


2000X d 型超音波能量供应器
1. 概述················································································································································2 2. 设备的安装和设置······················································································································13 3. 技术参数······································································································································29 4. 设备操作······································································································································31 5. 设备维护······································································································································69
据。 熔接样品时打印:在熔接循环次数取样基础上允许用户进行打印,方便用户进行过程核 对及批量控制。 打印熔接历史记录:用户可以打印最近50次熔接循环中的熔接参数。 快速行程:允许焊头在运动过程有一段高速移动,一旦到达设定的距离,移动速度减弱 到下降速度设定值。 斜线式启动:超音波能量供应器和焊头以最合适的上升速度启动,以减少系统的机电压 力。 远程终端:通过远程终端用户可以在一个接口上查看全部的菜单和熔接结果。 熔接后搜频:在熔接循环末端进行搜频,自动调整超音波能量供应器的频率。 搜频:确保系统在共振状态下运行,减少调频时产生的错误,使换能器、调幅器和焊头 组件以约5%低振幅运行,并且提供某种方式感应其共振频率后再存储起来。 设置检查:如果用户的设置有矛盾,超音波能量供应器会发出警报提醒用户。 调整主要参数的快捷方式:在运行画面中,用户可以进入调整主要参数的画面,此方法 使微调参数更简便。 开机时的诊断:在开机过程中,测试系统的主要部件。 系统信息接口:显示系统的相关信息。当您联络Branson要求服务和援助时请提供此接 口的信息。 测试诊断:在测试模式中,用户可以通过数字式的读取方式和柱状图显示察看系统结果。 定时搜频:开机时,系统每隔一分钟进行一次搜频,以更新焊头的共振频率。这对于某 种能影响焊头温度的熔接过程尤其有效,焊头温度的变化会造成共振频率漂移。 用户可命名的预设置:通过用于识别预设置的名称或者工件序号察看各个预设置。 真空荧光显示:在工厂照明条件下获得更好的可视度。 查看熔接结果:在运行画面中,用户可以查看上一熔接循环中可查询的信息。 熔接模式:有时间、能量、峰值功率、绝对距离、崩陷距离和接地检测几种熔接模式。 2000X焊机提供了多种熔接方式,方便用户选择更适合特定应用的熔接模式。



PIONEER(先锋) DJM-2000混音台DJM-2000的主要特性1.简明易用的界面让操作更加轻松5.8寸全彩触摸屏和其他一些常用的功能放置在混音台的正中,多种组合方式让DJ有更多的发挥空间三种全新的DJ表演模式,通过5.8寸全彩触摸屏操作1)把2首音乐的高中低音再细分成7个波段,利用触摸屏,进行更细致,完美的混音。

这是所有DJ都爱不释手的全新功能2)DJ可以使用触摸屏操作SIDECHAIN REMIX功能,令混音达到前所未有的精彩,并可以创作出更具想象力的混音作品3)强大的MIDI功能可以让DJ在4个触摸界面上任意设置,完全满足连接各种外接设备的要求2.装备Pro-DJ LINK, 实现联机播放功能1)通过简单的连接,就可以让4台CDJ-2000或CDJ-900共享一个USB存储设备或者是SD卡内的音乐文件2)使用Rekordbox Link,可以连接电脑,读取电脑内的音乐文件,在表演中使用3)现场表演记录功能,可以把DJ现场表演以及从话筒中输入的音频信号现场记录4)可通过耳机预先监听Rekordbox内的音乐文件3.装备USB音频接口DJM-2000装备了USB音频接口,可以通过USB线连接电脑播放音乐文件,DJ 可以不再使用外接声卡,而直接连接电脑4.为顶级俱乐部设计的高品质音质使用了120dB信噪比A/D转换器,使DJM-2000达到了顶级俱乐部对音质的完美要求。


通过平衡电路输出的音频信号,从32bit D/A转换器到XLR输出,我们最大限度的减少了电压起伏对音质的影响和信号的噪声分量。

动态范围到达107dB, 失真度为0.004%DJM-2000主要规格输入端口:CD/LINE × 6 (RCA)PHONO × 2 (RCA)DIGITAL IN × 4(COAXIAL)MIC × 1 (on top XLR&1/4 inch PHONE兼用×1)输出端口:MASTER OUT × 2(RCA× 1、XLR× 1) BOOTH OUT × 1(1/4 inch PHONE)HEADPHONE MONITOR OUT × 1 (on top 1/4 inch PHONE)REC OUT × 1 (RCA)DIGITAL OUT × 1 (COAXIAL)其他端口:SEND × 1 (1/4 inch PHONE)RETURN × 1 (1/4 inch PHONE) MIDI OUT × 1 (5P DIN)CONTROL × 2 (φ3.5MINI JACK) USB B端口× 1LINK端子× 6采样频率:96 kHz使用电源:AC220V(50/60 Hz)功率:40W尺寸:430mm(W)×409mm(D)×107.9mm(H)重量:8.5 kg。

安川MP2000系列 用户手册 运动程序篇

安川MP2000系列 用户手册 运动程序篇
Copyright 2004 株式会社 安川电机 未经本公司的书面许可 严禁转载或复制本书的一部分或全部内容
本手册中有关安全的内容 使用如下标识 有关作业安全标识的叙述 其内容十分重要 请务必遵守
表示错误使用时 将会引发危险情况 导致人身伤亡
表示如果进行错误操作 将会导致危险情况的发生 可能会造成中等程度的受伤或轻 伤 或物品损失
内容 对 MP930 的功能 使用 安装步骤等使用方法进行 了说明
对 MP920 的功能 使用 安装步骤等使用方法进行 了说明
对 MP910 的功能 使用 安装步骤等使用方法进行 了说明
对 MP940 的功能 使用 安装步骤等使用方法进行 了说明
对 MP2100 的功能 使用 安装步骤等使用方法进 行了说明
第 2 章 运动命令 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1
2.1 轴移动命令 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-2
2.1.1 定位 (MOV) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-2 2.1.2 直线插补 (MVS) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-5 2.1.3 圆弧插补 (MCW MCC) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-8 2.1.4 螺旋插补 (MCW MCC) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2-13 2.1.5 原点复归 (ZRN) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2-15 2.1.6 跳过功能 (SKP) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2-19 2.1.7 时间指定定位 (MVT) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2-20 2.1.8 外部定位 (EXM) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2-22

MP1500 2000 2500说明书-V2.0

MP1500 2000 2500说明书-V2.0
3. If the PROT Led goes on steadily while power has been turned on and signal has been fed, there must a trouble of output shorted. Please turn it off and correct the trouble then turn it on again.
DSPPA MP1500 MP2000 MP2500 F A F4AL F6AL F8AL P1 38V 43V 51V
~220 Hz/10A
PPrree--aammpp. . MMPP99881111PP
AAnnootthheerr AAmmpp.. MMPPsseerireiess
Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co. Ltd.
MP 1500 MP 2000 MP 2500
Public Address Amplifier
19Biblioteka 010VOLUME
为了减少火灾或触电的危险, 不要将设备放在能被雨淋或潮湿的地方. 广州市迪士普音响科技有限公司 Guangzhou DSPPA Audio Co.,Ltd.


