

GEELY introduction 吉利公司英文介绍

GEELY introduction   吉利公司英文介绍

4. Enterprise Spirit
Teamwork learning innovation
Hard working truth-seeking continuous imprHappy life, GEELY drive.
sales volume
Technology innovation
1.“Make the cars that common people can afford”
(1).the most security
(2). the most environmental protection
(3). the most energy saving
2. Independent innovation, bold attempt
GEELY Global Technology Innovation Sales Volume Corporate Culture
Company Profile
Company Profile
Corporate Culture
Let GEELY be a widely known brand around the world
3. Swedish King Carl Gustaf meets withLi Shufu
4. GEELY embarks on a trip of European cultural exchange
5. GEELY has established an international marketing system, and worked out strategic plans for international business circles in the coming five years.


First Attended famous Automobile Show
Held a international rewording logo design
Acquired VOLVO
Forth Its Black Taxi appeared at the closing ceremony in London Olympic Games Fifth Signed contract with Jeremy Lin
A private company,built in 1985, mainly focused on automobile and motor
In 1997,got a dramatic development when entered saloon car industry
Its customers (low income to high income class)
Its sales grew quickly
Communication strategy
Domestic strategy
Built Geely College Donated 18million(Wenchuan Earthquake)
International communication strategy
International communication strategy
Many taxis running in London are changed to TX4 which getting many countries' appreciation and has been exported to France,Poland,Saudi and Egypt.

Geely 保养手册

Geely 保养手册
性能,请仔细阅读本手册和随车附带的 《用户手册》 ,它将帮助您更好的了解、使用吉利汽 车,向您介绍遇到问题时基本的解决方法,有效的维护您的权益。
您所驾驶的汽车具有优良的安全性、舒适性、动力性和经济性。若您在使用过程中发现一 些问题,请就近与吉利公司授权的服务站联系。服务站将在保养、维修和配件方面向您提供优 质服务,请您按用户手册及保养规定按期完成保养工作。
获得吉利公司授权的服务站将负责向您提供可能的维修服务。首先,请您将情况反映 至吉利汽车服务站的服务顾问,向其说明情况。如果您认为问题仍未得到解决,可直 接将情况反映至服务站站长。 • 如果认定服务站不能提供解决方案,采取第二步: 与浙江吉利控股集团汽车销售有限公司联系: 品牌服务热线:400-886-9888 通信地址:浙江省杭州市滨江区江陵路 1760 号吉桥大厦辅楼五楼 邮编:310051 公司网址:
质量保修服务条款 依据 《家用汽车产品修理、更换、退货责任规定》的规定,吉利公司为购买吉利品牌的 家用汽车产品用户提供以下质量保修服务:
1. 三包有效期 2 年或 5 万公里,动力总成包修 4 年或 15 万公里,整车包修 3 年或 10 万公 里,特殊零部件包修 3 年或 6 万公里,时间和里程数二者以先到为准。三包有效期和包修 期均自开具新车购车发票之日起生效。质量包修明细详见下表:
用户在吉利汽车服务站处自费修理更换的纯正零件,其质量保修期为自更换之日起 (以维 修发票的开票日期为准) 1 年或 20,000 公里。时间和里程数二者以先到为准。
2. 吉利公司免费更换的纯正零件 在整车保修期内,因产品质量问题而免费更换的纯正零件,其质量保修期为自该零部件更 换之日起 1 年或 20,000 公里,时间数和里程数二者以先到为准。 按照用户有利原则,若新更换的纯正零件质量保证期低于整车剩余保修期,则该零件的质 量保修期随整车保修期限终止而终止。



中高端市场,定价在15-20万元之 间,满足消费者对于性价比的需求。
吉利汽车旗下的中坚力量,代表了 吉利汽车的品质和技术实力。
采用家族式设计语言,线 条流畅,造型动感,符合 年轻消费者的审美需求。
车内空间宽敞,座椅舒适, 提供良好的驾乘体验。
根据市场接受度和销售数据,重新定 位豪情SUV的目标受众和市场策略, 以更好地满足市场需求。
消费者对于车辆的动力性和操控性有一定的 要求,豪情SUV在性能方面表现良好,能够 满足消费者的需求。
消费者对于价格的敏感度较高,豪情SUV在 价格和性价比方面具有竞争力,能够吸引消 费者的关注。
针对年轻家庭和追求品质的消费 者,提供一款兼具时尚设计、舒 适空间和智能科技的SUV车型。
收集目标受众对豪情SUV的意见 和建议,通过调查问卷、在线评 价和访谈等方式获取用户反馈。
通过有效的传播策略,使豪情SUV在目标 市场获得广泛的媒体曝光和关注度。
在社交媒体平台上建立强大的品牌形象, 提高目标受众对豪情SUV的认知度和好感 度。
通过上市传播活动促进豪情SUV的销售增 长,实现市场份额的拓展。
对于希望置换SUV的用户,豪情SUV在价格和性能方面 具有竞争力,成为其考虑的选项之一。



