scp的用法范文SCP,即安全、收容、保护(Secure, Contain, Protect)的缩写,是一个虚构的组织,存在于一个虚构的宇宙中。
项目代号: Olympia项目编号#: PRJOLM-000134通行与归档编号#: NPF-00051473首席研究员: Kain Pathos Crow教授项目目的: 通过使用若干SCP来成功地创造出一个人形生物,并用它来造福基金会。
■五(5)台Cray CX1,六十四(64)芯片,入门级大规模并行超级计算机。
■五(5)台BASLER L304KC 4080像素三点线素扫描摄像机。
完善与修改程序:■Experiment Log 158-AG■Experiment Log 914-THETA■Experiment Log 040[程序中的此步骤由于技术上的困难而废除]整合程序:■Olympia Integration Experiment ALPHA - 通过复合材料进行物质身体整合■Olympia Integration Experiment BETA - 物质身体与精神身体的整合■Olympia Integration Experiment GAMMA - 对主体的身体与精神能力进行测试■Olympia Integration Experiment OMEGA - 最终实验批量生产:经过几天对原始模型(Olympia 零)的研究后,决定对其进行多种用途的大规模批量化生产。
在 Site-0 的有利位置拍摄的 SCP-001 图片。注意位于图片上方到两侧的四个燃烧的“翼”状附属物
Bright 博士最近的化身 姓名: Jack Bright 博士,也可以叫他医生,J 博士,或者“我去,不”。 安全许可等级: █级。在最近的事件发生后,Bright 博士被提升为 17、19 和 63 号地点的人事主管。 职务: 研究员,疯狂科学家,基金会中的赌博经纪人 所属设施: 任何有需要的地方。 历史背景: 在生物工程和基因变异领域登峰造极。基金会收容他的弟弟 SCP-590 时同时征召他为工作人员。 被分配了 SCP-963 的研究工作,因其而死亦因其复生。自那之后在数个 SCP 的研究中起到重要作用,并且协 助了更多 SCP 的精密实验。 SCP 作品: SCP-963 不朽 SCP-590 与汝共苦 SCP-719 上帝之怒 SCP-720 上帝之耳 SCP-721 上帝之声 SCP-437 伐木者之斧 SCP-5555-j Chibinator SCP-573 魔笛 SCP-361 自卜塔罗牌 SCP-050 致至智 SCP-627 无限圆 SCP-644 液岩 SCP-894 - 勿言,勿闻,勿视 SCP-667 - 葛花仙子 SCP-528 - 巫毒橡皮泥 SCP-029 - 暗影之女 SCP-161 - Pinwheels of DOOM!!! SCP-057 - Love Spring 爱泉(此条目已被删除,现 057 为 The Daily Grind;译注) SCP-321 - the Child 孩子(此条目已被删除,现 321 为 Child of Man;译注) SCP-100-J - 一大坨热腾腾的马粪
UNDELIV 全球通用户因为状态不正确如处于停机、挂起等状态而导致用户无法接收到短信 不可及 不处理
2 SCP返回的错误
状态报告 含义 说明 处理建议
CA:0051 尚未建立连接 移动内部错误 不处理
CA:0052 尚未成功登录 移动内部错误 不处理
MB:4024 移动内部错误 不处理
MB:4025 移动内部错误 不处理
MC:0015 移动内部错误 不处理
MC:0021 移动内部错误 不处理
MC:0055 移动内部错误 不处理
MC:0151 移动内部错误 不处理
MC:0199 移动内部错误 不处理
DB:0101 手机号码错误 号码无效或者空号 清除订购关系
DB:0102 用户停机 用户已经停机 多用于点播业务鉴权 程序检查LinkID和业务代码是否正确
DB:0115 用户没有订购该业务 订购关系不同步 清除订购关系
CA:0054 超时未接收到响应消息 移动内部错误 不处理
CA:0111 SCP厂家自定义的错误码 移动内部错误 不处理
CB:0001 非神州行预付费用户 号码无效或者空号 清除订购关系
CB:0005 PPS用户状态异常(包括未头次使用、储值卡被封锁、储值卡进入保留期、储值卡挂失) 移动用户帐户数据异常 清除订购关系
MK:0036 移动内部错误 不处理
MK:0053 移动内部错误 不处理
MK:0057 移动内部错误 不处理
MK:0255 移动内部错误 不处理
MIL-STD-704F12 MARCH 2004SUPERSEDINGMIL-STD-704E1 MAY 1991DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEINTERFACE STANDARDAIRCRAFT ELECTRIC POWERCHARACTERISTICSAMSC N/A AREA SESSFOREWORD1. This standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.2. The purpose of this interface standard is to ensure compatibility between the aircraft electric system, external power, and airborne utilization equipment.3. Comments, suggestions, or questions on this document should be addressed to Commander, Naval Air Systems Command, Code4.1.4, Highway 547, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100 or email to thomas.omara@. Since contact information can change, you may want to verify the currency of this address information using the ASSIST Online database at .PARAGRAPH PAGE FORWARD (ii)1. SCOPE (1)1.1 Scope (1)2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENT (1)2.1 General (1)2.2 Government documents (1)2.2.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks (1)2.3 Order of precedence (1)3. DEFINITIONS (1)3.1 Acronyms used in this standard (1)3.2 Abnormal operation (2)3.3 AC voltage (2)3.4 Aircraft electric power systems (2)3.5 Crest factor (2)3.6 Current (2)3.7 Current modulation (2)3.8 DC voltage (2)3.9 Distortion (3)3.10 Distortion factor (3)3.11 Distortion spectrum (3)3.12 Electric starting operation (3)3.13 Emergency operation (3)3.14 External power source (3)3.15 Frequency (3)3.16 Frequency modulation (3)3.17 Load unbalance (3)3.18 Normal operation (3)3.19 Overfrequency and underfrequency (4)3.20 Overvoltage and undervoltage (4)3.21 Point of regulation (4)3.22 Power factor (4)3.23 Pulsed load (4)3.24 Rate of change of frequency (4)3.25 Ripple (4)3.26 Steady state (4)3.27 Transfer operation (4)3.28 Transient (5)3.29 Utilization equipment (5)3.30 Utilization equipment terminals (5)3.31 Voltage modulation (5)3.32 Voltage phase difference (5)3.33 Voltage unbalance (5)PARAGRAPH PAGE 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (5)4.1 Aircraft electric power system requirements (5)4.1.1 Aircraft electric power system performance (5)4.1.2 Electric power source characteristics (5)4.1.3 Protective devices (6)4.2 Aircraft utilization equipment requirements (6)4.2.1 Power compatibility (6)4.2.2 Operation (6) Normal operation (6) Abnormal operation (6) Transfer operation (6) Emergency operation (6) Starting operation (6)4.2.3 Power failure (7)4.2.4 AC power utilization (7)4.3 External power source requirement (7)4.4 Test requirements (7)5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS (7)5.1 Transfer operation characteristics (7)5.2 AC power characteristics (7)5.2.1 Type system (7)5.2.2 Phase sequence (8)5.2.3 Normal operation (8)5.2.4 Abnormal operation (8)5.2.5 Emergency operation (8)5.3 DC power characteristics (8)5.3.1 Type system (8)5.3.2 28 volts DC system (8) Normal operation (8) Abnormal operation (8) Emergency operation (9) Electric starting (9)5.3.3 270 volts DC system (9) Normal operation (9) Abnormal operation (9) Emergency operation (9)5.4 Load characteristics (9)5.4.1 Grounding (9)5.4.2 Load unbalance (9)5.4.3 Power factor (9)5.4.4 Polarity or phase reversal (9)5.4.5 Multiple input terminals (9)PARAGRAPH PAGE 6. NOTES (10)6.1 Intended use (10)6.2 Considerations (10)6.3 Supersession data (10)6.4 International standardization implementation (10)6.5 Changes from previous issue (10)6.6 Application of this standard in utilization equipment specifications (10)6.7 Pulsed load design issues (11)6.8 Non-linear loads and effects (11)6.9 Precedence (11)6.10 Guidance and lessons learned (11)6.10.1 Compatibility and testing (11)6.10.2 Compatibility and installation (12)6.11 Subject term (keyword) listing (12)TABLESI AC normal operation characteristics - 400 Hertz (see 5.2.3) (13)II AC normal operation characteristics - variable frequency (see 5.2.3) (13)III AC normal operation characteristics - 60 Hertz (see 5.2.3) (14)IV DC normal operation characteristics (see, (14)FIGURES1 Load unbalance limits for three phase utilization equipment (15)2 Phasor diagram showing required phase sequence relationship (16)3 Envelope of normal 400 Hz and variable frequency AC voltage transient (17)4 Limits for 400 Hz and variable frequency AC overvoltage and undervoltage (18)5 Envelope of normal 400 Hz AC frequency transient (19)6 