10000 - Pi o皮奥1001000 - S ilver赛尔文1001001- Na tash a娜塔莎1001100-Mi na米娜1002000- Phi l比尔1002001 - T eo特奥1002002-Pa son佩森1002003 - Mr. G ol ds tein智慧爷爷1002004- VI PCa b明珠港星级出租车1002005- M r.K im金先生1002006 - Ch ef吉夫1002100 -Jane简1002101-O laf坤1010100- Rin a丽娜1011000 - K arl卡尔1011001-S am山姆1011100- Lun a卢娜1012000 - R egula r Cab射手村中巴1012001 - Dr.Squin t差不多医生1012002- Vic ious比休斯1012003- Ch ief S tan长老斯坦1012004- Do ofus科尔1012005-Cloy科洛伊1012006 -Tra in er Bar tos巴特斯1012007 -Tr ai nerFrod巴罗德1012008 -C as ey凯茜1012009- Mr. Le e李先生1012100 - At henaPie rc e赫丽娜1012101 -Maya玛亚1012102- Pia皮亚1012103 -Na ta lie娜塔丽1012104 -B rit ta ny伯丽特1012105 - Ms.Tan沃美妮1012106- Mrs. Min g M in g明明女士1012107 - Utah尤塔1012108- Ca mila卡米拉1012109- Jay亚华1012110 -A nne桉1012111 -Bruce布鲁斯1012112- To ry达尔利1012113- T om my达尔米1012114 - Grow lie兴儿1020000 - Blac kbull酋长1021000- Ri ver利伯1021001-H arry慧丽1021100 -A rtu ro格里高利1022000 -Dance s w it hBalr og武术教练1022001 -Re gu larCab勇士部落中巴1022002-M anji麦吉1022003 -M r.Th un der辛德1022004 - Mr. S mi th斯密斯1022005 - Mr.Wan g王先生1022006 - Wi nston芳博士1022007 - A yan伊安1022008-B urnt Swo rd灰渣里的剑1022100- Sop hia索非亚1022101 -Ro on ey露妮1022102- The Ex ca va torBoar d遗迹发掘队布告栏1031000 -F lora theFairy妖精佛罗拉1031001- Ser abit heFa ir y妖精舍拉比1031100 -Lent he Fai ry妖精莲1032000 -Re gu larCab魔法林中巴1032001-Gr ende l th e Rea llyO ld汉斯1032002 -Franc ois易德1032003 -Shan e赛恩1032004 -L ou is路易斯1032005 - VI P C ab魔法林星级出租车1032006 -M r.Pa rk朴先生1032007- Joe l售票员1032008 -Cherr y检票员1032009 -P urin船员普林1032100-A rwen the Fair y妖精艾温1032101- Row en th e Fai ry妖精罗雯1032102 - Ma r the Fa ir y妖精玛丽1032103- ElMot h阿尔莫斯1032104 - B etty巴缇1032105- Est elle胡小姐1032106- Win g th e Fai ry妖精维英1040000- Luk e鲁克1040001 -M ik e麦克1040002 - Fanz y潘喜1043000 - a pile off low er s花簇1043001 - a pile ofh er bs草药丛1051000 - Cu tth ro at Man ny曼斯塔1051001- D onH wang玛帕1051002 -D r.Fa ym us铭仁1052000- Ale x阿勒斯1052001 -DarkLord达克鲁1052002- JM From thaStr ee tz后街吉姆1052003- Chr is克利思1052004 - Denm a the Ow ne r黛玛院长1052005 - Dr.Fee bl e差不多医生1052006- Jak e冬青1052007 - T he Ti cketGat e检票口1052008 - Tr easur e C he st宝箱1052009 -Treas ureC he st宝箱1052010- Tre asu reC hest宝箱1052011 -E xit出口1052012 - Mong from Ko ng马龙1052013 - Co mpute r电脑1052014 - V endin g Mac hin e自动售货机1052015 -Billy比利1052016- Re gular Cab废都中巴1052017 - M r. Ho ng洪先生1052100 -DonGiova nni钱老板1052101- And re安德里亚1052102-Shum i休咪1052103 -Nel la内拉1052104 - Tu lcus图里卡斯1052105 - J ane D oe不认识的女人1052106 - I carus伊卡路斯1061000 -C hris hrama克利斯拉玛1061001 -24 H r 禁止词语leS tor e24小时排档1061002- Mr. Sw ea tb otto m豪素夫1061003- Mr.We tbot tom泰素夫1061004 -Ro nn ie洛尼1061005- Sab itr am a萨比特拉玛1061006- Mys ter io us Sta tue奇怪的石像1061007-Cr umbl ingStatu e坍塌的石像1061008- Mr. Oh吴先生1061009-Door ofDimen sion异界之门1061010 - S parkl ingC rys ta l闪耀的水晶1061011- The Re me mb erer记忆者1061012 -Ins ig ni fica nt B eing无意义存在者1061013 -Gwin葛温1061100 -Ho te l Re cept ionis t宾馆服务员1063000- a p ile o f pin k f lo we rs粉红色花簇1063001 -a p il eofb lueflowe rs蓝花簇1063002- a p ile o f whi tefl ow ers白花簇1063003 -W ant ed: G.Mush room绿蘑菇通缉牌1063004 -Want ed :Curse Ey e风独眼兽通缉牌1063005- Wan ted:E vilEye火独眼兽通缉牌1063006-Want ed : Cold Eye冰独眼兽通缉牌1063007- Wan ted: Z.M us hroo m僵尸蘑菇通缉牌1063008-Wa nted : H. Mus hroom刺蘑菇通缉牌1063009- Wan ted: Jr.Bo ogie幼魔精灵通缉牌1063010 -W an ted: Dr ake青龙通缉牌1072000- Wa rrio r Job Inst ruc to r战士转职教官1072001 - Ma gic ia nJobInst ructo r魔法师转职教官1072002 - B owman JobIns tr uc tor弓箭手转职教官1072003 -Th ie f Jo b In struc tor飞侠转职教官1072004 -Warri or Jo b I ns tr ucto r战士转职教官1072005 -M ag icia n Jo b Ins truct or魔法师转职教官1072006 -Bowma n J obI nstr ucto r弓箭手转职教官1072007- Th iefJob I nstru cto r飞侠转职教官1081000 - Vale n拜伦1081001 - P ison派申1081100-Riel丽尔1081101 -R oel露尔1081102 - Rael拉尔11000-S id赛德11100 -Lucy露茜12000 -L ucas路卡斯12100- M ai麦加12101 - Rain瑞恩2000-Ro ger罗杰20000 - John约翰20001 -Bari白瑞德20002- B ig gs比格斯2001 - Se n珊2001000- Cli ff克里夫2001001- B ra nc h Sn owma n树枝雪人2001002-M etal Buc ket S nowma n罐头雪人2001003 - Stra w Hat Sn ow ma n草帽雪人2001004 - Sc arfS no wman围巾雪人2001005- Ru pe rt珞巴特2002 - Pe ter彼特2002000 -Rupi鲁皮2002001 -R ud i 鲁迪2002002- Tor r 头羊2003- Rob in罗宾2004 -To dd透德2005- Sam叁20100-Yo ona尤娜2010000 - St affS er gean t Ch arlie查里中士2010001 -M inothe O wner米努2010002- Fra nz th e Own er弗兰克2010003 - Neve奈巴2010004- Cor pora l Wil son瑞撒上等兵2010005 - S huri贵英2010006-Trin a小刘2010007 -Her ac le哈拉克2010008 - Lea蕾雅2012000- Aga tha桑艺2012001-R ini田菲2012002 - Er in阿霖2012003 -NeritheF air y妖精娜丽2012004 -NuritheF ai ry妖精诺丽2012005 -Ede lth e Fa iry妖精易多2012006-Pl atfo rm U sher艺斯2012007-Rinz the Assi stant利纳斯2012008 - R omi罗米2012009-R izatheAssis tant利嘉2012010- Elm a the Hous eke ep er保姆珥玛2012011 - Kr ielt he Fai ry妖精珂丽尔2012012-Li sa莉萨2012013- Sun ny斯娜2012014 -Orbis Magi c S po t天空之城魔法石2012015 -E l N at hMagi c Sp ot冰封雪域魔法石2012016 -A ilee n莎米2012017 -H ug hestheFuse秀兹2012018-Eric sson艾利逊2012019 -M op pie波达2012020 - Al fon seG reen阿尔冯丝小绿2012021 -Ra mi ni娜米2012022- Pel ace帕拉斯2012023- Map le Le afMa rb le枫叶霜2012024 - Eg net温莉2012025 - Gera s帮佣易克2013000 -Wonk y the Fair y雅典娜女神2013001- Cha mberl ainE ak伯坚2013002 -Miner vath eGodd ess斯考特2020000 -Vo ge n伯坚2020001 - Scot t斯考特2020002 -Gordo n高登2020003- Ma ster Serg eantFox珀斯上尉2020004 - Mr. Moh amm ed武先生2020005 - A lcast er阿尔卡斯特2020006 - Ja de杰德2020007 -S cadu r斯卡德2020008-Ty lus泰勒斯2020009 -R obe ir a鲁碧2020010 - R ene蕾妮2020011 -Arec艾瑞克2022000 -R um i卢米2022001 - Hana哈娜2022002- Ba run巴兰2022003-S hamm os邪摩斯2022004- T yl us泰勒斯2030000 - Jeff杰夫2030001- Se rgean t Bra vo巴伯下士2030002- Cor poral Ea sy伊吉上等兵2030003 - Rock Co ve re d in Sno w雪岩2030004 -S ma llT omb小墓地2030005 -St at ue雕像2030006- Hol y S to ne神圣的石头2030007 - Pi eceo fStat ue石像的碎片2030008 -A do bis阿杜比斯2030009 -Gli bb er格里巴2030010 - Amon阿们2030011- Al i阿尔利2030012-H uckl e何克2030013 -Ado bi s阿杜比斯2030014 - Anci entI cy Sto ne上古冰2032000- ????助手2032001 - S pirun a斯皮罗纳2032002 - Aura奥拉2032003- Lir a利拉2032004 -Sus pi ci ousLava熔岩2040000 -Me l美尔2040001 - D elvt heTo ySold ier玩具兵得利巴2040002-O lson the ToySoldi er玩具兵哦尔萨恩2040003 -Assis tan tCh eng助教尚2040004 -Rol y-Po ly1玩具工人12040005- R ol y-Poly 2玩具工人22040006 -R ol y-Po ly 3玩具工人32040007-R oly-Poly 4玩具工人42040008- Rol y-Po ly 5玩具工人52040009 -R oly-Poly6玩具工人62040010- Rol y-Pol y 7玩具工人72040011 - R oly-P oly8玩具工人82040012 - Roly-Poly 9玩具工人92040013 - Ro ly-Po ly10玩具工人102040014- Chi co奇可2040015 -Manag er Ka rl厂长卡胡2040016- Pi派2040017-G reen Mes orang er冒险勇者绿虎2040018 -Black Meso ran ge r冒险勇者熊猫2040019 -E ver to n埃巴2040020 - S arah吉乐肯2040021- Ta ra珮2040022 -R yd ole莱德里2040023 -L ostS ol dier迷路的士兵2040024- F ir st Eos Roc k第一个玩具塔石2040025- Se cond EosRock第二个玩具塔石2040026- Thi rd Eo s R oc k第三个玩具塔石2040027 -F our thE osR ock第四个玩具塔石2040028-Mark the ToySoldi er玩具兵马可2040029 - Gr andpa Cl oc k挂钟2040030 - W isp威舍2040031 -Docu mentRoll文件包2040032- We aver威巴2040033-Neru奈勒2040034 -R edSi gn警示2040035 -Artur o阿里特2040036 -Red B alloo n红色气球2040037 - Oran ge Ba llo on橙色气球2040038 -Yello w B al lo on黄色气球2040039 -L imeB al loon绿黄气球2040040- Gr ee nBall oon绿色气球2040041 -A qu a Ba lloo n海蓝气球2040042-S ky-B lueBallo on天蓝气球2040043- Blu e Bal loon蓝色气球2040044 - V iolet Ball oon紫色气球2040045 - Pi nk Ba llo on粉红气球2040046 -Rober t H ol ly哈尔里2040047 - Sgt. An de rs on士兵爱那得斯2040048- N ar a爱丽2040049 - G umbal l M ac hi ne糖果机器2040050 -E ure kth e Al chem ist流浪炼金术士2040051 -T oly小泰2040052- W izt heL ibra rian威兹2041000-Tian田安2041001 -R ose y俄林2041002- Hid和答2041003- Mir u米鲁2041004 -Mar ce l马勒萨里2041005 - Nemi乃米2041006- Mi sky米舍凯2041007-Miyu米约2041008 -S epp y舍琵2041009- Min i咪咪2041010- El lie爱丽2041011- Y el lo w Me sora nger冒险勇者黄雄2041012- Pin k Mes orang er冒险勇者粉狼2041013 -Gina吉纳2041014- Pat ricia帕特里沙2041015 -K orin克林2041016 -Ve ga弥勒吉尔2041017- Ace ofH ea rts库克斯2041018 -H anst he Ass embl er工程师汉斯2041019- Ro ckythe R epair man修理工镂刻2041020 -Mact heMe ch anic机械工麦戈2041021 -Mr.Bouf fon闵先生2041022 -Ti gu n th e Ad visor士官提甘2041023 -Flo炮娄2041024- T om bs tone造型物2041025 -Mac hi ne App arat us机械装置2041026-Ghos thun ter B ob幽灵猎人巴柏2041027 -Mason theCol le ct or搜集狂麦森2041028 -Unk no wn Thi ef飞侠转职教官2042000-Sp iege lman n休彼德蔓2042001-S pieg elma nn休彼德蔓2042002-Spie gelm ann休彼德蔓2042003- Ass ista nt Re d红队助手2042004 -Assi stant Blue蓝队助手2050000 -Dr. S an大山2050001 -D r. K im金博士2050002-A lien Gra y外星人哥雷2050003- Spa cen斯派斯尼2050004 -K ub o th e St orage man具宝2050005 -Chur y阿哲2050006 -H oo ny阿海2050007- Gun ny阿亮2050008 -Gener al Ma est ro马斯特将军2050009- Jr. Of fi ce r Me din参谋美得恩2050010-R icetheMedic卫生员莱斯2050011- Kev in th e Sol die r士兵克斌2050012 -Agent Ma rc o工作员M2050013- Por ter波特2050014 - Mete orite 1陨石12050015 -Meteo rit e2陨石22050016 -Meteo rit e3陨石32050017 -Meteo rit e4陨石42050018 -Meteo rit e5陨石52050019 -Meteo rit e6陨石62050020 -Drops hip载运船2051000- Dr. Pepp er珮珀2051001 -Kay卡伊2060000-N anuk e纳努科2060001- Ro bi ns on鲁宾逊2060002 - Ta e G on g太公2060003 - M elias艾里亚斯2060004 -Oanne s安纳斯2060005 -K enta坎特2060006 -Mu se妙斯2060007 -Calyp so卡利2060008 -Gerra rd杰拉德2060009 -Dolp hin海豚2060100-C arta卡勒塔2060101 -Tae ngt heE xplo rer探险队长坦克2060102 -Door to t he Wa rpe dDi mens ion次元空间入口2070000-M r.N oh鲁先生2070001- B un g's Ma ma芭德阿姨2070002 -Mo ki墨铁2070003 -Dori石铁2071000- Chu mji朴大爷2071001-Hong bu兴夫2071002- No lb u乐夫2071003 - C hilN am七南2071004 -KongJi小荳2071005 -C hilSung七诚2071006-Swal low燕子2071007- G ra nd maY eon莲婆婆2071008 -Ha en im小日2071009- Mr. Sh im沈师铭2071010 - G od of Mo un ta ins山神2071011 - Tr eeCu tt er樵夫2072000- Chi l S un g's Ri ce S tacks七诚家的稻穗2072001- Chi l Nam's Ri ceSt ac ks七南家的稻穗2073000- Pa rkC humJi2080000 -M os摩斯2080001 -Sly史莱2080002-M ax马克斯2080003 - No rma n诺蔓2080004- Moo die马蒂2080005 -Kosc u寇斯库2080006-Do lphi n海豚出租车2081000 -Ch ie f Ta tamo村长塔塔曼2081001-K umo库摩2081002 - It o依托2081003 - Y aku亚可2081004-P am潘姆2081005- Ker obe n可罗宾2081006 - Mo ira摩伊拉2081007- Rau l the Knig ht骑士拉乌尔2081008 - Ni ne Sp iri t'sBaby Dra gon九灵龙宝宝2081009- Mo ose姆斯2081010- M oo se姆斯2081100 -Harmo nia哈尔模尼亚2081200 - G ritto格里特2081300 - L egor列高罗2081400- Hel lin哈林2082000- M ue纽曼2082001 - To mmie塔咪2082002- Har ry哈利2083000-En cryp tedSlate oft heSq ua d敢死队的暗号石板2083001- H or nt ail's Sc hedul e暗黑龙王的里程碑2083002 -Cryst al of Ro ot s树根水晶2083003 - Stum p a tth e Ro om o f Maz e迷宫碎片2083004 -Mark of t he Sq uad远征队的标识2083005 -Fount aino fLife生命之泉2090000- Mr.Pa n老盼2090001 - Gong Go ng功功2090002 - Bi diwon防防2090003- Da lsuk达淑2090004-Mr.Do陈道人2090005- H ak鹤2090006- Lay a拉丫头2090100 -G rand pa Lu o老爹爹2090101 -L ilis hu丽秀秀2090102-N aran纳兰2090103 -Pat a巴塔2090104- Nom a诺马2091000- No Gon g诺功2091001 -D oGong道功2091002 -T aeSa ng太上2091003 -TaeS oo韩太守2091004 - Mast er Go bli n2092000 -Mr. K u邱老头2092001 -C apta in Hw ang黄船长2093000- MuTan武旦2093001-S o Wo n小防防2093002- La nMi ng兰明2093003- Mr. Go ng宫相公2093004 - D olphi n海豚2094000 - G uon久翁2094001-W u Ya ng无恙2094002- Gu on久翁2100 -Sera莎丽21000-Pa n潘2100000 -Ahmad阿赫马德2100001 -Muham ad莫哈莫德2100002- Zai d寨尔德2100003-Ja smin雅思敏2100004 -Sag aT萨哥特2100005 - S hati夏特2100006- Maz ra玛兹拉2100007-L ila拉尔拉2100008 -V ard八德乐2100009- Ald in阿尔丁2101- Hee na希娜2101000- Si ri n西琳2101001 - J iyoul e智由拉2101002 -Elesk a呃拉斯卡2101003 -Ardi n阿丁2101004 -T gu n提干2101005 - Byro n巴一岚2101006 -Le Pe titP rin ce小王子2101007 - A reda阿烈达2101008- Sc heger azade世赫拉2101009 - A bdull ah VI II阿得拉8世2101010 - Ja no扎诺2101011 -S ejan携詹2101012 -St ra ngeGuy可疑的男子2101013-Ka rcas a卡乐卡萨2102 -N ina妮娜2102000 - Ases son阿世顺2102001- Sly n斯林2102002 -S yr as西拉斯2103 -Maria玛丽亚2103000 - P alace Oasi s宫廷绿洲2103001 - Secr et wa ll秘密之墙2103002- Que en'scab in et王妃的装饰柜2103003 -A ria ntp riva te h ouse1阿里安特民宅12103004- Ar iantpriva teho us e2阿里安特民宅22103005- A ri an t pr ivat e hou se4阿里安特民宅42103006 - Aria nt pr iva teh ouse6阿里安特民宅62103007-Tr easu re B ox宝物箱2103008-M yste riou s voi ce奇妙的声音2103009- Ar iantpriva teho us e1C upbo ard阿里安特民宅1橱柜2103010- Ar iantpriva teho us e2C upbo ard阿里安特民宅2橱柜2103011- Ar iantpriva teho us e4C upbo ard阿里安特民宅4橱柜2103012- Ar iantpriva teho us e6C upbo ard阿里安特民宅6橱柜2110000- Ro sen罗森2110001-J erry哲里2110002 -K yol吉欧2110003 - Rama in拉玛人2110004 -Mere n威尔斯2110005-Ca melTaxi骆驼中巴2111000-Ca rson卡森2111001 -M aed麦麦德2111002- Delang德朗博2111003- Hu manoi d A人造人A2111004 - P hilia琵丽雅2111005- Ki ny琦尼2111006- Pa we n疯老头2111007 -Broke r H an.后街小贩2111008 - Bedi n.贝丁2111009 -Russe llon罗赛伦2111010- Al chede no'sCab in et.卡帕莱特的书页2111011- Wa ll墙2111012- Cab inet书页2111013- Pic tureframe镜框2111014- De sk桌子2111015-Ru ssel lon's Des k罗赛伦的桌子2111016- De Lang's Se cre tbo ok德朗博士秘密书2111017- 1stP ipehand le第一个拐杖2111018- 2nd Pip e han dle第二个拐杖2111019 - 3rd Pi pe ha ndl e第三个拐杖2111020 -1stM agi ca larra y.第一个魔法阵2111021-2n d Ma gica l arr ay第二个魔法阵2111022 - 3rd Ma gical ar ra y第三个魔法阵2111023 - Ma gic ala rray cen ter.魔法阵中央2111024 -S ecre t pas sege秘密通道2112000 - 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电网电压不平衡时基于二阶广义积分器 S OG I 的 2 倍频电网同步锁相方法闫朝阳,贺红艳,李建霞,苏 明(燕山大学电力电子 节能与传动 控制河北省重点实验室,秦皇岛 066004)摘 要 :为 了 实 现 逆 变 器 在 电 网 电 压 不 平 衡 时 的 控 制 并 网 ,提 高 锁 相 环 节 的 速 度 和 精 度 ,本 文 基 于 二 阶 广 义 积分器 (second order generalized integrator, SO GI ),提 出 一 种 新 型 的 2 倍 频 锁 相 方 法 ,该 方 法 对 不 平 衡 电 网 电 压 产 生 的 2 倍 频 交 流 量 进 行 锁 相 ,从 而 快 速 准 确 地 实 现 与 电 网 同 步 。
介 绍 了 2 倍 频 正 负 序 交 流 量 提 取 方 法 ,2 倍 频 锁 相 工 作 原 理 及 电 网 同 步 锁 相 过 程 。
优 化 了 SOGI 正 交 发 生 器 (SOGI-quadratur e signal generator ,S O GI-Q S G ),消 除 了 输 入 电 压 直 流 偏 置 对 其 输 出 产 生 的 影 响 。
在 电 网 电 压 不 平 衡 条 件 下 对 所 提 方 法 进 行 了 仿 真 与 实 验 ,验 证 了 该 锁 相 方 法 的 有 效 性 。
与 传 统 基 波 锁 相 方 法 相 比 ,所 提 方 法 提 高 了 对 电 网 电 压 正 序 分 量 检 测 的 快 速 性 和 准 确 性 。
关 键 词 :电 网 电 压 不 平 衡 ;2 倍 频 锁 相 ;基 波 正 负 序 分 量 检 测 ;二 阶 广 义 积 分 器 (SOGI )Double Fundamenta l Frequency PLL with Second Order Generalized Integrato r Under Unbalanced Grid VoltagesYAN Zhao-yang, HE Hong-yan, LI Jian-xia, SU M i ng(Key Labratory of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive ofHebe i Province,Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China )Ab s t r ac t: In order to detect the positiv e -se quence component at fundamenta l frequency of the grid voltage fast, a new pha se -l ocked l oop method was proposed, which ca ll e d double fundamenta l frequency pha se -l ocked l oop (DFF -PLL ). The operation principle was a na l y ze d, and the process of DFF -PLL and the detection of grid voltage positive -se quence component were shown. The second order ge ner a l ized integrator quadr a tur e -signa l s ge ner a tion (SOGI -QSG ) was improved, so that the DC bias voltage could be removed and guarantee the orthogon a l ity of SOGI -QSG. The performance of DFF -PLL wa s verified by using simulation and e xperimenta l results. Compared with DSOGI -PLL, this method increases the detection speed and accuracy under unba l a nced grid voltage condition s .Key w or d s : unba l a nced gird voltage; double fundamenta l frequency pha se -l ocked l oop (DFF -PLL ); detection positive sequence and negative sequence; second order ge ner a l ized integr a tor (SOGI )究中所广泛应用的技术[1]。
G-X5CrNi13 4
G-X2CrNiMo18 10
GX2CrNi19 10
Si-CA 130 消防分析仪说明书
