新编文档-国际商务英语模拟实训教程Unit1 Preparation of Price List-精品文档




《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》
3. We are pleased to place an order with you for 15000 pairs of women’s leather shoes.
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》
【BUSINESS SITUATION】 Having studied the email of the Seller, Alfred White agrees to the concession of 2%, and confirms his order with him. Mike Du is faxing his Sales Confirmation to the Buyer and asks him to sign and fax it back.
【背景提示】买方同意卖方所作出2%的让步,卖方用传 真发出销售确认书。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
《国际商 务英语模 拟实训》

商务英语实训教程上册 unit 1 教师参考 (6)

商务英语实训教程上册 unit 1 教师参考 (6)
3. component [kəm'poʊnənt]
例句1:The factory supplies components for the car industry. 该工厂向 汽车业供应零部件。
例句2:A chemist can separate a medicine into its components. 化学家
New Words 词汇教学重点:
1.articulate [ɑ:'tikjuleit] 例句1:Articulate speech is essential for a teacher.对教师来说,口齿清 楚
例句2:I'm a little deaf, please articulate your words carefully.我有些耳聋, 请把话仔细地说清楚。
人们普遍认为,商业计划是一份有生命力的文件。尽管你 的初稿几经修改完善, 但是从被印刷出来的那一天起,大多 数的商业计划就已经过时了。这就意味着企业家将不断地对 他们的商业计划进行更新和修改。一次又一次,商业计划的 重要性并不体现在最终的产品上,而是在这个进程中点点滴 滴积攒出来的真知灼见。商业计划是你的蓝本构想轮廓。它 明确地表达了你的思想,为你和你的团队指明了具体的方向 。
是一步一步地来。首先,写出一份四至五页的摘要,涵盖当 前的发展远景。随着你把计划的其它部分付诸于实施,这份

商务英语函电实训unit 1 Foundamentals of Business Writing

商务英语函电实训unit 1 Foundamentals of Business Writing
The purpose for business writings is to inform readers of information you want to get across or possibly persuade the readers to do something.
Unit 1 Foundamentals of Business Writing
Unit 1 Foundamentals of Business Writing
• 1.Guide to Basic Business Letters
The basics of good business letter writing are easy to learn. The following guide provides the phrases that are usually found in any standard business letter. These phrases are used as a kind of frame and introduction to the content of business letters. At the end of this guide, you will find links to sites that give tips on the difficult part of writing successful business letters – arguing your business objective. By using these standard phrases, you can give a professional tone to your English business letters.

商务英语写作实训 Chapter 1-Basics of Business__writing

商务英语写作实训  Chapter 1-Basics of Business__writing

Attention: When blaming your readers, you'd better use weattitude to take some responsibility of your readers' fault.
3) Postitive language

Will you use the same formality when you’re writing at work?
Do you think business writing plays an important role in business communication? Why?

--- be more pleasant to read than negative language
Your order cannot be shipped by January 10. Your order will be shipped by January 20.
We cannot fill your order until we receive an exact model number. We can fill your order once we receive an exact model number.
4) Hidden Messages
--- avoid imply a negative and unpleasant tone in your writing.
Negative Language:
You overlooked You state that You failed to You claim that You are wrong You do not understand Your delay You forgot to



4 Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box.
It’s a real pleasure to work with her. Nice to meet you, Ian. Do you know her? May I introduce myself? My boss is in Sydney. She’s in Singapore, too.
Fundamentals of Business English
Module 1 Business Skills
1.2 Personal and professional details
1.2 Personal and professional details
Personal and professional profiles Writing
Favourite destination for holidays _________________________
Reasons for learning English _____________________________
8 With your partner, work with another pair of students. Introduce your partner to the other people in the group, using the information in exercise 7. Listen to the other presentations. Ask a follow-up question to each person. Do you like living in …?



(1) __O_p__e_n__y_o_u__r_m__i_n_d___
Bosses should consider requests for flexible working from employees with children under six. So embrace the benefits: ‘ Twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energy,' Savage says.
Business English
Module 1 Business topic
1.1 Ways of working 1.2 Making contacts
1.1 Ways of working
Different ways of working
How to job-share
Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each other's different strengths . Delegate the workload according to each other's particular skills and qualities.
Get organized Set your limits
Put pen to paper
Two become one
Open your mind Plan for disaster
Find the perfect partner Don't feel guilty
Wouldn't it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here's the essential guide to making it work .