防冷凝加热器的安装 ............................................................................ 31 纸盘加热器 .......................................................................................... 32
环境 .................................................................................................... 3 机器水平 ............................................................................................. 4 所需最小空间...................................................................................... 4 电源要求 ............................................................................................. 4 复印机的安装 ........................................................................................ 5 外围设备的电源插座 ........................................................................... 5 附件检查 ............................................................................................. 5 安装程序 ............................................................................................. 6 盖板安装.............................................................................................. 10 附件检查 ........................................................................................... 10 安装程序 ........................................................................................... 10 ARDF 安装 ...........................................................................................11 附件检查 ............................................................................................11 安装程序 ........................................................................................... 12 ADF 安装............................................................................................. 15 附件检查 ........................................................................................... 15 安装程序 ........................................................................................... 16 双斗纸盘单元安装 ............................................................................... 19 附件检查 ........................................................................................... 19 安装程序 ........................................................................................... 19 单斗纸盘单元安装 ............................................................................... 24 附件检查 ........................................................................................... 24 安装程序 ........................................................................................... 24 单斗纸盘安装 ...................................................................................... 28 附件检查 ........................................................................................... 28 安装程序 ........................................................................................... 28



MP2000Low Input Voltage150mA Linear RegulatorThe Future of Analog IC TechnologyTMTMDESCRIPTIONThe MP2000 is a low-voltage, low-dropout bipolar linear regulator. It operates from 1.35V to 6.0V input voltage, and regulates the output voltage from as low as 0.5V.The MP2000 can supply up to 150mA of load current. The MP2000 features thermal overload and current limit protection. It is available in a 5-pin TSOT23-5 package.Part NumberOutput VoltageMP2000DJ-ADJ Adjustable MP2000DJ-1.0 1.0VEVALUATION BOARD REFERENCEBoard Number Output* Dimensions EV2000DJ-00A1.2V2.0”X x 2.0”Y x 0.4”Z* Default output voltage adjustable from 0.5V to 5.0V using an external resistor divider.FEATURES• Operates with V IN = 1.35V• Low 300mV Dropout at 150mA Output • ±3% Accurate Output Voltage• Fixed and Adjustable Output Voltage Option • Better Than 0.001%/mA Load Regulation • Stable With Low-ESR Output Capacitor • Low 65µA Ground Current • Internal Thermal Protection • Current Limit Protection•6µA Typical Quiescent Current at ShutdownAPPLICATIONS• Low Current Regulators • Battery Powered Systems • Cellular Phones“MPS” and “The Future of Analog IC Technology” are Trademarks of Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.TYPICAL APPLICATIONV INV INMP2000 – LOW INPUT VOLTAGE, 150mA LINEAR REGULATORTMPACKAGE REFERENCE** For Tape & Reel, add suffix –Z (eg. MP2000DJ–ADJ–Z)For Lead Free, add suffix –LF (eg. MP2000DJ–ADJ–LF–Z)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)IN Supply Voltage.......................–0.3V to +7.0V FB Voltage.........................–0.3V to V OUT + 0.3V EN Voltage ..........................................IN – 0.7V Junction Temperature...............................150°C Lead Temperature....................................260°C Storage Temperature .............–65°C to +150°CRecommended Operating Conditions (2)Input Voltage ................................1.35V to 6.0V Output Voltage...................................0.5V to 5V Load Current...........................150mA Maximum Operating Temperature.............–40°C to +85°CThermal Resistance (3)θJA θJCTSOT23-5..............................220....110..°C/WNotes:1) Exceeding these ratings may damage the device. 2) The device is not guaranteed to function outside of itsoperating conditions.3) Measured on approximately 1” square of 1 oz copper.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV IN = 1.8V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.Notes:4) Dropout Voltage is defined as the input to output differential when the output voltage drops 1% below its normal value. 5) Parameter is guaranteed by design, not production tested. 6) V IN = 1.35V for V OUT = 0.5V to 0.85VTMMP2000 – LOW INPUT VOLTAGE, 150mA LINEAR REGULATORMP2000 – LOW INPUT VOLTAGE, 150mA LINEAR REGULATORTMTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSV IN = 1.8V, V OUT = 1.2V, C1 = 2.2µF, C3 = 4.7µF, T A = +25°C unless otherwise noted.MP2000-TPC05Load-Transient ResponseCircuit of Figure 2I LOAD(50mA/div.)V OUT(50mV/div.)100mA 50mA1.2V1.2201.2151.2101.2051.2001.1951.190V O U T (V )V IN (V)I GND vs I LOAD3. G N D (m A )I GND vs V INMP2000-TPC04MP2000-TPC03I LOAD (mA)806040200-20P S R R (d B )1001K 10K 100KFREQUENCY (Hz)MP2000-TPC06PSRR vs FrequencyV IN = 2.5V, V OUT = 1.0V, I LOAD = 10mAMP2000 – LOW INPUT VOLTAGE, 150mA LINEAR REGULATORTMOPERATIONThe MP2000 is a low-current, low-voltage, low-dropout linear regulator. It is intended for use in devices that require very low voltage and low quiescent current power such as wireless modems, pagers and cellular phones.The MP2000 uses a PNP pass element and features internal thermal shutdown and an internal current limit circuit.MP2000_F01_BD02V INV ENV OUTEXTERNALFigure 1—Adjustable RegulatorAPPLICATION INFORMATIONSetting the Output VoltageThe output voltage can be adjusted by changing the values of the external resistor divider.Use the following equation to determine these values:⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛+×=2R 1R 1V 5.0V OUTTypically R1 + R2 are recommended to be lessthan 100k Ω.In Figure 2, C2 is added for improved transient response.TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT - ADJUSTABLEV INV INFigure 2—Typical Application Circuit with V OUT = 1.2VMP2000 – LOW INPUT VOLTAGE, 150mA LINEAR REGULATORNOTICE : The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Please contact MPS for current specifications. Users should warrant and guarantee that third party Intellectual Property rights are not infringed upon when integrating MPS products into any application. MPS will not assume any legal responsibility for any said applications.TMPACKAGE INFORMATIONTSOT23-5Gauge Plane0.25 BSC.±0.10-+0.4000°0°4°(2 plcs)10°TYP.2.90 BSC(5 PLCS)0.300(Min)LC TYP.0.950LC TYP.0.9502.80 B S C1.60 B S C330.500(Max)SEATING PLANE0.87±0.030.00-0.101.00 M a x .(2 plcs)4. The footlength measuring is based on the3. Dimensions are exclusive of mold flash and gate burr.2. Die is facing up for mold. Die is facing 1. Dimensions and tolerances are as per ANSI down for trim/form, ie. reverse trim/form.gauge plane method.Y14.5M, 1994.NOTE:5. All specification comply to Jedec Spec MO193 Issue C.Dimensions are in millimeters。


图 3.1
3.1.1 主机
主机由液路部分,气路部分,电路部分和操作键盘组成。 参阅图 3.2。
3.1.2 液路部分
液路部分位于主机的前门后面(参阅图 3.2)。在此处墨水和 稀释液存放、监控、维护以确保正确的墨水粘度。此处同时 也对墨水施加压力以确保喷头处的墨点的正确粘度。
注意:液路部分有时也被称为液体盘。液路部分的详细描述 请参阅本章的后续部分。
1.2 这个手册适用于谁 1.2.1 简介
本手册仅用于有资格的操作、维修或维护人员。 警告 警告!用户必须让有资格的人员维修和维护喷码机。有资格人员是指那些 经过正确的技术培训(成功的完成这个喷码机培训的全部过程),具有这 个设备工作经验且明白它们可能造成的伤害的人员。 VIDEOJET® EXCEL2000OPAQUE 本手册用于培训的使用。
图 2.1 墨水、稀释液以及清洁液
在喷码机或喷头附近禁止吸烟。如果喷码机废气与火源接触可能 会导致爆炸或火灾。
当处理任何墨水、稀释液或清洁液时请佩戴有护翼的安全眼 睛。如果溅到你的眼睛中,立即用水清洗 15 分钟并立即去 看医生。
当处理任何墨水、稀释液或清洁液时请戴丁基橡胶手套。避免 接触皮肤和黏膜(鼻子,喉咙)。一旦接触到皮肤,脱下污染 的衣服并用肥皂和水清洗。如果仍旧过敏请看医生。
2.4.1 壁挂式安装喷码机 壁挂式安装喷码机遵循的规则是壁挂式安装架和用户所提供的硬件必须 有能力支撑四倍于喷码机和壁挂式安装架的重量。
2.4.2 安装喷头支架 遵循的规则是,在安装时喷头支架必须用螺栓固定在地上、链道或稳定 的台面上。
2.5 使用喷码机附件 喷码机所允许的规则,连接任何附加设备时必须使用伟迪捷允许的附件。