本次红色影片展播活动共影响超过7万人参与,受众人群 广泛,可从中获取大量潜在客户,并为GC7新品宣传起到 良好的作用
活动物料:活动主题易拉宝、活动横幅 费用预算: 影片播放费用1000元/天(含展车摆放费用) 展示车辆GC7 1台 熊猫1台 活动易拉宝 2个 400元 活动横幅300元 活动彩页3万份3000元
1.通过本案使本地区广大消费者了解到GC7,提升GC7在 本地区的知名度。 2.客户口碑——本案中的系列客户活动,提升客户口碑, 通过无形的方式提升GC7好感。 3.自主品牌塑造,通过本案活动塑造自主品牌在市场中的 优质形象,在本地区将吉利全球鹰打造为本地区自主品 牌的代表。 4.通过活动,提升客户的爱国主义情操,加强客户对自主 品牌的关注度。
1-3台念品发放 活动期间凡购买全球鹰GC7均可享受礼品为人民服务礼品一份
活动费用预算: 项目 礼品杯子 礼品T恤 订车看板 活动画面 为人民服务留影板 凉茶供应及茶艺师聘请 活动冷餐 1000/次 3 单价 30 60 200 200 500 数量 100 100 小计 3000 6000 200 200 500 5000 3000
1月 指标
提车量 终端量 库存量
2月 98
101 63 /
3月 135
135 72 /
4月 135
81 62 /
5月 90
90 48 277
合计 530
503 358 277
96 113 /
二、方案策划目的 三、方案基本信息 四、方案内容及流程 五、媒体投放预算 六、活动开展预算 七、方案效果预估 八、方案附件
















