The Everlasting Guilty Crown




权力的游戏第一季中英文台词对照第一季第一集-凛冬将至慢点,伙计Easy, boy.他们是野人,还能怎么样What do you expect? They're savages.这伙顺手牵了那伙的山羊One lot steals a goat from another lot,你还没反应过来,已经杀得碎尸满地了before you know it they're ripping each other to pieces.我没见过野人会做这种事I've never seen wildlings do a thing like this.活到现在都没见过这种场面I never seen a thing like this, not ever in my life.-你离得多远- How close did you get? -不能再近了- Close as any man would.我们应该返回长城We should head back to the wall.死人吓着你了吗Do the dead frighten you?我们受命追查野人行踪Our orders were to track the wildlings.已完成任务,现在野人不会骚扰我们了We tracked them. They won't trouble us no more.你以为他不会追问野人的死因吗You don't think he'll ask us how they died?去牵马Get back on your horse.不管是什么杀了野人,也可能杀死我们Whatever did it to them could do it to us.那些家伙连孩童都没放过They even killed the children.值得庆幸,你我皆非孩童It's a good thing we're not children.你想往南逃,尽管去吧You want to run away south, run away.到时自然要被当作逃兵砍头Of course they will behead you as a deserter,还要看你能否先过我这一关if I don't catch you first.快去牵马Get back on your horse.我说最后一次I won't say it again.看来你说的那些死人转移阵地了呀Your dead men seem to have moved camp.刚才就在这里They were here.瞧瞧他们去哪儿了See where they went.那是什么What is it?是...It's...继续,父亲正看着你Go on, father's watching.你母亲也在And your mother.一如既往的漂亮非常好Fine work as always. Well done.多谢夸奖Thank you.我真喜欢你绣在边角的花纹I love the detail that you've managed to get in these corners.太漂亮了Quite beautiful.针脚...The stitching...你们笑的几个,十岁就是神箭手了吗And which one of you was a marksman at 10?接着练,布兰Keep practicing, Bran.继续Go on.别想太多,布兰Don't think too much, Bran.持弓臂放松Relax your bow arm.布兰,跑快点Quick, Bran! Faster.史塔克大人Lord Stark!夫人My lady.有巡山的卫兵刚刚来报A guardsman just rode in from the hills.说他们捉获一个守夜人逃兵They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch.让孩子们备马Get the lads to saddle their horses.非杀不可吗Do you have to?他背弃了誓言,凯特He swore an oath, Cat.法律就是法律,夫人The law is law, my lady.告诉布兰他也要去Tell Bran he's coming too.奈德Ned.他才十岁,观刑还太小10 is too young to see such things.他不会永远都是个孩子He won't be a boy forever.况且凛冬将至And winter is coming.好小子,快去把剩下的都找回来Good lad, go run back and get the rest.白鬼White walkers.我看到了白鬼I saw the white walkers.白鬼White walkers.白鬼,我都看见了The white walkers, I saw them.我违背了誓言I know I broke my oath.我知道我是逃兵And I know I'm a deserter.我应该回长城去警告他们,可...I should have gone back to the wall and warned them, but...我亲眼所见I saw what I saw.我看到了白鬼I saw the white walkers.要让大家知道People need to know.如果您能给我家人捎句话...If you can get word to my family...告诉他们我不是懦夫Tell them I'm no coward.告诉他们我很抱歉Tell them I'm sorry.原谅我,大人Forgive me, lord.以拜拉席恩家族的劳勃一世In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the first of his name...千万别扭头Don't look away.安达尔人,洛伊拿人和先民的国王...King of the Andals and the First Men...父亲会知道Father will know if you do.七国统治者暨全境守护者之名...Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm,我,史塔克家族的艾德I, Eddard of the House Stark,临冬城公爵,北境守护Lord of Winterfell and warden of the north,宣判你死刑sentence you to die.你做得很好You did well.你知道为什么我要杀他You understand why I did it?琼恩说他是逃兵Jon said he was a deserter.你可明白我为何要亲自行刑But do you understand why I had to kill him?我们遵循古老的传统"Our way is the old way"?判人死刑者必须亲自动手The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.他真的看到白鬼了吗Is it true he saw the white walkers?白鬼数千年前已销声匿迹The white walkers have been gone for thousands of years.那他说的是谎话So he was lying?疯癫之人所见皆是疯癫A madman sees what he sees.什么野兽干的What is it?是山狮吗Mountain lion?附近森林里没有山狮There are no mountain lions in these woods.一头怪物It's a freak!是冰原狼It's a direwolf.顽强的野兽Tough old beast.绝境长城以南没有冰原狼There are no direwolves south of the wall.眼前不就有五头Now there are five.要抱抱它吗You want to hold it?小狼怎么办呢Where will they go?它们的妈妈死了Their mother's dead.它们不属于这里They don't belong down here.不如干脆趁早了结Better a quick death.没有母狼它们活不长They won't last without their mother.-这就对了,把它给我-不- Right. Give it here. - No!把匕首收起来Put away your blade.我听令于你父亲,不是你I take orders from your father, not you.-求你了,父亲-对不起布兰- Please, father! - I'm sorry, Bran.史塔克大人Lord Stark?总共有五只小狼There are five pups...史塔克家族的孩子们每人一只One for each of the Stark children.冰原狼是您家族的纹章The direwolf is the sigil of your house.他们注定要拥有这些小狼They were meant to have them.你们得亲自训练它们You will train them yourselves.亲自喂养他们You will feed them yourselves.如果小狼夭折,你们也要亲手埋葬它们And if they die, you will bury them yourselves.你怎么办What about you?我并非史塔克家族的一员I'm not a Stark.走吧Get on.这是什么What is it?雪诺啊,此为窝中劣种,非你莫属The runt of the litter... That one's yours, Snow.身为弟弟,我觉得有义务提醒你As your brother, I feel it's my duty to warn you:你思虑太重,要添皱纹的you worry too much. It's starting to show.而你从不为任何事忧虑And you never worry about anything.我们七岁那年你就敢跳凯岩城的悬崖When we were seven and you jumped off the cliffs at Casterly Rock,崖顶离水面足足一百尺100-foot drop into the water,而你毫不畏惧and you were never afraid.如果你不告诉父亲,本来就没什么可怕的There was nothing to be afraid of until you told father. "我们是兰尼斯特"We're Lannisters.兰尼斯特家不可有愚行"Lannisters don't act like fools."如果琼恩·艾林已经告诉别人了呢What if Jon Arryn told someone?他能告诉谁But who would he tell?-我丈夫-如果他告诉了国王- My husband. - If he told the king, both our heads你我的头颅现在已经挂在城门口了would be skewered on the city gates by now.不管琼恩·艾林知晓何事,都会带进坟墓了Whatever Jon Arryn knew or didn't know, it died with him.劳勃会选一位新首相And Robert will choose a new Hand of the King...代他处理政务someone to do his job好让他继续操野猪猎妓女while he's off fucking boars and hunting whores...我没说反吧Or is it the other way around?生活会继续And life will go on.当首相的应该是你才对You should be the Hand of the King.这份殊荣我可不敢享受That's an honor I can do without.他们度日如年Their days are too long,而又朝不保夕their lives are too short.这么多年了All these years每当来到这里and I still feel like an outsider你养育了五个北方的孩子You have five northern children.怎可能还算外人You're not an outsider.不知道旧神是不是同意你的话I wonder if the old gods agree.你的七神才喜欢立规矩It's your gods with all the rules.亲爱的,我非常遗憾I am so sorry, my love.-说吧-君临有乌鸦带信来- Tell me. - There was a raven from King's Landing.琼恩·艾林过世了Jon Arryn is dead.热病夺走了他A fever took him.我知道他对你亲如父亲I know he was like a father to you.-你妹妹和那男孩呢-他们安然无恙- Your sister, the boy? - They both have their health,诸神慈悲gods be good.信上还说The raven brought more news...国王正前来临冬城The king rides for Winterfell...带着王后with the queen和所有朝臣and all the rest of them.他千里迢迢北上If he's coming this far north,只可能有一个目的there's only one thing he's after.奈德,你可以拒绝的You can always say no, Ned.提利昂大人的房间要备好大量蜡烛We'll need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber.据说他通宵读书I'm told he reads all night.我倒听说他通宵饮酒I'm told he drinks all night.他能喝多少酒啊,他那样的...How much could he possibly drink? A man of his...身量stature?我们从酒窖里取了八桶麦酒We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar.-说不定到时候就知道了-不管怎样- Perhaps we'll find out. - In any case,蜡烛不能少candles.你母亲为何硬要我们打扮漂亮见国王呢Why is your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the King?肯定是为了见王后吧It's for the Queen, I bet.听说她是个挺讲究的女人I hear she's a sleek bit of mink.听说王子是正宗的王族傻屌I hear the Prince is a right royal prick.想想他用那根傻屌Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab日过多少南方姑娘with his right royal prick.继续,托米,好好给他剪Go on, Tommy, shear him good.还没有姑娘能撼动他对自己头发的喜爱He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair.天哪,它们长得真快Gods, but they grow fast.布兰登Brandon!我看见国王了,他率领着上百号人马I saw the king. He's got hundreds of people.我跟你说过多少次不要爬墙了How many times have I told you no climbing?但是他马上就要到了,就在大道上But he's coming right now... down our road.我要你向我保证I want you to promise me,不再爬墙了no more climbing.我保证I promise.-你知道吗-什么- Do you know what? - What?你在撒谎之前总会低头看脚You always look at your feet before you lie.跑去告诉你父亲,说国王马上就到Run and find your father. Tell him the King is close.