外研社新标准商务英语综合教程1New Standard Business English CourseUnit One: Introduction to Business CommunicationIn this unit, you will learn about the basics of business communication. You will learn about different types of communication tools, the purpose of communication and how to choose the right communication method and message.Communication ToolsBusiness communication can be done in many ways, including verbal and written communication. Verbal communication can happen in person or over the phone, while written communication can be in the form of emails, letters, or memos.Purpose of CommunicationThe purpose of communication is to convey information from one person or group to another. In business, the purpose of communication can be to convey information about a particular product or service, to invite someone to an event or to simply keep people informed about changes in the company.Choosing the Right Method and MessageEffective communication depends on choosing the right method and message for your intended audience. Consider your audience before choosing the method of communication and tailor yourmessage to fit their needs.Unit Two: Business WritingThis unit will focus on writing skills for business. You will learn about formal and informal writing, how to write emails, letters and memos, and how to write an effective business report.Formal and Informal WritingFormal writing is used in professional communication and requires a specific style and tone. Informal writing is used in everyday communication and tends to be less structured and more conversational.Writing Emails, Letters and MemosEmails, letters and memos are all important forms of business communication. In this unit, you will learn the key elements of each type of writing and how to write clear and effective messages.Writing a Business ReportA business report is a formal document that provides information on a particular topic. In this unit, you will learn how to structure a business report, how to collect and analyze data, and how to present your findings effectively.Unit Three: Presentations and Public SpeakingThis unit will teach you how to give effective presentations and become a confident public speaker. You will learn how to structure a presentation, create effective visuals and use body language to convey your message.Structuring a PresentationEffective presentations require careful planning and organization. In this unit, you will learn how to structure a presentation that captures your audience's attention and conveys your message effectively.Creating Effective VisualsVisual aids can enhance the impact of a presentation. In this unit, you will learn how to create effective visual aids that support your message and engage your audience.Using Body LanguageBody language is an important part of communication, especially in public speaking. In this unit, you will learn how to use body language effectively to convey confidence and professionalism.Unit Four: Negotiation SkillsThis unit will teach you the skills needed for successful negotiation in business. You will learn about negotiation styles, techniques and strategies, and how to negotiate effectively with different personalities.Negotiation Styles, Techniques and StrategiesNegotiation requires careful planning and preparation. In this unit, you will learn about different negotiation styles, techniques and strategies that can be used to achieve a successful outcome.Negotiating with Different PersonalitiesEffective negotiation requires an understanding of different personality types. In this unit, you will learn how to identify different personality types and how to adapt your negotiation style to work effectively with each personality type.Unit Five: Cross-Cultural CommunicationIn a global business environment, cross-cultural communication is essential. This unit will teach you how to communicate effectively with people from different cultures and how to avoid common cultural mistakes.Communication Across CulturesDifferent cultures have different communication styles and norms. In this unit, you will learn about different communication styles and how to adapt your own communication style to work effectively with people from different cultures.Avoiding Cultural MistakesCultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes. In this unit, you will learn how to avoid common cultural mistakes and how to communicate effectively across cultural divides.ConclusionThe New Standard Business English Course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to communicate effectively in a business environment. The course covers a range of topics, from business writing and negotiation skills to presentations and cross-cultural communication. By completing this course, you will be well-prepared to communicate confidently and professionally in any business situation.Unit One: Introduction to Business CommunicationCommunication is essential in business, and the ability to communicate effectively can make a significant difference in the success of any endeavor. In Unit One, you will learn about the basics of business communication.The purpose of communication is to convey information from one person or group to another. In business, the purpose of communication can be to convey information about a particular product or service, to invite someone to an event, or to simply keep people informed about changes in the company. Communication can take place verbally or in written form. Verbal communication can happen in person or over the phone, while written communication can be in the form of emails, letters, or memos. Choosing the right method and message for your intendedaudience is essential for effective communication. Consider your audience before choosing the method of communication and tailor your message to fit their needs. For instance, if you are communicating with clients or customers, you may want to use more formal language. In contrast, if you are communicating with colleagues, informal language might be more appropriate.Unit Two: Business WritingEffective writing skills are essential in business. In this unit, you will learn about formal and informal writing, how to write emails, letters, and memos, and how to write an effective business report.Formal writing is used in professional communication and requires a specific style and tone. It is usually used for more official purposes and has a more structured format than informal writing. Informal writing is used in everyday communication and tends to be less structured and more conversational.Emails, letters, and memos are all important forms of business communication. In this unit, you will learn the key elements of each type of writing and how to write clear and effective messages. Writing clear emails is an essential part of business communication, as it is a quick and convenient method of communication. A well-written email can convey your message effectively and make a positive impression on the recipient.A business report is a formal document that provides information on a particular topic. In this unit, you will learn how to structure a business report, how to collect and analyze data, and how topresent your findings effectively.Unit Three: Presentations and Public SpeakingPublic speaking is a crucial skill for business professionals, and the ability to give effective presentations can be a valuable asset. In this unit, you will learn how to structure a presentation, create effective visuals, and use body language to convey your message.Effective presentations require careful planning and organization. In this unit, you will learn how to structure a presentation that captures your audience's attention and conveys your message effectively. The key elements of an effective presentation include an engaging opening, clear objectives, a compelling argument, supportive evidence, and a memorable conclusion.Visual aids can enhance the impact of a presentation. In this unit, you will learn how to create effective visual aids that support your message and engage your audience. The key to creating effective visuals is to keep them simple, relevant, and visually appealing. Body language is an important part of communication, especially in public speaking. In this unit, you will learn how to use body language effectively to convey confidence and professionalism. Effective use of body language can help you connect with your audience and build rapport, making your presentation more effective.Unit Four: Negotiation SkillsNegotiation is an essential part of business, and the ability to negotiate effectively can make a significant difference in the success of any endeavor. In this unit, you will learn about negotiation styles, techniques, and strategies, and how to negotiate effectively with different personalities.Negotiation requires careful planning and preparation. In this unit, you will learn about different negotiation styles, techniques, and strategies that can be used to achieve a successful outcome. By learning how to effectively negotiate, you can better manage conflict, build stronger relationships, and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.Effective negotiation requires an understanding of different personality types. In this unit, you will learn how to identify different personality types and how to adapt your negotiation style to work effectively with each personality type. By understanding the different communication styles and behavior patterns, you can better navigate the negotiation process and improve your chances of success.Unit Five: Cross-Cultural CommunicationIn today's global business environment, cross-cultural communication is essential. In this unit, you will learn how to communicate effectively with people from different cultures and how to avoid common cultural mistakes.Different cultures have different communication styles and norms. In this unit, you will learn about different communication stylesand how to adapt your own communication style to work effectively with people from different cultures. By understanding cultural differences and adapting your style accordingly, you can better communicate with people from different backgrounds and build stronger relationships.Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes. In this unit, you will learn how to avoid common cultural mistakes and how to communicate effectively across cultural divides. By learning how to navigate cultural differences, you can better understand and engage with people from different cultures, improving your chances of success.ConclusionThe New Standard Business English Course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to communicate effectively in a business environment. By completing this course, you will be well-prepared to communicate confidently and professionally in any business situation. With a focus on business writing, presentations and public speaking, negotiation, and cross-cultural communication, this course provides a comprehensive overview of essential skills for success in the workplace.。