GEELY swot

GEELY swot

Ⅰ. Introduction of GeelyZhejiang Geely Holding Group is one of the top ten automobile manufactures in China.2003, Geely began to open up overseas markets, vehicle exports in 2004 reached 5,000, representing the amount of the national car vehicle exports 63.7% in 2005 over 7000 export volume, export target for 2006 is to break 10,000 vehicles. And in accordance with the "madman" Li Shufu, Geely planning blueprint: 2015, Geely's annual sales will reach 2 million, of which two-thirds are sold to the international market.SWOT of Geely AutomobileStrengths1.Well-Established Sales NetworkThe group has established a perfect marketing network in China, with nearly 500 4S shops and nearly 600 service stations; since 2001, the total sales for various kinds of Geely vehicles has accumulated to over 800,000, and the Geely trademark has been recognized as a well-known mark in China. It has established over 200 sales service bases overseas, and performed SKD/CKD assembly production and sales in Ukraine, Russia and Indonesia and other countries, achieving overseas sales of nearly 70,000 vehicles, ranking among the best car exporters in China.2.Emphasis on Research & Development CapabilitiesBy the end of 2009, Geely owns a total of 1,600 technology patents. Geely has a professional research and development team, the staff number of which exceeds 1,400, representing 12% of the total staff of the Group With its extensive investment in research and development, the Group’s R&D team is capable of launching four to five new models every year, reflecting its leading position in R&D and technology innovation capabilities in China’s automobile sector.3.Acquisition of Volvo and Enhanced Green TechnologyNew energy-powered vehicle is the latest trend and it will be the future of t he world’s auto industry. Ford and Volvo have already invested millions of dollars over the past decade in terms of new energy technology. Acquiring Volvo may enhance Geely’s technology in new energy-powered vehicle area, help Geely take a step forward in competing with other homegrown brands, and pave the way for Geely to enter the global auto market.Weaknesses1.Image of Lower-end BrandAlthough Geely has a well-established sales network and growing competence in core technology, it is hard for Geely to alter its lower-end brand image, since its original target market is low cost vehicle. But branding is about value and perceived quality, so price alone can never facilitate a victory. Enhancing quality and ensuring that its cars are on par with the global leading brands are still a major challenge for Geely.2.Less Advanced TechnologyDespite the vast amount of investment in research and development, capital and talents for automobile core technology are limited, and it is hard for Geely to compete with the advanced technology of foreign automobile manufacturers.3.Unsatisfactory Sales in Export MarketsMotor vehicles sales in most parts of the world market remains fragile. As a result, Geely exports business could continue to face major challenges given the fierce competition and the short history of operation in its major export markets.Opportunities1.Continuous Growth of China Sedan MarketChina's passenger vehicle market ended last year with a 59 percent year-on-year sales increase to surpass the United States as the world's largest auto market for the first year.According to estimate of Goldman Sachs Global ECS research report, growth in China car market will be remained for the next 10 years and the industry GDP growth will be 11.4% in 2010 and 10% in 2011. Goldman Sachs Global ECS research teams forecasts that China will further boost its No. 1 position in the car market with sales reaching 30 million units per year by 2020.ernment Policy SupportIn the past few years, the focus of Chinese government policies for automobile industry is to boost sustainable growth in the economy with auto industry as one of its pillars and to support domestic participants and industry consolidation.Threats1.Fierce Competition from both Domestic and Foreign BrandThe huge profit potential of China car market brings about fierce competition among both local and foreign automobile manufacturers. In the luxury automobile market, foreign manufacturers are in leader position due to their sophisticated technology and high brand recognition. While in lower end automobile market, local brands are strong competitors. 2.Possibility of Overcapacity in China Auto MarketSome industrial experts concern that China's market may one day face overcapacity problems. A report from the official news portal of China's eastern Zhejiang province showed that, based on the production plan of China's 12 major auto manufacturers for the next five years, China's auto production would reach 32.5 million units in 2015, far exceeding the forecast of 22 million units in the blue book of China's automobile industry. If Overcapacity problems occur, serious overproduction capacity will lead to negative market competitiveness a loss in enterprise efficiency, factory stoppages and other problems.Ⅱ.Export1.Export to an international destination1. There is a strong momentum of economic development, the WTO, there are a large number of foreign enterprises to enter the Chinese market, and many Chinese enterprises are also out of the country.Chinese governments already take automobile enterprise as the main enterprise of thechina, and the automobile export is the main target. Currently, the situation of China a utomobile export is very well.2. Geely may build factories in foreign countries; establish their own brands. The application of high technology in foreign countries under the Geely can develop their car industries.3. Promote the active participation of China's automobile division of the global automotive industry.4. Domestic cars of auto performance are not very good. Geely has no major development in the Chinese market, after all ,fewer people to buy domestic cars, exports of some industrial advanced countries is a very good strategy.5. Domestic car market in China is limited; there are a lot of foreign cars into the Chinese market. China's domestic auto overcapacity, the reality lead directly to car maker‟s international markets must be to find a way out.Benefits of exporting to international markets1. China‟s auto exports are expected to reach 1 million this year for the first time. The face of the domestic market - China has the world's largest auto market - increasingly fierce competition, China's auto manufacturers found that travel to Iran, Iraq and other more popular cars instead of foreign markets more easily.2. Owns V olvo (V olvo), export volume so far this year ranked second in China Geely (Geely) denies explore export markets are affected by domestic pressures forced. A spokesman for the company said that this year's domestic sale of Geely is expected to grow 10 percent, "We do not need to shift the focus to exports."Geely overseas sales now account for about one-fifth of total sales, the company said, "As overseas sales growth will remain well above the country, this proportion will continue to expand - we have a huge market to be open." Geely has said previously planned to domestic and overseas sales increased to the same level.3. Increased overseas investment, strengthen the development of foreign markets.4. Enhance the local brand of international fame. Establish their brands in overseas.Ⅲ. Potential international marketsSegmentationSince cars getting more and more popular and universal, car market can be segmented more detailed.For Geely, according to geographic segmentation, car export market can be segmented into 3 parts. First are deeply developed regions, which are Europe and America. Second, developing regions, which are the Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. Third are the undeveloped countries.1.AfricaNow as an international band, Geely also doing the complete vehicle export, the targets are the developing regions. Because in these regions, the popularity of automobile still remain low, market potential are higher than developed regions. Besides, the automobile industry in these regions is not advanced as developed countries. The other reason is that Chinese auto companies are subject to the carmarket‟s safety, emission and tech certification standards of North America and West Europe or any other developed countries. The market of Africa is easier to entry by contrast.2.EnglandShanghai Englon is the highest level brand of Geely after Geely‟s strategic transformation. The pricing of Englon TX4 now is over 32,000 dollars. TX4 series has more than 60 years history in England, also known as “London Black Cab”. In 2006, Geely group signed the agreement with British Manganese Bronze Holdings, to joint produce Shanghai Englon TX4, classical business car in Shanghai.3.AmericaWhen Geely just enter into car market, Li Shufu, the chairman of Geely said, …to produce the nice car what normal people can afford.‟ Obviously, the target of Geely auto is ordinary salariat at the beginning. The classic car model of Geely is Geely CK, price ranges from 6,300 dollars to 8,000 dollars. The target customer just are those ordinary salariat whose annual income under 8,000 dollars. Geely seized a tremendous segmented market.Since Geely CK did a perfect performance at the beginning, Geely auto wants to keep it going. Thus, Geely launched more new car models and sub-brands, aim at different target. Such as Geely King Kong, the price between 7,800 dollars and 9,500 dollars, target also is the normal salaries.Ⅳ. Identify its attractiveness as the new international marketPriceThe low-price strategy (5000 dollars to 8000 dollars) made Geely found the slot of car market segmentation, occupied foreign low-level car market rapidly.PlaceGeely auto marketing channel always adopt 4S shop + franchisers + regular chain store + sub-franchisers. 4S shop divide into A,B,C three class according to their hardware scale and software level. Regular chain store settled by 4S shops in their business area directly.Promotion(1) Salesperson promotionIn order to improve salesmen‟s professional skill, Geely require every salesmen anticipate career training, context involving production knowledge, sales skill, sales procedure, enterprise cultural and after-sales service. Ensure every single salesman has strong professional basis. Regarding to salesmen‟s performance, Geely have a complete evaluation, incentive system, even held some top sales competition such as the first one themed “beyond dream” in 2009.(2) AdvertisementComparing to other automobile companies, Geely did fewer investment in advertisement. But all the television advertising did a tremendous effect.(3) Other methodTo customers, offering Price discount, value-added services, credit purchasing and oldcar trade in etc.ProductBefore 2007, Geely major in low-level products. Since May 2007, Geely operated a st rategic transformation, turned the old idea of their manufacture—“to produce the nice car what common people can afford” to “produce the most safe, the most environment protected and the most energy-saving nice car, make Geely car all over the world”. T he core competence changed from cost advantage to technology advantage, safety and service advantage.Geely made their cars safer, quality better, and services better.Ⅴ.Cultural factorsLanguage differencesLanguage is the carrier of culture, but also the culture of one of the elements. According to linguists claim that the world at least 3,000 languages. In fact, each language is representative of a culture, and so on in the world today there are more than 3000 kinds of culture. Enterprises in the international marketing activities should pay full attention to the language of the text. Language is that people communicate with each other in the international marketing of the main tools. Communication links negotiate contracts, advertising and so inseparable languages. To improve international marketing must pay great attention to the applicability language. Different countries have different languages; Geely sold in different places should be translated into the language of that country.In China, the Chinese people prefer black and red car. But in America, they do not like the red car, red represents provocation and unrest. Americans prefer blue and purple, which is the noble color.In America, their land broad, and its population is low. On the holidays, they like to go out. According to that, Geely make the car trunk big, and people can put down a lot of things. Americans love freedom, they can go out with friends, listening some music, and happy together, and the car have more sits.Ⅵ.Positioning strategyImage perceptions: When we see Geely cars, it has safe performance and lower prices. Service positioning:Geely provide good after-sales service.As to the position of sub-brands, Geely Gleagle market position is fashion, individuality, young and energy small car, low class market. Englon is comfortable, classic, caring family car. Emgrand positioning is high class market, high technology, powerful.Geely‟s positioning is the economy, small-displacement, family car, low class market, such as Geely CK and Geely King Kong.Low price positioning strategy: Geely want to use the low class products to satisfy the incompletely car market, Let ordinary consumers can afford a car. The price of Geely car is only 3750~7500 dollars, the purpose is to let the customers who is the first time to buy a car breakthrough their psychological disorder.。