艾莉亚哪儿去了,珊莎,你妹妹呢Where's Arya? Sansa, where's your sister?你戴着这玩意儿干什么What are you doing with that on?过去Go on.闪开Move!陛下Your Grace.你发福了You've got fat.-凯特-陛下- Cat! - Your Grace.九年了,怎么就见不到你呢Nine years... Why haven't I seen you?你都到哪里去了Where the hell have you been?为您守护北境陛下Guarding the north for you, Your Grace.临冬城听候您差遣Winterfell is yours.-小恶魔呢-能不能闭嘴- Where's the Imp? - Will you shut up?瞧瞧这里都有谁Who have we here?你一定是罗柏了You must be Robb.真是个美人胚子My, you're a pretty one.你叫什么名字Your name is?艾莉亚Arya.给我们展示一下你的肌肉Oh, show us your muscles.未来定是勇士You'll be a soldier.那是詹姆·兰尼斯特王后的双胞胎弟弟That's Jaime Lannister, the Queen's twin brother.你能闭嘴吗Would you please shut up?王后陛下My Queen.王后陛下My Queen.带我到你们家墓窖去,我要聊表敬意Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects.我们赶了一个月的路,亲爱的We've been riding for a month, my love.要看死人也不用这么着急Surely the dead can wait.奈德Ned.小恶魔在哪儿Where's the Imp?我们的弟弟哪儿去了Where is our brother?去找找那个小畜生Go and find the little beast.跟我说说琼恩·艾林的事Tell me about Jon Arryn.前一分钟还好好的,然后就...One minute he was fine and then...病魔犹如烈火,活活把他给燃尽了Burned right through him, whatever it was.我敬爱那个人I loved that man.我们都一样We both did.你倒是让他省心,可我就不同了He never had to teach you much, but me?还记得我十六岁那会儿吗You remember me at 16?我脑子里只有All I wanted to do打打杀杀和骄奢淫逸的念头was crack skulls and fuck girls.-他教会了我是是非非-是啊- He showed me what was what. - Aye.别这样看我,我没听话不是他的错Don't look at me like that. It's not his fault I didn't listen.我需要你,奈德I need you, Ned...来君临助我down at King's Landing,你躲在这鬼地方,毫无用武之地not up here where you're no damn use to anybody.艾德·史塔克大人Lord Eddard Stark,我将任命你为国王之手,御前首相I would name you the Hand of the King.恐怕我不足以胜任此等要职I'm not worthy of the honor.我可不是为你着想I'm not trying to honor you.我是打算让你来治理国家I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom而我自己痛痛快快地吃喝玩乐,嫖个过瘾while I eat, drink and whore my way to an early grave.妈的,奈德,起来Damn it, Ned, stand up.你既然帮我得到了这张该死的铁椅子You helped me win the Iron Throne,就该帮我保住它吧now help me keep the damn thing.我们注定是要并肩治理国家的We were meant to rule together.倘若你妹妹还活着,我们现在就是联姻手足If your sister had lived, we'd have been bound by blood.好在现在也不迟Well, it's not too late.我有个儿子,你有个女儿I have a son, you have a daughter.我们两家会结合在一起We'll join our houses.北境的女孩果然与传言的一样It is true what they say about the northern girls.你听说国王来临冬城了吗Did you hear the King's in Winterfell?我确实有所耳闻I did hear something about that.还有王后和她的双胞胎弟弟And the Queen and her twin brother.据说他是七国之内最英俊的男子They say that he is the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms.那另一个弟弟呢And the other brother?-王后有两个弟弟吗-一个英俊潇洒- The queen has two brothers? - There's the pretty one,一个聪明绝顶and there's the clever one.听说他人称小恶魔Mmm, I hear they call him the Imp.我听说他讨厌这个绰号I hear he hates that nickname.是吗,听说他实至名归啊Oh? I hear he's more than earned it.还听说他是个嗜酒的小色鬼I hear he's a drunken little lecher,喜欢玩各种各样的体位prone to all manner of perversions.真聪明Clever girl.我们非常期待您的到来,提利昂大人We've been expecting you, Lord Tyrion.真的吗Have you?又有反应了Oh! Already?诸神总算赐我一项天赋The gods gave me one blessing.-不用起身了-见过大人- Don't get up. - My lord.需要我向你解释下妓院紧闭房门Should I explain to you the meaning of a closed door 意味着什么吗,哥哥in a whorehouse, brother?毫无疑问,我还有很多需要向你学习You have much to teach me, no doubt,但我们的姐姐急需你的关心but our sister craves your attention.我们的这位姐姐需求很奇特She has odd cravings, our sister.家族特性A family trait.史塔克家要在日落时分为我们设宴接风Now the Starks are feasting us at sundown.别让我独自面对那些家伙Don't leave me alone with these people.抱歉,我的宴席提前了一些I'm sorry, I've begun the feast a bit early.而这是开胃菜And this is the first of many courses.就知道你会这么说I thought you might say that.既然时间仓促But since we're short on time...进来吧姑娘们Come on, girls.日落时见See you at sundown.关门Close the door!有必要把她葬在这种地方吗Did you have to bury her in a place like this?她应该安息在山丘上She should be on a hill somewhere有阳光白云作伴with the sun and the clouds above her.她是我妹妹She was my sister.这里是她的归宿This is where she belongs.曾经,我才是她的归宿She belonged with me.每晚在梦中,我都要杀他一次In my dreams, I kill him every night.您已经杀了他,陛下It's done, Your Grace.坦格利安家族灭亡了The Targaryens are gone.还未斩草除根Not all of them.丹妮莉丝Daenerys!丹妮莉丝Daenerys.原来准新娘在这里There's our bride-to-be.看哪,伊利里欧送你的礼物Look, a gift from Illyrio.摸摸看Touch it.来呀,瞧瞧这料子Go on, feel the fabric.他真是个体贴的主人Isn't he a gracious host?我们在这儿作客一年多了We've been his guests for over a year他从未有求于我们and he's never asked us for anything.伊利里欧可不笨Illyrio's no fool.他知道有朝一日当我重登王位He knows I won't forget my friends不会忘记曾经雪中送炭的朋友when I come into my throne.你总是弯腰驼背You still slouch.让他们见识一下Let them see.你已有成熟女人的曼妙身姿了You have a woman's body now.今天不许出差错I need you to be perfect today.为了我,能做到吗Can you do that for me?你不想唤醒睡龙之怒吧You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?不想No.将来史家为我立传时,亲爱的妹妹When they write the history of my reign, sweet sister,会说我的统治始自今日they will say it began today.水还很烫,公主殿下It's too hot, my lady.他在哪儿Where is he?多斯拉克人并非以守时闻名The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality.[多斯拉克语]Athchomar chomakaan, Khal vezhven.容许我介绍两位尊贵的客人May I present my honored guests?来自坦格利安家族的Viserys of House Targaryen,韦赛里斯三世the third of his name,统领安达尔人和先民的真王the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men,以及他的妹妹and his sister坦格利安家族的丹妮莉丝Daenerys of House Targaryen.你看到他的头发有多长了没Do you see how long his hair is?每当多斯拉克人在战斗中落败When Dothraki are defeated in combat,他们便割去辫子以示不誉they cut off their braids so the whole world can see their shame.卓戈卡奥一辈子没吃过败仗Khal Drogo has never been defeated.当然了,他是野蛮人He's a savage, of course,但堪称世上最优秀的杀手but one of the finest killers alive.而你将成为他的王后And you will be his queen.来这边,我的公主Come forward, my dear.他要去哪儿Where is he going?!-仪式结束了-但他还什么都没说- The ceremony is over. - But he didn't say anything.-他看上她了吗-相信我,陛下- Did he like her? - Trust me, Your Grace,如果不喜欢她,他会让我们知道的if he didn't like her, we'd know.不会等太久了It won't be long now.很快您就会渡过狭海Soon you will cross the Narrow Sea重夺您父亲的王座and take back your father's throne.人们偷偷举杯The people drink secret toasts祝您龙体安康to your health.他们渴望真王归来They cry out for their true king.他们什么时候成婚When will they be married?很快,多斯拉克人从不在一个地方久留Soon. The Dothraki never stay still for long.他们真的连马都搞吗Is it true they lie with their horses?我可不会当面问卓戈卡奥I wouldn't ask Khal Drogo.你当我是笨蛋Do you take me for a fool?我当您是个王者I take you for a king.所谓王者无凡虑Kings lack the caution of common men.倘若我冒犯了您,那么我向您道歉My apologies if I've given offense.我知道怎么和卓戈这种人打交道I know how to play a man like Drogo.我许给他一个王后,他就要送我一支军队I give him a queen and he gives me an army.我不要做他的王后I don't want to be his queen.我想回家I want to go home.我也是So do I.我想和你一起回家I want us both to go home,可我们的家早给人夺走了but they took it from us.好妹妹,你倒是说说看So tell me, sweet sister,我们怎么回家啊how do we go home?我不知道I don't know.我们带着军队回去We go home with an army.带着卓戈卡奥的千军万马回家With Khal Drogo's army.就算让他部落的四万人通通把你操上一遍I would let his whole tribe fuck you...我也会同意,必要的话All 40,000 men and their horses too连他们的马一起上也行if that's what it took.你觉得乔佛里王子会喜欢我吗Do you think Joffrey will like me?要是他觉得我不好看呢What if he thinks I'm ugly?那他就是世界上最蠢的王子Then he is the stupidest prince that ever lived.他是那么的英俊潇洒He's so handsome.我们何时结婚,很快吗?还是要等一阵子When would we be married? Soon? Or do we have to wait?先别提这个,你父亲还没同意呢Hush now. Your father hasn't even said yes.他怎么会拒绝Why would he say no?他将成为王国里一人之下,万人之上的男人He'd be the second most powerful man in the kingdoms.那样他就不得不离开家乡He'd have to leave home.不得不离开我He'd have to leave me.你也是And so would you.你当初就是离开家乡来到这里You left your home to come here.而我有朝一日会当王后And I'd be queen someday.拜托让父亲同意吧Please make father say yes!-珊莎-求你了求你了- Sansa... - Please please!这是我这辈子唯一的心愿It's the only thing I ever wanted.满上,小伙子们。



