世纪商务英语阅读教程第四版(基础篇2)Unit 6 课件

Reading Skill Focus
Making an inference means reading between the lines to find out what the author is really saying, or making a reasonable guess based on what the author says. Sometimes a writer will suggest or express his or her ideas indirectly in a text.
unknown made on the basis of the known”. It is a very important reading skill. It helps you not only to understand better but also to appreciate more fully what you read.
Unit 9 Customer Service
Good customer service means making customers feel special. In customer service, there’s such a saying —“The customer is always right”. Service is everything. If a person receives poor service from a store, he will probably avoid shopping there in the future. On the other hand, customers often remain loyal to a business that has excellent service even if their prices are high. The language in this unit is rather colloquial. So, through the learning of a new reading skill—making an inference, you can read between the lines.

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Business Language
Reading Skill Focus
Comprehensive Reading Practical Reading Words and Expressions
Reading Skill Focus
Reading Skill Focus
Inference/General Knowledge Clues Sometimes a word or phrase is not immediately made clear within the same sentence. Relationships, which are not directly apparent, are implied. The reader must look for clues within, before, and after the sentence in which the word is used. Contrast/Antonym Clues In some sentences, we will find two words with opposite meanings. If we know the meaning of one word, we will be able to guess the meaning of the other word. The clue words commonly used in the sentences are:

Unit 1~2 Mercantilism重商主义Trade surplus 贸易顺差Quota and tariff配额和关税Zero-sum game零和博弈Positive-sum game常和博弈The theory of absolute advantage绝对优势理论The theory of comparative advantage 比较优势理论Factor endowments要素禀赋理论Product life cycle 产品生命周期Economies of scale 规模经济First mover advantage先占优势Barrier to entry进入(市场)壁垒Porter’s diamond theory波特的钻石理论National competitive advantage国家竞争优势The department of commerce 商务部Letter of credit信用证Draft /bill of exchange 汇票bill of lading B/L 提单Sight draft即期汇票Time draft 远期汇票Banker ‘s acceptance 银行承兑Trade acceptance商业承兑汇票Countertrade 对等贸易Barter 易货贸易Switch trading 转手贸易Offset 抵消Counter purchase 互购贸易Compensation trade 补偿贸易1.波特钻石理论的主要内容①Factor endowments ②Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry③ Demand conditions ④Relating and supporting industries2.对等贸易的主要类型和优缺点①Types of countertradeCountertrade has evolved into a diverse set of activities that can be categorized as five distinct types of trading arrangements: barter, counter purchase, offset, switch trading, and compensation or buyback②The pros and cons of countertrade优:① The main attraction of countertrade is that it can give a firm a way to finance an export deal when other means are not available.② Thus if a firm is unwilling to enter into a countertrade agreement, it may lose an export opportunity to a competitor that is willing to make a countertrade agreement.缺:① Countertrade contracts may involve the exchange of unusable or poor-quality goods that the firm cannot dispose of profitably② In addition, even if the goods it receives are of high quality, the firm still needs to dispose of them profitably.Unit 3Strategic alliance 战略联盟Licensing 许可证Joint venture 合资经营Contracting 承包经营Partnership 合资人Return on investment 投资回报率Franchising 特许经营Contract manufacturing 生产承包Management contracting 管理承包1.许可贸易的优缺点优:①The basic advantage in licensing as contrasted to other approaches is theease and low cost of entering a foreign market.