Development of Ultra-performance Liquid Chromatographic Fingerprint for Quality Control of Rheum
Development of a Microreactor for Solid Phase Synthesis
Solid Phase Organic Chemistry
One of today's most effective and reliable methods for the preparation of large libraries is based on the use of solid phase organic synthesis due to the ease of its automation and the good purities of the final products. This technology - the build up of a molecule on a template which is covalently bonded via a linker to a polymer support, followed by cleavage of the bond to the linker - has been developed to a very reliable tool in parallel synthesis [5]. The main advantages are: • The ease of driving a reaction to completion by employing excess reagent which can be washed off after the reaction. • The avoidance of difficult purification steps such as chromatography, distillation or crystallization. SPOS needs only few repetitive unit operations which have to be realized under inert conditions: • Addition of liquid reagents / solvents • Agitation • Filtration • Heating / cooling
HINA SCENEBETTER COMMUNICATION | GREATER VALUEGB/T 42565-2023, Quantum computing—Terminology and definition , the first of its kind, was published by SAMR (SAC), which will be implemented on December 1, 2023.It is also the first national standard developed by SAC/TC 578, Quantum computing and metrology , which specifies the terms and definitions related to the general basis, hardware, software and application of quantum computing, and provides guidance for the preparation of scientific research reports, standards development, and technical document development in this field.The standard helps avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding in the use of terms for quantum computing, reduce conceptual confusion among all stakeholders, and provides a common language for researchers, technicians, enterprises, potential customers, etc. It further boosts the research, exchange and application of quantum computing technology, and provides important support for future compatibility and interoperability, laying a solid foundation for the standardization of quantum computing technology.As China’s first specialized research institution in the quantum field, Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology (JIQT) took the lead in carrying out standardization work on quantum information technology. In 2019, it led the establishment of SAC/TC 578, and held the secretariat. SAC/TC 578 has carried out standards development work in the fields of terminologies, definitions, optical frequency comb, random number generator, etc., with 8 national standards under development and 1 national standard published.Based on the work of SAC/TC 578, JIQT will continue to play a leading role in standardization, create a comprehensive support platform integrating standards development, verification and innovation, build a national technicals t a n d a r d s s y s t e m f o r q u a n t u minformation, and strive to build anational “quantum plus” standardsapplication demonstration center. It willfacilitate the output of engineered andindustrialized quantum technologicalachievements by standards.First national standard for quantum information technology published10 CHINA STANDARDIZATION July / August 2023Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.GB 42590-2023, Safety requirements for civil unmanned aircraft system , was recently released by SAMR (SAC), which was drafted by MIIT and will be implemented on June 1, 2024.The global civil unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry has developed rapidly. Due to the characteristics of simple operation and flexibility, UAVs are widely used in agriculture, forestry, electricity, meteorology, marine monitoring, remote sensing and mapping, logistics, emergency rescue and other fields. However, they can be easily modified, which leads to unauthorized operation and casts shadow on national security and public safety. In addition, with the absence of unified quality and safety standards for civil UAVs, the product design of some enterprises is inappropriate, threatening people’s lives and property.GB 42590-2023 is a supporting standard of the Interim Regulations on the Flight Management of Unmanned Aircraft , which can effectively guide the design and production of UAVs, regulate the compliance tests of testing bodies, and ensure the safe use of users. It helps enhance the safety of civil UAV products, implement their management requirements, and promote the healthy development of the industry.The standard is applicable to micro, light and small civil drones, except for aircraft models. It puts forward 17 aspects of mandatory technical requirements and corresponding test methods, such as electronic fence, remote identification, and emergency treatment.SAMR (SAC) will work with MIIT to comprehensively carry out standards publicity and training, and guide manufacturers to actively implement and comply with the standard.National standard for civil unmanned aircraft system released11 2023 July / August CHINA STANDARDIZATION Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。
JPL design and possessing electrolytes and electrode materials prepared at JPL.
The electrolytes chosen for integration into the prototype cells consist of three ethylene carbonatebased solutions for use with graphite-type anodes: 1.OM LiPF6 EC+ DMC(30:70),1.0M LiPF8EC+DEC (30:70), andl.0M LiPF, EC+ DEC+DMC(l:l:l), and three propylene carbonate-based electrolytes for use with coke-type anodes: 1.0 M LiPFe PC+ DEC (50:50), 0 . 5 M LiPF, PC+ DEC (25:75), and0.5MLiPF6 PC+ DME (50:50).
specified temperature range, such as (i) possess good electrochemical stability over a wide voltage window (O to 4.5V), (ii) have the ability to form thin, stable passivating films at the carbonaceous anode electrode, and (iii) display good thermal and chemical stability. All of these factors need to be weighed accordingly depending on the ultimate application intended.
1-877-496-3566 – 1INSTALLATIONMANUALDistributed in the U.S.A. by:Revised on 01/10/2018Supersedes all previous versions.Check website for updates.Job Site Conditions 3Subfloors 3Subfloor Preparation 3-5Storage & Handling 5Roll Installation6-7INSTALLATIONI.JOB SITE CONDITIONS1.Installation should not begin until after all other trades are finished in the area. If the job requires othertrades to work in the area after the installation of the floor, the floor should be protected with anappropriate cover. Kraft paper or plastic works well.2.Areas to receive flooring should be weather tight and maintained at a minimum uniform temperature of65°F (18°C) for 48 hours before, during, and after the installation.II.SUBFLOORSDURA WOOD may be installed over concrete, approved Portland- based patching and leveling materials, such as Ardex K-15 or equivalent, and wood.NOTE: Ardex Engineered Cements400 Ardex Park DriveAliquippa, PA 15001(724) 203-5000NOTE: Gypsum-based patching and leveling compounds are not acceptable.1.Wood Subfloors –W ood subfloors should be double construction with a minimum thickness of one inch.The floor must be rigid and free from movement with a minimum of 18 inches of well-ventilated air spacebelow.2.Underlayments – The preferred underlayment panel is American Plywood Association (APA)underlayment grade plywood, minimum thickness of 1/4-inch, with a fully s anded face.3.Plywood Subfloors and underlayments must be American Plywood Association (APA) approved.Plywood shall not have any treatments added. (For example – fire retardant) The moisture content ofthe plywood may not exceed 12%.4.Concrete Floors – Concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi. New concreteslabs should cure for a minimum of 28 days before installing DURA WOOD. Concrete must be fullycured and permanently dry.NOTE: Particleboard, chipboard, Masonite and lauan are not considered to be suitable underlayments.III.SUBFLOOR REQUIREMENTS AND PREPARATION1.Subfloors shall be dry, clean, smooth, level, and structurally sound. They should be free of dust, solvent,paint, wax, oil, grease, asphalt, sealers, curing and hardening compounds, alkaline salts, old adhesiveresidue, and other extraneous materials, according to ASTM F710.2.Subfloors should be smooth to prevent irregularities, roughness, or other defects from telegraphingthrough the new flooring. The surface should be flat to the equivalent of 3/16˝ (4.8 mm) in 10´ (3.0 m).3.Mechanically remove all traces of old adhesives, paint, or other debris by scraping, sanding, or scarifyingthe substrate. Do not use solvents. All high spots shall be ground level and low spots filled with anapproved Portland-based patching compound.4.All saw cuts (control joints), cracks, indentations, and other non-moving joints in the concrete must be filled with an approved Portland-based patching compound.INSTALLATION5.Expansion joints in the concrete are designed to allow for expansion and contraction of the concrete. If a floor covering is installed over an expansion joint, it will likely fail in that area. Use expansion joint coversdesigned for resilient flooring.NOTE: Expansion joint covers can be obtained from:Balco, Inc.2626 South SheridanP .O. Box 17249Witchita, KS 67217(316) 945-93286.Always allow patching materials to dry thoroughly and install according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Excessive moisture in patching material may cause bonding problems or a bubblingreaction with the adhesive.HAZARDS:SILICA WARNING – Concrete, floor patching compounds, toppings, and leveling compounds can contain free crystalline silica. Cutting, sawing, grinding, or drilling can produce respirable crystalline silica (particles 1- 10 micrometers). Classified by OSHA as an IA carcinogen, respirable silica is known to cause silicosis andother respiratory diseases. Avoid actions that may cause dust to become airborne. Use local or generalventilation or provide protective equipment to reduce exposure to below the applicable exposure limits.ASBESTOS WARNING – Resilient flooring, backing, lining felt, paint, or asphaltic “cutback” adhesives cancontain asbestos fibers. Avoid actions that cause dust to become airborne. Do not sand, dry sweep, dryscrape, drill, saw, beadblast, or mechanically chip or pulverize. Regulations may require that the material be tested to determine the asbestos content. Consult the document “Recommended Work Practices forRemoval of Existing Resilient Floor Coverings” available from the Resilient Floor Covering Institute.LEAD WARNING – Certain paints can contain lead. Exposure to excessive amounts of lead dust presents ahealth hazard. Refer to applicable federal, state, and local laws and the publication “Lead Based Paint:Guidelines for Hazard Identification and Abatement in Public and Indian Housing” available from the UnitedStates Department of Housing and Urban Development.7.Maximum moisture vapor emission of the concrete must not exceed 5.5 lbs. per 1000 sq.ft. in a 24 hourperiod as measured by the calcium chloride moisture emission test conducted in accordance to ASTMF1869. Moisture can also be measured using the RH Relative Humidity test method per ASTM F2170standard. Moisture content should not exceed 85% RH. If levels are high using either test method, thenone of Summit International Floorings recommended vapor retardants must be used. If the emissionsexceed the limitations, the installation should not proceed until the situation has been corrected.NOTE: For moisture remediation, Summit International Flooring recommends the following two vaporretardant products.1.ARDEX MC Rapid, Plus or Ultra - 724-203-5000, 2.Bostik Durabond D-250 - 888-592-8558, INSTALLATION8.It is essential that pH tests be taken on all concrete floors. If the pH is greater than 9, it must beneutralized prior to beginning the installation.9.Adhesive bond tests should be conducted in several locations throughout the area. Glue down 3´ x 3´ test pieces of the flooring with the recommended adhesive and trowel. Allow to set for 72 hours beforeattempting to remove. A sufficient amount of force should be required to remove the flooring and, whenremoved, there should be adhesive residue on the subfloor and on the back of the test pieces.IV. M ATERIAL STORAGE AND HANDLING1.Material should be delivered to the job site in its original, unopened packaging with all labels intact.2.Roll material should always be stored on end. Storing DURA WOOD laying down may cause welting, which causes permanent memory of the material. Rolls should only be stored on a clean, dry, smooth surface.3.Inspect a ll materials f or v isual d efects b efore beginning the installation. No labor claim w ill behonored o n m aterial i nstalled with v isual d efects. Verify t he m aterial delivered is t he c orrect style,color, and amount. Any discrepancies must be reported immediately before beginning installation.4.The material and adhesive must be acclimated at room temperature for a minimum of 48 hours beforestarting installation.5.All D URA W OOD r olls m ust be u nrolled and installed i n the s ame d irection. L aying r olls inthe opposite direction can cause color variations between the rolls.y the rolls to provide as few seams as possible with economical use of materials. Match edges for color shading and pattern at seams. Be prepared to straight edge cut the side seams to ensure patternconsistency.7.For best results, the installer should unroll all rolls and allow to relax overnight.INSTALLATIONTECHNICAL MANUALV.INSTALLATION – DURA WOOD ROLL MATERIAL1.Make the assumption that the walls you are butting against are not straight or square. Using a chalkline, make a starting point for an edge of the flooring to follow. The chalk line should be set where thefirst seam will be located.2.Remove the DURA WOOD from the shrink wrap and unroll it onto the floor. Lay the vinyl on the floorin a way that will use your cuts efficiently. Cut all rolls at the required length, including enough to runup the wall a couple inches.3.If end seams are necessary, they should be staggered on the floor and overlapped approximately 2”.End seams will be trimmed after acclimation period using a square to ensure they fit tightly withoutgaps. Match and cut seams to maintain overall continuity of color and pattern.4.After allowing proper acclimation and rough cuts are made you may begin the installation.5.Align the first edge to the chalk line.Note: i t i s v ery i mportant t hat t he f irst seam i s p erfectly s traight.6.Position the second roll with appropriate overlap required to maintain board pattern consistency. Afterseams are trimmed, the edges should fit snug with no visual gaps. Care should be taken to not overcompress the seam. Over compressed seams will cause peaking.7.Repeat for each consecutive sheet necessary to complete the area or those rolls that will be installedthat day.INSTALLATION – GLUE DOWN DURA WOOD Rollsa.After performing the above procedures, begin the application of the adhesive. We recommend SIF848.SIF 848 should not be mixed. It is specially formulated for use right out of the pail. Apply SIF 848 e substrateusing a 1/16˝square- notched trowel.b.Fold over the first drop along the wall (half the width of the roll). Rolls are 6 feet wide and 30 feet long.When roll is folded over this will leave an exposed