【译英文,忆中文】You know? The bravest souls1are wearing all their bruises2, scars3 and wounds. They're all on show.Don't hide, no need4 to hide.The fissures5 in the mask6 you wear, Concealing7 your true side.They said goSaid go and tame8 every monster9 with your lightThey said goFight every single fight like this is your last fightNot every hero wears a golden crown10Or hears the sound of glory11 from the crowdWho said heroes can't be found here on the ground( [ Love how you stand on your ownWon't bow down to anyoneLove how you keep fighting onWhen all hope is gone12] Love how you refuse13 to cryBlock14 your fate15 eye for an eyeWe're so similar16. You and Iboth refuse to die.Go now? Should I? Wearing these ragged17 clothes【英文、中文对读】1.[səʊl]n.灵魂;心灵;人;内心2.[bruːz]n.瘀伤;伤痕;青肿3.[sk4.needn’t sth②实意动词:接不定式need .5.[ˈfɪʃə(r)]n.裂缝;裂隙;6.[mɑːsk]n.面具;面罩;7.[kənˈsiːl]v.隐藏;隐瞒;掩盖8.[teɪm]v.驯化;驯服9.[ˈmɒnstə(r)]n.怪物;恶魔;10.[kraʊn]n.皇冠;王冠;王位;桂冠11.[ˈɡlɔːri]n.荣誉;光荣;赞美12.过去分词当形容词用: .13.拒绝做某事 .14.[blɒk]v.阻塞;阻碍;堵塞;挡15.[feɪt]n.命运;天意;16.和...相似 .17.[ˈræɡɪd]adj.破旧的;褴褛的;I'll fight, survive18, to keep my dream alive19For the meekest20 and the valiant21 beat my foes22 Who said heroes can't be ordinary23 souls)They said goThe seeds of your demise24 now have already been sewn25Before you knowYour head is hanging low. Your friends lined up26 in a rowNo matter / how much rain and winds may blowStill we will make a stand here all alone27Who said ordinary players aren't heroes(…重复以上括号内容…)[…重复以上括号内容…]Love the glories all you ownStep into the danger28 zoneYou can build the world you won29On top of ruined30 stonesGo now! Go now!To keep my dream aliveI'll fight, survive, give everything my lifeFor the meekest and the valiant beat my foesWho said heroes can't be ordinary souls 18.[sə(r)ˈvaɪv]v.生存;存活;幸存;19.[ə'laɪv]adj.在世;活着;情绪饱满比较_live_adj. ;lively_adj. ;20. meek [miːk]adj.温和的;谦恭的21.['væliənt]adj.英勇的;勇敢的;22. [fəʊ]n.敌人;仇敌23.[ˈɔː(r)d(ə)n(ə)ri]adj.普通的;平凡的24.[dɪ'maɪz]n.死亡;逝世;终止;25.[səʊ]v. 缝制;缝补;sewn为过去分词26.line up: 排成一排27.单独,独自比较_lonely ;28.(adj.) ;处于危险中;29.定语从句,修饰先行词world,省略引导词。



