
Module 2 第二单元2.1 Business Topic Company Benefits 商务话题篇公司福利三、Vocabulary: Benefits and incentivesbenefits n. 福利incentive n. 奖励job title 职衔,职位,头衔training and staff development 培训和员工发展good salary 可观的收入pension n. 养老金flexible working hours 弹性工作时间,灵活的工作时间opportunities to travel 旅游机会opportunities for promotion 升职提拔机会days off 几天短假company car 公司配(给的汽)车too good to be true 好得令人难以置信client service executive 客户服务主管take… with a pinch/grain of salt 对…将信将疑,对…不完全相信old and established 历史悠久resources director(human resources director的简称)人力资源部经理qualification n. 资格temp n.(temporary/temporary worker的缩略语)临时员工incumbent programme 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程human resources 人力资源promote from within 提拔内部员工take on 接受,招聘intake n. 从外部吸纳招收的员工project manager项目经理grow and maintain customer relationship发展和维持客户关系canteen n. 食堂,餐厅head office n. 总部,总公司brainstorming n. 自由讨论,头脑风暴,集思广益breakout n. 突破encompass vt. 包括,包含sales and marketing 销售和市场营销research and development and manufacturing 研发和生产perk n. 好处,额外津贴,外快final salary pension scheme 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划budget n. 预算non-cash reward 非现金形式的奖赏once-in-a-lifetime adj. 千载难逢的,令人难忘的career goal 职业目标senior management 高层管理人员longevity n. 长寿,长命;寿命for the long haul 长远地Xerox 施乐公司(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美国,主要经营办公设备),施乐(商标名,美国办公设备制造公司);影印,静电印刷品Global Services环球服务公司Uxbridge 欧克斯桥镇(位于伦敦西郊的一个小镇)Benefits and incentives 福利和奖励Employee Benefits 员工福利1. Legally Required Benefits 法律保障的权利Social Security社会保障Unemployment Compensation失业补偿Worker s’ Compensation 工伤赔偿2. Retirement-related Benefits与退休相关福利Pension Plans 退休金计划3. Insurance Related Benefits 与保险有关的福利Health Insurance健康保险Life Insurance 人寿保险Accident and Disability Insurance 意外事故和伤残保险4. Paid Holidays and Paid Vacations带薪公假和带薪休假5. Others 其他福利Local Conveyance Allowance交通补贴Housing Allowance 住房补贴Meal Allowance伙食补贴Holiday Bonus旅游津贴Incentives 奖励措施二、2.11.●an impressive job title显要的职衔●training and staff development 培训和员工发展● a good salary可观的收入● a pension养老金●flexible working hours灵活的工作时间●opportunities to travel旅游机会●opportunities for promotion升值提拔机会●parental leave育儿假●days off and long holidays短假和长假● a company car公司配车2.参考词语和表达:new-hire training新员工培训orientation新员工培训,迎新会vocational training/ professional training职业培训management training管理培训develop a good training programme to keep the staff motivated通过开发良好的培训计划来提高员工的工作热情Many entrepreneurs seem to view employee training and development as more optional than essential…a viewpoint that can be costly to both short-term profits and long-term progress.许多企业家认为员工的培训和发展可有可无,而非至关重要,认为这对公司的短期利益和长远发展来说代价太高。

❖ waiting time 等待时间,停工时间 ❖ pager [‘peidʒə] n 传呼机 ❖ scanner [‘skænə] n 扫描仪 ❖ petrol [‘petrəl] n 汽油 ❖ tank [tæŋk] n 油箱,坦克 ❖ shipping company 轮船公司 ❖ lid [lid] n 盖子 ❖ testimonial [.testi‘məuniəl] n 证明书,推荐
New English Words and Expressions:
❖graffito [grə‘fi:təu] n 涂鸦,乱画 ❖graffiti [grə ‘fitɪ] n (graffito 的复数
形式) ❖graffiti-resistant adj 抗涂鸦的 ❖vandal [‘vændəl] n 故意破坏公共财
❖ Hubdean’s achievement is a series of special paints which are graffiti-resistant. How do they work? It couldn’t be simpler. Take any graffiti-covered surface. First, a treatment called Agproclear is applied. Thus, using a very hot pressure jet, this treatment is removed and the graffiti disappears at the same time. Now you have a clean wall. But before this clean wall can be painted on by vandals, a new product, Agproshield, is applied. Firstly, spray paint won’t stick to the surface very well, and secondly, the whole surface can be cleaned very easily, just using water. Once the surface is painted, no specialist equipment is needed to keep the area clean and graffiti-free.
BEC商务英语Module 1

Module 1
1.1 World of Work
1.1 World of Work
Grammar Reading
1. Work in pairs. Compare the jobs in each of the following pairs. What are the similarities and differences? Say which you would prefer to do and why. * doctor / vet * school teacher / university lecturer * fighter pilot / airline pilot * politician / journalist
* manager of a company / manager of a charity
Topic for discussion:
is your ideal job in the future?
speech should include the following contents: 1. Your ideal job 2. The reason for it 3. What will you do now in order to get the job in the future?
Success with BEC
M 5 Business topic 5.1 Career choices P46 Reading: Escaping the rat race Vocabulary: Money expressions Grammar: The present perfect Listening: Career changes Business skills 5.2 Achievements and plans P50 Reading: In-company communication Writing: Progress reports Reading: Talking about results Grammar: going to Listening: Negotiating a bank loan Exam spotlight 5.3 Reading Test: Parts One to Three P54

