Chapter 6 Dynamic Response Characteristics of More Complicated Systems




Chapter1Translation can refer to the general subject field,the product or the process.The process of translation between two different written languages involves the translator changing an original written text in the original verbal language into a written text in a different verbal language.Three categories of translation by the Russian-American structuralist Roman Jakobson1intralingual translation语内翻译:Rewording,an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language;2interlingual translation语际翻译:Translation proper*,an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language;3intersemiotic translation语符翻译transmutation,an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign systems.History of the discipline1,From late eighteenth century to the1960s:part of language learning methodology Translation workshop,comparative literature,contrastive analysis2,James S Holmes“the name and nature of translation studies”(founding statement for the field)3,1970:Reiss:text typeReiss and Vermeer:text purpose(the skopos theory)Halliday:discourse analysis and systemic functional grammar4,1980The manipulation school:descriptive approach,polysystem5,1990Sherry Simon:Gender researchElse Vieira:Brazilian cannibalist schoolTejaswini Niranjana:Postcolonial translation theoryLawrence Venuti:cultural-studies-oriented analysisHolmes’s map of translation studiesThe objectives of the pure areas of research:1,descriptive translation theory:the description of the phenomena of translation2,translation theory:the establishment of general principles to explain and predict such phenomenaPure:theoretical and descriptiveDTS:descriptive translation studies1,product-oriented DTS:existing translations,text(diachronic or synchronic)2,function-oriented DTS:the function of translations in the recipient sociocultural situation (socio-translation studies or cultural-studies-oriented translation)3,process-oriented DTS:the psychology of translation(later think-aloud protocols)Relation between Theoretical and descriptiveThe results of DTS research can be fed into the theoretical branch to evolve either a general theory of translation or,more likely,partial theories of translation.Partial theories1,Medium-restricted theories:translation by machine and humans2,Area-restricted theories:3,Rank-restricted theories:the level of word,sentence or text4,Text-type restricted theories:discourse types or genres5,Time-restricted theories:6,Problem-restricted theories:Applied branch of Holmes’s framework:translator training,translation aids and translation criticism.Translation policy:the translation scholar advising on the place of translation in societyChapter2translation theory before the twentieth centuryLiteral debateCicero(first century BCE):I did not hold it necessary to render word for word,but I preserved the general style and force of the language.Horace:producing an aesthetically pleasing and creative text in the TL.St Jerome:I render not word for word,but sense for sense.Martin Luther:1,non-literal or non-accepted translation came to be seen and used as a weapon against the Church.2,his infusion of the Bible with the language of ordinary people and his consideration of translation in terms focusing on the TL and the TT reader were crucial.“Louis Kelly:Fidelity: to both the words and the perceived senseSpirit:1, creative energy or inspiration of a text or language, proper to literature; 2, the Holy Spirit.Truth: content17 century:Early attempts at systematic translation theoryCowley: imitationCounter the inevitable loss of beauty in translation by using our wit or invention to create new beauty;he has ‘taken, left out and added what I please’John Dryden reduces all translation to three categories: the triadic model(约翰 德莱顿的三分法:“直译”、意译”与“仿译”) 1, metaphrase: word for word translation2, paraphrase : sense for sense translation3, imitation : forsake both words and senseEtienne Dolet: a French humanist, burned at the stake for his addition to his translation of one of Plato’s dialogues.Five principles:① The translator must perfectly understand the sense and material of the original author,although he should feel free to clarify obscurities.②The translator should have a perfect knowledge of both SL and TL , so as not to lessen the majesty of the language.③The translator should avoid word-for-word renderings.④The translator should avoid Latinate and unusual forma .⑤The translator should assemble and liaise words eloquently to avoid clumsiness.Alexander Fraser TytlerTL-reader-oriented definition of a good translation: That, in which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language, as to be as distinctly apprehended, and as strongly felt, by a native of the country to which that language belongs, as it is by those who speak the language of the original work.Three general rules:I. That the Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.II. That the style and manner of writing should be of t he same character with that of the original.III. That the Translation should have all the ease of original composition.—— A. F. Tytler: Essay on the Principles of TranslationTytler ranks his three laws in order of comparative importance:Ease of composition would be sacrificed if necessary for manner,and a departure would be made from manner in the interests of sense.Friedrich Schleiermacher:the founder of modern Protestant theology and of modern hermeneuticsHermeneutics:a Romantic approach to interpretation based not on absolute truth but on the individual’s inner feeling and understanding.2types of translators:1,Dolmetscher:who translates commercial texts;2,Ubersetzer:who works on scholarly and artistic texts.2translation methods:1,translator leaves the reader in peace,as much as possible,and moves the author towards him. Alienating method2,translator leaves the writer alone,as much as possible,and moves the reader towards the writer. Naturalizing methodThe status of the ST and the form of the TLFrancis Newman:emphasize the foreignness of the workMatthew Arnold:a transparent translation method(led to the devaluation of translation and marginalization of translation)Chapter3Equivalence and equivalent effectRoman Jakobson:the nature of linguistic meaningSaussure:the signifier(能指)the spoken and written signalThe signified(所指)the concept signifiedThe signifier and signified form the