area of substrate that is 3 feet wide and 30 feetlong.c.Spread the adhesive using the proper size square-notched trowel. Take care not to spread more Ithan can be covered with flooring within 30 minutes. The open time of the adhesive is 30–40minutes at 70°F and 50% relative humidity.NOTE: Temperature and humidity affect the open time of the adhesive. Temperatures above 70°F and/orrelative humidity above 50% will cause the adhesive to set up more quickly. Temperatures below 70°Fand/or relative humidity below 50% will cause the adhesive to set up more slowly. The installer shouldmonitor the on-site conditions and adjust the open time accordingly.y the flooring into the wet adhesive. Do not allow the material to “flop” into place; this may cause air entrapment and bubbles beneath the flooring.INSTALLATIONTECHNICAL MANUALe.Immediately roll the floor with a 75–100 lb. roller to ensure proper adhesive transfer. Overlap each passof the roller by 50% of the previous pass to ensure the floor is properly rolled. Roll the width first andthen the length.f.Fold over the second half of the first roll and half the width of the second roll. Taking roll sizes intoaccount, this will provide an exposed area of substrate of 6 feet wide and 30 feet in length per roll.Spread the adhesive, roll the flooring, and repeat for each consecutive drop.g.Continue the process for each consecutive drop. Work at a pace so that you are always foldingmaterial back into wet adhesive bed.NOTE: Never leave adhesive ridges or puddles. They will telegraph through the material.h.Do not allow SIF 848 to cure on your hands or the flooring. Immediately wipe off excess adhesive with a rag dampened with mineral spirits! Cured adhesive is very difficult to remove from hands. We stronglysuggest wearing gloves while using SIF 848i.Hand roll all seams after the entire floor has been rolled.j.Keep traffic off the floor for a minimum of 24 hours. Floor should be free from rolling loads for aminimum of 48-72 hours.INSTALLATION – Welding DURA WOOD Rollsk. a. Groove seams in vinyl sheet flooring with a hand groover or a mechanical groover. (Leister welding tools are excellent) b. Apply coordinating weld rod with heat welder (Leister or equivalent) c. Using a standard skiving knife take initial pass to remove excess weld rod. d. Allow weld seam to set for 15 minutes and take a final pass with the skive knife so the weld rod is completely flush and smooth to the sheet vinyl flooring. e. All seams are RECOMMENDED to be HEAT WELDED. f. If you are installing Dura Wood Sheet Flooring in areas that may get wet periodically (Bathrooms/kitchens/bars) then the seams MUST BE HEAT WELDED.INSTALLATION。
Mellanox Ethernet 网络设备用户手册说明书
SOLUTION BRIEFKEY BUSINESS BENEFITSEXECUTIVE SUMMARYAnalytic tools such as Spark, Presto and Hive are transforming how enterprises interact with and derive value from their data. Designed to be in memory, these computing and analytical frameworks process volumes of data 100x faster than Hadoop Map/Reduce and HDFS - transforming batch processing tasks into real-time analysis. These advancements have created new business models while accelerating the process of digital transformation for existing enterprises.A critical component in this revolution is the performance of the networking and storage infrastructure that is deployed in support of these modern computing applications. Considering the volumes of data that must be ingested, stored, and analyzed, it quickly becomes evident that the storage architecture must be both highly performant and massively scalable.This solution brief outlines how the promise of in-memory computing can be delivered using high-speed Mellanox Ethernet infrastructure and MinIO’s ultra-high performance object storage solution.IN MEMORY COMPUTINGWith data constantly flowing from multiple sources - logfiles, time series data, vehicles,sensors, and instruments – the compute infrastructure must constantly improve to analyze data in real time. In-memory computing applications, which load data into the memory of a cluster of servers thereby enabling parallel processing, are achieving speeds up to 100x faster than traditional Hadoop clusters that use MapReduce to analyze and HDFS to store data.Although Hadoop was critical to helping enterprises understand the art of the possible in big data analytics, other applications such as Spark, Presto, Hive,, and Kafka have proven to be more effective and efficient tools for analyzing data. The reality of running large Hadoop clusters is one of immense complexity, requiring expensive administrators and a highly inefficient aggregation of compute and storage. This has driven the adoption of tools like SparkDelivering In-memory Computing Using Mellanox Ethernet Infrastructure and MinIO’s Object Storage SolutionMinIO and Mellanox: Better TogetherHigh performance object storage requires the right server and networking components. With industryleading performance combined with the best innovation to accelerate data infrastructure Mellanox provides the networking foundation needed to connect in-memory computing applications with MinIO high performance object storage. Together, they allow in-memory compute applications to access and process large amounts of data to provide high speed business insights.Simple to Deploy, Simpler to ManageMinIO can be installed and configured within minutes simply by downloading a single binary and executing it. The amount of configuration options and variations has been kept to a minimum resulting in near-zero system administration tasks and few paths to failures. Upgrading MinIO is done with a single command which is non-disruptive and incurs zero downtime.MinIO is distributed under the terms of the Apache* License Version 2.0 and is actively developed on Github. MinIO’s development community starts with the MinIO engineering team and includes all of the 4,500 members of MinIO’s Slack Workspace. Since 2015 MinIO has gathered over 16K stars on Github making it one of the top 25 Golang* projects based on a number of stars.which are simpler to use and take advantage of the massive benefits afforded by disaggregating storage and compute. These solutions, based on low cost, memory dense compute nodes allow developers to move analytic workloads into memory where they execute faster, thereby enabling a new class of real time, analytical use cases.These modern applications are built using cloud-native technologies and,in turn, use cloud-native storage. The emerging standard for both the public and private cloud, object storage is prized for its near infinite scalability and simplicity - storing data in its native format while offering many of the same features as block or file. By pairing object storage with high speed, high bandwidth networking and robust compute enterprises can achieve remarkable price/performance results.DISAGGREGATE COMPUTE AND STORAGE Designed in an era of slow 1GbE networks, Hadoop (MapReduce and HDFS) achieved its performance by moving compute tasks closer to the data. A Hadoop cluster often consists of many 100s or 1000s of server nodes that combine both compute and storage.The YARN scheduler first identifies where the data resides, then distributes the jobs to the specific HDFS nodes. This architecture can deliver performance, but at a high price - measured in low compute utilization, costs to manage, and costs associated with its complexity at scale. Also, in practice, enterprises don’t experience high levels of data locality with the results being suboptimal performance.Due to improvements in storage and interconnect technologies speeds it has become possible to send and receive data remotely at high speeds with little (less than 1 microsecond) to no latency difference than if the storage were local to the compute.As a result, it is now possible to separate storage from the compute with no performance penalty. Data analysis is still possible in near real time because the interconnect between the storage and the compute is fast enough to support such demands.By combining dense compute nodes, large amounts of RAM, ultra-highspeed networks and fast object storage, enterprises are able to disaggregate storage from compute creating the flexibility to upgrade, replace, or add individual resources independently. This also allows for better planning for future growth as compute and storage can be added independently and when necessary, improving utilization and budget control.Multiple processing clusters can now share high performance object storage so that different types of processing, such as advanced queries, AI model training, and streaming data analysis, can run on their own independent clusters while sharing the same data stored on the object storage. The result is superior performance and vastly improved economics.HIGH PERFORMANCE OBJECT STORAGEWith in-memory computing, it is now possible to process volumes of data much faster than with Hadoop Map/Reduce and HDFS. Supporting these applications requires a modern data infrastructure with a storage foundation that is able to provide both the performance required by these applications and the scalability to handle the immense volume of data created by the modern enterprise.Building large clusters of storage is best done by combining simple building blocks together, an approach proven out by the hyper-scalers. By joining one cluster with many other clusters, MinIO can grow to provide a single, planet-wide global namespace. MinIO’s object storage server has a wide rangeof optimized, enterprise-grade features including erasure code and bitrot protection for data integrity, identity management, access management, WORM and encryption for data security and continuous replication and lamba compute for dynamic, distributed data.MinIO object storage is the only solution that provides throughput rates over 100GB/sec and scales easily to store 1000s of Petabytes of data under a single namespace. MinIO runs Spark queries faster, captures streaming data more effectively, and shortens the time needed to test, train and deploy AI algorithms.LATENCY AND THROUGHPUTIndustry-leading performance and IT efficiency combined with the best of open innovation assist in accelerating big data analytics workloads which require intensive processing. The Mellanox ConnectX® adapters reduce the CPU overhead through advanced hardware-based stateless offloads and flow steering engines. This allows big data applications utilizing TCP or UDP over IP transport to achieve the highest throughput, allowing completion of heavier analytic workloads in less time for big data clusters so organizations can unlock and efficiently scale data-driven insights while increasing application densities for their business.Mellanox Spectrum® Open Ethernet switches feature consistently low latency and can support a variety of non-blocking, lossless fabric designs while delivering data at line-rate speeds. Spectrum switches can be deployed in a modern spine-leaf topology to efficiently and easily scalefor future needs. Spectrum also delivers packet processing without buffer fairness concerns. The single shared buffer in Mellanox switches eliminates the need to manage port mapping and greatly simplifies deployment. In an© Copyright 2019. Mellanox, Mellanox logo, and ConnectX are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. Mellanox Onyx is a trademark of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. All other trade-marks are property of their respective owners350 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 100 Sunnyvale, CA 94085Tel: 408-970-3400 • Fax: MLNX-423558315-99349object storage environment, fluid resource pools will greatly benefit from fair load balancing. As a result, Mellanox switches are able to deliver optimal and predictable network performance for data analytics workloads.The Mellanox 25, 50 or 100G Ethernet adapters along with Spectrum switches results in an industry leading end-to-end, high bandwidth, low latency Ethernet fabric. The combination of in-memory processing for applications and high-performance object storage from MinIO along with reduced latency and throughput improvements made possible by Mellanox interconnects creates a modern data center infrastructure that provides a simple yet highly performant and scalable foundation for AI, ML, and Big Data workloads.CONCLUSIONAdvanced applications that use in-memory computing, such as Spark, Presto and Hive, are revealing business opportunities to act in real-time on information pulled from large volumes of data. These applications are cloud native, which means they are designed to run on the computing resources in the cloud, a place where Hadoop HDFS is being replaced in favor of using data infrastructures that disaggregates storage from compute. These applications now use object storage as the primary storage vehicle whether running in the cloud or on- premises.Employing Mellanox networking and MinIO object storage allows enterprises to disaggregate compute from storage achieving both performance and scalability. By connecting dense processing nodes to MinIO object storage nodes with high performance Mellanox networking enterprises can deploy object storage solutions that can provide throughput rates over 100GB/sec and scales easily to store 1000s of Petabytes of data under a singlenamespace. The joint solution allows queries to run faster, capture streaming data more effectively, and shortens the time needed to test, train and deploy AI algorithms, effectively replacing existing Hadoop clusters with a data infrastructure solution, based on in-memory computing, that consumes a smaller data center footprint yet provides significantly more performance.WANT TO LEARN MORE?Click the link below to learn more about object storage from MinIO VAST: the link below to learn more about Mellanox end-to-end Ethernet storage fabric:/ethernet-storage-fabric/。
