(ACQ)min nst w4Pulse duration,BUSY signal high650nst h1Hold time,first data bus transition(RD low,or CS low for read cycle,or BYTE input40ns changes)after CONVST lowt d1Delay time,CS low to RD low0nst su2Setup time,RD high to CS high0nst w5Pulse duration,RD low50nst en Enable time,RD low(or CS low for read cycle)to data valid30nst d2Delay time,data hold from RD high5nst d3Delay time,BYTE rising edge or falling edge to data valid1030nst w6Pulse duration,RD high20nst w7Pulse duration,CS high20nst h2Hold time,last RD(or CS for read cycle)rising edge to CONVST falling edge50nst pd4Propagation delay time,BUSY falling edge to next RD(or CS for read cycle)falling0ns edget d4Delay time,BYTE edge to edge skew0nst su3Setup time,BYTE transition to RD falling edge10nst h3Hold time,BYTE transition to RD falling edge10nst dis Disable time,RD high(CS high for read cycle)to3-stated data bus30nst d5Delay time,BUSY low to MSB data valid delay0nst d6Delay time,CS rising edge to BUSY falling edge50nst d7Delay time,BUSY falling edge to CS rising edge50nst su5BYTE transition setup time,from BYTE transition to next BYTE transition.50nst su(ABORT)Setup time from the falling edge of CONVST(used to start the valid conversion)to thenext falling edge of CONVST(when CS=0and CONVST are used to abort)or to the70550nsnext falling edge of CS(when CS is used to abort).(1)All input signals are specified with t r=t f=5ns(10%to90%of+VBD)and timed from a voltage level of(V IL+V IH)/2.(2)See timing diagrams.(3)All timing are measured with20pF equivalent loads on all data bits and BUSY pins.7Submit Documentation FeedbackPIN ASSIGNMENTSRGZ PACKAGE (TOP VIEW)R E F I R E F O U N +V A G N +I −I +V +V A G N A G N A G N U S Y C C B 0B 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 7D G N DNC − No internal connectionNOTE: The package thermal pad must be soldered to the printed circuit board for thermal and mechanical performance.B 6ADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TERMINAL FUNCTIONSNAME NO I/O DESCRIPTION8,9,17,20,AGND 23,24,26,–Analog ground27BDGND 2,37–Digital ground for bus interface digital supply BUSY 48O Status output.High when a conversion is in progress.Byte select ed for 8-bit bus reading.BYTE 3I 0:No fold back1:Low byte D[9:2]of the 16most significant bits is folded back to high byte of the 16most significant pins DB[17:10].CONVST 4I Convert start.The falling edge of this input ends the acquisition period and starts the hold period.CS 6IChip select.The falling edge of this input starts the acquisition period.8-BIT BUS16-BIT BUS Data Bus BYTE =0BYTE =1BYTE =0DB1528O D15(MSB)D7D15(MSB)DB1429O D14D6D14DB1330O D13D5D13DB1231O D12D4D12DB1132O D11D3D11DB1033O D10D2D10DB934O D9All ones D9DB835O D8All ones D8DB738O D7All ones D7DB639O D6All ones D6DB540O D5All ones D5DB441O D4All ones D4DB342OD3All onesD38Submit Documentation FeedbackTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS-5-4-3-2-101234Output CodeF r e q u e n c y300040005000-4-3-2-11234Output CodeF r e q u e n c y4.0954.0955T - Free-Air Temperature - °CA R e f e r e n c e V o l t a g e - V4.754.854.955.05 5.15 5.25Supply Voltage - VR e f e r e n c e V o l t a g e - V4444.444.845.245.646T - Free-Air Temperature -CA ºS u p p l y C u r r e n t - m A4444.444.845.245.6464.754.85 4.955.05 5.15 5.25Supply Voltage - VS u p p l y C u r r e n t - m AADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued)NAME NO I/O DESCRIPTIONDB243O D2All ones D2DB144O D1All ones D1DB045O D0(LSB)All onesD0(LSB)–IN 19I Inverting input channel +IN 18INoninverting input channel NC 15,46,47No connection REFIN 13I Reference inputREFOUT 14O Reference output.Add 1-µF capacitor between the REFOUT pin and REFM pin when internal reference is used.REFM 11,12I Reference groundSynchronization pulse for the parallel output.When CS is low,this serves as output enable and puts the previous RD 5I conversion results on the bus.7,10,16,+VA –Analog power supplies,5-V DC 21,22,25+VBD1,36–Digital power supply for busDC HISTOGRAMDC HISTOGRAMINTERNAL REFERENCE VOLTAGE(8192Conversion Outputs,Code(8192Conversion Outputs,CentervsTransition)of Code)FREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFigure 1.Figure 2.Figure 3.INTERNAL REFERENCE VOLTAGESUPPLY CURRENTSUPPLY CURRENTvsvsvsSUPPLY