linguistic sign,but that sign is arbitrary or unmotivated.1,There is ordinarily no full equivalence between code-units.Interlingual translation involves substituting messages in one language not for separate code-units but for entire messages in some other language.2,for the message to be equivalent in ST and TT,the code-unit will be different since they belong to two different sign systems which partition reality differently.3,the problem of meaning and equivalence thus focuses on differences in the structure and terminology of languages rather than on any inability of one language to render a message that has been written in another verbal language.4,cross-linguistic differences center around obligatory grammatical and lexical forms.They occur at the level of gender,aspect and semantic fields.Eugene Nida1,an orthographic word has a fixed meaning and towards a functional definition of meaning in which a word acquires meaning through its context and can produce varying responses accordingto culture.2,meaning is broke down into a,linguistic meaning,b,referential meaning(the denotative ‘dictionary’meaning指称,字面)and c,emotive meaning(connotative隐含).3,techniques to determine the meaning of different linguistic itemsA,analyze the structure of wordsB,differentiate similar words in relaxed lexical fields3techniques to determine the meaning of different linguistic items1,Hierarchical structuring,differentiates series of words according to their level,2,Techniques of componential analysis(成分分析法)identify and discriminate specific features of a range of related words.3,Semantic structure analysis:Discriminate the sense of a complex semantic termChomsky:Generative-transformational model:analyze sentences into a series of related levels governed by rules.3features1,phrase-structure rules短语结构规则generate an underlying or deep structure which is2,transformed by transformational rules转换规则relating one underlying structure to another, to produce3,a final surface structure,which itself is subject to形态音位规则phonological and morphemic rules.The most basic of such structures are kernel sentences,which are simple,active,declarative sentences that require the minimum of transformation.Three-stage system of translationAnalysis:the surface structure of the ST is analyzed into the basic elements of the deep structure Transfer:these are transferred in the translation processRestructuring:these are transferred in the translation process and then restructured semantically and stylistically into the surface structure of the TT.Back-transformation回归转换(Kernels are to be obtained from the ST structure by a reductive process)Four types of functional class:events,objects,abstracts and relationals.Kernels are the level at which the message is transferred into the receptor language before being transformed into the surface structure in three stages:literal transfer,minimal transfer最小单位转换and literary transfer.Formal equivalence:focuses attention on the message itself,in both form and content,the message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the source language.Gloss translations释译Dynamic equivalence is based on what Nida calls the principle of equivalent effect,where the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message.Four basic requirements of a translation1,making sense2,conveying the spirit and manner of the original3,having a natural and easy form of expression4,producing a similar response.NewmarkCommunicative translation attempts to produce on its reader an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.Semantic translation attempts to render,as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow,the exact contextual meaning of the original.Literal translation is held to be the best approach in both communicative translation and semantic translation.One of the difficulties encountered by translation studies in systematically following up advances in theory may indeed be partly attributable to the overabundance of terminology.Werner KollerCorrespondence:contrastive linguistics,compares two language systems and describes contrastively differences and similarities.Saussure’s langue(competence in foreign language) Equivalence:equivalent items in specific ST-TT pairs and contexts.Saussure’s parole (competence in translation)Five types of equivalenceDenotative equivalenceConnotative equivalenceText-normative equivalencePragmatic equivalence(communicative equivalence)Formal equivalence(expressive equivalence,the form and aesthetics of the text)A checklist for translationally relevant text analysis:Language functionContent characteristicsLanguage-stylistic characteristicsFormal-aesthetic characteristicsPragmatic characteristicsTertium comparationi in the comparison of an ST and a TTChapter5functional theories of translationKatharina Reiss:Text TypeBuilds on the concept of equivalence but views the text,rather than the word or sentence as the level at which communication is achieved and at which equivalence must be sought.Four-way categorization of the functions of language(Karl Buhler,three)1,plain communication of facts,transmit information and content,informative text2,creative composition,expressive text3,inducing behavioral responses,operative text4,audiomedial text,supplement the other three functions with visual images,music,etc.Different translation methods for different texts1,transmit the full referentical or conceptual content of the ST in plain prose without redundancy and with the use of explicitation when required.2,transmit the aesthetic and artistic form of the ST,using the identifying method,with the translator adopting the standpoint of the ST author.3,produce the desired response in the TT receiver,employing the adaptive method,creating an equivalent effect among TT readers.4,supplementing written words with visual images and music.Intralinguistic and extralinguistic instruction criteria1,intralinguistic criteria:semantic,lexical,grammatical and stylistic features2,extralinguistic criteria:situation,subject field,time,place,receiver,sender and affective implications(humor,irony,emotion,etc.)Holz-Manttari:Translational actionTakes up concepts from communication theory and action theoryTranslation action views translation as purpose-driven,outcome oriented human interaction and focuses on the process of translation as message-transmitter compounds involving intercultural transfer.Interlingual translation is