289 缩写 AbkürzungAbkürzung 缩写 290AM =Aggregatemanagement 联合机组,成套设备AMTICS =Advanced Mobile Traffic Information and Communication System AACS =Automobile-Automobile Communication所有量产车(发动机)Systems 车辆互通通讯系统先进的汽车信息互通系统ABE =Allgemeine Betriebs-ErlaubnisAP =Alle Produktionsfahrzeuge (Motoren)一般经营许可APP =Ausschuss f. Produkt-Planung ABG =Abgasvorschriften beachten生产计划委员会请注意废气排放条例ARTS =Advanced Road Traffic Systems ABS =Anti-Bockier-System 防抱死系统先进道路交通系统ACC =Automatic Climate Control 自动空调ASC =Automatische Stabilitäts Control ADR =Australian Design Rule加速防滑控制系统澳大利亚设计管理ASD =Automatisches Sperrdifferenzial ADS =Adaptives Dämpfer-System自动差速锁适应性减震系统ASV =Advanced Safety Vehicle AG =Automatik-Getriebe 自动变速箱先进的安全型汽车AGA =Abgasanlage 废气排放系统ATL =Abgasturbolader 涡轮增压器AGR =Abgasrückführung (EGR) 废气回流装置AUC =Autom. Umluft Control AHK 1=Anhängerkupplung 拖车联接装置自动空气循环控制AHK 1=Aktive Hinterachskinematik 主动式后桥AVC =Autom. Volumen Control 自动容积控制AKF =Aktivkohlebehälter 活性碳罐AZ =Aktivierungsanzeige 活性显示AKFF =Arbeitskreis für FahrerlaubnisfragenBA =Beschaffungsfreigabe,aussen ALB =Anti-Lock-Brake 防抱死外部件采购认可缩写Abkürzungen291 缩写 Abkürzung Abkürzung 缩写 292BI=Beschaffungsfreigabe,innen DKA=Drosselklappenansteller 节气门调节内部件采购认可D-KAT=Dieselkatalysator 柴油机催化剂BW=Badewannenbrennraum 电解槽,燃烧室DKS=Drosselklappenschalter 油门开关CAD=Computer Aided Design (Computerunter-DNR=Dynamic Noise Reduction 降低行驶噪声stuetztes Konstruieren) 计算机辅助设计DWA=Diebstahlwarnanlage 防盗报警装置CAM=Computer Aided Manufacturing (Verfahren EA=Entwicklungs-Auftrags-Nr. 开发合同号u. Techn.) 计算机辅助制造(流程及技术)EBS=Elektronisches Blockierschutzsystem CAP=Computer Aided Planning/Planung u. 电子防抱死系统Arbeits vorbereitung) 计算机辅助规划ECE=Economic Commission for EuropeCAQ=Computer Aided Quality (Qualitätssicher-欧洲经济委员会ung) 计算机辅助质量检测ECU=elektronic control unit 控制器CARIN=Car Information u. Navigation=Steuergerät 发动机电脑,发动机控制器车信息及导航系统电子柴油喷油泵CAT=Katalysator 催化反应器EDS=Elektronische DifferenzialsperreCND=Canada 加拿大电子差速锁CNS=Chinese National Standard 中国国家标准EDC 1=Elektronische Dämpfer-ControlCVT=Continious variable Transmission 电子减震控制无级变速箱EDC 1=Elektronische DieseleinspritzpumpeD=Diesel 柴油机EFI=Elektronic Fuel Injection 电喷DFC=Digital Frequency Control 数频控制EG=Entwicklungsgespräch 开发会议DI=Direkteinspritzer-Diesel EGD=Elektronisch gesteuerte Dämpfer 直接喷油式柴油机电子减震器Digijet=Digitale elektronische Einspritzung EGR=Abgasrückführung 废气回流装置数字电喷EGT=European Geografic Technology293 缩写 Abkürzung Abkürzung 缩写 294欧洲地区技术GVWR=Gross vehicle weight rating 大型运输车ETC=Elektronic Tuning Control 电子调音控制HA=High altitude 高原EVAP=Verdampfungsemission (Evaporative HCHO=Formaldehyd 甲醛emissions) 蒸发排放HP=Horsepower (SAE NET) 马力EWG=Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschft IM=Interne Mitteilung 内部通知欧共体KGHE=Kurbelgehäuse-Emissionen 曲轴箱排放EZ=Elektronische Zündung 电子打火KJ=Kalenderjahr 公历年EZK=Elektronische Zuendanlage mit Klop-KKS=Kofferraumkontaktschalter fregelung 电子打火加防爆震装置后备箱触式锁FAV=Verordnung über Abgasemission KL=Klimaanlage 空调尾气排放的规章KR=Klopfgrenzregelung 爆震极限调整FFS=Flexibles Fertigungssystem KS=Kindersicherung 儿童保险装置柔性生产系统KSS=Kofferraumschlossschalter 后备箱锁FIZ=Fahrzeug-Informations-Zentrum kW 1=Kilowatt 千瓦汽车信息中心KW 1=Kalenderwoche 日历周FMEA=Fehler-Möglichkeit u. Einfluss-Analyse L=Liter 升缺陷影响可能性分析LA=Low altitude低平原FTP=Federal Test Procedure 联合测试程序LAC=Low altitude conditions 低平原条件GER=Geräusch-Vorschriften beachten LCD=Liquid Cristal Display 液晶显示屏请注意燥声条例LDT=Light Duty Truck 轻型卡车GP=Grosse Produktaufwertung LDV=Light duty vehicle 轻型车大的生产爬坡LEV=Low Emission vehicles 低排放车辆GRA=Geschwindigkeits-Regelanzeige LFR=Leerlauffüllungsregelung 怠速进油调节巡航装置LH=Lenkhilfe 助力转向295 缩写 Abkürzung Abkürzung 缩写 296LL=Linkslenker 左舵驾驶PC=Passenger Car 轿车LL-CO=Leerlauf Kohlenmonoxyd-Emission PDK=Porsche Doppel-Kupplung 怠速状态下一氧化合碳排放物保时捷双离合器LL-HC=Leerlauf Kohlenwasserstoff-Emission PEP=Produkt-Entwicklungs-Prozess 怠速状态下碳氢化合物的排放产品开发过程LLK=Ladeluftkühler 增压空气冷却器PF=Partikel-Filter (Diesel) 颗粒过滤器LPG=Liquified Petroleum Gas 液化石油气PPA=Planungs-Produkt-AusschussLPI=Liquied petrolium injection 液化石油气生产计划委员会MFA=Multifunktionsanzeige 多功能显示器PSA=Parametric Sound Amplifiers 扩音器MHKS=Motorraumkontaktschalter PSK=Produkt-Strategie-Komitee 发动机盖触式开关产品战略委员会MIL=Malfunction indicator lamps 故障指示灯PVS1=Produktions-Vorserie 预批量MJ=Modelljahr 年型修饰R4,R5,R6=4-,5- bzw. 6-Zylinder-Reihenmotor MOP=Modellpflege 年型修饰4,5或6缸直列发动机N=Newton 牛顿RACS=Road Automobile Communication System N=Normalbenzin,verbleit 普通含铅汽油公路汽车通讯系统NCAP=New Car Assessment Programm RDC=Reifen Druck Control 轮胎压力控制新车评价程序RL 1=Rechtslenker 右置方向盘NE=Neckarsulm AUDI耐卡厂RSD=Rückstromdrossel 回油节流NRA=Niveau-Regelanlage 水平调节器S 1=Super,verbleit 超级无铅汽油NT=Neue Typzulassung 批准新车型S 1=Seriengrenzwert 批量界限值NU=Normalbenzin,unverbleit 普通无铅汽油S 1=Serie 批量生产OBD=Onboard Diagnose 随车诊断SAD=Schiebe-Ausstell-Dach 天窗OS=Null-Serie 零批量SAS=Schubabschaltung 推闸297 缩写 Abkürzung Abkürzung 缩写 298SDS=System-Diebstahl-Sicherung 防盗保险ULEV=Ultra Low Emission Vehicles SOFRAM=Sofortmassnahmen zur Reaktion auf dem 超低排放汽车Markt 对市场的快速反应措施US FTP=US Federal Test ProcedureSOP=Start of Production 生产启动美联邦检测程序SRA=Scheinwerfer-Reinigungs-Anlage USB=US-Bund (49 Staaten)大灯清洗装置美联邦 (49个合众国)SSR=Schaltsaugrohr 可变进气管USC=Kalifornien 加利福尼亚SSVS=Super Smart Vehicle System 超灵敏系统V=Vorschlag 建议SVA=Schalt- u. Verbrauchsanzeige VE=Verteilereinspritzpumpe 油轨燃油喷射泵换挡/油耗显示VG=Verzögerungsgeber 延时传感器SWA=Scheiben-Wasch-Anlage 玻璃清洗装置VICS=Vehicle Information and Communication TEV=Tank-Entlüftungs-Ventil 油箱通风阀 System 车辆信息通信系统TG=Technisches Gespräch 技术会谈VOR=Vorschlag,nicht beschlossenTL=Technische Lieferbedingungen 未做决定的建议技术供货条件VP=Verstärkte VETLEV=Transitional Low Emissions Vehicle(柴油机)带分电器加强燃料泵过度型低排放量汽车VVT=Variable Steürzeiten 可变配气相位TMC=Traffic Message Channel 交通信息通道WK=Wirbelkammer (Diesel)TMTA=Traffic Management Technology 涡流燃烧室(柴油机)Association 交通管理技术联合会ZE=Zentral-Elektrik 中央电气设备TSZ=Transistorzündung ZEV=Zero Emission Vehicle 零排放车 (内燃机)晶体管式点火ZMS=Zwei-Massen-SchwunggradTWB=Test weight 重量测试双质量飞轮UBA=Umweltbundesamt 联邦环保局。
船舶设备英语缩写1A/B AboveBase Line基准线以上2A/C Antico rrosi ve Paint防腐涂料3A/F Antifo ulingPaint防污漆4ABS Americ an Bureau of Shippi ng美国船级社5Abt Abt (About)大约,关于6ACCOM.Accomm odati on船室,居住区7ACCM.L Accomm odati on Ladder舷梯8ACCU Automa tic contro l system certif iedfor unatte ndedeng. Room无人机舱自动控制系统鉴定9AFRAMA X Averag e Freigh t Rate Assess mentatthe max. of Deadwe ightC.O.T最大负载时平均运费率评估10 A.P Bhd AfterPeak Bulkhe ad船尖舱舱壁11ANSI Americ an Nation al Standa rdsInstit ute美国国家标准协会12AP AfterPerpen dicul ar艉垂线13API Americ an Petrol eum Instit ute美国石油组织14APT AfterPeak Tank尾尖舱15ARPA Automa tic RaderPlotti ng Aids自动雷达测图仪16ASTM Americ an Societ y of Testin gMateri als美国材料实验协会17 B mld Moulde d Breadt h型宽18B/C Bulk Carrie r散货船19 B.L Baseli ne基线20BasicDesign基本设计21Ballas t Contro l Room压载控制室22BHP BrakeHorsePower制动马力23BOG Boil-off Gas蒸发气体24BOM Bill of Materi al材料清单25Bkt Bracke t支架,肘板26BHD Bulkhe ad隔壁, 防水壁27C/H CargoHold货舱28 C.T CableTrunk电缆管道29CCI ClassCommen t Item船级社说明项目30CCR CargoContro l Room货舱控制室[本帖最后由20508051 于2008-7-18 11:14 编辑]20508051 (2008-7-18 11:11:23)31 C, C/L Center Line 中心线32 C.G Center of Gravit y 重心33 Cert. Certif icate证书34 CFR Code of Federa l Regula tions联合代码35 CGT Compen sated GrossTonnag e 补偿总吨36 C.L ChainLocker锚链舱37 C/Eng. ChiefEngine er 轮机长38 C/D Coffer dam 隔离舱,围堰39 COLREG Intern ation al Regula tions for Preven tingCollis ionsat Sea 国际海上避碰规则40 Corr. Bhd Corrug atedBulkhe ad 波形舱壁41 COT CrudeOil Tanker原油油船42 COT CargoOil Tank 货油舱43 CPU Centra l Proces singUnit 中央处理器44 CRI Client Reques t It em 船东的要求项目45 Cyl. Liner Cylind er Liner气缸套46 D mld Moulde d Depth型深47 D/B Double Bottom双层底48 D/B W.B.T Double Bottom WaterBallas t Tank 双层底水压载舱49 Td Design ed Load Draft设计满载吃水50 DGPS Differ entia l Global Positi oning System微型全球定位系统51 D/G Diesel Genera tor 柴油发电器(D/G)52 DLW Design Load WaterLine 设计载重水线53 DNV Det Norske Verita s 挪威船级社54 DOT Diesel Oil 柴油55 DWT Deadwe ightTonnag e 载重量56 E/Rm Arr't Engine Room Arr't 机舱布置图57 ECR Engine Contro l Room 发动机控制台58 EHP Effect ive HorsePower有效马力59 Elev. Elevat ion 侧面图60 Fab Fabric ation加工20508051 (2008-7-18 11:11:54)61 FEM Finite Elemen t Method有限单元法62 FEU Forty-Feet Equiva lentUnit40尺集装箱63 FOC Fuel Oil Consum ption燃料消耗量64 F'cle Dk Foreca stleDeck 首楼甲板65 FP Fore Perpen dicul ar 船首垂线66 FPP FixedPitchPropel ler 定螺距螺旋浆67 FPSO Floati ng Produc tion,Storag e and Offloa dingVessel浮式生产储油卸油船68 FPT Forepe ak Tank 首尖舱69 Fr. Frame构架70 F.S FrameSpace肋骨间隔71 FWT FreshWaterTank 淡水舱72 G/A Genera l Arrang ement总体布置图73 GL German isher Lloyd德国船级74 GM Metace ntric Height稳心高度75 GMDSS Global Mariti me Distre ss and Safety System全球海上遇险和安全系统76 GT GrossTonnag e 总吨数77 HF O HeavyFuel Oil 重质燃油78 H.T.C.W.S High Temp. Coolin g WaterSystem高温冷却水系统79 I/E Inclin ing Experi ment倾斜试验80 IACS Intern ation al Associ ation of Classi ficat ion Sociti es 国际船级联合会81 ICCP Impres sed Curren t Cathod ic Protec tion外加电流阴极防护82 ID Identi ficat ion No. 身份证号码83 IEC Intern ation al Electr otech nical Commis sion国际电气标准会议84 IGC Intern ation al Gas Code 国际气体代码85 ILLC Intern ation al Load Line Conven tion国际船舶载重线协定86 ILO Intern ation al LaborOrgani zatio n 国际劳动机构87 IMDG Intern ation al Mariti me Danger ous GoodsCode 国际海上危险物规定88 IMO Intern ation al Mariti me Organi zatio n 国际海上机构89 INMARS AT Intern ation al Mariti me Satell ite system国际海上卫星系统90 INS Integr atedNaviga tionSystem综合式集成导航系统20508051 (2008-7-18 11:12:10)91 IOPP Intern ation al Oil Pollut ion Preven tionCertif icate国际防止原油污染证书92 ISO Intern ation al Standa rdiza tionOrgani zatio n 国际标准化机构93 ITU Intern ation al Teleco mmuni catio n Union国际电子通信联盟94 JB Juncti on Box 接线盒,分线盒95 JIS Japane se Indust rialStanda rd 日本标准工业规则96 K/L Keel Laying铺设龙骨97 KR Korean Regist er of Shippi ng 韩国船级协会98 KS Korean Indust rialStanda rd 韩国工业标准99 Kts Knots节(船速)100 L/C Launch ing 下水101 LBP Length Betwee n Perpen dicul ars 两柱间长102 LCG Longit udina l Center of Gravit y 纵方向上重心103 LNG Liquif ied Natura l Gas 液态天然气104 LO Lubric ating Oil 润滑油105 LOA Length Over all 全长106 Longl. Bhd Longit udina l Bulkhe ad 纵舱壁107 L.S Longit udina l Space纵通材间隔108 LPG Liquif ied Petrol eum Gas 液化石油气109 LR Lloyd's Regist er of Shippi ng 英国船级社110 L.O Stor. Tk Lub. Oil Storag e Tank 润滑油储存舱111 M/V MotorVessel內燃機船112 MARPOL The Preven tionof Marine Pollut ion from Ships海洋防船舶污染113 MDO Marine Diesel Oil 船用柴油114 MEPC Mariti me Enviro nment Protec tionCommit tee 海洋环境保护委员会115 MMSI Mariti me Mobile Servic e Identi ficat ion No. 海洋移动通信认证号116 MSC Mariti me Safety Commit tee 海事安全委员会117 NK Nippon KaijiKyokai日本船级社118 NM Nautic al Mile 海里(合1.852公里)119 NMD Norweg ian Mariti me Direct orate挪威海事高级别会议120 NT Net Tonnag e 净吨数20508051 (2008-7-18 11:12:34)121 OBO Ore-Bulk-Oil Carrie r 矿石散装油轮122 OCIMF Oil Compan ies' Intern ation al Mariti me Forum油类公司的国际海事法庭123 ODME Oil Discha rge Monito ringEquipm ent 油泄监视设备124 P & ID Piping and Instru menta tionDiagra m 管路及仪器装设系统图125 P/C Produc t Carrie r 油船,成品油船126 P/N Part Number零件编号127 PCC Pure Car Carrie r 纯载车船128 PO Purcha se Order订购单129 POR Purcha se OrderReques t 订购单要求130 P.E Pre-Erecti on 先行合拢131 PSC Port StateContro l 港口国管理132 QCV QuickClosin g Valve速闭阀133 R & D Resear ch and Develo pment研究开发134 RINA Regist ro Italia no Navale意大利船级135 Rise of Floor船底倾斜度136 RO/RO Roll-On/Roll-Off) Ship 滚装船137 Rollin g 横倾138 RS Russia Regist er of Shippi ng 俄罗斯船舶检验局139 SATCOM Satell ite Commun icati on 卫星通信140 SBG See Berufa sgeno ssens haft德国船舶安全事项检查机关141 SC SteelCastin g 铸钢件142 Sec. Sectio n 剖面图143 SF Stowag e Factor积载因素144 SHP ShaftHorsePower轴马力145 SLWL Summer Load WaterLine 夏季满载吃水线146 SNAME The Societ y of NavalArchit ectsand Marine Engine ers 造船与轮机工程师协会147 SNMA Swedis h Nation al Mariti me Admini strat ion 瑞典海事局148 SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Conven tion海上人命安全公约149 Spec. Specif icati on 详细说明书150 SPM Single PointMoorin g 单点泊系20508051 (2008-7-18 11:13:07)151 S/C SteelCuttin g 切割刚材152 S/G Rm Steeri ng Gear Room 舵机室153 S/T SternTube Coolin g WaterTank 艉轴管冷却水舱154 stiff. Stiffe ner 加强件155 Stri.) String er 纵梁(纵向加强肋,吊绳)156 SUS Stainl ess Steel不锈钢157 SWBM StillWaterBendin g Moment静水中弯曲力矩158 SWL Safe Workin g Load 安全工作负荷159 sym. Symmet rical对称的160 T/Top Tank Top 内底板液舱顶盖161 TCG Transv erseCenter of Gravit y 横向重心162 TEU (Twenty-Feet Equiva lentUnit) 20英尺集装箱163 TPC Tonnes per Centim eterImmers ion 每厘米吃水吨数164 ULCC UltraLargeCrudeOil Carrie r 300K超大型原油运输船(300K以上)165 UMS Unatte ndedMachin ery Space无人机械区166 USCG United States CoastGuard美国海岸警卫队167 VCG Vertic al Center of Gravit y 垂直重心168 V/D Vendor Drawin g 制作者图纸169 V/L Vertic al Ladder直梯170 VLBC Very LargeBulk Carrie r 超大型散货船171 VLCC Very LargeCrudeOil Carrie r 超大型原油运输船172 VRC ValveRemote Contro l 远距离控制阀173 W-1 One-man WatchKeepin g 一人持续操作174 W.T Bhd Watert ightBulkhe ad 水密舱墙175 WBT WaterBallas t Tank 压载水舱HULL(船体):ABS (Americ an Bureau of Standa rd)美国船级社ANG (AngleBar)角钢BFE (Builde r Furnis h Equipm ent)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrie r)散货船BHD (Bulkhe ad)舱壁BHP (BreakHorsep ower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadt h Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Verita s)法国船级社CAD (Comput er AidedDesign)计算机辅助设计CAM (Comput er AidedManufa cturi ng)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyan cy)浮心CCS (ChinaClassi ficat ion Societ y)中国船级社CF (Center of Floata tion)漂心CFE (Contra ctorFurnis h Equipm ent)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravit y)重心CH (Channe l)槽钢CM (Metace nter)稳心CPP (The Contro llabl e PitchPropel ler)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (DepthMolded)型深DNV (Det Norske Verita s)挪威船级社DWG (Drawin g)图DWL (Design Waterl ine)设计水线DWT (Deadwe ight)载重量FAT (Factor y Accept anceTest)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Elemen t Method)有限元法FPSO (Floati ng Produc tionStorag e Offloa ding)浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floati ng Storag e Offloa ding)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forwar d)向船艏GL (German ische r Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metace ntric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length betwee n Perpen dicul ars)垂线间长LCG (Longit udina l Center of Gravit y)纵向重心LNG (Liquef ied Natura l Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overal l Length)总长Long. (Longit udina l)纵骨LPG (Liquef ied Petrol eum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Regist er)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offsho re Drilli ng Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Materi al Takeof f)材料估算NK (Nippon KaijiKyokai)日本海事协会OFE (OwnerFurnis hed Equipm ent)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Regist er Italia n)意大利船级社SB (Starbo ard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submer sible Platfo rm)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspen ded Tensio n Leg Platfo rm)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transv erseCenter of Gravit y)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equiva lentUnit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tensio n Leg Platfo rm)张力腿平台UCLL (UltraLargeCrudeCarrie r)超大型油船VCG (Vertic al Center of Gravit y)垂向重心VLCC (Very LargeCrudeCarrie r)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterl ine)水线WT (WaterTight)水密欢迎各位海员海嫂们和行业人士加入航海俱乐部club.navclu !回复引用举报返回顶部bluehr管理员沙发发表于2010-5-11 10:05 |只看该作者MECHAN ICAL& PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handli ngUnit)通风装置BHP (BreakHorsep ower)制动马力A/C (Air Compre ssor)空气压缩机A/C (AirCondit ionin g)空调BB (Ball Bearin g)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearin g)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Centra l Contro l Room)中心控制室COW (CrudeOil Washin g)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynami cPositi on System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (FreshWater)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinfo rcedPlasti c)玻璃钢HVAV (Heatin gVentil ation andAir-condit ion)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydrau lic PowerUnit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Appara tus)救生器具LCC (LocalContro l Consol e)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operat ionSystem)操作系统PLC (Progra mmabl e LogicContro ller)逻辑控制单元PMS (PowerManageSystem)动力管理系统欢迎各位海员海嫂们和行业人士加入航海俱乐部club.navclu !点评回复引用举报返回顶部bluehr管理员板凳发表于 2010-5-11 10:06 |只看该作者ELECTR ICAL(电气):AC (Altern ative Curren t)交流电AVR (Automa tic Voltag e Regula tion)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circui t Televi sion)闭路电视CMS (CargoMonito ringSystem)货物监控系统DC (Direct Curren t)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickn ess)干膜DG (Diesel Genera tor)柴油发电机DVD (Digita l VideoDisc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emerge ncy Shutte r Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emerge nce Shutdo wn System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Positi on System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Genera tor)停泊发电机HT (High Temper ature)高温JB (Juncti on Box)接线盒LED (LightEmitti ng Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temper ature)低温MCU (Main Contro l Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Genera tor)主发电机MUR (Manual Voltag e Regula tion)手动调压器NEMA (Nation al Electr icalManufa cture rs Associ ation)国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Addres s System)公共寻呼系统PWM (PulseWidthModula tion)脉宽调制ST (Starte r)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninte rrupt ed PowerSupply)不间断电源VCR (VideoCasset te Record er)录像机欢迎各位海员海嫂们和行业人士加入航海俱乐部club.navcl u !