跨文化管理-cross-culture management-presetation-F




跨文化管理(Span-Culture Management)什么是跨文化管理[1]跨文化管理又称为“交叉文化管理(Cross Cultural Management)”,即在全球化经营中,对子公司所在国的文化采取包容的管理方法,在跨文化条件下克服任何异质文化的冲突,并据以创造出企业独特的文化,从而形成卓有成效的管理过程。














《跨文化管理》教学大纲(理论类课程)一、课程基本信息课程编号:1411417英文名称:Cross-cultural Management教材:《跨文化管理》陈晓萍清华大学出版社授课对象:西班牙语本科开课学期:第6学期学分/学时:2/32教学方式:理论讲授、实践教学课程简介:跨文化管理研究经济全球化背景下文化对企业管理行为的影响,通过对有关理论的系统学习,使学生了解文化对企业管理行为的影响,并结合实践运用所学概念与理论来分析、解决企业国际化经营的跨文化问题。




教学方法:理论讲授课后作业:了解跨文化管理的背景和文化的影响作用2. 文化比较(4学时)重点内容:文化的概念,文化与管理,跨文化分析模式,中国文化的特征,东西方价值观。

教学方法:理论讲授;实践教学课后作业:了解跨文化的分析模式,明确中国文化和西方文化的差异3. 管理文化多样性与跨国经营(4学时)重点内容:管理文化多样性,全球化与本地化,商业习俗与管理风格比较,不同国家的商务活动实践比较。

教学方法:理论讲授课后作业:明确管理文化的多样性以及本地文化、商务活动概况4. 企业制度的跨文化比较(4学时)重点内容:企业制度,企业行为,中国的企业制度改革,美日中股份公司制度的比较,讨论如何完善中国的股份企业制度。

教学方法:理论讲授;实践教学课后作业:明确中国的企业文化和企业制度5. 跨文化沟通与有效性(6学时)重点内容:跨文化沟通模式及其影响变量,跨文化沟通的风格,跨文化沟通的障碍,跨文化沟通战略。

教学方法:理论讲授;实践教学课后作业:了解跨文化沟通模式和战略6. 跨文化激励与领导(6学时)重点内容:多元文化视野中的激励,跨文化的激励,现代工作设计,多元文化工作团队,跨文化领导风格比较,有效的全球领导者。