权力的游戏第一季中英文台词对照第一季第一集-凛冬将至慢点,伙计Easy, boy.他们是野人,还能怎么样What do you expect? They're savages.这伙顺手牵了那伙的山羊One lot steals a goat from another lot,你还没反应过来,已经杀得碎尸满地了before you know it they're ripping each other to pieces.我没见过野人会做这种事I've never seen wildlings do a thing like this.活到现在都没见过这种场面I never seen a thing like this, not ever in my life.-你离得多远- How close did you get? -不能再近了- Close as any man would.我们应该返回长城We should head back to the wall.死人吓着你了吗Do the dead frighten you?我们受命追查野人行踪Our orders were to track the wildlings.已完成任务,现在野人不会骚扰我们了We tracked them. They won't trouble us no more.你以为他不会追问野人的死因吗You don't think he'll ask us how they died?去牵马Get back on your horse.不管是什么杀了野人,也可能杀死我们Whatever did it to them could do it to us.那些家伙连孩童都没放过They even killed the children.值得庆幸,你我皆非孩童It's a good thing we're not children.你想往南逃,尽管去吧You want to run away south, run away.到时自然要被当作逃兵砍头Of course they will behead you as a deserter,还要看你能否先过我这一关if I don't catch you first.快去牵马Get back on your horse.我说最后一次I won't say it again.看来你说的那些死人转移阵地了呀Your dead men seem to have moved camp.刚才就在这里They were here.瞧瞧他们去哪儿了See where they went.那是什么What is it?是...It's...继续,父亲正看着你Go on, father's watching.你母亲也在And your mother.一如既往的漂亮非常好Fine work as always. Well done.多谢夸奖Thank you.我真喜欢你绣在边角的花纹I love the detail that you've managed to get in these corners.太漂亮了Quite beautiful.针脚...The stitching...你们笑的几个,十岁就是神箭手了吗And which one of you was a marksman at 10?接着练,布兰Keep practicing, Bran.继续Go on.别想太多,布兰Don't think too much, Bran.持弓臂放松Relax your bow arm.布兰,跑快点Quick, Bran! Faster.史塔克大人Lord Stark!夫人My lady.有巡山的卫兵刚刚来报A guardsman just rode in from the hills.说他们捉获一个守夜人逃兵They've captured a deserter from the Night's Watch.让孩子们备马Get the lads to saddle their horses.非杀不可吗Do you have to?他背弃了誓言,凯特He swore an oath, Cat.法律就是法律,夫人The law is law, my lady.告诉布兰他也要去Tell Bran he's coming too.奈德Ned.他才十岁,观刑还太小10 is too young to see such things.他不会永远都是个孩子He won't be a boy forever.况且凛冬将至And winter is coming.好小子,快去把剩下的都找回来Good lad, go run back and get the rest.白鬼White walkers.我看到了白鬼I saw the white walkers.白鬼White walkers.白鬼,我都看见了The white walkers, I saw them.我违背了誓言I know I broke my oath.我知道我是逃兵And I know I'm a deserter.我应该回长城去警告他们,可...I should have gone back to the wall and warned them, but...我亲眼所见I saw what I saw.我看到了白鬼I saw the white walkers.要让大家知道People need to know.如果您能给我家人捎句话...If you can get word to my family...告诉他们我不是懦夫Tell them I'm no coward.告诉他们我很抱歉Tell them I'm sorry.原谅我,大人Forgive me, lord.以拜拉席恩家族的劳勃一世In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the first of his name...千万别扭头Don't look away.安达尔人,洛伊拿人和先民的国王...King of the Andals and the First Men...父亲会知道Father will know if you do.七国统治者暨全境守护者之名...Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm,我,史塔克家族的艾德I, Eddard of the House Stark,临冬城公爵,北境守护Lord of Winterfell and warden of the north,宣判你死刑sentence you to die.你做得很好You did well.你知道为什么我要杀他You understand why I did it?琼恩说他是逃兵Jon said he was a deserter.你可明白我为何要亲自行刑But do you understand why I had to kill him?我们遵循古老的传统"Our way is the old way"?判人死刑者必须亲自动手The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.他真的看到白鬼了吗Is it true he saw the white walkers?白鬼数千年前已销声匿迹The white walkers have been gone for thousands of years.那他说的是谎话So he was lying?疯癫之人所见皆是疯癫A madman sees what he sees.什么野兽干的What is it?是山狮吗Mountain lion?附近森林里没有山狮There are no mountain lions in these woods.一头怪物It's a freak!是冰原狼It's a direwolf.顽强的野兽Tough old beast.绝境长城以南没有冰原狼There are no direwolves south of the wall.眼前不就有五头Now there are five.要抱抱它吗You want to hold it?小狼怎么办呢Where will they go?它们的妈妈死了Their mother's dead.它们不属于这里They don't belong down here.不如干脆趁早了结Better a quick death.没有母狼它们活不长They won't last without their mother.-这就对了,把它给我-不- Right. Give it here. - No!把匕首收起来Put away your blade.我听令于你父亲,不是你I take orders from your father, not you.-求你了,父亲-对不起布兰- Please, father! - I'm sorry, Bran.史塔克大人Lord Stark?总共有五只小狼There are five pups...史塔克家族的孩子们每人一只One for each of the Stark children.冰原狼是您家族的纹章The direwolf is the sigil of your house.他们注定要拥有这些小狼They were meant to have them.你们得亲自训练它们You will train them yourselves.亲自喂养他们You will feed them yourselves.如果小狼夭折,你们也要亲手埋葬它们And if they die, you will bury them yourselves.你怎么办What about you?我并非史塔克家族的一员I'm not a Stark.走吧Get on.这是什么What is it?雪诺啊,此为窝中劣种,非你莫属The runt of the litter... That one's yours, Snow.身为弟弟,我觉得有义务提醒你As your brother, I feel it's my duty to warn you:你思虑太重,要添皱纹的you worry too much. It's starting to show.而你从不为任何事忧虑And you never worry about anything.我们七岁那年你就敢跳凯岩城的悬崖When we were seven and you jumped off the cliffs at Casterly Rock,崖顶离水面足足一百尺100-foot drop into the water,而你毫不畏惧and you were never afraid.如果你不告诉父亲,本来就没什么可怕的There was nothing to be afraid of until you told father. "我们是兰尼斯特"We're Lannisters.兰尼斯特家不可有愚行"Lannisters don't act like fools."如果琼恩·艾林已经告诉别人了呢What if Jon Arryn told someone?他能告诉谁But who would he tell?-我丈夫-如果他告诉了国王- My husband. - If he told the king, both our heads你我的头颅现在已经挂在城门口了would be skewered on the city gates by now.不管琼恩·艾林知晓何事,都会带进坟墓了Whatever Jon Arryn knew or didn't know, it died with him.劳勃会选一位新首相And Robert will choose a new Hand of the King...代他处理政务someone to do his job好让他继续操野猪猎妓女while he's off fucking boars and hunting whores...我没说反吧Or is it the other way around?生活会继续And life will go on.当首相的应该是你才对You should be the Hand of the King.这份殊荣我可不敢享受That's an honor I can do without.他们度日如年Their days are too long,而又朝不保夕their lives are too short.这么多年了All these years每当来到这里and I still feel like an outsider你养育了五个北方的孩子You have five northern children.怎可能还算外人You're not an outsider.不知道旧神是不是同意你的话I wonder if the old gods agree.你的七神才喜欢立规矩It's your gods with all the rules.亲爱的,我非常遗憾I am so sorry, my love.-说吧-君临有乌鸦带信来- Tell me. - There was a raven from King's Landing.琼恩·艾林过世了Jon Arryn is dead.热病夺走了他A fever took him.我知道他对你亲如父亲I know he was like a father to you.-你妹妹和那男孩呢-他们安然无恙- Your sister, the boy? - They both have their health,诸神慈悲gods be good.信上还说The raven brought more news...国王正前来临冬城The king rides for Winterfell...带着王后with the queen和所有朝臣and all the rest of them.他千里迢迢北上If he's coming this far north,只可能有一个目的there's only one thing he's after.奈德,你可以拒绝的You can always say no, Ned.提利昂大人的房间要备好大量蜡烛We'll need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber.据说他通宵读书I'm told he reads all night.我倒听说他通宵饮酒I'm told he drinks all night.他能喝多少酒啊,他那样的...How much could he possibly drink? A man of his...身量stature?我们从酒窖里取了八桶麦酒We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar.-说不定到时候就知道了-不管怎样- Perhaps we'll find out. - In any case,蜡烛不能少candles.你母亲为何硬要我们打扮漂亮见国王呢Why is your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the King?肯定是为了见王后吧It's for the Queen, I bet.听说她是个挺讲究的女人I hear she's a sleek bit of mink.听说王子是正宗的王族傻屌I hear the Prince is a right royal prick.想想他用那根傻屌Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab日过多少南方姑娘with his right royal prick.继续,托米,好好给他剪Go on, Tommy, shear him good.还没有姑娘能撼动他对自己头发的喜爱He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair.天哪,它们长得真快Gods, but they grow fast.布兰登Brandon!我看见国王了,他率领着上百号人马I saw the king. He's got hundreds of people.我跟你说过多少次不要爬墙了How many times have I told you no climbing?但是他马上就要到了,就在大道上But he's coming right now... down our road.我要你向我保证I want you to promise me,不再爬墙了no more climbing.我保证I promise.-你知道吗-什么- Do you know what? - What?你在撒谎之前总会低头看脚You always look at your feet before you lie.跑去告诉你父亲,说国王马上就到Run and find your father. Tell him the King is close.艾莉亚哪儿去了,珊莎,你妹妹呢Where's Arya? Sansa, where's your sister?你戴着这玩意儿干什么What are you doing with that on?过去Go on.闪开Move!陛下Your Grace.你发福了You've got fat.-凯特-陛下- Cat! - Your Grace.九年了,怎么就见不到你呢Nine years... Why haven't I seen you?你都到哪里去了Where the hell have you been?为您守护北境陛下Guarding the north for you, Your Grace.临冬城听候您差遣Winterfell is yours.-小恶魔呢-能不能闭嘴- Where's the Imp? - Will you shut up?瞧瞧这里都有谁Who have we here?你一定是罗柏了You must be Robb.真是个美人胚子My, you're a pretty one.你叫什么名字Your name is?艾莉亚Arya.给我们展示一下你的肌肉Oh, show us your muscles.未来定是勇士You'll be a soldier.那是詹姆·兰尼斯特王后的双胞胎弟弟That's Jaime Lannister, the Queen's twin brother.你能闭嘴吗Would you please shut up?王后陛下My Queen.王后陛下My Queen.带我到你们家墓窖去,我要聊表敬意Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects.我们赶了一个月的路,亲爱的We've been riding for a month, my love.要看死人也不用这么着急Surely the dead can wait.奈德Ned.小恶魔在哪儿Where's the Imp?我们的弟弟哪儿去了Where is our brother?去找找那个小畜生Go and find the little beast.跟我说说琼恩·艾林的事Tell me about Jon Arryn.前一分钟还好好的,然后就...One minute he was fine and then...病魔犹如烈火,活活把他给燃尽了Burned right through him, whatever it was.我敬爱那个人I loved that man.我们都一样We both did.你倒是让他省心,可我就不同了He never had to teach you much, but me?还记得我十六岁那会儿吗You remember me at 16?我脑子里只有All I wanted to do打打杀杀和骄奢淫逸的念头was crack skulls and fuck girls.-他教会了我是是非非-是啊- He showed me what was what. - Aye.别这样看我,我没听话不是他的错Don't look at me like that. It's not his fault I didn't listen.我需要你,奈德I need you, Ned...来君临助我down at King's Landing,你躲在这鬼地方,毫无用武之地not up here where you're no damn use to anybody.艾德·史塔克大人Lord Eddard Stark,我将任命你为国王之手,御前首相I would name you the Hand of the King.恐怕我不足以胜任此等要职I'm not worthy of the honor.我可不是为你着想I'm not trying to honor you.我是打算让你来治理国家I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom而我自己痛痛快快地吃喝玩乐,嫖个过瘾while I eat, drink and whore my way to an early grave.妈的,奈德,起来Damn it, Ned, stand up.你既然帮我得到了这张该死的铁椅子You helped me win the Iron Throne,就该帮我保住它吧now help me keep the damn thing.我们注定是要并肩治理国家的We were meant to rule together.倘若你妹妹还活着,我们现在就是联姻手足If your sister had lived, we'd have been bound by blood.好在现在也不迟Well, it's not too late.我有个儿子,你有个女儿I have a son, you have a daughter.我们两家会结合在一起We'll join our houses.北境的女孩果然与传言的一样It is true what they say about the northern girls.你听说国王来临冬城了吗Did you hear the King's in Winterfell?我确实有所耳闻I did hear something about that.还有王后和她的双胞胎弟弟And the Queen and her twin brother.据说他是七国之内最英俊的男子They say that he is the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms.那另一个弟弟呢And the other brother?-王后有两个弟弟吗-一个英俊潇洒- The queen has two brothers? - There's the pretty one,一个聪明绝顶and there's the clever one.听说他人称小恶魔Mmm, I hear they call him the Imp.我听说他讨厌这个绰号I hear he hates that nickname.是吗,听说他实至名归啊Oh? I hear he's more than earned it.还听说他是个嗜酒的小色鬼I hear he's a drunken little lecher,喜欢玩各种各样的体位prone to all manner of perversions.真聪明Clever girl.我们非常期待您的到来,提利昂大人We've been expecting you, Lord Tyrion.真的吗Have you?又有反应了Oh! Already?诸神总算赐我一项天赋The gods gave me one blessing.-不用起身了-见过大人- Don't get up. - My lord.需要我向你解释下妓院紧闭房门Should I explain to you the meaning of a closed door 意味着什么吗,哥哥in a whorehouse, brother?毫无疑问,我还有很多需要向你学习You have much to teach me, no doubt,但我们的姐姐急需你的关心but our sister craves your attention.我们的这位姐姐需求很奇特She has odd cravings, our sister.家族特性A family trait.史塔克家要在日落时分为我们设宴接风Now the Starks are feasting us at sundown.别让我独自面对那些家伙Don't leave me alone with these people.抱歉,我的宴席提前了一些I'm sorry, I've begun the feast a bit early.而这是开胃菜And this is the first of many courses.就知道你会这么说I thought you might say that.既然时间仓促But since we're short on time...进来吧姑娘们Come on, girls.日落时见See you at sundown.关门Close the door!有必要把她葬在这种地方吗Did you have to bury her in a place like this?她应该安息在山丘上She should be on a hill somewhere有阳光白云作伴with the sun and the clouds above her.她是我妹妹She was my sister.这里是她的归宿This is where she belongs.曾经,我才是她的归宿She belonged with me.每晚在梦中,我都要杀他一次In my dreams, I kill him every night.您已经杀了他,陛下It's done, Your Grace.坦格利安家族灭亡了The Targaryens are gone.还未斩草除根Not all of them.丹妮莉丝Daenerys!丹妮莉丝Daenerys.原来准新娘在这里There's our bride-to-be.看哪,伊利里欧送你的礼物Look, a gift from Illyrio.摸摸看Touch it.来呀,瞧瞧这料子Go on, feel the fabric.他真是个体贴的主人Isn't he a gracious host?我们在这儿作客一年多了We've been his guests for over a year他从未有求于我们and he's never asked us for anything.伊利里欧可不笨Illyrio's no fool.他知道有朝一日当我重登王位He knows I won't forget my friends不会忘记曾经雪中送炭的朋友when I come into my throne.你总是弯腰驼背You still slouch.让他们见识一下Let them see.你已有成熟女人的曼妙身姿了You have a woman's body now.今天不许出差错I need you to be perfect today.为了我,能做到吗Can you do that for me?你不想唤醒睡龙之怒吧You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?不想No.将来史家为我立传时,亲爱的妹妹When they write the history of my reign, sweet sister,会说我的统治始自今日they will say it began today.水还很烫,公主殿下It's too hot, my lady.他在哪儿Where is he?多斯拉克人并非以守时闻名The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality.[多斯拉克语]Athchomar chomakaan, Khal vezhven.容许我介绍两位尊贵的客人May I present my honored guests?来自坦格利安家族的Viserys of House Targaryen,韦赛里斯三世the third of his name,统领安达尔人和先民的真王the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men,以及他的妹妹and his sister坦格利安家族的丹妮莉丝Daenerys of House Targaryen.你看到他的头发有多长了没Do you see how long his hair is?每当多斯拉克人在战斗中落败When Dothraki are defeated in combat,他们便割去辫子以示不誉they cut off their braids so the whole world can see their shame.卓戈卡奥一辈子没吃过败仗Khal Drogo has never been defeated.当然了,他是野蛮人He's a savage, of course,但堪称世上最优秀的杀手but one of the finest killers alive.而你将成为他的王后And you will be his queen.来这边,我的公主Come forward, my dear.他要去哪儿Where is he going?!-仪式结束了-但他还什么都没说- The ceremony is over. - But he didn't say anything.-他看上她了吗-相信我,陛下- Did he like her? - Trust me, Your Grace,如果不喜欢她,他会让我们知道的if he didn't like her, we'd know.不会等太久了It won't be long now.很快您就会渡过狭海Soon you will cross the Narrow Sea重夺您父亲的王座and take back your father's throne.人们偷偷举杯The people drink secret toasts祝您龙体安康to your health.他们渴望真王归来They cry out for their true king.他们什么时候成婚When will they be married?很快,多斯拉克人从不在一个地方久留Soon. The Dothraki never stay still for long.他们真的连马都搞吗Is it true they lie with their horses?我可不会当面问卓戈卡奥I wouldn't ask Khal Drogo.你当我是笨蛋Do you take me for a fool?我当您是个王者I take you for a king.所谓王者无凡虑Kings lack the caution of common men.倘若我冒犯了您,那么我向您道歉My apologies if I've given offense.我知道怎么和卓戈这种人打交道I know how to play a man like Drogo.我许给他一个王后,他就要送我一支军队I give him a queen and he gives me an army.我不要做他的王后I don't want to be his queen.我想回家I want to go home.我也是So do I.我想和你一起回家I want us both to go home,可我们的家早给人夺走了but they took it from us.好妹妹,你倒是说说看So tell me, sweet sister,我们怎么回家啊how do we go home?我不知道I don't know.我们带着军队回去We go home with an army.带着卓戈卡奥的千军万马回家With Khal Drogo's army.就算让他部落的四万人通通把你操上一遍I would let his whole tribe fuck you...我也会同意,必要的话All 40,000 men and their horses too连他们的马一起上也行if that's what it took.你觉得乔佛里王子会喜欢我吗Do you think Joffrey will like me?要是他觉得我不好看呢What if he thinks I'm ugly?那他就是世界上最蠢的王子Then he is the stupidest prince that ever lived.他是那么的英俊潇洒He's so handsome.我们何时结婚,很快吗?还是要等一阵子When would we be married? Soon? Or do we have to wait?先别提这个,你父亲还没同意呢Hush now. Your father hasn't even said yes.他怎么会拒绝Why would he say no?他将成为王国里一人之下,万人之上的男人He'd be the second most powerful man in the kingdoms.那样他就不得不离开家乡He'd have to leave home.不得不离开我He'd have to leave me.你也是And so would you.你当初就是离开家乡来到这里You left your home to come here.而我有朝一日会当王后And I'd be queen someday.拜托让父亲同意吧Please make father say yes!-珊莎-求你了求你了- Sansa... - Please please!这是我这辈子唯一的心愿It's the only thing I ever wanted.满上,小伙子们。



