StatStream. ' Statistical Monitoring of Thousands of Data Streams in Real Time


samtools stats结果解读

samtools stats结果解读

samtools stats结果解读题目:解读Samtools stats 结果导言:Samtools 是一个强大的工具,用于对测序数据进行分析和处理。

其中,Samtools stats 是一个常用的功能,用于统计BAM 或SAM 格式文件的各种统计数据。

本文将详细介绍Samtools stats 的结果解读及其在测序数据分析中的应用。

一、Samtools stats 方法及原理1.1 Samtools 简介Samtools 是一个处理和分析比对文件的工具集,包括了许多常用的功能,如格式转换、质量控制、序列比对和数据统计等。

1.2 Samtools stats 的作用Samtools stats 可以对BAM 或SAM 格式的比对文件进行全面的统计分析,并生成统计结果。


1.3 "samtools stats" 命令的使用可以使用以下命令运行Samtools stats:bashsamtools stats <input.bam> > <output.stats>其中,`<input.bam>` 是输入的比对文件(BAM 格式),`<output.stats>` 是输出的统计结果文件。

1.4 Samtools stats 的原理Samtools stats 分析比对文件的每一条比对记录,并将各种统计信息聚合在一起。



二、Samtools stats 的结果解读2.1 总的统计信息总的统计信息提供了比对文件中各种统计数据的总体概述。




1.[单选题]ElasticSearch 存放所有关键词的地方是()A)字典B)关键词C)词典D)索引答案:C解析:2.[单选题]DWS DN的高可用架构是:( )。

A)主备从架构B)一主多备架构C)两者兼有D)其他答案:A解析:3.[单选题]关于Hive与传统数据仓库的对比,下列描述错误的是:( )。

A)Hive元数据存储独立于数据存储之外,从而解耦合元数据和数据,灵活性高,二传统数据仓库数据应用单一,灵活性低B)Hive基于HDFS存储,理论上存储可以无限扩容,而传统数据仓库存储量有上限C)由于Hive的数据存储在HDFS上,所以可以保证数据的高容错,高可靠D)由于Hive基于大数据平台,所以查询效率比传统数据仓库快答案:D解析:4.[单选题]以下哪种机制使 Flink 能够实现窗口中无序数据的有序处理?()A)检查点B)窗口C)事件时间D)有状态处理答案:C解析:5.[单选题]下面( )不是属性选择度量。

A)ID3 使用的信息增益B)C4.5 使用的增益率C)CART 使用的基尼指数D)NNM 使用的梯度下降答案:D解析:C)HDFSD)DB答案:C解析:7.[单选题]关于FusionInsight HD Streaming的Supervisor描述正确的是:( )。

A)Supervisor负责资源的分配和任务的调度B)Supervisor负责接受Nimbus分配的任务,启动停止属于自己管理的Worker进程C)Supervisor是运行具体处理逻辑的进程D)Supervisor是在Topology中接收数据然后执行处理的组件答案:B解析:8.[单选题]在有N个节点FusionInsight HD集群中部署HBase时、推荐部署( )个H Master进程,( )个Region Server进程。

stata stat is unrecognized

stata stat is unrecognized

stata stat is unrecognized题目:解决Stata stat未被识别的问题引言:Stata是一种常用的统计学软件,用于数据分析和数据管理。

然而,在使用Stata时,用户可能会遇到一些问题,如“Stata stat未被识别”。


第一步:确认错误信息当Stata显示“stata stat未被识别”时,这意味着Stata无法识别或执行您输入的命令。



第二步:检查Stata版本Stata stat未被识别可能是由于您使用的是较旧版本的Stata软件而导致的。





1. 打开Stata软件,并通过以下命令查看已安装的命令:stataadopath这将显示Stata搜索命令的路径。

2. 检查命令是否位于路径中。


您可以通过以下命令重新安装已经存在的命令:statassc install package_name其中`package_name`是您需要重新安装的命令名称。

3. 如果您需要安装新的命令,您可以通过以下命令安装:statafindit keyword其中`keyword`是您希望安装的新命令的关键字。

4. 如果找到了适合您要安装的命令,使用`ssc install`或`net install`命令进行安装,如下所示:statassc install package_name或statanet install package_name, from(url)第四步:更新Stata软件有时候,Stata stat未被识别的问题可能是由于Stata软件未及时更新到最新版本引起的。








常见的导入命令有"import excel"(导入Excel文件)和"import delimited"(导入文本文件)等。

















一、异常检测方法1. 基于统计的方法基于统计的方法是最常见的异常检测方法之一。




2. 基于聚类的方法基于聚类的方法是通过将数据集中的数据点进行分组,然后检测每个组中是否存在异常值。


3. 基于分类的方法基于分类的方法是通过训练一个分类模型,来判断新的数据点是否属于正常范围。



二、应用场景1. 金融领域在金融领域,异常检测被广泛应用于识别欺诈交易。


2. 网络安全在网络安全领域,异常检测可以帮助发现网络攻击和入侵行为。


3. 工业制造在工业制造领域,异常检测可以帮助发现设备故障和生产异常。


4. 医疗健康在医疗健康领域,异常检测可以帮助发现疾病和病情变化。







一、监控工具推荐1. AmbariAmbari是Apache软件基金会的一个开源项目,专门用于Hadoop集群的管理和监控。



2. GangliaGanglia是一个分布式的监控系统,可以用于监控Hadoop集群中各个节点的性能指标。

它采用了树状结构的拓扑图展示集群的结构,可以实时监控节点的CPU 使用率、内存使用率、网络流量等指标。


3. NagiosNagios是一个功能强大的开源监控工具,可以监控各种网络设备和服务。



二、使用技巧指南1. 设置合理的监控指标在使用监控工具时,需要根据实际需求设置合理的监控指标。




2. 配置报警机制在监控工具中配置报警机制是非常重要的。










1. 离群点检测方法离群点检测算法是一种常用的异常值检测方法,它通过计算样本数据点与其他数据点之间的距离或相似性来判断其是否为异常值。



2. 孤立森林孤立森林是一种基于集成学习的异常值检测算法,它通过构建随机森林来区分正常数据和异常数据。



3. 神经网络神经网络在异常值检测中也有广泛的应用。




4. 开源工具与库除了以上提到的方法,还有许多开源的工具与库可以用于机器学习异常值检测。








一、Hadoop集群监控工具推荐1. AmbariAmbari是一款由Apache开源的Hadoop集群管理工具,它提供了集群配置、部署、监控和管理等功能。



2. GangliaGanglia是另一款常用的Hadoop集群监控工具,它主要用于实时监控集群的性能指标。



3. NagiosNagios是一款广泛应用于各种IT系统的监控工具,它也可以用于监控Hadoop 集群。



二、Hadoop集群监控工具使用技巧1. 配置合适的监控指标在使用Hadoop集群监控工具时,需要根据自己的需求和集群的特点,选择合适的监控指标。



2. 设置合理的警报规则监控工具的警报功能是非常重要的,它可以帮助用户及时发现和解决集群的异常情况。




















通过查看summary 函数的结果,我们可以发现是否存在对数据分析结果产生较大影响的数据点。











一、基本概念在介绍异常值检测与处理方法之前,首先需要了解几个基本概念: 1. 异常值检测(Outlier Detection):指的是识别数据集中的异常值,即与其他数值明显不同的数值。

