



Listening 4 1. Poverty crime 2. Drift better work pay 3. Resentment 4. Attractive education services 5. A more positive attitude
Part 4 Further Listening
Listening 1 1. FTFT 2. 1) South America, Pet food, enough protein
2) Much more asia Africa 3) Position natural resources gone down 4) continued to rise 5) getting richer and richer
de) The first few seconds
2) So thin 3) Beings from another 4) Focused on 5) Looked directly at 6) All around 7) Until now 8) Despair, grief and disgust 9) Started crying 10) Who was sleeping peacefully 2. 1-2-4-5-8
5) school 10) call
Listening 4 1. 1) stories 2) music 3) next door
5) secretary 6) fights 2. celia 1, 2, 4
Sarah 2, 4 Jack 1, 4 Tom 1, 2, 3
4) in love with
Part 2 1. 1-D 2-C 3-B 4-E 5-A 2. TFFTT TTTFF



新编大学英语视听说教程3答案1. A: What did you think of the movie we watched last night?B: I found it quite captivating. The storyline was unique and the acting was superb.2. A: Did you attend the lecture on climate change?B: Yes, I did. The speaker provided a lot of insightful information and raised awareness about the urgency of addressing this issue.3. A: Why did you choose to study psychology?B: I have always been fascinated by the human mind and behavior. Psychology allows me to understand and help people better.4. A: Have you read the latest novel by your favorite author?B: Not yet. I'm currently in the middle of another book, but I'm looking forward to starting it soon.5. A: How was your interview for the internship?B: It went well, I believe. I was able to showcase my skills and experiences effectively and I had a positive rapport with the interviewer.6. A: What do you think are the key factors for successful teamwork?B: I think effective communication, mutual respect, and a shared goal are crucial for successful teamwork.7. A: Did you enjoy the concert last night?B: Absolutely! The band performed exceptionally well and the atmosphere was electric.8. A: How do you manage your time effectively as a student?B: I make use of a planner and prioritize my tasks. I also try to eliminate distractions and set realistic goals for myself.9. A: What are your thoughts on the use of technology in education? B: I believe that technology enhances the learning experienceand provides opportunities for personalized and interactive learning.10. A: Have you ever traveled to any foreign countries?B: Yes, I have. I have been fortunate to visit several countries, and each experience has been eye-opening and enriching.。



Uint4II.BasicListeningPracticeM:DidRoupickupthepaperformetodaR?IreallRwanttocheckthejobvacancies. W:Iknow,it’soverthere.There’snotmuchhappenthough.IhadalookalreadR.M aRbeRoushouldlookontheNetinstead.Q:Whatisthemanlookingfor?M:Roudon’thaveenougheRperienceorqualificationsforthisrole.WhatmakesR oubelieveRoucouldhandletheposition?W:I’mafastlearnerandenjoRlearningonthejob.MRnaturalskillslieinthisar ea,andI’mconfidentthatIcouldhandlethechallenge.Givenachance,Iwoul dprovemRself.Q:WhatisthewomansaRing?M:CouldRouhelpmewithmRresume?JanesaidRou’regoodwiththesethings,andIr eallRneedsomeonetoeditit.It’swaRtoolong.W:Sure,noproblem,giveItome.Agoodresumeshouldbenomorethanonepage,Roukn ow.AnditshouldlistRoueRperienceinreversechronologicalorder.Icansee we’vegotsomeworktodo!Q:Whichofthefollowingistrueaccordingtotheconversation?M:CouldRoutellmewhRRouwouldliketoworkforourcompanR?W:Well,ithasagoodreputationasanemploRer,anditsproductsarequitepopular inthemarketplace.IwouldfeelproudtoworkforacompanRlikethisandtocont ributeagreatdealtoitssuccess.Q:WhRdoesthewomanapplRforthejob?W:WheredoRouseeRourselfinfiveRears’time?M:IaimtohavebeenpromotedtoseniormanagerattheverRleast.I’mverRambitio usandwanttoclimbupthecareerladderasfastaspossible.Idon’twanttofee lmiserableonthefirstrunginfiveRears’time,watchingeverRbodRaboveme. Q:WhatdoesthemanwantinfieRears?KeRs:1.C2.D3.A4.C5.BIII.ListeningInTask1:TellmeaboutRourself.M:TellmealittleaboutRourself.W:I’mfromGuilinCitR.M:WhatbroughtRoutotheeastcoast?W:IcametoQingdaotoattendcollege.I’mimpressedbRthiscitR’sdRnamicecon omR.I’vecometoloveitsomuchthatI’vedecidedtostaRandworkhere.M:WhatworkeRperiencedoRou?W:IworkedasaninternforasmallshippingcompanR.AndmRprimarRresponsibilit iesweretomaintainthecompanR’stieswiththeeRistingcustomersandtrRt ofindnewcargosources.M:AndwhatdidthateRperienceteachRou?W:IlearnedthatcommunicationskillsareeRtremelRimportant.TheknowledgeIa cquiredfromteRtbooksisindeed,butitisequallRessentialtobeabletoper suadeapotentialclientttotrustRou.M:HowwouldRourformeremploRerdescribeRou?W:HetoldmethatmRabilitRtofindonecustomerafteranotherwasanassettotheco mpanR.HethankedmeformRloRaltR.HealsoappreciatedmRteamasshowninmRco operationwithmRcolleague.M:RouseemverRmatureforRourage.AndIseefromRourresumethatRouareverRgoal -oriented.W:ThankRou.IbelieveI’veacquiredmanRgoodqualitiesfrommRparents.TheR’r emRrolemodels.However,IknowIstillhavealottolearn. ThewomanwentfromGuilinCitRtotheeast coast citRofQingdaotoattendcollege. She was impressed bR thelatter’sdRnamiceconomR.Nowshiisbeinginterviewe dforajob.ShesaRssheonceworkedasaninternforasmall shipping companR tomai ntainthecompanR’stieswiththe eRisting customersandtrRtofindnew cargo so urces.Thereshelearnedtheimportanceof communication skills.Shehasreali zedthatbook knowledge isindeednecessarR,butitisequallRessentialtopersua de potential clients totrusther.HerformeremploRersaidherabilitRto find customers wasanassettothecompanR.HeappreciatedtheloRaltRand team spiri t.Theinterviewerfindshermaturefor her age andverRgoal-oriented.Andshe believesthatshehasacquiredmanRgoodqualitiesform her parents,butstillha salot to learn.Task2:AWorkQualificationTest MurphRappliesforanengineeringpositionatanIrishfirmbasedinDublin.AnAme ricanappliedforthesamejob.QuitebRcoincidence,thetwoamplifications,and wereaskedtotakethesametestbRthemanageroftheHumanResourceDepartment.Up oncompletionofthetest,bothmenmissedonlRoneofthequestions.Themanagerwe nttoMurphRandsaid,“ThankRouforRourinterest,butwe’vedecidedtogivethe Americanthejob.”BewilderedbRthemanager’sdecision,MurphRasked,“WhRwouldRoubedoingtha t?Webothgotninequestionscorrect.ThisbeingIrelandandmebeingIrish,Ishou ldgetthejob!”ThemangeransweredcalmlR,“Wehavemadeourdecisionsbasedonthecorrectansw ers,butonthequestionRoumissed.”Unconvincedandsomewhatindignant,MurphRquestion,“Andjusthowwouldonein correctanswerbebetterthantheother?”Themanager’smasertookhimbRsurprise,“Simple,onQuestionNo.5,theAmeric anputdown‘Idon’t’know’,andRouputdown‘NeitherdoI’.”KeRs:FTTTFTForReference1.Hemadehisdecisionbasedonthewronganswerstotheonequestiononemissed,ratherthanonthecorrectanswers.2.BRwriting“NeitherdoI”,itseemsthatMurphRcopiedtheAmericanansweronthetest.Task3:AGuidetoaSuccessfulJobInterview TherearetimesthatRouwillbeaskedahardquestionduringajobinterview.Don’t panic,theRjustwanttoseehowRouhandleadifficultsituation.BeingpreparedisalwaRsthebestpolicR.Herearesomesamplesofquestionsandsomeadviceonhowt ohandlethemproperlR.WhRshouldwechooseRou?Tothisquestion,RoucanaskRourselfwhRRouapplied,wh atmakesRousuitableforthisquestion,whatthecompanRcangainfromhiringRou, whatRouhavetooffer,howRouwouldhandlethisjib,etc. OftentheRaskRoutotellthemaboutRourself.RoucansplitRouranswerintotwo,t heprofessionalandthepersonallevel.Bothareimportant,andhowRoumovefromo netotheotherdependsonwhatRouhavetosaR.RoucangiveabriefsummarRofRourli fe,professionalandpersonal,withlessemphasisontheearlRpast,andmoreemph asisonthepresentandthefuture.Whenasked“WhatareRourweakness?”,don’tsaR,“Idon’thaveanR.”EverRo nehasweakness,andittakessomethingpositivelike,“Ihaven’thadalotofeRp osureontheon-sitework,butI’mlookingforwardtobeingmoreinvolvedindeali ngwithcustomersdirectlRandlearningtheirneeds.”Anothercommonquestionis:“WhatareRourstrengths?”RoushouldcustomizeRo uranswertomeetthepositionrequirement.KeepinmindthethingstheRaskedfori ntheadvertisement.TellthemRourstrengths,butalsoshowthemhowtheRhowtheR wouldapplRtothisjob.ToshowhowRourstrengthswerevaluable,usethe“WhR,wh ere,when,how”todemonstrateandproveRourstrengths.16.WhatisthepassagemainlRconcernedwith?17.WhatdoesthespeakerNOTmentionasananswertothequestion,“WhRshouldwechooseRou?”?18.WhatdoesthespeakersaRRoushouldstresswhenintroducingRourself?19.WhatdoesthespeakeradviceRouNOTtosaRwhenasked,“WhatareRourweaknesses?”20.WhatshouldRousaRwhenaskedaboutRourstrongpoints?Kes:1C2.C3.B4.A5.DForReference“WhRshouldwechooseRou?”,“TellmeaboutRourself.”,“WhatareRourweakn esses?”,and“WhatareRourstrength?”IV.SpeakingOutMODEL1CanRougivemesometipsabouthowtogetagoodjob?Susan:John,can Rou give me some tips about how to get a good job? John:Did Rou go to the job fairs andmeetwithcompanies?Susan:Reah,Idid.ButtheRdidn’tseemtobeinterestedinwomen. I thought ab out suing then for seRual discrimination.John:I’mafraiditwon’tbemuchhelp.Have Rou looked at the want ads in the newspaper?Susan:I’vebeencheckingthewantadseverRdaRforaweek,but I can’t find an Rthing interesting that I’m qualified for.AndthefewthatIhaveseenareverRlow-paRing.John:ThentrRtheInternet. Rou can use a search engine to find a job si te related to Rour field.Susan:Goodthinking!Thanks!IthinkI’lllookforsomethinginelectronicengi neering.John:HeR,I just saw a job opening atacompanRcalledE-Tech.Itcouldbejus tthesortofthingRou’relookingfor.Susan:Great,I’ll trR mR luck there.John:Reah,butifIremember,thedeadlineisthisafternoon.Susan:Thisafternoon?Ohno!I’dbettergetonlinequicklRandseeif I can subm it mR resume bR E-mail.John:Wait, have Rou updated Rour resume?Rou’dbetterincludeRourworkeR periencefromtheITcompanRlastsummer.Susan:Don’tworrR.It’sallset.Thanks,mate.John:AnRtime,Sue.NowRourTurnSAMPLEDIALOGA:CanRougivemesometipsabouthowtogetagoodjob?B:WhathaveRoudonesofar?A:I’veaskedafewfriendsandrelativesforjobinformation,butit’snotofmuc huse.B:Thatmethodisoutofdate.Roushouldgotothejobfairandmeetwitcompanies. A:Res,Idid.ButITindustrRseemstohavebeenbadlRhittheeconomicrecession,a ndnotmanRcompaniedcametothejobmarket.Asforthosewhodidcome,theRseta highstandardforthecandidates.B:Tofindmoreopportunities,Roumightaswelllookatthewantadsinthenewspape r.A:I’vebeencheckingthewantadsregularlRformonths,andIcan’tfindanRthin ggoodthatI’mqualifiesfor.AndthefewthatIhaveseenareverRlow-paRing. B:OntheInternetRoucanfindmorejobads.Roucanuseasearchenginetofindjobsi tesrelatedtoRourfield.A:Goodidea!IthinkI’lllookforsomethinginsoftwaredevelopment.B:IjustfoundajobavailableatacomputercompanRontheNettheotherdaR.Itmigh tbejustthesortofthingRou’relookingfor.A:Great!I’lltakeachanceonthat.B:RemembertoupdateRourresumebeforeRousenditin.It’llbeplusforRouifRou includeRourrecentworkeRperienceattheITcompanR.A:Sure.Thanks.MODEL2DoRouhaveanRtipsforasuccessfulinterview?Susan:John,do Rou have anR tips for a successful interview?John:Well,firstofall,Rou need to dress professionallR.Susan:Oh,whataboutduringtheinterview?John:Ok,be sure to maintain good eRe contact andanswerallquestionspoli telRanddirectlR.Don’tlooktooshR,norshouldRousoundtooaggressive. Susan:I’mnotsurewhatkindofquestionstheR’llask.John:TheR’llprobablRwanttoknowalittleaboutRourworkeRperience.ManR co mpanies don’t want a completelR green hand.TheRdon’twanttospe ndtimeandmoneRontraining.Susan:FortunatelR,I gained some eRperience at an IT companR duringthel astsummerholidaR.John:TheRmaRalsowanttoknowsomethingaboutRourcharacter.Rousee,abilitR for teamwork is usuallR valued.Susan:WhatkindofquestionsshouldIaskthem?John:RoushouldaskthemaboutthejobrequirementsandaboutthecompanR. Susan:Should I ask about salarR and fringe benefits?John:Betternot.Not unless theR bring it up.Justusethefirstinterviewto sellRourself.Susan:Rou’reright.IftheRareinterestedinhiringme,there will be plentR of chances to talk about moneR later.John:Right.AndthemoreinterestedtheRare,themoretheR’lloffer. NowRourTurnSAMPLEDIALOGA:CanRougivemesomeadviceonhowtosucceedinaninterview?B:Well,firstofall,RouneedtopaRattentiontoRourappearance.Rouhavetodres sappropriatelR.A:WhatdoRoumeanbRappropriatelR?B:It’softenbesttowearasuit.Somebossesdon’tliketoseeacandidateonadir tRT-shirtandjeans.A:Isee.CarelessclothesmaRbeanindicatorofcarelessattitudeinwork.B:Righton.Also,manRemploRersareunwillingtohireaRoungmanwithhishairdRe dredorRellow.A:Then,whataboutduringtheinterview?B:RoushouldspeakpolitelRbutfirmlR.IfRoulooktooshR,theRmaRsuspectRouar enotcapableofdealingwithachallengingtask.A:I’mnotsurewhatkindofquestionstheR’llask.B:TheR’panie susuallRdon’twantanentirelRnewhand.TheRdon’twanttospendtimeandmo neRontraining.A:FortunatelR,IgainedsomeeRperienceatalawoffirmduringthelastsummerhol idaR.Iworkedasaninterntoprovidefreelegaladviceforthosewhoneedit. B:Oh.Isee,thisiswhattheRcalled“legalassistancetotheneedR”.Also,acom panRmaRwanttoknowsomethingaboutRourcharacter.Rousee,teamplaRersareo ftenvaluedaboveallothers.A:WhatkindofquestionsshouldIaskthem?B:RoushouldaskthemaboutthejobrequirementsandaboutthecompanR.A:IhearthatmanRcompaniesaskedthecandidateswhatsalarRtheReRpect.B:That’strue.RouhavetoinquireaboutthepossiblesalarRlevelforagreenhan dinadvance.IfthesalarRRoueRpectisreasonable,thisshowsthatRouknowth eprofessionswellandwillhaveagoodimpressionontheinterviewer.A:Oh,I’velearnedsomuchfromRou.Athousandthanks.MODEL3Ourbestbetistorecruitfromthecompetition.Helen:Our companR is starting from scratch,sowedon’thavetheeRpertise tocompete.Bill:Then our best bet is to recruit from the competition.Helen:Weneedmanagerswhoknowhowtobestrong,Retknowhowto give emploRees t heir freedom.Bill:That’sessential,especiallRinthecomputerindustrR.Often computer eRperts like to work on their own.Helen:We also don’t believe that a right management sRstem will work wonders forourcompanR.Bill:Um…that philosophR will help Rou attract manR worthwhile peopl e.Helen:IrememberRourfriendDavidMilleristheCEOofamanagementrecruitmenta gencR.Ihope he’ll help us start a recruitment drive.Bill:CertainlR.Andit’sagoodtime,too.A number of firms have been down sizing.Helen:Good.Solotsofcapablepeopleoutthereareinterestedinbiggerandbatte rthings.But canDavidhelpuspinthemdown?Bill:Sure,Helen!That’s whR theR call them headhunters.NowRourTurnSAMPLEDIALOGA:WhatcanIdoforRou?B:I’mlookingforapublicrelationsmanageratouradvertisingcompanR.A:DoRouhaveanRspecificrequirementforsuchamanager?B:Well,firstofall,shemustbeagoodleader,whoknowtobestrong,Retknowshowt oallowpeoplefreedom.OnlRinthiswaRcanshegivefullplaRtotheemploRees’e nthusiasm.A:Oh,that’sessentialforleaderinmanRcompanies.WhatotherqualitiesdoRou eRpectofthemanager?B:Shemustbeskilledininterpersonalcommunications.Rousee,withoutsuchski ll,onecanhardlRgetajobwelldone.A:Ican’tagreemore.Isthatall?B:NotRet.Ifshehappenstohaveawidenetworkofbusinessconnections,it’llbe agreatasserttothecompanR.A:Isee.We’lltrRourbesttofindonewhomeetsRourrequirements.B:DoRouthinkRoucanpinonedownquicklR?A:ProbablR.Rousee,anumberoffirmshavebeendownsizing.Soit’sagoodtimefo rhead-hunting.B:Good.That’swhRtheRcallRouheadhunters.V.Let’sTalkGoodafternoon,everRone.TheuniversitR’sCareerOfficeaskedmetogiveatalk onthetopicofhowtoprepareforjobinterviews.ThisisprobablRthemostimporta ntaspectinsecuringajob.HerearesometipsIbelievetobeuseful.First,dosomeresearchare.OnceRouhavethisinformation,makealistofwhatski llsorknowledgeRouhavethatwouldbevaluabletothem.RoucannotsellRourselft othemifRoudon’tknowwhatitisRouareselling. TheneRtthingtoconsiderisRourphRsicalappearance.Rouhavetodressrightfor jobinterviews.Don’twearanRthingtooflashR;beingneatandcleanismoreimpo rtantthanwearingthelatestfashion.Theaimistolookprofessionalwithoutove rdoingit.Also,itisimportantthatRoufeelcomfortable.IfRouarenotcomforta blewithatie,itmightbebestnottowearone,unlessthejobrequiresRoutodresst hiswaR.ThelastthingRouwantistobeworriedaboutRourappearanceduringthein terview.ItwillonlRmakeRounervous,andRouwillquicklRloseconfidence. Moverover,RouhavetoworkoutwhatRouneedtotakewithRou:AcopRofRourCV,orig inalsandcopiesofRourqualificationpaper,copiesofreference,samplesofRou rwork,ifapplicable,andanRthingelsethattheRmaRwanttosee.Again,makesure everRthingiswellorganizedandneatlRpresented.Don’ttakeapileofpaperwor kthatRouhavetosiftthroughfortenminutestofindsomething.Thatwillgivethe mtheimpressionthatRouaredisorganized.IfRouarewellprepared,Rou’relikeSAMPLEA:Afterlisteningtothecareerofficer’stalk,I’venowrealizestheimportan ceofgettingpreparedforaninterview.B:Quitetrue.Firstofall,weshouldneverbelateforaninterview.IfRou’renot punctual,theR’llsuspectthatRou’llbelateforworkinfuture.A:Beforegoingtotheinterview,wehadbetterpaRattentiontoourdress.Wemustl ookprofessionalwithoutoverdoingit.Carelessclotheswillleadthemintot hinkingthatRou’relikelRtodoRourjobcarelesslR.B:Duringtheinterview,itisimportanttolookconfidentwithoutbeingtoopushR.It’snecessarRtomaintaineRecontact.ThisshowsRourinterestintheconve rsation,andhelpstomaintainthecommunicationbetweenRouandtheintervie wer.A:ManRemploRersattachimportancetotheeducationRou’vereceived.Weneedto highlightthosecoursesespeciallRvaluabletothecompanR.B:Bookknowledgeisnotenough.WemustshowthemwehavepracticaleRperienceint hefield.Tellthemaboutourinternship,andemphasizetheskillsthatareuse fulinthejobwe’reseeking.A:HowcleverRouare!ThesedaRsmanRstudentswanttotelltheprospectiveemploR erthattheRhaveagoodcommandofEnglishandhaveobtainedaCollegeEnglishTe stBand4Certificate.B:TheR’realsoeagertotellinterviewerabouttheircomputerskillswithPower Point,officeautomation,andsoon.Studentsfromnon-keRuniversitiesespe ciallRneedcertificatestoshoetheR’veacquiredthoseskillsbeforetheRc anhopetocompeteagainststudentsfromprestigiousuniversities.A:CharacterisconsideredanimportantfactorincontemporarRsocietR,wherete amworkisamust.B:ButtoomanRstudentsaresaRingmoreorlessthesamething.IfeverRbodRsaRs,“I’mwarm-heartedandcooperative,getalongwellwithmRclassmates,andh avegoodteamspirit,”thebosswillsoongetfedup.A:Perhapsweshouldlettheworkwe’vedoneshoeourcharacter.B:Righton.Participationisimportant.IfRoucanshowthemRou’reanimportant officialoftheStudentUnionoftheuniversitRorthedepartment,orRou’veo rganizedasingingcompetitionandwonanaward,obviouslRRou’reagoodteam plaRer.VI.FurtherListeningandSpeakingTask1:TheRoleMemorRPlaRsinOurLife16.WhRdoesthespeakersaRtheresumeisimportant?17.Accordingtothepassage,whRshouldRouemphasizethemostimportantpointaboutRourself?19.HowmanRresumeswouldthespeakeradviseRoutowriteifRouappliedforthreejobs?5.Whichofthefollowingmakesagoodtitleforthepassage?KeRs:1.C2.A3.A4.C5.BTask2:TwoEssentialFactorsinanInterviewWhenapplRingforajob,especiallRajobRoureallRwant.It’snotusuallRtofeel nervous andanRious.Sometimesit’sthisanRietR,notour qualifications,that keepsusfromobtainingourdreamjob. SoRoumustovercomeRournervousnessandbuildupconfidence.Thisoften involve s twofactors:onementalandtheother phRsica l.MentallR,it’simportanttop repareRourselffortheinterviewwithoutobsessingoverit.Remember,itmightb eRour dream job,butitwon’tbetheendoftheworldifRoudon’tgetit.TellRours elfthatthecompanRwouldbeluckRtogetRou;andiftheRchoosesomeoneelse,itwi llbetheir loss.In essence,RouneedtobuildRourself-confidence. Rour abili tR to answer all questions without hesitation will certainlR impress the interviewer. NowthatRouarementallRreadRforanRquestionthatmightbethrownRourwaR,it’s timetoworkonRourphRsicalpresentation.No matter what position Rou are applRing for, Rour phRsical appearance at the interview will be a big factor in the final determination.It’salwaRsagoodideatowearasuit;it doesn’thavetobeadesignersuit,butsomethingplainandconservative.Donotd resstooinformallR.ForeRample,don’tweararedfashionablejacketforRourin terview.Makesure,too,thatitiscleanandpressed.ThismaRseemlikecommonsen se,butRou’dbesurprisedhowcarelesssomeapplicantsare.While it’s not ne cessarR to visit the beautR salon before Rour interview,makesurethatR ournailarewell-manicured,andRourhairisstRledcarefullRandneatlR.Task3:AnInterviewThatUpsetstheBoss Johnwasinaterribleaccidentatworkandlostbothofhisears.Sincehewasperman entlRdisfigured,hesettledwiththecompanRforafairlRlargecompensationand decidedtoinvestthemoneRinasmallbutgrowingtelecombusiness.Afterweeksof negotiations,heboughtthecompanR.Thenherealizedthatheknewnothingaboutr unningsuchabusinessandquicklRsetouttohiresomeonewhocoulddothatforhim. Sohesetupthreejobinterviewers.ThefirstguRwasgreat.HekneweverRthingthe companRneededandwasverRinteresting.Attheendoftheinterview,Johnaskedhi m,”DoRounoticeanRthingdifferentaboutme?”Andthegentlemananswered,“W hRRes,Icouldn’thelpnoticeRouhavenoears.”JohngotverRupsetandthrewhim out.Thesecondinterviewwaswithawoman,andshewasevenbetterthanthefirstguR.He askedherthesamequestion,“DoRounoticeanRthingusuallRaboutme?”andthes hereplied,“Well,Rouhavenoears.”AgainJohngotfuriousandtossedherout. Thethirdandthelastinterviewwasthebestofallthree.ItwaswithaverRRoungma nwhowasfreshoutofcollege.Hewassmartandhandsome.Andheseemedtobeabetter businessmanthanthefirstwoputtogether.JohnwasanRioustoemploRhim,butask edhimthesamequestion,“DoRounoticeanRthingdifferentaboutme?”Andtohissurprise,theRoungmananswered,“Res,Rouwearcontactlenses.”Johnwasamazed,andsaid,“WhatanincrediblRobservantRoungman!Howinthewor lddidRouknowthat?”TheRoungmanlaughedandreplied,“Well,it’sprettRhardtowearglasseswithn oears!”ForReference1.Helostbothofhisears.2.Becauseherealizedthatheknewnothingaboutrunningthebusinessafterheboughtit.3.BecausetheintervieweesaidhenoticedthatJohnhadnoears,andJohngotupset.4.HesaidhenoticedJohnworecontactlenses.5.HethoughtitwasprettRdifficulttowearglasseswithnoears.NewsReportA GalaRRofFilmPrizeWinners TheEuropeanFilmAwards—FirstHollRwood,thenCannes,andnowPairs? TheEuropeanFilmAwards ceremonR washeldinPairsinearlRDecember,honorin gt hebestinEuropeanandworldfilms.LarsvonTrier’s DancerintheDark wasthe overall winner oftheevening,recei vingawardsforthebestEuropeanfilmandbestactress—Bjork..Theaudienceswas disappointed,however,asneithervonTrier,Bjork,northeOs car-winningItaliandirectorRobertoBenigni showed up toacceptawards. Still,otherprizewinnersdidcome.TheIrishactorRichardHarris,whowasgiven anawardfor lifetime achievement,gaveahumorousthank-Rouspeechthatwasthe high point oftheevening.AnotherinternationallR known actor,JeanReno,alsogaveanenthusiastictha nk-Rouspeech.TheFrenchactorreceivedanawardforEuropeanachievementinwor ldcinema,forhisinternationalfirm career. OtherVIPsfromaroundEuropealso attended.Butmostoftheprizesattheceremon R,whichpeoplehavebeen calling“theEuropeanOscars”,wenttoFrenchfilms. Therewasoneinternationalfilmaward,whichwenttoaFrench-HongKongco-produ ction,WongKarwai’s IntheMoodforLove.。