跨文化管理 Cross Cultural Management 英语作文

跨文化管理 Cross Cultural Management 英语作文

Cross Cultural Management >Cross-Cultural Management Essay:Cross-cultural management is the administration’s study to understand the influence of societal culture on managers and management practice and individual managers’ research and the organization’s cultural orientations. There are different length essays on cross-cultural management to guide you in exams, speeches and class projects. I hope you find them useful.Long and Short Essays on Cross-Cultural Management for Students and Kids in EnglishWe provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Cross-Cultural Management” for reference.Short Essay on Cross-Cultural Management 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Cross-Cultural Management is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.As the word suggests, Cross-cultural is studying the difference among people of different nations, backgrounds and ethnicities and the need to bridge the gap between them. According to the business terms, it means to build a gap in other culture employees at work. Globalization has taken over big and some small business houses, Cross-cultural management has become of vital importance.Studies show that employees taught to understand different cultures to have no trouble caused due to different backgrounds. The need to study and implement cross-culturalmanagement in business houses is due to the workforce’s diversity. As the market’s horizons are increasing the organizations to attain success and create goodwill in customer’s and employees’ eyes, they need to change management.The new age demands cross-cultural management. The various techniques followed are group activities, formal training about the culture difference, regular interaction with the employees—a defined set of rules and instructions to motivate the employees in the diversified environment. A team leader mustwork very hard and understand the employees to achieve the diversified firm to progress. The most significant benefit of a cross-cultural firm is the increase in the employees’ crea tivity and innovation and the products and ideas generated.Long Essay on Cross-Cultural Management 500 Words in EnglishLong Essay on Cross-Cultural Management is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Cross-cultural management is the management of the cross-culture differences among businesspeople of different nations and backgrounds. Cross-cultural training has improved an individual‘s relationships with host nationals and adjusts more rapidly to the new culture. The organization’s primary purpose of implementing cross-cultural management at all employees’ levels is to design a feasible organization structure and management mechanism.The crisis faced by a firm in implementing cross-cultural management are:1. The communication: The team leader’s problem is to explain different cultured people about each other and get them on the samepage. Teamwork needs all the employees to understand each other. Some cultures have various forms of working. Different cultured people should understand the environment outside the area of work. Sometimes to get to know each other, a brief understanding of culture is required as some cultures do not like small talks like Germans but straight business talks.2. Information Gaps: Everybody should have set goals and objectives clear to them. Helps in building confidence among the employees and avoids confusion. If the rules and regulations areclear, then no overlapping of tasks and hostility arises. Every work culture has a different pattern and speed of working, but the firm is fixed about how to communicate, then fewer chances of conflicts occur.3. Workstyle: All work cultures have different styles of work. Some prefer individual over group contribution while some are vice versa. If the team members understand the or ganisation’s work ethics and respect each other’s working style, achieving the desired results becomes more comfortable.4. Influences: Tensions can arise if two or three people in the same team with the same ideologies work in the same team. It is better to avoid such conflicts as regular team motivating, and other group activities initiated. Team members should be encouraged to spend time together to create trust and understanding amongst themselves. Team and group dynamics harmony is a must for progress.5. Motivation factors: As the firm has taken a step towards diversification. Similarly, they need to bring out unique and individual motivation factors for the diversified teams’ employees. Aunified motivational method used for the entire organization should not in diversified group perks and benefits motivate the employees better. Some individuals show better work spirits if appreciated individually, while some show better work skills if recognized as a group.ConclusionA unique opportunity is to manage a multi-cultured organization; the firms following it has created a brand image in international and national markets. Goodwill precedes the firm with a diverse culture, Creating creativity and innovations by the team’s employees. Asdifferent types of people will bring variety in the thought and beliefs of work, so monotonous or similarity is not a part of the group. The modern way to progress for a firm with multi-cultured talent is to tap it carefully and not miss out on the opportunity. Mostly a clear understanding and developing a straightforward way of communication is only needed to attain the common goals of progress.Cross-Cultural management 800 words in EnglishIntroductionCross-cultural management is the study in which people with different backgrounds and cultures work in the same firm. People with diversified cultures work together in harmony in an organization. There are various aspects to the concept as it is not easy to manage multicultural people.How to Manage a cross-cultural team programStatistically, a cross-cultural team performs 35% more efficient than a standard group. But to derive their best potential and tap on the best resources, the common link needs to be understood. Some managements are scared totake the risk of culturally diverse teams to hamper the industry’s outcome.Some ways to help in cross-cultural management among team membersTry to understand each member individually understand each member’s potential; it is essential to understand their skills and strengths individually before working with them. It will benefit you to steer the group better, but tapping a resource beneficial for the whole group is possible.1. Adopt flexibility: Two major areas in this sector are scheduling and decision making. Different cultures give importance to different values some are flexible, and some are linear time construct on finishing a project.2. Encourage communication: For greater efficiency; every member needs to voice their opinion. To not let any negative emotions build up as under pressure and not appreciated, members dominated by other team members or the management; it is vital to have an open conversation line. Ensure each members participation during the meeting, each andeveryone should be freely able to give the opinions.3. Motivate team-building activities: To build any relationship; it is essential to spend time together. The leader could plan special activities like happy hours, lunch, outings, team birthday parties and pantry chit chat. Communication should be encouraged during the downtime of the employee to help build stronger ties.4. Listen actively: It is essential to communicate and listen with an open mind and not form opinions based on prejudice in the office’s culture. Suppose a general notion is thereregarding a particular section’s performance in the office or the branch in another country. In that case, a good leader should try to understand that place’s work culture before forming an opinion.5. Structure of rules: It is vital to have a structured set of rules for team members to perform best to their ability. In a culturally diversified group, it becomes furthermore essential to have uniformity of norms to achieve success. While forming those rules, the cultural difference should be kept in mind.6. Resolve conflict immediately: A team leader should act as the cultural bridge between its team members and resolve any hostility directly. Waiting for long before resolving minor issues can end up into more significant issues. A team leader should be prompt in taking the decision and solving any problems.7. Create a cross-cultural awareness program: To understand different cultures of the people working together and the customers for whom the management is working. A general awareness program should be organised,including general greetings, business etiquettes and dining custom.Importance of Cross-Cultural ManagementA progressive organization to understand the need of the employees and the environment is working in diversity beliefs. As said by, Fred Luthans, ‘Diversity is the presence of members of different ages, genders, ethnic groups and educational background s in the organization.” There are people from different backgrounds in an organisation but with a common goal to achieve success, which is achieved only by cross-cultural management.1. Globalization: As more and more firms are reaching out to different countries. To understand the need of the employees working and the work environment in which the management has to work. It is vital to diversify the stream of employees in the firm to achieve success.2. Meet the competition: Diversity in the firm helps to meet the competition as the competitive market increases daily to cover higher skies and complete the match. Different people needed in the firm’s structure.3. Creativity at its best: People with same backgrounds tend to have similar ideas and relate to a problem similarly. In a diverse environment, people with different backgrounds come up with other ideas as they react differently in the same domain. The difference in the organization’s cultural climate leads to creativity development when people of different backgrounds get a healthy environment to work and respect each other. A place which encourages freedom of speech it nurtures creativity and innovation.4. Diverse market reaches: A company with a diverse environment can reach out to the better market of customers base and the needs of the everchanging market. Studies have shown that companies with diverse workforce end in higher production and better market grip. A brand image built because of the cross-cultural environment of the organization.Cross-Cultural Management ConclusionCross-cultural management is the need of all progressive organizations. An organization can maintain and achieve a diverse workforce by friendly policies like flextime, telecommuting, jobsharing, part-time job, and special care unit for small babies. However, it is not an easy job to train mindsets which have developed. To create a friendly environment among the vast cultural differences requires a set of rules and regulations following cultural differences in mind.a multicultural organization, a tolerant climate is needed.。



