Effects of Octreotide on Intestinal Transit and Bacterial Translocation
第20卷第3期2021年6月Vol.20No.3Jun.2021浙江医学教育Zhejiang Medical Education•基础与临床研究・关节内注射高渗性葡萄糖治疗轻中度膝关节骨性关节炎的疗效分析楼珏翔,陈俊,徐国红,申屠国建,赵晓刚,王维凯@(温州医科大学附属东阳医院,浙江东阳322100)摘要:目的:探讨关节内注射高渗性葡萄糖治疗轻中度膝关节骨性关节炎的治疗效果。
结果:在第48周末,膝关节VAS评分由(6.29±1.42)分下降至(2.57±1.03)分(P<0.05)o WOMAC总分由(50.05±18.00)分下降至(14.86±13.79)分(P<0.05)。
关键词:膝关节骨关节炎;高渗性葡萄糖;关节腔注射中图分类号:R684.3文献标识码:B文章编号:1672-0024(2021)03-0058-03Efficacy of Intra-Articular Injection of Hypertonic Dextrose in the Treatment of Knee OsteoarthritisLOU Juexiang,CHEN Jun,XU Guohong,SHENTU Guojian,ZHAO Xiaogang,WANG Weikai@(Dongyang Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University,Zhejiang322100,China)Abstract:[Objective]To explore the effect of intra-articular injection of hypertonic dextrose on knee osteoarthritis.[Method] Patients with knee osteoarthritis of Kellgren Lawrence grade I-HI were included.Hypertonic dextrose(25%)was injected into the joint once a month for three times.The clinical efficacy was evaluated by visual analogue scale(VAS)and Western Ontario and McMaster University(WOMAC)osteoarthritis index before injection and4,8,12,24and48weeks after injection.[Result]At the end of the48th week,the knee VAS score decreased from(6.29±1.42)to(2.57±1.03)(P<0.05).The total score of WOMAC decreased from(50.05±18.00)to(14.86±13.79)(P<0.05).[Conclusion]Hypertonic dextrose intra-articular injection can effectively reduce the pain of knee joint and improve the function of knee joint.Key words:knee osteoarthritis;hypertonic dextrose;intra-articular injection膝关节骨性关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)是由关节软骨下组织和骨软骨的退行性和愈合过程引起的一种疾病。
J Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases, October 2023, Vol 40,No. 10依达拉奉右莰醇联合阿替普酶治疗急性缺血性脑卒中的疗效观察李春颖1, 鞠东升1, 潘澍潇1, 朱辉2, 靳颖1摘要: 目的 观察依达拉奉右莰醇联合阿替普酶治疗急性缺血性脑卒中(AIS )的疗效性和安全性。
方法 收集2020年11月―2022年4月松原吉林油田医院收治的AIS 患者共计124例,随机分为实验组(阿替普酶静脉溶栓+依达拉奉右莰醇组)和对照组(阿替普酶静脉溶栓组),对比治疗效果。
结果 实验组治疗总有效率为82.3%,高于对照组的64.5%,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
其溶栓后不同阶段NIHSS 评分结果(5.40 ± 3.82)分、(4.14 ± 3.44)分、(0.57 ± 0.99)分均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
结论 依达拉奉右莰醇联合阿替普酶治疗AIS 患者临床疗效确切。
关键词: 依达拉奉右莰醇; 阿替普酶; 急性缺血性脑卒中; 疗效中图分类号:R743.3 文献标识码:AEfficacy of edaravone dexborneol combined with alteplase in treatment of acute ischemic stroke LI Chunying ,JU Dongsheng , PAN Shuxiao , et al. (Songyuan Jilin Oilfield Hospital , Songyuan 138000, China )Abstract : Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of edaravone dexborneol combined with alteplase in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS ).Methods The data were collected from 124 patients with AIS who were admitted to our hospital from November 2020 to April 2022. The patients were randomly divided into experimental group (intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase + treatment with edaravone dexborneol ) and control group (intravenous thrombolysis with al‑teplase ), and the two groups were compared for efficacy.Results The overall response rate in the experimental group was sig‑nificantly higher than that in the control group (82.3% vs 64.5%, P < 0.05). The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores at different stages after thrombolysis were significantly lower in the experimental group (5.40 ± 3.82, 4.14 ± 3.44, and 0.57 ± 0.99) than in the control group (P < 0.05). No adverse drug reactions were observed in the two groups during the treat‑ment.Conclusion Edaravone dexborneol combined with alteplase has definite clinical efficacy in the treatment of AIS.Key words : Edaravone dexborneol ; Alteplase ; Acute ischemic stroke ; Efficacy 脑卒中是全球致残的主要原因和第二大死亡原因[1],至少50%幸存者将遗留残疾[2]。
【方法】试验设6个不同垫料组合和微生物菌剂处理,将不同垫料组合和菌剂与猪粪污充分混合进行堆肥发酵,发酵第0、5、10、15和20d 采样,测定各处理温度、水分、pH 、电导率和氮、磷、钾含量及微生物多样性,对比分析各处理物理化学指标和微生物群落变化差异,评价添加油橄榄果渣和功能菌剂的发酵效果。
【结果】添加油橄榄果渣和功能菌剂能提高异位发酵温度和高温维持时间,各组pH 均呈升高趋势,而含水率和EC 值均先升高后降低。
0~20d 发酵过程中,各处理组有机碳、氮、磷和钾含量变化趋势存在差异;与发酵0d 相比,发酵第20d 时有机碳含量显著降低(P <0.05,下同);全氮含量显著升高;功能菌剂组的全磷含量在发酵前后无显著差异(P >0.05);全钾含量均显著降低,以45%锯末+30%糠壳+25%油橄榄果渣+功能菌剂组的全钾含量最高(9.43g/kg )。
关键词:猪粪污;异位发酵;垫料;微生物菌剂;发酵效果中图分类号:S141.4文献标志码:A文章编号:2095-1191(2023)03-0877-10收稿日期:2022-11-17基金项目:重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项重点项目(cstc2021jscx-tpyzxX0004);重庆市教委科学技术重大项目(KJZD-M202201203)通讯作者:肖国生(1972-),https:///0000-0002-3544-183,教授,主要从事微生物生态安全及资源开发利用研究工作,E-mail :*****************.cn第一作者:陆肖宇(1997-),https:///0000-0002-9796-0424,研究方向为养殖粪污微生物处理,E-mail :****************Effects of partial replacement of sawdust and bran by olivepomace on ectopic fermentation of swine manureLU Xiao-yu 1,2,TANG Ming-feng 1,2,XIONG Yan-hong 1,2,WU Yang-zhen 1,CHENG Fei 1,2,XIAO Guo-sheng 1*(1College of Biology and Food Engineering ,Chongqing Three Gorges University ,Chongqing 404120,China ;2College ofEnvironmental and Chemical Engineering ,Chongqing Three Gorges University ,Chongqing 404130,China )Abstract :【Objective 】This research evaluated the fermentation effect of olive pomace partially replacing traditional mattress materials made by sawdust and bran and using functional microbial inoculum for ectopic fermentation ,so as to provide reference for swine manure ectopic fermentation and the resource utilization of agricultural waste.【Method 】Six different combinations of mattress materials and microbial inoculum were used in the experiment.The different combina-tions of mattress materials and microbial inoculum were thoroughly mixed with swine manure for composting and fermen-tation.Samples were taken on the day 0,5,10,15,and 20of fermentation to measure temperature ,moisture ,pH ,conduc-tivity ,nitrogen content ,phosphorus content ,potassium content ,and microbial diversity of each treatment.The differences in physical and chemical indicators and microbial community changes of each treatment were compared and analyzed to evaluate the fermentation effect of adding olive pomace and microbial inoculum.【Result 】The addition of olive pomace and microbial inoculum could increase the temperature of ectopic fermentation and the duration of high temperature.The pH value of each group increased ,while the water content and EC value increased first and then decreased.During the54卷南方农业学报·878·0引言【研究意义】近年来,我国禽畜养殖业迅速发展,但粪污无害化处理和资源化利用技术不够完善,导致禽畜粪便成为我国农业面源污染的主要问题(江青东等,2017),禽畜粪污无害化利用已成为养殖业可持续高质量发展的关键(王瑞和魏源送,2013;吴浩玮等,2020)。
奥曲肽治疗术后粘连性肠梗阻的疗效及临床分析 奥曲肽限胰腺炎术后医保报销