VOLTAGEFREE-AIR TEM PERATURESUPPLY VOLTAGEFigure 4.Figure 5.Figure 6.9Submit Documentation Feedback404142434446Sample Rate - KSPSS u p p l y C u r r e n t - m A-0.65-0.52-0.39-0.26-0.1300.130.260.390.520.65I N L - L S B sT - Free-Air Temperature -CA º-0.50-0.25-40-25-1052035506580T - Free-Air Temperature - CA D N L - L SB s4.754.854.955.05 5.15 5.25Supply Voltage - VD N L - L S B s-0.65-0.52-0.26-0.1300.130.260.390.524.754.854.955.05 5.155.25Supply Voltage - VI N L - L S B s-0.50- 3.6 3.844.2Reference Voltage - VD N L - L S B s33.23.4 3.6 3.844.2Reference Voltage - VI N L - L S B s0.1004.754.854.955.05 5.15 5.25Supply Voltage - VO f f s e t E r r o r - m VT - Free-Air Temperature - ºCA O f f s e t E r r o r - m VADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)SUPPLY CURRENTDIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITYINTEGRAL NONLINEARITYvsvsvsSAMPLE RATEFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFigure 7.Figure 8.Figure 9.DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITYINTEGRAL NONLINEARITYDIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITYvsvsvsSUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGEREFERENCE VOLTAGEFigure 10.Figure 11.Figure 12.INTEGRAL NONLINEARITYOFFSET ERROROFFSET ERRORvsvsvsREFERENCE VOLTAGEFREE-AIR TEMPERATURESUPPLY VOLTAGEFigure 13.Figure 14.Figure 15.10Submit Documentation FeedbackReference Voltage - VO f f s e t E r r o r - m VSupply Voltage - VG a i n E r r o r - %F S-0.04T - Free-Air Temperature -CA °G a i n E r r o r - %F SOffset Drift - ppm/CF r e q u e n c y-0.100.06Reference Voltage - VG a i n E r r o r - %F S0.030.190.350.500.660.90Gain Error Drift - ppm/CF r e q u e n c y-122-121-120-119V - Reference Voltage - Vref T H D - d B33.23.4 3.6 3.844.2V - Reference Voltage - Vref S N R - S i g n a l -t o -N o i s e R a t i o - d BV - Reference Voltage - Vref S I N A D - S i g n a l -t o -N o i s e + D i s t o r t i o n - d BSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)OFFSET ERRORGAIN ERRORGAIN ERRORvsvsvsREFERENCE VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGEFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFigure 16.Figure 17.Figure 18.GAIN ERRORvsOFFSET ERROR TEMPERATURE GAIN ERROR TEMPERATURE REFERENCE VOLTAGEDRIFT DISTRIBUTION (35Samples)DRIFT DISTRIBUTION (35Samples)Figure 19.Figure 20.Figure 21.TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIONSIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIOSIGNAL-TO-NOISE +DISTORTIONvsvsvsREFERENCE VOLTAGEREFERENCE VOLTAGEREFERENCE VOLTAGEFigure 22.Figure 23.Figure 24.-122-121-120-119-118-117-116-115-40-25-1052035506580T - Free-Air Temperature -CA °T H D - T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n - dB119.6119.8120120.2120.4120.6120.8121T - Free-Air Temperature -CA °S F D R - S p u r i o u s F r e e D y n a m i c R a n g e - d B9595.0595.1095.1595.2095.2595.30-40-25-1052035506580T - Free-Air Temperature -CA °S N R - S i g n a l -t o -N o i s e R a t i o - d B95.0595.1095.20-40-25-1052035506580T - Free-Air Temperature -CA °S I N A D - S i g n a l -t o -N o i s e + D i s t o r t i o n - d BDNL-32768-1638401638432768Output Code D N L - L S B sSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIONSPURIOUS FREE DYNAMIC RANGESIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIOvsvsvsFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFigure 25.Figure 26.Figure 27.SIGNAL-TO-NOISE +DISTORTIONvsFREE-AIR TEMPERATUREFigure 28.Figure 29.-32768-1638401638432768Output Code I N L - L S B sFFT100000200000300000400000500000f - Frequency - HzA m p l i t u d e - d BSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 30.Figure 31.TIMING DIAGRAMS†Signal internal to deviceSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 32.Timing for Conversion and Acquisition Cycles With CS and RD Toggling†Signal internal to deviceSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 33.Timing for Conversion and Acquisition Cycles With CS Toggling,RD Tied to BDGND†Signal internal to deviceSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 34.Timing for Conversion and Acquisition Cycles With CS Tied to BDGND,RD Toggling†Signal internal to deviceSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 35.Timing for Conversion and Acquisition