1第1章习题解答1.1把下列二进制数转换成十进制数① 10010110 :② 11010100 :③ 0101001 :④ 10110.111 :⑤ 101101.101;⑥ 0.01101。
[解]直接用多项式法转换成十进制数 ① (10010110) B = (1 2 7+1 24 + 1 22 + 1 ② (11010100)B = 212 ③ (0101001)B =41 ④ (10110.111)B = 22.875 ⑤ (101101.101)B = 45.625 ⑥ (0.01101)B = 0.406251.2把下列十进制数转换为二进制数 ① 19 :② 64;③105;④1989:⑤ [解]直接用基数乘除法 ① 19= (10011)B ② 64 = (1000000)B ③ 105 = (1101001)B④ 1989 = (11111000101) B ⑤ 89.125 = (1011001.001) B⑥ 0.625 = (0.101)B1.3把下列十进制数转换为十六进制数① 125 :② 625 :③ 145.6875;④ 0.5625。
[解]直接用基数乘除法 ① 125 = (7D)H ② 625 = (271) H ③ 145.6875= (91.B)H ④ 0.56255=(0.9003) H1.5写出下列十进制数的 8421BCD 码 ①9:② 24;③ 89;④ 365。
[解]写出各十进制数的 8421BCD 码为 ① 1001 ② 0010 010021)D = (150) D =15089.125;⑥ 0.625。
2 19 余数2 9 … 1 ••••d o 2 4 … 1 ....d 1 2 2 … 0 ....d 2 2 1 … 0 …• d3 2 (1)…• d 4图题1.2 ①基数除法过程图③1000 1001 23④ 0011 0110 01011.8求下列逻辑函数的反函数①L 1 AB AB ;②L 2B D AC BD ;③L 3 AC BC AB; ④L 4 (A B)(A B C)。
? ?
? ∥BC
再根据速度影像原理,作△bde ∽ △ BDE 求得d及e,由图可得
vD v pd 0.23m / s
p' C '
' C2
答:(1)机构所有的瞬心数:K=(N-1)/2=6(6-1)/2=15。 (2)求出如下三个瞬心P16,P36,P13,如下图所示。
P23 K(P13) P36
P12 P16
1 / 3 P P / P P 36 13 16 13
3-11 速度多边形和加速度多边形有哪些特性?试标出图 中VAB、VBC、VCA及VA、VB、VC的方向? 答:速度多边形具有以下特点: (1)作图起点p称为速度多边形的极点p,它代表机构中速 度为零的点。 (2)在速度多边形中,连接p点和任一点的矢量代表该点 在机构图中同名点的绝对速度,其指向是从p点指向该点。
答:速度瞬心是互作平面相对运动的两构件上瞬时相对速 度为零的重合点,也就是具有同一瞬时绝对速度的重合点 (即瞬时绝对速度速度相等的重合点),简称瞬心。若瞬心 处的绝对速度为零,则该瞬心称为绝对瞬心,否则称为相 对瞬心。 3-2 何为三心定理?何种情况下的瞬心需用三心定理来确 定? 答: 三心定理是指三个彼此作平面平行运动的构件的三 个瞬心必位于同一直线上。 对于不通过运动副直接相连的两构件间的瞬心位置,需用 三心定理来确定。
5 2
1 2
10 2
a2 4
3.已知Si的晶格常数或单胞的边长a=5.43089 Å, 求: (1)Si的原子体密度。 (2)(111)面、(110)面以及(100)面的原子面密度,比较哪个晶面的面 密度最大?哪个晶面的面密度最小?
解:(1)每个晶胞中有8个原子,晶胞体积为a3, 每个原子所占的空间体积为a3/8,因此每立方
2. 图中的A、B 分别为两种半导体材料价带中载流子的E-k关系抛物 线,其中哪个材料的电子有效质量小?为什么?试确定两种电子的 有效质量之比(以自由电子质量为单位) 。
解:由图可知,B材料的能带极值附近的曲率变化较大,故其电子 有效质量小。所以,A、B材料的电子有效质量之比为0.26,B材料 的电子有效质量小。
Eg h
1.12 4.135 1015
2.711014 (s1)
hc Eg
4.1351015 31017 1.12
1.掺杂半导体与本证半导体之间有何差异?试举例说明掺杂对半导体的 导电性能的影响。
2.试简述杂质在半导体中的几种作用,并分别在能带图上标志出其在半 导体中的跃迁过程 3.试说明浅能级杂质和深能级杂质的物理意义及特点。 4.何谓非平衡载流子?非平衡状态与平衡状态的差异何在
习 题 一1.解:(1)31542的逆序数=2+0+2+1+0=5(2)264315的逆序数=1+4+2+1+0+0=8 (3)54321的逆序数=4+3+2+1=10(4))12)(32(135)2)(22(246---n n n n =1+2+3+…(2n -1)=2)1(+n n 2.解:四阶行列式中含有31a 的项可表示为42142143121)1()1(j j j j j j a a a a τ-,其中421,,j j j 为2,3,4的全排列。
故带有负号的项有:43312412a a a a -,44312213a a a a -,42312314a a a a -3.解:xx x x x x 347165423112展开式中含有4x 的项必须每行都取含x 的项相乘,即41863x x x x x =⋅⋅⋅=,含有3x 的项为x x x x x x ⋅⋅⋅-+⋅⋅⋅-2)1(763)1()1324()4231(ττ3128x -=4.证明:(反证法)假设该行列式不为零,则不为零的元素的个数≥n ,从而为零的元素的个数≤n n -2,与已知行列式中有n n -2个以上元素为零矛盾。
5.解:(1)2456323652-=⨯-⨯=+ (2)))(())((22222222b ab a b a b ab a b a ba b a b ab a b ab a ++--+-+=+-+++-33b a +=3332)(b b a =--(3)022=bababa (4)45500251190221242513122113-=-----r r r r (5)3711107403112311740532224332453213312213=-----↔-----r r r r r r r r(6)))((0))((0111121212222c b a a c a c c b a a b a b bca ar r r r abc c acb bbca a ++--++-------- 0)(10)(101))(()()(232=++++-----c b a c b a bca aa c ab ac r a b r 提取提取(7)43123524323556485437r r r r --23214123524031102115437r r r r r r -+--3524010002111400---24100011302410000111000524343231-按第一行展开--++-r r r r r r22411=-按第三列展开 (8)132141873754169521321r r r r r ---1226400622069521321r r ---2312226400622043101321r r r r ----346400240043101321r r -----16400240043101321=---(9)4321c c c c xa b c a x c b b c x a c b a x +++----xa b x c b a a x c x c b a bc x x c b a cb a xc b a --++--++--++-++131214 )(r r r r r r x c b a ----++ 提取cx b a a b c a b x a c cb bc a x c b a x c b a -------------++0001)(4223c c c c ++c x b c a x ca c ab x cb c b a x b c a x ca b c a x c b a --+----+----+---+---++-++000001)( 432c c c --cx b c a x c a c a b x cx a b ca b c a x c b a --+----+---++-++-++00000001)( 按第一列展开cx b c a x ca c ab xc x a b x c b a --+-------++--++0|00)())()()(()1()321(x a c b c b a x b c a x x c b a +-++---+----++-=τ ))()()((x c b a x b a c x c a b x c b a ----------++=6.解:(1) 证明:cb a a cb c b a cba cb a ++++++222并提取公因式321c c c ++c b a a b c b a ba++++++21211c)b 2(ac b a c b a bac b a c c c c ++++++--00001)(213123)(2c b a ++=(2)bzay by ax bx az by ax bx az bz ay bxaz bz ay by ax +++++++++5行列式性质bz ay by ax az by ax bx az ay bx az bz ay ax +++++++bz ay by ax bx by ax bx az bz bxaz bz ay by ++++++ 提取公因式bz ay by ax z by ax bx az y bxaz bz ay xa +++++++bzay by ax xby ax bx az z bx az bz ay yb ++++++5行列式性质ay by ax zax bx az y az bz ay x a ++++bz by ax zby bx az ybx bz ay x a ++++bz ay ax xby ax az zbxaz ay y b ++++bz ay by x by ax bx z bxaz bz y b +++y by ax z x bx az y zbzay x a +++2+++00bz ay y xby ax x zbxaz z yb +++25行列式性质y ax z x azy z ay x a 2+y by z x bx y zbzx a 2+ayy x ax x zazz yb 2+bz y x by x zbxz y b 2yxzx z y zy x a 3+++00zy x y xzx z yb 3 1223,c c c c ↔↔第二个行列式y xzx z y z y xb a )(33+ (3)用数学归纳法①当1=n 时,1)11(22x x x D n +===,命题成立;②设k n ≤时命题成立,即k k x k D )1(+=,则1+=k n 时,)1()1(22222100020000002100002100002+⨯+=k k n x x x x x x x x x D=kk x x x x x x x x x x⨯210002000000210000210000222222kk x x x x x x x ⨯-210020000020000122221212)1(22--⋅-+⋅=-=k k k k kx x x k x D x xD 11)2()22(+++=-+k k x k x k k n x n )1(+=综合①、②可得对一切自然数n ,都有n n x n D )1(+=. 7.解:(1)1444414444144441 =n D),,3,2(1n i r r i =+14444144441434343434 ----n n n n)34()34(--n n 提取1444414444141111 )34(,3,2 4 1-=-n ni r r i 300030000301111---)34()3(1--=-n n(2)121212555333321321321321---=n n n n n n n n Dni i c i ,3,2=提取2222224442223213213211111!---n n n n n n n∏≤<≤-nj i j i n 122)(! 式行列利用范德蒙(3)递推法nn n n a a a a a a a a D -------=-+11000010000001100001100001132211112r r +nn n a a a a a a a ------11000100000011000010000113221D n展开按第一列nn n a a a a a a a ------11001000000110000100001143321a -11-a 1Dnn 2=(4)nnn n n n nnn d c d c d c b a b a b a D 111111112----=行取第一行和第拉普拉斯定理n 2nn nnd c b a .11111111----n n n n d c d c b a b a22)( --n n n n n D c b d a 421111))((-------n n n n n n n n n D c b d a c b d a 可得类似111133331111)())((d c b a c b d a c b d a c b d a n n n n n n n n -------∏=-ni i i i i c b d a 1)((5)na xxxx a x xx x a x x x x a3211,2,1 1-=-+n i c c i inn n a a x x x a x x a a x x x a a x x x a -------- 000000 00 00 001332212,1, 1 -=--n n i r r i ixa a a x x a x a a a x x a a a x xx a n n n n -------------1132321212 000 000002000 020 00∏∏=-+=---+-ni i i n n i i a a x x x a n 2111)2()1()( 展开列按第 ∏∏=-=-++-ni i i ni i x a a x x a 211)2()(8.