GEELY introduction 吉利公司英文介绍 (课堂PPT)

GEELY introduction   吉利公司英文介绍 (课堂PPT)

According to statistics, GEELY Holding Group exported more than 100,000 units from 2007 to 2010, ranking first among domestic automakers.
1.In March 2009, GEELY Holding Group fully took over the world’s second largest automatic transmission manufacturer DSI
GEELY +Volvo=? More powerful…
Technology innovation
1.“Make the cars that common people can afford”
(1).the most security (2). the most environmental protection (3). the most energy saving
Make good cars that are the safest, most environment-friendly and most efficient, let GEELY cars go around the whole world.
4. Enterprise Spirit



市场端量产张帆2017/12/16卡扣断暂无量产兰常宏2018/1/5球头分水槽损坏√量产潘功友2018/1/10水壶漏水量产刘敏2018/1/25电机转动有轻微异响,但不影响工作√量产张平2018/1/10水壶破裂TTO 刘东辉2018/2/5SX11前喷嘴压力不足发生日期问题描述问题照片点来源产品阶段别反馈人审核宋艾萱2018/1/21气密性测试不合格审核宋艾萱2018/1/21前喷嘴测试不合格,喷水位置与实际存在差异RP1吴杰2016/9/18根据吉利汽车反馈,PR1阶段车型,KC-2洗涤器软管在拆卸过程中断裂。


新增重要宝鸡当时温度过低,零下8度,春晓使用没有问题新增重要经回访询问,喷嘴不定时喷水,属于电机问题新增重要不良件经与吉利SQE陈克林一起确认,漏水部位明显有受外力导致破裂新增重要由于电木介子内孔尺寸φ2.3(-0.005,-0.025)跑上限,导致与轴配合有间隙,工作时产生有异音,不影响工作新增重要用户使用中受外力造成新增重要新款单向阀出水不顺不良真因问题性质(新增、再发)重要度Geely零件问题唯新增重要密封圈偏小,达不到要求,导致泄漏新增重要工装没有充分验证,无法有效调节角度新增重要分析: 经对故障件解剖分析,洗涤软管断裂属于收到外力的破坏,产生了切口,再收到外力的拉伸导致水管的断裂。



共 28 页 第 3 页
GEELY 乘用车空调主机总成技术条件 Q/JLY J7110830A-2014
3.13 吸气器 安装在主机壳体上,用来给室内温度传感器提供室内气流的装置。
4 技术要求 4.1 通用要求 4.1.1 乘用车空调主机总成应符合本标准的要求,并按照规定程序批准的图纸与技术文件 制造。 4.1.2 外观不允许有影响使用性能和安装的缺陷,内外表面应清洁干燥,无破损、裂纹、 气泡、缩孔、起皱、凸起等缺陷;各部件应连接牢固,海绵密封条黏贴牢固、位置准确。 4.1.3 鼓风机运转灵活,旋转方向正确,叶轮与壳体间隙均匀,无碰擦、异响。 4.1.4 风门及控制机构运转灵活,无卡滞、异响等现象,风门开启、关闭位置准确。 4.1.5 所有电器件的线束满足 Q/JLY J7110759A-2013 和 Q/JLY J7110446A-2012。 4.1.6 所有风门执行机构在交付时应停留在预定的位置。 4.1.7 温度范围
共 28 页 第 5 页
GEELY 乘用车空调主机总成技术条件 Q/JLY J7110830A-2014
4.3.2 壳体泄漏 在内部过压为 500Pa 的条件下,空调主机总成的泄漏量不能超过 30m3/h。
4.3.3 模式风门泄漏 在主机加风道风量分配的条件下,吹面、吹面/吹脚、吹脚、吹脚/除霜、除霜各模式
图2 吹面/吹脚模式温度线性要求 吹脚模式温度线性要求
a) 在混合风门位于3/6至6/6位置时,吹脚风口的平均温度应比除霜高(5~15)℃, 比侧吹面风口的温度高(10~20)℃(吹脚模式时除霜风口及侧吹面风口无风的情 况下此条不作要求);
b) 在混合风门位于3/6位置时,吹脚风口的平均温度应为(35±5)℃; c) 在混合风门位于3/6至6/6范围内,吹脚、除霜和侧吹面风口的平均温度曲线不能交