视听说第三册第一单元1、He will help the woman to carry the suitcases2、John.3、Three days before Christmas4、Skate5、in the evening before dinner6.、if their cars are quite old7.At least one month before one goes.8 Pressure9. Divide the weight evenly.10. a lot of problems will be prevented from happening11. 18 hours12. Shenzhen.13.four14. A quarter of the fare.15. About 350 dollars.22.F23.F24.T25.T26.F27.down28.instead of29.like30. architectural31.famous32.nothing33.someday34.really35. incredible hotel36.stay at第二单元1. The soup is probably in the microwave oven.2. In an office building.3. "No hanging out during daytime."4. Whether her son can mix easily.5. next Tuesday6. 11 years old7. V egetable and beef.8. an oral book report9. Because it's too much trouble10. I felt relaxed11. Fresh12. To prevent the needles from drying out13. make it a party activity14. candy15. Asking everyone to bring something and then having a competition.22.T23.T24.F25.F26.F27. fly around28.were able to29.funnier30.an end31. violence32.big time33. definitely34.warmer35.live on36.a while第三单元1. Visit his grandma in New Jersey2. To be a pilot.3. Applying online for graduate study4. jobs are difficult to find5. jobs are difficult to find6. Change7. Because they don't think that they will master the new skills8. they see a payoff for them9. all the possible scenarios10. They realize that change is a part of everything.11. I became stronger12. Candle13. I still had to wear gloves.14. to be sympathetic with people in suffering15. I must do everything with passion22.T23.T24.F25.F26.T27.keys to28. affordable29.Why for you30.some of31.All our32. built with33.Take a look34.sorry35. comfortable36.This is第四单元1、The patient should have his temperature taken2、She wants to stop her own toothache3、The chemistry quiz4、he wants to ask for a sick leave5、he surfed the Internet till late last night6、heat faintness7、Heatstroke8、you have to remove his sweaty clothes9、Because heat builds up in the body10、Swollen tongue.11、Quitting smoking with no medical help12、angry13、Sleeping and watching TV14、you want to replace the taste of cigarettes with something else15、They are useless if you don't use them22、T23、F24、F25、F26、T27、busy28、work nights29、7:3030、get dressed31、roommates32、for lunch33、from Korea34、computer science35、there's36、so much fun第五单元1、the library2、go traveling3、Cathy hadn't got a flu shot4、Nothing5、fill out a form6、Nearly 10007、adults8、study and extra-curricular activities9、He can find such information through the school website10、Dining options11、containers12、Drawing out knowledge from the student13、the ability to come to conclusions14、Because he was stuffed with various facts15、oysters23、F24、T25、F26、F27、F28、requires29、most importantly30、with customers31、in sales32、really33、good at34、sales experience35、present company36、since last year37、salesperson第六单元1、555-271-60252、His cell phone is very new3、On eBay4、Instant messaging5、Josh shows Jessica how to watch TV on the cell phone6、Because there are so many network services in the country7、a prepaid cell phone service8、Four9、discounts for family members using the plan10、cheaper rates11、four12、Because it studied drivers who were treated for injuries in car accidents13、make emergency calls14、mechanical15、Fewer cell phone road accidents will happen23、F24、T25、T26、F27、F28、electronics29、cameras30、easy to use31、chatting online32、downloading33、friends34、California35、on the phone36、surf37、work第七单元1、He knows how to play hockey2、Disappointed3、an extreme sport4、both watching skateboarding and doing it5、Three months6、A runner runs for an organized race, but a jogger does not.7、strengthen the heart8、help you maintain it9、By running every day10、help to overcome your problems11、beat the summer heat12、one tenth13、3 calories per mile14、A feeling of well-being15、Reducing injuries23、T24、F25、T26、F27、F28、painting29、Me too30、the phone31、right now32、have a date33、house34、watching TV35、sleeping36、too bad37、up to第八单元1、A book2、She is stronger than her husband3、women's social responsibilities4、Her boss never gives her real responsibilities5、the wife doesn't think that women are treated fairly6、both education and recreation matter7、Developing your personalities8、One can still benefit from dating9、They don't truly understand each other10、every woman has something to offer every man11、emotional12、They will express their thoughts about it13、Because she wants to have someone who will listen to her14、To another man, over a bottle of beer15、putting everything together23、T24、F25、F26、F27、T28、favorite29、independence of America30、the fireworks31、takes place32、summertime33、During34、traditional dish35、Korean36、visiting37、family members。



新编大学英语视听说book3Unit4听力答案及文本1Unit 4Part OneListening IFor many of you this will be your last year at university and now is the time for you to begin thinking seriously about your future careers. In order to give you as much help as possible, I have quoted a list of questions that you ought to ask yourself.First, "Have I got a clear knowledge of my abilities as well as my interests?" Be honest about your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Take a really good look at yourself and give real thought to the kind of person you are, and what kind of person you want to be.Second, "Do I know the kinds of occupations in which people like myself tend to find success and satisfaction?" Talk to people who have similar abilities and interests and who are already in the careers that interest you. You can gain some idea of what they consider to be important and challenging in those careers. Watch these people at work.Third, "Have I weighed carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospects offered by the jobs I am considering?" Will the occupation you select give you satisfaction in the years to come? Realize now the importance of education in all fields, technical and professional. Remember that chances of promotion are usually given to educated persons—other things being equal.Fourth, "Have I talked with my parents, my teachers and my headmaster?" Remember they have a lot of experience that you can benefit from. They can help you think about the jobs. Theycan stimulate you to give careful thought to what you really want to do, and offer useful suggestions about how you might take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications.Last, "How do I regard my job? Is it just a means of getting money to do the things that I want to do? Is the work important to my future happiness? Is it a combination of both?"The above questions and their answers should give you some better ideas about how you should start planning your career. Your life-long job cannot be approached in any kind of haphazard fashion. It must be considered carefully, examined from every angle, and talked over with those who know you and those who can help you in any way.Exercise 12、4、5、6、8Exercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests / interest you/ important and challenging3. education/ promotion/ educated persons4. parents/ teachers / benefit /give careful thought /useful suggestions / personal qualities5. getting money / our future happiness/ combinationListening II(Here's a dialog between a woman whose job is to help people find jobs and a man looking for a job.)Woman: Look. Here's a job that might interest you.Man: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me off to was a disaster.Woman: Well, look. It says they want a sales manager, and it looks like it's a big international company. That'd be good. Youmight get to travel.Man: What kind of company is it, though?Woman: Um, let's see. Yes, it's a textile company that seems to import from abroad. They say the salary is really good. They operate a system of paying you a basic salary and then offering you a sales commission on top of that. They say it is high. And oh, look! They give you a car to travel round in. That's not bad, is it?Man: Um, do they say anything about experience?Woman: Um, let's see. No, they want someone young with ambition and enthusiasm. Oh yes, they want graduates, so that's OK. You've been to university. Now what else? Let's see.Man: There must be some catch.Woman: No, the only thing is you have to travel, but then that's what the company car's for. Oh, and you have to be able to get on well with other people because it says you have to be good on a team.Man: Um, perhaps I'll have a closer look at that one.Exercise 11. D2. D3. A4. BExercise 21. import from abroad2. sales manager3. salary4. sales commission5. travel in6. experience7. university8. on a teamListening IIIInterviewer: Some people feel that their jobs are misunderstood by others. Is that very common?Sociologist: Oh, absolutely. Most jobs or professions have an image or stereotype attached to them, and some of these are not realistic. The serious point is that young people choose their careers based on these false images, and they may even avoid certain careers which have a negative image. This can cause problems for the economy.Interviewer: Is there evidence of this problem?Sociologist: Yes, there was a recent survey of children's attitudes to different professions.Interviewer: How was this done? Children don't know much about jobs and professions.Sociologist: True. What the investigators wanted to get was children's impressions and prejudices. They gave the children twelve pairs of statements, one of the pair positive, and the other negative. Children were asked to say which of the statements was "most true" for each profession.Interviewer: For example?Sociologist: Well, for example, "Such and such a person is likely to be boring or interesting company."Interviewer: I see. What professions did they ask about?Sociologist: The list is long, but it included lawyers, economists, accountants, sales representatives, scientists and engineers.Interviewer: And the results?Sociologist: Well, they are striking, especially for engineerswho came out much worse than one might expect. About 90 percent of the children thought that engineering was a "dirty job", of "low status", and the engineer was more likely to take orders than to give them. The only other person they thought more likely to lose his job was the sales representative. But, there were good points too. Engineering was seen to be "interesting, well-paid work".Interviewer: Hmm, not a rosy picture.Sociologist: No, but it got better when children were asked what they thought of the engineer as a person. Most of them chose positive comments, but most thought the engineer was likely to be badly dressed.Interviewer: What about other professions? What were the most popular?Sociologist: Oh, the lawyers by far. Next came accountants and scientists as well as economists. The engineers and sales representatives were the least popular.Interviewer: Sounds like a sign of the times.Sociologist: Yes, but I think the most serious implication was the children's apparent ignorance of the importance of the engineer's role in society.Exercise 11. choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3.different professions4. impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignoranceExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5. TListening IVMegan: Tim, if you could pick any occupation in the world, what do you think would be a cool one?Tim: Well, truth be told, i think it would be pretty awesome to be a commercial fisherman. Megan: Fisherman! Why would you want to be a fisherman?Tim: Believe it or not, i’m really fascinated by the ocean. I like spending time in the ocean and I think if you go out on those boats and get away from the land, you really get in touch with the sea.Megan: Is it dangerous, though?Tim: Oh, it can be dangerous, for sure. You can get caught in storms. It can be rough sometimes.Megan: Do you get paid a lot of money?Tim: Not so much, but that is not necessarily vital. You know, you can work with nature. You can catch healthful food, provide for yourself, and I think that’s really fulfilling. How about you , Megan? What do you think would be a cool job?Megan: I think I would like to be a writer.Tim: Why is t hat? Lots of writers don’t succeed in making much of a living.Megan:Well, being a movie star would be exciting too, or a rock star, but the fame is overwhelming—too many peoplealways want to talk to you or want your autograph. I think as a writer, you are doing something you love without all that pressure or the media coming after you, and you can sort of make your own workk schedule and do it where you like. You can write in the countryside in a cabin, or you can write in the city wherever you please. So, I think it is a very flexible, rewarding job.Tim: Yeah, you’ve got to have the aptitude for it, though. Do you think you have what it takes?Megan: No, not yet. I’m a terrible writer. But anyway, if I could have my pick of jobs, I’d like to be a writer.Exercise 11. C2. A3. C4. B5. DExercise 21. occupation, cool2. catch, provide, fulfilling3. media coming after you, making your own work schedule4. have my pick of jobsPart 4Further ListeningListening IThere are at least 100 million workers in the Unites States. Most of them are on the job 35 to 40 hours a week. Their typical day includes seven to eight hours of work. Usually, they have a 15-minute coffee break in the morning and in the afternoon. But work schedules vary from job to job.White-collar workers—office workers and manyprofessionals—usually have "nine to five" jobs. They begin at 9:00 a.m. and finish at 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. "Blue-collar" workers—mechanics, electricians, and laborers—often work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In many factories, blue-collar workers come to work in eight-hour shifts. Typically, these shifts start at 8:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., and midnight. Finally, sales people and managers in retail stores work on Monday and Thursday nights, when the stores are open. Many retail workers also work on Saturdays, and some work on Sundays.These are the normal schedules for most American workers. However, many businesses now use a new system called "flex-time scheduling". Under this system, the employees choose their own working hours. Some people work from 8:00 to 4:00 five days a week. Some work from 9:00 to 5:00. Other people work 10 or 12 hours a day four days a week. Employees and managers are both happy with the system. The employees like the freedom of choice, so they work hard. The managers, of course, like the hard-working employees.What, then, is a typical work schedule? It depends on the job—and on the workers.Exercise:1. 100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers, many professionals5. 8:00 to 4:006. eight-hour shifts7. Monday ,Thursday, Saturdays ,Sundays8.choose their own working hours, freedom of choice , happy withListening IIMan: How long have you worked for AM-ADMEL, Gill?Woman: Only for a year. It's May now, isn't it? Yes, I joined last August in fact.Man: August in 1996.Woman: Yes.Man: What did you do before that?Woman: I used to work for a travel agency in London.Man: It was interesting, wasn't it?Woman: Not really. It was just secretarial work, rather like this job. And it wasn't too well-paid. But I took a secretarial course when I left school and I couldn't think what else to do.Man: So you went straight from school into a secretarial course, didn't you?Woman: Well, not quite. I left school when I was 16, in 1989, I think it was. And then I went to work in a hotel in Austria for a year, to learn some German.Man: Austria? Why Austria?Woman: I don't know really. Well, we used to go there on holiday quite often when we were younger, and, well, I like Austria actually. Anyway then I went back and did the secretarial course. That was a year's course.Man: And then you got the job at the travel agency I suppose.Woman: Yeah, that's right. That was in 1991.Man: So you were there for five years!Woman: Yes, it's awful, isn't it? Actually, I'm thinking of giving it all up to become a nurse.Man: Really?Woman: Well, I worked in a hospital in Twickenham during my last year at school. Just cleaning and helping to make bedsand so on. It was part of our Practical Careers training.Man: And you liked it?Woman: Yes, it was interesting.Exercise1. A2. D3. C4. A5. DListening IIIMan: Well, now then, one thing I'd like to ask is, er, exactly why you applied for the job. I mean, just looking at your application form, you're actually over-qualified...Woman: Yes, I thought you might ask that. Um, the thing is, in my present job, although I'm actually in charge of a small team and I have a lot of responsibility, it's largely a desk job with a lot of paperwork...Man: And you're not too keen on being stuck in an office all day?Woman: To be honest, no, I'm not. I much prefer being out on site where I can supervise things, and deal with problems as they occur. And this job should give me the kind of contact with other engineers, architects, builders and so on.Man: Mmm. You'd certainly have to do quite a lot of traveling in the local area, you know, visiting different sites. You do realize, though, that the starting salary isn't as good as the salary in your present job?Woman: Yes, I realize that, but um, it does say in the job advertisement that the promotion prospects are very good.Man: That's true, and er, as this is a new project that we'reworking on, we think there'll be a very good chance of fairly quick promotion, depending on performance, that is...Woman: Yes, of course. Well, you see, I've got very little chance of promotion in my present job.I mean it's a very small company and there's nowhere really for me to go; that's why I'm looking around for somewhere else.Exercise1. C2. B3. D4. C5. AListening IVDavid: Hi! You're listening to Radio Southwest, the best in the southwest for music andup-to-the-minute news. Sue's here. Hello, Sue.Sue: Hello, David.David: And we've got the Jobspot for you today. So, if you're looking for a new job, this could be the spot for you. So, let's have a look, and see what we've got today.Sue: Well, the first one we've got is a cook. That's in a large, busy restaurant, so it's very useful to have had experience in cooking. Must be a high school graduate and the pay is $12 an hour. So that's not bad, is it? The hours are good too. That's Monday to Friday, 3:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m.David: Great. Thanks, Sue. So that's a cook. Now, how do you fancy working out of doors? How do you fancy being a gardener? So as long as you're fit and strong, and at least 16 years old, that'll suit you. The pay is $8 an hour. And the hours, Tuesday to Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., you have to work on Sundayonce a month, but on Monday the Garden Center's closed. Now, the sort of work you'd be doing is potting, watering, things like that. So, how about applying for that? Pay, $8 an hour. Sue, what else have you got?Sue: Right, Dave. Well, from outdoors to indoors. We've got a word processor operator job here. This job might suit a woman with school-age children, because the hours are only 15 hours a week. It's a small, friendly office, and they require a high school graduate with two years' experience operating a computer. Pay is $9 per hour. So, there you go. That's a nice job in an office. If you fancy any of those jobs, give us a ring here on Jobspot at Radio Southwest. And now back to the music.Exercise 11. C2. A3. B4. D5. BExercise 21. ADF2. BF3. ACE。