described as translational action from a source text and as a communicative process involving a series of roles and players.The initiatorThe commissionerThe ST producerThe TT producerThe TT userThe TT receiverContent,structured by what are called tectonics,is divided into a)factual information and b) overall communicative strategy.Form,structured by texture,is divided into a)terminology and b)cohesive elements.Value:place of translation,at least the professional non-literary translation within its sociocultural context,including the interplay between the translator and the initiating institution.Vermeer:Skopos theorySkopos theory focuses above all on the purpose of the translation,which determines the translation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order to produce a functionally adequate result(TT,translatum).Basic rules of the theory:1,a translatum is determined by its skopos;2,a TT is an offer of information in a target culture and TL concerning an offer of information in a source culture and SL.3,a TT does not initiate an offer of information in a clearly reversible way4a TT must be internally coherent5a TT must be coherent with the ST6the five rules above stand in hierarchical order,with the skopos rule predominating.The coherence rule,internally coherent,the TT must be interpretable as coherent with the TT receiver’s situation.The fidelity rule,coherent with the ST,there must be coherence between the translatum and the ST.1,the ST information received by the translator;2,the interpretation the translator makes of this information;3,the information that is encoded for the TT receivers.Intratextual coherence intertextual coherenceAdequacy comes to override equivalence as the measure of the translational action. Adequacy:the relations between ST and TT as a consequence of observing a skopos during the translation process.In other words,if the TT fulfills the skopos outlined by the commission,it is functionally and communicatively adequate.Criticisms:1,valid for non-literary texts2,Reiss’s text type approach and Vermeer’s skopos theory are considering different functional phenomena3,insufficient attention to the linguistic nature of the ST nor to the reproduction of microlevel features in the TT.Christiane Nord:translation-oriented text analysisExamine text organization at or above sentence level.2basic types of translation product:1,documentary translation:serves as a document of a source culture communication between the author and the ST recipient.2,instrumental translation:the TT receiver read the TT as though it were an ST written in their own language.Aim:provide a model of ST analysis which is applicable to all text types and translation situations.Three aspects of functionalist approaches that are particularly useful in translator training1,the importance of the translation commission(translation brief)2,the role of ST analysis3,the functional hierarchy of translation problems.1,compare ST and TT profiles defined in the commission to see where the two texts may diverge Translation brief should include:The intended text functions;The addressees(sender and recipient)The time and place of text receptionThe medium(speech and writing)The motive(why the ST was written and why it is being translated)2,intratextual factors for the ST analysisSubject matterContent:including connotation and cohesionPresuppositions:real-world factors of the communicative situation presumed to be known to the participants;Composition:microstructure and macrostructure;Non-verbal elements:illustrations,italics,etc.;Lexic:including dialect,register and specific terminology;Sentence structure;Suprasegemtal features:stress,rhythm and stylistic punctuationIt does not matter which text-linguistic model is used3,the intended function of the translation should be decided(documentary or instrumental) Those functional elements that will need to be adapted to the TT addressee’s situation have to be determinedThe translation type decides the translation style(source-culture or target culture oriented)The problems of the text can then be tackled at a lower linguistic levelChapter6discourse and register analysis approachesText analysis:concentrate on describing the way in which texts are organized(sentence structure,cohesion,etc.)Discourse analysis looks at the way language communicates meaning and social and power relations.Halliday’s model of discourse analysis,based on systemic functional grammarStudy of language as communication,seeing meaning in the writer’s linguistic choices and systematically relating these choices to a wider sociocultural framework.Relation of genre and register to languageGenre:the conventional text type that is associated with a specific communicative function Variables of Register:1,field:what is being written about,e.g.a delivery2,tenor:who is communicating and to whom,e.g.a sales representative to a customer3,mode:the form of communication,e.g.written.Each is associated with a strand of meaning:Metafunctions:概念功能(ideational function)、人际功能(interpersonal function)和语篇功能(textual function)Realized by the lexicogrammar:the choices of wording and syntactic structureField--ideational meaning—transitivity patternsTenor—interpersonal meaning—patterns of modalityMode—textual meaning—thematic and information structures and cohesion及物性系统(transitivity)情态系统(modality)、主位结构(theme structure)和信息结构(information structure)。

小说的要素 英文

小说的要素 英文
Elements of fiction
Classification of fiction : novel, novelette, short story. Short short story.
The Elements Include:
• Plot • Symbolism
• Character • Theme
is the central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work. A theme provides a unifying point around which the plot, characters, setting, point of view, symbols, and other elements of a work are organized. It is important not to mistake the theme for the actual subject of the work; the theme refers to the abstract concept that is made concrete through the images, characterization, and action of the text.
A static character does not change throughout the work, and the reader’s knowledge of that character does not grow, whereas a dynamic character undergoes some kind of change because of the action in the plot. A flat character embodies one or two qualities, ideas, or traits that can be readily described in a brief summary. They are not psychologically complex characters and therefore are readily accessible to readers.