②Licensing is also advantageous in that it can be used to test a foreignmarket without the risk of capital loss should the market not be receptive to the manufacturer’s product.缺:①The greatest disadvantages to the licensor are that a potential competitoris set up.②There is a lack of control over production and marketing.③There may be incomplete market exploration.Unit 4Foreign direct investment 外国直接投资Small and medium-sized firms 中小企业Horizontal FDI 横向外国直接投资Vertical FDI 纵向外国直接投资Product life cycle 产品生命周期Backward vertical FDI 后移纵向外国直接投资Forward vertical FDI 前移纵向外国直接投资Transportation costs 运输成本Market impediments 市场阻碍Market power 市场力量Oligopoly 寡头垄断Specialized assets 特殊资产1.影响横向对外投资的因素①Transportation costs ②Market imperfections④Following competitors ④The product life cycle2.What are the impediments to the sale of know-how?①Licensing may result in a firm’s giving away its technological know-how to a potential foreign competitor.②Licensing does not give a firm the tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy in a foreign country that may be required to profitably exploit tis advantage in know-how.③A firm’s know-how may not be amenable to licensing.Unit 5Bretton Woods System 布雷顿森林体系Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率制OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Floating exchange rate regime 浮动汇率制Plaza Accord 和平广场协议Louvre Accord 卢浮宫协议Foreign exchange market 外汇市场European Monetary System 欧洲货币体系EMSExchange Rate Mechanism 汇率机制ERMEuropean Currency Unit欧元 ECUTrade deficit贸易赤字Real interest 实际利息Balance of payment 收支平衡表Forward market 期货市场Swaps 掉期交易1. 布雷顿森林体系/固定汇率制瓦解的主要原因As the only currency that could be converted into gold, and as the currency that served as the reference point for all others①It was financed by an increase in the money supply, which, in turn, led to a rise in price inflation from less than 4percent in 1966 to dose to 9 percent by 1968②The rise in government spending had stimulated the economy③Gave rise to speculation in the foreign exchange market that the dollar would be devalued④Weakening dollars lose its credibility.2. What are the reasons for the unexpected rise in the dollar between 1980 and 1985, and what are the reasons for the rapid fall of the US dollar between 1985 and 1987?The reasons for the unexpected rise in the value of the dollar between 1980 and 1985:①Strong economic growth in the US attracted heavy inflows of capital from foreign investors seeking high returns on capital assets.②High real interest rate attracted foreign investors seeking high vellums on financial assets③Political turmoil in other parts of the world.The reasons for 1985 and 1987:The fall in the value of the dollar between 1985 and 198 was caused by a combination of government intervention and market forces.Unit 6Common law 普通法Code civil law 成文法Roman law 罗马法Industrial property right 工业产权Act of god 不可抗力Element forces of nature 天灾自然因素Arbitration 仲裁Conciliation 调节Litigation 诉讼World court at the Hague 海牙国际法庭Tribunals for arbitration 仲裁庭U.N. convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of ForeignArbitral/Awards 联合国承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约International Chamber of commerce 国际商会1. What are the differences between two legal systems in solving commercial disputes?①Under common law, commercial disputes are subject to laws which may be applied to either civil or commercial disputes since there is no specific recognition of commercial problems as such.