2. 异常值处理(Outlier Handling):指的是对检测到的异常值进行处理,可以是删除、替换或转换等操作。

3. 异常值类型:异常值可以分为单变量异常值(Univariate Outlier)和多变量异常值(Multivariate Outlier)两种类型。

二、常见的异常值检测方法1. 箱线图(Boxplot):箱线图是一种直观的异常值检测方法,通过观察数据的箱体、须和异常点来判断数据是否存在异常值。

2. Z-Score方法:Z-Score是一种统计方法,可以计算数据点与均值的偏差程度,通过设置阈值来判断数据是否为异常值。

3. 离群值因子(Outlier Factor):离群值因子是一种基于密度的异常值检测方法,可以识别数据集中相对稀疏的区域中的异常值。

4. 孤立森林(Isolation Forest):孤立森林是一种基于树的异常值检测方法,通过构建随机森林来识别数据集中的异常值。

5. LOF算法(Local Outlier Factor):LOF算法是一种基于局部密度的异常值检测方法,可以识别数据集中相对密集的区域中的异常值。

三、常见的异常值处理方法1. 删除异常值:最简单粗暴的处理方法是直接删除异常值,但需要谨慎操作,避免丢失重要信息。

2. 替换异常值:可以用均值、中位数、众数等代替异常值,使数据更加平滑。

3. 离散化处理:将连续型数据转换为离散型数据,可以减少异常值的影响。



航海及海运专业英语词汇(S10)static circuit 静态电路static condenser 静电控制器static condition 静止状态static control 静态控制static converter 静态变换器static deflection 静载挠度static delivery head 排出静压头static deviation 静态偏差static discharge 静电放电static disturbances 静电干扰static electric fire 静电起火static electricity 静电static electricity 静电;静电学static energy 静电static equilibrium 静平衡static error 静态误差static exciter 静态励磁机static focusing 静电聚焦static force 静力static frequency converter 静止变频器static friction 静摩擦static gain 静态增益static governor 静调速器static hazard 静电危害static head 静压头static heeling angle 静横倾角static impedance 静态阻抗static inductance 静电电感static instability 静不稳定性static inverter 静止逆变器static jet 固定喷嘴static lever arm 静横倾力臂static lift 静升力static list angle 静横倾角static load test 静负荷强度试验static load 静负载static memory 静态存储器static modulator 静态调制器static moment 静力矩static non-accumulator oil 不能积聚静电的油static offset 静态偏差static opening 静压口static parameter 静态参数static pressure compensator 静压补偿器static pressure line 低压输送管static pressure orifice 静压测量孔static pressure regulator 静压调节器static pressure transducer 静压传感器static pressure 静压力static probe 静压探测器static resistance 静态电阻static sea cock 计程仪静压管船底阀static sea valve 计程仪静压管船底阀static sea valve 静压船底阀static self-exciting method 静态自励法static sensitivity 静态灵敏度static sliding-shoe bearing 静压滑瓦轴承static split auto-tracking 静态分离自跟踪static stability 静稳性static state 静态static stress 静应力static temperature 静温static test for cargo gear 起货设备静负荷试验static test stand 静态试验台static test 静力试验static thrust 静推力static torque 静转矩static trail 静力试验static transformer 静态变压器static trim angle 静纵倾角static tube 静压管static unbalance 静不平衡static value 静态值static waterline 静浮水线static yawing stability 偏航静稳定性static 大气干扰static 静电干扰static 静态的static 静态的静力的固定的静电的大气干扰static-moment calculation 静弯矩计算statical balancing machine 静平衡试验机statical equilibrium 静平衡statical heeling angle 静倾角statical heeling moment 静横倾力矩statical load 静负载statical roll 静横倾statical stability diagram 静稳性图statical stability 静稳性statical stress 静应力statical unstability 静不稳性statical 静态的静力的固定的staticelectricity 静电staticinstability 静不稳定性statics of fluid 流体静力学statics 静电干扰statics 静力学statics 静力学静电干扰station address 站地址station bill 部署表station bill 船员部署表station bill 岗位表station bill 应变部署表station break 电台间断station buoy 临时位置浮标station buoy 位置浮标station call letters 电台呼号station call 叫号电话station capacity 电站容量station change-over switch 控制部位转换开关station designator 电台标识station dialling 电台拨号station error 铅垂偏差station from 发报电台station identification 电台识别station identification code 地面站识别码station identification 电台识别station identification 站址识别站址标识station in the space service 对空服务电台station keeping 位置保持性station license 无线电台执照station list 应变部署表station load factor 电站负载系数station number 站号station of category 1 第一类电台station of category 2 第二类电台station of category 3 第三类电台station of category 4 第四类电台station of destination 收报台station of origin 发报台station of origin 首发台station open from sunrise to sunset 白天业务电台station open in the night 夜间业务电台station ordinate 站线纵坐标station pair 台对station pointer 三杆定位仪station pressure 本站气压station selector 选台旋钮station selector 选站开关station serial number 电台流水号station tanker 贮油油船station tanker 驻泊油轮station to station 站到站station to station 站到站站到站station to station 站对站station to 收报电台station transmitting epidemiological bulletins 发送疫菌报告的电台station transmitting medical advice 发送医务通知的电台station transmitting notices to navigators 发送航海通告电台station transmitting regular meteorological bulletins 发送定时气象报告的电台station transmitting standard frequencies 发送标准频率的电台station transmitting time signal 发送报时信号的电台station 电台停车场station 电台停车场厂station 海岸电台车站station 控制部位station 所station 站station 站;位置station-keeping ability 定位能力station-keeping system 定位系统station-pointer fixing 三杆定位法stationarity 平稳性stationary auxiliary gas turbine 固定式辅燃气轮机stationary battery 固定电池stationary blade 导向叶片stationary blade 固定叶片stationary block 定滑车stationary block 绞辘的)定滑车stationary boiler 固定式锅炉stationary cloud 山帽云stationary communication satellite 静止通信卫星stationary contact 固定触点stationary engine 固定式发动机stationary field 恒定场stationary fit 静配合stationary flow 稳定流动stationary front 静止锋stationary increment 平稳增量stationary installation 固定式装置stationary level 稳定级stationary machine 固定式机器stationary member 固定构件stationary motion 定常运动stationary nozzle 固定喷口stationary parallel bench vice 固定式台钳stationary process 平稳过程stationary process 稳恒过程stationary pull 