According to statistics, GEELY Holding Group exported more than 100,000 units from 2007 to 2010, ranking first among domestic automakers.
Let GEELY be a widely known brand around the world!
GEELY followed the great state economic strategy of going out and carried out a series of applications of international strategy.
Let GEELY be a widely known brand around the world
It has two meanings:
The energy saving
Most environmental protection
The most secure
3. Swedish King Carl Gustaf
meets withLi Shufu
4. GEELY embarks on a trip of European cultural exchange
5. GEELY has established an international marketing system, and worked out strategic plans for international business circles in the coming five years.



• 上海吉利美嘉峰国际贸易股份有限公司(“吉利国际”)创建于2002年7月, 上海吉利美嘉峰国际贸易股份有限公司(“吉利国际”)创建于2002年
注册资金2000万元,拥有直接对外贸易权,从事汽车出口行业,是吉利控股 注册资金2000万元,拥有直接对外贸易权,从事汽车出口行业,是吉利控股 集团的一级子公司和唯一的进出口窗口。在独联体、中东、非洲、东南亚、 中南美洲等五个战略市场均设有代表处。累计实现海外销售十几万辆,位居 中国轿车出口前列。 秉承集团“让吉利汽车走遍全世界” 秉承集团“让吉利汽车走遍全世界”的理念,吉利国际以 “实现2/3出 实现2/3出 口的伟大梦想” 口的伟大梦想”为最高目标。目前以俄罗斯、乌克兰为首的各代表处发展迅 速,专业的营销队伍深入市场,各代表处运作模式日趋完善,吉利汽车在海 外市场已颇有口碑,并树立了良好的企业品牌形象。 依靠集团的信息化平台,目前公司拥有完备的信息系统,正在使用的有 ERP、DMS等系统。公司将加大投资,完善现有软件系统并将进一步开发其他 ERP、DMS等系统。公司将加大投资,完善现有软件系统并将进一步开发其他 信息化系统,努力实现国际一流的信息化、专业化管理。

• 团队精神”是吉利人基本的指导思想,通过沟通、协调、合作,营造“公平公开公正” • • • • • • • • •
的良好企业环境,形成上下齐心、步调一致的局面。 “我只是一名普通的吉利员工” 我只是一名普通的吉利员工” 好领导、好兄弟、好朋友 海纳百川 内敛力量 走出一条属于自己的团队管理之路 “学习精神”:是吉利人事业成功的源泉,要敢于学习、善于学习,要在变化中学习 学习精神” 与适应,在适应中生成与发展,把主动学习、善于学习视作一种工作能力,长期坚持, 毕生实践。“人人是老师,人人是学生” 毕生实践。“人人是老师,人人是学生”是所有吉利人的基本学习观、人生观。 “创新精神”:是吉利的灵魂,通过开展广泛的科研活动和员工合理化建议,实现全 创新精神” 员创新;通过管理观念和手段的现代化、信息化及规范化,实现管理创新;通过全世 界的广泛合作,全社会的广泛参与实现新技术的合作共赢。 “拼搏精神”:体现在工作的高效率和快节奏上面,体现在完成任务时“不到长城非 拼搏精神”:体现在工作的高效率和快节奏上面,体现在完成任务时“ 好汉”的豪迈情怀中,体现在“不低头,不认输,擦干泪,坚持住”的英雄气概上, 好汉”的豪迈情怀中,体现在“不低头,不认输,擦干泪,坚持住” 体现在制定切合实际的阶段性目标上,鼓励适度超前,反对糜费浮夸。 “实事求是精神”:是吉利事业永葆长青的重要保证。尊重客观事实,研究客观规律 实事求是精神” 是实事求是精神最重要的内涵;因地制宜,寻求正确的解决方案是实事求是精神的灵 魂。 “精益求精精神”:是吉利事业可持续发展的根本要求。精益求精精神的核心内容在 精益求精精神” 于吉利产品的高质量、低成本以及外协配套体系的精细建设。体现在研发、采购、生 产、销售和售后服务环节,以及人才培训培养、管制制度不断完善、成本控制水平不 断提升。