②Code law differs in that there is a separate code specifically designed for business2. What are the procedures used by formal arbitration organizations? The usual arbitration procedure is for the parties involved to select a disinterested and informed party or parties as referee to determine the merits of the case and make a judgment that both parties agree to honor.Unit 7Intellectual property rights 知识产权Trade mark copyright, patents, trade secrets 商标权,版权,专利权,商业秘密Intangible assets, tangible assets 无形资产,有形资产Trademark registration 商标注册Generic terms 通称Infringement 侵权GATT 关贸总协定General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade1. What does intellectual property right consist of?①It consists of the products of individual’s minds—products that result from intellectual, creative processes.②Trademarks, copyrights and patents are all forms of intellectual propertyUnit 8The TRIPS agreement 与贸易有关的知识产权协议Need Hierarchy 需求层次理论Self-reference criterion 自我参考标准The adoption process 接纳过程理论High-context cultures 高背景文化Low-context cultures 低背景文化Poly-chromic time 多元化时间观Mono-chromic time 单一性时间观Perception 观念1. What are the characteristics of culture?①It is not innate, but learned②The various facts of culture are interrelated-touch a culture in one place andeverything else is affected.③It is shared by the members of a group and defines the boundaries betweendifferent groups.2. What are the main contents of Need Hierarchy theory?①Self-actualization ②Esteem ③Social ④Safety ⑤Physiological3. What is the concept of adoption process? How many stages will a person undergo before he can finally purchase a new product?Adoption process─through which an individual passes from the time of his or her first knowledge of an innovation to the time of adopting or purchase of the innovation.These stages are as follows: ①awareness ②interest ③evaluation④trial ⑤adoption4. What are the adopter categories? What is the feature for early adopter?Adopter categories are classifications of individuals within a market on the basis of their innovativeness. They include innovators、early adopters, the early majority, the late majority and laggards.The future for early adopter: They tend to be younger, have higher social status and in a more favorable financial position than later adopter. They must be responsive to mass-media information sources and must learn about innovation form these sourcesbecause they cannot simply copy the behavior of earlier adopters.Unit 9Organizational behavior组织行为学Multinational Corporation 跨国公司Maquiladoras 马基拉朵拉工厂Parochialism 地方主义NAFTA 北美自由贸易协定North American Free Trade AgreementKluckhohn-Strudtbeck framework 克拉克洪─斯托特柏克构架Hofstede framework 霍夫斯诺德构架BRICS 金砖五国巴西俄罗斯印度中国南非APEC 亚太经合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation1. Identify the sic cultural dimensions in the Kluckhohn-strodtbeck framework.①Relationship to the environment ②time orientation③nature of people ④Activity orientation⑤focus of responsibility ⑥conception of space2. Explain the dimensions of national culture in Hofstede framework.①Individualism versus collectivism②power distance③uncertainty avoidance④masculinity versus femininity。
世纪商务英语 阅读教程 专业篇1 第四版

Unit 1auditing 审核、审计facility location 厂址选择auditor 审计人员quality standards 质量标准implement 贯彻custom-designed 定制的registry 注册、登记处international trade 国际贸易warehouse 仓库inventory 存货管理、存货清单ISO 国际标准化组织Internal Audit 内部审查final product 最终成品freight bill 运费单shipping 装运target date 预订日期modular 模块化的Gap Analysis 差距分析certify 保证zero-defect 零瑕疵的registrar 注册人员quality control 质量控制management 管理wholesaler 批发商finished product 成品Unit2product 产品wholesale 批发real estate 房地产intangible product 无形产品development cycle 发展周期service 服务warranty 担保growth cycle 生长周期declining cycle 下降周期marketing strategy 市场策略retail 零售discount 折扣commodity 商品market segment 市场份额non-standard product 非标准产品goods 商品downturn 低迷周期market target 市场目标maturity cycle 成熟周期introduction cycle 引入周期for sale 出售的investment 投资life assurance 人寿保险tangible product 有形产品standard product 标准产品Unit3promotions 促销unit cost 单位成本price elasticity 价格弹性profit-maximization 利润最大化revenue 