Limits for 400 Hz AC overfrequency or underfrequency (20)7 Maximum distortion spectrum of 400 Hz and variable frequency AC voltage (21)8 Envelope of normal 60 Hz voltage transient (22)9 Limits for 60 Hz AC overvoltage and undervoltage (23)10 Envelope of normal 60 Hz AC frequency transient (24)11 Limits for 60 Hz AC overfrequency and underfrequency (25)12 Maximum distortion spectrum of 60 Hz AC voltage (26)13 Envelope of normal voltage transients for 28 volts DC system (27)14 Limits for overvoltage and undervoltage for 28 volts DC system (28)15 Maximum distortion spectrum for 28 volts DC system (29)16 Envelope of normal voltage transient for 270 volts DC system (30)17 Limits for DC overvoltage and undervoltage for 270 volts DC system (31)18 Maximum distortion spectrum for 270 volts DC system. (32)CONCLUDING MATERIAL (33)1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This standard establishes the requirements and characteristics of aircraft electric power provided at the input terminals of electric utilization equipment. MIL-HDBK-704-1 through-8 defines test methods and procedures for determining airborne utilization equipment compliance with the electric power characteristics requirements defined herein. Electromagnetic interference and voltage spikes are not covered by this standard.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 General. The document listed in this section is specified in sections 3, 4, and 5 of this standard. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this standard or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements documents cited in sections 3, 4, and 5 of this standard, whether or not they are listed.2.2 Government documents.2.2.1 Specifications, standards and handbooks. The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION AGREEMENTSSTANAG 3456 Aircraft Electrical System Characteristics(Copies of this document are available online at /quicksearch/ or or from the Standardization Document Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue, Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.)2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein, the text of this standard takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. DEFINITIONS3.1 Acronyms used in this standard. The acronyms used in this standard are defined as follows:a. AC −Alternating Currentb. COTS −Commercial Off-The-Shelfc. DC −Direct Currentd. DoD −Department of Defensee. kVA −kilovolt-amperef. NATO −North Atlantic Treaty Organizationg. POR −Point of Regulationh. RMS −Root Mean Squarei. STANAG −Standardization Agreementj. VA −Volt-ampere3.2 Abnormal operation. Abnormal operation occurs when a malfunction or failure in the electric system has taken place and the protective devices of the system are operating to remove the malfunction or failure from the remainder of the system before the limits for abnormal operation are exceeded. The power source may operate in a degraded mode on a continuous basis where the power characteristics supplied to the utilization equipment exceed normal operation limits but remain within the limits for abnormal operation.3.3 AC voltage. AC voltage is the root mean square (RMS) phase to neutral value for each half cycle.a. Steady state AC voltage is the time average of the RMS voltage over a period not to exceed one second.b. Peak AC voltage is the maximum absolute value of the instantaneous voltage.c. The direct current (DC) component of the AC voltage is the average value of the voltage.3.4 Aircraft electric power systems. An aircraft electric power system consists of a main power source, emergency power source, power conversion equipment, control and protection devices, and an interconnection network (wires, cables, connectors, etc.). The main power is derived from aircraft generators driven by the aircraft propulsion engines. Emergency power is derived from batteries, engine bleed air, independent auxiliary power units, ram air driven generators, or hydraulically driven generators.3.5 Crest factor. The crest factor is the absolute value of the ratio of the peak to the RMS value for each half cycle of the voltage waveform.3.6 Current. Alternating Current (AC) current is the RMS value for one half cycle measured between consecutive zero crossings of the fundamental frequency component. Direct Current (DC) current is the instantaneous value.3.7 Current modulation. Current modulation is the difference between maximum current and minimum current. Percent current modulation is the ratio of the current modulation to the average (mean for DC, RMS of the fundamental for AC) current multiplied by 100 over a one second period.3.8 DC voltage. Steady state DC voltage is the time average of the instantaneous DC voltage over a period not to exceed one second.3.9 Distortion. AC distortion is the RMS value of the AC waveform exclusive of the fundamental. In a DC system, DC distortion is the RMS value of the alternating voltage component on the DC voltage.3.10 Distortion factor. The AC distortion factor is the ratio of the AC distortion to the RMS value of the fundamental component. The DC distortion factor is the ratio of the DC distortion to the DC steady state voltage.3.11 Distortion spectrum. The distortion spectrum quantifies AC or DC distortion in terms of the amplitude of each frequency component. The distortion spectrum includes the components resulting from amplitude and frequency modulation as well as harmonic and non-harmonic components of the waveform.3.12 Electric starting operation. Electric starting operation is a specialized case of normal electric system operating conditions where the normal voltage limits may be exceeded due to the high electric demand. The voltage limits for normal operation may be exceeded during the following starting conditions:a. An electric start of the propulsion engine. (Battery power, aircraft DC power or external power applied on the aircraft bus.)b. A battery start of an auxiliary power unit.3.13 Emergency operation. Emergency operation occurs following the loss of the main generating equipment when a limited electric source, independent of the main system, is used to power a reduced complement of distribution and utilization equipment selected to maintain flight and personnel safety.3.14 