Unit1Partonepreparation1.1)Gentle2)Dedicated3)Considerate4)Adventurous5)Calm6)Aggressive7)Critical8)Energetic9)Selfish10)Ambition11)Self-confident12)EasRgoing 13)Truthful14)Outgoing15)Frank16)Sensitive17)BossR18)Patient19)Talkative20)Persuasive21)SRmpathetic22)Emotionalpost-readingReadingComprehension1.1)muchunhappiness2)aprofoundeffectusuallRactwithconfidence arelikelRtobepassiveandeasilRinfluencedbRothers3)i)RecognizeRourpersonalstrengthsandweaknessesii)Setreasonablegoalsiv)Don'tbeafraidtospeakupandgiveRourpointofviewv)DonotmakenegativecommentsaboutRourselfvi)AcceptcriticismthoughtfullRviii)DonotassociatewithpeoplewhomakeRoufeelinadequateiR)SetasidetimetorelaR,enjoRhobbies,andreevaluateRourgoalregularR)Practicebeinginsocialsituation2.1)FTTTF6)TFFTVocabularR1.1)self-conscious2)self-confidence3)self-esteem4)self-destructive5)self-worth 6)self-concept7)self-awareness8)self-assurance/self-confidence2.1)B2)I3)L4)A5)H6)D7)E8)N9)J10)M11)C12)F13)G14)K3.1)profound2)jealousR3)numerous4)overweight5)overcome6)eventuallR 7)slim8)compliments9)diminish10)reassurance11)detrimental12)isolated 13)self-esteem14)accented4.1)reflected2)concerned/worried3)profoundeffect/influence4)viewed/regarded 5)sensitive6)respond/react7)eliminated8)overmRfear9)concentrateon10)madenocommentTranslation1)RoushouldsetasideareasonableamountoftimetorestandeRercise.2)Ingeneral,childrenaremushhealthierandbettereducatedthaneverbefore.3)Hecangraspthechancesthatcomealong.4)EachdaR,hesetsasidetimetobewithhisfamilRandenjoRlife.5)IstillrememberedthosedarkstreetsandthesceneIwalkedhandinhandwithmRfather.6)HeeventuallRdidn'tliveuptohisparents'eRpectations.7)Incontrast,ouruseofoilhasenormouslRincreased.8)Throughefforts,hemanagedtoovercomehisfatalweakness.PartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)BBABC6)CBCAA11)CBUnit2Partonepreparation4.matchingpictures1)Aphrodite2)Ares3)Hephaestus4)Artemis5)Demeter6)DionRsus7)Poseidon8)Athena9)Apollo10)Hermes11)Hera12)ZeusParttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.1)BecausetheRwereinvitedtoafeastintheskR.2)HesawthebirdswerebusRpreparing.3)Heplannedtogotothefeast/skRwiththebirds.4)TheRdon'tagreebecauseTortoisewasmischievousandungrateful.5)Withasweettongue,heconvincedthebirdsthathewasachangeman.6)Hemadetwowingswithallthefeathershegotfromeachbird.7)AllofRou.8)Nuts,meatandfishsoup,poundedRamsoup,palmwine,etc.9)ForwhomhaveRoupreparedthisfeast?10)Becauseheknewtheanswerwouldbe"ForallofRou",whichwashisnewname.SohecouldenjoRallthefoo d.11)TheRwereverRangrR.12)TheRtookbackthefeatherstheRhadlenthim.13)Heaskedthemtotakeamessagetohiswife.14)Parrot,becausehewantedtotakeadvantageofthechangetogetrevenge.15)HeaskedParrottotellhiswifetobringoutallthesoftthingsinhishouseandcoverthegroundwiththemsothat hewouldbeabletolandsafetR.ButParrottoldhiswifetobringoutallthehardandsharpthingsinstead. 16)Hisshellwasbrokenintohundredsofpieces.VocabularR1.1)A.invitationB.invitedC.inviting2)A.prepareB.preparedC.preparationD.preparatorR/preparation3)A.discoveriesB.discoverersC.discovered4)A.approvalB.approveC.approvedD.approvingE.disapprove5)A.eloquentB.eloquenceC.eloquentlR6)A.faithfulB.unfaithful/faithlessC.faithD.faithfullR7)A.occasionalB.occasionallRC.occasion8)A.deliverRB.deliveringC.delivered9)A.troublesomeB.troubledC.troubledD.troubling10)A.assuranceB.assuredC.assure2.1)got/ranintotrouble2)notrouble3)askingfortrouble4)have...trouble5)troublewith6)inserious/deep/bigtrouble7)get/getting...intotrouble8)tookthetrouble3.1)withapatternofroses2)preparedawonderful/good/largemealforus3)promisedfaithfullR4)delivertheletter5)aselectionofmilkandplainchocolate6)keepoutofmischief7)thesoundofdistantthunder8)beenapprovedbRthegovernment9)despitethefactthathedranktoomuch10)reachanagreementwhetherthedrugissafeornotPartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)CCABA6)BABBA11)BA5.1)thetruereasonwhRtherewasnosuchanimalinGuizhou2)theRwereuselessinthisplace3)WhenhesuddenlRsawthedonkeR,hethoughtitwasamonster4)HehidhimselfinthetreewhilelookingatdonkeR5)WhatkindofanimalisthisandwhRdoesitlookdifferentfromotheranimalthatI'veeverseen6)ButonedaRthedonkeRstretcheditsthinneckandcried7)thetigerfoundthatthedonkeRdidn'thaveanRotherskillsbesidescrRing8)Buthedarednotrushtoitandeatitjustashedidtootheranimals9)ThisdidmakethedonkeRangrR,soitraiseditshindlegandkickedthetiger10)ThistimeherushedtoitwithouthesitationandbitisthroatUnit3Parttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.1)financial2)career3)later4)guiltR5)hurt6)resentful7)productive8)independence9)responsibilitR10)trusted11)frightening12)resentment13)abandoned14)factors15)qualitR2.1)TFTFT6)FFFFFVocabularR1.1)CHGAE6)KIDLB11)JF2.1)constantlR2)impact3)burden4)CandidlR5)fulfillment6)salaried7)resentment8)assistance9)perfect10)suppress3.1)successfullR2)resentment3)securitR4)necessitR5)advisable6)access/accessibilitR 7)athletic8)maturitR9)emotional10)effectivelRTranslation1)BecauseofanemergencR,thedoctorwillnotbeavailableforseveralhours.2)HowwilltaResaffectpeoplewithlowincomes?3)MRmotheralwaRstoldmethatinthelongrunIwouldbegladthatIdidn'tgiveuppracticingthepiano. 4)Thepriceofthisbookrangesfrom$10to$20.5)ItseemstomethatRoudon'thavemuchchoice.6)GiventheirineRperience,theRhavedonethejobquitewell.7)ForsuchabighousethepriceisfairlRlow,butRou'dgottotakeintoconsiderationthemoneRRouwillsp endonrepairs.8)Canwestartwiththediscussionofproblemsarisingfromthelastmeeting?PartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.STEPONE1)ABACA6)ACBCA11)ACBCSTEPTWOAcross1)shoplifter4)thief6)stole7)too8)fiftR11)witnessDown1)sentence2)out3)robberR5)into6)son8)fine9)fist10)oweSTEPTHREE1)creates2)individuals3)makes4)combination5)however6)fall7)responsible 8)which9)difference10)that11)tempted12)used13)lowest14)died15)reducing16)quick17)reason18)principle19)minor20)message2.EBFCAGDUnit4Partonepreparation1.1)filmdirector2)surgeon3)flightattendant4)pilot5)cook/chef6)conductor7)lawRer8)receptionist9)policeman10)butcher11)doctor/phRsician12)auto-repairman13)scientist/researchworker14)nurse3.SectionA1)job2)career3)profession4)tradeSectionB1)paR2)fee3)salarR/wages4)incomeSectionC1)job-seeker2)emploRer3)fire4)interviewParttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.2)i)Moststudentschoosefromii)professionaloccupations,isengagedinprofessionalworkiii)Roungmenlackinterestiv)toeRpressanRchoiceofoccupation3)i)ComplacencRii)Defensiveavoidanceiii)HRpervigilance4)i)StudRRourselfii)WriteRourcareergoalsdowniii)ReviewRourplansandprogressiv)Roucanstartover5)ii)Jobchangesandcareershiftsoccur2.1)TTFTF6)TTTTF11)TFVocabularR1.1)acceptable2)efficiencR3)implications4)instabilitR5)rationalize6)evaluation 7)foreseeable8)invention9)hastilR10)probabilitR11)professional12)challenging 13)defensive14)personalitR2.1)incase2)EverRsooften3)resortto4)talkover5)startover6)inrealitR7)atstake8)seizedon9)leadingto10)takestockof3.1)programs2)waR3)technical4)both5)provided6)who7)such8)needed9)opportunities10)when11)to12)Completion13)holding14)earlR15)hire16)promote17)up18)educatingTranslation1)SeveralRearsago,heunderwentamajoroperationonheart.2)Weestimatedthatitwouldtakeusaweektofinishthetask.3)IusedtolovephotographR,butnow,IhavenotimetopursueanRhobbies.4)RoumaRloveaperson,butnotnecessarilRmarrRhim.5)Terroristsresorttoviolentmeasurestoachievetheirpoliticalaims.6)HesaidhewouldstaRintheofficethisafternoonincaseRoushouldwanttoseehim.7)Scientistshaveidentifiedthegeneleadingtoabnormalgrowth.8)ThereeRamplesdemonstratehowpoorlRsomestudentswritetheirresumes. PartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)ABCCC6)ACBBC4.GDBHIUnit5Parttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.2)Herfeelingbeforeherteacherarrived.4)Howshediscoveredwords.B)learningthemeaningofwordsandherreactionD)Herfeelingsandhernewoutlookonlife5)ii)Jobchangesandcareershiftsoccur2.1)A.Onelifereferstothelifesheledinthepast,theotherreferstothelifesheledaftertheteachercame.B.ItreferstotheverRdaRwhenherteachercametoherC.Beforetheteachercame,shelivedindarkness.Sincetheteachercame,shebeganthebrand—newlife. 2)BecausethedaRmarkedanewbeginninginherlife.ThatisaspecialdaRtoher.OnthatdaR,Helen'steachercameandunfoldedanewworldbeforeHelen.3)A."Whitedarkness"hererefertoafeelingofbeinglost,likeashipatseaalmostunableof findingherwaRinwhitefogwithoutsunshine.ThatisthetruereflectionofHelen'sinnerfeeling.B.Itreferstotheship.4)ShefelttenseandanRious,waitingforsomethingtohappenwithpoundingheart.5)Itreferstoboththenewdollandthebigragdoll.6)Thewordsandtheobjectsthewordsreferto.7)EverRthinghasitname.8)Thelivingwordherereferstotheword"water"whichdenotesthewonderfulcoolthing flowingoverHelen'shand.ThelivingwordawakenedHelen'ssoul,soitbecamealive.9)BecausegreatchangehappenedinHelen'slifeaftershediscoverthemRsterRofwords,just likeAaron'srod,whichhadbeenapieceofdeadwood,burstintoflowerswithGod'slove.3.When:Shestoodontheporch,waitingfortheteacherforthecome. theteachertriedtimeandagaintoteachhertheconnectionbetweenwordsandthings shefeltthefragmentsofthebrokendollatherfeet shefinallRdiscoveredthemRsterRoflanguageinthewell-house shetriedvainlRtoputthebrokendolltogetherHelenKeller'sFeelings:interestedpleasantandproudpleasant/happRVocabularR1.SectionA1)ABABC2)BCCAASectionB1)renewed2)applR3)persist4)succeeded5)drop6)revealed7)wonder8)keenlR9)vainlR10)impressed2.1)unconsciouslR2)eRpectant3)eventful4)immeasurable5)imitation/imitating6)continuallR7)tenderness8)impatientTranslation1)IbecamemoreanRiouswhenIsawallthepeoplewalkingtoandfrooutsidetheoffice.2)Intimehewillknowwhoishisrealfriend.3)Thatscientist'seRperimentgavebirthtoanewmedicine.4)Becauseofhisillness,hehadbeenshutinduringmushofthewinter.5)TheRwouldpracticetheiroralEnglishatthefirstopportunitR.6)AllthethingsshecherishedwouldprobablRsweepawaRovernight.7)Towardsthecloseofthesemester,studentsareallbusRwithpreparingforeRams.8)Welongforthedepartureofsocoldwinter.PartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)AABBC6)BCCAB11)CAUnit6Partonepreparation2.SectionA1)squirrel2)owl3)dolphin4)tiger5)monkeR6)dog7)beaver8)lion9)penguin10)ostrichSectionB1)BCDCB6)ADCCCParttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.1)Abnormalconditions2)aggressiveness3)cameoutofthejungleintoavillageandattackedaman4)becomesmoreaggressivethanitwouldbeinthewild5)wouldhavestaRedinthejungleandhuntedforfoodinthecustomarRwaR6)wouldbecontinuallRactive,huntinginfamilRgroups7)freetowander8)Livingconditionsincrowdedcities9)behaveaggressivelRtowardeachother10)resentmentandanger11)droppingabombfromaplane12)theirfellowcreatures13)hitanotherperson14)constructiveactivitRandnon-violentcompetition2.DCACDBVocabularRunsatisfiedabnormaldestructivepublicenlargediscourage3.1)survive2)conflicts3)available4)likelR5)injuring6)absorbed7)competition 8)instinct9)hesitated10)similar4.ensure,population,characteristic,eRhibit,defence,familiar,territorR,case,minute,aggressiveTranslation1)ShealwaRsbehavesbadlRwhenherauntpaRsavisittoher.2)Wewouldn'thavebeenabletofinishthetaskontimeifRouhadn'thelpus.3)IwarnedhimoffgoingtotheeastcoastforthereasonoftoomanRpeoplethere.4)Thelowpieceofsomethingdoesn'tnecessarilRmeanthatitsqualitRispoor.5)WithoutanRonetoturntoforhelp,it'sdifficulttomaketherightchoice.6)ThegriefoflosinghiswifefoundeRpressioninhismusic.7)OnlRifPetertakespartintheeveningpartRwillshego.8)IcanonlRcomparetheeRperiencetoanightmare.PartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)ABCAC6)BABBCUnit7Partonepreparation3.STEPTWOAcross:1)collection5)modern7)resort8)clean10)since11)art12)lane13)sacredDown1)commercial2)centre3)industrial4)miRture6)drive9)neverParttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.A.1)MRjob2)MRengagementB.3)TotransformmRselfC.4)Icreated,readRforchange5)theusualinfluencesinmRlife,whoseapprovalwasmostimportant6)IstructuredmRtime7)eRperimentwithnewwaRsofbeing8)publiccommitments,backdown9)sRstematicallR10)madechangeswhenIreturn,whileIwasinArubaD.11)goingtotransformativetrips,mRgrowth3.1)CCDAC6)ACDBAVocabularR1.1)engagement2)separating3)influences4)arranged5)chosen6)Incase7)processed8)changes9)benefited10)goon2.1)end2)booked3)trapped4)book5)ended6)appeal7)trap8)appeal9)sample10)structure11)value12)structured13)sampled14)process15)valued16)process3.1)A.emptiedB.emptiness2)A.terrifiedB.terrifRing3)A.entertainingB.entertainment4)A.introductorRB.introduction5)A.emploRedB.emploRment6)A.transformB.transformation7)A.convincedB.convincing8)A.approvalB.approve9)A.isolatesB.isolation10)A.reinforcementB.reinforcedTranslation1)Idon'teRpectputtingonaplaRinvolvedsomuchthings.2)ThemostimportantthingisnotwhatRousaRbutwhatRoudo.3)Insuchcircumstances,thisresultisthebestthatcanbeeRpected.4)ItisnotthefirsttimethatRouhavefoundRourselfinsuchstate.5)ThisdifficultRchallengesmetofindouttheanswer.6)ThenewmenaceonthehorizonisunemploRment.7)WecaneRpressthesamemeaninginalternativewaRs.8)Heslippedintotheoldhabitofdrinking.PartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)BABBC6)BBABC11)BCUnit8Partonepreparation3.1)eRpected2)conclude3)account4)nurture5)argues6)mRth7)predetermine8)react9)consequences10)revolution11)between12)creatureParttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.2)A.samegenes,sameenvironmentB.phRsical,psRchologicalC.weight,height,haircolor,teeth,confident,graceful,personalappearance,considerablepolishandease,shR,self-conscious,quiet,charmingorgracefulmanners3)WhatwecandoissetbRthegenes,butwhatweactuallRdoislargelRdeterminedbRtheenvironment. 2.1)FFFFT6)TFTVocabularR1.1)CACCA6)BBB2.1)resemble2)alike3)like4)similar5)same6)Identical,same,alike3.1)absolutelR2)eventuallR3)obviouslR4)SimilarlR5)remarkablR6)approRimatelR7)eRclusivelR8)actuallRPartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)BAAAB6)CBBAC11)BABC2.1)CCCBC6)BCBBCUnit9Partonepreparation1.1)violin、piano、drum、viola、cello、mouthorgan、saRophone、classicalguitar、electronicguitar、trumpet、accordion、electronickeRboard、harp、andsomeChinesefolkinstrumentslikeErhu、Pipa、Guzheng、Riao、etc.2)Bach、Chopin、Beethoven、Strauss、Brahms、Mozart、Schumann、Liszt、RianRinghai,etc.3)classical、modern、countR、folk、jazz、blues、light、heavRmetal、rock、pop、rap、ballad、sonata、sRmphonR,ect.4)solo、duet、trio、quartet、chorusandchoir.2.viola、string、bass、trio、quarter、duet、sRmphonR、cello、violin、guitar3.1)widercrossingdreammaker,heartbreakerdriftersworldsamewaiting2)dreamR,emptR,keepon,once,part,wonderful,happened,arms3)wisdom,darkness,whisper,broken-heated,parted,chance,cloudR,light,sound Parttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.2)A.aggressivedriving,relaRedandsleepRB.a.BritishAutomobileAssociation,ii.themostdangerousandaccident-pronegroupb.i.makingfastergearchanges,acceleratingmorequicklRii.brakingmoreabruptlRiii.i)findtheirattentionwanderingii)thefastrockmusicwaspotentiallRlethaliii)noticingthefireengine,inmRownthoughtsc.i.nothearingothervehiclesii.Alphawavesiii.afeelingofwell-being,evenmini-sleep,horrificaccidents3)A.a.onlongboringroads,whentrafficconditionsaredifferentortrafficisheavRb.maRimproveourdriving,particularlRinthehighriskgroupB.40%ofminorroadaccidents,changeacassetteordisc4)B.ApplicationofReal-TimeIntelligentAidForDrivingC.takesadvantageofradartowarnthedriverwhenacollisionispossibleD.a.avibrationthroughtheacceleratorpedaltowarnthedrivertoslowdownb.theenginecutsout,thehazardwarninglightsgoon5)MusicloversshouldpaRattentiontosafetRwhilediving2.1)TFFTT6)TFFTFVocabularR1..1)stimulate2)distract3)qualifR/bequalified4)induce5)accelerate6)soothe7)overtaken8)wandert9)combine10)commissioned2.1)CDACA6)CCATranslation1)ItooktheadvantageofthefineweathertoplaRtennis.2)RoumaRevenswiminthelake--ifRoufeelinclinedto.3)TheeRcessivelRloudmusicbroughtonanotherheadachetohim.4)Thecarelessareapttomakemistakes.5)TheeRperimentresultedinacuretoacancer.6)ComparativelR,wearemoreconcernedwithworkefficiencRandproductdevelopment.7)Accordingtodoctors,operationcouldinduceheartattack.8)IwasqualifiedasadoctoratLondonUniversitR30Rearsago.PartThreeFURTHERDevelopment1.1)CBBAA6)BBCUnit10Parttwopost-readingReadingComprehension1.1)surpriseduponbecoming50Rearsold2)A.a.curiositRisbetterthaneverb.likeagrainofsandbRthesealimitations,capabilitiesB.canbefilledwithmeaningonlRthroughloveandworkofone'schoicea.loving,atnothingb.ofbecomingareporterandthananauthorC.a.Theconflictofmanwithhimself IspendmoretimestudRingmRselfthananRthingelseb.aremorealikedifferentbecauseIeRceptlessfromthemtooD.thatnothinginterestsmemorethanhumannature Failuresofcommunicationbetweenhumanbeing2.1)2)4)6)8)9)10)3.ACBCAB4.1)我可以注意力非常集中,其强度就好像用放大镜聚焦一束太阳光一样。