Cycles With CS and RD Tied to BDGND -Auto ReadCSRDBYTEDB[15:0]SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 36.Detailed Timing for Read CyclesAPPLICATION INFORMATIONADS8472TO A HIGH PERFORMANCE DSP INTERFACEExt Ref AnalogInput InputAnalog 5 VAGNDSLAS514–DECEMBER 2006Figure 37shows a parallel interface between the ADS8472and a Texas instruments high performance DSP such as the TMS320C6713using the full 16-bit bus.The ADS8472is mapped onto the CE2memory space of the TMS320C6713DSP.The read and reset signals are generated by using a 3-to-8decoder.A read operation from the address 0xA000C000generates a pulse on the RD pin of the data converter,wheras a read operation form word address 0xA0014000generates a pulse on the RESET/PD1pin.The CE2signal of the DSP acts as CS (chip select)for the converter.As the TMS320C6713features a 32-bit external memory interface,the BYTE input of the converter can be tied permanently low,disabling the foldback of the data bus.The BUSY signal of the ADS8472is appiled to the EXT_INT6interrupt input of the DSP,enabling the EDMA controller to react on the falling edge of this signal and to collect the conversion result.The TOUT1(timer out 1)pin of the TMS320C6713is used to source the CONVST signal of the converter.Figure 37.ADS8472Application CircuitryFigure 38.ADS8472Using Internal ReferencePRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONREFERENCESLAS514–DECEMBER 2006The ADS8472is a high-speed successive approximation register (SAR)analog-to-digital converter (ADC).The architecture is based on charge redistribution which inherently includes a sample/hold function.See Figure 37for the application circuit for the ADS8472.The conversion clock is generated internally.The conversion time of 650ns is capable of sustaining a 1MHz throughput.The analog input is provided to two input pins:+IN and –IN.When a conversion is initiated,the differential input on these pins is sampled on the internal capacitor array.While a conversion is in progress,both inputs are disconnected from any internal function.The ADS8472can operate with an external reference with a range from 3.0V to 4.2V.The reference voltage on the input pin #13(REFIN)of the converter is internally buffered.A clean,low noise,well-decoupled reference voltage on this pin is required to ensure good performance of the converter.A low noise band-gap reference like the REF3240can be used to drive this pin.A 0.1-µF decoupling capacitor is required between REFIN and REFM pins (pin #13and pin #12)of the converter.This capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the pins of the device.Designers should strive to minimize the routing length of the traces that connect the terminals of the capacitor to the pins of the converter.An RC network can also be used to filter the reference voltage.A 100-Ωseries resistor and a 0.1-µF capacitor,which can also serve as the decoupling capacitor can be used to filter the reference voltage.Figure 39.ADS8472Using External ReferenceThe ADS8472also has limited low pass filtering capability built into the converter.The equivalent circuitry on the REFIN input ia as shown in Figure 40.Figure 40.Simplified Reference Input CircuitThe REFM input of the ADS8472should always be shorted to AGND.A 4.096-V internal reference is included.When internal reference is used,pin 14(REFOUT)is connected to pin 13(REFIN)with an 0.1-µF decoupling capacitor and 1-µF storage capacitor between pin 14(REFOUT)and pins 11and 12(REFM)(see Figure 38).The internal reference of the converter is double buffered.If an external reference is used,the second buffer provides isolation between the external reference and the CDAC.This buffer is also used to recharge all of the capacitors of the CDAC during conversion.Pin 14(REFOUT)can be left unconnected (floating)if external reference is used. ANALOG INPUTADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER2006 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION(continued)When the converter enters the hold mode,the voltage difference between the+IN and–IN inputs is captured on the internal capacitor array.Both+IN and–IN input has a range of–0.2V to Vref+0.2V.The input span[+IN–(–IN)]is limited to–V ref to V ref.The input current on the analog inputs depends