FX5800P计算器 正反算、隧道超欠挖计算程序
![FX5800P计算器 正反算、隧道超欠挖计算程序](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5d1a523783c4bb4cf7ecd1bc.png)
)卡西欧FX-5800p计算器正反算、隧道超欠挖计算程序正算主程序 (ZS) :Lb1 0 : FIX 4 : ? S : ?Z :Prog “ PM-SJ ” : Abs(S-O) → W : Prog "SUB1" : "XS= " :X ◢ "YS= " :Y ◢ F-90 → F ( 需要时可以让他显示,不要时不必输入 ) :Pro g“SQX-SJ”: Prog “ SQX ” :“ H= ” :H ◢- Goto 0反算主程序 (FS)Lb1 0 : FIX4: ? S : ? X :? Y :Prog “PM-SJ” :X→ I :Y→ J :Prog "SUB2" : "S= " :O+W→S ◢ "Z= " :Z ◢Prog “SQX-SJ” :Prog “ SQX ” :“ H= ” :H ◢ Goto 0隧道 3 心圆放样主程序( SD-3XY )Lb1 0 :Prog “ FS ” : 1.5 → A : 1.65 → B :0.89→ G: 2.27 → C : 3.3 → D : 2.41 → E :0.51 → J :“H1” : F :ifF≤ H+ A :then E-AbsZ → W : IfEn d : ifF >H+A And F ≤ H+A+ B :then√ ( D²- ( F-H-A ) ² ) -G-AbsZ → W : IfEn d : ifF > H+A+ B :then√ ( C²- ( F-H-A-J ) ² ) -AbsZ → W : IfEn d :“W=” :W◢ (水平方向的超欠挖:正为欠 , 负为超) Goto0正算子程序 (SUB1)1÷P → C : (P-R)÷(2HPR) → D :180÷π → E :0.1739274226 → A :0.3260725774 → B :0.0694318442 → K :0.3300094782 → L : 1-L → F :1-K → M :U+W(Acos(G+QEKW(C+KWD))+Bcos(G+QELW(C+LWD))+Bcos(G+QEFW(C+FWD))+Acos( G+QEMW(C+MWD))) → X :V+W(Asin(G+QEKW(C+KWD))+Bsin(G+QELW(C+LWD))+Bsin(G+QEFW(C+FWD))+Asin( G+QEMW(C+MWD))) → Y :G+QEW(C+WD)+90 → F :X+ZcosF → X : Y+ZsinF → Y 反算子程序 (SUB2)G-90 → T : Abs((Y-V)cosT-(X-U)sin ( T )) → W :0 → Z : Lbl 0 :Prog "SUB1" :T+QEW(C+WD) → L : (J-Y)cosL-(I-X)sinL → Z : ifAbsZ<1E- 6 : thenGoto1 :ElssW+Z → W : Goto 0 : IfEndLbl 1 :0 → Z : Prog "SUB1" : (J-Y)÷sinF → Z 子程序(平面线形数据库) PM-SJifS ≥ 500 (线元起点里程) AndS < 769.256 (线元止点里程):Then19942.837 → U (线元起点 X 坐标): 28343.561 → V (线元起点 Y 坐标):500 → O (线元起点里程):125 ° 16 ° 31 ° → G (线元起点方位角):269.265 → H (线元长度): 10^ ( 45 )→ P (线元起点曲率半径): 10^ ( 45 )→ R (线元终点曲率半径):0 → Q (线元左右偏标志:左负右正): IfEndifS ≥ 769.256 (线元起点里程) AndS < 806.748 (线元止点里程):Then19787.34 → U (线元起点 X 坐标): 28563.378 → V (线元起点 Y 坐标):769.256 → O (线元起点里程):125 ° 16 ° 31 ° → G (线元起点方位角):37.492 → H (线元长度): 10^ ( 45 )→ P (线元起点曲率半径):221.75 → R (线元终点曲率半径): -1 → Q (线元左右偏标志:左负右正): IfEndifS ≥ 806.748 (线元起点里程) AndS < 919.527 (线元止点里程):Then19766.566 → U (线元起点 X 坐标):28594.574 → V (线元起点 Y 坐标):806.748 → O (线元起点里程):120 ° 25 ° 54.07 ° → G (线元起点方位角):112.779 → H (线元长度):221.75 → P (线元起点曲率半径):221.75 → R (线元终点曲率半径): -1 → Q (线元左右偏标志:左负右正): IfEndifS ≥ 919.527 (线元起点里程) AndS < 999.812 (线元止点里程):Then19736.072 → U (线元起点 X 坐标):28701.893 → V (线元起点 Y 坐标):919.527 → O (线元起点里程):91 ° 17 ° 30.63 ° → G (线元起点方位角):80.285 → H (线元长度):221.75 → P (线元起点曲率半径):9579.228 → R (线元终点曲率半径): -1 → Q (线元左右偏标志:左负右正): IfEndifS ≥ 999.812 (线元起点里程):Then19744.038 → U (线元起点 X 坐标):28781.659 → V (线元起点 Y 坐标):999.812 → O (线元起点里程):80 ° 40 ° 50 ° → G (线元起点方位角):100 → H (线元长度): 10^ ( 45 )→ P (线元起点曲率半径): 10^ ( 45 )→ R (线元终点曲率半径):0 → Q (线元左右偏标志:左负右正): IfEnd子程序(竖曲线数据库) SQX-SJifS ≤ 999.812 (竖曲线终点里程): then0.0357 (前坡度:上坡正下坡负)→ E : 0.0227 (后坡度:上坡正下坡负)→ F :600 → R (竖曲线半径):780 → G (变坡点里程):110 → C (变坡点高程): IfEnd子程序(竖曲线计算公式) SQXE-F → J : ifJ > 0 : then-R → R :ElssR→ R : Abs (R*J÷2 )→ T : IfEndifS ≤ G- T : thenG-S → L : C-LE → H : IfEndifS > G- T And S ≤G : thenG-S → L :( S+T-G )²÷2÷R →N :C-LE+N → H : IfEndifS >G And S ≤ G+ T : then S-G → L :( G +T- S )²÷2÷R →N :C+LF+N → H : IfEndifS > G+ T : thenS-G → L :C+LF → H : IfEnd使用说明(1) 以道路中线的前进方向(即里程增大的方向)区分左右;当线元往左偏时,Q=-1 ;当线元往右偏时, Q=1 ;当线元为直线时, Q=0 。
卡西欧5800计算器坐标正反算程序讲你个讲3位粉丝1楼主程序坐标正反算程序名称:ZBZFSLb1 A↙30→Dim Z :"0=ZS,1=FS"?Z ↙If Z=0:Then Goto B:IfEnd↙ (Z=0进入里程点坐标正算)If Z=1:Then Prog"FSLCZ "↙ (Z=1进入反算里程边桩)Lb1 B ↙Prog”ZBZS” ↙子程序反算里程桩名称:FSLCZLb1 1↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的X、Y坐标)“K=”?K ↙(试算里程,任意输入标段内里程点即可,也可以输入大致的估算里程加快速度)Lb1 2↙Prog"SJK ":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos(W)-(X-Z[18]) *Sin(W))→S↙If S<0.0001:Then Goto 4:Else Goto 3:Ifend↙Lb1 3↙K+S→K: Prog"SJK":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos W-(X-Z[18])*Sin (W)→Q↙If Q<0.0001 :Then Q→S: Goto 4:Else if Q<S: Then K+Q→K: Goto 2 :Else if Q>S :Then K-Q→K:Goto 2:Ifend:Ifend:Ifend ↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Goto 1↙子程序坐标正算名称:ZBZSLb1 0 ↙“XHS="?G(后视点X):"YHS="?L(后视点Y):"XZJ="?M(置镜点X):"YZJ="?N (置镜点Y):Pol(G-M,L-N):"DH=":I(后视距)◢J<0=>J+360→J:"FH=":JDMS ◢(后视方位角)Lb1 1↙“K=”?K :(输入所需计算里程)Prog"SJK "↙XI : Z[18]↙YI: Z[19] ↙Pol(Z[18]-M,Z[19]-N): J<0=>J+360→J↙“PJ=”?P↙ (输入桩与线路夹角)“PD=”?D↙ (输入桩距中线的距离)Z[18]+D*Cos(T+P) →Z[20] ↙Z[19]+D*Sin(T+P) →Z[21] ↙“X=”: Z[20] ◢ (放样坐标X)“Y=”: Z[21] ◢ (放样坐标Y)Pol(Z[20]-M,Z[21]-N):"D=":I◢(放样距)J<0=>J+360→J:"F=":JDMS◢(放样方位角)Goto 1↙子程序数据库名称:SJKif K<本段曲线终点里程And K≥上段曲线终点里程:Then 本段曲线终点里程→Z[1] : 上段曲线终点里程(第一段曲线输起点的里程)→Z[2] :1→O (注:左偏曲线输入-1→O,右偏曲线输入1→O): 半径→R :曲线偏角→A:第一缓和曲线→Z[6] : 第二缓和曲线→Z[7] : 交点X→B :交点Y→C : 小里程向交点方位角→E : 交点向大里程方位角→F : Pr og”JSPB”:Return: Ifend↙if…………Prog”JSPB”:Return:Ifend(曲线段分段输入)↙补充直线段输入如下 (只需输线路的最后一段直线数据)if K<本段直线终点里程And K≥本段直线起点里程:Then 本段直线终点里程→Z[3]:终点X→Z[16]:终点Y→Z[17]:方位角→E: Z[16]+ (K- Z [3])*Cos(E)→Z[18]:Z[17]+ (K- Z[3])*Sin(E)→Z[19] : Return:Ifend ↙子程序计算判别名称:JSPBLb1 2 ↙(曲线要素计算)Z[6]/2- Z[6]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[6]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[8] ↙ (M1)Z[7]/2- Z[7]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[7]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[9] ↙ (M2)Z[6]^2/(24*R)- Z[6]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[10] ↙ (P1)Z[7]^2/(24*R)- Z[7]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[11] ↙ (P2)2009-12-31 20:08回复2楼π*A*R/180+0.5*( Z[6]+ Z[7])→Z[25] ↙ (曲线总长)90* Z[6]/(R*π) →Z[14] ↙ (第一缓和曲线总偏角)讲你个讲3位粉丝90* Z[7]/(R*π) →Z[15] ↙(第二缓和曲线总偏角,可以省略)Z[8]+(R+Z[10])Tan(A/2)-(Z[10]-Z[11] )/Sin( A)→Z[12]↙ (切线T1)Z[9]+(R+Z[11])Tan(A/2)+(Z[10]-Z[11] )/Sin (A)→Z[13]↙ (切线T2)B+ Z[12]*Cos (E+180)→ Z[16] ↙ (ZH点X)C+ Z[12]*Sin(E+180)→ Z[17] ↙ (ZH点Y)Z[1]- Z[25]→Z[3] ↙ (ZH点里程)Z[3]+ Z[6]→Z[4] ↙ (HY点里程)Z[1]- Z[7]→Z[5] ↙ (YH点里程)Goto 3 ↙LB1 3 ↙(判断里程点与曲线关系)if K≤Z[3] And K> Z[2] : Then Goto 4 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[4] And K> Z[3] : Then Goto 5 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[5] And K> Z[4] : Then Goto 6 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[1] And K> Z[5] : Then Goto 7 : Ifend ↙Lb1 4 ↙(里程小于直缓点直线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →Z[23] : 0→Z[24] : E→T: Goto 8↙Lb1 5 ↙(第一缓和曲线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[6]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[6]^4) →Z[23] ↙H^3/(6*R* Z[6])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[6]^3) →Z[24] ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[6]) →T ↙if O>0 :Then T +E→T : Eles E-T →T : T<0=>360+T→T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 6 ↙(圆曲线独立坐标)K- Z[4] →H ↙H*180/( R*π)+ Z[14]→T ↙R*Sin(T)+ Z[8]→Z[23] ↙R*(1-Cos(T))+ Z[10]→Z[24] ↙if O>0 :Then T +E→T : Eles E-T →T : T<0=>360+T→T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 7 ↙(第二缓和曲线独立坐标)Z[1] -K →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[7]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[7]^4) →U↙H^3/(6*R* Z[7])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[7]^3) →V ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[7]) →T ↙Z[13]Cos(A)+ Z[12]-U*Cos(A)-V*Sin(A)→Z[23] ↙Z[13]*Sin(A)-U*Sin(A)+V*Cos(A)→Z[24] ↙if O>0 :Then F-T→T : T<0=>360+T→T : Else F+T →T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 8if O<0 : Then - Z[24]→Z[24] : Ifend ↙Z[16]+Z[23]*Cos(E) -Z[24]*Sin(E)→Z[18] ↙Z[17]+Z[23]*Sin(E)+Z[24]*Cos(E)→Z[19] ↙Return↙此程序大约占计算器2900字节!2009-12-31 20:08回复125.77.14.* 3楼此程序本人已亲自验算,无误!!2010-1-1 08:15回复124.31.192.* 4楼子程序反算里程桩名称:FSLCZLb1 1↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的X、Y坐标)“K=”?K ↙(试算里程,任意输入标段内里程点即可,也可以输入大致的估算里程加快速度)Lb1 2↙Prog"SJK ":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos(W)-(X-Z[18])*Sin(W))→S↙If S<0.0001:Then Goto 4:Else Goto 3:Ifend↙Lb1 3↙K+S→K: Prog"SJK":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos W-(X-Z [18])*Sin (W)→Q↙If Q<0.0001 :Then Q→S: Goto 4:Else if Q<S: Then K+Q →K: Goto 2 :Else if Q>S :Then K-Q→K:Goto 2:Ifend:Ifen d:Ifend↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Goto 1↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:------------差个撒样"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Goto 1↙2010-1-16 19:38回复mmmmmm085楼反算还是不太好啊2010-3-8 08:41回复116.115.217.* 6楼虽然字节占得多了些,不过挺实用的。