理 活动 完 全取 决于从事 贸易 活 动 的商 人 跨 国公 司在 新 文化环 境 中失败 的 主要 原

些 具 体 做 法 , 在于 对 管 理 因素 的 认 而
们的 个 经验 , 人 有关文化及 文化差异 与 相 因, 因此 , 国人也 不得 不去 研究 别 国的 识有所 不同。 美 如美 国过分强调 诸如技术 、
跨文化管理 , 也还 没有成为 一门独 立的 科
跨文化 管理真 正作为一 门科学 , 是在
2 世 # 7 年 代后期 的美 国逐 步形 成和 O E0
发展起 来的 。 它研 究的是在 跨文化条 件下 如何 克 服 异质 文 化 的 冲突 , 行卓 有成 进
效 的管 理 , 目的 在于 如 何 在 不 同形 态 其 的文 化氛 围 中设 计 出切 实 可行 的 组 织 结 构和管理 机制 , 最合 理地配 置企 业资源 ,
的 因素 ; 美国人偏重 于从 经济 学的 角度去 考虑 管理 问题 , 日本则 更偏 重于从社会 而 学 的角度去对待管 理 问题 ; 国人在 管理 美 中注 重的 是科学 因素 , 日本人在管 理 中 而 更 注 意 的 是哲 学 因素 等 等 。 究 结果 清 研 楚 地表 明 , 日本人并 没有仿造 美国的 管理 系统 进 行 管 理 , 是 建 立 了更 适 合 于其 而
业企 业集 团。 当他们与 自己文化环 境 以外 司跨 国经营 的 实践 却 使这 种 看法 受 到了 觉到 了 日本 的压 力, 产生了研究 和学 习 日 的人们 进行 贸易 时, 们就会 对与他们 不 有力的 挑 战。 践证 明 , 国的跨 国公司 本的要 求 。 国人 对 日本的 研究大体上有 他 实 美 美
同文化背 景下产生 的 语言、 信仰 以及习惯 在 跨 国经 营过 程 中照搬 照 抄 美 国本土 的 两种方 式 : 种是专 门介绍 日本从中总 结 ~


经济全球化(Economic Globalization)是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体,是商品、技术、信息、服务、货币、人员等生产要素跨国跨地区的流动。

跨文化管理的措施与原则(Cross cultural management measures and principles)

跨文化管理的措施与原则(Cross cultural management measures and principles)