Chapter 6Small signal analysis and control design ofLLC converter6.1 IntroductionIn previous chapters, the characteristic, design and advantages of LLC resonant converter were discussed. As demonstrated in chapter 3, LLC resonant converter has very low switching loss. Because of low voltage stress on secondary rectifier, low voltage rated diodes could be used, conduction loss is also much reduced compared with PWM converter. With DC analysis and understanding of the operation of LLC resonant converter, power stage parameters could be designed to meet given specifications.To use LLC resonant converter as front end DC/DC converter, still another important issue need to be investigated: small signal characteristic. Small signal characteristic is essential for the feedback loop design. For front end DC/DC converter, feedback control is needed to provide a tight regulation of output voltage with load and input variation, which happens all the time for front end DC/DC converter. In Figure 6.1, the whole converter with control circuit is shown. For LLC resonant converter, variable frequency control is used. To achieve variable frequency control, instead of PWM comparator in PWM controller, a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is used to convert controlvoltage Vc to the variable frequency square wave, which is used to drive the switches. To design the compensator, we have to know the small signal characteristic of the converter. In this part, the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter with VCO will be investigated. Base on the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter, the compensator design will be investigated later.Figure 6.1 LLC resonant converter with feedback controlFor PWM converter, state space average method has been widely used. State space average method provides simple and accurate solution for up to half switching frequency. It has been verified and the theoretical system has been well established. With the small signal model derived from state space average method, small signal characteristic of PWM converter can be studied and control circuit can be designed accordingly.Unfortunately, state space averaging method cannot be applied for frequency controlled resonant converter. This is because of the totally different ways of energy processing methods for these two kinds of power converter. For PWM converter, the natural frequency of the linear network (output filter) is much lower than the switching frequency. The modulation of the converter is achieved through the low frequency content in the control signal. With this character, the average method can provide approximate linear solution of the nonlinear state equations. The derived model has a continuous form and is accurate up to half of switching frequency. However, for resonant converter, the switching frequency is close to the natural frequency of the linear network (resonant tank). The states contain mainly switching frequency harmonics instead of low frequency content in PWM converter. The modulation of the resonant converter is achieved by the interaction between switching frequency and resonant frequency. Since average method will eliminate the information of switching frequency, it cannot predict the dynamic performance of resonant converter [D-6][D-7].In the past, several methods were tried to solve this problem. Among these methods, some made too many simplifications that the results cannot match with test results. Some of them are very complex and difficult to use [D-8][D-9].In this dissertation, two methods were used. One is Extended Describing Function method developed by Dr. Eric X. Yang. This method is a simplified version of describing function method. A software package in Matlab is alsodeveloped to realize this method. With the software package, small signal characteristic of a converter could be derived with short simulation time.Another method used in this dissertation is a simulation-based method. This method uses simulation tools to emulate the function of impedance analyzer to get the small signal response of the converter. The method is based on time domain switching model simulation, which is a necessary for every converter design. So no extra modeling effort is needed for this method. It could be used to any periodical operating converter. It is a very effective method to deal with complex topology, which is difficult to deal with conventional method. Also, the impact of parasitic could also be easily included into this method.This chapter is organized in following way. First, two methods: extended describing function method and simulation-based method, will be introduced. With these two methods, small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter will be studied. Load impact, and resonant tank value impact will be studied with these tools. Finally, the results from these two methods will be compared with test results.With the information of small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter, the design of the compensator will be discussed.6.2 Extended Describing Function analysisDr. Eric X. Yang published extended describing function method in [D-12]. This method is a simplified modeling method based on the describing function method published by J. O. Groves [D-9]. With this method, the small signal model of a periodical operating converter could be derived with any order of harmonics of switching frequency taken into consideration. This method could be used for PWM converter. With only DC components of state variables taken into consideration, it is same as state space averaging method. For resonant converter, since switching frequency and its harmonics also play important roles in the power transfer process. State space averaging method could not be applied. With extended describing function, high order harmonics could be included so that an accurate model could be derived. The detail of extended describing function method and introduction of the software package could be found in [D-12]. The process of building the model for extended describing function is discussed in Appendix D. The model file of LLC resonant converter needed to perform the analysis are attached in Appendix D too.In next part, the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter will be discussed using extended describing function method. The circuit parameters used for this analysis is shown in Figure 6.2.Figure 6.2 Circuit parameters for extended describing function analysis For extended describing function method, the order of harmonics needed for accurate model is one thing needs to be determined before doing the analysis. For traditional resonant topologies like SRC and PRC, only the fundamental harmonic of switching frequency will be sufficient to provide an accurate small signal model [D-11][D-12]. For LLC resonant converter, though, it is a multi resonant converter. The fundamental component of switching frequency might not be enough.In Figure 6.3, the control to output transfer function is shown for region 1 (switching frequency higher than series resonant frequency). As seen from the graph, in region 1, fundamental