本组资料结果显示,观察组胃肠减压量368.9±125.6ml/日,肛门排气时间2.9±1.2天;对照组胃肠减压量811.9±267.4ml/日,肛门排气时间10.7±3.1天;两组比较差异有显著性(P参考文献1温广邵.奥曲肽治疗23例粘连性肠梗阻疗效观察[J].中国现代医生,2010,21(19):148-149.2张长青,张葵玲,吴伟岗,等.奥曲肽治疗肠梗阻25例[J].世界华人消化杂志,2003,11(11):1830-1832.3AldemirM,KokogluOF,GeyikMF,etal.EffectsofoctreotideacetateandSaccharomycesboulardi ionbacterialtranslocationinandexperimentalintestinalloopobstructionmodelofrats[J].TohokuJExpMed,2002,198:1-9.4李仙丽,张鸣青,马桂芳,等.结肠途径治疗机治疗粪石性肠梗阻的体会[J].护士进修杂志,2007,22(2):176-177.5GtzschePC,HrbjartssonA.Somatostatinanaloguesforacutebleedingoesop hagealvarices[J].CochraneDatabaseSystRev,2008,16(3):193.6周文星,陈月柱,管家祥.老年急性肠梗阻的临床特点及外科治疗[J].医学研究生学报,2007,20(1):111-112.7LundyJB,GadaczTR.Massivefecalimpactionpresentingwithmegarectuma ndperforationofastercoralulcerattherectosigmoidjunction [J].SouthMedJ,2006,99(5):525-527.。
2.1 谷氨酰胺谷谷氨酰胺是人体的“非必需”氨基酸,同时它可以保护胃肠道黏膜上皮,因此临床上除了可以用于治疗慢性胃炎外,还常用于放射性肠炎的治疗。
醋酸奥曲肽联合艾司奥美拉唑钠对急性胰腺炎患者的影响陆晶晶① 吴亚军② 吴婕③ 【摘要】 目的:探究醋酸奥曲肽联合艾司奥美拉唑钠对急性胰腺炎患者的影响。
【关键词】 急性胰腺炎 醋酸奥曲肽 艾司奥美拉唑钠 炎症因子 疗效 胃肠功能 doi:10.14033/ki.cfmr.2023.12.010 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2023)12-0040-05 Effect of Octreotide Acetate Combined with Esomeprazole Sodium on Patients with Acute Pancreatitis/LU Jingjing, WU Yajun, WU Jie. //Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 2023, 21(12): 40-44 [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the effect of Octreotide Acetate combined with Esomeprazole Sodium on patients with acute pancreatitis. Method: A total of 92 patients with acute pancreatitis who admitted to Rugao Bo’ai Hospital from May 2019 to May 2022 were selected as the subjects of this study. They were randomly divided into control group and observation group according to coin toss method, 46 cases in each group. Both groups were given routine treatment after admission, the control group was given Octreotide Acetate Injection on the basis of routine treatment, and the observation group was treated with Esomeprazole Sodium on the basis of the control group. The clinical efficacy, health status, gastrointestinal function, inflammatory factors, white blood cell count (WBC), serum amylase (AMS) level and quality of life before and after treatment were compared between the two groups. Result: The total effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation system Ⅱ (APACHE Ⅱ) score and gastrointestinal function score of the two groups decreased, and the APACHE Ⅱ score and gastrointestinal function score of the observation group were lower than those of the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-2 and interleukin-6 in the two groups were decreased, and the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-2 and interleukin-6 in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the levels of WBC and serum AMS in the two groups were decreased, and the levels of WBC and serum AMS in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the scores of physical function, social function and physical function of the two groups increased, and the scores of physical function, social function and physical function of the observation group were higher than those of the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Octreotide Acetate combined with Esomeprazole Sodium can effectively improve the treatment effect of patients with acute pancreatitis, alleviate the inflammatory state, protect the intestinal mucosa, so as to restore the gastrointestinal function, improve the health status, improve the quality of life.①如皋市博爱医院 江苏 如皋 226500②南通市第二人民医院③南京医科大学第四附属医院通信作者:吴亚军 急性胰腺炎患者的主要临床症状为急性上腹痛、发热、恶心、呕吐,主要是由于过量饮酒、暴饮暴食、胆道感染导致胰腺内的胰酶被激活,从而引起胰腺局部炎症[1]。
急性胰腺炎患者肠道菌群变化及益生菌的应用吕彦青,李嘉杰,刘坤禹,郭汝华,季慧范吉林大学白求恩第一医院肝胆胰内科,长春 130021通信作者:季慧范,************.cn(ORCID: 0000-0001-8816-1906)摘要:肠道菌群是人体中最复杂和最重要的微生态系统,肠道菌群失调与急性胰腺炎的发生、发展密切相关,近年来靶向调控肠道微生态辅助治疗急性胰腺炎逐步被人们重视。
关键词:胰腺炎,急性坏死性;胃肠道微生物组;鼠李糖乳杆菌基金项目:吉林市人口与健康发展研究(371170143428)Changes in intestinal microbiota and application of probiotics in patients with acute pancreatitisLYU Yanqing, LI Jiajie, LIU Kunyu, GUO Ruhua, JI Huifan.(Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Medicine, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130021, China)Corresponding author: JI Huifan,************.cn(ORCID: 0000-0001-8816-1906)Abstract:Intestinal microbiota is the most complex and important microecosystem in the human body, and gut microbiota dysbiosis is closely associated with the development and progression of acute pancreatitis. Targeted regulation of intestinal microecology in assisting the treatment of acute pancreatitis has attracted more attention in recent years. This article describes the changes in intestinal microbiota and related mechanisms in patients with acute pancreatitis,summarizes the current research status of the use of probiotics, points out the research direction of probiotics as the adjuvant treatment regime, and proposes a new method for predicting the dominant flora in patients with acute pancreatitis, in order to bring new ideas for the treatment of acute pancreatitis.Key words:Pancreatitis, Acute Necrotizing; Gastrointestinal Microbiome; Lactobacillus RhamnosusResearch funding:Research on Population and Health Development of Jilin City (371170143428)急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis,AP)是多种病因导致胰腺组织自身消化所致的胰腺水肿、出血及坏死等炎症性损伤,组织学上以腺泡细胞破坏为特征。
[18] Rajkumar K.E ffect of protein kinase2C inhibitor on estradiol induceddeoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in rats[J].S teroids,1993,58(3):1002 103.[19] Olea N,Seik K,S oto AM,et al.The proliferative effect of“antiandro2gens”on the androgen2sensitive human prostate tum or cell line LNCaP[J].Endocrinology,1990,126(3):1452147.[20] Audy MC,Vacher P,Du fy B.17b2estradiol stumulates a rapid Ca2+in2flux in LNCaP human prostate cancer cell[J].Eur J Endocrinol,1996, 135(30):3672369.收稿日期:2003210226 修回日期:2005201230食管下端括约肌内多肽类神经递质研究进展朱利斌(综述),李仲荣(审校)(温州医学院附属第二医院小儿外科,浙江温州325027)关键词:食管胃接合处;神经元;多肽;神经递质中图分类号:R571.2文献标识码:A文章编号:100622084(2005)0520424202 食管下端括约肌(lower es ophageal sphincter,LES)的主要功能为保障食管内容物单方向下行入胃。
LES功能失常可导致胃食管反流性疾病(gastroes ophageal reflux disease,GERD)及食管失弛缓症。
❖ 恶性肠梗阻术后并发症率37-45% ❖ 死亡率12-29% ❖ 术后症状缓解率50-74% ❖ 再梗阻率24-38%
恶性肠梗阻中,小肠梗阻较大肠梗阻更为常见(61%和33%),>20%的患者 大肠和小肠同时受累
最常见的引起恶性小肠梗阻的原发疾病为结直肠癌、妇科肿瘤和恶性黑色 素瘤
应用支架或导管行术前减压后,再采用腹腔镜手术行 肿瘤切除手术改变了此类肠梗阻的治疗模式
随着微创外科的成熟和发展,腹腔镜手术已经在恶性 肠梗阻的治疗中体现出了明显的优势
Morino M, Bertello A, Garbarini A, et al. Malignant colonic obstruction managed by endoscop ic stent decomp ression followed by laparoscop ic resections. Surg Endosc, 2002, 16 (10) : 1483 - 1487.