解:(1)计算系数行列式232142234321212r r r r D --=51050321430-=----5321032143031-+--r r 210321200=-101312173237323211r r r r D --=01240310211=----2321242274331212r r r r D --=311050331450r r -----31105033160r r ----302321342734321112r r r r D --==----5503215303131103215305r r +---101103212005=-- 所以方程组有唯一解011==D D x , 322==D Dx , 133-==DD x (2)计算系数行列式4352323211431121----=D 101110740064112132141312------++r r r r r r 10111010402021104424123------++-r r r r r r6114022111=---展开按c 43513232114711231----=D 24232143r r r r r r +-+01212901919114700610--- 324241212919190610)1(r r c +----+展开按60121290121006101413122224312322211731131r r r r r r D --+----=1421505440001041131c c -------11501440001040131-----390144000104013134---+r r 3900104131)1(434---+展开按c3131r r +303900104001)1(43-=--+41523232174313213--=D 141312223r r r r r r ---2510541042201321-------2423225105410211013212)2(r r r r r -+--------提取06003300211013212----- 0603302112C 1----展开按36=- 13522232714331214--=D 141312223r r r r r r ---5110441024203121-------2423251104410121031212)2(r r r r r -+--------提取61003200121031212----- 613201212C 1----展开按18= 所以方程组有唯一解1011==D D x , 522-==D D x , 633-==D D x , 344==DDx (3)计算系数行列式5733856155334231=D 343214131222716043307160423133r r r r r r r r r r ++--------17004330150042312004330150001013124---r r r r 64310)1(20204331502331=-⨯+展开按展开按r C3412125738856855364233r r r r D --=24232123230856831304233r r r r r r -++----0100270831301303--13123442320833013)1(r r r r r -+---+展开按600203913-=--57838581556342312=D 022435713022043507130423131131224---------展开按c r r r r r r11420720253232313---+r r r r r 提取12-58338861563343313=D 020453736020045307360433131131224---------展开按c r r r r r r 6=87338561653332314=D 220533316220053303160323131131224---------展开按c r r r r r r122275)1(3220533750212121=-⨯++展开按c r r所以方程组有唯一解111-==D D x , 222-==D D x , 133==D D x , 244==DDx9.解:(1)λλλλ--=3111211D 1232rr c c --λλλλλ----3321022132122332021---+---λλλλλλλ展开按r )2)(2()22)(2()3)(2(2---=--+--=λλλλλλλλ)1()2(2+--=λλ当0=D 时,即时=-或12λλ=,齐次方程组有非零解. (2)324124122-+--=λλλD 32423601221212---+-----λλλλλr r c cλλλλλλλ--+--+-----2460)1(3223621展开按r [])6)(4)(1()23)(2()6(32-+---++--=λλλλλλ)4)(2)(3(241423-++-=+-=λλλλλλ+-当0=D 时,即时=或-或423λλλ=-=,齐次方程组有非零解.习 题 二1. 解:(1)⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=+776491056532B AB (2)⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛------=-4332412332E AB T2.解:(1)⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--000046696432 (2)⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛834231413121342(3)()⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛----=-⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-339226113113321 (4)()2321113-=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--(5)⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛------777468505642531432321234643755467 (6)()⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛321333231232221131211321x x x a a a a a a a a a x x x()⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++++++=321333223113332222112331221111x x x x a x a x a x a x a x a x a x a x a)()()(233332233113233222222112133112212111x a x x a x x a x x a x a x x a x x a x x a x a ++++++++=3.解:⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=210143321TA , ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=234112T B(1)⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=112143213142210143321B A T(2)⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛---⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=124113213142031234112A B T(3)⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛---⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛==1165511210143321234112)(TT T A B AB4.解:从321321,,,,x x x y y y 到的线性变换可表示为:⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛321321y y y A x x x ,其中⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=352143231A ;从321321,,,,y y y z z z 到的线性变换可表示为:⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛321321z z z B y y y ,其中⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=231341652B ,所以从321321,,,,x x x z z z 到的线性变换可表示为:=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛321321z z z AB x x x ⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---352143231⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛231341652=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛321z z z ⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--312823111⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛321z z z 所以,从321321,,,,x x x z z z 到的线性变换为: ⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+-=++=+-=32823 321332123211z z z x z z z x z z z x5.解:(1)E A A A f 43)(2+-=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=2321⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--2321-3⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--2321E 4+=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛8008 (2) 2201310111)(2--=--=x x x x x x f=--=E A A A f 22)(2⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛0211⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛0211⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-02112E 2-⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛---=01216.(1)∵222))(()(B BA AB A B A B A B A +++=++=+ ∴要使2222)(B AB A B A ++=+,则必须AB BA = (2) ∵22))((B BA AB A B A B A -+-=-+∴要使22))((B A B A B A -=-+,则必须0=+-BA AB ,即AB BA = (3) 当AB BA =时,用数学归纳法证明kk k B A AB =)(①1=k 时,显然kk k B A AB =)(2=k 时,222)()()()(B A B AB A B AB A ABAB AB AB k =====,所以kk k B A AB =)(②设n k =时,有kk k B A AB =)(,则1+=n k 时B BA B A B A B A AB B A AB AB AB AB n n n n n n n n K)()()()()()(1!-+=====B AB B A n n )(1-=21)(B A B A n n -=11)(++===n n n n B A B AB A可见,1+=n k 时,也有k k k B A AB =)(所以,当AB BA =时,对一切正整数k 都有 k k k B A AB =)(7.解:(1) ⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛----111122221111n n n n n(2) ∵⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--100123122∴⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛--⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--为奇数为偶数n n n 2312 10012312 (3) ∵⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1002101211001100112,⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛1002101211001100113⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛100110011⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=100310331 =⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛41001100113100110011⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛100110011⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=100310331⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛100110011 ⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=100410641 ∴⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛100102)1(1100110011n n n n n8.