CASIO5800计算器程序曲线任意里程中边桩坐标正反算(CASIO fx-4800P计算器)程序一、程序功能本程序由一个主程序(TYQXJS)和两个子程——正算子程序(SUB1)、反算子程序(SUB2)序构成,可以根据曲线段——直线、圆曲线、缓和曲线(完整或非完整型)的线元要素(起点坐标、起点里程、起点切线方位角、线元长度、起点曲率半径、止点曲率半径)及里程边距或坐标,对该曲线段范围内任意里程中边桩坐标进行正反算。
本程序也可以CASIO fx-5800P计算器计算器上运行。
二、源程序1.主程序(TYQXJS)"1.SZ => XY":"2.XY => SZ":?N:"X0"? U:"Y0"? V:"S0"? O:"F0"? G:"LS"? H:"R0"? P:"RN"? R:?Q←┘1÷P-> C:(P-R)÷(2HPR) -> D:180÷π->EIf N=1:Then Goto1:Else Goto 2:IfEndLbl 1:?S:?Z:Abs(S-O) -> W:Prog "SUB1":"XS":X◢"YS":Y◢Goto 1←┘Lbl 2:?X:?Y:X-> I:Y->J:Prog "SUB2":"S":O+W-> S◢"Z":Z◢Goto 22. 正算子程序(SUB1)0.1739274226->A:0.3260725774->B:0.0694318442->K:0.3300094782->L:1-L-> F:1-K-> M:U+W(Acos(G+QEKW(C+KWD))+Bcos(G+QELW(C+LWD))+Bcos(G +QEFW(C+FWD))+Acos(G+QEMW(C+MWD))) -> X:V+W(Asin(G+QEKW(C+K WD))+Bsin(G+QELW(C+LWD))+Bsin(G+QEFW(C+FWD))+Asin(G+QEMW(C+MWD)))-> Y:G+QEW(C+WD)+90-> F:X+ZcosF-> X:Y+ZsinF-> Y3. 反算子程序(SUB2)G-90-> T:Abs((Y-V)cosT-(X-U)sinT) -> W :0-> Z:Lbl 0:Prog "SUB1":T+QEW(C+WD) ->L:(J-Y)cosL-(I-X)sinL-> Z:If Abs(Z) <0.0000001:Then Goto1:Else W+Z ->W:Goto 0:IfEndLbl 1:0 ->Z:Prog "SUB1":(J-Y)÷sinF-> Z三、使用说明1、规定(1) 以道路中线的前进方向(即里程增大的方向)区分左右;当线元往左偏时,Q=-1;当线元往右偏时,Q=1;当线元为直线时,Q=0。
5800计算器匝道中边桩万能正反算程序主程序匝道坐标正反算程序名称:ZDZBZFSLB1A↙Cls : Fix 4 : 10→Dim Z :"0=ZS,1=FS"?Z ↙IfZ=0:ThenGoto B:IfEnd↙(Z=0进入里程点坐标正算)IfZ=1:ThenProg"FSLCBZ 1": Goto A:IfEnd↙(Z=1进入反算里程边桩)Lb1 B↙“K=”?K :(计算里程)Prog"SJK2 ":Prog” ZDZBFY1” :Goto A ↙子程序数据库SJK2IfK<第一线元终点里程:THEN线元起点X→A:线元起点Y→B:线元起点半径(直线为1045)→T:线元起点里程→D:线元起点方位角→E:线元终点半径(直线为1045)→U:线元终点里程→G:线元偏向(左偏-1右偏+1)→W:Prog” ZDZBZS”: Return :IfEnd ↙If………………………………Prog” ZDZBZS”: Return :IfEnd↙(匝道线元数据分段输入)子程序匝道坐标正算ZDZBZSW*T→C:W*U→F:0→I:0→J:(C-F)/(2*C*F*(G-D))→H:K-D→Z[1] :E+( Z[1]/C+H Z[1]2)×180/π→V:V<0=>V+360→V:A+∫(Cos(E+( Z[1]/C+H Z[1]2)*180/π,0,Z[1])→Z[3] : B+∫(Sin(E+( Z[1]/C+H Z[1]2)*180/π,0,Z[1])→Z[4]: Return↙子程序匝道坐标放样ZDZBFY1"XZJ="?R◢(输入置镜点X)"YZJ="?S◢(输入置镜点Y)"XHS="?M◢(输入后视点X)"YHS="?N◢(输入后视点Y)Pol(M-R,N-S):J<0=>J+360→J:"HJ=":J→DMS◢(后视方位角)"HD=":I◢(后视距离)"XI=": Z[3]◢(计算点中心X)"YI=": Z[4]◢(计算点中心Y)"PJ="?P◢(输入计算点边桩偏角左-右+)"PD="?Q◢(输入计算点边桩偏距)Rec(Q,V+P): Z[3]+I→Z[7] : Z[4]+J→Z[8]:"XP=": Z[7]◢(计算点边桩X)"YP=": Z[8]◢(计算点边桩Y)Pol(Z[7]-R, Z[8]-S):J<0=>J+360→J:"FY J=":J→DMS◢(放样方位角)"FYD=":I◢(放样距离)Return↙子程序反算里程边桩,名称:FSLCBZ1Lb11↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的XY坐标):“K?=”?K (试算里程,输入匝道范围内任意里程点号,接近里程号可以加快反算速度)↙Lb12↙Prog"SJK2 ":V-90 →Z[2]: Z[2]<0=>360+ Z[2]→Z[2]:Abs((Y-Z[4])*Cos Z[2]-(X-Z[3])*Sin Z[2])→Z[5]↙If Z[5]<0.0001:ThenGoto4:ElseGoto 3:Ifend↙Lb13↙K+ Z[5]→K: Prog"SJK2": V-90 →Z[2]: Z[2]<0=>360+ Z[2]→Z[2]:Abs((Y-Z[4])*Cos Z[2]-(X-Z[3])*Sin Z[2])→Z[6]↙IfZ[6]<0.0001 :Then Z[6]→Z[5]: Goto4:Else IF Z[6]< Z[5]: THENK+ Z[6]→K: Goto2 :Else IF Z[6]> Z[5]:THENK- Z[6]→K:Go to2:Ifend:Ifend:Ifend↙Lb14↙Pol (X-Z[3],Y-Z[4]↙"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(坐标点与线路偏距)"KP=":K+ Z[5]→K◢(里程)Return↙5800计算器线路、匝道中边桩万能程序彭赐明改编网上类似程序于河南高速郑漯8标LB1 1↙Cls : Fix 4 : Deg :"XZJ="?R◢(输入置镜点X)"YZJ="?S◢(输入置镜点Y)LB1 2↙"K="?K◢(输入计算点里程)If K<第一线元终点里程:THEN 线元起点X→A:线元起点Y→B:线元起点半径(直线起点终为10的45次方)→T:线元起点里程→D:线元起点方位角→E:线元终点半径(直线起终点为10的45次方)→U:线元终点里程→G:线元偏向(左偏-1右偏+1)→W:Goto 3:IfEnd↙………………………………(线元数据分段输入)LB1 3↙W*T→C:W*U→F:0→I:0→J:(C-F)/(2*C*F*(G-D))→H:K-D→X:E +(X/C+HX^2)×180/π→V:V<0=>V+360→V:"QXJ=":V→DMS◢(计算点切线方位角)A+∫(Cos(E+(X/C+HX^2)*180/π,0,X)→Z :B+∫(Sin(E+(X/C+HX^2)*180/π,0,X)→Y :"XI=":Z◢(计算点中心X)"YI=":Y◢(计算点中心Y)"PJ="?P◢(输入计算点边桩偏角左-右+)"PD="?Q◢(输入计算点边桩偏距)Rec(Q,V+P):Z+I→Z :Y+J→Y:"XP=":Z◢(计算点边桩X)"YP=":Y◢(计算点边桩Y)Pol(Z-R,Y-S):J<0=>J+360→J:"FYJ=":J→DMS◢(放样方位角)"FYD=":I◢(放样距离)Goto 2↙回答人的补充2010-06-19 11:41这里还有一个5800计算器匝道中边桩万能正反算程序主程序匝道坐标正反算程序名称:ZDZBZFSLB1A↙Cls : Fix 4 : 10→Dim Z :"0=ZS,1=FS"?Z ↙IfZ=0:ThenGoto B:IfEnd↙(Z=0进入里程点坐标正算)IfZ=1:ThenProg"FSLCBZ 1": Goto A:IfEnd↙(Z=1进入反算里程边桩)Lb1 B↙“K=”?K :(计算里程)Prog"SJK2 ":Prog” ZDZBFY1” :Goto A ↙子程序数据库SJK2IfK<第一线元终点里程:THEN线元起点X→A:线元起点Y→B:线元起点半径(直线为1045)→T:线元起点里程→D:线元起点方位角→E:线元终点半径(直线为1045)→U:线元终点里程→G:线元偏向(左偏-1右偏+1)→W:Prog” ZDZBZS”: Return :IfEnd ↙If………………………………Prog” ZDZBZS”: Return :IfEnd↙(匝道线元数据分段输入)子程序匝道坐标正算ZDZBZSW*T→C:W*U→F:0→I:0→J:(C-F)/(2*C*F*(G-D))→H:K-D→Z[1] :E+( Z[1]/C+H Z[1]2)×180/π→V:V<0=>V+360→V:A+∫(Cos(E+( Z[1]/C+H Z[1]2)*180/π,0,Z[1])→Z[3] :B+∫(Sin(E+( Z[1]/C+H Z[1]2)*180/π,0,Z[1])→Z[4]:Return↙子程序匝道坐标放样ZDZBFY1"XZJ="?R◢(输入置镜点X)"YZJ="?S◢(输入置镜点Y)"XHS="?M◢(输入后视点X)"YHS="?N◢(输入后视点Y)Pol(M-R,N-S):J<0=>J+360→J:"HJ=":J→DMS◢(后视方位角)"HD=":I◢(后视距离)"XI=": Z[3]◢(计算点中心X)"YI=": Z[4]◢(计算点中心Y)"PJ="?P◢(输入计算点边桩偏角左-右+)"PD="?Q◢(输入计算点边桩偏距)Rec(Q,V+P): Z[3]+I→Z[7] : Z[4]+J→Z[8]:"XP=": Z[7]◢(计算点边桩X)"YP=": Z[8]◢(计算点边桩Y)Pol(Z[7]-R, Z[8]-S):J<0=>J+360→J:"FYJ=":J→DMS◢(放样方位角)"FYD=":I◢(放样距离)Return↙子程序反算里程边桩,名称:FSLCBZ1Lb11↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的XY坐标):“K?=”?K (试算里程,输入匝道范围内任意里程点号,接近里程号可以加快反算速度)↙Lb12↙Prog"SJK2 ":V-90 →Z[2]: Z[2]<0=>360+ Z[2]→Z[2]:Abs((Y-Z[4])*Cos Z[2]-(X-Z[3])*Sin Z[2])→Z[5]↙If Z[5]<0.0001:ThenGoto4:ElseGoto 3:Ifend↙Lb13↙K+ Z[5]→K: Prog"SJK2": V-90 →Z[2]: Z[2]<0=>360+ Z[2]→Z[2]:Abs((Y-Z[4])*Cos Z[2]-(X-Z[3])*Sin Z[2])→Z[6]↙IfZ[6]<0.0001 :Then Z[6]→Z[5]: Goto4:Else IF Z[6]< Z[5]:TH ENK+ Z[6]→K: Goto2 :Else IF Z[6]> Z[5]:THENK- Z[6]→K:Goto2:Ifend:Ifend:Ifend↙Lb14↙Pol (X-Z[3],Y-Z[4]↙"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(坐标点与线路偏距)"KP=":K+ Z[5]→K◢(里程)Return↙。
Hill-RBF Calculator Instructions for UseVersion: V3.0Issuing Date: September 2020HS-Doc. no. 1500.7020037.02030 / 2020 – 09PrefaceThank you for choosing the Hill-RBF Calculator for IOL power selection prior to cataract surgery. Provided you carefully follow these instructions for use, the use of the calculator should be reliable and trouble-free.WARNING!Please read the instruction manual carefully before using this calculator. It contains importantsafety information for both the patient and the surgeon.IntroductionThe Hill-RBF Calculator is an advanced, self-validating method for IOL power selection employing pattern recognition and a sophisticated form of data interpolation. It has been optimized for use with biometry data from the Haag-Streit LENSTAR LS 900 optical biometer in combination with the Alcon SN60WF biconvex IOL for powers from +6.00 D to +30.00 D and IOL powers up to +35.00 D based on a similar biconvex IOL design. For IOL powers from +5.00 D to -5.00 D, it performs best with this combination of biometry device and the Alcon MA60MA extended range IOL.The Hill-RBF on-line calculator may also be used with data from other optical biometers, which provide clinically equivalent biometry data as compared to the LENSTAR LS 900. It may also be used with other biconvex IOL models in