External power source. The external power source refers to the ground or shipboard power source used to provide power to the aircraft's electrical distribution system.3.15 Frequency. Frequency is the reciprocal of the period of the AC voltage waveform. The unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz). Steady state frequency is the time average of the frequency over a period not to exceed one second.3.16 Frequency modulation. Frequency modulation is the difference between the maximum and minimum frequency values that occur in a one-minute period during steady state operating conditions. Frequency modulation is a measure of the stability of the power system's frequency regulation.3.17 Load unbalance. Load unbalance for a three-phase load is the difference between the highest and lowest phase loads.3.18 Normal operation. Normal operation occurs when the system is operating as intended in the absence of any fault or malfunction that degrades performance beyond established requirements. It includes all system functions required for aircraft operation exceptduring the electric starting of propulsion engines and the battery start of an auxiliary power unit. Normal operation includes switching of utilization equipment, prime mover speed changes, synchronizing and paralleling of power sources, and operation from external power sources.Transfer operation, as defined herein, is a normal function. It is treated separately in this standard because of the power interruption that it may produce.Conducted switching spikes, which are excursions of the instantaneous voltage not exceeding 50 microseconds, are normal operation characteristics.3.19 Overfrequency and underfrequency. Overfrequency and underfrequency are those frequencies that exceed the limits for normal operation and are limited by the action of protective devices.3.20 Overvoltage and undervoltage. Overvoltage and undervoltage are those voltages that exceed the limits for normal operation and are limited by the action of protective devices.3.21 Point of regulation. The POR is that point at which a power generation source senses and regulates the system voltage. The POR should be at the input terminals of the line contactor connecting the power source to the load bus.3.22 Power factor. The ratio of real power (measured in watts) to apparent power (measured in volt-amperes).3.23 Pulsed load. Pulsed loads are loads whose power requirement varies under steady state conditions because of underlying physical phenomena or the inherent operating mode of equipment.3.24 Rate of change of frequency. The rate of change of frequency is defined as the ratio of the absolute difference in frequency over a designated period of time to the designated period of time. The unit of rate of change of frequency is designated Hertz per second (Hz/s).3.25 Ripple. Ripple is the variation of voltage about the steady state DC voltage during steady state electric system operation. Sources of ripple may include, but are not limited to, voltage regulation instability of the DC power source, commutation/rectification within the DC power source, and load variations within utilization equipment.Ripple amplitude is the maximum absolute value of the difference between the steady state and the instantaneous DC voltage.3.26 Steady state. Steady state is that condition in which the characteristics remain within the limits for normal operation steady state characteristics throughout an arbitrarily long period of time. Steady state conditions may include lesser transients.3.27 Transfer operation. Transfer operation occurs when the electric system transfers between power sources, including transfers from or to external power sources.3.28 Transient. A transient is a changing value of a characteristic that usually occurs asa result of normal disturbances such as electric load change and engine speed change. A transient may also occur as a result of a momentary power interruption or an abnormal disturbance such as fault clearing.a. Transients that do not exceed the steady state limits are defined as lesser transients.b. Transients that exceed the steady state limits but remain within the specified normal transients limits are defined as normal transients.c. Transients that exceed normal transients limits as a result of an abnormal disturbance and eventually return to steady state limits are defined as abnormal transients.3.29 Utilization equipment. Utilization equipment is that equipment which receives power from the electric power system.3.30 Utilization equipment terminals. Utilization equipment terminals provide the interface with the electric power system. Power interconnections, within the utilization equipment or equipment system, are excluded.3.31 Voltage modulation. Voltage modulation is the variation of AC voltage during steady state AC electric system operation. Sources of voltage modulation may include, but are not limited to, voltage regulation stability of the AC power source, generator speed variations, and load variations within utilization equipment. Voltage modulation amplitude is the difference between the maximum and minimum AC voltage values that occur in a one second period during steady state operating conditions.3.32 Voltage phase difference. The voltage phase difference is the difference in electrical degrees between the fundamental components of any two-phase voltages taken at consecutive zero crossings traced in the negative to positive direction.3.33 Voltage unbalance. Voltage unbalance is defined as the maximum difference between RMS phase voltage amplitudes at the utilization equipment terminals.4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS4.1 Aircraft electric power system requirements.4.1.1 Aircraft electric power system performance. The aircraft electric power system shall provide electric power having the characteristics specified in this standard at the utilization equipment terminals during all operations of the power system.4.1.2 Electrical power source characteristics. The characteristics of the electrical power measured at the output terminals of an unregulated power source or the POR of a regulated power source shall be within the limits specified in the applicable detail specification of thepower source. It is the