跨文化管理的措施与原则(Cross cultural management measuresand principles)cross culture management is also known as the cross culture management, management guru Peter. Drucker said that the multinational business enterprise is a multicultural organization, its management idea is basically a political and cultural diversity on the combination of unified management philosophy. For the implementation of international business strategy of the enterprise, often to employees especially management personnel sent abroad, so this part of the staff will be completely different from the native culture in a cultural environment to live and work. In order to let them play a proper role, must carry out cross-cultural training, the ability of intercultural communication and cross-cultural management knowledge and master the cultural differences, cultural differences bring to overcome barriers to communication and management.according to a survey of Canada, 1/3 overseas managers fail, the main reason is that multinational companies failed to pick those cultural differences through training of suitable candidates to go overseas. Cross cultural business enterprise should through effective training, training management personnel can be suitable for different cultures and have positive spirit of innovation. Therefore, the success of cross-cultural training will enable enterprises to change the traditional management unit of cultural situation, give full play to the role of cultural synergy, overcome the adverse effects of cultural diversity and cultural differences, make the enterprise highly competitive in the internationalcompetition.with words, cross-cultural management is "learn" and "sermons". Set up the China type of cultural marketing is a new trend in enterprise internationalization management art, we can not completely copy the culture of the host country, give up the advantage, Handan, can not be completely in accordance with our thinking way, we need to create a unique international model, more advanced marketing and management mode to complete our feats.through cross-cultural training, can strengthen people react to different cultural environment and the ability to adapt and promote the communication between different cultural backgrounds and understanding. Transfer enterprise common culture to the staff, the formation of enterprise strong cultural appeal and cultural cohesion. At the same time, because the world each kind of culture has its own essence, employees from different cultural backgrounds will look at the same problem with a different perspective, cross-cultural training can promote different cultural backgrounds to communicate, learn from each other. In short, Hu Yifu teachers believe that through cross-cultural training:1, transfer enterprise common culture to the staff, the formation of enterprise strong cultural appeal and cultural cohesion;2, can strengthen people react to different cultural environment and the ability to adapt and promote the communication between different cultural backgrounds andunderstanding;3, because the world each kind of culture has its own essence, employees from different cultural backgrounds will look at the same problem with a different perspective, cross-cultural training can promote different cultural backgrounds to communicate, learn from each other.in cross-cultural training, many companies have taken a lot of measures, such as Japan's Fujitsu Corporation to develop the international market, as early as 1975 on the establishment of the training center of Honolulu in the United States, opened the cross-cultural communication course, for a period of four months. South Korea's Samsung Corp will send the annual potential young manager to other countries to learn, learning plan by the students themselves. But some requirements such as companies, students can not fly, can not live a luxury hotel, in addition to improve the language ability, but also understand the country's culture and local customs and practices and so on. By this method, Samsung has trained a large number of other countries with market and international talent culture. Ge Corp in the establishment of internal business school CrotonVille School of management, former Ge CEO Jack. Welch spent two days in person to CrotonVille to his managers lectures, ten years CrotonVille became GE Global regardless of the weather, the development of the engine.why do we want to emphasize the importance of cross-cultural management training? At present,All employees of joint ventures, are faced with a problem: howto with different cultural backgrounds to achieve effective communication? On the one hand, they desire to communicate, on the other hand, some of them do not know how to cross cultural barriers, thus resulting in the following situations: because I do not know what to do and afraid to communicate, because there is no sufficient communication caused by speculation and suspicion, but if the director can not correctly deal with cultural conflict, will be emotional, irrational attitude employees caused by irrational revenge, the vicious spiral, misunderstanding more contradictions more deep, intense confrontation and conflict. Finally, because of a series of misunderstandings lead to failure. Please look at the case story: the way the answera regional Philips Lighting Company vice president of human resources (American) has the development potential and a thought China talking to employees and to listen to the staff for their future five years of occupation development planning and the desired position. Chinese staff and did not answer the question, but the company began to talk about the future direction of development, the company's promotion system, and now he himself in the organization's position and so on, did not answer the general problem of positive side talking for a long time, vice president of some be not a little bewildered before he had finished, has been impatient, because before the same things have happened several times. "I just want to know the staff for their next five years development plan, want to do what kind of position in PHILPS. Why not get a clear answer?" After the conversation, deputy general director of human resources can not help to a complain. "The foreigner deputy general how so overbearing?" Under the pressure of conversationemployees to a complaint. As a director of human resources, understand different ways of communication between the two sides caused by the barriers, although he tried