the power range of +6.00 D to +35.00 D and other meniscus design IOL models in the power range of +5.00 D to -5.00 D. Intended purposeIntended useThe Hill-RBF Calculator is designed to assist the user in selecting the appropriate IOL power for cataract surgery when optical biometry is used to calculate the power of a biconvex intraocular lens (IOL) from +6.00 D to +35.00 D IOL power and for a meniscus design IOL from +5.00 D to -5.00 D IOL power.IndicationReplacement of the natural crystalline lens; e.g.: aphakia or cataract.ContraindicationsSince this is a software product, there are no contraindications.Patient populationAll patients who are eligible for implantation of biconvex or meniscus design IOL.Intended usersThis software product is intended to be used by ophthalmic surgeons.Clinical benefitThe Hill-RBF Calculator employs the Hill-RBF algorithm for the selection of appropriate power for biconvex intraocular lenses. The correct lens selection is essential for optimal post-operative visual acuity after IOL implantation.ReportingAdverse events that suggest that an erroneous IOL power calculation may have caused an adverse event must be reported to your Haag-Streit representative and to the local competent authority.SafetyWARNING!These signs must be strictly adhered to, to ensure safe operation of the instrument and to avoidendangering users and patients.Patient populationThe Hill-RBF Calculator is an advanced, self-validating method for IOL power selection employing pattern recognition and a sophisticated form of data interpolation. This method of IOL power selection performs well for short, normal and long eyes. Based in artificial intelligence, this methodology is data driven and free of calculation bias. This approach also employs multiple validating boundary models, indicating to the user when it is performing within a defined area of accuracy.IOL models and biometry devices supportedThe Hill-RBF Calculator is meant to serve as an adjunct tool to assist physicians in selecting the appropriate IOL power for a particular patient. It is intended to be used in conjunction with a comprehensive ophthalmic examination and the appropriate diagnostic tests and measurements necessary for cataract surgery candidates. It was developed based on LENSTAR LS 900 biometry data in combination with the Alcon SN60WF for IOL powers ranging from +6.00 D to +30.00 D and IOL powers from +30.50 D to +35.00 D based on a similar biconvex IOL design. Because patients requiring IOL powers in excess of +30.00 D are relatively uncommon, there may be more out-of-bounds indications for this expanded power range. For IOL powers from +5.00 D to -5.00 D, the prototype IOL is the extended range Alcon MA60MA. The Hill-RBF method performs best when using the Haag-Streit Lenstar LS900 biometer and these two IOL models. The Hill-RBF method may also be used with other biconvex and meniscus design IOL models within the power range of +35.00to -5.00 D. The switch in lens-design from a biconvex to meniscus design is at + 5.00 D. Calculations from +5.00 D to -5.00 D are based on a meniscus lens design, calculations from +6.00D to +35.00D are based on a biconvex lens design.WARNING!Using other data sources or IOL models other than the SN60WF and MA60MA, may reduce theoverall performance of the calculator. The Hill-RBF Calculator can only be used with biconvex IOLdesigns for IOL powers from +6.00 D to +35.00 D and meniscus IOL designs for IOL powers from+5.00 D to -5.00 D. For example, anterior chamber IOLs are often based on a convex-plano designand are therefore not suitable to be used in combination with the current release of the Hill-RBFCalculator.DisclaimerThe results obtained by the Hill-RBF Calculator are not intended to serve as medical or surgical instruction or be definitive; nor can it be guaranteed that the results will be accurate for every case. Physicians who use the calculator must arrive at their own independent determinations regarding the proper treatment of their patients and are solely responsible for the final post-operative refractive outcome. By using the Hill-RBF Calculator, the user agrees to waive all claims against and hold Warren E. Hill and Haag-Streit AG harmless from any claims arising out of your use of this tool.Data safetyThe use of this Calculator may involve the entry of certain confidential patient data, which may be deemed “protected health information” (“PHI”) under the Health Insura nce Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, 45 CFR Parts 160 & 164 (“HIPAA”) as amended, or supplemented by additional legislation or regulations from time to time. All information during transfer of the data from the original computer and the server is encrypted. The data provided is stored for the purpose of improving the performance of the Calculator and for ongoing research. All PHI data is encrypted using technology customary to the industry. Haag-Streit, as the provider of the Hill-RBF Calculator service, uses reasonable efforts to avoid unauthorized disclosure of data. Supported web browsersThe Hill-RBF Calculator was tested on the following web browsers:Edge (Microsoft) V. 44.18362.449.0Firefox (Mozilla) V. 76.0.1 (Macintosh) V. 79.0 (Windows)Chrome (Google) V. 81.0.4044.138 (Macintosh) V 84.0.4147.105 (Windows)Safari (Apple) V. 13.1IntroductionUser interfaceOperationThis chapter describes the use of the Hill-RBF Calculator step by step.Patient data entryAs a first step, patient data must be entered. This area allows the user to identify the patient for which the calculation is to be carried out.The fields for the patient ID number and patient’s name (family name) are mandatory entries. The patient’s first name is an optional entry. The patient’s birthdate must be in the following format: DD.MM.YYY. Clicking on the calendar icon next to the date of birth field opens a calendar tool that allows for the easy section of the correct date of birth.Surgeon date entryWith the current release, all fields in the surgeon data entry section are optional entries.Data entered in the surgeon entry section will be visible on the printout and this area allows for easy identification of the surgeon.chamber depth (ACD), flat - (K1) and steep keratometry value (K2) and their corresponding meridians in degrees. The WTW, LT, CCT and patient gender are optional. This additional information, however, will enhance the calculation accuracy.Input field for the IOL data. The Hill-RBF Calculator was developed based on optical biometry data using the LENSTAR LS900 and surgical outcome data following the implantation a biconvex aspheric IOL (Alcon SN60WF) for IOL powers of +6.00D to +35.00D and a meniscus aspheric IOL (Alcon MA60MA) for IOL powers of +5.00 D to -5.00 D. The calculator performs best when theses particular IOLs are used. The calculator may also be used with other IOL models from any manufacturer with equivalent lens design at a certain IOL powers.The result field displays the proposed power of the IOL and the anticipated spherical equivalent for the refractive outcome. Version number of the Hill-RBF Calculator currently in use.Patient data entry fields. Mandatory fields are the patient identification number (ID), the family name (Name) and the birthdate in therequired format.Surgeon data entry fields. Select the target refraction for the right (OD) and the left (OS) eye.In the current release of the Hill-RBFCalculator, target refraction valuesfrom +1.00 D to -2.50 D are mostlysupported, depending on the pre-operative measurements.Clicking on the …?