Residential & commercial combustion analyzerThe latest in combustion analysis technologyCompact, Light and Durable Design• Predictive maintenance with estimated sensor life & calibrationreminders• Draft & differential pressure measurements• Calculated CO2% value• Auto pump cut-off for high CO levels (user-adjustable)• NOx capable with NO sensor (optional)• One Touch Pump On/Off with Purge• PC software with wireless and USB connectivity• Combustion efficiency & excess air calculations• Graphical data display• Customizable gas analysis screen• Sample conditioning unit for low NOx & high moisture applications• CO & CO2Monitoring in Ambient Air• Smart Air Temperature Probe• Protective rubber holster• Maintenance contracts and extended warranties available2, CO, Large color touch screenField replaceable pre-calibrated sensors4.9 cmCompact designData management withautomatic logging &report creation troughapp/PC software DimensionsGoogle Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.Parameter specificationsGeneral features (1)All accuracies indicated in this document were stated in laboratory conditions at 20 °C (68 °F) and 1013 mbar and can be guaranteed for measurement carried out in the same conditions.(2)Accuracy given for the analyzer only.(3)For Higher Heating Value / (4)For Lower Heating ValueParameter Sensor Measuring range Resolution Accuracy (1)T response timeSi-CA 130 kit content • Si-CA 130 analyzer• O2 & CO gas sensors (NO or low NO optional)• Protective rubber holster • Flue gas probe with dual hose • Water trap with filter• AC power supply / charger • USB cable• Mobile app & PC software• Internal wireless communication module • Carrying case• Quick Start Guide•Calibration certificateApps and PC software• Free apps for iOS & Android mobile devices• PC software with USB & wireless connectivity • Fast, easy wireless connection• Remote live view of combustion analysis data as list or graph • Remote control to change settings• Data saving, including automatic logging • Report creation in PDF, CSV (for Excel) and XML formats• Databases for customers, operators & equipmentDownload app Graph view Data viewOptional accessoriesF T _E N – S i -C A 130 – 19/03/21 – N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t – W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e.Ordering Information MaintenanceWe carry out calibration, adjustment and maintenance of your devices to guarantee a consistent and accurate level of quality of your measurements. As part of Quality Assurance Standards, we recommend annual recalibration and maintenance check-up.WarrantyDevices have 2-year guarantee against any manufacturing defect (return to our After-Sales Service required for appraisal).Example of analyzer screens。
SINAMICS G120E 配置封闭驱动器说明书
SINAMICS G120E Configured enclosed drive for industry Technical Data Sheet July, 2015/drives S INAMICS DrivesOverview of SINAMICS G120ESINAMICS G120E is a configurable enclosed drive for a broad range of stand-alone applications ranging from simple pumps and fans to sophisticated machines requiring closed loop speed and position control with extended integrated safety functionality. This rugged drive is based on SINAMICS G120 modular components that allow it to be configured to best meet the demands of the application, the environment and the power supply system.The key to its versatility is the ability to combine different power circuit configurations with a control unit offeringthe required control functionality and bus communications interface. A comprehensive range of predesigned standard options completes the package. Additionally, please consult the factory for any custom options that may be needed. Depending on power ratings, the drive enclosure is either a wall mount box or free standing enclosure. The most common standard options can be accommodated in the base enclosure.A few options including output filters and reduced voltage soft start (RVSS) bypass require an add-on or separate options enclosure.Attention to detail is evident in the design of the drive. For example, the enclosure ventilation fans are controlled via a relay to run only when needed, i.e. when the drive is running. This not only saves energy costs, but also reduces noise levels in the electrical room.Accessories for SINAMICS G120EThe utilization of certain features of SINAMICS G120E may require the purchase of loose accessories. These accessories include braking resistors for dynamic braking, an optionalSD card to store or download parameter sets , or licenses for firmware functions. (Refer to page 8).UL listingSINAMICS G120E is an enclosed drive listed to UL508C (Power Conversion Equipment) per UL file # E319311. Listing per UL508C means that the drive is a predesigned standard product that has been evaluated and tested by UL.In contrast to a UL508A industrial control panel listing, listing per UL508C implies that the SINAMICS G120E drive is listed as a factory built assembly that may not be modified by third parties (not even by a UL508A listed panel shop). However, third parties may add options in an external enclosure which may be listed per UL508A. If any additional components or wiring not included within the scope of available standard options are to be included inside the base drive enclosure, please contact the factory to provide a quotation.Note that options provided in an add-on or separate options cabinet may be listed to UL508A. Operator interfaceThe door mounted Intelligent Operator Panel IOP is a user-friendly and powerful operator panel. For many standard applications such as pumps and compressors (both variable and constant torque (positive displacement)) as well as fans and conveyors, application wizards interactively guide you when commissioning without reference to parameter number. Commissioning of drives is also easy due to the plain text display. User defined parameter lists allow the numberof parameters displayed to be reduced. Help texts for parameters, faults and alarms can be obtained by pressing the INFO button.Local manual control is done via buttons and the navigation wheel, and there is dedicated local/remote button.Process values can be displayed numerically in technological units. Up to 2 process values can be displayed graphically as bar graphs. The IOP also allows graphical trending of values. Motor and drive sizingService Factor must be considered for motors operating at Service Factors beyond 1.0. Please consult factory for assistance sizing the drive.For motors with ratings larger than the drive, please consult factory as nuisance tripping may occur if drive is not properly sized. In sensorless vector control, the rated motor current (FLA) must be at least 1⁄4 of the rated drive output current. With lower motor currents, operation is possible in Volts/Hz control mode only.Overload ratingsThe SINAMICS G120E drive may be operated with both variable torque and constant torque loads at either light or high over-load duties. The criterion for overload is that the drive is operated with its base load current before and after the over-load occurs. Light overload duty is based on 110% base load current for 60 sec or 150% for 3 sec, repeated every 300 sec. High overload duty is based on 150% base load current for60 sec or 200% (<125 HP) or 175% (125 & 150 HP) for 3 sec,repeated every 300 sec.2Power circuit configurationsControl unitsEach of the power circuit variants above can be combined with one of three control unit types listed below, to best match the required functionality and I/O count. All control units also feature:• Free Function Blocks and BICO (BInector-Connector) technology for configuring on-board logic• Integrated USB interface for local commissioning and diagnostics• Optional memory card (SD) for parameter backup and copying. Software licenses (e.g. for CU250S-2 extended functionsEPos (Easy Positioning) or extended safety) can also be purchased on an SD card.Communication bus interface31)The output current is derated to allow for the temperature rise inside the enclosure at an (external) ambient temperature of 104°F (40°C).2)The input current is based on the input current of the power module and includes:• For Standard 6-pulse drives an allowance of 2.0 A (≤60 HP) or 2.5 A (>60 HP) for auxiliary circuits.• For Clean Power 18-pulse drives an allowance of 10.0 A for auxiliary circuits.The SINAMICS G120E enclosed drive includes as standard:• NEMA 1 enclosure• UL508C listing (file no. E319311)• SCCR (short circuit current rating) 65 kA• Circuit breaker disconnect with flange mount operator handle, and mechanical door interlock• Intelligent operator panel (IOP), door mounted & wired • Enclosure fans with associated control• Control power transformer for internal control power • Cable entry top or bottom, line and motor side • Power module with PWM IGBT inverter, andStandard 6-pulse drive:• Power module PM240 (non-regenerative), with integral braking chopper, 6-pulse diode rectifier and line reactor Clean power 18-pulse drive:• Power module PM240 (non-regen.), with integral braking chopper, input fuses,18-pulse diode rectifier, phase shifting autotransformer/line reactor assemblyProduct SpecificationNote: Drive HP ratings are provided as a guide only, for standard 2, 4 or 6 pole motors. Actual motor currents may be higher, especially for motors with 8 or more poles. Select a drive based on motor FLA (full load amps) and overloads.4Standard OptionsPredesigned standard options are available to tailor the SINAMICS G120 enclosed drive to customer specifications, maintaining short ex factory delivery times.The SINAMICS G120E drive is always supplied with a control unit, chosen from the list below (mandatory option). Please refer to catalog D31 or the operating manuals for more detailed information and technical data of the various SINAMICS G120 control units. NOTE: Some of the control unit inputs and/or outputs may be used for options.1) CU250S-2 accepts both speed and position encoders * FS-DI = Fail-Safe Input; each FS-DI utilizes 2 standard DI— = option not available* = only for 75 to 200 HP (floor standing enclosure) 1) For wall mount drives, enclosure options listed above are available only for the VFD enclosure itself, not for the separate options enclosures.5Notes:• To assure proper air circulation, please allow minimum 6” (1–20 HP) respectively 12” (25-60 HP) space between adjacent wall mount drive enclosures or to a side wall.• Dimensions are nominal for enclosure, tolerance 0.5” (12 mm), excluding protruding components. Please refer to drawings for exact details.• The separate options enclosure is always NEMA 1 (also if the drive enclosure is ordered with option M12 NEMA 12 filters), color ANSI 61 grey, and is listed to UL508A.Design DataWALL MOUNT DRIVE ENCLOSURESIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEWSEPARATE OPTIONS ENCLOSURE(FLOOR MOUNT)W OSIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW AIR OUT6Design DataFLOOR MOUNT ENCLOSURESIDE VIEW FRONT VIEWNotes: Dimensions are nominal for enclosure, tolerance 0.5” (12 mm), excluding protruding components. Please refer to drawings for exact details.x = 1 for Standard 6-pulse drivex = 3 for Clean Power 18-pulse drive7Seismic certificationAccessoriesThe complete SINAMICS G120E range can be provided with seismic certification in accordance with the International Building Code IBC 2012 and earlier versions (select option code H20). Certification levels are valid for installation in essential and critical infrastructure projects in all US States including California. The seismic certificate is available online at /drivesIn addition, SINAMICS G120E has special seismic precertification from the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). Certificate # OSP-0346-10.The information provided in this brochure contains merely generaldescriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.Siemens Industry, Inc. 3333 Old Milton Parkway Alpharetta, GA 300051-800-241-4453*******************/drivesSubject to change without prior notice.Order No. DRBR-G120E-0715Printed in USA©2015 Siemens Industry, Inc.。
SEPM 0003.2-2002 管道材料编码规定(化工)
设计标准SEPM 0003.2-2002实施日期2002年7月17日中国石化工程建设公司管道材料编码规定(化工)第 1 页共 28 页目次1 总则2 管子和管件编码规定3 阀门的编码规定1 总则本规定适用于石油化工装置管道材料通用件编码的编制。
2 管子和管件编码规定2.1 管子和补强板编码号组成P 04 C01 __ - 80(3)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)其中:(1)—类名编码(详见表1)(2)—壁厚编码(详见表4)(3)—材料编码(详见表7)(4)—特殊要求编码(详见表9)(5)—公称尺寸mm(in.)2.2 管件(除翻边短节和丝堵外)编码号组成E L 08 S C02 __ - 20(3/4)R C 0408* B G03 __ - 200×150(8×6)- 端部壁厚不一致* R C 04 B G03 __ - 200×150(8×6)- 端部壁厚一致(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)其中:(1)—类名编码(详见表1)(2)—管件型式编码(详见表3)(3)—壁厚编码(详见表4)**(4)—连接型式和法兰密封面编码(详见表5)(5)—材料编码(详见表7)(6)—特殊要求编码(详见表9)(7)—公称尺寸mm(in.)* —对于异径管,异径三通的端部壁厚不一致时,壁厚编码前两位表示大端壁厚,后两位表示小端壁厚;当端部壁厚一致时,则壁厚编码只用两位表示。
* * —铸铁(包括灰铸铁和可锻铸铁)管件省略壁厚编码。
2.3 弯管编码号组成E 90 A 08 B C02 __ - 20(3/4)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)其中:(1)—类名编码(详见表1)(2)—弯管角度(3)—管件型式编码(详见表3)(4)—壁厚编码(详见表4)(5)—连接型式和法兰密封面编码(详见表5)(6)—材料编码(详见表7)(7)—特殊要求编码(详见表9)(8)—公称尺寸mm(in.)2.4 对焊法兰、承插焊法兰和衬里法兰编码号组成F 03 W R 08 C03 __ - 40(1. 1/2)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)其中:(1)—类名编码(按表1)(2)—压力等级编码(按表2)(3)—管件型式编码(按表3)(4)—连接型式和法兰密封面编码(按表5)(5)—壁厚编码(按表4)(6)—材料编码(按表7)(7)—特殊要求编码(按表9)(8)—公称尺寸 mm(in.)2.5 平焊法兰、活套法兰、螺纹法兰、凸缘法兰和盲法兰编码号组成F 02 B R C03 __ -300(12)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)其中:(1)—类名编码(按表1)(2)—压力等级编码(按表2)(3)—管件型式编码(按表3)*(4)—连接型式和法兰密封面编码(按表5)(5)—材料编码(按表7)(6)—特殊要求编码(按表9)(7)—公称尺寸mm(in.)* —8字盲板省略型式编码2.6 放净环编码号组成H 02 R C03 A __ - 300(12)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)其中:(1)—类名编码(按表1)(2)—压力等级编码(按表2)(3)—连接型式和法兰密封面编码(按表5)(4)—材料编码(按表7)(5)—放净孔型式及尺寸编码(按表8)(6)—特殊要求编码(按表9)(7)—公称尺寸 mm(in.)2.7 翻边短节编码号组成S 02 S R 11 C02 __ - 250(10)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)其中:(1)—类名编码(按表1)(2)—压力等级编码(按表2)(3)—管件型式编码(按表3)(4)—连接型式和法兰密封面编码(按表5)(5)—壁厚编码(按表4)(6)—材料编码(按表7)(7)—特殊要求编码(按表9)(8)—公称尺寸 mm(in.)2.8 丝堵、齿形垫片,接地板编码号组成L B N C03 __ - 20(3/4)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)其中:(1)—类名编码(按表1)(2)—管件型式编码(按表3)(3)—连接型式和法兰密封面编码(按表5)(4)—材料编码(按表7)(5)—特殊要求编码(按表9)(6)—公称尺寸 mm(in.)* —接地板省略公称尺寸2.9 垫片编码组成G 02 V01 C02 __ - 80(3)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)其中:(1)—类名编码(按表1)(2)—压力等级编码(按表2)(3)—垫片型式、厚度编码(按表6)(4)—材料编码(按表7)(5)—特殊要求编码(按表9)(6)—公称尺寸 mm(in.)2.10 螺栓螺母编码组成B M C01 __ - M16×100(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)其中:(1)—类名编码(按表1)(2)—管件型式编码(按表3)(3)—材料编码(按表7)(4)—特殊要求编码(按表9)(5)—公称尺寸 mm(in.)