responsibility of the airframe manufacturer or modifier to provide the distribution and protection network to the terminals of the utilization equipment while maintaining the power characteristics specified in this standard.4.1.3 Protective devices. Protective devices shall function independently of control and regulation equipment.4.2 Aircraft utilization equipment requirements.4.2.1 Power compatibility. Utilization equipment shall be compatible with the power characteristics specified herein. Utilization equipment shall not require electric power of better quality than specified herein. Utilization equipment shall be compatible with the applicable aircraft specification requirements for control of electromagnetic interference and voltage spikes induced by lightning, electromagnetic pulses, and power switching. Electromagnetic interference and voltage spikes are not covered by this standard.4.2.2 Operation. When supplied electric power having characteristics specified herein, aircraft utilization equipment shall provide the level of performance required by its detail specification for each operating condition. Operation of utilization equipment shall not cause the power characteristics at its terminals to exceed the limits specified herein. Utilization equipment operation under any electric system operating condition shall not have an adverse effect on or cause malfunction of the electric system. Normal operation. Utilization equipment shall provide the level of performance specified in its detail specification. Abnormal operation. Utilization equipment shall be permitted a degradation or loss of function unless otherwise specified in its detail specification. Utilization equipment shall not suffer damage or cause an unsafe condition. Utilization equipment shall automatically resume full performance when normal operation of the electrical system is restored. Transfer operation. Utilization equipment may not be required to operate under the transfer condition unless a level of performance is specified by its detail specification. Utilization equipment shall automatically resume specified performance when normal operating characteristics are resumed. Emergency operation. Utilization equipment shall provide the level of performance specified in its detail specification when such performance is essential for flight or safety. Starting operation. Utilization equipment shall provide the level of performance specified in its detail specification when performance is essential during the starting operation.4.2.3 Power failure. The loss of power (AC or DC) or the loss of one or more phases of AC power to any utilization equipment terminal shall not result in an unsafe condition or damage to utilization equipment.4.2.4 AC power utilization. Utilization equipment that requires more than 0.5 kVA of AC power shall be configured to utilize three-phase steady state balanced power. Load unbalance of individual utilization equipment shall be within the limits of figure 1. The load unbalance of utilization equipment whose total load is greater than 30 kVA shall be no greater than 3.33 percent of its total three-phase load. Single-phase AC power shall be used only on a line-to-neutral basis. AC power shall not be half-wave rectified.4.3 External power source requirement. External electric power sources shall supply power having the characteristics specified in this standard at the power input terminals of the aircraft electric utilization equipment. In order to allow for steady state voltage drop between the aircraft external power receptacle and the aircraft utilization equipment terminals, the voltage at the external power receptacle shall be as follows:a. AC system 113 to 118 volts (AC voltage drop of 0 to 5 volts)b. 28 VDC system 24 to 29 volts (DC voltage drop of 0 to 2 volts)c. 270 VDC system 260 to 280 volts (DC voltage drop of 0 to 10 volts)4.4 Test requirements. Equipment testing is required to demonstrate utilization equipment compatibility with the electric power characteristics of this standard. Utilization equipment test requirements shall be in accordance with the equipment detail specification. The applicable test methods of MIL-HDBK-704 shall be used to determine that the utilization equipment complies with this standard. Aircraft shall be tested to demonstrate that the aircraft electric system power characteristics are within the limits of this standard throughout all operating conditions of the aircraft and its utilization equipment. Aircraft test requirements shall be in accordance with the aircraft detail specification.5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS5.1 Transfer operation characteristics. Under conditions of bus or power source transfers, voltage and frequency shall not vary between zero and normal operating limits for longer than 50 milliseconds. A normal transient may occur upon completion of a transfer.5.2 AC power characteristics.5.2.1 Type system. AC systems shall provide electrical power using single-phase or three-phase wire-connected grounded neutral systems. The voltage waveform shall be a sine wave with a nominal voltage of 115/200 volts and a nominal frequency of 400 Hz. Variable frequency and double-voltage systems may be used as alternative electrical power systems. Variable frequency systems have frequencies varying from 360 to 800 Hz with a nominal voltage of 115/200 volts. Double-voltage systems have nominal voltages of 230/400 volts and a nominal frequency of 400 Hz. A third alternative for secondary electric power systems is single-phase 60Hz systems. These systems have a nominal voltage of 115 volts with a nominal frequency of 60 Hz and are used in support of COTS equipment only.All power types may not be available on all aircraft platforms. The selection of the input power type for utilization equipment shall take into consideration the aircraft power types available on the intended platform and the capacity of the electrical system of that aircraft platform.5.2.2 Phase sequence. The phase sequence shall be A-B-C and aircraft wiring and equipment terminals shall be marked accordingly. Generator terminals shall be marked T1-T2-T3 corresponding to A-B-C, respectively. The phase sequence shall be counterclockwise (positive) as shown on figure Normal