点评回复 引用 举报 返回顶部blueh r管理员地板发表于 2010-5-11 10:06 |只看该作者PAINT I NG (涂装): ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆 ARF (Alkyd Resin Finis h )醇酸树脂面漆 ARP (Alkyd Resin Prime r )醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti -corro s ive Paint )防腐漆 CAF (Compr e ssed Asbes t os Fiber )压缩石棉填料 EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint )环氧甲板漆 EFP (Epoxy Finis h Paint )环氧面漆 EPP (Epoxy Prime r Paint )环氧底漆 ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finis h )环氧舱室面漆 ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Prime r )环氧舱室底漆 ETP (Epoxy Topsi d e Paint )环氧干舷漆 ERL (Erosi o n Resis t ant Lacqu e r)防腐漆 ECP (Etchi n g Prime r ) 磷化底漆 EPR (Ethyl e ne -Propy l ene Rubbe r )乙丙橡胶 F/C (Finis h Coati n g)面漆 IZP (Inorg a nic Zinc Prime r )无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorg a nic Zinc Shop Prime r )无机锌车间底漆 UTP (Polyu r etha n e Topsi d e Prime r )聚氨脂干舷漆 TE (Tar Epoxy Paint )环氧焦油漆 VTP (Vinyl Tar Prime r )聚乙烯焦油底漆 ZRP (Zinc Rich Prime r )富锌底漆欢迎各位海员海嫂们和行业人士加入航海俱乐部club.navcl u !点评回复 引用 举报 返回顶部blueh r 5#发表于 2010-5-11 10:07 |只看该作者WELDI N G and Mater i al (焊接与材料):ASTM (Ameri c an Socie t y for Testi n g Mater i als)美国材料实验协会管理员AWS (Americ an Weldin g Societ y)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux CoredArc Weldin g)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberg lassReinfo rcedPolyes ter)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas MetalArc Weldin g)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (GlassReinfo rcedPolyes ter)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungst en Arc Weldin g)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravit y Weldin g)重力焊MPI (Magnet ic Partic le Inspec tion)磁粒检验NDE (Nondes truct ive Evalua tion)无损鉴定NDT (Nondes truct ive Testin g)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly VinylChlori de)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submer ge Arc Weldin g)埋弧焊SMAW (Shield ed MetalArc Weldin g)手弧焊UT (Ultras onicTest)超声波检验WPS (Weldin g Proced ure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Weldin g Qualif icati on Test)焊工资格检验欢迎各位海员海嫂们和行业人士加入航海俱乐部club.navclu !点评回复引用举报返回顶部bluehr管理员6#发表于 2010-5-11 10:07 |只看该作者OTHERS(其它):AE (Assist ant Engine er)助理工程师ANSI (Americ an Nation al Standa rds Instit ute)美国国家标准局API (Americ an Petrol eum Instit ute)美国石油协会ASME (Americ an Societ y of Mechan icalEngine ers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrel s) 桶(美制容量单位 1桶 = 159升),C.E. (ChiefEngine er) 总工程师CEO (ChiefExecut ive Office r)首席执行总裁CIS (Chines e Indust rialStanda rd)中国工业标准CNOOC (ChinaNation al Offsho re Oil Compan y)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Compan y Limite d)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (CubicFeet) 立方英尺 (CubicInch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (Genera l Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headqu arter s) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Enviro nment)健康,安全和环保ID (InnerDimens ion)内径IEC (Intern ation al Electr o techni cal Commis sion)国际电工协会IMO (Interg overn menta l Marine Organi zatio n)国际海事组织ISO (Intern ation al Standa rdiza tionOrgani zatio n)国际标准化协会ITU (Intern ation al Teleco mmuni catio n Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopo undsper square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applic able)不适用NACE (Nation al Associ ation of Corros ion Engine er)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (Nation al Fire Protec tionAssoci ation)国家防火协会OD (outerDimens ion)外径QA (Qualit y Assura nce)质量保证QC (Qualit y Contro l)质量管理(检查)ST (ShortTon)短吨SOLAS (Intern ation al Conven tionof the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specif icati on)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺 (Square Inch) 平方英寸欢迎各位海员海嫂们和行业人士加入航海俱乐部club.navclu !点评回复引用举报返回顶部bluehr管理员7#发表于 2010-5-11 10:08 |只看该作者PROPER NOUN(专有名词):BasicDesign(基础设计): Prepar ation of specif icati on and plans/drawin gs outlin ing the design and in suffic ientdetail to gain Classapprov al.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。
Ultra-performance liquid chromatography
Journal of Chromatography B,879 (2011) 1647–1652Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of ChromatographyBj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c h r o mbUltra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry for accurate quantification of global DNA methylation in human spermsXiaoli Wang a ,Yongshan Suo c ,Ruichuan Yin a ,Heqing Shen b ,∗∗,Hailin Wang a ,∗aState Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China bKey Lab of Urban Environment and Health,Institute of Urban Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xiamen 361021,China cReproduction Center of Zaozhuang Maternity and Child Care Hospital,Zaozhuang 277102,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 15November 2010Accepted 3April 2011Available online 12 April 2011Keywords:Global DNA methylation Human sperm UPLC–MS/MSa b s t r a c tAberrant DNA methylation in human sperms has been proposed to be a possible mechanism associated with male infertility.We developed an ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spec-trometry (UPLC–MS/MS)method for rapid,sensitive,and specific detection of global DNA methylation level in human sperms.Multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM)mode was used in MS/MS detection for accurate quantification of DNA methylation.The intra-day and inter-day precision values of this method were within 1.50–5.70%.By using 2-deoxyguanosine as an internal standard,UPLC–MS/MS method was applied for the detection of global DNA methylation levels in three cultured cell lines.DNA methyl-transferases inhibitor 5-aza-2 -deoxycytidine can significantly reduce global DNA methylation levels in treated cell lines,showing the reliability of our method.We further examined global DNA methylation levels in human sperms,and found that global methylation values varied from 3.79%to 4.65%.The aver-age global DNA methylation level of sperm samples washed only by PBS (4.03%)was relatively lower than that of sperm samples in which abnormal and dead sperm cells were removed by density gradient centrifugation (4.25%),indicating the possible aberrant DNA methylation level in abnormal sperm cells.Clinical application of UPLC–MS/MS method in global DNA methylation detection of human sperms will be useful in human sperm quality evaluation and the study of epigenetic mechanisms responsible for male infertility.© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDNA methylation,as one of the most important epigenetic modifications in mammalian tissues,plays crucial roles in many biological processes such as gene transcription,genome stability,and embryogenesis [1–3].Aberrant DNA methylation,manifested as genomic DNA hypomethylation and gene-specific hypermethy-lation,has been found to be associated with the pathogenesis of various human diseases [4,5].Hypermethylation of tumor suppres-sor genes leads to transcriptional silencing and results in malignant transformation eventually [6,7].Genomic DNA hypomethylation,which can affect chromosome structure and activate oncogenes,has been discovered in many human cancers,such as breast can-cer,ovarian epithelial carcinoma and colorectal cancer [8–10].DNA methylation will be a useful biomarker for disease diagnosis and prognostics.Male infertility is a common problem in today’s man health care research [11].Protamine deficiency and oxidative DNA dam-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+861062849600;fax:+861062849600.∗∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+865926190771;fax:+865926190771.E-mail addresses:hlwang@ (H.Wang),hqshen@ (H.Shen).age may be associated with infertility of some male patients,but for most patients the etiology remains unknown [12–14].Several studies implicated the possible effects of aberrant DNA methyla-tion on male infertility.Aberrant methylation of sperm DNA,such as abnormal genomic imprinting,was found in some infertile men [15,16].In mammalian sperm line,global DNA methylation level was lower than that of somatic cells,reflecting the hypomethy-lation of satellite sequence [17,18].DNA methylation erasure and de novo DNA methylation occurs during spermatogenesis [19,20].Abnormal spermatogenesis will occur if the DNA methylation related epigenetic process is disrupted because of genetic or envi-ronmental factors [21,22].In this sense,it is expected that DNA methylation of sperm line will be a good biomarker to evaluate the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa and to study other human diseases,such as Prader–Willi syndromes [23].Methods based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR)ampli-fication or methylation-sensitive restriction reaction,such as methylation-specific PCR (MSP)[16,24],methylight [22,25]and end-labeling assay [26],were used for the analysis of locus-specific DNA methylation in sperms.Immunohistochemical 5-methylcytosine staining technique was applied for the measure-ment of global DNA methylation in genomic sperm DNA [14,23].However,this method is relatively non-specific and non-sensitive,1570-0232/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2011.04.0021648X.Wang et al./J.Chromatogr.B879 (2011) 1647–1652so it cannot be used for precisely quantitative assessment of global DNA methylation in sperm.Other methods,such as methyl-acceptance assay(MAA)[27]and cytosine extension assay(CEA) [28],can only afford indirect information about global DNA methy-lation level,and their sensitivity and reproducibility are also not satisfactory.Therefore,it is highly desirable to develop a sen-sitive and reliable method for accurate quantification of global DNA methylation in sperm.Nowadays,global methylation is usu-ally analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) [29,30].However,the relatively low sensitivity,long running time and large quantities of genomic DNA required,will limit their application in large-scale clinical analysis.With the development of electrospray ionization(ESI)technique for mass spectrometry analysis(MS),liquid chromatography(LC)/MS has been used for characterization and quantification of biological samples,such as nucleic acids and proteins.Friso used on-line LC/ESI-MS for the quantitative determination of global DNA methylation by measur-ing methylated cytidine residues in hydrolyzed genomic DNA using isotopically labeled internal standard[31].However,complete digestion of RNA by enzyme is required to avoid RNA contam-ination.To avoid the use of expensive isotopic label,Song and Liu developed a LC–MS/MS to analyze5-methyl-2 -deoxycytidine in enzyme-digested genomic DNA using2 -deoxyguanosine as an internal standard[32,33].Due to its high sensitivity and specificity, LC–MS/MS will be a good tool for genomic DNA methylation anal-ysis[34,35].In this work,we developed UPLC–MS/MS method for detec-tion of global DNA methylation in human sperms by taking advantages of ultra resolution,ultra speed and sensitivity of UPLC technology and high selectivity and specificity of tandem MS detection.The ratio of5-methyl-2 -deoxycytidine to2 -deoxyguanosine was used for evaluation of global DNA methylation mercial unmethylated and methylated DNA with a specific sequence and genomic DNA extracted from human cells treated by DNA methyltransferases inhibitor5-aza-2 -deoxycytidine were used for the confirmation of our devel-oped method.UPLC–MS/MS technology will offer a good opportunity for the accurate quantification of DNA methy-lation in human sperms,in which small variation in DNA methylation level may have important biological implications. This method will be helpful to study the epigenetic mecha-nisms of male infertility and other human genomic imprinting disorders.2.Experimental2.1.Reagents5-Methyl-2 -deoxycytidine(5mdC),2 -deoxycytidine(dC),2 -deoxyguanosine(dG),thymidine(T),2 -deoxyadenosine(dA), 5-aza-2 -deoxycytidine(5-Aza-dC)and snake venom phospho-diesterase I were purchased form Sigma(St.Louis,MO,USA). Deoxyribonuclease I(DNase I),calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP)were obtained from New England BioLabs(Ipswich,MA,USA). Microcon centrifugalfilter devices were obtained from Millipore (Bedford,MA,USA).Methanol was of HPLC grade and purchased from Fisher Scientific(Pittsburgh,PA,USA).Ultrapure water was prepared by a Milli-Q water system(Millipore,Bedford,MA,USA). Cell-culturing reagents were obtained from Hyclone(Logan,UT, USA).2.2.ApparatusNucleosides separation was achieved by Agilent1200Series Rapid Resolution LC system equipped with a vacuum degasser,binary pump SL,high performance autosampler SL with thermostat and thermostatic column compartment.A reversed-phase Zorbax SB-C182.1×100mm column(1.8-m particle size)was used in this experiment.Agilent6410B Triple Quadrupole mass spectrom-eter(Santa Clara,CA,USA)with an electrospray ionization source was applied for mass spectrometric detection.MassHunter work-station software version B.01.03was used for data acquisition and qualitative analysis,and its version B.01.04was used for the quan-titative analysis.2.3.Cell culture and DNA isolationHuman hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2and lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549were cultured in RPMI1640 medium containing10%fetal bovine serum,100U/mL penicillin and100g/mL streptomycin in5%CO2at37◦C.Renal proximate tubular epithelial cell HK2were cultured in DMEM-F12medium, and other conditions were the same as for HepG2.HepG2cells (5×105cells)were seeded in the culture medium for24h and then treated with0.01,0.1,1and5M of5-Aza-dC for72h.Control cells were cultured in the same way,without treatment of5-Aza-dC.Cells were harvested after72h treatment and genomic DNA was extracted using a Genomic DNA Purification Kit(Promega,Madison, WI,USA),according to the manufacture’s instruction.DNA concen-tration and quality were estimated by measuring the absorbance at260nm and280nm.2.4.Sperm collection and DNA preparationThe study was approved by local ethic committee.Semen sam-ples were collected by masturbation from24men who were undergoing evaluation for infertility at reproduction department of the hospital.The patients had been informed our research purpose and we are permitted to use the samples.After liquefaction,all the semen samples were divided into two groups.Samples from group 1were only washed by Phosphate Buffered Saline(PBS)three times at1500rpm for10min.While samples from group2werefirst cen-trifuged at1500rpm for15min using Suprasperm gradients(1ml semen,2ml40%,2ml80%)and then washed by PBS three times to remove abnormal and dead sperms.Sperm cells were collected separately for global DNA methylation analysis.Unlike somatic cells,sperm cells have relatively compacted chromatin structures,which is tightly packaged by protamine molecules[12].Genomic DNA from