(6)—长度mm表1 类名编码编码类名A 板B 螺栓和螺母C 管箍D 半管箍(接缘)E 弯头F 法兰G 垫片H 放净环I 8字盲板J 单孔板&单盲板K 管帽L 丝堵M 四通N 短管O 管嘴(O-let)P 管子Q 异径短管(Swage Nipple)R 异径管S 翻边短节T 三通U 活接头V 软管接头W 齿型垫片X 接地板Y Y型过滤器Z 特殊件编码压力等级00 PN0.9 (75 Lb)01 PN1.2 (125 Lb)02 PN2.0 (155 Lb)03 PN5.0 (300 Lb)04 PN6.8 (400 Lb)05 PN14.0 (800 Lb)06 PN10.0 (600 Lb)07 PN15.0 (900 Lb)08 PN25.0 (1500 Lb)09 PN42.0 (2500 Lb)10 PN0.2511 PN0.612 PN1.05K13 JIS10K14 JIS20K15 JIS16 PN1.617 PN6.41819202122232425 PN2.52640 PN4.089 CL.200090 CL.300091 CL.600092 CL.9000编码弯头三通异径管管帽管箍和接缘短管,异径短管活接头A 弯管(4D)标准管帽标准活接头B 弯管(5D)咬合连接管箍C 弯管(10D)同心咬合/管螺纹连接管箍同心D 弯管(15D)剖分三通E 弯管(20D)偏心偏心F 弯管(30D)标准管箍GH 标准接缘I 45°短半径弯头(对焊)LONG BOSS 45° 180°短管J 90°短半径弯头(对焊)特殊三通-1 LONG BOSS 90° 90°短管K 45°长半径弯头(对焊)特殊三通-2 直短管L 90°长半径弯头(对焊)特殊管箍(管螺纹/承插焊)M 45°虾米腰金属密封N 90°虾米腰特殊管箍O 180°虾米腰(公制螺纹/承插焊)P 标准45°弯头(承插焊,螺纹)夹套端板(板型)填料密封Q 标准90°弯头(承插焊,螺纹)夹套端板(帽型)R 标准异径三通S 标准等径三通T 标准四通夹套端板UVWXY Y型三通45°接缘Z续表表3 管件型式编码编码丝堵管嘴(O-LET)法兰翻边短节螺栓/螺母其它特殊性A 标准丝堵临时过滤器用孔板B 盲法兰用于双凸面和大槽面法兰的隔环C 方头丝堵D 凸缘法兰E Elbowo-let 衬里盲法兰FG 加强筋(用于碳钢)H 六角头丝堵活套法兰加强筋(用于不锈钢)IJ 夹套法兰KL LateralO-let 衬里法兰长型接地板-1M 六角头螺栓/螺母接地板-2NO 标准O-let 平焊法兰P 夹套端板(板型)Q 夹套端板(帽型)R 圆头丝堵异径法兰补强板S 承插焊法兰短型螺柱/螺母T 螺纹法兰UVW 对焊法兰XYZ表4 壁厚编码--金属管道编码壁厚编码壁厚mm 00 SGP 45 25.0mm 01 SCH10 46 26.0mm 02 SCH20 47 27.0mm 03 SCH30 48 28.0mm 04 SCH40,SCH40S 49 29.0mm 05 SCH5S 50 30.0mm06 SCH60 51 31.007 52 32.0mmmm 08 SCH80,SCH80S 53 33.0mm 09 54 34.0mm 10 SCH100 55 35.0mm 11 SCH10S 56 36.0mm 12 SCH120 57 37.0mm 13 58 38.0mm 14 SCH140 59 39.0mm 15 STD 60 40.0mm16 SCH160 64 44.017 XSmm18 XXS 70 50.019 SCH20SX10S20 SCH20S 74 SCH40Smm21 1.0mm 78 SCH80S 22 2.0mm23 3.0mm 81 CALC.1 24 4.0mm 82 CALC.2 25 5.0mm 83 CALC.3 26 6.0mm 84 CALC.4 27 7.0mm 85 CALC.5 28 8.0mm 86 CALC.6 29 9.0mm 87 CALC.730 10.031 11.0mm 88 CALC.8mm 8932 12.0mm 90 CALC.20 33 13.0mm 91 CALC.21 34 14.0mm 92 CALC.22 35 15.0mm 9336 16.037 17.0mm 94mm 95 CALC.1S 38 18.0mm 96 CALC.2S39 19.040 20.0mm 97 CALC.3Smm 98 CALC.4S 41 21.0mm 99 CALC.5S42 22.043 23.0mmmm44 24.0续表表4 壁厚编码--衬里管道和非金属管道编码壁厚编码壁厚00 1101 CALC.1 1202 CALC.2 1303 CALC.3 1404 CALC.4 1505 CALC.5 1606 CALC.6 1707 CALC.7 1808 CALC.8 1909 CALC.9 2010 CALC.10续表表4 壁厚编码--钢筋混凝土管道编码壁厚(mm)编码壁厚(mm)30 20 43556031 25 446532 27 457033 467534 478035 30 488536 33 499037 35 509538 5110039 5211540 40 5341 45 5412514042 50 55表5 连接型式和法兰密封面编码编码连接型式法兰密封面AB 对焊CD 咬合小槽面(SG)E 小榫面(ST)F 法兰端全平面(FF)G 大槽面(LG)H 大榫面(LT)IJ 金属环密封面(RJ)KLM 大凸面(LM)N 大凹面(LF)OP 平端小凸面(SM)Q 小凹面(SF)R 凸台面(RF)S 承插焊T 锥管螺纹UV 大端对焊/小端平端(BLE/PSE)W 大端对焊/小端螺纹(BLE/TSE)X 大端平端/小端螺纹(PLE/TSE)YZ 一端平端/一端螺纹(PLE/TSE)表6 垫片型式、厚度编码编码型式,厚度S01 全平面法兰用t=1.5 mm 非金属垫片S02 全平面法兰用t=3.0 mm 非金属垫片S03 凸台面法兰用t=1.5 mm 非金属垫片S04 凸台面法兰用t=3.0 mm 非金属垫片V00 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片—基本型V01 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带外定位环(材料:CS)V02 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带外定位环(材料:304SS)V03 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带外定位环(材料:316SS)V04 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带外定位环(材料:316LSS)V21 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内定位环(材料:内环CS)V22 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内定位环(材料:304SS)V23 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内定位环(材料:316SS)V24 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内定位环(材料:316LSS)V41 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环CS,外环CS)V42 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环304SS外环CS)V43 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环316SS外环CS)V44 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环316LSS外环CS)V51 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环CS,外环CS)V52 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环304SS外环CS)V53 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环316SS外环CS)V54 t=4.5 mm缠绕垫片--带内外定位环(材料:内环316LSS外环CS)R01 椭圆形金属环垫片R02 八角形金属环垫片N01 剖切型包覆式垫片 T=3.0 mmN02 折包型包覆式垫片 T=3.0 mmU01 t=3 mm 金属平包垫U02 t=3 mm 波纹金属包垫表7 材料编码编码材料编码材料1. 管子2. 管件(a)碳钢(a)碳钢C01 Q235Gr.B E01 Q235Gr.BC02 20#. SMLS E02 20# SMLSC03 20#.WELD E03 20#WELD C04 20#(G)E04 20#(G)C05 20g E05 20gC06 Q235A E06 Q235AC07 Q235(G)E07 Q235(G)E10 20#.锻件E11 20#(G).锻件E12 20g.锻件C20 AP15L Gr. B E20 A234Gr.WPBC21 AP15L Gr. C E21 A234Gr.WPCC22 A134(A283 Gr. D)E22 A234Gr.C C23 A139 E23 A234Gr.DC24 A53Gr.B E24 A234Gr.60C25 A53Gr.C E25 A234Gr,65C26 A106Gr.B E26 A234Gr.70C27 A106Gr.C E27 A234Gr.60C28C29 锻件C30 A672Gr.B60-CL.13 E30 A105C31 E31 A105NE32 A181Gr.IE33 A181Gr.IIE34C40 A333Gr.1 E40 A420Gr.WPL6-SML SC41 A333Gr.6 E41 A420Gr.WPL6-WEL DC42 60-CL.13C43 60-CL.22S2E50 A350Gr.LF2编码材料编码材料1. 管子2. 管件(b)低合金钢(b)低合金钢L01 16Mn-SMLS F01 16Mn-SMLSL02 16Mn-WELD F02 16Mn-WELDL03 12Cr1MoV-SMLS F03 12Cr1MoV-SMLS L04 15CrMo-SMLS F04 15CrMo-SMLS L05 1Cr5Mo-SMLS F05 1Cr5Mo-SMLS L06 F06F1116Mn(锻件)F1312Cr1MoV(锻件)F1415CrMo(锻件)F151Cr5Mo(锻件)编码材料编码材料1. 管子2. 管件(b)低合金钢(b)低合金钢L20 A335Gr.P1 F20 A234Gr.WP1L21 A335Gr.P5 F21 A234Gr.WP5-SMLSL22 A335Gr.P9 F22 A234Gr.WP9L23 A335Gr.P11 F23 A234Gr.WP11-CL.1-SMLS L24 A335Gr.P12 F24 A234Gr.WP11-CL.2L25 A335Gr.P22 F25 A234Gr.WP11-CL.3L26 A335Gr.P91 F26 A234Gr.WP12-CL.1L27 F27 A234Gr.WP12-CL.2L28 A691Gr.1.25CR/CL13F28 A234Gr.WP22-CL.1 L29 A691Gr.5CR/CL22 F29 A234Gr.WP22-CL.3F31 A234Gr.WP5-WELD L33 A387GR.11 F32 A234Gr.WP91F33 A234Gr.WP11-CL.1-WELD L40 A333Gr.9 F35 A387GR.11L41 A333Gr.3L42 A333Gr.8L43 A671Gr.CF66.CL.13-S2锻件F40F41 A420Gr.WPL3-SMLS(-101℃)F42 A420Gr.WPL3-SMLS(-101℃)F51 A182Gr.F1F52 A182Gr.F2F53 A182Gr.F5F54 A182Gr.F9F55 A182Gr.F11-CL.1F56 A182Gr.F12L60 STAP23-S-H F57 A182Gr.F22-CL.1F58 A182Gr.F91F60 A350Gr.LF9F61 A350Gr.LF3编码材料编码材料1. 管子2. 管件(b)不锈钢(b)不锈钢S01 0Cr18Ni9-SMLS G01 0Cr18Ni9-SMLSS02 0Cr18Ni9-WELD G02 0Cr18Ni9-WELDS03 00Cr19Ni9-SMLS G03 00Cr19Ni9-SMLSS04 0Cr18Ni9-WELD G04 0Cr18Ni9-WELDS05 00Cr18Ni12Mo2-SMLS G05 00Cr18Ni12Mo2-SMLSG06 0Cr19Ni12Mo2-WELD S06 0Cr19Ni12Mo2-WELDS07 00Cr18Ni12Mo2-SMLS G07 00Cr18Ni12Mo2-SMLS S08 00Cr19Ni12Mo2-WELD G08 00Cr19Ni12Mo2-WELDG0110Cr18Ni9 (锻件)G01200Cr19Ni10 (锻件)G0130Cr17Ni912Mo2(锻件)G01400Cr17Ni14Mo2 (锻件)编码材料编码材料1. 管子2. 管件(c)不锈钢(c)不锈钢S20 A312Gr.TP304 G20 A403Gr.WP304S21 A312Gr.TP304L G21 A403Gr.WP304L S22 A312Gr.TP304H G22 A403Gr.WP304H S23 A312Gr.TP316 G23 A403Gr.WP316S24 A312Gr.TP316L G24 A403Gr.WP316L S25 A312Gr.TP316H G25 A403Gr.WP316H S26 A312Gr.TP321 G26 A403Gr.WP321S27 A312Gr.TP321H G27 A403Gr.WP321H S28 A312Gr.TP347H G38 A240TYPE321HS29 A312Gr.TP304(EFW)G39 A240TYPE304S30 A312Gr.TP304(EFW)G30 A403Gr.WP304(WELD)S31 A312Gr.TP304(EFW)G31 A403Gr.WP304L(WELD)S32 A312Gr.TP304(EFW)G32 A403Gr.WP304H(WELD)S33 A312Gr.TP316(EFW)G33 A403Gr.WP316(WELD)S34 A312Gr.TP316(EFW)G34 A403Gr.WP316L(WELD)S35 A312Gr.TP316(EFW)G35 A403Gr.WP316H(WELD)S36 A312Gr.TP321(EFW)G36 A403Gr.WP321(WELD)S37 A312Gr.TP321(EFW)G37 A403Gr.WP321H(WELD)S37 A312Gr.TP347(EFW)G38A240TYPE321H(WELD)G39A240TYPE304H(WELD)G40A403Gr.WP347H(SMLS)G41A403Gr.WP347H(WELD)S50 A358Gr.304(EFW)锻件G50 A182Gr.F304(锻件)S60 A409Gr.TP304(EFW)G51 A182Gr.F304(锻件)G52 A182Gr.F304(锻件)G53 A182Gr.F304(锻件)S70 A409Gr.TP321(EFW)G54 A182Gr.F304(锻件)G55 A182Gr.F304(锻件)S80 A409TP347 G56 A182Gr.F304(锻件)G57A182Gr.F304(锻件)G58A182Gr.F304(锻件)编码材料编码材料1. 管子2. 管件(d)铝合金(d)铝合金A01 LF2-SMLS A01 LF2-SMLS A02 LF2-WELD A02 LF2-WELDA11LF2-锻件(e)非金属和衬量(e)非金属和衬量C61 20#/PTFE E61 20#/PTFE C62 20#/HRL E62 20#/HRLC71 PP/FRP(管子和管件)E71 20#/PRFE-锻件衬里C72 PCV/FRP(管子和管件)E72 20#/HRL-锻件衬里C73 FRP(管子和管件)编码材料3. 垫片C01 V#1501 C02 V#1501AC C03 TEF/ASB C04 TFERUBBER C05 WHITEC06 EPDM C10 XB350C11 304/ASB C12 316/ASB C13 316L/ASBC31 304/GRAP. C32 316/GRAP. C33 316L/GRAP. C34 321/GRAP. C35 347/GRAP.C50 304/TFE C51 316/TFE C52 316L/TFE编码材料3. 垫片STEEL R10 LOWCARBONIRONR11 SOFTR12 COPPERR13 SUS304MoR14 5Cr-1/2R15 SUS304LR16 SUS316R17 SUS316LR21 ALUMINUMR22 NICKELSTEELCARBONR23 LOWIRONR24 SOFTR25 COPPERR26 SUS304MoR27 5Cr-1/2R28 SUS304LR29 SUS316R30 SUS316L4. 螺栓/螺母C01 35CrMoA/35#C02 35CrMoA/30CrMoAC03 35CrMoA/35CrMoAC04 25Cr12MoVA/35CrMoAC05 0Cr18Ni9/0Cr18Ni9C06 0Cr17Ni12Mo2Ti/0Cr17Ni12Mo2Ti C07 35#/Q235A/Q235AC08 Q235AC09 Q235A (G)/Q235A(G)C10 1Cr18Ni9Ti/1Cr18Ni9TiC11 316/316C15 35#/25#C21 A193GR.B7/A194GR.2HC22 A193GR.B16/A194GR.4C23 A193GR.B8M(CL.1)/A194GR.8C24 A193GR.B8T(CT.1)/A194GR.8TC25 A193GR.L7/A194GR.4C26 A193GR.B8(CL.1)/A194GR.8C27 A193GR.B8M(CL.2)/A194GR.8C28 A193GR.B/A563GR.A表8 放净孔型式及尺寸编码编码放净孔型式及尺寸A 1/2",承插焊,一个放净孔B 3/4",承插焊,一个放净孔C 1",承插焊,一个放净孔D 1/2",承插焊, 两个放净孔E 3/4",承插焊, 两个放净孔F 1",承插焊, 两个放净孔G 1/2",螺纹连接, 一个放净孔H 3/4",螺纹连接, 一个放净孔I 1",螺纹连接, 一个放净孔J 1/2",螺纹连接, 两个放净孔K 3/4",螺纹连接, 两个放净孔L 1”,螺纹连接, 两个放净孔MNO表9 特殊要求编码编码特殊要求WELDA ARC,B 100% X-射线探伤C ECF EFWG 镀锌H 热处理I 低温冲击试验JL 低氯离子含量N 正火处理R ERWS 顶丝法兰(用于8字肓板,单孔板及单肓板)WZ EC3 阀门的编码规定阀门编码号组成如下:G O A R 05 01 A E -- G1 -- 24"(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)其中:(1)—阀门类型(2)—结构型式(3)—压力等级(4)—端部连接(5)—阀体材料(6)—内件和密封座材料(7)—填料材料(8)—压盖垫片(9)—特殊要求(10)—阀门公称尺寸3.1 阀门类型:见表10表10 阀门类型B 球阀L 波纹密封阀C 止回阀N 针形阀D 隔膜阀O 截止阀F 蝶阀K 刀阀G 闸阀P 旋塞阀3.2 结构型式:见表11表11 结构型式E 堰式(WEIR)P 压力密封阀盖(阀帽){ PSB(PC)}F 全孔R 缩孔H 水平启升止回阀S 旋启止回阀I 内螺纹升杆T 倾斜阀盘止回阀L 带凸耳型(LUG)W 夹嵌型N 无阀盖(NB)X 直通式O 外螺纹带支架Y Y型无阀盖(Y-NB)3.3 压力等级:见表12表12 压力等级A PN2.0(20kgf/cm 2或者150Lb ) F PN42.0(420kgf/ cm 2或者2500Lb )B PN5.0(50kgf/ cm 2或者300Lb ) G PN1.0(10kgf/ cm 2)C PN10.0(100kgf/ cm 2或者600Lb ) H PN1.6(16kgf/ cm 2)D PN15.0(150kgf/ cm 2或者900Lb ) IPN14.0(140kgf/ cm 2或者800Lb )EPN25.0(250kgf/ cm 2或者1500Lb )3.4 端部连接:见表13表13 端部连接B对焊连接R 凸台面法兰连接 F 大凹面法兰连接 S 承插焊连接 J 金属环法兰连接 T 咬合连接L 全平面法兰连接 U 无法兰夹嵌连接 M 大凸面法兰连接 G 大槽面法兰连接 P锥管螺纹连接3.5 阀体材料:见表14表14 阀体材料01 A105 20 A217GR. WC1 02 A216GR. WCB 21 A217GR. WC6 03A216GR. WCB+PP22A217GR. WC904 WCB+PTFE 30 A182GR. F304 05 31 A182GR. F304L 06 A350GR. LF2 32 A182GR. F304H 07 A350GR. LF3 33 A182GR. F316 08 A352GR. LFB 34 A182GR. F316L 09 A350GR. LC3 35 A182GR. F316H 10 36 A182GR. F32111 A182GR. F1 37 A182GR. F321H 12A182GR. F1138A182GR. F347H13 A182GR. F1214 A182GR. F22 50 A351GR. CF8 15 A182GR. F5 51 A351GR. CF8M 16 A182GR. F91 52 A351GR. CF8C 17 53 A351GR. CF3 18 54 A351GR. CF3M 19553.6 内件和密封座材料(阀盘密封面*密封面):见表15表15 内件和密封座材料01 13CR 23 316*PTFE02 13CR*STL(SH)24 316L*PTFE03 13CR+STL(HF)25 347*PTFE04 304 26 321*PTFE05 304*STL(SH)2706 304*STL(SF)2807 304L 31 铜合金08 304L*STL(SH)32 MONEL09 304L+STL(HF)33 INCOLOY10 316 34 HASTELLOY11 316*STL(SH)35 WCB. HCr * PTFEE.N.P12 316+STL(HF)36 WCB.13 316L 37 LCB. HCr* PTFE14 316L*STL(SH)40 NBR(丁晴橡胶)15 316L+STL(HF)41 NEOP(氯丁橡胶)16 304H+STL 42 304/EPDM17 321H+STL 43 HYPA(海帕伦)18 347H+STL 44 F.R(氟化橡胶)19 45 PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)20 1Cr13*PTFE 46 F6A/BUNA-N21 304*PTFE 47 H.R.EPDM(耐热乙丙橡胶)22 304L*PTFE 48NR(天然橡胶)3.7 填料材料:见表16表16 填料材料TFE FIBR BRAID PACKING or EQUIVALENTA聚四氟乙烯编织填料或相当(61FF)PTFE IMPREGNATED ASBESTOS BRAID PACKING or EQUIVALENT石棉编织填料浸渍聚四氟乙烯或相当(Asbestos yarns with PTFE resin dispersion are braded)B(石棉线在聚四氢乙烯悬浮液中浸渍后编织)(61HF)ASBESTOS BRAID PACKING PTFE IMPREGNATED (LOW TEMP.)石棉编织填料浸渍聚四氟乙烯或相当(低温系统)C(Asbestos yarns with teflon resin dispersion are braded)(石棉线在聚四氟乙烯悬浮液中浸渍后编织)(61HQ)ASBESTOS CORE AND YARN PACKING INCONEL WIREor EQUIVAENT(The molded core of Asbestos fibers and graphite is braided over Dwith inconel wire inserted asbestos yarn,and finished with graphite)(夹INCONEL丝石墨石棉绳)(63NB)RTFE LIP TYPE PACKING (VACUUN SERVICE)or EQUIVALENT增强聚四氟乙烯唇形填料(真空系统)或相当E(Glass fiber filled PTFE lip type packing)(玻璃纤维填充聚四氟乙烯唇形填料)(75NA)FLEXIBLE GRAPHITE PACKING or EQUIVALENT柔性石墨填料或相当F(78PA)G 63NB+78PAASBESTOS CORE AND YARN PACKING SS WIREH金属丝增强石墨石棉编织填料或相当表17 压盖垫片JOINT SHEET GASKET V#1500 or 1501 (12E)Asbestos Joint Sheet Gasket combined SBR or equivalentA混合SBR的压缩石棉板或相当JOINT SHEET GASKET--V#1501AC (12EB)Asbestos Joint Sheet Gasket combined SBR or equivalentB(Antij Corrosion Treatment)混合SBR的压缩石棉板或相当(防腐处理)SPIRAL WOUND GASKET --304S./ASB(30CA)Spiral Wound Gasket without Inner and Outer RingC(无内外环缠绕垫片(304S.S / 特殊石棉)JOINT SHEER GASKET--V#1000(12D)DAsbestos Joint Sheet Gasket combined SBR or equivalent混合SBR的压缩石棉板或相当(防腐处理)SPIRAL WOUND GASKET--347S.S / GRAP.(30XA)Spiral Wound Gasket without Inner and Outer RingE无内外环缠绕垫片(347S.S / 柔性石墨)SPIRAL WOUND GASKET--321S.S / GRAP.(30WA)Spiral Wound Gasket without Inner and Outer RingF无内外环缠绕垫片(321S.S / 柔性石墨)RING JOINT GASKET OCTAGONAL--5Cr-0.5Mo STEEL (53EA)GOctagonal Type Ring Joint Gasket Max. Hardness: 130BHN八角形环垫片(最大硬度:130BHN)RING JOINT GASKET OCTAGONAL--LOW CARBON STEEL(55DA)HBridgeman Type Ring Joint Gasket Max. Hardness:120BHNBRIDGEMAN 形环垫片(最大硬度:120BHN)RING JOINT GASKET OCTAGONAL--5Cr-0.5Mo STEEL (55EA)IBridgeman Type Ring Joint Gasket Max. Hardness:120BHNBRIDGEMAN 形环垫片(最大硬度:130BHN)CORRUGATED MATEL GASDET--LOW CARBON WTEEL(59DA)J金属波纹垫片(最大硬度:120BHN)SPIRAL WOUND GASKET--304S.S / TEF (30LA)Spiral Wound Gasket without Inner and Outer RingK无内外环缠绕垫片(304S.S / TEF)M SPIRAL WOUND (304 / GRAF)表18 特殊要求B 带旁通C 阀体底部带放净孔(ASME B16.34 G 孔)E 加长手柄G 带齿轮驱动装置(手轮平行于流向)G1 带齿轮驱动装置(手轮垂直于流向)L 加长阀杆结构J 带夹套结构O 带锁开或锁闭要求LC locked close (car seal close)LO locked open (car seal open)T 三通球阀(T型)H 带整体阀座(用于氢气等介质系统)Y 三通球阀(Y型120)F 衬聚四氟乙烯R 衬橡胶S 波纹密封P 现场焊接热处理3.10 阀门规格书所用符号说明3.10.1 阀门型式:见表19表19 阀门型式BC 球型止回阀OSY 外螺纹带支架DUAL-PLATE 双板RB 缩孔WEIR 堰式ST-T 直通式FB 全孔SWG 旋启式止回阀HL 水平启升TD 倾斜阀盘止回阀ISRS 内螺纹升杆3.10.2 端部连接:见表20表20 端部连接BITE 咬合连接LG 大槽面BW 对焊连接LT 大榫面FF 全平面FNPT 60内锥管螺纹FLGLESS 无法兰夹嵌型RF 凸台面LF 大凹面RJ 金属环连接LM 大凸面表21 结构BB 螺栓连接的阀盖INT 整体阀座LB 加长阀盖(相应于加长阀杆)LOOSE 松套阀盘PRSL 压力自紧密封阀盖REN 可拆换阀座SB 螺纹连接的阀盖SE 侧装式SOLID 刚性阀盘STDB标准阀盖3.10.4 材料:见表22表22 材料HF 硬化面NBR 合成橡胶P-TEF 纯聚四氟乙烯R-TEF 增强聚四氟乙烯STL 钨铬钴合金堆焊表面TEF 聚四氟乙烯HCr 镀硬铬ENP 化学镀镍SH 阀座表面硬化。
二、技术要求:Substance DetailsCAS Registry Number: 9004-32-4CA Index Name: Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt Synonyms:∙114: PN: WO2004099237 PAGE: 34 claimed sequence ∙12M31XP∙1400LC∙2000MH∙7H3SF∙7H3SX∙7H4XF∙7L2C∙7MXF∙9H4F-CMC∙9H4XF∙9M31X∙ A 0111∙ A 01H∙ A 01L∙ A 01M∙ A 02SH∙ A 10M∙ A 50M∙Ac-Of-Sol∙Admiral 3541∙AG∙AG Gum∙AG Gum HE 2∙AG Gum HG∙AG Gum LV 1∙AG Gum LV 2∙AG Gum M∙AG Gum SG∙Akucell 07071∙Akucell AF 0305 ∙Akucell AF 2205 ∙Akucell AF 2805 ∙Akucell AF 2881 ∙Akucell AF 2895 ∙Akucell AF 2985 ∙Akucell AF 3185 ∙Akucell AF 3275 ∙Akucell HF 300∙AKU-W 515∙Akzo 1.1CMC∙Akzo 1.2CMC∙Akzo 1.3DS∙AL 12355∙Ambergum 1221 ∙Ambergum 1521 ∙Ambergum 1570 ∙Ambergum 3021 ∙Ambergum 99-3021 ∙Anestogam 9450 ∙AOIH∙APP 84∙Aquacel∙Aquacel Hydrofiber ∙Aquacide I∙Aquacide II∙Aqualon 12M31∙Aqualon 12M31P∙Aqualon 7H∙Aqualon 7H3SXF-PH ∙Aqualon 7HF∙Aqualon 7LFH∙Aqualon 7LF-PH∙Aqualon 7M2∙Aqualon 7M8SFPH ∙Aqualon 7MF∙Aqualon 9H4F∙Aqualon CMC∙Aqualon CMC 12M8 ∙Aqualon CMC 7H∙Aqualon CMC 7H4F ∙Aqualon CMC 7H4XF ∙Aqualon CMC 7HCF ∙Aqualon CMC 7HX ∙Aqualon CMC 7L∙Aqualon CMC 7L2 ∙Aqualon CMC 7L2T ∙Aqualon CMC 7LT ∙Aqualon CMC 7M∙Aqualon CMC 9H4F ∙Aquaplast∙Aquasorb F-C∙Aquasorb FC 1/16 ∙Aquasorb F-R∙ B 10∙ B 10 (polysaccharide) ∙Blanosa 7L∙Blanose∙Blanose 12M31P∙Blanose 721C1∙Blanose 7ELC1∙Blanose 7H∙Blanose 7H3SXF∙Blanose 7H4∙Blanose 7H4FD∙Blanose 7H4XF∙Blanose 7HC∙Blanose 7HF∙Blanose 7HOF∙Blanose 7HXF∙Blanose 7L1∙Blanose 7L2C∙Blanose 7LC∙Blanose 7LF∙Blanose 7LFD∙Blanose 7M1∙Blanose 7M31CF∙Blanose 7MC1∙Blanose 7MD∙Blanose 7MF∙Blanose 931M∙Blanose 9H4XF∙Blanose 9HF∙Blanose 9M31F∙Blanose 9M31XF∙Blanose BS 190∙Blanose BWH∙Blanose BWM∙Blanose BWS∙Blanose CMC 7M65C∙Blanose JH 4FD∙ C 5013∙ C 5678∙Carbocel 300∙Carbocel 500∙Carbocel EHV∙Carbocel LV∙Carbocel MB 2C150∙Carbocel MM 3∙Carbocel MM 30∙Carbocel TM 500S∙Carbocell MM 3-150∙Carbose 1M∙Carbose D 72∙Carboxymethyl cellulose∙Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium∙Carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt∙Carboxymethylated cellulose sodium salt ∙Carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt∙Carmellose sodium∙Cekol 10000∙Cekol 100000∙Cekol 2000∙Cekol 30∙Cekol 30000P∙Cekol 4000∙Cekol 50000∙Cekol 500T∙Cekol 700P∙Cekol DVG∙Cekol FF 2∙Celbase Gum CRM ∙Celbase Mud RB 35 ∙Celfix 5∙Celkol CMC 2000 ∙Cellcosan∙Cellex CMC∙Cellofas∙Cellofas B 5∙Cellofas B 50∙Cellofas B 6∙Cellofas C∙Cellogel C∙Cellogen∙Cellogen 1A∙Cellogen 3H∙Cellogen 412C∙Cellogen 4H∙Cellogen 5A∙Cellogen 6A∙Cellogen 7A∙Cellogen AG∙Cellogen AG-Gum M ∙Cellogen B 2∙Cellogen BS∙Cellogen BS-H∙Cellogen BSH 12 ∙Cellogen BS-H 3∙Cellogen BSH 6∙Cellogen EP∙Cellogen F 3H∙Cellogen F 5A∙Cellogen F 6HS9 ∙Cellogen F 7A∙Cellogen F 810A∙Cellogen F 8R∙Cellogen F-AG∙Cellogen F-SA∙Cellogen F-SB∙Cellogen F-SC∙Cellogen