税收segmentation 市场细分、分割demand curve 需求曲线skim pricing 撇脂定价launch (新产品)投产distribution 分销渠道domestic price 本土价格、国内价格penetration pricing 渗透定价positioning 目标市场定位targeting 目标市场选择gross profit 毛利fixed and variable 固定成本和变动成本costs 花费dumping 倾销current price 市价market share 市场份额pricing 定价sales volume 销售量profit margin 利润率Unit4product 产品manufacturer 制造业者market research 市场调查marketing plan 营销推广计划product marketing 产品推广brand 品牌marketing 市场营销media planning 媒体计划image-building 形象塑造physical evidence 实体坏境people 人员placement 放置target market 目标市场public relations 公共关系distribution channel 配销渠道generic 非商标的advertising 广告、登广告at no cost 免费marketing effort 行销努力process 流程drawback 缺点product pricing 产品定价marketing mix 市场营销推广组合charge 要价junk mail 垃圾邮件sales strategy 推销战略at regular price 按正常价Unit5retailer 零售商allowance 让利trade deal 贸易协定corporate image 企业形象reseller 转卖人stimulate 刺激sales force 销售力量rational appeal 理性诉求lead 线索wholesaler 批发商push money 提成、推销员奖励point of sale 卖点voucher 票券、代金券approach 准备dump bin 垃圾箱promotional mix 营销推广组合leverage 杠杆作用、手段formula 公式trade-in 以旧物换折价换取同类新物的交易continuity program 继续订货prospect 寻找(客户)coupon 息票、赠券deal loader 厂家对零售商的奖励brand equity 品牌价值closing 结束hard-sell 硬销售self-liquidating 自我清偿unit6net净值inventory财产清册current asset流动资产Master Budget总预算cost of goods sold 已售产品成品revenue年收入liquidity流动性expenditure费用finance筹措资金current liabilities ratio流动负债率budget预算creditor债权人financing mix融资组合profitability盈利能力investment decision投资决定debtor借方dividend红利cash dividend现金分红finished goods成品investment proposal投资建议ratio比率overhead营业费用capital project资本项目work-in-progress工作中的进展creation of value资产成本gross总额fixed asset固定资产stock dividend股息分红dept capital债务资金dividend decision股利决策cash现金cash flow现金流量dividend-payout股息分配depreciation折旧investment decision投资决策demand需求shareholder股东opportunity cost机会成本profitability ratio盈利率prospective acquisition预期收益stock 库存allocation配置raw material原材料issued share capital已发行股份资金financing decision融资决策unit7supplier供应厂商partnership合伙企业grocery杂货店articles of partnership合伙企业的章程lease租用license许可;执照entity实体Managing Director总经理Bankruptcy破产Capital资金sole proprietorship独资(经营)asset资产obligation义务transfer转让proprietorship所有权profit利润supervise监督voice发言权general partner普通合伙人risk风险liability责任limited partner有限责任股东health insurance健康保险invest投资fringe benefit额外福利unlimited liability无限责任permit许可证proprietor所有证legal entity法律实体board of director理事会Unit 8equity股东venture企业franchiser特许exclusive right独占权利guaranteed loan保证贷款fund基金exclusive独占的franchisee授权人brand image品牌participation loan组合贷款loan贷款restriction限制provision条款franchise(ing)许可direct loan直接贷款Unit 9L/C信用证coverage 承保范围reimbursement 偿还insurance policy保单insurance declaration 保险申明insure 投保insured被保险人policyholder投保人casualty insurance意外事故保险combined certificate联合凭证B/L提单Premium保险费original policy正本保单disability insurance伤残保险unemployment insurance失业保险policy保险单insure投保beneficiary受益人property insurance财产保险insurance certificate保险凭证heir继承人insurer继承人brokerage经纪业务old-age insurance养老保险open policy/open cover预约保险Unit10arbitration仲裁termination终止executory contract执行合同。

Reading Skill Focus
Reading Long Sentences
Long sentences are usually complicated and difficult to understand. They often consist of one or several of the following sentence elements:
第五版 (基础篇II)
总主编:刘杰英 主 编:余金好 王洗薇 王显辉 审 校:Chuck Thode
Unit 2 Career Management
The career management process begins with setting goals or objectives. To be specific about your goals, you need to be fully aware of your talents and abilities and have adequate knowledge of career opportunities. Career management is a continuing process that is a necessity for adapting to the changing demands of the business world. The outcome of successful career management should include personal fulfillment, work/life balance, goal achievement and financial security.