upon a number of factors:sample rate,input voltage,and source impedance.Essentially,the current into the ADS8472charges the internal capacitor array during the sample period.After this capacitance has been fully charged,there is no further input current.The source of the analog input must be able to charge the input capacitance(65pF)to an16-bit settling level within the acquisition time(320ns)of the device.When the converter goes into the hold mode,the input impedance is greater than1 GΩ.Care must be taken regarding the absolute analog input voltage.To maintain the linearity of the converter,the +IN and–IN inputs and the span[+IN–(–IN)]must be within the limits specified.Outside of these ranges,the converter's linearity may not meet specifications.To minimize noise,low bandwidth input signals with low-pass filters are used.Care must be taken to ensure that the output impedance of the sources driving the+IN and–IN inputs are matched.If this is not observed,the two inputs could have different setting times.This may result in offset error, gain error,and linearity error which varies with temperature and input voltage.The analog input to the converter needs to be driven with a low noise,high-speed op-amp like the THS4031.An RC filter is recommended at the input pins to low-pass filter the noise from the source.The input to the converter is a uni-polar input voltage in the range0to V ref.The THS4031can be used in the source follower configuration to drive the converter.21Submit Documentation Feedback(+)IN+VIN (-)INADS8472SLAS514–DECEMBER 2006PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION (continued)Figure 41.Single-Ended Input,Differential Output ConfigurationIn systems,where the input is differential,the THS4031can be used in the inverting configuration with an additional DC bias applied to its +input so as to keep the input to the ADS8472within its rated operating voltage range.The DC bias can be derived from the REF3220or the REF3240reference voltage ICs.The input configuration shown below is capable of delivering better than 97dB SNR and -103db THD at an input frequency of 100kHz.In case band-pass filters are used to filter the input,care should be taken to ensure that the signal swing at the input of the band-pass filter is small so as to keep the distortion introduced by the filter minimal.In such cases,the gain of the circuit shown below can be increased to keep the input to the ADS8472large to keep the SNR of the system high.Note that the gain of the system from the +input to the output of the THS4031in such a configuration is a function of the gain of the AC signal.A resistor divider can be used to scale the output of the REF3220or REF3240to reduce the voltage at the DC input to THS4031to keep the voltage at the input of the converter within its rated operating range.22Submit Documentation Feedback。



操作前: 1. 当机床停止使用或在电源插座插入插座之前,开关务必处在“关”的位置; 2. 切勿尝试使用不适当的辅助机构并进行超负荷运行,优良的配件可以从总
经销处购买; 3. 为顺利的进行操作,在机床使用前对设备和零件都要认真的进行检查,是
否存在零件使用已超过期限和存在损坏情况; 4. 对已受损的零件应请专业维修人员进行更换或修理; 5. 对已失去功能的开关应及时更换。
19.丝杆 20.电动机电刷盖 21.乱扣盘表(选购件) 22.挂轮罩壳 23.无级变速控制旋钮 24.倒顺开关 25.急停开关 26.高低速操作手柄 27.丝杆倒顺转操作手柄
1. 床头箱 机床主轴的传动是通过电动机的同步带轮皮带与主轴同步带轮传动的,主 轴的无级变速是由#23 操作手柄进行调节的,在电器面板上可以找到转速 的范围。 #3 卡盘防护罩(是特殊选购的附件主要是学校教学时选装的)作用是防止 学生将卡盘钥匙遗忘在卡盘上,同时启动机床导致钥匙飞出来的安全防 护。 三爪卡盘(4)是安装在主轴法兰上,拆卸卡盘只要松开主轴法兰后面的 3 只紧固螺母,便可将卡盘从三个螺钉孔处拆卸。 随机附件中的三只反爪是为了扩大夹紧容量用的。主轴法兰上有六个孔, 是用来安装诸如四爪卡盘和花盘等(见特殊附件的介绍)。
除; (2) 不合适的保险丝不能用; (3) 需要拆卸或更换保险丝,要确保正确更换(包括认定标记和电线的颜
色); (4) 更换保险丝盖,要求从经销商处购买;
2. 车床安装 车床要安装在较重和强度较好的工作台上,要有足够的高度。这样对于操



014AZ014A2.4DIAGRAMS2.4.1HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC DIAGRAMSThe schematic is presented as a block diagram in order to highlight the different separate areas in the machine. The hydraulic and pneumatic parts are numbered and listed so that the functions can be well identified.Block diagram A PREFILLING TANK BAIR CONTROLS B1FILLER BOX HOPPER GATE CONTROL B3DIE-SET BLOWER CONTROL B4BRUSH CONTROL (UP & DOWN)C PLUNGER CONTROLD HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT EAUX. EQUIPMENT CONTROL E1UPPER FORMING DIE-SET CONTROL (OPTIONAL)E2MIRROR FINISHED DIE-SET CONTROL (OPTIONAL)E3DIE-SET LOCK CONTROL FKNOCKOUT CONTROL014AZ014A014AZ014A014AZ014A014AZ014A014AZ014A005Check valve, Main pumps 