证明:∵A 、B 为对称矩阵,∴=T A A ,=TB B(1) ∵ AC C C A C AC C T T T T T T T ==)()(∴ AC C T是对称矩阵(2) ∵ ABABA A B A B A ABABA TT T T T T ==)(∴ ABABA 是对称矩阵(3) ∵E E AA TT ==-)(1,=T A A∴==--T T T A A AA )()(11A A E A A T 11)(--== ∴ 11)(--=A A T ∴ 1-A 是对称矩阵9.解:(1) ∵027342≠=∴⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-23477342173421⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-23472173421(2) ∵01cos sin sin cos cos sin 22≠=+=-θθθθθθ∴ ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--θθθθθθθθsin cos cos sin 11sin cos cos sin 1⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=θθθθsin cos cos sin (3) ∵232132643321532r r r r --01320321110≠-=---- ∴⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛643321532可逆 又∵0643211==A , 3633112=-=A , 2432113-==A 2645321=-=A , 3635222-==A , 1433223=-=A 1325331-==A , 1315232-=-=A , 1213233==A ∴⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-----=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-1121331206433215323323133222123121111A A A A A A A A A(4) ⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-------=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-----11133131121212113123233323133222123121111A A A A A A A A A(5) ⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛----1212335123240634332311(6) 把⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=1000210032104321D 分块为⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛B C A 0, 其中⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=1021A ,⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=1021B ,⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=3243C , 则01≠==B A D ,∴矩阵D 可逆。
前三章练习题说明:1、选择题答案在其后2、作业“P49 2-7 指出(2)15H - 0EFH 运算结果对标志位的影响,说明进位标志和益处标志的区别。
”答案在最后一、问答第一章1.1 冯·诺依曼型计算机的设计方案有哪些特点?【解答】冯·诺依曼型计算机的设计方案是“存储程序”和“程序控制”,有以下5方面特点:(1)用二进制数表示数据和指令;(2)指令和数据存储在内部存储器中,按顺序自动依次执行指令;(3)由运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备组成基本硬件系统;(4)由控制器来控制程序和数据的存取及程序的执行;(5)以运算器为核心。
1.2 微处理器和微型计算机的发展经历了哪些阶段?字长变化过程?【解答】经历了6代演变,字长从4位,经历了8、16、32,目前为64位。
1.3 微型计算机的特点和主要性能指标有那些?【解答】除具有运算速度快、计算精度高、有记忆能力和逻辑判断能力、可自动连续工作等基本特点以外,还具有功能强、可靠性高、价格低廉、结构灵活、适应性强、体积小、重量轻、功耗低、使用和维护方便等。
1.4微处理器、微型计算机、微机系统的区别与联系是什么?【解答】微处理器(MPU或CPU):是微型计算机的核心部件,由BIU(总线接口部件)和EU (执行单元)组成,其功能是负责统一协调、管理和控制系统中的各个部件有机地工作。
1.5 什么是微型计算机的系统总线?说明数据总线、地址总线、控制总线各自的作用。
时间序列分析习题解答第二章 P.33 2.3 习 题2.1 考虑序列{1,2,3,4,5,…,20}: (1) 判断该序列是否平稳;(2) 计算该序列的样本自相关系数k ^ρ(k=1,2,…,6); (3) 绘制该样本自相关图,并解释该图形。
解:(1) 由于不存在常数μ,使,t EX t T μ=∀∈,所以该序列不是平稳序列。
(2) 1^ρ=0.85000 2^ρ=0.70150 3^ρ=0.556024^ρ=0.41504 5^ρ=0.28008 6^ρ=0.15263 (3) 样本自相关图该图横轴表示自相关系数,纵轴表示延迟时期数。
附:SAS 程序如下: data ex2_1; input freq@@; cards;1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ;proc arima data=ex2_1; identify var=freq Nlag=6; run;可得到上图的自相关图等内容, 更多结果被省略。
2.2 1975-1980年夏威夷岛莫那罗亚火山(Mauna Loa )每月释放的CO 2数据如下(单位:ppm )见下表。
330.45 330.97 331.64 332.87 333.61 333.55 331.90 330.05 328.58 328.31 329.41 330.63 331.63 332.46 333.36 334.45 334.82 334.32 333.05 330.87 329.24 328.87 330.18 331.50 332.81 333.23 334.55 335.82 336.44 335.99 334.65 332.41 331.32 330.73 332.05 333.53 334.66 335.07 336.33 337.39 337.65 337.57 336.25 334.39 332.44 332.25 333.59 334.76 335.89 336.44 337.63 338.54 339.06 338.95 337.41 335.71 333.68 333.69 335.05 336.53 337.81 338.16 339.88 340.57 341.19 340.87 339.25 337.19 335.49 336.63 337.74 338.36(1)绘制该序列时序图,并判断该序列是否平稳; (2)计算该序列的样本自相关系数k ^(k=1,2,…,24); (3)绘制该样本自相关图,并解释该图形。
接入网技术1-3 章习题解答第一章:网络演进与法规制约一、判断题1、接入网最初的原型是用户环路,仅仅是一种专用设施,附属于电话网甚至附属于特定控交换机。
)1、“最后一公里”可理解为(A )A: 局端到用户端之间的接入部分B: 局端到用户端之间的距离为1 公里C: 数字用户线为1 公里D: 数字用户线为1 公里2、“fist mile”可理解为(AC )A: 用户端到局端之间的接入部分B: 用户端到局端之间的距离为一公里C: 对接入网的形象称呼D: 专指数字用户线部分三、填空题1、last mile 和first mile 都是对接入网的称呼,表示核心网和用户驻地网之间的接入部分。
3、AN 的英文全称是Access Network ,对应的中文名称是接入网。
6、接入网的概念最早是由英国电信BT 提出的。
7、制定接入网标准的机构是ITU-T 。
迄今已制定了两个标准,这两个标准的名称分别是和G.902 和Y.1231 。
习题1-3解答1. 用行列式的性质计算下列行列式: ⑴29092280923521534215;解:10002809210003421528092280923421534215100028092280921000342153421529092280923521534215+=++= 61230001000289021000342150=⨯-⨯+=。
⑵ ef cf bf de cd bdae ac ab---; 解:111111111---=---=---abcdef e c b e c b ecbadf ef cfbfde cd bdaeac ababcdef abcdef abcdef 40220020200111=-=-=。
2. 把下列行列式化为上三角形行列式,并计算其值:⑴ 1502321353140422-----;解:919204711121230112015024711852104221502321353140422----=======-----=====----- 4332r r r r --3432412r r r r r r --+141312r r r r r r +++1020009900441047113919201120441047113----======-----====== 27010001100441047112701200110044104711270-=-----=======----=.另解:1120384055302112150232135314021121502321353140422-----=-----=-----713005100046100211211203840553002112------=-----= 13700210064102011107130012004610021110----=---= 2702700021006410201110-=---=。
此时,该试验的样本空间可以简写为{} ,8,7,6,5=Ω.(2)掷一颗匀称的骰子两次,观察前后两次出现的点数之和;解:由题意知,该实验共有11个基本结果,其样本空间为为方便表述,第一个筛子与第二个有区别,共有36个排列。
半导体物理导论课后习题答案第1-3章1.倒格子的实际意义是什么?一种晶体的正格矢和相应的倒格矢是否有一一对应的关系?解答:倒格子的实际意义是由倒格子组成的空间,实际上是状态空间空间,在晶体的X 射线衍射照片上的斑点实际上就是倒格子所对应的点子。
由正格子的基矢(a 1,a 2,a 3)就得到倒格子的矢量(b 1,b 2,b 3),其中其中Ω是晶格原胞的体积。
Ω⨯=Ω⨯=Ω⨯=213132321222a a b a a b a a b πππ,,ij i i πδ2=⋅b a (i,j=1,2,3)2.假设有一立方晶体,画出以下各晶面(1)(100);(2)(110);(3)(111);(4)(100);(5)(110);(6)(111)3.已知Si的晶格常数或单胞的边长a=5.43089 Å, 求:(1)Si的原子体密度。
(2)(111)面、(110)面以及(100)面的原子面密度,比较哪个晶面的面密度最大?哪个晶面的面密度最小?解:(1)每个晶胞中有8个原子,晶胞体积为a 3,每个原子所占的空间体积为a 3/8,因此每立方厘米体积中的硅原子数为:原子体密度=8/a 3=8/(5.43×108)3=5×1022(个原子/cm 3)(2)(111)面为一个边长为的等边三角形,有效原子数为等边三角形的面积为个原子(面心原子)(顶角原子)25213313=⨯+⨯4521022212a a a S =⨯⨯=2a所以,(111)面的原子面密度为(110)面为一个边长为 的长方形,有效原子数为长方形的面积为所以,(110)面的原子面密度为22524525aa ==等边三角形面积有效原子数2a a ⨯个原子(体对角线原子)(面心原子)(顶角原子)42212414=+⨯+⨯222a a a S =⨯=222224aa ==等边三角形面积有效原子数(100)面为一个边长为 的正方形,有效原子数为正方形的面积为所以,(100)面的原子面密度为因此,(111)面的原子面密度∶(110)面的原子面密度∶(100)面的原子面密度为 ∶ ∶ = ∶ ∶1说明(111)面的原子面密度最高,(100)面的原子面密度最低。
数据通信原理(第2版)课后习题 (1~3章)答案
《数据通信原理》(毛京丽等编著,年第二版)习题解答()1-1 数据通信的定义是什么?画出数据通信系统的基本构成框图,并说明其三大组成部分。
1-2 什么是数据电路?它的功能是什么?数据电路与数据链路的关系是什么?答:数据电路由传输信道及其两端的数据电路终接设备()组成,它的作用是为数据通信提供数字传输信道。