答案Project 1 English of Social IntercourseTask 1 Business IntroductionPart 4 Topic: I T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.FTask 2 Business CallsPart 4 Topic: I F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.TProject2 Business EntertainmentTask 1 Business Appointment & BanquetPart 4 Topic:Business Appointment & Banquet1.Business appointment is an engagement to meet at a particular place and time for a particularbusiness purpose・ And business banquet is formal meal for business purpose.2.Because it is one of the best ways to demonstrate one's knowledge and appreciation of Chineseculture to current or future business associates.3.The host should ensure the evening is enjoyable and successful for everyone and should belooked to for guidance on where to sit, when to toast and even what to eat.4.Being seated to the left of an individual is a higher honor than being seated to the right.5.Yes it is. Because it means youTe listening, and it also means you care・Business Appointment Success or Failurel.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.TTask2 Hotel AccommodationPart 4 Topic:Hotel Accommodation Arrangement of the Trade fair in Chengdu1.August 11th to 14th, 20092.Make out a good schedule according to the relevant data including the guests' idenlity, thequantity of the guests, gender, age, health condition, habits and customs as well as the necessities for work.3.204.Because they come to the fair to do business with China and to make business relationship withthe company in Chengdu.5.First tell the receivers that you are glad to help them and are sure to make good arrangementfor them・ Then write the name of hotel you have reserved and some information of the hotel, such as the map of how to get to the hotel, the standards of the hotel, the types and the number of the rooms your reserved, the fee, the check-in time and departure time and so on. At last, you'd better ask them if they have any questions about it or if they need more assistance.A Letter of Hotel Room Reservation1.From the August 11th to August 14lh2.11 rooms including 2 single rooms and 9 double rooms3.Breakfast and evening meal, and 2 single rooms and 9 double rooms for four nightscommencing 11th August・4.Ellen, Chen, Public Manager of Sichuan BSam Textile Co., Ltd5.The American delegation from A-may Textile Co., Ltd. will join the 2009 Autumn TextileTrade fair.Task 3 Visiting Trade Fair, Show Room and FactoryPart 4 Topic:How to Make Successful Reception When Clients Visiting Factoryl. F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FHow To Visit A Trade Show1 .planning 2.current suppliers3.an opportunity for you to ask technical and purchasing questions4.be exposed to four basic levels of non-personal supplier information5.Prior to exhibit, Non-personal in-exhibit and personal in-exhibitProject 3 Conference Organization and ArrangementTask 1 Conference Invitation Letter DesignPart 4 Topic:How to Design a Conference Invitation Letterl. F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.FInvitation Letter to the ConferenceDear Sir or Madam,We sincerely invite you to attend the 2009 Autumn Trade Fair of our company held during August 1 l lh and 14lh August in Chengdu・ Il will be a great honor for us if you are coming・・ Detailed schedule is attached afterwards・ Please confirm your daily schedule and let us know.Many thanks and best wishesYour sincerely,MaryPublic manager of Sichuan BSam Textile Co., Ltd.How to Dress for a ConferenceSummaryKnowing how to dress for a conference is very important, because in business, appearance can make or break you. First, you'd better look through business magazines and notice the business style looks like・ Then check out what clothes you own and go shopping but stay on a budget. If you are female, please choose appropriate clothes・ While if you are male, please choose a suit. Finally you had better make sure the dress choices are matching or compliment each other.Task 2 Introduction of ConferencePart 4 Topic:How to Write a Conference Introduction1.F2.T3.T4.F5.FA Sample of Conference Introduction1・ It should include the conference topics, objectives, agenda and locality, the meeting outline, main content, characteristics and relevant projects under discussion as well as a list of persons attended the conference and the spokesman.2.Yes, it is. Because it will attract the participants to attend it, and let them know what lies aheadfor them and what they may get.3・ Its purpose is to let people know what the conference is about: to improve the communication of High and New Tech no logy and enhance the cooperation between inter national companies ・4.The conference objectives include: to apply the latest IT information from a broad range ofprofessional core functions, to serve as a forum to facilitate networking and cooperation among parties from around and to cite advances in the IT field.5.It includes: improving Electronic information technology, managing strategies in IT industry,communication skills in business, product promotion and sales, product research and develop and future regulation of IT industry.Stages of a business meetingl. F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.FTask 3 Conference agendaPart 4 TopicHow to Structure a Conference AgendaComplete the following Student's file(P48)Task 4 Introducing Distinguished GuestsPart 4 TopicHow to Introduce a Guestl. F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.FComplete the following Student's file(P52)Task 5 Conference ServicePart 4 TopicIntroduction of conference servicel.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.FProject 4 RecruitmentTask 1 Practicing Making ResumesPart 4 TopicHow a Company Fills a Job Vacancyl. F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FTask 2 InterviewPart 4 TopicHuman Resources Within Firmsl.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.FTask 3 Employee ContractsPart 4 TopicArbitrationl.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.TTask 4 Job Descriptions & TitlesPart 4 TopicMy Ideal Jobl. F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.TTask 5 Job ResponsibilitiesPart 4 TopicA Grass-roots Legal Worker in a Company Whose Responsibilities Description of Workl.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.TProject 5 CompanyIntroductionTask 1 Describing the Organizational Structure of a CompanyPart 4 Topicl.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.FTask 2 Introducing the Functions of ProductsPart 4 TopicPSP Is Not Just For Teens1.It's for adults.2.Because PSP3000 is more than a gaming console・ It also ha the ability to stream video,access the internet, playback music and videos and store images・3.They buy PSP 3000 for their gaming and entertainment needs・4.PSP 3000 boasts features that you would need 2 or 3 other electronic devices to accomplish・5.Yes it is. Because it shows the basic functionalities of PSP3000 and also its strong points toattract the adults.Task 3 AdvertisementPart 4 Topic1.T2.F3.T4.F5.TTask 4 The Introduction of Technical Features of ProductsPart 4 Topic1 ・ Il is designed for the needs of Internet-savvy consumers.2.It has a large3.5" touch display and a full QWERTY keyboard, and an 'always open* windowto favorite social networking sites and Internet destinations.3.It introduces multiple sensors, memory, processing power and connection speeds.4.I like it very much, because it has attractive advantages that other cell phones don't have・5・ Nokia N97 will transform the way people connect to the Internet and to each other and the company hope it will well accepted by the market・Task 5 Presentation of a ProductPart 4 Topic1 ・ There are four points.1)When you make the presentation, you'd better look well organized.2)When you make the presentation, you'd better use natural gestures.3)When you make the presentation, yoiTd better u se eye contact.4)When you make the presentation, you^d better pay attention to your pronunciation andintonation.2・ The one who seems to know what he or she is doing.3・ No you don't need・4.It may make your words more forceful and help you know some response of your audience・5.Yes. Because inappropriate words can be false friends・Task 6 Expressions of Product PromotionPart 4 Topicl.