012Accumulator, Aux. equipment 018Accumulator, Upstroke034Emergency check valves, Pump suction line 046Fluid coupling 048Heat exchanger054Check valve, Oil leak collector pump 058a/b Main pump059Reducing valve, Brush rotation control060Compensated restrictor, Brush rotation control067Pressure gauge, Aux. equipment pressure and cock 071Safety valve, Pressurisation control 072Air filter, Pressurisation circuit073Pressure reducer, Air in the pressurisation circuit 074Check valve, Air in the pressurisation circuit 075Pressure gauge, Air in the pressurisation circuit 078Filtering unit pump 079a/b Main filters084Coupling, Oil leak collector pump 085Oil leak collector pump086Suction filter, Oil leak collector pump 097Check valve for changing filters 105Oil leak collector tank111Pressure relief valve, Pump circuit 112Safety valve, Hydraulic circuit 117Logic element, Cylinder pressure 118Logic element, Cylinder drain 122Plunger-and-cylinder assembly 124Cylinder126Prefilling tank 127Prefilling valve140Pressure reducing valve, Mirror-finished die set 141Accumulator, Mirror finished die-set 142Pressure gauge, Mirror finished die-set 143Drain cock, Mirror finished die-set 144Cock, Main pump suction line145Restrictor, Non return valve, Mirror-finished die set 153Cock, Accumulator drain 154Cock, Suction system157Pressure relief valve, Pump on supply line and removal 166Pressure reducing valve, Intermediate duct 179Cylinder, Die dampener 180a1Knockout cylinder 180a2Knockout cylinder 180b1Knockout cylinder 180b2Knockout cylinder183Check valve, Hydraulic die release 184SFS cylinder188Pressure reducing valve, Aux. equipment circuit 194Pressure reducing valve, Brush drive 195Hydraulic motor, Brush196Pressure gauge, Intermediate duct198Pressure gauge, SPE return stroke chamber 2 + 2cylinders222Flow control, ALM gate cylinder 223Flow control, ALM gate cylinder 224Gate cylinder228Pressure relief valve, Plunger upstroke 229Pressure reducing valve, Piloting circuit 230Logic element, Plunger downstroke 238Valve, Max. flywheel braking239Pressure relief valve, Max. hydraulic accumulator pressure2.4.2LIST OF THE HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC COMPONENTS243Logic element, Flywheel brake 247Check valve, Cylinder downstroke 249Restrictor, SFS delivery line 250Restrictor, SFS accumulator252Filter, Proportional valve protection254Quick-connect coupling, Oil filling/drainage 264Air filter, Brush ass’y265Pressure gauge, Brush ass’y 266Pressure reducer, Brush ass’y 267Oiler, Brush ass’y269Flow regulator, Brush drive cylinder 270Cylinder, Brush drive271Filter, Pressurisation system 272Air filter, ALM gate273Pressure reducer, ALM gate 275Pressure gauge, ALM gate 277Oiler, ALM gate336Pressure reducing valve, SFS circuit 337Accumulator, SFS circuit 338Pressure gauge, SFS circuit 339Drain cock, SFS circuit382Actuator air filter, Pneumatic lock383Actuator pressure reducer, Pneumatic lock 384Actuator pressure gauge, Pneumatic lock 385Oiler, Pneumatic lock386Throttle, Cylinder speed regulation, Pneumatic lock BP1Transducer, Cylinder pressureBP2Transducer, Aux. equipment pressure BP4Transducer, Pump pressureBP5Pressure transducer, Upstroke chamber BP6Pressure transducer, SPE upstroke BP7Pressure transducer, SPE downstroke BT4Thermostat, Oil temperature M1Main motorM3Oil collector pump motorM11Motor, Filtering and cooling system pump SP1Pressure switch, Filter 1 clogged SP1s Pressure switch, Filter 2 clogged SP2Pressure switch, Main cylinder SP3Pressure switch, Pump 1 suctionSP5Pressure switch, SPE piloting system filter clogged SP7Pressure switch, Plunger control pilot system filter cloggedSL1Oil level in reservoirSL3Min. level in oil-leak collection tank SL4Max. level in oil-leak collection tank SQ50Limit switch, Suction line cock SQ60Limit switch, Hopper gate open SQ61Limit switch, Hopper gate closedYV11Solenoid valve, Pressure in main circuit YV19Solenoid valve, Press-stroke controlYV22a Solenoid valve, 1st pair of SE cylinders up-down YV22b Solenoid valve, 2nd pair of SE cylinders up-down YV22s Solenoid valve, Pressure in SE control YV25Solenoid valve, SE die-set slow movement YV32Proportional flow regulator, Plunger up-downYV31s/d Solenoid valve, Plunger upstroke-downstroke in SETUP modeYV70Solenoid valve, Cylinder