component seems to be enough. With higher order of harmonics took into consideration, the model will not be improved significantly. This is understandable since in region 1, LLC converter operates very similar to SRC.Figure 6.3 Impact of harmonic order on the accuracy of EDF method in region 1 In Figure 6.4, same analysis was done in region 2 (switching frequency lower than series resonant frequency). In region 2, fundamental component is not enough. With more harmonics considered, the model will be different from only consider the fundamental component. But after the 5th harmonic, include more harmonics doesn't make any significant difference anymore. In the later simulation, we will use 1st, 3rd and 5th harmonic for analysis. This result is also reasonable because in region 2, LLC resonant converter is working as a multi resonant converter. During each switching cycle, the resonant frequency changesas topology modes progress.Figure 6.4 Impact of harmonic order on the accuracy of EDF method in region 2 With up to 5th harmonic take into consideration; the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter is derived with extended describing function method. With this requirement, the simulation time is extended.Another problem with extended describing function method is that to build the model, every operating modes of the circuit need to be identified. For LLC resonant converter, it has many different operating modes as shown in Appendix B. It would be very difficult to build the model file. Next, time domainsimulation-based method will be discussed, which could solve these problems.6.3 Time domain simulation methodThis method uses brute force simulation to derive the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter. It emulates the function of a network analyzer. To perform this analysis, only the switching model of the converter is needed, there is no other model needed, which makes this method very attractive.The procedure of this method is shown in Figure 6.5.Figure 6.5 Procedure for simulation method to analyze small signal characteristic First step of this method is to simulate the converter at given operating point (Load condition, switching frequency and input voltage) without perturbation as shown in Figure 6.6. After simulate to steady state, record all the information needed as the base information.Second step is to simulate the converter with perturbation added to where interested. For example, to investigate the control to output characteristic, a perturbation will be added to the control voltage as shown in Figure 6.7. Thisperturbation will be a small amplitude sinusoidal signal with known phase information. The amplitude is small so that the converter operation modes will not change with perturbation added. With perturbation injected, make another time domain simulation to steady state and record all the information interested.Figure 6.6 Circuit setup for first step simulationFigure 6.7 Circuit setup for second step simulationNext, the results of previous two simulations will be compared. The impact of the injected perturbation on output variable could be derived. This will give us the small signal characteristic of the converter at one perturbation frequency. Repeat above steps for the frequency range interested, a complete small signal characteristic at given operating condition could be extracted. If other operating point is interested, change the switching circuit model so that the converter is operated at new operating point.As can be seen, this method asks for extensive simulation power. Fortunately, with advanced software and computer, this is not so time consuming a method. First, with Simplis software, above process could be automated. The software could do the sweeping of frequency and operating condition as set. It also performs the extraction of small signal characteristic after each simulation. With this software, one bode plot of the converter at given operating condition could be simulated in two hours.With simulation method, a SRC was analyzed. The results were shown in Appendix C.6.3.1 Small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converterWith extended describing function method, the characteristic in region 1 is shown in Figure 6.8. It is a three poles and one zero system.As seen from the graph, in region 1, there are one beat frequency double pole, one low frequency pole and one ESR zero. As switching frequency moves close to resonant frequency, the beat frequency double pole will move to lower frequency. When the switching frequency is very close to resonant frequency, the beat frequency double pole will eventually split and becomes two real poles. One moves to higher frequency and one move to lower frequency as switching frequency continuous move close to resonant frequency. Finally, the pole moves to low frequency will combine with the low frequency pole caused by the output filter and form a double pole. This characteristic is same as could be observed in SRC converter. In this analysis, the ESR of output capacitor is considered. This ESR will introduce an ESR zero at fixed frequency.Figure 6.8 System poles and zeros of LLC in region 1 with different switching frequencyAudio susceptibility, input conductance and output impedance in region 1 are also shown in Figure 6.9, Figure 6.10, and Figure 6.11.Figure 6.9 Input conductance of LLC converter in region 1Figure 6.10 Output impedance of LLC resonant converter in region 1Figure 6.11 Audio susceptibility of LLC converter in region 1 The characteristic in region 2 is shown in Figure 6.12. In this region, the system has some very different characteristic. A Right Half Plane Zero is observable in this region. This RHZ moves with switching frequency. Fortunately, this RHZ doesn’t shift to very low frequency region even when switching frequency is very low. This is good since it is not easy to deal with the RHZ.In left half plane, there are three poles and one zero. They are pretty stable compared with poles and zero in region 1. In region 1, when switching frequency moves close to resonant frequency, one pole moves to higher frequency. When the converter runs into region 2, as switching frequency further reduces, this pole will move back to lower frequency, but not so much. In this region, the switching frequency has less impact on the double pole at low frequency and no impact onthe ESR zero.Figure 6.12 System poles and zeros of LLC converter in region 2 Audio susceptibility, input conductance and output impedance in region 2 arealso shown in Figure 6.13, Figure 6.14, and Figure 6.15.Figure 6.13 Input conductance of LLC resonant converter in region 2Figure 6.14 Output impedance of LLC resonant converter in region 2Figure 6.15 Audio susceptibility of LLC resonant converter in region 2From above analysis results, the small signal model of LLC resonant converter could be extracted. In region 1, this converter is very similar to the series resonant converter. In region 2, though, it is very different. One RHZ could be observed in region 2. The poles and zero in left half plane are very stable with the changing of switching frequency, which is very different