.NET FrameworkActiveX 数据对象 (ActiveX Data Objects)ActiveX 数据对象 (ActiveX Data ObjectsActiveX 数据对象(多维)(ActiveX Data Objects (Multidimensional)) ADO MDAMOAPI 服务器游标 (API server cursor) B 树 (B-tree)bcp 文件 (bcp file)CLRCLR 触发器 (CLR trigger)CLR 存储过程 (CLR stored procedure)CLR 函数 (CLR function)CLR 用户定义类型 (CLR user-defined type)CPU 忙 (CPU busy)datareaderDBCSdboDDLDDL 触发器 (DDL trigger)DMLDML 触发器 (DML trigger)DMVDSNETLFor 循环容器 (For Loop container) Foreach 循环容器 (Foreach Loop container)GACGCguestHoBTHTMLHTML 查看器 (HTML Viewer)IAMIECInternet 协议安全 (Internet Protocol security)IPsecISOLCIDLSNmaster 数据库 (master database) MBCSMDACMDXMicrosoft 数据访问组件 (Microsoft Data Access Components)model 数据库 (model database) niladic 函数 (niladic functions) NULLNull 键 (null key)NUMAODBC 驱动程序 (ODBC driver) ODBC 数据源 (ODBC data source) OLAPOLE DBOLE DB for OLAPOLE 自动化对象 (OLE Automation objects)OLE 自动化服务器 (OLE Automation server)OLE 自动化控制器 (OLE Automation controller)PALRDARDBMSRDLReportViewer 控件 (ReportViewer controls)RIDRTIMSBCSSMDLSQLSQL Server 登录名 (SQL Server login)SQL Server 身份验证 (SQL Server Authentication)SQL Server 事件转发服务器 (SQL Server Event Forwarding Server) SQL 表达式 (SQL expression)SQL 查询 (SQL query)SQL 排序规则 (SQL collation)SQL 语句 (SQL statement)tablixTDSTransact-SQLTransact-SQL 游标 (Transact-SQL cursor)UnicodeUnicode 格式 (Unicode format) Unicode 排序规则 (Unicode collation)uniqueifierVLDBWeb 服务 (Web service)Web 同步 (Web synchronization) Windows Management InstrumentationWindows 排序规则 (Windows collation)Windows 数据访问组件 (Windows Data Access Components) (Windows DAC)WMIWMI 查询语言 (WMI Query Language)WQLXcopyXML for AnalysisXMLAXSLXSLT安全代码 (safe code)安全对象 (securable)安全扩展插件 (security extension)安全套接字层(Secure Sockets Layer,SSL)安全主体 (security principal)安装程序初始化文件 (Setup initialization file)按范围分区 (range partitioning)半角字符 (half-width character)半累加性度量值 (semiadditive measure)绑定 (binding)包 (package)包含列的索引 (Included column index)保存点 (savepoint)保护级别 (protection level)报表布局 (report layout)报表布局模板 (report layout template)报表呈现 (report rendering)报表处理扩展插件 (report processing extension)报表定义 (report definition)报表定义语言 (Report Definition Language)报表服务器 (report server)报表服务器 Web 服务 (Report Server Web service)报表服务器服务 (Report Server service)报表服务器管理员 (report server administrator)报表服务器数据库 (report server database)报表服务器文件夹命名空间 (report server folder namespace)报表服务器执行帐户 (report server execution account)报表快照 (report snapshot)报表历史记录 (report history)报表历史记录快照 (report history snapshot)报表链接 (report link)报表模型 (report model)报表特定计划 (report-specific schedule)报表项 (report item)报表执行快照 (report execution snapshot)报告中间格式 (report intermediate format)备份集 (backup set)备份设备 (backup device)备用服务器 (standby server)备用文件 (standby file)备注 (memo)被链接表 (linked table)被引用键 (referenced key)本地登录标识 (local login identification)本地订阅 (local subscription)本地多维数据集 (local cube)本地分发服务器 (local Distributor)本地分区视图 (local partitioned view)本地服务器 (local server)本地化 (localization)本地组 (local group)本机格式 (native format)变化的维度 (changing dimension)变量 (variable)标记 (token)标量 (scalar)标量聚合 (scalar aggregate)标识符 (identifier)标识列 (identity column)标识属性 (identity property)标识字段 (identifying field)标注字符 (diacritic character)表 (table)表达式 (expression)表达式宿主程序集 (expression host assembly)表格格式数据流 (tabular data stream)表级约束 (table-level constraint)表扫描 (table scan)表数据区域 (table data region)表锁 (table lock)别名 (alias)别名 (nickname)并发 (concurrency)不安全代码 (unsafe code)不感知游标 (insensitive cursor)不可缩放 EM (Non-scalable EM)不可缩放的 K-means (Non-scalable K-means)不可为 Null 的参数 (nonnullable parameter)不可重复读 (nonrepeatable read)不齐整层次结构 (ragged hierarchy)布尔值 (Boolean)部分备份 (partial backup)部分差异备份 (partial differential backup)参数 (argument)参数化 (parameterization)参数化报表 (parameterized report)参数化行筛选器 (parameterized row filter)层次结构 (hierarchy)查询调控器 (query governor)查询优化器 (query optimizer)查找表 (lookup table)差异备份 (differential backup)差异基准 (differential base)常量 (constant)超文本标记语言 (Hypertext Markup Language)撤消 (revoke)撤消阶段 (undo phase)成员 (member)成员委托 (member delegation)成员属性 (member property)呈现的报表 (rendered report)呈现对象模型 (rendering object model)呈现扩展插件 (rendering extension)呈现扩展插件 (rendering extension)程序集 (assembly)持久化计算列 (persisted computed column)持久性 (persistence)初始快照 (initial snapshot)初始同步 (initial synchronization)触发器 (trigger)传递查询 (pass-through query)传递扩展插件 (delivery extension)传递顺序 (pass order)传递通道 (delivery channel)传递通道类型 (delivery channel type)传递协议 (delivery protocol)传递语句 (pass-through statement)串联 (concatenation)创建器 (producer)垂直分区 (vertical partitioning)垂直筛选 (vertical filtering)纯日志备份 (pure log backup)词干分析器 (stemmer)词汇切分 (tokenization)磁带备份 (tape backup)粗粒度锁 (coarse-grained lock)存储过程 (stored procedure)存储库 (repository)存储库 SQL 架构 (Repository SQL schema)存储库对象 (repository object)存储库类型信息模型 (Repository Type Information Model)存储库引擎 (repository engine)错误日志 (error log)错误状态号 (error state number)大容量日志恢复模式 (bulk-logged recovery model)代理帐户 (proxy account)代码访问安全性 (code access security)代码页 (code page)单用户模式 (single-user mode)单元 (cell)单元集 (cellset)单字节字符集 (single-byte character set)登录安全模式 (login security mode)递归层次结构 (recursive hierarchy)点击链接型报表 (clickthrough report)订阅 (subscription)订阅服务器 (Subscriber)订阅服务器 (subscribing server)订阅过期时间 (subscription expiration period)订阅事件规则 (subscription event rule)订阅数据库 (subscription database)订阅预定规则 (subscription scheduled rule)定位更新 (positioned update)定型数据集 (training data set)动态 SQL 语句 (dynamic SQL statement)动态管理视图 (dynamic management view)动态恢复 (dynamic recovery)动态快照 (dynamic snapshot)动态连接字符串 (dynamic connection string)动态筛选器 (dynamic filter)动态锁定 (dynamic locking)动态游标 (dynamic cursor)度量值 (measure)度量值组 (measure group)段落还原 (piecemeal restore)断点 (breakpoint)断字 (word-breaking)断字符 (word breaker)队列 (queue)对称密钥 (symmetric key)对等复制 (peer-to-peer replication)对等数据库 (peer database)对话 (dialog)对齐 (alignment)对象 (object)对象变量 (object variable)对象标识符 (object identifier)对象依赖关系 (object dependencies)多播传递 (multicast delivery)多对多关系 (many-to-many relationship)多对多维度 (many-to-many dimension)多对一关系 (many-to-one relationship)多服务器管理 (multiserver administration)多个实例 (multiple instances)多基准差异备份 (multibase differential)多维 OLAP (multidimensional OLAP)多维表达式 (MDX)多维结构 (multidimensional structure)多维数据集 (cube)多维数据集角色 (cube role)多线程服务器应用程序(multithreaded server application)多用户 (multiuser)多重继承 (multiple inheritance)多字节字符集 (multibyte character set)二进制大型对象 (binary large object)发布 (publication)发布保持期 (publication retention period)发布表 (publishing table)发布访问列表 (publication access list)发布服务器 (Publisher)发布服务器 (publishing server)发布数据库 (publication database)反身关系 (reflexive relationship)范围查询 (range query)方法 (method)防故障操作员 (fail-safe operator)访问接口 (provider)非键索引列 (Nonkey index column)非聚集索引 (nonclustered index)非均衡层次结构 (unbalanced hierarchy)非强制关系 (unenforced relationship)非托管代码 (unmanaged code)非叶 (nonleaf)非叶成员 (nonleaf member)非一致性内存访问 (non-uniform memory access)分布式查询 (distributed query)分布式分区视图 (distributed partitioned view)分布式事务 (distributed transaction)分段 (segmentation)分发 (distribute)分发保持期 (distribution retention period)分发服务器 (Distributor)分发数据库 (distribution database)分隔标识符 (delimited identifier)分隔符 (delimiter)分配单元 (allocation unit)分区 (partition)分区 (partitioning)分区方案 (partition scheme)分区函数 (partition function)分区快照 (partitioned snapshot)分区依据列 (partitioning column)分析管理对象 (Analysis Management Objects)分组 (grouping)服务 (service)服务程序 (service program)服务器订阅 (server subscription)服务器聚合 (server aggregate)服务器名称 (server name)服务器排序规则 (server collation)服务器游标 (server cursor)服务主体名称 (service principal name)辅助服务器 (secondary server)辅助数据库 (secondary database)父级 (parent)复制 (replication)复制的数据 (replicated data)复制拓扑 (replication topology)干扰词 (noise word)高可用性 (high availability)格式化文件 (format file)隔离级别 (isolation level)跟踪令牌 (tracer token)跟踪文件 (trace file)更改脚本 (change script)更新锁 (update lock)更新统计信息 (update statistics)公共语言运行时 (common language runtime)公用表表达式 (common table expression)共享计划 (shared schedule)共享数据源项 (shared data source item)共享锁 (shared lock)共享维度 (shared dimension)固定服务器角色 (fixed server role)固定数据库角色 (fixed database role)故障转移群集 (failover clustering)关键绩效指标 (key performance indicator)关键字 (keyword)关系 (relationship)关系 OLAP (relational OLAP)关系对象 (relationship object)关系类型 (relationship type)关系数据库 (relational database)关系数据库管理系统 (relational database management system)归置 (collocation)规范化规则 (normalization rules)规则 (rule)规则 (rules)规则触发 (rule firing)滚动 (scroll)滚动更新文件 (rollover file)国际标准化组织 (International Organization for Standardization)国际电工委员会 (International Electrotechnical Commission)过程 (process)过程缓存 (procedure cache)过度拟合 (overfitting)函数 (function)行 (row)行版本控制 (row versioning)行标识符 (row identifier)行集 (rowset)行聚合函数 (row aggregate function)行筛选器 (row filter)行锁 (row lock)行溢出数据 (row-overflow data)合并复制 (merge replication)后代 (descendant)候选键 (candidate key)还原 (restore)还原顺序 (restore sequence)缓冲池 (buffer pool)幻影 (phantom)恢复 (recover)恢复 (recovery)恢复点 (recovery point)恢复分叉点 (recovery fork point)恢复分支 (recovery branch)恢复间隔 (recovery interval)恢复路径 (recovery path)恢复模式 (recovery model)回滚 (roll back)会话 (conversation)会话 (session)会话端点 (conversation endpoint)会话句柄 (conversation handle)混合 OLAP (hybrid OLAP)混合模式 (Mixed Mode)活动语句 (active statement)伙伴 (partner)基表 (base table)基础表 (underlying table)基对象 (base object)基数 (cardinality)基准备份 (base backup)级别 (level)级别 (rank)级联更新 (cascading update)级联删除 (cascading delete)即席报表 (ad hoc report)集合 (collection)计划备份 (scheduled backup)计划强制 (plan forcing)计划指南 (plan guide)计算成员 (calculated member)计算传递 (calculation pass)计算公式 (calculation formula)计算机 DSN (machine DSN)计算列 (calculated column)计算列 (computed column)计算条件 (calculation condition)计算子多维数据集 (calculation subcube)计算字段 (calculated field)计算字段 (computed field)记录 (record)记录集 (recordset)加密 (encryption)架构 (schema)架构快照 (schema snapshot)架构行集 (schema rowset)监视服务器 (monitor server)检查点 (checkpoint)简单恢复模式 (simple recovery model)见证服务器 (witness server)键 (key)键范围锁 (key range lock)键列 (key column)键属性 (key attribute)僵停 (zombie)交互式结构化查询语言 (interactive structured query language)角色 (role)角色扮演维度 (role-playing dimension)角色定义 (role definition)角色分配 (role assignment)角色切换 (role switching)脚本 (script)接口 (interface)接口隐含 (interface implication)结构化查询语言 (Structured Query Language)结果集 (result set)结尾日志备份 (tail-log backup)解决策略 (resolution strategy)仅下载类项目 (download-only article)进程间通信 (interprocess communication)精度 (precision)警报 (alert)静态连接字符串 (static connection string)静态行筛选器 (static row filter)静态游标 (static cursor)镜像 (mirroring)镜像服务器 (mirror server)镜像媒体集 (mirrored media set)镜像数据库 (mirror database)局部变量 (local variable)矩形 (rectangle)矩阵数据区域 (matrix data region)聚合 (aggregation)聚合查询 (aggregate query)聚合函数 (aggregate function)聚合前缀 (aggregation prefix)聚合设计 (aggregation design)聚集索引 (clustered index)聚类分析 (clustering)决策树 (decision tree)决策支持 (decision support)均衡层次结构 (balanced hierarchy)开放式数据服务 (Open Data Services)开放式数据库连接 (Open Database Connectivity)可变间隔 (variable interval)可扩展样式表语言 (Extensible Stylesheet Language)可扩展样式表语言转换 (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)可为 Null 的属性 (nullable property)可信连接 (trusted connection)可序列化 (serializable)可预测列 (predictable column)可执行文件 (executable)可重用书签 (reusable bookmark)刻度条 (scale bar)客户端订阅 (client subscription)客户端应用程序 (client application)客户端游标 (client cursor)空闲时间 (idle time)控制流 (control flow)控制流语言 (control-of-flow language)控制中断报表 (control-break report)库 (library)跨数据库所有权链接 (cross-database ownership chaining)块 (blocks)快照 (shadow copy)快照 (snapshot)快照复制 (snapshot replication)快照隔离级别 (snapshot isolation level)快照共享 (snapshot share)扩展存储过程 (extended stored procedure)扩展属性 (extended property)垃圾收集 (garbage collection)垃圾收集器 (garbage collector)离散化列 (discretized column)历史记录 (chronicle)立即更新 (Immediate Updating)立即更新订阅 (immediate updating subscriptions)利润图 (profit chart)粒度 (granularity)粒度属性 (granularity attribute)粒子 (particle)连接 (connection)连接管理器 (connection manager)联合数据库服务器 (federated database servers)联机分析处理 (online analytical processing)联机还原 (online restore)联机事务处理 (online transaction processing)联接 (join)联接表 (junction table)联接列 (join column)联接路径 (join path)联接筛选器 (join filter)联接条件 (join condition)联接运算符 (join operator)链接报表 (linked report)链接表 (linking table)链接度量值组 (linked measure group)链接服务器 (linked server)链接维度 (linked dimension)两阶段提交 (two-phase commit)列绑定 (column binding)列表数据区域 (list data region)列分隔符 (column delimiter)列级排序规则 (column-level collation)列级约束 (column-level constraint)列筛选器 (column filter)邻近搜索 (proximity search)临时表 (temporary table)临时存储过程 (temporary stored procedure)浏览模式 (browse mode)路径 (path)路由 (route)轮询查询 (polling query)逻辑记录 (logical record)逻辑名称 (logical name)逻辑运算符 (logical operators)码位 (code point)枚举 (enumeration)媒体标头 (media header)媒体集 (media set)密度 (density)密码策略 (password policy)敏感游标 (sensitive cursor)明文 (plaintext)命令 (command)命令关系 (command relationship)命名关系 (naming relationship)命名管道 (named pipe)命名集 (named set)命名实例 (named instance)模糊分组 (Fuzzy Grouping)模块 (module)模型依赖关系 (model dependency)默认成员 (default member)默认实例 (default instance)默认数据库 (default database)默认值 (default)目标 (destination)目标分区 (target partition)目标服务器 (target server)目标适配器 (destination adapter)内部标识符 (internal identifier)内部联接 (inner join)内核 (kernel)内容格式化程序 (content formatter)内置函数 (built-in functions)逆透视 (unpivot)匿名订阅 (anonymous subscription)爬网 (crawl)排名函数 (ranking function)排他锁 (exclusive lock)排序规则 (collation)排序顺序 (sort order)派生列 (derived column)配置 (configuration)配置 (configurations)配置文件 (config file)配置文件 (configuration file)批处理 (batch)批注属性 (annotational property)平面文件 (flat file)平展界面 (flattened interface)平展行集 (flattened rowset)凭据 (credential)启动 (bootstrap)启用写功能 (write enable)起始磁带 (initial tape)起始对象 (origin object)前导字节 (lead byte)前滚 (roll forward)前滚集 (roll forward set)前缀长度 (prefix length)前缀搜索 (prefix search)前缀字符 (prefix characters)嵌套表 (nested table)嵌套查询 (nested query)强制服务 (forced service)切片 (slice)请求订阅 (pull subscription)求解次序 (solve order)区 (extent)区域 (region)区域设置 (locale)区域设置标识符 (locale identifier)取模 (modulo)全角字符 (full-width character)全局程序集缓存 (global assembly cache)全局订阅 (global subscription)全局规则 (global rule)全局默认值 (global default)全文查询 (full-text query)全文服务 (full-text service)全文目录 (full-text catalog)全文搜索 (Full-Text Search)全文索引 (full-text index)权限 (permission)热备用服务器 (hot standby server)任务 (task)日志备份 (log backup)日志传送 (log shipping)日志传送操作 (log shipping job)日志传送配置 (log shipping configuration)日志读取器代理 (Log Reader Agent)日志链 (log chain)日志提供程序 (log provider)日志文件 (log file)日志序列号 (log sequence number)容器 (container)筛选 (filtering)筛选表达式 (filter expression)筛选器 (filter)上下文切换 (context switch)设备类型 (device type)设备名称 (device name)设置 (provision)身份验证 (authentication)深化/浅化 (drill down/drill up)深化/浅化 (drilldown/drillup)失败的事务 (failed transaction)时点恢复 (point-in-time recovery)时间维度 (time dimension)实例 (instance)实体 (entity)实体完整性 (entity integrity)使非规范化 (denormalize)事件 (event)事件表 (event table)事件处理程序 (event handler)事件架构 (event schema)事件类 (event class)事件历史记录 (event chronicle)事件历史记录规则 (event chronicle rule)事件收集存储过程 (event collection stored procedures)事件提供程序 (event provider)事件通知 (event notification)事件源 (event source)事例 (case)事例集 (case set)事例键 (case key)事实 (fact)事实数据表 (fact table)事实维度 (fact dimension)事务 (transaction)事务保持期 (transaction retention period)事务处理 (transaction processing)事务复制 (transactional replication)事务回滚 (transaction rollback)视图生成 (view generation)手动故障转移 (manual failover)授予 (grant)书签 (bookmark)输入成员 (input member)输入集 (input set)输入源 (input source)数据包 (packet)数据爆炸 (data explosion)数据备份 (data backup)数据仓库 (data warehouse)数据操作语言 (data manipulation language)数据成员 (data member)数据处理扩展插件 (data processing extension)数据定义 (data definition)数据定义查询 (data-definition query)数据定义语言 (data definition language)数据集 (dataset)数据控制语言 (Data Control Language)数据库 (database)数据库备份 (database backup)数据库部分还原 (partial database restore)数据库对象 (database object)数据库关系图 (database diagram)数据库架构 (database schema)数据库角色 (database role)数据库脚本 (database script)数据库镜像 (database mirroring)数据库镜像伙伴 (database mirroring partners)数据库快照 (database snapshot)数据库目录 (database catalog)数据库所有者 (database owner)数据库完整还原 (complete database restore)数据库文件 (database file)数据库项目 (database project)数据库语言 (database language)数据块 (data block)数据类型 (data type)数据连接 (data connection)数据流 (data flow)数据流任务 (data flow task)数据流引擎 (data flow engine)数据清理 (data scrubbing)数据区域 (data region)数据驱动订阅 (data-driven subscription)数据市场 (data mart)数据适配器 (data adapter)数据收敛 (data convergence)数据挖掘 (data mining)数据挖掘模型定型 (Data Mining Model Training)数据完整性 (data integrity)数据源 (data source)数据源名称 (data source name)数据源视图 (data source view)数据字典 (data dictionary)数值表达式 (numeric expression)刷新数据 (refresh data)闩锁 (latch)双字节字符集 (double byte character set)水平分区 (horizontal partitioning)顺序关系 (sequenced relationship)顺序集合 (sequenced collection)死锁 (deadlock)搜索条件 (search condition)碎片 (fragmentation)所有权链 (ownership chain)索引 (index)索引 DDL 操作 (index DDL operation)索引 OR 运算 (index ORing)索引分配映射 (Index Allocation Map)索引视图 (indexed view)索引页 (index page)锁 (lock)锁升级 (lock escalation)特大型数据库 (very large database)特征 (trait)提交 (commit)提交事务 (commit transaction)提取 (fetch)提升图 (lift chart)填充 (padding)填充 (population)填充因子 (fill factor)条带媒体集 (striped media set)条件性拆分 (conditional split)同步 (synchronization)同步管理器 (synchronization manager)同等联接 (equijoin)同级 (sibling)同类数据 (homogeneous data)偷取的页 (stolen page)透视 (perspective)透视 (pivot)图表数据区域 (chart data region)推理攻击 (inference attack)推送订阅 (push subscription)托管代码 (managed code)脱离 (defection)挖掘结构 (mining structure)挖掘模型 (Mining Model)外表 (foreign table)外部传递系统 (external delivery system)外部联接 (outer join)外键 (foreign key)外接程序 (add-in)外围应用 (surface area)完全外部联接 (full outer join)完整备份 (full backup)完整差异备份 (full differential backup)完整恢复模式 (full recovery model)完整性约束 (integrity constraint)网格 (grid)网络库 (Net-Library)为 Null 性 (nullability)唯一索引 (unique index)维持数据 (holdout data)维度 (dimension)维度表 (dimension table)维度粒度 (dimension granularity)尾字节 (trail byte)未知成员 (unknown member)位图筛选器 (bitmap filter)位运算 (bitwise operation)位置 (position)温备用服务器 (warm standby server)文档结构图 (document map)文件 DSN (file DSN)文件差异备份 (file differential backup)文件存储类型 (file storage type)文件滚动 (file rollover)文件还原 (file restore)文件夹层次结构 (folder hierarchy)文件连接管理器 (File connection manager)文件映射 (file mapping)文件映射对象 (file-mapping object)文件组 (filegroup)问题模板 (question template)无 DSN 连接 (DSN-less connection)无法提交的事务 (uncommitable transaction)物理读取 (physical reads)物理名称 (physical name)物理设计结构 (physical design structure)稀疏度 (sparsity)稀疏文件 (sparse file)系统变量 (system variable)系统表 (system tables)系统存储过程 (system stored procedures)系统函数 (system functions)系统角色定义 (system role definition)系统角色分配 (system role assignment)系统数据库 (system databases)细粒度锁 (fine-grained lock)先导货币 (pivot currency)纤程模式 (fiber mode)显示计划 (Showplan)显式事务 (explicit transaction)线程 (thread)相对日期 (relative date)相关子查询 (correlated subquery)项目 (article)项目级角色定义 (item-level role definition)项目级角色分配 (item-level role assignment)象形文字 (ideograph)象形字符 (ideographic character)消息队列 (Message Queuing)消息类型 (message type)校验和 (checksum)协定 (contract)协议 (protocol)写回 (write back)写回 (writeback)信息模型 (information model)星型查询 (star query)星型架构 (star schema)星型联接 (star join)修饰 (adornment)虚拟日志文件 (virtual log file)虚影记录 (ghost record)虚影行 (ghost row)序列容器 (Sequence container)选择列表 (select list)雪花型架构 (snowflake schema)延迟的事务 (deferred transaction)延续磁带 (continuation tape)严重级别 (severity level)验证(语法)(validation (syntactic))验证(语义)(validation (semantic))验证器 (authenticator)业务逻辑处理程序 (business logic handler)叶 (leaf)叶成员 (leaf member)叶级别 (leaf level)页 (page)页拆分 (page split)页面还原 (page restore)一对多关系 (one-to-many relationship)一对一关系 (one-to-one relationship)依赖项 (dependencies)已发布数据 (published data)已分区表 (partitioned table)已分区索引 (partitioned index)异类 (heterogeneous)异类数据 (heterogeneous data)意向锁 (intent lock)引用表 (reference table)引用完整性 (referential integrity)引用维度 (reference dimension)隐式权限 (implied permission)隐式事务 (implicit transaction)隐式游标转换 (implicit cursor conversion)应用程序 (application)应用程序角色 (application role)应用程序数据库 (application database)硬编码 (hard-coding)用户定义函数 (user-defined function)用户定义聚合(函数)(user-defined aggregate (function))用户定义聚合函数 (user-defined aggregate function)用户实例 (user instance)优化的位图筛选器 (optimized bitmap filter)优先约束 (precedence constraint)由键集驱动的游标 (keyset-driven cursor)游标 (cursor)游标降级 (cursor degradation)游标库 (cursor library)有效策略 (effective policy)有序集 (ordered set)右外部联接 (right outer join)语言中的大小写 (linguistic casing)语义模型定义语言 (Semantic Model Definition Language)预测 (prediction)预计算分区 (precomputed partition)预写日志 (write-ahead log)域 (domain)域完整性 (domain integrity)元数据 (metadata)元组 (tuple)原始文件 (raw file)原子 (atomic)源 (source)源代码管理 (source control)源对象 (source object)源多维数据集 (source cube)源分区 (source partition)源和目标 (source and target)源适配器 (source adapter)源数据库 (source database)远程表 (remote table)远程存储过程 (remote stored procedure)远程登录标识 (remote login identification)远程分发服务器 (remote Distributor)远程分区 (remote partition)远程服务绑定 (remote service binding)远程数据 (remote data)远程数据访问 (remote data access)约束 (constraint)跃点 (hop)运算符 (operator)脏读 (dirty read)脏页 (dirty page)增量更新 (incremental update)整数 (integer)证书 (certificate)支持 Internet (Internet-enabled)执行树 (execution tree)直观合计 (visual total)直接连接 (direct connect)直接响应模式 (direct response mode)值表达式 (value expression)只进游标 (forward-only cursor)智能标记 (smart tag)滞后时间 (latency)仲裁 (quorum)重播 (replay)重新发布 (republish)重新发布服务器 (republisher)重做阶段 (redo phase)轴 (axis)主表 (primary table)主动缓存 (proactive caching)主服务器 (master server)主服务器 (primary server)主键 (primary key)主数据库 (primary database)主体主体服务器 (principal server)主体数据库 (principal database)主维度表 (primary dimension table)主文件 (master file)属性 (attribute)属性 (property)属性关系 (attribute relationship)属性页 (properties page)属性页 (property page)属性映射 (property mapping)转储设备 (dump device)转换 (transformation)转换错误输出 (transformation error output)转换输出 (transformation output)转换输入 (transformation input)转义符 (escape character)资源 (resource)子报表 (subreport)子级 (child)子集 (subset)子句 (clause)字词派生 (word generation)字段 (field)字段长度 (field length)字段终止符 (field terminator)字符编码 (character encoding)字符串 (string)字符串函数 (string functions)字符集 (character set)自定义变量 (custom variable)自定义规则 (custom rule)自定义汇总 (custom rollup)自动故障转移 (automatic failover)自联接 (self-join)自然层次结构 (natural hierarchy)组合键 (composite key)组合索引 (composite index)组件对象模型 (Component Object Model ) (COM)祖先 (ancestor)钻取 (drill through)钻取 (drillthrough)钻取报表 (drillthrough report)左外部联接 (left outer join)作业 (job)作用域 (scope)定义支持生成、部署和运行下一代应用程序和 Web 服务的必备 Windows 组件。
Instant Pot Duo Plus 9-in-1 Multi-Use程序可编程压力锅说明说明书
Instant Pot® - Tools for a New LifestyleFollow us on - /groups/InstantPotCommunity | Facebook@instantpot | Twitter@instantpot | Pinterest@instantpot | InstagramOfficial@InstantPot | -1 -Duo Plus9-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker withAdvanced Microprocessor Technology, Stainless SteelCooking Pot - 6 QuartIf you live a fast-paced, healthy, and eco-friendlylifestyle Instant Pot® is designed specifically for you.Instant Pot® is a smart Electric Pressure Cooker designed byCanadians with the objective of being Convenient, Dependable andSafe. It speeds up cooking by 2~6 times making it extremely energy-efficient, while, preserving nutrients and preparing healthy, tastydishes.Convenient with Intelligent ProgrammingInstant Pot® Duo Plus 9-in-1 Multi-Cooker is the next evolutionin the Duo Series, the number 1 selling product in the InstantPot® Family. The Duo Plus kitchen appliance combines thefunctions of a Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice/PorridgeCooker, Cake Maker, Yogurt Maker, Sauté/Searing, Steamer,Warmer and Sterilizer. Built with 15 smart programs -Soup/Broth, Meat/Stew, Bean/Chili, Cake, Egg, Slow Cook,Sauté/Searing, Rice, Multigrain, Porridge, Steam, Sterilize,Yogurt, Keep Warm, and Pressure Cook, your favorite dishesare as simple as pressing a button!With the ‘Sterilize’ program one can pasteurize dairy products;sterilize baby bottles, jars, and utensils much moreconveniently than ever before! The Cake Maker was designedto prepare soft and moist cakes and the Egg program,developed to prepare perfect eggs in just a few minutes.The Plus is designed with a large, blue, more user-friendly LCD display with a new user interface to adjust the cooking settings, pressure levels, Keep Warm ON/OFF at any time during the cooking process. There are 4 new icons to enable one to easily view the status of the cooker, Heat, Pressure Cook, Keep Warm and Sound. The ‘Heat’ indicates heating or cooking in progress, ‘Pressure Cook’ indicates the pressure cook program is selected, ‘Keep Warm’ i ndicates if it is ON/OFF, and ‘Sound’ indicates if the sound is ON/OFF when selecting a program, cooking starts or is completed.Instant Pot® - Tools for a New LifestyleFollow us on - /groups/InstantPotCommunity | Facebook@instantpot | Twitter@instantpot | Pinterest@instantpot | InstagramOfficial@InstantPot | -2 -Duo Plus, truly a smart multi-use kitchen appliance, each program remembers 3 sets of customizations in “Less”, “Normal”, and “More” settings on all cooking programs.The microprocessor carefully runs lab-tested algorithms to control the time, cooking pressure and temperature to ensure consistent cooking results. Users can customize these settings with the operations keys to control pressure level, +/- to adjust cooking time and a cancel button, allowing one to achieve their preferred cooking results. For instance, the “meat/stew” key is programmed to prepare perfectly tender, thoroughly heated meat dishes; however, users can attain fall-off-the-bone results by increasing the cooking time with the “+" key.The fully sealed environment traps the flavours, nutrients and aromas within the food instead of releasing them throughout the home. During pressure-cooking, heat is distributed evenly, deeply and quickly once pressure is built. In addition, minimal water is required for steaming so vitamins and minerals are not leached or dissolved. As a result, greens retain their bright colors and phytonutrients, meats and bones are thoroughly cooked yet tender, and whole grains and beans are soft and delicious, all with remarkable consistency.Designed to cater to varying tastes and food conditions, the programs come with 3 adjustable settings, “Less”, “Normal” and “More” to achieve one’s desired results; 3 temperatures in ‘Sauté’ for searing, simmering or thickening for a maximum time of 30 minutes, and 3 temperatures in ‘Slow Cook’ to complete the tasks of a common slow cooker, and 3 temperatures in ‘Keep Warm’ to maintain food at different serving temperatures.The 24-hour delay start feature allows users to postpone the start to have dinner ready when you are. Automatic ‘Keep Warm’ holds the temperature of the meal until you’re ready to serve. With the Plus, one can easily turn the ‘Keep Warm’ ON or OFF even after the program has started. Dependable with Consistent ResultsInstant Pot® Duo Plus developed with the latest 3rd generation technology with an embedded microprocessor. During the cooking process, the microprocessor monitors the pressure and temperature, keeps time, and adjusts heating intensity and duration. Even the volume of food is taken into consideration. The cooking programs have been thoroughly tested for optimal results. These greatly improve cooking results and consistency of the dishes. Green peas, sweet corn and baby carrots can be steamed in 2 to 3 minutes, fresh or frozen. For mashed potatoes, there is no longer a need to boil in water for 50 minutes, steam them in Instant Pot® for only 15 minutes. A dish of chili or Irish stew can be prepared within an hour, without spending the time to carefully monitor the progress.America’s most trusted brand co ntinues to innovate to make it easy to Cook Healthy Food Fast!Instant Pot® - Tools for a New LifestyleFollow us on - /groups/InstantPotCommunity | Facebook@instantpot | Twitter@instantpot | Pinterest@instantpot | InstagramOfficial@InstantPot | -3 -Duo Plus Features✓9-in-1 Multi-Use Programmable Pressure Cooker - Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker,Rice/Porridge Cooker, Cake Maker, Yogurt Maker, Sauté/Searing, Steamer, Warmer and Sterilizer✓15 Smart Built-In Programs - Soup/Broth, Meat/Stew, Bean/Chilli, Cake, Egg, SlowCook, Sauté/Searing, Rice, Multigrain, Porridge, Steam, Sterilize, Yogurt, Keep Warm,and Pressure CookoNew! Sterilize program, ideal to pasteurize dairy products, sterilize baby bottles,jars, and utensils much more conveniently than ever before!oNew! Cake program, designed to prepare soft and moist cakes oNew! Egg program, created to prepare perfect eggs in just a few minutes ✓New! User-friendly, large, blue LCD panel – displays the cooking settings and progress status ✓Dual pressure settings - For fast and flexible cooking - Cooking with high pressurereduces cooking time by up to 70% and the low pressure avoids overcooking delicate food✓New! Quick & Easy Program Adjustments – Need to make an adjustment aftercooking has started? The Duo Plus allows one to easily adjust settings even while cooking is in progress.✓New! Smart – each program remembers 3 sets of customizations in “Less”, “Normal’,and “More” settings on all cooking programs ✓Delay Start time - Up to 24 hours ✓New! Sound ON/Off – Select if the sound is ON/OFF, the status is displayed on the LCDdisplay with the Sound ON/Off icon‘Sound’ indicates if it is ON/OFF when selecting a program, cooking starts or is completed ✓New! Pressure Cook - function allows to pressure cook for up to 6 hours ✓Slow Cooker - In addition to the (3) temperature settings, one has the flexibility to customize the cooking time between 0.5 - 20 hours for each temperature level ✓Sauté – In addition to the (3) temperature settings ; now, one can easily adjust the time to a maximum of 30-minute intervals. The 30-minute maximum is a safety precaution ✓New! Automatic Keep Warm – Now, one can easily turn ON/OFF. The Keep warm time is displayed on the LCD panel along with the Keep Warm status icon (Keeps food warmInstant Pot® - Tools for a New LifestyleFollow us on - /groups/InstantPotCommunity | Facebook@instantpot | Twitter@instantpot | Pinterest@instantpot | InstagramOfficial@InstantPot | -4 -up to 24 hours).Keep Warm has 3 temperature settings to maintain food at different serving temperatures ✓Energy efficient - saves up to 70% of energy ✓Stainless Steel Cooking Pot – Healthy , food grade 304 (18/8) – no chemical coatingswith clearer markings at 1/2 and 2/3 line to better guide one on max-fill levels forpressure-cooking. The inner pot is dishwasher safe✓Exterior – Brushed stainless steel, finger print resistant with lid holder for left- and right-handed users, new large, blue LCD display makes it easier to see how the cooker is progressing. The stainless steel (18/8) lid is dishwasher safe✓Accessories included - stainless steel (18/8) steam rack with handles to lower and lift food, condensation collector, rice paddle, soup spoon, and measuring cup ✓Print Materials - Manual (English, Spanish and French), Quick Reference Guide, and Recipe Booklet in English (includes cooking time tables)✓Heating Element - 6 Quart cooker, 1000W heating element ✓10 Safety Mechanisms - UL and ULC certified ✓Warranty –12 monthsInstant Pot® - Tools for a New LifestyleFollow us on - /groups/InstantPotCommunity | Facebook@instantpot | Twitter@instantpot | Pinterest@instantpot | InstagramOfficial@InstantPot | -5 -Safety without CompromiseInstant Pot® has been carefully designed to eliminate many common errorswhich may cause harm. It has passed stringent UL & ULC certificationgiving one uncompromised safety. Instant Pot® has been designed with10 safety mechanisms and patented technologies.1.Pressure Regulator, ensures working pressure to be under the safety limit2.Anti-Blockage Vent, prevents food debris from blocking the vent3.Safety Lid Lock, prevents accidental opening of the cooker while it is pressurized4.Designed with a sensor for lid position detection, monitors whether the lid is in an unsafeposition for pressure-cooking5.Automatic Temperature Control, regulates temperature based on the type of programbeing selected6.High Temperature monitoring, avoids burning food7.Automatic Pressure Controller, keeps pressure always in a safe range8.Electrical current and temperature, fuse cuts off power if the current or internaltemperature exceeds safety limits9.Excess Pressure Protection, releases excess pressure into internal chamber in adangerous situation10.Smart detection of leaky lid (e.g. steam release is at open position)。