drainYV104Solenoid valve, Oil leak compensationYV107Solenoid valve, Automatic plunger upstroke014AZ014AYV171a/i Solenoid valve, Brush speed control YV172Solenoid valve, SFS knockout YV173Solenoid valve, Die-set blowerYV192Solenoid valve, Brush up-down control YV193Solenoid valve, SFS punch return stroke YV221Solenoid valve, ALM Hopper gate control YV226Solenoid valve, Pump separation YV259pressure relief valve, Filtration circuitYV279Solenoid valve, High water flow rate control YV290Solenoid valve, Pressurisation in tank stopped YV298Solenoid valve, Bottom die lockYV303Solenoid valve, Plunger downstroke controlYV304a Solenoid valve, Oil top up in 1st pair of SE cylinders YV304b Solenoid valve, Oil top up in 2nd pair of SE cylinders YV305Solenoid valve, Pump delivery controlYV306Proportional flow regulator, Secondary circuit YV307Solenoid valve, Prefilling valve controlYV308Solenoid valve, Pressure in piloting systemYV309Proportional solenoid valve, Pump line pressure YV313Solenoid valve, Actuator control, Pneumatic lock014AZ014A2.5OPERATION2.5.1FAST HEATINGIn order for the press to run efficiently, the oil temperature must be kept at around 40°C. If the oil is below this temperature when the machine begins to run, the press heats it up to at least 30°C before starting an automatic work-cycle. However,it is possible to start up the machine.NOTE: With temperatures lower than 5°C, use an external heater.At temperatures below 30°C the pumps of the hydraulic power unit will recirculate the oil at a pressure of 150 bar. The pressure is controlled by proportional pressure relief valve YV309. As the oil circulates the electrical energy dissipated is converted into heat. With the help of logic element 111, the dissipated energy heats up all the oil in a short time (depending on the initial temperature). If the controller finds the oil temperature to be <2°C it prevents main motor M1from being started up.2.5.2ADDITIONAL OIL HEATER (OPTIONAL)An additional oil heater can be used in order to start up the machine when the oil temperature is below 5 °C.This heater includes motor-screw pump M18 and electric heater EH18.If the oil temperature is below 5 °C when the press is started up, the PLC will not allow motor-filtering pump M11 to start running while motor M18 starts running. In addition, heater EH18 is energized until thermocouple BT4 measures the oil temperature is equal to or higher than 5°C.Once this threshold has been exceeded, the system shuts off M18 and EH18 and allows motor-pump M11 and then main motor M1 to start running.Thermostat T18 is installed at the oil heater outlet. This instrument is set to 60°C to prevent the oil from being damaged shutting down the heater and displaying a fault message in the event of motor-pump M18 or line malfunctioning.2.5.3HEAT EXCHANGER AND FILTERING SYSTEMThe system consists of screw pump-and-motor unit M11-78, plate-type water-oil heat exchanger 48 and filter 79.Pump 78 draws the oil from the prefilling tank and delivers it to filtering unit 79 and heat exchanger 48. The oil is then sent to the main pumps.Filters 79 are provided with pressure switches SP1 and SP1S which indicate when the filter elements are clogged.The flow rate of the cooling water is controlled by valve YV279.The microprocessor based system measures the oil temperature thanks to thermocouple BT4 (located on the hydraulic power unit’s reservoir).If the temperature increasesYV279 is energised when it reaches 41°CDrive motor M1 will stop if motor M11 shuts off. As a result, the automatic work-cycle will be interrupted. To bring motor M1 back into operation, first run the heat exchanger motor M11by pressing button 0 on the control console.If the temperature decreasesYV279 is de-energised when it reaches 39°C014AZ014A2.5.4OIL LEAK RECOVERY SYSTEMTank 105 collects the hydraulic oil leaks from main cylinder 124 and KNOCKOUT SPE .A level sensor, known as “1st oil level” (SL3) , is located inside tank 105; when the oil reaches the top level mark, motor-and-pump unit M3-85 will start running. The oil which passes through filter 86 is drawn out by the pump which will, in turn, deliver it to the reservoir of the hydraulic power unit.Check valve 54 is used to prevent the oil from flowing back to tank 105. The