Job-sharing: When one of us wants a week off, the
other person does a few extra days so it’s fairly flexible.
3. Methods:Combination of learning and practicing.
4. Time:18 weeks 5. Achievement:Aural and Written tests.
1. Attendance (10%) 2. Presentation (10%) 3. Aural and written work (individual
0. freelance 自由职业 1. teleworking 电子办公 2. job-sharing 工作分担制 3. shift-work 倒班制 -next-
4. part-time 兼职 5. temping 当临工 6. consultancy 咨询服务 7. flexitime 弹性工作制 8. hot-desking 办公桌轮用
introduce yourself
greet the other person
describe your job
find a reason for doing business in the future
meet another person
talk about the event
talk about where you come from
A mini-presentation

• (7)不理解刚才的观点: • Sorry, but I don’t quite follow you.(较为正式)对不起,
• Sorry, I don’t understand.(较为非正式)对不起,我不
• Can you explain what you mean exactly?(非正式)你能
• Let’s…(较为非正式)让我们…… • Why don’t we…?(非正式)) • (3)不同意刚才的音贝, • I’m sorry,but I just can’t agree with you there.(较为正
• I disagree.(较为非正式)我不同意…… • No,because.(非正式)不对,因为….
5. 1 Business Topic The
• 词语准备 • Attend a meeting 参加会议,出席会议 • Hold a meeting 举办会议,开会 • Reach an agreement 达成一份协议 • To source art (为商务用途)选择艺术装饰品 • To commission art 定制艺术品 • Regeneration n.重建,再生 • Sector n.(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,领域,行业 • Installation n .安装 • Presentation n.陈述,介绍,针对某一话题进行的发
5. 2 Business Skills Participating a meeting
• 词语准每J • Chairperson : n.主席(可兼指男性或女性) • minutes n.备,u,石议记录 • Minutes of a meeting 会议的记录 • Take the minutes 作会议记录 • Agenda n.议事日程 • Set the agenda 制定议程 • Move on (to the next point) 进入(下一点)
新编剑桥商务英语(BEC 第三版 中级)Module 1

Module 1 第一单元1.1 Business Topic W ays of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) Vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间freelance n. 自由职业teleworking n. 电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n. 分担工作;工作分担制job-sharing n. 分担工作job-sharer n. 与人分担工作的人shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy n. 咨询公司specialist advice 专业咨询hotdesking (hot-desking)n. 办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑)office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news 办公室新闻credit n. 赞扬,功劳managing director 总裁,总经理(美英chief executive/president)brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegatev. 授权,分派工作availability n. 利用(或获得的)可能性,可以利用的人(物),人员、物资保证parental leave育儿假,照顾新生儿女假distractions n. 让人注意力分散的事物contact n. 人脉,有影响力的熟人,有用的社会关系case-loadn. 工作量daily log日志voice mail语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力disruptive a. 造成混乱的1. How do you work most effectively? By working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other相互支持co-operate with each other相互合作share ideas交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone 不想在别人手下工作5. Reading: How to job-shareGet organized Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don’t feel guilty敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1.share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. Flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。

❖ Valencia [və'lenʃiə] 巴伦西亚(西班牙港口城市) 6 ❖ Montpellier [muŋpe'ljei] 蒙彼利埃(法国南部城市)
Work in progress
New projects
1 2.1 Listen to the telephone conversation between Vicky
From: Steve Lenzer To: Louise Bernard Subject: Update from Brazil. Date: 22 May Hi Louise, We’re very lucky to have this construction contract in Brazil. It’s a pity that I’m only here for a week, but that’s business. Anyway, let me update you on my visit here. The construction of the Belem Panorama is going well and guests will love it! Apart from some minor problems, everything is proceeding according to plan. They’re now building the swimming pool on the 12th floor. The local staff are working very well with our management team. I’m working in Fortaleza today and tomorrow. The new shopping center is quickly taking shape: there are no problems and I think we’re ahead of schedule. They’re doing a great job here too. I’m flying back to Britain at the weekend, so I’ll see you in the office on Monday. Best wishes, Steve

Reading: The Man behind McDonald’s 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人
Read the material and finish the form.
Time 1954
Fast food
1955 1961 Today
Grammar: The past simple 一般过去时
very cheap. they don't give you free drinks on board. you have to pay for the drinks. /
Reading: Company profiles 公司简介
Last :英国在线预订公司 You can buy a holiday online and get very
sell provide publish produce import organize
Exercise 4 on page 30
Athens Dailly Menu
Products/Service meals, catering
services for special
4.(1)Where did Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox start the company?
(2)What did the website sell? (3)Which did the website sell? (4)How many employees did they have after six years? (5)When did the company go public? (6)When did Martha leave the company?