实现以上任务,activiti已经提供了⽀持,可以使⽤BPMN 规范的多实例活动来实现。
下⾯的节点都可以成为⼀个多实例节点:User TaskScript TaskJava Service TaskWeb Service TaskBusiness Rule TaskEmail TaskManual TaskReceive Task(Embedded) Sub-ProcessCall Activity根据规范的要求,每个上级流程为每个实例创建分⽀时都要提供如下变量:nrOfInstances:实例总数nrOfActiveInstances:当前活动的,⽐如,还没完成的,实例数量。
MBr i d e ch n ol o gy Co .,Lt d .OB2535High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power SwitchGENERAL DESCRIPTIONOB2535 is a high performance offline PWM Power switch for low power AC/DC charger and adaptor applications. It operates in primary-side sensing and regulation. Consequently, opto-coupler and TL431 could be eliminated. Proprietary Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) control is integrated as shown in the figure below.In CC control, the current and output power setting can be adjusted externally by the sense resistor Rs at CS pin. In CV control, multi-mode operations are utilized to achieve high performance and high efficiency. In addition, good load regulation is achieved by the built-in cable drop compensation. Device operates in PFM in CC mode as well at large load condition and it operates in PWM with frequency reduction at light/medium load.OB2535 offers power on soft start control and protection coverage with auto-recovery features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting, VDD OVP, VDD clamp and UVLO. Excellent EMI performance is achieved with On-Bright proprietary frequency shuffling technique.High precision constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) can be achieved by OB2535. .Fig.1. Typical CC/CV CurveFEATURES5% Constant Voltage Regulation, 5% ConstantCurrent Regulation at Universal AC input Primary-side Sensing and Regulation WithoutTL431 and Opto-couplerProgrammable CV and CC RegulationAdjustable Constant Current and Output PowerSettingBuilt-in Secondary Constant Current Controlwith Primary Side FeedbackBuilt-in Adaptive Current Peak Regulation Built-in Primary winding inductancecompensationProgrammable Cable drop Compensation Power on Soft-startBuilt-in Leading Edge Blanking (LEB) Cycle-by-Cycle Current LimitingVDD Under Voltage Lockout with Hysteresis(UVLO) VDD OVP VDD ClampAPPLICATIONSLow Power AC/DC offline SMPS for Cell Phone ChargerDigital Cameras Charger Small Power AdaptorAuxiliary Power for PC, TV etc. Linear Regulator/RCC ReplacementOB2535 is offered in SOP8 package.TYPICAL APPLICATIONM icr oBge Te ch n ol o gy Co .,Lt d .OB2535High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power SwitchGENERAL INFORMATIONPin ConfigurationThe pin map is shown as below for SOP8VDD COMP INVCSGND GNDOrdering Information Part Number Description OB2535CP SOP8, Pb-free, Tube OB2535CPA SOP8, Pb-free, T&RPackage Dissipation Rating Package R θJA (℃/W) SOP8 90Note: Drain Pin Connected 100mm 2 PCB copper clad.Absolute Maximum RatingsParameter Value Drain Voltage (off state) -0.3V to Bvdss VDD Voltage -0.3 to V DD _clamp VDD Zener Clamp Continuous Current 10 mA COMP Voltage -0.3 to 7V CS Input Voltage -0.3 to 7V INV Input Voltage -0.3 to 7V Min/Max Operating Junction Temperature T J -20 to 150 o C Min/Max Storage Temperature T stg -55 to 150 o C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10secs) 260 o CNote: Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.M ic r oBr id ge Te ch nol o gy Co .,Lt d .OB2535High Precision CC/CV Primary-Side PWM Power SwitchMarking InformationOB2535CP YWWSC:SOP8 Package P:Pb-free Package Y:Year Code(0-9)WW:Week Code(01-52)S:Internal Code(Optional)TERMINAL ASSIGNMENTSPin Num Pin Name I/O Description 1 VDD P Power Supply 2 COMP I Loop Compensation for CV Stability3 INV I The voltage feedback from auxiliary winding. Connected to resistor dividerfrom auxiliary winding reflecting output voltage. PWM duty cycle isdetermined by EA output and current sense signal at pin 4.4 CS I Current sense input5/6 DRAIN OHV MOSFET Drain Pin. The Drain pin is connected to the primary lead ofthe transformer7/8 GND P GroundOUTPUT POWER TABLE230VAC±15% 85-264VAC Product Adapter 1 Adapter 1OB2535 6W 5WNotes:1.Maximum practical continuous power in an Adapter design with sufficient drain pattern as a heat sink, at 50℃ ambient.M ic r oBr i d geBLOCK DIAGRAMM ic r oBr i d ge Te ch n ol o gy Co .,Lt d .ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T A = 25O C, VDD=VDDG=16V, if not otherwise noted)Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max UnitSupply Voltage (VDD) Section I DD ST Standby Current VDD=13V5 20uA I DD op Operation CurrentOperation supply current INV=2V, CS=0V,VDD=VDDG=20V- 2.5 3.5 mAUVLO(ON) VDD Under Voltage Lockout Enter VDD falling 7.5 8.5 10V UVLO(OFF) VDD Under Voltage Lockout Exit VDD rsing13.5 14.5 16.0V V DD _clamp Maximum VDD operationvoltageI DD =10mA30.5 32.5 34.5V OVPOver voltage protection ThresholdRamp VDD until gate shut down27.5 29.5 31.5V Current Sense Input SectionTLEB LEB time540 ns Vth_oc Over current threshold870 900 930 mVTd_oc OCP Propagation delay150 ns Z SENSE _IN Input Impedance50 KohmT_ssSoft start time10msFrequency SectionFreq_Max Note 1 IC Maximum frequency66 72 78 KHzFreq_NomSystem Nominal switch frequency60KHzFreq_startup INV =0V, Comp =5V 14 KHz △f/FreqFrequency shuffling range+/-4% Error Amplifier section Vref_EA Reference voltage for EA 1.972 2.03 V GainDC gain of EA60 dB I_COMP_MAXMax. Cable compensationcurrentINV=2V, Comp=0V42uAPower MOSFET Section BVdss MOSFET Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage 600 V RdsonOn ResistanceStatic, Id=0.4A1215ΏNote:1. Freq_Max indicates IC internal maximum clock frequency. In system application, the maximum operation frequency of 60Khz nominal occurs at maximum output power or the transition point from CV to CC.M ic r oBr i d g e T en t CHARACTERIZATION PLOTSM ic r oBr i d ge Te c.,Lt d .OPERATION DESCRIPTIONOB2535 is a cost effective PWM power switch optimized for off-line low power AC/DC applications including battery chargers and adaptors. It operates in primary side sensing and regulation, thus opto-coupler and TL431 are not required. Proprietary built-in CV and CC control can achieve high precision CC/CV control meeting most adaptor and charger application requirements.z Startup Current and Start up ControlStartup current of OB2535 is designed to be very low so that VDD could be charged up above UVLO threshold and starts up quickly. A large value startup resistor can therefore be used to minimize the power loss in application.z Operating CurrentThe Operating current of OB2535 is as low as 2.5mA. Good efficiency is achieved with the low operating current together with ‘Muti-mode’ control features.z Soft StartOB2535 features an internal soft start to minimize the component electrical over-stress during power on startup. As soon as VDD reaches UVLO (OFF), the control algorithm will ramp peak current voltage threshold gradually from nearly zero to normal setting of 0.90V. Every restart is a soft start.z CC/CV OperationOB2535 is designed to produce good CC/CV control characteristic as shown in the Fig. 1.In charger applications, a discharged battery charging starts in the CC portion of the curve until it is nearly full charged and smoothly switches to operate in CV portion of the curve.In an AC/DC adapter, the normal operation occurs only on the CV portion of the curve. The CC portion provides output current limiting. In CV operation, the output voltage is regulated through the primary side control. In CC operation mode, OB2535 will regulate the output current constant regardless of the output voltage drop.z Principle of OperationTo support OB2535 proprietary CC/CV control, system needs to be designed in DCM mode for flyback system (Refer to Typical Application Diagram on page1).In the DCM flyback converter, the output voltage can be sensed via the auxiliary winding. During MOSFET turn-on time, the load current is supplied from the output filter capacitor Co. The current inthe primary winding ramps up. When MOSFET turns off, the primary current transfers to the secondary at the amplitude ofP SPS I N N I ⋅=(1) The auxiliary voltage reflects the output voltage as shown in fig.2 and it is given by)(V V N N V O SAUXAUX Δ+⋅=(2) Where ΔV indicates the drop voltage of the output Diode.Fig.2. Auxiliary voltage waveformVia a resistor divider connected between the auxiliary winding and INV (pin 3), the auxiliary voltage is sampled at the end of the de-magnetization and it is hold until the next sampling. The sampled voltage is compared with Vref (2.0V) and the error is amplified. The error amplifier output COMP reflects the load condition and controls the PWM switching frequency to regulate the output voltage, thus constant output voltage can be achieved.When sampled voltage is below Vref and the error amplifier output COMP reaches its maximum, the switching frequency is controlled by the sampled voltage thus the output voltage to regulate the output current, thus the constant output current can be achieved.z Adjustable CC point and Output PowerIn OB2535, the CC point and maximumoutput power can be externally adjusted by external current sense resistor Rs at CS pin as illustrated in Typical Application Diagram. The output power is adjusted through CC point change. The larger Rs, the smaller CC point is, and the smaller output power becomes, and vice versa as shown in Fig.3.M ic r oBr i d ge Te ch n ol o gy Co .,Lt d .Fig.3 Adjustable output power by changing Rsz Operation switching frequencyThe switching frequency of OB2535 is adaptively controlled according to the load conditions and the operation modes. No external frequency setting components are required. The operation switching frequency at maximum output power is set to 60K Hz internally.For flyback operating in DCM, The maximum output power is given by221pSW P MAX I F L Po =(3) Where Lp indicate the inductance of primary winding and Ip is the peak current of primary winding.Refer to the equation 3, the change of the primary winding inductance results in the change of the maximum output power and the constant output current in CC mode. To compensate the change from variations of primary winding inductance, the switching frequency is locked by an internal loop such that the switching frequency isDemagSW T F 21=(4)Since T Demag is inversely proportional to the inductance, as a result, the product Lp and fsw is constant, thus the maximum output power and constant current in CC mode will not change as primary winding inductance changes. Up to +/-10% variation of the primary winding inductance can be compensated.z Frequency shuffling for EMI improvement The frequency shuffling (switching frequency modulation) is implemented in OB2535. The oscillation frequency is modulated so that the tone energy is spread out. The spread spectrum minimizes the conduction band EMI and therefore eases the system design.z Gate DriveThe internal power MOSFET in OB2535 is driven by a dedicated gate driver for power switch control. Too weak the gate drive strength results in higher conduction and switch loss of MOSFET while too strong gate drive compromises EMI.A good tradeoff is achieved through the built-in totem pole gate design with right output strength control.z Programmable Cable drop CompensationIn OB2535, cable drop compensation is implemented to achieve good load regulation. An offset voltage is generated at INV by an internal current flowing into the resister divider. The current is inversely proportional to the voltage across pin COMP, as a result, it is inversely proportional to the output load current, thus the drop due to the cable loss can be compensated. As the load current decreases from full-load to no-load, the offset voltage at INV will increase. It can also be programmed by adjusting the resistance of the divider to compensate the drop for various cable lines used.z Protection ControlGood power supply system reliability is achieved with its rich protection features including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), VDD clamp, Power on Soft Start, and Under Voltage Lockout on VDD (UVLO).VDD is supplied by transformer auxiliary winding output. The output of OB2535 is shut down when VDD drops below UVLO (ON) limit and Switcher enters power on start-up sequence thereafter.M ic r oBr i d ge Te ch n ol o gy Co .,Lt d .PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATADimensions In Millimeters Dimensions In InchesSymbolMin Max Min MaxA 1.350 1.750 0.053 0.069 A1 0.050 0.250 0.002 0.010 A2 1.250 1.650 0.049 0.065 b 0.310 0.510 0.012 0.020 c 0.170 0.250 0.006 0.010D 4.700 5.150 0.185 0.203E 3.800 4.000 0.150 0.157 E1 5.800 6.200 0.228 0.244 e 1.270 (BSC) 0.05 (BSC)L 0.400 1.270 0.016 0.050 θ 0º 8º 0º 8º。
在该系统的程序结构内,有2个功能块:FB1和FB10。 FB1为底层功能块,所以应首先创建并编辑;FB10为上层功 能块,可以调用FB1。 编辑底层功能块FB1
(1)编辑底层功能块FB1 在“多重背景”项目内创建FB1,符号名“Engine”。 定义功能块FB1的变量声明表
(2)编辑FC1的控制程序 FC1所实现的控制要求:发动机起动时风扇起动,当发 动机再次关闭后,风扇继续运行4s,然后停止。定时器采用 断电延时定时器,控制程序如下图所示。
共享数据块DB3可为FB10保存发动机(汽油机和柴油机) 的实际转 速 ,当发 动机转速 都达到预 设速度时 ,还可以 保存该状态的标志数据。
【例5-8-1】 发动机组控制系统设计——使用多重背景。 设某发动机组由1台汽油发动机和1台柴油发动机组成, 现要求用PLC控制发动机组,使各台发动机的转速稳定在设 定的速度上,并控制散热风扇的起动和延时关闭。每台发动 机均设置一个起动按钮和一个停止按钮。
1. 创建S7项目 使用菜单【File】→【“New Project”Wizard】创建发 动机组控制系统的S7项目,并命名为“多重背景”。CPU选 择CPU 315-2DP,项目包含组织块OB1。 2. 硬件配置 在“多重背景”项目内打开“SIMATIC 300 Station”文 件夹,打开硬件配置窗口,并按下图所示完成硬件配置。
调用FB1局部实例时,不再使用独立的背景 数据块,FB1的实例数据位于FB10的实例数据块 DB10中。发动机的实际转速可直接从共享数据 块中得到,如DB3.DBW2 (符号地址为, S_Data".PE_Actual_Speed)。
boost源码剖析之:boost::multi_array谢轩刘未鹏C++的罗浮宫(/pongba)动机C++是一门自由的语言,允许你自由的表达自己的意图,对不对? 所以我们既然可以new一个一维数组,也应该可以new出多维数组,对不对?先来看一个例子:int* pOneDimArr = new int[10]; //新建一个10个元素的一维数组pOneDimArr[0] = 0; //访问int** pTwoDimArr = new int[10][20]; //错误!pTwoDimArr[0][0] = 0; //访问但是,很可惜,三四两行代码的行为并非如你所想象的那样——虽然从语法上它们看起来是那么“自然”。
这里的问题在于,new int[10][20]返回的并非int**类型的指针,而是int (*)[20]类型的指针(这种指针被称为行指针,对它“+1”相当于在数值上加上一行的大小(本例为20),也就是说,让它指向下一行),所以我们的代码应该像这样:int (*pTwoDimArr)[20] = new int[i][20]; //正确pTwoDimArr[1][2] = 0; //访问注意pTwoDimArr的类型——int(*)[20]是个很特殊的类型,它不能转化为int**,虽然两者索引元素的语法形式一样,都是“p[i][j]”的形式,但是访问内存的次数却不一样,语义也不一样。
例如:int (*pNdimArr)[N2][N3][N4] = new int[n1][N2][N3][N4];这里N2,N3,N4必须都是编译期常量,只有n1可以是变量,这个限制与多维数组的索引方式有关——无论多少维的数组都是线性存储在内存中的,所以:pTwoDimArr[i][j] = 0;被编译器生成的代码类似于:*( (int*)pTwoDimArr+i*20+j ) = 0;20就是二维数组的行宽,问题在于,如果允许二维数组的行宽也是动态的,这里编译器就无法生成代码(20所在的地方应该放什么呢?)。
Abstract Complexity of the Path Multi-Peg Tower of Hanoi
number h > 3 of pegs and any number of disks, was
suggested in [12], with solutions in [13] and [5], shown
recently to be identical [7]. An analysis of the algorithm
and [2], where it has been shown to grow roughly at the
same rate.