level sensor will shut the pump off when the oil reaches the lower level mark.A second “oil level sensor” (SL4) is located within tank 105. If the oil cannot be pumped into the reservoir of the hydraulic power unit (because of breakage of the coupler between the motor and pump, suction filter 86 is clogged, thermal cut-out on motor M3 tripped, etc..) a signal will be transmitted to the microprocessor system which will stop the press.2.5.5MAIN PUMP RUNNING - SAFETY BAR INTERLOCKS ACTIVATED (UP)The microprocessor-based control system is energised along with the motor starters when the master switch is turned to its “on” position.a)the following units start running when key “0” is pressed:-Fan motor in the sound-proof housing (if installed);-Motor-and-pump assembly for the filtering unit and heat exchanger (M11-78).The pressure in the filtering system is controlled by check valves 33. As a result, pump 78 is drained when pumps 58are not drawing in oil. Filters 79 and pressure switches SP1 and SP1s , which indicate when filter 79 is clogged, are located on the delivery line of pump 78.b)if key “0” is pressed again (at least ten seconds must elapse between operations “a” and “b”), main pump and motor (M1-58) will start running.Unit M1-58 is started up at low pressure in a pre-determined sequence when solenoid valve YV309 controls pump drainage along with logic element 111. It takes approx. 1 minute to start motor M11, due to the high flywheel inertia,before which no operations can be performed.Pressure switch SP3 and is installed on the suction line of pump 58. These are used to monitor pump booster. In fact,whenever there is a fault in pump 78, the pressure falls at the suction end of the pumps (the latter are therefore forced to draw the oil in through check valves 34). Pressure switch SP3 immediately indicates the pressure drop and stops the main motor pump assembly. A fault message appears on micro-processor control system display. When the two motors have been started up, the pressure in the main circuit of the hydraulic power unit is about 20 bar.At the end of the start-up procedure, solenoid valve YV22s is energised and sends the oil to valves YV22a and YV22b .The latter keep the die-set in position.014AZ014A2.5.6POSITION TRANSDUCER - SETTINGSThe press is provided with digital transducers which continuously monitor the position of:- the plunger,- the knockout- the mobile part of filler box CAF - the mobile feed hopper ALMThe press can control all operations as required by comparing the position of all moving parts (measured in real time)with data entered in the microprocessor control system by the operator.Encoders 1 and 2 (plunger position) “BQ6” and “BQ7”The following settings can be entered for the plunger (see the Instructions B manual):- Plunger stoppage due to lack of powder- End of braking position (position in which the plunger comes into contact with the powder)-Press-cycle start position (position in which the press-stroke starts)-Plunger raised position (automatic cycle)- End of braking during plunger upstroke- Plunger parallelism error: this value, expressed in mm, indicates the maximum degree to which the plunger is inclined during the press-cycle Encoder 3 (filler box position) “BQ2”The following settings can be entered for filler-box (see the Instructions B manual):- Position filler-box reaches when fully back - Position filler-box reaches when fully forward - Approach setting- Filler-box speed during the forward stroke - Filler-box speed during the return stroke - Approach speed- Filler box position for first die-set downstroke - Filler-box speed in manual modeSensor SQ2 will reset the encoder when energised by the cam. The latter is integral with the mobile part of the filler-box.Encoders 4 and 5 (knockout position) “BQ4” and “BQ5”The following settings can be entered for the knockout (see the Instructions B manual):- Upper end-stops A and B - Speed during upstroke - Speed during downstroke- Tile knockout between punches- Knockout timing with filler-box during loading Encoder 6 (ALM position) “BQ10”The following settings can be entered for the filler-box cycle (see the Instructions B manual):- Position ALM reaches when back - Position ALM reaches when forward - ALM speed during