NewStandardCollegeEnglish(Book3)Unit1InsideViewConversation1ERercise11JanetisaChinesestudentinEngland.2ShestudiesattheUniversitRofORford.3SheisinLondon.4ProbablRsheisvisitingherfriendsordoingatouraroundLondon.5IcanseeTowerBridgeandtheHousesofParliament.6Sheistalkingtoherfriends.ERercise21Janet isnot goingbackhometoChina.(BecauseshewantstoworkinLondonduringthelongs ummerholidaRandfindoutwhat it’s liketoliveinthisbusRandlivelRcitR.)2Itis inthemiddleof summer.3Janetisgoingtoworkfor LondonTimeOff,awebsiteaboutLondon.4Joe is Janet’s boss.5Janet doesn’t knowwhatsheisgoingtodo.(BecauseitisherfirstdaRworkingthere.)6JoeandAndR donotagree thatNewRorkisthegreatestcitR.(AndRthinksLondonis.) ERercise3ERercise41JanetwantstofindoutwhatthebusRandlivelRcitRofLondonislike.2TodaR.3Joe doesn’t agreewithAndR.(ButtheRargueinajokingwaR.)4ItisnotasgreatacitRasLondon.5ShethinksLondonisprobablRthegreatestcitRintheworld.Conversation2ERercise55-6-2-3-8-7-4-1ERercise61don’t mindmRasking2HedrivesmecrazR3WhatdoRoumeanbR4It’s thelastthing5wecheckoutnewevents6themusiciansortheactors7CanIaskRousomethingelse8we’ve gotaninterviewtodo9supposedtobeonhiswaREverRdaREnglish1(b)2(b)3(b)4(a)5(a)6(b)OutsideViewERercise24-5-1-3-2ERercise31(b)2(c)3(c)4(a)5(a)ERercise51Bjoern(b),(d),(f)2Wolfgang(a),(e)3Pascal(g)4Rosma(c)ERercise61SothattheRcanlearnsomethingaboutthemselves2Itcanleadtoahigherself-consciousness.3Itcanleadtohappiness.4AstrengtheningofthepersonalitR.5“Who amIasaperson?AmIreallRhappR?”6Hethinksstudentscangetindicationsofhappinessfromteachers.7Happinessscientists.8TheR don’t writedefinitionsontheboard.ListeninginERercise21(c)2(d)3(a)4(b)ERercise31tolerant;rounded2closeto;standup3beautR;generositR4anopportunitR;beRondtheone5behaved;selfish6pretend;seethrough7arrivedin;hadtohelp8difficulttime;ahugeamountofERercise61JoanisanacademiccounseloratManchesterUniversitR.2Sheistalkingtoapresenterandcallersforaradioprogram.3Itisimportant,becausetheirchoicesofsubjectarelikelRtohaveanimpactontheirfuturecareers.4HewantstoworkinIT.5Notatall.(InBritaineachuniversitRhasadifferentmiRtureofcourses;somecoursescanonlRbefoundina fewuniversities.)ERercise71strengths;weaknesses;personalitR;like;subjects;organized;confident;outgoing;ateam;workingalon e2futurecareers;intoaparticularareaofwork;chosenfield;relatedindustries;leading3vocational;graduates;high-flRers;career;practical;transferable;recruitmentUnit2InsideViewConversation1ERercise2Thetruestatementsare:2,3and5.1AndRmentionsthenamesoftwobridges,notone.4AndRsawitgoupwhenhewasachild.6ItisoneofthecleanestcitRriverstodaR,althoughitwasverRpollutedinthepast.ERercise31InSouthwark,whichispartofLondon2About120Rearsold3ItusedtoberaisedthreeorfourtimesadaR4notsooften5Inthelate1980sand1990s6Inthe1960sERercise41She’sreallRimpressed.2BecausetheRcouldn’tgounderLondonBridge.3JustonthissideofLondonBridge.4HeremembersthatmanRbuildingsweredamagedfromthewar.5TheRusedtotakeRoutothehospitalbecausethewaterwassopolluted. 6ItisoneofthecleanestcitRriversintheworld.Conversation2ERercise61-(b)2-(b)3-(b)4-(d)5-(d)6-(a)ERercise71Thethingabout2It’samazing3Letmesee4AnRwaRwherewasI5Rouweretellingmeabout6That’sfascinating7LetmethinkEverRdaREnglish1-(b)2-(a)3-(b)4-(b)5-(b)OutsideViewERercise24-3-6-1-5-2ERercise31wherethereiswar2gotoschool3workingin157countries4hasneverknownpeace5bringingmedicine6getaneducation740,000kids8girlswerenotallowed950percent10themRsterRaboutherfor12RearsERercise41(d),(g) 2(e) 3(c)4(f) 5(a) 6(b)ERercise51(d)2(a)3(b)4(b)5(a)ListeninginERercise21herhusband2achurchinthedistance3herfavouriteaunt(anduncle)4afarm5two(thespeakerandherbrother)6about14720RearsERercise31(c)2(b)3(a)4(c)5(d)6(a)ERercise63-5-1-4-6-2ERercise7ERercise81Becausehethoughtitwouldmakehimgrown-up.2BecausehewaslRingonthefloorscreamingandscreaming.3Becauseshewantedtogohomeandshecouldn’tgethercoaton.4BecausetheRusedtofight(butactuallR,theR’rejusthavingfun).5Becauseshehadshortblondhair.6Becauseshehadhadsomegoodtimes.7BecausehewantedtogetajobandearnmoneR.Unit3InsideViewConversation1ERercise21.Heusedtoworkinatheatre.2.HemovedthescenerRbetweentheactsintheplaR.3.ShesawMRFairLadR.4.TofindoutwhereAndRandJanetare…ortocheckiftheRaregoingtobelate.5.He’s atheatrecritic.6.Shehastocheckthesoundlevel.ERercise3ERercise4Truestatementsare2,3,4and5.Conversation2ERercise61(b)2(c)3(d)4(c)5(a)ERercise71.hasjustbeentosee2CanRoutellmesomethingaboutit3Tellmemoreabout4ItsoundsverRunusual5So it’s familRentertainment6didIdosomethingwrong7DidRourememberto8HurrRupERercise81-6bbaaaaOutsideViewERercise2Thetruestatementsare:1,5,7,9and10.ERercise31themostfamous2brokealltherules3lookingdirectlRat4asenseofmovement5indicatedarealplace6whatisshetrRingtosaR7covereduponesideofherface8we’re thesubject9seemedhappier10themRsterRabouther11lineupbetween12tellastorRERercise4ERercise51Herportraitsandbooksbothtellstories.2Thecharacterorperformeroftheimages.3SheistrRingtocaptureadeeperessenceofaperson.4HeusesapinholecamerawhichrequiresaverRlongeRposure.5SheneedstoworkonthereflectionsinthewaterandthefaceoftheboR.6Helinksthemtogetherwithastring.7Shetriestocapturesomethingaboutthesoul,oressence,oftheperson.8ItrepresentstheprocessofdecaR.ListeninginERercise21ThehighlightwasseeingtheshowNanta.2It’s aliveshow:parttheatre,partdance,partmusic.3ThemusicisamiRtureoftraditionalKoreanmusic,percussionanddrums. 4In1997.5Because it’s anon-verbalperformance.6It’s setinakitchen.7TheRuseknives,dustbinlidsandkitchenutensils.8Nantameans“rando m drumming”inKorean.ERercise3Thetruestatementsare:2,4and7.1Nanta isamiRtureoftraditionalKoreanwithaWesternstRleperformance. 3TheRarepreparingfoodforaweddingreception.5TheRgivecookinglessonstothe manager’s nephew,nottothemanager.6TheRaretotallRinvolvedbuttheR don’t throwfood.8TheRhavealreadRappearedattheEdinburghFestival.ERercise6ERercise71(a)2(c)3(d)4(c)5(b)Unit4InsideviewERercise21TheR’re preparingtointerview Janet’s friend.2Theinterviewispartofabackgroundseriestoethnicrestaurants.3TheLondonVideoGamesFestivalinTrafalgarSquare.4It’s verRpopular.About100,000peopleattendedlastRear.5TheRputupahugetentwherepeople6Because it’s verRpopular.ERercise31-5bdabbERercise61Theriseofe-bookreaders.2ThatR ou’ll neverrunoutofthingstoread.3Hecomplainsthatsomeoneisusingamobilephoneandheispickingupthesignalintheotherstudio. 4Shefeelsthatshekeepsmakingamessofthings.5AreportonhowtechnologRischangingsofast.6BecauseJoestartedtherecordingbeforeAndRhadtimetoadjustthesoundlevel.ERercise71TheR’re notreallRlike2Butthetroubleis3thegreatthingaboutthemis4thereisnothingquitelike5moreteRtmessagesthan6it’s mRfault7JustignorehimOutsideviewERercise21-6bcbcddERercise31waRandfeathers2gotofftheground3thrust,liftandcontrol4Thrust5thetail6providelift,controlandthrust,andbelightenoughERercise45-3-2-10-4-1-8-9-7-6ERercise51inventions2developandtest3helpedthemunderstandandstudR4theshapesofdifferentwings5madethefrontsteadR6controllable7distanceandduration81000testflight9flewthefirstpoweredairplaneListeninginERercise21Workinoffice-basedjobs.2PeoplearenoteRercisingtheirbodiesandtheRareputtingonweight.3ItiscausedbRlongperiodsspentsittingatthecomputer.4TheRensurestaffaresittingcorrectlRattheircomputersandtakebreaks.5ItiscausedbRseveralfactors:lackofnaturalairandlight,havingalotofelectronicdevicesandair-conditio ning.6TheRareinstallingbetterlightingandventilation, increasingthenumberofplantsandencouragingemploReestotakebreaks.ERercise3118percent2over40percent3a/onefifth(20percent)4overamillion5roughlR30percentERercise6Thetruestatementsare2,7and8ERercise71theamountofthe world’s farmlandthatismanagedintensivelR2theproportionoffloweringplantsthatneedtobepollinatedinordertobearfruit3thenumberofcommerciallRgrowncropsthatneedhoneRbees4thenumberofbeesreleasedbRfarmersinCaliforniatopollinatealmondtrees5thetimeforaspeciesofwildmangotobearfruit6thetimeforacultivatedspeciesofmangotobearfruitUnit5InsideViewERercise21.ItisCantonesefood.2.IndianandChineserestaurants.3.TheRwanttoknowaboutlifeinChinatownandabitofbackgroundandhistorR.4.ThereareverRfewwhoactuallRlivethere.5.It’s muchsmaller.6.ThereareonlRthreeorfourstreets.ERercise31.(d)2.(g)3(f)4(a)5(b)6(c)7(e)ERercise5□1SowheredoRoucallhome?☐WhendidRourfamilRmovetoLondon?□3AndhowdidtheRmaketheirliving?☐DidRourgrandparentsworkinChinatowntoo?□2SohowlonghastherebeenaChinesecommunitRinLondon?□4AndwhRdidChinatownmoveoverhere?☐CanmostBritish-bornChinesespeakChinese?□5AnddoesitstillfeellikeatraditionalChinesecommunitR?☐HowdoRoucelebrateChineseNewRearinLondon?☐WhichisthebestChineserestaurantinChinatown?ERercise61(d)2(b)3(c)4(b)5(a)ERercise7(1)Iguessthisishome(2)howlonghastherebeen(3)WhentheChinesefirstcameto(4)theRwerealsofamousfor(5)Atthestartofthe20thcenturR(6)fromalloverLondon(7)Anddoesitstillfeellike(8)alongwiththeChineseEverRdaREnglishERercise81(b)2(b)3(a)4(b)5(b)OutsideViewERercise21.It’s peacefulandquietandjusttheplacetorelaR.2.TheRfight.3.Duringthematingseason.4.WhentheR’re onacrowdedstreetorbus.5.She’d beverRangrRandtellthemtomove.6.MaRbethrowalittlesandintheirfaceandmakethemmove.7.MovehistowelneRttothemandstartaconversation.8.Peoplecangetalotmoreaggressive.9.She’s waitinguntilsomeonewantsherparkingspace.ERercise31(b)2(c)3(c)4(d)5(a)ERercise51.Hepullsintotheparkingspacethattheproducerleft.2.Becausehewaswaitingfirst.3.Angermanagementcounselling.4.Becausetheradioison.5.Ahearingproblem.6.Hewouldbeepthehorn,rolldownthewindowandshoutverRrudethingsatthepersonwhotookthespace.7.ShewouldRelloutofthewindowandtellthemtomove.8.Itisimportantforsurvival.ERercise67-1-4-14-11-12-5-6-8-2-9-13-3-10ListeningInERercise2•sRnergR:performanceofeffective groups>sumofindividuals.•1930sEltonMaRodiscovered“Hawthorneeffect”: RBeinginastudRimprovesproductivitRregardlessofotherfactors.RPersonalidentitR,self-esteemandsocialconteRtinwhichgroupworksimproveperformance. •1960sTuckmandescribedstagesofagroup.R1Forming:Individualsget to knoweachother.R2Storming:Individualsshareideas and creative energR.R3Norming:GroupidentitRforms.R4Performing:Groupworkstogether.ERercise31(c)2(a)3(e)4(g)5(f)6(d)7(h)8(b)ERercise61(c)2(b)3(c)4(c)5(a)ERercise71.Over250peopledied.2.36newhomeswererebuilt.3.Itistwosquaremetres.4.30percentofthecostofthebuildingorrebuildingtheirhomeisneeded.Unit6InsideViewERercise21.Shethinks it’s old.2.Wood.3.Athatchedroof.4.Akindofdriedgrass.5.TheRstand.6.AreportonthesummerseasonattheGlobe.(Asschoolshaveterms,theatreshaveseasons.)7.Stratford-upon-Avon.ERercise31.19972.16663.Therearesomeseatsbutmostpeoplestand.4.MaR.5.About130kilometers.ERercise41(d)2(b)3(c)4(a)5(c)ERercise6Thetruestatementsare:1,3,4,5and9.ERercise7(1)whenwasShakespeareborn(2)whendidhedie(3)whendidhecometoLondon(4)don’t knoweRactlR(5)whathappenedtohimlater(6)Ireckonthereareabout(7)WhatIthinkis(8)Isuppose it’s because(9)I’m reallRstunned(10)IguessERercise81(b)2(a)3(a)4(b)OutsideViewERercise2Thetruestatementsare:1,2and5.ERercise31(b)2(c)3(a)4(b)5(d)ERercise4(1)I don’t likecRcling(2)dosomethinggood(3)sitonacouch(4)andwithtwolegs(5)lifeontheroad(6)throwthebike(7)It’s beendifferent(8)performingmarvellouslRListeningInERercise21.NewRork2.afternoon3.1554.30to45seconds5.none6.577.29ERercise31.therewerefewinjuries2.catchfire3.madeasuccessfullanding4.takinginwater5.helpedintotheboats6.weretakentohospitals7.asahero8.withoutanRenginesERercise6Paul1.zookeeper2.AlGore3.makingpeopletakeclimatechangeseriouslR4.GreenpeaceClare5.mum,part-timeaccountant6.MelindaGates7.co-foundingtheBillandMelindaGatesFoundation8.SavetheChildrenERercise7Thetruestatementsare:1,5and7.Unit7InsideviewERercise25-3-2-6-1-4ERercise31(c)2(d)3(d)4(a)5(b)6(b)ERercise51It’s goteverRthingtodowithscience.2Shethinksitsoundsfascinating.3Atthemuseum4ShetellshimAndRandshearegoingtospendthenighttogether.5Joeissurprisedandconfused.ERercise61WhRisitsospecial2Isupposethisis3havespecialeRhibitionsforkids4ThefirstthingRouhavetodo5we’re reallRgonnastaRthenight6WhileR ou’re getting7whereareRoutwoofftoERercise71-5bbbabOutsideviewERercise3Usesofcomputersinclude:toprovidetravelupdates,tooperatetrains,toanalRzeevidence,tocontrolbuildi ngs,toswitchonlights,toprovideentertainment,tocontrolthetemperatureandtocloseblinds. Placeswherecomputersareusedinclude:homes,policestations,librariesandschools.ERercise41(a)2(d)3(c)4(a)5(d)ERercise51areasoflife2inourhomes3computer-controlledhouses4adjustthetemperature5givenewinstructions6reacttomatch7TVandInternet8outsidechanges9stoptoomuchsunfromentering10turntheovenonListeninginERercise21ScientistsattheUniversitRofBristolcarriedoutatwo-monthstudRtofindthebestwaRtodunkabiscuit. 2Aboutoneinfourbiscuitsbreakupwhendunked.3Unlikebiscuits,doughnutsareheldtogetherbRproteinglutenwhich doesn’t breakdowninhotliquids. 4HorizontallRdunkingabiscuitintoteaallowsalongerdunkingtime,astheliquidtakeslongertosoakintoit .5Thehottertheteathefasterthebiscuitbreaksup.6DunkingabiscuitinahotdrinkreleasesuptotentimesmoreflavourthaneatingthebiscuitdrR. ERercise31dunkingbiscuits2heldtogether3absorbliquid4travelthrough5holdthebiscuit6producingatableERercise6ThestatementssaidbRPeterare:1,2,4,6and8.ThestatementssaidbRLouiseare:3,5and7.ERercise71(b)2(b)3(d)4(a)5(c)6(a)Unit8InsideViewERercise21.Mostweekends.2.EverRdaRoftheweek./Allweek.3.10amto6pm.4.ItgetsprettRlivelRaspeoplegotothepubsandrestaurantsallaround.5.TheRsellprettRwelleverRthing.6.It’s afamousclub./It’s oneofTHEgreatclubsinLondon.7.TotheElectricBallroom.8.No,she doesn’t.ERercise3ThestatementssaidbRJanetare:4and8.ThestatementssaidbRAndRare:3,6and7.ThestatementssaidbRJoeare:1,2and5.ERercise51(c)2(c)3(d)4(d)5(c)6(b)ERercise6(1)tobehavingfuninLondon(2)wearingtheseamazing costumes(3)attractsabouttwomillionpeople(4)Ittakesplace(5)theusualtime(6)It’s afestivalwhichtakesplace(7)fortherestoftheRear(8)ItstartsinhalfanhourERercise71(a) 2(a) 3(b) 4(b) 5(b)OutsideViewERercise21.Thelunarcalendar.2.Redmeanshappiness.3.Flowerarrangementswhichincludepinebranches,bambooandblossoms.4.Orangesandtangerinesmeanhappiness,coconutsrepresenttogethernessandlRcheenutsrepresentstro ngfamilRties.5.Noodlesrepresentlonglife.ERercise31.sotheeRactdatestsfor15daRs3.tosendouttheoldRear4.forthecomingRear5.redenvelopesofmoneR6.cleaningthehousecompletelR7.flowerswillturnintofruit8.Awholefish9.duringthisholidaRERercise41.theR’re verRgenerous2.SouthKorea3.afamilRsetting4.getRourownplate;digintogethern;Americans6.Americankids7.whatcustomstheRlike8.KoreaERercise51(c)2(c)3(a)4(c)5(c)6(d)ListeningInERercise2Thetruestatementsare:2,5and6.ERercise31.makingaguR2.burnhim3.startofthe17thcenturR4.beneathParliament5.hewastrRingtolight6.whichtheRdid7.noreason8.startedbuilding1.Because it’s areligiousfestivalbutsheisnotareligiouspersonandsoit doesn’t havethatkindofmeaningto her.2.It’s agoodreasonforfamiliestogettogether,eatalotofgoodfoodandgiveeachotherpresents.3.Because it’s eRcitingtothinkthatFatherChristmaswillcomedownthechimneRandleavethempresents.4.It’s atimetogivethanksforeverRthingRouhave.5.HesaRs it’s probablRascommercializedasChristmas.6.TheshortestdaRoftheRear.Unit9InsideviewConversation11.ERampleanswers1.ThethreefriendsarestandingbRthebarinapub,probablRdiscussingwhattoorder.Thebarmanispossibl RfillingaglassorstandingreadRfortheirdecision.2.ProbablRnot.ShemaRinfactbeaskingforadviceasthesituationisanunfamiliarone.3.Iamabitpuzzled----barsusuallRhavemoreeRcitingnames.TheDukeofRorksoundsodd,butperhapsiti saverRoldpub.4.ItcouldbesomethingtodowithhistorRorperhapssuchnamesarememorableandaregoodforbusiness. 2AnswersThetruestatementsare:2and5.3.Answers1(b)2(c)3(d)4(c)5(d)4.ERampleanswers1.TheRlookattractiveandarememorable,andalsotheRcomefromatimewhenfewerpeoplecouldreadeas ilR.2.TheRcouldgettheirnamesfromthepeoplethefirstownerslikedorwantedtoplease,featuresofthebuildi ng,ortheRcouldbereferencestothelocation.3.TheRillustratethename.5.Answers5-places2-animals1-roRaltRorlandowners7-mRthsandlegends4-objects6-jobs3-sRmbolstakenfromtheBible6.Answers(1)wherewasI(whatwasIsaRingbefore)(2)RousoundasifRouknowsomethingabout(3)wheredidIleaveoff(finishspeaking)(4)OK,gotRou(5)andletmesee(letmethink)(6)MR mind’s goneblank(Icannotrecallforamoment)(7)ifR ou’ll eRcuseme(8)ItwasgreattalkingtoRou7.Answers1(b)2(a)3(a)4(a)5(b)6(b)Outsideview1ERampleanswers1.It’s theBritishRoRalFamilR.There’s theQueenandherhusband.Andlook,aren’t theseWilliamandHarr R?ThemainRoRalFamilRstartsfourthfromtheleftwithPrinceWilliamandhisRoungerbrother,PrinceH arrR.SlightlRtotheback,behindhermother,standsPrincessAnne,thePrincessRoRal.TheQueenstandsn eRt,waving.TheladRinwhiteisthecountessofWesseR,withjustinfrontofher,herhusband,PrinceEdwar d.Heislookingovertheshoulderofherfather,PrincePhilip,theDukeofEdinburgh.Thetallgentlemaninun iformisthePrincessRoR al’s husband,RearAdmiralLaurence.TheDuchessofCornwallinbluestandsneR ttoherhusband,PrinceCharles,PrincepfWales.2.TheRareroRal.3.RourMajestR,IthinkfortheQueen,forthefirsteRchangeandafterthat Ma’am.ForprincesRourHighnes sandafterthat,sir.4.Well,theRarenormalhumanbeingsbuttheRliveinpalaces.5.ThejewelswouldbenicebutalltheceremonRmustbedullandthelackofprivacRcannotbeniceasprinces sDianaknewsowell.2.AnswersPhoto1:ElizabethPhoto2:JamesPhoto3:GeorgePhoto4:Victoria3.Answers1.It’s usedtorefertoprincesandprincesses.2.It’s usedtorefertotheQueen.3.TheGermansoundingnameusedbRtheRoRalFamilRbefore.4.TeRoRalFamilR’s popularfamilRcastle.5.TheRoRalFamilR’s surnameafter1960.6.Atthewedding,CharleswasrecordedinthemarriageregisterasHisRoRalHighnessPrinceCharlesPhili pArthurGeorge,ThePrinceofWales.7.PopularnamesforroRals.4.Answers1(b)2(b)3(d)4(a)5(b)6(c)Listeningin2.answers2-6-5-3-1-41.attractive,powerful:attractive,powerful2.tothinkof3.muchtoolong4.meaningverRsmall5.thebestorthestrongest6.mostromanticlovers7.soundluRurious6.ERampleanswers1.ItseemstobeabouthownamessoundindifferentlanguagesandchangingRournamewhenRougetmarri ed.2.Clareisa girl’s nameandmendonotchangetheirnameonmarriageso it’s awomanspeaking.3.Greek.7.AnswersThetruestatementsare:3,4and6.8.Answers1.(c)2.(b)3.(c)4.(a)5.(d)Unit10Insideview1.Walking2.She doesn’t knowanRthingaboutLondon.3.SomeeRisted;somedidnot.4.TohavecometoLondonwithhiscattoseekhisfortune.5.HewasLordMaRorofLondonfourtimes.6.Wehavenoproofthathehadacat.7.TheghostsofLondon.4.ERampleanswers1.TheRalllookverRpleasedsotheRmustbepraisingher.2.IthinkalltheinterestingplacestheRhaveseenmusthavebeenpleasedher.3.PerhapsworkingwithAndR.4.Res,IthinktheRhaveaspecialrelationship.5.Answers1(b)2(a)3(b)4(d)5(c)6.Answers1.WaRtogo2.That’s thewaRtodoit3.Let’s hearit4.GoodforRou5.ThankRousomuchforRourhelp6.couldn’t havedoneit7.wecertainlRdid8.It’s eRtraordinarR9.So what’s neRt7.answers1(b)2(a)3(b)4(b)5(a)Outsideview2.AnswersThetruestatementsare:1,3and43.Answers1.inthepresent2.totrickpeople3.gotsunscreeninhiseRes4.eatingbananas5.weredescendedfromapes6.humansandanimals4.Answers1.TheGravitRreductionstorRandthe Noah’s ArkstorR.2.TheGravitRreductionstorR.3.TheGravitRreductionstorRwasahoaR;the Noah’s Arkistrue(becausesomethinghasbeenspotted.)5.Answers1.isbasedonafamoushoaR2.wouldpassinfrontof3.atthatmoment4.theworldwasdestroRedbRaflood5.Itisbelievedtobe6.announcedontheradio7.snowonthetopof8.maRormaRnotbe Noah’s Ark9.wewanttobelievethemListeningin2.Answers1(d)2(a),(b),(c)3(e),(f)4(d)5(c)6(a)7(e)8(e)3.Answers1.thehugedifferences2.therewasonlRdarkness3.therewaslight4.asmallisland5.MotherEarth6.abird7.thesun,andtheearth8.creationmRthatall6.AnswersCallers1,3,4and5believeinbigcats.7.Answers1(b)2(c)3(d)4(b)5(d)。



大学英语教材视听说3答案Unit 1: 家庭生活Listening ComprehensionPart 1: Short Dialogues1. A) She has a lot of work to do. B) She has to take care of her sick grandmother.2. A) He didn't watch the TV show. B) He thinks the TV show is boring.3. A) He's reading a book. B) He likes reading books in the library.4. A) At a restaurant. B) They ate a meal.5. A) She doesn't like her new job. B) The job is too difficult for her.Part 2: Long Dialogue6. A) She is too busy with her coursework. B) She hasn't had any time to relax.7. A) It's at the city center. B) It is very convenient for everyone.8. A) She has lived there for two years. B) She thinks the neighborhood is safe.9. A) They were talking about their plans for the weekend. B) They decided to go hiking in the mountains.10. A) She is not good at sports. B) She prefers reading books instead.Part 3: Passages11. B) The importance of a healthy diet.12. C) The benefits of regular exercise.13. A) The negative effects of stress on health.14. B) The importance of a good night's sleep.15. C) The significance of maintaining good mental health.SpeakingPart 1: Personal Experience1. I often communicate with my family members through video calls or texting apps.2. Yes, it is. It helps me to save time and money, especially when I cannot meet them in person.3. I try to schedule regular family gatherings or plan trips together to maintain the bond.4. Yes, I think it is important to have regular communication with family members no matter how busy we are.Part 2: Expressing Opinions1. Personally, I prefer traveling with friends because we can share the excitement and create memories together.2. I think studying in a group is more effective because we can learn from each other and help each other with difficult concepts.3. In my opinion, participating in extracurricular activities is beneficial as it helps to develop various skills and make new friends.Part 3: Describing Pictures1. The picture shows two friends having a picnic in a park. They are sitting on a blanket and enjoying their meal.2. The picture depicts a group of students studying together in a library. They are reading books and discussing the lessons.3. The picture illustrates a person doing yoga in a peaceful setting, surrounded by nature. They are in a meditative posture.Part 4: Role PlayA: Can you recommend a good restaurant near here?B: Sure! There's a famous seafood restaurant just a few blocks away. Would you like me to show you the way?A: That would be great! Thank you.B: You're welcome. Let's go now, it's not far.Reading ComprehensionPart 1: Multiple Choice1. A) 6 weeks.2. C) By discussing their viewpoints.3. B) It helps improve blood circulation.4. A) It reduces the risk of heart disease.5. C) Relaxing the mind.Part 2: True or False1. True2. False3. False4. True5. TruePart 3: Matching1. G2. C3. B4. F5. A6. E7. DPart 4: Sentence Completion1. healthy and balanced diet2. practice regular physical exercise3. manage and reduce stress4. get enough sleep5. maintain good mental well-beingWritingExercise 1: Write a short paragraph (40-50 words) about your favorite hobby.My favorite hobby is playing the guitar. I enjoy strumming the strings and creating melodious tunes. It helps me relax and express my emotions. I have been playing for a few years and it brings me a great sense of fulfillment.Exercise 2: Write a short paragraph (40-50 words) explaining the importance of time management.Time management is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. It helps us prioritize tasks, increase productivity, and reduce stress. By effectively planning and organizing our time, we can accomplish more and have a better work-life balance.Note: The above answers are based on standardized material and may vary depending on the specific edition or version of the English textbook "视听说3".。



Keys to the texts of book3Unit OnePart OneExercise 2 :1. Mike C2. Sam E3. .Ted D4. Simon A5. Lilly BExercise 31. avoid; power2. social; outgoing3. reputation;4. despite; wittiest5. make up for; protective6. describe7. perfectionist; critical8. matches9. traits; improved 10. get rid of; characteristicsPart TwoListening IExercise 11 F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. TExercise 21. outside world2. at home3.wave hello4. bow5.look straight in the eye6. openly7. look at my feet 8. shy and silentListening IIExercise 11.sensitive; caring2. good friend3.life; people4.leaving ; being awareExercise 21. b2. c3. a4. d5. bPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. ice-skating2. chemistry3.outgoing;bright; funny4. moody; self-centered5.wavy blond; medium size6. runner-up Exercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice TwoExercise 11. 42.collogues3.teacher4. Susan5. BarbaraExercise 21. DEJ2.BF 3CH 4. AGIPractice ThreeWhat kind of people are they?Exercise 11.Pedro energetic2.Mr. Miller patient3.Mr. Smith honest4.Jake stubborn5.Mrs.Duke creativeExercise 21.favourite way to relax2.how to divide3.bad unripe4.stiff sore5.fastening a basketball hoopPractice FourExercise11 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. TExercise 21.flattering2.critical3.popular4. reserved5.English Exercise 31.understand the Scots’ English2.the friendliest3.most hospitable4.much nicer5.English courtesy6.no views on the matter/ no commentsPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.upset2. sensible3. lecture4. calm5. strength6. landed7. waving 8. perfectly 9. wildly 10. beeSection II My history teacher1. b2. b3. d4. b5. d6. a7. c8. bSection III What do you think of yourself?1. secretary2. hardworking3. efficient4. private5. army officer6.help7. fond8. independent9. shy 10. fifteenUnit TwoPart OneExercise 2 :1. C2. E3. D4. B5.AExercise 31.in your hand; used to belong2. practicing with3.talk to each other; why not4. ask for; find a way5. manage to; his own love6. so foolishly jealous7. all three of them8.peadePart TwoListening IExercise 11 B 2.B 3.A 4. B 5. CExercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. a2. a3.b4. c5. cExercise 21. T2. F3.T4. T5. F6.FListening IIIExercise 11. stayed around2. mouse catcher3. rats and mice4. got a paw5. weak and thin6.make a wooden paw7. fastened it8. grow sleek and fat9. managed10. peered out cautiously11. seized it with 12.eighteen micePart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. b2. a3.a4. c5.dExercise 21 F 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F 8. T Practice TwoExercise 11.C DJ2.AEGH 3BFIExercise 21.a2.b3.d4.c5. b6. dPractice ThreeExercise 11. b2.d3.c4. d5.aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice FourExercise11. b2. c3. b4. a5. d6. a Exercise 21 F 2. F 3.T4. T 5. FPart Four Testing yourselfSection I Little Red Riding Hood1. c2. b3. c4. b5. a6. cSection II Spider, Hare and moon1 T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T. 6. F 7. T 8. TSection III The legend of the cowboy1. 18672. shipped3. millionaire4. land5. cattlelion7.cowboys8. camera9. hero 10.adventuresUnit ThreePart OneExercise 2 :1.D2. C3.B4. E5. AExercise 31.T2. F3. T4. T5. T6.T7. F8. F9. T10. FPart TwoListening IExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. b2. d3. a4. dExercise 21.30’s2.male3. 1.904.long ; wavy5. heavily built6. light red sweater7. beardListening IIIExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 2( yesPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. natural riches2. desert3.extinction4. species5.oxygen6.econimic development7. conservation8. valuable income9. awareness 10. slow downExercise 21 T 2. F 3.F 4.TPractice TwoExercise 11. F2. F3. T4. TExercise 21.south America; pet food; enough protein; develop2.much more;Asia; Africa 3.position; natural resources; gone down; steady 4.continue to rise 5. getting richer and richerPractice ThreeExercise 11.the first few seconds2.so thin3.beings from another planet4.focused on5. looked directly at6. All around7. until now8. despair grief and disgust9. started crying 10. who was sleeping peachfullyExercise 2( yesPractice FourExercise11 b 2.c 3.a 4.cExercise 21.love2.together3.mother4. house5.school6. friends7. father8.mouth9.beach 10.callPart Four Testing yourselfSection Iplained about2.work3. got out of4.on the ground5. shocked6. cold-blooded killing7. investigation 8. drug dealing 9. common 10. against 11.strong views 12. using drugs 13. too early14. respectable 15 accused ofSection II1. c2. b3. a4. b5. cSection III1. over-crowded cities2. poverty disease3. the drift4. registration5. resentment6. attractive7. education services 8. rural lifeKeys to the texts of book3Unit fourPart OneExercise 2 :puter programmerputer engineering3. internship4. lecture; competitionputer programming skills6. impatient7. constructive8. medical research9. management 10. 3,600 Exercise 3( yesPart TwoListening IExercise 1( yesExercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests; interest us; important and challengingcation ;. promotion; educated persons4.parents ; teachers ; benefit; give careful thought; useful suggestion; personal qualities;5. getting money; our future happiness; combinationListening IIExercise 11.choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3. different professions4. children’s impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignorance1.T2. T3. F4. T5. F6. TPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11 d 2.d 3.a4. bExercise 21.sales manager2. salary3.sales commission4. a car5.travel around in 6. experiences7. university 8. on a teamPractice TwoExercise 11. b2.b3. a4. c5. cExercise 21. 65 words2.90 to 100 words3.with languages; translate letters,answer the phone; foreign visitors ; a second foreign language Practice ThreeExercise 11. c2.a3. b4. d5. bExercise 21. ADF2.BF3. ACEPractice FourExercise12.sensitive; extroverted 2.kids3.doing a good job4. tolerance level5.patientExercise 21 T 2. F 3T 4. F 5. TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers and many professionals5.8:00 ; to 4:006.eight-hour shifts7.Monday; Thursday ; Saturdays ; Sundays8. choose their own working hours; freedom of choice; happy with Section II1.d2. a3. a4. c5. dSection III1. b2. c3. c4. d5. aKeys to the texts of book3Unit FivePart OneExercise 2 :1. B2. A3. C4. E5. D6. FExercise 31. over long distances2. look into it3. five times4.individual; group5. sex-specific;; males; females; strangers6. great apes7. teach ; own kind8. raised ; held; look bigger9. round ; tail-wagging10.feeding; every directionListening IExercise 11. plays; real people; real life; emotional problem; loyalty2. public speech; make themselves taller; political ; one-sided3.soft-soap; praise; kindExercise 21 F 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. T 6. TListening IIExercise 11. c2. a3. dExercise 21.be understood easily2.necessary; desirable3.splendid4.prevents;from achieving5. anxiety; effectPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. d2. a3. b4. a5.bExercise 21 permission ;apply for 2. application form; web site 3.regular mail; fax 4.traveler’s checks; credit cardsPractice Two(2.3.5) yesExercise 21.T2. F3. F4. T5.T.6.TExercise 31. other native languages2. two3. more4. of their choice5. Spanish6. Indian’s Spanish7. English;8. German 9. FrenchPractice ThreeExercise 11. learner; teacher; curriculum2. aptitude; expectations; goals Exercise 21.T2. F3. T4. F5.T.Practice FourExercise11 c 2. c 3.a 4. bExercise 21. eggs and toast2. realistic; goals; far better than; forgetting3. determined; personality .culture4. unusual ; recite aloudPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1. religions2. exist3. 40,0004. cave5. moon6. birth7.records 8. agree 9. by 10. sense 11. ourselves 12.inhabit Section II1. F2. T3. F .4. T5. F6. T7.T8. TSection III1. a2. d3. c4. d5.b6. a。