An imposition of movement restrictions among pegs
generates many variants, and calls for representing
Given a di-graph G and a positive integer n, the corresponding configuration graph is the graph whose
vertices are all configurations of n disks over G, where there exists a directed edge from a vertex to another if one can pass from the former to the latter by a single disk move. Thus the problem of passing by a minimal number of moves from one configuration to another may be formulated as the problem of finding the shortest path between the corresponding vertices of the configuration graph.
软件工程术语表软件工程术语表目录1. A (17)abstractclass:抽象类 (17)Abstraction:抽象 (17)accessmodifier:存取权限 (17)accessormethods:存取器方法 (17)acceptance:验收 (17)action:动作 (17)actionsequence:动作序列 (18)actionstate:动作状态 (18)activation激活: (18)activeclass:主动类 (18)activity:活动 (18)activeobject:主动对象 (18)activitygraph:活动图 (18)actor:主角 (19)actorclass:主角类 (19)actor-generalization:主角泛化关系) (19)actualparameter:实参 (19)adhocreview:临时评审 (19)aggregateclass:聚合类 (19)aggregation:聚合关系 (20)AmericanStandardCodeforInformationInterchange(ASCII):美国国家信息交换标准代码 (20)analysis:分析 (20)analysisclass:分析类 (20)analysis&design:分析设计 (20)analysismechanism:分析机制 (21)analysispattern:分析模式 (21)analyst:分析员 (21)API:应用程序编程接口 (21)APPC:高级程序间通信 (21)applicationprogramminginterface(API):应用程序编程接口(21)appraisal:评估 (21)architecturalbaseline:构架基线 (22)architecturalmechanism:构架机制 (22)architecturalpattern:构架模式 (22)architecturalview:构架视图 (22)architecture:构架 (22)artifact:工件 (23)artifactguidelines:工件指南 (23)ASCII:美国国家信息交换标准代码 (23)ASP:活动服务器页 (23)association:关联关系 (23)associationclass:关联类 (23)associationend:关联关系端 (23)asynchronousaction:异步动作 (24)asynchronousreview:异步评审 (24)attribute:属性 (24)2. B (24)baseclass:基类 (24)baseline:基线 (24)Bean (24)BeanInfo (25)behavior:行为 (25)behavioralfeature:行为特性 (25)behavioralmodelaspect:模型的行为侧重面 (25) betatestingBeta:测试 (25) binaryassociation:二元关联关系 (25) binding:绑定 (25)boundaryclass:边界类 (25)breakpoint:断点 (26)build:工作版本 (26)businessactor:业务主角 (26) businessactorclass业务主角类 (26) businesscreation:业务创建 (26) businessengineering:业务工程 (26) businessentity:业务实体 (26) businessimprovement:业务改进 (27) businessobjectmodel:业务对象模型 (27) businessmodeling:业务建模 (27) businessprocess:业务过程 (27) businessprocessengineering:业务过程工程 (27) businessreengineering:业务重建 (27) businessrule:业务规则 (28) businessusecase:业务用例 (28) businessuse-caseinstance:业务用例实例 (28) businessuse-casemodel:业务用例模型 (28) businessuse-casepackage:业务用例包 (28) businessuse-caserealization:业务用例实现 (28) businessworker:业务角色 (28)3. C (29)capsule封装体 (29)cardinality基数 (29)CBD (29)CCB (29)CDR (29)CGI (29)changecontrolboard(CCB)变更控制委员会 (30) changemanagement变更管理 (30)changerequest(CR)变更请求 (30)checklist检查表 (30)checkpoints检查点 (30)class类 (30)classdiagram类图 (30)classhierarchy类分层结构 (31)classlibrary类库 (31)classmethod类方法 (31)classifier分类器 (31)client客户端 (31)client/server客户机/服务器 (31)collaboration协作 (31)collaborationdiagram协作图 (32)COM (32)comment注释 (32)commit提交 (32)CommonGatewayInterface(CGI)公共网关接口 (32) CommonObjectRequestBrokerArchitecture(CORBA) (33) communicate-association通信关联关系 (33) communicationassociation通信关联关系 (33) component构件 (33)componentdiagram构件图 (33)componentmodel构件模型 (33)component-baseddevelopment(CBD)基于构件的开发 (34) compositeaggregation组装关系 (34) compositebean组合Bean (34)compositeclass组装类 (34)compositestate组合状态 (34)compositesubstate组合子状态 (34)composition组装 (35)concrete具体 (35)concreteclass具体类 (35)concurrency并行 (35)concurrentsubstate并行子状态 (35)configuration配置 (35)configurationitem配置项配置中的实体 (36) configurationmanagement配置管理 (36)construction构建 (36)constructor构造函数 (36)container容器 (36)containmenthierarchy容器分层结构 (37)context环境 (37)controlchart控制图 (37)controlclass控制类 (37)conversational会话式 (37)Cookie (37)CORBA (37)CR (38)criticaldesignreview(CDR)关键设计评审 (38)customer客户 (38)cycle周期 (38)4. D (38)database数据库 (38) databasemanagementsystem(DBMS)数据库管理系统 (38) datatype数据类型 (39)DBA数据库管理员 (39)DBCS双字节字符集 (39)DBMS数据库管理系统 (39)DCE分布式计算环境 (39)DCOM分布式对象模型 (39) deadlock死锁 (39)decisionrule决策规则 (39)defect缺陷 (39)defectchecklist缺陷检查表 (40) defectdensity缺陷密度 (40) defectlog缺陷日志 (40) definingmodel定义模型 (40) delegation委托 (40)deliverable可交付工件 (40)de-marshal串行化 (40) demilitarizedzone(DMZ)隔离带 (41) dependency依赖关系 (41) deployment部署 (41) deploymentdiagram部署图 (41) deploymentunit部署单元 (41) deploymentview部署视图 (41) derivedelement派生元素 (42) deserialize反串行化 (42)design设计 (42) designmechanism设计机制 (42) designpackage设计包 (43) designpattern设计模式 (43) designsubsystem设计子系统 (43) developer开发人员 (43) developmentcase开发案例 (43) developmentprocess开发过程 (44)device设备 (44)diagram图 (44)disjointsubstate互斥子状态 (44)DistributedComputingEnvironment(DCE)分布式计算环境(44)distributedprocessing分布式处理 (44)DLL动态链接库 (45)DMZ隔离带 (45)DNS域名服务 (45)document文档 (45)documentdescription文档说明 (45)documenttemplate文档模板 (45)domain领域 (45)domainmodel领域模型 (45)domainnameserver域名服务器 (45)double-bytecharacterset(DBCS)双字节字符集 (46)dynamicclassification动态分类 (46)dynamicinformation动态信息 (46)dynamiclinklibrary(DLL)动态链接库 (46)5. E (46)e-Business电子商务 (46)EJB (47)elaboration精化 (47)element元素 (47)encapsulation封装 (47)encloseddocument附带文档 (47)enhancementrequest扩展请求 (47)EnterpriseJavaBean(EJB) (47)entityclass实体类 (48)entryaction进入动作 (48)error错误 (48)ERP (48)event事件 (48)event-to-methodconnection事件-方法映射 (48) evolution演进 (48)evolutionary演进方式 (49) executablearchitecture可执行构架 (49) exitaction退出动作 (49)export导出 (49)expression表达式 (50)extend扩展 (50)extend-relationship扩展关系 (50)6. F (50)facade外观 (50)factory工厂 (50)fault故障 (50)feature特性 (51)field字段 (51)filetransferprotocol(FTP)文件传输协议 (51) finalstate最终状态 (51)fire击发 (51)Firewall防火墙 (51)flatten串行化 (51)focusofcontrol控制焦点 (52)follow-up跟踪 (52)formalreview正式评审 (52) formalparameter形参 (52)framework框架 (52)FTP文件传输协议 (52)FURPS (52)7. G (53)gateway:网关 (53)generalizableelement:可泛化元素 (53) generalization:泛化关系 (53)generation:代 (53)graphicaluserinterface(GUI):图形用户界面 (53) green-fielddevelopment:零起点开发 (53) guardcondition:警戒条件 (54)GUI (54)8. H (54)homepage主页 (54)HTML (54)HTMLbrowserHTML浏览器 (54)HTTP (54)HTTPrequestHTTP请求 (54)hyperlinks超链接 (55)hypertext超文本 (55) hypertextmarkuplanguage(HTML)超文本标记语言 (55) 9. I (55)IT(Informationtechnology) (55)IDE (55)IEEE (56)IIOP (56)internetORB间协议 (56)IMAP4 (56)implementation实施 (56) implementationinheritance实施继承 (56) implementationmechanism实施机制 (56) implementationmodel实施模型 (57) implementationpattern实施模式 (57)implementationsubsystem实施子系统 (57) implementationview实施视图 (57)import导入 (57)import-dependency导入依赖关系 (58)inception先启 (58)include包含 (58)include-relationship包含关系 (58)increment增量 (58)incremental递增 (58)informalreview非正式评审 (58)inheritance继承 (59)injectionrate缺陷率 (59)input输入 (59)inspection审查 (59)inspectioneffectiveness审查有效性 (59) inspectionefficiency审查效率 (59) inspectionpackage审查包 (59) inspectionsummaryreport审查总结报告 (60)inspector审查者 (60)issue问题 (60)issuelog问题日志 (60)instance实例 (60) integrateddevelopmentenvironment(IDE)集成开发环境 (60) integration集成 (60)integrationbuildplan集成构建计划 (61)interaction交互 (61)interactiondiagram交互图 (61)interface接口/界面 (61)interfaceinheritance接口继承 (61)internaltransition内部转移 (61)Internet互联网 (61)InternetInter-ORBProtocol(IIOP)InternetORB间协议 (62) InternetProtocol(IP)Internet协议 (62) InternetprotocoladdressInternet协议地址 (62)IP (62)IPnumberIP号码 (62)IPSec (62)IPSecurityProtocol(IPSec)IP安全协议 (63)ISAPI (63)ISO (63)ISP (63)iteration迭代 (63)10. J (63)JAR (63)Java (63)Javaarchive(JAR)Java档案文件 (64) JavaDatabaseConnectivity(JDBC)Java数据库连接 (64) JavaFoundationClasses(JFC)Java基础类 (64) JavaBean (64)JDBC (64)JDK (64)JFC (65)JIT (65)JVM (65)11. K (65)keymechanism关键机制 (65)keyword关键字 (65)12. L (65)LAN (65)layer层 (66)LDAP (66)link链接 (66)linkend链接端 (66)listener监听程序 (66)LocalAreaNetwork(LAN)局域网, (66) logicalview逻辑视图 (66)13. M (67)majordefect主要缺陷 (67)management管理 (67)marshal反串行化 (67) measurementdysfunction测量混乱 (67) mechanism机制 (67)message消息 (68)messaging消息传递 (68)metaclass元类 (68)meta-metamodel元-元模型 (68)metamodel元模型 (68)method方法 (68)methodcall方法调用 (69)metric度量 (69)MIB (69)milestone里程碑 (69)MIME (69)minordefect次要缺陷 (69)model模型 (69)modelaspect模型侧重面 (70) modelelaboration模型精化 (70) modelelement模型元素 (70) ModelViewController(MVC)模型视图控制器, (70) modelingconventions建模约定 (70)moderator评审组长 (70)module模块 (71)MOM (71)multipleclassification多重分类 (71) multipleinheritance多重继承 (71)multiplicity多重性 (71) MultipurposeInternetMailExtension(MIME) (71)multi-valued多值 (72)mutatormethods存取器方法 (72)MVC (72)MVS (72)14. N (72)n-aryassociation多元关联关系 (72)n-foldinspectionN重审查 (72)namespace名字空间 (73)NC (73)NCF (73)NNTP (73)node节点 (73)NSAPI (73)NT (73)15. O (74)object对象 (74)objectclass对象类 (74)objectdiagram对象图 (74)objectflowstate对象流状态 (74)objectlifeline对象生命线 (74)objectmodel对象模型 (74)ObjectRequestBroker(ORB)对象请求代理 (75)object-orientedprogramming(OOP)面向对象程序设计 (75)ODBCDriverODBC驱动程序 (75) ODBCDriverManagerODBC驱动程序管理器 (75)OLTP (75)OMG (75)onlinetransactionprocessing(OLTP)联机事务处理 (76)OO (76)OOP (76)OpenDataBaseConnectivity(ODBC)开放数据库连接标准 (76) operation操作 (76)operatingsystemprocess操作系统进程 (76)ORB (77)organizationunit组织单元 (77)originator发起者 (77)output输出 (77)outsidelink外部链接 (77)16. P (77)package包 (77)pairprogramming结对编程 (78)palette调色板 (78)parameter参数 (78)parameterconnection参数连接 (78) parameterizedelement参数化元素 (78)parent父 (78)parentclass父类 (78)participates参与 (79)partition分区 (79)passaround轮查 (79)pattern模式 (79)PDR (79)peerdeskcheck同级桌查 (80)peerreview同级评审 (80) peerreviewcoordinator同级评审协调者 (80)PERL (80)persistentobject永久对象 (80)PGP (80)phase阶段 (80)PKI (81)POP3 (81)Port端口 (81)post-condition后置条件 (81)PRA (81)PRD (81)pre-condition前置条件 (81) preliminarydesignreview(PDR)初步设计评审 (81) primitivetype基础类型 (82)private私有 (82)process进程、过程 (82)processassetslibrary过程资产库 (82) processowner过程拥有者 (82)processview进程视图 (82)processor处理器 (82)product产品 (83)productchampion产品推介人 (83)product-linearchitecture产品线构架 (83) productrequirementsdocument(PRD)产品需求文档 (83) project项目 (83)projectmanager项目经理 (83) ProjectReviewAuthority(PRA)项目评审委员会 (84) projection投影 (84)promotion晋升 (84)property特征 (84)property-to-propertyconnection特征-特征连接 (84) protected保护 (84)protocol协议 (85)prototype原型 (85)proxy代理 (85)pseudo-state伪状态 (85)publishedmodel已发布的模型 (85)17. Q (86)QA (86)qualifier限定词 (86)qualityassurance(QA)质量保证 (86)18. R (86)racecondition竞争状态 (86)rank等级 (86)rationale理由 (86)RDBMS (87)receiveamessage接收消息 (87)receiverobject接收方对象 (87)reception接收 (87)reference引用 (87)refinement改进 (87)relationship关系 (87)release发布版 (88)releasemanager发布经理 (88) RemoteMethodInvocation(RMI)远程方法调用 (88) RemoteProcedureCall(RPC)远程过程调用 (88) report报告 (88)repository储存库 (89)requirement需求 (89)requirementattribute需求属性 (89) requirements需求 (89) requirementsmanagement需求管理 (89) requirementstracing需求跟踪 (89) requirementtype需求类型 (89) resourcefile资源文件 (90) responsibility职责 (90)result结果 (90)resurrect反串行化 (90)review评审 (90)reuse复用 (90)rework返工 (90)RFC (90)RMI (91)RMIcompilerRMI编译器 (91) RMIregistryRMI注册表 (91)risk风险 (91)role角色 (91)RPC (91)RSA (91)rule规则 (91)19. S (92)S/MIME (92)sandbox沙箱 (92)scenario场景 (92) scopemanagement范围管理 (92) semanticvariationpoint语义分歧点 (92) sendamessage发送消息 (92) senderobject发送方对象 (93)SEPA (93)sequencediagram序列图 (93)serialize串行化 (93)server服务器 (93)Servlet (93)SET (94)severity严重性 (94)SHTTP (94)signal信号 (94)signature签名 (94)singleinheritance单重继承 (94)singlevalued单值 (94)single-bytecharacterset单字节字符集 (95)SMTP (95)SNMP (95)SocketSecure套接字保护 (95)SOCKS (95)softwarearchitecture软件构架 (95)SoftwareEngineeringProcessAuthority(SEPA)软件工程过程管理委员会 (96)softwareengineeringprocessgroup(SEPG)软件工程过程组 (96) softwarerequirement软件需求 (96)softwarerequirementsspecifications(SRS)软件需求规约 (96)softwarespecificationreview(SSR)软件规约评审 (96)specification规约 (96)SQL (96)SRR (96)SRS (97)SSL (97)SSR (97)stakeholder受益者,涉众 (97)stakeholderneed涉众需要 (97) stakeholderrequest涉众请求 (97)Startpage起始页 (97)state状态 (97)statechartdiagram状态图 (98)statemachine状态机 (98)staticartifact静态工件 (98) staticclassification静态分类 (98) staticinformation静态信息 (98)stereotype构造型 (98)stimulus激励 (99)structuralfeature结构特性 (99) structuralmodelaspect模型的结构侧重面 (99)stub桩模块 (99)subactivitystate子活动状态 (99)subclass子类 (99)submachinestate子机状态 (99)substate子状态 (100)subsystem子系统 (100)subtype子类型 (100)superclass超类 (100)supertype超类型 (100)supplier提供端 (100)swimlane泳道 (101)synchstate同步状态 (101) synchronousaction同步操作 (101) systemrequirementsreview(SRR)系统需求评审 (101) 20. T (102)taggedvalue标注值 (102)task任务 (102)TCP (102)TCP/IP (102)teamleader团队负责人 (102) technicalauthority技术权威 (102) Telnet (103)template模板 (103)test测试 (103)testcase测试用例 (103) testcoverage测试覆盖 (103) testdriver测试驱动程序 (103) testitem测试项 (103) testprocedure测试过程 (104) thinclient瘦客户机 (104)thread线程 (104)timeevent时间事件 (104) timeexpression时间表达式 (104) timingmark时间标记 (104) toolmentor工具向导 (104) traceability可追踪性 (105)trace追踪 (105)transaction事务 (105) transactionprocessing事务处理 (105) transientobject临时对象 (105) transition产品化/转移 (105)type类型 (106)typeexpression类型表达式 (106) typolist微错清单 (106)21. U (106)UI (106)UML (106)Unicode统一编码 (106) UnifiedModelingLanguage(UML)统一建模语言 (107) uniformresourcelocator(URL)统一资源定位符 (107) URL (107)usage用途 (107)usecase用例 (107)use-casediagram用例图 (107)use-caseinstance用例实例 (107)use-casemodel用例模型 (107)use-caserealization用例实现 (108)use-caseview用例视图 (108)userinterface(UI)用户界面 (108)utility实用工具 (108)22. V (108)validation确认 (108)value值 (109)variable变量 (109)verification验证 (109)version版本 (109)vertex顶点 (109)view视图 (109)viewelement视图元素 (110)viewprojection视图投影 (110)virtualmachine(VM)虚拟机 (110)visibility可见性 (110)vision前景 (110)visualprogrammingtool可视化编程工具 (110)VM (110)VPN (111)23. W (111)walkthrough走查 (111)webapplicationWeb应用程序 (111)webbrowserWeb浏览器 (111)webserverWeb服务器 (111)websiteWeb站点 (111)websystemWeb系统 (112)Widget窗口组件 (112)workbreakdownstructure工作细分结构 (112)workguideline工作指南 (112)workproduct工作产品 (112)worker角色 (112)workflow工作流程 (113)workflowdetail工作流程明细 (113)workspace工作区 (113)workstation工作站 (113)WorldWideWeb(WWW或Web)万维网 (113)WYSIWYG (113)24. X (114)XML (114)1.Aabstractclass:抽象类提供一组子类共有行为的类,但它本身并不具有实例。
e-STUDIO4515AC e-STUDIO5015AC Color Multifunction
