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Unit 10

signal conditioner 信号调理器

electric motor 电动机

solenoid 螺线管

electromechanically 机电地

a solid-state device 含半导体的固体设备actuate solenoid valve 启动电磁阀

cylinder 气缸

sequential control system 顺序控制系统rinse 漂洗

stepper motor 步进电动机

servomotor 伺服电动机

electric stove 电炉

ceramic fiber 陶瓷

on-off 开关式proportional(throttling)节流式

to complicate matters 很复杂的是

line specification 管线规格

inlet pressure 入口压力

differential pressure 差压

flow characteristics of the valve 阀的流量特性

linear,equal percentage,quick-opening 线性,等百分比,快开

fail-safe mode故障安全模式

fail-closed /open valve气关/开型

bellow seals波纹管密封

vendor 卖方,厂家

threeway /angle/gate/diaphragm/pinch/rotary/ ball/ butterfly/ plug valve三通/角阀/闸阀/隔膜阀/夹管阀/旋钮阀/球阀/蝶阀/柱塞阀flanged/threaded /welded connections法兰连接/线接/焊接

cast iron 铸铁

cooling fins 散热片

packing 填料

deformable 变形的

chemically inert 化学惰性

leakage 泄露

hydraulic actuator 液动执行机构pneumatic actuator 气动执行机构modulate 调制,调节

vent 排放

elastic 有弹性的Unit 11

process modeling and system identification 过程建模和系统辨识

mathematical model 数学模型

input-output relationship 输入输出关系tremendous process 巨大的几步

heat transfer coefficient 热传导系数chemical reaction rate 化学反应速率damping factor 阻尼系数

optimal and adaptive control theories最优化和自适应控制理论

time-varying parameter 时变参数communication channel probing 通信信道探测

system and fault testing 系统和故障检测econometrics 计量经济学

have long sought 一直寻求。。。endogenous variables 内生变量exogenous variables 外生变量

physiology 生理学

a man-machine environment人机环境metabolism 新陈代谢

ecology 生态学

transportation 交通学

sociology 社会学

yield 给出,产出

priori knowledge 先验知识

the complete identification problem 完全辨识

black box problem 黑箱问题

partial identification problem 部分辨识

grey box problem灰箱问题

nonlinear 非线性

assumption 假设,想象

associated coefficients 相关系数


a statistical-estimation problem 数据估计问题

specify and parameterize 指定并且参数化weighting function 权函数

differential equation 差分方程state variable equation 状态方程

parameter estimation methodology 参数估计法

the methods of maximum likelihood 最大似然法

least squares 最小二乘法

cross-correlation 互相关

instrumenttal variable 辅助变量

stochastic approximation 随机近似

error criterion 误差准则

off-line/on-line identification 离/在线辨识recursively 迭代的,递归的

data set数据集

on-line real-time identification 在线实时辨识


state-space models 状态空间模型

input-output models 输入输出模型

spectral density谱密度

covariance functions 协方差函数

drum boiler 气鼓锅炉

under no circumstance 无论如何

balance for force/moment /mass /energy /constructive equations 力/ 力矩/质量/能量/构成平衡方程

physical interpretation 物理解释parameter estimation参数估计

iterative 重复的反复的

transient or frequency-response analysis 瞬时或者频率响应

crude estimation 粗略估计

sinusoids 正弦

white-noise disturbance 白噪声干扰postulate 假定

probabilistic arguments 概率参量

discrete-time system 离散系统generalized error 广义误差

prediction error预测误差

asteroid Ceres谷神星座

optimization problem 最优化问题

the principle of least squares 最小二乘基本原理

the minimization problem of the sum of squares of the error 误差平方和最小化问题stochastic process 随机过程

statistical parameter-estimation problem数据参数估计问题frequency-response analysis 频率响应分析transient-response analysis 瞬时响应分析quadratic 二次型的

the least-square method with extensions 扩张最小二乘法

convergence 收敛性

scrutinize 仔细检查核查

probability density 概率密度

Unit 13


According to Gauss the principle of least squares is that the unknown parameter of a model should be chosen in such a way that the sum of the squares of differences between the actually observed and computed values multiplied by numbers that measure the degree of precision is a minimum。



analytical solution 解析解

loss function 损耗(损失)函数nonsingular 满秩的

nonnegative 非负的

unbiased estimate 无偏估计

residual 残余剩余

one-step-ahead prediction error

Newton-Raphson gradient

second partial derivative


model structure 模型结构

zero mean 零均值

standard deviation 标准差

biased estimate 有偏估计

step responses 阶跃响应

second-order model 二阶模型