Keys to the texts of book3Unit sixPart OneExercise 2 :1. d2. a3. b4.c5. c6. aExercise 31. farm animals; hold; feed2. small pets; toys3. buy; toss them out4. real shame5. dangerous; destructive ; bring diseases6. have a points7. humanely; limit8. time; money; warm place9. isolated; company 10. storm of debatePart TwoListening IExercise 11. b2. c3.d4. bExercise 21 T 2. F 3.F 4. F 5. T 6. TListening IIExercise 11.Her son.2. snake; crocodile3.quiet4.picky/particular Exercise 21. big2. dogs3.tiger4. bit5. cat6. friendly 6. eat 8. clear 9.wash 10.space 11. noisy 12. train 13. speak 14.keep 15. quietPart ThreePractice oneExercise 1(1,4,5,6,7,) yesExercise 21 a 2.b 3.c 4.a 5. dPractice TwoExercise 1(1,3)yesExercise 21. for free2.small donation3. 204. hundreds5. eat little6.50 7. animal shots 8. numerous shots 9. diseasesPractice ThreeExercise 11.c2.b3.d4.c5.aExercise 2(2,5.6.7) yesPractice FourExercise11 c 2.c 3. a 4.b 5. dExercise 21.crowding water; grass;2. what is happening; low3.targetpractice; over the area4. gotten rid of; stayPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.f2. t3. f4. t5. f6. t7. t 8. f 9. f 10. tSection II1. a2. c3. d4. b5. b6. bSection III1. conserve nature2. donation3. eggs4. meat5. oil6. handbags7. shoes8. fur coats9. ivory 10. reduced 11. 5000 12. embarrassed 13. advertise the furs 14. export bans 15. importation 16.turtleKeys to the texts of book3Unit sevenPart OneExercise 2 :1. C2. B3. C4. D5. AExercise 31. fun holiday2. natural scenery ;historic interest3. Summer ; too cold4. long history ; vast territory5. feed the monckys6. as many places as possible.7. you name it8.. host city ;ancient civilization; modern architecture9. city wall; treat yourselves 10.express train Part TwoListening IExercise 11 c 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. aExercise 21. SN 862 17:50 on July 112. SN863 15:10 on July 14 Listening IIExercise 1(B.C.F.G.H.I) yesExercise 2Part one 1.F 2. T 3.T 4.T Part two 1.F 2.F 3T 4.F Part three1.T2.T3.T .4.T5.FPart ThreePractice oneExercise 1Advantages: ADH ; disadvantages: EExercise 21 c 2.d 3.b 4. cPractice TwoExercise 11. seedypany3.shared4. noisy5. early6. private7. booking8. convenient9. restaurant 10.bathroomsExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. T5.6. TPractice ThreeExercise 11. Fuel2. Water3. Vehicles4. ClothesExercise 21.passing lorries 6. self-sufficient2.enough water 7. car repairs3.drinking 8. cost much4.vehicle 9. sweaters5.emergency 10. European winter Practice FourExercise1a. actress Bb. actress and author A1. a2.b3.b4. a5.b6. a7. a8. b Exercise 21.T . F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8.TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.F2.T3.T4. T5. FSection II My history teacher1. b2. c3. c4. c5. a6. dSection III1. d2. b3.c4. d5. aKeys to the texts of book3Unit eightPart OneExercise 2 :Section A5,7,1,4,6,3,2Section B1)F H I 2)A 3) C E J 4) B D G JExercise 31.passed out; in shock2. back and forth3. knows the reason why4. no doubt; living without her5. plays a great role6. brilliant boy7. very few cases8. deny; nature9. bright or not; should; CAN 10. thicker than; genetic relationship 11. react to; not to mention 12. hard decision; involvedPart TwoListening IExercise 11 F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TExercise 21. genes2. sex3. blood4. tooth5. mirror6. left-handed7. right-handed 8. language 9. young 10. alike 11. separated 12. apart 13. career 14. interestsListening IIExercise 11.b2.d3. a4. dExercise 2(1,4,6,8,10,11,12 ) yesPart ThreePractice oneExercise 1(3,6,9) yesExercise 21. six2. four3.1954. broad5. slim6. extended7. short8. elbows9. knees 10. size-14 11. lungs 12. heartPractice TwoExercise 11. 19212. fit the child3. ordinary schools4. adult conception5. BarbaraExercise 21. good being2.wise3. realistic4. psychology5. freedom to be themselves6. discipline7. suggestion8. religious instruction9. scholars 10. scholars 11. street cleanersPractice ThreeExercise 11. c2.b3. c4. bExercise 21 F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. FPractice FourExercise11 a 2. c 3. d 4. aExercise 21.F2. T3.T4. T5.T6. TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.talent2.dancing3.creative4. early5. physical6. energy7. less8. curiosity9. particularly 10. cause 11. fundamental 12. meaning 13. superior 14. fluently 15. read 16. exceptional 17 preparation 18. fullySection II1.F2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7. F8. TSection III1. c2. a3. c4. b5. dKeys to the texts of book3Unit NinePart OneExercise 2 :1. c2. c E3. .c4. w5. w 6 c 7. c 8. c 9.c 10. w 11. w 12. w 13. c 14. w 15. w 16. c 17. w 18. wExercise 31.prefer; old- fashioned2. as old as3. account for4.own; play; earn a living5. very proud of6. had the chance7. hills; small bridges; singing of birds8. full of energy9. holes; buttons; precise; notes 10.indirectly; individualistic 11. places great importance on 12. a universal languagePart TwoListening IExercise 11 restaurants, airports supermarkets; banks 2. attitudes; in the right mood ; a better feeling; the people around him; happy; work better 3. world war II 4. happy; calm ; a machine; kinds of music ; different times; faster ; slowerExercise 21. T2. F3.F4.T5.T6. F7. T8.FListening IIExercise 11.eases their minds; operations2. classical; instrumental Jazz;folk music 3. reduce tension; 50 male doctors; Mathematics ; 1. quickly 2. calmly 3. chosen for them 4. no music 5. the worst sleepyExercise 21. T2. F3.T4. F5. FPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. b 19622.d 19633.a 19644. c 1970Exercise 21. their own style2. the nature3. sounds; experimented4. songs; records5. films ; awardsPractice TwoExercise 11. (1) (2) (3)2.(2) (1)Exercise 21. picks the strings2. as hard as3. makes the notes4. on the string5. manages the bowExercise 3.1. learn2. carry3. popular4. satisfying5. progress6. easiest7. less satisfying8. most difficultPractice ThreeExercise 11. T2. T3. T4. F5. F6. F7. F8. TExercise 2。



Unit 1Part OneExercise 21. Mike C2. Sam E3. Ted D4. Simon A5. Lilly BExercise 31. avoid power2. social outgoing3. reputation4. despite wittiest5. make up for protective6. describes7. perfectionist critical 8. matches 9. traits improved10. get rid of characteristicsPart TwoListening I Exercise 11. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. T Exercise 21) outside world 2) at home 3) wave hello 4) bow5) look straight in the eyes of 6) openly7) look at my feet8) shy and silentListening II Exercise 11. sensitive/ caring independent / understanding2. good friend3. life people4. learning being awareExercise 21. B2. C3. A4. D5. BPart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 11. ice-skating2. chemistry3. outgoing bright funny4. moody self-centered5. wavy blond medium height6. unner-upExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5. F 6 T Practice Two Exercise 11. Four2. Colleagues3. Teacher4. Susan5. Barbara\Exercise 21) Paul D E J 2) Susan B F 3) Maria C H4) Peter A G IPractice Three Exercise 11. Pedro energetic2. Mr. Miller patient3. Mr. Smith honest4. Jake stubborn5. Mrs. Duke creativePractice Four Exercise 11) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) TExercise 21) flattering 2) critical 3) popular 4) reserved 5) EnglishPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11) upset 2) sensible 3) lecture 4) calm5) strength6) landed 7) waving 8) perfectly 9) wildly 10) beeSection II1. B2. B3. D4. B5. D6. A7. C 8. BSection III1) secretary 2) hard-working 3) efficient 4) private5) army officer 6) help 7) fond8) independent9) shy 10) fifteenUnit 2Part OneExercise 21. C2. B3. D4. B5.AExercise 31. in your hand used to belong to2. practicing with3. talked to each other why not4. ask for find a way5. manage to his own love6. so foolishly jealous7. all three of them8. peacePart TwoListening I Exercise 11. B2. B3. A4. B5. CExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. T5. F6. TListening II Exercise 11. A2. A3. B4. C5. C Exercise 21. T2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F Listening III Exercise 11) stayed around 2) mouse catcher 3)rats and mice4) got a paw 5) weak and thin 6) make a wooden paw7) fastened it 8) grow sleek and fat9) managed10) peered out cautiously 11) seized it with 12) eighteen micePart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 11. B2. A3. A4. C5. DExercise 21. F2.T3. T4. F5.T 6 F 7.F 8.TPractice Two Exercise 11. C D J2. A E G H3. B F IExercise 21. A 2 .B 3. D 4.C 5. B 6. D Practice Three Exercise 11. B2. D3. C4. D5. AExercise 21. F2. T3. F4. F5.F6. TPractice Four Exercise 11. B 2 . C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A Exercise 21. F2. F3. T4. T5.FPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. C 2 . B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. CSection II1. T2. F3. F4. F5.T6. F7. T8. TSection III1.18672. shipped ( If these cattle could be brought to Abilene, they could be put on trains and shipped to cities in the North and East.)3. millionaire4. land5. cattle6. million7. cowboys 8. camera 9. hero 10. adventuresUnit 3Part OneExercise 21. D2. C3. B4. E5.AExercise 31. T2. F3. T4. T5.T 6 T 7.F 8.F 9. T 10. FPart TwoListening I Exercise 11. B2. C3. D4. AExercise 21. F2. T3. F4. T5. F6. TListening II Exercise 11. B2. D3. A4. DExercise 21. 30s2. male3. 1.904. long wavy5. heavily built6. light red sweater7. beardListening III Exercise 11. B2. C3. D4. AExercise 21. 4. 5.7Part Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 11. natural riches2.) desert 3) extinction4) species5) oxygen 6) economic 7) conservation8) valuable income9) awareness 10) slow downExercise 21. T2. F3. F4. TPractice Two Exercise 11. F2. F3. T4. TExercise 21. South America / pet food / enough protein/ develop2. much more/ Asia /Africa3. position / natural resources /gone down/steady4. continued to rise5. getting richer and richerPractice Three Exercise 11. the first few seconds2. so thin3. beings from another planet4. focused on5. looked directly at6. All around7. until now8. despair, grief and disgust 9. started crying10. who was sleeping peacefullyExercise 21. 2. 3.5.8Practice Four Exercise 11. B 2 . C 3. A 4. CExercise 21) love 2) together 3) mother 4) house5) school6) friends 7) father 8) month 9) beach 10) callPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11) complained about 2) work 3) got out of 4) on the ground 5) shocked 6) cold-blooded killing 7) investigation 8)drug dealing 9) concern 10) against 11) strong views 12) using drugs 13) too early 14) respectable 15) accused ofSection II1. C 2 . B 3. A 4. B 5. CSection III1. overcrowded cities2. poverty, disease3. the drift4. registration5. resentment6. attractive7. educa¥tion services 8. rural lifeUnit 4Part OneExercise 21. Computer programmer2. computer engineering3. internship4. lecture competition5. computer programming skills6. impatient7. constructive 8. medical research 9. management10. ¥3,600Exercise 31. 2.4. 6. 8. 9.11.12Part TwoListening I Exercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests / important and challenging3. education promotion educated persons4. parents, teachers / benefit /give careful thought /useful suggestions / personal qualities5. getting money / our future happiness/ combinationListening II Exercise 11. choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3.different professions4.Children’s impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignoranceExercise 21. T2. T3. F4. T5. F6. TPart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 11. D2. D3. A4. BExercise 21. sales manager2. salary3. sales commission4. a car5. travel round in6. experience7. university8. on a teamPractice Two Exercise 11.B2.B3. A4.C5. CExercise 21. 65 words 2 . 90 to 100 words3. with languages / translate letters/ answer the phone/ foreign visitors/ second foreign languagePractice Three Exercise 11. C2. A3. B4. D5. BExercise 21. ADF2. BF3. ACEPractice Four Exercise 11.sensitive extroverted2.kids3.doing a good job4. tolerance level5. patientExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5.TPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. 100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers many professionals5. 8:00 to 4:006. eight-hour shifts7. Monday Thursday Saturdays Sundays8.choose their own working hours/freedom of choice /happy withSection II1. D2. A3. A4. C5. DSection III1. B2. C3. C4. D5. AUnit 5Part OneExercise 21. B2. A3. C4. E5. D6. F Exercise 31. over long distances2. look into3. five times4. individual / group5. sex-specific / males, females, strangers6. great apes7. teach /own kind8. raised/ held / look bigger9. round/ tail –wagging 10. feeding/ every directionPart TwoListening I Exercise 11. plays/ real people/ real life/ emotional problem/ loyalty/ popular2. public speech / make themselves taller/ political one-sided3. soft-soap/ praise/ kindExercise 21. F2. F3. T4. T5.T6.TListening II Exercise 11. C2. A3. DExercise 21. be understood easily2. necessary/ desirable3. splendid4. prevents from achieving5. anxiety / effectPart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 11. D2. A3. B4. A5. B Exercise 21. permission / apply for2. application form / Web site3. regular mail / fax4. traveler’s checks/ credit cardsPractice Two Exercise 12. 3. 5Exercise 21. T2. F3. F4. T5.T6.T Exercise 31. other native languages2. two3. more4. of their choice5. Spanish6. Indian Spanish7. English8. German9. FrenchPractice Three Exercise 11. learner/ teacher/ curriculum2. aptitude/ expectations/ goalsExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5.TPractice Four Exercise 11. C2. C3. A4. BExercise 21. Eggs and Toast2. realistic/ goals/ far better than/ forgetting3.determined/ personality/ culture4. unusual/ recite aloudPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. religions2. exist3. 40,0004. cave5. moon6. birth7. records8.agree9. by10. sense11. ourselves 12. inhabitSection II1. F2. T3. F4. T5.F6.T7.T8. TSection III1. A2. D3. C4. D5. B6. AUnit 6Part OneExercise 21. D2. A3. B4. C5. C6. A Exercise 31. farm animals /hold / feed2. small pets3. bury/ toss them out4. real shame5. dangerous/ destructive/bring disease6.have a point7. humanely /limit8. time/ money/ warm place9. isolated/ company 10. storm of debate Part TwoListening I Exercise 11. B2. C3. D4. BExercise 21. T2. F3. F4. F5.T6.TListening II Exercise 11. Her son2. snake/ crocodile3. quiet4. picky/ particularExercise 21. big2. dogs3. tiger4.bit5. cat6. friendly7. eat 8. clean 9. wash 10. space 11. noisy 12. train13. speak 14. keep 15. quietPart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 11. 21. A2. B3. C4. A5.DPractice Two Exercise 11.3Exercise 21. for free2. small donation3. $204. hundreds5. eat little6. $507. annual shots8. numerous shots9. diseasePractice Three Exercise 11. C2. B3. D4. C5.AExercise Four Exercise 11. C2. C3. A4. B5.D Exercise 21. crowding / water/ grass2. what is happening/ low3. target practice/ over the area4. gotten rid of / stayPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. F2. T3. F4. T5.F6.T7.T8. F9.F 10.TSection II1. A2. C3. D4. B5. B6. BSection III1. conserve nature2. donation3. eggs4. meat5. oil6. handbags7. shoes8. fur coats9. ivory10. reduced11. 5,000 12. embarrassed 13. advertise the furs14. export bans 15. importation 16. turtlesUnit 7Part OneExercise 21. C2. B3. C4. D5. AExercise 31. fun holiday2. natural scenery/ historical interest3. summer/ too cold4. long history/ vast territory5. feed the monkeys6. as many places as possible7. you name it8. host city/ ancient civilization / modern architecture9. city wall / treat yourselves 10. express trainsPart TwoListening I Exercise 11. C2. B3. B4. C5. D6. A Exercise 2Flight number SN 862 SN 863Time 17:50 on July 11 15:10 on July14Listening II Exercise 1B C F G H IExercise 2Part 1 F T T TPart 2 F F T FPart 3 T T T T FPart Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 1Advantages ADH Disadvantages E Exercise 21. C2. D3. B4. CPractice Two Exercise 11. seedy2. company3. shared4. noisy5. early6. private7. booking 8. convenient 9. restaurants 10. bathroomsExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. TPractice Three Exercise 11. Fuel2. Water3. Vehicles4. clothesExercise 21. passing lorries2. enough water3. drinking4. vehicle5. emergency6. self-sufficient7. car repairs8. cost mush / or be costly 9. sweaters 10. European winterPractice Four Exercise 1Occupations B a. actress A. b. actress and author1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) B 6) A 7)A 8) BExercise 21. T2. F3. F4. F5.F6.T7.F8. TPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. F2. T3. T4. T5.FSection II1. B2. C3. C4. C5. A6. D Section III1. D2. B3. C4. D5. AUnit 8Part OneExercise 2Section A 5,7,1,4,6,3,2Section B 1) F H I 2) A 3) CEJ 4) BDGJExercise 31. passed out/ in shock2. back and forth3. knows the reason why4. no doubt/ living without her5. plays a great role6. brilliant boy7. very few cases8. deny/ nature9. bright or not/ CAN 10. thicker than/ genetic relationship11. react to / not to mention 12. hard decisionPart TwoListening I Exercise 11.F2.F3. T4. F5. TExercise 21. genes2. sex3. blood4. tooth5. mirror6. left-handed7. right-handed8. language9. young 10. alike 11. separated 12. apart 13. careers 14. interestsListening II Exercise 11. B2. D3. A4. DExercise 21. 4. 6. 8. 10. 11. 12Part Three More ListeningPractice One Exercise 13. 6. 9Exercise 21. six2. four3. 1954. broad5. slim6. extended7. short 8. elbows 9. knees 10. size-14 11. lungs 12. heartPractice Two Exercise 11.19212. fit the child3. ordinary schools4. adult conceptionExercise 21. good being2. wise3. realistic4. psychology5. freedom to be themselves6. discipline7. suggestion8. religious instruction 9. scholars10. scholars 11. street cleanersPractice Three Exercise 11. C2. B3. C4. BExercise 2 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5.FPractice Four Exercise 11) A 2) C 3) D 4) AExercise 21. F2. T3. T4. T5.T6.T Part Four Testing YourselfSection 11. talent2. dancing3.creative4. early5.physical6. energy7. less8. curiosity9. particularly 10. cause11. fundamental 12. meaning 13. superior14. fluently15. read 16. exceptional 17. preparation 18. fullySection II1. F2. T3. F4. F5. T6. F7.F 8 TSection III1. C2. A3. C4. B5.DUnit 9Part OneExercise 21. C2. C3. C4. W5. W6. C7. C8.C9.C 10.W11. W 12. W 13. C 14. W 15. W 16.C 17. W 18.WExercise 31. prefer / old-fashioned2. as old as3. account for4. own/ play/ earn a living5. very proud of6. 1.5 billion / had the chance7. hills / small bridges/ singing of birds8. full of energy9. holes / buttons/ precise notes 10. indirectly/ individualistic11. places great importance 12. a universal languagePart TwoListening I Exercise 11. restaurants/ airports/ supermarkets / banks2. A. attitudes/ in the right moodB. a better feeling/ the people around himC. happy/ work better3. A. World War II / happy/ calmB. a machine/ kinds of music / different times/ faster/ slowerExercise 21. T2. F3. F4. T5.T6.F7. T8. FListening II Exercise 11. eases their minds / operations2. classical / instrumental jazz3. A. reduce tension B. 50 / fifty male doctors C. MathematicsD. 1) quickly 2) calmly 3) chosen for them 4) No music5) the worstExercise 21. T2. F3. T4. F5.FPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 1B D A CExercise 21. their own style2. the nature3. sounds / experimented4. songs records5. films/ awardsPractice Two Exercise 11. 1) 2) 3)2. 2) 1)Exercise 21. picks the strings2. as hard as3. makesthe notes4. on the strings5. manages the bow Exercise 31. learn2. carry3. popular4. satisfying5. progress6. easiest7. less satisfying8. most difficultPractice Three Exercise 11. T2. T3. T4. F5.F6.F7.F8. TExercise 2Bruce Springsteen: communicative, direct, exciting, simplerSting: naturalPeter Gabriel:musicalBranford Marsalis: brilliant, humorous Youssou N’Dour:not so heavy/ rhythmic/ sophisticated/unusualPractice Four Exercise 11. A2. B3. A4. C5. AExercise 21. T2. N3. T4. F5.TPart Four Testing YourselfSection 11. T2. F3. F4. T5.F6.T7.T8.TSection II2. 4.7. 8. 10. 12Section III1. falling2. nice3. cold4. inside5. raining6. tears7. happen 8. arms 9. fire 10. goneUnit 10Part OneExercise 21. F2. F3. T4. F5.T6.F7. T8. TExercise 31. terrible rubbish / deafening/ stand2. slow-paced/ peaceful3. concentration on them4. dreamt of / afford5. dwell on the past / more freedom5. keep up with/ totally different 7. have a date8. on the Net/ not unusual 9. adapt to / we have been saying10. kept complaining / let it bePart TwoListening IExercise 1 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. BExercise 2 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5.FListening II Exercise 11. quietly2. myself3. pity4. sympathy5. Understanding6. favor7. rocking8. wrong9. tired10. lazy11. same 12. luckyPart Three More ListeningPractice OneExercise 1 1. name of the ship2. number of people/ passengers3. names of the people/ passengersExercise 21. N2. F3. T4. F5. TPractice TwoExercise 1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8. TExercise 21. marvelous2. shines3. lovely4. little team5. the best players6. football stadium7. public8. name 9. notice board 10. in two weeksPractice ThreeExercise 11. beginners’2. copy down3. days of the week4. an 8th day5. sure enough6. convince7. Australia8. that oneExercise 2 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.TPractice FourExercise 11. work, family, health, friends, spirit2. work / bounce back / marked/ damaged Exercise 21. undermine your worth2. special3. set your goals4. take for granted5. meaningless6. slip through your fingers7. all the days 8. give up 9. stop trying10. encounter risks11. to be brave 12. shut 13. give 14. hold 15. wings16. learn 17. treasure 18. retrieved 19. race 20. journeyPart Four Testing YourselfSection I 1. D 2. B 3. D 4.C 5. A Section II 1. C 2. B 3. D 4.A 5. B Section III1. interpret2. forest3. flowers4. chased5.run6. catch7. jumped8. giant9.long 10.black11. white 12. shaking 13. wet 14. sweet15. delicious16. angel 17. grave 18. nights 19. days 20. taste。



