1 Delete figure and replace with below, “Prevalence of

P 第一次实验答案1. 设要求以0.01秒为间隔,求出y 的151个点,并求出其导数的值和曲线。
clc clearx=0:0.01:1.5;y=sqrt(3)/2*exp(-4*x).*sin(4*sqrt(3)*x+pi/3)y1=diff(y) subplot(2,1,1) plot(x,y)subplot(2,1,2) plot(x(1:150),y1)2绘制极坐标系下曲线(a,b,n 自定数据)clc clear a=10; b=pi/2; n=5;theta=0:pi/100:2*pi; rho=a*cos(b+n*theta); polar(theta,rho)3. 列出求下列空间曲面交线的程序clc clearx=[-5:0.5:5];[X,Y]=meshgrid(x); z1=X.^2-2*Y.^2;z2=X.*2-Y.*3; xlabel('x') ylabel('y') zlabel('z') surf(X,Y,z1) hold onsurf(X,Y,z2)k=find(abs(z1-z2)<0.5); x1=X(k) y1=Y(k)z3=x1.^2-2*y1.^2 hold onplot3(x1,y1,z3,'*')4、设 ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++=)1(sin 35.0cos 2x x x y 把x=0~2π间分为101点,画出以x 为横坐标,y为纵坐标的曲线,要求有图形标注。
clc clearx=-2*pi:0.1: 2*pi;y=cos(x).*(0.5+sin(x)*3./(1+x.^2)); plot(x,y,'b*-'); title('绘图'); xlabel('x 坐标'); ylabel('y 坐标'); legend('原函数')gtext('y=cos(x)(0.5+3*sin(x)/(1+x^2))')5、求下列联立方程的解 81025695832475412743-=+-+-=-+-=++-=--+w z y x w z x w z y x w z y xclc cleara=[3,4,-7,-12;5,-7,4,2;1,0,8,-5;-6,5,-2,10];b=[4,-3,9,-8]; c=b/a; x=c(1,1) y=c(1,2) z=c(1,3) w=c(1,4)6. 假设一曲线数据点为x = 0:2:4*pi;y = sin(x).*exp(-x/5);试将x 的间距调成 0.1,采用不同插值方法进行插值,并通过子图的形式将不同插值结果和原始数据点绘制在同一图形窗口。
惠普彩色激光打印机 Pro M454 和惠普彩色激光多功能一体机 Pro M479 维修手册说明书

Table -1 Revision history Revision number 1
Revision date 6/2019
Revision notes HP LaserJet Pro M454 HP LaserJet Pro MFP M479 Repair manual initial release
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4. BLOCK DIAGRAM ...........................................................................................................................................................5
7.3. RESET AND INITIALIZATION .......................................................................................................................................19 7.3.1. Link Reset .............................................................................................................................................................19 7.3.2. Codec Reset ..........................................................................................................................................................20 7.3.3. Codec Initialization Sequence ..............................................................................................................................21

vf常⽤命令本资料所⽤到的表及其结构如下:图1 学⽣表.dbf 结构图2 选课表.dbf 结构图3 课程表.dbf 结构1本资料所⽤到的表及其结构如下:图1 学⽣表.dbf 结构图2 选课表.dbf 结构图3 课程表.dbf 结构21、设置⼯作⽬录:set default to命令格式:set default to <⽬录名>命令功能:设置vfp系统默认的⼯作⽬录(⽂件夹),以后存取⽂件均以该⽂件夹作为默认⽂件夹。
实例1:set defa to d:\data练习:打开vfp,然后观察此时的默认⼯作⽬录;再在D盘新建⼀⽂件夹:test,并设置该⽂件夹为vfp的默认⼯作⽬录。
2、赋值语句:Store 、=Store格式:Stroe <表达式> to <内存变量名表>功能:将表达式的值赋给内存变量名表中的变量。
实例1:store 100 to a1, a2 , b, c, num=格式:<变量名>=<表达式>功能:注意:表达式与变量名顺序不能写反了。
3、输出命令:? 、??命令格式1:?<表达式列表>命令格式2:??<表达式列表>4、定义数组命令:dimension、declare命令格式:dimension/declare <数组名1>[<下标上界1>[,<下标上界2]…]命令功能:定义⼀维数组或⼆维数组,每⼀维的下标⼀般从1 开始。
实例1:Dimension A(20),B(3,2)B(1,1)=10B(1,2)=20B(2,2)=30B(6)=40B(1,1), B(1,2), B(2,2), B(3,2)实例2:Dimension sz1(20),sz2(3,2)Store 10 to sz1store “警察学院”to sz2(1,1)sz2(3,2)=.F.sz(2,1)=3.14159如果数组元素没有赋值,则默认值为.F.历史考题:语句DIME TM(3,5)定义的数组元素的个数是()(15)练习:定义⼀个4 ⾏5 列的⼆维数组,数组名为Arr1,给元素赋值(第⼀个元素值为10,第四个元素值为20,第七个元素值为”hello”,最后⼀个元素值为888)。

GMDSS通信英语单词IMO=International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织Introduction 引入,引进Mark 标志Maritime 海上的;海事的Invention 发明Amendment 修改改正Convention 公约SOLAS= Safety of life at sea 海上人命安全公约Adopt 正式通过,采用Replace 取代,代替Phase in 强调Entry into force 生效,实施Stage 阶段SAR= Search and Rescue 搜索和救助Coordinate 协调Authority 主管机关Ashore 岸上Vicinity 附近Alert 报警Emergency 紧急Coordinate 协调On-scene 现场Locate 定位Distress 遇险Bridge 驾驶台Community 实体,社会Beneficial 有益的;受益的INMARSAT 国际海事卫星Put into orbit 送入轨道Announcement 宣布;通告Establish 建立Shipyard 船坞;船厂As a general rule 通常Shipment 装船,装运的货物Provide by 提供;供给Terrestrial 地面的Travel =sail 航行High sea 公海Carry 携带;配备Facility 设备;设施In addition to 除。
以外Dissemination 播发;传播Meteorological 气象的Warning 警告Comprehensive 全面的Available 可利用的;有用的Enhanced 增强的Combination 组成;组合Take out 退出;去掉Contributing 贡献;起作用V oyage 航次;航海;航行Install 安装Pacific 太平洋Atlantic 大西洋GT =gross tonnage 总吨位Navigate 航行Abbreviation 缩写Component 部分SART=Search and Rescue Radar Transponders 搜救雷达应答器Interrogate 触发;询问Airborne 飞机载Lay down 制定;规定Irrespective 不论;不考虑Primarily 主要地Imminent 急迫的;危急的Relate to 涉及;与。

一般格式:命令动词[FROM〈源文件>][TO〈目标文件>][记录范围][FOR/WHILE〈条件>][FIELDS〈字段名表〉][ ]表示可选,<>表示必选, / 表示或选例如:(1)APPEND FROM C:\RSDA.DBF FOR 基本工资〉100 FIELDS 编号,姓名,职称,基本工资。
从C:\RSDA.DBF 表中把基本工资大于100元的记录添加到当前表添加字段为:编号,姓名,职称,基本工资。
(2)COUNT FOR 职称=”高工”TO GG 统计高工的记录数到内存变量GG.控制短语规定了对数据库操作的限制条件:1.指向输入输出目标FROM/TOAPPEND FROM,COPY FILE TO <目标文件>2。
限制记录范围(SCOPE)ALL 所有记录NEXT〈n〉本记录后的第几个记录RECORD〈1〉第1个记录REST 当前记录之后所有记录3。

word添加参考文献、尾注(Add word references, endnote)1. add referencesWhen writing whenever need to add a reference to the cursor in the reference number takes place, click "insert", "reference": "footnotes and endnotes", click "select" endnote "- the end of the document" continuous insertion: an application to "whole document"; as in Ref. at the end of the article sorted out, so generally choose endnote (insert footnote / endnote shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + f/d), click Insert, the cursor automatically jump to the end, you can input references, each can only insert a document.This text is the 1 superscript, but also endnote superscript, with the mouse in the left most selected endnote 1, press "ctrl+shift+=" to make the serial number in superscript (only not deleted); or from the set format. Double click the endnote number back to the original text, will find out more than a number, and the number is according to the position in the ascending order before and after. When the original order is exchanged or new documents are inserted in the middle of the article, the reference order of the text will change accordingly.Add 2. square brackets []The cursor in the text, according to the "Ctrl + H" to open "replace", in the search input "^e" (which represents the reference endnote character) in the advanced options will pay attention to the font in superscript, replacement type "[^&]" (representing replacement symbol), click "replace all". Atthis point, the text has square brackets, and then the cursor stays in the reference and performs the same operation. Then the reference mark also has square brackets.Or:(1) use the mouse or "Ctrl+Home" to return to the beginning of the document;(2) the menu "Edit", "replace", or "Ctrl+H" opens the find and Replace dialog box directly;(3) in the find what text box input "^e" (if the footnote forF), in the replace with text box input "[^&]" (footnote endnote, it is of course, can also be), then click on "replace all the following effects: (must distinguish English in full half, also suggested that the best reference after the completion of add square brackets, otherwise there will be a layer of square brackets)3. remove "endnote separator"In the first reference in front of a line, cannot be deleted, it is endnote separator. Our general editing interface is a page view, and click View "ordinary" to switch to the normal view. Click the view "footnote" to open the footnote window. In the endnotes menu "endnote separator", there is a horizontal line, select the line, delete it; then select endnote continuation separator ", delete the line (which will appear when the long endnote paging line). After closing, click the view "page" to switch back to the page view.4. cited the same document several timesWhen the need for multiple references to the same document, the cursor to reference, click "insert", "reference", "cross reference" in the menu "reference type" select "endnote", "quote" select "endnote number (with format)" (only choose "endnote number" can choose "endnote number format", or later cross reference plus bracket is not, you need to select the superscript format) quoted in the literature in the following menu, click "insert". But you need to manually add square brackets at this time.If later in front of the document into the new endnote, then subsequent endnote automatically updates the number, but the cross references are not automatically updated. Therefore, you need to press "Ctrl + A" to select all the contents, and press the "F9" button to manually update.Grade 5, Wen Zhonghe has added the endnote brackets, but with no cross reference part. Processing the cross reference number:(1) the menu tools, options, View tab, select domain code at the display section, or display the domain code directly using the shortcut key Alt F9,The part that you see cross references has become code;(2) the menu "Edit", "replace", or "Ctrl+H" opens the find and Replace dialog box directly;(3) in the find what text box input "^d NOTEREF", in the "replacement for" input "[^&]" text box and place the cursor in the text box, and then click the advanced button, then click the "format" button, select "style" in the pop-up menu, then will open the "find the style dialog box, select" endnote reference "style; (after the cancellation can again)(4) after completing the above work, the contents of the find and Replace dialog box are changed to the following figure, and note the "format" line below the "replace" text box;(5) click "replace all" in the menu "tools", "option", "the View tab, in the" display "part, deselect the" domain code ", or directly use the shortcut key" Alt F9 "to cancel the display field code.(6) because the front according to the Word reference or endnote is inserted at the end of the document, or in the "Festival" at the end, if there are other references behind the content, it must be further modified.The solution seems a bit awkward. First remove all numbers (in the text endnotes, we don't need it, because it's the wrong format), and then select all text endnotes (reference text), "and insert Bookmarks", named "reference text", added to the bookmark. This makes all references text bookmarks. After the text, create a new page with the title "reference" and set the format. Move the cursor to the title, select "insert, cross reference", "reference type" to "bookmark", "insert reference text", the text reproduced a reference. Select the text you just inserted, modify the font, font size, etc., and use the itemnumber for automatic numbering.Here, we are a little short of perfection. When you print a document, endnotes page will also print out, and this is what we don't need a few pages. Of course, you can print the last few pages by setting the page number range. Here's another way. If you want to learn more, please go on.All of the selected text "endnote, format, font", instead of "hidden text", switch to normal view, select "view, footnote, endnote" is all at this time appear in the window, in the "endnote drop-down list box select" endnote separator ", will be the default delete line. The same method to delete "endnote continuation separator" and "endnote continuation notice". Delete header and footer (including separator), select "view, header and footer, first delete the text, and then click on the header and footer Toolbar" page settings "button in the dialog box on the" border ", in the" page border tab, the border is set to "no", "the scope of application the festival"; "border border tab is set to" no "," the scope of application of paragraph". Switch to footer and delete page number. Select "tools and options" in the "print" tab in the confirmation does not print hidden text (Word default).6, the following work is how to modify the endnote format, by default the endnotes text style is not to appear in the styles and Formatting task pane, then you want to modify the format:(1) the text endnotes selected, in the "format", "the style and format of the document or the right of the" style and Formatting task pane inside the "selected text format" there will be a"endnote reference", click on the right side of the down button, select "modify", so that we can modify the "endnote reference" format;(2) how to make "endnote reference appears in the" style "style and Formatting task pane click to use the format of" inside? In the display drop-down list box in the lower right of the style and format task pane, select customize",The Format dialog box appears;(3) in the "visible" style "select endnote reference", or click "show all" button, and then determine the. This "endnotes text style appeared in the" select the format of the application ", modify the format of the method and method of modification of other styles of the same; (if you feel endnote digital symbol is small, can be converted to the text style or directly clear format)7, sometimes in the text of a location, you need to cite a number of documents, such as "document [1-5]", how to achieve such a format? In the same place with endnote to insert multiple references, such as [1][2][3][4] (with square brackets, and methods) will make it to [1-4], and do not change the order behind endnote. Methods four references into endnote, manually select the middle part not and font format chosen as hidden text, and then enter the "-". (comma similar to other symbols)。

Bullets & Numbering(编号与符号):为文本添加编号或符号。
Save As(另存为):保存文档到不同的位置或格式。
Exit(退出):关闭Atlantis Word并退出程序。

INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE WMO UNEP ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL IPCC-XVII/Doc. 3dON CLIMATE CHANGE(19.III.2001)SEVENTEENTH SESSION Agenda item: 3bNairobi, 4-6 April 2001ENGLISH ONLY"CLIMATE CHANGE 2001: IMPACTS, ADAPTATION AND VULNERABILITY",THE CONTRIBUTION OF WORKING GROUP IITO THE IPCC THIRD ASSESSMENT REPORTCHAPTER CHANGES FROM THE FINAL GOVERNMENT REVIEWChanges proposed to be made to the underlying assessment (except for theTechnical Summary, which is separately submitted as IPCC-XVII/Doc. 3c, Add. 1),for consistency with the approved Summary for Policymakers (ref. IPCC-XVII/Doc.3c), and accepted by the Working Group at its Sixth Session (Geneva, 13-16February 2001), are attached. The proposed changes will be made to the underlyingassessment. The underlying assessment was distributed to governments prior to theSixth Session (ref. WGII-VI/Doc. 3). On this understanding, therefore, theunderlying assessment is hereby submitted to the Panel for acceptance.IPCC Working Group II Chapter ModificationsBased on Review Editor and Final Government Review Comments; Some editorial comments included, others will be included after copy-editFebruary 16, 2001Chapter 1: Overview of Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change No major changesChapter 2: Methods and ToolsPage 1: For Contributing Authors, add the following country affiliations: Ahmed (Bangladesh), Ayton (UK), Petschel-Held (Germany), and North (USA)Page 9, line 4-5: Delete “starting from 1910 when the first stations were put in place..”Reason: Simplification of presentationPage 9, line 7: replace “from 90 years to <10 years” with “widely”Reason: Simplification of presentationChapter 3: Developing and Applying ScenariosPage 5, paragraph 1, L13: 14-80 cm 9-88 cmPage 8, Executive Summary, L4-17: Change "Changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events can also be expected. Under greenhouse gas forcing up to 2100, there is very high confidence that daytime maximum and minimum temperatures will increase, accompanied by an increased frequency of hot days. There is also high confidence that heat waves will become more frequent, while the number of cold waves and of frost days (in applicable regions) will decline. Increases in high intensity precipitation events are expected at many locations, the number of wet spells will increase at mid and high latitudes in winter, while the frequency of summer drought will increase in many interior continental locations (all high confidence). There is medium confidence in a more El Niño-like mean state of the circulation in the tropical Pacific and that El Niño events themselves could increase in intensity. While there is low confidence in an increased frequency of tropical cyclones, their peak wind intensity and mean and peak precipitation intensities are expected to increase (high confidence). Increases in the average intensity of mid-latitude storms and in the frequency of hail and lightning are all assigned medium confidence. Finally, the likelihood of two singular events that imply potentially major impacts – a complete shutdown of the ocean thermohaline circulation and the disintegration of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet – is very low for the period up to 2100, but may increase substantially in successive centuries depending on the rate of climate change during the 21st century."to read"Changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events can also be expected. Based on the conclusions of the Working Group I report, and the likelihood scale employed there, under greenhouse gas forcing up to 2100, it is very likely that daytime maximum and minimum temperatures will increase, accompanied by an increased frequency of hot days. It is also very likely that heat waves will become more frequent, while the number of cold waves and of frost days (in applicable regions) will decline. Increases in high intensity precipitation events are likely at many locations while Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability is also likely to increase. The frequency of summer drought will increase in many interior continental locations and it is likely that droughts, as well as floods, associated with El Niño events will intensify. The peak wind intensity and mean and peak precipitation intensities of tropical cyclones are likely to increase, while the direction of changes in the average intensity of mid-latitude storms cannot be determined using current climate models."Page 14, Section 3.3.1, L7: greehouse greenhousePage 14, Section, L6: (Klein Goldewijk, 2000; (Klein Goldewijk, 2001;Page 22, Section, paragraph 3, L4: human health at the large scale: 26% of the human health in some regions. Overall, 26% of thePage 26, Section, L3: Jones, 1996 CSIRO, 1997Page 27, Section, paragraph 6, L3: (Mearns et al., 1998, 1999, 2000; (Mearnset al., 1998, 1999, 2001;Page 27, Section, paragraph 6, L4: Whetton et al. (2000) Whetton et al. (2001) Page 27, Section, paragraph 6, L4: Mearns et al. (1999, 2000) Mearns et al. (1999, 2001)*Page 29, Section, L54: Omission to read (see Chapter 9, WG I and Table 3-10, below).Page 36, Section 3.8.2, paragraph 2, L9: 14-80 cm 9-88 cmPage 37, Section, paragraph 2, L7-8: Omit the entire sentence: "To summarise this information, Figure 3-3 depicts the upper and lower estimates of the decadal rate of seasonal temperature and precipitation change for all thirty-two regions."Page 37, Section, end of paragraph 2: Omit Figure 3-3*Page 39, Section 3.8.5, L50-52: Substitute "Table 3-10 summarises current knowledge and confidence levels in relation to a number of types of extreme weather and climate events (see Chapter 1 for a typology), and illustrates how climate extremes may be, and to some extent have been, applied in impact assessments."to read"Table 3-10 summarises projected changes in a number of types of extreme climate events and their likelihood taken from the Working Group I, Technical Summary (see Chapter 1, Table 1-1 for a typology). Table 3-10 also provides representative examples, drawn from different sectors and regions, of impacts that would expected with high confidence conditional on the occurrence of a given change in climate extremes."Page 53, Table 3-2, footnote a: Revise to read (note that this revision is contingent upon a revision to Table 3-9):"Future: values for 2010, 2050 and 2100 are for the range of emissions from 35 SRES scenarios using a simple model (Data from S.C.B. Raper, Chapter 9, WG I). Note that these ranges differ from those presented by Working Group I (see Table 3-9, footnote c for explanation)."Page 60, Table 3-9: Add footnote c to heading of column 5, as follows: "CO2 concentration c" and revise footnote c d and d ePage 60, Table 3-9: Insert footnote c to read:c Modelled values are not the same as those presented by Working Group I (WG I, Appendix II), which were based on simulations using two different carbon cycle models for the 6 illustrative SRES emissions scenarios. Both models produce very similar results to the model applied here for a mid-range climate sensitivity; discrepancies in the high and low estimates are attributable to differences in the modelled climate-carbon cycle feedback.Page 60, Table 3-9: Revise values for sea-level rise:20502 529 32210014 980 88Pages 61-62, Table 3-10: Substitute existing Table 3-10 with Table SPM-1 and its caption, as approved in the IPCC Plenary: (See Next pageExamples of impacts resulting from projected changes in extreme climate eventsProjected changes during the 21st century in extreme climate phenomena and likelihood*Representative examples of projected impacts ** (all high confidence of occurrence in some areas***)Simple extremesHigher maximum temperatures, more hot days and heat waves**** over nearly all land areas (Very likely*)•Increased incidence of death and serious illness in older age groups and urban poor [TS, 4.7]•Increased heat stress in livestock and wildlife [TS, 4.2, 4.3]•Shift in tourist destinations [Table TS-2, TS, 5.7]•Increased risk of damage to a number of crops [Chapter 5] Increased electric cooling demand and reduced energy supply reliability [Table TS-4, TS 4.5]Higher [Increasing] minimum temperatures, fewer cold days, frost days and cold waves**** over nearly all land areas (Very likely*)•Decreased cold-related human morbidity and mortality [TS,4.7]•Decreased risk of damage to a number of crops, and increased risk to others [Chapter 5]•Extended range and activity of some pest and disease vectors [TS, 4.2, 4.3]•Reduced heating energy demand [TS, 4.5]More intense precipitation events (Very likely*, over many areas)•Increased flood, landslide, avalanche, and mudslide damage [TS 4.5]•Increased soil erosion [TS, 5.2.4]•Increased flood runoff could increase recharge of some floodplain aquifers [Chapter 4]•Increased pressure on government and private flood insurance systems and disaster relief [Table TS-4, TS, 4.6]Complex extremesIncreased summer drying over most mid-latitude continental interiors and associated risk of drought (Likely*)•Decreased crop yields [TS 4.2]•Increased damage to building foundations caused by ground shrinkage [Table TS-4]•Decreased water resource quantity and quality [TS, 4.1, 4.5]•Increased risk of forest fire [TS, 5.4.2]Increase in tropical cyclone peak wind intensities, mean and peak precipitation intensities (Likely*, over some areas)*****•Increased risks to human life, risk of infectious disease epidemics and many other risks[TS, 4.7]•Increased coastal erosion and damage to coastal buildings and infrastructure [TS, 4.5, 7.2.4]•Increased damage to coastal ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangroves [TS, 4.4]Intensified droughts and floods associated with El Niño events in many different regions (Likely*)[See also under droughts and intense precipitation events]•Decreased agricultural and rangeland productivity in drought-and flood-prone regions [TS 4.3]•Decreased hydro-power potential in drought-prone regions [TS 5.1.1, Fig TS-7]Increased Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability (Likely*)•Increase in flood and drought magnitude and damages in temperate and tropical Asia [TS, 5.2.4]Increased intensity of mid-latitude storms (Little agreement between •Increased risks to human life and health [TS 4.7]•Increased property and infrastructure losses [Table TS-4]current models)****•Increased damage to coastal ecosystems [TS 4.4] * Likelihood refers to judgmental estimates of confidence used by Working Group I: very likely (90-99% chance); likely (66-90% chance). Unless otherwise stated, information on climate phenomena is taken from Working Group I, Summary for Policymakers**These impacts can be lessened by appropriate response measures*** High confidence refers to probabilities between 2-in-3 and 95% as described in Footnote 4**** Information from Working Group I, Technical Summary, Section F.5***** Changes in regional distribution of tropical cyclones are possible but have not been established Page 65: Omit Figure 3-3 and Figure captionChapter 4: Hydrology and Water ResourcesSummary: first bullet:There are apparent trends in streamflow volume – both increases and decreases –in many regions. These cannot all be definitively attributed to changes in regional temperature or precipitation. However, widespread accelerated glacier retreat and shifts in streamflow timing in many areas from spring to winter are more likely to be associated with climate change.p3Section 4.1: About halfway through the third paragraph, add (Falkenmark, 1999) after “and over the next few decades”p11end of Section”0”Add: A general conclusion, consistent across many studies, is that the effects of a given climate change scenario vary with catchment physical and land cover properties, and that small headwater streams may be particularly sensitive to change (as shown in northwestern Ontario, for example, by Schindler et al. (1996))p13Section 4.3.7, after “about 1000 years later.” Add: There are other examples: Lake Manitoba, for example, was dry during the warm mid-Holocene (Teller & Last, 1982).p16Section 4.3.10i.Add at end of first complete paragraph, after “waste storage facilities.”Polluting material may also be washed into rivers and lakes following inundation of waste sites and other facilities located on floodplains.ii.half way through second complete paragraph, amend to:Fang and Stefan (1997) showed by simulation that winter…iii.after this sentence, ending “anoxic zone disappear.”, addObservations during droughts in the boreal region of northwestern Ontarioshowed that lower inflows and higher temperatures produce a deepening of thethermocline (Schindler et al., 1996).iv.Delete last two sentences (beginning “Based on modeling…”) of the second complete paragraph.p17Section 4.3.11i.add in the first paragraph after Rabus & Echelmeyer, 1998), the Canadian Rockies (Schindler, 2001),ii.add to end of first paragraph, and rates of retreat are generally accelerating (Haeberli et al., 1999). The World Glacier Monitoring Service (www.geo.unizh.ch/wgms) monitors glacier massbalances and publishes annual reports on glacier fluctuations.p20Section 4.4.3i.middle of paragraph. Delete from “Across much of….” to end, and replace with Under this scenario, and similarly under the corresponding HadCM3 scenario, net irrigation requirement per unit irrigated area would generally decrease across much of the Middle East and Northern Africa, due to increased precipitation, while most irrigated areas in India would require more water. The extra irrigation requirements per unit area in most parts of China would be small; the HadCM3 scenario leads to a greater increase in northern China. Other climate models would give different indications of regional changes in irrigation requirements. On the global scale, increases and decreases in net irrigation requirements largely cancel, and there is less difference between different climate models: under two scenarios considered (Doll & Siebert, 2001) the global net irrigation requirements would be increased, relative to the situation without climate change, by between 3.5 and 5% by 2025, and between 6 and 8% by 2075. Actual changes in withdrawals would be dependent on changes in the efficiency of irrigation water use. The Doll & Siebert reference will be changed ASAP.p22Section 4.5.2, last paragraph:Change first sentence to…”Table 4-7 gives an indication of the potential effect of stabilising….”change sentence to….”stabilisation scenario, but this study – using just the HadCM2 climate model – suggests…”p24Section 4.5.3last sentence of last paragraph in the section: change toThe costs under the drier scenario are considerably higher than those estimated by Hurd et al. (1999), reflecting partly the different approaches used and partly the spatial variability in the effect of climate change considered by Frederick & Schwarz (1999). Table 4.7CaptionAdd to the end of the last sentence: “: other climate models could give different indications of the effect of stabilisation.”Additional referencesFalkenmark, M. (1999) Forward to the future: a conceptual framework for water dependence. Ambio 28, 356-361.Schindler, D.W., Bayley, S.E., Barker, B.R., Beaty, K.G., Cruikshank, D.R., Fee, E.J., Schindler, E.U. & Stainton, M.P. 1996, The effects of climatic warming on the properties of boreal lakes and streams at the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario. Limnology and Oceanography 41, 1004-1017.Teller, J. & Last, W. 1982, Pedogenic zones in post-glacial sediments of Lake Manitoba, Canada. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 7, 367-379.Schindler, D.W. 2001 The cumulative effect of climate warming and other human stresses on Canadian freshwaters in the new millennium. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 58, 1-12.Haeberli, W., Frauenfelder, R., Hoelzle, M. & Maisch, M. 1999, On rates and acceleration trends of global glacier mass changes. Geografisker Annaler Series A –Physical Geography 81A, 585-591.Chapter 5: Ecosystems and Their Goods and ServicesPage 1: Add Camille Parmesan (USA) to list of contributing authorsPage 27, 5.3.4, line 7-14, replace current text with:Thirteen ranges of percentage changes in tropical crop yields spanning selected climate change scenarios—with no account taken of adaptation—appear in Table 5-4. Eachrange is differentiated by geographic location and crop. Of the thirteen, ten of the ranges encompass changes that are exclusively less than current yields. In three, a portion of the range was either approximately no different from current yields or slightly above. In the tropics, most crops are at or near theoretical temperature optimums and any additional warming is deleterious to yields. Thirty ranges of percentage changes in temperate crop yields also appear in Table 5-4. Of the thirty, six of the ranges encompass changes that are exclusively more than current yields. In another seven, either half or more of the changes were more than current yields. In yet another seven, less than half of the changes extended above current yields. The remaining ten ranges encompassed changes that were exclusively less than current yields. Hence, in two-thirds of the cases, temperate crop yields were benefited at least some of the time by climate change.New work on climate change scenarios (Mitchell et al., 2000) generated with stabilized radiative forcing at 550 ppm and 750 ppm equivalent CO2, and unstabilized radiative forcing (i.e., unmitigated emissions) in the HadCM2 was used to simulate major cereal yield response globally in 2080 (Arnell et al., 2001). The pattern of yield changes with unstabilized forcing duplicates the one described above: generally positive changes at mid and high latitudes overshadowed by reductions in yields at low latitudes. Stablization at 550 ppm ameliorates yield reductions everywhere, although substantial reductions persist in many low latitude countries. Stabilization at 750 ppm produces a pattern of yield response intermediate to the 550 ppm and unstabilized forcing scenarios, with anomalous yield increases in mid latitudes relative to 550 ppm due to interactions between atmospheric CO2, temperature and moisture. More studies are needed before confidence levels can be assigned to understanding of the agricultural consequences of stabilization, although this work is an important step.Page 29, 3rd Para, line 8: Insert after “is not large.”A small number of studies in Table 5-4 compare yield changes with and without agronomic adaptation. Percentage changes in yields across a range of climate change scenarios for those studies are shown in Figure 5-2. Each pair of vertical bars represents the range of percentage changes by crop, with and without adaptation, for each study. Clearly, adaptation ameliorates yield loss (and enhances yield gains) in most instances. However, in the examples included, adaptation does not always offset yield losses relative to current yields. Adaptation….Figure 5-2 Revised:Caption to “new” Figure 5.2Figure 5.2. Ranges of percentage changes in crop yields (expressed in the vertical extent of the vertical bars only) spanning selected climate change scenarios—with and without agronomic adaptation—from paired studies in Table 5-4. Each pair of ranges is differentiated by geographic location and crop. Pairs of vertical bars represent the range of percentage changes with and without adaptation. Endpoints of each range represent the collective high and low percentage change values derived from all climate scenarios used in the study. The horizontal extent of the bars is not meaningful.Insert new reference as follows:Arnell, N. W., M. G. R. Cannell, M. Hulme, R. S. Kovats, J. F. B. Mitchell, R. J. Nicholls, M. L. Parry, M. T. J. Livermore, and A. White. 2001. The consequences of CO2 stabilization for the impacts of climate change. Climatic Change, in press.Table 5-3: Change top legend to read…2nd sentence: For inclusion in the table, each study needed to meet 2 of the following 3 criteria: species or processes changing over time; the regional temperature changing over time; and a significant…Bold sentence to read: When considering those species that have shown a change, 86 % are changing in the manner expected with global warming, while 14% are changing in the opposite direction.Chapter 6: Coastal Zones and Marine EcosystemsPage 19, 6.4.4 Coastal Wetlands, first paragraph:Add italicized sentences:A recent estimate by Nicholls et al., (1999) suggests that by the 2080s sea-level rise could cause the loss of up to 22% of the world’s coastal wetlands. Although there would be significant regional variations (Michener et al., 1997) such loss would reinforce other adverse trends of wetland loss resulting primarily from direct human action, estimated by DETR (1999) to be about 40% of 1990 values by the 2080s. The stabilisation scenarios developed by DETR (1999) show a large reduction in wetland losses to 6-7 % compared with the unmitigated emissions scenario (13 %).Page 23, Section 6.5.1 Socioeconomic Impacts as part of Vulnerability Assessments, second paragraphAdd italicized sentences:The initial global vulnerability assessment has been revised based on scenarios for global sea-level rise derived from the l Hadley Centre’s HadCM2 ensemble simulations and HadCM3 simulations for greenhouse gas only forcing (Nicholls et al., 1999). This assessment indicated that by the 2080s the potential number of people flooded by stormsurge in a typical year will be more than five-times higher than today (using a sea-level rise of 0.38 m 1990 to 2080) and that between 13 to 88 million people could be affected even if evolving protection is included. Broadly similar results are given in the study undertaken by DETR (1999) and also reported by Arnell et al., (2001). However, they note that the flood impacts of sea-level rise are reduced by the emissions scenarios leading to stabilisation of carbon dioxide. By the 2080s the annual number of people flooded is estimated to be 34 million under the 750 ppm scenario and 19 million under the 550 ppm scenario.Chapter 7: Human Settlements, Energy and IndustryPage 8, second paragraph of section 7.2.2Wording changes to clarify the contents of Table 7-1 and Box 7-1.This is in response to comments by China and both of the review editors that the explanation is still confusing. Table 7-1 does not change, except to correct some spellings and dates in the notes to the table.In the second paragraph of section 7.2.2 on page 8, replace the second sentence with the following language.…Table 7-1 shows the author team's judgments, based on the available literature, about the vulnerability of different types of settlement to various aspects of climate change. The horizontal axis differentiates vulnerability according to the type of settlement, the capacity to adapt, and the mechanism through which the settlement is affected by climate change. Examples include: 1) the resource base of settlements economically dependent on activities such as agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting and gathering, or tourism may be affected; 2) housing and infrastructure may be affected in coastal areas, riverine floodplains, and islands sensitive to flooding, in steeplands sensitive to landslides, and urban/wildland boundaries sensitive to fires; 3) the health and productivity of urban populations may be affected directly through air pollution, heat waves, and heat island effects. The vertical axis identifies twelve different types of climate change impact in descending order of global importance. Vulnerabilities are rated as low, medium or high magnitude as described in Box 7-1. The information in Table 7-1 is generally presented as a range, reflecting the diversity of settlements within each broad class. The final column shows the level of confidence that the author team assigns to each type of climate impact. Table 7-1 depicts vulnerabilities for the years between approximately 2050 and 2080, since much of the available literature concentrates on the effects of climate change of a magnitude roughly corresponding to that expected in that period. Figure 7-2 provides the scores on the individual scales described more fully in Box 7-1. See also Moss and Schneider (1999).The rest of the paragraph becomes a new paragraph as follows:The negative impacts in Table 7-1 would be generally less negative or even positive in some regions before 2050, but greater than shown and becoming more negative in more regions after 2100. The table is not intended to show that only specific types ofsettlements would be harmed (or helped) in certain ways by certain changes; rather, that settlements of certain types are probably particularly vulnerable to certain types ofclimate changes or conditions. The table emphasizes the most salient effects that appear to be characteristic of certain types of settlements and mechanisms that might make the settlements more or less sensitive to climate change.In the last paragraph on the page, strike all of the language beginning “…Impacts onsettlements are ranked…” This information has been incorporated into the languageabove.Changes to Box 7-1 are shown in italics.Box 7-1. Development of Scales for Assessing Potential Vulnerability of Human Settlements to Effects of Climate Change and Confidence in the Certainty of the Impacts Climate affects the stability of the resources supporting human systems . One way toassess the potential impact of climate change on human systems is by using a qualitative scale that expresses the vulnerability of settlements to various kinds of climate effects (e.g., floods) in terms of how potentially disruptive these climate effects are expected to be for various types of human settlements (based on differences in their economic base,location, size, and adaptability). The definitions in the rating system below are derived from standard environmental impact assessment language and are intended to apply to local climate impacts. However, the scale may be used nationally if the nation is small and homogeneous, or if most of the population lives in settlements of a certain type.Magnitude Ratings (Size of Impacts)•Low: Impacts of changed climate are not distinguishable from normal background variability in weather impacts or else there is little noticeable effect.•Moderate: Resources or sectors are affected noticeably, and even substantially,but the effect is not destabilizing and recovery is rapid.•High: Impacts are large and sometimes catastrophic. Resources or settlements are destabilized with little hope for near-term recovery.A semi-quantitative approach is used with a 5-point confidence scale to indicate thecertainty of the effects of the climate change . The author team subjectively ratedconfidence based on the literature in four dimensions: consensus among experts(Consensus ), extent to which underlying theory and data is developed (Theory ), quality of model results (Model Results ), and consistency of observational evidence(Observation s ). The scores were used to create a four-sided polygon, as shown in Figure 7-2. All four dimensions were weighted equally to determine the area of the polygon and an overall confidence score.)(5.0Theory Consensus Consensus sults Re Model sults Re Model ns Observatio ns Observatio Theory Area Polygon •+•+•+••=The overall confidence score assigned was assigned based on the area of the polygon. For example, to rate a “4” for “high confidence”, the polygon had to have an area between 16。
3Dmax命令 英文单词

