必修五 总复习单选
周测三答案单选:21—25 CABBC 26—30 CDADB 31—35 AACDD完型:【考点】日常生活类—夹斜夹议【文章大意】一个假日的早上,作者偶然的早起,发现了对自己的人生有益的事——一个衣着朴素,骑着一辆不入时的自行车的老者,在自食其力,而且对自己的所做非常自豪。
36.【答案】B【试题解析】这里要注意Mother这个身份,,父母是允许自己的孩子不上学的假日里多睡觉的,sleep in睡个懒觉.37.【答案】C【试题解析】前面是谈自己会好好利用一下母亲的许可:睡个懒觉,后面又是在谈自己想早起,中间是明显的转折。
38.【答案】A【考点】名词【试题解析】此题可以从下午的提示“several people go by, get into their car and drive off”可以得知:是停车的地方。
41.【答案】B【考点】名词【试题解析】这里考察了一个自行车上的部分名称,从本句的后面back-carriage可以看出前面是在谈车子的前面部分,handle 把手。
43.【答案】D【考点】动词【试题解析】此题要注意前后的提示:“already”和“a dozen or more cars”,所以这里表示老人工作时间早,已经清洗了很多车子了。
(完整版)高中数学必修五综合测试题 含答案
.绝密★启用前高中数学必修五综合考试卷第I 卷(选择题)一、单选题1.数列的一个通项公式是( )0,23,45,67⋯A .B . a n =n -1n +1(n ∈N *)a n =n -12n +1(n ∈N *)C .D .a n =2(n -1)2n -1(n ∈N *)a n =2n2n +1(n ∈N *)2.不等式的解集是( )x -12-x ≥0A .B .C .D . [1,2](-∞,1]∪[2,+∞)[1,2)(-∞,1]∪(2,+∞)3.若变量满足 ,则的最小值是( )x,y {x +y ≥0x -y +1≥00≤x ≤1x -3y A .B .C .D . 4-5-314.在实数等比数列{a n }中,a 2,a 6是方程x 2-34x +64=0的两根,则a 4等于( )A . 8B . -8C . ±8D . 以上都不对5.己知数列为正项等比数列,且,则( ){a n }a 1a 3+2a 3a 5+a 5a 7=4a 2+a 6=A . 1B . 2C . 3D . 46.数列前项的和为( )11111,2,3,4,24816n A . B . C .D .2122nn n ++21122n n n +-++2122n n n +-+21122n n n +--+7.若的三边长成公差为的 等差数列,最大角的正弦值为ΔABC a,b,c 232的面积为( )A .B .C .D .1541534213435348.在△ABC 中,已知,则B 等于( )a =2,b =2,A =450A . 30°B . 60°C . 30°或150°D . 60°或120°9.下列命题中正确的是( )A . a >b ⇒ac 2>bc 2B . a >b ⇒a 2>b 2C . a >b ⇒a 3>b 3D . a 2>b 2⇒a >b.10.满足条件,的的个数是 ( )a =4,b =32,A =45∘A . 1个B . 2个C . 无数个D . 不存在11.已知函数满足:则应满足( )f(x)=ax 2-c -4≤f(1)≤-1,-1≤f(2)≤5.f(3)A .B .C .D .-7≤f(3)≤26-4≤f(3)≤15-1≤f(3)≤20-283≤f(3)≤35312.已知数列{a n }是公差为2的等差数列,且成等比数列,则为( )a 1,a 2,a 5a2A . -2B . -3C . 2D . 313.等差数列的前10项和,则等于(){a n }S 10=15a 4+a 7A . 3B . 6C . 9D . 1014.等差数列的前项和分别为,若,则的值为( ){a n },{b n }n S n ,T nS nT n=2n3n +1a 3b 3A .B .C .D . 3547581219第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题15.已知为等差数列,且-2=-1,=0,则公差={a n }a 7a 4a3d 16.在中,,,面积为,则边长=_________.△ABC A =60∘b =13c 17.已知中,,, ,则面积为_________.ΔABC c =3a =1acosB =bcosA ΔABC 18.若数列的前n 项和,则的通项公式____________{a n }S n =23a n +13{a n }19.直线下方的平面区域用不等式表示为________________.x -4y +9=020.函数的最小值是 _____________.y =x +4x -1(x >1)21.已知,且,则的最小值是______.x ,y ∈R +4x +y =11x +1y三、解答题22.解一元二次不等式(1) (2)-x 2-2x +3>0x 2-3x +5>0.(1)求边上的中线的长;BC AD (2)求△的面积。
高中语文必修五基础知识复习题及答案.doc高中语文必修五基础知识复习题及答案一、本大题共 4 小题,每小题 3 分,共 12 分1、下列加点字的注音全都正确的一项是()A. 蓬蒿(g āo) 迤逦(y ǐ) 簪笏(z ān) 玷辱(di àn)B. 尴尬(g ān) 洗漱(sh ù) 毡笠(zh ān) 讥诮(xi ào)C.庇护(b ì) 央浼(mi ǎn) 降服(xi áng) 怂恿(s ǒng)D.凫水(f ú) 酒馔(zhu àn) 斜睨(n ì) 笑靥(y è)2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是 ()A.老当益壮一愁莫展斐然成章沧海一粟B.相形见绌沐浴清化携幼入室意气用事A.李科长在办公室里来回踱着,瞻前顾后,再也想不出一点可以向上级汇报的“成果”。
D.一个远涉重洋、寄身美国、茕茕孑立的中国弱女子,要控告有钱有势的美国地头蛇是何等艰难 !4.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是 ()A.最后一位火炬手抵达位于伊斯坦布尔市中心的塔克希姆广场,并点燃圣火盆,这标志着伊斯坦布尔的火炬传递圆满结束。
二、本大题 22 题,每小题 2 分,共 66 分A. 小知不及大知B. 臣以险衅,夙遭闵凶C.云销雨霁,彩彻区明D.携幼入室,有酒盈樽6.下列各句中没有通假字的一项是 ()A、辩乎荣辱之境B、适百里者,宿舂粮 ;7.指出各句加点词解释有误的一项是 ()A 、复驾言兮焉求言:助词B、悟已往之不谏谏:进谏C、既自以心为形役役:奴役D、三径就荒就:接近8.选出“故”与“豫章故郡,洪都新府”的“故”意思相同的一项()A. 扶苏以数谏故,上使外将兵。
篇一:高中数学必修5课后习题答案人教版高中数学必修5课后习题解答第一章解三角形1.1两角和与差的正弦、余弦和正切公式练习(P4) 1、(1)a?14,b?19,B?105?;(2)a?18cm,b?15cm,C?75?. 2、(1)A?65?,C?85?,c?22;或A?115?,C?35?,c?13;(2)B?41?,A?24?,a?24. 练习(P8) 1、(1)A?39.6?,B?58.2?,c?4.2 cm;(2)B?55.8?,C?81.9?,a?10.5 cm. 2、(1)A?43.5?,B?100.3?,C?36.2?;(2)A?24.7?,B?44.9?,C?110.4?. 习题1.1 A组(P10) 1、(1)a?38cm,b?39cm,B?80?;(2)a?38cm,b?56cm,C?90? 2、(1)A?114?,B?43?,a?35cm;A?20?,B?137?,a?13cm(2)B?35?,C?85?,c?17cm;(3)A?97?,B?58?,a?47cm;A?33?,B?122?,a?26cm; 3、(1)A?49?,B?24?,c?62cm;(2)A?59?,C?55?,b?62cm;(3)B?36?,C?38?,a?62cm;4、(1)A?36?,B?40?,C?104?;(2)A?48?,B?93?,C?39?;习题1.1 A组(P10)1、证明:如图1,设?ABC的外接圆的半径是R,①当?ABC时直角三角形时,?C?90?时,?ABC的外接圆的圆心O在Rt?ABC的斜边AB上.BCAC在Rt?ABC中,?sinA,?sinBABABab即?sinA,?sinB 2R2R所以a?2RsinA,b?2RsinB 又c?2R?2R?sin902RsinC (第1题图1)所以a?2RsinA, b?2RsinB, c?2RsinC②当?ABC时锐角三角形时,它的外接圆的圆心O在三角形内(图2),作过O、B的直径A1B,连接AC, 1?90?,?BACBAC则?A1BC直角三角形,?ACB. 11在Rt?A1BC中,即BC?sin?BAC1, A1Ba?sin?BAC?sinA, 12R所以a?2RsinA,同理:b?2RsinB,c?2RsinC③当?ABC时钝角三角形时,不妨假设?A为钝角,它的外接圆的圆心O 在?ABC外(图3)(第1题图2)作过O、B的直径A1B,连接AC.1则?A1BC直角三角形,且?ACB?90?,?BAC?180?11在Rt?A1BC中,BC?2Rsin?BAC, 1即a?2Rsin(180?BAC)即a?2RsinA同理:b?2RsinB,c?2RsinC综上,对任意三角形?ABC,如果它的外接圆半径等于则a?2RsinA,b?2RsinB, c?2RsinC2、因为acosA?bcosB,所以sinAcosA?sinBcosB,即sin2A?sin2B 因为0?2A,2B?2?,(第1题图3)所以2A?2B,或2A?2B,或2A?22B. 即A?B或A?B?所以,三角形是等腰三角形,或是直角三角形.在得到sin2A?sin2B后,也可以化为sin2A?sin2B?0 所以cos(A?B)sin(A?B)?0 A?B??2.?2,或A?B?0即A?B??2,或A?B,得到问题的结论.1.2应用举例练习(P13)1、在?ABS中,AB?32.2?0.5?16.1 n mile,?ABS?115?,根据正弦定理,得AS?ASAB?sin?ABSsin(6520?)?AB?sin?ABS16.1?sin115sin(6520?)∴S到直线AB的距离是d?AS?sin2016.1?sin115sin207.06(cm). ∴这艘船可以继续沿正北方向航行. 2、顶杆约长1.89 m. 练习(P15)1、在?ABP中,?ABP?180?,?BPA?180(?)ABP?180(?)?(180?)在?ABP中,根据正弦定理,APAB?sin?ABPsin?APBAPa?sin(180?)sin(?)a?sin(?)AP?sin(?)asin?sin(?)所以,山高为h?APsinsin(?)2、在?ABC中,AC?65.3m,?BAC?25?2517?387?47??ABC?909025?2564?35?ACBC?sin?ABCsin?BAC?747AC?sin?BAC65.?3?sinBC?m 9.8?sin?ABCsin?6435井架的高约9.8m.200?sin38?sin29?3、山的高度为?382msin9?练习(P16) 1、约63.77?. 练习(P18) 1、(1)约168.52 cm2;(2)约121.75 cm2;(3)约425.39 cm2. 2、约4476.40 m2a2?b2?c2a2?c2?b2?c?3、右边?bcosC?ccosB?b?2ab2aca2?b2?c2a2?c2?b22a2?a左边? 【类似可以证明另外两个等式】 ?2a2a2a习题1.2 A组(P19)1、在?ABC中,BC?35?0.5?17.5 n mile,?ABC?14812622?根据正弦定理,14?8)?,1BAC?1801102248ACB?78(180ACBC?sin?ABCsin?BACBC?sin?ABC17.?5s?in22AC?8.8 2n milesin?BACsin?48货轮到达C点时与灯塔的距离是约8.82 n mile. 2、70 n mile.3、在?BCD中,?BCD?301040?,?BDC?180?ADB?1804510125?1CD?3010 n mile3CDBD根据正弦定理, ?sin?CBDsin?BCD10BD?sin?(18040125?)sin40?根据正弦定理,10?sin?40sin1?5在?ABD中,?ADB?451055?,?BAD?1806010110??ABD?1801105515?ADBDABADBDAB根据正弦定理,,即sin?ABDsin?BADsin?ADBsin15?sin110?sin55?10?sin?40?sin1?5BD?sin1?5?10s?in40?6.8 4n mile AD?sin1?10si?n110?sin70BD?sin5?5?10sin40?sin55n mile 21.6 5sin1?10sin15?sin70如果一切正常,此船从C开始到B所需要的时间为:AD?AB6.8?421.6520?min ?6?01?0?60 86.983030即约1小时26分59秒. 所以此船约在11时27分到达B岛. 4、约5821.71 m5、在?ABD中,AB?700 km,?ACB?1802135124?700ACBC根据正弦定理,sin124?sin35?sin21?700?sin?35700?sin21?AC?,BC?sin1?24sin124?700?sin?357?00s?in21AC?BC7?86.89 kmsin1?24si?n124所以路程比原来远了约86.89 km.6、飞机离A处探照灯的距离是4801.53 m,飞机离B处探照灯的距离是4704.21 m,飞机的高度是约4574.23 m.1507、飞机在150秒内飞行的距离是d?1000?1000? m3600dx? 根据正弦定理,sin(8118.5?)sin18.5?这里x是飞机看到山顶的俯角为81?时飞机与山顶的距离.d?sin18.5??tan8114721.64 m 飞机与山顶的海拔的差是:x?tan81sin(8118.5?)山顶的海拔是20250?14721.64?5528 m8、在?ABT中,?ATB?21.418.62.8?,?ABT?9018.6?,AB?15 mABAT15?cos18.6?根据正弦定理,,即AT? ?sin2.8?cos18.6?sin2.8?15?cos18.6?塔的高度为AT?sin21.4?sin21.4106.19 msin2.8?326?189、AE97.8 km 60在?ACD中,根据余弦定理:AB?AC??101.235 根据正弦定理,(第9题)?sin?ACDsin?ADCAD?sin?ADC5?7si?n66sin 44?ACD?0.51AC101.2356?ACD?30.9??ACB?13330.9?6?10 2?在?ABC中,根据余弦定理:AB?245.93222AB?AC?B2C245.9?3101?.22352204sBAC?0.58co? 472?AB?AC2?245.?93101.235?BAC?54.21?在?ACE中,根据余弦定理:CE?90.75222AE2?EC?A2C97.8?90.?751012.235sAEC?0.42co? 542?AE?EC2?97?.890.75?AEC?64.82?0AEC?(1?8?0?7?5?)?7564.8?2 18?所以,飞机应该以南偏西10.18?的方向飞行,飞行距离约90.75 km.10、如图,在?ABCAC??37515.44 km222AB?AC?B2C6400?37515?2.44422200?0.692 ?BAC? 42?AB?AC2?640?037515.448,2 ?BAC?9043.?8 ?BAC?133.? 2所以,仰角为43.82?1111、(1)S?acsinB28?33?sin45326.68 cm222aca36(2)根据正弦定理:,c?sinCsin66.5?sinAsinCsinAsin32.8?11sin66.5?S?acsinB362sin(32.866.5?)?1082.58 cm222sin32.8?2(3)约为1597.94 cm122?12、nRsin.2na2?c2?b213、根据余弦定理:cosB?2acaa2所以ma?()2?c2?2c?cosB22a2a2?c2?b22?()?c?a?c? B22ac12212?()2[a2?4c2?2(a?c?2b)]?()[2(b?c2)?a2]222(第13题)篇二:人教版高中数学必修5期末测试题及其详细答案数学必修5试题一.选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分)1.由a1?1,d?3确定的等差数列?an?,当an?298时,序号n等于()A.99B.100C.96D.1012.?ABC中,若a?1,c?2,B?60?,则?ABC的面积为() A.12B.2 C.1 D.3.在数列{an}中,a1=1,an?1?an?2,则a51的值为()A.99 B.49 C.102 D. 101 4.已知x?0,函数y?4x?x的最小值是() A.5 B.4C.8 D.6 5.在等比数列中,a11?2,q?12,a1n?32,则项数n为() A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 66.不等式ax2?bx?c?0(a?0)的解集为R,那么()A. a?0,0B. a?0,0C. a?0,0D. a?0,0?x?y?17.设x,y满足约束条件??y?x,则z?3x?y的最大值为()y2A. 5B. 3C. 7 D. -88.在?ABC中,a?80,b?100,A?45?,则此三角形解的情况是()A.一解 B.两解 C.一解或两解 D.无解9.在△ABC中,如果sinA:sinB:sinC?2:3:4,那么cosC等于()A.23 B.-2113 C.-3D.-410.一个等比数列{an}的前n项和为48,前2n项和为60,则前3n项和为( A、63B、108 C、75 D、83)二、填空题(本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 11.在?ABC中,B?450,c?b?A=_____________; 12.已知等差数列?an?的前三项为a?1,a?1,2a?3,则此数列的通项公式为______三、解答题 (本大题共6个小题,共80分;解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 15(12分) 已知等比数列?an?中,a1?a3?10,a4?a6?16(14分)(1) 求不等式的解集:?x(2)求函数的定义域:y?17 (14分)在△ABC中,BC=a,AC=b,a,b是方程x2?0的两个根,且2cos(A?B)?1。
高中英语必修五 综合复习
高中英语必修五综合复习一.必修5 Unit1 Great scientists 伟大的科学家Ⅰ.单项填空1.—The party is great. —________?I didn‟t hear you clearly.It‟s too noisy here. A.Yes B.Why C.Really D.Pardon2.No matter how I tried to read it,I just couldn‟t make________of the sentence. A.meaning B.Use C.sense D.idea3.I feel it is you rather than the boy who________for being late for the speech.A.is to blame B.are to blame C.is to be blamed D.are to be blamed4.I suggested to my father that we________to Dalian for a holiday this summer,but the expression on his face suggested that he________to it.A.go;shouldn‟t agree B.would go;shouldn‟t agree C.go;didn‟t agree D.would go;didn‟t agree 5.________to strong sunlight for a long time will do harm to our skin.A.Exposed B.To expose C.Exposing D.Being exposed6.The man,suspected________having stolen the jewels of the shop,was missing last night,although he was watched over by the police.A.of B.For C.about D.with7.________cleaning the yard and making up the beds for the old,we also read newspapers for them and had chats with them.A.Except for B.Rather than C.Apart from D.Instead of8.________they visited the Science Museum,they showed great interest in everything they saw. A.The first time B.For the first time C.At first D.At the first time9.Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy,saying that he was not the one________. A.blamed B.Blaming C.to blame D.to be blamed10. (2008年湖北卷)As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine,we must send for an engineer to______the problem.A.handle B.Raise C.face D.present11.________in his test papers,he didn‟t notice my coming.A.Having absorbed B.Absorbed C.Absorbing D.Being absorbed12.—Why is he feeling down today?—Because the suggestion he________has been turned down.A.put away B.put up C.put down D.put forward13.—Let‟s go for a walk,shall we? —It‟s too late now;________,it‟s beginning to rain. A.in addition B.in a word C.as a result D.in general14.My father,who is strict________his work,is quite strict________me as well.A.with;about B.about;with C.about;about D.with;with15.We were all very much attracted by the beautiful scenery________we set foot in the village. A.quickly B.Suddenly C.finally D.immediately16.The policeman are looking for people________the accident which happened last night. A.referred to B.related to C.linking to D.connecting to二.必修5 Unit 1 Great scientistsI. 