operation. Normal operation characteristics shall be in accordance with figures 3, 5, and 7, table I for 400 Hz systems and table II for variable frequency systems; and figures 8, 10 and 12, and table III for 60 Hz systems.For variable frequency systems the rate of change of frequency from onset of a normal frequency transient measured for over a period of time of greater than 25 milliseconds shall not exceed 250 Hz per second.5.2.4 Abnormal operation. The overvoltage and undervoltage values shall be within the limits of figure 4 for 400 Hz and variable frequency systems and figure 9 for 60 Hz systems. The overfrequency and underfrequency values shall be within the limits of figure 6 for 400 Hz systems, and figure 11 for 60 Hz systems. The overfrequency and underfrequency for variable frequency systems shall not exceed the 360 - 800 Hz steady state values.For variable frequency systems the rate of change of frequency from onset of an abnormal frequency transient measured for over a period of time of greater than 25 milliseconds shall not exceed 500 Hz per second.5.2.5 Emergency operation. All power characteristics in emergency operation shall be the same as normal operation.5.3 DC power characteristics.5.3.1 Type system. DC systems shall provide power using direct current, two-wire or negative ground return system having a nominal voltage of 28 Volts or 270 Volts. These systems shall conform to figures 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and table IV.5.3.2 28 volts DC system. Normal operation. Normal operation characteristics shall be in accordance with figures 13, 15 and table IV. Abnormal operation. Overvoltage and undervoltage values shall be within the limits of figure Emergency operation. The DC steady state voltage in emergency operation shall be between 16 and 29 volts. Electric starting. The DC voltage in electric starting operation shall be between 12 and 29 volts. Electric starting of an auxiliary power unit (other than battery starts) is a normal operating function and is not included under this condition.5.3.3 270 volts DC system. Normal operation. Normal operation characteristics shall be in accordance with figures 16 and 18 and table IV. Abnormal operation. Overvoltage and undervoltage values shall be within the limits of figure Emergency operation. All power characteristics in emergency operation shall be the same as normal operation.5.4 Load characteristics.5.4.1 Grounding. All electrical power input terminals, including AC neutral and DC negative terminals, shall be electrically isolated from case ground. Equipment chassis shall not be used for power returns.5.4.2 Load unbalance. Load unbalance of three-phase AC equipment shall be in accordance with figure 1. Load unbalance of equipment exceeding 30 kVA shall not exceed3.33 percent of the total three-phase load.5.4.3 Power factor. Power factor of AC equipment greater than 500 VA shall be between 0.85 lagging and unity when operating at 50 percent or more of its rated load current in steady state condition. AC equipment shall not have leading power factor when operating at more than 100 VA.5.4.4 Polarity or phase reversal. Three-phase AC equipment shall not be damaged by reversal of input phase sequence. Single-phase AC equipment shall not be damaged by reversal of line and neutral connections. DC equipment shall not be damaged by reversal of positive and negative connections. Employing a positive physical means to prevent phase or polarity reversal shall also fulfill this requirement.5.4.5 Multiple input terminals. Equipment having multiple input terminals for connection to more than one power source shall isolate the inputs from each other so that one power source cannot supply power to another. AC inputs shall not be paralleled. DC inputs shall be protected with blocking diodes if they are paralleled.。
1. SCP-999:被称为“善良的黏糊怪物”,它是一个类似史莱姆的生物,具有极高的智商和情感。
2. SCP-208:一个名为“可爱小姐”的实体,看起来像一个穿着粉色裙子的女孩。
3. SCP-2295:一个名为“儿童王国”的维度,里面充满了幸福和欢乐。
4. SCP-2967:一个名为“肥皂泡乐园”的维度,里面充满了各种彩色的泡泡。
SCP 框架的基本涵义是,市场结构决定企业在市场中的行为,而企业行为又决定市场运行在各个方面的经济绩效。
scp资料一切都始于scp-1732007年的夏天,一个叫做“4chan”的美国论坛上发布了一篇名为《scp-173“The Statue”》的帖子。
鉴于scp-173的危险性,scp 基金会将其封锁在一个收容区域里,并保证同一时间至少有三个人同时盯着它,这样才能保证他们各自有机会眨眼睛而不被scp-173杀死Q:SCP基金会是什么机构?基金会的目标是什么?特殊收容措施又是什么?A:SCP基金会全称Special Containment Procedures Foundation,是一个全球性的秘密组织,他们的目标是收容和销毁全球的超自然物品/人物/现象(即SCP),以让普通人能生活在一个相对安全的世界中,基金会的活动是完全不受各大国的政府干扰的(同时,基金会是非常,非常,非常有钱的),但是在某些情况下基金会会选择与各大国政府合作来达成其目的。
DicomObjects用户手册 中文版
1.1结构............................................ ................................................. (3)1.2支持的语言............................................... .................................................................... .......... .4 1.3使用COM对象模型的效果.......................................... .. (4)1.4 DicomObjects中的集合.............................................. .. (4)1.5 Dicom对象的DICOM数据表示........................................................................ .. (5)1.6解释和使用序列............................................. .. (7)1.7私有属性............................................... .................................................................... (7)2第一步- 阅读,查看和写入DICOM文件................................................................... . (9)2.1您的第一个DICOM计划............................................. . (9)2.2将映像写入磁盘............................................ . (10)3通过网络简单地发送和接收图像........................................ . (11)3.1发送图像.................................................. ................................................................ .. (11)3.2接收图像............................................... ..................................................................... (11)4查询/检索(SCU)........................................... .......................................................... .. (13)4.1公共特性............................................... ................................................................... .. (13)4.2 DoQuery ............................................... ................................................................................ . 14 4.3 GetImages ............................................... . (14)4.4 GetUsingMove ................................................ (15)4.5 DoRawQuery ................................................ (15)4.6 MoveSync ................................................ .. (15)4.7 MoveImages ................................................ . (15)4.8基于Dicom连接的Q / R方法........................................... ............................ ....... ......... .. (15)5离线媒体............................................. ................................................. ..... ....... (17)5.1阅读............................................... ................................................. .......... ....... ....... .. (17)5.2创建................................................ ................................................. (18)5.3更新............................................... ................................................. . (19)5.4乘以引用的目录记录............................................. . (19)6打印............................................ ................................................. . (20)6.1使用DicomPrint打印.................................................. .. (20)6.2使用标准化操作打印............................................. . (22)6.3将DICOM图像打印到Windows打印机.......................................... . (22)7将DICOM图像导出到其他格式........................................... . (23)7.1单帧............................................... ................................................. . (23)7.2多帧图像/电影........................................... .. (23)7.3非文件导出............................................. ...................................................................... (23)8高级图像审查站............................................. (24)8.1基本查看控件................................................ . (24)8.2多帧(电影)图像.......................................... .. (24)8.3注释............................................ ................................................. . (25)8.4查找表............................................... ................................................. (28)8.5 DICOM灰度呈现状态............................................. . (28)8.6显示速度优化................................................ . (29)9.1在Web服务器上运行DicomObjects . .... .......................................... .. (31)9.2在Web客户端上运行DicomObjects .......... .... .................................. . (33)10写路由器/修改器.................................. .... .... .............. ...................................................... (35)11编写DICOM服务器............................................. ................................................................ (36)11.1聆听协会的对象........................................... (36)11.2验证协会............................................... .. (37)11.3处理C-STORE操作............................................ . (37)11.4处理查询/检索请求............................................ .. (38)11.5处理C-ECHO请求............................................ .. (42)11.6传输语法和质量问题............................................ (42)11.7性能和可靠性问题............................................. (43)11.8模态WorkList SCP .............................................. (44)11.9打印SCP ............................................... ................................................. (44)11.10存储承诺SCP ................................................ (45)12访问和修改像素数据............................................ (46)12.1原始指针的语言............................................. . (46)12.2使用变量数组的语言............................................. .. (47)13创建DICOM图像.............................................. .................................................................. (48)13.1导入其他格式................................................ .. (48)13.2导入多帧图像.................................................. (49)13.3从划痕............................................... ................................................................... (50)14使用模态WorkList作为SCU ........................................... (52)15语言特定功能.............................................. . (53)15.1 Visual Basic ............................................... .................................................. . (53)15.2 VBScript ................................................ ................................................. (53)15.3应用程序的Visual Basic(例如MS Access)........................................ .. (53)15.4 Microsoft Visual C ++ ................................................ ........................................................ (53)15.5 Borland Delphi和Borland C ++ Builder ........................................... (55)15.6 Java ................................................ ................................................. . (56)15.7其他环境............................................... ................................................. (56)16日志记录................................................ ................................................. .. (57)16.1日志详细信息和级别............................................. ........................................................... .. 57 16.2文件记录............................................... ................................................. (57)16.3 DicomLog控制................................................ . (58)17高级使用............................................... ................................................. (59)17.1超车注册表值............................................ (59)17.2更改默认SOP类的列表.......................................... (59)17.3传输语法选择.................................................. (60)17.4私人SOP类................................................ .................................................................. . (61)17.5私有传输语法 (61)17.6存储承诺............................................... ............................................................................ (61)1简介本用户手册是DicomObjects帮助文件的重要补充。
scp命令详解网站建设经验丰富的朋友会发现,linux系统的主机是网站建设的首先,这篇文章主要介绍了scp命令,scp如何做远程拷贝,下面小编帮助大家解决有关scp命令相关知识,需要的朋友可以参考下svn 删除所有的 .svn文件代码如下:find . -name .svn -type d -exec rm -fr {} \;linux之cp/scp命令+scp命令详解名称:cp使用权限:所有使用者使用方式:cp [options] source destcp [options] source... directory说明:将一个档案拷贝至另一档案,或将数个档案拷贝至另一目录。
把计-a 尽可能将档案状态、权限等资料都照原状予以复制。
-r 若 source 中含有目录名,则将目录下之档案亦皆依序拷贝至目的地。
-f 若目的地已经有相同档名的档案存在,则在复制前先予以删除再行复制。
范例:将档案 aaa 复制(已存在),并命名为 bbb :cp aaa bbb将所有的C语言程式拷贝至 Finished 子目录中 :cp *.c Finished命令:scp不同的Linux之间copy文件常用有3种方法:第一种就是ftp,也就是其中一台Linux安装ftp Server,这样可以另外一台使用ftp的client程序来进行文件的copy。
第二种方法就是采用samba服务,类似Windows文件copy 的方式来操作,比较简洁方便。
scp /home/daisy/full.tar.gz root@然后会提示你输入另外那台172.19.2.75主机的root用户的登录密码,接着就开始copy 了。