世纪商务英语 阅读教程 专业篇1 第四版

世纪商务英语阅读教程专业篇1 第四版Unit 1 for sale 出售的 advertising 广告、登广告 auditing 审核、审计investment 投资 at no cost 免费 facility location 厂址选择 life assurance 人寿保险 marketing effort 行销努力 auditor 审计人员 tangible product 有形产品 process 流程 quality standards 质量标准 standard product 标准产品 drawback 缺点 implement 贯彻 Unit3 product pricing 产品定价 custom-designed 定制的 promotions 促销 marketing mix 市场营销推广组合 registry 注册、登记处 unit cost 单位成本 charge 要价 international trade 国际贸易 price elasticity 价格弹性 junk mail 垃圾邮件 warehouse 仓库 profit-maximization 利润最大化 sales strategy 推销战略 inventory 存货管理、存货清单 revenue 税收 at regular price 按正常价 ISO 国际标准化组织segmentation 市场细分、分割 Unit5 Internal Audit 内部审查 demand curve 需求曲线 retailer 零售商 final product 最终成品 skim pricing 撇脂定价allowance 让利 freight bill 运费单 launch (新产品)投产 trade deal 贸易协定 shipping 装运 distribution 分销渠道 corporate image 企业形象 target date 预订日期 domestic price 本土价格、国内价reseller 转卖人 modular 模块化的格 stimulate 刺激 Gap Analysis 差距分析 penetration pricing 渗透定价 sales force 销售力量 certify 保证 positioning 目标市场定位 rational appeal 理性诉求 zero-defect 零瑕疵的 targeting 目标市场选择 lead 线索registrar 注册人员 gross profit 毛利 wholesaler 批发商 quality control 质量控制 fixed and variable 固定成本和变push money 提成、推销员奖励management 管理动成本 point of sale 卖点 wholesaler 批发商 costs 花费voucher 票券、代金券 finished product 成品 dumping 倾销 approach 准备Unit2 current price 市价 dump bin 垃圾箱 product 产品 market share 市场份额 promotional mix 营销推广组合 wholesale 批发 pricing 定价 leverage 杠杆作用、手段 real estate 房地产 sales volume 销售量 formula 公式intangible product 无形产品 profit margin 利润率 trade-in 以旧物换折价换取同类development cycle 发展周期 Unit4 新物的交易 service 服务 product 产品 continuity program 继续订货 warranty 担保 manufacturer 制造业者prospect 寻找(客户) growth cycle 生长周期 market research 市场调查coupon 息票、赠券 declining cycle 下降周期 marketing plan 营销推广计划deal loader 厂家对零售商的奖励 marketing strategy 市场策略 product marketing 产品推广 brand equity 品牌价值 retail 零售 brand 品牌 closing 结束 discount 折扣 marketing 市场营销 hard-sell 硬销售 commodity 商品media planning 媒体计划 self-liquidating 自我清偿 market segment 市场份额 image-building 形象塑造 unit6 non-standard product 非标准产physical evidence 实体坏境 net净值品 people 人员 inventory财产清册 goods 商品placement 放置 current asset流动资产 downturn 低迷周期 target market 目标市场 Master Budget总预算 market target 市场目标 public relations 公共关系 cost of goods sold 已售产品成品 maturity cycle 成熟周期distribution channel 配销渠道 revenue年收入 introduction cycle 引入周期generic 非商标的 liquidity流动性expenditure费用 Managing Director总经理 casualty insurance意外事故保险 finance筹措资金 Bankruptcy破产 combined certificate联合凭证current liabilities ratio流动负债率 Capital资金 B/L提单 budget预算sole proprietorship独资(经营) Premium保险费 creditor债权人 asset资产original policy正本保单 financing mix融资组合 obligation义务disability insurance伤残保险 profitability盈利能力 transfer转让unemployment insurance失业保investment decision投资决定 proprietorship 所有权险debtor借方 profit利润 policy保险单 dividend红利 supervise监督insure投保 cash dividend现金分红 voice发言权 beneficiary受益人finished goods成品 general partner普通合伙人 property insurance财产保险 investment proposal投资建议 risk风险 insurance certificate保险凭证ratio比率 liability责任 heir继承人 overhead营业费用 limited partner有限责任股东 insurer继承人 capital project资本项目 health insurance健康保险 brokerage经纪业务 work-in-progress工作中的进展 invest投资 old-age insurance养老保险 creation of