C olor Multifunction Printer U p to 50 PPMM edium/Large Workgroup C opy, Print, Scan, FaxS ecure MFPC ustomizable UITechnology for every workplace; delivering advanced functionality, ease of use, and peace of mind.Every business is unique. That’s why Toshiba offers the latest customizable solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs. Toshiba solutions help you simplify complex tasks while managing diverse information—efficiently and safely to maximize your productivity.Toshiba’s latest series delivers on our commitment to collaborate with clients to provide tailored, cost-effective solutions that meet your print, document management and content needs while helping you to meet your green objectives.•45 & 50 PPM•High-resolution color•High-volume black & white, and color •Advanced e-BRIDGE Next technology •Fast dual-core processore-STUDIO4515AC/e-STUDIO5015ACCONNECT , INTEGRATE, SIMPLIFY Elevate enables customized and automated workflow presenting the user with convenient one-touch functions addressing only the tasks they use most. This results in simple operation and improved efficiency leading to an overall cost savings. Let Toshiba Elevate your productivity.•Customize and automate workflowsspecifically around your business processes •Boost productivity by reducing manual and paper intensive processes in the office •Personalize the user interface by department to deliver the utmost efficiency•Cost savings and greater efficiency through improved workflow and productivity•Clear away clutter and confusion on home screen by presenting only the tasks used mostSimple, smart and stylish.A larger 10.1” tablet-style touch screen with an embedded web browser is easy to use, andcustomizable to meet your needs, enhancing the sleek and modern look of the complete series.SMALL FOOTPRINT, BIG BUSINESS. Even with a relatively small footprint, thee-STUDIO5015AC Series is packed with industry-leading technologies and innovations designed tohelp workgroups connect, integrate and simplify.Advanced e-BRIDGE Next Technology enablesthe MFP to drive Toshiba’s internally developedsolutions or those from a third party with ease.Dual-Scan Document Feeder holds an amazing 300originals and boasts an impressive 240 images per minute(IPM) by scanning both sides of the page in a single pass.Auto Skew Correction ensures your scanned documents, usingone of the document feeder options are reproduced accurately.Print Around eliminates printing bottlenecks by allowingother print jobs to go around any being held-up for aspecific paper size, media type or even color toner.Job Reservation will queue up multiple copy orprint jobs so users can send jobs whenever.Embedded Optical Character Recognition (OCR)simplifies the creation of searchable PDFs or editabledocument formats such as Microsoft® Word™.Exclusive Water Proof Paper water and tearresistant media up to 12” x 47” banner size.Saddle/Fold Capabilities offer saddle-stitch finishingand the option to fold without stapling.12” x 18” Cassette provides the ability to print stunning11” x 17” full-bleed color on 12” x 18” paper.Notifications Feature takes the hassle out of checkingfor depleted supplies or maintenance needs.Paper Volume Indicators on the front panel make it easy tosee the paper sizes, types and levels in each cassette.Service Module Design significantly reduces thecost and time spent servicing the MFP.Print-from USB lets you print PDF and JPG filesstraight from your USB drive and the MFP will scaledocuments to fit the available paper size if necessary.Scan-to USB is great for capturing a filequickly when you’re on the go.Scan Preview allows you to review your scanned documentsdigitally, even rotate and change pages prior to sending to fileor email.Fax Preview saves valuable resources by letting you viewreceived faxes prior to printing them.TOSHIBA TECHNOLOGY NEVER LOOKED BETTER.Tight SecurityAlong with all of the new and innovative Toshiba technologies, we regard the security of your business a top priority.•A 320GB Self-Encrypting Drive (SED) withAutomatic Data Invalidation (ADI) & Data Overwrite capability provides top level security•Available FIPS 140-2 Validated SED meets and exceeds strict government requirements •IPsec is available to securely encrypt data sent to-and-from the MFPEnvironmental ProtectionInnovation that is truly innovative makes certain that our environment is part of the equation, which is precisely what we do here at Toshiba.•ENERGY STAR ® V3.0 certified•RoHS compliance, the use of recycled plastics, andSuper Sleep (0.6W) Mode work to help the environment •EPEAT Gold Registered for greener electronics, designed to help purchasers choose products that reduce environmental impact•The new e-STUDIO models’ Typical [weekly] Electrical Consumption or TEC value isexceptionally low, equating to an environmentally friendly product with a low operating cost too•e-BRIDGE Plus for Green Information provides userswith a graphical display at the MFP of their environmental contribution to promote more effective use.Keeping medium to large workgroups in mind, thee-STUDIO5015AC Series is easily integrated, customizable and solutions ready with Toshiba’s Open Platform. Complex tasks of the past are now a simple one touch button on your e-STUDIO control panel, thanks toToshiba’s seamless integration with third-party solutions and the use of embedded web browser technology.Toshiba’s exclusive e-BRIDGE Print & Capture application enables mobile device users to take advantage of the broad feature set of the e-STUDIO whether they’re in the office or on the go.The Universal Print Driver is suitable for all users. Tandem print comes standard with your e-STUDIO, along with a variety of time-saving, function-adding plug-ins that enable productivity right in the printer driver. For instance:•e-BRIDGE Job Point—quickly split up largejobs across up to 10 Toshiba MFPs•e-BRIDGE Job Replicator—streamline the creation of multi-part forms and documents •e-BRIDGE Job Separator—perform batch printing easily using any Windows ® app•e-BRIDGE Job Build—conveniently print different document types all together as a single job Toshiba’s current e-BRIDGE multifunction printers are compatible with Microsoft Universal Print which enables customers to fully manage their print environment from Microsoft Azure. In addition, our e-BRIDGE Plus for Google Drive ™, e-BRIDGE Plus for OneDrive ®, e-BRIDGE Plus for DropBox ®, and e-BRIDGE Plus for box ™ offer scan and print solutions to the popular cloud storage destinations.*Your network settings and/or access control may vary depending on network environment when installing e-BRIDGE Plus applications. For details, please consult Toshiba’s sales person.**Available three applications; e-BRIDGE Plus for OneDrive ® for Business,e-BRIDGE Plus for SharePoint ® Online and e-BRIDGE Plus for Exchange OnlineFEATURES, BENEFITS, AND THE WOW FACTOR.1243Dual-Scan Document Feeder (DSDF)Reversing Automatic Document Feeder (RADF)2,000-Sheet Large Capacity Feeder Additional Drawer Module for PFPDesigns and specifications subject to change without notice. Specifications may vary by conditionsof use and/or environmental usage. For best results and reliable performance, always use supplies manufactured or designated by Toshiba. Not all options and accessories may be available at the time of product launch. Please contact a local Authorized Toshiba Dealership for availability. Toner yields are estimates based on 5% coverage, letter-size page. Driver and connectivity feature support varies by client/network operating system. Product names may be trademarks of their respective companies. AirPrint ® and the AirPrint ® logo are trademarks of Apple Inc. This is a Class 1 laser product complying with IEC60825-1. All company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers in their markets and/or countries.© 2021 Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. Electronic Imaging Division Inv. Code 22336 5015AC Series Brochure 8/21Security FeaturesU ser Authentication, On-Board Data Scramble Function, SCEP , Disable e-Filing, Disable Copy, Disk Overwrite, IP Address Filtering (10 Sets), MAC Address Filtering (10 Sets), Network Service Control, Network Port Control, SMB Packet Signing, SSL/TLS (HTTP , IPP , LDAP , SMTP , POP , FTP , DPWS, SYSLOG), IPsec (IKEv1, IKEv2), Security Mode Change, CC Certified (ISO/IEC15408)* with HCD-PP v1.0, IEEE802.1X (Wired/Wireless), Digital Signature for Client Utilities, Password Policy, Password Lock, Password Expiration, Self Testing, Job Access Control, Log Access Control for Job Log, Security Stamp, Role Based Access Control, Secure PDF, Digital Signature forFirmware Update, Integrity Check Function, Image Log, Card Authentication, NFC Authentication*Conformance with HCD-PPv1.0 in High Security Mode.Environmental Stds.E NERGY STAR ® (V3.0), EPEAT Gold, Californian Proposition 65Certification W HQL (Windows ® 8, 8.1, 10, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019), Novell ®, Citrix ®, SAP , AirPrint ® and Mopria ®Scan SpecificationsScan Speed DSDF Scan: Up to 240 IPM Duplex, 120 IPM Simplex (Monochrome or Color)R ADF Scan: Up to 73 IPM (Monochrome or Color)Scan Modes Standard: Full Color, Auto Color, Monochrome, Grayscale Scan Resolution 600 dpi, 400 dpi, 300 dpi, 200 dpi, 150 dpi, 100 dpiFile FormatsM onochrome: TIFF-Multi/Single Page, PDF-Multi/Single Page, Searchable PDF (Opt.), XPS-Multi/Single Page, DOCX (Opt.), XLSX (Opt.), PPTX (Opt.)C olor/Grayscale: JPEG, TIFF-Multi/Single Page, PDF-Multi/Single Page, Slim PDF, Searchable PDF (Opt.), XPS-Multi/Single Page, DOCX (Opt.), XLSX (Opt.), PPTX (Opt.)Image CompressionColor/Grayscale: JPEG (High, Middle, Low)Facsimile SpecificationsCompatibility Super G3Data Compression MH/MR/MMR/JBIGTransmission Speed Approx. 3 Seconds Per Page Fax Modem Speed Up to 33.6 KbpsMemory Transmission 100 Jobs (with HDD), 2,000 Destinations Max. 400 Destinations/Job Scan Speed 0.7 Seconds Per Page, Maximum 73 IPMe-Filing SpecificationsOperation Method Color Touch Screen Control Panel or Client PC Number of Boxes 1 Public Box, 200 Private User Boxes Capacity of Boxes100 Folders Per Box, 400 Documents Per Folder/Box, 200 Pages Per DocumentAccessories (Options)Platen & Document Feeder OptionsDSDF MR4000B RADF MR3031B Platen Cover KA5005PC Additional Paper Options Paper Feed Pedestal KD1058B Drawer Module MY1048B Envelope Cassette Option MY1049B Large Capacity Feeder KD1059B Finishing Options Inner Finisher MJ1042B 50-Sheet Staple Finisher MJ1109B Saddle-Stitch Finisher MJ1110B Hole Punch Unit for MJ1042 MJ6011 Hole Punch Unit for MJ1109/MJ1110 MJ6105 Bridge Kit KN5005 Job Separator MJ5015 Connectivity/Security Options FAX Unit/2nd Line for FAX Unit GD1370N Wireless LAN/Bluetooth GN4020 Fax Over IP License Key GS1100NODE Hardcopy Security Printing GP1190A Bluetooth Keyboard GR9000 Accessory Tray GR1330 Panel 10-Key Option GR1340Card Reader Holder GR1320USB Hub GR1310 Meta Scan Enabler GS1010 IPsec Enabler GP1080 Unicode Font Enabler GS1007 Embedded OCR Enabler Per Seat License GS1080NODE Multi-Station Print Enabler Per Seat License GS1090NODE e-BRIDGE Plus for OneDrive for Business V3.0 GB2300NODE e-BRIDGE Plus for Sharepoint Online V3.0 GB2310NODE e-BRIDGE Plus for Exchange Online V3.0 GB2320NODE Hardcopy Security Printing GP1190A FIPS HDD GE1230 Miscellaneous OptionsStand STAND5005 Accessible Arm KK2550 Work Tray KK5005 Manual Pocket KK5008 Harness Kit for Coin Controller GQ1280Corporate Office 25530 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630Tel: 949-462-6000East Coast 959 Route 46 East, 5th Floor, Parsippany, NJ 07054Tel: 973-316-2700Midwest 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60631Tel: 773-380-6000South 2037 Bakers Mill Rd., Dacula, GA 30019Tel: 678-546-9385West Coast 25530 Commercentre Drive, Lake Forest, CA 92630Tel: 949-462-6000Web SiteMain SpecificationsCopy SystemI ndirect Electrostatic Photographic Method/OPC/Laser Printing/ Heat Roller FusingDisplay 10.1” Color WSVGA Touch Screen Tilting Display Copy Speed 45/50 PPM (LT) First Copy Out Color: 5.7/5.7 Seconds Monochrome: 4.4/4.4 Seconds Warm-Up Time Approx. 20 Seconds Copy Resolution 600 x 600 dpi Stack Feed Bypass 3.9” x 5.8” to 12” x 18”, 12” x 47” Banner, Envelope Multiple Copying Up to 999 Copies Paper Capacity Standard 1,200 Sheets/Max. 3,200 Sheets Original Feed Optional 300-Sheet DSDF or 100-Sheet RADF Scan Speed & Weights D SDF Scan: Up to 240 IPM Duplex, 120 IPM Simplex (Monochrome or Color),Simplex: 9.3-110 lb Bond, Duplex: 9.3-110 lb BondR ADF Scan: Up to 73 IPM (Monochrome or Color), Simplex: 9.3-41.8 lb Bond, Duplex: 13.3-41.8 lb BondMax. Original Size LD Paper Feed Sizes D rawer 1: 550 Sheets-ST-R to LD D rawer 2: 550 Sheets-ST-R to 12” x 18” S tack Feed Bypass: 100 Sheets-3.9” x 5.8” to 12” x 18”, 12” x 47” Banner O pt. 550-Sheet Paper Feed Pedestal-ST-R to 12” x 18” O pt. 550-Sheet Drawer for PFP-ST-R to 12” x 18” O pt. Envelope Cassette for PFP-Approx. 60 Envelopes/550 Sheets-ST-R to LG O pt. 2,000-Sheet Tandem LCF (Pedestal Type)-LT Only Paper Weights S tandard: 550 Sheets x 2-16 lb Bond-140 lb Index S tack Feed Bypass: 100 Sheets-14 lb Bond-100 lb Cover O pt. 550-Sheet Paper Feed Pedestal-16 lb Bond-140 lb Index O pt. 550 Sheets Drawer for PFP-16 lb Bond-140 lb Index O pt. Envelope Cassette for PFP-16 lb Bond-140 lb Index O pt. 2,000-Sheet Tandem LCF (Pedestal Type)-17 lb-28 lb Bond DuplexS tandard Automatic Duplex Unit (16 lb Bond-140 lb Index)Reproduction Ratio 25% to 400%Max Duty Cycle M ax. 105K/105K Month (Color: 100%) Max. 210K/210K Month (Monochrome: 100%)Weight Approx. 172 lbApprox. Dimensions 23” (W) x 25.2” (D) x 31” (H) CMYK Toner Yield CMY: 33.6K, K: 38.4K @ 5%Power Source 120 Volts, 50/60 Hz, 12 Amps Power Consumption Maximum 1.5kW (120V) CPU Intel Atom ™ 1.33 GHz (Dual-Core)Memory 4GB Hard Disk Drive 320GB Self-Encrypting Drive e-BRIDGE Next Print SpecificationsPDLPCL5e, PCL5c, PCL6 (PCL XL), PS3, PDF, XPS, JPEG Print Speed45/50 Pages Per Minute (LT) Print Resolution600 x 600 dpi (5 bit), 1,200 x 1,200 dpi (Color/2 bit) or 3,600 (Equivalence) x 1,200 dpi (BW/with Smoothing) (PS3 Only)Operating Systems Windows ® 8.1,10, Windows Server ® 2012/R2, Windows Server ® 2016,Macintosh ® (macOS X 10.7.4, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 11.4), Unix ®, Linux ® Network Protocols T CP/IP (IPv4, IPv6), NetBIOS over TCP/IP , IPX/SPX ® for Novell ® Environments,EtherTalk for Macintosh EnvironmentsPrinting Protocols S MB, LPR/LPD, IPP V2.0 w/Authentication, AppleTalk ® PAP or EtherTalk, Port9100 (Bi-Directional), NetWare P-SERVER LPD w/ iPrint, WS Print, FTPPrint Drivers W indows ® 8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows Server ® 2012/R2 (64-bit), WindowsServer ® 2016, Windows ® 10 (32-bit, 64-bit), macOS X 10.7.4, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 11.4InterfaceR J-45 Ethernet (10/100/1000 Base-T), USB 2.0 (High-Speed) Optional IEEE802.11b/g/n, Wireless LAN, Optional BluetoothWireless Device A irPrint ®, Mopria ®, e-BRIDGE Print & Capture Application on iOS and Android(Available via Apple ® App Store or Google Play)Device Management TopAccess, EFMS 6.30 (e-BRIDGE Fleet Management Software) Account Control U p to 10,000 Users or 1,000 Departments Supports User Authentication(on Device), Login Name/Password (via Windows ® Domain) or Login Name/Password (via LDAP Server) for Copy, Print, Scan, Fax, List, and User FunctionAccessibility Features T ilt Front Panel, Job Programs, Universal Grip for Paper Trays, Disable ScreenTimeout and Audible Beep Message Alerts。
quartus编译时常见错误和警告编译常见错误和警告1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2在QuartusII 下进行编译和仿真的时候,会出现一堆warning ,有的可以忽略,有的却需要注意。
1.Found clock-sensitive change during active clock edge at time on register ""原因:vector source file 中时钟敏感信号(如:数据,允许端,清零,同步加载等)在时钟的边缘同时变化。
措施:编辑vector source file2.Verilog HDL assignment warning at :truncated value with size to match size of target (原因:在HDL 设计中对目标的位数进行了设定,如:reg[4:0]a ,而默认为32位,将位数裁定到合适的大小。
3.All reachable assignments to data_out(10)assign '0',register removed by optimization 原因:经过综合器优化后,输出端口已经不起作用了。
4.Following 9pins have nothing,GND,or VCC driving datain port --changes to thisconnectivity may change fitting results results..原因:第9脚,空或接地或接上了电源措施:有时候定义了输出端口,但输出端直接赋‘0’,便会被接地,赋‘1’接电源。