“ opens the on-linehelp file.Clicking on the printer icon generates aPDF file of the current calculation. The printout is displayed in a separate tab ofthe browser. Therefore pop-ups have to beenabled in the browser settings to allow thedisplay of the PDF report. Input fields for biometry data Mandatory fields are the device name selection, axial length (AL), anteriorIn a future release, this data will be used to remind the user to provide stable post-operative refraction data for a respective patient. This information is anonymized and will be used as part of an ongoing process to improve the performance of the Hill-RBF Calculator. Biometry data entryEntering biometry data is divided into two steps. First, the user selects the biometry device used to acquire the measurement data. Afterwards, the following biometry values are entered: Axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and keratometry flat (K1) and steep (K2) keratometry values and their corresponding meridians in degrees. All other fields are optional with the current release.Even though only the above-mentioned fields are necessary to calculate IOL power with the current release of the Hill-RBF Calculator, it is recommended that all data available beentered to allow for improved accuracy of the calculation.WARNING!The Hill-RBF Calculator was developed based on LENSTAR LS 900 biometry data in combinationwith the Alcon SN60WF for IOL powers from +6.00 D to +30.00 D IOL powers and up to +35.00 Dbased on a similar biconvex IOL design. For IOL powers from +5.00 D to -5.00 D, it performs bestwith the Alcon MA60MA extended range biconvex IOL.Using other types of biometry, or IOL models, may reduce the overall performance of thecalculator. With the current release, the calculator accepts input data from the following opticalbiometers: HAAG-STREIT LENSTAR LS 900, HAAG-STREIT EYESTAR ES 900, ZEISSIOLMASTER 500, ZEISS IOLMASTER 700, NIDEK AL-SCAN, TOMEY OA 2000, TOPCONAladdin, OCULUS PENTACAM AXL, ZIEMER GALILEI G6, MOVU/ALCON ARGOS,HEIDELBERG ANTERION.Selection of the target refractionSelect your desired spherical equivalent target refraction. With the current version of the calculator values from +1.00 D to -2.50 D are accepted.IOL data entryEnter the IOL manufacturer’s name as well as the specific model name in the ir respective entry fields. Then add the A-constant for the SRK/T formula that has been optimized for optical biometry in the A-Constant field.Even though only the A-Constant field is mandatory, entering all data will help to improve the performance of the calculator.WARNING!The Hill-RBF Calculator was developed based on LENSTAR LS 900 biometry data in combinationwith the Alcon SN60WF for IOL powers from +6.00 D to +30.00 D IOL powers and up to +35.00 Dbased on a similar biconvex IOL design. For IOL powers from +5.00 D to -5.00 D, it performs bestwith the Alcon MA60MA extended range biconvex IOL. The Hill-RBF method performs best withthis combination of biometry device and IOLs.Preforming the IOL calculationAfter all mandatory data has been entered, the calculation button at the bottom is enabled.Clicking on this button will display the IOL calculation result. The Hill-RBFcalculator is self-validating, which means that if the pre-operative data isoutside one or more internal calculator boundary models, a warningmessage will be displayed. In this case, it is recommended to validate thecalculation with other latest generation IOL calculation formulas, such asthe Barrett Universal II formula and/or the Olsen formula.Printing the calculation resultTo print the calculation, click on the printer icon as described in the introduction. A 2nd browser window will open, providing a PDF printout of the results for documentation purposes.Terms of Use, License Agreement and Privacy Policy PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE, LICENSE AGREEMENT AND PRIVACY POLICY (“AGREEMENT”) IN FULL. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU (“USER”) AND WARREN E. HILL AS THE AUTHOR AND HAAG-STREIT AG AS THE SERVICE PROVIDER OF THIS CALCULATOR AND GOVERNS ALL ASPECTS OF USER’S ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE HILL-RBF CALCULATOR. BY CLICKING ON THE “I AGREE” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS AGREEMENT, USER AGREES TO ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH BELOW AS WELL AS THE TERMS OF USE AND PRIVACY POLICY.DisclaimerThe Hill-RBF Calculator is meant to serve as an adjunct tool to assist physicians in selecting the appropriate IOL power for a particular patient. It is intended to be used in conjunction with a comprehensive ophthalmic examination and the appropriate diagnostic tests and measurements necessary for cataract surgery candidates.The Hill-RBF Calculator was developed based on LENSTAR LS 900 biometry data in combination with the Alcon SN60WF and the Alcon MA60MA IOL. It performs best with this combination of biometry device and IOL models. It may also be used with other biconvex IOL models in the power range of +6.00 D to +35.00 D and other meniscus IOL models in the power range of +5.00 D to -5.00 D.WARNING: Using other data sources or IOL models than the original ones the model was derived on, may reduce the overall performance of the calculator. The results obtained by the calculator are not intended to serve as medical or surgical instruction, or be definitive; nor can it be guaranteed that the results will be accurate in every case. Physicians who use the calculator must arrive at their own independent determinations regarding the proper treatment for their patients and are solely responsible for the refractive outcome. By using the Hill-RBF Calculator, the user agrees to waive all claims against and hold Warren E. Hill and Haag-Streit AG harmless from any claims arising out of your use of this tool. OwnershipThe Hill-RBF Calculator is based on intellectual property of Dr. Warren E. Hill. It is provided to the user by Haag-Streit AG, for educational and internal business, including the user’s clinical operations and purposes only. The user may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Hill-RBF Calculator. The user may not adapt or modify, create derivative works, operate a service bureau, or act as a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider based upon the Hill-RBF Calculator. The License below defines the extent of Licensee’s rights with respect to the Hill-RBF Calculator.Non-exclusive, Limited LicenseThis agreement gives the user the right to access the Hill-RBF Calculator and to use it for the limited purpose of performing IOL power calculations for user’s internal business, includinguser’s clinic al operations and purposes only. Said license rights are not transferable or sublicense able, nor may the Hill-RBF Calculator be reproduced, or modified without the express prior written consent of Dr. Warren E. Hill and Haag-Streit AG. Licensee agrees to use all reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorized use, distribution, disclosure or publication of the Calculator or any data generated using the Calculator.By this license, the user acquires no ownership right, title or interest in the Hill-RBF Calculator, or in any applicable patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights which may be embodied or contained therein.Use and entry of patient, biometry and IOL information; cookiesUse of this Calculator may involve the entry of certain patient data, which may be deemed “protected health information” (“PHI”) under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, 45 CFR Parts 160 & 164 (“HIPAA”) as amended or supplemented by additional legislation or regulations from time to time. All data is encrypted during transfer of the data from the original computer and the server. The data provided is stored for the purpose of improving the performance of the Calculator and research. All PHI data is encrypted using technology customary in the industry Haag-Streit as provider of the Hill-RBF Calculator service uses reasonable efforts to avoid unauthorized disclosure of data. The Calculator site uses cookies to facilitate easier navigation within the site and provide a higher level of convenience for the visitor. A cookie is a small piece of information about an Internet session that may be created when a visitor accesses a web site. The cookies used by the Calculator site are not written to the visitor’s hard drive, exist only until the browser is shut down, do not contain any personal information regarding the visitor, and do not retrieve any information from the visitor’s personal computer.No warrantiesTHE HILL-RBF CALCULATOR IS PROVIDED “AS-IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. THE USERS ASSUMES ALL RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR IOL POWER SELECTION BY THE CALCULATOR TO ACHIEVE THE USER'S INTENDED RESULTS, FOR THE USE OF THE CALCULATOR, AND FOR THE USE OF ANY RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE CALCULATOR AND SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD WARREN E. HILL AND HAAG-STREIT AG HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ALL LOSS, COST, CLAIMS OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USER’S USE OF THE HILL-RBF CALCULATOR AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OR COMPILED BY THE CALCULATOR.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AND IN ALL STATES AND JURISDICTIONS WHERE SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE PERMITTED BY LAW, WARREN E. HILL AND HAAG-STREIT AG EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES REGARDING THE CALCULATOR, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.WARREN E. HILL AS WELL AS HAAG-STREIT AG EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING SYSTEM AND/OR CALCULATOR AVAILABILITY, ACCESSIBILITY, OR PERFORMANCE. BY ACCEPTING THESE TERMS, THE USER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT, AT ANY GIVEN TIME, THE HILL-RBF CALCULATOR MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE OR MAY BECOME UNAVAILABLE DUE TO ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: PERIODIC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, TECHNICAL FAILURE OF THE HILL-RBF CALCULATOR, TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE, OR DELAY OR DISRUPTION ATTRIBUTABLE TO VIRUSES, DENIAL OF SERVICE, INCREASED OR FLUCTUATING DEMAND, ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF THIRD PARTIES, ACTS OF GOD, OR ANY OTHER CAUSE REASONABLY BEYOND THE CONTROL OF WARREN E. HILL AS WELL AS HAAG-STREIT AG.Limitations on liabilityTHE USER HEREBY EXPRESSLY ASSUMES THE ENTIRE COST OF ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE USER’S USE OF THE HILL-RBF CALCULATOR AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OR COMPILED BY THE CALCULATOR AND SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD WARREN E. HILL AND HAAG-STREIT AG HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ALL LOSS, COST, CLAIMS OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USER’S USE OF THE HILL-RBF CALCULATOR AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OR COMPILED BY THE CALCULATOR.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AND IN ALL STATES AND JURISDICTIONS WHERE SUCH LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS ARE PERMITTED, IN NO EVENT WILL WARREN E. HILL AS WELL AS HAAG-STREIT AG BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE CALCULATOR, EVEN IF WARREN E. HILL AND/OR HAAG-STREIT AG HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Terms and conditionsUpon acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by clicking “I agree” below, the user will be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Warren E. Hill and Haag-Streit AG reserve the right to change this policy at any time. This Agreement cannot be modified except by Warren E. Hill and Haag-Streit AG.This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, without giving effect to its conflict of law provisions. Exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be Koeniz (Switzerland).This Agreement may be terminated by Warren E. Hill or Haag-Streit AG at any time for a violation of its terms; any failure by Warren E. Hill or Haag-Streit AG to immediately address or enforce any aspect of this Agreement shall not be considered a general or continuing waiver of such right of termination. Warren E. Hill and Haag-Streit AG may discontinue temporarily or permanently the Hill-RBF Calculator and the availability of the Hill-RBF Calculator to the user or to others at any time, in their sole discretion.Alcon is a registered trademark of Novartis AG, Basel, CH-4002, SwitzerlandLENSTAR and 900 are registered trademarks to Haag-Streit Holding AG, Gartenstadtstrasse 10, 3098 Koeniz, Switzerland(C) 2020 Warren E. Hill and Haag-Streit AGWarren E. Hill, MDEast Valley Ophthalmology5620 East Broadway RoadMesa, Arizona, 85206 USAHaag-Streit AGGartenstadtstrasse 10CH-3098 Koeniz, SwitzerlandShould you have any further questions, please contact HAAG-STREIT at: https:///haag-streit-diagnostics/contact/。
飞达科技- 1 - W-CUT 線割專業軟體~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~前言承蒙您撥冗寶貴時間,閱讀W-CUT線割專業軟體的簡介,本產品在千禧之年全新推出,具有與眾不同的優點:● W-CUT主要提供一套嶄新的CAD/CAM線割專業軟體,它真正地將CAD &CAM結合在一起,確實做到提高效率,減少程式出錯的作用●自動讀取資料庫功能,可自動選取所需的加工條件●提供簡單易學的操作介面,讓學習者在短時間內即可上手● NC程序轉圖形摹擬功能更容易檢查程序.讓您一目了然●和AutoPress互補使用,效率更高,效果更佳飞达模具科技有限公司SZ-FIDA DEVELOPMENT HOUSE CO., LTD.2003年元月飞达科技- 2 - W-CUT 線割專業軟體~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~第一章輔助功能目前本公司開發之線割輔助軟體,榮獲眾多線割業朋友之青睞,除了衷心感謝大家的支持與愛護之外,亦懷抱一顆雀躍之心,期待將這些好用的線割功能介紹給大家瞭解;以下將逐一說明各指令之功能性。
<如圖一>【圖一】【註】1.當引入線長超過异形孔几何中心到選取邊的距离時,系統自動將起割點定在模孔的几何中心2. 設定完以后直接關閉對話框,系統會存儲設定條件飞达科技- 3 - W-CUT 線割專業軟體~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A自動:可選取多個圖元,并按[S: 設定]的參數,自動產生路徑,自動按最近路徑排序。