3dsmax命令一、File〈文件〉New〈新建〉Reset〈重置〉Open〈打开〉Save〈保存〉Save As〈保存为〉Save selected〈保存选择〉XRef Objects〈外部引用物体〉 XRef Scenes〈外部引用场景〉 Merge 〈合并〉Merge Animation〈合并动画动作〉 Replace〈替换〉Import〈输入〉Export〈输出〉Export Selected〈选择输出〉 Archive〈存档〉Summary Info〈摘要信息〉 File Properties〈文件属性〉View Image File〈显示图像文件〉 History〈历史〉Exit〈退出〉二、Edit〈菜单〉Undo or Redo〈取消/重做〉 Hold and fetch〈保留/引用〉 Delete〈删除〉Clone〈克隆〉Select All〈全部选择〉Select None〈空出选择〉 Select Invert〈反向选择〉 Select By〈参考选择〉Color〈颜色选择〉Name〈名字选择〉Rectangular Region〈矩形选择〉 Circular Region〈圆形选择〉 Fabce Region〈连点选择〉 Lasso Region〈套索选择〉 Region:〈区域选择〉Window〈包含〉Crossing〈相交〉Named Selection Sets〈命名选择集〉 Object Properties〈物体属性〉三、Tools〈工具〉Transform Type-In〈键盘输入变换〉Display Floater〈视窗显示浮动对话框〉Selection Floater〈选择器浮动对话框〉Light Lister〈灯光列表〉Mirror〈镜像物体〉Array〈阵列〉Align〈对齐〉Snapshot〈快照〉Spacing Tool〈间距分布工具〉Normal Align〈法线对齐〉Align Camera〈相机对齐〉Align to View〈视窗对齐〉Place Highlight〈放置高光〉Isolate Selection〈隔离选择〉Rename Objects〈物体更名〉四、Group〈群组〉Group〈群组〉Ungroup〈撤消群组〉Open〈开放组〉Close〈关闭组〉Attach〈配属〉Detach〈分离〉Explode〈分散组〉五、Views〈查看〉Undo View Change/Redo View change〈取消/重做视窗变化〉 Save Active View/Restore Active View〈保存/还原当前视窗〉 Viewport Configuration〈视窗配置〉Grids〈栅格〉Show Home Grid〈显示栅格命令〉Activate Home Grid〈活跃原始栅格命令〉Activate Grid Object〈活跃栅格物体命令〉Activate Grid to View〈栅格及视窗对齐命令〉Viewport Background〈视窗背景〉Update Background Image〈更新背景〉Reset Background Transform〈重置背景变换〉Show Transform Gizmo〈显示变换坐标系〉Show Ghosting〈显示重橡〉Show Key Times〈显示时间键〉Shade Selected〈选择亮显〉Show Dependencies〈显示关联物体〉Match Camera to View〈相机与视窗匹配〉Add Default Lights To Scene〈增加场景缺省灯光〉 Redraw All Views 〈重画所有视窗〉Activate All Maps〈显示所有贴图〉Deactivate All Maps〈关闭显示所有贴图〉Update During Spinner Drag〈微调时实时显示〉 Adaptive Degradation Toggle〈绑定适应消隐〉 Expert Mode〈专家模式〉六、Create〈创建〉Standard Primitives〈标准图元〉Box〈立方体〉Cone〈圆锥体〉Sphere〈球体〉GeoSphere〈三角面片球体〉Cylinder〈圆柱体〉Tube〈管状体〉Torus〈圆环体〉Pyramid〈角锥体〉Plane〈平面〉Teapot〈茶壶〉Extended Primitives〈扩展图元〉Hedra〈多面体〉Torus Knot〈环面纽结体〉Chamfer Box〈斜切立方体〉Chamfer Cylinder〈斜切圆柱体〉Oil Tank〈桶状体〉Capsule〈角囊体〉Spindle〈纺锤体〉L-Extrusion〈L形体按钮〉Gengon〈导角棱柱〉C-Extrusion〈C形体按钮〉RingWave〈环状波〉Hose〈软管体〉Prism〈三棱柱〉Shapes〈形状〉Line〈线条〉Text〈文字〉Arc〈弧〉Circle〈圆〉Donut〈圆环〉Ellipse〈椭圆〉Helix〈螺旋线〉NGon〈多边形〉Rectangle〈矩形〉Section〈截面〉Star〈星型〉Lights〈灯光〉Target Spotlight〈目标聚光灯〉Free Spotlight〈自由聚光灯〉Target Directional Light〈目标平行光〉Directional Light〈平行光〉Omni Light〈泛光灯〉Skylight〈天光〉Target Point Light〈目标指向点光源〉Free Point Light〈自由点光源〉Target Area Light〈指向面光源〉IES Sky〈IES天光〉IES Sun〈IES阳光〉SuNLIGHT System and Daylight〈太阳光及日光系统〉 Camera〈相机〉Free Camera〈自由相机〉Target Camera〈目标相机〉Particles〈粒子系统〉Blizzard〈暴风雪系统〉PArray〈粒子阵列系统〉PCloud〈粒子云系统〉Snow〈雪花系统〉Spray〈喷溅系统〉Super Spray〈超级喷射系统〉七、Modifiers〈修改器〉Selection Modifiers〈选择修改器〉Mesh Select〈网格选择修改器〉Poly Select〈多边形选择修改器〉Patch Select〈面片选择修改器〉Spline Select〈样条选择修改器〉Volume Select〈体积选择修改器〉FFD Select〈自由变形选择修改器〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择修改器〉 Patch/Spline Editing 〈面片/样条线修改器〉: Edit Patch〈面片修改器〉Edit Spline〈样条线修改器〉Cross Section〈截面相交修改器〉Surface〈表面生成修改器〉Delete Patch〈删除面片修改器〉DeleteSpline〈删除样条线修改器〉Lathe〈车床修改器〉Normalize Spline〈规格化样条线修改器〉Fillet/Chamfer〈圆切及斜切修改器〉Trim/Extend〈修剪及延伸修改器〉Mesh Editing〈表面编辑〉Cap Holes〈顶端洞口编辑器〉Delete Mesh〈编辑网格物体编辑器〉Edit Normals〈编辑法线编辑器〉Extrude〈挤压编辑器〉Face Extrude〈面拉伸编辑器〉Normal〈法线编辑器〉Optimize〈优化编辑器〉Smooth〈平滑编辑器〉STL Check〈STL检查编辑器〉Symmetry〈对称编辑器〉Tessellate〈镶嵌编辑器〉Vertex Paint〈顶点着色编辑器〉Vertex Weld〈顶点焊接编辑器〉Animation Modifiers〈动画编辑器〉Skin〈皮肤编辑器〉Morpher〈变体编辑器〉Flex〈伸缩编辑器〉Melt〈熔化编辑器〉Linked XForm〈连结参考变换编辑器〉Patch Deform〈面片变形编辑器〉Path Deform〈路径变形编辑器〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉* Surf Deform〈空间变形编辑器〉UV Coordinates〈贴图轴坐标系〉UVW Map〈UVW贴图编辑器〉UVW Xform〈UVW贴图参考变换编辑器〉Unwrap UVW〈展开贴图编辑器〉Camera Map〈相机贴图编辑器〉* Camera Map〈环境相机贴图编辑器〉Cache Tools〈捕捉工具〉Point Cache〈点捕捉编辑器〉Subdivision Surfaces〈表面细分〉MeshSmooth〈表面平滑编辑器〉HSDS Modifier〈分级细分编辑器〉Free Form Deformers〈自由变形工具〉FFD 2×2×2/FFD 3×3×3/FFD 4×4×4〈自由变形工具2×2×2/3×3×3/4×4×4〉 FFD Box/FFD Cylinder〈盒体和圆柱体自由变形工具〉Parametric Deformers〈参数变形工具〉Bend〈弯曲〉Taper〈锥形化〉Twist〈扭曲〉Noise〈噪声〉Stretch〈缩放〉Squeeze〈压榨〉Push〈推挤〉Relax〈松弛〉Ripple〈波纹〉Wave〈波浪〉SkeSlice〈切片〉Spherify〈球形扭曲〉Affect Region〈面域影响〉Lattice〈栅格〉Mirror〈镜像〉Displace〈置换〉XForm〈参考变换〉Preserve〈保持〉Surface〈表面编辑〉Material〈材质变换〉Material By Element〈元素材质变换〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉NURBS Editing〈NURBS面编辑〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉Radiosity Modifiers〈光能传递修改器〉Subdivide〈细分〉* Subdivide〈超级细分〉八、Character〈角色人物〉Create Character〈创建角色〉Destroy Character〈删除角色〉Lock/Unlock〈锁住与解锁〉Insert Character〈插入角色〉Save Character〈保存角色〉Bone Tools〈骨骼工具〉Set Skin Pose〈调整皮肤姿势〉Assume Skin Pose〈还原姿势〉Skin Pose Mode〈表面姿势模式〉九、Animation〈动画〉IK Solvers〈反向动力学〉HI Solver〈非历史性控制器〉HD Solver〈历史性控制器〉IK Limb Solver〈反向动力学肢体控制器〉SplineIK Solver〈样条反向动力控制器〉Constraints〈约束〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Link Constraint〈连结约束〉LookAt Constraint〈视觉跟随约束〉Orientation Constraint〈方位约束〉第6/8页Transform Constraint〈变换控制〉Link Constraint〈连接约束〉Position/Rotation/Scale〈PRS控制器〉Transform Script〈变换控制脚本〉Position Controllers〈位置控制器〉Audio〈音频控制器〉Bezier〈贝塞尔曲线控制器〉Expression〈表达式控制器〉Linear〈线性控制器〉Motion Capture〈动作捕捉〉 Noise〈燥波控制器〉Quatermion(TCB)〈TCB控制器〉Reactor〈反应器〉Spring〈弹力控制器〉Script〈脚本控制器〉XYZ〈XYZ位置控制器〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Rotation Controllers〈旋转控制器〉注:该命令工十一个子菜单。
RM6CodeA doption Amendments

Appendix BKnox County Code Adoptions with AmendmentsORDINANCE 0-06-11-101 APPROVED 12-18-06ARTICLE III. 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE (IRC)Section 10-56. Adopted.Section 10-57. A mendments.1. Section R101.1 Title.Delete “[NAME OF JURISDICTION]” and insert “Knox County, Tennessee” in its place.2. Section R102.5 Appendices.At the end of this section, insert the following:“The following Appendices are specifically included in the adoption. All others are excluded.Appendix A Sizing and Capacities of Gas PipingAppendix B Sizing Of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped With Draft Hoods,Category I Appliances, And Appliances Listed For Use with Type B Vents Appendix C Exit Terminals of Mechanical Draft and Direct-Vent Venting SystemsAppendix D Recommended Procedure for Safety Inspection of an Existing ApplianceInstallationAppendix E Manufactured Housing Used As DwellingsAppendix F Radon Control MethodsAppendix G Swimming Pools, Spas, and Hot TubsAppendix H Patio CoversAppendix J Existing Buildings And StructuresAppendix K Sound TransmissionAppendix M Home Day Care – R-3 OccupancyAppendix N Venting MethodsAppendix O Gray Water Recycling SystemsAppendix Q ICC International Residential Code Electrical Provisions/NationalElectrical Code Cross-Reference”3. Section R105.2 Work exempt from permit.Delete “2. Fences not over 6 feet (1829 mm) high.” and insert “2. Fences.” in its place.4. Section R106.1 Submittal documents.At the end of the first paragraph before the exception, insert “All construction documents, including the site plan, for all buildings over 5000 square feet in area and for all buildings with three or more attached dwellings shall be prepared and sealed by a registered design professional licensed by the State of Tennessee.”5. Section R109.1.2 Plumbing, mechanical, gas and electrical systems.Delete “, and prior to framing inspection”6. Section R109.1.4 Frame and masonry inspection.Delete “and after the plumbing, mechanical and electrical rough inspections are approved”7. Table R301.2(1) Climatic And Geographic Design Criteria.Insert “10 PSF” in the table for Ground Snow Load.Insert “90” in the table for Wind Speed.Insert “C” in the table for Seismic Design Category.Insert “Severe” in the table for Weathering.Insert “12 inches” in the table for Frost Line Depth.Insert “Moderate to heavy” in the chart for Termite.Insert “19 degrees Fahrenheit” in the table for Winter Design Temp.Insert “No” in the table for Ice Shield Underlayment Required.Insert “210” in the table for Air Freezing Index.Insert “59.4” in the table for Mean Annual Temp.Delete footnote g. in its entirety and in its place insert “g. Flood hazard areas shall be as determined by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.”8. Figure R301.1(7) Component And Cladding Pressure Zones.Change the figure number from “R301.1(7)” to “R301.2(7)”9. Section R301.2.2 Seismic provisions.In the exception insert “and townhouses” after the word “dwellings” and at the end of the section insert “All references to “townhouses in seismic design category C” in Chapters 6, 7 and 28 shall not apply in Knox County.”10. Section R311.5.3.1 Riser height.Delete “7 ¾ inches (196 mm)” and replace it with “8 inches”.11. Section R311.5.3.2 Tread depth.Delete “10 inches (254 mm)” and replace it with “9 inches” in both places and change “6 inches (152mm)” to “4 inches” for the winder tread minimum width at the narrow end.12. Section 311.5.6 Handrails.Change “four or more risers” to “a total rise of 30 inches or more”.13. Section R313.2 Location.Insert “4. In each garage or storage area with a four foot or wider door to the outside. These smoke alarms shall be specifically approved for use in garages in the manufacturers written instructions. Exception: Heat detectors interconnected with the alarm system and having battery back up may be used in a garage or storage area.”14. Section R317.1 Two-family dwellings.Insert “from the foundation” after the second occurrence of the word “extend”.15. Section R324.1.6 Protection of water supply and sanitary sewage.Delete “and Chapter 3 of the International Private Sewage Disposal Code” and insert “, the requirements of the water and sewer service utility providers and the Knox County Health Department” in its place.16. Figure R403.1(1) Concrete and Masonry Foundation Details.Insert a note in the figure as follows: “The bottom of all foundations shall extend a minimum of 12 inches below finished grade.”17. Section R404.1 Concrete and masonry foundation walls.Delete the entire second paragraph including items one through five.18. Table R404.1(1) Top Reactions and Prescriptive Support for Foundation WallsDelete Table R404.1(1) in its entirety.19. Table R404.1(2) Maximum Plate Anchor-Bolt Spacing for Supported Foundation Wall. Delete Table R404.1(2) in its entirety.20. Table R404.1(3) Maximum Aspect Ratio, L/W for Unbalanced FoundationsDelete Table R404.1(3) in its entirety.21. Section R404.1.3 Design required.Delete the word “or” and insert the word “and” in its place at the end of the sentence in item 2. of this section.22. Section R404.1.3.1 Permanent lateral support for foundation and retaining walls.Add new section numbers, titles and text as follows:“R404.1.3.1 Permanent lateral support for foundation and retaining walls. Masonry foundation walls shall be laterally supported in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 6 Wall Construction Sections R606 General Masonry Construction, R607 Unit Masonry, and R608 Multiple Wythe Masonry.”“R404.1.3.2 Masonry and concrete foundation walls supporting less than four feet of unbalanced backfill. Where masonry or concrete foundation walls supporting less than four feet of unbalanced backfill do not extend and attach to the floor sheathing above, they shall be laterally braced at the top of the wall at intervals not to exceed four feet on center. Bracing shall be provided by the floor structural members where they are perpendicular to the wall and by blocking or bridging where the floor structural members are parallel to the wall. Such blocking or bridging shall be installed in the first two spaces between the floor structural members. For nominal “two by” lumber floor structural members the blocking shall be nominal “two by” solid full depth blocking the same size as the floor joists. For engineered floor structural members such as trusses or I-joists such blocking shall be in accordance with the manufacturers written instructions and shall be not less than a 2”x 4” diagonal brace connected to the sill plate on top of the wall and connected to the top of the first structural member and a 2”x 4” flat block connected to the top of the first and second structural members in line with the diagonal brace.”“R404.1.3.3 Masonry and concrete foundation walls supporting four feet or more of unbalanced backfill. Where masonry or concrete foundation walls supporting four feet or more of unbalanced backfill do not extend and attach to the floor sheathing above, they shall be laterally braced at the top of the wall at intervals not to exceed two feet on center. Bracing shall be provided by the floor structural members where they are perpendicular to the wall and by blocking or bridging where the floor structural members are parallel to the wall. Such blocking or bridging shall be installed in the first three spaces between the floor structural members. For nominal “two by” lumber floor structural members the blocking shall be nominal “two by” solidfull depth blocking the same size as the floor joists. For engineered floor structural members such as trusses or I-joists such blocking shall be in accordance with the manufacturers written instructions and shall be not less than a 2”x 4” diagonal brace connected to the sill plate on top of the wall and connected to the top of the first structural member and a 2”x 4” flat block connected to the top of the first and second structural members in line with the diagonal brace.”“R404.1.3.4 Lateral support for the bottom of masonry and concrete foundation walls. Where masonry or concrete foundation walls are required by Table R404.1.1(1), R404.1.1(2), R404.1.1(3), R404.1.1(4) or R404.1.1(5) to have vertical steel reinforcing, the bottom of the wall shall be laterally supported. Lateral support shall be provided by a full basement concrete slab floor a minimum of a 3 ½” thick poured tight against the bottom of the foundation walls with no compressible materials allowed for expansion or other purposes. If no floor slab is to be poured, such as in crawl spaces, lateral support of the bottom of the foundation wall shall be accomplished by embedding steel reinforcing in the foundation, which shall extend up into the wall and be tied to the wall reinforcing. This reinforcing shall be of the same size and spacing as is required for the wall.”23. Section R408.1 VentilationAt the end of the section, add the following:“Exception: The minimum net area of ventilation openings may be reduced to not less than 1 square foot for each 1500 square feet of the under-floor space area where the ground surface is treated with an approved vapor retarder material and the required openings are placed so as to provide cross ventilation of the under-floor space.”24. Section R502.11.4 Truss Design Drawings.Delete “to the building official and approved prior to installation” and replace it with “for review when required by the building official”.25. Section R602.6 Drilling and notching studs.In subsection “2. Drilling.” delete the second occurrence of the word “no”.26. Table R602.10.1 Wall Bracing.In the section for Category C for wall bracing of a one story or top of a two or three story change “30%” to “16%” and change “45%” to “25%” and in the section for Category C for wall bracing of the first story of a two story or the second story of a three story change “16%” to “30%” and change “25%” to “45%”.27. Section R613.2 Window sills.Delete section R613.2 in its entirety.28. Section R802.10.1 Truss design drawings.Delete “to the building official and approved prior to installation” and replace it with “for review when required by the building official”.29. Table N1102.1 Insulation And Fenestration Requirements By ComponentIn the row for climate zone “4 except Marine”, change Ceiling R-Value from “R38” to “R-30” and change Floor R-Value from “R-19” to “R-13”.30. Section N1103.2.1 Insulation.Change “R-8” to “R-6” in the first sentence and delete the second sentence entirely.31. Section M1305.1.3 Appliances in attics.In the first sentence delete the word “have” and replace with “be provided with”.32. Section P2603.6.1 Sewer depth.Delete “[NUMBER]” in two places and insert “twelve inches” in two places.33. Section E3303.2 Inspection Required.Delete the word “shall” and replace with the word “may”.34. Section AE304.3.2.1 Investigation.Delete the word “shall” and replace with the word “may”.35. Section AE304.3.2.2 Fee.Delete the word “shall” and replace with the word “may” in the first three places it occurs. 36. Section AE305.5.1 Structural inspections for the manufactured home installation.At the end of the section insert “Exception: The inspections required by this section shall not apply to manufactured homes as exempted by the State of Tennessee but shall apply to any construction or installation of decks, porches, steps or other structures or equipment. All manufactured homes shall pass a final inspection and have a certificate of occupancy issued.”37. Section AF103.5.3 Vent pipe.At the end of the section insert “Exception: The vent pipe shall be allowed to terminate in the attic and may be capped unless tests verify the radon potential to be 4 pCi/L or greater.” 38. Section AF103.6.1 Vent pipe.At the end of the section insert “Exception: The vent pipe shall be allowed to terminate in the attic and may be capped unless tests verify the radon potential to be 4 pCi/L or greater.” 39. Section AF103.12 Power source.Delete Section AF103.12 in its entirety.40. Section AH105.1 General.Delete the word “con-forming” and replace with “conforming”.Section 10-58. R eserved.ORDINANCE 0-07-3-101 APPROVED 04-16-07Exhibit IAmendments to the 2006 International Building CodeSection 101.1 Title.Delete “[NAME OF JURISDICTION]” and insert “Knox County, Tennessee” in its place. Section 101.2.1 Appendices.Insert “The following Appendices are specifically included in the adoption. All others are excluded.Appendix A Employee QualificationsAppendix B Board Of AppealsAppendix C Group U - Agricultural BuildingsAppendix E Supplementary Accessibility RequirementsAppendix F Rodent ProofingAppendix G Flood-Resistant ConstructionAppendix H SignsAppendix I Patio CoversAppendix J GradingAppendix K ICC Electrical Code”Section 101.4.4 Plumbing.Delete “International Private Sewage Disposal Code” and replace with “Knox County Health Department”.Section 104.4 Inspections.Add a new section as follows: “Section 104.4.1 Re-inspections. As deemed necessary by the code official, the owner/occupant of a facility found in violation of the adopted building codes and/or NFPA 101 shall contact the inspector responsible for identifying the building code and/or NFPA 101 violations to schedule the required re-inspection of the facility within the time frame specified by the inspector. The facility shall not be in compliance until all violations noted have been corrected and a re-inspection has been completed.”Section 109.3.3 Lowest floor elevation.At the end of the section insert “Compliance with the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works requirements regarding building in flood hazard areas shall be deemed to comply with this section.”Section 109.3.7 Energy efficiency inspections.Change “shall” to “may” in two places.Section 109.5 Inspection requests.At the end of the section insert “The inspection is not required to be made if the inspector has to put himself / herself at risk due to a violation of the occupational safety and health standards for the construction industry promulgated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).”Section 712.2 Installation details.Add a new section as follows: “Section 712.2.1 Installation requirements. The IBC fire-stopping certificate of completion form 712.2.1(1) or a functional equivalent must be completed by the fire-stopping installer prior to the issuance of a certificate of completion. (The IBC fire-stopping certificate of completion form 712.2.1(1) is available at the Knox County Fire Prevention Bureau).”Section [F]907.1.1 Construction documents.At the end of the section insert:“12. A point to point wiring diagram for all devices.”“13. A riser diagram showing the zones for all devices connected to the control panel.” Section [F]907.2.1.1 System initiation in Group A occupancies with an occupant load of 1,000 or more.Replace “1,000 or more” with “more than 300” in the title and in the code section.Section [F]907. Group R-1.Insert “4. In each garage or storage area with a four foot or wider door to the outside.”Section [F]907. Groups R-2, R-3, R-4 and I-1.Insert “4. In each private garage attached to and serving a dwelling unit.”Section 1013.1 Guards.Delete the first sentence and replace with “Guards shall be located along open-sided walking surfaces or ground surfaces, mezzanines, industrial equipment platforms, retaining walls, stairways, ramps, landings and any other locations that are located more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor or grade below.”Section 1026.2 Minimum size.Delete the Exception subsection in its entirety.Section 1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas.Delete the text of this section in its entirety and replace with “Flood hazard areas shall be determined in accordance with the regulations enforced by the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.”Section 1704.1 General.Change the first occurrence of “shall” to “may be required to”.In exceptions item 2 insert “Unless otherwise required by the building official,” at the first of the section just before the word “Special” and change the capital S in ”Special” to lower case. Section 2701.1 ScopeAt the end of the section insert “All references to the International Fire Code in this chapter shall also refer to the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.”Section [P]2901.1 Scope.Change “International Private Sewage Disposal Code” to “requirements of the Knox County Health Department”Section 3401.3 Compliance with other codes.Delete “International Private Sewage Disposal Code,” and insert “Knox County Health Department, NFPA 101 Life Safety Code” in its place.Section 3410.2 Applicability.Delete “[DATE TO BE INSERTED BY THE JURISDICTION. NOTE:IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THIS DATE COINCIDE WITH THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF BUILDING CODES WITHIN THE JURISDICTION.]” and insert “the adoption of the first building code regulations in Knox County, Tennessee.” In its place.Section 3410.3.2 Compliance with other codes.At the end of the section insert “These buildings shall also comply with the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.”Section B101.2 Membership of the board.Delete “as follows:” and insert a period after the word “authority”Delete “1. One for five years; one for four years; one for three years; one for two years; and one for one year.”Delete “2. Thereafter, each new member shall serve for five years or until a successor has been appointed.”Section B101.2.2 Qualifications.After the word “disciplines” insert “or as determined by the Building Official and the Fire Official”Section G102.2 Establishment of flood hazard areas.Delete “on [INSERT DATE]”Section H101.2 Signs exempt from permits.Delete Section H101.2 in its entirety.Section J101.1 Scope.Immediately after the word “chapter” insert “and the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works”Section K101.1 Title.Delete “[NAME OF JURISDICTION]” and insert “Knox County, Tennessee” in its place. Section K401.1 Permits required.At the end of the section insert “Compliance with the State of Tennessee electrical inspectors permitting and inspection requirements shall be deemed to comply with the regulations contained herein.”Section K404.2 Schedule of permit fees.Delete “indicated in the following schedule” and insert “established and regulated by the International Building Code” in its place.Delete “[JURISDICTION TO INSERT APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE]”Section K702.1 GeneralDelete the word “shall” and insert the word “may” in its place.Chapter K11 Means of AppealDelete sections K1101, K1102 and K1103 in their entirety and insert “Section K1101Board of appeals. The board of appeals shall be as established and regulated by the 2006 International Building Code.”Exhibit IIAmendments to the 2006 International Fuel Gas CodeSection 101.1 Title.Delete “[NAME OF JURISDICTION]” and insert “Knox County, Tennessee” in its place. Section 101.3 Appendices.Insert “The following Appendices are specifically included in the adoption. All others are excluded.Appendix A Sizing And Capacities Of Gas Piping (IFGS)Appendix B Sizing Of Venting Systems Serving Appliances Equipped With Draft Hoods,Category I Appliances, And Appliances Listed For Use With Type B Vents (IFGS)Appendix C Exit Terminals Of Mechanical Draft And Direct-Vent Venting Systems (IFGS)Appendix D Recommended Procedure For Safety Inspection Of An Existing Appliance Installation (IFGS)”Section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule.Delete Section 106.5.2 in its entirety and insert “Fees as adopted by resolution for Knox County, Tennessee.”Section 106.5.3 Fee Refunds.Delete Section 106.5.3 in its entirety including the section number and title.Section 107.1 Required Inspections And Testing.At the end of the first paragraph, insert “The inspection is not required to be made if the inspector has to put himself / herself at risk due to a violation of the occupational safety and health standards for the construction industry promulgated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).”Section 108.4 Violation Penalties.Delete “guilty of a [SPECIFY OFFENSE], punishable by a fine of not more than [AMOUNT] dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding [NUMBER OF DAYS], or both such fine and imprisonment” and insert “subject to penalties as prescribed by law” in its place.Section 108.5 Stop Work Orders.Delete “liable for a fine of not less than [AMOUNT] dollars or more than [AMOUNT] dollars” and insert “subject to penalties as prescribed by law” in its place.Section 109 (IFGC) Means Of Appeal.Delete Section 109 in its entirety and insert “The Board of Appeals shall be as established and regulated by the 2006 International Building Code.” in its place.Exhibit IIIAmendments to the 2006 International Property Maintenance CodeSection 101.1 Title.Delete “[NAME OF JURISDICTION]” and insert in its place “Knox County, Tennessee”. Section 102.3 Application of other codes.Delete “the International Building Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Mechanical Code and the ICC Electrical Code. Nothing in this code shall be construed to cancel, modify or set aside any provision of the International Zoning Code.” and insert in its place “all of the adopted codes, ordinances, and resolutions of Knox County, Tennessee.”Section 102.5 Workmanship.At the end of the section, insert “Residential Construction Performance Guidelines for Professional Builders & Remodelers, Third Edition as published by the National Association of Home Builders may be used as a performance guideline.”Section 103.4 Severability.Insert “, Public Building Authority employee,” after each occurrence of the word officer. Section 103.5 Fees.Delete [JURISDICTION TO INSERT APPROPRIATE SCHEDULE] and insert in its place “Fees as adopted by resolution for Knox County, Tennessee.”Section 111 Means Of Appeal.Delete Section 111 in its entirety and insert in its place “The Board of Appeals shall be as established and regulated by the 2006 International Building Code.”Section 201.3 Terms defined in other codes.Delete “the International Building Code, International Fire Code, International Zoning Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code or the ICC Electrical Code” and insert “all of the adopted codes, ordinances, and resolutions of Knox County, Tennessee.” Section 302.4 Weeds.Delete “(jurisdiction to insert height in inches)” and insert in its place “twelve inches” . Section 304.14 Insect screens.Delete “During the period from [DATE] to [DATE],” and change “every” to “Every”.Section 602.3 Heat supply.Delete “during the period from [DATE] to [DATE]”Section 602.4 Occupiable work spaces.Delete “during the period from [DATE] to [DATE]”Chapter 8 Referenced StandardsDelete “IZC-06 International Zoning Code® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102.3, 201.3”At the end of the section insert “Residential Construction Performance Guidelines for Professional Builders & Remodelers, Third Edition as published by the National Association of Home Builders……102.5.”Exhibit IVAmendments to the 2006 International Mechanical CodeSection 101.1 Title.Delete “[NAME OF JURISDICTION]” and insert “Knox County, Tennessee” in its place. Section 101.2.1 Appendices.Insert “The following Appendices are specifically included in the adoption. All others are excluded.Appendix A Combustion Air Openings And Chimney Connector Pass-Throughs” Section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule.Delete Section 106.5.2 in its entirety and insert “Fees as adopted by resolution for Knox County, Tennessee.”Section 106.5.3 Fee Refunds.Delete Section 106.5.3 in its entirety including the section number and title.Section 107.1 Required Inspections And Testing.At the end of the first paragraph, insert “The inspection is not required to be made if the inspector has to put himself / herself at risk due to a violation of the occupational safety and health standards for the construction industry promulgated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).”Section 108.4 Violation Penalties.Delete “guilty of a [SPECIFY OFFENSE], punishable by a fine of not more than [AMOUNT] dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding [NUMBER OF DAYS], or both such fine and imprisonment” and insert “subject to penalties as prescribed by law” in its place.Section 108.5 Stop Work Orders.Delete “liable for a fine of not less than [AMOUNT] dollars or more than [AMOUNT] dollars” and insert “subject to penalties as prescribed by law” in its place.Section 109 Means Of Appeal.Delete Section 109 in its entirety and insert “The Board of Appeals shall be as established and regulated by the 2006 International Building Code.” in its place.Section 606 Smoke Detection Systems Control.Insert a new section as follows: “Section 606.5 Systems with a capacity of 2,000 CFM or less. Recirculating air systems with a fan capacity of 2,000 cfm (0.9 m3/s) or less, but serving an area used for egress, shall have an automatic shutdown. Automatic shutdown may be by means of an approved smoke detector or fire-stat placed in the return air stream prior to any exhausting from the building or mixing with the fresh air makeup.”Exhibit VAmendments to the 2006 International Plumbing CodeSection 101.1 Title.Delete “[NAME OF JURISDICTION]” and insert “Knox County, Tennessee” in its place.Section 101.2 ScopeAt the end of the first paragraph insert “The following Appendices are specifically included in the adoption. All others are excluded.Appendix B Rates Of Rainfall For Various CitiesAppendix C Gray Water Recycling SystemsAppendix D Degree Day And Design TemperaturesAppendix E Sizing Of Water Piping SystemAppendix F Structural SafetyAppendix G Vacuum Drainage System”Section 106.6.2 Fee Schedule.Delete Section 106.6.2 in its entirety and insert “Fees as adopted by resolution for Knox County, Tennessee.”Section 106.6.3 Fee Refunds.Delete Section 106.6.3 in its entirety including the section number and title.Section 107.1 Required Inspections And Testing.At the end of the first paragraph, insert “The inspection is not required to be made if the inspector has to put himself / herself at risk due to a violation of the occupational safety and health standards for the construction industry promulgated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).”Section 108.4 Violation Penalties.Delete “guilty of a [SPECIFY OFFENSE], punishable by a fine of not more than [AMOUNT] dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding [NUMBER OF DAYS], or both such fine and imprisonment” and insert “subject to penalties as prescribed by law” in its place.Section 108.5 Stop Work Orders.Delete “liable for a fine of not less than [AMOUNT] dollars or more than [AMOUNT] dollars” and insert “subject to penalties as prescribed by law” in its place.Section 109 Means Of Appeal.Delete Section 109 in its entirety and insert “The Board of Appeals shall be as established and regulated by the 2006 International Building Code.” in its place.Section 301.3 Connections to the sanitary drainage system.At the end of the section insert “Exception: Bathtubs, showers, lavatories, clothes washers and laundry trays shall not be required to discharge to the sanitary drainage system where such fixtures discharge to an approved gray water system for flushing of water closets and urinals or for subsurface landscape irrigation.”Section 305.6.1 Sewer Depth.Delete “[NUMBER]” in two places and insert “twelve” in its place.Delete “(mm)” in two places.Section 701.2 Sewer Required.Delete “in accordance with the International Private Sewage Disposal Code”.。