单项选择1. The invention of steam engine(蒸汽机) greatly sped up the industrial revolution, which _____ a lot to the take-off of the world.A. led B . contributed C. constructed D. exposed2. From my point of view, the theory that ______ by the scientist is not quite scientific.A. was risenB. brought upC. had been raisedD. was put forward3. It is clear that no use can be made ______radium _____ we don’t know clearly the characteristics of it.A. from; ifB. of; unlessC. from; unlessD. of; if4. We have to ______ everything question in detail ______ we take action.A. conclude; beforeB. make analysis of; whenC. expose; untilD. analyze; before5. It will be many years ______the doctors and medical scientists can find _____ for cancer.A. since; curesB. when; treatmentsC. before; curesD. until; treatments6. After several years of observation, the research group ______ the conclusion that language acquisition is faster when students ______ to the situation where it is spoken.A. has come to; exposeB. have arrived at; are exposedC. has concluded; are exposedD. have reached; expose7. Samples of blood from Cholera infected patients have been sent to the blood center _______.A. to be checkedB. to be examinedC. to testD. being tested8. It has been announced by our provincial government that another two medical teams will be sent to ______ the injured people in the severe earthquake.A. join toB. join inC. take part inD. attend9. ______ the aids from the outside, the positive attitude of the disaster-stricken people _____ the key role in the reconstruction of their destroyed towns and villages.A. Except for; playsB. Besides; playC. Apart from; playsD. Except; play10. By careful observation and precise calculation, Nicolaus Copernicus _____ that there is no one center in the universe and the sun is the center of the solar system.A. believedB. thoughtC. concludedD. imagined11. Through thorough investigation, Dr. John Snow was finally able to prove that the outbreak of Cholera _____ people’s drinking of polluted water.A. was close linked withB. closely linked toC. was close connected withD. was closely linked with12. Only when people have enough to eat and plenty to wear _______ to talk about environmental protection.A. it makes senseB. does it make senseC. that it makes senseD. do they make sense13. The local police were______ by their authorities to _____ the situation as soon as possible.A. said to; controlB. ordered; manageC. instructed; handleD. told; hold14. People should be cautious ______their personal information when surfing the Internet so as to prevent certain computer viruses ______ it.A. about; to stealB. of; stealingC. with; to stealD. to; from stealing15. We the Chinese are not to be ______, ________the situation is.A. won; however disastrousB. defeated; whatever disastrousC. beaten; whatever disastrousD. lost; however disastrous16. Nicolaus Copernicus’ discovery about the universe is ______, which ______later achievements in astronomy science.A. ambitious; gave birth toB. enthusiastic; resulted inC. obvious; resulted inD. revolutionary; led to17. The manager and general engineer ____very strict ___his employees and ___ his work as well.A. is; with; inB. are; with; inC. is; with; with C. are; in; in18. When you are ______ about something, you are ______ to do whatever you can to get it.A. anxious; likelyB. eager; possibleC. enthusiastic; likelyD. concerned; probable19. I privately told him that he should not have ______ the offer of his former wife to come together again.A. given inB. rejectedC. turned backD. refuse20. The driver’s wrong gearing(挂档) was________ for the backward movement of the car, which accidentally knocked down the old woman.A. to be blamedB. blamedC. to blameD. blaming21. So ______ was he in his work that he didn’t notice that it was raining hard.A. takenB. devotedC. absorbedD. interesting22. Every day Mother sets about her housework ______ she returns from work. Which of the following is NOT OK?A. immediatelyB. the momentC. the minuteD. in no time23. The gold loop discovered in the ancient tomb _____ to be _____ in studying the history of the Jin Dynasty.A. was turned out; valuableB. proved; of great valueC. was proved; of great valuableD. proved; much valuable24. ______addition to being creative, perseverance and diligence are necessary qualities to be a good scientist.A. WithB. OfC. InD. For25. The heart is believed to _____blood into veins(血管) which are netted all over the body, thus keeping a person alive.A. giveB. donateC. circulateD. pump26. Most of the people___to the party were famous scientists.A. invitedB. to inviteC. being invitedD. inviting27. The speaker spoke so loudly in order to have his voice _____.A. to be heardB. hearC. hearingD. heard28. It’s not ____ that you are ____. After all, you didn’t go to bed until 12 last night.A. surprising, tiredB. surprising, tiringC. surprised, tiringD. surprised, tired29. The question _____ at yesterday’s meeting hasn’t been made ______ yet.A. discussing, knownB. discussed, knownC. being discussed, knowD. to be discussed, know30. I saw her ____ at the windows, _____.A. seating, thoughtB. sitting, thoughtC. sat, thinkingD. seated, thinking31. The door remained ____. I didn’t know where he had gone.A. closedB. closingC. closeD. to be closed32. The boy ____ himself in the corner with his back ____ to his father.A. seat, turningB. seating, turnedC. seated, turnD. seated, turned33. ---What’s the main purpose of tonight’s meeting?---We are going to talk about the problem ____ at the last meeting.A. mentionedB. having been mentionedC. being discussedD. having discussed三.必修5 Unit 2Ⅰ.完成句子1.如果你方便的话,请给我买本书。
高中英语必修五综合测试题二、单项选择21. —How long are you staying in China, Alice?—I don’t know. _________.A. It depends onB. It doesn’t matterC. Never mindD. It depends22. Do you have anything _________, sir?A. to be washedB. to washC. washingD. being washed23. Nowadays, many farmers in our country want to _________ rural life and make a living incities.A. break upB. run out ofC. keep up withD. break away from24. —What’s the main idea of the passage, Julia?—I’m sorry, Mr White, I can’t make _________ of it. It’s beyond me.A. senseB. understandingC. judgementD. idea25. —Did Roger fix the computer himself?—He _________ because he doesn’t know much about the computers.A. has it fixedB. had fixed itC. had it fixedD. fixed it26. —Why did you _________ the second paragraph of your rewritten composition?—Because I thought it was off the point.A. make outB. leave outC. figure outD. put out27. The Chinese people _________ 56 nationalities, each of whom has their own characteristics.A. is consisted ofB. is made ofC. consists ofD. is made from28. My camera can be _________ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. adaptedB. revisedC. fitD. adjusted29. With a lot of difficult problems _________, the new manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.A. settledB. to settleC. being settledD. settling30. I feel it is your wife who _________ for the spoiled child.A. is to be blamedB. is going to blameC. is to blameD. should blame31. Paul failed in the exam again because he _________ confidence to pass it.A. lacked ofB. was lacking ofC. was lackingD. lacked32. Every politician admits the great power of _________.A. a pressB. pressC. the pressD. presses33. Our government must _________ the pace of construction in order to meet the demands ofordinary people.A. make upB. break upC. bring upD. speed up34. One of the ball sports, volleyball, is very interesting _________.A. to watchB. to be watchedC. to be watchingD. to watching35. _________ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task before the due time.A. FacedB. FacingC. FaceD. To face三、完形填空One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for 36 at the next house.However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of 37 . He drank it slowly and then asked, “How much do I owe you?”“You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Mother has taught me 38 to accept pay for a kindness.” He said, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt 39 physically, but it also increased his faith in God and the human race. He was about to give up and quit 40 this point.Years later the young woman became critically ill. The 41 doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists could be called 42 to study her rare disease. Dr Howard Kelly, now a famous doctor, was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately, he 43 and went down through the hospital hall into her room.44 in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went 45to the consultation room and determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gavespecial attention to her care.After a long struggle, the battle was 46 . Dr Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the 47 . The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was 48 that it would take the rest of her life to pay it 49 . Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention. She read these words …“Paid in full with a glass of milk.”(Signed) Dr Howard KellyTears of 50 flooded her eyes as she prayed silently, “Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”36. A. a meal B. a glass of water C. a glass of milk D. a light supper37. A. tea B. water C. milk D. coffee38. A. not B. never C. sometimes D. always39. A. weak B. weaker C. strong D. stronger40. A. at B. before C. to D. after41. A. best B. national C. famous D. local42. A. in B. for C. on D. at43. A. raised B. rose C. stood D. arise44. A. Wearing B. Dressing C. Dressed D. Putting45. A. out B. in C. away D. back46. A. succeeded B. defeated C. beaten D. won47. A. bill B. paper C. side D. card48. A. thinking B. positive C. informed D. negative49. A. off B. back C. out D. in50. A. sorrow B. worry C. relief D. joy四、阅读理解AFor a long time people have believed that high self-esteem is the key to success. However, new research shows that focusing just on building self-esteem may not be helpful. In some cases,having high self-esteem can bring bad results if it makes you less likeable or more upset when you fail at something.“Forget about self-esteem,” says one of the psychologists involved in the new research. “It’s not the most important thing.”This idea may sound a bit strange to you because studies also show that people with high self-esteem are less likely to be anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-esteem. In short, to feel good does you good.But, after reviewing about 18,000 studies on self-esteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, has found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person. He believes that violent and evil people often have the highest self-esteem of all. He also said, “There’s no evidence that kids with high self-esteem do better in school.”All types of people have problems. “People with high self-esteem can have big egos(自我) that can make them less likeable to their peers,” said Kathleen V ohs, a psychology professor at Columbia University. “People with high self-esteem tend to (趋向于) think more of themselves,”V ohs says. People with low self-esteem are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people. Find positive ways to contribute to society. If you fail at something, try to learn from the experience. The best therapy(药方), as they suggest, is to recognize your faults, accept yourself, understand your weaknesses and then do something about them.51. What’s the author’s attitude towards high self-esteem?A. Objective.B. Subjective.C. Neutral.D. Indifferent.52. What’s the passage mainly about?A. High self-esteem is the key to success.B. New research shows that high self-esteem may not be helpful.C. New research shows that high self-esteem can only bring bad results.D. People with high self-esteem are less likeable.53. What does the underlined part “a better person” probably mean?A. A person who is friendly and kind.B. A person who is successful and wealthy.C. A person who is successful and brave.D. A person who is helpful and supportive.54. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. People used to think that high self-esteem led to success.B. According to the psychologists in the passage, high self-esteem is more negative than positive.C. People with low self-esteem are less likely to depend on their friends.D. People with high self-esteem tend to be prouder.55. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. The best therapy mentioned is mainly for people of all kinds.B. The best therapy mentioned is mainly for people with low self-esteem.C. The best therapy mentioned is mainly for people with high self-esteem.D. The best therapy mentioned is mainly for people who fail at something.BThe role of a newspaper is to present and comment on the news. It is vital for keeping people well-informed on current affairs. In most Western countries, journalists try to shape the ideas and opinions of their readers, since in Western countries all newspapers are independent of the government. Some newspaper owners support liberal ideas including economic policies that help poor people. Other owners want policies such as lower taxes for rich people and less money to be given to poor people. You can almost judge the political ideas of a person in the West by looking at the newspaper he reads.All newspapers report national and international news. They give the facts but also provide opinions on controversial issues in the editorials and columns of opinion. The readers of the newspaper can also comment on these editorials or articles. There are many informative articles too as well as reviews of new films and books, etc. These are very important, for if a film or book gets good reviews it will often become more successful.All these articles require many journalists who are experts in different areas of life. All these articles come together and are checked by the chief editor of the newspaper. When he or she has made a decision on the articles, the newspaper is prepared for printing. All this work means thatthe journalists must work together as a team because there is a lot of pressure when you work in a newspaper office. There are constant deadlines and articles have to be fitted round advertisements, photographs and much, much more.56. What does the underlined word “be fitted” mean?A. be suitableB. be putC. be readD. be measured57. What articles comment on controversial issues?A. Editorials and opinion columns.B. News stories.C. Some of the informative articles.D. Jokes and humour.58. Which is true about the journalists in Western countries?A. There’s no time limit for their report articles.B. They have no right to influence the reader s’ opinions.C. A newspaper can come out with just a journalist working individually.D. Journalists must submit their articles before the due date.59. Why are good reviews important to books?A. Good reviews are excellent introduction to books.B. Readers especially favour books with good reviews.C. Good reviews can make readers feel relaxed and comfotable.D. Good reviews can bring a large circulation of the books reviewed.60. Which of the following sentences best fits at the end of the last paragraph?A. The number of people needed to produce a newspaper varies greatly.B. The staff of a daily newspaper is headed by a publisher.C. The articles printed in the newspaper should cover national and international affairs.D. The entire staff must operate as a well-drilled team if the papers are to reach homes andnews-stands on schedule.五、阅读下面的短文,根据上下文和空白处首字母的提示补全单词About 500 years ago a great man 71 name was Ota Dokan lived in Japan. He built a home on a bay around which a busy little town grew up. Ota wrote a poem about his beautiful home. In the 72 , he could see the blue sea and the great mountain of Fuji from the roof of his house next to many pine trees.The little town that began 500 years ago is today the great city of Tokyo, 73 of Japan. Over 12.7 million people live there. No other city in the world has so many people.Today Ota’s poem is remembered with sadness. The pine trees he wrote about died 74 pollution. The beautiful mountain of Fuji can be seen only one day 75 of ten. Most of the time it cannot be seen because of the deadly clouds of 76 monoxide(一氧化物).Things are so bad that a swimmer died in the Sumida River, not from drowning but from77 in the poisons in the air. One July day 8,000 people went to the hospital because they felt78 from the deadly smoke that stayed over the city.Every big city in the world faces the same problems as Tokyo. People must do something about these 79 problems now or they will kill themselves off. They will not be able to breathe the air or drink water, 80 will they be able to see the blue sky any longer.71. 72. 73. 74. 75.76. 77. 78. 79. 80. _Key:二、单项选择21. D 解析:It depends看情况;It depends on后要接宾语。
Module 1短语:1.be different in/ from…在……方面不同2.in…ways在……方面3.differ in在……方面存在不同4.after all毕竟,终究5.as many/ much…as…和……一样多6.lead to导致7.have …in common与……有共同之处8.make difference有不同;有所作为9.in favour of支持,赞成10.refer to…as…把……称作,称之为11.thanks to由于12.have difficulty (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难13.be similar to与……相似14.get around 四处走动;传播15.compare…with与……相比较16.after all毕竟17.turn on打开18.a couple of两个,几个19.pick up捡起,改良;收听20.wear off逐渐减弱消失21.all over the world全世界22.a number of很多23.gradu ate from…从……毕业24.instead of代替,而不是……25.be known for因……而出名句子:1.British and American English are different in many ways.英国英语与美国英语在很多方面是不同的。
2.As a tourist, you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York…作为游客,你在伦敦要乘坐的地铁叫underground,而在纽约则叫subway……3.The British queue up; Americans stand in line.“排队”在英国英语中用queue up,在美国英语中用stand in line。
必修五单词竞赛Ⅰ. 写单词1.reporter______________2.feeling hopeful for the future_________3.womanwhose occupation is looking after her family, cleaning the house______4.stretched out as far as possible________5.wanting more money or food_________6.car carrying sick or injured people_____7. formal activity on public occasion_____8.money used in daily lives_________9.the special set of cloths worn by all the members of a same institution_________10.marriage ceremony_________11.something harmful that can cause death_____12.help_________Ⅱ. 字母排序组单词游戏13.trash can_________14.oven used for cooking, usingfire_________15.spacecraft_________16. joint in which the hand moves_________17. doubt_________of the areas that some countries are divided into with its own local government_____19. people working on a plane ( a person whose job is to take care of passengers ona ship, an aircraft or a train and who brings them meals etc. ) _________20.person with special knowledge or skill in a particular field_________21. ratcentecon _______________ 22. osepex _______________23. eprressu _______________ 24. ashfl ______________25. endtat ______________ 26. andgbae _______________27. osiuvpre _______________ 28. ccishompla ______________29. nalesstie _______________ 30. andmde ________________III.依照每句话中给出的所填单词的首字母填空。
必修五总复习(选择题) keys
潮阳一中高二英语必修五知识点总复习Book 5 Unit 11. ______ in writing the new poem, Jenny even forgot her dinner.A. AbsorbedB. AbsorbingC. Having absorbedD. To absorb2. Who ______ for the pollution of this lake?A. should blameB. is to be blamedC. is blamedD. is to blame3. The reform project ______ by Mr. White ______ at the meeting now.A. put forward; is discussedB. has been put forward, is being discussedC. is put forward; is discussedD. put forward, is being discussed4. In hot summer, you'd better ______ your skin ______ the sun.A. not expose, toB. not to expose, toC. not expose, forD. not to expose, in5. All the preparations for the task ______, we're ready to start.A. completedB. completeC. had been completedD. have been completed6. From the dates ______ on the gold coin, it is confirmed that it was made five hundred years ago.A. markingB. markedC. to be markedD. having been marked7. Who do you suspect ______ having stolen the wallet?A. withB. forC. ofD. about8. The man ______ in the chair asked me to ______.A. seated, seatedB. sitting, sittingC. seating, seatD. seated, be seated9. Does the way you thought of ______ the water clean make any sense?A. makingB. to makeC. how to makeD. having made10. The food ______ at the moment is for the dinner party.A. cookedB. to be cookedC. is being cookedD. being cooked11. ______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.A. ExposedB. Having exposedC. Being exposedD. After being exposed12. ----Sorry, I’m late again, sir. -----Well, what excuse can you ______ this time?A. makeB. make upC. take upD. give up13. When you are ______ about something, you are ______ to do whatever you can to get it.A. anxious, likelyB. eager, possibleC. enthusiastic, likelyD. connected, probable14. I will be very busy tonight because I have a troublesome problem to ______.A. join toB. devote toC. attend toD. do with15. It is considered to be almost a crime to ______ children to violence and sex on TV.A. approachB. discloseC. showD. expose16. As is known to all, fresh air ______ health.A. contributesB. contributes toC. helpsD. affects17. ______ more and more trees and glass planted, Zhengzhou looks much more beautiful now.A. SinceB. WithC. AsD. For18. As there is always much traffic on the road, Ken is ______ riding his bike.A. frightenedB. cautiouslyC. carefulD. curious19.July's joke doesn't ______, so no one laughs at all.A. make useB. make funC. make senseD. make up20. I finally proved that the outbreak of Cholera ______ people's drinking of polluted water.A. was close linked withB. was close connected withC. closely linked toD. was closely linked withBook 5 Unit 21. You can make yourself _____ in English pretty well if you keep on speaking the language.A. understandB. understoodC. understandingD. to understand2. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _____ the next year.A. carry outB. carrying outC. carried outD. to carry out3. The picture _____ on the wall is painted by my nephew.A. having hungB. hangingC. hangsD. being hung4. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _____ by the hour.A. payB. payingC. paidD. to pay5. There was a terrible noise _____ the sudden burst of light.A. followedB. followingC. to be followedD. being followed6. Nobody but doctors or nurses and those _____ by Dr. Smith _____ to enter the patient's room.A. invited, is allowedB. are invited, are allowedC. being invited, allowedD. invited, are allowed7. This problem may lead to more serious ones if _____ unsolved.A. makingB. remainedC. keepingD. left8. The Chinese _____ fifty six nationalities, each of whom has their own characteristics.A. is consisted ofB. consists inC. is made ofD. consists of9. We all demanded the new type of machine _____ put into use as soon as possible.A. refer toB. referred to beC. refer to beD. referring be10. The question is whether the research is ______ costs.A. worthB. worthyC. worthwhileD. worth of11. Dr. Smith, I’d like to ask you some advice for my future career. When are you _____ please?A. availableB. presentC. handyD. convenient12. _____ seems no need to wait any longer. Chances are that they won't turn up.A. ItB. HeC. ThereD. That13. While watching television, ______.A. the doorbell rangB. the doorbell ringsC. we heard the doorbell ringD. we heard the doorbell rings14. The novel only _____ the causes of the war, but doesn't do justice to the influence of the terrible killings.A. refers toB. makes upC. leaves outD. takes on15. I don't want to have the question of what to furnish our room with _____ about any more. We have to make quick decision.A. quarrelingB. to be quarreledC. quarreledD. to quarrel16. Come and see me when _____.A. you are convenientB. you will be convenientC. it is convenientD. it will be convenient to you17. Nothing _____ after the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed.A. remainedB. continuedC. leftD. kept18. Your actions should be _____ with your words.A. commonB. consistentC. sameD. similar19. _____ a letter from her parents, Lily is now looking forward to _____ from them.A. Having not received; hearB. Not received; hearC. Not having received; hearingD. Receiving not; hearing20. _____ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.A. To sleepB. SleepingC. SleepD. Having slept21. Last night Bill returned from his office to find his sister _____ unconsciously beside the sofa.A. lyingB. laidC. layingD. to lie22. They woke up _____ everything around _____A. found changedB. finding changedC. to find changingD. to find changed23. _____ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.A. Having lostB. LostC. Being lostD. Losing24. Mrs. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _____ went wrong again.A. itB. it repairedC. repairedD. to be repaired25. _____, they went home, _____.A. Their work had been finished; singing and laughingB. They had finished their work; sang and laughedC. Their work finished; singing and laughingD. after their work finished; singing and laughing26. _____ from space, the earth with water _____ 70%of its surface looks like a "blue blanket".A. Seen; coveredB. Being seen; coversC. Seeing; coveringD. Seen; covering27. _____ where to go, he asked a policeman.A. Having lost his way and not knowingB. Losing his way and didn't knowC. Having lost his way and didn't knowD. Lost his way and didn't knowBook 5 Unit 31. If _______ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.A. givingB. giveC. givenD. being given2. Please don't forget him. He is one of _______.A. those invitedB. invited thoseC. those invitingD. inviting those3. _______ in thought, he didn't notice me come in.A. LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To lose4. The work must be done by next week, so we must _______ our work.A. take upB. catch up withC. speed upD. assist in5. She treated the orphan very well _______ he were her own son.A. even ifB. as ifC. unlessD. until6. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _______ behind his back.A. being tiedB. having tiedC. to be tiedD. tied7. The research is so designed that once _______ nothing can be done to change it.A. begunB. having begunC. beginningD. begins8. The lecture, _______ at 7:00 p.m. last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescope.A. beginningB. beganC. having begunD. began9. The picture _______ us of the happy days in Qingdao last year.A. tellsB. remembersC. remindsD. thinks10. Cleaning women in big cities usually get _______ by the hour.A. payB. payingC. paidD. to pay11. Was the door of the room _______ the whole day?A. remained openingB. allowed openC. kept openedD. left open12. The horrible scene after the big earthquake was deeply _______ upon my mind.A. affectedB. expressedC. impressedD. presented13. Thousands of houses fell down in the earthquake in Taiwan. It seemed that everything happened _______.A. in a whileB. in a hurryC. in good timeD. in a flash14. I was about to give up the maths puzzle when an idea _______ upon my mind.A. hitB. struckC. flashedD. happened15. He _______ from a back seat to a front one so that he could see more.A. turnedB. changedC. switchedD. transported16. You will be required to _______ Mrs. Smith in preparing a report.A. assistB. helpC. offerD. afford17. It is required that every student _______ their homework on time.A. will hand inB. must hand overC. hands outD. hand in18. He will agree to do what you require _______ him.A. ofB. fromC. toD. for19. The plant may grow to a height of several meters, _______ soil conditions.A. depending onB. and depends onC. depends onD. to depend on20. _______ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.A. blamingB. blamedC. to blameD. to be blamed21. In our childhood, we were often _______ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.A. demandedB. remindedC. allowedD. hoped22. _______, the subject belongs to biology.A. strictly spokenB. spoken strictlyC. strictly speakingD. Speaking strictly23. Ford tried dividing the labour, each worker _______ a separate task.A. assigningB. assignedC. was assignedD. would be assigned24. I don't think he _______ experience.A. short ofB. lacks ofC. is short forD. lacks25. Though _______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. lackedB. lacking ofC. lackingD. lacked in26. Faced with a bill for $10,000, _______.A. John has taken an extra jobB. the boss has given John an extra jobC. an extra job has been takenD. an extra job has been given to John27. ------Will you go swimming with me this weekend? ------_______.A. All dependB. It dependsC. It depends onD. All depends on28. He looked around and caught a man _______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.A. putB. to be puttingC. to putD. putting29. ______ about the limited time, Smith had _______ a list of the sites he wanted to see in Beijing.A. Worried; writtenB. Worrying; writtenC. Worried; madeD. Worrying; made30. We had a good many anxious moments, but everything _______ smooth in the end.A. turned outB. turned downC. turned upD. turned on31. I’d rather have a room o f my own, however small it is, than _______ a room with others.A. to shareB. to have sharedC. shareD. sharing32. You should try to get a good night’s sleep _______ much work you have to do.A. howeverB. no matterC. althoughD. whatever33. He used to be a popular singer, but drug _______ his ruin.A. resulted fromB. contributed toC. attended toD. devoted to34. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _______ in my study.A. lockingB. lockedC. to lockD. being lockedBook 5 Unit 41. ----Would you come to see me tomorrow? ----_____________.A. It dependsB. That depends onC. It is dependedD. That depends so2. The woman _______ is so nervous that she can’t express herself clearly.A. having interviewedB. to be interviewedC. interviewedD. being interviewed3. ----You _______ part in the party in time. ----Sorry I was delayed by the accident.A. are supposed to takeB. have supposed to takeC. are supposed to have takenD. supposed to take4. ----Will $ 200 _______ the cost of the damage? ---- I'm afraid not. I need at least 100 more.A. doB. includeC. coverD. afford5. We won't _______ students staying up late.A. approve ofB. admit toC. agree withD. stick to6. Abbey is _______ me in the company, though she is five years _______; she came before me.A. senior to, juniorB. older to, juniorC. senior than, juniorD. older than, younger7. Only after _______ his homework _______ to go out and play with the children.A. he has finished, is allowedB. has he finished, is he allowedC. he has finished, he is allowedD. has he finished, he is allowed8. The old man always carries an umbrella with him _______ it rains.A. ifB. unlessC. in caseD. so that9. Thank you for keeping me _______ of everything that' s happening.A. informB. informedC. informingD. being informed10. She was _______ cheating customers and was fired.A. accused forB. charged ofC. scolded forD. accused of11. Now all of us live in a situation _______ we compete with others to make progress.A. whatB. at whichC. whereD. that12. The food have been _______, and you don't need to cook it again.A. producedB. storedC. processedD. changed13. He arrived there _______ time and avoided that last -minute rush to the store.A. in front ofB. out ofC. apart fromD. ahead of14. The journalist finally _______ his article to the editor.A. submittedB. permittedC. admittedD. accused15. ---Mary had a wonderful time at the party. ---- _______ , and _________.A. So she did; so did IB. So did she; so did IC. so she had; so I didD. So had she; so I did16. Not until the war was over _______ to school.A. that the children could goB. the children couldn’t goC. could the children goD. the children could go17. Only when your identity has been checked _______.A. you are allowed inB. you’ll be allowed inC. will you allow inD. will you be allowed in18. No sooner _______ to bed than he fell asleep.A. he had goneB. had he goneC. he wentD. did he go19. _______ will we give in to the difficulties. Which of the answers can’t be chosen?A. On no conditionB. At no timeC. In no timeD. Never20. Next door to ours _______, who has just returned form abroad.A. where lives an old manB. where does an old man liveC. lives an old manD. does an old man live21. We are _______ by doctors to eat more natural food and take plenty of physical exercises.A. suggestedB. warned ofC. informedD. advised22. This book is said to be a special one which _____ many events not found in other history books.A. writesB. coversC. printsD. reads23. _______ a little more time to think, he might have acted more sensibly.A. If he tookB. If he has takenC. Had he takenD. Should he take24. Beneath our feet _______ that our life depends on for food and clothing.A. the earth layB. the earth liesC. lie the earthD. lies the earth25. _______ different opinions on his question.A. There existB. There existingC. There existsD. There were existed26. _______ and broke it.A. Down fell the coffee cupB. He dropped the coffee cupC. Down was the coffee cup fallenD. The coffee cup fell down27. _______, he knows a lot about space and satellite.A. A child as he isB. As he is a childC. Child althoughD. Child though he is28. I finally got the job I dreamt about. Never in my life _______ so happy.A. did I feelB. I feltC. I had feltD. had I feltBook 5 Unit 51. Sugar is not an important element in bread, but flour is _______.A. uniqueB. essentialC. naturalD. adequate2. My chest _______ when I take a deep breath, doctor.A. hurtsB. woundsC. harmsD. injure3. The fellow felt rather _______ as he was the only person that wore sportswear at the party.A. in placeB. out of placeC. by the wayD. in the way4. _______ on the snake led to his own death.A. The farmer’s taking pityB. The farmer takingC. The farmer tookD. The farmer to take5. --- Brad was Jane’s brother!--- _______ he reminded me so much of Jane!A. No doubtB. Above allC. No wonderD. Of course6. Although _______ to stop, he kept on working.A. tellB. tellingC. having toldD. Told7. _______ as he is, he has turned _______ professional writer.A. A teenager, aB. Teenager, /C. Teenager , aD. A teenager, /8. He was lucky in the accident, but his car was totally _______.A. destroyedB. ruinedC. hurtD. damaged9. As time went by, the theory he had stuck _______ correct.A. to provingB. provedC. to provedD. to be proved10. He _______ the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste came out.A. pulledB. knockedC. squeezedD. forced11. Many people like white as a color as it is a _______ of purity.A. symbolB. signC. signalD. symptom12. He was about to tell me the secret _______ someone patted him on the shoulder.A. asB. untilC. whileD. when13. It was _______ back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he goB. until midnight that he goC. not until midnight that he wentD. until midnight when he didn't go14. ----Where was it _______ the road accident happened yesterday? -----In front of the market.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. how15. ---Can I watch TV play, mom? --- Didn't i tell you not _____ before you finish your homework?A. to doB. to watchC. toD./16. The manager has got a good business_______ so the company is doing well.A. ideaB. senseC. thoughtD. thinking17. -----Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation? -----It _______.A. all dependB. all dependsC. is all dependedD. is all depending18. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not, you may _______ run over by a car.A. haveB. getC. becomeD. turn19. It doesn't _______ any difference to me whether you tell me the truth.A. goB. fallC. getD. make20. He got _______ when he tried to save the child from the _______ house.A. to burn, burningB. a burn, burntC. burning, burnedD. burned, burning21. ----Mother, I've cut my finger and I'm bleeding.---- Press a clean piece of cloth on the _______ first and i will call the doctor.A. hurtB. injuryC. woundD. harm22. In case of _______ fire, break the glass and push _______ red button.A. /, aB. /, theC. the, theD. a, a23. Correct the mistakes in the passage if_______.A. there is someB. anyC. someD. it is any24. These burns are not serious and should feel better _______.A. within a day or twoB. within one day or two days.C. in a day and twoD. in one or two day's time25. As soon as all the desks and chairs are _______, we can let the competitors in.A. in the placeB. on the placeC. in placeD. on place。