sperm cells was extracted using Genomic DNA Purification Kit(Promega,Madison,WI,USA), according to the manufacture’s instruction with some modifi-cations.Sperm cells and nuclei lysis solution werefirst mixed thoroughly.For complete lysis,dithiothreitol(1mol/L)and pro-teinase K(20mg/ml)were added at55◦C for2h.The cell lysate was then incubated with RNase A at37◦C for30min,and protein was removed by protein precipitation solution.Genomic DNA was precipitated using isopropanol and washed by70%ethanol twice. DNA concentration and purity were determined by measuring the optical density(OD)at260nm and280nm.2.5.DNA enzymatic digestionDNA digestion was performed as described previously[36]. Genomic DNA(1g)extracted from human sperms or cultured cells was digested with1U DNase I,2U CIP and0.005U snake venom phosphodiesterase I at37◦C for24h.Microcon centrifu-galfilter device with a3000D cutoff membrane was used to remove protein from the digested DNA samples by centrifuging at 12,000rpm for60min.X.Wang et al./J.Chromatogr.B879 (2011) 1647–16521649Fig.1.The product ion mass spectra of5mdC.Fragment ions at m/z242.1and m/z 126were corresponding to the protonated5mdC and5-methylcytosine generated by glycosidic cleavage.2.6.UPLC–MS/MS analysisThe mobile phase consisted of5.0%methanol and95%water (plus0.1%Formic Acid)was used for UPLC separation of the nucleosides at aflow-rate of0.3ml/min.Enzymatically digested DNA sample(5L each)was injected into for UPLC–MS/MS analy-sis and each run took10min.Mass spectrometry conditions were as follows:ionization mode,ESI-positive;capillary voltage,3500V; nitrogen drying gas temperature,300◦C;drying gasflow,9L/min; nebulizer,40psi.For MS/MS analysis of nucleotides,the fragmen-tor voltage was90V,collision energy was performed at5eV and scan time was100ms.Multiple-Reaction Monitoring(MRM)mode was used for the UPLC–MS/MS analysis by monitoring transition pairs of m/z242.1/126.0,m/z228.1/111.9,m/z268.1/152.0,m/z 252.1/136.0,m/z243.1/127.0,corresponding to5mdC,dC,dG,dA and dT.3.Results and discussion3.1.UPLC–MS/MS detection of5-methyl-2 -deoxycytidineIn our experiment,MRM mode was selected for highly sensitive quantification of5-methyl-2 -deoxycytidine(5mdC).In product ion spectra of5mdC(Fig.1),m/z242.1and m/z126.0were the pre-cursor and predominant product ions of5mdC,respectively.They correspond to the protonated5mdC and5-methylcytosine pro-duced from glycosidic cleavage of5mdC.The transition pair of m/z 242.1/126.0was then used for detection of5mdC in MRM mode.DNA sequences from5-methylcytosine DNA Standard Set(Zymo Research,Orange,CA,USA)were used for UPLC–MS/MS detection of5mdC.Cytosine DNA Standard and5-methylcytosine DNA Stan-dard are linear dsDNA which have the same897bp sequence.The only difference is that Cytosine DNA Standard contains unmodified cytosines,while cytosines are fully replaced by5-methylcytosines in5-methylcytosine DNA Standard.Cytosine DNA Standard and5-methylcytosine DNA Standard were digested by DNase I,CIP,and snake venom phosphodiesterase I and the products of digestion were analyzed by UPLC–MS/MS.Chromatographic peaks of5mdC (1.9min,Fig.2A)and dC(1.4min,Fig.2B)could be clearly detected in the digested5-methylcytosine DNA Standard and Cytosine DNA Standard,respectively.Transition pairs of m/z268.1/152.0, 252.1/136.0,243.1/127.0corresponding to dG,dA and dT were monitored at the same time.Surprisingly,the area under thedT Fig.2.UPLC–MS/MS chromatograms of DNA hydrolysate from5-methylcytosine DNA standard(A)and cytosine DNA standard(B).5mdC(1.9min)and dC(1.4min) were detected by monitoring m/z242.1/126and228.2/111.9,respectively.peak is much larger than the area under the dA peak although they have same concentration.This difference may be attributed to the different protonation efficiency of these nucleosides in MS/MS detection.We speculated that it was difficult for thymi-dine to be protonated,so T peak was relative small.For adenosine, it is supposed to be converted to inosine by a small amount of adenosine deaminase during the process of enzymatic plete separation of5mdC from other nucleosides by UPLC could be achieved within10min.Potential interference from other nucleotides was not observed due to the complete separation of these nucleotides,showing high specificity of our method.3.2.Quantification of global DNA methylation levelTo quantify genomic DNA methylation level,the ratio of5-methyl-2 -deoxycytidine to2 -deoxyguanosine was estimated,in which dG was chosen as an internal standard.The use of expen-sive isotope labeled standards could be avoided and the influence of insufficient DNA hydrolysis could be corrected in this way.Serial dilutions of5mdC to dG were prepared and the ratios of5mdC to dG were chosen at0.1%,0.5%,1%,2.5%,5%,and10%because global DNA methylation levels were typically varied from2%to7%in mam-malians.Calibration curve was obtained by plotting the ratio of MRM/MS signal of5mdC to dG against[5mdC]/[dG](R2=0.999)1650X.Wang et al./J.Chromatogr.B 879 (2011) 1647–1652Table 1Precision of UPLC–MS/MS method for the determination of 5mdC (n =3).DNA sampleIntra-day Inter-day Ave.+S.D.C.V.%Ave.+S.D. C.V.%[5mdC]/[dG](%)1 1.03±0.015 1.50 1.02±0.042 4.085 5.17±0.097 1.87 5.14±0.160 3.12109.90±0.167 1.699.74±0.272 2.80Genomic DNA A549 4.13±0.134 3.24 4.28±0.244 5.70HepG2 3.68±0.141 3.83 3.81±0.161 4.24HK25.13±0.0991.945.39±0.3075.70and used for the following estimation of global DNA methylation level.Global DNA methylation levels in three cultured cell lines (HepG2,A549and HK2)were evaluated by UPLC–MS/MS ing the ratio of 5mdC to dG as the indicator of global DNA methy-lation level,the corresponding average values for HepG2,A549,and HK2were 3.81%,4.28%,and 5.39%as indicated in Table 1.It was evident that the global DNA methylation levels of HepG2and A549were obviously lower than that of HK2.It was well known that HepG2and A549were cancer cell lines,while HK2was an immortalized proximal tubule epithelial cell line from normal adult human kidney.This was consistent with the fact that DNA methyla-tion levels of tumor-derived genomic DNA were significantly lower than that in normal cell lines [37].The applicability of the devel-oped UPLC–MS/MS method for global DNA methylation detection was confirmed.To further test the applicability of UPLC–MS/MS method to DNA methylation detection,genomic DNA hypomethylation caused by 5-Aza-dC,a representative inhibitor of DNA methyltransferase,was assessed.HepG2cells were treated by 5-Aza-dC (0,0.01,0.1,1and 5M)for 72h.Genomic DNA was extracted from harvested cells and then enzymatically digested for UPLC–MS/MS detection.Global DNA methylation level decreased with the increasing concentra-tion of 5-Aza-dC.Even treated with 5-AzadC as low as 0.01M,the inhibition of global DNA methylation (3.6%)could be observed obvi-ously (Fig.3).This result demonstrated that UPLC–MS/MS method was applicable to the accurate evaluation of small changes in global DNA methylationlevel.Fig.3.Influence of 5-Aza-dC on the global DNA methylation level of HepG2cells.Reduction of global DNA methylation level could be detected after the cells being treated with 0.01M of 5-Aza-dC.Treated with 5M of 5-Aza-dC for 72h,the global DNA methylation level of HepG2decreased about40%.Fig.4.The change in the MS signal ratio of 5mdC to dG by varied DNA content from 5to 500ng (A)and the linear relationship between the mass signal area of 5mdC and DNA contents (B).3.3.Validation of UPLC–MS/MS methodFor UPLC–MS/MS method validation,intra-day and inter-day precision were evaluated for the ratio of 5mdC to dG at 1%,5%and 10%,and the results were summarized in Table 1.The intra-day pre-cision values showed as covariance (C.V.)varied from 1.50%to 1.87%and the inter-day precision values ranged from 2.80%to 4.08%.For global DNA methylation detection of cultured cell lines,the intra-day precision values ranged from 1.94%to 3.83%and the inter-day precision values varied from 4.24%to 5.70%.All these values were within the accepted guidance for industry (bioanalytical method validation),showing little variability and good reproducibility of the UPLC–MS/MS method.Detection limit of UPLC–MS/MS method was also estimated using a series of diluted A549genomic DNA (5ng,20ng,50ng,100ng,and 500ng).There was a linear relationship (R 2=0.99)between the mass signal area of 5mdC and DNA content ana-lyzed (Fig.4B),while the ratios of mass signal area of 5mdC to dG remained constant (C.V.8.15%)even when the amount of DNA assayed varied from 20ng to 500ng (Fig.4A).Based on the UPLC–MS/MS results,with 5ng genomic DNA analyzed,it still could be detected when the global DNA methylation level was as low as 0.16%(S/N =3).Therefore,by taking advantage of the low DNA con-sumption and high sensitivity,UPLC–MS/MS method could be used for global DNA methylation analysis.X.Wang et al./J.Chromatogr.B879 (2011) 1647–16521651Fig.5.UPLC–MS/MS chromatogram of DNA hydrolysate from human sperms(A) and the global DNA methylation levels in human sperms(B).Sperm samples of group 1were only washed by PBS,while abnormal and dead sperm cells were removed by density gradient centrifugation from samples of group2.3.4.Analysis of global DNA methylation level in human sperm samplesWith the confirmation of UPLC–MS/MS method described above,global DNA methylation level in human sperm samples was detected.Semen samples were divided into two groups according to different pre-treatment protocols.Genomic DNA extracted from sperm cells was digested to nucleosides using DNase I,CIP and snake venom phosphodiesterase I,and the digestion products were assayed using UPLC–MS/MS method.5mdC(1.9min)and dC(1.4min)were detected in the UPLC–MS/MS chromatogram of genomic DNA extracted from human sperm cells,with complete separation of all nucleotides assayed(Fig.5A).By calculating the ratio of5mdC to dG,global DNA methylation level of detected human sperm ranged from3.79%to4.65%(Fig.5B). Comparing the results from sperm of group1with that of group 2,average global DNA methylation level of group1(4.03±0.15%) was relatively lower than that of group2(4.25±0.18%).In group 2,abnormal and dead sperm cells were removed by density gradi-ent centrifugation,so we speculated that the lower average global DNA methylation level of group1may be associated with the exis-tence of abnormal and dead sperm cells.Aberrant DNA methylation reprogramming may occur during spermatogenesis in abnormal and dead sperm cells.From the preliminary result,we considered that pre-treatment of semen samples might influence the detec-tion of global DNA methylation level and aberrant DNA methylation may partly contribute to abnormal spermatogenesis and compro-mised sperm function.The present result need to be tested in a larger cohort/population.4.ConclusionIn summary,we describe a UPLC–MS/MS method for detection of global DNA methylation levels in human sperm pared with conventional methods used for global DNA methylation detec-tion of human sperms,the ultra resolution,high sensitivity and specificity of UPLC–MS/MS method make it a very useful tool for global DNA methylation assay.With the accurate quantification of sperm DNA methylation level using UPLC–MS/MS,DNA methyla-tion could be used as a good biomarker for clinical evaluation of human sperm quality and elucidation of epigenetic decisions in mammalian germ cells.AcknowledgmentsThe work was supported by the grants from the National Basic Research Program of China(2007CB407305,2009CB421605, and2010CB933502)and the National Natural Science Founda-tion of China(21077129,20921063,20877091,20890112,and 20737003)to Dr.H.Wang,and the grants from the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)100Talents Program,CAS/SAFEA Inter-national Partnership Program(KZCX2-YW-T08)and Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China for Com-bined Pollution and Ecosystem Health in Urban Agglomeration (2009DFB90120)to Dr.Shen.We thank all the people who con-tributed their samples and work in this study.References[1]B.Weinhold,Environ.Health Perspect.114(2006)A160.[2]R.Jaenisch,A.Bird,Nat.Genet.33(Suppl.)(2003)245.[3]E.Li,C.Beard,R.Jaenisch,Nature366(1993)362.[4]P.A.Jones,S.B.Baylin,Nat.Rev.Genet.3(2002)415.[5]M.Ehrlich,Oncogene21(2002)5400.[6]M.Esteller,P.G.Corn,S.B.Baylin,J.G.Herman,Cancer Res.61(2001)3225.[7]S.B.Baylin,J.G.Herman,Trends Genet.16(2000)168.[8]I.P.Pogribny,F.A.Beland,Cell.Mol.Life Sci.66(2009)2249.[9]J.A.Rusiecki,A.Baccarelli,V.Bollati,L.Tarantini,L.E.Moore,E.C.Bonefeld-Jorgensen,Environ.Health Perspect.116(2008)1547.[10]B.Sadikovic,T.R.Haines,D.T.Butcher,D.I.Rodenhiser,Breast Cancer Res.6(2004)R329.[11]F.J.Cisneros,Front.Biosci.9(2004)1189.[12]A.Zini,J.Libman,CMAJ175(2006)495.[13]A.Zini,M.San Gabriel,A.Baazeem,J.Assist.Reprod.Genet.26(2009)427.[14]O.Tunc,K.Tremellen,J.Assist.Reprod.Genet.26(2009)537.[15]C.J.Marques,P.Costa,B.Vaz,F.Carvalho,S.Fernandes,A.Barros,M.Sousa,Mol.Hum.Reprod.14(2008)67.[16]H.Kobayashi,A.Sato,E.Otsu,H.Hiura,C.Tomatsu,T.Utsunomiya,H.Sasaki,N.Yaegashi,T.Arima,Hum.Mol.Genet.16(2007)2542.[17]M.A.Gama-Sosa,R.Y.Wang,K.C.Kuo,C.W.Gehrke,M.Ehrlich,Nucleic AcidsRes.11(1983)3087.[18]C.Ponzetto-Zimmerman,D.J.Wolgemuth,Nucleic Acids Res.12(1984)2807.[19]F.Santos,W.Dean,Reproduction127(2004)643.[20]C.B.Schaefer,S.K.Ooi,T.H.Bestor,D.Bourc’his,Science316(2007)398.[21]C.J.Marques,F.Carvalho,M.Sousa,A.Barros,Lancet363(2004)1700.[22]S.Houshdaran,V.K.Cortessis,K.Siegmund,A.Yang,ird,R.Z.Sokol,PLoSOne2(2007)e1289.[23]M.Benchaib,M.Ajina,J.Lornage,A.Niveleau,P.Durand,J.F.Guérin,Fertil.Steril.80(2003)947.[24]J.G.Herman,J.R.Graff,S.Myohanen,B.D.Nelkin,S.B.Baylin,Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.93(1996)9821.[25]C.A.Eads,K.D.Danenberg,K.Kawakami,L.B.Saltz,C.Blake,D.Shibata,P.V.Danenberg,ird,Nucleic Acids Res.28(2000)e32.[26]G.Pontecorvo,B.De Felice,M.Carfagna,FEBS Lett.432(1998)77.[27]M.Balaghi,C.Wagner,mun.193(1993)1184.1652X.Wang et al./J.Chromatogr.B879 (2011) 1647–1652[28]I.Pogribny,P.Yi,S.J.James,mun.262(1999)624.[29]D.Eick,H.J.Fritz,W.Doerfler,Anal.Biochem.135(1983)165.[30]J.Sandhu,B.Kaur,C.Armstrong,C.J.Talbot,W.P.Steward,P.B.Farmer,R.Singh,J.Chromatogr.B877(2009)1957.[31]S.Friso,S.W.Choi,G.G.Dolnikowski,J.Selhub,Anal.Chem.74(2002)4526.[32]L.Song,S.R.James,L.Kazim,A.R.Karpf,Anal.Chem.77(2005)504.[33]Z.Liu,S.Liu,Z.Xie,W.Blum,D.Perrotti,P.Paschka,R.Klisovic,J.Byrd,K.K.Chan,G.Marcucci,Nucleic Acids Res.35(2007)e31.[34]H.Ma,W.Zhang,J.Hu,Z.Yu,Y.Chen,Q.Luo,X.Shi,Y.Zhang,R.Song,Z.Zhou,G.Shen,J.Fu,Eur.J.Mass Spectrom.(Chichester,Eng)15(2009) 555.[35]R.M.Kok,D.E.Smith,R.Barto,A.M.Spijkerman,T.Teerlink,H.J.Gellekink,C.Jakobs,Y.M.Smulders,b.Med.45(2007)903.[36]F.Feng,X.Wang,H.Yuan,H.Wang,J.Chromatogr.B877(2009)2104.[37]A.P.Feinberg, C.W.Gehrke,K.C.Kuo,M.Ehrlich,Cancer Res.48(1988)1159.。
I G I T C W产业 观察Industry Observation172DIGITCW2023.11在现代科技研究广度和深度的有效拓展下,计算机技术的应用范围不断扩大,为人类文明发展和社会进步提供了强劲推动力,构建了高效的计算机思维。
1 人工智能技术概述1.1 人工智能的概念人工智能是指计算机系统通过模拟人类智能、推理、学习、理解和创造等能力,实现自主决策和执行任务的能力。
1.2 人工智能的特点人工智能是以计算机技术为基础的新型科学技术,通过深度发展和研究,能够模拟人类思维、推计算机技术与人工智能的深度融合研究赵 严(太原学院,山西 太原 030000)摘要:随着国际竞争局势日趋白热化,竞争方向的转变与现代科技更新换代速度的提升,使得计算机技术与人工智能的深度融合显得更加紧迫。
VIA DEP 4550水平化学沉铜配方 M德美乐思合并后
长寿命化学沉铜VIA DEP 4550化学沉铜配方
. 周生电镀导师之【(@q)】:(3)(8)(0)(6)(8)(5)(5)(0)(9)
l 配方平台不断发展完善
肉类研究w w w .c m r c.c om .c n MEAT RESEARCH2008.4超高效液相色谱在抗生素和激素研究中的应用汤艳荣1,甘宾宾2,凌敏1(1.广西大学化学化工学院 南宁 530004 2.广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心 南宁 530021)摘 要:以小颗粒填料(粒径小于2um )和超高压系统(压力大于105kPa )为特征的超高效液相色谱(U PLC)是液相色谱领域的新热点之一,它能够提供更加高效和快速的色系统。