卡西欧5800计算器坐标正反算程序主程序坐标正反算程序名称:ZBZFSLb1 A↙30→Dim Z :"0=ZS,1=FS"?Z ↙If Z=0:Then Goto B:IfEnd↙ (Z=0进入里程点坐标正算)If Z=1:Then Prog"FSLCZ "↙ (Z=1进入反算里程边桩)Lb1 B ↙Prog”ZBZS” ↙子程序反算里程桩名称:FSLCZLb1 1↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的X、Y坐标)“K=”?K ↙(试算里程,任意输入标段内里程点即可,也可以输入大致的估算里程加快速度)Lb1 2↙Prog"SJK ":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos(W)-(X-Z[18])*Sin(W))→S↙If S<0.0001:Then Goto 4:Else Goto 3:Ifend↙Lb1 3↙K+S→K: Prog"SJK":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos W-(X-Z[18])*Sin (W)→Q↙If Q<0.0001 :Then Q→S: Goto 4:Else if Q<S: Then K+Q→K:Goto 2 :Else if Q>S :Then K-Q→K:Goto 2:Ifend:Ifend:Ifend↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Goto 1↙子程序坐标正算名称:ZBZSLb1 0 ↙“XHS="?G(后视点X):"YHS="?L(后视点Y):"XZJ="?M(置镜点X):"YZJ="?N(置镜点Y):Pol(G-M,L-N):"DH=":I(后视距)◢J<0=>J+360→J:"FH=":JDMS◢(后视方位角)Lb1 1↙“K=”?K :(输入所需计算里程)Prog"SJK "↙XI : Z[18]↙YI: Z[19] ↙Pol(Z[18]-M,Z[19]-N): J<0=>J+360→J↙“PJ=”?P↙ (输入桩与线路夹角)“PD=”?D↙ (输入桩距中线的距离)Z[18]+D*Cos(T+P) →Z[20] ↙Z[19]+D*Sin(T+P) →Z[21] ↙“X=”: Z[20] ◢ (放样坐标X)“Y=”: Z[21] ◢ (放样坐标Y)Pol(Z[20]-M,Z[21]-N):"D=":I◢(放样距)J<0=>J+360→J:"F=":JDMS◢(放样方位角)Goto 1↙子程序数据库名称:SJKif K<本段曲线终点里程And K≥上段曲线终点里程:Then 本段曲线终点里程→Z[1] : 上段曲线终点里程(第一段曲线输起点的里程)→Z[2] :1→O (注:左偏曲线输入-1→O,右偏曲线输入1→O): 半径→R :曲线偏角→A:第一缓和曲线→Z[6] : 第二缓和曲线→Z[7] : 交点X→B :交点Y→C : 小里程向交点方位角→E : 交点向大里程方位角→F : Pr og”JSPB”:Return: Ifend↙if…………Prog”JSPB”:Retur n:Ifend(曲线段分段输入)↙补充直线段输入如下 (只需输线路的最后一段直线数据)if K<本段直线终点里程And K≥本段直线起点里程:Then 本段直线终点里程→Z[3]:终点X→Z[16]:终点Y→Z[17]:方位角→E: Z[16]+ (K- Z [3])*Cos(E)→Z[18]:Z[17]+ (K- Z[3])*Sin(E)→Z[19] : Return:Ifend ↙子程序计算判别名称:JSPBLb1 2 ↙(曲线要素计算)Z[6]/2- Z[6]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[6]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[8] ↙ (M1)Z[7]/2- Z[7]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[7]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[9] ↙ (M2)Z[6]^2/(24*R)- Z[6]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[10] ↙ (P1)Z[7]^2/(24*R)- Z[7]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[11] ↙ (P2)π*A*R/180+0.5*( Z[6]+ Z[7])→Z[25] ↙ (曲线总长)90* Z[6]/(R*π) →Z[14] ↙ (第一缓和曲线总偏角)90* Z[7]/(R*π) →Z[15] ↙(第二缓和曲线总偏角,可以省略)Z[8]+(R+Z[10])Tan(A/2)-(Z[10]-Z[11] )/Sin( A)→Z[12]↙ (切线T1)Z[9]+(R+Z[11])Tan(A/2)+(Z[10]-Z[11] )/Sin (A)→Z[13]↙ (切线T2)B+ Z[12]*Cos (E+180)→ Z[16] ↙ (ZH点X)C+ Z[12]*Sin(E+180)→ Z[17] ↙ (ZH点Y)Z[1]- Z[25]→Z[3] ↙ (ZH点里程)Z[3]+ Z[6]→Z[4] ↙ (HY点里程)Z[1]- Z[7]→Z[5] ↙ (YH点里程)Goto 3 ↙LB1 3 ↙(判断里程点与曲线关系)if K≤Z[3] And K> Z[2] : Then Goto 4 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[4] And K> Z[3] : Then Goto 5 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[5] And K> Z[4] : Then Goto 6 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[1] And K> Z[5] : Then Goto 7 : Ifend ↙Lb1 4 ↙(里程小于直缓点直线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →Z[23] : 0→Z[24] : E→T : Goto 8↙Lb1 5 ↙(第一缓和曲线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[6]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[6]^4) →Z[23] ↙H^3/(6*R* Z[6])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[6]^3) →Z[24] ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[6]) →T ↙if O>0 :Then T +E→T : Eles E-T →T : T<0=>360+T→T : Ifend ↙Got o 8 ↙Lb1 6 ↙(圆曲线独立坐标)K- Z[4] →H ↙H*180/( R*π)+ Z[14]→T ↙R*Sin(T)+ Z[8]→Z[23] ↙R*(1-Cos(T))+ Z[10]→Z[24] ↙if O>0 :Then T +E→T : Eles E-T →T : T<0=>360+T→T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 7 ↙(第二缓和曲线独立坐标)Z[1] -K →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[7]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[7]^4) →U↙H^3/(6*R* Z[7])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[7]^3) →V ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[7]) →T ↙Z[13]Cos(A)+ Z[12]-U*Cos(A)-V*Sin(A)→Z[23] ↙Z[13]*Sin(A)-U*Sin(A)+V*Cos(A)→Z[24] ↙if O>0 :Then F-T→T : T<0=>360+T→T : Else F+T →T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 8if O<0 : Then - Z[24]→Z[24] : Ifend ↙Z[16]+Z[23]*Cos(E) -Z[24]*Sin(E)→Z[18] ↙Z[17]+Z[23]*Sin(E)+Z[24]*Cos(E)→Z[19] ↙Return↙此程序大约占计算器2900字节!此程序本人已亲自验算,无误!!子程序反算里程桩名称:FSLCZLb1 1↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的X、Y坐标)“K=”?K ↙(试算里程,任意输入标段内里程点即可,也可以输入大致的估算里程加快速度)Lb1 2↙Prog"SJK ":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos(W)-(X-Z[18])* Sin(W))→S↙If S<0.0001:Then Goto 4:Else Goto 3:Ifend↙Lb1 3↙K+S→K: Prog"SJK":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos W-(X-Z [18])*Si n (W)→Q↙If Q<0.0001 :Then Q→S: Goto 4:Else if Q<S: Then K+Q →K: Goto 2 :Else if Q>S :Then K-Q→K:Goto 2:Ifend:Ifen d:Ifend↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Goto 1↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:------------差个撒样"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Goto 1↙。
卡西欧5800计算器坐标正反算程序∙∙讲你个讲∙5位粉丝∙1楼主程序坐标正反算程序名称:ZBZFSLb1 A↙30→Dim Z :"0=ZS,1=FS"?Z ↙If Z=0:Then Goto B:IfEnd↙ (Z=0进入里程点坐标正算)If Z=1:Then Prog"FSLCZ "↙ (Z=1进入反算里程边桩)Lb1 B ↙Prog”ZBZS” ↙子程序反算里程桩名称:FSLCZLb1 1↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的X、Y坐标)“K=”?K ↙(试算里程,任意输入标段内里程点即可,也可以输入大致的估算里程加快速度)Lb1 2↙Prog"SJK ":T-90→W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos(W)-(X-Z[18])*Sin( W))→S↙If S<0.0001:Then Goto 4:Else Goto 3:Ifend↙Lb1 3↙K+S→K: Prog"SJK":T-90→W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos W-(X-Z[18])*Sin (W)→Q↙If Q<0.0001 :Then Q→S: Goto 4:Else if Q<S: Then K+Q→K: Goto 2 :Else if Q>S :ThenK-Q→K:Goto2:Ifend:Ifend:Ifend↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Goto 1↙子程序坐标正算名称:ZBZSLb1 0 ↙“XHS="?G(后视点X):"YHS="?L(后视点Y):"XZJ="?M(置镜点X):"YZJ="?N(置镜点Y):Pol(G-M,L-N):"DH=":I(后视距)◢J<0=>J+360→J:"FH=":JDMS◢(后视方位角)Lb1 1↙“K=”?K :(输入所需计算里程)Prog"SJK "↙XI : Z[18]↙YI: Z[19] ↙Pol(Z[18]-M,Z[19]-N): J<0=>J+360→J↙“PJ=”?P↙ (输入桩与线路夹角)“PD=”?D↙(输入桩距中线的距离)Z[18]+D*Cos(T+P) →Z[20] ↙Z[19]+D*Sin(T+P) →Z[21] ↙“X=”: Z[20] ◢(放样坐标X)“Y=”: Z[21] ◢(放样坐标Y)Pol(Z[20]-M,Z[21]-N):"D=":I◢(放样距)J<0=>J+360→J:"F=":JDMS◢(放样方位角)Goto 1↙子程序数据库名称:SJKif K<本段曲线终点里程 And K≥上段曲线终点里程:Then 本段曲线终点里程→Z[1] : 上段曲线终点里程(第一段曲线输起点的里程)→Z[2] :1→O (注:左偏曲线输入-1→O,右偏曲线输入1→O): 半径→R : 曲线偏角→A:第一缓和曲线→Z[6] : 第二缓和曲线→Z[7] : 交点X→B :交点Y→C : 小里程向交点方位角→E : 交点向大里程方位角→F : Prog”JSPB”:Return: Ifend↙if…………Prog”JSPB”:Return:Ifend(曲线段分段输入)↙补充直线段输入如下 (只需输线路的最后一段直线数据)if K<本段直线终点里程 And K≥本段直线起点里程:Then 本段直线终点里程→Z[3]:终点X→Z[16]:终点Y→Z[17]:方位角→E: Z[16]+ (K- Z[3])*Cos(E)→Z[18]:Z[17]+ (K-Z[3])*Sin(E)→Z[19] : Return:Ifend↙子程序计算判别名称:JSPBLb1 2 ↙(曲线要素计算)Z[6]/2- Z[6]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[6]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[8]↙(M1)Z[7]/2- Z[7]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[7]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[9]↙(M2)Z[6]^2/(24*R)- Z[6]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[10] ↙(P1)Z[7]^2/(24*R)- Z[7]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[11] ↙(P2)∙2009-12-31 20:08 ∙回复∙∙讲你个讲∙5位粉丝∙2楼π*A*R/180+0.5*( Z[6]+ Z[7])→Z[25] ↙(曲线总长)90* Z[6]/(R*π) →Z[14] ↙(第一缓和曲线总偏角)90* Z[7]/(R*π) →Z[15] ↙(第二缓和曲线总偏角,可以省略)Z[8]+(R+Z[10])Tan(A/2)-(Z[10]-Z[11] )/Sin( A)→Z[12]↙(切线T1)Z[9]+(R+Z[11])Tan(A/2)+(Z[10]-Z[11] )/Sin (A)→Z[13]↙ (切线T2)B+ Z[12]*Cos (E+180)→ Z[16] ↙(ZH点X)C+ Z[12]*Sin(E+180)→ Z[17] ↙(ZH点Y)Z[1]- Z[25]→Z[3] ↙ (ZH点里程)Z[3]+ Z[6]→Z[4] ↙ (HY点里程)Z[1]- Z[7]→Z[5] ↙ (YH点里程)Goto 3 ↙LB1 3 ↙(判断里程点与曲线关系)if K≤Z[3] And K> Z[2] : Then Goto 4 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[4] And K> Z[3] : Then Goto 5 :Ifend ↙if K≤Z[5] And K> Z[4] : Then Goto 6 : Ifend ↙if K≤Z[1] And K> Z[5] : Then Goto 7 : Ifend ↙Lb1 4 ↙(里程小于直缓点直线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →Z[23]: 0→Z[24] : E→T : Goto8↙Lb1 5 ↙(第一缓和曲线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[6]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[6]^4) →Z[23] ↙H^3/(6*R* Z[6])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[6]^3) →Z[24] ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[6]) →T ↙if O>0 :Then T +E→T : Eles E-T →T :T<0=>360+T→T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 6 ↙(圆曲线独立坐标)K- Z[4] →H ↙H*180/( R*π)+ Z[14]→T ↙R*Sin(T)+ Z[8]→Z[23] ↙R*(1-Cos(T))+ Z[10]→Z[24] ↙if O>0 :Then T +E→T : Eles E-T →T :T<0=>360+T→T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 7 ↙(第二缓和曲线独立坐标)Z[1] -K →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[7]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[7]^4) →U↙H^3/(6*R* Z[7])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[7]^3) →V ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[7]) →T ↙Z[13]Cos(A)+ Z[12]-U*Cos(A)-V*Sin(A)→Z[23] ↙Z[13]*Sin(A)-U*Sin(A)+V*Cos(A)→Z[24]↙if O>0 :Then F-T→T : T<0=>360+T→T : Else F+T →T : Ifend ↙Goto 8 ↙Lb1 8if O<0 : Then - Z[24]→Z[24] : Ifend ↙Z[16]+Z[23]*Cos(E) -Z[24]*Sin(E)→Z[18] ↙Z[17]+Z[23]*Sin(E)+Z[24]*Cos(E)→Z[19] ↙Return↙。