3. To preve nt this from happe ning aga in, Joh n Snow suggested that the source of allwatersupplies be exam in ed.suggest 意为”建议”时,宾语从句谓语动词应使用虚拟.4. The second suggestedthat people absorbed this disease into their bodies with theirmeals.suggest 意为”认为,指出,提出,暗示”时,宾语从句谓语动词则使用陈述语气 5. Only if you put the sun there did the moveme nts of the other pla nets in the sky make sen se.Only +状语/状语从句位于句首,主句需用倒装 If only 如果…就好了”,后接虚拟条件句.语法:过去分词作表语和定语英语中动词如果不作谓语时叫非谓语动词。
非谓语动词分为:不定式(to do )、动词-ing 形式(doing )和过去分词(done )) 过去分词的作用:1. 与助动词一起构成谓语:1) 过去分词与have/ has/ hac 一起构成完成时。
2) 过去分词与be 动词一起构成被动语态。
2. 非谓语动词用法作为非谓语动词在句子中作定语、状语、表语和宾语补足语。
Unit 1 Great scie ntists 2. draw a con clusi on 得出结论 3. be/get un der con trol 在 .. 控制下be/get out of co ntrol 失去控制,不能操纵5. be to blame 应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动) blame sb. for sth.因某事责备某人6. in addition 也,另外,此外7. li nk...to...将…和…连接或联系起来8. die of 因…而死亡(内因) die from 因…而死亡(外因)9. lead to 导致,通向11. apart from 除…之外,此外12. con tribute to 为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于 13. be en thusiastic about 对… 热情 14. be curious about 对…好奇 16. point of view 态度,观点,看法 17. (be ) strict with sb.对某人要求严格 二、句型:过去分词作定语2. have sth done请某人来做某事/遭遇,经历,体验 1.过去分词作定语的位置单个过去分词作定语时,多放在被修饰词前,而分词短语多放在被修饰词后。
必修五复习题Unit 11. An interesting suggestion on how to measure the temperature on the moon has been _____.A. put onB. put outC. put downD. put forward2. These boys were so _____ in the game they were playing that they didn ’t notice the teacher entering the classroom.A. engagedB. attractedC. absorbedD. drawn3. According to the driver ’s explanation, it was not his carelessness b ut the bad road conditions that ____ for the accident.A. was to blameB. was to be blamedC. were to be blamedD. were toblame4. He always brings me a pretty gift _____ he comes to visit me.A. by the timeB. every timeC. sometimesD. at times5. Finding information in today ’s world is easy. The ____ is how you can tel l whether theinformation you get is useful or not.A. abilityB. competitionC. challengeD. knowledge6. Eating too much fat can ___ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. result fromB. contribute toC. attend toD. devote to7. I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any ____ to me.A. meaningB. importanceC. senseD. sign8. When driving on the busy road, you can never be _____.A. cautiousB. too cautiousC. carefulD. too careless9. It is being caught in traffic that ____ being late for work.A. devotes toB. sticks toC. refers toD. leads to10. The government has taken ___ steps to strengthen safety in schools. Parents are quite satisfied with them.A. cautiousB. severeC. negativeD. positive11. He offered to give a hand to the beautiful woman but was ____.A. rejectedB. suspectedC. instructedD. handled12. I ’m calling to enquire about the position ____ in yesterday ’s China Daily. A. advertisedB. to be advertisedC. advertisingD. having advertised13. A great number of students ____ said they were forced to practice the piano.A. to questionB. to be questionedC. questionedD. questioning14. Five p eople won the “China ’s Green Figure ” award, a title ____ to ordinary peoplefor their contributions to environmental protections.A. being givenB. is givenC. givenD. was given15. Mrs White showed her students some old maps ____ from the library.A. to borrowB. to be borrowedC. borrowedD. borrowingUnit 21. The mother, who herself had been admitted at the age of five, felt unable to ___ from the group.A. break awayB. break outC. break inD. break up2. A quarrel ___, which made him ___ his family.A. was broken out; break awayB. broke out; break away fromC. was broken away; break downD. broke down; break out3. The team ___ 10 experts from different universities.A. is consisted ofB. consists ofC. made up ofD. makes up4. ---Why did you ____ the fourth paragraph of your rewritten composition? ---Because I think it was not necessary and off the point. A. sweep upB. put forwardC. take upD. leave out5. A monument was built ___ the people who died in the earthquake.A. in memory ofB. in place ofC. in need ofD. in praise of 6. ---How about your journey to Mount Tai?---Everything was terrible because there were so many people. What ’s worse, our car ____ twice on the way.A. slowed downB. put downC. got downD. broke down7. Nowadays, electric bikes are popular among people, ___ motorbikes in many cities and the countryside in our country.A. take the place ofB. take charge ofC. taking the place ofD. taking charge of8. The recent study has shown that people ’s attitudes towards protecting the environment aren’t ___ with their behavior in daily life.\ A. reliableB. consistentC. positiveD. enthusiastic9. Muc h to her ____, her son didn’t fail the exam. Instead, he passed.A. disappointmentB. delightC. angerD. puzzle10. Though ___ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.A. surprisingB. was surprisedC. surprisedD. being surprised11. Li Ping stood silently with her arms _____.A. foldingB. to foldC. foldedD. being folded12. Helen had to shout ____ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hearB. to make herself hearC. making herself heardD. to make herself heard13. With a lot of difficult problems ___, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.A. settledB. settlingC. to settleD. being settled14. When his wife returned, the husband noticed her hair ____ short.A. cuttingB. to be cutC. being cutD. cut15. The result of the entrance exam was not made ____ to the public until last Sunday.A. knowingB. knownC. knewD. to be knownUnit 31. The government ____ smoking and drinking but not taking drugs.A. suggestsB. forbidsC. ordersD. tolerates2. She went through a period of emotional ___ after her marriage broke up.A. changeB. applicationC. collectionD. adjustment3. Everything will be all right. We must never stop taking a(n) ____ attitude towards life.A. understandingB. oppositeC. relaxedD. optimistic4. On Sunday morning after getting up, I helped my mother ____ our rooms and wash dirty clothes.A. sweep upB. carry upC. keep upD. speed up5. If you ____ Mary, ask her to come and see me.A. lose sight ofB. catch sight ofC. are in the sight ofD. are at the sight of6. She spoke confidently because she wanted to make a good ___ on her employer.A. influenceB. pressureC. impressionD. effect7. In our childhood, we were often ____ by grandma to pay attention to our table manners.A. demandedB. remindedC. allowedD. hoped8. The lights in the harbor ___ the ship to the port.A. guidedB. ledC. carriedD. made9.---Which team is ____ to win the game? ----I don ’t know, but I ’ve found____ that ours will win.A. probable; it unlikelyB. likely; it possibleC. possible; it possibleD. likely; possibly10.Standing at the top of the hill, he saw the train gradually ___ and disappeared in thedistance.A. swept upB. picked upC. put upD. speeded up11.The machine is so advanced that it will start ___ you press the button.A. the instantB. the instantlyC. on the instantD. for an instant12.The earth and sand ____ the houses in a flash.A. blew upB. made upC. brought upD. swallowed up13.We should take all the bottles and newspapers to ____.A. recycleB. throwC. cycleD. store14.____ from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.A. SeenB. SeeingC. Having SeenD. To see15.____ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.A. Having givenB. To giveC. GivingD. Given16._____ from the moon, our earth, with water ____ about seventy percent of its surface, appears like a blue ball.A. Seen; coveredB. Seeing; coveringC. Seen; coveringD. Seeing; covered Unit 41.You have to listen for detailed facts. ____ you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.A. HoweverB. MeanwhileC. ThereforeD. Otherwise2.Having failed my French exam, I decided to ___ on science subjects.A. concentrateB. devoteC. absorbD. fix3.----Why did the police take him away?----Because he was ____ stealing.A. accused forB. accused toC. accused ofD. accused at4.The young driver kept silent about the accident ____ lose his job.A. so as not toB. so as notC. so not as toD. so that not 5.His ____ was to inquire into the cause of the accident.A. agreementB. assignmentC. movementD. judgement6.In order to ___ a good knowledge of English, he gave up his job and went to study inan English school.A. requireB. inquireC. acquireD. address7.----How long are you staying?---- I don’t know. ___________.A. That’s OK.B. Never mindC. It dependsD. It doesn’t matter8.---Bob, are you free at the moment? I have to ask you some questions.--- ____________.A. It’s a pleasureB. Ask, pleaseC. Help yourselfD. Yes, go ahead9.The _____ measurement of shoulder width is an important step to make a good suit.A. accurateB. excellentC. efficientD. consistent10.She doesn’t want to take her boyfriend home in case her parents don’t ___ himA. agree withB. agree onC. approve ofD. approve to11.Mrs. White is due to arrive on Thursday. _____, what do we do?A. AnywayB. MeanwhileC. ThereforeD. Particularly12. If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an ___ with secretary first.A. admissionB. agreementC. appointmentD. assumption13.Plan your shopping ___ time. Avoid last-minute rushes to the grocery store whenyour are hungry.A. in front ofB. out ofC. ahead ofD. apart from14.In the dark forest _____, some large enough to hold several towns.A. stand many lakesB. lie many lakesC. many lakes lieD. many lakesstand15._______ snacks and drinks, but also they brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.A. Not only they boughtB. Not only did they bringC. Not only brought theyD. Not only they did bring16.Only when he reached the tea-house ____ it was the same place he’d been in last year.A. he realizedB. he did realizeC. realized heD. did he realize17.---It’s nice. Never before ___ such a special drink!----I’m glad you like it.A. I have hadB. I hadC. have I hadD. had IUnit 51.Young people should be full of youthful spirit, and can not lose heart due to ___ frustration.A. permanentB. temporaryC. everlastingD. short-lived2.The most ____ pain in the world is to be parted in life, and separated by death.A. unbelievableB. unbearableC. unableD. unbroken3.The little boy cuts his finger and it’s ______.A. bleedingB. pouringC. squeezingD. choking4.Eye contact is of great importance because wrong contact may create a communication ____.A. barrierB. questionC. conflictD. campaignlions of tons of waste and ____ gases _____ into the air with the smoke.A. poison; sendB. poison; are sentC. poisonous; sendD. poisonous; are sent6._____ on the MSN, some people often use “88” for “goodbye”.A. When chatB. When chattingC. When chattedD. When to chat 7.He did the experiment ____ until he succeeded.A. over againB. over and over againC. once againD. time over time8.---I’d love to go with you to the concert, but I’m short of money these days.---That’s all right. __________.A.We are friends, and we should help each otherB. It will be my treatC. You know I’m a millionaireD. I’ve got enough money9.A number of students ____ come to the lecture, but the exact number ___ still unknown.A. have; isB. has; isC. have; areD. has; are10. Life is very hard in the city. In order to escape ____ some people drink alcohol.A. characterB. evidenceC. pressureD. temper11. They were walking along the shore _____ a huge wave appeared out of nowhere, sweeping them out to sea.A. whileB. asC. whenD. since12. ---Why did you cancel your trip to New York?----We were just about to leave ___ it started to snow.A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. since13.Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow? ______, I will do some shopping alone.A. If notB. If soC. If you doD. If you can’t14. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day,____ accompanied by an adult.A. onceB. whenC. ifD. unless15.One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and ________.A. the other is whiteB. another is whiteC. the other whiteD. another white。