Keys to the texts of book3Unit OnePart OneExercise 2 :1. Mike C2. Sam E3. .Ted D4. Simon A5. Lilly BExercise 31. avoid; power2. social; outgoing3. reputation;4. despite; wittiest5. make up for; protective6. describe7. perfectionist; critical8. matches9. traits; improved 10. get rid of; characteristicsPart TwoListening IExercise 11 F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. TExercise 21. outside world2. at home3.wave hello4. bow5.look straight in the eye6. openly7. look at my feet 8. shy and silentListening IIExercise 11.sensitive; caring2. good friend3.life; people4.leaving ; being awareExercise 21. b2. c3. a4. d5. bPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. ice-skating2. chemistry3.outgoing;bright; funny4. moody; self-centered5.wavy blond; medium size6. runner-up Exercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice TwoExercise 11. 42.collogues3.teacher4. Susan5. BarbaraExercise 21. DEJ2.BF 3CH 4. AGIPractice ThreeWhat kind of people are they?Exercise 11.Pedro energetic2.Mr. Miller patient3.Mr. Smith honest4.Jake stubborn5.Mrs.Duke creativeExercise 21.favourite way to relax2.how to divide3.bad unripe4.stiff sore5.fastening a basketball hoopPractice FourExercise11 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. TExercise 21.flattering2.critical3.popular4. reserved5.English Exercise 31.understand the Scots’ English2.the friendliest3.most hospitable4.much nicer5.English courtesy6.no views on the matter/ no commentsPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.upset2. sensible3. lecture4. calm5. strength6. landed7. waving 8. perfectly 9. wildly 10. beeSection II My history teacher1. b2. b3. d4. b5. d6. a7. c8. bSection III What do you think of yourself?1. secretary2. hardworking3. efficient4. private5. army officer6.help7. fond8. independent9. shy 10. fifteenUnit TwoPart OneExercise 2 :1. C2. E3. D4. B5.AExercise 31.in your hand; used to belong2. practicing with3.talk to each other; why not4. ask for; find a way5. manage to; his own love6. so foolishly jealous7. all three of them8.peadePart TwoListening IExercise 11 B 2.B 3.A 4. B 5. CExercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. a2. a3.b4. c5. cExercise 21. T2. F3.T4. T5. F6.FListening IIIExercise 11. stayed around2. mouse catcher3. rats and mice4. got a paw5. weak and thin6.make a wooden paw7. fastened it8. grow sleek and fat9. managed10. peered out cautiously11. seized it with 12.eighteen micePart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. b2. a3.a4. c5.dExercise 21 F 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F 8. T Practice TwoExercise 11.C DJ2.AEGH 3BFIExercise 21.a2.b3.d4.c5. b6. dPractice ThreeExercise 11. b2.d3.c4. d5.aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice FourExercise11. b2. c3. b4. a5. d6. a Exercise 21 F 2. F 3.T4. T 5. FPart Four Testing yourselfSection I Little Red Riding Hood1. c2. b3. c4. b5. a6. cSection II Spider, Hare and moon1 T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T. 6. F 7. T 8. TSection III The legend of the cowboy1. 18672. shipped3. millionaire4. land5. cattlelion7.cowboys8. camera9. hero 10.adventuresUnit ThreePart OneExercise 2 :1.D2. C3.B4. E5. AExercise 31.T2. F3. T4. T5. T6.T7. F8. F9. T10. FPart TwoListening IExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. b2. d3. a4. dExercise 21.30’s2.male3. 1.904.long ; wavy5. heavily built6. light red sweater7. beardListening IIIExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 2( yesPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. natural riches2. desert3.extinction4. species5.oxygen6.econimic development7. conservation8. valuable income9. awareness 10. slow downExercise 21 T 2. F 3.F 4.TPractice TwoExercise 11. F2. F3. T4. TExercise 21.south America; pet food; enough protein; develop2.much more;Asia; Africa 3.position; natural resources; gone down; steady 4.continue to rise 5. getting richer and richerPractice ThreeExercise 11.the first few seconds2.so thin3.beings from another planet4.focused on5. looked directly at6. All around7. until now8. despair grief and disgust9. started crying 10. who was sleeping peachfullyExercise 2( yesPractice FourExercise11 b 2.c 3.a 4.cExercise 21.love2.together3.mother4. house5.school6. friends7. father8.mouth9.beach 10.callPart Four Testing yourselfSection Iplained about2.work3. got out of4.on the ground5. shocked6. cold-blooded killing7. investigation 8. drug dealing 9. common 10. against 11.strong views 12. using drugs 13. too early14. respectable 15 accused ofSection II1. c2. b3. a4. b5. cSection III1. over-crowded cities2. poverty disease3. the drift4. registration5. resentment6. attractive7. education services 8. rural lifeKeys to the texts of book3Unit fourPart OneExercise 2 :puter programmerputer engineering3. internship4. lecture; competitionputer programming skills6. impatient7. constructive8. medical research9. management 10. 3,600 Exercise 3( yesPart TwoListening IExercise 1( yesExercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests; interest us; important and challengingcation ;. promotion; educated persons4.parents ; teachers ; benefit; give careful thought; useful suggestion; personal qualities;5. getting money; our future happiness; combinationListening IIExercise 11.choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3. different professions4. children’s impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignorance1.T2. T3. F4. T5. F6. TPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11 d 2.d 3.a4. bExercise 21.sales manager2. salary3.sales commission4. a car5.travel around in 6. experiences7. university 8. on a teamPractice TwoExercise 11. b2.b3. a4. c5. cExercise 21. 65 words2.90 to 100 words3.with languages; translate letters,answer the phone; foreign visitors ; a second foreign language Practice ThreeExercise 11. c2.a3. b4. d5. bExercise 21. ADF2.BF3. ACEPractice FourExercise12.sensitive; extroverted 2.kids3.doing a good job4. tolerance level5.patientExercise 21 T 2. F 3T 4. F 5. TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers and many professionals5.8:00 ; to 4:006.eight-hour shifts7.Monday; Thursday ; Saturdays ; Sundays8. choose their own working hours; freedom of choice; happy with Section II1.d2. a3. a4. c5. dSection III1. b2. c3. c4. d5. aKeys to the texts of book3Unit FivePart OneExercise 2 :1. B2. A3. C4. E5. D6. FExercise 31. over long distances2. look into it3. five times4.individual; group5. sex-specific;; males; females; strangers6. great apes7. teach ; own kind8. raised ; held; look bigger9. round ; tail-wagging10.feeding; every directionListening IExercise 11. plays; real people; real life; emotional problem; loyalty2. public speech; make themselves taller; political ; one-sided3.soft-soap; praise; kindExercise 21 F 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. T 6. TListening IIExercise 11. c2. a3. dExercise 21.be understood easily2.necessary; desirable3.splendid4.prevents;from achieving5. anxiety; effectPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. d2. a3. b4. a5.bExercise 21 permission ;apply for 2. application form; web site 3.regular mail; fax 4.traveler’s checks; credit cardsPractice Two(2.3.5) yesExercise 21.T2. F3. F4. T5.T.6.TExercise 31. other native languages2. two3. more4. of their choice5. Spanish6. Indian’s Spanish7. English;8. German 9. FrenchPractice ThreeExercise 11. learner; teacher; curriculum2. aptitude; expectations; goals Exercise 21.T2. F3. T4. F5.T.Practice FourExercise11 c 2. c 3.a 4. bExercise 21. eggs and toast2. realistic; goals; far better than; forgetting3. determined; personality .culture4. unusual ; recite aloudPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1. religions2. exist3. 40,0004. cave5. moon6. birth7.records 8. agree 9. by 10. sense 11. ourselves 12.inhabit Section II1. F2. T3. F .4. T5. F6. T7.T8. TSection III1. a2. d3. c4. d5.b6. a。



视听说第三册第一单元1、H e will help the woman to carry the suitcases2、J ohn.3、T hree days before Christmas4、S kate5、i n the evening before dinner6、、At least one month before one goes.7、At least one month before one goes.8 Pressure9. Divide the weight eve nly.10. a lot of problems will be preve nted from happe ning11. 18 hours12. She nzhe n.13. four14. A quarter of the fare.15. About 350 dollars.22. F23. F24. T26. F27. dow n28.i nstead of29」ike30. architectural31. famous32. no thi ng33. someday34. really35. in credible hotel36. stay at1. The soup is probably in the microwave oven.2. In an office building.3. "No hanging out during daytime."4. Whether her son can mix easily.5. next Tuesday6. 11 years old7. Vegetable and beef.8. an oral book report10. I felt relaxed11. Fresh12. To preve nt the n eedles from drying out13. m ake it a party activity14. candy15. Ask ing every one to br ing someth ing and the nhav ing a competiti on.22. T23. T24. F25. F26. F27. fly aro und28. were able to29. fu nnier30. a n end31. viole nee32. big time33. defin itely34. warmer36.a while第三单元1. Visit his grandma in New Jersey2. To be a pilot.3. Applying online for graduate study4. jobs are difficult to find5. jobs are difficult to find6. Change7. Because they don't think that they will master the new skills8. they see a payoff for them9. all the possible sce narios10. They realize that change is a part of everything.11. I became stron ger12. Can dle13. I still had to wear gloves.14. to be sympathetic with people in suffering15. I must do everyth ing with passi on22. T23. T24. F25. F27. keys to28. affordable29. Why for you30. some of31. AII our32. built with33. Take a look34. sorry35. comfortable36. This is第四单元1、T he patient should have his temperature taken2、S he wants to stop her own toothache3、T he chemistry quiz4、h e wants to ask for a sick leave5、h e surfed the Internet till late last night6、h eat faintness7、H eatstroke8、y ou have to remove his sweaty clothes9、B ecause heat builds up in the body11、Quitting smoking with no medical help12、angry13、Sleeping and watching TV14、you want to replace the taste of cigarettes with something else15、They are useless if you don't use them22、T23、F24、F25、F26、T27、busy28、work nights29、7:3030、get dressed31、roommates32、for lunch33、from Korea34、computer scienee35、there's第五单元1、the library2、go traveling3、Cathy hadn't got a flu shot4、Nothing5、fill out a form6、Nearly 10007、adults8、study and extra-curricular activities9、He can find such information through the school website10、Dining options11、containers12、Drawing out knowledge from the student13、the ability to come to conclusions14、Because he was stuffed with various facts15、oysters23、F24、T25、F26、F28、requires29、most importantly30、with customers31、in sales32、really33、good at34、sales experienee35、present eompany36、since last year37、salesperson第六单元1、555-271-60252、His cell phone is very new3、On eBay4、Instant messaging5、Josh shows Jessica how to watch TV on the cell phone6、Because there are so many network services in the country7、a prepaid cell phone service8、Four10、cheaper rates11、four12、Because it studied drivers who were treated for injuries in car accide nts13、make emergency calls14、mechanical15、Fewer cell phone road accidents will happen23、F24、T25、T26、F27、F28、electronics29、cameras30、easy to use31、chatting online32、downloading33、friends34、California35、on the phone36、surf第七单元1、He knows how to play hockey2、Disappo in ted3、an extreme sport4、both watching skateboarding and doing it5、Three mon ths6、A runner runs for an organized race, but a jogger does not.7、strengthen the heart8、help you maintain it9、By running every day10、help to overcome your problems11、beat the summer heat12、one tenth13、3 calories per mile14、A feeling of well-being15、Reducing injuries23、T24、F26、F27、F28、painting29、Me too30、the phone31、right now32、have a date33、house34、watching TV35、sleeping36、too bad37、up to1、A book2、She is stronger than her husband3、women's social responsibilities4、Her boss never gives her real responsibilities5、the wife does n't thi nk that wome n are treated fairly7、Developing your personalities8、One can still ben efit from dati ng9、They don't truly understand each other10、every woman has something to offer every man11、emotional12、They will express their thoughts about it13、Because she wan ts to have some one who will liste n to her14、To another man, over a bottle of beer15、putting everything together23、T24、F25、F26、F27、T28、favorite29、independence of America30、the fireworks31、takes place32、summertime33、During34、traditional dish36、visiting37、family members。



Keys to the texts of book3Unit OnePart OneExercise 2 :1. Mike C2. Sam E3. .Ted D4. Simon A5. Lilly BExercise 31. avoid; power2. social; outgoing3. reputation;4. despite; wittiest5. make up for; protective6. describe7. perfectionist; critical8. matches9. traits; improved 10. get rid of; characteristicsPart TwoListening IExercise 11 F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. TExercise 21. outside world2. at home3.wave hello4. bow5.look straight in the eye6. openly7. look at my feet 8. shy and silentListening IIExercise 11.sensitive; caring2. good friend3.life; people4.leaving ; being awareExercise 21. b2. c3. a4. d5. bPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. ice-skating2. chemistry3.outgoing;bright; funny4. moody; self-centered5.wavy blond; medium size6. runner-up Exercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice TwoExercise 11. 42.collogues3.teacher4. Susan5. BarbaraExercise 21. DEJ2.BF 3CH 4. AGIPractice ThreeWhat kind of people are they?Exercise 11.Pedro energetic2.Mr. Miller patient3.Mr. Smith honest4.Jake stubborn5.Mrs.Duke creativeExercise 21.favourite way to relax2.how to divide3.bad unripe4.stiff sore5.fastening a basketball hoopPractice FourExercise11 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. TExercise 21.flattering2.critical3.popular4. reserved5.English Exercise 31.understand the Scots’ English2.the friendliest3.most hospitable4.much nicer5.English courtesy6.no views on the matter/ no commentsPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.upset2. sensible3. lecture4. calm5. strength6. landed7. waving 8. perfectly 9. wildly 10. beeSection II My history teacher1. b2. b3. d4. b5. d6. a7. c8. bSection III What do you think of yourself?1. secretary2. hardworking3. efficient4. private5. army officer6.help7. fond8. independent9. shy 10. fifteenUnit TwoPart OneExercise 2 :1. C2. E3. D4. B5.AExercise 31.in your hand; used to belong2. practicing with3.talk to each other; why not4. ask for; find a way5. manage to; his own love6. so foolishly jealous7. all three of them8.peadePart TwoListening IExercise 11 B 2.B 3.A 4. B 5. CExercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. a2. a3.b4. c5. cExercise 21. T2. F3.T4. T5. F6.FListening IIIExercise 11. stayed around2. mouse catcher3. rats and mice4. got a paw5. weak and thin6.make a wooden paw7. fastened it8. grow sleek and fat9. managed10. peered out cautiously11. seized it with 12.eighteen micePart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. b2. a3.a4. c5.dExercise 21 F 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F 8. T Practice TwoExercise 11.C DJ2.AEGH 3BFIExercise 21.a2.b3.d4.c5. b6. dPractice ThreeExercise 11. b2.d3.c4. d5.aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice FourExercise11. b2. c3. b4. a5. d6. a Exercise 21 F 2. F 3.T4. T 5. FPart Four Testing yourselfSection I Little Red Riding Hood1. c2. b3. c4. b5. a6. cSection II Spider, Hare and moon1 T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T. 6. F 7. T 8. TSection III The legend of the cowboy1. 18672. shipped3. millionaire4. land5. cattlelion7.cowboys8. camera9. hero 10.adventuresUnit ThreePart OneExercise 2 :1.D2. C3.B4. E5. AExercise 31.T2. F3. T4. T5. T6.T7. F8. F9. T10. FPart TwoListening IExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. b2. d3. a4. dExercise 21.30’s2.male3. 1.904.long ; wavy5. heavily built6. light red sweater7. beardListening IIIExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 2( yesPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. natural riches2. desert3.extinction4. species5.oxygen6.econimic development7. conservation8. valuable income9. awareness 10. slow downExercise 21 T 2. F 3.F 4.TPractice TwoExercise 11. F2. F3. T4. TExercise 21.south America; pet food; enough protein; develop2.much more;Asia; Africa 3.position; natural resources; gone down; steady 4.continue to rise 5. getting richer and richerPractice ThreeExercise 11.the first few seconds2.so thin3.beings from another planet4.focused on5. looked directly at6. All around7. until now8. despair grief and disgust9. started crying 10. who was sleeping peachfullyExercise 2( yesPractice FourExercise11 b 2.c 3.a 4.cExercise 21.love2.together3.mother4. house5.school6. friends7. father8.mouth9.beach 10.callPart Four Testing yourselfSection Iplained about2.work3. got out of4.on the ground5. shocked6. cold-blooded killing7. investigation 8. drug dealing 9. common 10. against 11.strong views 12. using drugs 13. too early14. respectable 15 accused ofSection II1. c2. b3. a4. b5. cSection III1. over-crowded cities2. poverty disease3. the drift4. registration5. resentment6. attractive7. education services 8. rural lifeKeys to the texts of book3Unit fourPart OneExercise 2 :puter programmerputer engineering3. internship4. lecture; competitionputer programming skills6. impatient7. constructive8. medical research9. management 10. 3,600 Exercise 3( yesPart TwoListening IExercise 1( yesExercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests; interest us; important and challengingcation ;. promotion; educated persons4.parents ; teachers ; benefit; give careful thought; useful suggestion; personal qualities;5. getting money; our future happiness; combinationListening IIExercise 11.choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3. different professions4. children’s impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignorance1.T2. T3. F4. T5. F6. TPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11 d 2.d 3.a4. bExercise 21.sales manager2. salary3.sales commission4. a car5.travel around in 6. experiences7. university 8. on a teamPractice TwoExercise 11. b2.b3. a4. c5. cExercise 21. 65 words2.90 to 100 words3.with languages; translate letters,answer the phone; foreign visitors ; a second foreign language Practice ThreeExercise 11. c2.a3. b4. d5. bExercise 21. ADF2.BF3. ACEPractice FourExercise12.sensitive; extroverted 2.kids3.doing a good job4. tolerance level5.patientExercise 21 T 2. F 3T 4. F 5. TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers and many professionals5.8:00 ; to 4:006.eight-hour shifts7.Monday; Thursday ; Saturdays ; Sundays8. choose their own working hours; freedom of choice; happy with Section II1.d2. a3. a4. c5. dSection III1. b2. c3. c4. d5. aKeys to the texts of book3Unit FivePart OneExercise 2 :1. B2. A3. C4. E5. D6. FExercise 31. over long distances2. look into it3. five times4.individual; group5. sex-specific;; males; females; strangers6. great apes7. teach ; own kind8. raised ; held; look bigger9. round ; tail-wagging10.feeding; every directionListening IExercise 11. plays; real people; real life; emotional problem; loyalty2. public speech; make themselves taller; political ; one-sided3.soft-soap; praise; kindExercise 21 F 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. T 6. TListening IIExercise 11. c2. a3. dExercise 21.be understood easily2.necessary; desirable3.splendid4.prevents;from achieving5. anxiety; effectPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. d2. a3. b4. a5.bExercise 21 permission ;apply for 2. application form; web site 3.regular mail; fax 4.traveler’s checks; credit cardsPractice Two(2.3.5) yesExercise 21.T2. F3. F4. T5.T.6.TExercise 31. other native languages2. two3. more4. of their choice5. Spanish6. Indian’s Spanish7. English;8. German 9. FrenchPractice ThreeExercise 11. learner; teacher; curriculum2. aptitude; expectations; goals Exercise 21.T2. F3. T4. F5.T.Practice FourExercise11 c 2. c 3.a 4. bExercise 21. eggs and toast2. realistic; goals; far better than; forgetting3. determined; personality .culture4. unusual ; recite aloudPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1. religions2. exist3. 40,0004. cave5. moon6. birth7.records 8. agree 9. by 10. sense 11. ourselves 12.inhabit Section II1. F2. T3. F .4. T5. F6. T7.T8. TSection III1. a2. d3. c4. d5.b6. a。



新编大学英语视听说3纯答案版Unit 3Part OneExe 2 D C B E AExe 3 T F T T T T F F T FPart TwoListening IExe 1 BCDA Exe 2 FTFTFTListening IIExe 1 BDADExe 2 30s, male, 1.90, long wavy, heavy built, light red sweater, beardListening IIIExe 1 BCDA Exe 2 1, 4, 5, 7Part ThreePractice OneExe 1 1) natural riches, 2) desert, 3) extinction, 4) species, 5) oxygen, 6) economic development, 7) conservation, 8) valuable income, 9) awareness, 10) slow downExe 2 TFFTPractice TwoExe 1 FFTTExe 2 1) South America, pet food, enough protein, develop2) much more, Asia, Africa3) position, natural resources, gone down, steady4) continued to rise5) getting richer and richerPractice ThreeExe 1 1) the few seconds, 2) so thin, 3) beings from anotherplanet, 4) focused on, 5) looked directly at, 6) All around, 7) until now, 8) despair grief and disgust, 9) started crying, 10) who was sleeping peacefullyExe 2 1,2,3,5,8Practice FourExe 1 BCACExe 2 love, together, mother, house, school, friends, father, month, beach, callPart FourSection I complained about, work, got out of, on the ground, shocked, cold-blooded killing, investigation, drug dealing, concern, against, strong views, using drugs, too early, respectable, accused ofSection II CBABCSection III 1) overcrowded cities, 2) poverty, disease, 3) the drift, 4) registration, 5) resentment, 6) attractive, 7) education services, 8) rural lifeUnit 4Part OneExe 2 1) computer programmer, 2) computer engineering, 3) internship, 4) lecture, competition, 5) computer programming skills, 6) impatient, 7) constructive, 8) medical, 9) management, 10) 3600Exe 3 1,2,4,6,8,9,11,12Part TwoListening IExe 1 2,3,4,5,7Exe 2 1)weaknesses, 2) similar abilities and interest, interest us, important and challenging3) education, promotion, educated persons4) parents, teachers, benefit, give careful thought, useful suggestions, personal qualities5) getting money, our future happiness, combination Listening IIExe 11)Choose their careers, 2) avoid certain careers3) different professions, 4) children’s impressions and prejudices, 5) lawyers, 6) accountants, 7) scientists, 8) most popular, 9) least popular, 10) ignoranceExe 2 TTFTFTPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 DDABExe 2 sales manager, salary, sales commission, a car, travel round in, experience, university, on a team Practice Two Exe 1 BBACCExe 2 1) 65 words, 2)90 to 100 words, 3) with languages, translate letters, answer the phone, foreign visitors, second foreign languagePractice ThreeExe 1 CABDBExe 2 1) ADF 2) BF 3) ACEPractice FourExe 1 1) sensitive extroverted, 2) kids, 3) doing a good job, 4) tolerance level, 5) patientExe 2 TFTFTPart FourSection I1.100 million2.35 to 403.7 to 84.Office workers, many professionals5.8:00 to 4:006.eight-hour shifts7.Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sundays8.choose their own working hours, freedom of choice, happy withSection II DAACDSection III BCCDAUnit 5Part OneExe 2 BACEDFExe 31.over long distances2.look into it3.five times4.individual, group5.sex-specific, males, females, strangers6.great apes7.teach, own kind8.raised, held, look bigger9.round, tail-wagging10.feeding, every directionPart TwoListening IExe 11.plays, real people, real life, emotional problem, loyalty, popular2.public speech, make themselves taller, political, one-sided3.soft-soap, praise, kindExe 2 FFTTTTListening IIExe 1 CADExe 21.be understood easily2.necessary, desirable3.splendid4.prevents, from achieving5.anxiety, effectPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 DABABExe 21.permission, apply for2.application form, Web site3.regular mail, fax4.traveler’s checks, credit cardsPractice TwoExe 1 2,3,5Exe 2 TFFTTTExe 3 1) other native languages, 2) two, 3) more, 4) of their choice, 5) Spanish, 6) Indians Spanish, 7) English, 8) German, 9) FrenchPractice ThreeExe11.learner, teacher, curriculum2.aptitude, expectations, goalsexe 2 TFTFTPractice FourExe 1 CCABExe 21.Eggs, Toast2.realistic, goals, far better than, forgetting3.determined, personality, culture,4.unusual, recite aloudPart FourSection Ireligions, exist, 40000, cave, moon, birth, records, agree, by, sense, ourselves, inhabitSection II FTFTFTTTSection III ADCDBAUnit 7Part OneExe 2 CBCDAExe 31.fun holiday2.natural scenery, historical interest3.summer, too cold4.long history, vast territory5.feed the monkeys6.as many places as possible7.you name it8.host city, ancient civilization, modern architecture9.city wall, treat yourselves10.express trainsPart TwoListening IExe 1 CBBCDAExe 2 SN 862 SN 86317:50, July 11 15:10, July 14 Listening IIExe 1 BCFGHIExe 21.FTTT2.FFTF3.TTTTFPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 ADHEExe 2 CDBCPractice TwoExe 1 seedy, company, shared, noisy, early, private, booking, convenient, restaurants, bathroomsExe 2 TFTTFTPractice ThreeExe11.Fuel2.Water3.Vehicles4.clothesExe 21.passing lorries2.enough water3.drinking4.vehicle5.emergency6.self-sufficient7.car repairs8.cost much, be costly9.sweaters10.European winterPractice FourExe 1 Occupations: B AHoliday: ABBABAABExe 2 TFFFFTFTPart FourSection I FTTTFSection II BCCCADSection III DBCDAUnit 9Part OneExe 2 CCCWWCCCCWWWCWWCWW Exe 31.prefer, old-fashioned2.as old as,3.account for4.own, play, earn a living5.very proud of6.1.5 billion, had the chance7.hills, small bridges, singing of birds8.full of energy9.holes, buttons, precise notes10.indirectly, individualistic11.places great importance on12. a universal languagePart TwoListening IExe 11.restaurants, airports, supermarkets, banks2.a. attitudes, in the right moodb. a better feeling, the people around himc. happy, work better3.a. World War II, happy, calmb. a machine, kind of music, different times, faster, slowerExe 2 TFFTTFTFListening IIExe 11.eases their minds, operations2.classical, instrumental jazz, folk music3. A. reduce tensionB. 50 male doctorsC. MathematicsD. quickly, calmly, chosen for them, No music, the worstE. sleepyExe 2 TFTFFPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 BDACExe 21.their own style2.the nature3.sounds, experimented4.songs, records5.films, awardsPractice TwoExe 1 1. 1) trumpet 2) piano 3) violin2. 2) piano 1) clarinetExe 2 picks the strings, as hard as, make the notes, on the strings, manages the bowExe 3 1) learn, 2) carry, 3) popular, 4) satisfying, 5) progress, 6) easiest, 7) less satisfying, 8) most difficult Practice ThreeExe1 TTTFFFFTExe 2 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 5, 5Practice FourExe 1 ABACAExe 2 TNTFTPart FourSection I TFFTFTTTSection II 2,4,7,8,10,12Section III falling, nice, cold, inside, raining, tears, happen, arms, fire, gone。