5800计算器全线坐标计算放样正反算(定稿)5800计算器全线坐标计算放样正反算程序(定稿)彭赐明主程序坐标正反算程序名称:ZBZFSLB1 A↙Cls : Fix 4 : 30→Dim Z :"0=ZS,1=FS,2=FY"?Z ↙If Z=0:Then Goto B:IfEnd↙(Z=0进入里程点坐标正算)If Z=1:Then Prog"FSLCBZ ": Goto A:IfEnd↙(Z=1进入反算里程边桩)If Z=2:Then Goto C:IfEnd↙Lb1 B ↙“K=”?K :(计算里程)Prog"SJK1 ":”XI=”:Locate6,4,Z[18]:”YI=”: Locate6,4,Z[19]◢“PJ=”?P:”PD=”?D:Z[18]+D*Cos(T+P)→Z[20]:Z[19]+D*Sin(T+P)→Z[21]:Z[18]- D*Cos(T+P) →Z[22]: Z[19]-D*Sin(T+P)→Z[23]:”XLP=”:Locate6,4,Z[22]:”YLP=”: Locate6,4,Z[23]: ”XRP=” :Locate6,4,Z[20]:”YRP=”: Locate6,4,Z[21] ◢Goto B↙Lb1 C"XZJ="?M(置镜点X):"YZJ="?N(置镜点Y): “XHS="?G(后视点X):"YHS="?L(后视点Y): Pol(G-M,L-N):"DH=":I(后视距)◢J<0=>J+360→J:"FH=":J→DMS◢(后视方位角)Lb1 D ↙“K=”?K :(计算里程)Prog"SJK1 ": Prog" ZBFY " :Goto D子程序数据库SJK1IF K<本段曲线终点里程AND K≥上段曲线终点里程:THEN 本段曲线终点里程→Z[1] : 上段曲线终点里程→Z[2] :1→O (注:左偏曲线输入-1→O,右偏曲线输入1→O): 半径→R : 曲线偏角→A:第一缓和曲线→Z[6] : 第二缓和曲线→Z[7] : 交点X→B :交点Y→C : 小里程向交点方位角→E : 交点向大里程方位角→F : Prog”XLZBJSCX”:Return: IFEND ↙IF…………Prog”XLZBJSCX”:Return:IFEND(曲线段分段输入)↙补充直线段输入如下(单独直线段)IF K<本段直线终点里程AND K≥本段直线起点里程:THEN 本段直线终点里程→Z[3]:终点X→Z[16]:终点Y→Z[17]:方位角→E: Z[16]+ (K- Z[3])*COS E→Z[18]:Z[17]+ (K- Z[3])*SIN E→Z[19] : Return:IFEND子程序坐标正算,名称:XLZBJSCXLB1 2 ↙(曲线要素计算)Z[6]/2- Z[6]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[6]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[8] ↙(M1)Z[7]/2- Z[7]^3/(240*R^2)+ Z[7]^5/(34560*R^4) →Z[9] ↙(M2)Z[6]^2/(24*R)- Z[6]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[10] ↙(P1)Z[7]^2/(24*R)- Z[7]^4/(2688*R^3) →Z[11] ↙(P2)π*A*R/180+0.5*( Z[6]+ Z[7])→Z[25] ↙(曲线总长)90* Z[6]/(R*π) →Z[14] ↙(第一缓和曲线总偏角)90* Z[7]/(R*π) →Z[15] ↙(第二缓和曲线总偏角,可以省略)Z[8]+(R+Z[10])TAN(A/2)-(Z[10]-Z[11] )/SIN A→Z[12]↙(切线T1)Z[9]+(R+Z[11])TAN(A/2)+(Z[10]-Z[11] )/SIN A→Z[13]↙(切线T2)B+ Z[12]*COS (E+180)→Z[16] ↙(ZH点X)C+ Z[12]*SIN(E+180)→Z[17] ↙(ZH点Y)Z[1]- Z[25]→Z[3] ↙(ZH点里程)Z[3]+ Z[6]→Z[4] ↙(HY点里程)Z[1]- Z[7]→Z[5] ↙(YH点里程)GOTO 3 ↙LB1 3 ↙(判断里程点与曲线关系)IF K≤Z[3] AND K> Z[2] : THEN GOTO 4 : IFEND ↙IF K≤Z[4] AND K> Z[3] : THEN GOTO 5 : IFEND ↙IF K≤Z[5] AND K> Z[4] : THEN GOTO 6 : IFEND ↙IF K≤Z[1] AND K> Z[5] : THEN GOTO 7 : IFEND ↙LB1 4 ↙(里程小于直缓点直线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →Z[23] : 0→Z[24] : E→T : GOTO 8↙LB1 5 ↙(第一缓和曲线独立坐标)K- Z[3] →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[6]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[6]^4) →Z[23] ↙H^3/(6*R* Z[6])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[6]^3) →Z[24] ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[6]) →T ↙IF O>0 :THEN T +E→T : ELSE E-T →T : T<0=>360+T→T : IFEND ↙GOTO 8 ↙LB1 6 ↙(圆曲线独立坐标)K- Z[4] →H ↙H*180/( R*π)+ Z[14]→T ↙R*SIN T+ Z[8]→Z[23] ↙R*(1-COS T)+ Z[10]→Z[24] ↙IF O>0 :THEN T +E→T : ELSE E-T →T : T<0=>360+T→T : IFEND ↙GOTO 8 ↙LB1 7 ↙(第二缓和曲线独立坐标)Z[1] -K →H ↙H-H^5/(40*R^2* Z[7]^2)+H^9/(3456*R^4* Z[7]^4) →U↙H^3/(6*R* Z[7])-H^7/(336*R^3* Z[7]^3) →V ↙90*H^2/( R*π* Z[7]) →T ↙Z[13]COS A+ Z[12]-U*COS A-V*SIN A→Z[23] ↙Z[13]*SIN A-U*SIN A+V*COS A→Z[24] ↙IF O>0 :THEN F-T→T : T<0=>360+T→T : ELSE F+T →T : IFEND ↙GOTO 8 ↙LLb1 8IF O<0 : THEN - Z[24]→Z[24] : IFEND ↙Z[16]+Z[23]*COS E-Z[24]*SIN E→Z[18] ↙Z[17]+Z[23]*SIN E+Z[24]*COS E→Z[19] ↙ReTurn↙子程序反算里程边桩,名称:FSLCBZLb1 1↙"XK="?X:"YK="?Y↙(输入任意测点的XY坐标):“K=”?K (试算里程,任意输入标段内里程点即可,也可以输入大致的估算里程加快速度)↙Lb1 2↙Prog"SJK1 ":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos W-(X-Z[18])*Sin W)→S↙If S<0.0001:Then Goto 4:Else Goto 3:Ifend↙Lb1 3↙K+S→K: Prog"SJK1":T-90 →W:W<0=>360+W→W:Abs((Y-Z[19])*Cos W-(X-Z[18])*Sin W)→Q↙If Q<0.0001 :Then Q→S: Goto 4:Else IF Q<S: THEN K+Q→K: Goto 2 :Else IF Q>S :THEN K-Q→K:Goto 2:Ifend:Ifend:Ifend↙Lb1 4↙Pol (X-Z[18],Y-Z[19]:"DP(-Z+Y)=":I◢(偏距)(由于该程序不能准确判断边桩左右方向,暂作修改,取消左右边判定)"K=":K+S→K◢(里程)Return↙子程序坐标放样:ZBFYLB1 0 ↙“QXJ=”:T◢(计算里程点切线方位角,可以不显示)Pol(Z[18]-M,Z[19]-N):"DI=":I(后视距)◢J<0=>J+360→J:"FI=":J→DMS◢(后视方位角)“XI=”: Z[18] ◢(中线X)“YI=”: Z[19] ◢(中线Y)“PJ=”?P:”PD=”?D:Z[18]+D*Cos(T+P)→Z[20]:Z[19]+D*Sin(T+P)→Z[21]Pol(Z[20]-M,Z[21]-N):"DP=":I◢J<0=>J+360→J:"FP=":J→DMS◢“XP=”: Z[20] ◢(边桩X)“YP=”: Z[21] ◢(边桩Y)Return↙。
海德漢TNC 640使用手冊说明书
![海德漢TNC 640使用手冊说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e4611100b207e87101f69e3143323968011cf4d7.png)
TNC的控制器TNC的控制器視覺顯示單元上的按鍵按鍵功能選擇分割畫面配置在加工模式與程式編輯模式之間切換顯示用於選擇螢幕上功能的軟鍵在軟鍵列之間切換文字數字鍵盤按鍵功能檔案名稱,註解DIN/ISO 程式編輯機械操作模式按鍵功能手動操作電子手輪使用手動資料輸入定位程式執行,單一單節程式執行,完整序列程式編輯模式按鍵功能程式編輯程式模擬程式/檔案管理,TNC功能按鍵功能選擇或刪除程式與檔案,外部資料傳輸定義程式呼叫,選擇工件原點及加工點表格選擇MOD功能顯示NC錯誤訊息的說明文字,呼叫TNCguide顯示所有目前錯誤訊息顯示計算器導覽鍵按鍵功能移動反白直接進入單節、循環程式及參數功能進給率與主軸轉速的電位計進給速率主軸轉速循環程式、子程式及程式段落重複按鍵功能定義接觸式探針循環程式定義與呼叫循環程式對於子程式編輯及程式段落重複進行輸入及呼叫標籤在程式內輸入程式停止符號刀具功能按鍵功能在程式內定義刀具資料呼叫刀具資料程式編輯路徑移動按鍵功能接近/離開輪廓FK 自由輪廓程式編輯直線極座標的圓心/極點利用圓心做圓弧加工具有半徑的圓含切線連接的圓弧切角/角落圓角特殊功能按鍵功能顯示特殊功能選擇格式內下一個標籤上/下一個對話方塊或按鈕輸入並編輯座標軸與數字按鍵功能. . .選擇座標軸或在程式當中輸入. . .數字小數點/倒反代數符號使用極座標輸入/增量值Q參數程式編輯/Q參數狀態儲存來自計算機的實際位置或數值NO ENT忽略對話問題,刪除字元確認輸入與重新對話總結單節,並離開輸入清除數字輸入或TNC錯誤訊息停止對話、刪除程式段落TNC的控制器基本原則有關本手冊有關本手冊本手冊內使用的符號說明如下。
要進行任何變更,或發現任何錯誤?我們持續努力改善我們的文件, 請將您的問題傳送至下列電子郵件位址: *************************。
SINUMERIK ONE 测量循环 编程手册说明书
![SINUMERIK ONE 测量循环 编程手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/331f669748649b6648d7c1c708a1284ac85005b3.png)
技术文档反馈 .............................................................................................................. 13
mySupport 文档 .......................................................................................................... 14
3 说明............................................................................................................................................... 23
参数,用于测量结果检查和补偿 .................................................................................. 55
经验值、平均值和公差参数的影响 ............................................................................... 60
平面定义,工件类型.................................................................................................... 30
可使用的测量头........................................................................................................... 34
FX5800P计算器 曲线任意里程中边桩坐标正反算
![FX5800P计算器 曲线任意里程中边桩坐标正反算](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5e7a7f255901020207409cc4.png)