格 硬件规格
通过迅捷的动作, 实现机械的高速化。
为了实现复杂机械的高速运转,程序的高速处理与 网络的高速化不可或缺。 MP2000系列采用高速CPU,可缩短命令执行时间。 另外,通过使用MECHATROLINK-II(传送速度10Mbps)、MECHATROLINK-III(传送速度100Mbps), 实现了多轴迅捷的高速运动。
· 集电源、CPU、运动控制(16轴)+通 信(Ethernet:MP2310/MP2300S) 于一体
· 可利用选购插槽连接I/O及通信模块 · 最多可控制64轴
X最适合于需要简单定位与插补的小型 装置
· 集电源、CPU、运动控制(16轴) +通 信 ( E t h e r n e t ) 于 一 体
高 速
除了机械控制所需的转矩、位置 有100%速度前馈的位置控制(电子凸轮)。

与速度控制模式外,也实现了精 度要求极高的同步相位控制。 由于可在线切换控制模式,因此





SETUP#1 SETUP#2 和SETUP#3,这里只对前两块菜单进行讲解。

Board Parameters(PCB的参数):X size:PCB的长度Y size:PCB的宽度Thickness:PCB的厚度(要求准确,误差小于20%)BoardStop X:相机找PCB时在X方向的停板位置(需要TEACH和CALIBRATE)BoardStop Y:相机找PCB时在Y方向的停板位置(需要TEACH和CALIBRATE)Detent:PCB在轨道上传送时的减速距离,通常为0Load Speed:装载PCB时传送带的速度,一般使用缺省值Unload Speed:卸载PCB时传送带的速度,一般使用缺省值Snap off:PCB与钢网的间隙(-0.65~3mm)负值约小PCB与钢网的间隙约小,对于手机板该值通常为,其他板通常为0Vacuum:有0(关闭),1(正常打开真空),2(真空加强)三个选项Tooling Type:缺省用UniverSlow Snap-Off(慢速脱模方式):Enable:选择Yes时为使用慢速脱模方式,选择No时为不使用慢速脱模方式Down Delay:PCB印完后的脱模前的延时时间Distance:慢速脱模的距离Speed:慢速脱模的速度,由0~15工16个级别Units of Measure(测量单位)这栏为机器设置栏不需要修改。

Distance:inches(英寸)或Metric(米制),选MetricSpeed:inches/second或Metric/second,选Metric/secondTime:时间seconds(秒)Weight:重量pounds(磅)或Kg(公斤),选KgPressure:压力pounds/sq inchSqueegee(刮刀)Enable:Yes/No,使用或使用刮刀Stroke type:印刷方式Altern印一次,Mult2印二次,Mult3印三次,Mult4印四次,Prt/Fld先印刷再平铺,用于印红胶制程,Fld/Prt先平铺再印刷,用于红胶制程Stroke(+):设定前刮刀向后印刷的行程,通常是PCB宽度的一办加30~40mm Stroke(-):设定后刮刀向前印刷的行程,通常是PCB宽度的一办加30~40mm Up delay:印完PCB后刮刀向上升起前的延时时间Hop over:印刷前刮刀向前(+)或向后)(-)移动后再印刷的行程Profile:侧面,该参数不使用Durometer:记录所使用的刮刀硬度,使用缺省值Length:记录使用刮刀的长度Prog Squeegee(可编程刮刀)Lift Height:印刷后刮刀升起的高度Left Weight:刮刀左边重量Right Weight:刮刀右边重量Front Squeegee(前刮刀参数)Total Force:刮刀印刷时的压力=刮刀长度(mm)/25.4(mm)XBalance(L/R):刮刀印刷时左边和右边的压力平衡比(50%/50%)Down Stop:设定刮刀印刷时向下压的行程,以刮刀接触到钢网时为零,向下为正,使用缺省值Attack Angle:印刷时刮刀的角度,使用缺省值Print Speed: 印刷速度Flood Height:使用在印刷方式参数设定为Prt/Fld或Fld/Prt上,即平铺时所铺的厚度,也可认为是刮刀的高度Rear Squeegee(后刮刀参数)Total Force:刮刀印刷时的压力=刮刀长度(mm)/25.4(mm)XBalance(L/R):刮刀印刷时左边和右边的压力平衡比(50%/50%)Down Stop:设定刮刀印刷时向下压的行程,以刮刀接触到钢网时为零,向下为正,使用缺省值Attack Angle:印刷时刮刀的角度,使用缺省值Print Speed:印刷速度Vision System(照相系统参数)Enable: Yes/No,设定照相系统打开或关闭Accept Level:设定照相系统对Mark点的识别度﹐即将板上所照的Mark点和程序中Mark点对比的百分比﹐一般设为600﹐即60%Find All: Yes/No,设定为Yes时,如果程序中做了多个Mark点,则在印刷前所有的Mark点都必须通过accept level的设定值,如果设为No,则只要两个或两个以上通过即可FP Mode:一般当PCB上有一些间距很小的元件时使用此功能,在一般的印刷中都是在印刷时先照以下钢网的Mark点和PCB上的Mark点,印刷中就只照PCB板上的Mark点,印刷时会有偏移,当设定为1时,每次印刷前都会照PCB和钢网上的Mark点,当设定为2时,每印两块PCB照一次钢网的Mark点,依此类推.Verify ID:Yes/No的ID,不使用此功能X Offset:印刷后PCB的焊盘上的锡膏在X方向上相对PCB上焊盘可能会有偏移在这给一个X方向上的偏移量Y Offset: 印刷后PCB的焊盘上的锡膏在Y方向上相对PCB焊盘可能会有偏移在这给一个Y方向偏移量Theta Off: 印刷后PCB的焊盘上的锡膏在Theta方向上相对PCB焊盘可能会有偏移在这给一个Theta方向偏移量Enable AGO: Yes或NoStretch limits(伸缩限制)Enable: Yes/No,当印刷出现偏移时使用Maximum X:X方向最大允许的伸缩值Maximum Y:Y方向最大允许的伸缩值Stencil Wipe(擦网系统)Enable:Yes/No,设置使用或不使用擦网系统Frequency:设置多少块板擦一次网Wipes:当设置了擦网频率后擦网的次数Wipe Out:Yes/No,擦网系统向后擦打开或关闭Wipe In:Yes/No,擦网系统向前擦打开或关闭Speed Out:擦网系统向后擦时的速度Speed In:擦网系统向前擦时的速度After Knead:Yes/No,搅拌后擦网打开或关闭Travel Offset:擦网系统行程,缺省就是刮刀的行程Paper Advance:CONT(连续的)/POSTWIPE(外置的)/STROKE(一次性的),选CONTIndex:擦网前先卷纸的时间Solvent:Yes/No,湿擦功能打开或关闭Sol Freq:多少块板一次湿擦Continuous:Yes/No,连续擦网打开或关闭Sq Speed:湿擦速度Priming Time:湿擦前先喷清洗剂的时间Vacuum:Yes/No,真空擦网打开或关闭Vacuum Freq:多少块板一次真空擦Vacuum Speed:真空擦网的速度Overtravel:真空擦网时需超出的行程,使用缺省值Enable Buttons(在主界面的按键功能)Wipe:Yes/No,在主界面的按键功能打开或关闭Dispense:Yes/No,在主界面的按键功能打开或关闭Paste Knead/Recover(锡膏搅拌/添加),这一栏的功能不使用Dispenser(点锡膏),这一功能在Enable Buttons的Dispenes设为Yes时可以使用,使用这一功能主要是提醒操作工及时手动清洁钢网和添加锡膏Enable:点锡膏功能打开或关闭Frequency:点多少块班加一次锡膏Medium:缺省不使用Pressure:缺省不使用Hose ID:缺省不使用Start Delay:缺省不使用Profile:缺省不使用Stop When Low:Yes/No,当锡膏少时停机或不停机Paste Offset:缺省不使用Load Board:缺省不使用二、命令详解在主界面标题拦下方有一排下拉菜单。