value资产成本 fringe benefit额外福利open policy/open cover预约保险 gross总额 unlimited liability无限责任Unit10 fixed asset固定资产 permit许可证 arbitration仲裁 stock dividend 股息分红 proprietor所有证 termination终止 dept capital债务资金 legal entity法律实体 executory contract执行合同 dividend decision股利决策board of director理事会cash现金 Unit 8cash flow现金流量 equity股东dividend-payout股息分配 venture企业depreciation折旧 franchiser特许investment decision投资决策 exclusive right独占权利demand需求 guaranteed loan保证贷款shareholder股东 fund基金opportunity cost机会成本 exclusive独占的profitability ratio盈利率 franchisee授权人prospective acquisition预期收益 brand image品牌stock 库存 participation loan组合贷款allocation配置 loan贷款raw material原材料 restriction限制issued share capital已发行股份provision条款资金 franchise(ing)许可financing decision融资决策 direct loan直接贷款unit7 Unit 9supplier供应厂商 L/C信用证partnership合伙企业 coverage 承保范围grocery杂货店 reimbursement 偿还articles of partnership合伙企业的insurance policy保单章程 insurance declaration 保险申明lease租用 insure 投保license许可;执照 insured被保险人entity实体 policyholder投保人。
世纪商务英语阅读第四版(基础篇2)Unit 7

当我们试图找到某个具体信息时,通常不需要通篇仔细阅 读。要做的只是快速找到这个信息在文中所处的位置。找 到具体位置之后,再集中精力仔细阅读此处。 由于本文一开头便说明了文章讲的是state ofLouisiana, 因此要回答第1 题,我们只 要找到mean annual temperature 就会找到答案。注意问题中的mean 和 average 同义,都表示“平均的”,因此第1题的答案是 67 degrees Fahrenheit。 回答第2 题时,应快速查找到关键信息minimum rainfall 所处的大致位置。仔细阅 读这一部分内容后得知答案为 in autumn。
Reading Skill Focus
Comprehensive Reading Practical Reading Words and Expressions
Reading Skill Focus
Scanning (2)
Unit 7
In working units, a positive relationship with colleagues is essential to your success. Text A in this unit will give you some suggestions on how to establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss, which means more advancement opportunities for you. Moreover, Text B gives suggestions on maintaining a strong team sense among co-workers, but before that, you may have to accept the competition among employees, which is more prevalent now. In Practical Reading you will read eight practical tips on team building, which is very thoughtful. Besides, you will continue to learn how to scan read passages further.
世纪商务英语阅读教程2 (基础篇)unit 2

美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的, 在这种经济中, 生产什么东西, 很大程度上由 消费者最喜欢消费的货品和服务来决定。
Reading Skill Focus
B:Let’s Try
2. In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.

market segment non-standard product goods downturn market target maturity cycle introduction cycle for sale investment life assurance tangible product standard product
Professional Words & Expressions
product wholesale real estate intangible product development cycle service warranty growth cycle declining cycle marketing strategy retail discount commodity
As soon as you learn the new
words and expressions above, start to
find the definitions in Column B which match the words or phrases in Column A. If you meet any new words in Column B, you may use a dictionary.
Comprehensive Reading
1 The word product has many definitions. In industry, it means the quantity or total volume; or the products of the manufactures. In agriculture, it means the products of the season or of the farm. In business, it means the commodities offered for sale or a service that is marketed or sold as a commodity.