1-3 设数据信号码元时间长度为—,如果采用电平传输,试求数据传信速率和调制速率。
解:,调制速率20072010.09P312DTE DCE 833106S 8 T=83310-6s M=8N Bd =1/T=1200Bd第章概述习题及解答1 l l l l l l l •~•~数据传信速率=/1-4什么是单工、半双工、全双工数据传输?答:单工传输——传输系统的两端数据只能沿单一方向发送和接收。
习 题 一1.写出下列随机试验的样本空间S . ⑴一枚硬币掷两次,观察朝上一面的图案. ⑵向蓝筐投球直到投中为止,记录投篮的总次数.. ⑶公交车五分钟一辆,随机到车站候车,记录候车时间..解 ⑴{}1S =正正,正反,反正,反反;⑵样本空间为{}21,2,3,...S = ; ⑶样本空间为{}305S t t =≤≤.2. 设,,A B C 表示三个事件,试用,,A B C 表示下列事件. ⑴A 与B 都发生,而C 不发生; ⑵,,A B C 至少有一个发生; ⑶,,A B C 都发生; ⑷,,A B C 都不发生; ⑸,,A B C 不都发生; ⑹,,A B C 至少有两个发生; ⑺,,A B C 中最多有一个发生.解 ⑴ABC ;⑵A B C ⋃⋃;⑶ABC ;⑷ABC ;⑸ABC ;⑹AB BC CA ⋃⋃; ⑺AB BC CA ⋃⋃或AB BC CA ⋃⋃.3.设,,A B C 是三个事件,计算下列各题.⑴若()0.4,()0.25,()0.25,P A P B P A B ==-=求B 发生,但A 不发生的概率. ⑵若()0.2,()0.6,P A B P B -==,求,A B 都不发生的概率. ⑶若()0.7,()0.3,P A B P B ⋃==,求A 发生,但B 不发生的概率.⑷若()()()0.25,()()0,()0.125P A P B P C P AB P BC P AC ======,求,,A B C 至少有一个发生的概率;,,A B C 都不发生的概率; C 发生, ,A B 都不发生的概率.⑸若111(),(|),(|),432P A P B A P A B ===求,A B 至少发生一个的概率. ⑹若()0.2,(|)0.5,(|)0.6,P AB P B A P B A ===分别求事件,A B 的概率. 解 ⑴ ()()()()0.15,P A B P A P AB P AB -=-⇒=B 发生,但A 不发生的概率:()()()0.1P BA P B P AB =-=;⑵()1()()0.2P AB P B P A B =-+-=;⑶()()()()P A B P A P B P AB ⋃=+-,A 发生,但B 不发生的概率:()0.4P A B -=; ⑷()0()0P AB P ABC =⇒=,,,A B C 至少有一个发生的概率:()()()()()()()()0.625P A B C P A P B P C P AB P BC P AC P ABC ⋃⋃=++---+=; ,,A B C 都不发生的概率:()1()0.375P ABC P A B C =-⋃⋃=; C 发生, ,A B 都不发生的概率:()()()()()()()0.125P CAB P C P AC BC P C P AC P BC P ABC =-⋃=--+=;⑸()1(|)(),()12P AB P B A P AB P A =⇒= ()1(|)(),()6P AB P A B P B P B =⇒= ,A B 至少发生一个的概率:1()()()()3P A B P A P B P AB ⋃=+-=; ⑹()()(|)()0.4,()P A P AB P B A P A P A -=⇒=,()()(|)()0.56.1()P B P AB P B A P B P A -=⇒=-4.从0,1,2,…,9这十个数字中任意选出三个不同的数字,试求下列事件的概率. ⑴三个数字中不含0和5; ⑵三个数字中不含0或5; ⑶三个数字中含0但不含5.解 设事件,A B 分别表示三个数字中不含0和5,则⑴三个数字中不含0和5的概率:383107()15C P AB C ==;⑵三个数字中不含0或的概率:33399831014()()()()15C C C P A B P A P B P AB C +-⋃=+-==; ⑶三个数字中含0但不含5的概率:33983107()()()30C C P AB P B P AB C -=-==. 5.把3个球随机地放入4个杯子中,求有球最多的杯子中球数是1,2,3的概率各是多少. 解 设事件,,A B C 分别表示有球最多的杯子中球数是1,2,3,则有球最多的杯子中球数是1的概率是:3433()48A P A ==;有球最多的杯子中球数是3的概率是:341()416P C ==;有球最多的杯子中球数是2的概率是:9()1()()16P B P A P C =--=. 6.12个球中有4个是白色,8个是红色.现从这12个球中随机地取出两个,求下列事件的概率.⑴取到两个白球; ⑵取到两个红球;⑶取到一个白球, 一个红球.解 ⑴取到两个白球的概率:242121()11C P A C ==;⑵取到两个红球的概率:2821214()33C P B C ==;⑶取到一个白球, 一个红球的概率:114821216()33C C P C C ==。
第一章 极限与连续一、填空题1.x 2-x+In (x-1), x ∈(-2,2) 3.[-1,2]4.x ∈(-1,1)且x ≠05. -12 解析:f (2π+0)=02lim x π⎛⎫→+ ⎪⎝⎭cos 2xx π-=02lim x π⎛⎫→+ ⎪⎝⎭sin()22()2x x ππ--=12-=a 6.x=-1(可去间断点) 7.1 8.0 9.-1 (解析:分子有理化) 10.1 11.3 12.1 13.-1,0 14.可去 15.无穷小 16.-1 17.2 二、选择题1.D 解析: '(0)f =0lim x →()(0)0f x f x --=0lim x →()f x x,0lim x →()g x =0lim x →()f x x ='(0)f ,∵()f x 为奇函数,∴()f x -=-()f x 即(0)(0)f f =- ∴(0)f =02.B 解析:0000limlim lim lim 0(1)1x x x x →+→+→+→==-=--=3.D4.C5.D6.C 解析: 20()lim 1x f x x →=, ∴2()~f x x 则200()lim lim 0x x x f x xx →→== 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.B 解析:如42()()()x a f x x a -=- 11.A 12..C13.B 解析:∵2220()lim 0x x e ax bx c x→-++= 即0lim x →2x e=1 1-c=0 c=114.C 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.B 三、计算题1.原式=0limx →1tan sin (1)1sin x x x x-++=0lim x →3tan sin 1sin (1sin )tan sin tan sin (1)1sin x x xx x x x x x x -++--[+]+=3tan sin 1lim1sin x x xxx e→-.+,而3t a n s i n 1l i m 1s i n x x x xx →-.+=3tan sin limx x xx →- =21(1)sin cos .x x x x-=0lim x →21(1)cos x x-=0lim x →2sin (cos )2x x x - =0lim x →2cos 2x-=12,∴原式=12e2.原式= (c o sc o s ...c o s s i n .2)2422l i m2s i n 2n n x n xx x xx →∞=sin sin sin lim lim (0)2sin sin 222x x n n nnx x x x x x x x x →∞→∞==≠ 3.原式=201x x →20212lim (12sin cos )22x x x x x x →=++0(1(sin cos )222x x →=++0113sin sin sin 222(.2cos )2222x x x xx x →→==+4.解:∵3214lim1x x ax x C x →---+=+且1lim(1)0x x →-+= ∴321lim(4)1x x ax x →---+=- 11440a a --++=-= ∴4a = 从而3214lim 1x x ax x x →---+=+32144lim 1x x x x x →---++221(1)4(1)lim1x x x x x →----=+1lim(4)(1)0x x x →---≠ ∴C ≠0 5.解:∵0sin 2(00)lim2x xf x-→-==且()f x 在0x =处连续,∴(0)2f a ==且(00)f +=01lim(sin )2x b x b x+→+==∴2,2a b == 6. 解:∵22122()()1x x f x x f x x ++=+ ①, ∴令1,t x =则1x t =且2212112()()11t t f f t t t t++=+ 即21(12)2()()1t t t f f t t t ++=+ 即212(12)2()4()1x x f x x f x x ++=+ ②, ②—①得22133()1x x f x x=+即11()1f xx =+ 也即1()111x f x x x==++ 7.解:∵lim()x x ax b →∞→∞+=22x =2220x ==, ∴210a -=即21a =, ∴原式=22(1)(21)2101x x b ab ab a --+-===-, ∴11,2a b =-=-. 四、证明题1.证明:∵()f x 在0x =处连续, ∴[]0lim ()(0)0x f x f ∆→∆-= 即0lim ()(0)x f x f ∆→∆=, 又 1212()()()f x x f x f x +=,12,(,)x x ∈-∞+∞,∴(00)(0)(0)f f f += 即2(0)(0)f f = 即(0)0f =或(0)1f =。
第1章3.解:(1) (25.8125)10 = (1 1001.1101)2= (31.64)8= (19.D)16(2)(101101.011)2 = (45.375)10 = (55.3)8= (2D.6)16= (0100 0101.0011 0111 0101)8421(3)(0101 1001 0110.0011)8421 = (596.3)10≈ (1001010100.010011)2=(254.4C)16(4)(4E.C)16 = (78.75)10=(100 1110.11)24.假定机器数为8位(1位符号,7位数值),写出下列各二进制数的原码和补码表示。
proc arima data=ex2_2; identify var=CO2 Nlag=24; run;
2.3 1945-1950 年费城月度降雨量数据如下(单位:mm)见下表。 —————————————————————————————————— 69.3 80.0 40.9 74.9 84.6 101.1 225.0 95.3 100.6 48.3 144.5 128.3 38.4 52.3 68.6 37.1 148.6 218.7 131.6 112.8 81.8 31.0 47.5 70.1 96.8 61.5 55.6 171.7 220.5 119.4 63.2 181.6 73.9 64.8 166.9 48.0 137.7 80.5 105.2 89.9 174.8 124.0 86.4 136.9 31.5 35.3 112.3 143.0 160.8 97.0 80.5 62.5 158.2 7.6 165.9 106.7 92.2 63.2 26.2 77.0 52.3 105.4 144.3 49.5 116.1 54.1 148.6 159.3 85.3 67.3 112.8 59.4 ____________________________________________________________________
(3) 白噪声检验输出结果为:
观察上面结果,由于延迟 6,12,18,24 时,0.14<P<0.37,所以该序列为非白 噪声序列,但相关性不够显著。
附 SAS 程序(画时序图、计算相关系数和白噪声检验)如下:
data ex2_3; input rainfall@@; time=intnx('month','01jan1975'd,_n_-1); format time MONYY5.; cards; 69.3 80.0 40.9 74.9 84.6 101.1 225.0 95.3 100.6 48.3 144.5 128.3 38.4 52.3 68.6 37.1 148.6 218.7 131.6 112.8 81.8 31.0 47.5 70.1 96.8 61.5 55.6 171.7 220.5 119.4 63.2 181.6 73.9 64.8 166.9 48.0 137.7 80.5 105.2 89.9 174.8 124.0 86.4 136.9 31.5 35.3 112.3 143.0 160.8 97.0 80.5 62.5 158.2 ; proc gplot ; plot rainfall*time=1; symbol1 c=black v=star i=join; run; proc arima ; identify var=rainfall nlag=24; run; 7.6 165.9 106.7 92.2 63.2 26.2 77.0 52.3 105.4 144.3 49.5 116.1 54.1 148.6 159.3 85.3 67.3 112.8 59.4
第1章习题及解答1-1 试举出日常生活中所见到的开环控制系统和闭环控制系统各一例,并分别说明其工作原理。
1-2 试说明开环控制和闭环控制的优缺点。
《计量经济学(第二版)》习题解答第一章1.1 计量经济学的研究任务是什么?计量经济模型研究的经济关系有哪两个基本特征? 答:(1)利用计量经济模型定量分析经济变量之间的随机因果关系。
1.2 试述计量经济学与经济学和统计学的关系。
1.3 试分别举出三个时间序列数据和横截面数据。
