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第1章 冠 词

1. 冠词的基本表意功能

冠词属于"限定词"这一词类。英语中的冠词有不定冠词a/an和定冠词 the,不用冠词时有人称之为零冠词。冠词表示名词的所指意义,即特指、泛指、还是独指等,换句话说,当名词具有什么所指意义时就要用什么冠词去表示它的这种所指意义,反过来讲,用什么样的冠词也表示了名词具有什么样的所指意义,用什么样的冠词主要取决于名词的所指意义。下面是名词的主要所指意义及对应的冠词用法。

1) 特指

特指是指名词的所指对象是特定的。特指又可分为确定特指(definite specific reference)和不定特指(indefinite specific reference)。确定特指表示所修饰的名词的所指对象是有明确所指的,即说话双方都有一致理解的对象。如:

I met a girl at last night's party. The girl you must have heard of.

We must save the remnants of these old trees.

Do you like the film?



I found an interesting book on the shelf.

We can see a lot of people in the square in such late time at night.

The streets are shaded with trees


2) 泛指


At present, teachers are badly needed.

Mary enjoys wearing jewelry.

The rose is my favorite.

A baby deer can stand as soon as it's born.



A book is useful.

The book is useful

Books are useful.

一般来讲,三种形式没有太大区别,只是有时强调的重点有点差异:用不定冠词在单数可数名词前时主要是以人或物的个体说明某一类人或物,因此强调所述对象的每个个体都具有某一特征,相当于any or every。而用定冠词在单数名词前面或用零冠词在复数名词前面,主要是从总体上说明某一类人或物。

但是,如果泛指一个群体的所有成员,即强调类别而不是强调个别,习惯上则不能用不定冠词a/an. 而要用定冠词或零冠词。比较:


A whale is in danger of becoming extinct. (误)

The whale is in danger of becoming extinct。(正)



I like a horse. (误)

I like horses. (正)


(1) 某些复数可数名词前也可加定冠词表示某类人或物的总称,如:

How much do you know about the railway workers? 你对铁路工人了解多少?

I like the mountains.我喜欢大山。

(2) 某些集体名词前加定冠词也可表示泛指。如:

The police should carry guns. 警察应该带枪。

(3) 定冠词和某些名词连用可以泛指如民族、阶级或阶层等。例如:

the Chinese (people) the bourgeoisie the peasantry ( peasants)

the intellectuals the nobility the working class

而man 和 woman前面常用零冠词泛指男女或人类。如:

Woman is frail.

Man should love and help each other.

(4) 定冠词与某些形容词或分词连用表类别或抽象概念,也表示泛指。例如:

The young should respect the old.

I'm always pursuing the true, the good and the beautiful , and fighting against the false, the evil and the ugly.


the extremely poor/the new rich/the totally innocent/the guilty in the world/the young in spirit/the old who fear changes

(5) 有的名词前用零冠词表示与名词有关的活动。例如:

The book is on the TV. (特指,指说话双方都知道的电视机)

I am watching TV. 我在看电视(泛指,指与电视机有关的一个娱乐行为)。

而theatre, radio和cinema 无论分别是指剧院、收音机、电影院还是指与它们有关的娱乐行为,前面都要加定冠词。例如:

go to the cinema (the theatre) listen to the radio


I think cinema (theatre) is charming. 我认为电影(戏剧)很迷人。

He has worked in radio all his life. 他一生从事广播事业。

3) 独指


the sun/the moon/the world/the planet/the earth/the Milky Way/the sky/ the universe/the globe/the Equator

若这类词前面有描绘性的定语,表示这个独指对象的特殊特征时可用不定冠词。例如:a new moon/a pale moon/a brilliant sun/ a red sun/a gray sky/a cloudless sky


a heavy rain/a gentle wind/ a calm sea

2. 冠词用法的其他情况

1) 定冠词

(1) 用在专有名词前

① 用在某些地理名词前

江河:the Yangtze River/ the Thames/the Rhine

但湖泊名前一般用零冠词,如:Lake Michigan/Lake Baikal/Silver Lake(也有也有个别的加定冠词,例如:the Lake of Geneva/the Great Salt Lake)。中国湖泊的名称常带定冠词,如:the Taihu (Lake)/the Dongting Lake (但也可以说成