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FProject 6 International TradeTask 1 Establishing Business RelationsPart 4 Topic1.An importe匚2.To establish business relations.3・ The main content is about showing the wish to establish the business relationship with an exporte r.4.When you write this kind of letter, the following points should be included:1)Source of information;2)Self-introduction;3)Reference as to your firm's credit standing;4)Expectation.5.When you write a letter to reply the letter of establish business relations, the following pointsshould be included:1)Gratitude;2)Self-introduction and favourable response3)Showing interests4)Hope for quotation and replyTask 2 Credit InvestigationPart 4 TopicLetter for Credit Investigation1.The Chartered Bank2・ The writer wants the bank inform them some information of The Carters Trading Company's credit.3.They want the information as following: date of establishment and name of the president, lineof business, the net worth, the annual business volume, the credit rating and record ofpayment. And they want some opinion about the company from the bank・4.Yes, I think it's necessary.5.First, give background information about the customers situation you want to know.Second, request for information about the prospective customers credit standingThird, give an assurance the information will be treated confidential 参考信函:Credit InformationDear Sir,We have received a sudden bid from the American Trading Co.,Ltd,600 Mission Street, San Francisco,with which you are now doing business and the firm gives us your name as a reference・We shall appreciate it if you will inform us inform us of the following information about them.(1)How long have you been in business relations with the firm?(2)What credit limit have you placed on their account?(3)How promptly are terms met?(4)What amount is currently outstanding?Any information you may give us will be treated as strictly confidential and expenses concerned from this inquiry will be gladly paid by us upon receipt of your bill.We are awaiting your early reply.Very truly Yours,Report for Credit InvestigationDear sir,We are pleased to send you, in confidence, the credit information concerning TCL company in your letter of May 12,2011.The above company enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world. They are prompt and punctual in all their transactions, and we have no hesitation in giving them credit to an amount beyond the sum you mentioned. However, this is without obligation on our part.We hope this information may be of use to you.Yours sincerely,Task 3 Making Negotiation PlanPart 4 TopicDefining the Aims for Negotiations1.It means that the negotiators should know well their desired results according to their ownpractical conditions・2.To avoid manipulation by their counterparts.3・ There are three different aims to be decided: the best aim, the satisfactory aim and the acceptable aim.4.When you find you have no advantages in the world market, or you have met a skillfulnegotiator in the business activities, or you have to export or import some products, you have to face the reality 一- to accept the third aim.5.If the world market is beneficial to you, as a negotiator, you should seize every opportunity tofirmly obtain the best aim. When you find it difficult to get the best aim, as a negotiator, you had better make a good preparation to get the satisfactory aim. When you find you have no advantages in the world market, you have to accept the acceptable aim・Task 4 Skills of Concessions in Business Negotiation of PricePart 4 Topic1・ Two factors should be taken into consideration in pricing. One is the profitability of the transaction, and the other is market share of the products・2.The fluctuation of commodity price and exchange rates in international markets should betaken into consideration while calculating the costs.3・ Commission refers to the payment made to a broker for services rendered.4.Discount refers to the amount a price would be reduced.mission refers to the payment made to a broker for services rendered and Discount refersto the amount a price would be reduced・Task 5 Enquiry and ReplyPart 4 Topic1.Miss Ellen.2.She enquires about the illustrated catalogue and the latest price list together with any samples.3.They reply very friendly and politely and give all the information the counterpart want.4.Try to establish good business relationship and find certain commodity with high quality andgood price.5.About the enquiry letter:First, begin your letter with stating who you are and giving your status or position and tell how you found out about the individual or entity that you are writing to. Second, state what you are inquiring about clearly and what you would like the recipient of your letter to do. Make your inquiry as specific as possible. Third, you might want to briefly explain the purpose of your letter or what you hope to accomplish. Such an explanation may prompt the recipient of your letter to act more quickly. If appropriate, consider mentioning the letter recipient's qualifications for responding to your inquiry. Include the date by which you need the information, services, etc. that you are requesting, and indicate that you await the reader's response. At last you should thank the person for his/her time.About the reply to the enquiry letter:First, express your appreciation.Second, provide the information that the prospective client needs.Third, recommend other products.Forth, introduce yourself.Fifth, State your wish.Task 6 Offer, Counter-offer and AcceptancePart 4 Topic1・ They offer the counterpart 30 metric tons of polished rice at US$2,400 per metric ton and 20 metric tons of soybeans at US$2,800 per metric ton. And this offer is valid, subject to thereceipt of the counterpart reply before 10 June 2006・2.Because to accept the prices you quote would leave them with only a small profit on their salessince this is an area in which the principal demand is for articles in the medium price range・And Japanese quotation is 10% lower.3.The contents of counter-counter-offer letters often cover the following points:(1)Express thanks for the offer or the counter-offer;(2)Apologize for disagreement to certain term or terms;(3)State reasons for disagreement;(4)Put forward concrete suggestions or amendments to the former counter-offer;(5)Express hopes of an early reply.