本文介绍了U PLC 的优点及其目前存在的局限性,比较了H PLC 和U PLC 两种方法,综述了U PLC 及其联用技术在抗生素和激素中的应用及其前景。
关键词:超高效液相色谱;抗生素;激素;应用Application of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography in Antibiotics and HormoneTang Y an-rong 1,Gan Bin-bin 2,Ling Min 1(1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ,Guangxi University ,Nanning,5300042.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center for Disease Prevention and Control,Nanning,530028)Abstract :Liquid chromatography with the column packed with small particles (sub-2-microm)and high working pressures (over 105KPa)referred to as ultra performance liquid chromatography(UPLC),is one of the latest advances in the area of the liquid chromatographic separation.Its main advantages include high performance and fast recycling time.The advantages and limitations of current concerning UPLC were discussed in thisreview,compared with HPLC and UPLC.The applications and the prospects of U PLC in antibiotics and hormone were also introduced.Keywords:UPLC;Antibiotics;Hormone;Application中图分类号:TS207.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8123(2008)04-0054-041超高效液相色谱W a t er s 公司在2004年推出了一种新的液相色谱技术-超高效液相色谱((U l t r a Per f or m ance Li q-ui d Chr om at ogr aphy,U PLC),它采用1.7um 颗粒度的色谱柱填料,能获得更高的柱效,并且在更宽的线速度范围内柱效保持恒定,因而有利于提高流动相流速,缩短分析时间,提高分析通量。
Design and Development of Hybrid Supercapacitors
Design and Development of HybridSupercapacitorsIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development of hybrid supercapacitors, which combine the high energy density of batteries and the high power density of capacitors. These devices have the potential to revolutionize energy storage and power delivery systems, with applications ranging from consumer electronics to electric vehicles and grid-scale storage systems.Design Considerations:The design of a hybrid supercapacitor involves several key considerations, including the choice of electrode materials, the construction of the device, and the optimization of its performance. The materials used for the electrodes can significantly impact the performance of the device, with a focus on maximizing both energy density and power density.Graphene, carbon nanotubes, and metal oxides are among the most promising materials for use in hybrid supercapacitors. These materials have high surface areas, allowing for increased charge storage capacity, and can also exhibit excellent electrochemical stability and cycling efficiency.In addition to electrode materials, the configuration of the device is also critical. The most commonly used configurations include asymmetric and symmetric designs. Asymmetric designs, which consist of two electrodes with different charge storage mechanisms, can offer higher energy density. Symmetric designs, where both electrodes have similar charge storage mechanisms, offer higher power density.Performance Optimization:Once the materials and configuration are selected, the performance of the device can be optimized through various techniques. For example, the use of electrode coatings andadditives can improve the electrochemical stability and charge storage capacity of the device.In addition, the electrolyte used in the device can also affect performance. Traditional electrolytes, such as aqueous and organic solvents, suffer from various limitations such as low voltage windows, limited operating temperatures, and poor stability. However, the development of ionic liquids and solid-state electrolytes has opened up new possibilities for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors.Application:Hybrid supercapacitors have enormous potential for a wide range of applications, from portable electronics to electric vehicles and renewable energy systems. These devices can provide high power density for quick charging and discharging, and also offer high energy density for extended use.For example, in portable electronics, hybrid supercapacitors could replace conventional batteries, providing longer operating times in smaller devices. In electric vehicles, hybrid supercapacitors could provide instant, high power delivery for acceleration and braking, while also extending the range of the vehicle.Conclusion:Hybrid supercapacitors are a promising technology that could transform energy storage and power delivery systems. Their unique combination of high energy density and high power density offers many opportunities for advances in portable electronics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy systems. While there are still many challenges to overcome in their development and commercialization, the potential benefits make them a technology worth pursuing.。
Developing an ultra-high-performance supercar battery - Allan Paterson v8 - China - 180414_CN
Developing an ultra-high performance hybridized supercar battery system一种超高性能混合动力超级车辆用电池系统的开发Dr Allan Paterson*, Dr Jianli Bao (鲍建莉)混合动力车辆市场与先进电池技术发展国际研讨会April 2014Lithium-ion Battery System Design & Integration(锂离子电池系统设计与集成)01Johnson Matthey 庄信万丰02Johnson Matthey Battery Systems 庄信万丰电池系统03Automotive Applications 汽车应用04Technology Development 技术发展05Ultra High Performance System Integration 超高性能系统集成Cell Selection 电池的选择Thermal Performance and Management 热管理Design Integrate & Light-weighting 设计集成与轻量化06Case Studies 范例分析07Summary/ Conclusions 总结/结论Johnson Matthey Plc (庄信万丰)In >30 CountriesHigh Investment Levels•Group Technology Centres in UK, USA ,South Africa and Singapore •Annual R&D spend £136m (年研发投入£136m)/ ~5% of sales excluding precious metals •Capital investment of ~£820m in the last 5 years•19th century origins as a high-quality, reliable refiner of gold and silver •20th century expansion into platinum group metal refining and products •21st century expansion into base metal catalysis, other environmental and process technologies, other pharmaceutical and fine chemical products, and associated servicesNumerousQueen’s Awards for EnterpriseWell Established Firm•Established 1817 (创立于1817年)•Floated in 1952•FTSE 100 since 2002 (2002年始位列富时100指数)•Leading global positions in all of its major businesses•Award-winning commitment to sustainability•Regularly voted one of Britain’s most admired companies by its peersLarge CapBusiness of the Year 2011MacRobert Award forEngineering in 1980 and 2000Best Annual Report & Sustainability& Stakeholder Disclosure 2012•Market capitalisation (市值)£5.5bn •Sales excluding precious metals £2.7bn •Underlying profit before tax*£382.9m •Return on invested capital 19.7%•Employees –worldwide11,000•Sales excluding precious metals analysed:Key Metrics (2013)Emission Control Technologies53%Precious Metals Products 16%Process Technologies19%Fine Chemicals 10%New Businesses1%By DivisionEurope 33%China 10%NA 34%Rest of Asia 11%ROW 12%By Destination* Restated for IAS 19(业务范围遍布30多个国家)Johnson Matthey (庄信万丰)Emission Control Technologies (排放控制技术部排放控制技术部))ProcessTechnologies (工艺技术部工艺技术部))Precious Metal Products(贵金属产品部贵金属产品部))FineChemicals (精细化工部精细化工部))NewBusinesses (新业务新业务))Chemicals•Chemical Technologies (DPT) •Syngas•Chemical Catalysts (inc.Formox)Oil and Gas •Refineries •Purification •TracercoServices•Platinum Marketing and Distribution •Refining Manufacturing •Noble Metals •Colour Technologies •Chemical Products•Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) Manufacturing •Catalysis and Chiral Technologies •Research Chemicals•New Business Development •Water•Battery Technologies(电池技术电池技术))•Fuel Cells•Light Duty Catalysts •Heavy Duty Catalysts •Stationary Emissions ControlValue Chain (价值链)►Johnson Matthey spans the battery value chain►Synergies of application knowledge helping drive basic technology materials R&D料电池生产系统设计OEM客户原材料电池材电池材料Johnson Matthey Battery Systems(庄信万丰电池系统)►Over the last decade Johnson Matthey Battery Systems (formerly Axeon) has developed a leading independent lithium-ion battery development team, recognised for leading-edge custom battery design and manufacturing capabilities.►This technology base enables us to design and manufacture advanced lithium-ion battery systems for a variety of end market applications:►We make ~ 2.5 million lithium ion battery packs and buy over 70 million cells per annum (我们每年采购超过七千万个单体电池,年产约两百五十万个锂离子电池包)Automotive(汽车汽车))Power toolsand Mobile Power电动工具和移动电源电动工具和移动电源))E-Bikes(电动自行车电动自行车))Energy Storage(储能储能))Example Automotive Programmes (机动车项目范例)►HEV sports car:The highest performance battery in the world, developed for the McLaren P1™►Prototype fully electric Land Rover Defender►At the time the world’s most powerful passenger car battery for the 102EX Rolls-Royce Phantom Experimental Electric►REEVolution project -Parallel Hybrid plug-in electric vehicle, based on a X351 extendedwheelbase XJTranslating Vehicle Requirements into Systems Design (将车辆的需求转化成系统设计)OEM CustomerSpecification Validate Specifications Detailed Cell Testing Safety Engineering System Integration Control SoftwarePlug & PlayBattery SystemDesign Concept and Feasibility (设计概念与可行性研究)01Definition of Interfaces (接口定义)02Battery Management System(电池管理系统)03Cell Selection(电池的选择)04PackagingStudy (组装研究)►Mechanical►Mounting ►Electrical►Connections►Comms/diagnostics►BatteryManagement Systemdevelopment and integration►Software►Electrochemical ►Thermal►Safety Testing►Based on previous and concept options►Identification of standards / regulations, e.g. IEC/ISO, FMVSS, SAE, ECE R100Design and Assessment (设计与评估)05 SpaceVolumeAnalysis (空间容量分析)06Driving Safety(驾驶安全性)07ThermalAnalysis(热分析)08Performance,Cost andWeight(性能,成本与重量)►CAD packaginganalysis / baselineconcept creation ►Numerical vehiclesimulation toensure drive safety►Brake test►Skid Pan test►Slalom test►Lane changetest►FMEA►Thermal Analysis►Drive cycleAnalysis►NEDC►UDDS etc►Operating Temp-30 to 50o C?►Whole systemprelimPerformanceExpectations,weight and costestimation►Cells, BMS►Module housing►Battery housing►DifferentmaterialsMainstream Automotive (主流汽车)Vehicle Type(汽车类型汽车类型))µ-HEV (微混微混))MHEV (中混中混))HEV (全混全混))PHEV(插电式混合插电式混合))BEV (纯电动纯电动))Fuel Cell(燃料电池燃料电池))Description (描述)Stop/start, limited regen braking with starter generator, noelec drivingStop/start, regen braking,accel boost, no elecdrivingStop/start, regen braking,acceleration boost,short EVStop/start, regen braking, full EVdrivingRegen braking, full EV drivingFrom battery point of view, essentially a full hybrid or longer term a plug in hybridTypical Voltage (典型电压)12V 36-150V 200-400V 200-400V 200-400V Energy capacity(能量)0.6-1.2kWh1kWh 1kWh 5-10kWh 10-30kWh Power (功率)2kW 5-20kW 30-50kW 30-70kW 30-70kW Technologies (技术)PbAcid,PbAcid+Supercap PbAcid, NiMH, Li-ion(HP)NiMH, Li-ion(HP)Li-ion(HE/HP)Li-ion(HE)Cycle Regime (循环机制)Typically 60-80% SoC, cycle depth during stop 1%Typical 40-60% SoC, micro cycledepth 2%Typical 40-60% SoC, micro cycledepth 5%Typical 40-60% SoC, micro cycledepth 1%Typical 20-100%SoC Lifetime (寿命)Several 100,000 micro cycles, 5yr forPbAcid Several 100,000 micro cyclesSeveral 100,000 micro cycles3000full cycles plus several 100,000 microcycles 3000 full cyclesPower /Energy (功率能量比)5-10kW for cranking, 0.5-2kW for normaloperation5-20kW/kWh 30-50kW/kWh5-20kW/kWh3-5kW/kWh >150Wh/kg►VW expectations 2018-2020( )Mainstream Automotive(主流汽车)Vehicle Type PHEVDescription Stop/start, regenbraking, full EVdriving Typical Voltage200-400V Energycapacity5-10kWh Power30-70kW Technologies Li-ion(HE/HP)Cycle Regime Typical 40-60%SoC, micro cycledepth 1% Lifetime3000full cyclesplus several100,000 microcyclesPower& Energy 5-20kW/kWh►VW expectations 2018-2020Mainstream Automotive(主流汽车)Vehicle Type PHEVDescription Stop/start, regenbraking, full EVdrivingTypical Voltage200-400VEnergycapacity5-10kWhPower30-70kWTechnologies Li-ion(HE/HP)Cycle Regime Typical 40-60%SoC, micro cycledepth 1%Lifetime3000full cycles plusseveral 100,000micro cyclesPower& Energy 5-20kW/kWh►VW expectations 2018-2020Mainstream Automotive (主流汽车)Vehicle Type PHEV Supercar PHEV(插电式混合超级汽车插电式混合超级汽车))Description Stop/start, regenbraking, full EVdriving Stop/start, regen braking, full EVdrivingTypical Voltage200-400V> 400V Energycapacity5-10kWh> 4kWh Power30-70kW>160kW Peak />130kW Cont Chg+Dchg Technologies Li-ion(HE/HP)Li-ion(HP)Cycle Regime Typical 40-60%SoC, micro cycledepth 1%20 –100%SoCLifetime3000full cycles plusseveral 100,000micro cycles Track+ Road HEV + EV Life of Vehicle?Power& Energy 5-20kW/kWh Peak >40kW/kWh,Cont >30kW/kWh>1.2kW/kg►VW expectations 2018-2020Mainstream Automotive(主流汽车)Vehicle Type PHEV Supercar PHEV(插电式混合超级汽车插电式混合超级汽车))Description Stop/start, regenbraking, full EVdriving Stop/start, regen braking, full EVdrivingTypical Voltage200-400V> 400V Energycapacity5-10kWh> 4kWh Power30-70kW>160kW Peak />130kW Cont Chg+Dchg Technologies Li-ion(HE/HP)Li-ion(HP)Cycle Regime Typical 40-60%SoC, micro cycledepth 1%20 –100%SoCLifetime3000full cycles plusseveral 100,000micro cycles Track+ Road HEV + EV Life of Vehicle?Power& Energy 5-20kW/kWh Peak >40kW/kWh,Cont >30kW/kWh>1.2kW/kg►VW expectations 2018-2020Other requirements :►EV range►CO2g/km►EV speedunlimited►Pit lane charge►Fast►Cooling►Regen Braking►V. High►Lap time targetaround race trackElectrochemistry –Cell Vendor Relationships(电化学—与电池供应商良好的合作关系)►JMBS have strategic relationships and multiple supply contracts in place with all major global suppliers of high capacity Lithium cells(JMBS与世界上所有主要大容量电池供应商保持战略合作伙伴关系并签有供应合同)►Experienced in using all cell form factors (prismatic, pouch, cylindrical)►Close working relationships with major cell suppliers gives JMBS access to Technology Roadmaps for major cell suppliers.(与主要电池供应商的良好合作关系帮助JMBS了解主要供应商的技术发展路线图)Cell Testing & Validation (电池表征与验证)Validation of Specifications►Capacity, Energy, Power, Cycle Life,►Calendar life, Self Discharge, etc.Electrochemical andApplication Specific►Hybrid Peak Power Capability,►Drive cycle Analysis,►Dynamic Stress Test, etc.Thermal Analysis►Heat capacity, Heat Rejection,►Thermal Performance, etc.►Thermal ImagingAbuse Testing►Over-charge, Over-discharge,►Short Circuit, Fire, Penetration, etc.Cell Selection (电池的选择)►Technology Landscape (技术状况)Li4Ti5O12LiMnxNiyCozO2LiFePO4LiMn2O4/ Blend Unconfirmed*Not yetcommerciallyavailableFor 10sec Peak PowerCell Chemistry Type :►Gravimetric Energy and Power Density►Volumetric Energy and Power DensityThermal Performance / Management Requirements (热管理)Design / Integrate / Lightweight (小而轻)Electronics / BMS (电子/电池管理系统)Extensive cell testing and characterisation form the basis of calibration and control strategy ► Extremely high power density rated systems necessitate a very capable BMS►►(Power Density is an order of magnitude greater than a typical electric vehicle)►►►►►Highly flexible in its concept, BMS provides operational performance precisely tailored and calibrated to data for the chosen cell type Active cell balancing, which shuttles charge around the pack to maintain accurate balance throughout the power pack and ensure optimum performance and durability. Not standard in all hybrid cars, but in an extremely high performance vehicle it is more advantageous in maintaining performance through vehicle life. A battery control module (BCM) communicates with the vehicle and monitoring boards (VTBM) providing safety-critical control of the complete battery system including cooling, state of charge and state of health estimation. The BMS has to be a predictive / adaptive system → Maximise Performance (Power) (电池管理系统必须是可预测的/可调节的 → 使性能(功率)最大化)21Case Study : “A”(范例分析“A”:插拔式/混合动力超级跑车)►► ►►►In F1 KERS systems are restricted by the FIA sporting regulations. ► 60kW, 400kJ per lap -> 6.7sec On road have no rules! Maximisation of cell performance (电池性能最大化) Minimisation of weight and volume (重量和体积最小化) Uncompromised instantaneous maximum performance. (瞬时最大性能未受影响)►Battery Characteristics:► ► ►►► ►Chemistry: LFP Energy : ~4.7kWh Charge and Discharge Pulse power: 180kW Peak, 135kW Cont EV Range : >16km Battery weight:· <100kg►►Highest power density battery pack in production road-going car (最大功率密度的投产公路汽车) ► Power density as a function of mass and volume Control, management systems to provide performance over life of vehicle ► Step change in performance (性能上的飞跃) Measurable impact on CO2/km and mpg22Case Study : “B”(范例分析“B”)►►Low Voltage Starter Battery designed for High Performance Sport CarBattery Characteristics:► ► ► ►► ►Chemistry: LFP Capacity: 80 Ah, Energy : ~1kWh Pulse power:10.7kW for 20 sec Cold cranking Power at -20°C : 4.1kW 5 sec Operating Temperature: -20-55°C Battery weight:· 20kg►►Advanced Engineering :►►►► ►Low profile cell array: Creative packaging of pouch cells allowing for greater flexibility in the vehicle design. Innovative carbon fibre structure with an ultra-low profile (<19 mm). The multilayer carbon composite deployed is both light-weight and high strength. Design of novel retention /compression features to allow for optimal compression of the cells to ensure best performance in terms of power and life. Bespoke bi-metallic busbars Laser welding of cell terminals to bus bars先进的工程技术: ► 超薄的电池排列:软包电池的创新组合留 给车辆设计更大的空间。