Lee等将107例右半结肠癌并梗阻的病例与123例左半结肠癌并梗阻的病例 比较,结果显示其一期切除吻合的吻合口瘘发生率无差异(5.2% vs 6.9%, P=0.77)
Leiman报道,一期切除吻合术与分期手术比较,5年生存率有明显延长 (分别为31.8%~50%和7.7%~21%)
【摘要】 目的 观察复方聚乙二醇电解质散联合二甲硅油散对老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备效果的影响。
方法 选择2015年8月至2018年8月于上海交通大学附属第六人民医院接受电子结肠镜检查的126例老年患者,使用随机数字表法将其分为观察组和对照组,每组各63例。
结果 观察组患者肠道准备不良反应总发生率显著低于对照组(P <0.05),肠道内气泡量总评分和病灶检出率均显著高于对照组(均P <0.05),肠镜检查时间显著短于对照组(P <0.05),生理盐水冲洗量显著少于对照组(P <0.05)。
两组患者肠道清洁度总评分比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。
结论 复方聚乙二醇电解质散联合二甲硅油散能够降低老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备不良反应发生率,减少肠道内气泡量,对于改善检查视野、提高病灶检出率均具有积极作用。
【关键词】 复方聚乙二醇电解质散;二甲硅油散;老年;结肠镜检查;肠道准备Effect of polyethylene glycol electrolytes powder combined with dimethicone powder on intestinal preparation before colono-scopy in elderly patientsGuo Yang, Zou Jing (Department of Digestive Endoscopy Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai 200233, China)Correspondingauthor:ZouJing,E-mail:189****************【Abstract 】 Objective To observe the effect of polyethylene glycol electrolytes powder combined with dimethicone powder on intestinal preparation before colonoscopy in elderly patients. Method A total of 126 elderly patients scheduled to undergo electronic colonoscopy in Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital divided into observation group and control group by random number table method, with 63 patients in each group, they were given polyethylene glycol electrolytes powder before examination, while observation group patients were given dimethicone powder. The adverse reactions of intestinal preparation, intestinal cleanliness, intestinal bubble volume score, enteroscopy time, saline irrigation volume and lesion detection rate were compared between the two groups. Result The total incidence of adverse reactions due to intestinal preparation in observation group was significantly lower than that in control group (P <0.05), the total score of intestinal bubble volume and lesion detection rate were significantly higher than those in control group (all P <0.05), the duration of enteroscopy was significantly shorter than that in control group (P <0.05), the amount of normal saline washing was significantly less than that in control group (P <0.05). There was no significant difference in the total scores of intestinal cleanliness between the two groups (P >0.05). Conclusion Polyethylene glycol electrolytes powder combined with dimethicone powder can reduce the incidence of adverse reactions of intestinal preparation before colonoscopy in elderly patients, reduce the amount of intestinal bubbles, improve the visual field of examination and the detection rate of lesions.【Key words 】 Polyethylene glycol electrolytes powder; Dimethicone powder; Elderly ; Colonoscopy; Intestinal preparation复方聚乙二醇电解质散联合二甲硅油散对老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备效果的影响郭阳,邹静(上海交通大学附属第六人民医院 消化内镜中心,上海 200233)通信作者:邹静 E-mail :189****************结肠镜检查是下消化道疾病尤其是结直肠疾病的重要诊断手段,良好的肠道准备是保证病变观察效果的前提,理想的肠道准备应符合快速、安全、清洁效果好等原则,且应确保患者使用方便、容易接受、不良反应少[1]。
奥曲肽联合鼻空肠置管肠内低脂营养预防白血病患儿 门冬酰胺酶相关性胰腺炎的治疗体会
中国小儿血液与肿瘤杂志 2019年 8月第 24卷第 4期 JChinaPediatrBloodCancer,August2019,Vol24,No.4
前仍没有确切的指标可以预知 APP的发生[34]。已 有研究显示阻断胰酶异常活化的多种途径可起到预 防和治疗 胰 腺 炎 的 作 用[5]。 生 长 抑 素 能 够 抑 制 胰 腺、胆囊及小肠液的分泌,并能松弛 Oddi括约肌,使 胰液引流通畅。奥曲肽是人工合成的生长抑素的八 肽衍生物,能有效减轻胰腺组织的胰酶化学损伤,是 治疗 AAP的关键药物之一[67]。本文回顾性分析吉 林大学第一医院 2013年 11月 -2016年 5月 APP 白血病患儿再次给予门冬酰胺酶时,应用奥曲肽联 合鼻空肠置管肠内低脂营养预防胰腺炎的临床治疗 和预后情况。
AAP)、血栓 栓 塞 性 疾 病、高 脂 血 症 和 肝 毒 性 等[1]。 发生 APP的多数病例虽不会导致死亡,却是门冬酰 胺酶治疗中断的最常见原因之一,而停用后续门冬 酰胺酶治 疗 是 导 致 复 发 率 上 升 的 原 因 之 一[2]。 目
作者单位:130021长春市,吉林大学第一医院小儿血液科 通讯作者:王癑,Email:wangyue7373@126com
张作慧 武双双 马翠 李春怀 王癑
【摘要】目的 回顾性总结应用奥曲肽联合鼻空肠置管肠内低脂营养预防白血病患儿门冬酰胺 酶相关性胰腺炎(AAP)的临床经验,为临床用药提供依据。方法 2013年 11月 -2016年 5月,我院 8例 ALL患儿在诱导缓解期并发 AAP,于延迟强化期再次应用包含门冬酰胺酶的联合化疗,予以奥 曲肽联合鼻空肠置管肠内低脂营养。统计该组患儿在延迟强化期胰腺炎的发生情况。结果 8例患 儿均再无 APP及门冬酰胺酶其他相关并发症发生。结论 应用奥曲肽联合鼻空肠置管肠内低脂营 养,门冬酰胺酶再暴露时相关并发症的发生明显减少。
急性消化道出血是临床常见疾 病 之 一,常 用 治 疗 药 物 有 奥曲肽,但大量的 临 床 数 据 揭 示,只 用 一 种 药 物 治 疗 急 性 消 化 道 出 血 ,药 效 缓 慢 ,患 者 满 意 度 低 ,临 床 效 果 欠 佳 . [1G3] 我 院采用奥曲肽联合凝血酶治疗急性 消 化 道 出 血,观 察 临 床 治 疗 效 果 及 对 患 者 满 意 度 的 影 响 ,现 将 结 果 报 道 如 下 . 1 对 象 与 方 法 1.1 研究对象 选 取 2017 年 9 月 ~2018 年 9 月 在 我 院 消 化内科治疗 的 急 性 消 化 道 出 血 患 者 130 例,均 符 合 纳 入 标 准:(1)符合急性消 化 道 出 血 的 临 床 诊 断 标 准;(2)伴 随 明 显 呕血、黑便等 临 床 症 状 者;(3)经 体 格 检 查、B 超 检 查、CT 检 查、三腔二囊管压迫止血检查、纤 维 内 镜 检 查、X 线 钡 餐 检 查 以及选择性动脉造影 等 相 关 实 验 室 检 查 确 诊 者;(4)排 除 不 符合纳入标准者 以 及 肝 肾 功 能 不 全、凝 血 功 能 异 常 者,其 他 原因或部位引起 出 血 者,合 并 严 重 器 质 性 病 变 疾 病 者,奥 曲 肽、凝血酶药物过敏者,有家族性遗 传 疾 病 及 个 人 史 者,存 在 明显沟通障碍者.本研究经医院伦 理 委 员 会 批 准,且 患 者 知 情并签署知情 同 意 书 者. 将 130 例 患 者 随 机 分 为 常 规 组 和 实验组,每组65例.常 规 组 男 32 例,女 33 例;年 龄 37~79
蛇 志 JournalofSNAKE (Science& Nature)
2019年第31卷第2期 Vol.31No.2血的效果
舌尖效应专业英语作文Title: The Tongue's Edge: Exploring the Culinary Delights Through the Lens of Gastronomy。
The concept of the "Tongue's Edge Effect" is a captivating exploration into the intricate world of gastronomy. This phenomenon delves deep into the multifaceted layers of taste, culture, and tradition, encapsulating the essence of culinary artistry. In this essay, we will embark on a journey to unravel the nuances of this phenomenon, delving into its significance in the realm of professional culinary discourse.At its core, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" epitomizes the sensory experience of savoring exquisite cuisines, transcending mere gustatory perception to evoke profound emotional and cultural resonance. It encompasses the interplay of flavors, textures, and aromas, orchestrating a symphony of sensations that titillate the palate and captivate the senses.In the realm of professional gastronomy, this phenomenon holds immense significance as it underscores the mastery of culinary craftsmanship and the art of flavor composition. Chefs strive to harness the "Tongue's Edge Effect" to create culinary masterpieces that not only satiate hunger but also stimulate the mind and nourish the soul.One of the key elements of the "Tongue's Edge Effect" is its ability to transcend cultural boundaries and foster cross-cultural appreciation. Through the exploration of diverse cuisines and culinary traditions, individuals are afforded the opportunity to embark on a sensory odyssey, immersing themselves in a tapestry of flavors that reflect the rich tapestry of human civilization.Moreover, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" serves as a catalyst for culinary innovation, inspiring chefs to push the boundaries of creativity and experimentation. By