FS-C∙Cellogen F-SL∙Cellogen FSR∙Cellogen HE 1500∙Cellogen HE 1500F∙Cellogen HF 600F∙Cellogen HH∙Cellogen HP 1050B∙Cellogen HP 1215C∙Cellogen HP 3HS∙Cellogen HP 6HS9∙Cellogen HP 8A∙Cellogen NB-P∙Cellogen OT∙Cellogen P 815C∙Cellogen PL 15∙Cellogen PR∙Cellogen PRS∙Cellogen PR-S∙Cellogen WS∙Cellogen WSA∙Cellogen WS-C∙Cellogen WS-CN∙Cellpro∙Cellufix FF 100∙Cellufix FF 20∙Cellufix P∙Cellugel∙Cellulose carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt∙Cellulose carboxymethylate sodium salt∙Cellulose glycolate∙Cellulose sodium glycolate∙Cellulose, carboxymethyl ether, sodium salt∙CELLULOSE,CARBOXYMETHYL ETHER,SODIUM SALT ∙Celpol RX∙Cepol∙Cepol (polysaccharide)∙Chimcell CMS 30G∙CM 23∙CM 52∙CMC∙CMC 1105∙CMC 1120∙CMC 1160∙CMC 1180∙CMC 1190∙CMC 1205∙CMC 1260∙CMC 1280∙CMC 12M31∙CMC 1380∙CMC 2∙CMC 2000∙CMC 2260∙CMC 3000∙CMC 3M5T∙CMC 41A∙CMC 4H1∙CMC 4M6∙CMC 50∙CMC 7A∙CMC 7H∙CMC 7H3SF∙CMC 7H3SX∙CMC 7H4F∙CMC 7HF∙CMC 7HOF∙CMC 7HX4∙CMC 7L1∙CMC 7LD∙CMC 7LF∙CMC 7M∙CMC 7M31CFPH ∙CMC 7MC∙CMC 7MF∙CMC 7MT∙CMC 9H4∙CMC CS 800∙CMC Daicel∙CMC Daicel 1110 ∙CMC Daicel 1120 ∙CMC Daicel 1130 ∙CMC Daicel 1150 ∙CMC Daicel 1170∙CMC Daicel 1180∙CMC Daicel 1190∙CMC Daicel 1201∙CMC Daicel 1205∙CMC Daicel 1208∙CMC Daicel 1220∙CMC Daicel 1260∙CMC Daicel 1290∙CMC Daicel 1310∙CMC Daicel 1330∙CMC Daicel 1350∙CMC Daicel 1380∙CMC Daicel 2000∙CMC Daicel 2200∙CMC Daicel 2280∙CMC sodium salt∙CMC-CLT∙CMC-D 72∙CM-Cellulose 600∙CM-cellulose Na∙CM-cellulose Na salt∙CM-Cellulose sodium salt ∙CMC-H 6∙CMC-TSB 46∙Collowel∙Copagel PB 25∙Courbose F75∙Courlose 850∙Courlose A 590∙Courlose A 610∙Courlose A 650∙Courlose F 1000G∙Courlose F 20∙Courlose F 20G∙Courlose F 350∙Courlose F 370∙Courlose F 4∙Courlose F 75P∙Courlose F 8∙Courlose F 8P∙Courlose SCMC F 20∙Courlose Z 608∙Covagel∙Daicel 1102∙Daicel 1105∙Daicel 1120∙Daicel 1130∙Daicel 1140∙Daicel 1150∙Daicel 1160∙Daicel 1170∙Daicel 1180∙Daicel 1190∙Daicel 1193∙Daicel 1201∙Daicel 1207∙Daicel 1240∙Daicel 1280∙Daicel 1290∙Daicel 1330∙Daicel 1350∙Daicel 1390∙Daicel 2170∙Daicel 2253∙Daicel 2280∙Daicel 2340∙Daicel 3043∙Daicel 3403∙Daicel 5380∙Daicel F 500∙Dehydazol∙DIKO∙Dissolvo∙DKS Fine Gum HE ∙DKS Fine Gum HEL 3 ∙DKS Fine Gum HE-S ∙DKS Fine Gum SA-M ∙DP 31∙Drispac Plus∙Drispac Regular∙DTE-NV∙DWP 311∙ E 466∙Edifas B∙Ethoxose∙ F 1400LC∙ F 20LC∙ F 5A∙ F 7A∙FF 10∙FF 30∙Fine Gum G 1∙Fine Gum HE∙Fine Gum HE 600∙Fine Gum HEL∙Fine Gum HEL 3∙Fine Gum HES∙Fine Gum HESK∙Fine Gum HESS∙Fine Gum HFL∙Fine Gum LV∙Fine Gum LV 2∙Fine Gum MC 8∙Fine Gum SA 2L∙Fine Gum SA 3L∙Fine Gum SA-H∙Fine Gum SA-L∙Fine Gum SA-M∙Fine Gum SH∙Fine Gum SH 20∙Fine Gum SP 1∙Fine Gum SP 150∙Finnfix∙Finnfix 10∙Finnfix 150∙Finnfix 2000∙FinnFix 30∙Finnfix 300∙Finnfix 4000∙Finnfix 4000P∙Finnfix 5∙Finnfix 5.0∙Finnfix BDA∙Finnfix BW∙Finnfix BX∙Finnfix F 4∙Finnfix FF 5∙Finnfix WRH∙F-SL∙FT 1∙FT 1 (cellulose derivative) ∙FT 3∙FT 3 (binder)∙FVH 6∙Gabrosa PA 186∙Gabrosa PA 386∙Gabrosa PA 947∙Gabrosa PAC-EHP∙Glikocel AS∙Glikocel AS 2∙Glikocel AS 30∙Glikocel AS 60∙Glikocel TA∙H 110∙H 110 (cellulose)∙H 921∙Hi Vis Cellex∙Honest gum∙Honest Gum FDM∙Horsil NV-U∙HP 7T∙HP 8A guar∙HPC-MFP∙IH 6∙IH 8∙IM 8∙IM 8 (polysaccharide) ∙Jelocel AS 30∙Kiccolate∙Kiccolate HC-GR∙Kiccolate P 2005A∙Kiccolate ULV∙Kiprogum M 800A∙KMTs∙KMTs 212∙KMTs 300∙KMTs 500∙KMTs 600∙KMTs 75/400∙KMTs 85/700∙KMTs 900∙L 3600∙L 3600 (polysaccharide) ∙LC Kote∙Lignin ML∙Lovosa∙Lovosa 20alk.∙Lovosa T 20∙Lovosa TN∙Lovosa TS 20∙Lucel∙Lucel (polysaccharide)∙Majol PLX∙Marpolose∙Mavibond CPA 2000∙Mavibond CPA 3000∙Modocoll 1200∙NATRIUM-CARBOXYMETHYL-CELLULOSE ∙Needs Gum DM∙Nikka Gum C 150∙Nikka Gum C 170∙Nikka Gum C 66R∙Nikka Gum M 47∙Nikka Gum MA 44∙Niklacell T 100∙Niklacell T 30∙Niklacell T 50∙NS 300∙Nymcel∙Nymcel S∙Nymcel SLC-T∙Nymcel ZSB∙Nymcel ZSB 10∙Nymcel ZSB 16∙Nymcel ZSF 23∙OK 2∙Optapix C 1000G∙Optapix C 12G∙Optapix KG 6∙Orabase∙Palsgaard 7409∙Parasolv 30∙PE 29XLX3∙Peridur 3002∙Perilan CMC∙Phricolat RT 20∙PM 6∙PM 6 (cellulose derivative)∙Politsell SK 1∙Politsell-KMTs 9S∙Pollocet As 2/60∙Polofix LV∙Polyfibron 120∙Procell CMC 813LZR∙PSW 3∙Quellax C 25S∙Relatin∙Relatin U 300S9∙S 75M∙San Rose A 10SHG∙Sanwet IN 30∙Sarcell TEL∙SCMC∙Sel de sodium de l'ether carboxymethylique de la cellulose ∙Serofin K 60∙Serogel∙Serogel LE 95∙Serogel N 60∙SG Cellogen 7A∙SG Cellogen FSB∙SG Cellogen PR∙SG Cellogen WSC∙SGAG Gum HE 2∙SG-AG-HE 300∙SGLC Coat 2∙Sichozell∙SNIACE-S 2000∙Sodium carboxylatomethyl cellulose∙SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSE∙Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose ether∙Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose salt∙Sodium carmellose∙Sodium cellulose glycolate∙SODIUM CMC∙Sodium CM-cellulose∙Sodium glycolate cellulose∙SPP 15∙Sunrose∙Sunrose A 01H∙Sunrose A 01MC∙Sunrose A 02SH∙Sunrose A 04SH∙Sunrose A 10MC∙Sunrose A 50MC∙Sunrose Alosh∙Sunrose AOIL∙Sunrose APP 100∙Sunrose APP 84∙Sunrose B 1B∙Sunrose B 2B∙Sunrose F 01MC∙Sunrose F 100MC∙Sunrose F 10LC∙Sunrose F 10MC∙Sunrose F 1400MC∙Sunrose F 300HC∙Sunrose F 30HC∙Sunrose F 30LC∙Sunrose F 30MC∙Sunrose F 50MC∙Sunrose FT 1∙Sunrose FT 2∙Sunrose FT 3∙Sunrose GK 91∙Sunrose MAC 1054∙Sunrose PNO 5A∙Sunrose SLD F1∙Sunrose SN 05L∙Sunrose SN 20A∙Sunrose SN 30C∙T 50∙T 50 (cellulose derivative) ∙Telcellose TE-DS∙Telpolymer 13∙Telpolymer 30∙Tylopur C 10000∙Tylopur C 10000P2∙Tylopur C 30G1∙Tylopur C 600∙Tylose 666∙Tylose C∙Tylose C 10000∙Tylose C 1000P∙Tylose C 20∙Tylose C 30∙Tylose C 300∙Tylose C 600∙Tylose C 6000G1∙Tylose CB 200∙Tylose CBR 10000∙Tylose CBR 10000G1∙Tylose CBR 200∙Tylose CBR 400∙Tylose CBS 30∙Tylose CBS 70∙Tylose Chimcell 10G∙Tylose CP 1500W∙Tylose CR 1500G2∙Tylose CR 1500P∙Tylose CR 50∙Tylose DKL∙Tylose K 30∙Tylose KN 25∙Unisol RH∙V 25∙V 25 (cellulose derivative) ∙Viscol CM 400∙Viscol CM 60∙VPZS 1∙Walocel 40000∙Walocel C∙Walocel CRT 10.000∙Walocel CRT 10.000P ∙Walocel CRT 100∙Walocel CRT 1000∙Walocel CRT 10000GA ∙Walocel CRT 10000PA ∙Walocel CRT 30∙Walocel CRT 30000PA ∙Walocel CRT 30GA∙Walocel CRT 30PA/GA ∙Walocel CRT 30PA/PG ∙Walocel CRT 40.000∙Walocel CRT 5847∙Walocel VP-C 2204G∙Walocel VP-C 2427∙Walsroder CMC∙YO-EH∙YO-LYO-M。
1--Riley Morton coming up now.赖利·莫顿上场2--Kelly at second. Started the inning with a double.之后是凯利开局就是个漂亮的双杀3--That seems like an hour ago.局势看起来跟一小时前一样4--- Honey, I thought you were gonna take out the garbage. - I am.-亲爱的你不是要倒垃圾嘛-是的5--High fly to right. Hooking, hooking- Foul.右侧高飞球曲线飞出界外球6--- Phil. - Yes. Getting it.-菲尔-收到马上去7--I was- I was gonna get it.我本来马上就要去倒的8--- Dylan. - Hey, Mrs. Dunphy.-迪兰-你好邓菲太太9--Um, I'm just waiting for Haley.我在等海莉10--- Did you ring the bell? - I texted.-你按门铃了吗-我给她发短信了11--She said she'd be down in just a minute.她说她马上就下来12--- Oh, great. Tell her I said "Hi." - I will.-那好替我向她问好-没问题13--Dylan! D-Money!迪兰迪迪仔14--Chillin' with Dylan the villain!古惑小迪仔快乐摇又摆15--- "D" To the "Y" To the- - Hey, Mr. Dunphy.-小迪的迪迪兰的兰-邓菲先生16--Hey! Come on in.快进来17--You're just in time to catch the end of the game.你刚好赶上看比赛结果18--Oh, I'm not really a baseball guy.我实在对棒球无爱19--Haley says "Hi."海莉也向你问好20--I was just being facetious. 我刚刚是开玩笑的啦21--Come on. I'll catch you up.来叔跟你说说赛况22--Sit it. Park it.坐下速度点23--Come on. I don't bite.放轻松人家又不会吃了你24--Kidding.逗你玩儿25--I'm kidding.逗你玩的啦26--Okay. See that guy? He's the tying run.看到那家伙了吗就是他把比分拉平的27--Interesting story about him.特别有趣的是28--He's been stuck on second base forever,他一直被困在"二垒"那一步29--and I'm pretty sure he's gonna try and steal third,我敢说他要试着偷上"三垒"了30--which is just a terrible, terrible idea.我觉得这是个馊主意31--How are you and Haley doing?你跟海莉上到几垒了32--I wish I could stay home with you and fly toy airplanes.我真希望能跟你一起宅在家玩玩具飞机33--These aren't toy airplanes, Manny.这可不是玩具飞机曼尼34--These are models, and they're very complicated.这叫模型非常复杂的玩意儿35--You wanna fly one of these, you gotta be familiar with airfoil,要想成功让它飞起来就必须了解螺旋桨36--drag, lift and thrust-拉你空气浮力和推力等等37--and these are all principles of aerodynamics.全都是航空动力学的基本原理38--The box says "12 and up."可盒子上写着"适宜12岁及以上人群"39--What?什么40--You can fly toy planes with Jay next time.下次你再跟杰一起玩飞机41--- Today you have To spend time with Luke. - Why?-今天你得跟卢克待在一起-为啥啊42--Because his mother invited you, so you go.因为他妈邀请你去所以你就得去43--Family needs to be close. Right, Jay?家庭成员间需要亲密相处对吧杰44--I'm pretty sure this is a typo.这肯定是印刷错误45--Men need their hobbies. Manny's father had many hobbies.男人得有点爱好曼尼他亲爹可有一大堆46--Like hiking in the desert,比如沙漠徒步旅行47--that kind of skiing that they drop you from the-还有从那什么玩意儿上蹦下来滑雪的那个48--How do you say in English?那玩意儿用英语怎么说来着49--- Helicopter. - Yes.-直升机-没错50--Once, on a dare, he even boxed with an alligator.有一次他被人激将竟然跟鳄鱼打拳击51--Wrestle. You wrestle-那叫格斗格斗52--You can't box with alligators.跟鳄鱼可打不了拳击53--Are you sure?你确定吗54--How would they get the gloves on those little claws?就它们那小爪子怎么戴得上拳击手套55--- Aren't they like tiny little hands? - No!-看起来不像小手手吗-像个屁56--Okay, now I forgot what we're talking about.好吧现在我都忘了我们刚刚在说什么了57--Anyways, hobbies are important for the men,不管怎样对爷们儿来说兴趣爱好很重要58--whether you're risking your life...无论是以命相赌的惊险爱好59--or flying little planes from a safe distance.或是离得远远地玩小飞机都一样60--Wait, wait, wait. What are you doing?等等这是要去哪儿61--Uh, we're just gonna buy some diapers. It'll just take a second.我们得去买点尿布几分钟就好62--- This is Costco. - Yeah, which is where we buy diapers.-是好市多超市哎-没错就是买尿布的地方啊63--Since when?什么时候开始的64--Do you remember when we adopted that baby a few months back?你还记得几个月前我们收养了个孩子吗65--Since then.就从那时起66--Mitchell is a snob.米奇尔是个势利小人67--No. N-No, I-I'm discerning.才不是人家那叫有见识68--Official slogan for snobs.势利小人的常用借口69--When we first met, he wouldn't even look at me...我们第一次见面时他都没正眼瞧过我70--because I was a hick from the farm in Missouri,因为我只是一个密苏里来的乡巴佬71--and he's a big city mouse.而他却是个城市佬72--Who says "City mouse"?谁会说"城市佬"这个词73--Country mice.与乡巴佬对应嘛74--- I think I'm gonna go wait in the car. - Okay.-我还是去车里等吧-好的75--Hey, if you're on your way out, can you grab the garbage?你出去时能顺手把垃圾给倒了吗76--- I got it. - Okay. we got it.-我已经倒了-那好用不着你了77--- He's a little jumpy. - Oh, go figure--他有点坐不住啊-你想想看78--a teenage boy doesn't want to hang out with his girlfriend's dad.哪个小男生想跟女朋友老爹一块玩儿79--Thought we were past all that.我以为我们的关系早超越那个了80--I'm all about-我还想81--- I'm all about taking it to the next level. - Really?-跟他培养超亲密关系呢-是吗82--- thought you were all about keeping it real. - Yes.-我还以为你会踏实点呢-本来也是83--But the whole point of keeping it real is但是做得踏实一点84--so you can take it to the next level.也是为了能发展超亲密关系85--Did you really not know that?你是真不明白吗86--You haven't exactly taken it to the next level with my dad.你跟我爸可没有发展超亲密关系呢87--What are you talking about?你在瞎说什么啊88--We've been married for 16 years,我们都结婚16年了89--and you still walk on eggshells around him.你在我爸身边还畏畏缩缩的放不开90--What? Are you kidding?什么开什么玩笑啊91--Jay and I are total buds.我跟杰那可是铁哥们儿92--You-You want to just hang out?你只是想找个伴出去玩玩吗93--Brought six friends, so that just-我带上了6个好哥们儿[啤酒] 所以94--That's-就是...95--Manny brought his favorite game to play with Luke.曼尼把他最喜欢的桌游带来跟卢克一起玩96--It's called Empire.叫帝国时代97--You use strategy to expand territories and take over the world.玩家要运用策略攻城掠地一统天下98--Luke is gonna love that. He's out back playing.卢克会爱死这游戏的他正在后院玩呢99--Do you need me to get you something while I'm out shopping?我要出去买东西需要给你带点什么回来吗100--That's such a nice offer, but I think we're good. Thanks.多谢好意了不过用不着多谢101--Okay. What about this?你看这样如何102--You don't even say "Hello" To Gloria and Manny?你都不跟歌洛莉亚和曼尼打招呼的吗103--Hi, Gloria and Manny. Okay, Mom, what about this?嗨歌洛莉亚和曼尼妈到底怎么样104--- No. You're wearing a dress. - Mom, come on.-不行必须穿裙子-妈拜托105--What? It's gonna kill you to look like a girl for one afternoon?怎么啦今天一下午穿得像个女孩会死吗106--But it's a wedding for some friend of yours I never even heard of.要结婚的可是你的朋友虽然我完全没听说过107--It's non-negotiable. You can borrow a dress of Haley's again.没得商量裙子你可以再去跟海莉借108--No. 才不要109--That sends an ugly message- that I'm Haley.那会让人错以为我是不争气的海莉110--You know, instead of trying to force me to wear a dress,比起逼着我穿裙子111--why don't you worry about getting Luke to wear some pants?你是不是更该操心怎么让卢克穿裤子112--What? Why does he do this?什么他这是要闹哪样113--Luke!卢克114--Pants! Come on!拜托快穿裤子115--Jay and I are buds, for sure-我跟杰真是铁哥们儿真的116--but with kind of, um, an invisible asterisk.但我们的亲密关系外界看不出来117--Um, he's not, uh- He's not a talker.他嘛不是很爱说话118--Or-Or a hugger.也不喜欢拥抱119--Once he ran over my foot with his car.有一次他开车碾过我的脚120--To-To be fair, he had just given up smoking,不过说实话那时他刚戒烟很烦躁121--but basically we're-we're buds.但基本上我们绝对是铁哥们儿122--Do you have to just stand there?你非得在那傻站着吗123--You're making me feel uneasy.你这样弄得我很不自在124--Oh, for God's sake. Sit here. Here.老天啊你就坐那吧125--Hold this wing like this while I adjust this.像这样扶住机翼我要调下这边126--Okay.好的127--Come on. Here.过来坐这儿128--Not too hard.不要太用力129--Alex, why don't you come shopping with me?艾丽克斯何不跟我购物去呢130--Maybe I can help you find something that you like.也许我能帮你找到些你喜欢的东西131--That's a really nice offer, but it's not really her thing.多谢你的好意了但她不怎么喜好逛街132--Actually, I'd love to go.实际上我挺想去的133--See, you don't know what my thing is.老实说你完全不知道我的喜好是什么134--You have no idea what my thing is.你对我的喜好一无所知135--I know what your thing is.我知道得非常清楚136--Your thing is to provoke, just like your sister's thing...你就爱激怒老娘发火你姐呢137--is to never come out of her room, 就是一天到晚宅在房里138--and your brother's thing-而你那个老弟呢139--Well, there's your brother's thing.就好这一口140--Luke! Put 'em on! Mm-hmm.卢克快穿上裤子141--The thing about me and Jay is our relationship's...我跟杰的关系存在的问题就是...142--always been stuck in that,总是停滞不前143--that primal place where it started.总在原地踏步144--You know, he's the old silverback protecting his females,你懂的他就像个护雌的银背大猩猩145--then along comes this younger, stronger gorilla swinging in, 一旦有一只更年轻力壮的猩猩进入族群146--beating his chest.把老的那只打败了147--You know, naturally, the ape ladies come running,你懂的很自然的那些雌猩猩就会148--presenting their nice scarlet behinds.投怀送抱求勾搭求包养149--Papa ape wants to stop all that, but he can't.猩猩爸爸想要阻止但办不到150--You know? That's-That's life. I'm not the enemy.你明白吗生命规律就是那样的我不是敌人151--The enemy is poachers.偷猎者才是152--That'll do it. Don't touch it.好了别碰153--All right.好吧154--- you wanna go fly it? - Sure.-一起玩飞机去吗-好啊155--Oh. Hey, I got the toothpaste and the soap.我拿了牙膏和香皂156--Good. Now we can open that general store.真棒现在我们都能开杂货店了157--I thought we were just here to get diapers.我还以为我们只是来买尿布的呢158--We had a saying on the farm:农场里有句俗话流传很广159--as long as you're bringing the mule to the market, you-既然已经把骡子拉到集市上...160--I feel you rolling your eyes at me.我感觉到你在对我翻白眼161--We met at one of Pepper's legendary game nights.我们是在胡娇组织的一次传奇游戏夜上相识的162--I remember Mitchell because 我对米奇尔有印象是因为163--he kept rolling his eyes every time I would get a little boisterous.每当我兴奋地喊叫他就冲我翻白眼164--I did not.我才没有165--A little bit.有一点儿哦166--Yeah, maybe a little bit.好吧或许吧167--Anyway, we were- we were playing charades,总之我们在玩字谜游戏时168--and I had no idea how to act out my clue.我不知道该怎么把线索用手势表演出来169--And all I could think of to do was-我只能想到这么来比划170--And without missing a beat, Cam says-而小卡立马就回答到171--Casablanca.卡萨布兰卡172--- all I Did was This- - Casablanca.-我就这么比划了下-卡萨布兰卡173--Casablanca.卡萨布兰卡174--Can we just please get the diapers and get out of here?我们能不能只拿尿布买单闪人175--Fine, but I wanna stop by the wine section first.没问题不过我想先去瞧瞧酒水区176--Wait. There's a wine section?