音频代码 MP-202 系列产品说明书

音频代码 MP-202 系列产品说明书

Regulatory InformationMP-202, MP-202R, MP-204, MP-204RThank you for Choosing AudioCodes!This important product information includes Regulatory and Safety information.Before you start using this product, please read the Safety Instructions provided. These Instructions can also be downloaded from the AudioCodes Website at https:///library/technical-documents. This document, the Installation Manual and User’s Manual (and other documentation) can be downloaded from the AudioCodes Website at https:///library/technical-documents. Please check that all items as listed in the Installation Manual are supplied in the shipped package. If any items are missing or if you have any queries, please contact your AudioCodes sales representative. If your product was purchased directly from AudioCodes, then contact . If the product was purchased from AudioCodes’ Distributors, Partners, or Resellers, then use the contact details provided by these sellers.Safety NoticeTo avoid risk of fire, use 26 AWG or higher wiring to connect the FXS telecom ports.Ports Safety StatusEthernet (100Base-TX) SELVFXS TNV-2FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to connect the interference by one or more of the following measures: ▪Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.▪Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.▪Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.▪Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Document #: LTRT-48615Document #: LTRT-48615电气、电子设备中限制使用有毒或有害物质 Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements (RoHS)组件名称 (Component Name) 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚 (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr+6) (PBB) (PBDE) 塑料机箱 (Plastic chassis) o o o o o o 印刷电路板组装 (Assembled PCB) o o o o o o 附件 (Accessories) o o o o o o 电源(Power Supply)oooooo此表是按照 SJ/T 11364 的规定编制This table is prepared in accordance with the provisions of SJ/T 11364.▪ o : 表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB / T 26572 标准规定的限量要求以下o : Indicates that the concentration of the hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials in the parts is below the relevant threshold of the GB/T 26572 standard.▪ X: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572 标准规定的限量要求X: Indicates that the concentration of the hazardous substance of at least one of all homogeneous materials in the parts is above the relevant threshold of the GB/T 26572 standard.▪ 对销售之日的所售产品,本表显示, 奥科供应链的电子信息产品可能包含这些物质。



F o o b a r2000简介f o o b a r2000是原W i n a m p工作组成员P e t e r P a w l o w s k i编写的一个专业数字音频播放器。

据说是因为他不满于W i n a m p2.x 的插件体系架构和更倾向于图形、皮肤的发展方向的W i n a m p3。

f o o b a r2000最值得关注的在于他良好的体系架构。




主要特性1.开放的组件体系结构允许第三方开发者来扩展播放器的功能2.内置音频格式支持:W A V,A I F F,V O C,A U,S N D,O g g V o r b i s,M P C,M P2,M P3,W a v P a c k,F l a c3.通过官方插件支持的音频格式:M P E G-4A A C,O g g F L A C,M o n k e y''''s A u d i o,S p e e x,C D D A,S P C,各种M O D类型;从R A R、Z I P压缩包里直接读取音频4.在W i n d o w s N T上完整的U n i c o d e支持5.支持播放增益(R e p l a y G a i n)6.低内存占用,有效处理大量的播放列表7.高级文件信息处理能力(常规文件信息窗口和批量标签)8.高度自定义播放列表显示9.自定义快捷键10.通过界面插件高度可自定义的界面11.在B S D许可协议下大部分标准组件开源f o o b a r2000能干些什么?除了一般音频播放器所能做的,F o o b a r2000可以通过它自带的插件和各种扩展插件,分别实现多种功能、效果以及界面。