系柱拉力stationary random process 平稳随机过程stationary random sequence 平稳随机序列stationary response method 平稳响应法stationary satellite = prescribed orbit satellite 静止卫星stationary satellite 静止卫星stationary seal ring 静密封环stationary shaft factor 固定轴因数stationary slewing crane 定柱旋臂起重机stationary state 静止状态stationary stochastic process 平稳随机过程stationary stop 固定止块stationary stream 静流stationary vane 固定叶片stationary wave 驻波stationary 固定的stationary 静止的;固定的stationary 稳定的stationary) regime 稳定状态stationing 定位stations bill 应急部署表stations ticket 码头票stations 船体分站stations 船体分站船体分站statisitical analysis 统计分析statisitical wall load analysis 统计壁载荷分布statisitical 统计的statistic 统计量statistical analysis 统计分析statistical average 统计平均statistical confirmation 统计证明statistical decision theory 统计判决理论statistical design value 统计设计值statistical independence 统计独立statistical information 统计资料statistical mechanics 统计力学statistical oceanography 统计海洋学statistical office of the european communities 欧洲共同体统计办公室statistical probability 统计概率statistical wave measure 统计波浪测量statistical 统计的statistics analysis of steel structures 钢结构统计分析statistics of extremes 极值统计statistics of shipping 航海统计statistics 统计statistics 统计;统计数;统计资料statistics 统计学statistics 统计学统计数字statllite switching 卫星转换statllite system 卫星系统statllite telecom with automatic routing 自动转换的卫星通信statohm 静欧stator blade 静叶片stator coil 定子线圈stator contactor 定子接触器stator core 定子铁心stator plates 电容器定片stator reactance starting 定子串电抗起动stator resistance starting 定子串电阻起动stator ring 定子环stator teeth 定子齿部stator vane 静子叶片stator voltage 定子电压stator winding 定子绕组stator 定子statoscope 微动气压计statoscope 微动气压器statue 塑像status alarm unit 工况警报装置status change 状态改变status contact 状态触头status enquiry 状态询问status number 状态编号status of seamen 海员的地位status report of messages 电报状态报告status 地位status 地位状况status 跟踪状态显示status 状态statutable 合法的statute law 成文法statute mile 英里statute mile 英里(5280英尺statute miles to nautical 英里换算为海里statute of limitations for appeal 上诉期限statute of the international tribunal for the law of the sea 国际海洋法法庭规约statute ordinance 法令规则statute theory 法则区别说statute 法令statute 法令章程statute 法律statute-barred 已过法定时效的statutory and certification survey 法定发证检验statutory debt 法定债statutory deck line 勘定甲板线statutory duty 法定责任statutory equipment 法定属具statutory equipment 规定属具statutory freeboard 法定干舷statutory freeboard 勘定干舷statutory inventory 法定属具表statutory law 成文法statutory leave 法定休假statutory lien 法定留置权statutory limitation 法定时效statutory load line 勘定载重线statutory loadline 法定载重线statutory mark 干舷标志statutory presumption fault 法律推定过失statutory right in rem 法定对物权利statutory right of detention and sale 法定滞留和出售权statutory rules and orders 法规与法令statutory staunch 法定的坚实statutory survey 法定检验statutory water level 法定水平面statutory 法定的statutory 法令的statvolt 静伏staubosphere 尘圈stauffer lubricator 滑脂杯润滑器staulog 皮托管水压计程仪staunch ship 坚固船staunch 坚固的staunch 耐航的紧密的stave in 撞破stave off 桶板脱落stave 桶板;(桶stave 狭板staves 桶板stay bolt 撑螺栓stay bolt 支撑螺栓stay foresail 前支索的三角帆stay light 锚灯stay light 前锚灯stay luff 2—1与2—1复绞辘stay luff 双套复滑车组stay luff 与2-1复绞辘与2-1复绞辘stay of execution 停止执行stay of proceedings 中止诉讼stay of ship 船舶停留stay pin 撑档stay pin 链挡链环档stay pin 链环档stay plate 撑板stay proceedings 停止手续stay sail 支索帆stay tackle 支索滑车组stay tube 撑管stay tube 牵条管stay 支索stay 支柱stay 支柱撑条stay 中止诉讼stay-bolt 支撑螺栓stayed mast 支索桅stays 拉索staysail 支索帆steadfast 坚决的固定的steadiness number 航向稳定特征数steadiness number 稳定特征数steadiness of course 航向稳定性steadiness test at maximum continuous rating 持续功率稳定性试验steadiness 定常性steadiness 稳定性steadman system 斯特德曼方式steady arm 定位器steady as she goes! 把定!steady as you go! 把定!steady bearing 方位没有明显变化;支撑轴承steady bearing 方位没有明显变化支撑轴承steady bearing 支撑轴承steady brace 定位销steady center rest 固定中心架steady course 保向保速航行steady course 稳定航向steady creep 等速蠕变steady creep 等速蠕变率steady drift angle 稳定偏航角steady flow turbine 稳流式涡轮steady flow 定流steady flow 稳定流动steady full 继续全速steady heel angle 稳定横倾角steady lift 定常升力steady light 定光steady load 稳定负载steady load 稳恒载荷steady mark 固定传号steady noise 稳态噪声steady operation 稳定工作steady operation 稳定运行steady periodic oscillation 定常周期摇荡steady persistence 长余辉steady perturbation 定常扰动steady pipe 管柱steady pipe 水位计)管柱steady precision of course 航向稳定精度steady precision of depth 深度稳定精度steady precision of trim 纵倾稳定精度steady progress 稳定进展steady pulsation 稳定脉动steady resistance 稳流电阻steady rest 中心架steady roll 稳定横摇steady rotation 稳定旋转steady run 稳定运行steady running condition 稳定运行工况steady running 稳定运行steady running 稳定运转steady sea motion 定常海浪运动steady ship 航向稳定船steady short-circuit condition 稳定短路状态steady short-circuit current 稳定短路电流steady so! 把定!steady speed 稳定速度steady stage 稳定阶段steady state characteristic 稳态特性steady state conditions 稳态条件steady state current 稳态电流steady state deviation 稳态偏差steady state distribution 稳态分布steady state error 稳态误差steady state frequency variation 静态频率变化steady state heat transfer 稳态传热steady state response 稳态特性steady state short circuit current 静态短路电流steady state stability limit 稳态稳定极限steady state stability 静稳定度steady state vibration 稳态振动steady state voltage variiation 静态电压变化steady state 稳定状态steady state 稳态steady steaming 稳定航行steady steering angle 恒定舵角steady the helm 稳舵steady time 稳定时间steady turning motion 稳定回转运动steady turning period 定常阶段steady turning speed 稳定回转速度steady turning 稳定旋回steady vessel 航向稳定船steady! 