incorporating novel ingredients, techniques, and presentation styles, culinary artisans can creategastronomic marvels that challenge convention and redefine the culinary landscape.In addition to its aesthetic appeal, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" also holds profound implications for health and wellness. By emphasizing the importance of mindful eating and sensory awareness, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their food, fostering a sense of gratitude and reverence for the nourishment it provides.Furthermore, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" underscores the interconnectedness of food and culture, highlighting the role of cuisine as a conduit for social cohesion and cultural exchange. Through communal dining experiences and culinary rituals, individuals are able to forge meaningful connections and celebrate the rich diversity of human expression.In conclusion, the "Tongue's Edge Effect" represents a fascinating intersection of sensory perception, cultural heritage, and culinary innovation. As we continue to explore the depths of gastronomy, let us embrace thetransformative power of taste and savor the myriad delights that the culinary world has to offer.。
光化学法诱导的脑缺血模型 英语
光化学法诱导的脑缺血模型英语Photodynamic induction of cerebral ischemia model Photodynamic induction of cerebral ischemia is a technique usedto create a model of cerebral ischemia in experimental animals. This method involves the administration of a photosensitizing agent to the animal, followed by exposure to light, which activates the agent and induces ischemic damage in the brain.The photosensitizing agent is typically a substance that has a selective affinity for tissues with high blood flow, such as the brain. One commonly used photosensitizer is rose bengal, which is injected into the animal's bloodstream. Once in the brain, the photosensitizer remains relatively inactive until it is exposed to light of a specific wavelength.After the photosensitizer has been administered, the animal is subjected to light exposure. The light is typically delivered via a laser or other light source, and is targeted specifically at the brain region of interest. When the photosensitizer is activated by the light, it produces reactive oxygen species, such as singlet oxygen, which can cause oxidative damage to the surrounding tissues.The resulting oxidative stress and damage to the blood vessels in the brain lead to a reduction or cessation of blood flow to the affected area, simulating a cerebral ischemic event. This can result in the death of brain cells and the development of ischemic infarcts, similar to the damage seen in human stroke patients.The photodynamic induction of cerebral ischemia model has beenwidely used in research to study the mechanisms and potential treatments for cerebral ischemia and stroke. It allows researchers to investigate the effects of ischemic damage on the brain, as well as test the efficacy of neuroprotective agents and interventions in a controlled and reproducible manner.Overall, the photodynamic induction of cerebral ischemia model provides a valuable tool for studying the complex processes involved in ischemic brain injury and for developing new therapeutic strategies for stroke.。
植物雌激素蜕皮甾酮对氧化应激状态下的晶状体上皮细胞雌激素受体表达的影响张可丽;祁明信;黄秀榕;郭娜【摘要】目的研究人晶状体上皮细胞(HLEC)雌激素受体(ER)表达的情况及中药植物雌激素蜕皮甾酮(ECR)对氧化应激状态下的HLEC内ER表达的影响,为中药植物雌激素防治老年性白内障提供科学的实验依据.方法采用ECR与HLEC共同孵育,以雌二醇(E2)作为阳性对照,再用H2O2对HLEC造成氧化损伤后,采用流式细胞术(FCM)检测不同浓度(10-6、10-7 和10-8 mol/L)的ECR对ER蛋白表达的影响.结果正常HLEC内存在ERα、ERβ的表达;H2O2组HLEC内ERα、ERβ表达明显下降,分别为(21.428±1.491)%及(15.702±0.613)%,与对照组的(33.552±2.147)%及(27.208±1.633)%比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).E2和ECR高中低浓度组的HLEC内ERα、ERβ表达明显升高,与H2O2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);且随ECR浓度的增高HLEC内ERα、ERβ表达逐渐升高,呈明显的浓度依赖关系.结论 E2、ECR能上调氧化应激状态下的的HLEC内ERα、ERβ表达,并呈明显的浓度依赖关系.%Objective To investigate the effect of ecdysterone ( ECR ) on estrogen receptor ( ER ) expression in oxidative stress-induced human lens epithelial cell ( HLEC ), providing a new perspective to understand the mechanisms of age-related cataract ( ARC ), as well as a potential method for ARC prevention and treatment. Methods HLEC were cultured and sub-cultured in vitro. The cultured HLECs were exposed to H2O2 , with or without pretreatment of E2 or different concentration of ECR. The changes of the expression of ERa、ERβ in HLECs were analyzed by flow cytometer ( FCM ). Results The expression of ERct and ERβ was identified in normalHLECs by FCM; Moreover, the expression of ERa and ERβ in H2O2, group [ ( 21.428 ± 1.491 )% and ( 15.702 ±0. 613 )% ] decreased significantly compared with control group [ ( 33. 552 ±2.147 )% and ( 27. 208 ± 1.633 )% ]( P < 0. 01 ); The expression of ERa and ERβ in E2 group, 10-6, 10-7 and 10-3 mol/L ECR group increased significantly compared with H2O2 group respectively ( P <0.01 ). The ER showed a concentration-dependent expression of ECR. Conclusions The present study indicates that the expression of ERa and ERβ exist in normal HLEC. H2O2 decreases the expression of ERa and ERβ while E2 and ECR increase the expression of ERa and ERβ in HLECs cultivated with H2 O2. ER expression shows a concentration-dependent of ECR.【期刊名称】《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》【年(卷),期】2013(013)001【总页数】3页(P14-16)【关键词】人晶状体上皮细胞;雌激素受体;蜕皮甾酮;氧化损伤;白内障【作者】张可丽;祁明信;黄秀榕;郭娜【作者单位】福建中医药大学附属第二人民医院眼科,福州,350003【正文语种】中文近年来国内外陆续有研究结果从不同角度证实,雌激素可对抗晶状体氧化损伤、抑制晶状体上皮细胞凋亡,从而对年龄相关性白内障有一定的防护作用[1-3],且这种防护机制可能呈雌激素受体(estrogen receptor,ER)β依赖性[4]。
奥曲肽治疗肠梗阻的临床研究石武山;张和钊;白向东;王建国;马轶明【摘要】目的:探讨奥曲肽在肠梗阻治疗中的作用.方法:153例肠梗阻患者随机分为试验组和对照组.对照组74例给予常规治疗(如禁食、胃肠减压、抗感染、抑酸、补充电解质、营养支持及温盐水灌肠等治疗);试验组79例给予常规治疗联合生长抑素(奥曲肽)皮下注射,1次8h.治疗结束后观察两组病例的治疗效果,包括临床症状、体征缓解情况、住院时间、排气排便时间等.结果:与对照组相比,试验组治愈率、有效率均明显提高,患者临床症状及体征,如腹痛和腹胀的缓解率、肛门早期恢复排气排便百分率明显改善(P<0.05).结论:在常规治疗基础上,应用生长抑素治疗肠梗阻,可明显改善其临床症状,提高保守治疗的成功率.【期刊名称】《山西中医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(015)002【总页数】3页(P56-58)【关键词】肠梗阻;奥曲肽;生长抑素【作者】石武山;张和钊;白向东;王建国;马轶明【作者单位】大同市第三人民医院普外胃肠科,山西大同037008;山西医科大学第一临床医学院,山西太原030001;山西省肿瘤医院普外科,山西太原030013;山西省中西医结合医院普外科,山西太原030006;大同市第三人民医院普外胃肠科,山西大同037008【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R656.7肠梗阻是常见的外科急腹症,若出现肠绞窄或保守治疗24 h~72 h无效时则应行剖腹探查手术治疗。
1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料1.1.1 一般资料收集我院2009年1月-2011年1月间的肠梗阻病例共153例,按入院时间分组:第1例为试验组,第2例为对照组,依此类推。