迈克罗纳 DX2000USB 专业级7通道低噪声DJ混音器说明书

迈克罗纳 DX2000USB 专业级7通道低噪声DJ混音器说明书

DX2000USBProfessional, 7-channel, ultra-low noise DJ mixer with state-of-the-art phono preamps45-mm infi nium “contact-free” optical crossfader with adjustable friction for years of use 5 dual stereo inputs plus 2 mono mic/line channels with ULN mic preamps, Phantom Power, Gain control and Clip LED Built-in USB interface for recording and playback of any digital music fi le. Works with your PC or Mac computer— no setup or drivers requiredMassive software bundle including Audacity vinyl restoration and recording, Podifi er and Golden Ear podcasting software downloadable at Ultra-musical 3-band kill EQ (-32 dB) with EQ on/off switch on all stereo channelsLong-wearing 100-mm faders and sealed rotary controls on all input channelsHeadphone output with Level and Balance (PFL/Main) controls, switchable split mode and level displayAuto-talkover function with separate Sensitivity, Time and Damping controlsMain Dim, main Boost, Punch and Cut functions for awesome mix optionsThese days a DJ gig can command a lot more than a mic and a couple of turntables. You may need toaccommodate a multimedia presentation, a variety of audio platforms (vinyl, CDs, mp3) and multiple mics—all at the same event! That’s why BEHRINGER is proud to present the 7-channel, rack-mountable DX2000USB with its built-in USB/audio interface and contact-free optical crossfader—an invaluable tool for the DJ-of-all-trades.The inclusion of the X1 opticalcrossfader in the DX2000USB represents tremendous added value. The “feel” of this crossfader can be custom-tailored to accommodate your individual mixing style, and the contact-free technology means silky-smooth performance for many years to come. We off er the X1 as a premium upgrade for our DDM4000 digital DJ mixers at $74.99 USD, but it comes standard with the DX2000USB at no additional cost. Please visit our website to fi nd out more about the X1 optical fader.Live Large With More Mediums!If it can be clicked, spun or spoken, the new DX2000USB can mix it! You get 5 dual stereo inputs plus 2 mono mic/line channels with ultra low-noise mic preamps, Phantom Power, Gain control andClip LED. The DX2000USB also has enough built-in phono preamps to handle up to three turntables. Finally, the built-in USB/audio interface gives you the power to add your computer’s digital music library to the mix. Hey, we even include the rack-ears, so you’re ready-to-go right out of the box!Old-school feel,new-school performanceThe DX2000USB is packed with cutting- edge versatility, but we didn’t lose sight of the basic features that make a DJ mixer a lasting part of your rig. This new breed of DJ mixer features super-smooth, long-wearing 100 mm faders and the infi nium optical contact-free crossfader forProfessional 7-Channel DJ Mixer with infi nium “Contact-Free” VCACrossfader and USB/Audio InterfaceContinued on next pagePRO MIXER DX 2000USBDJ Mixersutmost reliability and smooth audio performance. It is important to note that since this premium crossfader iscontact-free, there is none of the typically “wear and tear” that plagues mechanical faders, so your crossfades are always fl awless—and will be for years to come. The DX2000USB comes armed with a switchable 3-band kill EQ and Gain control per stereo channel.Mono channels feature an additional Low Cut switch and an FX switch that routes the channel to the FX SEND and RETURN loop, so you can add a touch of outboard eff ects. These channels feature balanced XLR mic inputs, as well as ¼ " line jacks, a Channel On button and aPFL switch for headphone monitoring. The handy Talkover button allows you to make announcements without killing the music via three adjustable parameters, Sensitivity (speech level threshold), Time (speed at which the music level returns to normal) and Damping (depth the music is attenuated by the mic signal).For the DJ in need of mammoth bass, the DX2000USB features an XLR subwoofer output (perfect for connecting to an active subwoofer) with adjustable (30 - 200Hz) Crossover Frequency dial and Level control.Directly above, the DX2000USB provides a ¼" main mono ouput for synching your music’s strongest pulses with aSubbass Out for separate subwoofer, additional Zone output for second room/area“Planet Earth” switching power supply for maximum fl exibility (100 - 240 V~), noise-free audio, superior transient response plus low power consumption for energy savingRack mount brackets included for ultimate fl exibility High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long lifeConceived and designed by BEHRINGER GermanyContinued on next pageTRS ZONE outputs Main XLR outputs Ground lugs for turntablesRCA LINE inputs Built-in USB audio interfaceRCA RECORD OUT jacks TRS monitor outputsLINE/PHONO button optimizes PHONO/LINE jacks for use with turntable o r C D p layerTRS LINE INPHONO/LINE RCA inputsLEVEL knob adjusts output of SUB BASS OUT jack for use with subwooferCROSSOVERFREQUENCY knobadjusts frequency of low pass fi lter for use with subwooferFX SEND/RETURN jacksXLR monitoroutputs IEC Power socket and on/off switch TRS REMOTE CONTROL jackCD RCA inputs TRS LINE inputs Stereo Main Insert Balanced/Unbalanced mono output to external lighting controllerXLR MIC INlighting system, provided your lighting system has “sound-to-light” capability(e.g. BEHRINGER LC2412 Lighting Console). The Main Output section off ers balanced ¼" TRS and XLR stereo outputs, as well as ¼ " TRS Main Insert jacks for connecting to outboard EQ and dynamics processors, such as limiters and compressors. This section also features RCA outputs for recording your set. The Monitor/Zone Output sectiongives you separate stereo ¼ " and XLR monitor outputs, as well as ¼ " stereo zone outputs, each with their own dedicated level controls. This feature gives the DX2000USB incredible zone mixing versatility, allowing you to send output signals to a variety of destinations, such as the lobby, restaurant or waiting areas, all the while maintaining total control.Transforming with Punch and Cut Transforming is a DJ term used to describe the chopping up of sound to create some rather dramatic eff ects. Traditionally this is done by rapidlymoving a crossfader to give a stuttering or “gated” eff ect, either between twomusic sources, or one source andsilence. Another DJ trick is to use the channel faders, or channel on buttons, to chop one music track over another. These methods are still valid, but if you’re looking for instant gratifi cation, check out our ergonomic alternative— a pair of big assignable non-latching PUNCH/CUT buttons. We’re sure you will grow to love their speed and ease of operation.The Punch and Cut modes are available via the TRANSFORM MODE button, with a pair of LEDs that let you know which function is active. The X and Y Punch/Cut buttons are conveniently located right next to the crossfader with which they are designed to work.INPUTbutton selects channel’s audio sourceLOW CUT button removes unwanted low frequencies EQ knobs PAN knobpositions channel in stereo fi eld TALKOVER button CHANNEL ON sends channel to PFL bus CROSSFADER button routes signal to crossfader CHANNEL fader adjusts channel volume ASSIGN button assigns active channel to X or Y side of crossfaderGainFX button routes channel to FX SEND and RETURN loopCD/PHONO input selectorDAMPING adjusts music level reduction when talkover is engaged TIME knob adjusts howquickly the music volume recovers after talkover has been engagedSENSITIVITYknob adjusts how loud mic signal must be to engage talkover LEVEL METER displays left and right MAIN signal, PFL signal levelLIGHT LEVEL adjusts output level of mono LIGHT OUTPUTZONE LEVEL adjusts output of ZONE OUTPUTS FX RETURN MAIN/PFL selects main stereo mix or PFL mix for phones PHONES LEVEL BALANCE adjusts blend of PFL and main signals in headphones MONITOR fader adjusts output of MONITOR OUTPUTSMAIN fadersinfi nium optical X/Y CROSSFADERPUNCH/CUT buttonsMAIN DIM button reduces the main mix by -20 dBMAIN BOOST raises the main mix by +4 dBTRACK START button allows remote control of commercial playback decks via built-in remote jacksTRANSFORM MODE determines whether PUNCH/CUT buttons operate in CUT or PUNCH modeEQ ON Continued on next pageCUT mode enables the big buttons to be used as mutes for interesting gating eff ects, temporarily silencing the X or Y output.In PUNCH mode the X button introduces the X signal to the mix, while the Y button brings in the Y signal. This means you can add in bits and beats from X on top of Y and vice versa, opening up your scope to extremely creative mixing.MAIN DIM and MAIN BOOSTYou can add even more dramatic eff ects by using the MAIN BOOST and MAIN DIM buttons for a temporaryboost (+4 dB) or cut (-20 dB) of the main output volume. For instance, you could use MAIN DIM for audience sing-along bits—or you could use MAIN BOOST to emphasize beats, a special musical passage, etc.Remote ControlIf you use external audio devices, such as CD players, CART machines, etc.,in the course of your performance, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by DX2000USB’s remote control feature. Many commercial playback decks off er remote start and stop functionality. If your player supports this feature (please check your device’s owner’s manual), you can use DX2000USB’s TRACK START buttons, conveniently located below the faders on channels 3-7, to control up to three similarly equipped devices. This may seem like a minor detail, but it can become a major hassle when you’re trying to produce the perfect show!B212D Active PA LoudspeakersFEX800 FX ProcessorXM8500Dynamic MicsB315D Active PA LoudspeakersHPX4000DJ HeadphonesB1800D-PRO Active Subwoofer CD PlayerTurntableFX2000Digital Effects ProcessorLaptopComplete Mobile DJ SystemContinued on next pageSuper SoftwareYou get incredible multitracking software and more when you hook up with the DX2000USB. This amazing DAW (digital audio workstation) makes it easy to manipulate your audio and MIDI fi les, turning song ideas into stunning CD or web-ready recordings. There’s even a built-in drum machine and internal multi-FX processor. If you want toincorporate sounds from old, damaged vinyl, the included Audacity freeware audio editor with vinyl restoration capability will remove pops and othernoise. You even get Golden Ear and Podifi er software so you can instantly share your creations via podcast.ValueWhen you add the DX2000USB to your rig, you connect to unrivaled versatility and performance at a price that will leave you with cash to spare. Its superior build quality and rugged components mean this mixer will serve you well for years to come. Drop in at your nearest BEHRINGER dealer and fi nd out why so many DJs are making magic with BEHRINGER.XL3200Live MixerB212D Active PA LoudspeakersXM8500Dynamic MicsHPX4000DJ HeadphonesCD Player FX2000Digital Effects ProcessorTurntableLaptopMP3playerSimple Setup with Club PA SystemFor service, support or more information contact the BEHRINGER location nearest you:EuropeMUSIC Group Services EU GmbHTel.: +49 2154 9206 4149 / Fax: +49 2154 9206 4199USA/Canada MUSIC Group Services US Inc.Tel.: +1 425 672 0816 / Fax: +1 425 673 7647SingaporeMUSIC Group Services SG (Pte.) LtdTel.: +65 6845 1800 / Fax: +65 6214 0275AustraliaMUSIC Group Services AU Pty LtdTel.: +61 03 9877 7170 / Fax: +61 03 9877 7870JapanMUSIC Group Services JP K.K.Tel.: +81 3 5281 1180 / Fax: +81 3 5281 1181TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND APPEARANCES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND ACCURACY IS NOT GUARANTEED. BEHRINGER IS PART OF THE MUSIC GROUP (MUSIC-GROUP .COM). ALL TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS.MUSIC GROUP ACCEPTS NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS WHICH MAY BE SUFFERED BY ANY PERSON WHO RELIES EITHER WHOLLY OR IN PART UPON ANY DESCRIPTION, PHOTOGRAPH OR STATEMENT CONTAINED HEREIN. COLORS AND SPECIFICATIONS MAY VARY FROM ACTUAL PRODUCT. MUSIC GROUP PRODUCTS ARE SOLD THROUGH AUTHORIZED FULFILLERS AND RESELLERS ONLY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2011 MUSIC Group IP Ltd. Trident Chambers, Wickhams Cay, P .O. Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands. 985-10000-00466Specifi cationsMono Input ChannelsMic input Electronically balanced, discrete input confi guration Gain+10 to +60 dBFrequency response 10 Hz to 80 kHz, +/-3 dB THD0.08 % typ. @ -30 dBu, 1 kHzLine inputGain-10 to +40 dBFrequency response 10 Hz to 80 kHz, +/-3 dB THD 0.08 % typ. @ -10 dBu, 1 kHz S/N ratio85 dB, unweightedEQLow +/-12 dB @ 50 Hz Mid +/-8 dB @ 750 Hz High +/-12 dB @ 10 kHz Low cut75 Hz, 18 dB/octStereo Input ChannelsPhone/Line/CD input Unbalanced input GainLine/CD +17/-20 dBPhone +17/-20 dBFrequency response Line/CD 10 Hz to 130 kHz, +/-3 dB Phone 20 Hz to 20 kHz, RIAA THD Line/CD 0.05 % typ @ 0 dBu, 1 kHz Phone 0.1 % typ @ -40 dB, 1 kHz S/N ratio Line/CD -82 dB, unweighted Phone -78 dB, unweighted Kill EQ Low +6/-25 dB @ 50 Hz Mid +6/************High+6/-18 dB @ 15 kHzConnectorsMaster outJack 0 dBXLR +6 dB Monitor out Jack 0 dB (max.10 dB gain)Zone out Jack 0 dB (max.10 dB gain)Insert send 0 dB Insert return 0 dB Eff ect send 0 dBUSBAudio Stereo In/Out Connector Type B Sample rate48 kHzPower SupplyMains Voltages USA/Canada 120 V ~, 60 H UK/Australia 240 V ~, 50 Hz Europe230 V ~, 50 HzGeneral Export Model 100 - 120 V ~, 200 - 240 V ~,50 - 60 HzPhysicalDimensions (Hx W x D) 6.29 x 13.38 x 17.32"160 x 340 x 440 mm Weight 14.77 lbs / 6.7 kgPlease note these specifications are preliminary and conceptual in nature, and as such are subject to change as product development progresses. This information is supplied for market research purposes only and is not to be made public in any manner. This document is solely the property of The MUSIC Group, or one of its subsidiaries, and must be surrendered upon request of the owner.DX2000USB。