Reading Skill Focus
B. Challenge Yourself
Reading Skill Focus
It can be inferred from this paragraph that ______________. A. the boys were best friends B. the boys had disappointed their teacher C. the principal was a nice man D. Mr. Jones was the principal
Sample 2 Tommy and John were hot and sweaty
as they sat outside the principal’s office. Dirtsmeared both of their faces,and they could hear their teacher’s voice as she gave Mr. Jones her account of what had happened. Tommy sneered at John,and John returned the angry glare. As Miss Brown left Mr. Jones’s office,the boys hung their heads so they wouldn’t have to look her in the eyes.
Reading Skill Focus
Unit4 Leadership 课件(共47张PPT)- 《世纪商务英语阅读教程基础篇Ⅱ》同步教学

Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Guided Example
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Guided Example
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Task 2:Let’s Try
Skim the following paragraphs and passages, and choose the best answers.
Part 2 Reading Skill Focus
Task 2:Let’s Try
Skim the following paragraphs and passages, and choose the best answers.
Practice 2 Managers and leaders are two completely different roles, although we often use the terms
people via communication.”
The paragraph mainly talks about _______.
A. Ren Zhengfei’s influence on China’s economy
B. the mission of Huawei
C. the core of Ren Zhengfei’s leadership
to design the most effective strategies to ensure that Huawei has grown into a world leading company. The
core of Ren Zhengfei’s leadership is that he is very clear about the purpose of Huawei, which is to help

act like you’re perfect. If you know you’ve made a mistake, admit it instead of just
pretending that nothing is wrong, or worse — blaming it on someone else.
Teaching Goals
Lead the students to listen to a passage to know about how to keep friendship;
Lead the students to learn the pronunciations of are, air, ear, eer, eir, ere, and ure;
Conflict doesn’t always have to be negative (adj.
消极的) or turn into a shouting match though. It can
be a useful tool in getting to know yourself and others
and tell him or her that you’
re sorry.
Be dependable. Your friend will need you for support, especially in hard times. It’s hard to
rely on a person who doesn’t behave in a trustworthy way. If you’re not sure you can do

Reading Skill Focus
What can be inferred from this passage? A. All kinds of animal companionship have soothing results. B. Men love pets because pets are the only animals they can fondle. C. Talking to pets benefits heart-attack victims. D. The interesting findings are unbelievable to those who are with pets.
Reading Skill Focus
while there is a rise in blood pressure when people talk to each other,there is no rise
when they talk to pets. This suggests that animal companionship—uncritical, nonjudgmental—has soothing results(安慰作 用). Another point: men seem to fondle(抚 弄)their pets as much as women do—
Reading Skill Focus Comprehensive Reading
Practical Reading Words and Expressions
世纪商务英语外贸函电课件unit 6

Part Two
Steps/Contents Typical Expressions
We have accepted your order No.111 for ladies’ clothing and are sending you our sales 3. Stating that you have enclosed an order form, confirmation No.BS-043. 我们已经接受贵方第111号订购女式服装的订单, 并 a contract confirmation, or a sales confirmation or 随函附上我方第BS-043号销售确认书。 Enclosed please find our sales contract No.4567 in asking the receiver to duplicate. prepare them (It is not 随函附上我方销售合同第4567号一式两份,请查收。 necessary the case, however.)
Expressions (1) 1. with the view of sth., with a view to doing sth. 以……为目的, 本着……的宗旨 2. finalize a transaction, put the deal through, close the deal, conclude a business, come to the conclusion, come to terms, reach an agreement 达成 交易/协议 3. as an exception 破例 4. initiate business with sb. 开始与某人的贸易 5. confirm the following order 确认下述订单; confirm an order 确认订单 6. Enclosed please find..., Enclosed you will find... 随函附上……,请查收。 7. initial order 首次试订 8. accept an offer/order/quotation 接受发盘/订单/报价 9. place/book a trial order with sb. 向……试订货 10. as per sample 按照样品
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
In scanning, we search for needed information and neglect the irrelevant information. For example, in preparation for a research paper we may have to consult a number of reference books in order to find particular names, dates, figures, definitions or facts. In the course of reading, we usually run our eyes rapidly over the reading material until we come to the right place. Here we shall decrease our reading speed and read carefully until we locate the specific item of information we need.