比较多黏菌素和阿米卡星治疗急性出血坏死性肠炎对患者肠道菌群的影响舒宏伟【摘要】目的比较多黏菌素和阿米卡星治疗急性出血坏死性肠炎(AHNE)对患者肠道菌群的影响. 方法选取本院就诊的80例AHNE患者,随机分为多黏菌素组和阿米卡星组.多黏菌素组给予多黏菌素治疗,阿米卡星组给予阿米卡星治疗.比较两组治疗前、后肠道菌群变化. 结果治疗后1、3、5和7天,两组患者乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌、厌氧菌/需氧菌、双歧杆菌/肠杆菌比值较治疗前均升高,而肠球菌和肠杆菌水平较治疗前均降低(P<0.05),并且多黏菌素组患者乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌、厌氧菌/需氧菌、双歧杆菌/肠杆菌比值高于阿米卡星组,而肠球菌水平和肠杆菌水平低于阿米卡星组(P<0.05). 结论多黏菌素和阿米卡星治疗急性出血坏死性肠炎可调节患者肠道菌群平衡,并且多黏菌素优于阿米卡星.【期刊名称】《中南医学科学杂志》【年(卷),期】2017(045)004【总页数】4页(P405-407,415)【关键词】多黏菌素;阿米卡星;急性出血坏死性肠炎;肠道菌群【作者】舒宏伟【作者单位】汉中市人民医院急诊科,陕西汉中 723000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R516.1急性出血坏死性肠炎(acute hemorrhagic necrotizing enteritis,AHNE)是临床上常见的一种急性消化系统疾病,病变部位主要在小肠,表现为小肠的肠壁急性出血或者坏死[1]。
短肠综合征治疗进展刘业星【摘要】短肠综合征患者的治疗包括内、外科治疗.其中肠外营养在内科治疗中起着重要作用.肠外营养提供了水、电解质和必要营养物以维持生命,其同时存在致命的并发症,如感染、静脉通道破坏消失、血管栓塞及肝脏损害.这促成了一些新的治疗方法的产生,如生长因子的使用,以及为减轻症状使用的辅助药物(如奥曲肽减轻腹泻等).外科手术主要包括肠管的倒置吻合、肠襻圈形吻合以及延长小肠长度提高小肠功能,小肠移植也得到一定的发展.%The treatments for short bowel Byndrome include medical treatment and surgical treatment.Parenteral nutrition plays a crucial role in the medical treatment. Although parenteral nutrition provide water, electrolytes , and necessary nutrients easential for life maintenance , it is concomitantly complicated with life-threatening comorbidities , such as infection , destruction of venous access pathway , thrombosis , and liver injuriea. This promotes the emergence of some novel treatments ,including the use of growth factors and adjuvant agents to alleviate symptoms ( for example , octreotide for diarrhea) . Surgical treatment includes intestinal tapering , recirculating loop , and inteatinal lengthening to improve the inteatinal function. Intestinal transplantation has been also developed.【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2011(017)003【总页数】3页(P417-419)【关键词】短肠综合征;治疗;小肠移植【作者】刘业星【作者单位】深圳市福田人民医院胃肠外科,广东,深圳,518000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R574短肠综合征是因小肠被广泛切除后,小肠吸收面积不足导致的消化、吸收功能不良的临床综合征。
关键词:粘连性肠梗阻;丙氨酰谷氨酰胺;奥曲肽;术后;疗效Effect of alanine glutamine(Aln-Gln)combined with octreotide on postoperative patients with simple adhesive intestinal obstructionWang Ruiguang(Heilongjiang Harbin and sugar hospital,Heilongjiang Harbin 150039)[Abstract]Objective:To study the effect of alanine glutamine(Aln-Gln)combined with octreotide on postoperative patients with simple adhesive intestinal obstruction. Methods:66 cases of simple adhesiveness ileus treated in our hospital from January 2017 to January 2018 were selected as the subjects of this study. 66 patients were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group(33 cases each). The two groups were given routine support treatment after operation. On this basis,the control group was treated with octreotide acetate. The observation group was treated with Aln-Gln combined with octreotide,and the therapeutic effects of thetwo groups were compared. Results:the total effective rate of the observation group was 96.97% higher than that of the control group(78.78%),and the difference between the two groups was significant(P<0.05). The gastrointestinal decompression volume,anal exhaust time and abdominal symptom relief time in the observation group were better than those in the control group,and there was a significant difference between the two groups,P<0.05. Conclusion:the applicationof octreotide combined with Aln-Gln in patients with simple adhesive ileus is worthy of popularization.[Key words] adhesive intestinal obstruction;alanine glutamine;octreotide;postoperative;curative effect.单纯性粘连性肠梗阻是腹腔因多种因素导致肠粘连,肠内容物无法顺利通过肠道,主要表现为腹胀腹痛、停止排气与排便、恶心呕吐等症状,病情严重时也会出现肠穿孔、肠坏死,危及患者生命安全[1]。
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Effects of Octreotide on Intestinal Transit and Bacterial Translocation in Conscious Rats with Portal Hypertension andLiver FibrosisNARY VEAL,PhD,*HE´LE`NE AUDUBERTEAU,MD,*CAROLE LEMARIE,MD,†FRE´DE´RIC OBERTI,PhD,MD,*and PAUL CALE`S,MD*In cirrhosis,delayed intestinal transit may be responsible for increased endoluminal bacterial overgrowth and increased bacterial translocation.Octreotide has been reported to reduce intestinal transit.Therefore,we evaluated whether octreotide administration influences bacterial translocation in a model of liverfibrosis secondary to dimethylnitrosamine(DMNA) administration.Twenty-nine conscious rats were randomly assigned to three groups(sham ratsϩplacebo as controls,DMNAϩplacebo,DMNAϩoctreotide,1.5g/kg thrice daily subcutaneously),and including portal pressure,intestinal transit(radioactive method),and bacterial translocation were measured.Three of four variables measuring intestinal transit suggested a significant delay in intestinal transit in DMNA rats compared to controls(eg, cumulated radioactivity50%:controls:5.3Ϯ1.5,DMNAϩplacebo:3.2Ϯ1.2,DMNAϩoctreotide:2.7Ϯ1.9,PϽ0.01).This delay tended to be enhanced by octreotide but the effect was only significant with one of the intestinal transit variables.Bacterial translocation was significantly increased in DMNA rats compared to controls but octreotide did not increase translocation[eg,germ count(log)in lymph nodes:controls:3.1Ϯ3.6,DMNAϩplacebo:12.3Ϯ4.4,DMNAϩoctreotide:10.6Ϯ6.0,PϽ0.001].There was no significant correlation of portal pressure,intestinal transit,and bacterial translocation in this study.In conclusion,our results show that,although octreotide worsens delayed intestinal transit,it has no influence on the level of bacterial translocation.KEY WORDS:portal hypertension;rats;motility;small intestine;bacterial translocation;portal pressure.Patients with cirrhosis have an increased tendency to develop severe infections(1–3),mainly spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and septicemia,about75%of which are due to aerobic bacteria from the digestive tract.The main mechanism may be bacterial translo-cation,which is defined as the passage of bacteria through the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa to-wards mesenteric lymph nodes(4,5).Moreover,sev-eral studies have shown delayed intestinal transit in cirrhosis or portal hypertension(PHT)(6–10).This dysfunction in motility could be responsible for in-creased endoluminal bacterial overgrowth(11)and, consequently,bacterial translocation.However,the relationship between delayed transit and bacterial translocation has not been demonstrated.In addition, impaired motility of the small intestine,causing bac-terial overgrowth,might play a role in spontaneousManuscript received October10,2000;revised manuscript re-ceived February22,2001;accepted February28,2001.From the*Laboratoire HIFIH,UPRES EA2170,Universite´,and†Laboratoire