forward stroke - ALM speed during return stroke- Position ALM reaches when the hopper gate is opened - Position ALM reaches when the hopper gate is closedSensor SQ10 will reset the encoder when energised by the cam. The latter is integral with the mobile part of the filler-box.014AZ014A2 - 222.5.7SAFETY BAR INTERLOCKS DEACTIVATED (DOWN)If the safety bar is lowered, the lock which prevents the plunger from being lowered is deactivated. Limit switch SQ51is deactivated while limit switch SQ52 is triggered, sending a signal to the microprocessor system.As no signal to start operating is sent, the pressure in the hydraulic system will stabilise at around 20 bar. When a signal is received, the pump system is brought up to the required operating pressure set with proportional relief valves YV309.When valve 112 is set to a pressure of 350 bar , valve 111 acts as a hydraulic protection device. Remember that, once the pressure has been set to a safe level, it is good practice to lock the adjustment pins of the two valves by using the nuts. Otherwise the vibrations produced during operation may cause the pins to come loose and the set pressure to alter.The pressure level in valve 112 shall be referred to as “safety pressure ”.2.5.8AXIS POSITIONING - TRANSDUCER RESETTINGTo perform this operation, press keys 28 & 5 at the same time. This is to be done whenever the microprocessor based system is disconnected. The incremental position transducers must be reset in order to start machine cycling in automatic mode. “FILLER-BOX/DIE-SET/ALM ENCODER NOT RESET” will appear on the display of the microprocessor control system so as to inform the operator when this is to be done.To position and reset, proceed as follows:- move the plunger fully up- move the ALM right back to the reset sensor SQ10- move the filler box right back to the reset sensor SQ2- move the die-set fully down to the encoder “zero” position (mechanical setting)Once the above procedure has been completed, the microprocessor control system is ready to receive signals.2.5.9DIE-SET CONTROL CIRCUITPress pushbuttons 13 & 25 to energise solenoid valve YV22s, YV25 as well as proportional valves YV22a and YV22b .Solenoid valve YV22s delivers oil to valves YV22a and YV22b which, in turn, supply oil to the two pairs of cylinders 180a1, 180a2, 180b1 and 180b2. The latter are used for the upward and downward movement. The cylinders on each side are joined to one another by an intermediate duct which ensures perfect timing. The pressure in the intermediate duct is restored by solenoid valves YV304a and YV304b . During each cycle the latter join the intermediate chambers to the reduced pressure line. This is accomplished through reducer 166.In order for the cylinders to be precisely positioned, the pressure in the intermediate duct given on gauges 196 and 198must be as indicated on the plate. Check periodically. If this does not happen, proceed as directed in paragraph 4.2.2- INSTALLING AND REMOVING THE DIE-SET.The speed and timing are controlled by the axis control card. The latter, in turn, is controlled by the microprocessor according to the position of the cylinders. Transducers BQ4 and BQ5 are used to monitor this position.。



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95 127 255表1a收发器识别/性能(A0h Bytes 12-18)表1b铜电缆识别/性能(A0h Bytes 7, 8, 60, 61)表3.3扩展标识符数值(数据地址1)表3.5收发器的代码(数据地址3-10)3.5a收发器识别范例(AOH Bytes3-10)表3.6编码准则(A0H Bytes11)表3.6a速率标准符(A0H Bytes 13)CC_BASE [Address A0h, Byte 63]校验码是一个字节的代码,可以用来验证的第一个64字节的两线在SFP接口的信息是有效的。


诊断监测类型[地址A0h ,第92字节]诊断监测类型是1至8个字节范围单位指示,说明在特定的收发器诊断监测实施。


此外,报警和警告阈值必须被写入本文件规定地点00至55 上得2线串行地址1010001X (A2H )两个校准选项是可能的,如果第6位已设置表明,数字诊断已实施监测。

如果第5位,“内部校准” ,设置,收发立即报告校准电流、功率等单位的值。

如果“ 外部校准” ,第4位,设置,报告值都必须转化为现实领域使用单位的A / D计数校准值读取使用2线串行地址1010001X (A2H )从56至95个字节。

第3位表示接收到的功率测量是否代表平均输入光电源或OMA 。





地址变更序列被定义为2线串行接口以下步骤1.主机控制器执行一个启动条件,其次是从机地址0b00000000,请注意,这个地址的R / W 位表示从主机到设备的传输2.设备与ACK相应3. 主机控制器作为下一个8位数据传输0b00000100 (04H ),这个值表示该设备是改变其地址4. 设备与ACK相应5. 主机控制器转移作为下一个8位数据的下列值之一:0bxxxxxxx00指定的两线接口ID内存页0bxxxxxxx10指定数字诊断内存页6.设备与ACK相应7. 主机控制器执行一个停止条件8. 设备更改地址响应,步骤5字节值高于:0bXXXXXX00地址变成0b1010000X (A0h)0bXXXXXX10地址变成0b1010001X (A2h)增强选项【地址A0h ,93字节]“增强选项”是一个字节的字段与8个单位指标描述可选的接收器的数据诊断功能。

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