高一必修五知识点复习(语文 数学 英语)
E5 各单元知识点在高考中的典例1.I failed in the final exam last term and only then ______ the importance of studies.A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. had I realizedD. did I realized2.You _____ all those calculations! We have a computer to do that sort of thing.A. needn’tB. shouldn’t have doneC. must not have doneD. cannot have done3.----- The last one ____ pays the meal.----- Agreed! A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving4. Does this meat cost $50? I _____ something for better than this! A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose5. ----- We have booked a room for today and tomorrow.----- _________, sir. A. I `m sure B. My pleasure C. It `s all right D. I `ll check6. ______ felt funny watching myself on TV. A. One B. This C. It D. That7. At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _________ could be heard outside the classroom.A. opened and closedB. to be opened and closedC. being opened and closedD. to open and close8. ----- Excuse me, sir. Where is Room 301?----- Just a minute. I `ll have Bob __________ you to your room.A. showB. showsC. to showD. showing9. He is a student at Oxford University, _________ for a degree in computer science.A. studiedB. studyingC. to have studiedD. to be studying10. Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _______ lift in the house.A. anythingB. everythingC. nothingD. something11. The office is wonderful! It doesn’t taste like anything I __________ before.A. was havingB. haveC. have ever hadD. had ever had12. The hero’s story _____ differently in the newspapers.A. was reportedB. was reportingC. reportsD. reported13. The storm left, ____ a lot of damage to this area.A. causedB. to have causedC. to causeD. having caused14. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _______, he gladly accepted it.A. finishedB. finishingC. having finishedD. was finishing15. ------ Did Peter fix the computer himself?------ He______ , because he doesn’t know much about computers.A. has it fixedB. had fixed itC. had it fixedD. fixed it16. Emergency line operators must always _____ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. A. grow B. appear C. become D. stay17. Equipped with modern facilities, today `s libraries differ greatly from ________.A. those of the pastB. the pastC. which of the pastD. these past18. You _____ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. may not19. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _______ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.A. whereB. what C . that D. how20. If only I _____ the film ----- Gone with the wind. A. has seen B. saw C. have seen D. see21. Mary came in , _____ by her dog. A. following B. to follow C. followed D. being followed22. Does this meat cost $50? I __________ something far better than this.A. preferB. expectC. suggestD. suppose23. John is very lazy. He falls ________ behind in his studies. A. very B. far C. more D. still24. Tom, you _____ leave all your clothes on the floor like this! A. wouldn `t B. mustn`t C. needn`t D. may not25. ----- The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.----- Don`t worry. We have already _____ two thirds of it.A. got downB. got throughC. given inD. given a way26. I thinks it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone , for I sometimes want to make sure if he _________ home for dinner. A. come B. comes C. has come D. will come27. ----- What did your parents think about your decision ?----- They always let me do ____ I think I should. A. when B. that C. how D. what28. _____ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless29. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ________ I thought was a dangerous speed.A. asB. whichC. whatD. that30. When I opened the door, I found my son sitting in his chair, completely ____ a magazine.A. absorbing inB. absorbed inC. absorbing toD. absorbed by31. ----- Isn`t that Ann`s husband over there?----- No, it _______ be him. I `m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.A. can `tB. must notC. won `tD. may not32. I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize _______ silly mistakes I had made.A. whatB. thatC. howD. which33. The final examination is coming up soon. It `s time to ______ our studies.A. get down toB. get outC. get back forD. get over34. I failed in the final examination last term and only then _____ the importance of studies.A. I realizedB. I had realizedC. had I realizedD. did I realize35. In the dark forests ____ , some large enough to hold several English towns.A. stand many lakesB. lie many lakesC. many lakes lieD. many lakes stand36. We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _______ that all children like these things.A. thinkingB. thinkC. to thinkD. thought37. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _____ the desert.A. coveringB. coveredC. coverD. to cover38. Never in my widest dreams _____ these people are living in such poor conditions.A. I could imagineB. could I imagineC. I couldn’t `t imagineD. couldn’t I imagine39. The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will _________ have been solved by the end of next week. A. eagerly B. hopefully C. immediately D. gradually\40. We always keep _______ spare paper, in case we run out.A. too muchB. a number ofC. plenty ofD. a good many41. ----- I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom ______ so lonely as now.A. have I leltB. I had feltC. I have feltD. had I felt42. ----- Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.----- Sorry. With so much work ____ my mind, I almost break down.A. filledB. fillingC. to fillD. being filled43. We firmly believe that war never settles anything . It only _____ violence.A. runs intoB. come fromC. leads toD. begins with44. ----- My room gets very cold at night.----- _________. A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does45. _________, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.A. Strange as might it soundB. As it might sound strangeC. As strange it might soundD. Strange as it might sound46. _______ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.A. SinceB. UnlessC. AsD. Although47. After he retired from office, Rogers ________ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.A. took upB. saved upC. kept upD. drew up48. ----- There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.----- My goodness! I can `t imagine _____ that old.A. to beB. to have beenC. beingD. having been49. I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have ______ heard of her.A. evenB. everC. justD. never50. The traffic lights _____ green and I pulled away. A. came B. grew C. got D. went 语法精炼:Unit 1一、单选。
1、最灵繁的人也看不见自己的背脊。——非洲 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。——希腊 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。——周恩来 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根
41、实际上,我们想要的不是针对犯 罪的法 律,而 是针对 疯狂的 法律。 ——马 克·吐温 42、法律的力量应当跟随着公民,就 像影子 跟随着 身体一 样。— —贝卡 利亚 43、法律和制度必须跟上人类思想进 步。— —杰弗 逊 44、人类受制于法律,法律受制于情 理。— —
Unit 1 Great scientists一、短语1. put forward 提出2. draw a conclusio n 得出结论3. be/get under control 在……控制下be/get out of control失去控制,不能操纵5. be to blame 应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动)blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人6. in addition 也,另外,此外7. link...to... 将…和…连接或联系起来8. die of 因…而死亡(内因)die from 因…而死亡(外因)9. lead to 导致,通向11. apart from 除…之外,此外12. contribute to 为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于13. be enthusiastic about 对…热情14. be curious about 对…好奇16. point of view 态度,观点,看法17.(be)strict with sb. 对某人要求严格二、句型:1. be to blame 受责罚(主动形式表被动)2. have sth done 请某人来做某事/ 遭遇,经历,体验3. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all watersupplies be examined.suggest 意为”建议”时, 宾语从句谓语动词应使用虚拟.4. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.suggest 意为”认为, 指出, 提出, 暗示”时, 宾语从句谓语动词则使用陈述语气5. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.Only + 状语/ 状语从句位于句首, 主句需用倒装If only “如果…就好了”, 后接虚拟条件句.语法:过去分词作表语和定语英语中动词如果不作谓语时叫非谓语动词。
Unit1 Great Scientists1. He became ____ when he heard the ____ news.A. inspired; inspiredB. inspiring; inspiringC. inspired; inspiringD. inspiring; inspired2. There will be a time _____ people can cure patients____ caner.A. in which; of B; in which; for C. when; to D. when; with3. _____ in his book, he did not notice me.A. AbsorbedB. AbsorbingC. To be absorbedD. To be absorbing4. The student, together with his friends, ____.A. is to be blamedB. should blameC. are to be blamedD. is to blame5. Before taking medicine read the _____ on the bottle carefully.A. introductionB. instructionsC. directionD. constructions6. Can you ______ this poem?A. make senseB. make sense ofC. make a senseD. make a sense of7. I saw him _____ behind the tree thinking.A. satB. seatingC. seatedD. seat8. The evidence led to the thief _____.A. being caughtB. to be caughtC. caughtD. to catch9. The thief was brought in with his hands _____.A. tieB. to be tiedC. being tiedD. tied10. Everyone should be _____ his career so he can make great progress.A. tired ofB. strict withC. familiar toD. enthusiastic about11. There is a road ____ to our school.A. ledB. leadingC. to leadD. being led12. It is _____ film that I would like to see it a third time.A. such an interestingB. so an interestingC. such interestingD. so interesting an13. The question is very difficult _____; you’d better ask for help.A. dealt withB. dealing withC. to deal withD. to be dealt14. The meeting, _____ by one thousand students, was a success.A. was attendedB. attendingC. attendedD. being attended15. No one could ____ a better plan that this one. Consequently we decided to adopt it.B. look forward toC. put forward toD. put forwardUnit 2 The United Kingdom1.The group, ______ three men and five women, did the best.A. consisted ofB. making upC. consisting ofD. made up2. The class, ______ into five groups, are carrying outthe project.A. dividedB. dividingC. separatedD. separating3. Drought ______ across China and attacked many people in 2010.A. broke upC. broke downD. broke out4. If ______, please come to see this afternoon.A. you are convenientB. you will be convenientC. it is convenient to youD. it will be convenient to you5. I regret to say that I _____ the important point.A. stood outB. left outC. worked outD. tired out6. When I am out, he will ______.A. take place of meB. take me placeC. in place of meD. take my place7. Don’t quarrel ____ your sister ____ unimportant things.A. about; withB. with; withC. about; aboutD. with; about8. The beauty of Hangzhou is ______.A. beyond controlB. beyond descriptionC. beyond repairD. beyond delight9. – Could you _____ the first point please?