1.邪典至尊遁地之鼠最邪典巡礼(一) [J], 史丹利五;
2.今天我们如何谈论邪典?——《定义邪典电影》翻译有感 [J], 李闻思
3.学龄前儿童扮演类邪典游戏设计中的伦理问题分析 [J], 孙淑萍;张伊
4.学龄前儿童扮演类邪典游戏设计中的伦理问题分析 [J], 孙淑萍;张伊
5.分类与预防:儿童邪典作品的刑法规制研究 [J], 陈禹衡
十分有趣的SCP资料项目编号: SCP-702 项目等级: Euclid 特殊收容措施:SCP-702被装在一个以普通包装材料填充的箱子中。
描述:SCP-702 是一个红色花瓶外形的未知工艺品。
scp基础规则与人物卡(SCP basic rules and character cards)Group name: SCP mercenariesGenre: integrated Adventure (integrated)PC number: 6-12 peopleWay of doing: traditional D20 modeRunning time: usually set at 8 in the evening to 9:30, running at least two times a weekThe background of the world: Wikipedia set "SCP foundation" as the background, a group of PC who played the shuttle in various world adventurers, not the ultimate goal, ready to retire.Adventure: a single or whole team will act together, then start each time you are ready, and then return to the SCP team area after the risk has been completed.Death: PC may die in an adventure, and the death of a character cannot be resurrected (unless some extremely dangerous SCP is used).Examples and commentary on character cardsExample of character cards:The name of Dikesi YinFantasy career: Church WalkerReal career: Librarian age: 14 sex: Female Background: Puritan - necessary evil ChurchAttribute: Power 8 (free attribute point -2)Agile 8 (free attribute point -2)Physique 10Perception 10Intellect 20 (free attribute point +10)Charm 12 (free attribute point +2)Life value: 11 (base + physical fitness adjustment value 1)Defense rating: 11 (10+ walker, 2- agility 1)Melee attack bonus: 9Remote attack bonus: 9Renown: 1000 (necessary evil Church)Skill:Read LV3, LV2 (the hinder necessary evil church skills)Expertise:Steel stomach bag (Iron, Stomach) 2(requirement: physique 8)Almost any kind of food can be eaten, whether it is greasy food during a hangover, orMoldy food, or roots or insects in the wild. Survival skills in related situationsDice + 2 against hunger and fitness dice + 3. Character card production instructions1: the initial character level is 12: characters have background, background is related to modern society works 3: characters have 2 occupation, fantasy career as background related, realistic occupation such as name4: attribute points free ten points, the basis for the full property of 105: characters initially have 5 skill points6: characters initially have 1 practical points7: initial skills assignment must have both practical and fantasy occupationsDetailed description:Genre: characters are divided into four categories: mortal, fantasy, hero and reality distortionMortal:Mortals have a basic affinity for all the world's storiesMortals have double skill points at the beginningMortal feats upgrade difficulty -1A mortal can not take part in a fantasy careerMortals can take part-time jobs, Max 4Fantasy species:Fantasy species have a basic affinity for the fantasy world, and the world property in the wasteland is suppressed to eighty percentFantasy nature, extra attribute, +2Fantasy races have racial characteristicsThe fantasy race has an enemy race, the damage between the race and the fantasy species, an additional +2Fantasy can not take up most of the real jobFantasy can not part-timeHero:Heroes have a basic affinity for the legendary world, and in the real world, attributes will be suppressed to eighty percentHeroes innate extra feats +1Heroes have legendary featsHeroes have enemies, and this type of character is two times as damaging to heroes as it isA hero can assume most of his dream careerHeroes can't work part-timeReality twisterThe reality twist has a basic affinity for most of the world's stories, and the world property in the chamber of secrets will be suppressed to eighty percentThe reality distortion man has the innate specialty "the distortion reality", he may once daily, through a D20DC15 dice, changes any time in his vision scope the result, the defeat is weak one day.The real distortion, the innate charm, +3The reality of the distortion and the characters' acquisitionof expertise only needs half of the normal condition, and the need to practice is twice as fast as the actual distortionThe damage between all planetary agents and actual distortions is two times that of each otherA real twister can work part-timeCharacter attribute:Power: related to all the judgment that requires strength, over 10 points, +1 per second;It also deals with melee weapon damageAt five every 1Agile: related to all agile decisions, more than 10 points, +1 per second, and the speed of responseRanged weapon damage; increases the response speed by 1 every 10 points; ranged weapon damage by 1 every five pointsPerception: relating to all the judgments needed to be aware, judging +1 at 10 points per second, and relating to the awareness playLove ability, every five points, +1Constitution: it is related to all the decisions that need physical fitness. At 10 or above, +1 is judged at two points.It is also related to the value of lifeThe life value is over 10, and the +1 is judged at two pointsIntelligence: it involves all the judgments that require intelligence. At 10 or more, +1 is judged at two points. It is also related to skill pointsAs a result, each character gets a skill point of 4+ (intelligence, -10) /2Charisma: it's all about the need for charisma. More than 10, +1 is judged at each point. It's also related to the initialAttitude, NPC initial attitude added (charm -10) /2 bonusAC=10+ agility adjustment + career adjustment + shape correction;Melee attack bonus, =10+ power modifier + career modifier + shape modifier;Ranged attack bonus =10+, agility modifier + career modifier + shape modifier;Magic strike: basic attack bonus of magic + Intelligence correction + body shape correction + distance impairment;Magic damage: the basic damage bonus of magic + perception correction + shape correction + distance impairment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -About skills:Practical skills: large guns (forces), small guns (quick), energy weapons (perception),Combat (strength), close combat weapon (force), throwing (force), medical (perception), Science (Intelligence)The machine (physique), knowledge (Zhi Li), unlock (Agile), avoid trap (perception),Eloquence (Mei Li), stealth (agility), theft (agility), field knowledge (perception), tune (Mei Li)Read (Intelligence), tumble (quick)About expertise:Practical expertise:High speed circulation system: speed your recovery is doubled, but in the poison or radiation is to get 3 extra bonusSmall and exquisiteYour agility, +1, but your weight is only half the normal.Single guns:You use guns or energy weapons in one hand, a small dice or energy but use the hands holding the +1.Weapon, dice -1Sense (Unseen)(requirements: ordinary human beings, perception 2)Sixth senses of the supernatural.The body reacts when it comes to something,Probably with hair raised, goose bumps on the arms, backsThe feeling of judgment is judged by the rising cold of the ridge,Vary. Characters are not necessarily seen or seen, nor do they necessarily know exactly what they areWhat is the one time?What.Ambidexterity (requirements: only when the role set selection)When using a non customary hand, the hit will not be judged -Brawling Dodge 1(requirement: Force 2, melee or melee weapon 1): useCombat orMelee weapons, ac+1.Disarm (Disarm) (requirement: Agility 3, melee or melee weapon 2)Using melee or melee weaponsWhen the result of a hit hit is greater than or equal to the opponent's agility, you can choose to dismount the opponent's opponentWeapons, not damage. The distance from the weapon to the ground is yours"Success dice x1".Improved Initiative (agile requirements: 3):L + 1Combat skills (Fighting, Finesse) 2 (requirements: Agility 3, melee or melee weapon 2):Choose the same martial artsThe number of dice used in attack can be hit by agile adjustment instead of force adjustment. This feat canPlural possession, such as combat skills - knives, combat skills - sticks.Punch 1 (requirements: strength 3, physique 2, Combat 2)The result of an attack is greater than or equal to the opponentThe physical properties, you can choose out each other, each other to the next round of action.Blows (Combination)(request: heavy fist)In one round,Make the same opponentAttack two times, second times the number of attacks - 1.Cons: you can't use agility in this roundValue for defense.Power attack (Haymaker) (Group: click): attack dice result is greater than or equal to each otherWhen the physical attributes of the opponent throw a physical dice, the failure will lose consciousness of several rounds (equal to the damage value), if successfulStill lose the next move.Cons: you can't use agile values for defense during this round.Martial arts kung fu (Fighting Style: Kung Fu - 1-5)Requirements: strength 2, agility 2, physique 2,Hand to hand 2)Special skills that can be used in hand to hand attacks.1 concentration (Focused Attack)Effect of specific parts of armor attack, 1 point reduction.2 - Attack (Defensive)Defense + attack, 2. Cons: full turn action3 - tin (Iron Skin)Every hurt 1..4 - Crazy Boxing (Whirlwind Strike)In one round, make "agile - on the same opponent"Second attack, No.Two attack dice - 1, third more dice - 2, and so on. Disadvantages: theAction is full turn actionFleet of Foot (requirement: Force 2):The speed of 5.Huge figure (Giant)(request: select only when setting roles)You are seven feet tall and over 250 poundsVolume 1 (that is, the life will also 1), +1 power, defense -1(Gunslinger) ("technical requirements: 3, a small agile or energy weapons 3):In one round,Attack simultaneously with two guns on the same opponent. Such as unparalleled hand lingAn artful feat is not an attack by the hand that is used to itThe dice will still be - 2. The second attackDice - 1. This feat is limited to handguns.Cons: full turn actionStamina (Iron) (requirement: physique 3 or fortitude 3)Good at night and pain..Disadvantages: whenWhen you have this feat, you will have a restSleep well in twelve hours (orLonger) it's hard to get up.Steel stomach bag (Iron, Stomach) 2(requirement: physique 2)Almost any kind of food can be eaten, no matter whatEat greasy food during a hangover, orMoldy food, or roots or insects in the wild. In related circumstancesSurvival skillsDice + 2 against hunger and fitness dice + 3.Natural immunity (Natural, Immunity) 1(requirement: physique 2)The number of serious diseases can be counted by hand. Fight disease andInfected body dice + 2.High speed gun / Sword (Quick Draw) 1(request: Agility 3)Instant action. High speed gun does not meanHigh speed sword, different types of weapons toAlso buy this feat.Rapid rehabilitation (Quick, Healer) 4(requirement: physique 4)The response time is twice as fast as the average person.Back (Strong) 1(requirement: physique 2)+2 is considered strength when calculating the weight to be carried.Strong lungs (Strong, Lungs) 3(requirement: physique 3)Gas capacity. Gas capacity. In calculationHold time + 2.Driving (Driver) 1Can drive a vehicle. Different types of vehicles need additional purchase.Stunt Driver (stunt driving) 2(request: Agility 3)You can do irrelevant actions while drivingIf shooting or hitting pedestrians, however, there is still an impairment of -2.Antitoxic ability (Toxin Resistance) 2(requirement: physique 3)Combat poisoning and the number of constitutional dice + 2.It's not easy to get food poisoning or a hangover.Disadvantages: drug effect is not easy to play, whether it is alcohol and nicotineDing or other drugs.=============================================Every adventure,You must select the mandatory completion task and the optional completion task to complete the taskAdditional experience values will be gained (team free allocation)You can pick up a task from a certain force and get the material after it is finishedRewards can also be obtained by doing business or selling special items,Fantasy expertise can only be gained from the adventure world ========================================================= The creation of a world of adventure:Occurrence time: 1D4, ancient, ancient, modern, future.The difficulty of 1d3: low magic, magic, high magic.Plot type, 1D20:1, chamber, class, 2-5 wasteland, 6-10 science fiction, 11-15 magic, 16-19 super, 20 campus.The locations were 1D6:1 Europe, 2 Asia, 3 Americas, 4 Africa, 5 orbit, and 6 extraterrestrial.Plot time, 1D6, 1 didn't happen, 2, almost 3, 6, 4, 5, end.Difficult story: 1D3, 1 reinforcements reinforcements, 2 no, 3 SCP reinforcements.。
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食品加工厂中常用单体、圆的凹型基座的立式支撑,而较少使用H 型支撑。