to explain the two sides, but to completely eliminate the problem has been generated is not easy. So, very simple, cross-cultural management has become one of the biggest bottleneck Chinese enterprises abroad, whether it is Haier, Lenovo, HUAWEI, or TCL, are facing similar challenges. Today, there are two basic types of enterprise culture in the world: one is the U.S. enterprises as the representative of the individualism, more emphasis on individual; the other is to China enterprises as the representative of communitarianism, pay more attention to the collective. Two kinds of culture in the field of innovation is to be quite different. Limited to the enterprise system and the scale of cross culture management started late Chinese enterprises, while western multinational companies in this area have accumulated a lot of experience, and it is widely used to expand business Chinese. Hu was the teacher learned that economists who have made image at different stages of development of the country: ready to start the country like tortoise, is like a horse spare no effort to catch up with developed economy, but the development speed is slowing as the elephant.this analogy applies to enterprises, but slightly changed, most of the world's "horses" are communitarianists, as emerging Chinese enterprise; enterprise of individualism is like "elephant", a step forward to leave footprints, such as the mature European and American enterprises. In the "horse" to "transition in elephant" seems to be the enterprise facing the bottlenecks and come to a standstill, this is from Japan andSingapore enterprises who have been confirmed: unable to break through the bottleneck, the enterprises of the two countries in an embarrassing situation. China BenQ and ZTE in recent years through a series of mergers and acquisitions, to attract talents from different countries, talent management has become the crucial question of current. At this time, outstanding entrepreneurs should be a "good cook", he must not fear ", cooking talent management Tastes differ all tastes." pot "hodgepodge".experts Hu Yifu teachers said that the management mode China enterprises is the harmony between man and nature, harmony, moderation and peace. China entrepreneurs are not good at authorization in the management, management level and middle order strictly, and not too will make a decision; at the same time, because many enterprises are family enterprises, so the concept that collective interests than personal interests,The so-called communitarianists. In dealing with thecross-cultural management on this issue, Chinese enterprises will encounter many challenges in cross-cultural communication will exist a certain degree of bias, which shows that the Chinese experience in cross-cultural management deficiencies. For example, from a trivial matter can be seen between Chinese and Western culture. In the west, the boss is generally not ask employees to give up their weekend to help paint the house, because the weekend is a private time employees; and in Chinese, employees even if reluctantly, will be forced to help the boss do private live, because not to offend the boss.some students in my class to ask more, the specificimplementation and skills of cross-cultural management problems, in general, three specific measures of cross culture management: assimilation, specification and integration.1, assimilation, by means of communication to the foreign employees of identification with company's vision, enhance their sense of ownership and a sense of belonging to the company's brand and pride, enhance the basic framework of the company and working to understand the situation, to help them maximize into the company's daily operation.2, specification, is require companies to develop a clear, complete and stable company policies and norms, and to abide by all Chinese and foreign employees, standardized management.3, fusion, is to play a unique advantage of Chinese enterprise of the humanized management in reason based on the move again, for foreign employees to strengthen the humanistic care in all aspects of work, study and life, to help them eliminate strangeness, loneliness.for enterprises, the implementation of cross culture management should pay attention to the following five principles:The first is to avoid prejudice. The evaluation of enterprise culture China foreign employees may therefore mixed, in the establishment of corporate culture, and cultural leaders should be to describe things related with neutral words to learn, try to avoid or eliminate cultural prejudice. Culture is no distinction between good and bad, only and is not suitable forthe.second is inclusive of other cultures. A multinational enterprise, people from all corners of the country, from different cultural backgrounds, a modern multinational managers must learn to adapt to different and even opposite culture.third is, you do not want to. Transposition of consciousness is essential to quality culture management and the essential quality is also the cross culture management. If a multinational enterprise managers of their own cultural value system as high, adhere to self centered and not take into account the feelings of others, will lead to adverse consequences. After all, mutual respect is the most important foundation for cross cultural management, also is the premise to solve all cultural conflicts.fourth is to pay attention to details. For managers to understand other cultures, and the awareness of inclusion and respect is not enough, he also needs to know the details of other cultures, because of the small details can reflect a cross cultural management professional.fifth is to establish a win-win situation based on the core values of the enterprise's culture, to achieve a balance. This value must have the characteristics of openness, compatibility and permanence, the different cultures of different regions to be integrated, in order to adapt to the needs of local management.in short, Hu Yifu - teacher stressed in the new situation, the enterprise transnational management has become an important trend of economic development Chinese. This requires our overseas enterprises not only to understand the country or other countries with national conditions, but also in people with different cultural background when dealing with the transnational and cross-cultural management idea to apply to business operations and business negotiations, to the foreign related enterprises in various fields.。