A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master in EngineeringImage Classification Based OnMulti-instance Multi-label LearningMin Master Candidate: JieMajor:Computer science and technologySupervisor : Prof.ZhangWuhan University of Science and TechnologyWuhan, Hubei 430081, P.R.ChinaMay 19, 2018摘要随着当今社会互联网技术与信息技术的快速发展,以及图像多媒体等设备的普及,图像数据信息量日益剧增。
关键词:图像分类;神经网络;距离度量;多示例多标记AbstractWith the rapid development of Internet technology and information technology in today's society, and the popularization of multimedia devices such as images, the amount of information in image data has increased dramatically. Therefore, how to classify these images effectively and accurately has become a technical problem and research hotspot to be solved urgently. The main work of this article is as follows:First of all, for the traditional distance measurement method can not accurately measure the distance between the package and the package, this paper proposes a self-adjusted distance measurement method, this method can automatically adjust the distance according to the characteristics of different data sets, making the distance measurement more accurate. And proposed a multi-example multi-label image classification algorithm based on self-adjusted distance metrics.Secondly, in the case of unbalanced sample sets, the multi-instance multi-label radial basis function neural network produces an imbalance in the number of hidden neurons, and ignores the class with fewer samples during training, making the classification effect worse. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a radial basis function neural network structure optimization algorithm for image classification. In the first stage, the algorithm optimizes the number of neurons and the center and width of each class according to the distribution of training sets, so that the neurons on each class in the unbalanced sample set are in balance, which reduces the impact of unbalanced samples on network performance.In the natural scene image data set established by Zhou and other scholars, the two proposed improved algorithms are compared with classical image classification algorithms. The experimental results verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed algorithm.Keywords: Image classification; Neural network; Distance metric; Multi-instanceMulti-label;目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第1章绪论 (1)1.1研究背景与意义 (1)1.2国内外研究现状 (2)1.3本文主要内容及组织结构 (3)第2章图像分类研究综述 (5)2.1图像分类流程及方法 (5)2.2多示例多标记学习框架 (8)2.3针对图像分类的经典多示例多标记学习算法 (10)2.3.1基于退化策略的多示例多标记算法 (10)2.3.2基于神经网络的多示例多标记算法 (11)2.4图像分类中的距离度量方法 (14)2.5本章总结 (16)第3章基于自调节距离度量的多示例多标记图像分类 (17)3.1引言 (17)3.2基于自调节距离度量的多示例多标记图像分类 (17)3.2.1 自调节距离度量方法 (17)3.2.2 基于自调节距离度量的多示例多标记图像分类 (19)3.2.3 本章算法的基本流程 (22)3.3实验结果与分析 (23)3.3.1 实验数据集 (23)3.3.2 评价指标 (24)3.3.3 实验参数 (25)3.3.4 实验结果与分析 (25)3.4本章小结 (28)第4章图像分类中径向基函数神经网络结构优化 (29)4.1引言 (29)4.2基于密度迭代搜索策略的聚类算法优化径向基函数神经网络 (30)4.2.1 传统的聚类算法 (30)4.2.2 基于密度迭代搜索策略的聚类算法优化径向基函数神经网络 (32)4.3径向基函数神经网络结构优化算法流程 (34)4.3.1 预处理阶段 (34)4.3.2 权重优化 (37)4.3实验结果与分析 (37)4.3.1 实验参数 (37)4.3.2 实验结果与分析 (38)4.4本章总结 (40)第5章总结与展望 (41)5.1总结 (41)5.2展望 (41)致谢 (43)参考文献 (44)附录1攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 (49)附录2攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目 (50)第1章绪论1.1 研究背景与意义随着多媒体科技以及网络科技的飞速进步,人们逐渐采用更加丰富种类的媒介进行沟通与交流,例如图像、音频、视频等。
1、新建一个工程,File - New - Application 。
2、再往新建的工程上放一个实现多层的“远程数据模板”(中文我觉得应该叫这个),File - New - Other -Multitier - Remote Data Module - 单击OK。
上图中,CoClass Name就是此程序的名称,叫COM的名称,这个名称最好起一个有意义名字,因为在你做客户端的时间需要依据这个名字连接到这个服务器。
比如是:multi_test (意思是多层测试)或者 X_test ,好记~而且酷!。
{下面灰色字这一段不需要看懂下面的Instancing选择服务器的处理线程方式,现在选的是Multiple Instance是指多前客户端可共享一个线程应用程序服务器。
还有Single Instance是多对多的处理方式,就是一个客户端对应一个线程应用程序,当多客户端时,服务端也会开和客户端一样多的线程运行,好处是各线程相对独立,不会相互影响,但相对比较占资源。
最后一个Threading Model是用它设置In-Process COM程序的多任务模式的,太多了,懒得讲了,大家自己看书4、继续干!拖一个Table1组件到Form1上去,设置Table1的DatabaseName为DBDEMOS,Table Name为Customer.db。
荷兰电子科技有限公司 Load-sensitive Multi-way Valve Test Sys
Design of Load-sensitive Multi-way Valve Test SystemLiping Xu 1,a , Liujin Cai 1,b,* and Xiaoqing Nan 1,c1Henan University of Science and T echnology, School of Mechatronics Engineering, Henan,Luoyang, 471000, Chinaa *************,b ***************,c ****************Corresponding authorKeywords: Load-sensitive; Multi-way Valve; T est; STM32F103; LabVIEWAbstract. As the load-sensitive multi-way valve is being used more widely, its performance is becoming more and more important in the hydraulic system. Thus it is urgent to design a low-cost system which can quickly measure the performance of load-sensitive multi-way valve. Taking the load-sensitive multi-way valve as the test target, a hydraulic test circuit was designed to complete the functional experiment. The STM32 MCU was used as the core of hardware circuit, and the high-performance W5500 Ethernet chip as a communication module. The control software was developed by LabVIEW platform, on which the experimenters retrieve, observe, store and print the online testing data of the valve. A qualified load-sensitive multi-way valve specializing in agricultural machinery was tested to verify the designed system, the result shows that the designed system is stable and reliable.IntroductionWith the rapid development of engineering machinery, load sensitive phenomenon has been brought in the engineering machinery dynamical system. It is widely used in engineering machinery due to its high energy efficiency. Nowadays, domestic scholars have designed a lot of multi-way valve systems, but the hydraulic test system based on the trait of load-sensitive multi-way valve and the accomplishment of the relevant performance tests is rarely reported. For this reason, it is necessary to realize the traits of a load-sensitive multi-way valve which is applicable for agricultural machinery operation and invent a set of testing system for experimenting on the load-sensitive multi-way valve.The testing system with software developed by LabVIEW is always adopts with the matched data acquisition card of NI company. Although the data acquisition card is easily to be programmed, its cost is high. In this article, single chip microcomputer STM32 is used as the control center of the testing system hardware, LabVIEW is used as the software design platform, and the data transmission medium is W5500 embedded Ethernet controller. Due to its low cost, short development cycle, users can achieve the Ethernet data communication through W5500 just by using a simple Socket program instead of operating a complicated Ethernet controller. It is low-cost , short development cycle, easily-integrated and applicable for remote transmission. The test result shows that the testing system can experiment on the performance index of load-sensitive multi-way valve effectively [1][2].The Design of Load-sensitive Multi-way Valve Hydraulic SystemBrief Introduction of the Tested Valve. Load-sensitive multi-way valve is a small hydraulic system combined with various kinds of valves. It is always composed of oil inlet connection, working connection and terminal connection. The number of working connection is customized, and it is determined by the needed external load as the engineering machinery real working [3]. Shown in picture 1, No.15 is a load-sensitive multi-way valve used on an agricultural machinery with one working connection. Its oil inlet connection includes of manual directional valve, shuttle valve and pressure compensation valve. The pressure compensation valve combines with the instant sectional area of the pilot valve in the directional control valve to regulate the flow.The7th International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Computer Science (ICEMC 2017)Advances in Computer Science Research (ACSR), volume 73load-sensitive multi-way valve is tested in a good performance, its maximum flow q max=80L/min, the diameter of the oil port A and B is 22 mm, P=1.5~17.5MPa.The Design of Hydraulic Testing Loop. During the design of load-sensitive multi-way valve testing system, we considered the tested valve’s self-load-sensitive feature and the essence of multi-way. According to the B/T8729-2013 hydraulic multi-way directional valve machinery industrial standard and relevant industrial standards, the test theory figure shown in Fig.1 was designed. Proportional overflow valve is used to set up the pressure of the whole system in order to reach the testing requirement[4][5]. Nevertheless the pressure sensor and the flow sensor can choose different measuring range according to the actual situation. In view of the smaller flow of the load-sensitive port L S, a flow sensor is chosen, which has a higher precision. For this reason, ZHM 01/21)*,with the measuring range of 0.02-3L/min and the measurement accuracy of ±0.5%, produced by Shanghai Kem observation and control technology limited company is chosen to use. The testing system is designed to reach all kinds of valve performance tests, besides conventional detection such as safety valve performance, pressure loss, disruptive test, back pressure test, communicative performance, internal leakage, load sensing performance, steady state test, transient test, operating force and so on, the flow change of fretting behavior test is achieved additional.Figure.1 Hydraulic testing circuit1.1~1.2 fluid pump;2.1~2.3 proportional overflow valve;3.1~3.5 pressure gage and pressure sensor;4.1~4.3 flow gage and flow sensor; 5 tension & compression sensor; 6 displacement sensor;7 electromagnetic ball valve; 8 electromagnetic valve; 9 discontinuity loading valve;10.1~10.6 stop valve; 11.1~11.2 unidirectional proportional throttle valve;12.1~12.3 overflow valve; 13.1~13.2 filter; 14.1~14.4 unidirectional valve;15 tested load-sensitive multi-way valveBrief Introduction of a Main Test Program. A main program testing method according to the hydraulic testing loop is introduced as follows, shown in Fig.1.Fretting behavior test: adjusting safety valve of the tested valve to nominal pressure and turn off all overload valves. ○1Pressure fretting behavior from P to T: plugging the tested valve oil port B and A, letting nominal flow rate going through port P, the slide valves move from the neutral position to every commutation position slowly. At this time the relevant pressure parameter varying with the movement of oil port P is measured. ○2Flow fretting behavior from P to A(B) : let oil port P go through neutral flow, while valves move from the neutral position to every commutationposition slowly. Keeping the load of overflow valve12.1 is 75% of the neutral pressure at the sametime, the sensor measures the relevant flow parameter during the movement. ○3Flow fretting behavior from A(B) to P: let port A(B) feed with oil and go through neutral flow, set up proportional overflow valve2.1, turn the system pressure to the 75% of the neutral pressure. Slide valves move from the neutral position to every commutation position slowly. And then measure the relevant flow during the movement.Design of the Testing Hardware PartThe test system is controlled by upper computer and lower computer. The system operation is shown in Figure 2. Signals of the tested system such as flux, displacement, pressure, etc. are measured by relevant sensors. Sensors ’ data go into STM32F103 after being voltage-sampled and converted by signal conditioning circuit and A/D conversion module. Afterwards the digital signals converted will be computed by specific control algorithm in the software. The result outputs to the W5500 net card module, which brings with external TCP/IP protocol, to achieve the data transmission to industrial personal computer (IPC). At the same time, the overflow valve can be adjusted by PWM signal, and the result will be sent to IPC. When the testing system pressure or flow changes, IPC with LabVIEW software will send new signals to W5500 and then delivered to STM32F103, and to realize the signal control and feedback consequently [6].Figure.2 Block diagram of testing system principleThe hardware of lower computer mainly consists of controller, signal conditioning circuits and control program. The micro-controller STM32F103 in the series of STM32 is chosen asthe controller which is low power-loss and reasonable price. The ADC of STM32 is a 12-bit successive approximation analog-to-digital converter. Its measuring precision is high of ±0.25%, which is less than the precision of the chosen sensor and meet the Testing Grade A of test bed. Its testing result is more accurate. The control program, using C programming language, is designed with Keil Vision5 platform. Its signal conditioning circuits include partial pressure, capacitor filtering and guarding circuit. Due to the module converting voltage of the controller STM32F103 is 0-3.6V , while the output signal current of sensors are all 4-20mA, therefore the conversion of each sensor ’s output current of the partial pressure in the signal conditioning circuit is shown in Fig.3.Figure.3 Current input signal conditioning circuitDesign of the Testing Software PartThe higher computer software of the testing system is written by LabVIEW. In consider of the limitation of laboratory testing condition, the testing projects mainly include safety valve transient response test, steady state test, fretting behavior test, internal leakage and back pressure test. Steady state test, for instance, as is shown in Figure 4, is the operation interface of steady state test.All of the operation interface meets with the functions mainly about: (1) store the essential information such as the name of operating personnel and time. (2) complete the transient response test, steady state test and operating force test of load-sensitive multi-way valve.(3) users operate in real time and send commands for lower computer to control the proportional overflow valve.