参考信函:Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of May 26. We regret that we cannot meet your terms. We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect to future orders・ At present the best discount offered for a quantity you ordered is 5%. Our current situation leaves us little room to bargain. We hope you will reconsider the offer.We shall appreciate your favorable reply.Yours sincerely,4.The letter of offer should include:(1)Express thanks for the enquiry;(2)Give the details of the price, discounts and payment terms;(3)Detail the contents included in the price (such as freight, insurance premiums);(4)Commit the time of shipment or delivery;(5)Give the validity of offer;(6)Express hopes of an early reply.5.The contents of counter-offer often cover the following points:(1)Express thanks for the offer;(2)Apologize for disagreement to certain term or terms;(3)State reasons for disagreement;(4)Put forward concrete suggestions or amendments to the former offer;(5)Express hopes of an early reply.Task 7 Order and AcknowledgementPart 4 TopicLetters of Order and Acknowledgementdies' Blouses・2.It means the symbol n written under a word in a list to show that you want to repeat that word.3.Yes, it is.4.1) The opening usually refers to some previous contact such as a quotation, a catalog, an offerand so on. Then show your intention to place an order.2)The second part usually conclude the following points: item names, item models; quantityof each item; quality information such as color, size weight, material or other special features;price for each item;3)The third part is about the payment and delivery;4)The fourth part is to provide your delivery address or a billing address together with yourphone numbe匚5)The closure is about the willingness to cooperate and to establish further business dealings ・5.The contents does the confirming the order includes:1)Express the gratitude for the order received2)Assure the counterpart that the goods they ordered will be delivered in compliance withtheir request. And introduce other products to the counterpart;3)Close the letter by expressing the willingness to establish further business relation.Task 8 Terms of PaymentPart 4 Topic1・ Because L/C is more favorable for the seller while, the D/A is more favorable for the buyer・2.The seller.3・ You should reconcile L/C contents and their application to assure that the L/C completely complies with the Contract and your requirements・4.The letters about terms of payment includes:1)Put forward the problem of terms of payment;2)Present the desired terms of payment and explain why this mode of payment preferred orwhy other terms of payment caif t be accepted・3)Close the letter by expressing the hope of early reply.5.You should pay attention to that the reasons given for the request of amendment should belogical favorable for your side and your tone in the letter should be polite・Task 9 Contract, Discount and Commission参考例文:Dear Sir,We have duly received your Sales Con tract No.5623 covering 50 tons walnutmeat we have booked with you. Enclosed please find the duplicate with our counter-signature・ Thanks to mutual efforts, we were able to bridge the price gap and put the deal through.The relative L/C has been established with the Bank of China,London, in your favour. It will reach you in due course・Regarding further quantities required, we hope you will see your way clear to make us an offer. As an indication, we are prepared to order 80 tons.Yours faithfully,1 ・ When sending a letter of Sales Contract, special attention should be paid to the price, terms ofpayment, specifications, quality, quantity, time of delivery, port of destination, etc.2・ The contents of the letter of sending a contract should include the following points:1)Be with a Sales Confirmation/Contract;2)Confirm the order (goods* name, order No., etc.);3)Ask for counter-signature;4)Show any other specific notes (L/C, packing, insurance, etc.);5)Show your expectation参考例文:Dear Sir,We have booked your Order No. 105 for 500 ABC Machines and are sending you herewith our Sales Contract No. ABC-103 in three originals. Please sign and return one copy to us for our file.Please open the relative L/C at an early date, so that we can arrange the shipment as soon as possible.We expect your early replay at your earliest convenience・Yours truly,Task 10 Packing and ShipmentPart 4 Topic1・ They will be packed in seaworthy containers. Each bicycle is enclosed in a corrugated cardboard pack, and 20 are banned together and wrapped in sheet plastic. A container holds 240 cycles; the whole cargo would therefore comprise 50 containers, each weighing 8 tons. 2.Because the direct liner between Shanghai and the port of destination is far and few and theseller has some difficulties in obtaining ocean freight space.3.Yes it is.4.The letter of packing includes the following points:1)Open the letter with the problem under discussion;2)Explain the packing and shipping arrangements in detail and reasons for this kind ofarrangements;3)Close the letter with the hope for cooperation or wishes for an early reply. 参考例文:Dear Sir,The 6000 Car Toys you ordered will be ready for dispatch by 15lh January. Since you require them for onward shipment to Bahrain, Kuwait, we are arranging for them to be packed in the following way:1)The toys will be packed in window packing padded with foam plastic for inner packing sothat the products can be seen directly・2)The cartons will be outer packing, 20 pieces to a carton lined with polythene sheet,reinforced with plastic straps to protect the goods from possible damage in transit.3)The toys with cartons will be carried in containers, which will greatly reduce the changeof damage caused by rough handling・Please let us have your delivery instruction.Yours sincerely, 5・ The letter of shipment includes the following points:1)Open the letter with the problem under discussion;2)Explain the shipping arrangements in detail and reasons for this kind of arrangements; Close the letter with the hope for cooperation or wishes for an early reply.Task 11 Insurance1.CIF insurance for double offset ring spanners against all risks.2.The People's Insurance Company of China.3.He would pay extra cost・4.You should know the steps of writing it:1)Stating that you have received their letter2)Giving your reply of agreeing or refusing and your reasons3)Stating the goods will be sent soon, etc;5.To discuss the insurance the buyer needs and the payment of it to avoid the loss or damage ofgoods during the shipment.Task 12 Agency and InspectionTask 13 Claims and Arbitration1.They made investigation, apologized for their errors, and then arranged for the correct goods tobe dispatched to the counterpart at once.2.The writer claims for short delivered quantity GB £ 180, and the expense of survey.3.Claim is sometimes unavoidable in a transaction. It should be handled with the principle of "onthe first ground , to our advantage and with restraint"Arbitration is a means of settling disputes between the two parties through the medium of a third party, whose decision on the dispute is final and binding.4.You should begin by regretting the need to complain or claim, give a detailed and cleardescription of the problems, then ask for an explanation and suggest how the matter should be settled.5.First, you'd better inform the counteipart the short delivery of goods they shipped to you.Second, you,d better make clear what your claim is;Third, yoird better request a replacement, repair, refund or compensation.参考例文:Dear Sir,With reference to the newly arrived shipment of ABC sands under the contract No.521, we regret to state that we have found upon inspection that nearly 15% sands have been lost.On further examination, we found these PE bags were unsealed・ And I seems that these bags were not treated with enough heat in the process of packing.And we have to repack the sands before we deliver to our customers, the charge of which, together with the loss of sands amounted to US$350.Yours truly,Project 7 BankingPart 4 Topicl.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.FProject 8 Business Report Part 4 Topicl.F 2.F 3.F 4.F 5. F。