作者:止战碟殇教程作者:止战碟殇一、 File< 文件 ><新建 ><翻开 >As< 翻开为 >Recent< 近来翻开文件><封闭 ><储存 >As< 储存为 >for Web<储存为Web所用格式 ><恢复 ><置入 ><输入 ><1>PDF Image<2>Annotations< 说明 ><输出 >Workflow< 管理工作流程><1>Check In< 登记 ><2>Undo Check Out< 复原注销 ><3>Upload To Server<上载到服务器><4>Add To Workflow<增添到工作流程><5>Open From Workflow<从工作流程翻开><自动 ><1>Batch< 批办理 ><2>Create Droplet<创立快捷批办理><3>Conditional Mode Change<条件模式改正><4>Contact Sheet<联系表 ><5>Fix Image< 限制图像 ><6>Multi < 多页面 pdf 到 psd><7>Picture package<图片包 ><8>Web Photo GalleryInfo<文件简介>Options<打印选项>Setup< 页面设置 ><打印 >to< 跳转到 ><退出 >二、 Edit< 编写 ><复原 >Forward< 向前 >Backward< 返回 ><减退 ><剪切 ><拷贝 >Merged< 归并拷贝 ><粘贴 >Into<粘贴入><除去 ><填补 ><描边 >Transform<自由变形><变换 ><1>Again< 再次 ><2>Sacle< 缩放 ><3>Rotate< 旋转 ><4>Skew<斜切 ><5>Distort<歪曲 ><6>Prespective< 透视 ><7>Rotate 180 °<旋转180 度><8>Rotate 90°CW<顺时针旋转90 度><9>Rotate 90°CCW<逆时针旋转90 度><10> Flip Hpeizontal<水平翻转 ><11> Flip Vertical<垂直翻转 > Brush< 定义画笔 >Pattern< 设置图案 >Custom Shape< 定义自定形状><除去内存数据><1> Undo< 复原 ><2> Clipboard<<3> Histories<剪贴板 >历史纪录><4> All<所有>Settings< 颜色设置 >Manager< 预置管理器><预设 ><1> General<惯例><2> Saving Files<储存文件><3> Display&Cursors<显示与光标><4> Transparency&Gamut<透明地区与色域><5> Units&Rulers<单位与标尺><6> Guides&Grid<参照线与网格><7> Plug<8> Memory & Image Cache< 内存和图像高速缓存><9> Adobe Online<10> Workflows Options<工作流程选项>三、 Image<图像 >Strokes< 画笔描边 ><1> Accented Edges<加强边沿 ><2> Angled Stroke<成角的线条 ><3> Crosshatch< 暗影线 ><4> Dark Strokes<深色线条 ><5> Ink Outlines<油墨概略 ><6> Spatter< 喷笔 ><7> Sprayed Strokes<喷色线条 ><8> Sumi<歪曲 ><1> Diffuse Glow<扩散亮光 ><2> Displace<置换 ><3> Glass< 玻璃 ><4> Ocean Ripple<大海涟漪 ><5> Pinch< 挤压 ><6> Polar Coordinates<极坐标 ><7> Ripple< 涟漪 ><8> Shear< 切变 ><9> Spherize<球面化 ><10> Twirl< 旋转歪曲 ><11> Wave<波涛 ><12> Zigzag< 水波 ><杂色 ><1> Add Noise<加入杂色 ><2> Despeckle<去斑 ><3> Dust & Scratches< 蒙尘与划痕 ><4> Median< 中间值 ><像素化 ><1> Color Halftone<彩色半调 ><2> Crystallize<晶格化 ><3> Facet< 彩块化 ><4> Fragment<碎片 ><5> Mezzotint<铜版雕琢 ><6> Mosaic< 马赛克 ><7> Pointillize<点状化 ><衬着 ><1> 3D Transform<3D变换 ><2> Clouds< 云彩 ><3> Difference Clouds<分层云彩 ><4> Lens Flare<镜头光晕 ><5> Lighting Effects<光照成效 ><6> Texture Fill<纹理填补 ><锐化 ><1> Sharpen< 锐化 ><2> Sharpen Edges<锐化边沿 ><3> Sharpen More<进一步锐化 ><4> Unsharp Mask<素描 ><1> Bas Relief<基底凸现 ><2> Chalk & Charcoal<粉笔和炭笔 ><3> Charcoal<3> Chrome< 铬黄 ><4> Conte Crayon<彩色粉笔 ><5> Graphic Pen<画图笔 ><6> Halftone Pattern<半色彩图案 ><7> Note Paper<条子纸 ><8> Photocopy< 副本 ><9> Plaster< 塑料成效 ><10> Reticulation<网状 ><11> Stamp< 图章 ><12> Torn Edges<撕边 ><13> Water Paper<水彩纸 ><风格化 ><1> Diffuse< 扩散 ><2> Emboss< 浮雕 ><3> Extrude< 突出 ><4> Find Edges<查找边沿 ><5> Glowing Edges<照亮边沿 ><6> Solarize< 曝光过分 ><7> Tiles< 拼贴 ><8> Trace Contour<等高线 ><9> Wind< 风 ><<纹理 ><1> Craquelure<龟裂痕 ><2> Grain< 颗粒 ><3> Mosained Tiles<马赛克拼贴 ><4> Patchwork< 拼缀图 ><5> Stained Glass<染色玻璃 ><6> Texturixer<纹理化 ><视频 ><1> De<2> NTSC Colors<其余 ><1> Custom< 自定义 ><2> High Pass<高反差保存><3> Maximum<最大值 ><4> Minimum< 最小值 ><5> Offset<位移><1>Embed Watermark< 嵌入水印 ><2>Read Watermark< 读取水印 >八、 Windows<窗口 ><层叠 ><拼贴 >Icons< 摆列图标 >All<封闭所有>Hide Tools<显示 / 隐蔽工具 >Hide Options<显示 / 隐蔽选项 >Hide Navigator<显示 / 隐蔽导航 >Hide Info< 显示 / 隐蔽信息 >Hide Color<显示 / 隐蔽颜色 >Hide Swatches<显示 / 隐蔽色板 >Hide Styles<显示 / 隐蔽款式 >Hide History<显示 / 隐蔽历史记录 >Hide Actions<显示 / 隐蔽动作 >Hide Layers<显示 / 隐蔽图层 >Hide Channels<显示 / 隐蔽通道 >Hide Paths<显示 / 隐蔽路径 >Hide Character<显示 / 隐蔽字符 >Hide Paragraph<显示 / 隐蔽段落 >Hide Status Bar<显示 / 隐蔽状态栏 >Palette Locations<复位调板地点>七、 View< 视图 >View< 新视图 >Setup< 校样设置 ><1>Custom<自定 ><2>Working CMYK< 办理 CMYK><3>Working Cyan Plate<办理青版 ><4>Working Magenta Plate<办理洋红版 ><5>Working Yellow Plate<办理黄版 ><6>Working Black Plate<办理黑版 ><7>Working CMY Plate< 办理 CMY版 ><8>Macintosh RGB<9>Windows RGB<10>Monitor RGB< 显示器 RGB><11>Simulate Paper White<模拟纸白><12>Simulate Ink Black<模拟墨黑> Color< 校样颜色 >Wiring<色域警示>In< 放大 >Out< 减小 >on Screen<满画布显示>Pixels< 实质象素 >Size< 打印尺寸 >Extras<显示额外的><显示 ><1> Selection Edges<选区边沿><2> Target Path<目标路径><3> Grid< 网格 ><4> Guides< 参照线 ><5> Slices<切片><6> Notes< 说明 ><7> All<所有><8> None< 无 ><9>Show Extras Options<显示额外选项> Rulers<显示标尺><对齐 >To< 对齐到 ><1> Guides< 参照线 ><2> Grid< 网格 ><3> Slices<切片><4> Document Bounds<文档界限><5> All<所有><6> None< 无 >Guides< 锁定参照线>Guides< 除去参照线>Guides< 新参照线 >Slices< 锁定切片 >Slices< 除去切片 ><模式 ><1> Bitmap< 位图 ><2> Grayscale<灰度 ><3> Duotone< 双色彩 ><4> Indexed Color<索引色 ><5> RGB Color<6> CMYK Color<7> Lab Color<8> Multichannel<多通道 ><9> 8 Bits/Channel<8位通道 ><10> 16 Bits/Channel<16位通道 ><11> Color Table<颜色表 ><12>Assing Profile<拟订配置文件 ><13>Convert to Profile<变换为配置文件 > <调整 ><1> Levels< 色阶 >><2> Auto Laves<自动色阶 ><3> Auto Contrast<自动对照度 ><4> Curves< 曲线 >><5> Color Balance<色彩均衡 ><6> Brightness/Contrast<亮度/对照度 ><7> Hue/Saturation<色相/饱和度 ><8> Desaturate<去色 ><9> Replace Color<替代颜色 ><10> Selective Color<可选颜色 ><11> Channel Mixer<通道混淆器 ><12> Gradient Map<渐变映照 ><13> Invert< 反相 ><14> Equalize<色彩均化 ><15> Threshold<阈值 ><16> Posterize<色彩分别 ><17> Variations<变化 ><复制 >Image< 应用图像 ><计算 >Size< 图像大小 >Size< 画布大小 >Canvas< 旋转画布 ><1> 180°<180 度 ><2> 90°CW<顺时针90 度 ><3> 90°CCW<逆时针90 度 ><4> Arbitrary<随意角度>><5> Flip Horizontal<水平翻转<6> Flip Vertical<垂直翻转><裁切 ><修整 >All<显示所有><直方图 ><陷印 ><抽出 ><液化 >四、 Layer< 图层 ><新建 ><1> Layer< 图层 ><2> Background From Layer<背景图层 ><3> Layer Set<图层组 ><4> Layer Set From Linked<图层组来自链接的 ><5> Layer via Copy<经过拷贝的图层 ><6> Layer via Cut<经过剪切的图层 >Layer<复制图层 >Layer<删除图层 >Properties< 图层属性 >Style<图层款式 ><1> Blending Options<混淆选项 ><2> Drop Shadow<投影 ><3> Inner Shadow<内暗影 ><4> Outer Glow<外发光 ><5> Inner Glow<内发光 ><6> Bevel and Emboss<斜面和浮雕 ><7> Satin< 光彩 ><8> Color Overlay<颜色叠加 ><9> Gradient Overlay<渐变叠加 ><10> Pattern Overlay<图案叠加 ><11> Stroke< 描边 ><12> Copy Layer Effects<拷贝图层款式 ><13> Paste Layer Effects<粘贴图层款式 ><14> Paste Layer Effects To Linked<将图层款式粘贴的链接的 ><15> Clear Layer Effects<除去图层款式 ><16> Global Light<全局光 ><17> Create Layer<创立图层 ><18> Hide All Effects<显示 / 隐蔽所有成效 ><19> Scale Effects<缩放成效 >Fill Layer<新填补图层><1> Solid Color<纯色 ><2> Gradient<渐变 ><3> Pattern<图案 >Adjustment Layer<新调整图层 ><1>Levels< 色阶 ><2>Curves< 曲线 ><3>Color Balance<色彩均衡 ><4>Brightness/Contrast<亮度/对照度 ><5>Hue/Saturation<色相/饱和度 ><6>Selective Color<可选颜色 ><7>Channel Mixer<通道混淆器><8>Gradient Map<渐变映照><9>Invert<反相><10>Threshold<阈值><11>Posterize< Layer Content< Content Options<色彩分别 >改正图层内容>图层内容选项><文字 ><1> Create Work Path<创立工作路径><2> Convert to Shape<转变成形状><3> Horizontal<水平><4> Vertical<垂直><5> Anti-Alias None<除去锯齿无><6> Anti-Alias Crisp<除去锯齿清晰><7> Anti-Alias Strong<除去锯齿强><8> Anti-Alias Smooth<除去锯齿光滑><9> Covert To Paragraph Text<变换为段落文字><10> Warp Text<文字变形><11>Update All Text Layers<更新所有文本图层><12>Replace All Missing Fonts<替代因此缺欠文字> <栅格化><1>Type<文字 ><2>Shape<形状 ><3>Fill Content<填补内容><4>Layer Clipping Path<图层剪贴路径><5>Layer<图层 ><6>Linked Layers<链接图层><7>All Layers<因此图层>Layer Based Slice<鉴于图层的切片>Layer Mask<增添图层蒙板><1> Reveal All<显示所有><2> Hide All<隐蔽所有><3> Reveal Selection<显示选区><4> Hide Selection<隐蔽选区>Layer Mask<启用图层蒙板>Layer Clipping Path<增添图层剪切路径><1>Reveal All<显示所有><2>Hide All<隐蔽所有><3>Current Path<目前路径>Layer Clipping Path<启用图层剪切路径>Linked<于前一图层编组><撤消编组 ><摆列 ><1> Bring to Front<置为顶层><2> Bring Forward<前移一层><3> Send Backward<后移一层><4> Send to Back<置为基层>Linked<对齐链接图层><1> Top Edges< 顶边 ><2> Vertical Center<垂直居中><3> Bottom Edges<底边><4> Left Edges<左侧><5> Horizontal Center<水平居中><6> Right Edges<右侧>Linked<散布链接的><1> Top Edges< 顶边 ><2> Vertical Center<垂直居中><3> Bottom Edges<底边><4> Left Edges<左侧><5> Horizontal Center<水平居中><6> Right Edges<右侧>All Linked Layers<锁定所有链接图层>Linked<归并链接图层>Visible< 归并可见图层>Image< 归并图层 ><修边 ><1> Define<去边><2> Remove Black Matte<移去黑色杂边><3> Remove White Matte<移去白色杂边>五、 Selection<选择><所有 ><撤消选择 ><从头选择 ><反选 >Range< 色彩范围 ><羽化 ><改正 ><1> Border<扩边><2> Smooth< 光滑 ><3> Expand< 扩展 ><4> Contract<缩短><扩大选区 ><选区相像 >Selection< 变换选区 >Selection< 载当选区 >Selection< 储存选区 >六、 Filter<滤镜>Filter< 上一次滤镜操作 ><艺术成效 ><1> Colored Pencil<彩色铅笔 ><2> Cutout< 剪贴画 ><3> Dry Brush<干笔划 ><4> Film Grain<胶片颗粒 ><5> Fresco< 壁画 ><6> Neon Glow< 霓虹灯光 ><7> Paint Daubs<涂抹棒 ><8> Palette Knife<调色刀 ><9> Plastic Wrap<塑料包装 ><10> Poster Edges<海报边沿 ><11> Rough Pastels<粗拙彩笔 ><12> Smudge Stick<绘画涂抹 ><13> Sponge< 海绵 ><14> Underpainting<底纹成效 ><15> Watercolor<水彩 ><模糊 ><1> Blur< 模糊 ><2> Blur More<进一步模糊 ><3> Gaussian Blur<高斯模糊 ><4> Motion Blur<动向模糊 ><5> Radial Blur<<6> Smart Blur<径向模糊特别模糊>>。

capable of withstanding, without deterioration, the highest temperatureto which they may be exposedunder normalconditions ofuse.
Rated voltage
Amend clause to read:
Materialwhich does not comply with the glow-wire test requirementsof13.3.2; andmaterial which canbe easily ignited by spark, flameorhot surfacewhen in contact with atmosphericoxygen andwhich can sustain a fireor explosion.
Add a NOTEafter the clause:
NOTE – Includes plug-in night lights (which are intended to provide a source of lowlevel illuminance in areas not normally illuminated at night).Particular requirements for
Complianceis checked by inspection.