Gallery II: Nene Humphrey Matrix August 27 - October 2 McLaurin student Gallery: Interior Design October 1 - November 15 Gallery II: Across Generations: Catawba Potters and Their Art October 1 - November 22 Gallery I: Discovering America: Finding Many Faces December 3 - February 7 Gallery I and II: Art and Design Faculty Exhibition February 14 - April 4 Gallery I: Katherine Kadish: Paintings
B. Challenge Yourself Read the following passage quickly and choose the best answer for each of the questions that follow. Beauty with Botox Botox injections are one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world.Celebrities like Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Liz Hurley are rumoured to be keeping the wrinkles at bay this way. Sir Cliff Richard admitted to having had the treatment and now it is an increasingly popular choice for ordinary women looking for a quick way to look younger.
We shall probably not continue beyond that point, for we have fulfilled our special reading purpose. In this unit, you will get a general picture of Scanning. Next unit will tell you more about this technique.
Reading Skill Focus Comprehensive Reading Practical Reading Words and Expressions
Reading Skill Focus
Scanning (1) Scanning is a fast reading technique. It’s a way of reading to look for specific information in a text. Scanning can be used to look up a phone number, read through the small ads in a newspaper, or browse TV schedules, timetables, lists, catalogues or web pages for information. For these tasks you don’t need to read or understand every word.
2. The Faculty Exhibition on Art and Design is B open ___________ . A. August 27 - October 2 B. December 3 - February 7 C. October 1 - November 22 D. February 14 - April 4
做这种题目我们一般先看问题。在该题中,通过阅 读问题我们首先可以确定三个题干的关键词分别是interior design,Faculty Exhibition 和Art and Design 以及 MaLaurin Student Gallery。接下来需要做的是在给出的 阅读材料中快速查找到这些关键词, 然后在关键词所在位 置仔细查找问题的答案。 通过这种方法,我们很快就可以找到这三个问题的答 案:1.B 2.B 3.C。
1. If a visitor is interested in interior design,he should go to the Galleries during ___________ . B A. October 1 - November 22 B. August 27 - October 2 C. August 9 - September 21 D. February 14 - April 4
Gallery II: Cordelia Williams: The Extraordinary Adventures of Camilla and the Fairy Cat Winthrop Galleries is located in Rutledge Building. Hours are Monday through Friday 8:30a.m.- 4:30p.m. The Gallery is closed on Saturday. Hours for McLaurin Student Gallery are Monday through Friday 8:30a.m.5:00p.m.
阅读教程(基础篇2)(第四版) 阅读教程(基础篇2)(第四版) 第四版
主编: 主编:王洗薇
Unit 6
Business Secretary
Business secretaries play an important role in a company. What skills and qualities do you think a good secretary should possess? What duties may business secretaries perform in a company? Have you ever thought of becoming a business secretary after graduation? The learning of the three texts in this unit will help you find satisfactory answers to the questions above. In addition to some knowledge about a secretary, this unit also tells you how to use scanning to search for needed information.
A.Guided Practice Sample The following is a Winthrop Galleries Exhibition Schedule. Scan read the schedule and try to find the best answers for questions 1-3 that follow. Winthrop Galleries Exhibition Schedule August 9 - September 21 Gallery I: Selections from the Permanent Collection August 16 - September 21
Botox first began to be used in 1980 to treat many muscle disorders such as lazy eye, eye ticks and uncontrolled blinking. Cosmetic treatments were pioneered by dermatological surgeons in 1987. In small doses, Botox works by paralysing the muscles of the face which are used in frowning and raising the eyebrows. When these muscles relax, the fine lines and wrinkles smooth out. Unfortunately, when it is overdone, Botox treatment can leave the face with a lack of expression. This is reputed to have caused a problem for some actors.