二、源程序增加变量16→DimZ1.主程序(ZHUCHENXU)"1.SZ → XY,2.XY → SZ,3.SDYX,4. BIANPO "?N:Lbl 1:”ZHUANGHAO=”?S: Prog "SUB3":N≥2=>Goto 2:Abs(S-O)→W:”BIANZHU=”?→Z:Prog "SUB1":"XS=”:X→X◢"YS=”:Y→Y◢"FS=”:(F-90) →F:F►DMS◢Prog "FA":Goto 1:Lbl 2:”CX=”?X: X→I:”CY=”?Y: Y→J:”DMG=”?→Z[7]:Prog "SUB2":"S=":(O+W) →S◢"Z="Z→Z◢If N=3:Then Prog”SDYX”: IfEnd :If N=4:Then Prog”BIANPO”:IfEnd:Goto 22. 正算子程序(SUB1)0.1739274226 →Z[1]:0.3260725774→B:0.0694318442→K:0.3300094782→L: (1-L) →F: (1-K)→M:U+W(Z[1]cos(G+QEKW(C+KWD))+Bcos(G+QELW(C+LWD))+Bcos(G+QEFW(C+FWD))+Z[1]cos(G+QEMW(C+MWD))) →X:V+W(Z[1]sin(G+QEKW(C+KWD))+Bsin(G+QELW(C+LWD))+Bsin(G+QEFW(C+FWD))+Z[1]sin(G+QEMW(C+MWD))) →Y:G+QEW(C+WD)+90→F:X+ZcosF→X:Y+ZsinF→Y3. 反算子程序(SUB2)G-90 →Z[2]: Abs((Y-V)cosZ[2]-(X-U)sinZ[2]) →W:0→Z:Lbl 0:Prog "SUB1":Z[2]+QEW(C+WD) →L: (J-Y)cosL-(I-X)sinL→Z:If Abs(Z)<1E-6:Then Goto1:Else W+Z→W:Goto 0: IfEndLbl 1:0→Z:Prog "SUB1": (J-Y)÷sinF→Z4. 数据库(SUB3)If S<226100:Then Cls:Stop: IfEndIf S<226255.833:Then 226100→O:99037.9736→U:4282.3590→V:201.3266304→G:1045→P:1045→R:253.543→H:0→Q: Goto 1:IfEnd …………If S>236005.651:Then Cls:Stop: IfEndLbl 1: 1÷P→C:(P-R)÷(2HPR) →D:180÷π→E:5. 算方位角程序(FA)LbI0:“XC=”? A : “YC=”? T :X:Y0→J: POI(X-A,Y-T)→I:“BC=”:I◢If J<0 Then 360+J→J:ElseJ→J :IfEnd “FW=”:J►DMS◢ Goto06. 使用方位角算坐标(NE)LbI0:“X=”? X: “Y=”? Y: “L=”? L:“F0”?F:L×Cos(F)+X→N: “N=”N◢L×Sin(F)+Y→E: “E=”E◢Goto07. 边坡放样程序(BIANPO)“QPDJL=”? → Z[3]: “QPDGD=”? → Z[4]: “PG=” ? → Z[5]:2→Z[6]:“P1=” ? → Z[8]:“P2=” ? → Z[9]:“P3=” ? → Z[10] (没有的话就删): Z[7]-Z[4] → Z[11]:If Z[11]〈0 Then AbsZ[11] →Z[11]: “T=”:Z[11] ◢Else“W=”:Z[11] ◢IfEndZ[11]÷Z[5] →Z[12]:If Z[12]〈1 Then Z[8]×Z[11] →Z[13]:ElseZ[8]×Z[5]+Z[9]×Z[5]×(Z[12]-1)→Z[13]:IfEnd: AbsZ-(Z[13]+Z[6] ×Int Z[12]+Z[3])→Z[14]:“BP+C-J=”: Z[14] ◢说明:Z[3]= QPDJL ………………起坡点离中桩距离Z[4]=“QPDGD” ……………起坡点设计标高Z[5]=“PG” ………………坡高Z[6]=“PTK” ……………… 平台宽度Z[7]=“DMG” ………………实测地面高度Z[8]=“P1” ………………一级边坡坡度Z[9]=“P2” ………………二级边坡坡度Z[10]=“P3” ……………… 三级边坡坡度(没有的话就删)Z[14]=“BP+C-J=” ………………边坡超欠挖宽度(+表超,-表欠)8. 隧道圆心放样程序(SDYX)IF S<229000:THEN 243.997+0.0205×(S-226520)-(S-227318)^2/2/16000+1.503 →Z[10]:“NGC=”:Z[10] ◢ELSE 286.385-0.023×(S-230500)-(S-230593.753)^2/2/165000+1.503→Z[10]:“YLJ=”:Z[10] ◢IfEndZ[10]- Z[7] →Z[15]:“+SG,-JD”:Z[15] ◢√(Z[15]^2+(ABS(Z)-6.8)^2)→Z[16]: “R=”:Z[16] ◢三、使用说明1、规定(1) 以道路中线的前进方向(即里程增大的方向)区分左右;当线元往左偏时, Q=-1;当线元往右偏时,Q=1;当线元为直线时,Q=0。
GSK980TDb 车床CNC使用手册(2010年3月第2版)--2010-03-23定稿
![GSK980TDb 车床CNC使用手册(2010年3月第2版)--2010-03-23定稿](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f87d8d875727a5e9856a61ef.png)
1.6.1 基本轴各增量系统的速度 .......................................................................................................15
1.6.2 基本轴各增量系统的单位 .......................................................................................................16
介绍 GSK980TDb CNC 的操作使用方法。
第 三 篇 安装连接
介绍 GSK980TDb CNC 的安装、连接及设NC 及其附件的外形安装尺寸、 GSK980TDb CNC 的出厂标准参数、报警信息表等。
GSK980TDb 车床 CNC
■接 线 z 参加接线与检查的人员必须是具有相应能力的专业人员 z 产品必须可靠接地,接地电阻应小于0.1Ω,不能使用中性线(零线)代替地线 z 接线必须正确、牢固,以免导致产品故障或意想不到的后果 z 与产品连接的浪涌吸收二极管必须按规定方向连接,否则会损坏产品 z 插拔插头或打开产品机箱前,必须切断产品电源
1.5 程序的运行 ..................................................................................................................................14
1.5.1 程序运行的顺序....................................................................................................................14
卡西欧fx5800p计算器 坐标正反算程序
![卡西欧fx5800p计算器 坐标正反算程序](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/622d87110912a2161479297c.png)
)卡西欧fx5800p计算器坐标正反算程序一、程序功能本程序由 6 个主程序、 5 个次子程序及 5 个参数子程序组成。
主要用于公路测量中坐标正反算,设计任意点高程及横坡计算 , 桥涵放样,路基开挖口及填方坡脚线放样。
程序坐标计算适应于任何线型 .二、源程序1. 主程序 1 :一般放样反算程序(① 正算坐标、放样点至置仪点方位角及距离;② 反算桩号及距中距离 )程序名 :1ZD-XYLb1 0:Norm 2F=1 : ( 正反算判别, F=1 正算, F=2 反算 , 也可以改 F 前加?,改 F 为变量 )Z[1]=90 (与路线右边夹角)Prog " THB ": F=1=>Goto 1:F=2=>Goto 2Lb1 1: F ix 3: "X = ": Locate 6,4, X◢"Y=": Locate 6,4, Y◢P rog "3JS”:Goto 0:Lb1 2:Fix 3: "KM=": Locate 6,4, Z◢"D=": Locate 6,4, D◢G oto 02.主程序2:高程序横坡程序 ( 设计任意点高程及横坡 )程序名: 2GCLbI 0:Norm 2“KM”?Z:?D:Prog”H”:Fix 3:” H=”:Locate 6,4,H◢“ I=”: Locate 6,4,I◢Goto 03. 主程序 3 :极坐放样计算程序 ( 计算放样点至置仪点方位角及距离 )程序名: 3JSX : Y :1268 .123→K( 置仪点 X 坐标 )2243 .545→L (置仪点 Y 坐标,都是手工输入 , 也可以建导线点数据库子程序 , 个人认为太麻烦)Y-L→E : X-K→F : Pol(F,E):IF J<0:ThenJ+360→J:Int(J)+0.01Int(60Frac(J))+0.006Frac(60Frac(J)) →J:( 不习惯小数点后四位为角度显示的,也可以用命令J◢DMS◢ 来直接显示) Fix 4:” FWJ=”: Locate 6,4,J◢( 不习惯小数点后四位为角度显示的,也可以用命令J◢DMS◢ 来直接显示 )Fix 3:” S=”:Locate 6,4,I◢4 .主程序 4 :涵洞放样程序(由涵中心桩号计算出各涵角坐标、在主程序 3 中输入置仪点坐标后计算放样点至置仪点方位角及距离 )程序名: 4JH-XYLbI 0:Norm 290→Z[1]( 涵洞中心桩与右边夹角,手工输入,也可以修改成前面加?后变为变量 )1→F:Prog”THB”:?L:Z[2]-Z[1] →E:X+Lcos(E) →X:Y+Lsin(E) →Y:Fix 3: "X = ": Locate 6,4, X◢"Y=": Locate 6,4, Y◢P rog "3JS”:Goto 0:5 .主程序 5: 路基开挖边线及填方坡脚线放样程序(输入大概桩号及测量坐标、地面标高计算出偏移距离、桩号、距中距离、填挖高度)程序名: 5FBXLbI 0:Norm 2: 18→DimZ:2→F:90→Z[1]:Prog“THB”:Z:D:”M0”?M:M→Z[4]:D→Z[3]:Prog”6GD”:L→Z[6]:If D<0:Then 0.75-L→D:Goto H:Else L-0.75→D:Goto H:IfEndLbI H:Prog”H”:H-0.03-Z[4] →Z[5]:Z[6] →L:If Z[5]<0:Then –z[5]→G:Goto W:Else Z[5] →G:Goto T:LbI W:Prog “W0”:Z[10]+Z[11] →A: If G>A:Then Goto 1:Else IfG>Z[10]:Then Goto 2:Else Goto 3:IfEnd:LbI 1:L+Z[12]+Z[13]+Z[14]+(G-A)×Z[9]+Z[11]×Z[8]+Z[10]×Z[7]:Goto Z: LbI 2:L+Z[12]+Z[13]+(G-Z[10])×Z[8]+Z[10]×Z[7]:G oto Z:LbI 3:L+Z[12]+G×Z[7]:Goto z:LbI T:L+0.5→N:If G>Z[17]:Then(N+Z[18]+(G-Z[17])×Z[16]+Z[17]×Z[15])→S:Goto Z:Else(N+G×Z[15])→S:Goto z:LbI Z:Z[3]→D:Fix 2:Abs(D)-S→T:” L0=”:L Locate 6,4,T◢"KM=": Locate 6,4, Z◢"D=": Locate 6,4, D◢“ TW=”: Locate 6,4,Z[5]◢Goto 06 .主程序 6 :路基标准半幅宽度计算程序 ( 对于设计有加宽渐变的有用,如路基宽度无变化,则把此程序直接输入半幅宽度值至 L)程序名: 6GDProg “G0”Z-C→E:(B-A)×E/S+A→L:L:7 .坐标计算次程序(THB)程序名: THB18→DimZ :"KM" ?Z : Prog "X0"1÷P→ C: (P-R)÷(2HPR) → S:180÷π→ E:F =1=>Goto 1 :F=2=>Goto 2←┘Lbl 1 : ? D: Abs( Z-O) →W : Prog " A " : X :Y:G oto 3 LbI 2: X:Y:X→I :Y→J : Prog "B":O+W→Z :D→ D:G oto 3LbI 3:IF F=1 Then X:Y: Else Z:D8. 正算子程序 ( A )程序名: A0.→A :0.→B :0.→N 0.→K :0.→L :0.5→M : U+W(Acos(G+QEKW(C+KW S ))+Bcos(G+QELW(C+LW S ))+Ncos(G+QEMW(C+MWS ))+Bcos(G+QE(1-L)W(C+(1-L)WS))+Acos(G+QE(1-K)W(C+(1-K)WS))) →X :V+W(Asin(G+QEKW(C+KW S ))+Bsin(G+QELW(C+LWS ))+Nsin(G+QEMW(C+MWS))+Bsin(G+QE(1-L)W(C+(1-L)WS))+Asin(G+QE(1-K)W (C+(1-K)W S))) →Y :G+QEW(C+W S )+ Z[1]→ Z[2]: X+ D cos (Z[2])→ X: Y+ D sin (Z[2])→ Y9. 反算子程序 ( B )程序名: BG-90→ T: Abs((Y-V)cos(T)-(X-U)sin(T)) → W:0→ D: Lbl 0 : Prog " A " : T+QEW(C+W S) → L: (J-Y)cos(L)-(I-X)sin(L)→ D: IF Abs( D )<0.01:Then Goto1 : Else W+ D→W:Goto 0←┘Lbl 1:0→D : Prog " A " : (J-Y)÷sin( Z[2]) →D:10 .高程计算子程序( H )程序名: HProg “S0”:R:T:C:G:I:C-T→F:Z-F→L:C+T→E:G-TI→Q:If T=O:ThenQ+LI→H:Goto 0:Else If Z<F:Then Q+LI→H:Goto 0:Else If Z≤E:ThenQ+LI+L2÷2÷R→H:Goto 0:LbI 0:H:If D=0:Then Goto I:Else Prog “I”:H+V→H:Goto I:LbI I:H:I: 11. 高程超高计算程序( I )程序名: IPr og”I0”:W=1=> Goto 0:W=2=>Goto 1:LbI 0:If L=0:Then Abs(D)×M→V:Goto 2:ElseAbs(D)×((N-M)×(Z-C)÷L+M)→V:Goto 2:IfEnd:LbI 1:If L=0:Then Abs(D)×M→V:Goto 2:ElseAbs(D)×(((3((Z-C)÷L)2-2((Z-C)÷L)∧(3))×(N-M))+M)→V:Goto 2:IfEnd: LbI 2:Abs(D)→E:V÷E→I:I(E-K)→V:12 .数据子程序 ( 附后示例 )① 程序名: X0 (坐标计算要素程序)If Z≥25900 And Z≤26615.555:Then25900→O:11587.421→U:1847.983→V:101 。
DIN7952-T2_螺纹孔的冲孔翻边底孔尺⼨螺纹孔冲孔翻边预加⼯孔径DIN 7952 Blatt 2尺⼨为 mm 表中值为指导推荐值(见说明)s h/s预加⼯孔径 d4螺纹M2 M2.2 M2.5 M3 M3.5 M4 M5 M6 M8 M100.52 1.10.6 1.6 1.31.8 1.1 1.32 0.8 0.9 1.40.8 1.6 1.3 1.4 1.81.8 1.0 1.1 1.52 x x 1.2 1.91 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.6 2.2 2.61.8 x x 1.2 1.92.32 x x 1.4 1.8 2.31.2 1.6 1.3 22.3 2.71.8 x 1.5 1.92.32 x x 1.5 31.5 1.6 1.72.1 x x 1.8 32 x 2.5 3.62 1.6 2.4 3.4 4.21.8 x2.73.62 x 2.5 4.62.5 1.63.1 4 5.71.8 x 3 4.92 x 3.6 5.63 1.6 3.4 5.1 6.9 1.8 x 3.9 5.8⽤冲孔标记不能确定预加⼯孔。
翻边螺纹孔的尺⼨见DIN 7952-T1⽤冲孔标记不能确定预加⼯孔。
这些推荐值与翻边螺纹孔按DIN 7952-B1的内径d2有关,该螺纹内径公差带为5H 。
这个条件满⾜等式:其中符号意义:d2 螺纹内径(成品尺⼨) d4 预加⼯孔直径d5 翻边圈直径平均值h ’ 减少的翻边圈⾼度(考虑由于拉深螺纹内径的体积减少) 所板材壁厚以前所⽤的螺纹M2.2和M2.6是在⽐较DIN 13 B1时ISO/R261中没有的螺纹尺⼨。