from normal resonant converter.The problem of this method is that to get accurate small signal model of the converter, a good model file is needed. This is a very time consuming process especially when the converter could run into many different operating modes. Another problem is that the accuracy is depends on the order of harmonics took into consideration. With higher order of harmonics, the simulation time and convergence problem will be difficult to deal with. Due to the difficulties to build the model file, it is not easy to take the parasitic components into consideration. In next part, the time domain simulation method will be discussed.Next, simulation based method will be used. The simulation is performed on LLC resonant converter as shown in Figure 6.16. The resonant frequency of Cr and Lr is designed at 250kHz. Here full load condition is used to analyze the small signal characteristic. Later load impact will be investigated.Figure 6.16 LLC converter setup for small signal analysisIn Figure 6.18, the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter is shown. The simulation is performed for a switching frequency range from 100kHz to 400kHz to cover all three operating regions. In the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter, three distinctive regions exist correspond to the three operating regions shown in the DC characteristic. Next the characteristic of these three regions will be discussed in detail.For region 1, the converter operates similar as a series resonant converter. The small signal characteristic is also very similar to SRC. Low frequency pole andbeat frequency double pole could be observed in this region.Figure 6.17 Operating region of LLC resonant converterFigure 6.18 Bode plot of control to output transfer function for LLC resonant converterFigure 6.19 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter in region 1Figure 6.20 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter in region 2The characteristic in region 2 is shown in Figure 6.20. Region 2 is a very interesting region. In this region, the DC characteristic is like a PRC. But for the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter is very stable in this region. As seen in the graph, there is no beat frequency double pole. As switching frequency changes, the characteristic doesn't change much.At low frequency, instead of single pole, now it is a double pole. This double pole moves as switching frequency changes. Since the switching frequency range is not so wide, with in region 2, this double pole doesn't move too much.There is a sign of a right half plane zero exists in this region though. From the graph, it can be seen that at 30k to 40kHz frequency range, the magnitude of the characteristic changes slope from -40dB/Dec to -20dB/Dec while the phase is continue reducing. For front-end application, the bandwidth is normally designed at 2 to 5kHz. This right half plane zero shouldn't impact too much on the feedback loop design.Region 3 is ZCS region, which is not a desired operating region for this application.From the simulation results, following observation could be made:1. There is no beat frequency dynamic problem at the boundary between region 1 and region2. This gives us opportunity to operate the converter right atthe resonant frequency of Cr and Lr, which is boundary point between region 1 and region 2.2. In region 1, the converter behaves very similar to SRC. Beat frequency double pole and low frequency pole could be observed.3. In region 2, the small signal characteristic of the converter is pretty stable with switching frequency change.4. Between region 2 and region 3, beat frequency dynamic could be observed. The phase of small signal characteristic will jump for 180 degree across the boundary.Above analysis is performed at given load. Next the impact of load change on the small signal characteristic will be investigated.6.3.2 Impact of load variation on small signal characteristicIn this part, the impact of load variation on the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter will be investigated. The simulations were performed in region 1 and region 2.The small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter with different load in region 1 (fs=300kHz > fr=250kHz) is shown in Figure 6.21.Figure 6.21 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter with loadvariation in region 1(fr=250kHz, fs=300kHz)Figure 6.22 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter with loadvariation in region 1(fr=250kHz, fs=300kHz) (full load to 25% load)Figure 6.23 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter with loadvariation in region 1(fr=250kHz, fs=300kHz) (25% to no load)From the graph, several things could be observed. With load changes, the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter could be divided into two regions as shown in Figure 6.22 and Figure 6.23. In the first region, the characteristic doesn't change much. Within the region, the converter still works in continuous conduction mode. When load reduced to some level, the converter will run into DCM as discussed in Appendix B. Then the low frequency pole will move to lower frequency and beat frequency double pole will move to higher frequency. At light load, LLC resonant converter could be treated as a first order system in very wide frequency range.The small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter with different load in region 2 is shown in Figure 6.24. It could be divided into three load ranges according to different trends in the moving direction of poles and zeros as shown in Figure 6.25, Figure 6.26 and Figure 6.27.In first load range, as load decreases, the Q of low frequency double pole will reduce. The right half plane zero tends to move to higher frequency and eventually move out of half switching frequency range.In the second load range, however, the quality factor of low frequency double pole will increase as load further decrease.As load continue reduce, the characteristic will come into load range 3. In load range 3, the low frequency double pole will split. One move to lowfrequency and one move to high frequency, just as could be observed in PWM converter.Figure 6.24 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter with loadvariation in region 2(fr=250kHz, fs=200kHz)Figure 6.25 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter with load variation in region 2(fr=250kHz, fs=200kHz) (full load to 25% load)Figure 6.26 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter with load variation in region 2(fr=250kHz, fs=200kHz) (25% to 10% load)Figure 6.27 Bode plot of control to output transfer function of LLC resonant converter with load variation in region 2(fr=250kHz, fs=200kHz) (10% to no load)From above simulation results, one conclusion is that with light load, one low frequency pole will exist. This needs to be considered when design the compensator.6.4 Impact of circuit parametersIn this part, the impact of some components value on the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter will be shown. The components will be investigated include: output filter capacitor, magnetizing