(4) collect data and realize the displaying, saving and printing out in LabVIEW interface, as shown in Fig.4. The program is shown in figure 5.123456789101112Figure.4 The front panel of Load sensitive multi-way valve steady-state performance test1 The experimenter information;2 Test project;3 Hydraulic control pressure&valve coredisplacement; 4 Sample set; 5 Start; 6 Reset; 7 Save; 8 View; 9 Print; 10 Exit;11 Pressure gauge; 12 Pressure and time response curvesFigure.5 Save, print and time display programSafety Valve Transient Response TestSince testing projects are too many, this article just introduces the safety valve transient response test and its test result of load-sensitive multi-way valve. The specific methods and procedures of the experiment: first, turn off overflow valve2.1, plug oil port A and B of the tested valve. And then put slide valve at commutation position, adjust the safety valve to 16MPa, turn on pump 1.2 and adjust proportional overflow valve 2.2 and control the pressure to speed up the operation of discontinuity loading valve. Next, open all of the stop valve 10.3, put electromagnetic valve 8 at the original position to reduce the inlet pressure of the tested valve to the initial pressure, and then moveelectromagnetic valve to the right rapidly. At last, turn off discontinuity loading valve promptly, and produce a pressure gradient at the inlet of the tested valve to meet the transient condition. Table 1 is the standard safety valve index, the index of the tested valve should keep within the range of Table 1.The measured result is shown in Fig 6.The value of the crest is 18.9MPa and the actual measured pressure is 15.7MPa . Detailed experimental results are as follows:pressure oscillation: ΔP=±0.4MPa<±0.5MPa(1)pressure overshooting rate:18.9 MPa-15.7 MPa=100%=20.38%15.72MP %a 5δ<⨯(2) transient recovery time: t=0.16s<0.2s (3)Figure.6 The relief valve transient response experiment operation interface The result of safety valve transient response test shows the testing result is up to standard and thus the reliability of testing system is high.Table 1 Standard safety valve indexSafety valve performanceNominal pressure (MPa)16 20 25 31.5Pressure oscillation(MPa)±0.5 ±0.6 ±0.7 ±0.8Pressure overshootingrate (%)≦25Transient recoverytime(s)≦0.2 ≦0.22 ≦0.24 ≦0.25ConclusionThe article introduces a special load-sensitive multi-way valve for an agricultural machinery, designs the diagram of the load-sensitive multi-way valve principle, writes the testing software based on LabVIEW and the hardware testing system with STM32 and W5500 as the core. It can not only shorten the development period of the system and save the cost. After that, it introduces the safety valve transient response test of the tested valve and gets the experiment data to compare with the standard data. The final testing result shows that this testing system is reliable and provides a reference for the research of load-sensitive multi-way valve testing system.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge natural science foundation of henan university of science and technology for financial support of this research work. (2015QN017)References[1] Zhang Y ong, Dong Haobin .Design of a seismic data acquisition system based on STM32 andLabVIEW[J].Measurement Control Technology and Instruments, 2012,38 (10):73-75 (In Chinese).[2] Kim S D, Cho H S.A suboptimal controller design method for the energy efficiency of aload-sensing hydraulic servo system[J]. Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control, 1991.113(3):487-493.[3].Zeng Hong, Dang Panpan. 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大一英语期末作文篇1Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT(Information Technology: 信息技术) and information industry, cell phones play a dominant role in townspeople’s life. But, like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects.First, it’s useful. As a wireless mobile telephone, it’s e asy and handy to carry it wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates people’s life. Second, it’s convenient. whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately. Most importan t of all, it’s a very helpful companion. With a multifunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the Net (上网), browsing the useful information, conducting e-commerce (电子商务)and doing whatever one can do via Internet.However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages. To begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills, esp. that of global service. To make matters worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Worst of all, it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it’s alleged the micro-waves in it might do harm to people’s health.In my opinion, with its expenses greatly reduced after China’s entry into the WTO, it wi ll face an ever brighter future in its development. Someday most of them will be developed into new Internet-enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. And I believe its advantages will not only offset(抵销、弥补)its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.Useful expressions:wireless mobile telephone: 无绳移动电话cellular phone users: 手机用户multifunction: 多功能around the global service: 全球通讯服务pocket computer: 袖珍电脑大一英语期末作文篇2From primary school to college, students, teachers, parents---all are struggling for high scores. This is because the current education system is not aimed at students’ quality, but at developing their ability to perform well on the test. As a result, many students, even those with high scores, often do poorly when it comes to the practical application of the knowledge(当涉及到理论知识的应用时) they have learned.Therefore, China is challenging examination-oriented education by advocating quality-oriented education(提倡素质教育). The alternative will focus on the students’ ability and quality as a whole. And the exam results will no longer play a key role in evaluating the academic achievements(评估学业成绩)that a student gains in school.My comment is that we should quicken the transition from exam-oriented to quality-oriented education. Personally, I firmly believe in the magic force of the new education policy, andeagerly look forward to enjoying the great benefits the program will bring about. It seems that I have seen in my mind’s eye a more colorful life, the looser environment, yet the more creative minds of the future students. Our education, so to speak, will not be making a “robot” or a “computer” out of the students, but bringing up a new generation that are masters of the robot and the computer themselves.大一英语期末作文篇3music is penetrating deely everywhere in our daily life,no one can avoid being influenced by is so important that life without music is like a severe winter without sunshine. music is our good lifetime helps you ease stress from busy work and study,turn dull moments into delightful ones,relieve the tension from a blue day,cheer you up when you are sad. music is very relaxing.after a days tiring work,you may as well listen to some light music which is likely to bring you is also powerful.when you suffer a blue day,why not turn on your record and play some encouraging music,which may help to pull you out of the depression and regain your is may subtly increase your appetite and do good to your will probably enjoy music throughout your life .it makes your life full of happiness and frees you from anything unhappy! 大一英语期末作文篇4Today in China there exist side by side two different teaching patterns: a teacher-centered class and a student-oriented class. Yet the differences between them are enormous.A teacher-centered class is a typical traditional passive class. No doubt it is a natural product of the deep-rooted examination-oriented education(应试教育). And there are severalcharacteristics in this kind of class. To begin with, a teacher is the only actor on the stage and all the students are passive audience. Besides, he imparts(传授、给予) knowledge to his students in the same way he pours water into a container, never bothering to ignite the sparks or enthusiasm in students. Therefore, the class is often like a pond of dead water.In contrast, a student-centered class is a kind of new active class, resulting from the quality-oriented education system(素质教育). Naturally, it’s a new comer of the educational reform. The first characteristic of this kind of class is that the teacher and students are all actors and all the students are actively involved in the classroom activities. The second is that the teacher always tries to instill(慢慢灌输)a love of learning in students and stimulate their interest. As a result, students, always find it a pleasure to learn in class, by asking questions, discussing or even arguing with the teacher. Therefore, this kind of class is often like a boiling sea.However, I prefer an active student-oriented class not simply because it’s fun, but because it can make knowledge permanent. Besides, it can develop my creative mind and my leaning ability.大一英语期末作文篇5It goes without saying that we live in a world full of advertisetment.Whenever we turn on TV,different kinds of advertisement go into our eyes.Colorful pictures,amazing sounds and beautiful girls occupy the whole screen.Its true that advertisment can do us good.It can provide us with more information,give us a good understanding of the product.But advertisment have some shortcomings.Some of them contains unhealthy materials that is harmful to teenagers.Some is full of cheating.The advertised product is not so good as it says.In mymind,in such a complex society, we would rather trust ourselves than the advertisement.大一英语期末作文篇6Develop Our Creative Mind提倡创新精神Most Chinese students are accustomed to teacher-centered passive education(被动教育). From primary school, to college, bound to the teacher-centered, exam-oriented education, they are always encouraged to obey teachers’ instructions, but discouraged to argue with teachers about what is being taught, let alone(不管) to form their own original ideas.However, this passive educational pattern(被动教学模式)has caused many problems and produced a lot of side effects(副作用), First, as students tend to follow the beaten track(走老路、按照惯例行事) and dare not challenge what is conventional, they gradually form the passive way of thinking. To make things worse, as they are so dependent on others, most of them lack the ability to solve practical problems. Worst of all, this puts out any sparks of inspiration(灵感) in their mind and render them to have no creativity at all. Admittedly, it will do great harm in their future. But now, with the arrival of the globalization of economy(随着全球经济一体化的到来), it’s advocated that we should develop students’ creative mind and cultivate their innovative learning habits. I believe, only those with break-new-ground spirit, creative mind and proper skills will succeed in competing in the global job markets.大一英语期末作文篇7Blood Donation Without Repayment无偿献血Today blood donation without repayment is widelyadvocated. In fact every year, millions of people gather together in different areas to donate their blood. Their voluntary donation is esteemed(尊重)by other people who will follow their example and do the same later.Blood donation without repayment is a noble action. It’s of some importance. First, it’s necessary for National Defence and the development of modern medicine. With adequate store in blood bank(血库) we can save lives of wounded soldiers during a war and those of the dying and seriously ill in everyday life. Second, it can cultivate one’s unselfishness and love for the mankind.However, blood donatio n would do no harm to donators’ health. As we all know, only healthy people are allowed to donate blood. And every time only a small amount of blood is drawn out from a donator. After blood donation, the donator’s body will make a quick adjustment to let the mechanism(人体机制)operate in its normal way.大一英语期末作文篇8养宠物的原因A pet is all animal which is raised or kept by people as a companion. In recent years, more and more people, old or young, rich or poor, like to keep a pet such as a dog, a cat, a monkey and so on.Pets are loved by people. They not only are good friends to their masters but also become members of the family. Although they are not human beings, their behavior sometimes is better than the human beings, for they always remain obedient and loyal to the master. There are many stories in which we are told that a pet saved his or her master's life or even traveled thousands of miles to return home. This makes them more lovely.Moreover, trained pets are very helpful. For instance, a trained dog can help the blind to walk and a trained pig can even find out drugs from the imports goods.But pets are sometimes trouble-makers. Some pets such as dogs or snakes may attack people unexpectedly. A lot of people become ill or get infected because of the virus carried hy their pets. And some pets are dirty and poisonous. Therefore, we do not advocate keeping pets.大一英语期末作文篇9赚钱条件How To Make Money With LessIt is a fact that money does not come from trees. People have to earn it and it doesnt have to be working in an office every time. This can happen by simply having a desktop or laptop with an Internet connection then getting paid for certain services. Here are some great ideas that wont cost the entrepreneur that much to get started.A very good example is answering some surveys. There was a time that companies would call people to come to the office to answer a questions. Those that didnt have the budget for this will do this over the phone.In order to get more respondents, firms have decided to work with market research firms to conduct online surveys. Respondents are paid after completing the questionnaire. The payment varies so this could be as small as a dollar to something higher like twenty dollars.Those who would like to speak out can earn money by posting a blog. The person doesnt get paid to write something here but earns revenue through advertisements that people would like to put up in the site.Something similar to blogging is being an affiliate. Here, the person allows the major search engines to put up ads in exchange for sales commission for every item that was purchased.If the individual is creative, money can also be made by creating a website. The entrepreneur can sell items through the Internet or auction off items that others would like to part with.Not everyone is good with computers. Those who are should take advantage of this by offering consultancy services to those who need help. The person can charge by the hour or per web page if this is the what the client wants. It is also possible to charge extra for the assistance rendered in maintaining the site.People who have a little money to spare can invest in the stock market or in the foreign exchange market. Most of the investments are here long term. Those who have never done this before should get help from an online broker to learn the ropes and the tricks of the trade.Network marketing is also another way to make money online. The person will recruit people to do the selling and then earn commission for each sales that was made. This isnt easy and the first challenge will be to turn the customer into an agent which all begins by working with an email list.It will also be good idea to sell some of these items directly to the consumer. This is because the people that were hired may not always do a good job, which may also affect the commissions coming at the end of every month.There are other ways of making money through the web and this requires both creativity and patience. It may seem difficult during the first few months but those who are able to get the hang of things may pursue this full time instead of the regular day job.It always pays to do some research first in order to balance the risks. If the potential of making enough money is high, then the entrepreneur should go for it. There is money out there. The person can invest a lot or spend on the same thing for less.大一英语期末作文篇10校园暴力School is not only a place we can learn something,but also is a small society."School videncen"is a popular word in the school during this years.And school videncen have many influence for us too.Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays.So, school videncen is what everyone in school should do.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.Dont be feared,it just like a spring,you weak it will strong,you strong it will weak.I think if we unite together to fight against with evil.The school will peace and harmonious again!大一英语期末作文篇11成功的四个步骤Four Steps to a SuccessfulFour Steps to a SuccessfulThe first time in lifeThen grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart.Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. Never put up yourworking uniforms,no matter how well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A fewaccessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere.Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless you ' re sure that he or she likes the smell,don 't use ones that are too strong.Watch your manner. You ' re no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the legend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart.大一英语期末作文篇12Travel by bikeThere are many ways of traveling, People may travel by plane if they want to travel far reach their destination in a shorter time. It is the most comfortable but expensive way. Most people travel by train because it is a less expensive way but the compartments are cramped and stuffy. Bus journey is a cheaper way but it is spent on narrow, and most comfortable way but it takes too much time.I tike traveling by bike. I can set out when I like and stop when I like. I can go wherever I like so that I can enjoy delightful spots rarelyvisited by other travelers. When I feel tired, I sit down by the bike and have a good rest. Besides, I can save much money for tickets and much time in waiting for the train or bus. I can cover more places by riding a bike than going on foot.Traveling by bike is good to health. It is really a sort of good exercise to strengthen one’s muscles and to test one’s will. Moreover, it brings no pollution to the air. So it helps to clean the atmosphere.。