等等这儿居然有酒水区177--Yeah, a really good one- just past the tires.当然挺棒的就在轮胎区后面178--No way. They do not have- Oh, my God.不可能他们才没有... 天呐179--Oh, my- Cam. Cam. The paper shredder I wanted.天啊小卡是我想要的那种碎纸机耶180--Huh? Confetti and crosscut.瞧瞧五彩纸屑还能横切181--Yep.棒182--Oh, my God. Amazing.老天啊好满足呀183--Yeah.是啊184--Cam, what is this place?小卡这地方叫什么185--Those cookies smell like heaven. Your own recipe?此香只应天上有是你的独家秘方吗186--No, I just throw 'em in the oven.不我只是随便丢进烤箱烤烤罢了187--And added the secret ingredient of caring?但加了爱心作为神秘配料对吧188--Sure.没错189--So, you and Luke having a good time?你跟卢克玩得开心吗190--I don't know. He won't come out of his box.我也不知道他不愿意把头上的盒子拿掉191--Maybe I'll just stay here and spend some time with my sister.也许我可以待在这儿跟姐姐聊会儿天192--Oh, right. I guess technically I would be your stepsister.对噢好像严格说来我是你继姐哦193--My mother says we are never to use the word "Step"我妈不让我们说"继"字儿194--Because it means "Not real."因为那意味着不是真的195--And we are a real family. Mmm.而我们是个真正意义上的家庭196--So what is the matter, Claire?有什么问题吗克莱尔197--- What? - you seem sad.-什么-你看起来不大高兴啊198--It's just stuff with Alex.让艾丽克斯给气饱了199--You know, kid stuff.小孩子的问题你懂的200--Kids.小孩子201--You don't have to tell me. My school is full of them.别跟我提孩子我学校里一堆小屁孩202--I was thinking after lunch we can go and do a little shopping.我想午饭后我们能一起去逛街203--I'm not getting a dress.我可不会买裙子的204--I don't care. I'm not your mother.我才不管我又不是你妈205--I know. You're my grandmother.我知道你是我外婆嘛206--Step-grandmother.继--外婆207--Anyways, today, think of me as a girlfriend.不管怎么说今天就把我当成你的闺蜜208--Two girls out for an afternoon of fun.午后时光两个小闺蜜一起找点乐子209--What do you usually do with your girlfriends?你一般跟你的闺蜜们干什么呢210--I don't know. We go out. We talk, drink wine.不一定逛街啊八卦啊喝酒啊211--- Can I drink wine? - No.-我能喝酒吗-没门儿212--Some friend.真"够朋友"213--Well, you can still talk to me about anything.你可以跟我聊聊天啊什么话题都行214--Yeah, adults always say that, but they don't mean it.大人们都这么说但都是口是心非215--When my mom says I can ask her anything, 每次我妈说我想问什么都行216--I really can't.其实根本不行217--She just freaks out.我的问题直接把她逼疯218--I won't freak out. Shoot.我不会被逼疯的放心说吧219--Okay.那好220--How many men have you slept with?你跟几个男人上过床221--Eight. Next.8个下个问题222--- Now Can I try it? - No.-我能试试吗-不行223--I should get one of those. I've always loved planes.我也应该买一个我爱死飞机了224--If things had gone a little differently in my life,如果上天能给我一次重来的机会225--I think I would have been a pilot.我可能是个飞行员226--Hey, what would happen if you turned the remote off如果把遥控开关关了227--and then back on real fast?然后又马上打开会发生什么事呢228--Yeah, you'd have been a great pilot.你还真是个当飞行员的"好料子"229--So, can you do a- Can you do a loop-de-loop?那个你能来个空中大回旋吗230--If I wanted to.只要我想就行231--No way! Can I try it?不是吧能让我试试吗232--No.不行233--I can see why you like this. It's so peaceful.我知道你为什么爱玩飞机了能修身养性234--It's like the whole world just... disappears out here.就像世界的纷纷扰扰全不见了一样235--- I remember this one summer- - I'll tell you what.-我还记得有年夏天-我跟你说236--There's another trick called "Threading the needle."我还会个绝招叫"穿针引线"237--I used to do it with Claire and Mitch when they were kids.克莱尔和米奇还小的时候我常做给他们看238--- You wanna try it? - How's it go?-想看看吗-要怎么弄239--You grab one of those hoops over there...从那边拿个圈圈240--and go to the far, far, far end of the field...然后走到很远很远很远的地方241--and stand there, and I fly the plane through it.站着别动我会让飞机从圈圈里钻过去242--Um, that sounds awesome!听起来真酷243--- And then I get a chance flying it? - No.-然后我也能试下吗-不行244--Okay.好吧245--How's this?这儿行不246--Not far enough. Go on.不够远再站远点247--- Okay. Further down. - You can't go too far.-好的-越远越好248--Right. Okay, I get it. I get it.好的我懂的249--- How's this? - Good.-站这儿行不-挺好250--Now stand still. Don't move.站好了千万别动251--Okay, let's do it. Whoo!好的来吧252--Whoo! I love it!太酷了我喜欢253--I love... it!我就喜欢254--You drove a plane into my face.你拿飞机爆了我的头255--You must have moved. I told you to stay still.肯定是你动了我说了不许动的256--- I didn't move. - Try not to talk.-人家才没动-闭嘴257--I want to make sure nothing's broken.我先检查一下飞机有没有坏258--Alex and I can't just disagree.我跟艾丽克斯不止是意见不能统一259--I mean, she has to turn everything into a fight.她还总能把事儿闹大260--Hmm. A strong, independent woman.独立的女强人嘛261--Sounds like somebody else I know.听上去跟我认识的另外一个人一样262--I was never hostile though.但我从来都没有恶意263--I mean, this whole thing with the dress-我的意思是关于穿裙子的问题264--Never had this problem with Haley.海莉可从来不这样265--Maybe Alex doesn't want to compete with her big sister.也许艾丽克斯只是不想被拿来跟她姐比266--Maybe she's trying to create her own identity.或许她只是想做独一无二的自己267--Put her in a dress, and she disappears.一旦她穿上裙子她的独特之处就消失了268--For one afternoon?就一下午都不行吗269--I wouldn't give up being myself for even one second.要让我放弃做自己哪怕一秒钟都不行270--Sometimes it's hard to remember you're only 10 years old.有时候真不敢相信你才10岁271--- And three-quarters. - Yeah.-10岁零9个月-好吧272--Hey, it's Mitchell. Do you guys eat olives?我是米奇尔你们要吃橄榄吗273--Olives?橄榄吗274--- Really good olives? - Yeah.-特棒的橄榄要吗-好啊275--You got it.那我给你带了啊276--Mitchell, I found the diapers. They're over here.米奇尔我找到尿布在哪了就在那277--Cameron, guess what I found?卡梅隆你猜猜我发现到什么了278--Coffins.棺材279--They sell baby formula and they sell coffins.他们既卖婴幼儿奶粉又卖棺材280--You can buy literally buy你简直可以买到281--everything you need from birth to death.从你出生到去世需要用到的一切东西282--Oh, my God. Look at these diapers.苍天大地啊看看这些尿布283--Look how cheap they are!真便宜284--Oh. You know what we should do?你知道我们应该怎么做吗285--We should get enough for the next year or two, right?我们应该买够一两年用的对不286--Where would we keep them?那我们把它放哪呢287--- They sell sheds. - Really?-他们正好也卖棚子嘛-真的吗288--You want to buy a diaper shed?你真要买个堆放尿布的棚吗289--We're those guys now? The guys with a diaper shed?我们要变成家里盖有尿布棚的家伙了对吗290--Just grab two more.再拿两包291--I'm not grabbing two more, Mitchell.我才不要米奇尔292--It's time to go.我们该走了293--Come on, come on. We need, uh- Hey, excuse me.淡定嘛我们得...不好意思294--- where Did you get that flatbed thing? - Over there.-你从哪找的平板车-就在那边295--- go grab one of those. - Really?-我们也去弄一辆-不是吧你296--Yeah. Get two.当然了两辆才够297--I'm in the applesauce aisle.我在苹果酱那排等你298--So, anyways, 不管怎么说299--after charades, we went out for coffee.猜字谜游戏之后我们一起去喝咖啡了300--And I learned that he loves art.然后我了解到他喜欢艺术301--He plays the piano. He speaks French.他会弹钢琴还会说法语302--- Un peu. - you see?-略懂-听见没303--I-I misjudged him.我对他的第一印象完全不靠谱304--Yeah, I'm sort of like Costco.没错我就跟好市多卖场一样305--I'm big, I'm not fancy, and I dare you to not like me.我身躯庞大土里土气但引人迷恋306--Yeah, and I'm kinda more like that, um-没错而我就更像是那个...307--What is the name of that little shop we went to in Paris?我们在巴黎逛的那个小店叫什么来着308--You are such a snob.你个势利小人309--Casablanca.卡萨布兰卡310--I have a small flower on my ankle...我脚脖子上纹了朵小花311--and a tiny little butterfly on my... thigh.还纹了一只小蝴蝶在我的大腿上312--How high up?大腿根部吗313--- Pretty high. - Did you do it To look sexy?-靠近"中心地带" -你是为了性感才纹的吗314--No- - Did you do it for a guy? Does Grandpa like it?不你是为男人纹的吗我外公喜欢吗315--No, no and yes.否否是316--That's gross恶心317--- Let's go back to your piercings. - No, no, no.-继续说说你的耳洞吧-才不要318--I've answered enough of your questions.我回答了这么多问题319--Now it's your turn to answer one.现在轮到你来回答一个了320--What is it?什么问题321--Why you don't want to wear a dress?你为什么不想穿裙子322--Because I don't want to look like Haley and her stupid friends.因为我不想穿得像海莉和她那帮蠢伴一样323--I wear dresses and I don't look like Haley.我也穿裙子我也不像海莉啊324--You are Haley, just 40 years older.你就是海莉40年后的版本325--- Ten. - Twenty.-10年后的-20年后的326--Deal. Alex, why are you fighting me on this?好吧艾丽克斯这你也要跟我吵吗327--Just- It doesn't matter if I dress up.其实穿裙子也没什么大不了的328--I'm not pretty like Haley and you.只是我没有你跟海莉那么漂亮329--- That's ridiculous! You're beautiful. - I'm not.-胡扯你美翻了-才不是330--But that's okay. I'm the smart one.不过没关系我聪明过人331--The cute busboy doesn't know that you're smart.那个帅哥服务员可不知道你的智商多高332--What?什么333--He's been smiling at you every time he comes to the table.他每次过来续杯都冲你微笑示意334--He does not!才没有335--Why do you think we are the only people with bread?要不然你以为他为何就给我们上了面包呢336--Look. One day you're going to want to date a cute guy like that.听着有一天你也会想跟那样的帅小伙约会337--And when that day comes, you're going to want to look beautiful,等到那时候你也会希望自己光彩动人338--and then you'll wear a dress.那时你就会穿裙子了339--So, you ever kiss another girl?那你亲过女生吗340--That's no way to talk to your grandmother.跟外婆可不能这么说话341--Was my mom hard on me growing up? 我成长过程中我妈对我严苛吗342--Yeah, she was.是绝对是343--But you know what? Back then但是你知道吗当时344--everything was Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem.贝蒂·弗莱顿和格洛莉亚·斯坦正火着呢345--They didn't understand-她们都不明白...346--- Hola! We're back. - Hello.-我们回来了哟-好啊347--- Hey, how'd it go? - It was great.-逛得咋样啊-非常棒348--- Did you have fun with Luke? - Well, not--你跟卢克玩得开心吗-这个嘛349--We had a great time.我们姐弟俩谈得很开心350--Alex, I've been thinking, and...艾丽克斯我想过了351--if you don't want to wear a dress to the wedding,你不想穿裙子参加婚礼352--it's not the end of the world.也没什么大不了的353--It's all right. I bought one.没关系我买了一条354--Do you see how she has to provoke me?现在你看到她是怎么气我的了吗355--We'll talk about it next week.我们下周再聊这个话题356--Claire!克莱尔357--Clear the way. Coming through. Ow!让开道进来358--Coming through. Easy. Easy, fella. Ow!小心点注意伙计359--- I need to rest my face. - You're fine.-我的脸得好好歇歇了-你没事的360--You'll be all right. Hang on.你会没事的坚持住361--- Oh, my God! - Get the door.-老天啊-进家门了362--Ah! Dad?爸363--Little accident. Nothing big.小事故没啥大不了的364--- I was in a plane crash. - What happened?-是飞机失事啦-发生什么事了365--We were threading the needle, and somebody moved.我们正在玩穿针引线那一招有人动了366--No, I didn't. You did it on purpose.哪有人家才没有你是故意的367--That's the painkiller talking.他吃了止痛药说胡话呢368--He's a little loopy.他有点晕乎乎的369--- How bad is it? - Well, the wing is cracked,-到底有多严重-机翼裂了370--- the propeller's bent, but I can- I can- - I mean Phil.-螺旋桨也折了但我-我指菲尔371--- I was in a plane crash. - Thanks, Dad.-飞机失事了-真"谢谢"你了爸372--I didn't ask him to be there. He insisted.我又没让他站那他非得去373--He took a chance. This is what happened.他非要冒险就这样而已374--Kind of like the time you ran over his foot.就像你上次开车轧他脚一样375--You ran over his foot?你轧过他的脚吗376--- that was an accident. - you know, Dad, you Did it on purpose.-意外而已-爸你明明是故意的377--We all saw the tire marks on the lawn.我们都看到草坪上的轮胎印了378--I had just quit smoking.我那会儿刚戒烟嘛379--See, you're upsetting your husband.瞧你说得你老公心烦意乱了380--- Water. - I'll get it.-水-我去拿381--Ay. You okay?你还好吧382--Gloria! Thank God you're here.歌洛莉亚谢谢老天爷你在这383--Don't worry. I'm here too.别担心我也在这儿384--Who's this?你是谁啊385--Wasn't my fault.不是我的错386--I have seen you thread the needle a million times.我见你玩过无数次"穿针引线"那一招387--You never miss.你从来没失过手388--Yeah. I must be getting old.没错我大概是宝刀已老389--Why don't you just admit it? You never liked Phil.你为什么就不愿承认呢你不喜欢菲尔390--Put that down. You do not get a cookie.放下才不给你吃曲奇饼呢391--I like Phil.我喜欢菲尔392--It's just that sometimes he tries too hard, you know?只是有时他有点太刻意讨好我了你懂吗393--And it's just kind of- irritating.实在有点惹人生气394--Okay, maybe he tries too hard好吧也许他过于刻意讨好395--because you make zero effort with him.因为你从来不主动和他亲近396--You know what? In the 16 years that we've been married,你知道吗在我跟他结婚的16年里397--have you one time told him that you liked him?你有跟他说过一次你喜欢他吗398--- not in those exact words, No. - No.-我只是没明确说"喜欢"二字嘛-才不是399--Not in any words, Dad. 你什么都没说过爸400--How do you think that makes me feel?你知道那让我心里多难过吗401--You've never told your son that you love him?你从没告诉过你的孩子你爱他吗402--Whoa, whoa. When did we jump to love?等等等等什么时候上升到爱的高度了403--And he's technically not my son.而且准确地说他又不是我的孩子404--- Ah. So that means that you don't love Manny either? - Sure, I do.-那就是说你也不爱曼尼吗-当然爱405--I mean, believe me, when I was in that park,相信我当我刚刚在公园玩飞机时406--I really wished Manny was there.我真希望曼尼跟我一起407--For what?为什么408--So that you could fly the plane into his head? Huh?那样你就可以用飞机爆他头了是吗409--Dad, thanks so much for bringing Phil home.爸多谢你能把菲尔送回家410--I found one of your little flaps in his hair. So-我在他头发里发现了你机翼的碎片411--Actually, this is called an aileron.实际上这是副翼的碎片412--- It controls... - because that's what matters right now.-用来保持...-现在重要的是菲尔才对吧413--Bye, Dad.爸请你离开414--- Hey, Phil. - Jay.-菲尔-杰415--What are you, made of china?你是陶瓷做的吗416--Phil, I just want you to know I'm sorry.菲尔我只想让你明白我的歉意417--And whether I, uh, missed or you moved-不管是因为我失手了还是你动了418--- I didn't. - either way.-我才没动-都好419--I just want to say that I like you.我只想让你知道我喜欢你420--- Really? - Yeah.-真的吗-必须的421--What do you like about me?那你能说说喜欢人家什么地方吗422--You're a nice guy.你是个好人423--Try real hard.非常努力424--I do.没错425--And you're a good dad.你还是个好父亲426--Hey, I'm a good dad. Come here.我是个好父亲快来427--Come here, you.让我熊抱一个428--This feels so right.感觉真棒429--What's going on?什么情况430--There was a little accident,发生了一点小意外431--but Jay's telling Phil how much he loves him.不过杰在对菲尔表明爱意432--Oh. Well, that's nice for Phil.好吧菲尔走运了433--That's great,真好434--since he's never said anything like that to my boyfriend.他可从来没对我男人表现过爱意呢435--- Let it go. - No, it's not okay.-别提了-不行我气不过436--No, Mitch is right. Go in there too, Cam. Come on.不米奇说的对小卡你也去抱抱437--You're kidding.开什么玩笑438--- Jay! - I'm gonna get this.-杰-我来吧439--- Come on in, Cam. - Just a little hug.-来吧小卡-就抱一小下。
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系列自动转换开关技术参数表 系列自动转换开关主要性能、控制
四位置工作状态a.“自动”操作b.强制在“常用”电源(或电网电源)c.强制在“备用”电源(或发电电源)d.“停止”(均关闭)自动控制器状态指示合闸、分闸、故障跳闸欠电压50%~90%额定电压,用户可调65%、75%、85%额定电压,用户可调过电压105%~120%额定电压,制造厂可调115%额定电压控制功能R型S型消防联动型F型R型S型F型常用-备用间的自投自复常用-备用间的自投不自复可选R/S型常用-发电电源间的自投自复常用-备用间的自投复用常用-备用间的自投不复用常用-发电电源间的自投复用控制特性* t1、t3用户可调t1、t2、t3、t4、t5、t6用户可调t1、t2、t3、t4用户可调t1、t2、t3、t4、t5、t6用户可调•CA1系列自动转换开关控制器R型、S型、F型三种控制功能简介•电网-电网间的自投自复(R型)R型的控制器对两路电源(分别称为常用电源和备用电源)进行自动切换。