3d命令中英文对照.txt Open〈打开〉Save〈保存〉Save As〈保存为〉Save selected〈保存选择〉XRef Objects〈外部引用物体〉XRef Scenes〈外部引用场景〉Merge〈合并〉Merge Animation〈合并动画动作〉Replace〈替换〉Import〈输入〉Export〈输出〉Export Selected〈选择输出〉Archive〈存档〉Summary Info〈摘要信息〉File Properties〈文件属性〉View Image File〈显示图像文件〉History〈历史〉Exit〈退出〉二、Edit〈菜单〉Undo or Redo〈取消/重做〉Hold and fetch〈保留/引用〉Delete〈删除〉Clone〈克隆〉Select All〈全部选择〉Select None〈空出选择〉Select Invert〈反向选择〉Select By〈参考选择〉Color〈颜色选择〉Name〈名字选择〉Rectangular Region〈矩形选择〉Circular Region〈圆形选择〉Fabce Region〈连点选择〉Lasso Region〈套索选择〉Region:〈区域选择〉Window〈包含〉Crossing〈相交〉Named Selection Sets〈命名选择集〉Object Properties〈物体属性〉三、Tools〈工具〉Transform Type-In〈键盘输入变换〉Display Floater〈视窗显示浮动对话框〉Selection Floater〈选择器浮动对话框〉Light Lister〈灯光列表〉Mirror〈镜像物体〉Array〈阵列〉Align〈对齐〉Snapshot〈快照〉Spacing Tool〈间距分布工具〉Normal Align〈法线对齐〉Align Camera〈相机对齐〉Align to View〈视窗对齐〉Place Highlight〈放置高光〉Isolate Selection〈隔离选择〉Rename Objects〈物体更名〉四、Group〈群组〉Group〈群组〉Ungroup〈撤消群组〉Open〈开放组〉Close〈关闭组〉Attach〈配属〉Detach〈分离〉Explode〈分散组〉五、Views〈查看〉Undo View Change/Redo View change〈取消/重做视窗变化〉Save Active View/Restore Active View〈保存/还原当前视窗〉 Viewport Configuration〈视窗配置〉Grids〈栅格〉Show Home Grid〈显示栅格命令〉Activate Home Grid〈活跃原始栅格命令〉Activate Grid Object〈活跃栅格物体命令〉Activate Grid to View〈栅格及视窗对齐命令〉Viewport Background〈视窗背景〉Update Background Image〈更新背景〉Reset Background Transform〈重置背景变换〉Show Transform Gizmo〈显示变换坐标系〉Show Ghosting〈显示重橡〉Show Key Times〈显示时间键〉Shade Selected〈选择亮显〉Show Dependencies〈显示关联物体〉Match Camera to View〈相机与视窗匹配〉Add Default Lights To Scene〈增加场景缺省灯光〉Redraw All Views〈重画所有视窗〉Activate All Maps〈显示所有贴图〉Deactivate All Maps〈关闭显示所有贴图〉Update During Spinner Drag〈微调时实时显示〉 Adaptive Degradation Toggle〈绑定适应消隐〉 Expert Mode〈专家模式〉六、Create〈创建〉Standard Primitives〈标准图元〉Box〈立方体〉Cone〈圆锥体〉Sphere〈球体〉GeoSphere〈三角面片球体〉Cylinder〈圆柱体〉Tube〈管状体〉Torus〈圆环体〉Pyramid〈角锥体〉Plane〈平面〉Teapot〈茶壶〉Extended Primitives〈扩展图元〉Hedra〈多面体〉Torus Knot〈环面纽结体〉Chamfer Box〈斜切立方体〉Chamfer Cylinder〈斜切圆柱体〉Oil Tank〈桶状体〉Capsule〈角囊体〉Spindle〈纺锤体〉L-Extrusion〈L形体按钮〉Gengon〈导角棱柱〉C-Extrusion〈C形体按钮〉RingWave〈环状波〉Hose〈软管体〉Prism〈三棱柱〉Shapes〈形状〉Line〈线条〉Text〈文字〉Arc〈弧〉Circle〈圆〉Donut〈圆环〉Ellipse〈椭圆〉Helix〈螺旋线〉NGon〈多边形〉Rectangle〈矩形〉Section〈截面〉Star〈星型〉Lights〈灯光〉Target Spotlight〈目标聚光灯〉Free Spotlight〈自由聚光灯〉Target Directional Light〈目标平行光〉Directional Light〈平行光〉Omni Light〈泛光灯〉Skylight〈天光〉Target Point Light〈目标指向点光源〉Free Point Light〈自由点光源〉Target Area Light〈指向面光源〉IES Sky〈IES天光〉IES Sun〈IES阳光〉SuNLIGHT System and Daylight〈太阳光及日光系统〉 Camera〈相机〉Free Camera〈自由相机〉Target Camera〈目标相机〉Particles〈粒子系统〉Blizzard〈暴风雪系统〉PArray〈粒子阵列系统〉PCloud〈粒子云系统〉Snow〈雪花系统〉Spray〈喷溅系统〉Super Spray〈超级喷射系统〉七、Modifiers〈修改器〉Selection Modifiers〈选择修改器〉Mesh Select〈网格选择修改器〉Poly Select〈多边形选择修改器〉Patch Select〈面片选择修改器〉Spline Select〈样条选择修改器〉Volume Select〈体积选择修改器〉FFD Select〈自由变形选择修改器〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择修改器〉Patch/Spline Editing〈面片/样条线修改器〉:Edit Patch〈面片修改器〉Edit Spline〈样条线修改器〉Cross Section〈截面相交修改器〉Surface〈表面生成修改器〉Delete Patch〈删除面片修改器〉Delete Spline〈删除样条线修改器〉Lathe〈车床修改器〉Normalize Spline〈规格化样条线修改器〉Fillet/Chamfer〈圆切及斜切修改器〉Trim/Extend〈修剪及延伸修改器〉Mesh Editing〈表面编辑〉Cap Holes〈顶端洞口编辑器〉Delete Mesh〈编辑网格物体编辑器〉Edit Normals〈编辑法线编辑器〉Extrude〈挤压编辑器〉Face Extrude〈面拉伸编辑器〉Normal〈法线编辑器〉Optimize〈优化编辑器〉Smooth〈平滑编辑器〉STL Check〈STL检查编辑器〉Symmetry〈对称编辑器〉Tessellate〈镶嵌编辑器〉Vertex Paint〈顶点着色编辑器〉Vertex Weld〈顶点焊接编辑器〉Animation Modifiers〈动画编辑器〉Skin〈皮肤编辑器〉Morpher〈变体编辑器〉Flex〈伸缩编辑器〉Melt〈熔化编辑器〉Linked XForm〈连结参考变换编辑器〉Patch Deform〈面片变形编辑器〉Path Deform〈路径变形编辑器〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉* Surf Deform〈空间变形编辑器〉UV Coordinates〈贴图轴坐标系〉UVW Map〈UVW贴图编辑器〉UVW Xform〈UVW贴图参考变换编辑器〉Unwrap UVW〈展开贴图编辑器〉Camera Map〈相机贴图编辑器〉* Camera Map〈环境相机贴图编辑器〉Cache Tools〈捕捉工具〉Point Cache〈点捕捉编辑器〉Subdivision Surfaces〈表面细分〉MeshSmooth〈表面平滑编辑器〉HSDS Modifier〈分级细分编辑器〉Free Form Deformers〈自由变形工具〉FFD 2×2×2/FFD 3×3×3/FFD 4×4×4〈自由变形工具2×2×2/3×3×3/4×4×4〉 FFD Box/FFD Cylinder〈盒体和圆柱体自由变形工具〉Parametric Deformers〈参数变形工具〉Bend〈弯曲〉Taper〈锥形化〉Twist〈扭曲〉Noise〈噪声〉Stretch〈缩放〉Squeeze〈压榨〉Push〈推挤〉Relax〈松弛〉Ripple〈波纹〉Wave〈波浪〉Skew〈倾斜〉Slice〈切片〉Spherify〈球形扭曲〉Affect Region〈面域影响〉Lattice〈栅格〉Mirror〈镜像〉Displace〈置换〉XForm〈参考变换〉Preserve〈保持〉Surface〈表面编辑〉Material〈材质变换〉Material By Element〈元素材质变换〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉NURBS Editing〈NURBS面编辑〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择〉 Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉Radiosity Modifiers〈光能传递修改器〉 Subdivide〈细分〉* Subdivide〈超级细分〉八、Character〈角色人物〉Create Character〈创建角色〉Destroy Character〈删除角色〉Lock/Unlock〈锁住与解锁〉Insert Character〈插入角色〉Save Character〈保存角色〉Bone Tools〈骨骼工具〉Set Skin Pose〈调整皮肤姿势〉Assume Skin Pose〈还原姿势〉Skin Pose Mode〈表面姿势模式〉九、Animation〈动画〉IK Solvers〈反向动力学〉HI Solver〈非历史性控制器〉HD Solver〈历史性控制器〉IK Limb Solver〈反向动力学肢体控制器〉 SplineIK Solver〈样条反向动力控制器〉 Constraints〈约束〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Link Constraint〈连结约束〉LookAt Constraint〈视觉跟随约束〉Orientation Constraint〈方位约束〉Transform Constraint〈变换控制〉Link Constraint〈连接约束〉Position/Rotation/Scale〈PRS控制器〉Transform Script〈变换控制脚本〉Position Controllers〈位置控制器〉Audio〈音频控制器〉Bezier〈贝塞尔曲线控制器〉Expression〈表达式控制器〉Linear〈线性控制器〉Motion Capture〈动作捕捉〉Noise〈燥波控制器〉Quatermion(TC〈TCB控制器〉Reactor〈反应器〉Spring〈弹力控制器〉Script〈脚本控制器〉XYZ〈XYZ位置控制器〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Rotation Controllers〈旋转控制器〉注:该命令工十一个子菜单。