Key Points
➢Topic analysis:job-share
1 guide to… 2 make it work 3 share credit and blame 4 Flexecutive 5 consultancy 6 “We had been over-optimistic. I did manage to find someone else who fitted in with me, but I was very lucky.” 7 play to 8 manage 9 parental leave
Hard to progress your career
No job security
Good for work-life balance
Hot-desking Saves the company
Not good for people who like routine
Disruptive to employees
弹性工作(上班)时间 办公桌轮用 办公室小道消息 赞扬,功劳 总裁,总经理 智能 作最坏打算的,为最坏
情况的 事态,局面 全日制的 授权,分派工作
Useful Words and Expressions
availability job-sharer parental-leave distractions contact case-load daily-log voice mail self-organization disruptive

办公桌轮用制 Hot desking
Hot desking这个说法据说是来源于海军的一个惯常做 法,叫hot racking,也就是不同班次的水手共用几个 休息铺位。 上班需要一直待在办公室的人们大概都有 专属于自己的办公桌,而那些大部分工作都不需要在办 公室完成的人们,就算有个办公桌也没什么时间享用。 所以,现在很多地方都流行hot desking,同一个办公 桌可能从周一到周五的主人都不同。



Unit 1 GlobalizationPart I Business VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.1 There are too many examples in aviation and other _____ B _____ of what has happened to companies that have tried to do that.A sectionsB sectorsC segmentsD components2 It would not _______ A ________ earlier mistakes such as attempting to enter the train or boat-building business.A repeatB makeC recognizeD produce3 He is impressed, he says, by the way in which oil companies have ____ D _____ from losing national images.A obtainedB gotC reachedD benefited4 Royal Dutch/Shell is another group which manages to ______D_________ itselfas a local company in which it operates.A displayB exhibitC showD present5 When the Japanese tyre group Bridgestone entered the US market, it made an _________ C _______, buying the local production base of Firestone.A saleB purchaseC acquisitionD overpayment6 If a company wishes to enter the Chinese market, it usually looks for a local ________ D ________ who will cooperate in setting up a joint venture.A manB talentC managerD partner7 If you’re ______ C ______ don’t go to Oslo – it’s Europe’s most expensive city.A hardB hardyC hard upD hard down8 A survey has _______A_________ with some interesting information about the cost of living in our major cities.A come upB show upC put upD live up9 Meals at restaurants cost a _________ C ________ and drinks are very pricey.A expenseB priceC fortuneD fate10 Being kept waiting, being connected to voice mail or being passed on to someone else are all common ________ D _______.A flashesB firesC firecrackersD flashpoints11 Reasons for this are ________ B _________, according to Reed.A three piecesB threefoldC threeD triple12 Increasing numbers of transactions take place entirely by phone, from ___ D ____ insurance to paying bills.A doingB sellingC buyingD arranging13 As companies move towards ‘remote working’, the need for the right tone of voice _______ A _______ to every level of the organization.A extendsB stretchesC expandsD attaches14 However, globalization has brought problems in the compan y’s overseas plants, and this is having a bad ________ A _______ on its share prices.A effectB influenceC affectD consequence15 A journalist from the Eastern Economist Review suggested recently that the company could become the _______ B _______ of a takeover if it didn’t sort out its problems soon.A aimB targetC objectiveD purpose16 Although this helps to lower costs, the materials are often of poor quality. This has resulted in _______ C _______ orders.A placedB placingC cancelledD canceling17 Recently, a German distributor refused a D of 50,000 blouses.A dealB transactionC cargoD consignment18 When customers want last-minute changes to clothing, the plants cannot meet customers’ tight _______ D ______.A timesB periodsC datesD deadlines19 Its latest _______ B ______ were described by a famous fashion expert as ‘boring, behind the times and with no appeal to a fashion-conscious buyer’.A seriesB collectionsC sequencesD present20 Factory workers complain about their wages. They are often expected to work _______ C ________ without extra pay.A overB timeC overtimeD timelyPart II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 资本外逃fight of capital2 福利welfare benefits3 相互让步give-and-take4 国家形象national image5 航空航天公司aerospace company6 全球化公司global company7 就业问题employment problems8 生活水准living standard9 跨文化问题cross-cultural problems10 合资企业joint venture11 本地合伙人local partner12 许可协议licensing agreement13 通货膨胀率inflation rate14 市场调研market research15 远程办公remote working16 全球会议global conference17 股票价格share price18 顾客需求customers’ needs19 低价战略low-pricing strategy20 员工流动率staff turnoverPart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1.There are too many examples in aviation and other sectors of what has happened to companies that have tried to do that.在航空业和其他行业中想要原地踏步而以失败告终的例子比比皆是2.People are much more likely to express anger over the phone, rather than in writing or face to face.和书信及面对面交流比起来,人们更容易在电话上发火。