MP 02B音乐播放器用户手册说明书

MP 02B音乐播放器用户手册说明书
5 The product should be located away from heat sources such as radiators, heat vents, or other devices that produce heat.
6 The product should be connected to a power supply that is described in the operating instructions or are marked on the product.
1. IR remote buttons which are assigned to control CD/USB/SD player only. | 2. IR remote buttons which are assigned to control both CD/USB/SD player and radio tuner. In white color are marked functions for the CD/USB/SD player, in red – functions for the radio tuner. | 3. IR remote buttons which are assigned to control radio tuner player only. | 4. Select CD/USB/SD or Radio tuner for IR remote control. Selected player is indicated by green color LED on the front panel.
1 Read all instructions before using the product.

Pioneer HDJ-2000 Product Brochure

Pioneer HDJ-2000 Product Brochure

HDJ-2000Premier Professional HeadphonesFor all your product info, dealers and more: 800-782-7210HDJ-2000High-Fidelity Sound Design Optimal For All DJsHigh sound quality has been achieved with the driver unit featuring a diaphragm of optimal material and thickness, a voice coil for goodbalance from bass to treble, and a large, high flux magnet 2” in diameter. This enables clearly catching dance music beats (bass drums and cymbal rhythms) needed for DJ performances. Superior sound insulation makes it easy to cue up the next track, even in noisy clubs and discos. Theinsulating material inside the headphones was also carefully selected and ear pads provide a tight seal, contributing to clear reproduction of mid to high sound ranges with subtle nuances. These headphones are also suitable for professional use in studios.Snug Fit For Comfortable Use Even In Long SessionsThe HDJ-2000 offers an excellent fit with various ingenious details for comfortable use even in long sessions.• Flexible protein leather 1 with a soft touch and natural feel is used for ear pad/head pad surfaces that touch the skin.• Low-rebound urethane foam 2 is used inside the ear pads and head pad. They nicely fit over the shape of the head, maintaining comfort with a snug fit even in long sessions.• Magnesium alloy components are used for the main body for both light weight and durability. This minimizes stress on the head, ensuring comfortable DJ play.Excellent Durability And Toughness For DemandingProfessional UseThe durability of the headphone plug and connecting parts joining the main body and the cable has been improved, achieving construction robust enough to withstand professional use. The removable Mini XLR connector also makes it easy to replace the cable if it breaks.New I-Type Hinge Structure For Functionality And DesignWith a new i-type hinge, a smooth and integral form has been achieved that naturally fits the hands at any moment during DJ play. The ear pads have a spun finish aluminum ring that matches the design of Pioneer CDJ player play/cue buttons, for a simple and stylish design.Other Functions:• Folding structure: It folds into a compact configuration for easy carrying.• Swivel mechanism: The housing turns 90 degrees for more convenient single-ear, on-shoulder, and various other monitoring styles. It automatically goes back to the original position after it is swiveled.• Click mechanism: It clicks into place to prevent inadvertent rotation or folding of the headphones during use.• MONO/STEREO switch: Ensures monitoring even with single-ear monitoring.• Carry pouch: It comes with a pouch for carrying.FEATURESSPECIFICATIONSType ......................................................Fully enclosed dynamic headphones Frequency range .......................................................................5 - 30,000Hz Impedance .............................................................................................36ΩMaximum input ..............................................................................3,500mW Output sound level ......................................................................107dB/mW Unit type ..........................................................................................2” domePlug ............................................1/8” 3P mini plug (gold-plated, screw-type)Weight ..........................................................................10oz (excluding cord)Accessories .........................1/4” 3P plug adapter ((gold-plated, screw-type), ..........................................................................................and a carry pouch Connection cord ............4’ long single coiled cable (about 10’ when straight)PIONEER CORPORATION1-4-1 Meguro, MEGURO-KU, TOKYO 153-8654, JAPAN TEL: 81-3-3495-5246•FAX: 81-3-3495-9827PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA), INC.2265 East 220th Street, Long Beach, CA 90810, U.S.A. TEL: 800-421-1404•FAX: 310-952-2990PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE, PTE. LTD. (PAC Head Office)253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, SINGAPORE 159936 TEL: 65-6472-1111PIONEER EUROPE NV - MULTIMEDIA DIV. (PEE-London)Pioneer House, Hollybush Hill, Stoke Poges Slough, SL2 4QP, UNITED KINGDOM TEL: 44-1753-789-789PIONEER CHINA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (PCH)18F New Hua Lian Mansion (West), 775 Huai Hai Zhong Road (M), Shanghai 200020, CHINA TEL: 86-21-6431-4466PIONEER HIGH FIDELITY TAIWAN CO., LTD. (PTC)13th FL, No.44, Jhongshan N Road, Taipei City, 10448 TAIWAN TEL: 886-2-2521-3588PIONEER ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. (PTY)178-184 Boundary Road, Braeside, Victoria 3195, AUSTRALIA TEL: 63-3-9586-6300PIONEER INTERNATIONAL LATIN AMERICA S.A. (PILASA)Plaza Credicorp Bank, 14th Floor, Calle 50 No.120, Panama City 0816-01361, R.O., PANAMA Tel: 507-300-3900Features and specifications subject to change without notification.For more information visit 1. Protein leather: Synthetic leather developed jointly by Idemitsu Technofine Co., Ltd. and Komatsu Seiren Co., Ltd.2. Low-rebound urethane foam: Urethane foam that slowly moulds itself to a shape andrecovers its original profile.Removable Mini XLR connector Large high flux magnet speaker MONO/STEREO switch。