跨文化管理(Inter Cultural Management)什么是跨文化管理跨文化管理又称为“交叉文化管理(Cross Cultural Management)”,即在全球化经营中,对子公司所在国的文化采取包容的管理方法,在跨文化条件下克服任何异质文化的冲突,并据以创造出企业独特的文化,从而形成卓有成效的管理过程。


















跨文化管理跨文化管理又稱為『交叉文化管理(Cross Cultural Management)』,即在全球化經營中,對子公司所在國的文化採取包容的管理方法,在跨文化條件下克服任何異質文化的衝突,並據以創造出企業獨特的文化,從而形成卓有成效的管理過程。









第八章 跨文化管理
第一节化 管 理 ( Cross-cultural Management)是管理的一个分支,它研究有 两个或两个以上文化背景的组织的管理问题, 从目前的情况看,跨文化管理的对象是企业组 织,包括一国境内的外资企业和一个国家在境 外的合资企业。 跨文化管理并无统一的定义, 有些学者将跨文化管理定义为一门研究不同国 家或文化中不同组织的人的行为。
(二)低语境文化与高语境文化 三、文化差异对国际企业管理的影响 (-)文化差异导致的管理困难
国际企业中的文化差异(多元文化)给国际企业管理带来 的影响主要表现:
多元文化的优点: 多元文化的缺点: 国际企业从多元文化获得的益处 由于多元文化导致的成本增加
意义扩大了: 多种观点 易于产生新观点、新主意 更多的解释 更多的选择: 增加了创造性 增加了弹性 增加了解决问题的技巧 差异增加了工作中的: 意义的不明确性 复杂性 工作中的混乱 意见集中时的困难 交流失误 难以达成一致协议 统一行动的困难: 难以同意统一的行动方案
跨文化管理之所以受到关注,可归纳为三个原因。 (1)跨国公司的管理人员有必要了解有关国家的文化、 政治、经济和商业惯例; (2)研究不同的文化及系统有助于人们敏锐地理解 不同文化环境中的人的行为; (3)跨文化管理研究可以开阔人们的知识、视野, 尤其是在组织与管理方面。 二、跨文化管理的特点 (一)复杂性 (二)特殊性 (三)共同性 (四)协商性
一、跨文化意识和跨文化管理 二、跨文化管理主要策略 (一)文化环境适应策略 国际企业对文化的适应与变革必须考虑 以下因素: (1)国际企业和东道国都不要强行要求对 方适应自己的文化规范,而应互相留有变通 的余地。 (2)国际企业要充分估计东道国对变革的态 度,对东道国的某些文化成分,国际企业必 须予以适应和回避,待有机会时再逐步改变; 国际企业不仅要了解当前东道国的重要的文 化成分,还要觉察其变化。

understanding cross-cultural management第四版pdf

understanding cross-cultural management第四版pdf

understanding cross-culturalmanagement第四版pdf标题:理解跨文化管理第四版PDF引言概述:跨文化管理是指在全球化背景下,管理者需要面对不同文化背景下的员工和市场,以及跨国企业之间的合作与竞争。



正文内容:1. 跨文化管理的概念和背景1.1 跨文化管理的定义和范围1.2 全球化对跨文化管理的影响1.3 跨文化管理的重要性和挑战2. 跨文化沟通与协调2.1 跨文化沟通的重要性和障碍2.2 跨文化沟通的有效策略2.3 跨文化协调的方法和技巧3. 跨文化团队管理3.1 跨文化团队的定义和特点3.2 跨文化团队管理的挑战与解决方法3.3 跨文化团队的成功案例分析4. 跨文化领导力4.1 跨文化领导力的重要性和特征4.2 跨文化领导力的发展和培养4.3 跨文化领导力的案例研究5. 跨文化交流与冲突管理5.1 跨文化交流的重要性和方法5.2 跨文化冲突的原因和解决策略5.3 跨文化交流与冲突管理的案例分析总结:在全球化时代,理解跨文化管理对于企业的成功至关重要。






跨文化管理并不是一个新的事物,它起源 于古老的国际间的商贸往来 。
古代海外贸易(Foreign trade in ancient times )
文艺复兴时期(Renaissance )
二战后 (After the second world war)
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 跨文化管理的目的
NO.1在不同形态的文化氛围中设计出切实可 行的组织结构和管理机制,在管理过程中 寻找超越文化冲突(culture shock )的企 业目标,以维系具有不同文化背景的员工 共同的行为准则 NO.2最大限度地控制和利用企业的潜力与价 值 NO.3使企业的经营得以顺利运转,竞争力得 以增强,市场占有率得以扩大
跨文化管理又称为“交叉文化管理 (Cross Cultural Management)”,即在全球 化经营中,对子公司所在国的文化采取包 容的管理方法,在跨文化条件下克服任何 异质文化的冲突,并据以创造出企业独特 的文化,从而形成卓有成效的管理过程 。 文化 适应 文化 培训 文化敏 接触和 关系的 感训练 感觉 建立