ISBN 0 7337 8330 9AS/NZS 4474.2/Amdt 4/2007-08-10STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAmendment No. 4toAS/NZS 4474.2:2001Performance of household electrical appliances—Refrigerating appliancesPart 2: Energy labelling and minimum energy performance standard requirementsREVISED TEXTThe 2001 edition of AS/NZS 4474.2 is amended as follows; the amendments should be inserted in the appropriate places.SUMMARY: This Amendment applies to the Preface, Clauses 1.1, 1.2, 1.5.13, 2.2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5.3, 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.1.6, 4.1.7, 4.2, 5.4, Figures 5.1 and D1 and Appendix E.Published on 10 August 2007.Approved for publication in New Zealand on behalf of the Standards Council of New Zealand on 22 June 2007.Page 2 Preface Paragraph 7After the sixth paragraph beginning ‘Administrative arrangements ...’ add the following new paragraphs:Amendment 4 references the revised AS/NZS 4474.1:2007 rather than AS/N ZS 4474.1:1997. Wherever these amendments have occurred in sections of this Standard that reference MEPS 1999, these obsolete references have been deleted. All other references to MEPS 1999 in this Standard will be deleted in the new edition of AS/N ZS 4474.2. A new edition of AS/N ZS 4474.2 is planned for publication in 2007 to include the new MEPS and energy validity criteria as well as a new star rating algorithm for all refrigerators and freezers which is anticipated for implementation in 2009.This Standard is intended to apply to self contained factory-produced refrigerators which are used primarily as household products. Changes were made to the scope of this Standard and Part 1 to overcome any potential confusion regarding products that may also be used in the commercial sector. It appears that some suppliers were under the impression that a claim that a product was intended for commercial use meant that it was not within the scope of the Standard. This has now been clarified to state that products that are suitable for general household use are included in the scope, irrespective of their actual application.Page 6 Clause 1.1Delete the Clause as amended by Amendment N o. 1 and Amendment N o. 2 and replace with the following:This Standard specifies the energy labelling and minimum energy performance standard requirements for vapour compression refrigerating appliances that can be connected to mains power and which are within the scope of AS/N ZS 4474.1:2007. Such refrigerating appliances that are used in the commercial sector are included within the scope. This Standard does not specify safety requirements.Separate stand alone wine storage cabinets are not specifically within the scope of this Standard. However, such products may be tested to AS/N ZS 4474.1 and labelled to this Standard on a voluntary basis. Any supplier which elects to place an energy label on a wine storage cabinet, shall register the product with the relevant regulator. Before such products can be registered to carry an energy label, they must also meet the relevant MEPSAMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .requirements. Any cabinet which has other standard compartments in addition to a wine storage compartment is included within the scope of this Standard and shall meet the requirements for energy labelling and MEPS.The following products are excluded from energy labelling and MEPS: (a)Products that are designed exclusively for use in caravans, vehicles (e.g. mobile homes, campervans and/or rail cars) or boats and which have a total gross volume of less than 60 litres.(b) Portable products that have a gross volume of less than 30 litres.(c) Products that have a gross volume of less than 30 litres where the refrigeration function is secondary (e.g. boiling or cooled water dispensers).(d)Products that have no options for connection to a 230 V or 400 V 50 Hz mains electricity supply.In particular, this Standard specifies the following: (i)Projected annual energy consumption (PAEC).(ii) Adjusted volume.(iii) Comparative energy consumption (CEC). (iv) Star rating.(v) Performance criteria for energy label validity.(vi) Some of the requirements for energy label validity.(vii) Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for refrigerating appliances forMEPS 2005 requirements. (viii) Test report format and printing requirements for refrigerating appliance energy labels.Page 6 Clause 1.2Delete Clause 1.2 as amended by Amendment No. 1 and replace with the following: This Standard shall be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 4474.1.Page 9 Clause 1.5.13Add the following new clause after Clause 1.5.12. 1.5.13 Portable productsUnits that are specifically designed to be moved from place to place as part of their normal use as stated in the accompanying product literature (i.e. operating manual or user instructions).NOTE: Energy labelling and MEPS is only exempt for portable products where they have a gross volume of less than 30 litres.Page 10 Clause 2.2.2Delete all the text and replace with the following:Each unit shall be tested with sufficient test runs to enable a valid value of E t to be determined for that unit. (Refer to AS/NZS 4474.1, Appendix K). This determination shall be documented in a test report containing the test results for all test runs used to derive E t. (Refer to AS/NZS 4474.1).AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Page 10 Clause 2.3Add the following text after the definition of E t :Any mode which reduces energy consumption under energy test conditions (including management of heaters) but which is not generally saving energy during normal use shall be defeated where possible for energy consumption testing. Where the refrigerating appliance has an energy reduction mode that could not be disabled for the energy consumption test, then the energy impact of the mode shall be quantified and this value used to adjust each measured energy consumption rate. Where this has not been done in accordance with AS/NZS 4474.1:2007, then the PAEC shall be determined as follows:PAEC = E t × 3651000 + 2 × P r × 8.76 (kWh/year). . .2(2)whereP r=the average power reduction resulting from the energy reduction mode in watts.NOTE: Clause 3.7 and Paragraph K8 of AS/NZS 4474.1:2007 provide guidance for the determination of P r .Page 13 Clause 2.7Add the following NOTE after the second note:3Factors for determination of star rating index are under consideration and a revision of this Standard with new star rating requirements is expected in 2007.Page 14 Clause 2.9Add the following NOTE after Equation 2(6):NOTE: The administrative guidelines set out important information and the methodology used by government for check testing of product registered to this Standard. These guidelines can be found on .au under E3 Committee.Page 14 Clause 2.10Add the following new clause after Clause 2.9:2.10 ENERGY LABELLING AND MEPS FOR MULTI-GROUP PRODUCTSAs specified in AS/NZS 4474.1, the energy consumption of a refrigerating appliance shall be determined for the coldest claimed configuration for all multi-use compartment(s). This value shall be used to determine the primary comparative energy consumption and the star rating for the appliance shown on the energy label.Where one or more multi-use compartments can be operated in a way that can change the product group, the manufacturer may elect to claim the energy consumption and star rating for each such group configuration in addition to the primary comparative energy consumption. Where any additional groups are claimed, the manufacturer shall nominate which group is the primary group for the purposes of energy labelling.Any claimed additional groups for a model which are documented in the product literature, shall be separately registered for energy labelling and MEPS for the model. Each configuration registered will be individually listed on the energy rating website. Each additional configuration registered shall comply with the relevant MEPS requirements for the group registered.AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .The product must be capable of meeting pull down test and temperature operation test requirements (refer Clauses 3.3 and 3.4) for all claimed groups. However, only a single set of test reports for the group configuration that is most onerous is required to demonstrate compliance with temperature operation test or pull down test requirements for energy labelling and MEPS registration.The energy label displayed on the product shall be the registered details for the primary group nominated.NOTE: A separate application for each group claimed needs to be submitted for the model.Page 15 Clause 3.1Add the following NOTE after Clause 3.1:NOTE: The administrative guidelines set out important information and the methodology used by government for check testing of product registered to this Standard. These guidelines can be found on .au under E3 Committee.Page 15 Clause 3.3Add the following to the end of the second paragraph: ‘and MEPS.’Page 15 Clause 3.4Add the following to the end of the second paragraph: ‘and MEPS.’Page 18 Clause 3.5.3 1Delete the fourth paragraph (above the equation) and replace with the following: A d for each door that accesses a compartment of a nominated food storage type shall be derived as follows: 2 For L a , add the word ‘compartment’ before ‘type’.3 For L e , delete the words ‘as specified in Table 3.3(a) or 3.3(b) as applicable’. 4FIGURE 3.1 EXAMPLE DETERMINATION OF L a FOR DOORS WITH A COMMON SEALAMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Page 21 Clause 4.1.1Delete the Clause and replace with the following:Where the relevant regulatory authority requires registration or approval of energy labels or MEPS, Clauses 4.1.2 to 4.1.7 shall apply.NOTE: Clause 4.1 is applicable to Australia.Page 21 Clause 4.1.3Delete the text of this Clause and replace with the following:A report in the form specified in AS/NZS 4474.1 for each model tested should accompany the energy labelling and MEPS application.Page 22 Clause 4.1.4 Delete the first paragraph.Page 22 Clause 4.1.5Add the following new clause after Clause 4.1.4: 4.1.5 Energy label transition This clause is reserved for future use.Page 22 Clause 4.1.6 Add the following new clause: 4.1.6 Duration of registrationRegistrations for energy labelling and MEPS may have a validity of up to 5 years. Registration expiry dates are reviewed annually and records may be extended (up to the 5 year limit in 1 year increments) where there is no forthcoming change to regulatory requirements.NOTE: More details on the duration of registration can be found in the Administrative Guidelines. The most up to date version can be obtained from the .au website.Page 23 Clause 4.1.7 Add the following new clause: 4.1.7 Test method transitionFrom the date of publication of this Amendment, it is anticipated that regulatory authorities will accept results from test reports to either AS/N ZS 4474.1:1997 (including Amendment 3) or AS/NZS 4474.1:2007.NOTE: If sufficient original raw test data from testing to AS/NZS 4474.1:1997 is still available and it can be analysed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of AS/NZS 4474.1:2007, further physical testing may not be required in the preparation of a test report in accordance with AS/NZS 4474.1:2007. It is anticipated that registrations using test reports to AS/NZS 4474.1:1997 will only remain valid until 2009.AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007 AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Page 23 Clause 4.2Delete the title and Subclauses 4.2.1 to 4.2.3 and replace with the following:4.2 PRODUCT LISTING4.2.1 GeneralWhere the registration or approval of MEPS and energy labels is not required, Clauses 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 shall apply.NOTE: Clause 4.2 is applicable to New Zealand.4.2.2 DataIf the appliance is not registered in Australia, the supplier (manufacturer or importer) shall list appliances with the N ew Zealand regulator. To fulfil the requirements of listing, the prescribed form is Appendix E, Sections 2 to 6. This shall be submitted to the regulator for every model listed.NOTES: 1This can be done online at the .au website. This is the preferred method for listing in New Zealand, however the form can be completed on paper and submitted to the regulator.2If the appliance is already registered in Australia listing is not required. Refer to Paragraph E3.2 for special conditions regarding the validity of New Zealand listing in Australia.4.2.3 Test reportA report in the form specified in AS/NZS 4474.1 for each listed model shall be held by the appliance supplier. The test report shall be made available to the regulator upon request within five working days. Records shall be retained until at least five years after the date of manufacture or import whichever is applicable.Page 22 Clause 4.2.4 Delete the text of this Clause.Page 24 Clause 5.4In the third sentence of Item (b) delete 45 mm and replace with 65 mm.Page 25 Figure 5.1Delete the Note under the figure and replace with the following:NOTE: The preferred label width is 90 mm. For online printing, the external diameter of the red star rating arch may be reduced to 86 mm to allow for a ±2 mm registration error such that the red print does not extend over the label edge or result in a white band underneath it (see Appendix D).Page 38 Figure D1Delete the Note under the figure and replace with the following:NOTE: The preferred label width is 90 mm. For online printing, the external diameter of the red star rating arch may be reduced to 86 mm to allow for a ±2 mm registration error such that the red print does not extend over the label edge or result in a white band underneath it.Page 39 Appendix EDelete Appendix E and replace with the following:AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007 AMDT No. 4 AUG2007 AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007AMDT No. 4 AUG2007AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .APPENDIX EFORMAT OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF A REFRIGERATINGAPPLIANCE FOR ENERGY LABELLING AND MEPS(Normative)E1 INTRODUCTIONApplicants with products within the scope of this Standard shall have their products registered or listed for energy labelling and MEPS are required to provide the information set out in this Appendix.NOTES: 1The contact details supplied by applicants in this form or online may be used by other Government agencies to keep applicants informed of forthcoming regulatory changes that may affect the product registered under this Standard. Otherwise, contact details are treated as private and confidential.2Notice of right to disclose information—The information you submit on this application will be used for the purposes of assessing your application and the performance of statutory responsibilities. The information, which you have submitted may be disclosed to other state and territory or New Zealand energy efficient government bodies (or their agents) who may use the information only for the purposes of carrying out their duties and or responsibilities including comparing efficiency claims. The information will also be entered onto the Online Registration Database. More information about this database is available at the .au website.E2 SCOPEThis Appendix sets out the required format for submitting an application for registration and listing.E3 GUIDANCE ON THE USE OF THIS APPLICATION FORMThe Appendix has been formatted and structured to align with the online registration system for energy labelling and MEPS.The preferred method of making an application for energy labelling and/or MEPS is via the online registration system to ensure compliance with the most current registration information requirements. To use this system, you need to apply for a user name and password. Once a user name has been issued, you will have full access to the online system. Details on how to apply for a user name and password and how to log on to the online system can be found at the .au website. E3.1 All registrationsIf the unit meets a subsequent MEPS level in addition to the one currently in force, this should be indicated in the application where applicable. E3.2 Submissions to the New Zealand regulatorApplicants who have listed their product with the New Zealand regulator and intend to rely on the goods access provisions of the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement to sell that product in Australia without registering it with an Australian regulator shall comply with the following conditions:The company responsible for the manufacture or importation of this product shall have its registered offices in New Zealand.In respect of the product imported or manufactured by the applicant, this product shall be either imported into New Zealand (but not directly into Australia) or manufactured in New Zealand (not in Australia).If this product is imported into Australia, then it shall be imported through New Zealand.AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .E4 APPLICATION FORMAPPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF AN ELECTRICAL REFRIGERATINGAPPLIANCE FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY(Please type or print)SECTION 1 APPLICATION DETAILS Name of applicant:Company name of applicant:Company Australian business number: Company street address of applicant:Company postal address of applicant:Contact person:(A name, address and contact details for a person in Australia or New Zealand shall be provided).Name:Address: Position/title: Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail: Website: SECTION 2 DESCRIPTION OF APPLIANCE Energy labelling application to Standard AS/NZS 4474.2:2001 (Amendment 4)What is this application for?MEPS and labellingIs the application for a single model or a family of models?(Indicate correct answer)Single FamilyThis application is for approval to MEPS 2005 (Table 3a)Brand name:Model 1: Model 2: Model 3: Model 4: Model 5: Model 6: Model 7: Model 8: Model 9: Model designation:(List all models covered by this application. This can be either a number or name or combination of the two that will identify the particular product. Add additional rows if more than 10 models).Model 10:AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Family model designation, if applicable, forabove models:Model/family number(s) to appear on the ratinglabel/s:Note: Must be one of the above two. This is the modelinformation that will appear on the website.Each individual model listed aboveThe family designation listed aboveDoes this model or family replace orsupplement another with the same CEC andSRI?(Indicate correct answer).Yes No If yes, indicate relevant details: Model name Model number Registration no.Country of manufacture:In what countries are these models to be sold?(Indicate each country).Note: The response will determine how the model will bedisplayed on Government energy website in Australia and/orNew Zealand. If a model is not indicated as being availablein a country, that model will not appear on website specific tothat country.AustraliaNew ZealandOthers (online users may have access toothers)Year and month in which the model will be/wasfirst available in Australia/New Zealand:Note: The registration will not appear on the energy ratingwebsite before that date.Year: Month:Date of manufacture information:The date of manufacture information of each appliance shall be able to be determined frominformation legibly and durably marked on the appliance (refer to Clause 4.1.4). Applicants shallcomplete one of the three questions below:If the date of manufacture is marked in a non-encrypted format, provide a description of thedate format clearly identifying whichcomponents indicate the day (if included),month and year of manufacture:If the date of manufacture is marked in anencrypted format, provide details of how thedate of manufacture can be determined so thatthe decoded information clearly identifies whichcomponents indicate the day (if included),month and year of manufacture:Note: The date of manufacture encryption methodinformation provided in answer to this question is notintended to be made public.Alternatively, provide details of how todetermine (from the serial number or othermarkings for this model) whether the date ofmanufacture was either:(a) in the 5 year period prior to the introductionof MEPS 2005; or(b) in the 5 year period subsequent to theintroduction of MEPS 2005.Notes1. Only one of options a) or b) is required.2. The method of determining the date of manufactureinformation provided in answer to this question is notintended to be made public.AMDTNo. 4AUG2007LicensedtoMsNickyNion21Aug27.Personaluselicenceonly.Storage,distributionoruseonnetworkprohibited.SECTION 3 TESTING AND TEST REPORT Is a test report attached?(Indicate correct answer).Yes NoIf no test report is attached note the sourceregistration number of the appliance upon which this application relies for its test report: (Proceed to Section 4 if no report attached). Test laboratory type: (Indicate correct answer). Own 'in-house' laboratory Independent laboratoryTest laboratory name: Test laboratory address: Test laboratory location:(Indicate correct answer).Australia New ZealandOther – (Please specify)Test laboratory accreditation:NATANATA recognized (please specify) Unknown/none Other – please specifyTest Standard used:(Indicate correct answer).AS/NZS 4474.1:1997 (including Amendment 3) AS/NZS 4474.1:2007Test voltage:(Indicate correct answer).Note: Only 230 V is permitted under AS/NZS 4474.1:2007.230 V a.c. 240 V a.c.Test report number(s) and date(s):Report number(s): Report date(s):SECTION 4 SPECIFIC APPLIANCE DETAILS Appliance dimensions(Advisory only).Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm)Designation:(Indicate correct answer).Refrigerator Refrigerator/ freezer Freezer Cooled appliance Is thisappliancedesigned specifically for the storage and maturation of wine?Configuration:(Indicate correct answer).Upright Chest Side-by-sideGroup as defined inAS/NZS 4474.1(Indicate correct answer).1 2 3 4 5T 5B 5S 6C 6U 7Can this product be configured to operate as more than one group? Yes NoTotal number of compartments:AMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .TOTAL ADJUSTED VOLUME (Refer to Clause 2.5)Record, in the table below, the measured, calculated and otherwise determined values as applicable.Compartment numberCompartment type (see Note 1) Compartment storage volume (litres) Compartmentgross volume (litres)Compartment claimed max. operating temperature °C (see Note 2)Compartment volumeadjusted factorK s(see Note 3) Compartmentadjusted gross volume V adj (litres) 1 2 3 4 56*Total Adjusted Gross Volume (litres)NOTES1 Compartment types may be chosen from those defined in AS/NZS 4474.1.2 For special compartments only specify the maximum operating temperature as per AS/NZS 4474.1.3 Insert the applicable volume adjustment factor as per Clause 2.5 of this Standard. * Insert additional rows in this table if more than 6 compartments.TEST RESULTSProjects Annual Energy Consumption (PAEC) – Unit 1 kWh/y Projects Annual Energy Consumption (PAEC) – Unit 2 kWh/y Projects Annual Energy Consumption (PAEC) – Unit 3 kWh/yDoes the product have an operating mode which reduces energy consumption under energy test conditions (including management of heaters) but which is not generally saving energy during normal use? (refer Clause 2.3)Yes NoIf yes, report the value of P r = the average power reduction resulting from the energy reduction mode, in watts (refer Equation 2.2)Projected Annual Energy Consumption (PAEC av ) – Average kWh/y CEC (kWh/year) (Clause 2.4)kWh/yBASE ENERGY CONSUMPTION (Refer to Clause 2.6) Fixed allowance factor C f : kWh/yVariable allowance factor C v : kWh/y/adjusted litreVariable allowance factor × V adj tot : kWh/y BASE ENERGY CONSUMPTION: kWh/yStar Rating Index SRI:(Calculate using Equation 2(4) in Clause 2.7)Star Rating:(Calculate using Table 2.5 in Clause 2.8)PULL DOWN PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCERefer to Section 3 of AS/NZS 4474.1 for compliance requirements.A test report that substantiates pull down performance compliance of a single unit is required (refer to Section 4). This shall be in the format specified in AS/NZS 4474.1PULL DOWN PERFORMANCE PLIES? YES/NOAMDT No. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .OPERATING TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE Refer to Section 3 of AS/NZS 4474.1 for compliance requirements.A test report that substantiates operating temperature performance compliance of a single unit is required (refer to Section 4). This shall be in the format specified in AS/NZS 4474.1.OPERATING TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE PLIES? YES/NO TEMPERATURE VARIATION COMPLIANCE Clause 3.7.3(a): Complies? Yes No Clause 3.7.3(b): Complies? Yes No Clause 3.7.3(c): Complies? Yes NoDOOR ALLOWANCERecord in the Table below, the number of external doors of each compartment type on the appliance and, where these numbers are different, the number of external doors described in Table 3.2, for the appliance group. Include any multi-use-type compartment as the type applicable when its coldest use is selected.On an upright appliance where, for any compartment storage type, the number of doors on the appliance differs from the number of doors specified in Table 3.2, a door allowance applies and door gasket data are required as follows:NOTE: For multi-use compartments, if any, include each as being the coldest of the food storage types claimed.Gasket length, metres Compartment type Doors on appliance Regular doorprovisions for appliance group (refer to Table 3.2) Actual (La) Estimated for regular door provision(Le)Difference (La - Le) Cellar 0 0 Fresh food Chill 0 0 Special (unfrozen) 0 0 Ice-making 0 0 Short-term frozen food 0 0 Freezer Special (frozen) 0 0 Total number of external doorsWhere a door allowance is required, record, from Table 3.3(a) the door allowance factor for the product group.DOOR ALLOWANCE FACTOR ..........................................................................................kWh/year/m Also for each compartment type, record, in the Table below, the difference in gasket length and whether it is positive or negative and the applicable volume adjustment factor from Clause 2.5. Then multiply the gasket length difference by this factor and by the door allowance factor to obtain a set of door allowances for all applicable compartment types. Each of these may be either positive or negative. The net sum of these is the door allowance for the appliance A d tot .Compartment typeDifference in gasket length (La - Le), metresVolumeadjustment factor(Ks)Door allowancefactor (Kd)Door allowance(Ad) kWh/yCellar Fresh food Chill Special (unfrozen) Short-term frozen food Ice-making Freezer Special (frozen)TOTAL DOOR ALLOWANCE (A d tot )AMDTNo. 4 AUG 2007L i c e n s e d t o M s N i c k y N i o n 21 A u g 2007. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .。
5L_e44_Addendum 2