White coat 白大褂 Deep vein thrombosis [θrɒm’bəʊsɪs ] 深静脉血栓症 Locker room 更衣室;衣物间 Humidity [hju:‘mɪdəti ] 湿度
Clot [klɒt ] (血液等的)凝块
Symptom [’sɪmptəm ] 症状;征兆 Geneva [dʒi'ni:və] n 日内瓦(瑞士南部城市) main office building 办公主楼 hard hat 安全帽 protective clothing 防护服 fire drill 消防训练,火灾演练
high-heel shoes 高跟鞋 protective mask 防护面罩;口罩 bend one’s knees [bend] 屈膝 workplace etiquette ['wə:kpleis] ['eti'ket] 工作
lump [lʌmp] n 块(尤其指小块) block the vein [vein] 阻塞血管 massage ['mæsɑ:ʒ] 按摩 have a snack [snæk] 吃点心 hallway ['hɔ:lwei] 走廊 pool table 桌球台 cereal ['siəriəl] n 谷类食品
Words and Expressions
first aid 急救 high voltage 高电压 in case of 万一 commence [kə'mens] vi+vt 开始,着手 assembly point 集合处 hazard ['hæzəd] n 危险,冒险的事情 minor injury 轻伤 procedure [prə'si:dʒə] n 程序,手续 cement factory [si'ment] 水泥厂 fire extinguisher [iks'tiŋgwiʃə] 灭火器
BEC商务英语Module 3

Company Biography
3.1 Company biography 公司简介
Focus 学习重点 熟悉与公司相关的词汇 学会介绍公司简况、组织结构 练习在听力和阅读过程中抓住语篇大意和寻找 相关信息 学会公司简介
New Words & Expressions
Background Knowledge Characteristics of fast food 快餐的特点 Fast 快 Fresh 新鲜 Fried 油炸 Fantasy 浪漫感 Fordism 福特主义 Franchising 特许经营权
2. Read the article and find out why more people prefer a career in marketing than in sales. Complete the table below with reasons from the text.
New Words & Expressions
cosmetic [kɔz'metik] n. 化妆品 inspire [in'spaiə] vt. 激发,启示, 使生灵感 philosophy [fi'lɔsəfi] n. 哲学 revolutionary [.revə'lu:ʃənəri] adj. 革命的 raw material [rɔ:] [mə'tiəriəl] 原材料 supplier [sə'plaiə] n. 供应者,厂商
The Man Behind McDonald’s

• Money-saving Intelligence
• ResidentIntel takes advantage of (利用) cheaper, non-peak electricity rates (非高峰用电率 ), and give choices for comfort (舒适), safety (安全) and energy conservation (节能). Our system is the most advanced on the market and guarantees (保证 ) you savings(储蓄; 节约( saving的名词复数 ) ; 存款).
第五页,编辑于星期三:一点 三十一分。
New Words and Expressions
• LCD=Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器
• maintain [mein‘tein] vt 维持,维修,保养 • maintenance [‘meintinəns] n 维修,维护,维持 • non-peak 非高峰期 • overall [‘əuvərɔ:l] adj 全部的,总体的
第四页,编辑于星期三:一点 三十一分。
• homeowner [‘həuməunə] n 房主 • inflatable [in‘fleitəbl] adj 可充气的
• ISP=Internet Service Provider 互联网服务供 应商
• landline [‘lændlain] n 陆上电线 • submarine [‘sʌbməri:n] 潜水艇
安顿;安置;任命), your home could contain several computers, some built into the walls, enabling you, the homeowner, to control applications in one room, from any other room in the house. ResidentIntel makes your home

• Bits and pieces 零碎 • Ownership n.所有权 • Financial adj.金融的,财政的 • Psychological a.心理上的,精神上的 • Specify vt.明确说明,详细说明 • Deadline n.最后期限 • Check up 校对,检验,检查,调查 • Feedback n.反馈,反馈意见 , • Constructive adj.建设性的 • Criticism n.批评,评论
4.2 Business Skills Delegating
• 词语准备, • delegate vt.& vi.托付,分派,移交 • Delegator n.托付者,委派者,移交者 • Tailor vt. 修改,使合适,使适应 • Positive adj.肯定的,积极的 • Expectation n.期待,期望 • Brief vt.(尤指事前)向……介绍基本情况,向……布置简
• 学生B:
• When planning advertising campaign, 第5页/共10页
• It is also a good idea to consider the typical income of the target customers. Their typical income can tell you the type of products or services they may enjoy. Your advertising campaign will be futile if you are aiming at people with the wrong income group.

bor market or job market 2.working condition in China 3.Typical problems
①job hunters > vacancies ②wrong attitude ③cannot reach the demand of employer
- Don’t ask before they bring up the issue/question.
- Better not. Not unless they bring it up. Just use the interview to sell yourself.
- There’ll be plenty of chances for you to talk about money later on.
- Well, first of all, you need to dress appropriately. - Careless clothes may be an indicator of careless
attitude in work. - Be sure to maintain good eye contact. - Don’t look to shy/timid, nor should you sound too
18 18
Tips: Here are some things A can say : - B, do you have any tips for a successful interview? - Can you give me some advice on success in an