把定!steady 把定平稳的steady 固定中心架稳定的steady 稳定的steady-speed resistance 稳速阻力steady-state distribution 稳态分布steady-state error 稳态误差steady-state gain 稳态增益steady-state incidence 定常迎角steady-state life 稳态寿命steady-state measurement 稳态测量steady-state oscillation 稳恒态摇荡steady-state performance 稳态特性steady-turning path 稳定旋回航迹steady-turning radius 稳定旋回半径steadying line 稳定索steadying sails 稳定帆steadymotion 稳态运动stealer 合并列板steam meter 蒸汽流量表steam accumulator 储汽器steam admission 进汽steam air heater 蒸汽-空气预热器steam anchor capstan 蒸汽起锚绞盘steam and feed flow diagram 汽水流程图steam and gas 蒸汽与燃气steam and motor 蒸汽和马达steam and water flow controls 汽量和水量调节器steam and water purity test 蒸汽与水纯度试验steam annihilator 蒸汽灭火系统蒸汽灭火装置steam annihilator 蒸汽灭火装置steam assisted pressure jet burner 蒸汽-机械喷油燃烧器steam atomizer 蒸汽雾化器steam atomizing burner 蒸汽雾化燃烧器steam baffle 挡汽板steam blast 蒸汽喷射蒸汽喷净法steam bleeder connection 抽汽接头steam bleedidng 抽汽steam bleeding system 抽汽系统steam bleeding 抽汽steam boat 汽艇steam boiler plant 蒸汽锅炉装置steam boiler 蒸汽锅炉steam bottle 集汽器steam box 蒸汽阀箱steam bubble 汽泡steam by-pass 蒸汽旁通steam calorimeter 蒸汽干度计steam calorimeter 蒸汽量热量steam capability 蒸发能力steam capstan 蒸汽绞缆机steam capstan 蒸汽绞盘steam cargo winch 蒸汽绞车steam cargo winch 蒸汽起货机steam cargo winch 蒸汽起货绞车steam case 蒸汽套steam casing 蒸汽套steam chamber 蒸汽室steam channel 蒸汽通道steam chest 汽柜steam chest 汽室steam chest 蒸汽室steam circle 作用半径steam circle 作用半径;续航务;航行范围steam circuit 蒸汽循环回路steam coal 锅炉用煤steam cock 蒸汽旋塞steam coils 蒸汽盘管steam collector 集汽器steam collier 蒸汽机运煤船steam condenser 蒸汽冷凝器steam condensing zone 蒸汽凝结区steam condition 蒸汽参数steam connection 蒸汽管接头steam connection 蒸汽接管steam consumption meter 蒸汽耗量表steam consumption rate 耗汽率steam consumption 耗汽量steam consumption 蒸汽消耗量steam content 蒸汽含量steam converter 蒸汽转换器steam cooker 蒸汽锅steam cooler 蒸汽冷却器steam cooling 蒸汽冷却steam cushion 汽垫steam cut-off valve 截汽阀steam cut-off valve 停汽阀steam cut-off 截汽steam cutter 小火轮steam cycle 蒸汽循环steam cylinder piston 汽缸活塞steam cylinder 汽缸steam deck machinery 蒸汽甲板机械steam demulsification number 抗蒸汽乳化值steam desaturator 蒸汽干燥器steam discharge pipe 排汽管steam discharge 排汽排汽量steam disengaging surface 蒸发表面steam distillation 蒸汽蒸馏steam distributing system 蒸汽分配系统steam distributing valve 蒸汽分配阀steam distribution adjustment 配汽调整steam distribution device 配汽机构steam distribution 蒸汽配汽steam distributor 蒸汽分配器steam dredger 蒸汽动力挖泥船steam drenching 蒸汽灭火steam drier 蒸汽干燥器steam drive 蒸汽动力传动蒸汽动力传动装置steam driven auxiliaries auxiliary 蒸汽辅机steam driven auxiliaries 蒸汽辅机steam driven generator 蒸汽发电机steam driven reciprocating pump 蒸汽往复泵steam driven turbo-pump 汽轮泵steam driven vessel 蒸汽机船steam driven 蒸汽动力驱动的steam drum 汽鼓steam drum 蒸汽鼓筒steam dryer 蒸汽干燥器steam ejector gas-freeing 喷气驱除油气法steam ejector gas-freeing 喷汽驱除油气法steam ejector 蒸汽抽除器ejector gas-freeing system蒸汽喷射油气抽除装置steam electric propulsion 蒸汽-电力推进steam electric propulsion 蒸汽电力推进steam engine powerplant 蒸汽机动力装置steam engine 蒸汽机steam entrance angle 蒸汽进口角steam escape pipe 浅汽排出管steam escape tube 逸汽管steam escape 放汽steam escape 漏汽steam exhaust 废汽steam expansion 蒸汽膨胀steam extraction 抽汽steam fire smothering system 蒸汽灭火系统steam fire-extinguishing manifold 灭火用蒸汽分阀箱steam fire-extinguishing manifold 消防蒸汽分配阀箱steam fire-extinguishing 蒸汽灭火steam flow 蒸汽流动steam flow 蒸汽流动蒸汽流量steam flowmeter 蒸汽流量表steam flushing 蒸汽清洗steam fog 大风雪steam fog 蒸汽雾steam gas cycle 蒸汽-燃气循环steam gas-freeing system 蒸汽喷射油气抽除装置steam gauge board 蒸汽压力表板steam gauge 蒸汽压力表steam generating plant 蒸汽发生装置steam generation unit 蒸汽发生装置steam generation 蒸发steam generator 蒸汽发生器steam gland 蒸汽填料函压盖steam guy 边索steam hammer 汽锤steam hauling machine 蒸汽绞车steam header 蒸汽联箱steam heated steam generator 蒸汽发生器steam heated steam generator-on a ship-on a ship 蒸汽加热蒸汽产生器steam heated 用蒸汽加热的steam heater 蒸汽加热器steam heater 蒸汽暖气steam heater 蒸汽暖气器steam heating coil 蒸汽加热盘管steam heating pipe 蒸汽加热管steam heating system 蒸汽加热系统steam heating tank 蒸汽加热柜蒸汽加热货油舱steam heating tube 蒸汽加热管steam heating 蒸汽加热steam hoist 蒸汽绞车steam horn 汽笛steam hose 蒸汽软管steam humidity 蒸汽湿度steam hydraulic steering gear 蒸汽-液压操舵装置steam injector 蒸汽喷射器steam inlet 进汽口steam jacket 汽缸套steam jacket 汽套steam jet air ejector 蒸汽喷射式空气抽除器steam jet air pump 蒸汽喷射式空气泵steam jet air-conditioning system 蒸汽喷射空调系统steam jet air-ejector pump 蒸汽喷射式空气抽除泵steam jet ejector 蒸汽喷射式抽除器steam jet exhauser 蒸汽喷射式排气器steam jet mixer 蒸汽喷射混合器steam jet mixer 蒸汽喷射式混合器steam jet pump 蒸汽喷射泵steam jet refrigerating machine 蒸汽喷射制冷机steam jet refrigerating system 蒸汽喷射式制冷系统steam jet 喷汽口steam jet 蒸汽喷射蒸汽喷嘴steam jet 蒸汽喷嘴steam kettle 汽锅steam lance 蒸汽除水器steam lance 蒸汽吹灰器蒸汽除水器steam lap 进汽余面steam launch 汽艇steam lighter 蒸汽动力驳船steam line smothering 蒸汽灭火管系steam line 蒸汽管路steam line 蒸汽管系steam load 蒸汽负荷steam lubrication 蒸汽润滑steam main 蒸汽总管steam manifold 蒸汽总管steam meter 蒸汽流量表steam mist 大风雪steam mist 海上蒸汽雾steam mooring