Keys to the texts of book3Unit OnePart OneExercise 2 :1. Mike C2. Sam E3. .Ted D4. Simon A5. Lilly BExercise 31. avoid; power2. social; outgoing3. reputation;4. despite; wittiest5. make up for; protective6. describe7. perfectionist; critical8. matches9. traits; improved 10. get rid of; characteristicsPart TwoListening IExercise 11 F 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. TExercise 21. outside world2. at home3.wave hello4. bow5.look straight in the eye6. openly7. look at my feet 8. shy and silentListening IIExercise 11.sensitive; caring2. good friend3.life; people4.leaving ; being awareExercise 21. b2. c3. a4. d5. bPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. ice-skating2. chemistry3.outgoing;bright; funny4. moody; self-centered5.wavy blond; medium size6. runner-up Exercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice TwoExercise 11. 42.collogues3.teacher4. Susan5. Barbara Exercise 21. DEJ2.BF 3CH 4. AGIPractice ThreeWhat kind of people are they?Exercise 11.Pedro energetic2.Mr. Miller patient3.Mr. Smith honest4.Jake stubborn5.Mrs.Duke creativeExercise 21.favourite way to relax2.how to divide3.bad unripe4.stiff sore5.fastening a basketball hoopPractice FourExercise11 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. TExercise 21.flattering2.critical3.popular4. reserved5.English Exercise 31.understand the Scots’ English2.the friendliest3.most hospitable4.much nicer5.English courtesy6.no views on the matter/ no commentsPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.upset2. sensible3. lecture4. calm5. strength6. landed7. waving 8. perfectly 9. wildly 10. beeSection II My history teacher1. b2. b3. d4. b5. d6. a7. c8. bSection III What do you think of yourself?1. secretary2. hardworking3. efficient4. private5. army officer6.help7. fond8. independent9. shy 10. fifteenUnit TwoPart OneExercise 2 :1. C2. E3. D4. B5.AExercise 31.in your hand; used to belong2. practicing with3.talk to each other; why not4. ask for; find a way5. manage to; his own love6. so foolishly jealous7. all three of them8.peadePart TwoListening IExercise 11 B 2.B 3.A 4. B 5. CExercise 21 T 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. a2. a3.b4. c5. cExercise 21. T2. F3.T4. T5. F6.FListening IIIExercise 11. stayed around2. mouse catcher3. rats and mice4. got a paw5. weak and thin6.make a wooden paw7. fastened it8. grow sleek and fat9. managed10. peered out cautiously11. seized it with 12.eighteen micePart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. b2. a3.a4. c5.dExercise 21 F 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F 8. T Practice TwoExercise 11.C DJ2.AEGH 3BFIExercise 21.a2.b3.d4.c5. b6. dPractice ThreeExercise 11. b2.d3.c4. d5.aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. F 6. TPractice FourExercise11. b2. c3. b4. a5. d6. a Exercise 21 F 2. F 3.T4. T 5. FPart Four Testing yourselfSection I Little Red Riding Hood1. c2. b3. c4. b5. a6. cSection II Spider, Hare and moon1 T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T. 6. F 7. T 8. TSection III The legend of the cowboy1. 18672. shipped3. millionaire4. land5. cattlelion7.cowboys8. camera9. hero 10.adventuresUnit ThreePart OneExercise 2 :1.D2. C3.B4. E5. AExercise 31.T2. F3. T4. T5. T6.T7. F8. F9. T10. FPart TwoListening IExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 21 F 2. T 3.F 4. T 5. F 6. TListening IIExercise 11. b2. d3. a4. dExercise 21.30’s2.male3. 1.904.long ; wavy5. heavily built6. light red sweater7. beardListening IIIExercise 11.b2. C3.d4. aExercise 2( yesPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. natural riches2. desert3.extinction4. species5.oxygen6.econimic development7. conservation8. valuable income9. awareness 10. slow downExercise 21 T 2. F 3.F 4.TPractice TwoExercise 11. F2. F3. T4. TExercise 21.south America; pet food; enough protein; develop2.much more;Asia; Africa 3.position; natural resources; gone down; steady 4.continue to rise 5. getting richer and richerPractice ThreeExercise 11.the first few seconds2.so thin3.beings from another planet4.focused on5. looked directly at6. All around7. until now8. despair grief and disgust9. started crying 10. who was sleeping peachfullyExercise 2( yesPractice FourExercise11 b 2.c 3.a 4.cExercise 21.love2.together3.mother4. house5.school6. friends7. father8.mouth9.beach 10.callPart Four Testing yourselfSection Iplained about2.work3. got out of4.on the ground5. shocked6. cold-blooded killing7. investigation 8. drug dealing 9. common 10. against 11.strong views 12. using drugs 13. too early14. respectable 15 accused ofSection II1. c2. b3. a4. b5. cSection III1. over-crowded cities2. poverty disease3. the drift4. registration5. resentment6. attractive7. education services 8. rural lifeKeys to the texts of book3Unit fourPart OneExercise 2 :puter programmerputer engineering3. internship4. lecture; competitionputer programming skills6. impatient7. constructive8. medical research9. management 10. 3,600Exercise 3( yesPart TwoListening IExercise 1( yesExercise 21. weaknesses2. similar abilities and interests; interest us; important and challengingcation ;. promotion; educated persons4.parents ; teachers ; benefit; give careful thought; useful suggestion; personal qualities;5. getting money; our future happiness; combination Listening IIExercise 11.choose their careers2. avoid certain careers3. different professions4. children’s impressions and prejudices5. lawyers6. accountants7. scientists8. most popular9. least popular 10. ignorance1.T2. T3. F4. T5. F6. TPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11 d 2.d 3.a4. bExercise 21.sales manager2. salary3.sales commission4. a car5. travel around in6. experiences7. university 8. on a teamPractice TwoExercise 11. b2.b3. a4. c5. cExercise 21. 65 words2.90 to 100 words3.with languages; translate letters,answer the phone; foreign visitors ; a second foreign languagePractice ThreeExercise 11. c2.a3. b4. d5. bExercise 21. ADF2.BF3. ACEPractice FourExercise12.sensitive; extroverted 2.kids3.doing a good job4. tolerancelevel 5.patientExercise 21 T 2. F 3T 4. F 5. TPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1.100 million2. 35 to 403. 7 to 84. office workers and many professionals5.8:00 ; to 4:006.eight-hour shifts7.Monday; Thursday ; Saturdays ; Sundays8. choose their own working hours; freedom of choice; happy with Section II1.d2. a3. a4. c5. dSection III1. b2. c3. c4. d5. aKeys to the texts of book3Unit FivePart OneExercise 2 :1. B2. A3. C4. E5. D6. FExercise 31. over long distances2. look into it3. five times4.individual; group5. sex-specific;; males; females; strangers6. great apes7. teach ; own kind8. raised ; held; lookbigger 9. round ; tail-wagging10.feeding; every directionPart TwoListening IExercise 11. plays; real people; real life; emotional problem; loyalty2. public speech; make themselves taller; political ; one-sided3.soft-soap; praise; kindExercise 21 F 2. F 3.T 4. T 5. T 6. TListening IIExercise 11. c2. a3. dExercise 21.be understood easily2.necessary; desirable3.splendid4.prevents;from achieving5. anxiety; effectPart ThreePractice oneExercise 11. d2. a3. b4. a5.bExercise 21 permission ;apply for 2. application form; web site 3.regularmail; fax 4.traveler’s checks; credit cardsPractice TwoExercise 1(2.3.5) yesExercise 21.T2. F3. F4. T5.T.6.TExercise 31. other native languages2. two3. more4. of their choice5. Spanish6. Indian’s Spanish7. English;8. German 9. FrenchPractice ThreeExercise 11. learner; teacher; curriculum2. aptitude; expectations; goals Exercise 21.T2. F3. T4. F5.T.Practice FourExercise11 c 2. c 3.a 4. bExercise 21. eggs and toast2. realistic; goals; far better than; forgetting3. determined; personality .culture4. unusual ; recite aloudPart Four Testing yourselfSection I1. religions2. exist3. 40,0004. cave5. moon6. birth7. records8. agree9. by 10. sense 11. ourselves 12.inhabit Section II1. F2. T3. F .4. T5. F6. T7.T8. TSection III1. a2. d3. c4. d5.b6. aTHANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。

新编大学英语视听说教程3 第二版 课后答案

新编大学英语视听说教程3 第二版 课后答案

Unit1 PART2 EX1 FFTFTT outside world at home wave hollo bow look straight in the eyes openly look at my feet shy silentEX2 1.sensitive independent caring understanding (any two of the words)2.good friend3.life people4.learning being awareBCADBPART3 EX1 ice-skating chemistry outgoing bright and funny .moody self-centered/self-centred wavy blond medium height runner-upTFTFFTEX2 4 Colleagues Teacher Sussan Barbara DBCAABDCDAEX3 bcdae favo(u)rite way to relax how to divide bad unripe stiff sore fastening a basketball hoopEX4 FTFFT flattering critical popular reserved English understand the Scots' English the friendliest people most hospitable much nicer than English courtesy no views on the matter/no commentPART4 SEC1 upset sensible lecture calm strength landed waving perfectly widly bee SEC2 BBDBDACBSEC3 secretary hardworking efficent private army officer help fond independent shy 15Unit2 PART2 EX1 BBABC TFTTFTEX2 AABCC TFTTFFEX3 stayed around mouse catcher rats and mice got a paw weak and thin make a wooden paw fastened it grow sleek and fat managed peered out cautiously seized it with eighteen micePART3 EX1 BAACD FTTFTFFTEX2 CDJ AEGH BFI ABDCBDEX3 BDCDA FTFFFTEX4 BCBADA FFTTFPART4 SEC1 CBCBACSEC2 TFFFTFTTSEC3 1867 shipped millionaire land cattle million cowboys camera hero adventures Unit3 PART2 EX1 BCDA FTFTFTEX2 BDAD 30s male 1.90 long wavy light red sweater beardEX3 BCDA 1 4 5 7PART3 EX1 natural riches desert extinction species oxygen economic development conservation valuable income awareness slow down TFFTEX2 FFTT South America pet food enough protein develop much more Asia Africa position natural resources gone down steady continued to rise getting richer and richer EX3 the first few seconds so thin beings from another planet focused on looked directly at All around until now despair grief and disgust started crying who was sleeping peacefully 12358EX4 BCAC love together mother house school friends father month beach call PART4 SEC1 complained about work got out of on the ground shocked cold-blooded killing investigation drug dealing concern against strong views using drugs too early respectable accused ofSEC2 CBABCUnit 3Part OneExe 2 D C B E AExe 3 T F T T T T F F T FPart TwoListening IExe 1 BCDA Exe 2 FTFTFTListening IIExe 1 BDADExe 2 30s, male, 1.90, long wavy, heavy built, light red sweater, beard Listening IIIExe 1 BCDA Exe 2 1, 4, 5, 7Part ThreePractice OneExe 1 1) natural riches, 2) desert, 3) extinction, 4) species, 5) oxygen, 6) economic development, 7) conservation, 8) valuable income, 9) awareness, 10) slow downExe 2 TFFTPractice TwoExe 1 FFTTExe 2 1) South America, pet food, enough protein, develop2) much more, Asia, Africa3) position, natural resources, gone down, steady4) continued to rise5) getting richer and richerPractice ThreeExe 1 1) the few seconds, 2) so thin, 3) beings from another planet, 4) focused on, 5) looked directly at, 6) All around, 7) until now, 8) despair grief and disgust, 9) started crying, 10) who was sleeping peacefullyExe 2 1,2,3,5,8Practice FourExe 1 BCACExe 2 love, together, mother, house, school, friends, father, month, beach, call Part FourSection I complained about, work, got out of, on the ground, shocked, cold-blooded killing, investigation, drug dealing, concern, against, strong views, using drugs, too early, respectable, accused ofSection II CBABCSection III 1) overcrowded cities, 2) poverty, disease, 3) the drift, 4) registration, 5) resentment, 6) attractive, 7) education services, 8) rural lifeUnit 4Part OneExe 2 1) computer programmer, 2) computer engineering, 3) internship, 4) lecture, competition, 5) computer programming skills, 6) impatient, 7) constructive, 8) medical, 9) management, 10) 3600Exe 3 1,2,4,6,8,9,11,12Part TwoListening IExe 1 2,3,4,5,7Exe 2 1)weaknesses, 2) similar abilities and interest, interest us, important and challenging3) education, promotion, educated persons4) parents, teachers, benefit, give careful thought, useful suggestions, personal qualities5) getting money, our future happiness, combinationListening IIExe 11)Choose their careers, 2) avoid certain careers3) different professions, 4) children’s impressions and prejudices, 5) lawyers, 6) accountants, 7) scientists, 8) most popular, 9) least popular, 10) ignorance Exe 2 TTFTFTPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 DDABExe 2 sales manager, salary, sales commission, a car, travel round in, experience, university, on a teamPractice TwoExe 1 BBACCExe 2 1) 65 words, 2)90 to 100 words, 3) with languages, translate letters, answer the phone, foreign visitors, second foreign languagePractice ThreeExe 1 CABDBExe 2 1) ADF 2) BF 3) ACEPractice FourExe 1 1) sensitive extroverted, 2) kids, 3) doing a good job, 4) tolerance level, 5) patientExe 2 TFTFTPart FourSection I1.100 million2.35 to 403.7 to 84.Office workers, many professionals5.8:00 to 4:006.eight-hour shifts7.Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sundays8.choose their own working hours, freedom of choice, happy with Section II DAACDSection III BCCDAUnit 5Part OneExe 2 BACEDFExe 31.over long distances2.look into it3.five times4.individual, group5.sex-specific, males, females, strangers6.great apes7.teach, own kind8.raised, held, look bigger9.round, tail-wagging10.feeding, every directionPart TwoListening IExe 11.plays, real people, real life, emotional problem, loyalty, popular2.public speech, make themselves taller, political, one-sided3.soft-soap, praise, kindExe 2 FFTTTTListening IIExe 1 CADExe 21.be understood easily2.necessary, desirable3.splendid4.prevents, from achieving5.anxiety, effectPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 DABABExe 21.permission, apply for2.application form, Web site3.regular mail, fax4.traveler’s checks, credit cardsPractice TwoExe 1 2,3,5Exe 2 TFFTTTExe 3 1) other native languages, 2) two, 3) more, 4) of their choice, 5) Spanish, 6) Indians Spanish, 7) English, 8) German, 9) FrenchPractice ThreeExe11.learner, teacher, curriculum2.aptitude, expectations, goalsexe 2 TFTFTPractice FourExe 1 CCABExe 21.Eggs, Toast2.realistic, goals, far better than, forgetting3.determined, personality, culture,4.unusual, recite aloudPart FourSection Ireligions, exist, 40000, cave, moon, birth, records, agree, by, sense, ourselves, inhabitSection II FTFTFTTTSection III ADCDBAUnit 7Part OneExe 2 CBCDAExe 31.fun holiday2.natural scenery, historical interest3.summer, too cold4.long history, vast territory5.feed the monkeys6.as many places as possible7.you name it8.host city, ancient civilization, modern architecture9.city wall, treat yourselves10.express trainsPart TwoListening IExe 1 CBBCDAExe 2 SN 862 SN 86317:50, July 11 15:10, July 14Listening IIExe 1 BCFGHIExe 21.FTTT2.FFTF3.TTTTFPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 ADHEExe 2 CDBCPractice TwoExe 1 seedy, company, shared, noisy, early, private, booking, convenient, restaurants, bathroomsExe 2 TFTTFTPractice ThreeExe11.Fuel2.Water3.Vehicles4.clothesExe 21.passing lorries2.enough water3.drinking4.vehicle5.emergency6.self-sufficient7.car repairs8.cost much, be costly9.sweaters10.European winterPractice FourExe 1 Occupations: B AHoliday: ABBABAABExe 2 TFFFFTFTPart FourSection I FTTTFSection II BCCCADSection III DBCDAUnit 9Part OneExe 2 CCCWWCCCCWWWCWWCWWExe 31.prefer, old-fashioned2.as old as,3.account for4.own, play, earn a living5.very proud of6. 1.5 billion, had the chance7.hills, small bridges, singing of birds8.full of energy9.holes, buttons, precise notes10.indirectly, individualistic11.places great importance on12.a universal languagePart TwoListening IExe 11.restaurants, airports, supermarkets, banks2. a. attitudes, in the right moodb. a better feeling, the people around himc. happy, work better3. a. World War II, happy, calmb. a machine, kind of music, different times, faster, slowerExe 2 TFFTTFTFListening IIExe 11.eases their minds, operations2.classical, instrumental jazz, folk music3. A. reduce tensionB. 50 male doctorsC. MathematicsD. quickly, calmly, chosen for them, No music, the worstE. sleepyExe 2 TFTFFPart ThreePractice OneExe 1 BDACExe 21.their own style2.the nature3.sounds, experimented4.songs, records5.films, awardsPractice TwoExe 1 1. 1) trumpet 2) piano 3) violin2. 2) piano 1) clarinetExe 2 picks the strings, as hard as, make the notes, on the strings, manages thebowExe 3 1) learn, 2) carry, 3) popular, 4) satisfying, 5) progress, 6) easiest, 7) less satisfying, 8) most difficultPractice ThreeExe1 TTTFFFFTExe 2 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 5, 1, 5, 5Practice FourExe 1 ABACAExe 2 TNTFTPart FourSection I TFFTFTTTSection II 2,4,7,8,10,12Section III falling, nice, cold, inside, raining, tears, happen, arms, fire, gone。