1.4 试解释单方程模型和联立方程模型的概念,并举例说明两者之间的联系与区别。
1.5 试结合一个具体经济问题说明计量经济研究的步骤。
1.6 计量经济模型主要有哪些用途?试举例说明。
1.7 下列设定的计量经济模型是否合理,为什么?(1)ε++=∑=31i iiGDP b a GDPε++=3bGDP a GDP其中,GDP i (i =1,2,3)是第i 产业的国内生产总值。
(2)ε++=21bS a S其中,S 1、S 2分别为农村居民和城镇居民年末储蓄存款余额。
(3)ε+++=t t t L b I b a Y 21其中,Y 、I 、L 分别是建筑业产值、建筑业固定资产投资和职工人数。
答:解释变量I 不合理,根据生产函数要求,资本变量应该是总资本,而固定资产投资只能反映当年的新增资本。
(4)ε++=t t bP a Y其中,Y 、P 分别是居民耐用消费品支出和耐用消费品物价指数。
企业融资第1-3章习题解答(businessfinance)(英)Solutions to Homework 1, Chapters 1, 2 & 31 The division of profits and losses among the members of a partnership is formalized in the:A. indemnity clause.B. indenture contract.C. statement of purpose.*D. partnership agreement.E. group charter.2. Agency costs refer to:A. corporate income subject to double taxation.*B. the costs of any conflicts of interest between stockholders and management.C. the total dividends paid to stockholders over the lifetime of a firm.D. the costs that result from default and bankruptcy of a firm.E. the total interest paid to creditors over the lifetime of the firm.3. Working capital management includes decisions concerning which of the following?I. accounts payableII. accounts receivableIII. long-term debtIV. inventoryA. I and II onlyB. I and III onlyC. II and IV only*D. I, II, and IV onlyE. I, III, and IV only4. Working capital management:A. ensures that sufficient equipment is available to produce the amount of product desired on a daily basis.B. ensures that long-term debt is acquired at the lowest possible cost.C. ensures that dividends are paid to all stockholders on an annual basis.D. balances the amount of company debt to the amount of available equity.*E. is concerned with managing day to day cash flow.5. Which one of the following best describes the primary advantage of being a limited partner rather than a general partner?A. No potential financial loss*B. Liability for firm debts limited to the capital investedC. Entitlement to a larger portion of the partnership's incomeD. Greater management responsibilityE. Ability to manage the day-to-day affairs of the business6. A general partner:A. cannot lose more than the amount of his/her equity investment.B. has less legal liability than a limited partner.C. faces double taxation whereas a limited partner does not.*D. has more management responsibility than a limited partner.E. is the term applied only to corporations which invest in partnerships.7. A partnership:A. has less of an ability to raise capital than a proprietorship.B. agreement defines whether the business income will be taxed like a partnership or a corporation.C. allows for easy transfer of interest from one general partner to another.D. is taxed the same as a corporation.*E. terminates at the death of any general partner.8. Which of the following are disadvantages of a partnership?I. limited life of the firmII. personal liability for firm debtIII. greater ability to raise capital than a sole proprietorshipIV. lack of ability to transfer partnership interestA. I and II onlyB. III and IV onlyC. II and III only*D. I, II, and IV onlyE. I, III, and IV only9. Which of the following are advantages of the corporate form of business ownership?I. limited liability for firm debtII. double taxationIII. ability to raise capitalIV. unlimited firm lifeA. I and II onlyB. III and IV onlyC. I, II, and III onlyD. II, III, and IV only*E. I, III, and IV only10. Which one of the following statements is correct?A. All types of business formations have limited lives.B. Partnerships are the most complicated type of business to form.*C. Both sole proprietorships and partnerships are taxed in a similar fashion.D. Both partnerships and corporations have limited liability for general partners and shareholders.E. Both partnerships and corporations incur double taxation.11. The owners of a limited liability company prefer:A. being taxed like a corporation.B. having liability exposure similar to that of a sole proprietor.*C. being taxed personally on all business income.D. having liability exposure similar to that of a general partner.E. being taxed like a corporation with liability like a partnership.12. Which type of business organization has all the respective rights and privileges of a legal person?A. Sole proprietorship*B. CorporationC. General partnershipD. Limited partnershipE. Limited liability company13. Which one of the following actions by a financial manager creates an agency problem?A. Increasing current costs in order to increase the market value of the stockholders' equity *B. Agreeing to expand the company at the expense of stockholders' valueC. Refusing to lower selling prices if doing so will reduce the net profitsD. Agreeing to pay bonuses based on the book value of the company stockE. Refusing to borrow money when doing so will create losses for the firm14. Which of the following help convince managers to work in the best interest of the stockholders?I. compensation based on the value of the stockII. stock option plansIII. threat of a proxy fightIV. threat of conversion to a partnershipA. I and II onlyB. II and III only*C. I, II and III onlyD. I and III onlyE. I, II, III, and IV15. A proxy fight occurs whenA. the board solicits renewal of current members*B. a group solicits proxies to replace the board of directorsC. a competitor offers to sell their ownership in the firmD. the firm files for bankruptcyE. the firm is declared insolvent16. Which of the following are key requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?I. Officers of the corporation must review and sign annual reports.II. Officers of the corporation must now own more than 5% of the firm's stock.III. Annual reports must list deficiencies in internal controls.IV. Annual reports must be filed with the SEC within 30 days of year end.A. I onlyB. II only*C. I and III onlyD. II and III onlyE. II and IV only17. Insider trading is:A. legal.B. impossible to have in our efficient market.*C. illegal.D. discouraged, but legal.E. list only the securities of the largest firms.18. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 focuses on:*A. insider trading.B. issuance of new securities.C. sales of existing securities.D. all stock transactions.E. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance.19. The basic regulatory framework in the United States was provided by:A. the Securities Act of 1933.B. the monetary system.C. the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.*D. A and C.E. All of the above.20. Accounting profits and cash flows are:*A. generally not the same since GAAP allows for revenue recognition separate from the receipt of cash flows.B. generally the same since accounting profits reflect when the cash flows are received.C. generally the same since they reflect current laws and accounting standards.D. generally not the same because cash inflows occur before revenue recognition.E. Both c and d.21. Martha's Enterprises spent $2,400 to purchase equipment three years ago. This equipment is currently valued at $2,000 on today's balance sheet but could actually be sold for $2,000. Net working capital is $300 and long-term debt is $900. Assuming the equipment is the firm's only fixed asset, what is the book value of shareholders' equity?A. $200B. $800C. $1,200*D. $1,400E. The answer cannot be determined from the information provided.Book value of shareholders' equity = $2,000 + $300 - $900 = $1,40022. Art's Boutique has sales of $640,000 and costs of $480,000. Interest expense is $40,000 and depreciation is $60,000. The tax rate is 34%. What is the net income?A. $20,400*B. $39,600C. $50,400D. $79,600E. $99,600Taxable income = $640,000 - $480,000 - $40,000 - $60,000 = $60,000; Tax = .34($60,000) = $20,400; Net income = $60,000 - $20,400 = $39,60023. Given the tax rates as shown, what is the average tax rate for a firm with taxable income of $126,500?A. 21.38%B. 23.88%*C. 25.76%D. 34.64%E. 39.00%Tax = .15($50,000) + .25($25,000) + .34($25,000) +.39($126,500 - $100,000) = $32,585; Average tax rate = $32,585 $126,500 = .2576 = 25.76 percent24. The tax rates are as shown. Your firm currently has taxable income of $74,000. How much additional tax will you owe if you increase your taxable income by $20,000?A. $6,460*B. $6,710C. $6,940D. $7,160E. $7,17425. Teddy's Pillows has beginning net fixed assets of $600 and ending net fixed assets of $730. Assets valued at $400 were sold during the year. Depreciation was $50. What is the amount of net capital spending?A. $130B. $150C. $165*D. $180E. $33026. At the beginning of the year, long-term debt of a firm is $270 and total debt is $340. At the end of the year, long-term debt is $290 and total debt is $390. The interest paid is $40. What is the amount of the cash flow to creditors?A. -$50B. -$20*C. $20D. $50E. $6027. Peggy Grey's Cookies has net income of $360. The firm pays out 40 percent of the net income to its shareholders as dividends. During the year, the company sold $80 worth of common stock. What is the cash flow to stockholders?*A. $64B. $136C. $144D. $224E. $29628. What is the change in the net working capital from 2009 to 2010?A. $1,235B. $1,035*C. $1,335D. $3,405E. $4,740Change in net working capital = ($7,310 - $2,570) - ($6,225 - $2,820) = $1,33529. What is the amount of the non-cash expenses for 2010?A. $570B. $630C. $845*D. $1,370E. $2,000The non-cash expense is depreciation in the amount of $1,370.30. What is the amount of the net capital spending for 2010?A. -$290B. $795*C. $1,080D. $1,660E. $2,165Net capital spending = $10,670 - $10,960 + $1,370 = $1,08031. What is the operating cash flow for 2010?A. $845B. $1,930C. $2,215*D. $2,845E. $3,060Operating cash flow = $1,930 + $1,370 - $455 = $2,84532. What is the cash flow of the firm for 2010?A. $405*B. $430C. $1,340D. $2,590E. $3,100Operating cash flow = $1,930 + $1,370 - $455 = $2,845; Change in net working capital = ($7,310 - $2,570) - ($6,225 - $2,820) = $1,335; Net capital spending = $10,670 - $10,960 + $1,370 = $1,080; Cash flow of the firm = $2,845 - $1,335 - $1,080 = $43033. What is the amount of net new borrowing for 2010?A. -$225B. -$25C. $0D. $25*E. $225Net new borrowing = $8,100 - $7,875 = $22534. What is the cash flow to creditors for 2010?A. -$405B. -$225C. $225D. $385*E. $405Topic: Cash Flow To Stockholders35. What is the taxable income for 2010?A. $360B. $520C. $640D. $780*E. $800Net income = $160 + $360 = $520; Taxable income = $520 (1 - .35) = $80036. What is the operating cash flow for 2010?A. $520B. $800C. $1,015*D. $1,110E. $1,390Earnings before interest and taxes = $800 + $215 = $1,015 (See problem 80); Operating cash flow = $1,015 + $375 - ($800 -$520) = $1,110 (See problem 80)37. What are the sales for 2010?A. $4,225B. $4,385*C. $4,600D. $4,815E. $5,000Sales = $1,015 + $375 + $3,210 = $4,600 (see problem 81)38. Calculate net income based on the following information: sales are $300; cost of goods sold is $190, depreciation expense is $45, interest paid is $20, and the tax rate is 34%.A. $11.90B. $15.30*C. $29.70D. $36.30E. $45.00((Sales-COGS)-Depreciation-Interest)-Taxes = Net Income (($300-$190)-$45-$20)-$15.30=$29.7039. What is the operating cash flow for 2010?A. $940.52B. $985.71C. $1,075.50*D. $1,230.00E. $1,354.55Earnings before interest and taxes = $685.71 + $300 = $985.71 (See problem 84); Operating cash flow = $985.71 + $450 -($685.71 - $480) = $1,230 (See problem 84)40. What are the sales for 2010?A. $4,000.00B. $4,385.50C. $5,435.71D. $5,525.50*E. $5,680.00Sales = $1,230 + $450 + $4,000 = $5,680 (see problem 85)41. The only difference between Joe's and Moe's is that Joe's has old, fully depreciated equipment. Moe's just purchased all new equipment which will be depreciated over eight years. Assuming all else equal:A. Joe's will have a lower profit margin.B. Joe's will have a lower return on equity.C. Moe's will have a higher net income.*D. Moe's will have a lower profit margin.E. Moe's will have a higher return on assets.42. The three parts of the Du Pont identity can be generally described as:I. operating efficiency, asset use efficiency and firm profitability.II. financial leverage, operating efficiency and asset use efficiency.III. the debt-equity ratio, the capital intensity ratio and the profit margin.IV. the equity multiplier, the profit margin and the total asset turnover.A. I and II onlyB. II and III onlyC. I and IV only*D. II and IV onlyE. III and IV onlyDifficulty level: MediumTopic: Du Pont Identity43. A firm has sales of $3,600, costs of $2,800, interest paid of $100, and depreciation of $400. The tax rate is 34%. What is the value of the cash coverage ratio?A. 2B. 4C. 6*D. 8E. 10Cash coverage ratio = ($3,600 - $2,800) $100 = 8Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Long-Term Solvency Ratios44. Mario's Home Systems has sales of $2,800, cost of goods sold of $2,100, inventory of $500, and accounts receivable of $400. How many days, on average, does it take Mario's to sell its inventory?A. 65.2 daysB. 