winch 蒸汽系泊绞车steam nozzle 蒸汽喷嘴steam oil atomizer 蒸汽雾化喷油器steam outlet pipe 蒸汽出口管steam outlet 出汽口steam output 蒸发量steam oven 蒸汽锅steam oven 蒸汽灶steam packet company 邮船公司steam packing 汽密steam packing 蒸汽填料steam parameter 蒸汽参数steam passage 蒸汽通路steam path 蒸汽通流部分steam phone 汽笛steam pipe insulating valve 蒸汽管隔离阀steam pipe 蒸汽管steam piping pressure automatic regulating system 蒸汽管系压力自动调节系统steam piping 蒸汽管系steam plunger pump 蒸汽柱塞泵steam port 汽口steam power cycle 蒸汽动力循环steam power plant 蒸汽动力装置steam power plant 蒸汽动力装置蒸汽发电厂steam power plant 蒸汽发电厂steam power 蒸汽动力steam pressure gauge 蒸汽压力计steam pressure regulator 蒸汽压力表steam pressure regulator 蒸汽压力调节器steam pressure 蒸汽压力steam proof 耐蒸汽的steam pump 蒸汽泵steam purging 蒸汽扫气steam purification 蒸汽净化steam purifier 蒸汽净化器steam purity 蒸气纯度steam purity 蒸汽纯度steam quality 蒸汽品质steam radiator 蒸汽散热器steam raising unit 蒸汽发生器steam raising 升汽steam rate test 蒸汽率试验steam rate 耗汽率steam receiver 容汽器steam reciprocating engine 往复式蒸汽机steam reciprocating engine 蒸汽往复机steam reducing valve 减压汽阀steam reducing valve 蒸汽减压阀steam regulating valve 蒸汽调节阀steam regulator 蒸汽调节器steam reheater 蒸汽加热式再热器steam reheater 蒸汽再热器steam return line 蒸汽回路steam riser 上升管steam schooner guy 吊长件货物索具steam seal regulator 汽封调节器steam seal 蒸汽密封steam sealed 蒸汽密封的steam seasoning 蒸干法steam separator 汽水分离器steam separator 蒸汽分离器steam shield 档汽板steam ship 汽船steam ship 汽船蒸汽机船steam shop 锅炉间steam siren 汽笛steam siren 汽笛汽笛steam smothering arrangement 蒸汽窒息灭火装置steam smothering line 蒸汽灭火管系steam smothering line 蒸汽熏舱及蒸汽灭火管路steam smothering system in cargo space 货舱蒸汽灭火系统steam smothering system in machinery space 机舱蒸汽灭火系统steam smothering system 蒸汽灭火系统steam smothering system 蒸汽灭火系统蒸汽灭火装置steam smothering 蒸汽灭火steam space (锅炉steam space 蒸汽空间steam steam generator 蒸汽发生器steam steering engine 蒸汽操舵机steam steering gear 蒸汽操舵机steam steering gear 蒸汽操舵装置steam steering gear 蒸汽舵机steam stop cock 截汽旋塞steam stop valve 截汽阀steam stop valve 停汽阀steam strainer 蒸汽滤器steam stuffing box 汽密填料函steam superheater 蒸汽过热器steam supply pipe 供汽管steam supply valve 供汽阀steam supply 供汽steam syren 汽笛steam syren 汽笛汽笛steam system 蒸汽系统steam table 蒸汽表steam tank ship 蒸汽动力油舶蒸汽动力油船steam tank ship 蒸汽动力油船steam temperature automatic regulating system 蒸汽温度自动调节装置steam temperature control 蒸汽温度调节steam test for leak tightness 蒸汽密封性试验steam test 蒸汽试验steam tight globe 汽密灯罩steam tight 汽密steam tiller 蒸汽操舵机steam tiller 蒸汽舵机steam to-steam generator 蒸汽发生器steam to-water preheater 蒸汽加热水预热器steam towing winch 蒸汽拖缆机steam trap 阻汽器steam trawler 蒸汽动力拖网渔船steam trial 蒸汽动力装置试验steam tug 蒸汽机拖船steam tug 蒸汽机拖轮steam turbine automatic remote control system 汽轮机自动遥控系统steam turbine drive 蒸汽涡轮传动steam turbine gas-freeing system 汽轮机油气抽除装置steam turbine generator 汽轮发电机steam turbine output control 汽轮机功率调节steam turbine plant 汽轮机装置steam turbine power plant 汽轮机动力装置steam turbine room 汽轮机舱steam turbine ship 汽轮机船steam turbine single-cylinder operation 汽轮机单缸运行steam turbine single-up test 汽轮机单缸试验steam turbine stage 汽轮机级steam turbine tanker 汽轮机油船steam turbine 冲动-反动式汽轮机steam turbine 汽轮机steam turbine 汽轮机;蒸汽透平steam turbine 蒸汽轮机steam turbine-driven windlass 汽轮机驱动起锚机steam turbine-electric propulsion apparatus 汽轮机电力推进装置steam turbo-compressor 汽轮压缩机steam turbo-generator 汽轮发电机steam valve 汽阀steam valve 蒸汽阀steam vessel 汽船steam vessel 蒸汽机船steam waste pipe 残汽排出管steam water ejector 蒸汽射水器steam whistle 汽笛steam winch 蒸汽绞车steam winch 蒸汽绞车蒸汽起货机steam windlass 蒸汽锚机steam windlass 蒸汽起锚机steam working pressure 蒸汽工作压力steam yacht 汽艇steam -tight joint汽密接头tightness汽密性steam 蒸汽;蒸发;航行steam 蒸汽a.蒸汽的在蒸汽作用下运行用蒸汽清洗vi.蒸发steam 蒸汽密封的steam 蒸汽蒸汽的steam 蒸汽蒸汽的在蒸汽作用下运行用蒸汽清洗蒸发steam 蒸汽蒸汽汽化蒸汽的在蒸汽作用下运行steam-engine 蒸汽机steam-gas cavity 蒸气燃气空泡steam-gas mixture 蒸汽-燃气混合物steam-generating installation 蒸汽发生装置steam-heating pipe 暖气管steam-return line 蒸汽回路steam-smothering line 蒸汽灭火管路steam-steerage 操舵steam-supply pipe 供汽管steam-tight joint 汽密接头steam-to-water preheater 蒸汽加热水预热器steam-turbine oil 汽轮机油steam-water mixture 汽-水混合物steamboat 汽船steamer line 船舶航线steamer payed dues 船方负担税金steamer pays dues 船方负担税金船方支付费用船方支付税金steamer pays dues 船方负担税金船方支付税金船方支付费用steamer pays dues 船方支付费用steamer 轮船steamer 汽船steaming bours 锅炉工作小时数steaming distance 续航力steaming economizer 蒸发式经济器steaming head to sea 顶浪航行steaming header 沸腾联箱steaming hour 锅炉工作时间steaming light 航行灯steaming light 航行桅灯steaming out line 蒸汽灭火管路steaming out line 蒸汽灭火管系steaming out system 蒸汽灭火管系steaming radius 续航距离steaming range 续航距离steaming range 续航力steaming surface 蒸发表面steaming time 航行时间steaming with the sea on the bow 偏浪航行steaming 蒸发steaming 蒸汽的蒸汽洗舱航行steaming 蒸汽洗舱;蒸汽的;航行steaming-out system 蒸汽清洗系统steamship company 船舶公司steamship freight contract 轮船公司运货契约steamship line 轮船公司steamship mutual underwriting association 船舶互助海上保险协会steamship 汽船steamship 蒸汽机船steamtight 蒸汽密封的stearate 硬脂酸盐stearic acid 硬脂酸stearin pitch 硬脂沥青stearin 甘油硬脂酸酯stearin 硬脂stearin 硬脂甘油硬脂酸酯steatite 块滑石steel alloy 合金钢steel angle 角钢steel ball method of launching 钢珠下水法steel ball 钢球steel ballast 钢压载steel bar 钢条steel bay 钢材堆场steel bellow 钢质波纹管steel belt 钢带steel billet 钢坯steel block 钢滑车钢制滑车steel