发展跨文化管理能力跨文化管理(Cross-cultural management)指的是在不同文化背景下,有效地管理和协调多元文化团队的能力。
























BOE Group:From JV to Purchasing
国家级精品课程《组织行为学》/ 第二讲 跨文化管理
Measurement of CБайду номын сангаасlture
Hofstede调查80多个国家10多万名员工,认 为文化群体间的差别远大于其内部差别,证 明大多数国家确实都有其鲜明的文化特征, 即社会范例。
不确定性规避(uncertainty avoidance):人们容 忍不明确或感觉到含糊和不确定性带来威胁的 程度。
国家级精品课程《组织行为学》/ 第二讲 跨文化管理
Measurement of Culture
澳大利亚与委内瑞拉是阳刚色彩特别明显的国 家,推行武断、物质导向、崇尚成就与行动; 挪威、瑞典和丹麦等国家性别角色是模糊的, 男人可以在家带小孩。
Conception of Culture
表象 (如行为、服饰、 艺术、建筑等)
价值观 (如交际、教育、
信念 (如人性假设、 宗教信仰等)
国家级精品课程《组织行为学》/ 第二讲 跨文化管理
美国人相当崇尚个人主义,东方社会(当然包 括中国人)则强调家族及阶级层次。
国家级精品课程《组织行为学》/ 第二讲 跨文化管理
Measurement of Culture
权力距离(power distance):在一个社会中人们 接受不平等权力分配的程度。
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IHMR can be defined as “human resource management issues, functions and policies and practices that result from the strategic activities of multinational enterprises and that impact the international concerns and goals of those enterprises” [italics added] (Schuler et al. ,1993 p.422)
பைடு நூலகம்
Why is it important to have a consistent HR strategy in an international context? Discuss advantages and drawbacks of both control-based and resource-based models. Discuss the choices made by managers described in the case studies; how would you have avoided issues -if any?
model: Top-down control and coordination; job evaluation and appraisals; adversarial labour relations. Resource-based model: Human Resources as an asset; employees‟ involvement and motivation considered as vital; workforce is a source of competitive advantage
and geographic dispersion lead to greater complexity (Harzing, 2010) Strive for Global efficiency and local responsiveness Endogenous (type of company, competitive strategy, international orientation) and Exogenous (Country/Regional characteristics, socio-cultural factors) (Schuler et al., 1993)
human resource management is the process of linking the human resource function with the strategic objectives of the organization in order to improve performance.”
approach: French way is the way; scarce or no interest in counterpart‟s orientations; non-French speakers are „casted out‟. Before acquisition - ”Hybrid” orientation: high power distance and high-context, particularistic and feminine. After acquisition - Shift to Control-Based: formalisation, result orientation and short-term efficiency.
Approach: Japanese policies and practices thought to be superior Control-based HR: Top-down communication; low level of employee participation; Malaysian workers excluded from decision-making. Low inter and intra-unit control: scarce knowledge of Malaysian environment and of the workforce dynamics; no clear guidelines.
HRM is a means by which company practically enforce their corporate strategies. Cultural diversity plays a pivotal role in the IHRM implementation. Different approaches will result in different HR models.
and importance of strategy in
HRM Business Strategy Strategic IHRM Approaches and HRM Models Case studies review
Multidomestic International Global
Polycentric Ethnocentric Geocentric
(Bartlett and Ghoshal, 2000)
(Perlmutter, 1976)
towards Geocentric: JointVenture and Learning Organisation; local managers appointed. Resource-Based HR: employees‟ motivation seen as paramount for MNC‟s development. „Fluid’ Policies and Practices: adoption of “Matrix” structure; Team-working; translation practices.
[italics added]
(Bratton, 2002, p. 37)
inter-unit (I. E. parent to subsidiary) and within unit degree of control; degree of coordination. Functions: Human Resource Orientation; time and financial resources devoted to the workforce management. Policies and Practices: Development of general guidelines on how individuals will be managed; practices will have to be consistent with the local conditions and policies.