1--Okay, your brother's lunch is packed.你弟弟的午餐装好了2--You're buying your own lunch.你的午餐自己买3--Luke, Alex, come on. Let's go.卢克艾丽克斯快点出发了4--There he is. Last chance for the summer handshake.他来了最后一次夏日握手5--Dad.老爸6--Come on. We're only halfway done.继续啊我们只做了一半7--I need help.我需要帮忙8--I was supposed to keep a journal all summer. It's due today.我本来该写暑假日记的今天就得交了9--Wow, first day of school and you're already behind?开学第一天就落后了10--I'm dead.我死定了11--All right. Tell me how far you've gotten.好吧说说看你还差多少12--Okay.好吧13--June 21. Found a stick.6月21日找到一根棍子14--June 22. That's it.6月22日没了15--- That's it? - It was a really cool stick.-没了-那棍子真的很赞16--He's right. It looked like a snake.他说的没错长得就跟蛇一样17--Getting everybody out of the house in the morning每天早上送大家出门18--can be really tough,可不是件省心的事19--especially the first day of school.尤其是开学第一天20--From the minute we get up at 7:00从我俩7点起床的那一刻开始21--till we drop 'em off at school, it is go, go, go.到把他们送进学校就没一刻休息过22--I get up at 6:00.我6点就起来了23--I get up at 5:00.我还5点起床呢24--Seriously. I get up at 6:00.说真的我6点就起了25--That's you? I thought we had a raccoon.原来是你啊我还以为是浣熊进来了呢26--I can't believe my little boy is going into the fifth grade.真不敢相信我的宝贝都上5年级了27--He used to hold my finger with his little hand我还记得他用小手紧握着我手指28--and look at me with those big eyes.一双大眼望着我的样子呢29--Mi nio pequeo, Jay.那是我的小宝贝啊杰30--Yup, they grow up.是啊孩子总会长大31--Come on, Manny. Let's get going.快点曼尼出发了32--How's my hair?我的发型如何33--Hold on. What are you wearing there?等等你穿的是个什么玩意儿34--That looks like an old Christmas tree skirt.跟圣诞树罩子一样35--It's a traditional Colombian poncho.这是一件传统的哥伦比亚斗篷36--I want my new classmates to know我想让新同学知道37--I'm proud of my heritage.我对我的老祖先有多么自豪38--I think you look very handsome. Lindo.我觉得你帅呆了小宝贝39--Oh, really? Am I driving him to school真的吗是我载他去学校呢40--or is he gonna ride his burro?还是他自己骑驴去41--*You are a cutie pie, yes, you are**你是个可爱派没错就是你*42--*You are a cutie pie**你是个可爱派*43--Are you still baby-proofing?你还在装那些幼儿防护设备吗44--Everything we own is pointy.我们家到处都是尖角45--Why is our daughter dressed like Donna Summer?我女儿怎么一身唐娜·莎曼的打扮46--She is not Donna Summer.她才不是唐娜·莎曼47--Clearly she's Diana Ross from the R.C.A. Years.明明是黄金岁月时期的戴安娜·罗斯48--How is daddy not seeing that?你说爹地怎么没看出来呢49--I really thought you were done with this.我还以为你已经玩腻了呢50--I made no such promises.我可没这么说51--- I guess I'm somewhat of a shutterbug. - Yes.-我算得上是个摄影爱好者-对52--And my new favorite model, of course, is Lily.我的模特新宠嘛当然就是莉莉了53--I just completed a series of photographs我刚刚替莉莉拍完一整套54--of her dressed as various pop icons.流行偶像模仿写真照55--Let's see.比如说56--I've done Olivia Newton-John.我们拍模仿过奧莉维亚·纽顿·约翰57--I've done Madonna, the early years,和出道早期的麦当娜58--Stevie Wonder-史提夫·汪达59--Yeah, there are days when Lily has more costume changes than Cher.对有时候莉莉换衣服比雪儿还勤60--Cher! How could I forget Cher?雪儿我怎么把她给忘了61--That's embarrassing.真是羞愧啊62--That's embarrassing?你只为这个羞愧吗63--Honey, you moving out?宝贝你是要搬出去吗64--Five more years.再忍5年就搬65--A little help here?能帮点儿忙吗66--This is why we suggested the violin.所以我们才建议你学小提琴67--A cello is more in demand in university orchestras.大提琴手比较讨大学管弦乐队喜欢68--- You know what's not in demand? - Oh, what?-你知道什么不讨人喜欢吗-什么69--Girls who play in university orchestras.参加管弦乐团的姑娘70--- Here, I'll help you carry it out to the curb. - Okay. Here.-来我帮你提到路边去吧-给71--Phil, put on some pants.菲尔把裤子穿上72--Come on! This covers up more than my bathing suit.拜托这裤子比我的泳裤长多了73--And don't remind me.别提你的泳裤了74--Haley, honey-海莉亲爱的75--Don't forget, the driving instructor is picking you up from school.别忘了驾校教练会去接你下课76--Can't he pick me up someplace else?他就不能换个地儿接我吗77--I don't want kids at school thinking I'm dating...我可不想让同学以为我在跟一个78--a 40-year-old driving instructor who's not even cute.40岁又不帅的驾校教练约会79--Haley just got her learner's permit.海莉刚拿到驾驶实习证80--We've been taking turns driving with her.我们轮流陪她开车81--One of the really standard rules of the road...最基本的驾驶规则之一82--is we want to keep a safe distance就是要和前面的车83--between us and the car in front.保持安全距离84--- And that is not safe right there. not safe. - Right.-这距离不安全不安全啊-对85--- Okay, merge. - I--好并道-我86--Merge. Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge!并道并道并道并道快并道87--Stop it! You're freaking me out!闭嘴你再叫我都崩溃了88--This navigation system is all messed up.这导航系统乱七八糟的89--It thinks we're in a park.上面说我们开进了一个公园里90--Oh, my God! It is a park!我的天还真是一个公园91--- Away from the kids! - Oh, my God!-躲开那群孩子-噢天啊92--- Aim for the lake! - I wanted--朝湖里开-我该93--Makes you realize we're all just hanging by a thread.我们夫妻俩真是命悬一线啊94--The last thing Manny needs on his first day of school...开学第一天曼尼最不需要的95--is you "undermelting" his confidence.就是你"打计"他的自信心了96--- Undermining. - Now you're doing it to me too.-是打击-你现在又打击我了97--I'm sorry,我很抱歉98--but there's only two places anyone should wear a poncho-但人们只在两种情况下穿雨披99--Niagara Falls and log rides.去尼亚加拉大瀑布和玩激流勇进100--You think too much about these things.你太小题大作了101--I wear all sort of daring outfits all the time,我向来都是随心所欲穿各种奇装异服102--and people admire them because I wear them with the confidence.而别人都很膜拜我因为我穿出了自信103--Yeah, I'm sure it's the confidence they're admiring.敢情他们膜拜的只是你的自信啊104--I just- i just think it's a little over-the-top.我只是觉得这有点儿太过分了105--You know what? You need to loosen up and have fun.知道吗你该放松点儿开心点儿106--I am loose. I'm fun.我够放了我够开了107--Remember, uh, breakfast for dinner last week?还记得上周用早餐当晚餐吗108--My idea.就是我的主意109--Ever since we brought Lily home, you've been tense.自从带莉莉回来后你就紧张得要死110--All you do is put child locks on things, read parenting books.你到处都上了儿童锁还尽读些育儿书籍111--Would you please stop and- Here, just hold your daughter.你就不能消停一下吗来抱抱你女儿112--Hold her and relax.抱抱她放松点113--- All right, sweetheart, come on. - just relax.-好吧甜心来吧-放轻松114--Aw, sweetheart.小甜心115--Did you put hair spray on this?你给她喷了发胶吗116--Just a little bit. I'm gonna put some music on.一点点我来放点音乐117--No, Cam, I have to go to work.不小卡我还要去上班118--- Dance with her. - Come on, it's not time for this.-跟她跳跳舞-别没时间了119--Put a little boogie in it.我要放舞曲了哦120--Oh, come on.饶了我吧121--Just dance. You know you love this song.跳吧你知道这首歌是你的菜122--This is actually a really good song.的确是首好歌123--All right. Okay.那好吧好吧124--Who's a dancing queen, huh?谁才是舞后呢125--Put a little boogie in it.一起摇摆吧126--See? Fun, right?看好玩吧是不是127--Oh, my- Was that her head?妈呀撞到她的头了吗128--No, I think if it was her head, she would be-不我想要是撞到头她肯定早就129--Yeah, it was her head. Okay. Okay.好吧是撞到头了不哭不哭130--Yes. Yes, I know.没事的没事的我知道131--I got Boo-boo Bear from the freezer.我把布布熊冰袋拿来了132--Why do you have chocolate on your face?你脸上怎么有巧克力133--It was under a pie.布布熊压在派下面了134--So you ate your way to it?所以你就吃出了一条生路吗135--I made a judgment call. You weren't there.我只能见机行事你又不帮我136--- Do you think she's all right? - She didn't cry that much.-你看她没事吧-她哭得没那么凶了137--Maybe that's a bad sign. You know,也许这不是好兆头呢你懂的138--we should try and make her laugh.我们得试着让她笑出来139--- Why? - 'Cause that's how we'll know she's okay.-为什么-那样我们就知道她没事了140--Where's... uh... where's Doggy?那个狗狗在哪里141--Doggy. Doggy. Here, Doggy.狗狗狗狗这儿狗狗142--Okay. There you go.好吧我来143--But it's a dog.狗不是这么叫的144--Yeah, I know. That's why it's funny.我知道所以才好笑145--I don't think it's as funny as you think it is.我没觉得有那么好笑146--Can we please just call your sister?我们直接打给你姐吧147--No, no. Cam- Cam- - Why?不不小卡为什么148--So she can be all judgmental and condescending,这样她就可以盛气凌人说三道四了149--like she's the expert and就好像她是个专家150--I don't know how to take care of a baby?而我根本是育儿白痴151--Mitchell, she is your family.米奇尔她是你的家人152--Of course she's gonna be judgmental and condescending.她当然会盛气凌人说三道四了153--Hello?喂154--Hey, hi, um- Not a big deal. Just wondering.嗨没什么大事儿就是想问问155--When your kids were small, did you ever-你家孩子小时候有没有被你们156--I don't know- smack their heads into a wall?怎么说呢用头撞过墙呢157--Usually we just gave time-outs.一般我们只让他们闭门思过而已158--No, no, accidentally.不不是意外撞到159--Um, we just kind of bonked Lily's head.我们不小心撞到了莉莉的头160--It wasn't very hard and she's not acting any differently,撞得不是很重她也哭得不厉害161--but I just worry-但我还是担心162--Relax. It happens.放松常有的事啦163--Luke used to bang his head all the time and he's fine.卢克就老是撞到头不也好好的164--Okay, all right, thank you. Thanks. That helps. Okay, okay.好吧谢谢你真心感激好的165--We gotta take her to the doctor. Load up the car.我们得带她去看医生把车开出来166--- Gloria? - I'm here.-歌洛莉亚-我在这儿167--I, uh, just dropped Manny off at school, and I realized...我刚把曼尼送到学校突然发现168--I just dropped Manny off at school.我刚把曼尼送到学校了169--Oh, boy.我的妈呀170--And I was hoping we'd still have a few more good years我还以为在你老年痴呆前171--- before the mind started to go. - No, what I'm saying,-我们还能过几年好日子呢-不我是说172--we have the day to ourselves, the first time in months.几个月来我们终于能过过二人世界了173--We should take advantage of it.我们得好好利用呀174--Go to the club,去俱乐部玩玩175--nice lunch,吃顿好的176--some massages.做做按摩177--- What about work? - I'm the boss.-你的工作呢-我是老板啊178--Since I married you, people are surprised I come in at all.自从娶了你人家都好奇我居然还去上班179--Jay's very spontaneous.杰很有心思180--He's always surprising me with little presents, fun getaways.他总能给我惊喜小礼物啊度假啊181--I wasn't the greatest husband the first time around,第一次结婚时我没怎么尽责182--but I'm trying to do better this time.不过这次我在努力改进183--And maybe by my third marriage, I'll have it down pat.也许下次结婚我就能成模范了184--Yeah, that one's gonna cost me.得待会儿就得为此付出代价了185--What ya reading there? A book?你在看什么书呢186--Yeah. I've been meaning to get to it for a while.对我老早就想读这本了187--Ooh, it's got a map at the beginning.开篇有个地图188--I like it when books do that.我喜欢这种的189--Don't you have an open house this morning?你今早不是要带客人去看房吗190--I rescheduled.我改时间了191--Thought you might like some company.我想你也许希望我陪陪你192--Well, the first day of school can be tough对家庭主妇们来说193--for stay-at-home moms.开学第一天肯定无聊至极吧194--Now, you have to understand,因为你不得不适应195--the kids are gone, the nest is empty.孩子们也走了巢也空了196--They are rudderless.她们一下慌了神了197--And a lot of guys wouldn't even notice,而大多数男人都不会注意到这一点198--but I'm not a lot of guys.不过我可不是这样的男人199--I listen with my mind,我总是用心聆听200--and if you pay attention, women will tell you what they want...而如果你仔细观察会发现女人总是201--by telling you the opposite of what they want.嘴上说一套心里想另外一套202--Like the other day, Claire was, like, "You have to move your car.有一天克莱尔说"把你的车挪开点"203--There's no space in the garage for both of our cars."车库里装不下我们俩的车204--And what she's really saying is that,而她其实想说的是205--you know, I should probably get a sports car.也许我该换一辆跑车206--I was sort of looking forward to a quiet day.我是想要安静一天的207--Thought I'd just read, maybe go for a run later, that's it.读读书出去跑跑步之类的208--Great. We'll run together.好啊我们一起去跑步吧209--You don't have to do that.你不必陪我的210--I know.我知道211--Listening.用心聆听212--The thing is, I like to run alone.其实呢我就想一个人跑步213--And I run kinda fast, so-而且我跑得挺快所以214--- So? - So I'm not sure you're gonna be able to keep up with me.-所以什么-所以我不确定你跟得上215--- You're kid- you're kidding, right? - No.-你开玩笑的吧-不是216--You really think I can't keep up with you?你真觉得我追不上你吗217--I'm not sure you can keep up with this conversation.我觉得你都没理解我的意思218--I think you're forgetting that I power-walk every morning...你肯定忘了我每天早上都竞走的219--and that I wear my special shoes with the big soles,还穿着一个医生设计的220--which were designed by a doctor.特制厚底健步鞋221--Yes, I know. But I run every day.对我知道可我每天都跑步222--You really think you can run as fast as me?你真觉得你能跑的和我一样快吗223--No, Phil, I think I can run much, much faster...不菲尔我跑起来可远远得224--than you.比你快225--Boom. Just like that, the whole day changed.砰就这样一整天都逆转了226--It was game on. She knew it.杠上了她知道227--I knew it. We both knew it.我知道我们都知道228--I just wanna read.我只是想看会儿书229--I think I'II order what I had the last time.我要预约上次帮我按的那个人230--What was that called?叫什么来着231--You want me to say it你只是想让我说出口232--- because you want me to roll my R's. - Come on!-因为你想听我发弹舌R音-说一个吧233--Reuben.鲁儿宾234--- Jay, What is this? - Oh, looks like my old car cover.-杰这是什么-可能是旧盖车布吧235--Don't give me that. This is Manny's poncho.少来这一套这是曼尼的斗篷236--What is it doing here?它怎么在这儿237--Maybe he decided to take it off on the way to school.也许在上学路上他突然打算脱了它238--What did you say to him?你跟他说什么了239--Nothing. I... told some jokes.没什么我就说了点儿笑话240--You say plenty with your jokes.你肯定胡扯了一大篇241--Jay, he looks up to you.杰他很崇拜你的242--He respects your opinion.他那么尊重你的意见243--We dodged a bullet on this.我们是躲过了一劫244--Trust me. I've been down this road before.相信我我是过来人245--I remember one time Mitchell我记得有一次米奇尔246--decided to wear a jaunty scarf to school.决定带着一个搞笑的围巾去上课247--I kept my mouth shut.我什么都没说248--He got his jaunty butt kicked.结果他被踢得屁股了开花249--My dad has this perception that I was very flamboyant as a kid,我爸总觉得我从小就挺花枝招展的250--which is just- it's nonsense,简直是纯属鬼扯251--because I kept the whole gay thing very under wraps.我的同志行为一直都掩藏的超好的252--You know, I was just a guy's guy.我完全是男人中的男人253--I was basically a jock.基本都算是运动健将型了254--You know?你们懂的255--So we should crush Manny's spirit...那我们就该扭曲曼尼的思想256--and destroy everything that makes him who he is.毁掉他的天性吗257--I'm just saying,我只是说258--it's no fun to see your kid get picked on every day,我可不乐意看着儿子天天受人欺负259--getting tormented just because he's different.被人折磨就因为他与众不同260--Now I'm telling you, it rips your heart out.现在我跟你说了你又得伤心了261--Well, Batman doesn't get picked on and he wears a cape.蝙蝠侠也穿着披肩就没人指责他262--A poncho is just a cape that goes all the way around.斗篷不就跟披肩差不多啊263--Batman doesn't get picked on because he's a muscular genius.蝙蝠侠不受指责因为他是个大侠264--Manny can't make it to the top bunk.曼尼连上铺都爬不上去265--We're taking this poncho to Manny at school.我们要去学校把斗篷给曼尼266--It's important that he knows we support him.必须让他知道我们是站在他这边的267--And then we go get those massages, because that sounds good.之后我们去做按摩这主意还不赖268--I always take the stairs two at a time.我一直两步一级地上楼269--I don't even think about it anymore.想都不用想的270--The regular way would seem weird.普通人爬楼梯简直弱爆了271--Phil, let it go. I'm faster than you.菲尔省省吧我就是比你快272--If only there was some way we could settle this once and for all.有什么办法能一次性解决这个争论就好了273--But how?可该用什么办法呢274--You seriously wanna race me?你真想跟我比吗275--I ran a half-marathon last year.我去年可跑了半个马拉松的距离276--Wow. I'm half-scared.我也吓破了半个胆277--Okay, we do need to do this. I'll go change.好吧确实得比一比我去换衣服278--Not now. I got a conference call. But how about after that?现在不行我得开个电话会议会后如何279--- Great. This afternoon. - Sweet.-很好就今下午-太棒了280--Two at a time, two at a ti-两阶一步两阶一步281--Son of a- Gotta fix that step!我去这楼梯得修了282--Two at a time! Already at the top, so-两阶一步顺利登顶283--Hi, I'm Dr. Miura. I'm on call today.我是缪拉医生今天由我值班284--Looks like we have a little head bump.看起来我们是撞到了头285--Yeah, it happened a couple hours ago on a- on a doorjamb.对大概几小时前撞到在门框上了286--We used to do this thing in school...我们以前在学校参加过一种课程287--where they would give you an egg and you couldn't break it.给你一个鸡蛋你不能把它弄破了288--And it was supposed to teach you how hard it was to be a parent.这是为了让你体验到为人父母的艰难289--But the real thing,但实际上290--I-it's so much harder. You know?为人父母比那个难多了291--We did that in my school too.我在学校也做过这个292--Didn't turn out so well.结果都不太理想293--I went through a dozen eggs.我耗费了一打鸡蛋294--Yeah, well, he's a nervous eater.他一紧张就开始吃295--No, I broke a dozen eggs.不鸡蛋是被我弄破了296--I'm sorry. I just assumed that-很抱歉我只是以为297--I know.我懂298--I know what you assumed.我懂你怎么想的299--There doesn't seem to be any mark.看上去没留什么印迹300--- well, her head was somewhat protected. - Protected?-她头上其实戴了护具-护具301--- was She wearing a-a hat? - Yes, Yes, like a hat.-她戴了一个帽子吗-对差不多302--It was a wig, actually. Sort of a ghetto-fabulous Afro thing.是假发时下流行的非洲爆炸头303--I thought it might be medically relevant.我觉得这有助于诊断304--Really?是吗305--You thought "Ghetto-fabulous" Might be medically relevant?你觉得"时下流行"跟诊断有关吗306--- Maybe I should just finish With the exam. - Yes, Thanks.-我还是继续检查好了-好的谢谢307--You'll be pleased to know that Mitchell and I intend on我想你会很高兴知道我们打算308--raising Lily with influences from her Asian heritage.让莉莉从小接触到亚洲文化的氛围309--That is fantastic.很好啊310--Have you noticed any vomiting since the head bump?撞到头之后有没有呕吐现象呢311--Uh, no. No, no, no.不不没有312--We've hung some art in her room. Some Asian art.我们在她房里挂了些东方艺术品313--And then when she's ready for solid food,当她可以吃固体食物时314--there's a fantastic pho place...我们家的拐角处315--right around the corner from our house.就有一个超棒的越南米粉店316--Am I pronouncing that right? Is it pho?我发音对吗是米粉吗317--It's a soup.一种汤面318--I don't know. I'm from Denver.我不知道我是丹佛人319--We don't have a lot of pho there.我们那儿没有什么米粉320--Uh, just to be sure,再确认一下321--could you show me how hard Lily got hit?能给我演示一下莉莉撞得有多厉害吗322--And use your head.就用你的头323--Um, yeah. Really, it was- it was just sorta, like, uh-差不多就像这样324--- You know? - Could I see that again?-懂了吗-能再来一次吗325--Um, it was just- just a head bump, you know.就是就是撞了一下头你知道的326--- How are You feeling? - Uh, Fine.-那你什么感觉-还好吧327--So is Lily.莉莉也这么觉得328--Babies are designed to survive new parents,宝宝天生自会应对新手家长329--so stop worrying.所以别担心了330--You guys are doing great.你们做得很好了331--Thank you.谢谢332--Denver.我是丹佛人333--I don't see any ponchos,我没看到哪儿有斗篷334--which means either the kids don't wear them说明孩子们要么不会穿斗篷335--or the ones who do wear them disappear.要么穿斗篷的孩子们都被撵走了336--We're doing the right thing.我们是对的啦337--I support Manny no matter what.