M C E技术介绍(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--MCE技术介绍关键词:BGP/MPLS VPN,VPN-instance,CE摘要:本文描述了Multi-VPN-instance CE的技术特征和应用场景。
缩略语:缩略语英文全名中文解释CE Customer Edge用户网络边界设备PE Provider Edge提供商网络边界设备MCE Multi-VPN-instance CE多实例CE1 概述单纯使用传统路由器很难实现局域网中不同业务的完全隔离。
如图1 所示。
图1 利用VLAN隔离业务利用CE设备隔离业务,为每个用户部署一个独立的CE路由器。
如图2 所示。
图2 利用CE设备隔离业务这些解决方案需要应用传统的设备,对用户来说即昂贵,又需要更多的网络管理工作和用户站点部署。
MCE(Multi-VPN-Instance CE,多实例CE)通过多实例在CE设备上提供逻辑独立的路由实例和地址空间,使多个用户可以共享一个CE。
2 详细介绍相关术语CE(Customer Edge)设备:用户网络边缘设备,有接口直接与SP (Service Provider,服务提供商)相连。
PE(Provider Edge)路由器:服务提供商边缘路由器,是服务提供商网络的边缘设备,与用户的CE直接相连。
VPN-instance:VPN实例,在BGP/MPLS VPN中,不同VPN之间的路由隔离通过VPN-instance实现。
CATIA V5 装配设计(Assembly Design)CA TIA V5 装配设计(Assembly Design)是帮助设计师用自上而下或自下而上的方法定义和管理多层次的大型装结构。
3.1 相关的图像菜单3.1.1产品结构工具(Product Structure Toolbar)Inserting a New Component:将新元件插入一个已有的装配中,此子装配的名字不存盘Inserting a New Product:将新产品插入一个已有的装配中,此子装配的名字存盘Inserting a New Part:将新零件插入一个已有的装配中Inserting Existing Components:将存在的子装配插入一个已有的装配中Replacing Components:替换元件Reordering the Tree:在结构树上重新安排子装配的位置Generating Numbers:生成产品子装配的编号Product Initialization:产品初始化Unload Components :卸载子装配Load Components:加载子装配Isolate Part:孤立零件Deactivate Component:不激活子装配Activate Component:激活子装配Change Context:改变前后关系Fast Multi-Instantiation:快速多重引用Defining a Multi-Instantiation:定义多重引用Symmetry:镜像Manage Representations:管理产品的几何描述Design Mode:设计模式Visualization Mode:显示模式Deactivate a Node:不激活一个节点Activate a Node:激活一个节点Deactivate a Terminal Node:不激活一串节点Activate a Terminal Node:激活一串节点3.1.2 移动工具(Move Toolbar)Manipulating a Component:偏移或旋转子装配Snap Move:快速移动Smart Move:聪明移动Exploding an Assembly:爆炸图3.1.3 约束工具(Constraints Toolbar)Coincidence Constraint:同轴约束Contact Constraint:接触约束Offset Constraint:偏移约束Angle Constraint:角度约束Fixing a Component:固定一个子装配Fixing Components Together:子装配固定在一起Quick Constraint Command:快速约束命令Flexible Sub-Assemblies:柔性子装配Changing Constraints:改变约束Reuse Pattern:重复使用图样Deactivate Constraints:不激活约束Activate:激活约束3.1.4 更新工具(Update Toolbar)Update an Assembly:更新一个装配Update One Constraint Only:只更新约束3.1.5 约束创建模式工具(Constraint Creation Mode Toolbar)Default mode:默认模式Chain mode:链模式Stack mode:堆积模式3.1.6 注解工具(Annotations Toolbar)Text With Leader:带引出箭头的标注Flag Notes:超级链接3.1.7 装配特征工具(Assembly Features Toolbar)Assembly Split:装配切Assembly Hole:装配孔Assembly Pocket:装配凹坑Assembly Add:装配加Assembly Remove:装配减3.1.8 利用装配工具(Using Assembly Tools)Product Management:产品管理3.1.9分析工具(Analyze Tools)Bill of Material: 零件清单Analyze Updates:分析更新Analyze Constraints:分析约束Analyze Degrees of Freedom:分析自由度Analyze Dependences:分析依赖Compute Clash:计算干涉3.2 装配环境参数设定为了充分发挥CA TIA V5的装配设计能力,必须根据设计对象的特点,合理地设定装配环境参数。
photo, photograph 照片,像片snapshot, snap 快照photographer, cameraman 摄影师backlighting 逆光backlighting photography 逆光照luminosity 亮度to load 装胶卷focus 焦点to focus, focusing 调焦focal length 焦距depth of field, depth of focus 景深exposure 曝光time of exposure 曝光时间automatic exposure 自动曝光to frame 取景framing 取景slide, transparency 幻灯片,透明片microfilm 微型胶卷photocopy 影印photocopier 影印机duplicate, copy 拷贝,副本reproduction 复制photogenic 易上镜头的overexposure 曝光过度underexposure 曝光不足projector 放映机still camera 照相机cinecamera 电影摄影机(美作:movie camera)television camera 电视摄像机box camera 箱式照相机folding camera 风箱式照相机lens 镜头aperture 光圈wide-angle lens 广角镜头diaphragm 光圈telephoto lens 远摄镜头,长焦镜头zoom lens 变焦头,可变焦距的镜头eyepiece 目镜filter 滤光镜shutter 快门shutter release 快门线viewfinder 取景器telemeter, range finder 测距器photometer, exposure meter 曝光表photoelectric cell 光电管mask 遮光黑纸sunshade 遮光罩tripod 三角架flash, flashlight 闪光灯guide number 闪光指数magazine (相机中的)软片盒cartridge 一卷胶卷spool 片轴film 胶片,胶卷plate 感光片spotlight, floodlight 聚光灯darkroom 暗室to develop 显影developer 显影剂bath 水洗to fix 定影emulsion 感光剂drying 烘干to enlarge, enlargement 放大enlarger 放大机image, picture 像,相oblong photography 横式照片blurred image 模糊的照片negative 负片positive 正片print 印制format 尺寸grain 颗粒foreground 近景Scale尺寸Colse-up特写High-key shot高调摄影Low-key lighting低调采光Black and white黑白摄影Camera 相机Faces脸Contrasts对比Paper相纸Exposure曝光Autofocus自动对焦Manual手调TTL镜头测光Flash闪光灯Daylight自然光Soft柔和Basic基本High key高调Low key低调Location外景Make-up化粧Modles模特儿Picture照片Auto自动Soft image柔和影像Under exposure曝光不足Depth of field景深Location work外景作业Exposure latitude曝光宽容度Image system影像系统Film speed感光度Photo studio摄影棚Flash umbrella 闪光伞Zoom lens变焦镜头High-speed film高感度软片Abstract抽象Lights光线Lighting采光Overexposure曝光过度IS(Japanese Industrial Standards) 日本工业标准LLandscape 风景Latitude 宽容度LCD data panel LCD数据面板LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示LED(Light Emitting Diode) 发光二极管Lens 镜头、透镜Lens cap 镜头盖Lens hood 镜头遮光罩Lens release 镜头释放钮Lithium battery 锂电池Lock 闭锁、锁定Low key 低调Low light 低亮度、低光LSI(Large Scale Integrated) 大规模集成MMacro ?微距、巨像Magnification ?放大倍率Main switch ?主开关Manual ?手动Manual exposure ?手动曝光Manual focusing ?手动聚焦Matrix metering ?矩阵式测光Metering Coupling,测光耦合Metered manual ?测光手动Metering ?测光Micro prism ?微棱Mirage ?倒影镜Mirror ?反光镜Mirror box ?反光镜箱Mirror lens ?折反射镜头Module ?模块Monitor ?监视、监视器Monopod ?独脚架Motor ?电动机、马达Mount ?卡口MTF (Modulation Transfer Function ?调制传递函数Multi beam ?多束Multi-layer Caoting ?Multi-coated,多层镀膜Multi control ?多重控制Multi-dimensional ?多维Multi-exposure ?多重曝光Multi-image ?多重影Multi-mode ?多模式Multi-pattern ?多区、多分区、多模式Multi-program ?多程序Multi sensor ?多传感器、多感光元件Multi spot metering ?多点测光Multi task ?多任务Neutral 中性Neutral density filter 中灰密度滤光镜Ni-Cd battery 镍铬(可充电)电池Noctilux,Leica消彗差镜头OOff camera 离机Off center 偏离中心OTF(Off The Film) 偏离胶卷平面One ring zoom 单环式变焦镜头One touch 单环式Orange filter 橙色滤光镜Over exposure 曝光过度Panning 摇拍Panorama 全景Parallel 平行Parallax 平行视差Partial metering 局部测光Passive 被动的、无源的Pastels filter 水粉滤光镜PC(Perspective Control) 透视控制Pearl,珠面相纸Pentaprism 五棱镜Perspective 透视的Phase detection 相位检测Photography 摄影Pincushion distortion 枕形畸变Plane of focus 焦点平面Point of view 视点polarisation 偏振polariser偏振镜Polarizing 偏振、偏光Polarizer 偏振镜Portrait 人像、肖像Power 电源、功率、电动Power focus 电动聚焦Power zoom 电动变焦Predictive 预测Predictive focus control 预测焦点控制Preflash 预闪Professional 专业的Program 程序Program back 程序机背Program flash 程序闪光Program reset 程序复位Program shift 程序偏移Programmed Image Control (PIC) 程序化影像控制QQuartz data back 石英数据机背RRainbows filter 彩虹滤光镜Range finder 测距取景器Release priority 释放优先Resin Coated,涂塑相纸Rear curtain 后帘Reciprocity failure 倒易律失效Reciprocity Law 倒易律Recompose 重新构图Red eye 红眼Red eye reduction 红眼减少Reflector 反射器、反光板Reflex 反光Remote control terminal 快门线插孔Remote cord 遥控线、快门线Resolution 分辨率Reversal films 反转胶片Rewind 退卷Ring flash 环形闪光灯ROM(Read Only Memory) 只读存储器Rotating zoom 旋转式变焦镜头RTF(Retractable TTL Flash) 可收缩TTL闪光灯image, picture 像,相oblong photography 横式照片blurred image 模糊的照片negative 负片positive 正片print 印制format 尺寸grain 颗粒foreground 近景abaxial 【光】离中心光轴ABBE number 雅比数值,即相对色散倒数aberration change 析光差变化﹝因设计及应用光圈产生之光差变化﹞aberrations 【光】析光差abrasion marks ﹝底片﹞花痕abrasive reducer 局部减薄剂absolute temperature 绝对温度absorption 吸收性能absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption filter = frequency filter色谱滤片AC = alternating current交流电AC coupler 交流电耦合器accelerator 促进剂accessories 配件accessory shoe 配件插座accumulator 储电器acetate base 醋酸片基acetate film 醋酸质胶片或菲林acetate filter 醋酸质滤光片acetic acid 【化】醋酸﹝用于停影、定影、漂白及过调药﹞,亦乙酸acetic acid, glacial 【化】冰醋酸﹝即结晶如冰状的醋酸,用于急制及定影药﹞acetone 【化】丙酮﹝有机溶剂,配用于不溶于水的化学物﹞achromat = achromatic lens消色差镜头achromatic 【光】消色差的achromatic lens 消色差镜头acid 【化】酸acid fixer 酸性定影药acid rinse 酸漂acoustic 音响学,音响学的actinic 光化的,由光产生的化学变化action grip 快速手柄Action Photography 动态摄影acutance 明锐度,常指底片结像adapter 转接器adapter cable 转接导线adapter ring 转接环additive color printing method 加色法彩色放相技巧﹝参阅附表﹞additive synthesis 【光】原色混合﹝原色包括红、绿、蓝色,三色相加产生白色,红绿产生黄色,红蓝产生洋红,绿蓝产生青靛色﹞adhesive tape 胶纸advance lever advance leveraerial camera 空中摄影机,或称遥感摄影机aerial film 空中摄影菲林,或称遥感摄影菲林aerial image 空间凝象﹝指凝聚在焦点平面位置的影像﹞aerial oxidation 氧化﹝指与空气接触的氧化﹞aerial perspective 透视感﹝由气层产生远物模糊的透视现像﹞Aerial Photography 空中摄影,或称遥感摄影aerial survey lens 空中测量镜头,应用于在空中测量地面,取景角度达120度,光圈多数固定于f5.6afocal lens 改焦镜头ageing 成熟过程 1. 使感光物体成熟的过程 2. 光学玻璃性能变为稳定所需的过程agitate 搅动agitation 搅动过程air brush 喷笔,执底或执相之用air lens 空气镜片﹝指镜片与镜片之空间,其作用如镜片﹞aircraft camera 航空摄影机album 相簿albumen 蛋白albumen pager 蛋白相纸,以蛋白作为乳化剂的相纸albumen print 蛋白相片,以蛋白相纸放成的作品albumin 蛋白质alcohol 酒精alcohol thermometer 酒精温度计alkali 【化】碱alkali earth 【化】碱土﹝例如钡barium,钙calcium﹞alkali metal 【化】碱金属﹝例如锂lithium,钠sodium﹞Alpine Photography 山景摄影alternating current 交流电amateur 业余amateur photographer 业余摄影师amber 琥珀色Ambrotype 火棉胶正摄影法﹝参阅附表﹞American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会,ANSI是感光度单位之一American Standards Association 1. 美国标准协会 2. ASA是感光度单位之一amidol 【化】二氨基酚,苯系化合物,俗称克美力,显影剂之一ammonium bichromate 【化】重铬酸铵,感光剂之一ammonium bifluoride 【化】氟化氢铵,用于使感光膜脱离玻璃片基ammonium carbonate 【化】碳酸铵,用于暖调显影药ammonium choloride 【化】氯化铵,用于漂白,过调药及感光剂ammonium persulphate 【化】过硫酸铵,显影剂之一ammonium sulphocyanate 【化】= ammonium thiocyanate硫氰酸铵,用于过金﹝色﹞药ammonium thiocyanate 【化】= ammonium sulphocyanate硫氰酸铵,用于过金﹝色﹞药Amphitype 正负双性相片amplifier 扩大器anamorphic process 变形拍摄方法anamorphotic lens 变形镜头,可将影像高度或阔度压缩或扩展anastigmat 消像散的anastigmat lens 消像散镜头angle coverage ﹝镜头﹞取景角度angle finder 量角器angle of gaze 凝视角﹝人类视角通常是120度,当集中注意力时约为五分之一,即25度﹞angle of incidence 【光】入射角angle of lens 镜头涵角angle of reflection 【光】反射角angle of refraction 【光】折射角angle of shooting 拍摄角度angle of view 观景角度Angstrom 〈埃〉长度单位=10-10公尺anhydrous 无水的animation 动画Animation Photography 动画摄影animation stand 动画台annealing 【光】热炼﹝制玻璃﹞法﹝这个方法是把玻璃在350至600度的电焗炉焗很长的时间,可减低制镜是时产生的扭曲﹞ANSI 1. American National Standard Institute﹝美国国家标准学会﹞2. 美国国家标准学会订出的感光度单位之一anti-fogging agent 防雾化剂anti-halation backing 防晕光底层anti-reflection coating 防反光膜anti-static wetting agent 消静电湿润剂anti-vignetting filter 消除黑角滤片aperture 光圈aperture display 光圈显示aperture needle 圈指针aperture ring 光圈环aperture scale 光圈刻度apochromatic 【光】复消色差Applied Photography 应用摄影arabic gum 阿拉伯树胶arc lamp 弧光灯Architectural Photography 建筑摄影area masking 局部加网area metering 区域测光artificial light 人造光源ASA 1. American Standards Association﹝美国标准协会﹞ 2. 感光度单位之一ASA setting device 感光度调校器asphalt 沥青aspherical lens 非球面镜头astigmatism 【光】像散,结像松散现像Astrophotography 天文摄影attachment 附加器audio 听觉性audio visual 视听auto = automatic自动的简称automatic 自动化automatic loading loading> 自动上片automatic bellows 自动近摄皮腔,自动回校光圈的近摄皮腔automatic camera 自动化相机automatic extension tube 自动延长管,自动回校光圈的延长管automatic flash 自动闪灯automatic focusing 自动对焦automatic rewinding 自动回卷automatic shooting range 自动拍摄范围automatic tray siphon 自动虹吸器,用于冲盆automatic winding 自动卷片auxiliary lens 附加镜头available light 现场光average gradient 平均倾斜率,平均梯度average metering 平均测光axial 【光】光轴back focal distance 【光】后焦距﹝指镜头与菲林间的距离﹞back projection 后方投影background 背景backlighting 背光bag bellow 袋型皮腔bar chart 棒形测试图bar static 线形静电纹﹝因拉开过度卷紧菲林时产生的现象﹞barn doors 遮光掩门barrel distortion 【光】桶形变形﹝影像四边线条呈外弯线变形﹞bas-relief 浮雕,黑房特技之一base 片基batch number 分批编号battery 电池battery charger 电池充电器battery charger 电池充电器battery pack 电池箱bayonet mount 刀环,镜头接环之一BCPS =beam candlepower second光束烛光秒bead static 珠形静电纹,亦称pearl static,在冲洗未完成前,用手拉擦过而产生的现象beam splitter 分光器bellows 皮腔bellows extension 皮腔延长度,多指近摄benzene 【化】苯benzotriazole 【化】苯并三唑﹝用于防雾化剂﹞between-the-lens-shutter 镜间快门bi-convex 【光】双凸镜片bi-prism 双棱镜bi-prism focusing 双棱镜对焦bichromated albumen process 重铬酸盐蛋白蚀刻法﹝参阅附录﹞binocular vision 视觉三维效果birefringence =double refraction双重折射,因镜片结构缺点产生重复折射现象bitumen 沥青bitumen grain process 沥青微粒蚀刻法﹝参阅附录﹞Black & White Photography 黑白摄影black filter 透紫外光滤片,只让紫外光透过的滤片black light 紫外光灯的俗称black opaqueopague 黑丹,修饰底片颜料bladed shutter 片闸式快门blank 【光】粗模,制镜过程中,经rough shaping粗铸而成的镜片=dummy filter空白滤光片,作为对焦等操作的预备,使应用滤镜拍摄时不会产生误差bleach 漂白药bleach-fix 漂定bleach-out process 漂移方法﹝参阅附录﹞bleaching 漂白bleeding 无边﹝相片﹞blimp 1. 闪烁 2.保温隔音机套blocking 【光】粗磨,制造镜头过程之一,使blank粗模﹝镜片﹞磨成Blocking out 遮挡blotch static 雀斑形静电纹,亦称moisture static,因在湿度高的环境下回卷菲林而产生的现象。
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FC1,汽油发动机风扇控制 OB1 主 循 环 FC1,柴油发动机风扇控制
FB10为上层功能块, 它把FB1作为其“局部实 例”,通过二次调用本地 实例,分别实现对汽油机 和柴油机的控制。这种调 用不占用数据块DB1和DB2, 它将每次调用(对于每个 调用实例)的数据存储到 体系的上层功能块FB10的 背 景 数 据 块 D B 1 0 中。
FB1,汽油发动机控制 DB10 FB1,柴油发动机控制 DB10
5. 编辑功能(FC)
(1)定义局部变量声明表 FC1用来实现发动机(汽油机或柴油机)的风扇控制, 按照控制要求,当发动机起动时,风扇应立即起动;当发动 机停机后,风扇应延时关闭。因此FC1需要一个发动机起动 信号、一个风扇控制信号和一个延时定时器。
《S7-300 PLC编程与应用 从入门到提高》
第23讲 多重背景数据块的使用
【例5-8-1】 发动机组控制系统设计——使用多重背景。 设某发动机组由1台汽油发动机和1台柴油发动机组成, 现要求用PLC控制发动机组,使各台发动机的转速稳定在设 定的速度上,并控制散热风扇的起动和延时关闭。每台发动 机均设置一个起动按钮和一个停止按钮。
1. 创建S7项目 使用菜单【File】→【“New Project”Wizard】创建发 动机组控制系统的S7项目,并命名为“多重背景”。CPU选 择CPU 315-2DP,项目包含组织块OB1。 2. 硬件配置 在“多重背景”项目内打开“SIMATIC 300 Station”文 件夹,打开硬件配置窗口,并按下图所示完成硬件配置。
在“多重背景”项目内创建一个与FB10相关联的多重 背 景数据块DB10,符号名“Engine_Data”。
(2)编辑FC1的控制程序 FC1所实现的控制要求:发动机起动时风扇起动,当发 动机再次关闭后,风扇继续运行4s,然后停止。定时器采用 断电延时定时器,控制程序如下图所示。
共享数据块DB3可为FB10保存发动机(汽油机和柴油机) 的实际转 速 ,当发 动机转速 都达到预 设速度时 ,还可以 保存该状态的标志数据。
①声明 FB1 的 2 个“局部实例”
③调用“局部实例” ②“局部实例”出现在编程元素目录中
在变量声明表内 完成FB1类型的局部实 例:“Petrol_Engine” 和“Diesel_Engine” 的声明以后,在程序元 素目录的“Multiple Instances”目录中就 会出现所声明的多重实 例,如图所示。接 下来可在FB10的代码 区,调用FB1的“局部 实例”。
调用FB1局部实例时,不再使用独立的背景 数据块,FB1的实例数据位于FB10的实例数据块 DB10中。发动机的实际转速可直接从共享数据 块中得到,如DB3.DBW2 (符号地址为, S_Data".PE_Actual_Speed)。
8. 生成多重背景数据块DB10
在该系统的程序结构内,有2个功能块:FB1和FB10。 FB1为底层功能块,所以应首先创建并编辑;FB10为上层功 能块,可以调用FB1。 编辑底层功能块FB1
(1)编辑底层功能块FB1 在“多重背景”项目内创建FB1,符号名“Engine”。 定义功能块FB1的变量声明表
编写功能块FB1的控制程序 FB1主要实现发动机的起停控制及速度监视功能,其控 制程序如下图所示。
(2) 编辑上层功能块FB10 在“多重背景”项目内创建FB10,符号名“Engines”。 在FB10的属性对话框内激活“Multi-instance capable”选 项。
定义功能块FB10的变量声明表 要将FB1作为FB10的一个“局部背景”调用,需要在 FB10的变量声明表中为FB1的调用声明不同名称的静态变量, 数据类型为FB1(或使用符号名“Engine”)。