inductance Lm, and resonant tank impedance.6.4.1 Impact of output capacitanceIn this part, the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter with different Co will be simulated.Figure 6.28 Simulation setup for output capacitor impact on small signal characteristicThe converter is shown in Figure 6.28, the resonant frequency is 250kHz. The simulation will be performed in two switching frequency. One frequency is in region 1 at 300kHz as shown in Figure 6.29. The other simulation is performed in region 2, with switching frequency at 200kHz as shown in Figure 6.30.From both simulation, Co only impact the low frequency pole and doesn’t affect high frequency poles.Figure 6.29 Bode plot of control to output transfer function with different output capacitance withswitching frequency 300kHz(region 1)Figure 6.30 Bode plot of control to output transfer function with different output capacitance withswitching frequency 200kHz(region 2)6.4.2 Impact of magnetizing inductanceIn this part, the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter with different Lm will be simulated.The converter been simulated is shown in Figure 6.31, the resonant frequency is 250kHz. Same as for previous case, two switching frequency points will be choose. One frequency is in region 1 at 300kHz as shown in Figure 6.32. The other simulation is performed in region 2, with switching frequency at 200kHz as shown in Figure 6.33.Figure 6.31 Simulation setup for magnetizing inductance impact on small signal characteristic From the simulation in region 1, Lm doesn’t affect the small signal characteristic in this region at all. With Lm changed by 10 times, the small signal characteristic is almost constant. In region 2, Lm has great impact on the DC gain of the small signal characteristic. With larger Lm, the right half plane zero also tends to shift to lower frequency.Figure 6.32 Bode plot of control to output transfer function with different magnetizing inductancewith switching frequency 300kHz(region 1)Figure 6.33 Bode plot of control to output transfer function with different magnetizing inductancewith switching frequency 200kHz(region 2)6.4.3 Impact of resonant tank impedanceIn this part, the small signal characteristic of LLC resonant converter with different resonant tank impedance will be simulated. The resonant frequency is kept constant in the simulation. The converter been simulated is shown in Figure 6.34, the resonant frequency is kept constant at 250kHz, which means as Lr been changed, Cr will be changed accordingly. Same as for previous case, two switching frequency points will be choose. The 300kHz case is shown in Figure 6.35. The 200kHz case is shown in Figure 6.36.Figure 6.34 Simulation setup for resonant tank impedance impact on small signal characteristic As from the simulation, in region 1, as impedance of resonant tank increases, which means increase Lr and reduce Cr, the DC gain will increase. This is understandable since with higher impedance, the Q with given load will increase, then the slope of the DC characteristic will have larger value, which is the DC gain in small signal characteristic. Another interesting thing is that the first pole will move with different resonant tank impedance, which means in LLC resonant converter, the lowest pole is not determined by output filter only. In region 2, thesimilar impact on DC gain could be observed. With larger Lr, one low frequency pole also moves to higher frequency.Figure 6.35 Bode plot of control to output transfer function with different resonant inductancewith switching frequency 300kHz(region 1)Figure 6.36 Bode plot of control to output transfer function with different resonant inductancewith switching frequency 200kHz(region 2)6.5 Test verificationIn this part, a test circuit was built with same parameters as used in the analysis. The test setup is shown in Figure 6.37.Figure 6.37 Test setup up for small signal characterization of LLC converter In Figure 6.38, the results in region 1 with full load are shown for three methods: test, simulation and extended describing function. From the comparison, these three results match each other very good.In Figure 6.39, the results in region 2 with full load are shown for three methods: test, simulation and extended describing function. From the comparison, these three results match each other very good.From the verifications, both methods match test results very well. These two methods have their pros and cons. For simulation method, it is easy to implement. With powerful computer and software, it is also fast. The problem is lacking ofinsight of the model of the converter. It just gives the bode plot of the characteristic of the converter. If more information is needed, extended describing function method could be helpful. With extended describing function method, more information about the small signal characteristic of the converter could be derived. The drawback is that to build the model, a thorough understanding of the converter is critical. When the operating modes of the converter are too complex, this will be a painful process.Figure 6.38 Bode plot of control to output transfer function at full load in region 1Figure 6.39 Bode plot of control to output transfer function at full load in region 26.6 Compensator design for LLC resonant converterFrom above analysis, we have a complete picture of the small signal model of LLC resonant converter. Base on this information, the compensator could be designed.First, as seen in the characteristic of LLC resonant converter, the phase at DC is 180-degree instead of 0-degree as seen for PWM converter. This means from the control voltage point of view, LLC resonant converter is an inverter. Ascontrol voltage increases, output voltage will decrease. This is because of the fact that for resonant converter to work under ZVS condition, the output voltage will decrease when switching frequency increases. For voltage-controlled oscillator, when its input voltage increases, the frequency will increase. For PWM converter, duty cycle will increase as control voltage increases, which will increase the output voltage. For PWM converter, the compensator is a negative feedback as shown in Figure 6.40. For LLC resonant converter, a positive input compensator is needed as shown in Figure 6.41 because of the negative transfer function of the converter.1112o c V Z Z V −= Figure 6.40 Compensator for PWM converter2212o c V Z Z V = Figure 6.41 Compensator structures for LLC resonant converter。



2.1 Understanding Communication
2.1 Understanding Communication
2.1.1 The Process of Communication Components of the communication process: 1. behavioural resource: in communication, the behavioral source normally originates from the need and desire of the person to communicate. 2. encoding: encoding is an individual's mental activity in selecting verbal and nonverbal behaviours to create a message for the expression of a certain need or desire. 3. message: a message is a set of verbal and/or nonverbal symbols representing a person„ s particular state of being at a particular moment in time and space, which is intended to be shared with others.