1. 奥迪(Audi)奥迪要求使用符合VW 502.00、507.00标准的机油。
常见的推荐机油型号有Castrol Edge Professional LL03、Motul Specific 504.00/507.00等。
推荐的机油型号有Shell Helix Ultra Longlife 5W-30、Mobil 1 ESP Formula M 5W-30等。
3. 奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)奔驰车辆要求使用符合MB 229.3、MB 229.5、MB 229.51等标准的机油。
常见的推荐机油型号有Total Quartz 9000 Energy 5W-40、Liqui Moly Top Tec 4200 5W-30等。
4. 丰田(Toyota)丰田要求使用符合API SN、ILSAC GF-5标准的机油。
常见的推荐机油型号有Mobil 1 Advanced Fuel Economy 5W-30、Castrol Edge Extended Performance 5W-30等。
5. 大众(Volkswagen)大众使用的机油标准为VW 502.00、VW 505.01、VW 507.00等。
常见的推荐机油型号有Motul Specific 504.00/507.00、Liqui Moly Top Tec 4200 5W-30等。
Development of Advanced Lithium Ion Batteries
Development of Advanced Lithium IonBatteriesAdvanced Lithium Ion Batteries: Revolutionizing Energy StorageThe modern world is driven by energy, and with the demand for clean and sustainable sources of energy on the rise, more and more emphasis is being placed on the development of advanced lithium ion batteries. These batteries are making waves in various industries, from the automotive to the consumer electronics industry, and it is only a matter of time before they become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives.Development of Advanced Lithium Ion BatteriesThe development of lithium ion batteries has been a long and arduous process. The first lithium ion batteries were developed in the 1970s, but they were not cost-effective and had limited applications. It was only in the 1990s that the technology matured and lithium ion batteries became commercially viable.Over the years, multiple advancements have been made in the development of lithium ion batteries. Researchers have made significant headway in improving battery capacity, lifespan, safety, and energy density. With the demand for clean energy storage options on the rise, researchers are striving to develop even more advanced lithium ion batteries that will cater to the ongoing energy revolution.The Need for Advanced Lithium Ion BatteriesAdvanced lithium ion batteries are in high demand, especially in the automotive industry. With the move towards electric vehicles (EVs) gaining momentum, battery technology is becoming increasingly important. The development of advanced lithium ion batteries has made it possible for EVs to travel longer distances on a single charge, thereby enhancing their viability.In addition to the automotive industry, the consumer electronics industry is also a significant consumer of lithium ion batteries. The development of advanced lithium ion batteries has enabled the production of high-capacity smartphone batteries that last longer and can charge faster than ever before. Smart watches, tablets, and laptops are also benefiting from the advancements made in lithium ion battery technology.Challenges in the Development of Advanced Lithium Ion BatteriesThe development of advanced lithium ion batteries comes with a number of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the issue of safety. Despite being a significant improvement over traditional batteries in terms of safety, lithium ion batteries still pose some risks. With the demand for higher capacity batteries that are capable of delivering more power on the rise, the risk of thermal runaway is also increasing. Thermal runaway can lead to battery fires and explosions, which can have disastrous consequences.Another challenge in the development of lithium ion batteries is the issue of cost. While the cost of lithium ion batteries has come down considerably over the years, it is still a relatively expensive technology. Mass production and economies of scale have helped to reduce the cost, but cost-effective solutions are still needed to ensure that the technology becomes accessible to a wider audience.Looking AheadThe development of advanced lithium ion batteries is still ongoing, and researchers are working towards overcoming the challenges associated with the technology. The advent of solid-state lithium ion batteries holds promise for the future, as they are expected to provide better performance and safety compared to traditional lithium ion batteries.As the demand for clean and sustainable energy storage options continues to grow, it is clear that advanced lithium ion batteries will play a significant role in driving the energy revolution. With improved safety, performance, and cost-effectiveness, thesebatteries have the potential to transform the way we store and use energy in our daily lives.。
新科技的发展对木卡姆的好处英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Development of New Technology and its Benefits for WoodcarvingWoodcarving, an ancient art form that has been practiced for centuries, is experiencing a renaissance in the modern era thanks to the development of new technologies. From innovative tools to online platforms for showcasing and selling work, these advancements are opening up new possibilities for woodcarvers around the world. In this article, we will explore the ways in which new technology is impacting the world of woodcarving and the benefits it brings to both seasoned professionals and aspiring artists.First and foremost, new technology has revolutionized the tools available to woodcarvers. Traditional hand tools such as chisels and gouges are still widely used, but they have been supplemented and in some cases replaced by power tools such as rotary tools and laser engravers. These tools allow for greater precision and efficiency, enabling woodcarvers to create intricatedesigns with greater ease. Additionally, 3D printers have opened up new possibilities for woodcarving, allowing artists to create complex sculptures and designs that were previously impossible to achieve by hand.Another way in which new technology is benefiting woodcarvers is through online platforms for showcasing and selling their work. Websites such as Etsy and Shopify have made it easier than ever for woodcarvers to reach a global audience and sell their creations to customers around the world. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest have also become valuable tools for woodcarvers to promote their work and connect with other artists and enthusiasts. These platforms provide woodcarvers with a way to gain exposure and grow their businesses in ways that were not possible before the advent of the internet.Furthermore, new technology has made it easier for woodcarvers to learn and improve their skills. Online tutorials and courses are now available for woodcarvers of all skill levels, providing step-by-step instructions and guidance on how to create specific designs and techniques. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are also being used to simulate real-world carving experiences, allowing woodcarvers to practiceand hone their skills in a digital environment before taking on more challenging projects in the physical world.In conclusion, the development of new technology has had a profound impact on the world of woodcarving, opening up new possibilities and opportunities for artists to explore and create. From innovative tools to online platforms for showcasing and selling work, these advancements are empowering woodcarvers to push the boundaries of their craft and reach new heights of creativity. As technology continues to advance, the future looks bright for woodcarving, with endless possibilities for artists to explore and innovate in this timeless art form.篇2The development of new technologies has brought numerous benefits to various industries, and the field of education is no exception. In particular, the introduction of technology has greatly enhanced the learning experience for students, making it more engaging, interactive, and personalized. One educational tool that has greatly benefited from the advancements in technology is the wooden cam. Wood cam, also known as the Knewton wood camera, is a mechanical device used in classrooms to project images and videos onto a large screen. In this essay, we will explore the advantages of newtechnology for the wooden cam and how it has revolutionized the learning experience for students.First and foremost, the advancement of technology has made wooden cams more versatile and user-friendly. In the past, wooden cams were limited in their capabilities and often required extensive training to operate effectively. However, with the integration of new technologies, wooden cams have become more intuitive to use, allowing teachers to easily project images, videos, and presentations with just a few clicks. This increased usability has made wooden cams a valuable tool for educators, enabling them to create dynamic and engaging lessons that cater to the diverse learning styles of their students.Additionally, the integration of new technology has enhanced the functionality of wooden cams, allowing for more interactive and immersive learning experiences. With the use of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies, wooden cams can now project three-dimensional images and simulations that bring learning material to life. This immersive learning experience not only captures the attention of students but also helps them better understand complex concepts by visualizing them in a hands-on way. Furthermore, the interactive nature ofwooden cams allows students to actively engage with the material, making learning more enjoyable and effective.Moreover, the advancements in technology have made wooden cams more efficient and cost-effective. With the integration of digital cameras and projectors, wooden cams can now project high-quality images and videos onto large screens with greater clarity and precision. This enhanced visual quality not only makes learning material more engaging but also ensures that all students can see and understand the content clearly. Additionally, the use of digital technology has reduced the need for physical materials like textbooks and handouts, saving schools money on printing and distribution costs.In conclusion, the development of new technologies has greatly benefited wooden cams and transformed them into powerful educational tools that enhance the learning experience for students. From increased usability and functionality to immersive and interactive learning experiences, the advancements in technology have revolutionized the way wooden cams are used in the classroom. With the integration of new technologies, wooden cams have become invaluable resources for educators, helping them create dynamic and engaging lessons that cater to the diverse needs of theirstudents. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for wooden cams to enhance the learning experience will only continue to grow, making them essential tools for modern education.篇3The Advantages of Technological Development on WoodcarvingWoodcarving, a traditional art form that has been practiced for centuries, has experienced significant changes with the advancement of technology. New technologies have revolutionized the way woodcarvers create, design, and showcase their work, bringing about numerous benefits to the art form. In this essay, we will explore the positive impacts of technological development on woodcarving.One of the most significant advantages of new technology in woodcarving is the accessibility of information and resources. With the internet, woodcarvers can now access a wide range of tutorials, videos, and online classes to enhance their skills and learn new techniques. This has made it easier for beginners to start woodcarving and for experienced carvers to expand their knowledge. Additionally, social media platforms and onlinemarketplaces have provided woodcarvers with a platform to showcase and sell their work to a global audience, reaching more potential customers than ever before.Another benefit of technological development in woodcarving is the introduction of new tools and equipment that have improved efficiency and precision in the carving process. CNC machines, laser cutters, and 3D printers have enabled woodcarvers to create intricate designs with high levels of accuracy, saving time and reducing the margin for error. These tools have also opened up new possibilities for experimentation and innovation in woodcarving, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in this traditional art form.Furthermore, technology has facilitated collaboration and communication among woodcarvers from different parts of the world. Online forums, virtual workshops, and collaborative projects have connected woodcarvers, enabling them to share ideas, techniques, and inspiration with one another. This exchange of knowledge and experiences has enriched the woodcarving community and fostered a sense of camaraderie among carvers.In conclusion, the development of new technologies has brought numerous benefits to the art of woodcarving. Fromincreased access to information and resources to the introduction of new tools and equipment, technology has revolutionized the way woodcarvers create, design, and share their work. As technology continues to advance, we can expect further innovations in woodcarving that will continue to push the boundaries of this ancient art form.。