我无条件支持曼尼338--Children need to know that you believe in them.孩子们需要你的信任339--It's the most important thing.那非常非常重要340--If you tell them they have wings,如果你告诉他们他们有翅膀341--they will believe they can fly.他们就会相信自己能飞上蓝天342--Oh, really?噢是吗343--I had a buddy, went to Woodstock,我认识个老兄去了伍德斯托克音乐节344--believed he could fly. Didn't end great.坚信自己能飞起来最后没啥好下场345--It's why hotel windows don't open anymore.正因此酒店的窗户都不敢开了346--Is something wrong? Who's died?发生什么事了吗谁死了347--No one, Manny.没人死曼尼348--Why would you even think that?你怎么这么想呢349--In Colombia,在哥伦比亚的时候350--Manny went to Pablo Escobar Elementary School.曼尼念巴勃罗埃斯科瓦尔小学351--If you were pulled out of class,如果你从课堂上被叫出来352--it was definitely to identify a body.肯定是叫你认尸的353--Well, we got your poncho here.好吧我们把你的斗篷带来了354--I thought you said it made me look like你不是说我穿着它就像355--my neck was wearing a dress.我脖子穿了条裙子吗356--That was a joke.我只是开玩笑的357--Oh, good! It's still in the pocket!噢太好了还在包里358--- What do You got there, buddy? - my pan flute.-什么还在包里小家伙-排箫359--I'm going to play some colombian folk music for my new classmates.我要给新同学演奏哥伦比亚民俗音乐360--Huh. Great.不错嘛361--I have never been more proud of you.我真为你骄傲了362--I'm sure your friends are gonna love it.你的朋友们一定会喜欢的363--- Break the flute. - What?-把排箫毁掉-什么364--The poncho by itself is fine.斗篷本身没什么365--The poncho, plus the flute,斗篷加排箫366--plus the stupid dance-再加上蠢头蠢脑的舞蹈367--my son will die a virgin.我儿子绝对出师未捷身先死368--That's right.一语中的369--Hey, sport, can I take a look at that whistle?嘿给我看看那排箫吧370--Oh, geez. Look at that.噢天弄掉了371--- And now you stepped on it! - What?-而你居然还踩上去了-什么372--What's wrong with me?我这是怎么了啊373--- Here, Let me get it. - Thank you.-来我来开门吧-谢谢374--- You know, actually, Maybe You should do this. - Why?-也许真的该你来开门-为什么375--I don't want to bump her head against the door,我不想又把她头撞到门上了376--you know, pinch her with the seat belt.或者说绑安全带的时候夹到她377--Mitchell, how long are you gonna beat米奇尔你还要用这个失误378--yourself up over one mistake?折磨自己多久379--Is this going to be like the blond highlights all over again?又要像上次"挑染金发"事件一样吗380--I just- I think I suck at being a father.我只是觉得我这个父亲当得很失败381--What are you talking about? We're new at this.你在说什么呢我们还是新手爸爸382--Yeah, but you're such a natural. I mean, look at you.对可你简直是天生的好父亲你看你383--You walk into the room and she lights up.你一进屋她就来精神了384--Y-You change her diaper with one hand. I-你一只手就能给她换尿片而我385--Nice. I-I'm actually jealous of you.好吧我其实是在嫉妒你386--There are so many things that you do that I can't.也有好多事儿你行我不行呢387--Y-You baby-proofed the entire house.你把整个屋子都做好了幼儿防护388--You took care of all the adoption paperwork.你把所有的领养文件都处理得有条不紊389--Without you, we wouldn't even have a baby to injure.要没你我们都没有宝宝可撞390--Just a couple of forms.只是一些表格而已391--Actually, that was a lot of paperwork.好吧确实是一大堆表格392--And you got her on all those preschool waiting lists.你还挤进了所有幼儿园的候选名单393--Can't believe you were gonna wait until she was "old enough."不然呢难道要等到她年龄"足够大"394--You see, that's what makes us a great team.看到没所以我们才是超棒的一队啊395--We each have our own strengths.我们各有所长396--- now, who are amazing parents? - We are.-快说谁是超棒奶爸-我们397--- I can't hear you. - We are!-我听不见-我们398--- Don't you forget it. - Okay.-可别忘了-好啦399--Did we just lock our baby in the car?我们是不是把宝宝锁在车里了400--Did you put the keys in the bag?你把钥匙放在包里了吗401--I put the keys in the bag.我把钥匙放在包里了402--Oh, Mitchell,米奇尔403--I told you not to put the keys in the bag!我说过不要把钥匙放在包里的嘛404--Come on! Don't freak out!拜托别抓狂405--Lily, it's okay!莉莉没事的406--*A-B-C-D-E-F-**A-B-C-D-E-F-*407--What, are you singing to her?有没有搞错你还跟她唱歌408--People get arrested for this, Mitchell.人们会为此被逮捕的409--*H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P**H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P*410--- do All four doors lock? - do You have a phone?-四个门都锁上了吗-带手机了吗411--What?什么412--I didn't say anything.我什么都没说413--Couldn't hear ya. I'm cranking one of my mash-ups.我听不到你讲话我在享受混搭专辑414--There they are.他们回来了415--How was the first day back in prison?重回监狱第一天感觉如何416--- Fine. - Yep-还不错-嗯417--What are you guys doing?你们俩在搞什么啊418--Your mom and I are racing你妈和我要赛跑呢419--to the mailbox on Sequoia and back.从这到红杉树那儿的信箱往返一圈420--- Why? - I don't know.-为什么-我也不懂421--Oh, she knows.她当然懂的422--Hey, buddy. Soon as I'm done kicking a little Mom butt here,老弟等我大获全胜之后423--how about I school you in some Mario Kart?我陪你练练马里奥赛车如何424--Can't. Gotta work on my journal.不行还得赶日记呢425--Lame!真没劲426--Hey, uh, Alex. You?艾丽克斯你呢427--Uh, I have a history paper.我要做历史卷子428--Well, if you wanna see a little history being made right here-好吧如果你想小小见证一下历史诞生429--- not Really. - Okay.-没兴趣-好吧430--- Ready? - are you?-准备好了吗-你呢431--I was born ready.我生来就准备好了432--- I came outta the womb wearing tiny little golden wings- - go!-我打娘胎就长着小金翅膀-开始433--I'm breaking the window!我来打碎玻璃434--Emergency assistance. This is Trina.紧急援助中心我叫崔娜435--Help! We I- We locked our baby in the car帮帮忙我们把宝宝锁在车里了436--and people are judging us!人们正对着我们唧唧歪歪呢437--I swear to God, I'm gonna break it!我对天发誓一定要砸碎它438--Do not break the window! You'll get glass on her!别把玻璃砸碎玻璃会扎到她的439--Sir, please tell your wife to relax.先生请让你夫人冷静440--- Everything is going to be okay. - That's a man.-一切都会好的-他是个男的441--Really?真的吗442--Don't worry, Lily! Daddy's coming for you!别怕莉莉爹地来救你了443--Sir, we just sent the signal.先生我们刚发送了信号444--- the door should be unlocked now. - Check- Check the door.-车门应该已经解锁了-试试车门445--- Check the door. Check the door. - It's not unlocked!-试试车门试试车门-没有开啊446--Okay.好了447--That is amazing. How did they do that?真不可思议他们怎么做到的448--I don't know. It's just- We got it.不知道我们搞定了449--- Thank you. - Did that come from space?-谢谢-难不成是天外来客450--I run five miles a day.我每天跑5英里。
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Mais je ne m'énerve pas
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我急了吗?Est-ce que je m'énerve là ?
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A03550 C33550
(钻石) CN15*
CN25* YB01* YB02* YB03* YB435* YB425* YB120*
YS25 YS30 CN35* SC30 YB01* YB02* YB03* YB435* YB425*
CuSn4 CuSn5 CuSn6 CuSn8
欧洲 EN CW008A
CW024A CW023A
CW501L CW505L CW506L CW507L CW508L CW509L CW450K CW451K CW452K CW453K
CuNi18Zn2 0
CuNi18Zn2 7
CW409J CW410J
QSn8-0.3 CuSn8
CuNi18Zn2 0
CuNi18Zn2 7
1--Kids, breakfast!孩子们吃早饭了2--Kids?孩子们3--Phil, would you get them?菲尔把他们叫下来好吗4--Yeah. Just a sec.好等一下5--Kids!孩子们6--That is - Okay.-这真是-算了7--Kids? Get down here!孩子们快下来8--Why are you guys yelling at us when we're way upstairs?我们远在楼上你们喊也没用9--Just text me. - All right. That's not gonna happen.发个短信不就行了-那是不可能的10--And, wow! You're not wearing that outfit.你不能穿这套衣服出门11--What's wrong with it?这衣服怎么了12--Honey, do you have anything to say亲爱的对你女儿这条裙子13--to your daughter about her skirt? - Sorry.有什么意见吗-不好意思14--Oh, yeah. That looks really cute, sweetheart. - Thanks.挺可爱的嘛宝贝-谢了15--No. It's way too short.不行这裙子太短了16--People know you're a girl.大家知道你是女生17--You don't need to prove it to them.没必要穿这么少给他们看18--Luke got his head stuck in the banister again.卢克又把头卡在栏杆里了19--I got it. Where's the baby oil?我去吧婴儿油在哪儿20--It's on our bedside tab- I don't know. Find it.在我们床头的我不知道你自己找21--Come on!拜托22--I was out of control growing up.我在成长期间简直无法无天23--There, you know? I said it.你看我坦白了24--I-I just don't want my kids...我只是不想让我的孩子25--to make the same bad mistakes I made.重蹈我的覆辙26--I-If Haley never wakes up on a beach in Florida, half-naked,只要海莉没有半裸着在佛罗里达沙滩上醒来27--I've done my job.我就算完成我的任务了28--Our job. - Right.我俩的任务-对29--I've done our job.我就算完成了我俩的任务30--Vamos, Manny! Kick it! Kick it!加油曼尼踢球啊踢啊31--Don't let him- Kick it!别让他踢啊32--Manny, go! Ala derecha! Ala derecha!曼尼加油往右跑往右33--No! No, no.不不不要啊34--He tripped him, Jay. Where's the penalty?他下绊子杰怎么没人吹犯规35--Gloria, they're 0 and 6.歌洛莉亚他们已经落后了6个球36--Let's take it down a notch.你小点声叫喊37--We're very different.我们是不同世界的人38--Jay's from the city.杰来自城市39--He has a big business.他的生意做得很大40--I come from a small village.我来自一个小山村41--Very poor but very, very beautiful.穷困潦倒但风景怡人42--It's the number one village in all Colombia for all the-我们村拥有全哥伦比亚最多的43--What's the word?那个词怎么说来着44--Murders.凶杀案45--Yes. The murders.没错凶杀案46--Manny, stop him!曼尼拦住他47--Stop him! You can do it!拦住他你可以的48--Damn it, Manny!你真烂曼尼49--Come on, coach. You gotta take that kid out.教练该让那孩子下场了50--You wanna take him out? How about I take you out?你想让他下场吗不如我让你"下场"如何51--Honey, honey. - Why don't you worry about your son?亲爱的-你还是操心你的儿子吧52--He spent the first half with his hand in his pants!他整个上半场光忙着抓裤裆了53--I've wanted to tell her off for the last six weeks.那话我6周来一直想对她说来着54--I'm Josh. Ryan's dad.我叫乔希莱恩的爸爸55--Hi, I'm Gloria Pritchett. Manny's mother.我叫歌洛莉亚·普里契特曼尼的妈妈56--Oh, and this must be your dad. - Her dad?这位是你父亲吧-她父亲?57--Yeah. - No, no. That's funny.是啊-不不是真58--Actually, no, I'm her husband.怎么可能我是她老公59--Don't be fooled by the, uh别被外表给骗了60--Give me a second here.稍等片刻61--Who is a good girl? Who's that?谁是乖宝宝啊是谁啊62--Who's that?是谁啊63--Oh, she's adorable. - Oh, thank you.她真可爱-谢谢64--Hi, precious. Hello.你好小公主65--Uh, we just, uh- We just adopted her from Vietnam.我们刚从越南领养了她66--And we're bringing her home for the first time, huh?这是我们第一次带她回家67--She's an angel. You and your wife must be thrilled.她像个小天使你们夫妻俩一定很激动68--Sorry, sorry, sorry. Daddy needed snacks.抱歉我来晚了老爹去买点心了69--So, what are we talking about?大家在聊什么呢70--Uh, we have been together for- guh, five- five years now?我们在一起已经...5年了吧?71--And, uh, we just- we decided we really wanted to have a baby.我们非常想要一个孩子72--So, we had initially asked one of our一开始我们想找一个73--lesbian friends to be a surrogate, but女同性恋朋友做代孕母亲74--Then we figured, they're already mean enough.后来又想她们平时就够刻薄了75--Can you imagine one of 'em pregnant? Pregnant, no.你能想象她们怀孕后会如何变本加厉吗76--No, thank you. Ick.还是算了吧想想就怕77--You saw that, right? Everybody fawning over Lily你看到没大家本来在逗莉莉玩78--and then you walk on and suddenly it's all你一走进来他们就装作79--Ooh, SkyMall.看机上购物杂志80--I gotta buy a motorized tie rack.考虑买个电动领带架什么的81--All right, you know, I'm gonna give the speech.我得教育一下这帮人82--You are not giving the speech.千万别这么做83--You're gonna be stuck with these people for the next five hours.你还得和他们一起呆上5小时呢84--You're right, you're right. Okay. I'm sorry.好吧你说得对我错了85--Look at that baby with those cream puffs. - Okay. Excuse me.你看那个拿着泡芙的宝宝-好吧够了86--Excuse me.不好意思87--This baby would have grown up in a crowded orphanage这宝宝原本可能会在人满为患的孤儿院里成长88--if it wasn't for us "Cream puffs.多亏我们这些娘娘腔收养呢89--And you know what? Note to all of you who judge- - Mitchell!你们这些搞歧视的人-米奇尔90--Hear this. Love knows no race, creed给我听好了爱不分种族信仰91--Or gender.不分性别92--And shame on you, - Mitchell.我为你们感到羞耻-米奇尔93--you small-minded, ignorant few - Mitchell!你们这些狭隘愚昧的-米奇尔94--What? -She's got the cream puffs.干嘛-人家说的是泡芙95--We would like to pay for everyone's headsets.各位的耳机费我们请了96--Buddy. Why do you keep getting stuck like this?兄弟你怎么老是卡在这里面97--I thought I could get out this time.我以为这次能拔出来呢98--I'm just gonna say it. He needs to be checked by a specialist.我直说了吧他得去检查一下智商99--There. Be free.好了你自由了100--Excalibur.亚瑟王之剑拔出来了101--I'm having a friend over today. - Who?今天我有朋友来家里玩-谁啊102--Uh, you don't know him. - Him? Him?你不认识他-是个男生吗103--Ooh, a boy. You gonna kiss him?哇男生你会和他亲嘴吗104--Shut up. - Easy. Easy.闭嘴-别激动别激动105--Yeah, shut up! - No, you shut up!闭嘴-你才闭嘴106--Luke, Alex, why don't you take it outside, okay?卢克和艾丽克斯你们俩出去解决好吗107--And do what?怎么解决108--Fight in the sun. It'll be a nice change. - Haley.在太阳下决斗不错吧-海莉109--I'm kidding. - Who's the boy?我逗你们玩呢-是谁要来110--His name is Dylan.他叫迪兰111--I might as well tell him not to come我还是别让他来算了112--Because you guys are just going to embarrass me again.不然你们又得让我丢脸113--Sweetie, hang on a second.亲爱的等等114--You're 15, and it's the first time you've had a boy over.你15岁了还是第一次有男生来家里115--I'm bound to be a little surprised我是有点小吃惊116--but I'm not gonna embarrass you.可我不会让你丢脸的117--I better charge the camcorder.我去给摄像机充好电118--I'm kidding. Come on. Who are you talking to?逗你玩呢别这样也不看看我是谁119--I'm the cool dad. That's- That's my thing.我是酷老爹这是我的风格120--I'm hip. I- I surf the Web.我酷毙了我会上网121--I text. "LOL"- Laugh out loud. 我会发短信LOL意思是癫狂笑122--"OMG"- Oh, my God.OMG意思是我的神123--"WTF"- Why the face?WTF意思是苦瓜脸124--Um, you know, I know all the dances to High School Musical, so《歌舞青春》里所有的舞我都会跳125--We're all in this together我们现在欢聚一堂126--Yes, we are没错127--We're all stars Something, something you know it我们都是大明星你们是知道的128--Mom! Dad! - What happened?妈妈爸爸-什么事129--Luke just shot me! - I didn't mean to.卢克用枪射我-我不是故意的130--Are you okay? - No.你没事吧-没事才怪131--The little bitch shot me.这小贱人用枪射我132--Language! They're only plastic BBs. It was an accident.别说脏话-只是塑料枪这是意外133--What did I tell you would happen if you got him a gun?早就告诉你给他枪就会出事134--Deal with this. - Buddy, uncool.你看着办吧-老弟是你不对哦135--That's it? That's- No, no, no, no.这就完了吗不行不行136--The agreement was that if he shoots someone, you shoot him.我们说好他用枪射了别人你就得射他的137--We were serious about that? - Yes, we were.我们当时是认真的吗-当然是真的138--And now you have to follow through.所以你现在要按说好的执行139--I'm so sorry. - Liar.我错了-你就装吧140--Go. - He's got a birthday party.去吧-他还要去参加生日会呢141--What's more important here, Dad?生日会和家法哪个更重要爸爸142--You can shoot him afterwards. He'll be home at 2:00.你可以之后再射他他两点就能到家143--I can't shoot him at 2:00.两点不行144--I'm showing a house at 2:00.我两点还得带人去看房子145--What about 3:00? - No, he's got a soccer game at 3:00.三点吧-不行三点他有足球赛146--And then- Oh, we gotta leave for that dinner thing at 5:00.然后我们五点就得去赴宴147--4:15. You could shoot him at 4:15.4点15吧你可以在那时候射他148--Yeah, I guess that works for me. Oh!行那个时候我有空149--"Shoot Luke." - Sorry, dude. It's on the calendar.开枪打卢克-抱歉老弟铁板钉钉了150--Oh, come on!别这样啊151--I'm quitting soccer. It is a game for children.我不想踢足球了那是小孩儿玩的152--No, you're not quitting.不你不能放弃153--You would have stopped that goal对方之所以会进球154--if you weren't staring at that little girl.完全是因为你光顾着看小姑娘了155--She is not a girl. She's a woman.她不是小姑娘她是成熟的女人156--You know, Gloria, that little blowup with that other mom歌洛莉亚你犯得着非要和157--Why do you have to do things like that?那个妈妈吵架吗158--If somebody says something about my family如果有人敢对我的家人说三道四159--I'm going to - I'm just saying.我一定-我只是说160--You could take it down here a little bit. That's all.你火气应该小一点就这样161--Oh, yeah. 'Cause that's where you live, down here.没错你总是这么忍气吞声的162--But I live up here! - Yeah, but可我咽不下这口气-可是163--you don't have to be so emotional all the time.That's all I'm saying.我只是说你别那么容易激动嘛164--Manny, you're with me on this, right?曼尼你也这么觉得吧165--I wanna tell Brenda Feldman I love her.我要告诉布兰达·费德曼我爱她166--Oh, for God sakes. - Manny, she's 16.天啊-曼尼她都16岁了167--Oh. It's okay for you to take an older lover?你不就找了年长的对象吗168--Hey, watch it. - I wanna go to the mall where she works.嘿说话注意点-我要去她上班的商场169--But first I need to get my white shirt, the silk one.不过我先得换上我的白衬衫丝绸的那件170--Okay. If that's what you really want to do.好吧如果你真想这么做的话171--Seriously. Not to be the evil stepdad说真的不是我要当恶毒的后爹172--but if you put on a puffy white shirt可你要真穿着那臃肿的白衬衣173--and declare your love for a 16-year-old去向16岁的姑娘告白174--you're gonna be swinging from the flagpole你会被扒得只剩条白内裤175--in your puffy white underpants.然后被吊在旗杆上176--Stop the car. - Oh, where are you going?停车-你去哪儿177--See? You hurt his feelings.看到没你伤他的心了178--Ah- Well, if it toughens him up a little bit then要是这能让他变得坚强点179--Oh, geez. He's picking flowers.我的妈呀他居然去采野花了180--Manny's very passionate, just like his father.