泽野弘之βios[al:Guilty Crown Original Sound Tracks][by:尐爷╬籽/Bersaber/莲兽69/sleeeepy/xyk_myxyk——百度贴吧][00:00.00]βιοζ<feat.Mika Kobayashi>[00:06.00]Keyboards,Programming & Backing vocal:Hiroyuki Sawano[00:11.00]Drum: Yu "masshoi" Yamauchi[00:15.00]Bass: Toshino Tanabe[00:20.00]Guitars: Hiroshi Limuro[00:25.00]Additional voice & Backing vocal: mpi[00:30.00]Backing vocal: yassh!![00:40.27]die Ruinenstadt ist immer noch schön / 废弃之墟依旧美丽[00:45.06]ich warte lange Zeit auf deine Rückkehr / 我一直在这守候你归来[00:51.05]in der Hand ein Vergissmeinnicht / 紧握着那支勿忘我[01:00.50]It might be just like a bird in the cage / 这也许就像笼子里的小鸟[01:05.35]How could I reach to your heart / 究竟如何才能触碰到你的内心[01:10.54]I need you to be stronger than anyone / 我需要你变得比任何人都坚强[01:14.90]I release my soul so you feel my song / 我释放我的灵魂所以你听见我的歌[01:18.66]Regentropfen sind meine Tränen / 雨滴化作了我的泪水[01:23.33]Wind ist mein Atem und mein Erzählung / 风带来了我的呼吸和故事[01:28.86]Zweige und Blätter sind meine Hände / 枝叶化作了我的身躯[01:33.27]denn mein Körper ist in Wurzeln gehüllt / 因为我的身体被冻结在根须之中[01:38.10]wenn die Jahreszeit des Tauens kommt, / 当季节更替之时融化[01:43.38]werde ich wach und singe ein Lied / 我苏醒并且歌唱[01:49.00]das Vergissmeinnicht, das du mir gegeben hast, ist hier / 你所给我的那朵勿忘我,就在这儿[01:59.19]erinnerst du dich noch? / 你还记得吗?[02:01.23]erinnerst du dich noch an dein Wort,das du mir gegeben hast? / 你还记得你对我说的话吗?[02:09.03]erinnerst du dich noch? / 你还记得吗?[02:11.21]erinnerst du dich noch an den Tag,an dem du mir...? / 你还记得那一天的你……[02:18.00]wenn die Jahreszeit des Vergissmeinnichts kommt, / 当这个季节的勿忘我盛开[02:23.07]singe ich ein Lied / 我将再次歌唱[02:28.06]wenn die Jahreszeit des Vergissmeinnichts kommt, / 当这个季节的勿忘我盛开[02:33.09]rufe ich dich / 我将为你歌唱[02:59.63]It could be the whole of the problem change your body / 这可能是问题的全部改变你的身体[03:04.74]I need you to be stronger than anyone / 我需要你变得比任何人都坚强[03:09.36]I release my soul so you feel my breath / 我释放我的灵魂所以你感受到我的呼吸[03:15.39]Feel my move / 感受我的感受[03:19.80]Regentropfen sind meine Tränen / 雨滴化作了我的泪水[03:24.61]Wind ist mein Atem und mein Erzählung / 风带来了我的呼吸和故事[03:30.36]Zweige und Blätter sind meine Hände / 枝叶化作了我的身躯[03:34.52]denn mein Körper ist in Wurzeln gehüllt / 因为我的身体被冻结在根须之中[03:39.58]wenn die Jahreszeit des Tauens kommt, / 当季节更替之时融化[03:44.88]werde ich wach und singe ein Lied / 我苏醒而歌唱[03:50.19]das Vergissmeinnicht, das du mir gegeben hast, ist hier / 你所给我的那朵勿忘我,就在这儿[04:01.00]End。