新编商务英语综合教程第二版Unit 1

新编商务英语综合教程第二版Unit 1
advertisements广告文字撰写人 ➢ graphic: a drawing or a picture that is composed by using
simple lines and sometimes strong colors 图形 ➢ proposition: a statement or an idea that people can consider
D. to develop a powerful advertising strategy
Unit 1 Advertisement
4. Which advertisement aim is to stimulate repeated purchase?
A. Informative advertisement. B. Persuasive advertisement.
Unit 1 Advertisement
Informative advertising aims to create awareness and knowledge of new products or services, or new features of advertised products or services.
2. What is advertising according to the passage?
A. It is a process to sell goods or services.
√B. It is a technique of promoting goods or services.
C. It is a technique of using media. D. It is a strategy to get positive results.



国际商务英文合同实训教程Diving into the intricate world of international business, the "International Business English Contract Training Manual" is your passport to mastering the art of crafting contracts that bridge cultures and secure deals. Imagine navigating the high seas of commerce with a compass that never fails, this guide is just that—a reliable, well-crafted tool that will steer you through the complexities of cross-border agreements.Written with the seasoned professional and aspiring entrepreneur in mind, this tutorial is a treasure trove of practical insights and real-world examples. It demystifiesthe often daunting task of drafting contracts that are notonly legally sound but also culturally sensitive, ensuringthat your business dealings are as smooth as silk across the globe.From the fine print to the larger picture, this manual walks you through every step, from understanding the legal frameworks that govern international trade to the nuances of language that can make or break a deal. It offers a comprehensive overview of the key elements that must bepresent in any international contract, including terms and conditions, obligations, and dispute resolution mechanisms.But it doesn't stop there; it also delves into thestrategic aspects of contract negotiation, teaching you howto leverage your position and secure the best possible termsfor your business. With case studies that bring the theory to life, you'll learn from the successes and pitfalls of others, equipping you with the knowledge to avoid common pitfalls and capitalize on opportunities.Whether you're a seasoned negotiator looking to refine your skills or a newcomer to the field seeking a solid foundation, the "International Business English Contract Training Manual" is your go-to resource. It's more than just a guide—it's your strategic partner in the quest for international business success.。

















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邀请函在我们的日常生活以及商业活动中应用得非常广泛。主要用于邀请亲戚、 朋友、同事或者商业伙伴参加重要的私人活动以及商务活动。商务活动主要指 促销、年会、交易会、开幕式、周年纪念活动、宴会、招待会等。

Compared with personal invitation letters, a business invitation letter should be formal and respectful. It plays a positive role in developing a good relationship with customers and prompting new business. • An invitation letter serves two purposes. It is not only used to invite someone to an event but also to ensure that the recipient agrees to attend it. In this way, the letter of invitation maintains an element of persuasion.
2. a great variety of 各种各样的 A great variety of products are displayed in the exhibition. 此次展会中展出了我们的各种产品。 various adj. 各式各样的 We have stock carpets of various sizes. 我们有各种尺寸的地毯现货。 For various reasons, we didn’t give you a prompt reply. 由于各种原因,我们没有立即给您答复。