曼尼是个多情种和他爹一个样181--My first husband- he's very handsome, but too crazy.我的前夫风度翩翩但太疯狂了182--It seemed like all we did was fight and make love我们不是在吵架就是在做爱183--fight and make love, fight and make love.吵架做爱吵架做爱184--One time, I'm not kidding you, we fell out the window together.说真的有一次我们从窗口摔下去了185--Which- Which one were you doing?你们当时在吵架还是做爱186--I'm hearing this for the first time.我也是第一次听说这事187--This doesn't worry you?你不担心吗188--She barely slept on the plane and she's still wide awake.她在飞机上就没怎么睡现在还很清醒189--Oh, stop worrying. - I can't.别想多了-不想才怪190--That- That orphanage was all women.那个孤儿院里都是女人191--Maybe she just- she can't fall asleep unless she feels a woman's shape.也许离开女性柔软的怀抱她就睡不着192--I guess that's possible. - So here.有可能-那你抱着她193--What the hell is that supposed to mean?你这话是什么意思194--Yes没错195--I've gained a few extra pounds while we were expecting the baby在等待领养孩子的期间我是长胖了一点196--which has been very difficult.过程相当艰辛197--But apparently your body但显然你的身体会198--does a nesting, very maternal, primal thing产生一些母性的本能反应199--where it retains nutrients来储存养分200--some sort of molecular physiology thing.像是分子生理学那类的201--But that's science.那是科学事实202--You can't- You can't fight it, so人类根本无力抵抗203--I'm not saying anything. - You're saying everything.我没别的意思-你就是话里有话204--Count to three. - One, two数到3 -1 2205--Three. - Okay.3 -好吧206--Oh, Cam. This is beautiful. - Oh, my God. Do you love it?小卡真美-我的天你喜欢吗207--Yes, I当然我208--What the hell is that?这是什么玩意209--I had Andre do it while we were gone.我让安珠尔趁我们不在时画的210--Is that us, with wings?那是我俩吗还长着翅膀211--We're floating above her, always there to protect her.我们在她的上方永远守护着她212--Okay. Well, that's reassuring, right, Lily?这真让人心安对吧莉莉213--Yes, we tore you away from everything you know我们把你从熟悉的环境中抢出来214--but don't worry, things are normal here.可别担心新环境一切"正常"215--Your fathers are floating fairies.你的大爸二爸可是飞天小精灵哦216--No, can you call Andre不行你能叫安珠尔217--have him paint something a little less gay?重新画点不那么基情的东西吗218--By the way, we need to stop having friends另外我们也该少和安珠尔往来219--with names like Andre.他名字也太娘了220--Redheaded dad is angry daddy. - No, I'm not.红发老爹怒火旺盛-我才不是221--Yes, you are.你就是222--Even Pepper pointed it out on the way home from the airport.回来的路上连胡娇都看出来了223--Okay, that's another one- Pepper.你看又一个娘气的名字胡娇224--Okay, what's up?你到底怎么不爽225--All right, look. I-好吧听着226--I- I never told my family we were adopting a baby.我还没有告诉家里领养孩子的事227--And... - I know.而且-我知道228--You do? - Yeah, and I don't blame you. I know your family.你知道-我不怪你我了解你家人229--You'd tell 'em. They'd say something judgmental.你一告诉他们他们就开始说三道四230--Exactly. - You'd get mad.就是这样-然后你就会生气231--I know. And then something that's supposed to be nothing but joyful没错当爹本该是一件喜事232--suddenly turns into this huge fight.转眼就变成一团混战233--And who wants a big, emotional scene like that?谁愿意让事情变得一团糟呢234--Thank you. Thank you.谢谢谢谢235--I'm so- I'm so relieved you understand.你能理解我真是让我松了一口气236--I invited them over for dinner tonight.所以我邀请了他们今晚来吃饭237--What? - I had to.什么-我也是不得已238--This would have gone on forever. You're an avoider.这样下去没完没了你就只会逃避239--No. No. No. Cam, I'm calling them right now and canceling.不小卡我现在就打电话取消这件事240--No, you're not.不准打241--You're telling your family you adopted a baby, tonight.今晚你得把领养的事告诉全家人242--And you do have avoidance issues. Even Longinus said so.你就是喜欢逃避连朗吉娜都这么说243--Are- Are you really not hearing these names?你自己听听这些名字有多娘244--Don't answer it! I'll get it!你们别管了我来开门245--Hi. Hey, you must be Dylan.你好你一定是迪兰吧246--Hey. Dylan. Yeah. - I'm Haley's mother.是的迪兰-我是海莉的妈妈247--Come on. Let's go. - Okay. Um我们走吧-那个248--Hang on one second.等一下249--Dylan, you're still in high school?迪兰你还在念高中吗250--Yeah, I'm a senior. -A senior. Okay. Cool.是我高三了-高三很好251--Hey, Phil. Sweetie. Honey. He is Dylan, and he is a senior.菲尔亲爱的这是迪兰他读高三252--You have to scare him.你得给他个下马威253--Let me meet this "Playa."让我瞧瞧这个花心大少254--Phil Dunphy, yo.在下菲尔·邓菲255--It's like that. You just- You just stare down at 'em就是这样你只需死盯着他们看256--let the eyes do the work.用眼神中的杀气震住他们257--Your mouth might be saying, "Hey, we cool,"你嘴上说着没问题258--but your eyes are like, "No, we not."可你的眼神说才怪259--Nice to meet you. "No, it's not."很高兴见到你才怪260--It's all good.挺不错嘛261--No, it's not.才怪262--Okay, I see you two guys- - Wait, wait, wait.我看你俩已经-等一下263--You two-你们俩264--You two keep it real, know what I mean, son?你俩要坦诚相待懂吗小子265--Not really.不太懂266--Please, stop. - That's cool.求求你别说了-没事267--Ow. Oh, God! That's my back. - Oh, honey. Sweetheart.妈呀我的背-亲爱的268--Ow! Oh! I slipped in the baby oil.我被婴儿油滑倒了269--Oh, where you from originally?你哪儿冒出来的啊270--I could defeat you if it came to a physical confrontation.单挑的话我轻而易举就能放倒你271--I don't know about this. Should I call a doctor?我不知道该怎么办要打电话叫医生吗272--No, no, no, no, no. Okay.不用不用好了273--You're very strong, homes. - Thanks.小样儿挺强壮的啊-谢谢夸奖274--Okay. Nice- Nice soft landing. - There you go.好轻轻放下我-好了275--Okay, let's go. Come on. - I am on my side though.行了我们走吧-我还侧躺着276--So just flip me right back, and we're good.现在只需把我放平就没事了277--We'll be good.就没事了278--I just need to get flipped right on my back只需要把我翻过来就行279--and we should be fine. So-就没事了280--Brenda Feldman.布兰达·费尔曼281--What is that? - A poem I have written for Brenda Feldman.你拿的什么-我为布兰达·费尔曼写的诗282--Of course it is.不用想也知道283--I put my thoughts into words and now my words into action.我将心事化为文字将文字用于行动284--Hey, I'll give you 50 bucks not to do this.你取消行动的话我就给你50块钱285--I'm 11 years old. What am I gonna do with money?我才11岁而已要那么多钱干什么286--What are you gonna do with a 16-year-old?你这年纪要16岁的花姑娘又能干什么287--He's like a bullfighter. - Mmm. You ever see a bullfight?他就像个斗牛士-你见过斗牛吗288--I can't watch this. - You're in such a bad mood.我看不下去了-我知道你心情不好289--And I know why. It's because that man thought you were my father.我也知道原因因为那人以为你是我爸爸290--No. - Yes.不是的-就是291--No. - When you say "No" like that, it's always "Yes."不是-你这样否认时就代表是292--Come on. We're in the mall.别这样我们都到商场了293--Let's get you, like, some younger clothes.给你买点年轻的衣服吧294--There's a store there. - I don't need any younger clothes.那边有家店-我不需要年轻的衣服295--And I don't care what some jackass我也不在乎那些296--in a pair of ripped jeans thinks about me.穿着破牛仔裤的混蛋如何看我297--Good. You shouldn't.没错你不用在乎他们298--You should only care what I think.你只要在乎我的想法就行了299--I love you, and I don't care how old you are.我爱你我不在意你的年纪300--So stop being a gloomy goose and stop being so hard on Manny.所以别郁闷了对曼尼也别那么凶301--The only reason I'm hard on Manny...我对曼尼严格只是因为302--Is just because I don't wanna see him make a fool of himself.我不想让他出洋相303--And I can smell that hair goo of his from here.我从这儿都能闻到他的发胶味了304--Look, I don't know what's gonna happen to him over there.我不知道他那里会发生什么305--But you're his family now, and that means only one thing可你是他的家人这就意味着306--You be the wind in his back, not the spit in his face.你只可背后送春风不可当面唾其脸307--What? -It's something my mom always says.啥玩意-这是我妈常挂嘴边的话308--It's gorgeous in Spanish.用西班牙语说很华丽的309--Look, he's there.瞧他来了310--She has a boyfriend. - Oh, I'm sorry, mi nino.她名花有主了-真遗憾小宝贝311--I gave her my heart我把心献给了她312--she gave me a picture of me as an old-time sheriff.她却还了一幅把我画成老式警长的图313--That was pretty stupid of me, wasn't it? - No, mi amor.我真傻是吧-才不是呢小宝贝314--It was brave. Right, Jay? Brave.你是勇气可嘉对吧杰勇气可嘉315--W-Well, you'll know better next time.下次你就会进步了316--Come on. Let's get a pretzel.来我们买椒盐卷去317--Mentira. A me se me gusta.没事我挺喜欢这画的318--Uh, excuse me, sir.先生不好意思319--We ask that all mall-walkers stay to the right.在商场散步锻炼的人必须靠右边走320--Alex, get out! Mom!艾丽克斯出去妈妈你看她321--Alex, leave your sister alone.艾丽克斯别去烦你姐姐322--I was just getting my book. Gosh.我只是进去拿我的书而已至于吗323--I know, sweetie. But you need to respect their privacy.我知道亲爱的可你要尊重个人隐私324--What are they doing up there? - Nothing.他们在楼上干嘛呢-没干嘛325--Lying on her bed, watching a movie.躺在她床上并肩看电影326--Okay. Okay.很好很好327--Um, I'm making a cake for tonight.我在为今晚的聚餐准备蛋糕328--You wanna help me with the frosting?你想帮我做糖霜吗329--Sure.好啊330--So, you know, if Haley got pregnant要是海莉怀孕了331--would you ever pretend she has mono for a few months你会假装她得了腮腺炎请假在家332--and then, like, tell everyone the baby's yours?然后告诉别人那孩子是你的吗333--What? - This senior at school was "Out sick" for four months什么-有个高中生请了4个月病假334--but Jenna Resnick swears she saw her breast-feeding可吉娜·瑞斯尼克发誓说看到她335--at a coin-op car wash.在自助洗车站给孩子喂奶336--Buddy, what are you wearing?老弟你穿了多少衣服啊337--Nothing. - Uh-uh. No jacket.没穿多少-把外套脱了338--One hat.只能戴一顶帽子339--How many pairs of underwear do you have on?你穿了几条内裤啊340--One.就1条341--Six.是6条342--First of all, it would be really cool to see Haley that fat.首先看海莉怀孕变胖还蛮爽的343--And how awesome would it be更酷的是344--to have a fake little brother who's really my nephew.多了个假弟弟实际上是我亲外甥345--Haley is not getting pregnant.海莉才不会怀孕346--Just saying "If." - I know.我只是说假如-我知道347--And I know you like to make trouble for your sister我知道你喜欢找你姐的茬儿348--but it's not gonna work this time.不过这次不管用了349--You know why? 'Cause your sister's a good girl.知道为啥吗因为你姐是个好女孩350--I know. I was just like her when I was-我明白因为她和我当年一模一...351--I want you to know, I'm not enjoying this.要知道我也不想这么做352--But this is an important lesson that you're learning.可你得吸取这个教训353--So, soak it. Keep it.所以记好了记住了354--You're too close. It's gonna hurt.你站太近了这样会很疼的355--It's supposed to hurt.就是要你疼356--And why are you smiling? - I'm- What?你干嘛贱贱地笑-我笑了吗357--Oh, forget it. I can't do this.算了我下不了手358--The point is you're scared. I think you've learned your lesson.就是要让你害怕你已经学到教训了359--Mom! What are you doing?妈你干什么啊360--Oh, hey! I was just, um, dropping off some laundry.我是来放洗好的衣服361--Is this a bad time? - Yeah.打扰到你们了吗-当然362--Oh. Okay.那我走好了363--Uh, can you shut the door, please?你能把门带上吗364--Actually, we're just gonna go ahead and leave that open.我们还是让门开着吧365--Why?为啥366--Because I have, uh, seen this little show before因为这种场景我见多了367--Lying on the bed with a tall senior.和高大的学长共卧一塌368--One minute you're just friends, watching Falcon Crest上一秒还只是一起看《鹰冠庄园》的朋友369--and the next you're lying underneath the air hockey table下一秒你们就钻进游戏桌下370--with your bra in your pocket.宽衣解带了371--Mom!妈妈372--You hit my bone! - It was an accident!你打到我的骨头了-纯属意外373--I thought you were my friend! - I am your friend.我以为你是我哥们呢-我是啊374--Dad! Dad, Dad. You have got to talk to Mom.爸爸你必须和妈妈谈谈375--She is, like, completely freaking out and embarrassing me!她简直是疯了而且丢尽了我的脸376--Honey, your mom isn't always as cool about things as宝贝你妈是不像你爸那么通情达理377--What is with this thing?这玩意怎么回事啊378--My dad.我爸379--Uh, my dad still isn't completely comfortable with this.我爸对这事还是不太习惯380--Um- He-He still does this thing. It's been five years now.已经过了5年了他还是无法完全接受381--And he still does this thing where he announces himself每次他要进入我和小卡在的房间时382--before walking into any room we're in..他都会先喊一声383--just to make sure he doesn't have to ever see us kiss.以防撞见我和小卡亲嘴384--Wish my mother had that system.要是我妈也有这个习惯就好了385--Remember? - Not now.还记得吗-以后再说386--I still can't believe you did this to me.我真不敢相信你这么对我387--Would you get in the spirit of things? It's a celebration.你能高兴点吗这是个庆祝会啊388--Oh, God.天啊389--Okay, I'm gonna go get Lily ready. - Okay.我去给莉莉打扮一下-好390--And I want you to just come straight out with it. - All right.我要你对他们实话实说-好吧391--Okay. You can do this.听话你能做到的392--Yeah. Sports guy chest bump.来个运动员式的撞胸393--No. - Sports guy chest bump.不要-来撞一个394--Cam. Oh! All right. Go - Do it.小卡好了-上吧395--Sorry.抱歉396--How are you? - Hi, guys. Hey.你好啊-大家好啊397--That looks good. Oh, thank you. Thanks.看起来很美味啊谢谢398--Don't thank us. Open it. Dad is coming right behind.不用谢打开吧爸爸后脚马上就到399--Knock, knock! We're here. Coming in!有人吗我们要进来了400--Don't worry, Dad. Nothing gay going on here.别担心爸爸我们没在里面搞基401--May I take your multicolored coat and bejeweled cap?能帮你脱下这缤纷外套和闪亮小帽吗402--Yeah. Yeah. - Hey, Jay.拿去吧-杰你好啊403--Gloria, hi. - Hi.你好歌洛莉亚-你好404--How are you? Hi, Dad. - Hi, Gloria. How are you?老爸你还好吗-歌洛莉亚你好405--Oh, what a beautiful dress. - Ay, thank you, Phil.裙子真漂亮-谢谢你菲尔406--Okay. 好吧407--Oh, hey, Phil.菲尔408--That's how she says "Phil." Not "Feel." Phil.她是叫你名字不是要你去摸409--So how was your trip? - It was good. It was good actually.旅行怎么样-挺好的真的410--But, um, about that, I- I have something that I need to tell you guys.关于这事我有些事要告诉你们411--Um- Uh, we didn't just go to Vietnam for pleasure.我们去越南不光是为了旅游412--We, uh, kind of have some big news.我们有重要消息宣布413--Oh, God. If Cam comes out here with boobs, I'm leaving.天啊要是小卡隆了胸我立马走人414--Dad. - I hope he didn't embarrass you, Mom.爸爸-我希望你的家长没让你觉得丢人妈415--Oh, don't mind her. Haley had her first boy over today...别管她海莉今天首次带男生回家416--And Phil shot him.菲尔就给了他一枪417--Anyway, um, so, about- about a year ago总之一年前418--Cam and I started feeling this longing, you know小卡和我开始渴望有一个419--for something more, like, uh, maybe a baby?有一个孩子420--Ooh, that's a bad idea. - What do you mean, "Bad idea"?这主意很糟糕-你说糟糕是什么意思421--Well, kids need a mother.孩子需要有妈妈422--I mean if you two guys are bored, get a dog.如果你们俩无聊了可以养条狗423--Okay, we're not bored, Dad.我们不是闲得无聊爸424--I support you, Mitchell, even though you're not my son.我支持米奇尔尽管你不是我亲生的425--I-I-I-I think what Dad is trying to say..我觉得爸爸的意思是426--is that, Mitchell, you're a little uptight.米奇尔你有点紧张兮兮的427--Kids bring chaos, and- and you don't handle it well.孩子就意味着麻烦你没法处理这种事428--That's not what Dad's saying.爸爸可不是这个意思429--That's what you're saying.这是你的意思430--And it's insulting in a whole different way.而且是从另一个角度羞辱了我431--Okay, people. Let's all "Chillax."好了各位都冷静点432--Hey, where's Uncle Cameron? - Thank you. Thank you.卡梅隆舅夫呢-多谢多谢433--Someone who's not insulting me notices he's not here.总算有人发现他不在了而不是光羞辱我。
பைடு நூலகம்公司简介
TDK FQA Series 1 120A 40Vdc 商品说明书
HQA2W120W280V-007-S typical conducted emissions with FQA filter module and 0.01uF common mode capacitors.
HQA2W120W120V-007-S typical conducted emissions with FQA filter module and 0.01uF common mode capacitors.
Vdc A mΩ W dB dB -
°C °C %RH VAC -
g mm Inches Hours Years
-40 to +40
Positive leg: 7.5mΩ, negative leg: 5mΩ
5W at 20A
50dB (typical with a 50Ω source & load impedance
FQA Series
Thermal Performance
Maxmum output current vs. ambient temperature at nominal input voltage for natural convection (60 LFM) to 400 LFM with airflow from pin 1 to pin 3.
Model Selector
Input Voltage (Vdc)
FQA020ADC-007-S FQA020ADC-N07-S FQA020ADC-007-M
-40 to +40 -40 to +40 -40 to +40
遥感专业英语001摄影测量学photogrammetry002卫星摄影测量satellite photogrammetry004航天摄影space photography003摄影学photography?005航空摄影aerial photography007立体摄影机stereocamera, stereometr 006航空摄影机aerial camera?ic camera009量测摄影机metriccamera008非量测摄影机non-metriccamera?010全景摄影机panoramiccamera, panorama camera011框幅摄影机frame camera012条幅[航带]摄影机continuous strip camera, stripcamera013阵列摄影机array camera?014电荷耦合器件摄影机(简称“CCD摄影机”)015多谱段摄影机multispectralcharge-coupled device camera?camera017弹道摄影机ballisticcam 016地面摄影机terrestrialcamera?era?018水下摄影机underwater camera019大象幅摄影机large format camera,LFC?020恒星摄影机stellarcamera022反束光导管摄象机return beam vidic 021地平线摄影机horizon camera?on camera,RBV024框标fiducial mark023象幅picture format?025象移补偿image motion pensation,IMC, forward motion pensa 026焦距focal lengthtion,FMC?027快门shutter?028中心快门between-the-lens shutter,lens shutter?029帘幕快门(又称“焦面快门)focal plane shutter,curtain 030景深depth of fieldshutter?032孔径(又称“光圈”)apertu031超焦点距离hyperfocaldistance?re?033光圈号数f—number,stop-number034象场角objective angle of imagefield,angular field ofview035瞬时现场(又称“空间分解力”,其值为地面分解力2。