DJ2000型制冷型双喷电解减薄仪使用说明北京德东科技有限公司2009年6月目录前言 (3)第一章部件和功能 (4)第二章使用方法 (8)第三章注意事项 (12)第四章技术参数 (14)第五章装箱明细 (15)前言双喷电解减薄仪,是应用于透射电子显微镜金属试样制备的专用设备。







样品夹电源线入水口出水口双喷电解槽示意图 第一章 部件和功能1.电解槽部分● 电解槽:电解双喷的主体部分 ● 样品夹:试样夹持及电极 ● 入水口:外部冷却水的入口 ● 出水口:外部冷却水的出口● 电解液出口:电解完成后,电解液从此口流出 ● USB 摄像头接口:USB 摄像头与控制电脑的接口2.样品夹分解示意图电解液出口USB 摄像头接口●样品:本机采用直径Ø3mm 金属样品,厚度40-80µm。






实用文档理光Aficio MP2000外观简洁大方,典型的商务办公风格让它受到了不少消费者的喜欢。


理光Aficio MP2000设计有8.5英寸液晶显示屏,可有效的监控机器工作状态。



理光MP2000支持先进的网络扫描功能,可在复合机上直接实现从实体文档到邮件的转换并发送,而网络传真功能支持互联网和局域网传真,满足不同消费者需要理光Aficio MP2000本身的复印性能就很出色,再加上全面的功能扩展能力,有效的提高了用户的工作效率。




图 2.3 层的激活练习 2.2.3 添加导线 ¾ 激活一个信号层:Signal01 ¾ 在工具条中点击 Add Trace 按钮,激活画线工具,此时的光标形状改变成为十字形。 ¾ 在“Package”有效区域内,在导线的起点左击鼠标,然后向终点的方向移动鼠标(“胶皮线”一直 跟着鼠标走),在需要的某点再次点击左键,可以在此点处将导线改变方向。直至终点,点击一次,再双 击鼠标完成画线操作。
l. 反复按照上面的方法做,直到使用检查功能时不再出现错误提示。
图 2.10 重复移动有错误的线端点,几次之后检查被通过
2.2.7 连接导线
SIGRITY SpeedXP 实用手册参考
a.激活一个信号层;画两条线如图 2.11a 所示,设一条为 A;另一条为 B。
图 2.11 连接线段
图 2.1 内置的 SPDEGN 的新建窗口 2.2 设置叠层 2.2.1 改变层的显示颜色
提示:为了修改每一个信号层、平层、中间层的性质,首先“高亮”该层,然后点击“Properties” 按钮,或者直接双击该层。 9 运行菜单 Edit/Stack Up 命令弹出叠层设置窗口 9 在该窗口中双击 Signal02 层,又会出现该层特设置窗口。将其显示颜色由内置的黄色改为红色。就
当前加载的 曲线窗口
2D 显示区域
加载的曲线 窗口
2D 曲线显 示窗口
选择显示层面 区域
电源层与地线 层之间电压的 空间分布变化 动画显示窗口
层 的 2D 显示窗口
Package 的 3D 显示窗口
图 1.3 打开 Example.spd 后的窗口(通过菜单 Widows/Default 可以刷新成此状态) 1.2 运行 spdsim ,点击 开始运行仿真 1.2.1 2D 曲线区域