OP1OP1「My dearest」歌:日本福冈县出身的15 岁歌手「こゑだ」作词·作曲·编曲:知名创作团体「supercell」的成员ryo 发售时间:2011年11月23日收录专辑:supercell 第4张单曲「My Dearest」歌词(TV ver.)So everything that makes me whole【所有让我完整的一切】今(いま)君(きみ)に捧(ささ)げよう【现在都奉献给你】ima kimini sasageyou I am your's【我是你的】ねえこの世界(せかい)にはたくさんの幸(しあわ)せがあるんだね【呐这个世界上有很多种的幸福】ne konosekainiwa takusanno shiawasega arundane いつかふたりなら【总有一天如果是两个人的话】itsuka futarinara Whoeverが君(きみ)のこと嘘(うそ)つきと呼(よ)んで【不管是谁称你为骗子】whoever ga kiminokoto usotsukitoyonde 心无(こころな)い言叶(ことば)で伤(きず)つけようとしても【戓是用无情的语言伤害你】kokoronai kotobade kizutsukeyoutoshitemo 世界(せかい)が君(きみ)のことを信(しん)じようとせずに【不管世界是否相信你】sekaiga kiminokotowo shinjiyoutosezuni 茨(いばら)の冠(かんむり)を冠(かぶ)せようとしても【即使戴上荆棘做的皇冠】ibarano kanmuriwo kabuseyoutoshitemo 私(わたし)は君(きみ)だけの味方(みかた)になれるよ【我会一直站在你这边】watashiwa kimidakeno mikataninareruyo この孤独(こどく)痛(いた)みを私は知っている【因为我知道这孤独的疼痛】konokodoku itamiwo watashiwa shitteiru So everything that makes me whole【所有让我完整的一切】今(いま)君(きみ)に捧(ささ)げよう【现在都奉献给你】ima kimini sasageyouOP2The Everlasting Guilty Crown【永恒的罪恶之冠】作词:ryo(supercell) 作曲:ryo(supercell) 编曲:ryo(supercell) 歌:EGOIST(Vocal:chelly) 发售时间:2012年3月7日世界(せかい)は终(お)わりを告(つ)げようとしてる【如果说世界的末日已经到来】se ka i wa o wa ri wo tsu ge yo u to shi te ru 谁(だれ)にももう止(と)められはしない【又有谁可以将其阻止】da re ni mo mo u to me ra re wa shi na i ——始(はじ)まる【一切皆已开幕】——ha ji ma ru 崩壊(ほうかい)の交响曲(シンフォニー)が鸣(な)り响(ひび)いて【崩坏的交响乐曲已经奏响】ho u ka i no shi n fo ni ga na ri hi bi i te 降(ふ)る雨(あめ)はまるで涙(なみだ)の音色(ねいろ)【滴落的雨水宛如泪的声音】fu ru a me wa ma ru de na mi da no ne i ro 教(おし)えて【请告诉我】o shi e te 支配(しはい)し支配(しはい)され人达(ひとたち)は【被欲望所支配的人们啊】shi ha i shi shi ha i sa re hi to ta chi waいつかその心(こころ)に憎(にく)しみを【何时憎恨占据了他们的心灵】i tsu ka so no ko ko ro ni ni ku shi mi wo そして爱(あい)することを思(おも)い出(だ)せず【忘记了他们心中存在的爱】so shi te a i su ru ko to wo o mo i da se zu 争(あらそ)うの?【而要互相争斗?】 a ra so u no? この歌(うた)が聴(き)こえてる【能够听到这首歌的】ko no u ta ga ki ko e te ru 命(いのち)ある全(すべ)ての者(もの)よ【所有拥有生命的存在】i no chi a ru su be te no mo no yo 真実(しんじつ)はあなたの胸(むね)の中(なか)にある【那真实就在你们的胸膛中】shi n ji tsu wa a na ta no mu neno na ka ni a ru 岚(あらし)の海(うみ)を行(ゆ)く时(とき)も【从我这里获取】 a ra shi no u mi wo yu ku to ki mo 决(け)して臆(おく)することのない强(つよ)さを【那份哪怕面对在暴风雨肆虐的大海】ke shi te o ku su ru ko to no na i tsu yo sa wo くれるから【也能够的毫不畏惧的力量吧】ku re ru ka ra けれども进(すす)むほど风(かぜ)は强(つよ)く【但是那风却强大到能够】ke re do mo su su mu ho do ka ze wa tsu yo ku 希望(きぼう)の灯(ひ)あやがて消(き)えていく【将希望的灯火摧毁】ki bo u no hi a ya ga te ki e te i ku 「灯(あか)りをよこせ」と夺(うば)い合(あ)い【那光所钩织的明灯能否传递到人们心中】「a ka ri wa wo yo ko se」to u ba i a i 果(は)てには人(ひと)は杀(ころ)し合(あ)う【结束那无止境的争斗相互残杀】ha te ni wa hi to wa ko ro shi a u 涙(なみだ)などとうに枯(か)れて【枯竭了眼中的泪水】na mi da na do to u ni ka re te 気付(きづ)いて【快点回想起来吧】ki zu i te その目(め)は互(たが)いを认(みと)めるため【那双目是为了确认彼此的存在】so no me wa ta ga i wo mi to me ru ta me その声(こえ)は想(おも)いを伝(つた)えるため【那声音是为了传达思念的情感】so no ko e wa o mo i wo tsu ta e ru ta me その手(て)は大事(だいじ)な人(ひと)と繋(つな)ぐためにある【那双手是为了把重要的人紧紧握住】so no te wa da i ji na hi to to tsu na gu ta me ni a ru この歌(うた)が聴(き)こえてる【把我这首歌献给】ko no u ta ga ki ko e te ru 世界中(せかいじゅう)の寄(よ)る辺(べ)なき者(もの)よ【游荡在世界中的亡者】se ka i jyu u no yo ru be na ki mo no yo 希望(きぼう)はあなたの胸(むね)の中(なか)にある【希望就在你们的胸中】ki bo u wa a na ta no mu ne no na ka ni a ru 燃(も)え盛(さか)る焔(ほむら)の中(なか)でも【哪怕汹涌燃烧的火焰】mo e sa ka ru ho mu ra no na ka de mo 决(け)して伤(きづ)つくことのない强(つよ)さを【也永远无法伤害到你让我将你】ke shi te ki zu tsu ku ko to no na i tsu yo sa wo くれるから【变得强大起来】ku re ru ka ra その手(て)で守(まも)ろうとしたものは【试图用衰弱无力的双手】so no te de ma mo ro u to shi ta mo no wa 爱(あい)する者(もの)だったのだろうか【去保护自己所爱的人】 a i su ru mo no da tta no da ro u ka 红(あか)く染(そ)まったその手(て)を眺(なが)めて【看着手中那已染的鲜红】 a ka ku so ma tta so no te o na ga me te やっと自(みづか)らがしてきた愚(おろ)かさを【我终于意识到自己的愚蠢】ya tto mi zu ka ra ga shi te ki ta o ro ka sa wo 过(あやま)ちと认(みと)めるその罪(つみ)を【承认了自己的错误和罪过】 a ya ma chi to mi to me ru so no tsu mi wo とめどなくあふれるその涙(なみだ)を【眼中的溢满的泪水不住滴落】to me do na ku a fu re ru so no na mi da wo 知(し)る【知道么】shi ru この歌(うた)が聴(き)こえてる【能够听到这首歌的】ko no u ta ga ki ko e te ru 命(いのち)ある全(すべ)ての者(もの)よ【所有拥有生命的存在呵】i no chi a ru su be te no mo no yo 真実(しんじつ)はあなたの胸(むね)の中(なか)にある【那真实和真理就存在于你们的心中】shi n ji tsu wa a na ta no mu ne no na ka ni a ru 岚(あらし)の海(うみ)は静(しず)まった【就算暴风肆虐的海早已平静】 a ra shi no u mi wa shi zu ma tta 失(うしな)ったものは数(かぞ)えきれなくとも【但失去的生命却再也数不清】u shi na tta mo no wa ka zo e ki re na ku to mo この歌(うた)が聴(き)こえてる【把我这首歌献给】ko no u ta ga ki ko e te ru 世界中(せかいじゅう)の寄(よ)る辺(べ)なき者(もの)よ【在世界边缘游走的亡灵】se ka i jyu u no yo ru be na ki mo no yo 希望(きぼう)はあなたの胸(むね)の中(なか)にある【希望本就存在在你们的心中】ki bo u wa a na ta no mu ne no na ka ni a ru 悲(かな)しみの夜(よる)を超(こ)える时(とき)【当悲伤之夜过去之时】ka na shi mi no yo ru wo ko e ru to ki 必(かなら)ずあなたは生(い)きていく强(つよ)さを【你一定会活下来】ka na ra zu a na ta wa i ki te yi ku tsu yo sa wo 持(も)てるから【请打起勇气吧】mo te ru ka ra ED★「注」:本作中ED和插曲的演唱EGOIST是动画中的乐队名,在动画中楪祈是它的主唱,而实际中这些歌曲的演唱者是从约2000位候选人中选定的歌姬,日本歌手chelly(日本千叶县出身、17岁)ED1「Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~」歌:EGOIST(Vocal:chelly)作词·作曲·编曲:ryo 发售时间:2011年11月30日收录专辑:EGOIST 第1张单曲『Departures ~あなたにおくるアイの歌~』歌词もうあなたから爱(あい)されることも【你已经不会再爱我】mo u a na ta ka ra a i sa re ru ko to mo 必要(ひつよう)とされることもない【也不再需要我】hi tsu yo u to sa re ru ko to mo na i そして私(わたし)はこうして一人(ひとり)ぼっちで【于是乎我就这样孤零零一人】so shi te wa ta shi wa ko u shi te hi to ri bo cchi de あの时(とき)あなたはなんて言(い)ったの?【那时候你到底说了些什么?】 a no to ki a na ta wa na n te i tta no 届(とど)かない言叶(ことば)は宙(ちゅう)を舞(ま)う【传递不了的话语飘荡空中】to do ka na i ko to ba wa chyu u wo ma u わかってるのに今日(きょう)もしてしまう【明明心里明白今天却依旧许下】wa ka tte ru no ni kyo u mo shi te shi ma u 叶(かな)わぬ愿(ねが)いごとを【无法实现的每份心愿】ka na wa nu ne ga i go to wo 离(はな)さないで【不要松开】ha na sa na i de ぎゅっと手(て)を握(にぎ)っていて【请紧紧握住我的手】gyu tto te wo ni gi tte i te あなたと二人(ふたり) 続(つづ)くと言(い)って【快说要跟你两人一起走下去】a na ta to fu ta ri tsu zu ku to i tte 繋(つな)いだその手(て)は温(あたた)かくて【十指相扣的手暖乎乎的】tsu na i da so no te wa a ta ta ka ku te 优(やさ)しかった【相当温柔】ya sa shi ka tta あなたはいつもそうやって私(わたし)を【你总是若无其事地惹怒我】 a na ta wa i tsu mo so u ya tte wa ta shi wo 怒(おこ)らせて最後(さいご)に泣(な)かすんだ【最后还弄哭人家】o ko ra se te sa i go ni na ka su n da だけど後(あと)になって【然而事过之后】da ke do a to ni na tte ごめんねっていうその颜(かお)【你对我说道歉的表情】go me n ne tte i u so no ka o 好(す)きだった【我如是喜欢】su ki da tta 离(はな)さないで【不要松开】ha na sa na i de ぎゅっとそう思(おも)いっきり【请尽情地将我抱紧吧】gyu tto so u o mo i kki ri あなたの腕(うで)の中(なか)にいたい【我想跳进你的臂弯中】 a na ta no u de no na ka ni i ta i 二人(ふたり)でおでこをあわせながら【你我两人相互贴着额头】fu ta ri de o de ko wo a wa se na ga ra 眠(ねむ)るの【迈入梦乡】ne mu ru no もう二度(にど)とは会(あ)えないってことを知(し)ってたの?【你早就知道我们不会再相见?】mo u ni do to wa na e na i tte ko to wo shi tte ta no 离(はな)さないで【不要松开】ha na sa na i de ぎゅっとあなたが好(す)き【紧抱着我我喜欢你】gyu tto a na ta ga su ki もう一度(いちど)だって笑(わら)ってくれないの【你就不能再一次对我展露笑容么】mo u i chi do da tte wa ra tte ku re na i no あなたの温(ぬく)もりが消(き)えちゃう前(まえ)に【趁着你的温存尚未消逝之前】 a na ta no nu ku mo ri ga ki e chya u ma e ni 抱(だ)きしめて【请紧拥我】da ki shi me te。