85.2 days*C. 86.9 daysD. 96.9 daysE. 117.3 daysInventory turnover = $2,100 ÷ $500 = 4.2; Days in inventory = 365 ÷ 4.2 = 86.9 days45. Syed's Industries has accounts receivable of $700, inventory of $1,200, sales of $4,200, and cost of goods sold of $3,400. How long does it take Syed's to both sell its inventory and then collect the payment on the sale?A. 128 daysB. 146 daysC. 163 days*D. 190 daysE. 211 daysInventory turnover = $3,400 ÷ $1,200 = 2.83; Days in inventory = 365 ÷ 2.83 = 128.98; Accounts receivable turnover = $4,200÷ $700 = 6; Days' sales in receivables = 365 ÷ 6 = 60.83; Total days in inventory and receivables = 128.98 + 60.83 = 189.81 days = 190 days (rounded) 46. A firm has net working capital of $400, net fixed assets of $2,400, sales of $6,000, and current liabilities of $800. How many dollars worth of sales are generated from every $1 in total assets?A. $1.33*B. $1.67C. $1.88D. $2.33E. $2.50Total asset turnover = $6,000 ÷ [($400 + $800) + $2,400] = 1.67; Every $1 in total assets generates $1.67 in sales. Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Asset Management Ratios47. Rosita's Restaurant has sales of $4,500, total debt of $1,300, total equity of $2,400, and a profit margin of 5%. What is the return on assets?A. 5.00%*B. 6.08%C. 7.39%D. 9.38%E. 17.31%Return on assets = (.05 ? $4,500) ÷ ($1,300 + $2,400) = $225 ÷ $3,700 = .0608 = 6.08%Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Profitability Ratios48. Lee Sun's has sales of $3,000, total assets of $2,500, and a profit margin of 5%. The firm hasa total debt ratio of 40%. What is the return on equity?A. 6%B. 8%*C. 10%D. 12%E. 15%Return on equity = (.05 ? $3,000) ÷ [$2,500 ? (1 - .40)] = $150 ÷ $1,500 = .10 = 10%Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Profitability Ratios49. Patti's has net income of $2400, a price-earnings ratio of 16, and earnings per share of $1.60. How many shares of stock are outstanding?A. 1,200B. 1,400*C. 1,500D. 1,600E. 1,800Number of shares = $2,400 ÷ $1.60 = 1,500Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Market Value Ratios50. A firm has 6,000 shares of stock outstanding, sales of $7,000, net income of $900, a price-earnings ratio of 12, and a book value per share of $.60. What is the market-to-book ratio?A. 1.6B. 2.4*C. 3.0D. 3.2E. 3.6Earnings per share = $900 ÷ 6,000 = $.15; Price per share = $.15 ? 12 = $1.80; Market-to-book ratio = $1.80 ÷ $.60 = 3.0 51. A firm has 5,000 shares of stock outstanding, sales of $6,000, an enterprise value of $5 million and an EBITDA of 1 million. What is the enterprise value multiple?A. 2.2B. 2.4C. 3.0D. 4.0*E. 5.0Enterprise value multiple = enterprise value/ EBITDA = $5 million/$1 million = 5.Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Enterprise Value Multiple52. A firm has a market capitalization of $3 million, market value of interest bearing debt of $1.5 million, book value of interest bearing debt of $500,000 and cash of $200,000. What is the enterprise value?A. $3.5 millionB. $3.9 millionC. $4.0 million*D. $4.3 millionE. $4.7 millionEnterprise value = $3 million + $1.5 million - $200,000 = $4.3 millionDifficulty level: MediumTopic: Enterprise Value53. Frederico's has a profit margin of 5%, a return on assets of 9%, and an equity multiplier of1.5. What is the return on equity?A. 6.7%B. 8.4%C. 11.2%*D. 13.5%E. 19.6%Return on equity = 9 ? 1.4 = 13.5%, using the Du Pont IdentityDifficulty level: MediumTopic: Du Pont Identity54. Samuelson's has a debt-equity ratio of 50%, sales of $8,000, net income of $700, and total debt of $2,500. What is the return on equity?A. 8.25%B. 9.50%C. 10.75%D. 12.00%*E. 14.00%Return on equity = $700 ÷ ($2,500 ÷ .50) = .14 = 14%55. A firm has a return on equity of 15%. The debt-equity ratio is 50%. The total asset turnover is 1.25 and the profit margin is 8%. The total equity is $3,200. What is the amount of the net income?*A. $480B. $500C. $540D. $600E. $620Using the Du Pont identity: Total assets = (1 + .50) ? $3,200 = $4,800; Total sales = $4,800 ?1.25 = $6,000; Net income = $6,000 ? .08 = $480Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Du Pont Identity56. What is the days' sales in receivables in 2010?A. 31.8 daysB. 32.5 days*C. 33.7 daysD. 41.9 daysE. 47.4 daysAccounts receivable turnover for 2010 = $8,450 ÷ $780 = 10.83; Days' sales in receivables for 2010 = 365 ÷ 10.83 = 33.7 Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Asset Management Ratios57. What is the equity multiplier for 2010?*A. 1.6B. 1.8C. 2.0D. 2.3E. 2.5Equity multiplier for 2010 = $6,040 ÷ ($3,000 + $710) = 1.658. What is the cash coverage ratio for 2010?A. 11.6B. 12.8C. 13.7*D. 17.3E. 18.8Cash coverage ratio for 2010 = ($810 + $400) ÷ $70 = 17.3 Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Financial Leverage Ratios59. What is the return on equity for 2010?A. 10.7%*B. 13.0%C. 14.0%D. 15.3%E. 16.0%Return on equity for 2010 = $481 ÷ ($3,000 + $710) = .13 = 13% Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Profitability Ratios60. Windswept, Inc. has 90 million shares of stock outstanding. Its price-earnings ratio for 2010 is 12. What is the market price per share of stock?A. $57.12B. $59.94*C. $64.13D. $66.13E. $67.03Earnings per share for 2010 = $481 million ÷ 90 million = $5.3444; Market price per share = $5.3444 ? 12 = $64.13 Difficulty level: MediumTopic: Profitability Ratios。
半导体器件基础 第三章
(b) 因为 散射的电离杂质 根据图3.5(a)
轻掺杂,晶格散射起主导作用,所以随温度增 加,电子迁移率减小,所以电阻率增加。
(a) 过剩载流子扩散到x=-处时已复合完
(d)T=450K, NA=0, ND=1014/cm3,
(e)T=650K, NA=0, ND=1014/cm3 其中300K Eg=1.12eV, 450K: Eg=1.08eV, 650K:Eg=1.015eV
相对于中线 下移的值
《半导体器件基础》第二章2。14题 从37页图2.20可得 (1)
p 0 N v exp(
k 0T
n型和p型表 达式的变换
n 0 ni e p 0 ni e
n0 N C 2
E F Ei k 0T EI EF k 0T
p0 N v
EF EC F1 ( ) 2 k0T Ev E F 2 F1 ( ) 2 k0T
(2) 载流子浓度的乘积
(a)在热平衡条件下,温度T大于0K,电子能量位于费米 能级时,电子态的占有几率是多少?