block 铁滑车steel bloom 钢坯steel boat 钢船steel bottle screw 伸缩螺丝steel bottle 钢瓶steel bottom 钢质舱底steel cable bridle 钢缆牵索steel cable 钢索steel caisson 钢沉箱steel cast 铸钢steel casting 钢铸件steel casting 铸钢件steel chrome 铬钢steel clad switch box 铠装开关箱steel clad 铠装的steel conduit 布线钢管steel container 钢质集装箱steel cord strain gauge 钢弦应变仪steel core 钢芯steel cored aluminium wire 钢芯铝线steel cored copper wire 钢芯钢线steel deck house 钢甲板室steel deck 钢甲板steel figure 钢字码steel filament reinforced plastics 钢丝增强塑料steel file 钢锉steel fire-screen door 钢质挡火网门steel flange 钢法兰steel flat 扁钢steel forged 锻钢steel forgings 钢锻件steel foundry 铸钢厂steel framed structure 钢架结构steel grating 光栅steel grating 铁格子板steel hatch cover 钢质舱口盖steel hawser 钢丝索steel hawser 钢索steel high pressure seamless pipe 高压无缝钢管steel horseboats 马驳steel i-beam 窄缘工字钢梁steel ingot 钢锭steel leg vice 长腿火钳steel liner 钢衬steel magnet 磁钢steel maker 制钢厂steel marline spike 铁笔steel material 钢材steel measuring tape 钢卷尺steel nickel chrome 镍铬钢steel numbers punch 钢字码冲头steel ordering 钢材订购steel pipe 钢管steel plate concave 钢板变凹steel plate convex 钢板凸起steel plate deformed 钢板变形steel plate galvanized 镀锌钢板steel plate lining 钢板衬层steel plate thickness meter 钢板测厚仪steel plate 钢板steel plates 钢板steel pointed marline spike 铁笔steel preheating 钢材预热steel pretreatment 钢材预处理steel products carrier 钢材运输船钢制品船steel products carrier 钢制品船steel protection coaming 钢质防护围槛steel protractor 量角规steel rail 钢轨steel reinforced aluminium cable 钢芯铝电缆steel rigid salvage pontoon 钢壳打捞浮筒steel rope 钢索steel rule 钢尺steel ruler 钢尺steel ruler 钢直尺steel scrap 废钢steel scrap 钢屑steel sections 型钢steel shape 型钢steel sheave pulley block 钢轮滑车steel sheave 铁滑轮steel sheet corner folded 钢板卷角steel sheet edge folded 钢板卷起steel sheet pile 钢板桩steel sheet piling 钢板桩基steel sheet 薄钢板steel sheets 钢板steel ship 钢船steel short link chain 葡萄链;短环链steel shutter 钢质罩带steel sleeve 钢衬套steel socket 钢套节steel spar 空心铁杆steel square 钢角尺steel storm door 钢制防浪门steel strapping 钢带steel strip 带钢steel structural hull 钢结构船体steel structure 钢结构steel swarf 钢屑steel tape 钢卷尺steel taper ring 锥形钢环steel toe rubber boots 铁龟头橡胶长统靴steel tube armor 钢管铠装steel tube badly bent 钢管严重碰弯steel tube piping general 通用钢管管系steel tube piping 钢管管系steel tube 钢管steel turn-buckle 伸缩螺丝steel v. state line steamship co. 斯蒂尔诉州班轮公司案steel vessel 钢船steel wire armor 钢丝铠装steel wire braid armor 编织层镀锌钢丝steel wire broom 钢丝扫帚steel wire brush 钢丝刷steel wire gauge 钢丝线规steel wire oil 钢丝绳油steel wire rope anchor line 钢丝绳锚索steel wire rope clip 钢丝绳轧头steel wire rope cutter 钢丝绳铲刀steel wire rope grip 钢丝绳执持轧头steel wire rope shear 钢丝绳剪刀steel wire rope thimble 钢丝绳索眼心环steel wire rope 钢丝绳steel wire rope 钢丝绳钢索steel wire rope 钢索steel wire tow gear 钢丝拖带装置steel wire 钢丝steel wool 钢丝绒steel work 钢制品steel works 钢厂steel 钢steel 钢钢制的steel-material for decks 钢steel-seal type cell 钢皮密封式电池steeling inserting die 篷夹冲模steelshop 钢材加工车间steelwork design 钢结构设计steelwork outfitting 船体舾装steelwork 钢制件steelworking plant 钢船体加工设施steelyard 秤steep coast 陡岸steep shore 陡岸steep to 陡深steep to 陡深(指海岸steep wave front 陡波前steep 陡的steep 陡削的steeple head rivet 尖头铆钉steeple 尖塔steepness 陡度steer a ship around reefs 驾船绕过暗礁steer a trick 舵工一次轮转值班steer clear of 避开……航驶steer course 采取……航向steer for 向着……前进steer large! 大舵角转向!steer small! 小舵角转向!steer with a large helm! 用大舵角steer with a small helm! 用小舵角steer 操纵steer 航行steer-wheel 舵轮steerability 操舵性能steerability 操纵性steerability 操纵性能steerable antenna null 可控天线零值steerable hydrofoil 可操纵水翼steerable nozzle with rudder 带舵转动导管steerable thruster 可操纵推力器steerable 可操纵的steerage mess 普通舱餐厅steerage mess 统舱餐厅steerage passage 统舱steerage passenger 三等舱旅客steerage passenger 统舱旅客steerage passengers' quarters 统舱旅客舱位steerage way 有舵效的速度steerage 操舵steerage 舵效;船的转向性能;客船统舱steerageway 舵效速率steerer 操舵装置;舵手steerer 舵手操舵装置steering alarm indicator 舵机报警指示器steering alarm indicator 舵机警报指示器steering and sailing rule 驾驶和航行规则steering and sailing rules 驾驶与航行规则steering angle 操舵角steering angular velocity 操舵角速度steering apparatus steerer 操舵装置steering apparatus 操舵装置steering arm 转向臂steering arrangement 操舵布置steering arrangement 操舵装置steering axle 转向轴steering box 操舵箱steering bridge 操舵室steering bridge 驾驶桥楼steering capacity 操舵能力steering chain 舵链steering chain 转舵链steering characteristics 操舵特性steering characteristics 操纵性能steering clutch 转向离合器steering column jacket 转向轴套steering column 操舵台steering column 转向柱steering command 操纵指令steering committee on pilotage 引水员操船指导委员会steering compartment 操舵室steering compartment 舵机舱steering compass course 操舵罗经航向steering compass 操舵罗经steering compass 驾驶罗经steering console 操舵台steering control device 操舵控制器steering control device 操舵控制装置steering control system 操舵系统steering control 操舵steering crutch 舵桨索环steering crutch 橹架steering cut-out manifold 操舵分配阀箱steering cutout manifold 操舵截止阀箱steering cylinder 舵机液缸steering device 操舵装置steering device 转舵装置steering display 操舵显示steering electric rudder indicator 电动舵角指示器steering engine room 舵机舱steering engine valve 舵机滑阀steering engine 舵机steering equipment 操舵装置steering experiment 操纵性试验steering failure 操舵故障。