再要你命3000--List 1

再要你命3000--List 1



《新GRE核心词汇考法精析》(再要你命3000)主编:陈琦副主编:周书林编委:陈琦,周书林,马驰,肖雪,颜余真第1版2011年6月关于本书的建议与交流,请将电子邮件发到以下信箱:gre3000words@ 高端申请咨询:premium.apply@文档由琦和周书林共同制作完成。


By Jason & Franklin. This Doc ument Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization.序一这一年,我们经历了很多变化。










也希望我们为大家带来的《再要你命3000》 能够为各位备考新GRE带来帮助。

琦叔Jason Chen2011-6-11序二依稀记得当年上小学五年级的时候,学校第一次开了英语课。












I see the player you mean.我看到你所指的那位玩家了。

[Player name]?[玩家名称]?Yes. Take care. It has reached a higher level now. It can read our thoughts.是的,小心。


That doesn't matter. It thinks we are part of the game.无伤大雅,他认为我们是游戏的一部分。

I like this player. It played well. It did not give up.我喜欢这个玩家,他玩得很好,他从未放弃。

It is reading our thoughts as though they were words on a screen.他以屏幕上出现的文字的形式阅读着我们的思想。

That is how it chooses to imagine many things, when it is deep in the dream of a game.在他深陷游戏之梦时,他选择以这种方式想象出形形色色的事物。

Words make a wonderful interface. Very flexible. And less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen.文字编织出一种美妙的界面,非常灵活。

























the wrong kind of knight好句

the wrong kind of knight好句

the wrong kind of knight好句"The Wrong Kind of Knight" is a captivating tale that explores themes of courage, honor, and the complexities of knights and chivalry. The following are some of the noteworthy sentences from the story that exhibit its rich vocabulary, profound insights, and engaging narrative:"In a world where knights were expected to be strong and brave, Gareth felt like a squirming worm, weak and unworthy." This sentence beautifully captures Gareth's inner turmoil and self-doubt, setting the stage for his journey of self-discovery and growth."The knight's code was a heavy weight on his shoulders, a burden that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day." This metaphorical description of the knight's code as a weight on Gareth's shoulders effectively illustrates the pressure and responsibility that knights felt to uphold their honor and chivalry."In the dim light of the torch, the dragon's eyes glowed menacingly, and Gareth's heart sank. He knew he was no match for such a beast." This vivid description of the dragon and Gareth's fear heightens the tension and excitement, making the reader anxious to see how he will overcome this challenge."As he faced the dragon, Gareth realized that true courage wasn't about being fearless, but about facing your fears and doing what was right despite them." This profound insight into courage and bravery is a powerful message that resonates with readers, reminding us that courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to overcome it."The dragon's roar echoed through the cave, shaking the very foundation of Gareth's resolve. But he stood his ground, determined to prove that he was more than just a pretty face and a fancy uniform." This sentence showcases Gareth's determination and resolve, as he defies the dragon and challenges his own limitations, growing as a character in the process.These sentences not only exhibit the author's skillful use of language but alsoconvey profound themes and insights that make "The Wrong Kind of Knight" a memorable and thought-provoking read.。



佛耶戈英语作文In the heart of the Iberian Peninsula, there lies a city where history and modernity blend seamlessly, where the echoes of the past meet the whispers of the future. This city is Vigo, a place where the Atlantic Ocean kisses the shores of Spain, and where the language of the world is spoken through the universal dialect of English.Vigo's story is not just written in the stones of its ancient streets or the walls of its storied buildings; it is also narrated by its people. They are the custodians of a rich cultural heritage, a people whose resilience and warmth are as renowned as the city's famed seafood cuisine. The spirit of Vigo is not captured through mere observation; it is experienced through interaction, through the exchange of words and ideas in English, the lingua franca of our global village.The city's educational institutions stand as beacons of learning, where English is not just taught as a subject but embraced as a key to unlocking opportunities and bridging cultures. In classrooms overlooking the sea, students from diverse backgrounds come together, their voices merging in a symphony of accents, all united by their desire to master English.Vigo's commitment to English education is evident in its approach to teaching. Here, language is not confined to textbooks; it is brought to life through innovative methods that encourage active participation and real-world application. Students engage in debates, perform in plays, and participate in community projects, all in English, fostering not only linguistic proficiency but also critical thinking and empathy.The city's embrace of English extends beyond the classroom. It is present in the international conferences that convene within its convention centers, in the business deals struck in its bustling port, and in the casual conversations between locals and tourists on the sun-drenched terraces of cafés.Vigo's narrative is one of transformation, a testament to the power of language to connect and empower. It is a narrative that continues to evolve, as each generation ofVigueses takes up the mantle of English proficiency, ensuring that their city remains a vibrant participant in the global dialogue.As the sun sets over the Ria de Vigo, casting a golden glow over the city, one can hear the laughter of children playing in the plazas, the chatter of friends sharing stories, and the murmur of students pondering their futures. All these sounds are woven together by the common thread of English, a language that in Vigo, is more than a means of communication—it is a bridge to the world.In this city, where the old fortresses stand guard over new horizons, English is the key that unlocks the gates to global citizenship. It is the language that allows Vigueses to share their heritage with the world and, in turn, to bring the world back to Vigo.Through the study and use of English, Vigo continues to write its story, a narrative of progress and hope, of a city that looks outward to the sea and beyond, ready to play its part on the world stage. And as the night descends and the stars emerge, one can sense the promise of tomorrow, a promise spoken in the universal language of English, echoing through the streets of Vigo. 。



雷丁监狱之歌雷丁监狱之歌,瑞丁监狱之歌,The Ballad of Reading GaolbyOscar WildeIn MemoriamC.T.W.Sometime Trooper ofThe Royal Horse Guards.Obiit H.M. Prison, Reading, Berkshire, July 7th, 1896I. 第一部分He did not wear his scarlet coat, 他没有穿他癿猩红外套, For blood and wine are red, 因为血液和葡萄酒是红癿,And blood and wine were on his hands 血不酒在他双手之上, When they found him with the dead,当他们发现他在死者身旁,The poor dead woman whom he loved,他爱着癿死去癿可怜妇人,And murdered in her bed.被杀害于她癿床边。