de Bacte´riologie,CHU,Angers,France.Address for reprint requests:Dr.Paul Cale`s,Service d’He´pato-Gastroente´rologie,CHU,49033Angers Cedex01,France.Digestive Diseases and Sciences,Vol.46,No.11(November2001),pp.2367–2373(©2001)bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic patients(12)or cir-rhotic rats(13).Octreotide is frequently used to treat ruptured esophageal varices.This drug may alter intestinal motor activity(14–17)and,thus,the level of bacterial translocation.Moreover,infection is an independent predictive factor of early rebleeding(18).Thus,oct-reotide administration may limit its own effects on bleeding in patients with cirrhosis.In addition,soma-tostatin analogs,especially a long-acting compound, could be used in the near future in the prevention of variceal rebleeding when administered over several months(19).Therefore,the hypothetical risk of an increase in bacterial translocation should be studied to evaluate this aspect of the safety profile of soma-tostatin analogs in the treatment of portal hyperten-sion.Thus,the main aim of this study was to assess whether octreotide worsened bacterial translocation in a model of cirrhosis from dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA)administration.MATERIAL AND METHODSStudy Design.Twenty-nine adult Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to three groups on day1:group A: sham operated rats as controls(Nϭ11),group B:rats with PHT(Nϭ9),group C:rats with PHT treated with octreotide(Nϭ9).PHT was induced by intraperitoneal injection of1%dimethylnitrosamine(DMNA)solution as follows:one daily injection of0.1ml/100g body weight was performed on three consecutive days a week for three weeks(20,21).A similar amount of isotonic saline was injected into group A with the same modalities.In group C, 1.5g/kg octreotide was subcutaneously administrered ev-ery8hr from day21to day24.Serum saline was injected in group A and B in the same manner.The dose of octreotide was chosen according to a previous study showing that a single dose of2g/kg octreotide administered subcutane-ously produced a significant decrease in portal pressure in the DMNA model(22).All rats had free access to food and water until14–16hr before the surgical procedures on day 21and measurements on day24.Body temperature was maintained at37°C with a homeothermic blanket system (Harvard Apparatus Ltd)for all measurements.Measure-ments were performed blind.Protocols performed in this laboratory were approved by the French Agriculture Office in conformity with European legislation for research involv-ing animals.Surgical Procedures and Hemodynamic Study.Catheters were inserted while rats were under ether anesthesia on day 21.The abdomen was opened and a polyethylene catheter (PE-10,0.28mm ID,0.61mm OD,Clay Adams)was inserted into a small ileal vein and gently advanced to the bifurcation of the superior mesenteric and splenic veins to measure portal vein pressure.Mean arterial pressure and heart rate were measured with a catheter(PE-10,0.28mm ID,0.61mm OD,Clay Adams)inserted in the left femoral artery.Pressures and heart rate were monitored using a multichannel recorder(Nihon Kohden,Tokyo,Japan).All catheters were passed through subcutaneous tunnels at the back of the neck.Surgical procedures were performed under aseptic conditions three days before hemodynamic measurements.All rats could more freely in cages and were fully conscious when measurements were performed.On day24,mean arterial pressure,heart rate,and portal pres-sure were measured in conscious rats.Intestinal Transit.On day21,during laparotomy,a cath-eter(PE-50,0.58mm ID,0.96mm OD,Clay Adams)was inserted1cm into the duodenum through a small longitu-dinal incision and attached to the duodenal wall.The distal portion of the catheter emerged from the abdominal wall and was passed through a subcutaneous tunnel at the back of the neck.Intestinal transit was measured by the radio-active method described by Miller et al(23).On day24,40 min before being killed,1Ci of sodium chromate (Na2CrO4)radiolabeled with51Cr(Cr51-S1M039-14,Cis Biointernational,Gyf/Yvette,France)diluted in0.2ml iso-tonic saline was injected into the distal tip of the duodenal catheter.The catheter was rinsed with0.2ml of isotonic saline.Forty minutes later,the animal was killed by cervical section.The small intestines and colon were dissected and ligated at each end.They were then divided into10equal segments(10cm long).Each segment was numbered and placed in a separate tube for counting with a gamma-counter(Minaxi g,Autogamma5000series,Packard). Intestinal transit was evaluated by three variables:(1) cumulated radioactivity(CR),defined as the sum of radio-activity in the intestinal segment studied and previous seg-ments,(2)CR50and CR80segments,defined by the number of thefirst segment when CR wasՆ50%and80%, respectively,of total radioactivity of the intestines,and(3) geometric center,defined by the following formula:iϭ1ll.Rlwhere lϭis the number of the segment and Rlϭis the radioactivity of segmentBacteriological Study.Mesenteric lymph nodes were dis-sected and taken up by transillumination.One milliliter of portal vein blood was also aspirated.All lymph nodes were weighed and then manually crushed under aseptic condi-tions.Each specimen was placed in a sterile tube containing sterile water.Six successive1:10dilutions were performed with each specimen(from10Ϫ1to10Ϫ6).Then,0.1ml of each of the diluted solutions was seeded onto two agars: Colombia agar(Oxoid Ltd.Basingtone,Hampshire,En-gland)with5%blood(defibrinated horse blood,Eurobio, Les Ulis,France)and CLED(cystine lactose electrolyte deficients)agar(SanofiPasteur,Paris,France).Agar plates were incubated at37°C for48hr and then bacterial colonies were counted.The identification of bacteria was performed after isolation and using commercial kits(API20E and API NE,Biome´rieux,Marcy l’Etoile,France).These bacterio-logical studies were performed by the same biologist under blind conditions.Bacterial translocation was defined by the presence of enteric bacteria(log germ countϾ5),regard-less of whatever the species.When several species wereVEAL ET ALisolated,only the most numerous enteric species was taken into account.Histological Analysis.After HES staining,liver sections in the three rat groups were used to determine the degree offibrosis as follows:0:nofibrosis,1:discrete centrolobular fibrosis,2:somefibrous septa,3:bridgingfibrosis,4:cirrho-sis.Statistics.Qualitative