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Visual Inspection Procedure


1. Introduction: 引言

As in order to ensure UTE PECEM & ITAQUI Power Projects steel structures with qualified welds and as a result to get our own welding quality and welding control to a higher level, we will apply visual check, acceptance check to the welds fully comply with AWS D 1.1-2008 <> and relative contract technical specification.为了确保UTE PECEM & ITAQUI. (电力工程的钢结构焊接合格以及让我们自己的焊接质量和焊接控制达到一个更高的水平,我们将通过焊接目测及验收使其完全符合AWS D 1.1<<结构焊接标准>>以及相关的合同技术规范。)

2. References and Standards: 参考标准

Visual inspection shall be implemented with referenced to Table 6.1-Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria and Figure 5.4-Acceptable and Unacceptable Weld Profiles of AWS D1.1-2008. (目视检测参考标准严格执行AWS D1.1-2008中有关焊缝的外形及尺寸要求,如表6.1(目检验收标准);图5.4(合格和不合格焊缝剖面形状)。)

3. Safety and Environment: 安全与环境

3.1. In order to prevent from electricity harms, all the electric facilities and working pieces

must contact the ground, the operating area must be keeping dry, and the operators must wear gloves and rubber-soled shoes. Whenever damaged electrical wires was found shall be discarded right away.(为了避免电流噪声的伤害,所有的电力设施和工作件必须保持和地面接触,作业区必须保持干燥并且操作者一定要戴上手套穿上胶鞋。损坏的电线一经发现应立即丢弃。)

3.2. In order to prevent from the harmful dust, fumes and arc, every operator must wear

protective equipments such as gauze face mask, glasses and etc. (为了防止有害粉尘,烟雾及弧光,每个操作者必须穿防护装备例如纱布口罩,眼镜等等。)

3.3. The operators shall wear earplugs to protect themselves away from noises in the

shop floor. (为了防止自己在车间受到噪音干扰操作者需戴上耳塞。)

3.4. In order to prevent from any harms from molten metal, spark, welding spatter and

heat arises in welding, cutting operation, the operators must wear boot (or otherwise with leg wrapping), fireproofing gloves and head (face) mask. (为了防止从熔融金属,火花,焊溅物以及焊接高温,切割作业中受到任何伤害,操作者必须穿靴子(或其他的腿部保护),戴上防火手套以及头(面)罩。)

3.5. All the steel members shall be stacked in a manner orderly, steadily and easy for


3.6. Enough lighting shall be furnished at workshop. Necessary lighting equipment such

as torch shall be furnished to check some hidden areas. (车间要有足够的照明。必要的照明设备如手电筒可以检查隐秘的地方。)

4. Inspection Personnel: 检验人员资质

4.1. Certified welding inspector (CWI) by AWS (check the PJP welds on columns and

plate girders). AWS焊接认证人员(在圆柱和板梁上检验本分熔透焊缝)

4.2. Certified quality personnel involved in construction industry. 从事建筑行业的质量认证


4.3. Trained inspectors by the CWI, they will perform under controlling and supervising of

the CWI. 焊接检测师培训检验人员,他们将在焊接检测室监控下工作。

5. Inspection Conditions: 检验条件

5.1 The distance between eyes and the tested surface shall not exceed 600mm in direct

visual inspection. The angle between sighting line and the tested surface shall be no smaller than 30°. Mirrors may be used to improve the angle of vision.(直接目测检验时,眼睛与被检表面的距离不得大于600mm,视线与被检表面所成的视角不小于30°,使用镜子可以改善视角)

5.2 The tested surface shall be given adequate lighting, generally not less than 1000 Iux.

(被检的表面应有足够的照明,一般检验时光照度不得低于1000 Iux)

5.3 Also the magnifying glass shall be used for tiny defect inspection.(可以使用2~5倍


5.4 Such tools as weld leg scale, magnifying glass, flashlight, etc shall be used for


6. Procedures to be Implemented: 检验程序

6.1 Inspection prior to Welding 焊前检验

6.1.1 Inspection of Trial-Assembly Components(预组构件的检查)

①The groove forms, groove angle, groove depth and the blunt edges shall comply with

the requirements of WPS.(预组构件的坡口形式、坡口角度、坡口深度及钝边应符合焊接工艺及规范要求)

②The fusion face shall be free from such defects like interlayers, cracks, damages, burs,

etc. (坡口面不得有夹层、裂纹、加工损伤及毛刺等缺陷)

③The groove of low-carbon steel and alloy steel as well as the neighboring areas within

25mm shall be free from moisture, grease, dust, organic coatings, galvanizing or other foreign substances, which might damage the welding quality. (低碳钢及合金钢坡口及其附近25mm范围内的母材表面不得附有水份、油脂、污垢、有机涂层、镀层等影响焊接质量的物质)

6.1.2 Assembled Components Inspection构件组对检查

After components are assembled, the matches and gaps between the components shall be inspected. The unfitness, angle gap and distortion of butt joints, the length and gaps of lap joints and the gaps between T-joints and corner joints shall comply with the requirements indicated in 5.22 and 5.23 of AWS D1.1:2008. (构件组对后,应检查接头贴合面、组对间隙、接头错边、等进行检查;T型接头和角接接头的间隙应符合焊接工艺及AWS D1.1:2008中5.22及5.23的规定)

6.1.3 Welding Materials Inspection 焊接材料的检查

①Electrodes, wires and flux shall have Material Certificates or Re-test Reports and the

quality shall comply with the requirements indicated in 5.3 of AWS D1.1:2008. 焊条、焊丝、焊剂必须具备产品质量证明书或复试报告,质量指标应符合AWS D1.1:2008中


②The electrodes and flux shall be baked according to Welding Consumable Control

Procedure (06361/HHSF/WP/22350/X./0722). (焊条、焊剂的烘干,应符合焊材管理