英语作文-电子乐器制造业的未来发展:音乐产业和科技创新的共生The symbiosis of music production and technological innovation has been a driving force in the evolution of electronic musical instruments. This relationship is poised to shape the future of the industry, as advancements in technology continue to unlock new possibilities for musicians and instrument makers alike.In the realm of electronic music, the digital revolution has already had a profound impact. Synthesizers, drum machines, and digital audio workstations have transformed the way music is created, allowing for a level of precision and experimentation that was previously unimaginable. The next wave of innovation is likely to be driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, which have the potential to revolutionize the design and functionality of electronic instruments.AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of music to identify patterns and styles, which can then inform the development of new instruments that cater to emerging trends. Machine learning can also be applied to create self-learning instruments that adapt to a musician's style, providing a more intuitive and responsive playing experience.Another area of development is the integration of virtual and augmented reality into electronic music. These technologies can create immersive environments for performance and composition, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. Imagine a virtual orchestra at your fingertips, or a live performance where the audience is transported into a fully interactive musical landscape.Sustainability is also becoming a key consideration in the manufacture of electronic instruments. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, there is a growing demand for instruments made from recycled materials or designed with energy efficiency in mind. This shift is not only good for the planet but also opens up new avenues for creativity, as manufacturers explore alternative materials and production methods.The future of electronic musical instruments is also likely to see greater collaboration between manufacturers and artists. By working closely with musicians, companies can ensure that their products meet the needs of the end-user, leading to more innovative and user-friendly designs. This collaboration can also extend to the software realm, with open-source platforms allowing for a community-driven approach to instrument development.In conclusion, the future development of the electronic musical instrument industry is a testament to the enduring partnership between music and technology. As we look ahead, it is clear that this symbiosis will continue to foster innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and shaping the sounds of the future. The journey ahead is an exciting one, filled with endless possibilities for both music creators and enthusiasts.。
AutiveThe Transformative Power of Autive InnovationIn the ever-evolving landscape of technology and industry, the concept of "Autive" — a term coined to encapsulate the fusion of autonomy, innovation, and intelligent systems — emerges as a formidable force reshaping our world. This futuristic concept not only underscores the importance of self-directed, automated processes but also emphasizes the ingenuity and adaptability necessary for sustainable progress. The narrative of Autive innovation, therefore, unfolds as a tale of empowerment, efficiency, and societal transformation.Embracing Autonomy: The Cornerstone of ProgressAt the heart of Autive lies autonomy, a hallmark characteristic that frees machines and systems from the direct, constant control of humans. From driverless cars navigating crowded cities to robotic arms precisely assembling complex products in factories, autonomy enables a level of precision and scalability previously unimaginable. This autonomy drives a paradigm shift, allowing human resources to be redirected towards more creative, strategic endeavors while mundane, repetitive tasks are handled seamlessly by intelligent machines. Innovation: The Catalyst for EvolutionInnovation, the lifeblood of Autive, constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible. It integrates cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics to enhance the capabilities of autonomous systems. For instance, AI algorithms enable self-driving vehicles to make split-second decisions based on real-time data, adapting to unpredictable road conditions and optimizing routes for efficiency. In manufacturing, innovations in automation and robotics lead to streamlined production processes, reducing waste and enhancing product quality.The Intelligent Systems RevolutionAutive's essence transcends mere automation; it encompasses the development of truly intelligent systems that can learn, adapt, and collaborate with humans. These systems understand complex scenarios, make informed decisions, and even anticipate future trends. For example, smart homes equipped with Autive technologies learn from users' habits, optimizing energy consumption and providing personalized comfort. In healthcare, intelligent diagnostic tools aid doctors in detecting diseases earlier and designing tailored treatment plans.Societal Transformation and Ethical ConsiderationsThe advent of Autive has profound implications for society as a whole. It promises to create new industries, job opportunities, and lifestyle changes that could dramatically improve quality of life. However, this transformation also poses ethical dilemmas related to job displacement, privacy concerns, and accountability in autonomous decision-making. Addressing these challenges requires a proactive approach, including policy making, education, and public dialogue to ensure that the benefits of Autive are shared equitably and its development aligned with ethical principles.ConclusionIn conclusion, Autive innovation represents a powerful force that is transforming industries, enhancing efficiency, and fueling societal progress. By harnessing the full potential of autonomy, intelligence, and innovation, we are embarking on a journey towards a future where machines and humans work harmoniously, each contributing to the other's strengths. As we navigate this exciting。
Ultra Purge
Color Change, Optimized.Take a system approach to your color change process and drastically improve scrap rates and mold cleaning efficiency.Color changes are a critical part of many molding operations, and if the right purge compound and process are not used, it could end up costing significant time and money.Chem-Trend and Husky collaborated on a system solution by combining the step-by-step process developed by Chem-Trend’s thermoplastics technology team with Husky’s Altanium ® Mold Controllers. Trial results showed up to an 85% reduction in scrap and an 80% increase in mold cleaning efficiency.The Ultra Purge™ process is built into the Altanium ® Mold Controller’s operator interface. This comprehensive guide provides the operator steps for setting up and performing the color change process explicitly for molds with hot runner systems. This guidance ensures that operators follow the optimal method for the fastest color changes with a minimal amount of material waste.A System Approach to Color Change:• Integrated Ultra Purge ™ color change instructions include settings, such as Shot Weight, Conversion Ratio, and Ultra Purge ™ Quantity, used by the Altanium ® Mold Controller throughout the color change process• A Purge Booster feature automatically adjusts the hot runner temperatures to ensure the fastest color change time is achieved• An automated soak timer is used to enhance the performance of Ultra Purge ™ by alerting the user of the optimal time to add new production resin to the hot runner system• A digital Cycle Count input from the injection molding machine can be configured to further automate the color change process by signaling when the correct amount of Ultra Purge ™ compound has been used before moving to the next step• All Ultra Purge ™ color change process settings are saved to a mold setup file for easy recall on the Altanium ® Mold Controller based on the mold and color change process to be performedSave valuable time and production costs by combining the technologies of Chem Trend and Husky’s Altanium ® Mold Controllers to make color changes fast, accurate, and optimized for all operators.1234Indivdual Servo Valve Gate ControlHot Runner Temperature Control UltraSync®-E Control Mold Servo ControlValve Gate Sequencing Control Altanium® Neo5• 10” Color Touch Monitor• 2-48 zones of hot runner control Altanium® Delta5 • 15.6” Color Touch Monitor • 2-128 zones of hot runner control• Optional valve gate control technologies Altanium® Matrix5 • 22” Color Touch Monitor • 2-255 zones of hot runner control • Optional valve gate & servo control technologiesA highly integrated control platform for all your hot runnerand mold control needs.Altanium ® mold controllers offer the industry’s most integrated platform for single-point access to the highly accurate and straightforward operation of temperature, servo, and valve gate control. They also feature best in class diagnostic and fault recovery solutions and are available in various configurations for implementation in any injection molding environment.21-006 January 2021Husky Injection Molding Systemshusky.coHead OfficeCanada • Tel. (905) 951 5000 • Fax (905) 951 5384 Asia PacificChina • Tel. (86) 21 2033 1000 • Fax (86) 21 5048 4900 Europe Luxembourg • Tel. (352) 52 11 51 • Fax (352) 52 60 10Altanium ®Operator Interfaces:Most Comprehensive Warranty in the IndustryHusky offers an industry-leading 5-year warranty. Regardless of the configuration, this warranty includes comprehensive coverage of the mainframe, cards, and operator interface across the entire product line.Features:• 2 to 255 zones of temperature control• Interchangeable cards and interfaces across the entire product line• Industry leading Active Reasoning Technology (ART)• Automated mold diagnostics and fault recovery • Password and user name enabled security • Expandable platform that supports mold servo and valve gate control • Multiple networking and data exchange options (Industry 4.0 ready)• Multi-language support。
超越创新的U-2飞机Innovating Beyond the U-2What Makes this Alluring Plane So Special?The U-2.Call it what you like, but the Lockheed Martin U-2 is not your typical plane.Imagined and built by Skunk Works in the early 1950s, the U-2 name has become synonymous with rapid fielding and innovation. Plus, it boasts an iconic legacy as one of the few planes to operate during the Cold War and remain in operation today thanks to a completely new and redesigned airframe built in the 1980s.Sixty years after its first flight, the U-2’s incredible technological and operational capabilities are enabling missions from natural disaster support to intelligence gathering.And should the need arise, the team has a pretty good idea about where to take the Dragon Lady next.WHAT MAKES THE U-2 SPECIAL?“The U-2 is today’s premiere aerial intelligence platform, by far,” said Scott Winstead, the U-2’s strategic development manager at Lockheed Martin. “There i s no other platform that can match its altitude, power and payload capacity. Commanders in the field rely heavily on the U-2 and the U-2’s ability to swap in and out technologies that make it adaptable for whatever the mission may be.”Winstead should know. He spent 10 years as an Air Force U-2 pilot and Chief of U-2 Operations, as well as another 10 yearsflying and commanding all combat RQ-4 surveillance vehicles before joining Lockheed Martin.Today, Winstead and the Skunk Works team are zeroing in on the U-2’s best features to imagine a successor capable of the same precision, only stealthier. Read on to learn how this iconic aircraft’s exceptional capabilities have changed—and may continue to change—the future of flight.FLYING HIGHWith a cruise speed of 475 miles per hour and a wingspan of 103 feet, the Dragon Lady loves to fly. And when it comes to capturing data, flying at a high altitude is essential.The U-2 has demonstrated that the sweet spot for an ISR platform is 70,000 feet, and today’s U-2 engine, an F118 GE 101, gets the U-2 there. This—combined with long, slender glider-like wings—enables the aircraft to fly at such high altitudes.“Flying at 70,000-plus feet opens an enormous door for data collection,” said Winstead. “Flying that high mea ns a deeper look across borders and richer data collection, which ultimately leads to better intelligence for our troops and national security decision-makers.”The U-2 sensors and line-of-sight data links have a better range via the jet's higher perch, which is crucial given the aircraft's mission is standoff surveillance.While most passenger jets aren’t able to take off in bad weather, such as a lightning storm or hurricane, the U-2 can fly over nearly any inclement weather condition.Built by Skunk Works in 1955, the first U-2 design borrowed its sleek looks from the profile of a traditional sailplane. Today’s U-2S builds on that legacy, employing long, tapered wings to allow it to carry 5,000 pounds of intelligence, reconnaissance andsurveillance equipment to an unprecedented altitude of more than 70,000 feet.HOW THE U-2 SEES THE WORLDFrom cost per target to data quality and quantity, the U-2 owns the intelligence collection realm hands-down.The U-2’s engine and wingspan allow it t o climb to 60,000 feet in less than 45 minutes, which means long-range intelligence gathering begins almost immediately. To put this in perspective, the average passenger airliner might take around 30 to 40 minutes to reach a cruising altitude of only 35,000 feet.“Because of the U-2’s superior high-altitude performance over all other air-breathing ISR assets, the sensors are able to collect at remarkable distances,” said Winstead.U-2 IN SUPPORT OF TROOPSSince 1955, the mission of the U-2 has not changed: provide essential data and information to make informed decisions. If you ask anyone on the U-2 team why they do their jobs, the response is typically the same.“We do what we do to protect our troops, to keep them as safe as we possibly can.” It’s a resp onsibility everyone feels, from those on the Programmed Depot Maintenance line and the engineers to the pilots that fly the U-2.“At Skunk Works, we are compelled to do the best we can to keep our troops safe—it’s just who we are,” said Winstead.Whether for peacetime missions or during war, the U-2 saves troops’ lives by providing leaders accurate information in near real-time to make informed decisions. The U-2 can detect and collect on targets no other ISR platform can see. Such small bits of unique intelligence are crucial when building a full picture to determine not-so-friendly intent.When it comes to precise targeting and accurate damage assessment, the U-2 sets the bar—and sets it high.WHAT MAY BE NEXTThe company is currently studying a stealthy TR-X design that would incorporate the best features of the U-2, such as high-altitude flight, ISR and rapid deployment, with the addition of optional manning, alternative payloads, and an open missions systems architecture.Designing a stealthy U-2 is an exciting challenge for a team like Lockheed Martin, and there’s no doubt the Dragon Lady brings a long legacy of success to the table.But until the need for a successor arises, the team continues to imagine the art of the possible and stretch the envelope of technology.Technology threats are advancing every day, and the TR-X will be the platform to keep us informed.“Skunk Works excels at building what we imagine,” said Winstead. “And we are imagining a bright future for the next-gen high-altitude ISR platform. Until then, our Dragon Lady is mission-ready and will continue serving our troops, every day, with the best that technology can offer.”。