Marshall JCM2000 Dual Super Lead 电子管音频放大器用户手册说明书

Marshall JCM2000 Dual Super Lead 电子管音频放大器用户手册说明书

12 34 5 6 7 8 910 16HIGH GAIN INPUT (1)Used for most electric guitars. It is 6Provided for instruments that have extremely high outputs, which can result in overdriving (distorting) the High Gaininput. If both inputs are used simultaneously, the output levels are the same (both are Low Gain).PRE GAIN (3)Controls the input volume level of the amplifier.PRE-EQ PATCH JACKS (4)Provided for connecting external effects devices into the signal path. To patch an effects device, connect the send jack tothe input of the device. Connect the output of the device to the return jack. High-quality shielded cables should be used forthese connections.OPERATION NOTE:Volume pedals may be patched in at this point; pedal output should be patched into “return”, and “send” should be patched into pedal input. Instrument should connect directly to high or low gain inputs when volume pedal is connected inthis configurationLOW EQ (5)An active tone control (shelving type,boost causes greater power consumption and increases possibility of speaker damage.MIDboost (increase).SENSITIVITY (10)Controls the overall volume level of the amplifier. The final level adjustment should be made after the desired sound hasbeen achieved.EFFECTS PATCH 1 (11)Provided for connecting external effects devices into the signal path. To patch an effects device, connect the send jack tothe input of the device. Connect the output of the device to the return jack. High-quality shielded cables should be used forthese connections.EFFECTS PATCH 2 (12)Provided for connecting external effects devices into the signal path. To patch an effects device, connect the send jack tothe input of the device. Connect the output of the device to the return jack. High-quality shielded cables should be used forthese connections.REVERB (13)Reverberation is an echo effect. Rotate clockwise to increase the effect. Remote footswitch can control On/Off.PILOT LIGHT LED (14)Illuminates when AC power is being supplied to the amp.GROUND SWITCH (15)Three position rocker-type switch which, in most applications, should be operated in its center or zero position. Theremay be some situations when audible hum and/or noise will come from the loudspeaker. If this situation arises, positionthe ground switch to either positive or negative or until the noise is minimized. NOTE: Should the noise problem continue, consult your Authorized Peavey Dealer, the Peavey Factory, or a qualified service technician. THE GROUND SWITCH IS NOT FUNCTIONAL ONTone settings given are general and will vary according to type of guitar, type and gauges of strings, type of pickup and even type of pick. Personal taste, playing style, and type of music greatly contribute to desired tonality.BLOCK DIAGRAMPRE AMPPWR. AMPREVERBSESSION” 400 LTDPower120 VAC line)240 Watts RMS into 4 ohmsFrequency Response:80 Hz to 10 200 Watts RMS into 4 ohmsTotal Harmonic Distortion:Less than to 200 Watts RMS, 60 Hz to 10Humbelow rated powerPower Consumption: (domestic)600 Watts 1High EQ Mid 10Presence EQ5High dynamics reverb5Minimum levels are with pre gain220 K ohms Nominal Input Level: -22 RMS Minimum Input Level: -36pad)Impedance: High16030Patch Send: (pedal send)Load impedance: 10 K ohms or greater Nominal output: -12Patch Return: (pedal return)Impedance: High 0.25 V RMS (Switching jack providing pre EQ patch send to pre EQ patch return connection when not used)Effects 1 0.3 V RMS Maximum output:3 V RMS Effects 1 0.3 V RMS (Switching jacks providing effects patch send to effects patch return connections when not used)Preamp Out:Load impedance: 1 K ohms or greater Nominal Output: 01 V RMS (Switching jack providing preamp out to power amp in connection when not used)Balanced Line Out:Load Impedance: 600 ohms or greater Nominal Output: -10Noise 8480 Hz, active shelving Mid: passive notch Shift: 300 Hz to 128AND THE COST IS $21LINE CORD (17)(120V products only)For your safety, we have incorporated aTHIS LIMITED WARRANTY VALID ONLY WHEN PURCHASED AND REGISTERED IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA. ALL EXPORTED PRODUCTS ARE SUBJECT TO WARRANTY AND SERVICES TO BE SPECIFIED AND PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FOR EACH COUNTRY.Ces clauses de garanlie ne et au Canada. Dans pays, national etassuree parnur In den USA and Kanada gultig.Esta solamente cuando es o en Canada. Todos que extranjero, a y servicio quematerial and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from date of purchase, PROVIDED, however that this purchaser and is subject to the conditions, exclusions and limitations hereinafter set forth:PEAVEYlimited warrantyIS extended only to the original exclusions and limitations hereinafter set forth.CONDITIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIMITED WARRANTIESThese limitedretail purchase is not made from an AUTHORIZED PEAVEY DEALER: orc. The product has been damaged by accident or unreasonable use, neglect, Improper service or maintenance, or other causes not arising out of defects in material orworkmanship; ord. The serial number affixed to the product is altered, defaced or removed.In the event of a defect in material and/or workmanship covered by this limited warranty, Peavey will:a. In the case of tubes or meters, replace the defective component without charge;b. In other covered cases (i.e., cases involving patchcords, tubes or meters), repair the defect inand provided, however, that, in any case, all costs of shipping, if necessary, are paid by you, the purchaser.THE WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD SHOULD BE ACCURATELY COMPLETED AND MAILED TO AND RECEIVED BY PEAVEY WITHIN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF YOUR PURCHASE.In order to obtain service under these warranties, you must:a. Bring theconnection with your purchase from him of this product.If the DEALER or SERVICE CENTER is unable to provide the necessary warranty service youShip the defective item, prepaid, to:PEAVEY ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONInternational Service CenterHighway 80 EastMERIDIAN, MS 39301including therewith a complete, detailedhave been complied with,Peavey will provide the necessaryexpressedto repair or replace the product and will return it, FREIGHT COLLECT, to you, the purchaser.Peavey’s liability to the purchaser for damages from any cause whatsoever and regardless of the form of action, including negligence, IS limited to the actual damages up to the greater of $500.00 or an amount equal to the purchasebe that in effect for the specific product when the cause of action arose. This limitation of liability will not apply to claims for personal injury or damage to real property or tangible personal property allegedly caused by Peavey’s negligence. Peavey does not assume liability for personal injury or property damage arising out of or caused by a non-Peavey alteration or attachment, nor does Peavey assume any responsibility for damage to Interconnected non-Peavey equipment that may result from the normal functioning and maintenance of the Peavey equipment.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL PEAVEY BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, ANY INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF PEAVEY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT IF THE OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO THE EXISTENCE OF THE EXPRESS, LIMITED WARRANTIES, AS HEREINABOVE STATED, HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH, IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE NOT DISCLAIMED DURING THE APPLICABLE ONE-YEAR OR NINETY-DAY PERIOD FROM DATE OF PURCHASE OF THIS PRODUCT.SOME STATES DO EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES GIVE YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES ARE THE ONLY EXPRESS WARRANTIES ON THIS PRODUCT, AND NO OTHER STATEMENT, REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY OR AGREEMENT BY ANY PERSON SHALL BE VALID OR BINDING UPON PEAVEY.In the event of any modification or disclaimer of express or implied warranties, or any limitation of remedies, contained herein conflicts with applicable law, then such modification, disclaimer or limitation, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be modified to the extent necessary to comply with such law.Your to those remedies provided herein Peavey Electronics Corporation gives this limited warranty only with respect toequipment purchased in the United States of America.INSTRUCTIONS -WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD1. Mail the completed WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD to:PEAVEY ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONPOST OFFICE BOX 2898MERIDIAN, MISSISSIPPI 39302-2898a. Keep the PROOF OF PURCHASE. In the event warranty service is required during the warrantyof WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARDS-Should notification become necessaryforanycondition that may requirecorrection, the REGISTRATION CARD will help ensure that you are contacted and properly notified.b.Notice of address changesinformation or correction.3. You may contact Peavey directly by telephoning (601)Meridian, MS 39301(601)483-5365 Fax 486-127801994。

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Low Input Voltage 150mA
Linear Regulator Evaluation Board
The Future of Analog IC Technology
The EV2000DJ-00A is the evaluation board for
the MP2000DJ. The board operates from a 1.35V to 6.0V input voltage and regulates the output voltage at 1.2V with 2% accuracy. By adjusting the resistor divider values, the board can regulate the output voltage from 0.5V to 5V. It can also supply up to 150mA of load current.
Parameter Symbol Value Units Input Voltage V IN 1.35 – 6.0V Output Voltage V OUT 1.2
V Operating Temperature
–40 – +85
• Excellent Load Transient Response • Excellent Line Regulation • 1.35V to 6V Input Voltage • 1.2V Output Voltage

Up to 150mA Load Current
• 802.11 PC Cards
• Mobile Handset PLL Power • Audio Codec Power
“MPS” and “The Future of Analog IC Technology” are Trademarks of Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.
(L x W H) 2.0” x 2.0” x 0.4” (5.1cm x 5.1cm x 1.1cm)
Board Number
MPS IC Number
EV2000DJ-00A MP2000DJ
Qty Ref Value Description
Package Manufacturer Manufacturer P/N 1 C1 2.2µF Ceramic Capacitor, 10V, X5R 0805
TDK C2012X5R1A225K 1 C2 0.1µF Ceramic Capacitor, 25V, X7R/X5R 0805 TDK C2012X7R1E104K 1 C3 4.7µF Ceramic Capacitor, 6.3V, X5R 0805 TDK
C2012X5R0J475K 1 R1 28.7k Ω Resistor, 1% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF4022V 1 R2 20.0k Ω Resistor, 1% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF4992V 1 R3 10k Ω Resistor, 5% 0805 Panasonic ERJ-6ENF1002V 1 U1 Low Voltage 150mA Linear Reg.
NOTICE: The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Please contact MPS for current specifications.
Users should warrant and guarantee that third party Intellectual Property rights are not infringed upon when integrating MPS products into any application. MPS will not assume any legal responsibility for any said applications.
Figure 1—Top Silk Layer
Figure 2—Top Layer
The output voltage of this board is set to 1.2V. The EN pin is connected to ground with a 10k Ω resistor for automatic startup. You can connect EN to VIN to disable the MP2000.
1. Attach the positive and negative ends of the load to the VOUT and GND pins, respectively.
2. Attach the input voltage (1.35V ≤ V IN ≤ 6V) and input ground to the VIN and GND pins,
3. The default resistor values on the board are R1=28.7k Ω and R2=20k Ω. Changing these resistor
values will change the output voltage. Use the following equation to determine resistor values for different output voltages:
+×=2R 1R 1V 5.0V OUT
T1 and T2 are test points for accurately measuring the input and output voltages.。