stackingclassifier 参数

stackingclassifier 参数

stackingclassifier 参数StackingClassifier是一种集成学习算法,它结合了多个基分类器的预测结果,通过训练一个元分类器来获得最终的预测结果。



StackingClassifier的常用参数如下:1. `estimators`:这是StackingClassifier的一个重要参数,它用于指定基分类器的集合。


例如:[('rf', RandomForestClassifier()), ('knn', KNeighborsClassifier())]。


2. `final_estimator`:这是StackingClassifier的另一个重要参数,它用于指定元分类器。




3. `cv`:一个整数或一个用于交叉验证的可迭代器,用于训练基分类器。



4. `stack_method`:用于指定如何组合基分类器的预测结果的方法。



5. `n_jobs`:控制并行运算的数量。





Package‘statnet’October14,2022Version2019.6Date2019-06-13Title Software Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Network DataDepends R(>=3.5),tergm(>=3.6.1),ergm.count(>=3.3),sna(>=2.4),tsna(>=0.3)Imports ergm(>=3.10.4),network(>=1.15),networkDynamic(>=0.10.0),mon(>=4.2)Suggests ergm.rank(>=1.2.0),ergm.ego(>=0.5),EpiModel(>=1.7.2),degreenet(>=1.3-3),latentnet(>=2.9.0),networksis(>=2.1-3),relevent(>=1.0-4),ndtv(>=0.13.0)BugReports https:///statnet/statnet/issuesDescription Statnet is a collection of packages for statistical network analysis that are designed to work together because they share common data representations and'API'design.They provide an integrated set of tools for the representation,visualization,analysis,and simulation of many different forms of network data.This package is designed to make it easy to install and load thekey'statnet'packages in a single step.Learn more about'statnet'at<>.Tutorials for many packages can be foundat<https:///statnet/Workshops/wiki>.For an introduction to functions in this package, type help(package='statnet').License GPL-3+file LICENSEURL NeedsCompilation noAuthor Mark S.Handcock[aut],David R.Hunter[aut],Carter T.Butts[aut],Steven M.Goodreau[aut],Pavel N.Krivitsky[aut](<https:///0000-0002-9101-3362>),Skye Bender-deMoll[aut],Martina Morris[aut,cre]Maintainer Martina Morris<**************>1Repository CRANDate/Publication2019-06-1408:00:06UTCR topics documented:statnet-package (2)update_statnet (4)Index6statnet-package Easily Install and Load the statnet Packages for Statistical NetworkAnalysisDescriptionstatnet is a collection of software packages for statistical network analysis that are designed to work together,with a common data structure and API,to provide seamless access to a broad range of network analytic and graphical methodology.This package is designed to make it easy to install and load multiple statnet packages in a single step.statnet software implements recent advances in network modeling based on exponential-family random graph models(ERGM),as well as latent space models and more traditional descriptive net-work methods.This provides a comprehensive framework for cross-sectional and dynamic network analysis:tools for description,network visualization model estimation,model evaluation,model-based network simulation.The statistical estimation and simulation functions are based on a central Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)algorithm that has been optimized for speed and robustness.The code is actively developed and maintained by the statnet development team.New function-ality is being added over time.Detailsstatnet packages are written in a combination of R and C It is usually used interactively from within the R graphical user interface via a command can also be used in non-interactive (or“batch”)mode to allow longer or multiple tasks to be processed without user interaction.The suite of packages are available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network(CRAN)at https:// /and also on the statnet project website at / The suite of packages has the following components(those automatically downloaded with the statnet package are noted):For data handling:•network is a package to create,store,modify and plot the data in network objects.The network object class,defined in the network package,can represent a range of relational data types and it supports arbitrary vertex/edge/graph attributes.Data stored as network objects can then be analyzed using all of the component packages in the statnet suite.(automatically downloaded)•networkDynamic extends network with functionality to store information about about evo-lution of a network over time,defining a networkDynamic object class.(automatically down-loaded)For analyzing cross-sectional networks:•sna is a set of tools for traditional social network analysis.(automatically downloaded)•ergm is a collection of functions tofit,simulate from,plot and evaluate exponential random graph models.The main functions within the ergm package are ergm,a function tofit linear exponential random graph models in which the probability of a graph is dependent upon a vector of graph statistics specified by the user;simulate,a function to simulate random graphs using an ERGM;and gof,a function to evaluate the goodness offit of an ERGM to the data.ergm contains many other functions as well.(automatically downloaded)•ergm.count is an extension to ergm enabling it tofit models for networks whose relations are counts.(automatically downloaded)•ergm.ego is an extension to ergm enabling it tofit models for networks based on egocentri-cally sampled network data.(separate download required)•ergm.rank is an extension to ergm enabling it tofit models for networks whose relations are ranks.(separate download required)•latentnet is a package tofit and evaluate latent position and cluster models for statistical networks The probability of a tie is expressed as a function of distances between these nodes in a latent space as well as functions of observed dyadic level covariates.(separate download required)•degreenet is a package for the statistical modeling of degree distributions of networks.It includes power-law models such as the Yule and Waring,as well as a range of alternative models that have been proposed in the literature.(separate download required)For temporal(dynamic)network analysis:•tsna is a collection of extensions to sna that provide descriptive summary statistics for tem-poral networks.(automatically downloaded)•tergm is a collection of extentions to ergm enabling it tofit discrete time models for temporal (dynamic)networks.The main function in tergm is stergm(the“s”stands for separable), which allows the user to specify one ergm for tie formation,and another ergm for tie dissolu-tion.The models can befit to network panel data,or to a single cross-sectional network with ancillary data on tie duration.(automatically downloaded)•relevent is a package providing tools tofit relational event models.(separate download re-quired)Additional utilities:•erterms provides a template for users who want to implement their own new ERGM terms.(separate download required)•networksis is a package to simulate bipartite graphs withfixed marginals through sequential importance sampling.(separate download required)•EpiModel is a package for simulating epidemics(separate download required)statnet is a metapackage;its only purpose is to provide a convenient way for a user to load the main packages in the statnet suite.Those can,of course,also be installed individually.Each package in statnet has associated helpfiles and internal documentation,and additional the information can be found on the statnet project website(/).Tutorials, instructions on how to join the statnet help mailing list,references and links to further resources are provided there.For the reference paper(s)that provide information on the theory and methodol-ogy behind each specific package use the citation("packagename")function in R after loading statnet.We have invested much time and effort in creating the statnet suite of packages and supporting material so that others can use and build on these tools.We ask in return that you cite it when you use it.For publication of results obtained from statnet,the original authors are to be cited as described in citation("statnet").If you are only using specific package(s)from the suite,please cite the specific package(s)as described in the appropriate citation("packgename").Thank you! Author(s)Mark S.Handcock<******************.edu>,David R.Hunter<****************.edu>,Carter T.Butts<**************>,Steven M.Goodreau<***************>,Pavel N.Krivitsky<*************.au>,Skye Bender-deMoll<********************>,Samuel Jenness(for EpiModel)<**************************>,andMartina Morris<**************>Maintainer:Martina Morris<*************>update_statnet Update the Component Packages of the Statnet SuiteDescriptionA wrapper around update.packages to update the component packages of Statnet Suite to theirlatest versions.Usageupdate_statnet(...,ask=FALSE,checkBuilt=TRUE,addURLs=character())Argumentsask,checkBuiltArguments to update.packages documentation.The defaults are different fromthose of that function.addURLs Optional repository URLs in addition to CRAN,such as http://statnet./preview.Defaults to none....Additional arguments to be passed to update.packages.DetailsUpdates the list component packages of Statnet Suite,using setRepositories and update.packages.Since there are no good ways to update packages once they are loaded,this function should be called immediately after restarting R.Valueupdate_statnet returns NULL invisibly.See AlsosetRepositories,update.packages,install.packagesExamples##Not run:#Update from CRANstatnet::update_statnet()#Update from s preview release,taking packages from CRAN#as neededstatnet::update_statnet(addURLs="/preview")##End(Not run)Index∗utilitiesupdate_statnet,4ergm,3gof,3install.packages,5network,2networkDynamic,3setRepositories,5statnet(statnet-package),2statnet-package,2update.packages,4,5update_statnet,46。