吉利寄希望于通过迎娶沃尔沃而一跃成为汽车贵族的焦急心情可 以理解,但婚姻能否幸福,还有赖于李书福能否跳出以下陷阱。 以理解,但婚姻能否幸福,还有赖于李书福能否跳出以下陷阱。
其一,自大陷阱 自大陷阱。收购方通常会高估自己的整合能力和协同效应。 自大陷阱 其二,信息不对称陷阱 信息不对称陷阱。买家卖家对卖家管理能力、企业文化、员工抵触、 信息不对称陷阱 工会制度等关键问题很难准确评估。 其三,“媒婆”陷阱。买方是孤立的,中介机构总是期盼收购达成以捞取高 额手续费。 其四,工会陷阱 工会陷阱。发达国家普遍存在强大的工会,裁员、降薪甚至考核制度 工会陷阱 的改变,都需要与工会进行艰苦的谈判 其五,文化陷阱 文化陷阱。除了通常意义上的跨文化冲突之外,中国企业走出去还要 文化陷阱 面对西方员工的信任陷阱。 其六,能力陷阱 能力陷阱。中国企业驾驭大型跨国界组织的能力更有待培育,特别是 能力陷阱 跨国供应链管理体系、产品研发体系、绩效考核体系等。尤为关键的是,西 方企业重制度和流程,中国企业则强调速度和灵活性,这种基因上的冲突将 成为整合的巨大阻力。 其七,人才陷阱 人才陷阱。进行大型跨国并购的理想人才应具备3方面的优秀素质:对 人才陷阱 收购方的管理、战略有深刻的理解;有丰富的收购整合经验;跨文化沟通能 力。
把沃尔沃的部分生产转移到国内,以便利用国内较为低廉的劳动力及其 他优势。 向中高档汽车市场转型;开拓海外市场。 吉利“草根”变“贵族”
一、获得先进核心技术 沃尔沃不仅在品牌上具有相当大的价值,而且还把握住了汽车行业未来最大的两个趋 势——安全和新能源。 二、汲取高端人才 一直以来吉利汽车在价格和外观上都给人以“草根”的印象,而要转变这个形象,一定 需要有出色的工业设计人才和品牌策划人才。 三、学习系统的市场营销模型 沃尔沃通过体育营销和大成本的营销让自己的品牌和“绅士精神、挑战极限、高尚生活”紧 密地联系在一起,锁定了追求生活质量、关注安全和环境并且又不爱张扬的用户群体。 四、降低运营成本 如果能生产出一辆汽车是吉利的价格、沃尔沃的质量的话,那么相信市场空间将是非 常巨大的。

geely emgrand 实实在在的升级

geely emgrand 实实在在的升级

032EMGRAND GEELY034 在全新吉利帝豪上,吉利最新的设计语言从内饰开始革新,大尺寸中控屏集成了所有的多媒体功能,空调保留传统按键形式,方向盘后升级了全液晶仪表,排挡区的杯架部分抬得很高,颇有些向豪华车的档次感靠拢的想法,必须承认吉利的内饰无论是科技感还是精致感都有着周身可见的提升,若是稍微来点个性的东西或许效果会更好。


G E E035 吉利最近几款新车给我最多的好感来源就是这里了,对于车内人机工程的处理,吉利表现出了大厂该有的水准。

首先是隔音,每一次都能自成一个亮点,帝豪做到的就是80 km/h 之下几乎可以忽略的风噪,路噪处理的没有风噪干净,但也只有速度过百后对于外来噪音的过滤才会有些无力。


EMGRAND L Y036 配置方面,吉利的G-Netlink系统实用性在市面上排前几名完全不过分,语音系统也相当好用,唤醒和打断的响应都足够出色。


必须提醒一点,不要被网站上的配置表误导,帝豪四个车窗全部是一键升降! 帝豪2019款领军版1.5L CVT尊贵型车身尺寸4 632、1 789、1 470/mm;轴距2 650 mm;发动机型式L4、自然吸气;排量1.5 L;最大功率80 kW;最大扭矩140 N·m;CVT无级变速器;前置前驱;悬架型式前麦弗逊、后扭力梁;轮胎规格205/55 R16;售价9.88万元尽管说80 kW的最大功率的确会在上车之。



小鹏汽车(Geely Auto)是中国最大的汽车制造商之一,该公司于2015年成立,位于浙江省杭州市。











Success story
In 2010 ,Geely acqured Volvo from Ford.
why ? Geely can.(Fully prepared)
In early 2002 , Li Shufu began to deeply inspect Volvo for eight years. In 2007 Li Shufu insight the possibility of acquisition of Volvo, repeatedly visited the Ford headquarters . Although repeatedly refused,but determining is not in vain.As Li Shufu Said: "changing your own destiny can only rely on your own efforts.“
sales in foreign countries
The future Geely will rely on KC, FE and Volvo joint development of intermediate model block based architecture, several major series of productsdevelopment and upgrade "KC, imperial, vision, Jin Gang,the panda", according to the market and consumer demand, different series will have different product types.Based on theFE (Framework Extendable) extensibleplatform for the development of the imperial system as an example, its will have three car, hatchback, Cross and SUV (area) and other models.



吉利8岗位职责(中英文实用版)Job Title: Geely 8 Job ResponsibilitiesPosition Overview:The Geely 8 position is an integral role within the company that requires a diverse skill set and the ability to multitask.The successful candidate will be responsible for a variety of tasks, including but not limited to project management, team coordination, and ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.Responsibilities:- Manage and oversee the planning, execution, and completion of various projects.- Coordinate with different teams and departments to ensure that projects are progressing smoothly and that all necessary resources are available.- Monitor project timelines and budgets, and make adjustments as needed to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.- Communicate with project stakeholders to provide updates on project progress and to address any questions or concerns.- Identify and resolve any issues or obstacles that may arise during the course of a project.- Provide support and guidance to team members to help themachieve their individual and team goals.- Assist in the development and implementation of company policies and procedures.- Perform other duties as assigned by management.岗位要求:- 负责公司各项任务的规划、执行和完成。