-- I don’t unde rstand it completely.A. cleanB. clarifyC. clearD. clarify10. The band played many songs, _____ some of my favorites.A. includingB. includedC. to includeD. includes11. What he does can’t be ______ what he says.A. agree withB. related toC. closed toD. connected with12. It is ______ taking the trouble ______ a job fully to new employees.A. worthwhile; to explainB. worthy; explainingC. worthy; to takeD. worthwhile; explaining13. ______, his passed the exam.A. Much to his delightfulB. To much his delightedC. Much to his delightD. To much his delight14. The man _____ a hero was respected by the local people.A. refer toB. refer to asC. referred toD. referred to as15. When you are out, please leave the door ______.A. closeB. closingC. closedD. closesUnit 3 Life in the Future1.She couldn’t _____ the pain anymore and screamed loudly.A. releaseB. tolerateC. feelD. foresee2. Everything will be all right. We must never stop takea(n ______ attitude towards life.A. understandingB. oppositeC. relaxedD. optimistic3. Though ______ money, his parents managed to send him to college.A. lackingB. lackedC. lacking ofD. lacked in4. Look, ______ bright moon is hanging high in _______ sky.A. a; aB. the; theC. a; theD. the; a5. The woman became anxious because she lost ________ of her child in the supermarket.A. sightB. viewC. lookD. guard6. I will give back the book ______ I see you.A. the instantB. for an instantC. in an instantD. at that instant7. In order to keep fit, he _______ cycling in the morning.A. takes inB. takes offC. takes upD. takes away8. I’m afraid you have to _____, or you will be late for school.A. pick upB. speed upC. turn upD. take up9. China left a good ______ them so they made up theirmind to build a large factory.A. influence ofB. imagination onC. expression toD. impression on10. _____ in thought, he didn’t take notice of me.A. LosingB. LostC. Having lostD. To be lost11. When you have finished that book, don’t forget to put it back on the shelf, ______?A. do youB. don’t youC. will youD. won’t you12. The _____ book _____ me deeply.A. interesting; interestingB. interested; interestedC. interested; interestingD. interesting; interested13. Great changes ______ in our village ______.A. have been taken place; in the last few yearsB. have taken place; in the last few yearsC. take place; in the past few yearsD. took place; in the past few years14. Hearing a strange sound, the birds flew ______.A. to all directionB. in every directionsC. in all directionsD. to every direction15. Please _____ yourself _____ the new life here.A. adjust; toB. adapt; ofC. adopt; forD. adjust; ofUnit 4 Making the News1.The boy couldn’t ______ his study because of the noise outside.A. set downB. concentrate onC. go throughD. join in2. My mother doesn’t approve ______ abroad to study before graduation from high school.A. me to goB. me to goingC. of me to goD. of me going3. ______ be seen by others, he slid into the classroom from the back door.A. In order to notB. In order not toC. So as not toD. So as to not4. – You girlfriend might ______ you of dishonesty.-- Oh, my God. I was telling her the truth.A. informB. remindC. warnD. accuse5. The boy, _____ in the accident, is being questioned by the police.A. involvedB. involvingC. involvesD. to involve6. Without enough evidence, the judge couldn’t find him ______ the crime.A. guilt ofB. guilty ofC. guilt toD. guilty to7. Don’t always admire others _____ what they ha ve. In fact, you have as much.A. toB. inC. withD. for8. Pleased keep me ______ the latest news by giving me a call.A. inform; ofB. informed; toC. informed; ofD. informing; to9. He said something _______ to make me angry.A. deliberatelyB. by purposeC. on designD. deliberate10. He was sleeping _____ he suddenly felt his bed was shaking.A. whileB. whenC. when at whichD. as11. ______ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggestB. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who shouldD. Do you suggest whom should12. If you want to see the latest film, you have to book a ticket ______.A. ahead of timeB. ahead timeC. advanceD. in advanced13. You computer needs ______.A. updatedB. updatesC. to updateD. updating14. There are many cases _____ students know a lot of words but they can not write an article.A. whichB. whereC. whenD. how15. He demanded that the books ________ immediately.A. should sendB. would be sentC. be sentD. will be sentUnit5 First Aid1. He ____ill last week. That is to say, he has _____ ill for seven days.A. has been; has fallenB. has fallen; has beenC. fell; has beenD. has fallen; was2. A number of students ____ invited and the number ____ about 50.A. was; wasB. were; wereC. was; wereD. were; was3. If the new technology is ______ my work, I can do it more efficiently.A. applying toB. used toC. applied toD. using to4. It _______ me whether you go or not.A. makes difference toB. makes a difference toC. makes influence toD. makes no influence to5. – Tom, what a mess in your room!-- Sorry, mum. I will place everything back ______.A. in returnB. in controlC. in placeD. in need6. –What is the matter with you?-- I can not put my hands ____ the key to the room.A. toB. onC. withD. for7. After I folded the paper ______, I managed to press it into the hole.A. over and over againB. now and thenC. up and downD. here and there8. Jim has not got any hobbies – ______ you call watching TV a hobby.A. ifB. onceC. unlessD. because9. One side of the card should be painted red, and ______.A. the other is redB. another is resC. the other redD. another red10. She is eager _____ success, but anxious _____ not passing the exam.A. for; aboutB. to; forC. for; toD. about; for11. Jerry was playing football and Tom _____ playing volleyball.A. howeverB. thereforeC. oftenD. meanwhile12. I just avoided _____ over the cat.A. runB. to runC. runningD. to be run13. ______ to see you again that I can’t wait any longer.A. So eager I amB. So eager am IC. Too eager am ID. Am I so eager14. The story ____ that he was once rich but we can see nothing of it.A. speaksB. goesC. getsD. talks15. The museum was built ____ the dead.A. in honor ofB. in the honorC. in honorD. in the honor ofGrammar (unit1, 2 and 3 过去分词做定语,表语,宾补和状语1.-- Is this the computer you ______ last week?--That’s ______.A. had it repaired; the oneB. repaired it; itC. had repaired; itD. had repaired; the one2. He insisted that the thief ______ to be sent to the police station.A. refersB. referC. referredD. referring3. The book is written with lively pictures, which makes it _______.A. easily understoodB. easy to be understoodC. easy understandingD. to understand easily4. ______ in writing, he had no time to notice me.A. InterestedB. MovedC. SurprisedD. Engaged5. The policeman put down the phone, ______ with a smile on his face.A. satisfiedB. satisfyingC. to be satisfiedD. having satisfied6. He sat still in the chair, with his eyes ______.A. closingB. closedC. closeD. to close7. Mr. Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _______ went wrong again.A. repairedB. it repairedC. itD. to be repaired8. One afternoon, Mrs Green went to the market, ______ some bananas and visited her cousin.A. buyingB. boughtC. to buyD. buys9. Some of the experiments ______ in the book are easy to perform.A. describingB. to be describedC. describedD. to describe10. The flowers his friends gave him will die unless______ every day.A. to waterB. wateringC. waterD. watered11. _____ his talent, he could do the work well.A. ConsideringB. ConsideredC. To considerD. To be considered12. _______ in 1700, this university is very famous.A. Being foundedB. FoundedC. FoundingD. To found13. The meeting _____ yesterday was a success.A. heldB. being heldC. holdingD. having been held14. The meeting ______ now is under way.必修五知识点&语法点复习题 A. held B. holding C. being held D. having been held 15. The meeting ______ tomorrow will be successful. A. held B. having been held C. being held D. to be held 16. Because my _____ English, I can not make myself______. A. broken; understand B. broken; understood C. break; understood D. breaking; understanding 17. I am pleased to see the problem _____ so quickly. A. settled B. having beensettled C. be settled D. settle 18. – Why did you go back to the shop? -- I left my friend ______ there. A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waits 19. He looked around and caught the man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A.putting B. to be putting C. to put D. put 20. The result of the entrance exam was not made ______ to the public untillast Thursday. A. knowing B. to know C. to be known D. known Grammar of unit 4 部分倒装 1. _____ snacks and drink, but they also bought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bring C. Not only bought they D. Not only they did bring 2. Not until all the fish died in the river ______ how serious the pollution was. A. the villagers did realize B. the villagers did they bring C. did the villagers realize D. didn’t the villagers realize 3. Unsatisfied _____ with the payment, he took the job just to get some working experience.A. though he wasB. though was heC. he was thoughD. was he though 4. Not until the motorbike looked almost new ______ repairing and cleaning it. A. he stopped B. did he stop C. stopped he D. he did stop 5. _______ you eat the correct foods ______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy. A. Unless; you will B. Only if; you will C. Unless; will you D. Only if; will you 6. _____ that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere. A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her business C. So her business was successful D. So was her successful business 7. In front of the stadium _____, waiting for her friend. A. she stood B. stood she C. did she stand D. she did stand 8. So absorbed _____ in his work thatshe didn’t realize that she was coming up to him. A. he is B. is he C. he was D. was he 9. Only when ____given special permission, ____write in pencil. A. are you, you may B. you are, you may C. are you, may you D. you are, may you 10. Seldom _____any mistake during my past fifteen years ofservice here. A. I did make B. did I make C. should I make D.I made 6必修五知识点&语法点复习题 11. Hardly ______ the airport when the plane took off. A. I had arrived at B. had I arrived C. had I reached D. I had got to 12. —Have you ever seen anything like that before? —No, ______ anything like that before. A. I never have seen B. never I have seen C. never have I seen D. I have seen 13. She is not fond of cooking,_____ I. A. so am B. nor am C. neither D. nor do 14. Soloudly ______that ______hear her clearly. A. did she speak; could everyone B. did she speak; everyone could C. she spoke; could everyone D. she spoke; everyone could 15.______, he's honest. A. As he is poor B. Poor is he C. Poor as he is D. Poor as is he Grammar of Unit 5 省略 1. —Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? —Yes, _______, I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city。
新人教版高中英语必修五(unit 1--- unit 5)重要知识点复习题1.____ was most important to her, she told me, was her family.A. ItB. ThisC. WhatD. As2. It was not until midnight _____ they reached the camp site.A. thatB. whenC. whileD. as3. ---How do you _____ we go to Beijing for our holiday?--- I think we’d better fly there. It is much more comfortable.A. insistB. wantC. supposeD. suggest4. Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he wasn’t the one_____.A. blamedB. blamingC. to blameD. to be blamed5. I don’t know who ____ for the broken window.A. to be blamedB. to blameC. is to blameD. is to be blamed6. The manager required to be kept ____ everything happening in the company while he was away.A. informing ofB. informed ofC. informD. informed7. My brother’s pale face suggested that he ____ ill, and my parents suggested that he ____ a medical examination.A. be; should haveB. was; haveC. should be; hadD. was; has8. The police are searching the town for Mr. Smith, who they think is _____ to the murder.A. concernedB. linkedC. unitedD. involved9. Every time he ____ to visit me, he ____ buy me some books.A. will come; willB. comes; willC. comes; wouldD. will come; would10. I don’t think the wound in his leg will ____ his decision to enter for the English competition.A. effectB. affectC. disturbD. interrupt11. The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it.A. beginsB. begunC. beginningD. having begun12. _____ production by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Through13. The first textbooks _____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A. having writtenB. to be writtenC. being writtenD. written14. The boy has a handsome face ____ the scar on the his forehead.A. exceptB. besidesC. other thanD. apart from15. Eating too much fat can ____ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. result fromB. devote toC. contribute toD. attend to16. It _____ to chat online all day long. You’d better do something else.A. makes no senseB. makes no differenceC. makes senseD. makes difference17. The discovery of the new evidence led to ______.A. the thief having caughtB. catch the thiefC. the thief being caughtD. the thief to be caught18. The growing of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, ______ are beyond our control.A. most of themB. most of whichC. most of whatD. most of that19. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, ______ New York is an example.A. for whichB. in whichC. of whichD. from which20. _____ you eat the correct foods _____ be able to keep fir and stay healthy.A. Only if; will youB. Only if; you willC. Unless; will youD. Unless; you will21. _____ I used to go mountain-climbing every summer.A. At a timeB. At one timeC. At timesD. At the same time22. Please remain_____; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.A. seatingB. seatedC. to be seatedD. sat23. Can those___ at the back of the classroom hear me?A. seatB. sitC. seatedD. sat24. From the _____ expression on his face we can guess he has passed the driving test.A. pleasingB. pleasedC. pleasantD. please25. You should understand the traffic rules now. You have had it ____ often enough.A. explainingB. to explainC. explainD. explained26. _____, he never told anyone exactly what had happened.A. Much to his creditB. To his greatly creditC. Great to his creditD. To his much credit27. Our general manager ______ me to attend a meeting to be held next week.A. appointsB. appoints toC. arranges forD. arranges28. It remains _____ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.A. seenB. to be seenC. seeingD. to see29. --- I am sorry. I ____ at you the other day.--- Forget it. I was a kit out of control of myself.A. should n’t shoutB. shouldn’t have shoutedC. mustn’t shoutD. mustn’t have shouted30. To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English _____ as much as we can.A. speakB. speakingC. spokenD. to speak31. He found them _____ at a table ____ chess.A. sat; to playB. sitting; to playC. seated; playingD. seat; playing32. The deadly accident ____ his careless driving.A. resulted inB. resulted ofC. resulted fromD. led to33. Though ____ money, his parents managed to send him to university.A. lackedB. lacking ofC. lackingD. lacked in34. The police ____ the forest _____ the lost child.A. are searching; forB. are searching; /C. in searching; forD. are searching for; /35. Please remind me _____ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off.A. whereB. whenC. howD. what36. Next door to ours ______, who is no less than eighty.A. an old man livesB. does an old man liveC. lives an old manD. where lives an old man37. I broke my relationship with John because he always found ___ with me.A. errorB. mistakeC. faultD. failure38. ______ at failing in the English exam, John wouldn’t like to talk about it to his parents..A. DisappointedB. To be disappointedC. DisappointingD. Having disappointed39. ____ nice and delicious, the fried chicken was soon sold out.A. TastedB. Being tastedC. TastingD. To taste40. If you keep on, you will succeed _____.A. on timeB. in timeC. in no timeD. at no time41. I will do all I can to help you ____ who damaged your car at all.A. find outB. make outC. leave outD. take out42. As my grandpa grew older he became more and more _____.A. forgottenB. forgettingC. forgetfulD. forgettable43. A good story doesn’t necessary have to have a happy ending but the readers mustn’t be left ______.A. unsatisfiedB. unsatisfyingC. to be unsatisfyingD. being unsatisfied44. There is no such case ____ you can defeat him.A. asB. thatC. whichD. where45. The message is very important, so it is supposed ____ as soon as possible.A. to be sentB. to sendC. being sentD. sending46. You can _____ this skill by watching him painting carefully.A. requireB. enquireC. inquireD. acquire47. I didn’t do it _____. It just happened accidentally. Which of the following is WRONG?A. on purposeB. by designC. deliberatelyD. meaningful48. My wife was preparing supper. _____, I read some newspaper freely.A. For the meantimeB. In the meanwhileC. In the same timeD. At the meanwhile49. --- Mr. Song is ill in hospital.--- Really? Then I ______ go and visit him.A. am toB. willC. am going toD. am about to50. --- What do people wear when they go to theatre?--- Well, it is very _____. People can wear anything they like.A. normalB. commonC. ordinaryD. usual51. The law allow citizens the right to ____ themselves against a charge.A. defendB. protectC. preventD. keep52. You are wanted to give a(n) ____ description of what happened in your office yesterday.A. rightB. realC. accurateD. correct53. When I heard the song, it _____ to me that I hadn’t listen to this classical music for quite a long time.A. came aboutB. happenedC. occurredD. took place54. --- It ‘s burning hot today, isn’t it?--- Yes. _____ yesterday.A. So was itB. So it wasC. So it isD. So is it55. It was announced that only when the fire was under control ____ to return to their house.A. the residents would be permittedB. had the residents be permittedC. would the residents be permittedD. the residents had been permitted56. ______, Carl couldn’t get the door open.A. Try as she mightB. As she might tryC. She might as tryD. Might she as try57. ______, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.A. However the story is amusingB. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story isD. No matter how the story is amusing58. ______ forever are the days ______ we Chinese people were looked down upon in the world.A. Going; whenB. Gone; whenC. Go; whenD. Gone; by when59. _____ your help I would not have achieved my goal.A. Had it not been forB. Hadn’t it been forC. Without forD. But not60. Mrs. White writes _______, if _______, her husband.A. as good as; as well asB. as well as; not better thanC. not so well as; not good asD. not as well; not better than61. His father got serious injuries _____ his left leg in the accident.A. onB. atC. inD. to62. The twin girls killed their parents______ cold blood.A. withB. toC. inD. on63. Nowadays _____ mails are used more and more frequently.A. electricityB. electricC. electricalD. electronic64. The book cost me 12 yuan in all, postage______.A. includedB. includingC. includesD. included65. It doesn’t ______ to me whether he will attend the meeting.A. tell the differenceB. make no differenceC. make any differenceD. different from参考答案:1---5 CADDC 6---10 BBBBB 11---15 BCDDC 16---20 ACBCA 21---25 BBCBD 26---30 ACBBC 31---35 CCCAB 36---40 CCACB 41---45 ACADA 46---50 DDBBA 51---55 ACCAC 56---60 ACBAB 61---65 DCDAC。
高中英语新课标必修五unit 1知识点Great scientists一、知识点1. Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that heips them float?哪位科学家发现了水里的东西被帮助以浮动的力举起?in water定语,修饰objects, a force之后又跟了个that引导的定语从句。
lift up 拿起,举起,升起He lift up his little son, and mounted him on the horse. 他把小儿子举起来,让他骑在马背上。
To call back the boy from a distance, the father had to lift up his voice.为了把儿子从远处叫回来,父亲不得不提高嗓子喊。
2. Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children? 谁用豌豆显示了身体特性是如何从父母传延到孩子的?A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water.骆驼的特点是不喝水也能活很长时间。
with his characteristic enthusiasm 以他特有的热忱The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it. 那封信逐个传阅,直到每个人都看过为止。
According to her will, when the old lady dies, her money will pass to her grandson. 根据老太太的遗瞩,她去世时,她的钱将遗留给她的孙子。
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R e a d i n g
25. The solders soon reached ____ was once an old temple ____ the villagers used as a school. A. which, which B. what, which C. where , which D. what, where
R e a d i n g
10. The speaker ______ his speech with a saying: where there is a will, there is a way. A. exchanged B. introduced C. concluded D. explained 11. ______ you have faith in yourself, you must be able to succeed. A. If only B. As far as C. Even if D. So long as
R e a d i 13. ______ is no hope that he can recover from such a serious injury. n A. It B. which C. There D. As g
12. Never in my wildest dreams ______ these people are living in such poor conditions. A. I could imagine B. could I imagine C. I couldn’t imagine D. couldn’t I imagine
R e a d i n g
1)---- Aren’t you the manager? -----No, and I______ A. don’t want to B. don’t want to be C. don’t want be D. don’t want
R e a d i n g
2)---- I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? ----Not at all______. A. I’ve no time B. I’d rather not C. I’d like it D. I’d be glad to
R 16. After the man had worked round the clock for two days, his strength e seemed to have _____. A. put out B. got out a C. gone out D. run out d 17. To our surprise, though ______ natural resources, the area is well i developed. n A. lacking B. lacked in g C. lacking of D. lacked
6. —I’m afraid I can’t finish the work within the deadline. —_______. I’ll give you a hand. A. Don’t be afraid B. Take it easy C. Not at all D. No problem 9. Though I haven’t seen her for many years, I recognized her at the first ______. A. sense B. sign C. don’t bother me again. I’ll inform you of the details at an ______ a time if you must know. d A. appropriate B. convenient i C. acceptable D. accessible n g
27. I saw no more than one book “Red Star Over China” in the bookstore. Please go and buy _____ for me. A. one C. it B. some D. any
R e a d i n g
23. —Are you a student? —No, but I________. A. used to B. used C. used to be D. used to was
R e a d i n g
24.-You’ve made great progress in - your studies of English, haven’t you ? -Yes, but a list of things_____ A. remain to do B. are remained to do C. remain to be done D. are remained to be done
R e a d i n g
15. If the firefighters ______ in time, the fire would have resulted in many deaths in the hotel. A. wouldn’t have arrived B. hadn’t arrived C. didn’t arrive D. shouldn’t arrive
26. After you have finished reading a book or a magazine in the reading-room, put it back ____ it used to be . A. what C. in which B. that D. where
R e a d i n g
6.What surprised me was not what he said but ________ he said it. A.the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which
R e a d i n g
R e a d i n g
33. As lots of trees and flowers ______ here and there, the city looks very beautiful. A having planted B. planted C have been planted D. to be planted 34. To ____east of the city lies a mountain, ____south of which is the village where I was born. A the; the B/;/ C the; / D. /; the
28. The project failed because of _____ enough money. A. it was lacking of B. it lacked C. the lacking D. the lack of
R e a d i n g
31. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours ___ in my study. A.locking B. locked C. to lock D. being locked 32. I found them ____ at a table, _____ in thought. A seated; losing B seated; lost C seating ; losing D seating; lost
7. ________ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often. A. If it is not B. Were C. Had it not been D. If they were not
R e a d i n g
R 18. ---They are quiet, aren’t they? ---Yes. They are accustomed _____ e at meals. A.to talk B. to not talk a C. to talking D. to not talking d 19. But ______ chance and time, I carried on. I tried to think about i interviewing more thoroughly. n A. giving B. having given C. given D. to be given g
20. She ought to stop work; she has a headache because she ______ all day long. A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read
R e 22. —Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend? a —_____. A. I don’t believe d B. I don’t believe it C. I believe not so i D. I believe not n g
R e a d i n g
3)-----I won’t do it any more. -----_______? A. Why not B. Why don’t do any more C. Why not do D. Why don’t