Date of Issue: April 2010, Effective date: October 1, 2010Affected Publication: API Specification 5L/ISO 3183, Specification for Line Pipe, 44th Edition, October 2007ADDENDUM 2Replace all of Annex N with the attached.NOTE Bars in the outside margins denote changes and additions made February 2009 and April 2010 to the original Annex N of the 44th Edition published October 2007.Annex N(normative)Identification/explanation of deviationsThe API Subcommittee 5 on Tubular Goods that voted to adopt ISO 3183 as American National Standard ANSI/API Spec 5L, determined that the following modifications were necessary.These technical deviations have been noted with an arrow ( ) adjacent to the clause, table, figure, etc. that has been modified.Modifications to ISO 3183 made during its adoption as an American National Standard:Clause/Subclause Modification3 Delete “ISO 377, Steel and steel products — Location and preparation of samplesand test pieces for mechanical testing”4 Delete “ISO 377”Add the following definitions.“4.55samplesufficient quantity of material taken from the product to be tested for the purpose ofproducing one or more test pieces.4.56test piecepart of a sample with specified dimensions, machined or un-machined, brought to arequired condition for submission to a given test”Explanation: All other relevant requirements of ISO 377 are adequately coveredwithin this standard.“4.57informative elementselements thata) identify the document, introduce its content and explain its background,development, and its relationship with other documents; orb) provide additional information intended to assist the understanding or use ofthe document4.5809normative elementselements that describe the scope of the document, and which set out provisions thatare required to implement the standard4.59heatthe metal produced by a single cycle of a batch melting process4.60flux core arc weldingwelding process that produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a continuous filler metal electrode and the work, with shielding provided by a flux contained within the tubular electrodeNOTE In some cases, additional shielding is obtained from an externally supplied gas or gasmixture.4.61shielded metal arc weldingwelding process that produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arcbetween a covered metal electrode and the work, with shielding obtained fromdecomposition of the electrode coveringNOTE Pressure is not used and the decomposition is obtained from the electrode.”Explanation: Definitions added to provide clarity.4 Replace 4.24 with the following.4.24Jointertwo or three lengths of pipe coupled or welded together by the manufacturerAdd the following Note to inspectionNOTE Also referred to as “NDT – non-destructive testing.Explanation: Updated to provide clarity relating to updated 9.11. And the term "NDT"is defined; however "nondestructive inspection" is used throughout the specification. 5.2 Add the following abbreviation to Clause 5.2.NDI Non destructive inspectionExplanation: The term "NDT" is defined; however "nondestructive inspection" is usedthroughout the specification.6.2.1 Table 1 Add the following to Column 3 of allowable PSL 2 grades, Quenched and tempered.L625Q or X90QL690Q or X100QExplanation: Adds quenched and tempered as an acceptable delivery condition forPSL 2 grades L625 or X90 and L690 or X100.6.2.1 Table 1 Delete footnote “a” and replace with the following.“For intermediate grades, the steel grade shall be in one of the following formats: (1)The letter L followed by the specified minimum yield strength in MPa and, for PSL 2pipe, the letter describing the delivery condition (R, N, Q or M) consistent with theabove formats. (2) The letter X followed by a two or three digit number equal to thespecified minimum yield strength in 1000 psi rounded down to the nearest integerand, for PSL 2 pipe, the letter describing the delivery condition (R, N, Q or M) 0910consistent with the above formats.”Explanation: Amends the current footnote to be more consistent with USCdesignations.7.2 a) 5) Replace with the following.carbon equivalent limits for PSL 2 pipe in Grades L555Q or X80Q, L625Q or X90Q,and L690Q or X100Q (see Table 5),Explanation: Adds carbon equivalent limits for PSL 2 grades L625 or X90 and L690 orX100.7.2 c) 34) Replace with the following.“34) alternative format for pipe length marking locations (see 11.2.6 a),”Explanation: The previous edition of API Spec 5L requires marking the total length ofthe pipe in the bundle whereas the ISO gives this as an option.7.2 c) 56) Add the following.“56) deviation from hardness test [See H.],”Explanation: This clause complements the requirement in H. c) 57) 7.2 c) 60)7.2 c) 61) 7.2 c) 62) Add the following.“57) Deviation from hardness test [See J.],”Explanation: This clause complements the requirement in J. Add the following.“60) deviation from 4 hardness impressions [see H. c)],” Explanation: This clause complements the requirement in H. c).Add the following.“61) hardness testing of pipe body for seamless [J.8, Table J.7],” Explanation: This clause complements the requirement in J.8, Table J.7. Add the following.“62) deviation from location of hardness test [J. c].” Explanation: This clause complements the requirement in J. c.10098.1 Table 2 Delete the last column of Table 2 and add the last two columns of the following tableunder PSL 2 pipe grade.Type of pipe or pipe endPSL 2 pipe grade a>L555 or X80to L690 orX100>L690 orX100 to L830or X120 Type of pipeSMLS X- CW --LFW --HFW --LW --SAWL XXSAWH c XXCOWL --COWH c --Double-seam SAWL d X XDouble-seam COWL - -Type of pipe endBelled end a - -Plain end X XPlain end for specialcoupling- -Threaded end f - -Explanation: Adds SMLS as an acceptable manufacturing process for PSL 2 gradesL625 or X90 and L690 or X100.8.2 Add the following:“— for SAWL and SAWH pipe, non-expanded: pipe forming, seam welding,repair welding, if applicable, heattreatment— for SAWL and SAWH pipe, expanded: pipe forming, seam welding,repair welding, expansion— for COWL and COWH pipe, non-expanded: pipe forming, seam welding,repair welding, if applicable,heat treatment— for COWL and COWH pipe, expanded: pipe forming, seam welding,repair welding, expansion”Explanation (Updated): Oversights in the list of processes requiring validation,including pipe forming for non-expanded COW pipe.8.3.1 Replace 8.3.1 text with the following:The ingots, blooms, billets, strips or plates used as starting material for themanufacture of pipe shall be made from steel made by the• basic oxygen process,•electric-furnace process, or•open hearth process in combination with a ladle refining process.Explanation: Change allows refined open hearth steel.101010 098.4.1Add the following.“f) laser welding”Explanation: Process is used for tack welding.8.11Add the following after Portions of pipe used in the making of jointers shall have passed inspection, including hydrostatic testing. Alternatively the completed jointer may be hydrostatically tested.Explanation: Addresses an item of manufacturing procedure not previously covered by the standard.9.2 Table 4Revise footnote "a" and add a footnote "g" in Table 4, as follows.Steel grade (Steel name)Mass fraction, based upon heat and product analyses a,g%CMnP S V Nb Timax.b max.bmin. max.max. max. max. max.a 0,50 % maximum for copper; 0,50 % maximum for nickel: 0,50 % maximum for chromium; and 0,15 % maximum for molybdenum.. gNo deliberate addition of boron is permitted and the residual boron content shall be ≤ 0,001 %.Explanation: Since the upper limit is fixed for Cu, Cr and Ni it does not matter, whether it is added intentionally or unintentionally. Footnote "g" places a practical limit on residual boron content for PSL 1 steel and if boron is to be added to the steel deliberately, it is subject to agreement.9.2 Table 5Add the following rows and footnotes "k" and "l" to Table 5.Steel grade (Steel name)Mass fraction, based upon heat and product analyses% maximum Carbonequivalent a % maximumC b Si Mn bP S V NbTi Other lCE IIW CE Pcm Seamless and welded pipesL625Q or X90Q 0,16f 0,45 f 1,90 0,0200,010g gg j,k as agreed L690Q orX100Q 0,16 f 0,45 f 1,90 0,0200,010g g gj,kas agreedj 0,004 % maximum for boron. k Unless otherwise agreed, 0,50 % maximum for Cu, 0,55 % maximum for Cr, 0,80 % maximumfor Mo, 1,00 % maximum for Ni.lFor all PSL 2 pipe grades except those grades to which footnote j already applies the following applies. Unless otherwise agreed no intentional addition of boron is permitted and residual boron content shall be ≤ 0,001.Explanation: This places a practical limit on residual boron content for PSL 2 steel except for grades to which boron is intentionally added as covered by footnote "j" and, if boron is to be added deliberately to other pipe steel grades, it is subject to agreement.09109.3 Table 7 Add the following rows to Table 7 and replace footnote "g" with the following.Pipe gradePipe body of seamless and welded pipesWeld seamof HFW,SAW andCOW pipesYield strength aR t0,5 bTensile strength aR mRatio a,b, cR t0,5/R mElongationon 50 mmor 2 inA fTensilestrength dR m MPa (psi)MPa (psi) %MPa(psi) Minimum maximum minimum maximum maximum minimum minimumL625Q or X90Q625(90 600)775(112 400)695(100 800)915(132 700)0,97 g fL690Q or X100Q690(100 100)840(121 800)760(110 200)990(143 600)0,97 g fg LowerR t0,5/R m ratio values may be specified by agreement for L625 or X90, L690 orX100, and L830 or X120 pipe.Explanation: Adds mechanical properties for grades L625Q or X90Q and L690Q orX100Q and clarifies elongation requirements.9.3 Table 7 Replace Table 7 footnote "e" as follows.“e For pipe requiring longitudinal testing, the maximum yield strength shall be ≤495MPa (71 800 psi).”Explanation: Corrects the footnote in the table to be consistent with API 5L 43rdedition.9.6 a) Add the following new item 3).“3) For all pipe D/t’s, continue flattening until opposite walls of the pipe meet; noevidence of lamination or burnt metal shall develop during the entire test.”Explanation: Requirement from API 5L 43rd edition inadvertently left out of publication. Change the existing to read.“If does not apply for the order item, the shear fracture area on the CVNspecimen should be estimated and reported for information purposes for allgrades and sizes of pipe that have been CVN tested, unless otherwise agreed.”Explanation: Reporting of % shear fracture on certificates for information for all CVNtest was inadvertently omitted.9.10.2 Replace the first sentence of 9.10.2 with the following.Undercuts can best be located visually. Undercuts in SAW and COW pipes shall beinvestigated, classified, and treated as follows.Explanation: Clarifies that while undercuts can best be located visually, undercutsexceeding the acceptance criteria found by other methods are defects.10 09109.10.2Replace 9.10.2b) with the following.b) Undercuts that have a depth > 0,4 mm (0.016 in) but ≤ 0,8 mm (0.031 in) are acceptable provided they are treated in accordance with Clause C.2 and provided that:1) their individual lengths are ≤ 0,5 t, 2) their individual depths are ≤ 0,1 t, and3) there are no more than two such undercuts in any 300 mm (12.0 in) lengthof weld.Explanation: Clause 9.10.2 b) as was written was confusing as the first line states that the following undercuts are "acceptable" while the final sub- clause appeared to contradict this. with the following.Arc burns shall be treated in accordance with Clause C.2, C.3 b) or C.3 c), except that they may be removed by grinding, chipping or machining, provided that the resultant cavity is thoroughly cleaned and checked for complete removal of damaged material by etching with a 10% solution of ammonium persulfate or a 5% solution of nital.Explanation: Clarifies that grinding is an acceptable method of removing arc burns.9.11 Table 9Revise Table 9 column 2 title.“Special plain-end a” to “Special light sizes ”Revise Table 9 column 3 title. “Regular plain-end” to “Regular sizes ” Revise footnote in Table 9.“a Pipe having the combination of specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness is defined as special light sizes. Other combinations given in this table are defined as regular size pipe. Pipe that has a combination of specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness that is intermediate to the tabulated values is considered to be special light size if the next lower tabulated value is for special light size pipe; other intermediate combinations are considered to be regular size pipe.”9.11.2Add the following to the end of the clause following item C in the list.“For threaded-and-coupled pipe, the weights determined as described above shall conform to the calculated weights or adjusted calculated weights within the tolerances specified in Clause 9.14.”Explanation: Existing clause does not address weighing of threaded and coupled pipe as does API 5L 43rd Clause 7.4.10099.11.3.3 Add the following to If the supply of jointers is agreed, jointers comprising two pieces weldedtogether to make a length shorter than 15,0 m (49.2 ft) may be furnished to amaximum of 5% of the order item, or as agreed.d) If the supply of jointers is agreed, jointers comprising two pieces weldedtogether to make a length 15,0 m (49.2 ft) or longer may be furnished for the entireorder item or any portion thereof.e) If the supply of jointers is agreed, jointers comprising three pieces weldedtogether to make a length 15,0 m (49.2 ft) or longer may be furnished to a maximumof 5% of the order item, or as agreed.Explanation: Introduces clauses for clarification of the standard.Figure 2 Revise Key 1 as follows.1 straight lineRevise Figure 2 to remove the rectangle representing the straight edge leaving only aline.Explanation: Clarifies the figure.9.14.1 a) Revise Clause 9.14.1a).“a) for special light size pipe (see Table 9):”Explanation: Past term “special plain-end” was confusing as the special aspect of theproduct addresses the wall thickness or mass tolerances not end condition. Add the following to certification that the product meets the requirements of Annexes A , F and I, asapplicable.Explanation: Adds required information for possible PSL 1 products in inspectiondocuments, if applicable.10 091010.2 Table 17Replace the 19th and 20th rows of Table 17 with the following. And add the following footnote "c" to Table 17. Type of inspection Type of pipe Frequency of inspection Macrographic testing of the longitudinal or helical-seam weld of welded pipe SAWL, SAWH, COWL or COWH At least once per operating shift plus whenever any change of pipe size occurs during the operating shift; or, if or applies, at the beginning of the production of each combination of specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness. Metallographic testing of the longitudinal seam weld of welded pipe LFW or HFW excluding full body normalized pipe At least once per operating shift plus whenever changes of grade, specified outside diameter or specified wall thickness are made; plus whenever significant excursions from operating heat treatment conditions are encountered c Pipe produced by each welding machine shall be tested at least once per week. Explanation: [Updated] Clarifies table entries to be consistent with purpose and frequency of tests as described in Clauses and Table 18Replace the 16th and 17th rows of Table 18 with the following, and add the following footnote "b" to Table 18. Type of inspection Type of pipe Frequency of inspection Macrographic testing of the longitudinal or helical seam weld of welded pipe SAWL, SAWH, COWL or COWH At least once per operating shift plus whenever any change of pipe size occurs during the operating shift; or, if or applies, at the beginning of the production of each combination of specified outside diameter and specified wall thickness. Metallographic testing (or optional hardness test in lieu of metallography) of the longitudinal seam weld of welded pipe HFW excluding full body normalized pipe At least once per operating shift plus whenever changes of grade, specified outside diameter or specified wall thickness are made; plus whenever significant excursions from operating heat treatment conditions are encountered b Pipe produced by each welding machine shall be tested at least once per week Explanation: [Updated] Clarifies table entries to be consistent with purpose and frequency of tests as described in Clauses and the first paragraph as follows. “Rectangular test pieces, representing the full wall thickness of the pipe, shall be taken in accordance with ISO 6892 or ASTM A 370 and as shown in Figure 5, transverse test pieces for hot worked or heat treated seamless pipe shall be round test pieces and, for all other pipe shall be either round test pieces or flattened.” Explanation: This requirement in API 5L 43rd edition was inadvertently left out of the publication.1009090910.2.3.3 Add the following sentence to the end of the 3rd paragraph.“The specimen shall be taken as close as practicable to the OD surface of the pipe.”Revise the 4th paragraph:“For test pieces taken in the HAZ of SAW and COW pipes, the axis of the notch shallbe located as close as practicable to the fusion line of the outside weld bead asshown in Figure 7. The specimen shall be taken as close as practicable to the ODsurface of the pipe.”Explanation: Clarifies requirement for location of the test specimen.Figure 7 Replace Figure 7 with the below attached figure.Explanation: Clarifies requirement for location of the test specimen.10.2.5 Add the following For SAW pipe seams made with tack welds, the melting and coalescence ofthe tack weld into the final weld seam shall be verified by macrographic testing [See8.4.2 a)].Explanation: Minimum penetration of weld beads is needed to ensure completeremoval of tack welds and to ensure complete fusion of the outside and inside SAWweld seam of the pipe. Add the following Note after Out-of-roundness measurements taken in stacks are invalid due to the elasticdeformations caused by forces exerted by pipes adjacent to those being measured.Explanation: The note is added to clarify that out-of-roundness measurements shouldnot be made on pipe while it is stacked. Replace with the following.Clause Each length of pipe shall be measured for conformance to thespecified wall thickness requirements. The wall thickness at any location shall bewithin the tolerances specified in Table 11, except that the weld area shall not belimited by the plus tolerance. Wall thickness measurements shall be made with amechanical calliper or with a properly calibrated non-destructive inspection device ofappropriate accuracy. In case of dispute, the measurement determined by use of themechanical calliper shall govern. The mechanical calliper shall be fitted with contactpins. The end of the pin contacting the inside surface of the pipe shall be rounded toa maximum radius of 38,1 mm (1.50 in) for pipe of size 168,3 mm (6.625 in) or larger,and up to a radius of D/4 for pipe smaller than size 168,3 mm (6.625 in) with aminimum radius of 3,2 mm (0.125 in). The end of the pin contacting the outsidesurface of the pipe shall be either flat or rounded to a minimum radius of 31,2 mm(1.25 in). 0910Explanation: The proposed amendment reflects current general practice more accurately, does not adversely impact the control methodology and has the advantage that the upper part of the calliper contact pin may be obtained more easily as a stock article in the tool market10.2.8.5Add the following to the end of the clause. “For threaded-and-coupled pipe, the length shall be measured to the outer face of the coupling. The length of threaded-and-coupled pipe may be determined before the couplings are attached, provided the proper allowance is made for the length of the couplings.” Explanation: Requirement which addresses measurement of threaded and coupled length of pipe (API 5L 43rd , 7.5) was inadvertently left out.10.2.9Replace 10.2.9 with the following. 10.2.9 Weighing For pipe with D ≥ 141,3 mm (5.563 in), the lengths of pipe shall be weighed individually, except that for welded jointers it shall be permissible to weigh the individual lengths comprising the jointer or the jointer itself. For pipe with D < 141,3 mm (5.563 in), the lengths of pipe shall be weighed either individually or in convenient lots selected by the manufacturer. Explanation: Clarifies acceptable options in the standard.10.2.9Add the following to the end of the Clause 10.2.9: “Threaded-and-coupled pipe shall be weighed either: i) with the couplings screwed on but without thread protectors, except for order items with a mass of 18 tonnes (20 tons) or more for which proper allowance shall be made for the weight of the thread protectors, or ii) before the couplings are attached, provided that allowance is made for the weight of the couplings.” Explanation: Requirement of weighting of threaded and coupled pipe (API 5L 43rd 7.4) was inadvertently left out.10.2.11Replace with the following. 10.2.11 Reprocessing If any mechanical property test result for a test unit of pipe fails to conform to the applicable requirements, the manufacturer may elect to heat treat the test unit of pipe in accordance with the requirements of Table 3, consider it a new test unit, test it in accordance with all requirements of 10.2.12 and 10.2.4 that are applicable to theorder item, and proceed in accordance with the applicable requirements of this standard. After one reprocessing heat treatment, any additional reprocessing heat treatment shall be subject to agreement with the purchaser.For non-heat treated pipe, any reprocessing heat treatment shall be subject to agreement with the purchaser. For heat treated pipe, any reprocessing with a different type of heat treatment (see Table 3) shall be subject to agreement with the purchaser.”10 10 09 0910Explanation (Updated): This corrects an error in the document. The term “lot” in the document has been replaced with the term “test unit”. This clause complementsClause 10.2.12. See also explanation to that clause.10.2.12 Replace with the following.“10.2.12 Retesting10.2.12.1 Recheck analysesIf the product analyses of both samples representing the heat fail to conform to thespecified requirements, at the manufacturer's option either the heat shall be rejectedor the remainder of the heat shall be tested individually for conformance to thespecified requirements. If the product analysis of only one of the samplesrepresenting the heat fails to conform to the specified requirements, at themanufacturer's option, either the heat shall be rejected or two recheck analyses shallbe made using two additional samples from the heat. If both recheck analysesconform to the specified requirements, the heat shall be accepted, except for thepipe, plate, or coil from which the initial sample that failed was taken. If one or bothrecheck analyses fail to conform to the specified requirements, at the manufacturer'soption either the heat shall be rejected or the remainder of the heat shall be testedindividually for conformance to the specified requirements.For such individual testing, analyses for only the rejecting element or elements needbe determined.Samples for recheck analyses shall be taken in the same location as specified forproduct analyses samples. Tensile retestsIf the tensile test specimen representing a test unit of pipe fails to conform to thespecified requirements, the manufacturer may elect to retest two additional lengthsfrom the same test unit. If both retested specimens conform to the specifiedrequirements, all the lengths in a test unit shall be accepted, except the length fromwhich the initial specimen was taken. If one or both of the retested specimens fail toconform to the specified requirements, the manufacturer may elect to individually testthe remaining lengths in the test unit, in which case determinations are required onlyfor the particular elements with which the specimens failed to comply in the precedingtests. Specimens for retest shall be taken in the same manner as the specimen thatfailed to meet the minimum requirements. If applicable reprocessing shall be asdefined in Flattening retestsFlattening retest provisions are as follows:a) Non-expanded electric welded pipe in grades higher than L175 or A25 and non-expanded laser welded pipe smaller than 323,9 mm (12.750 in) produced in singlelengths:The manufacturer may elect to retest any failed end until the requirements are met,providing the finished pipe is not less than 80% of its length after initial croppingb) Non-expanded electric welded pipe in grades higher than L175 or A25 and non-expanded laser welded pipe smaller than 323,9 mm (12.750 in) produced in multiplelengths: 10 10 10The manufacturer may elect to retest each end of each individual length if any testfails. The retest for each end of each individual length shall be made with the weldalternatively at 0 ° and 90 °.c) Cold-expanded electric welded pipe in grades higher than L175 or A25 all weldedGrade L175 or A25 in sizes 60,3 mm (2.875 in) and larger; and cold-expanded laserwelded pipe smaller than size 323,9 mm (12.750 in):The manufacturer may elect to retest one end of each of two additional lengths of thesame test unit. If both retests are acceptable, all lengths in the test unit shall beaccepted, except the original failed length. If one or both retests fail, the manufacturermay elect to repeat the test on specimens cut from one end of each of the remainingindividual lengths in the test unit.If applicable reprocessing shall be as defined in Bend retestsIf the specimen fails to conform to the specified requirements, the manufacturer mayelect to make retests on specimens cut from two additional lengths from the sametest unit. If all retest specimens conform to the specified requirements, all the lengthsin the test unit shall be accepted, except the length from which the initial specimenwas taken. If one or more of the retest specimens fail to conform to the specifiedrequirements, the manufacturer may elect to repeat the test on specimens cut fromthe individual lengths remaining in the test unit.10If applicable reprocessing shall be as defined in Guided-bend retestsIf one or both of the guided-bend specimens fail to conform to the specifiedrequirements, the manufacturer may elect to repeat the tests on specimens cut fromtwo additional lengths of pipe from the same test unit. If such specimens conform tothe specified requirements, all lengths in the test unit shall be accepted, except thelength initially selected for test. If any of the retested specimens fail to pass thespecified requirements, the manufacturer may elect to test specimens cut fromindividual lengths remaining in the test unit. The manufacturer may also elect to retestany length that has failed to pass the test by cropping back and cutting two additionalspecimens from the same end. If the requirements of the original test are met by bothof these additional tests, that length shall be acceptable. No further cropping andretesting is permitted. Specimens for retest shall be taken in the same manner asspecified in Tables 19 and 20 and clause applicable reprocessing shall be as defined in Charpy retestsIn the event that a set of Charpy test specimens fail to meet the acceptance criteria,the manufacturer may elect to replace the test unit of material involved or alternativelyto test two more lengths from that test unit. If both of the new tests meet theacceptance criteria, then all pipe in that test unit, with the exception of the originalselected length, shall be considered to meet the requirement. Failure of either of thetwo additional tests shall require testing of each length in the test unit for acceptance.If applicable reprocessing shall be as defined in 10.2.11.”Explanation (Updated): This corrects an error in the document. The term “lot” in the。
ASNZS 4665.1-2005_Amdt_1-2009