samtools stats 结果解读

samtools stats 结果解读

samtools stats 结果解读samtools是一个常用的工具,用于对DNA序列和RNA序列进行处理和分析。


在samtools stats结果中,有以下几个关键指标需要解读。

1. RAW READS:原始读取数这个指标代表测序过程中产生的原始读取数。


2. FILTERED READS:过滤后的读取数该指标表示基于一些质量控制标准,经过过滤的读取数。


3. MAPPED READS:比对到参考基因组的读取数这个指标表示成功比对到参考基因组的读取数。


4. PCT MAPPED READS:比对到参考基因组的读取数占比这个指标表示成功比对到参考基因组的读取数在总读取数中的占比。


5. DUPLICATE READS:重复读取数该指标表示在测序过程中检测到的重复读取数。


6. PCT DUPLICATION:重复读取数占比该指标表示重复读取数在总读取数中的占比。


7. MEAN READ LENGTH:平均读长这个指标表示每条读取的平均长度。



samtools stats结果的详细说明一般可在相关文献或samtools官方文档中找到。



批处理监控参数-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在文章中,批处理监控参数是指在批处理系统中用于监控和优化任务执行的各种参数。





1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容应该包括本文的主要内容安排,以便读者能够清楚地了解整篇文章的脉络和逻辑结构。

具体可以包括以下内容:1. 文章简介:介绍文章的主题和背景,概述文章要探讨的问题和目的。

2. 总体结构:简要说明文章的整体结构和各部分的主要内容。

3. 各章节内容概述:对每个章节进行简要介绍,说明各章节要探讨的具体议题和观点。

4. 文章段落之间的逻辑链接:说明各个部分之间的逻辑联系和衔接,确保文章条理清晰,思路连贯。

5. 阐明文章的立论、论证、总结等部分之间的内在联系,使读者能够更好地理解文章的观点和结论。


1.3 目的在本文中,我们的目的主要有两个方面。





latent class analysis stata命令

latent class analysis stata命令

latent class analysis stata命令
Stata中没有直接的命令来执行潜在类别分析(Latent Class Analysis, LCA),但您可以使用其他方法来实现。

1. 使用聚类算法(如k均值聚类)对数据进行聚类分析生成初始分类变量。


2. 使用隐变量模型(Latent Variable Model)进行潜在类别分析。

`gsem`命令(Generalized Structural Equation Modeling)或
`gllamm`命令(Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Models)。







statsd原理Statsd is a simple, lightweight server that listens for statistics, like counters and timers, sent over UDP and sends aggregates to one or more pluggable backend services (, Graphite). It is a powerful tool used for monitoring and tracking various metrics and statistics within an application or system. Statsd was originally developed at Etsy and has since become a popular open-source project used by many companies and organizations around the world.Statsd的作用就是用来监视和跟踪应用程序或系统中的各种指标和统计信息。



One of the key principles behind Statsd is to make it easy and cheap to collect and aggregate statistics from various parts of a system. The UDP protocol is used for sending statistics to Statsd because it is a lightweight and best-effort protocol, meaning that it does not guarantee delivery of the data, but it is fast and efficient. This makesStatsd a good fit for use cases where losing a small amount of data is acceptable, and the speed and low overhead of the protocol are more important.Statsd的一个关键原则是使其易于收集和聚合系统各部分的统计信息,并且成本低廉。



Nullcatalog means current参数通常用于描述一个特定的参数值在特定情况下是否有效或可用。


Nullcatalog means current参数在编程中具有重要的作用。



通过使用Nullcatalog means current参数,程序员可以确保输入参数不是空指针,从而避免空指针异常的发生。

具体来说,Nullcatalog means current参数在以下几个方面具有实际意义:1. 避免空指针异常:Nullcatalog means current参数可以帮助程序员避免空指针异常,从而确保程序的稳定性和可靠性。


2. 优化性能:使用Nullcatalog means current参数可以帮助程序员优化程序的性能。


3. 提高代码质量:Nullcatalog means current参数可以提高代码的质量和可维护性。


在实际应用中,Nullcatalog means current参数通常用于以下情况:1. 数据库查询:在数据库查询中,Nullcatalog means current参数可以帮助程序员确保输入的查询条件不是空值,从而避免查询失败或返回错误的结果。

2. 文件操作:在文件操作中,Nullcatalog means current参数可以帮助程序员确保输入的文件路径不是空值,从而避免无法找到文件或出现其他错误。

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