(b)若EF位于EC,试计算状态在EC+kT时发现电子的几率 。
第一章 绪论1-1.20℃的水2.5m 3,当温度升至80℃时,其体积增加多少? [解] 温度变化前后质量守恒,即2211V V ρρ= 又20℃时,水的密度31/23.998m kg =ρ 80℃时,水的密度32/83.971m kg =ρ 321125679.2m V V ==∴ρρ 则增加的体积为3120679.0m V V V =-=∆1-2.当空气温度从0℃增加至20℃时,运动粘度ν增加15%,重度γ减少10%,问此时动力粘度μ增加多少(百分数)? [解] 原原ρννρμ)1.01()15.01(-+==原原原μρν035.1035.1==035.0035.1=-=-原原原原原μμμμμμ此时动力粘度μ增加了3.5%1-3.有一矩形断面的宽渠道,其水流速度分布为μρ/)5.0(002.02y hy g u -=,式中ρ、μ分别为水的密度和动力粘度,h 为水深。
试求m h 5.0=时渠底(y =0)处的切应力。
[解] μρ/)(002.0y h g dydu-=)(002.0y h g dydu-==∴ρμτ 当h =0.5m ,y =0时)05.0(807.91000002.0-⨯⨯=τ Pa 807.9=1-4.一底面积为45×50cm 2,高为1cm 的木块,质量为5kg ,沿涂有润滑油的斜面向下作等速运动,木块运动速度u=1m/s ,油层厚1cm ,斜坡角22.620 (见图示),求油的粘度。
[解] 木块重量沿斜坡分力F 与切力T 平衡时,等速下滑yu AT mg d d sin μθ== 001.0145.04.062.22sin 8.95sin ⨯⨯⨯⨯==δθμu A mg s Pa 1047.0⋅=μ1-5.已知液体中流速沿y 方向分布如图示三种情况,试根据牛顿内摩擦定律yud d μτ=,定性绘出切应力沿y 方向的分布图。
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(a)在热平衡条件下,温度T大于0K,电子能量位于费米 能级时,电子态的占有几率是多少?
(b)若EF位于EC,试计算状态在EC+kT时发现电子的几率 。
n0 p0 N C NV e ni N C NV e n0 p0 kT
NC Nve
Eg kT
* n
2n k a
m 2m
* n
(2n 1) k a
m m
* p
* n
m 2m
* p
m0 q 4 13.6 En 2 2 2 2 8 0 h n n
h 0 r h 0 m0 r m0 r rn . * 0.53 * * 2 2 m n q m0 q mn mn
(a) 施主杂质 受主杂质
(3) 载流子浓度的计算
EF EC E D k T N ln( D ) 2 2 2NC
N D NC 1 EC E D N D NC 1 E n( ) 2 exp( )( ) 2 exp( D ) 2 2k T 2 2k T 1 N D NC E D ln n ln( ) 2 2 2k T
分布的最大值分别对应的能量为EC+kT/2和EV-kT/2时, 能量取多大?
• 导带中电子分布:gc(E)f(E)dE • 价带中空穴的分布:gv(E)[1-f(E)]dE
k (2n 1)
E(k ) MAX E (k ) MIN
2 2 ma 2
1 dE 1 v (sin ka sin 2ka) dk ma 4
2 m m 2 d E (cos k a 1 cos 2k a) 2 dk 2
2 N D E D D e NC kT 2N A D e NV
E A kT
(B) 中间电离区
E F EC k T ln ND NC
NA E F EV k T ln NV p0 E F Ei k T ln ni
n0 E F Ei k T ln ni
半导体器件基础 第三章
(b) 因为 散射的电离杂质 根据图3.5(a)
轻掺杂,晶格散射起主导作用,所以随温度增 加,电子迁移率减小,所以电阻率增加。
(a) 过剩载流子扩散到x=-处时已复合完
(d)T=450K, NA=0, ND=1014/cm3,
(e)T=650K, NA=0, ND=1014/cm3 其中300K Eg=1.12eV, 450K: Eg=1.08eV, 650K:Eg=1.015eV
相对于中线 下移的值
《半导体器件基础》第二章2。14题 从37页图2.20可得 (1)
p 0 N v exp(
k 0T
n型和p型表 达式的变换
n 0 ni e p 0 ni e
n0 N C 2
E F Ei k 0T EI EF k 0T
p0 N v
EF EC F1 ( ) 2 k0T Ev E F 2 F1 ( ) 2 k0T
(2) 载流子浓度的乘积
1-3 章 习题课
h m 2 d E 2 dk
* 2
1 dE h dk
f d E f a 2 * 2 h dk mn
例1、 一维晶体的电子能带可写为,
2 7 1 E(k ) ( cos ka cos 2ka) 2 8 ma 8
式中a为晶格常数,试求 1、布里渊区边界; 2、能带宽度; 3、电子在波矢k状态时的速度; 4、能带底部电子的有效质量; 5、能带顶部空穴的有效质量;
例题2 (同类型题103页1题)
• 导出能量在Ec和Ec+kT之间时,导带上的有效状
态总数(状态数/cm3)的表达式, 是任意常数。
f (E)
1 1 e
f (E) e
dE(k ) 0 dk
n (n=0,1,2…) 得 k a
k (2n 1)
(n=0,1,2……)时,E(k)有极大值, k ) E(
2 2 ma 2
k 2n
(n=0,1,2……)时,E(k)有极小值 E (k )
(1 )n型和p型的公式
n p
g c ( E ) f ( E )dE g ( E ) f ( E )dE
0 c v
g ( E )[1 f ( E )]dE
n0 N c exp(
EC E f k0T Ev E f
(b) 在x= 处,不受扩散的影响,产生率=复合率
所以,小注入条件成立 (d)
在x=0处连续 在x=0处连续
2 2
(2m ) dZ g c (E) 4V ( E EC ) 2 dE h
* ( 2m P ) dZ gV ( E ) 4V ( EV E ) 2 dE h3 3 2 1
3 * 2 n 3 1
n0 N D
p NA n n NA
2 i
n p ND
2 i
n0= p0=ni
求在下列条件下,均匀掺杂硅样品中平衡状态的空穴和电子浓 度及EiEF-Ei,并在硅样品的能带图中仔细标出他们的位置 (a)T=300K, NA<< ND, ND=1015/cm3 (b)T=300K, ,NA=1016/cm3, ND<<NA (c)T=300K, NA=91015/cm3, ND=1016/cm3
(c)一块硅片在平衡条件下保持300K的温度 时,其电子的浓度是105/cm3,空穴的浓度 是多少? (d)在温度T=300K,样品硅的费米能级位于 本征费米能级之上0`259eV 处,空穴和电子的 浓 度是多少? (e)非简并锗样品,在平衡条件下温度保持接近室 温时,已知:ni=1013/cm3,n=2p和NA=0,求n和 ND.