AS/NZS 4665.1/Amdt 1/2009-02-27STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALANDAmendment No. 1toAS/NZS 4665.1:2005Performance of external power suppliesPart 1: Test method and energy performance markREVISED TEXTThe 2005 edition of AS/NZS 4665.1 is amended as follows; the amendments should be inserted in the appropriate places.SUMMARY: This Amendment applies to the Preface, Clauses 1.1 and 1.3 and Appendices A, B and C. Published on 27 February 2009.Approved for publication in New Zealand on behalf of the Standards Council of New Zealand on 29 January 2009PrefaceIn the seventh paragraph, delete the second sentence and replace with the following: R egulatory authorities have advised that it is intended to mandate Part 2 of the Standard (AS/NZS 4665.2:2005) in regulations in Australia and New Zealand no earlier than 1 December 2008, except for marking requirements, which are intended to be mandated no earlier than 1 April 2009.Clause 1.1Add a new fourth paragraph as follows:Power supplies within the scope of AS/NZS 4879 or IEC 61347.2.13 are excluded from the scope of this Standard.Clause 1.3.3Replace ‘r.m.s.’ with ‘average’.Clause 1.3.8Add a new Clause 1.3.8 as follows:1.3.8 Family of models—Non user selectable output voltageA range of non user selectable single output models based on common technically equivalent components (typically switchmode), but each model may have a different output voltage. They may be sold under different brand names or model numbers or both. Each member of the family is included on a single test report and has the same energy performance mark, but may have a different output voltage.Clause 1.3.9Add a new Clause 1.3.9 as follows:1.3.9 Multi-switch model—User selectable output voltageA model with a single output that provides a range of user selectable output voltages. They may be sold under different brand names or model numbers or both. Test reports may AMDT No. 1 FEB2009 AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009AMDT No. 1 FEB2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Clauses 1.3.8 to 1.3.15Renumber Clauses 1.3.8 to 1.3.15 as Clauses 1.3.10 to 1.3.17 respectively.Clause 1.3.18Add a new Clause 1.3.18 as follows: 1.3.18 Single model(s)One or more models using technically equivalent components with identical performance specifications having the same output voltage. They may be sold under different brand names or model numbers or both. Test reports may include one or more models having the same energy performance mark.Clauses 1.3.16 and 1.3.17Renumber Clauses 1.3.16 and 1.3.17 as Clauses 1.3.19 and 1.3.20 respectively.Paragraph A1Add new third and fourth paragraphs as follows:External power supplies, for Mark V only, with an input power greater than or equal to 100 W shall have a true power factor of 0.9 or greater at 100% of rated load when tested at 115 V, 60 Hz.Products tested for compliance with Mark V at both 115 V and 230 V shall meet the power factor requirement when tested at 115 V, but not when tested at 230 V.AMDT No. 1 FEB2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009 AMDT No. 1 FEB2009AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009 e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Table A1Delete the Table and replace with the following:TABLE A1ENERGY PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH NUMERALNo load power consumptionrequirementsActive mode efficiency requirementsNameplate output power No load powerNameplate output power Mark(P no ) WW(P no ) WOutput specificationAverage active modeefficiencyI Used if it does not meet any of the following criteria 0 to <1 All ≥0.39 × P noII0 to <10 10 to ≤250 ≤0.75 ≤1.0 1 to <49 All ≥0.107 × L n (P no ) + 0.39 0 to 1All ≥0.490 × P no>1 to 49 All ≥0.090 × L n (P no ) + 0.490 to a maximum of 0.840 III 0 to <10 10 to ≤250≤0.5 ≤0.75>49 to 250 All ≥0.840 0 to 1All ≥0.500 × P no>1 to 51 All ≥0.090 × L n (P no ) + 0.500 to a maximum of 0.850 IV0 to <10 10 to ≤250≤0.5 ≤0.5>51 to 250All≥0.850AC-AC AC-DCOutput voltage<6 V andoutput current ≥0.550 A ≥0.497 × P no + 0.067 0 to 1Other models ≥0.480 × P no + 0.140 Output voltage <6 V andoutput current ≥0.550 A ≥0.0750 × L n (P no ) + 0.561 0 to <50≤0.5 ≤0.3>1 to 49Other models ≥0.0626 × L n (P no ) + 0.622Output voltage <6 V andoutput current ≥0.550 A ≥0.860 V50 to ≤250 ≤0.5 ≤0.5 >49 to 250Other models≥0.870VI – X Reserved for future useLEGEND:P no = nameplate output power of the EUT L n = the natural logarithm (base e)AMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Paragraph A21 Insert a new Clause heading before the first paragraph as follows:A2.1 General2 Delete the Note and replace with the following:NOTE: Numerals VI to X are reserved for future use.3 Insert the following after Figure A1:A2.2 Single performance mark when tested at 115 V a.c., 230 V a.c. and240 V a.c. or has a single input voltage If the external power supply complies with the requirements of a single performance mark at both 115 V a.c. and 230 V a.c. or has a single input voltage, then the mark can be as shown in Figure A1. If only one mark is applied, then it shall be the lowest mark attained when tested at 115 V a.c. and 230 V a.c. A2.3 Dual markingIf the external power supply meets different energy performance for different a.c. supply voltages, then the external power supply may voluntarily be marked with its performance mark qualified by voltage at which it applies, with the appropriate voltage marked immediately beside the mark. Figure A2 provides an example of dual marking, where the external power supply meets performance Mark IV at 115 V a.c.and Mark III at 230 V a.c.FIGURE A2 EXAMPLE OF DUAL MARKINGA2.4 P erformance mark for models capable of multiple input voltages whentested at 230 V a.c. only If the external power supply is capable of multiple input voltages, but is tested and complies with the above requirements at 230 V a.c. only, then the mark shall bequalified with ‘230’ as per the examples in Figure A3.FIGURE A3 EXAMPLES FOR 230 V a.c. COMPLIANCE ONLYAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .A2.5 P erformance mark for models capable of multiple input voltages whentested at 115 V a.c. only If the external power supply is capable of multiple input voltages, but is tested and complies with the above requirements at 115 V a.c. only, then the mark shall bequalified with ‘115’ as per the examples in Figure A4.FIGURE A4 EXAMPLES FOR 115 V a.c. COMPLIANCE ONLYAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Figure B1Delete Figure B1 and replace with the following:Does the EPS convert mains a.c.input voltage into one ELV output of a single voltage or user selectable voltage?Is the EPS in a housing that is separate from the end-use product it is intended to power?Does the EPS charge a battery?YESYESDo the batteries or battery pack physically attach directly to the EPS independently of the end-use product they power and with no interveningdevice?NODoes the EPS have a battery chemistry or type selector switch AND indicator light or state of charge meter?Does NOT meet the definition of an EPSDoes NOT meet the definition of an EPSMeets the definition ofan EPSYESNONOYESYESStar tNONOFIGURE B1 FLOWCHART FOR DEFINITION OF SINGLE OUTPUT EXTERNALPOWER SUPPLYAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .Appendix CDelete Appendix C and replace with the following:APPENDIX CSAMPLE TEST REPORT(Informative)SINGLE OUTPUT EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY TEST REPORTNameplate input voltageNameplate output voltageNameplate output currentNameplate output watts/VA230 V a.c. 5.0 1.0 5.0 115 V a.c. 5.0 1.0 5.0LAB INFORMATIONTest laboratory name XYZ Test Centre Test laboratory address 1 South StS ydney, N SW 2000 Country Australia Test technician(s) Joe Bloggs Date measured 14 July 2005 Test Standard used AS/NZS 4665.1:2005TEST INSTRUMENTSMake/Model Measurement Calibration date XYZ Model 1 No Load22 April 2005 ABC Model 2 Active Output 21 April 2005CONNECTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE INPUT AND/OR OUTPUT CORD a.c. input typeAS/NZS 3112 integrated plug Input cord length (mm) Not applicable—integrated plug Output cord length (mm) 1750Output plug typeSingle pin type Modification to connectors for testing NoneTEST SETUPTest report number 000123Manufacturer name Brand X Model ABC CountryChina Input power switchNot present Product powered (if known) Not known Output type d.c.Design typeNon user selectable output voltageNameplate input specifications 100 V – 240 V 50 Hz – 60 HzNameplate input current0.5 A – 0.3 AAMDT No. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .75%50%25%5%0%25%50%75%100%Actual fraction of output current4567832100%25%50%75%100%Input and output power vs Output current Actual fraction of output currentP o w e r (W )InputOutputInput vs Output power0. power (W)I n p u t p o w e r (W )NOTE: Repeat the following table for minimum and maximum output voltage if applicable.No loadActive power valuesPercent of nameplate current 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Average Output current (A) 0 0.248 0.498 0.747 1.001 — Output voltage (V) 5.07 5.024 5.003 4.981 4.959 — Output power (W) 0 1.244 2.492 3.721 4.966 — a.c. input current (A) 0.019 0.048 0.070 0.092 0.115 — a.c. input voltage (V) 114.9 114.9 114.9 114.9 114.9 — a.c. input power (W) 0.839 2.621 4.136 5.708 7.390 — Total harmonic distortion (THD ) 88.75% 86.91% 84.99% 83.29% 81.64% — True power factor 0.394 0.477 0.513 0.539 0.561 0.497 Power consumed by EUT (W) 0.839 1.377 1.644 1.987 2.425 — Efficiency — 47.46% 60.25% 65.19% 67.19% 60.02%FIGURE C1 MEASURED AND CALCULATED DATA AT 115 V 60 HzNo. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .75%50%25%5%0%25%50%75%100%Actual fraction of output current4567832100%25%50%75%100%Input and output power vs Output currentActual fraction of output currentP o w e r (W )InputOutputInput vs Output power0. power (W)I n p u t p o w e r (W )NOTE: Repeat the following table for minimum and maximum output voltage if applicable.No loadActive power values Percent of nameplate current 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Average Output current (A) 0 0.248 0.498 0.749 1.000 — Output voltage (V) 5.06 5.021 4.999 4.978 4.957 — Output power (W) 0 1.244 2.487 3.729 4.957 — a.c. input current (A) 0.018 0.041 0.052 0.064 0.076 — a.c. input voltage (V) 229.9 229.9 229.9 229.9 229.9 — a.c. input power (W) 1.360 3.703 4.983 6.395 7.927 — Total harmonic distortion (THD ) 86.49% 89.84% 89.48% 88.94% 88.30% — True power factor 0.324 0.396 0.417 0.435 0.451 0.405 Power consumed by EUT (W) 1.360 2.459 2.459 2.666 2.970 — Efficiency — 33.60% 49.92% 58.31% 62.53% 51.09%FIGURE C2 MEASURED AND CALCULATED DATA AT 230 V 50 HzNo. 1 FEB 2009e d t o M r J o s h u a H u a n g o n 07 M a r 2009. P e r s o n a l u s e l i c e n c e o n l y . S t o r a g e , d i s t r i b u t i o n o r u s e o n n e t w o r k p r o h i b i t e d .。
2006-2013 Fluke 80 Series V 校准指南补充说明书

Manual Supplement© 2006-2013 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.Manual Title: 80 Series V Calibration Supplement Issue: 7 Part Number: 2102915 Issue Date: 4/13 Print Date: September 2004 Page Count: 3 Revision/Date: 1, 2/05This supplement contains information necessary to ensure the accuracy of the above manual. Enter the corrections in the manual if either one of the following conditions exist: 1. The revision letter stamped on the indicated PCA is equal to or higherthan that given with each change.2. No revision letter is indicated at the beginning of the change.80 Series V Calibration Manual Supplement4/13 1Change #1On page 16, Table 13, add the following:F8- Err Invalid model. Have Meter serviced. OPEnOpen thermocouple is detected.Change #2, 39785On page 8, Table 11, replace the Diode row with the following:1000 V rms< 7.9 V dc3.000 V dc1.0 mA typicalChange #3, 41206, 48958On page 5, replace Table 2 with the following:Table 2. Model 87 AC Voltage Function SpecificationsFunction Range Resolution Accuracy45 – 65 Hz 30 – 200 Hz200 – 440 Hz440 Hz - 1 kHz1 - 5 kHz5 - 20 kHz [1][2,4]600.0 mV 0.1 mV ± (0.7 % + 4)± (1.0 % + 4)± (2.0 % + 4)± (2.0 % + 20)6.000 V 0.001 V ± (0.7 % + 2)60.00 V 0.01 V 600.0 V 0.1 V ± (2.0 % + 4) [3]unspecified 1000 V1 Vunspecified unspecifiedLow pass filterSame as 45 - 65 Hz± (1.0 % + 4)+1 % + 4-6 % - 4[5]unspecified unspecified unspecified[1] Below 10 % of range, add 12 counts.[2]The Meter is a true rms responding meter. When the input leads are shorted together in the ac functions, the Meter may display a residual reading between 1 and 30 counts. A 30 count residual reading will cause only a 2-digit change for readings over 3 % of range. Using REL to offset this reading may produce a much larger constant error in later measurements. [3] Frequency range: 1 kHz to 2.5 kHz.[4] A residual reading of up to 13 digits with leads shorted, will not affect stated accuracy above 3 % of range. [5]Specification increases from -1% at 200 Hz to -6% at 440 Hz when filter is in use.Change #4, 58804, 62912, 64090On page 19, Table 14, combine steps 47 and 48 and add footnote 7:StepTest FunctionRange 5500A outputDisplay Reading83 and 888747(87 and 88 only)7Peak Min/Max6 V dc6 Vpp, 2 kHz Sq. Wave, DC offset 1 VMax = 3.895 to 4.105 Max = 3.897 to 4.103 Min = -1.897 to -2.103Min = -1.898 to -2.1027. The Fluke-83 V does not have a Peak Min/Max function.Manual Supplement 80 Series V Calibration2 4/13On page 4, replace Table 1 with:Table 1. Electrical SymbolsAC (Alternating Current) Earth ground DC (Direct Current)FuseHazardous voltage. Risk of electric shock.Conforms to European Union directives.Risk of Danger. Important information. See Manual.Conforms to relevant North American Association directives. Battery. Low battery when displayed. Double insulatedContinuity test or continuity beeper tone.CapacitanceConforms to relevant South Korean EMC Standards.Inspected and licensed by TÜV Product Services.CAT II Measurement Category II is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected directly to utilization points (socket outlets and similar points) of the low-voltage MAINS installation.CAT III Measurement Category III is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected to the distribution part of the building’s low-voltage MAINS installation.CAT IVMeasurement Category IV is applicable to test and measuring circuits connected at the source of the building’s low-voltage MAINS installation.Under General Specifications , delete the Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety and add the following:Safety ............................................................ I EC 61010-1: 600 V CAT IV / 1000V CAT III, Pollution Degree 2 Electromagnetic Environment ......… .......... I EC 61326-1: PortableElectromagnetic Compatibility .......…………Applies to use in Korea only Class A Equipment (IndustrialBroadcasting & Communication Equipment) [1][1] This product meets requirements for industrial (Class A)electromagnetic wave equipment and the seller or user should take notice of it. This equipment is intended for use in business environments and is not to be used in homes.On page 5, under Detailed Specifications , prior to Table 2 add:All ranges unless otherwise noted: In an RF field of 3 V/m total accuracy = specified accuracy + 20 counts, except 600 μA dc range total accuracy = specified accuracy + 60 counts. Temperature not specified.Some mobile devices that transmit RF energy may transmit levels that far exceed 3 V/m and may damage sensitive electronic circuits. To insure the best performance, do not allow a device that is transmitting RF energy in excess of 3 V/m to be within 30 cm of the meter while in use.On page 27, Table 17, replace the TM1 with the following, and delete both TM3s:TM180 Series V Safety Information (Multi-language)42717531Manual Supplement 80 Series V CalibrationOn page 28, replace Figure 8 with:Figure 8. 80 Series V Final Assembly3 4/13。
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Table 1 Current AAN criteria (1991 definition)Criteria for clinical diagnosis of central nervous system disorders in HIV-infected adults and adolescentsHIV-1 associated cognitive/motor complexAll of the following diagnoses require laboratory evidence for systemic HIV-1 infection (ELISA test confirmed by Western blot, polymerase chain reaction, or culture)I. Sufficient for diagnosis of AIDSA. HIV-1-associated dementia complex*Probable (must have each of the following):1. Acquired abnormality in at least two of the following cognitive abilities (present for atleast 1 month): attention/concentration, speed of processing information,abstraction/reasoning, visuospatial skills, memory/learning, and speech/language.The decline should be verified by reliable history and mental status examination. Inall cases, when possible, history should be obtained from an informant, andexamination should be supplemented by neuropsychological testing.Cognitive dysfunction causing impairment of work or activities of daily living**(objectively verifiable or by report of a key informant). This impairment should not beattributable solely to severe systemic illness.2. At least one of the following:a. Acquired abnormality in motor function or performance verified by clinicalexamination (e.g., slowed rapid movements, abnormal gait, limbincoordination, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, or weakness),neuropsychological tests (e.g., fine motor speed, manual dexterity,perceptual motor skills), or both.b. Decline in motivation or emotional control or change in social behavior.This may be characterized by any of the following: change in personalitywith apathy, inertia, irritability, emotional lability, or new onset of impairedjudgment characterized by socially inappropriate behavior or disinhibition.3. Absence of clouding of consciousness during a period long enough toestablish the presence of #1.4. Evidence of another etiology, including active CNS opportunistic infection ormalignancy, psychiatric disorders (e.g., depressive disorder), active alcohol orsubstance use, or acute or chronic substance withdrawal, must be soughtfrom history, physical and psychiatric examination, and appropriate laboratoryand radiologic investigation (e.g., lumbar puncture, neuroimaging). If anotherpotential etiology (e.g., major depression) is present, it is not the cause of theabove cognitive, motor, or behavioral symptoms and signs.Possible (must have one of the following):1. Other potential etiology present (must have each of the following):a. As above (see Probable) #1, 2, and 3.b. Other potential etiology is present but the cause of #1 above is certain.2. Incomplete clinical evaluation (must have each of the following):a. As above (see Probable) #1, 2, and 3.b. Etiology cannot be determined (appropriate laboratory or radiologicinvestigations no performed).NB: HIV-associated myelopathy is not included in this table for brevity, but was in the original 1991 definition.II. Not sufficient for diagnosis of AIDSHIV-1-associated minor cognitive/motor disorderProbable (must have each of the following):1. Cognitive/motor/behavioral abnormalities (must have each of the following):a. At least two of the following acquired cognitive, motor, or behavioral symptoms(present for at least 1 month) verified by reliable history (when possible, from aninformant):1) Impaired attention or concentration2) Mental slowing3) Impaired memory4) Slowed movements5) Incoordination6) Personality change, or irritability or emotional labilityb. Acquired cognitive/motor abnormality verified by clinical neurologic examinationor neuropsychological testing (e.g., fine motor speed, manual dexterity,perceptual motor skills, attention/concentration, speed of processing ofinformation, abstraction/reasoning, visuospatial skills, memory/learning, orspeech/language).2. Disturbance from cognitive/motor/behavioral abnormalities (see #1) causes mildimpairment of work or activities of daily living (objectively verifiable or by report of akey informant).3. Does not meet criteria for HIV-1-associated dementia complex or HIV-1-associatedmyelopathy.4. No evidence of another etiology, including active CNS opportunistic infection ormalignancy, or severe systemic illness determined by appropriate history, physicalexamination, and laboratory and radiologic investigation (e.g., lumbar puncture,neuroimaging). The above features should not be attributable solely to the effects ofactive alcohol or substance use, acute or chronic substance withdrawal, adjustmentdisorder, or other psychiatric disorders.Possible (must have one of the following):1. Other potential etiology present (must have each of the following):a. As above (see Probable) #1, 2, and 3.b. Other potential etiology is present and the cause of thecognitive/motor/behavioral abnormalities is uncertain.2. Incomplete clinical evaluation (must have each of the following):a. As above (see Probable) #1, 2, and 3.b. Etiology cannot be determined (appropriate laboratory or radiologicinvestigations not performed).*For research purposes, HIV-1 associated dementia complex can be coded to describe the major features:HIV-1-associated dementia complex requires criteria 1, 2a, 2b, 3 and 4.HIV-1-associated dementia complex (motor) requires criteria 1, 2a, 3, and 4.HIV-1-associated dementia complex (behavior) requires criteria 1, 2b, 3, and 4.**The level of impairment due to cognitive dysfunction should be assessed asfollows:Mild: Decline in performance at work, including work in the home that is conspicuous to others. Unable to work at usual job, although may be ableto work at a much less demanding job. Activities of daily living or socialactivities are impaired but not to a degree making the person completelydependent on others. More complicated daily tasks or recreationalactivities cannot be undertaken. Capable of basic self-care such asfeeding, dressing, and maintaining personal hygiene, but activities such ashandling money, shopping, using public transportation, driving a car, orkeeping track of appointments or medications is impaired.Moderate: Unable to work, including work in the home. Unable to function without some assistance of another in daily living, including dressing, maintaining personalhygiene, eating, shopping, handling money, and walking, but able tocommunicate basic needs.Severe: Unable to perform any activities of daily living without assistance. Requires continual supervision. Unable to maintain personal hygiene, nearly or absolutelymute.Table 2 (Appendix). Outline of criteria for classifying HIV-related neurocognitive disordersTable 3 (Appendix). Examples of NP tests that may be used to document impairments in ability domains.FluencyControlled Oral Word Association Test (FAS) (1, 2)Thurstone Word Fluency Test (3)Category Fluency (4)Action Fluency (5)Design Fluency Tests (6, 7)Executive FunctionsStroop Color and Word Test (8)Trailmaking Test – Part B (3, 9)Color Trails –II (10)Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (11)Halstead Category Test (3, 9)Odd Man Out Test (12-14)Tower Tests (15-17)Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (7)Speed of Information ProcessingWAIS-III Digit Symbol Subtest (18)WAIS-III Symbol Search Subtest (18)Symbol Digit Modalities Test (19)Trailmaking Test – Part A (3, 9)Color Trails – I (10)Digit Vigilance Test (3, 20)Stroop Color Naming (8)Reaction Time Tests, e.g., California Computerized Assessment Battery (21)Attention/Working MemoryWAIS-III Digit Span Subtest (18)WAIS-III Letter-Number Sequencing Subtest (18)WMS-III Spatial Span Subtest (22)Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (23)Digit Vigilance Test (error component) (3, 20)Verbal and Visual LearningVerbal:California Verbal Learning Test (Original and Revised; Total Learning) (24)Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (Total Learning) (25)Story Memory Test (Learning component) (3)Hopkins Verbal Learning Test- Revised (Total Learning) (26)Buschke Selective Reminding Test (27)WMS-III Logical Memory I (22)WMS-III Paired Associates I (22)Visual:WMS-III Visual Reproduction-I (22)WMS-III Family Pictures-I (22)Brief Visuospatial Memory Test – Revised (Total Learning) (28)Figure Memory Test (Learning component) (3)Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Test (Immediate Recall) (29, 30)Verbal and Visual MemoryDelayed recall scores of the 12 learning/memory tests listed above, with interpretation also guided by results on any normed, forgetting/savings scores and delayed recognition scores. Motor SkillsGrooved Pegboard Test (3, 31)Purdue Pegboard Test (32, 33)Arendt Central Motor Test Battery (34, 35)Finger Tapping Test (3)Timed Gait (36)The area of quantitative testing of motor function needs further exploration, but data from Arendt et al seem promising measures that track with cognitive improvements with HAART. The predictive value of quantitative motor test abnormalities for evolving cognitive impairment needs further delineation.NOTE: WAIS-III is Third Edition of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WMS-III is the Third Edition of the Wechsler Memory Scale.Reference List(1) Benton AL, Hamsher K.De S. Multilingual Aphasia Examation. Iowa City: AJAAssociates, 1989.(2) Gladsjo JA, Schuman CC, Evans JD, Peavy GM, Miller SW, Heaton RK. Norms for letterand category fluency: demographic corrections for age, education, and ethnicity.Assessment 1999 Jun;6:147-178.(3) Heaton RK, Chelune GJ, Talley JL, Kay GG, Curtiss G. 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