variables were compared using the 2test with Yates’correction or the Fisher test when necessary.Quantitative variables were expressed as meanϮSD.Multiple quantitative variables were compared using analysis of variance with post hoc comparisons or by the Kruskal-Wallis test when the variances were heteroge-neous.The differences between the control and octreotide groups are not shown since they are less relevant.Correla-tions were tested with Pearson’s coefficient.To test the influence of a possible confounding factor(eg,the influence of the rat group),the correlation was calculated after ad-justment for a qualitative variable using Pearson’s coeffi-cient with the Snedecor method,including an interaction test.A significant interaction indicates that the correlation is significantly different in relation to a confounding factor.The independence of multiple correlations was tested by the partial correlation analysis.An␣riskϽ5%for a two-sided test was considered statistically significant.No sample size was calculated because there was no previous study on the effect of octreotide on bacterial translocation.We de-cided that the expected number of available rats with com-plete data would be10in each group and no intermediate analysis was performed.RESULTS Hemodynamics and weights are presented in Table 1.As expected,portal pressure was significantly higher in DMNA rats.The three-day octreotide ad-ministration did not change portal pressure in these rats.Thefibrosis score was significantly higher in the DMNA groups than in the sham group(data not shown),but no cirrhosis and no ascites wereobservedFig1.Cumulated radioactivity as a function of intestinal segment.Analysis of variance:a,PϽ0.05;b,PϽ0.01(C vs B:PϽ0.05);c,PϽ0.05;d,PϽ0.01(A vs C:PϽ0.05).Group A:controls,B:DMNAϩplacebo,C:DMNAϩoctreotide.T ABLE1.H EMODYNAMICS AND W EIGHTControls(A)DMNAPlacebo(B)Octreotide(C)PANOVA A vs B B vs C Body weight(g)350Ϯ72296Ϯ60294Ϯ62NSSpleen weight(g)0.9Ϯ0.2 1.0Ϯ0.3 1.2Ϯ0.3Ͻ0.05*NS NSLymph node weight(g)0.22Ϯ0.090.29Ϯ0.060.22Ϯ0.06NSLiver weight(g)12.8Ϯ1.710.9Ϯ2.511.5Ϯ2.3NSPortal pressure(mm Hg)8.3Ϯ1.212.9Ϯ1.612.9Ϯ1.5Ͻ0.0001Ͻ0.0001NS*Due to the significant difference between A and C.OCTREOTIDE AND BACTERIAL TRANSLOCATIONin the DMNA groups.Extensivefibrosis in the cen-trolobular area was observed in several DMNA rats. Results of intestinal transit are presented in Figure 1and Table2.CR(Figure1),CR50,and CR80,but not the geometric center(Table2),were significantly decreased in DMNA rats compared to controls.CR 50,CR80,and the geometric center were decreased in DMNA rats treated with octreotide compared to untreated DMNA rats but the differences were not significant(Table2).However,Figure1shows that the curve of CR was significantly delayed in DMNA rats treated with octreotide compared to untreated DMNA rats.The level and frequency of bacterial translocation were significantly increased either in the lymph nodes or in the portal vein in DMNA rats compared to control rats(Table3).There was no significant dif-ference between untreated and octreotide-treated DMNA rats.There was no significant correlation between intes-tinal transit time,bacterial translocation,or portal pressure(Pearson’s coefficient in the three rat groups with adjustment for group according to the Snedecor method,interaction test:NS,details not shown).An example of the correlations is given in Figure2.On the other hand,as expected,parameters were well correlated within each technique—germ counts,(ex-pressed in log n)in the portal vein and in lymph nodes (rϭ0.84,PϽ0.0001;r adjustedϭ0.74,PϽ0.01) and CR80and geometric center(r adjustedϭ0.87, PϽ0.0001).DISCUSSIONStudy Protocol.Several models of portal hyperten-sion and cirrhosis have been used to study intestinal transit or bacterial translocation,especialy portal vein ligation.However,Garcia-Tsao et al have shown that bacterial translocation was only increased in thefirst days following portal vein ligation(24).This short duration makes a reliable study of intestinal motility after laparotomy impossible.Although other studies have been based on a model of cirrhosis induced by the intragastric administration of carbon tetrachlo-ride(CCl4),CCl4has not been clearly shown to be harmless to intestinal mucosa(25),thus raising doubts about its possible effects on intestinal motility. On the other hand,DMNA-induced cirrhosis is a quick and easy model that has not been used in intestinal transit or bacterial translocation studies. The radioactive method for measuring intestinal tran-sit is well established(6,23),and duodenal catheter-ization can be used to study intestinal transit alone without gastric motility.Indeed,as in models of portal hypertension(26,27),we have observed accelerated gastric emptying in cirrhosis(28).This,as well as the effect of octreotide on gastric motility(14),could interfere with the interpretation of intestinal transit measurements if intragastric administration was used. Intestinal Transit.As expected and as in other studies(6–10),intestinal transit measured by three variables(CR,CR50,and CR80),was significantly decreased in DMNA rats compared to controls.The fourth variable,the geometric center,reported by Miller et al(23)to be a sensitive and reliable method for quantifying intestinal transit,was not significantly decreased in DMNA rats.This discrepancy may indi-cate that cumulative radioactivity is more sensitive than the geometric center for measuring intestinal transit.None of the variables of intestinal transit time was correlated with the degree of portal pressure in our study.Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain alterations in intestinal motor activity in cirrhosis or portal hypertension:structural alterations of the intestinal mucosa or other layers(5),modifi-cations in the autonomic nervous system(29),and humoral abnormalities such as increased glucagon levels(30).However,Chesta et al did notfind any relationship between serum glucagon levels and in-testinal transit or the migrating motor complex dura-tion(31).The suggested role of nitric oxide(NO)on intestinal motility(32,33)is not known in cirrhosisT ABLE2.R ESULTS OF I NTESTINAL T RANSITControls (A)DMNAPlacebo(B)Octreotide(C)PANOVA A vs B B vs CGeometric center466Ϯ141386Ϯ122305Ϯ78Ͻ0.05*NS NSCR50† 5.3Ϯ1.5 3.2Ϯ1.2 2.7Ϯ1.9Ͻ0.01Ͻ0.01NSCR80 6.1Ϯ0.8 4.9Ϯ1.3 4.4Ϯ1.5Ͻ0.05Ͻ0.05NS*With a significant difference between groups A and C.