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• 金融风暴来袭,主营豪华车业务的沃尔沃轿车公司遭到重创,其在2008 年的销量仅约36万辆,同比降幅达20%以上。在金融危机肆虐的2008年 ,沃尔沃轿车公司的总收入出现了大幅下滑,由07Biblioteka 的约180亿美元跌 至约140亿美元。
• VOLVO的经营状况
2008年9月以来.近200年来逐渐形成的华尔街金融版图,正遭遇‚ 地毯式‛的巨变。破产和另类成为华尔街的关键词。受这次金融风暴 波及,西方各国经济普遍陷入衰退.而福特公司也因此债务缠身。
• 二、成本领先战略
• 降低运营成本
• 高成本恰恰是沃尔沃陷入困境的根本原因,如果能生产出一辆汽车是 吉利的价格、沃尔沃的质量的话,那么市场空间将是非常巨大的,而 这一切并非不可能。李书福可以把吉利做成世界上最便宜的汽车之一 ,相信他也有办法降低沃尔沃的经营成本。如此的话,吉利以低成本 运营高质量,较低售价的沃尔沃必将拥有极好的竞争优势。
• 吉利以18亿美元成功收购瑞典沃尔沃轿车公司100%股权包括了9个系 列产品,3个最新平台,2400多个全球网络,人才和品牌以及重要的 供应商体系 • 。 • 买到100%股权与知识产权 吉利集团将以18亿美元收购沃尔沃轿车。这是中国汽车业迄今为 止最大规模的海外汽车收购案,也是中国车企首次收购国际高端汽车品 牌。 • 福特11年前以64.5亿美元的价格购入沃尔沃,去年因金融危机袭击, 福特决定出售沃尔沃筹措现金,并专注于福特母品牌发展。据了解,在 签约最后关头,双方就成交价格进行了激烈的谈判,业内此前预期成交 价是20亿美元。最终成交价格仅相当于福特当年买入价的1/3,业内分 析人士认为吉利买得比较划算。此协议还有待监管部门的审批。 •
吉利在国内建立相对完善的渠道网络。吉利 汽车要实现国际化,特别是进入欧洲和北美洲市 场,渠道的建设必不可少,如果重新建设一个渠 道,将带来巨大的成本压力。沃尔沃有分布于全 球100多个国家的2400多家经销商,主要集中在欧 洲和北美洲,而这两个市场正是吉利国际化战略 的重要市场,吉利汽车通过战略资源的转化迈过 进入欧洲和北美洲市场的技术门槛,依托利用沃 尔沃的市场渠道进入欧洲和北美洲市场,将具有 非常明显的优势。
• 瑞典沃尔沃汽车公司
• 瑞典著名汽车品牌,又译为富豪,是与奔驰、宝马、 奥迪齐名的国际豪华汽车品牌,该品牌汽车是目前世界上 最安全的汽车。沃尔沃分为沃尔沃集团(Volvo group)和 沃尔沃汽车(Volvo cars)两家公司。 沃尔沃汽车公司是 北欧最大的汽车企业,也是瑞典最大的工业企业集团。沃 尔沃汽车公司原是沃尔沃集团旗下子公司,1999年4月1日 ,福特汽车公司出资64.5亿美元正式收购沃尔沃轿车。 在汽车安全和节能环保方面,有许多独家研发的先进技术 和专利。 • 沃尔沃汽车以质量和性能优异在北欧享有很高声誉,特 别是安全系统方面,美国公路损失资料研究所曾评比过十 种最安全的汽车,沃尔沃荣登榜首。
Internalization 内部化优势
• 吉利就启动了并购沃尔沃项目,并组建了包括国际知名投 行、会计师事务所、律师事务所在内的庞大团队。两年间 ,项目团队与福特进行了大量的信息交换,建立了完整的 财务预测模型,对各类潜在风险进行了定性和定量分析, 并在此基础上确定了收购后的运营管理计划。李书福认为 ,沃尔沃之所以陷入亏损,主要是受金融危机影响销量大 幅下滑,产能放空,以及采购成本过高。实现并购后,吉 利将充分调动发挥瑞典现有管理团队的积极性、主动性和 创造性,制定新的奖励考核机制。在巩固稳定现有欧美成 熟市场的同时,积极开拓以中国为代表的新兴市场,降低 成本、拓宽产品线。
吉利的人才战略主要为自主培养与引进外部优秀人才两方面, 在吉利战略转型之前和战略转型的过程中,吉利引进了不少优秀的人 才。这些人才促成了吉利的战略转型,也是吉利战略转型的一个关键 。其中比较重大的人事变动主要有前杜邦CFO尹大庆、前奔驰中国最 高副总裁童志远、前菲亚特中国总裁沈晖的加盟以及吉利研究院的发 展。这些人才都有非常丰富的汽车企业运营经验,其国际化视野也很 开阔。 包括吉利的研发团队,研发能力强,吉利集团投资数亿元建立 了吉利汽车研究院,已经具备较强的整车、发动机、变速器和汽车电 子电器的开发能力,每年可以推出4-5款全新车型和机型,拥有独特 的技术产权专利。
• • • • • •
吉利与沃尔沃简介 吉利收购沃尔沃的背景 吉利收购沃尔沃案例介绍及过程 吉利汽车战略转型 利用国际折衷理论(OLI)分析 启示
• 吉利
浙江吉利控股集团有限公司是中国汽车行业十强企业。1997年进入 轿车领域以来,凭借灵活的经营机制和持续的自主创新,取得了快速 的发展,资产总值超过200亿元,连续七年进入中国企业500强,连续 五年进入中国汽车行业十强,被评为首批国家‚创新型企业‛和首批 ‚国家汽车整车出口基地企业‛,是‚中国汽车工业50年发展速度最 快、成长最好‛的企业。 集团总部设在杭州,在浙江临海、宁波、 路桥和上海、兰州、湘潭、济南等地建有汽车整车和动力总成制造基 地,拥有年产40万辆整车、40万台发动机、40万台变速器的生产能力 。 2009年吉利集团实现整车销售33万辆,同比增长48%;实现销售 收入165亿元,同比增长28%;实现利税近24亿元,同比增长35%,资 产总值达到230亿元,同比增长64%。
• 吉利汽车战略转型三阶段
有竞争力的品牌 Add Your Your Text Add Text 脱胎换骨 有影响力的品牌 Add Your Your Text Add Text 转型基本完成 有知名度的品牌 Add Your Text 转型初见成效
第三阶段 2012-2015年
• 虽然国际金融风暴对我国经济有一定影响,但是风暴并没有伤到我国 经济的筋骨,吉利汽车公司汽车销量保持迅速增长,吉利战略转型不 断深入,从销售情况来看,吉利的发展形势令人鼓舞。
• 北京时间2010年3月28日,瑞典哥德堡,吉利 集团董事长李书福和福特汽车公司首席财务官 Lewis Booth签署了最终股权收购协议。吉利以18 亿美元成功收购瑞典沃尔沃轿车公司100%股权包 括了9个系列产品,3个最新平台,2400多个全球 网络,人才和品牌以及重要的供应商体系。即获 得沃尔沃轿车公司(简称:沃尔沃轿车)100%的 股权以及相关资产(包括知识产权)。
第二阶段 2010-2012年
第一阶段 2007-2009年
• 一、差异化战略
• 在金融危机的背景下,外资品牌的市场全面缩水,中国成为他们的救 命稻草,他们纷纷通过合资厂商大幅降价,抢占原来本土品牌盘踞的 5万~8万元的低价车市场,使吉利的压力与日俱增。 • 质量差异化优势 • 此次,100%股权收购沃尔沃,吉利有望通过获取沃尔沃的相关技术, 改变中国消费者对国产车“技术含量不高,不够安全”的印象,从而 提升品牌价值。 • 创新差差异化优势 • 吉利收购沃尔沃能够吸取沃尔沃创新精神与能力,促进新型产品的研 发与生产。业内专家认为,沃尔沃有较强的研发能力,在安全技术方 面有独到的创造,吉利今后要利用沃尔沃形成自己的全球战略,发挥 沃尔沃的孵化器功能,“养鸡取卵”,同时形成自己的核心竞争力。
4、吉利集团将保留沃尔沃轿车在瑞典和比利时现有的 工厂,同时也将适时在中国建设新的工厂,使得生产更贴近 中国市场。据记者了解,吉利目前正考虑将沃尔沃在中国 的新工厂设在北京或天津。