国际商务英语口语实训Test 1-文档资料

国际商务英语口语实训Test 1-文档资料

Test 1 Part Two Mini-presentation Direction: In this part of the test, you are asked to make a short presentation on the topic for about a minute. You will have a minute to prepare this. Topic: What is important when preparing for an interview? ● Studying the job advertisement ● Finding out about the company ● Preparing yourself psychologically
Test 1 Part Two Mini-presentation
There are three things you should do before you go for an interview. Firstly, you should study the job advertisement carefully, so that you can match your knowledge, skills and abilities with the specifications required for the post. You must assure the interviewer that you havs required, so you are the right sort of person they are looking for.
Workshop of International Business Spoken English
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
依然以BU此SI为NE例SS:T客IPS户要购买产品A300, 业务员向工厂询价,工 厂报价为10元/只。A300的外箱规格为80 CM×60 CM×40CM
, 53每30箱元1装.人柜1民0型0币只、,。体预公期积司利与按润一材为只积54%0尺,高按柜照6报.5价的,汇货率代,报计总算运出费FO为B 深圳的2单. C价B。M、CUFT的转换
公式说明: 6)假设利润率为5%,计算公式为1+1×5%=1.05
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
例如:BU客SI户NE要SS购T买IPS产品A300, 业务员向工厂询价,工厂报价为 10元/只。A300的外箱规格为80 CM×60 CM×40CM,每箱装
1民0币0只,1。预. 公柜期司型利按润、一为体只5积%40与,尺按材高照柜积6报.5价的,汇货率代,报计总算运出费FO为B5深33圳0元的人单 价。 2. CBM、CUFT的转换
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
1. 柜型、体积与材积
FOB价格表的计算要考虑一个单位的数量,即: 20英尺柜、40英尺柜、还是40英尺高柜,三种规格的 材积、体积如下:
1×20 GP 1×40 GP 1×40 HQ
体积(CBM) 27-29 CBM 57-59 CBM 67-69 CBM
材积(CUFT) 1050 材 2050 材 2400 材
Unit One Preparation of Price List
1. 柜型、体积与材积
2. CBM、CUFT的转换
3. FOB 计算公式(1)
FOB启运港=(进货成本÷汇率+毎材费用×每箱材积 ÷每箱装箱数)×预期利润
公式说明: 5)每箱装箱数由厂家提供。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
单证费)、集装箱堆场操作费等计算出来的,柜型大小的费用不相同。 有时还要加上货代费、FORM A、C. O.、ROSH认证等费用。若是散货
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
公式说明: 4)每箱材积CUFT(立方英尺)=长×宽×高(CM)÷28317 (经验系数)。
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
【BUSINESS SITUATION】 Guangdong Kaili Trading Co., Ltd has just received a quotation from a manufacturer. Mike Du, the Sales Manager, is preparing his FOB SHENZHEN price list. After consulting his shipping agent, he gets to know the freight and begins to calculate his FOB SHENZHEN prices. 【背景提示】公司收到厂家报价后,向货代咨 询运费等,按照自己的公式计算出FOB价格表。
Head 报价单的头部
1. Information about the seller 卖家的信息 2. Information about the buyer 买家的信息 3. Order of the quotation list 报价单的抬头
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
1. 柜型、体积与材积
2. CBM、CUFT的转换
3. FOB 计算公式(1)
FOB启运港=(进货成本÷汇率+毎材费用×每箱材积 ÷每箱装箱数)×预期利润
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
BUSINESS TIቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱS
1. 柜型、体积与材积 2. CBM、CUFT的转换 3. FOB 计算公式(1) 4. FOB 计算公式(2)
FOB启运港 = (进货成本 + 运费等)×预期利润 ÷ 汇率 ÷ 总装箱件数
当美元汇率走软,人民币汇率走强的背景下,外贸公司在 对外报价时面临两难局面。 为防范汇率变化带来的风险,对外 报价通常采用一下三种方法:
1. 美元报价。当交货期较近时,可按较低的美元汇率来计算。 2. 欧元或其他硬通货币报价。当交货期较远时,或外商不愿承 担汇率风险时,可选用欧元或其他硬通货币报价。 3. 人民币报价。为了防止外汇变化给卖方带来的损失,中方可 用人民币报价,在结算时用当时的汇率来结算外汇。T/T付款 方式多采用人民币报价。
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
1. 柜型、体积与材积
2. CBM、CUFT的转换
3. FOB 计算公式(1)
FOB启运港=(进货成本÷汇率+毎材费用×每箱材积 ÷每箱装箱数)×预期利润
=(公10式÷说6.5明+:0.4×6.78÷100)×1.05 = 1.65美元
Model Practice Business Tips Emergency & Precaution Pattern & Useful Sentences
Unit One Preparation of Price List
1. 柜型、体积与材积
2. CBM、CUFT的转换
3. FOB 计算公式(1)
FOB启运港=(进计货算成公本式÷为汇:率+毎材费用×每箱材积 ÷每箱装箱数)×预各期类利费润用÷汇率÷材积=每材费用
每材费用 = 总运费÷6.5÷总材数 = 5330÷6.5÷2050 =
0.4每0美箱3元材. F积O=B 8计0 算CM公×式60(C1M)×40CM ÷ 28317 = 6.78
FOBF深O圳B=启(运进港货=(成进本货÷成汇本率÷+毎汇材率费+毎用材×费每用箱×材每积箱÷材每积箱装 箱数÷)每×箱预装期箱利数润)×预期利润
国《际国商际务商 英务语英模语拟模 实拟训实训》
Unit One Preparation of Price List
1. 柜型、体积与材积
2. CBM、CUFT的转换
3. FOB 计算公式(1)
FOB启运港=(进货成本÷汇率+毎材费用×每箱材积 ÷每箱装箱数)×预期利润
说明F:OB启23.. 运1本.若港公公是式=式价(中属格进的于术货运粗语成费略为本等算C,+F法R包运,或括费所C:等I得F运),出费×总的(预运单至期费价货利则结物润包果上括略船:高)进于、货公 ÷后汇三率项式商成÷若检本(委总费、1托)装、运货0箱.报费0代件3关 (美公数费至元司等目。办费的理用港,。)则、会报给关客费户、一商个检报费价和;保若险后费三 项由公司自用己(办CI理F),。也须将该费用在对外报价时考虑在内。