†CR:cumulated radioactivity.VEAL ET ALbut bacterial translocation increases NO production in cirrhotic rats (34).Bacterial Translocation.As expected,in this study,bacterial translocation was signi ficantly increased in DMNA rats with portal hypertension compared to control rats.However,none of the variables of bac-terial translocation were correlated with the degree of portal pressure in our study.Chiva et al (35)also found no correlation between the severity of portal hypertension and bacterial translocation in the CCl 4-induced model of cirrhosis.Thus,the presence of,but not the degree of,portal hypertension seems to be related to bacterial translocation.Moreover,none of the variables of bacterial trans-location were correlated with those of intestinal tran-sit.This could suggest that delayed intestinal transit is not directly responsible for increased bacterial trans-location.On the other hand,a close relationship between transit alterations and the endoluminal bac-teriological system has been suggested by others.Thus,Scott and Cahall have shown that the injection of morphine or phenylephrine in normal rats induced myoelectric intestinal alterations with a signi ficant increase in transit time and jejunal bacterial count (36).The same alterations have been observed in a model of subtotal hepatectomy in rats (37).Wang et al have recently shown that prokinetic substances,such as cholecystokinine (38)or cisapride (39),de-creased intestinal transit time,bacterial overgrowth,and bacterial translocation in this same model in rats.The lack of in fluence of delayed intestinal transit on bacterial translocation observed in our study suggests that nonmotor factors,such as functional or morpho-logical intestinal modi fications,might explain the in-crease in bacterial translocation in cirrhosis.These factors may be pathological (40,41),hemodynamic (42),or immunological (43,44)modi fications.More-over,intestinal mucosal permeability has recently been reported to be increased in cirrhotic patients (45),and a defective mesenteric in flammatory re-sponse was observed in portal hypertensive rats (46).These alterations in mucosal barrier defenses might favor bacterial translocation.Finally,a loop could worsen these dysfunctions since:(1)endolumi-nal bacteria (47)or bacterial translocation (34)may increase NO synthase activity,and (2)overproduction of NO may contribute to intestinal barrier dysfunc-tion (48).Octreotide.In this study,octreotide signi ficantly delayed the CR curve (Figure 1)in DMNA rats compared to untreated DMNA rats,suggesting de-layed intestinal transit.However,octreotide did not signi ficantly decrease the three other variables mea-sures intestinal transit (ie.,CR 50,CR 80,and geo-metric center).Delayed intestinal transit with oct-reotide has been clearly demonstrated in healthy volunteers (14–17).We can not clearly explain the absence of a signi ficant effect of octreotide ontheseFig 2.Correlation between CR 80(motor index)and bacterial translocation.The term r was adjusted by rat group (there was no signi ficant correlation in any group).CR:cumulated radioactivity.T ABLE 3.B ACTERIAL C OUNTANDT RANSLOCATION F REQUENCY Controls (A)DMNAPlacebo (B)Octreotide (C)PANOVA A vs B B vs C Lymph nodeBacterial count (log) 3.1Ϯ3.612.3Ϯ4.410.6Ϯ6.0Ͻ0.001Ͻ0.001NS Translocation (%)05644*Ͻ0.01NS Portal veinBacterial count (log) 1.0Ϯ2.78.5Ϯ8.111.7Ϯ3.6Ͻ0.05Ͻ0.05NS Translocation (%)5667*Ͻ0.01NS*Calculation impossible due to small theoretical numbers.OCTREOTIDE AND BACTERIAL TRANSLOCATIONthree variables.The effect of octreotide on motility might depend on the dose used(49).Although oct-reotide prolongs transit time at moderate to high doses(17),we cannot exclude a significant effect at higher doses of octreotide,especially since the dose used in the present study was rather low compared to that used in other models of liverfibrosis(50).On the other hand,the power of the test was2%for the observed difference in bacterial translocation of lymph nodes.Whatever the precise nature of this effect,in this study octreotide did not increase bacte-rial translocation in DMNA rats.This result needs to be confirmed during gastrointestinal bleeding since it has been suggested that hemorrhagic shock increases bacterial translocation in portal hypertension(51). However,we did not observe an increase in infectious complications in cirrhotic patients with variceal bleeding treated with somatostatin analoges(52,53). Moreover,Khan et al found that octreotide does not increase the degree of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with liver diseases(54).Octreotide has several other effects on the splanch-nic territory—reduced gastrointestinal secretions and splanchnic bloodflows,and induction of phase III of the migrating motor complex(15).Moreover,Helton and Garcia have observed that octreotide decreased bacterial translocation in a model of trinitrobenzene-sulfonic acid-induced colitis in rats(55).These au-thors suggested that octreotide could act locally on intestinal mucosal defenses.In addition,octreotide might improve intestinal pathological alterations in cirrhotic rats(56).On the other hand,it has been shown that propranolol accelerates intestinal transit, decreasing the rates of bacterial translocation and overgrowth in cirrhotic rats(13).Taken together, these results suggest that the interrelationship be-tween motor activity,bacterial translocation,and oc-treotide may be more complex than a direct interac-tion between these two alterations.In conclusion,this study shows that bacterial trans-location was increased in the rat model of DMNA-induced cirrhosis.Octreotide delayed intestinal tran-sit,but this did not result in increased bacterial translocation.This suggests that nonmotor alterations in the intestinal wall play a role in bacterial translo-cation in cirrhosis.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Mrs.Dale Roche for her contribution.REFERENCES1.Tsidale WA:Spontaneous colon bacillus bacteremia in Laen-nec’s cirrhosis.Gastroenterology40:141–148,19612.Garcia-Tsao G:Spontaneous bacterial peritonis.GastroenterolClin North Am21:257–275,19913.Barnes PF,Arevalo C,Chan LS,Wong SF,Reynolds TB:Aprospective evaluation of bacteriemic patients with cirrhosis.J Hepatol18:353–358,19934.Berg RD:Bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinaltract.J Med23:217–244,19925.He´douin V,Neut C,Lescut D,Bazin B,Rambaud JC,Colom-bel JF:Translocation bacte´rienne des bacte´ries endoge`nes.Gastroenterol 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