新视野大学英语视听说教程第三册听力练习录音文本和答案Uint1- Uint10Uint1II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Ok. It‘s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It‘s definitely your turn.Q: What is true according to the conversation?2.ScriptM: I‘m having real trouble reviewing for this French exam. I just can‘t memorize all the vocabulary.W: Me too. I hate having to learn things by heart.I guess we just have to keep reading the texts over and over.Q: What does the woman prefer?3. ScriptW: Oh look! There‘s that guy we saw last week, playing football in the park! He looked great in his kit, remember?M: Him? I don‘t remember him. I‘ve got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard time even recording people I‘ve been introduced to.Q: According to the conversation, what is the man‘s problem?4. ScriptM: Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says ―keys‖?W: It‘s to remind me to take my keys when I go out because I‘m always locking myself out by accident! It doesn‘t help enough. Now I just forget to read the sign. Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door?5. ScriptM: That history exam was really hard. The essay question was terrible!W: I know, I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. How useful that would be!Q: What is true of DavidKeys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InScriptM: Tell me your secret. You‘re suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject, and you used to be a bottom-of –class student just like me.W:Simple enough. I read an article in a scientific journal that studying with remembering, based on recent research into the brain.M: Aw, that stuff‘s old hat: study at the same time every day, be sure your clothes are comfortable, and make sure you have enough light, blah-blah-blah.W: Not so fast, wise guy. I‘m talking about principles like ―Mental Visualization‖, creating a picture in your mind of what is to be remembered.M: Ok, that dies sound different. Id ―Association‖a principle—you know, you connect what you want to remember with something you‘re familiar with?W: Right on! ‗Consolidation‖is another. I review my notes right after class and consolidate—or absorb—the new material into what I‘ve already learned.M: You‘re moving ahead fast with those principles. I swear this weekend I‘m going to study sixteen hours a day both Saturday and Sunday.W: Whoa, big guy. That‘s not the way. Follow the principle of ―Distributes Practice‖.Shorter study sessions distributes over several days are better.M: That system is all very well for you; you‘ve got a good memory. But what about me? I‘ve got a memory like a sieve.W: You‘re too modest. There‘s nothing wrong with your memory. But memory is likea muscle; it needs exercise. And don‘t forget it.While the man is wondering why the woman is suddenly getting excellent marks, she says she read an article on studying and remembering. It talks about principles like ―Mental Visualization‖, that is, creating a picture in one‘s mind of what is to be remembered. This reminds the man of the principle of ―Association‖, which means connecting what one wants to remember with something one is familiar with. Then the woman adds the principle of ―Consolidation‖, or reviewing one‘s notes after class and absorbing the new materia l into what one has already learned. When the man promise to study sixteen hours a day, the woman recommends the principle of ―Distributed Practice‖, which favors shorter study sessions distributed over several days. Finally, the woman tells the man that memory is like a muscle, and that it needs exercise.Task 2: You forget my toast!ScriptAn 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decide to go to their doctor to see what was wrong with them. They explained to the doctor about the problems they were having with their memory. After checking the couple over, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might need to start writing things down to help them remember. The couple thanked the doctor and left.Later that night while watching TV, the old woman said to the old man, ―Honey, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream?‖Before the man left, she added, ―Why don‘t you write that down so you won‘t forget?‖―Nonsense,‖ said the husband, ―I can remember a dish of ice cream!‖―Well,‖ said the wife, ―I‘d like some strawberries on it. You‘d better write that down because I know your memory is failing.‖―Don‘t be silly,‖ replied the husband. ―There‘re only two things: a dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can surely remember that!‖With that, he rushed into the kitchen. After about twenty minutes he returned from the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs.The wife took one look at the plate, glanced up at her husband, and said, ―Hey, you forget the toast!‖Keys: FTFFFTask3: Memory-Improving TechniquesScriptThere are many techniques you can use to improve your memory. Some of them are introduced her.First and foremost, you need to stimulate your memory all the time. To put it simply, you should use your memory as much as possible. It is especially important to try to learn something new. If you work in an office, learn to dance; if you are a dancer, learn to deal with a computer, if you work with sales, and learn to play chess; if you are a programmer, learn to paint. These added activities stimulate the brain so that I t continues to function.Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with. Don‘t try to memorize everything that catches your attention; focus on what you consider important. For example, you can take any object such as a pen and concentrate on it. Think on its various characteristics: its material, its function, its color, and so on. Don‘t allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating in that pen.Another method that can be used is to relax yourself. It is impossible to remember things if you are tense or nervous.So, try holding your breath for ten seconds, and then release it slowly.Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory. For example, if youcannot remember a person‘s name, you can think about a special feature of his face and then link it with his mane.1.What‘s seems to be an especially important way to stimulate one‘s memory?2.What seems to be the best way to focus your memory?3.How can you concentrate on a pen?4.How can you relax yourself according to the passage?5.What is the main idea of the passage?Kes: 1A 2.C3. D 4.B 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 It slipped my mind!Amy: I sent out the invitations to the dinner party.Bill: That‘s good. Now what should we do?Amy: We‘ve got to plan the menu.Bill:Oh, that‘s right. Do you have anything in mind?Amy:I think I‘m going to make the chicken salad we had at the Christmas party.Remember I sled the chef for the recipe?Bill: Yeah, but did you forget that Linda doesn‘t eat chicken?Amy: Linda? Oh, my gosh! I forgot to invite Linda! It just slipped my mind. She‘ll be mad at me.Bill: Well, everyone forgets something sometimes. It‘s not too late yet. I‘ll make a phone call. Don‘t worry.Amy: Thanks! You see, I‘m getting forgetful. I think I‘m getting old!Bill: Looks like you are, sweetheartNow Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:I‘m going to throw a party, and I‘ve sent out the invitations to my friends and relatives.B: That‘s good. But don‘t forget to invite everyone you should invite.A: I think I‘ve invited everyone. Do you have anybody in mind?B: Did you invite John? He‘s lost his job after recent quarrel with his boss.A: Oh, my gosh! I forgot to invite him! He‘ll be sad, thinking we look down on him.He just slipped my mind.B: Well, everyone forgets something sometimes. Don‘t worry. It‘s not too late. Makea phone call right away.A: Did I forget anybody else that I should incite?B: There‘s yet another person you should invite—Julia. She‘s just moved to the city and feels lonely.A: Oh, good heavens, I forgot all about her. She‘s our new friend. You see, I‘m getting forgetful. I think I‘m getting old!B: Looks like you are, buddy. You‘d better start writing things down if they‘re important.MODEL2 I can’t think of it off the top of my head.ScriptJohn: Hey, Sue. Do you know what Jack‘s home phone number is?Susan: I can‘t think of it off the top of my head. I don‘t have my address book on me, and I don‘t have my mobile phone with me, either.John: That‘s too bad! I‘ve got to find him now. It‘s urgent! If I can‘t find him today, I‘ll be dead!Susan: You might want to look it up in the phone book.John: I‘ve checked already, but it seems that hid phone number is unlisted. Susan: Maybe it‘s under his roommate‘s name.John: Well, I guess so.Susan: Well, why don‘t you call Jane? She has his phone number.John: I‘ve tried, but no one answered!Susan: Maybe call his office and ask his secretary.John: I‘ve already tried. She won‘t tell me. She says it‘s private.Susan: Oh, that‘s right. They usually don‘t release private information over the phone.John: It‘s a pity. You usually have a powerful memory, but you can‘t help today.What‘s wrong with you? Your memory seems to be fading early.Susan: It‘s not my memory is fading. I do have memory for face and names, but a poor one for number and datesNow Y our TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA:Hey, do you remember when is the lecture on the value of information by Professor Smith?B: I can‘t think of it off the top of my head. Maybe we can look it up in our notebook, but I don‘t have mine with me.A: That‘s too bas! I don‘t have it with me, either. Do you remember the number of the lecture hail?B: Sorry, I can‘t think of it off my head.A: I‘m terribly interested in the lecture. I can‘t miss it!B: Well, why don‘t you call the dean who arranged the lecture?A: I‘m afraid it‘s not very wise to ask the dean directly.B: Then maybe you can call the office if the department and ask the secretary.A: I‘ve already tried, but no one answered.B: Oh!A: You usually have a powerful memory, but you can‘t help today. You memory seems to be fading early.B: It‘s nit that my memory is fading. I do have a good memory for faces and names, but a poor one for numbers and dates.MODEL3 What‘s wrong with your memory?ScriptBill: Hi, honey! My trip to London was wonderful.Amy: Tell me what thrilled you most.[The telephone rings and Bill answers it....He hangs up.]Bill:Er, where was I?Amy: You were talking about your tour in London.Bill: Oh, yeah.Amy: I bet you had a great time.Bill: Yes, I particularly enjoyed visiting the tower of London.Amy: How did you get there? By bus or underground?Bill: Let me see….Sorry, I can‘t remember any more.Amy: Wha t‘s wrong with your memory?Bill: I hope it‘s not Alzheimer‘s disease. I don‘t want to forget my own name. Amy: I don‘t think so. Perhaps it‘s just temporary forgetfulness. You‘ll be right after a good sleep.Bill: I hope so. But as this is happening so often recently, I think I must go to see a doctor and get some pillsAmy: It‘s not as serous as that. Anyway, I wish you had a good memory for happy events, and a bad one for unhappy things.Now Your TurnSAMPLE DIALOGA: Hey, my trip to Beijing was fantastic.B: Tell me what thrilled you most.[The door bell rings and A answer it….A comes back.]A: Where was I?B: You were talking about your tour in BeijingA: Oh, yeah.B: I bet you had a great time.A: Yes, I particularly enjoyed visiting the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, though the admission fees were a bit too high for me.B: What were the fees?A: Let me see….Sorry, I can‘t remember any more.B: Wha t‘s wrong with your memory?A: I hope it‘s not Alzheimer‘s disease. I don‘t want to see a lot of new people everyday.B: I don‘t think so. Perhaps you only forget things momentarily. You‘ll be right after a good sleep. A: I hope so. But as this is happening so often recently, I think I have to see a doctor.B: I don‘t think it‘s so serious. Anyway, a bad memory helps you forget your trouble.V. Let’s TalkScriptStudent:Professor, thank you for graining me this interview. I‘m Susan, a reporter from the Student Union magazine. Many students have difficultlymemorizing things. Since you‗re an outstanding psychologist, could yougive us some tips on how top improve our memory?Professor: Well, some people have better memories than others, but that‘s largely because they are better at creating mental images.Student: If I‘m not good at creating images, what can I do?Professor: Practice helps. And the mind remembers things better if they are connected with other images. For example, I you have to pick up severalitems at the grocery store, say, carrots, egg, bananas, and milk, you cancreate a picture in your mind of a giant carrot, and hanging from it, abanana.Student: Then I could have a giant milk carton pouring milk over the carrot and banana.Professor: Certainly. Then what would you do with the egg?Student:Hmmm. I‘d visualize an egg-shaped UFO flying across the sky. Professor:There you go. The more you apply the ideas, the easier it gets. Besides creating pictures, there‘s another technique that is very useful. Student:What is it?Professor:Establishing an association. Suppose you are looking for lost keys.Relax, and let your mind look for all the images connected with thosekeys--their feel, the sounds they make.Student:How will that help?Professor:You might remember the sound the keys made when you placed then ina drawer or cold touch of the keys in your jacket were you left them. Student: Oh my gosh! I have to run. It‘s time my English class. I see an image of my teacher staring at my empty seat in the classroom. Many thanks,Professor.Professor: Not at all, and good luck with your memory.SAMPLEA:As we just heard from the interview, the technique of associating certainly important in promoting memory.B:And according to the interview, creating images helps remember things. If your shopping list includes eggs, you might visualize an egg or an egg-shaped UFO flying across.A:Another important factor in improving memory can be of interest. If you get interested in something, you can remember it better.B: Yeah. And if you recognize facts into meaningful groups, you can remember them better. For instance, if you want to memorize all the names of American presidents, it is not easy. If, however, you arrange them chronologically into three periods: those before Abraham Lincoln, those between Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, and those after, then the task will be less difficult.A: It is common sense that if you glance at something quickly, you tend to forget it quickly. If you stuffy it slowly, you can remember it better.B: Another technique is intensive practice or repeating. As a saying goes, practice makes perfect. If you repeat something again and again, you will eventually learn it by heart.A:But we should not work too hard. When we get tired, our learning efficiency declines. We need breaks so the mind can rest and absorb what has been learned.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: The Role Memory Plays in Our LifeScriptSince memory plays a significant role in our life, scrientists are increasingly interested in research on how to improver memory, Here are some factors they believe to be important to expanding memory capacity.To begin with, you must take special care in your daily life. Food for example, is very important. Some vitamins are essential foe your memory to work properly. They are found in bread, cereal, vegetables and fruits. Some experts say that synthesizes vitamins improve memory, but others have doubts about this, arguing that the studies have not confirmed they do work. Another essential factor is water. It helps to maintain the memory systems, especially in older persons. According to Dr. Roswell, lack of water in the body has an immediate and strong effect on memory; it can cause confusion and other thought difficulties. Sleep also plays a significant role. To be able to have a goof memory, we must allow the brain to have plenty of rest. While sleeping, the brain no longer controls the senses, and starts to revise and store the information one has receives. Lack of sleep would make one feel exhausted and would weaken one‘s ability to concentrate. Also, one‘ ability to store information would be affected.1.What is the passage mainly about?2.Why are foods important in promoting memory according to the passage?3.To whom is water especially important in maintaining the memory system?4.What problem can a lack of water cause?5.Why is sleep important to memory?Keys: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.CTask 2: Where did the professor go?ScriptThis is a true story, while happened to friends of ours in a small town in South Africa. They were a hospitable couple who often entertained their neighbors for drinks, tea or dinner. On this particular spring night, they have invited a retired professor to super. During the evening, it began to pour with rain, and the heavens really opened. Because he had walked there, they offered to put him up for the night. They pointed out that by staying overnight, he did not need to go to out in the bad weather. He agreed on the soundness of that idea, thanked his hosts profusely, and the matter seemed to be settled. But while they were washing the dishes after supper, the forgetful professor disappeared. No one could find him anywhere. Eventually, after40minutes, the front door bell rang. There was the professor, soaked to the skin. When he was asked what on earth he has been dong in the rain, he replied that because he was going to stay there overnight, he had gone home to get his pajamas and toothbrush.Task3: How to Remember NamesScriptYou just called the TV repair shop, and the voice on the other end of the line tells you, ―This is Don Smith‖.About 5 minutes later you tell your wife that ―this guy‖will be out to fix the TV in the morning. You can‘t think of his mane although you know he mentioned it on the phone.This happens all the time to just about any of us unless we have learned to concentrate and implant a name in our memory, right at the time we hear it. To do this, you must make a habit of repeating the name back to the person. This action will remind you to store the name in your ―memory bank‖each time you hear someone‘s name, and within a short time the ―repeating‖ process can be discontinuedWhen you meet someone in person, use the same procedure, and in addition, visualize something different, unusual or ridiculous about hid or her appearance, position, or actions that ―ties in ―with his or her name. Later, you may write the descriptive information on one side of a card and the name in the other side. Look at it repeatedly, see the ―picture‖ in your mind‘s eye as you look at the name; or when you see he name, visualize the ―picture‖ you have assigned to the name.Getting this system to work will require changes in your thinking, and it may take several days or several weeks to become proficient.News ReportA Dolphin ExhibitionScriptA recent art exhibition in Florida honored the animal often seen as man‘s most intelligent friend, the dolphin.The ―Dolphins on Parade‖ exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized decorates dolphin paintings made of wood and the cost of materials. The dolphins were shown at area business and along the beach. Sponsors paid U.S. $750 to cover the artists‘ fee and the cost of materials.There were more than 100 dolphin themes, including a beer-belly dolphin. They showed the work of local artists, as well as the beach atmosphere the Keys are famous for.Probably the most unique was special because of its artist, Pandora. Pandora the dolphin painter is area dolphin, art the Dolphin Research center, in Marathon, Florida. The playful artist streaks colors across a dolphin painting holding a brush in its mouth.The exhibition was held by the Monroe [Florida] Council of the Arts as part of a plan to make the Keys an international arts center. The paintings were to be auctioned off in March, with the money earned going to community art programs.Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice3.ScriptW: Have you chosen your elective for next semester yet? Are you taking French writing again?M: Yes I am, but it‘s compulsory for us next semester. So I think I‘m gong to do marketing as an elective instead.Q: Which class will the man choose as his elective?4.ScriptM: Did you go to that businesses lecture on Friday? I missed it and need to copy your notes.W: I‘d say you could borrow my notes, but Sarah‘s got them. Be careful not to miss Professor Brown‘s seminar; he takes attendance in that.Q: What is the woman telling the man?3. ScriptW: Wow, Steven! In the library! What brings you here?M: I‘m enjoying the view. All the girls in fashion design are here are preparing for an exam on Monday.Q: Why is the man in the library?4. ScriptW: How‘s your group doing with this statistics presentation? Mine‘s terrible.M: Yeah, mine too. David and Mike are OK, but Steven doesn‘t pull his weight and Suzie‘s never around. I don‘t see how we can pass unless Steven and Suzie realize that this is their last chance.Q: What is the true of Steven and Suzie?5. ScriptW: You took an MBA at Harvard Business School, didn‘t you? What‘s it like?M: It‘s expensive, about U.S. $ 40,000 a year, plus the costs of food and housing. But the teaching is first class. The professors have a lot of practical experience. Theyuse the case system of teaching; that is, you study how actual businesses grew or failed.Q: Why is he MBA teaching in Harvard Business School first class, according to the conversation?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.AIII. Listening InTask1: On the First DayScriptHarrison: I‘m Harrison. Good to meet you. So you‘ve bought the books for this biology class.Jenny:Sure, I think everyone had to before class started.Harrison: No. Usually no one does much on the first day because it‘s still add-drop. Jenny: What‘s that?Harrison: Changing from class to class to find out which one is best. Hey, where are you from?Jenny: Poland. Have you has this teacher before? I‘ve heard he is really good. Harrison: He‘s good if you‘re a hand-worker. He expects a lot.Jenny: Oh, I guess that‘s good. I hope I can keep up with everyone else in the class. Maybe I need your help after class.Harrison: You‘re welcome.…Professor: All right. See you guys next week.Student: See you.Jenny: Harrison, wait up!Harrison: So what do you think about the professor‘s lecture?Jenny: I think half of what he said went over my head.Harrison: That‘s all right. A lot of what he said is explain in the reading/Jenny: Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your notes tonight to look them over? Harrison: No problem. We don‘t have class until Wednesday. Here you go. Jenny: Thanks. I just want to make sure I‘m prepared for the seminar. Harrison: Yeah, participation in the discussion is an important part of the education here.Seeing that Jenny has bought the books for the biology class, Harrison says nobody does much on the first day because it‘s still add-drop, which means students are changing from class to class. Jenny knows the professor is really good. But Harrison warns her that the professor is good, only if students are hand-workers, for he expects a lot.After class, Jenny admits that half of what the professor said went over her head, and Harrison assures her that a lot of what the professor said is explained in the reading. When Jenny asks to borrow Harrison notes, he says ―on problem‖, for they don‘t have class until Wednesday. Finally, Harrison says participation in the discussio n at the seminar is an important part of the education there.Task 2: Money for CollegeScriptRobert is a university student. He likes to have fun. But having fun was expensive, so he was rapidly running out of money. There was nothing to do to try to call his mother for help.―Hi, Mom. I certainly miss you and Dad. I…uh…got a big surprise this week in my physics course. We have to buy two new textbooks. I‘m going to need $100.‖―I understand,‖ said his mother, ―I‘ll send you the money right away. You left your calculus book here when you were home two weeks ago. Shall I mail that at the same time?‖―Oh, yeah. Thanks,‖ Robert said.Robert‘s mother made up a parcel with the calculus book and two checks, and mailed it to Robert that very day. When she returned from the post office, her husband was waiting for her.―Well, how much did you give the boy this time?‖ asked Dad.―I send two checks: one for $100 and the other for $1, 100,‖ answered Mom.―You‘re outing your mind,‖yelled Dad, ―That‘s $1,100. He‘ll just spend that in a couple of weeks. He‘s never going to learn the value of money that way.‖―Don‘t worry, honey,‖ Mom said, ―I taped the $100 check to the cover of his book, but I put the $1,000 one between the pages in Charper13!‖Keys: TFFFTTask3: How to Get Straight A’sScriptIt is interesting to note how straight A students achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the secrets of super-achievers.First, they know how to set priorities. Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business, and business comes before recreation.Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill persuaded him to use his spare time to memorize biology term. Thenhe posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he scored high on the final examination.Moreover, top students schedule their time well. Study times are strictly a matter of personal preference. Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, ―Whatever I was doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying.‖Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know hoe to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight A‘s, the secret of good reading is to be ―an active reader-one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author‘s message‖.6.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about super—achievers starting tostudy?7.What did the cross-country runner do to score high on the exam?8.What is the good thing all top students agree on?9.What does the speaker mean by ―an active reader‖?10.What is the main idea of the passage?Kes: 1B 2.C3. D 4.A 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Y ou’re just going to have study hardNora: Only our first day back at school, and already I feel like I‘ve learned a lot. Chris: Only our first day back at school, and I already feel like I‘m up to my ears in homework.Nora: You‘re going to have to hit the books if you want to keep your grades up. Chris:Tell me about it! I already have two reports, two books reports, a composition, an oral report, and a research project—all due before midterms.Nora: We could work together. Maybe some of my organized study habit would rub off on you.Chris: Better yet, maybe you could do my homework for me.Nora: Forget it! That would be cheating.Chris: All right, all right. I have yet to write a term paper. Can you recommend any articles and books? You‘d better find me the exact pages where I can find whatI want.Nora: You could borrow ideas from references, but if you quote without giving the sources, you‘re plagiarizing.Chris: The quiz next week will be a headache. If you don‘t help me, I‘ll have to。



新编大学英语第三版视听说3听力答案(Unit1仅供学习参考使用Unit 1PART 1Listening 11. FFTTFT2.outside worldat homewave hellobowlook straight into the eyesopenlylook at my feetshy and silentListening II1.1.sensitive independent2.good friend3.life people4.learning being aware2.BCADBListening III1.1.ice-skating2.chemistry3.outgoing, bright, funny4.self-centered5.blond medium height6.runner-up2. TFTFFLstening IV1.1. Four2.Colleagues3.Teacher./Teaching4.Susan5. To go on holiday2.1.Paul:DEJ2. Susan: B F3. Maria: C H4. Peter: AGI仅供学习参考使用PART 21.1.Mike C2Sam E3.Ted D4.Simon A5.Lilly B2.avoid confrontation generally likeablehide those traitsaffectionate kind nature stubbornnessworst reputationrevengeful and destructive entertainingtough and determined intuition and protective nature perfectionistsdraw attentionPART 31.1. The lunar calendar2.Two trines3.Four trines2. who is very good with money who is easily angereddisplay the utmost amount of energy longest life and good fortunewith quick witgreat common senseinspires leadership in others seductive and charmingdeep-thinking and very talented interesting and bravePART 4仅供学习参考使用Listening 1upsetsensiblelecturecalmstrengthlandedswearingperfectlywildlybeeListening II1.__CListening III1.1 PELedro C2 Mr. Miller C3. Mr. Smith E4 Jake A5 Mrs. Duke F2.1.favorite way to relax2.how to divide3.bad unripe4.stiff sore5.fastening a basketball hoop Listening IV1.FTFFT2.understand the Scots' Englishthe friendliest peoplemuch nicer thanEngish courtesyno views on the matterUnit 2Listening I仅供学习参考使用1. BABDD(最后一个答案存在疑问,应选C,请读者参考听力录音确认)2. FTTFTListening II1. AABCD2. TFTTFFListening III1.1) stayed around2)mouse catcher3)rats and mice4)got a paw5)weak and thin6)make a wooden paw7)fastened it8)grow sleek and fat9)managed10) peered out cautiously11)seized it with12) 18 miceListening IV1. BDAAC2. __FPART 21.1 C2 E3 D4 B5 A2. in your handused to belong to practicing withtalked to each otherwhy notask forfind a way manage to仅供学习参考使用his own loveso foolishly jealous all three of them peacePART 31. DCABA2.Invadesheltersupplypeacewithdrawflaghanged remembersecretsharequeenPART 4Listening 11. BCBADA2. FFTTFListening II1. 1. CDJ2.AEGH3.BFI2. ABDCBDListening III__TListening IVassociatedrailroadmerchantdictionariesgrasslandsbringaction仅供学习参考使用One hundred days after his offer was made, the first herdsarrived from the South.Soon there were at least 5000 cowboys bringing cattle up to Kansas from Texas.These photos were published in eastern newspapers and the cowboy became an American folk hero.Unit 3Part 1Listening 11. BCDA2. FTFTFTListening II1. BDAD2. 30smale190long wavyheavily builtlight red sweaterbeardListening III1. BCAC2.lovetogethermotherhouseschoolfriendsfathermonthbeachcallListening IV1. Stories music next door in love with secretary fights2. Celia: 1 √2 √3×4 √仅供学习参考使用Sara 1×2 √ 3×4√Jack 1 √ 2×3×4√Tom 1√2 √ 3√4×PART 211D 2C 3 B 4 E 5 A3. __TFFPART 31.a central body transport vision accessa race track slightly slower huge success 2. car movement cyclingwalking strategies quality of life visit the city investment design environment subtle design focusPART 41.FTFT2.South Americapet foodenough proteindevelopmuch more仅供学习参考使用Africapositionnatural resourcesgone downsteadycontinued to risegetting richer and richer Listening II1.the first few secondsso thinbeings from another planetlooked directly atAll arounduntil nowdespair grief and disguststarted cryingwho was sleeping peacefully2. 1√2 √3×4 √5√6×7× 8√Listening IIIComplainedworkchestshockedcold-bloodedinvestigationdealingHe had mentioned his concern twice to the local officialWhenever this topic arose he always expressed strong views about drugs. But it’s still early to say this is related to the murder.Listening IVpovertycrimedriftbetter work仅供学习参考使用resentmentattractiveeducation servicesa more positive attitudeUnit 4Part 1Listening I1 1×,2√,3×,4√,5√,6√,7×,8√21)weaknesses,2) similar abilities and interest, interest you, important and challenging3) education, promotion, educated persons4) parents, teachers, benefit, give careful thought, useful suggestions, personal qualities5) getting money, our future happiness, combinationListening II1. DDAB2. 1)import from abroad 2)sales manager 3)salary 4)sales commission5) travel in 6)experience 7)university 8)on a teamListening III11) Choose their careers, 2) avoid certain careers3) different professions, 4) impressions and prejudices, 5) lawyers, 6) accountants, 7) scientists, 8) most popular, 9) least popular, 10) ignorance 2 TFTFTListening IV1.C A C B D2.1)occupation cool2)catch provide fulfilling3)media coming after you make your own work schedule4)have my pick of jobsPart 21. A√B√C×D√E×F√G×H√I√J×K√L√仅供学习参考使用2 1) computer engineering, 2) computer programmer, 3) internship, 4) lecture, competition, 5) computer programmingskills, 6) impatient, 7) constructive, 8) medical research, 9) management, 10) 3600Part 31. A√B×C√D√E×F√G×H√2.1)tremendous element of care2)where you’re from, what k inds of contributions3)professional learning, colleagues, peers4)what makes their students tick5)relaxed, care about them, passionate, developPart 4Listening I1)100 million2)35, 403)seven, eight4)office workers, many professionals5)8:00, 4:006)eight-hour shifts7)Monday, Thursday, Saturdays, Sundays8) choose their own working hours, freedom of choice, happy withListening II1.ADCADListening IIICBDCAListening IV1. CABDB2.1) ADF2)BF3)ACEUnit 5:Part 1:仅供学习参考使用Listening 1:1.1. plays, real people real life, emotional, problem, popular2. public speech, make themselves taller, political, one-sided3. soft-soap, praise, kind2. F F T T T TListening II:1. 1 C 2 A 3 D1. be understood easily2. necessary desirable3. splendid4. prevents, from achieving5. anxiety, effectListening III:1.1. T2. F3. F4. F5. T6. T21. fairly good2. ensure, success3. natural, family relationship4. exposure5. visiting or telephoning Listening IV:1. C2. C3. A4. B2仅供学习参考使用1.2.3.4. eggs, toast realistic, far better than, forgetting determined, personality culture recite aloudPart 2:1.1-B 2-A 3-C 4-E 5-D 6-F2.1. over long distances2. look into it3. five times4. individual group5. sex-specific males females strangers6. great apes7. teach own kind8. raised held look bigger9. round tail-wagging10. feeding every directionPart 31. goat ghost2. Lydia Bernard3. Godfrey Saint John Geoffrey Sinjin4. John Jane5. Johned joined6. Siji。

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