国家出台的《汽车产业调整和振兴规划》明确指出: “以结构调整为主线,推进汽车企业兼并重组。”兼并重 组有多种形式,不仅是国内企业之间的兼并重组,也要利 用国际金融危机带来的机遇并购海外的汽车企业。 • 中国汽车业将借助海外并购进入以市场换技术的崭新 阶段在吉利对沃尔沃的收购中,我们应当注意到,吉利“ 不是一个人在战斗”,其背后有国内银行、地方政府乃至 中央政府部门的大力支持。更重要的是,吉利依托的是中 国汽车市场――全球最大的新车市场的主场优势。
• 1、所有权优势 企业所独有的、国外企业无法获得的,或在国际市场 上优越于其他厂商的特定优势。 • 2、区位优势 可供投资的国家或地区对投资者来说在投资环境方面 所具有的优势。 • 3、内部化优势 企业为避免外部市场的不完全性对企业经营不利,通 过直接投资将其资产或所有权内部化过程中所拥有的优势
吉利是一家以经济型轿车起家的民营企业,长久以来,以成本优势 打天下,其“低端、低价”的印象在消费者中根深蒂固,而吉利的远 期发展趋势必要越向高端。为了褪去“草根”气息,踏上现代化企业 征程,所以2007年吉利宣布战略转型。 2007年6月,吉利集团开始进行战略转型,争取用3-5年时间完成 从单纯的低成本战略向高技术、高质量、高效率、国际化的战略转型 。吉利将秉承已经确立的新战略时期的企业愿景:让世界充满吉利, 认真行使企业的使命:造最安全、最环保、最节能的好车,让吉利汽 车走遍全世界。 沃尔沃被誉为“世界上最安全的汽车”,在汽车安全和节能环保方 面有许多独家研发的先进技术和专利。吉利如果将沃尔沃纳入麾下, 将与沃尔沃共享安全技术和零部件体系,这将有助于吉利战略转型的 实现。 战略:是指通过有效组织内部资源,在动态环境中确定组织发展方向, 经营范围,从而获取竞争优势(竞争对手不具备的方式创造价值的能 力)。
• ①瑞典是最早同中国建交的西方国家,号称建设的是民主社会主义. 中瑞两国在政治、经济、文化等各个领域和各个层次的交流与合作日 益增多并取得显著成果。②瑞典首相表示欢迎吉利与沃尔沃最终结盟 ,中国政府也对此事持鼓励态度,在经济和政策方面都给予了很 多 的支持。