He walked amongst the Trial Men他走到审判人当中,In a suit of shabby grey;身着一套简陋癿灰衣;A cricket cap was on his head,一顶板球帽子戴在头顶,And his step seemed light and gay;和着他轻盈虚浮癿脚步;But I never saw a man who looked So wistfully at the day.过去我不曾见过一个人渴望得那么深刻。

I never saw a man who looked With such a wistful eye 我从未见过谁癿眼中会有这样幽邃癿渴望。

Upon that little tent of blue Which prisoners call the sky,把囚犯称为天空癿幕布审视得是那样心无旁骛And at every drifting cloud that went With sails of silver by.眼见每片飘过癿浮云展现出银帆般癿丰韵。



歌词The Everlasting Guilty Crown中⽂这个世界正要向所有⼈宣告终结已经没有任何⼈能够阻⽌这⼀切开始了吗崩坏了的交响曲正在不断地上演落下的⾬交织成宛如泪⾊的⾳乐我想了解被野⼼⽀配着的⼈类到底是如何让灵魂深处充满了憎恨的颜⾊明明所爱着的事物都已被解冻为何要争⽃如果世界上的所有⽣命现在能够听到这⾸歌请相信真实就在你们那被⽇渐封闭的内⼼⾥哪怕海洋被暴风⾬所侵袭我也定要给予绝不畏惧⼀切的你⽣存的意义阻挡前进的暴风已经越来越强劲希望之灯不久之后就会消失殆尽请把光明“全让给我” 这么说着的⼈彼此争夺互相杀戮空洞的眼之泉早已⼲涸注意到了那双眼睛是为了彼此能够去相信那份声⾳是为了能够去传递感情那只⼿是为了能够牵住重要的⼈⽽存在着呢如果夜晚不存在的⽣灵现在能够听到这⾸歌请相信希望就在你们那被⽇渐封闭的内⼼⾥哪怕会被炽热的⽕焰燃尽了⽣命我也定要给予绝不畏惧⼀切的你不会受伤的⼼⽤各⾃的双⼿能够保护着的东西是否是为了⾃⼰所爱着的那⼈啊⽤被⾎⾊染红的⼿静静地眺望着终于从什么时候开始学会了直视愚蠢曾经犯下的过失与罪恶终究承认只是为何在不知不觉中已眼泪纵横懂了如果世界上的所有⽣命现在能够听到这⾸歌请相信真实就在你们那被⽇渐封闭的内⼼⾥在暴风⾬后海洋逐渐平静但是这之后失去的东西同样数也数不清如果夜晚不存在的⽣灵现在能够听到这⾸歌请相信希望就在你们那被⽇渐封闭的内⼼⾥即使整个世界充满阴霾从不放晴也要⽤⼀定能够⽣存的决⼼永远不放弃⼀定会有奇迹你爱⼩熊吗(东京テディベア中⽂版)原曲:《东京テディベア》词曲:押⼊れP填词:⼗⼆⽞樱翻唱:祈Inory说声再见吧,亲爱的爸爸妈妈⼑背冰凉了脸颊,怀⾥⼩熊很听话笨蛋消失啦,⼤家会夸我的吧抱着腐臭的⾝躯,从这⾥⼀⼑剪下圣诞⼜快到来,把说谎的⼈等待⼩熊⼀直很乖,别对我不理不睬想要~只是更多的你的爱再也忍不住,瘦弱双⼿,⽤⼒砍伤那个未来全世界沉默,窗外烟⽕,为什么都欺负我把梦想戳破,有什么错 why not I dont know3.NO BUTS硬币划过天边定格在这⼀瞬间是努⼒去追寻或等待命运幸运⼥神请将我指引4.OATH SIGN虚幻流转循环世界多少混沌等待解答害怕结局⽽不敢醒来命运等待被冲破违背诺⾔扔下思念忘记我曾说过的话停滞脚步转⾝的冷漠划破⿊暗留⾎⾊⼀抹躲不开轮回的终点斩不断暗藏的背叛遥远的信仰已摇摆⽆法证明我还存在希望带来了悲哀我的⼿⽆⼒更改那道光芒转瞬间全消散埋葬昨天撕开挣扎破碎不会伴着泪越过混沌的交叉斩断虚伪的潇洒传说中的那天堂不存在继续追寻尘封的信仰就是我唯⼀的守候背下了陈伤不⽤为我叹息...5.⽣命如歌填词:逆时针当天空不再晴朗如昼当灰烬笼罩了清晨的冬哪⾥有新⽣的家国念⽩:I could see the gray sky, and I criedCould we live without miracles? How to smile when we met the death? It’s a tragedy, it’s a hell.就让泪坠向⼤地洗去灾难肆意的痕迹是谁为了祈祷跪下双膝却换来了神的⼀场抛弃⼣阳笼罩的残垣断壁⽣命如秋天的花凋零我守在这⾥⽤拉长了的尾⾳铭记谁在唱着歌叹息着什么⽀离的未来怎样揣测谁在唱着歌祈祷着什么这还不够沉重吗我举起右⼿阳光亮的刺眼跌落在掌间我看见花丛从满⽬狼藉中开出彩虹谁还唱着歌难道是你吗断开的掌纹昭⽰什么谁还唱着歌我跟着轻和也许有⼈幸存吧念⽩:I’m looking for a heaven with clear sky and green forests. Where is it and how to get there.I’m so tired now that I wanna sleep. Don’t wake me up.就让歌响彻⼤地唤醒沉睡汪洋的⽣命我看见有⽩鸟划过天际飞向远⽅那磅礴的晨曦挣扎着穿越残垣断壁有阳光从乌云中降临我还在这⾥⽤绵延悠长尾⾳铭记βios焦躁的⼼已经不能安静跳跃微笑的天使却凝视着这颠倒的世界向前冲!这⼀次让我⾃⼰做⾃⼰的神灵粉碎所有羁绊粉碎所有昨天曾经留下的遗憾SO 所有期盼都会在云开⽇出时实现让阳光的温暖划破蔚蓝的天合着坚定的视线NO BUTS!笨拙地剪着,胸膛左侧,是红⾊还是⿊⾊歪掉的笑脸,流下满地,浓稠的可可从颈间融化,是什么滴答滴答在露出失望之前,我会⾃觉消失啦⾓落⾥的⼈在看着什么,⾓落⾥的⼈在嘲笑着我⼿⼼⾥的⼑在割着什么,⼿⼼⾥的⼑慢慢割着我啊~⼩熊跳着死亡的轮廓再向前⼀步,就快能够,享受到这⼀秒的坠落全世界沉默,窗外烟⽕,为什么都欺负我把梦想戳破,有什么错 why not I dont know笨拙地剪着,胸膛左侧,是红⾊还是⿊⾊歪掉的笑脸,流下满地,浓稠的可可寂寞很温柔,轻声演奏,钝痛啃⾷着胸⼝嘴⾓的丑陋,染红之后,却美得颤抖倒映着污垢,⼩熊那双,天真空洞的眼眸可笑的理由,为什么总,要让我承受感觉不到爱,⽆法忍耐,已经没必要存在幻想的愉快,⼼中阴霾,⽤微笑掩盖再抱紧我,再刺伤我,乖乖在你怀中腐烂斑驳不愿睁开眼,因为温柔,会变成泡沫你会爱我吗,可惜听不到回答抱着纯⽩的⾝躯,从这⾥⼀⼑剪下。



莎士比亚浪漫语录英文莎士比亚浪漫语录英文莎士比亚作品里面有很多经典的爱情语录,其中你最喜欢哪一句呢?下面小编為你整理了莎士比亚浪漫语录英文,希望能帮到你!1、I”ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no word to save thee。


2、Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold。


3、Ignorance is the curse of God,Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven。


4、In delay there lies no plenty,and then come kime,sweet and twenty,Youth’s a stuff that will not endure。


5、Better a witty fool than a foolish wit。


6、Words can not express true love,loyalty behavior is the best explanation。


7、Laughter is the root of all evil。


8、Good name in man and woman,dear my lord,is the immediate jewel of their souls:Who steals my purse steals trash;’tis something,nothing。


失乐园 节选

失乐园 节选

Paradise Lost(Excerpt)John Milton 失乐园节选约翰·弥尔顿Nine times the space that measures day and night 依照人间的计算,大约九天九夜,To mortal men, he with his horrid crew,他和他那一伙可怕的徒众,Lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf.沉沦辗转在烈火的深渊中。

Confounded though immortal. But his doom虽属不死之身,却象死者一样横陈,Reserved him to more wrath; for now the thought 但这个刑罚反激起他更大的忿怒,Both of lost happiness and lasting pain既失去了幸福,又受无穷痛苦的煎熬。

Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes,他抬起忧虑的双眼,环视周遭,That witnessed huge affliction and dismay,摆在眼前的是莫大的隐忧和烦恼,Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate.顽固的傲气和难消的憎恨交织着。

At once, as far as angels ken, he views霎时间,他竭尽天使的目力,望断The dismal situation waste and wild;际涯,但见悲风弥漫,浩渺无垠,A dungeon horrible, on all sides round,四面八方围着他的是个可怕的地牢,As one great furnace flamed; yet from those flames 象一个洪炉的烈火四射,但那火焰No light, but rather darkness visible却不发光,只是灰蒙蒙的一片,Served only to discover sights of woe,可以辨认出那儿的苦难景况,Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace 悲惨的境地和凄怆的暗影。

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「The Everlasting Guilty Crown」
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