2.1 Understanding Communication
Questions: 2.1.1 The Process Байду номын сангаасf Communication
1.What is a message and what are its roles in communication? 2.What constitute the major components of the intentional communication process?



In the realm of literature,the concept of a fictional assassination is a fascinating and complex theme that has been explored in various forms.Here are some excerpts from English essays that delve into the intricacies of this subject:1.The Power of Words:In the world of fiction,a writer wields the power to create and destroy.The act of assassinating a character is a demonstration of this power,often serving as a pivotal moment in the narrative that can reshape the entire story.2.Moral Dilemmas in Storytelling:Assassinating a character in a novel is not merely a plot device it is a moral decision that the author must grapple with.It raises questions about the ethics of storytelling and the responsibility of the writer towards their creations.3.The Impact on the Reader:When a beloved character is assassinated in a novel,it can elicit strong emotional responses from the reader.This emotional connection is a testament to the power of storytelling and the deep bonds that readers form with fictional characters.4.Symbolism and Metaphor:The act of assassination in fiction often carries symbolic weight.It can represent the end of an era,the triumph of evil over good,or the inevitable consequences of certain actions.It serves as a metaphor for larger themes within the story.5.The Role of Foreshadowing:Skillful writers use foreshadowing to prepare the reader for the eventual assassination of a character.This technique can heighten the tension and anticipation,making the moment of the assassination all the more impactful.6.The Aftermath of Assassination:The death of a character is not the end of their story. The aftermath of an assassination can be just as significant as the event itself.It can lead to character growth,plot twists,and a deeper exploration of the storys themes.7.The Assassin as a Character:In some narratives,the assassin is a character in their own right.Their motivations,backstory,and moral compass add another layer of complexity to the story,inviting the reader to question the nature of justice and the blurred lines between right and wrong.8.Cultural and Historical Context:Assassination in literature can also reflect cultural and historical contexts.It can be a commentary on political assassinations,a critique of power structures,or an exploration of the human capacity for violence.9.The Unpredictability of Life:The unpredictability of life is mirrored in the unpredictability of fiction.An assassination can serve as a reminder that life is fragile andthat the threads of our existence can be severed at any moment.10.The Rebirth of a Story:In some cases,the assassination of a character can lead to the rebirth of a story.It can open up new narrative paths,introduce new characters,and provide a fresh perspective on the world the author has created.These excerpts highlight the multifaceted nature of character assassination in literature, touching on themes of power,morality,emotional impact,and narrative structure.They provide a glimpse into the rich tapestry of storytelling and the profound effects that such a dramatic event can have on a work of fiction.。



Chapter 1 cultureThe nature of culture:1.culture is like an iceberg2.culture is our software3.culture is like the water a fish swims in4.culture is the grammar of our behaviorCharacteristics of culture:1.culture is learned (through proverbs, folklore, art, mass media)2.culture is dynamic 动态的3.culture is pervasive 普遍的4.culture is integrated 综合的5.culture is adaptiveCultural identity 文化认同1.cultural identity defined2.formation of cultural identity (unexamined, search, achievement)3.characteristics of cultural identityCultures within culture1.subculture亚文化群2.Co-culture 共文化3.Sub-group 亚群体SummaryMany of us take our culture for granted. The only time when we may ever think about it is when we leave our own country to travel abroad or when we encounter someone with a culture so different from ours that we have to examine our own beliefs. Much of what we think is the "right" or "correct" way to act or do something is actually part of the knowledge that we have learned from our culture.Culture is a large and inclusive concept. The first definition of culture, by the English anthropologist Edward B. Tylor, involves knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Although this definition has tried to cover more aspects that may direct human behavior, more inclusive definitions continue to come into being. However, in this book, culture is defined from the intercultural communication perspective: culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religions, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.Compared with the different ideas on what culture is, scholars agree on thecharacteristics of culture. Generally speaking, culture is learned, dynamic, pervasive, integrated and adaptive.Cultural identity refers to one's sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. People identify with being a member of a group. Being a member of a group helps to define who we are. We are all members of groups of different sizes. One of the largest groups that a person can belong to is a culture. Everyone belongs to a culture.Other groups that people may be a member of are subcultures (also called co-culture) and subgroups. Subcultures exist within dominant culture, and are often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region.Co-culture refers to groups or social communities exh 如ting communication characteristics, perceptions, values, beliefs, and practices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture.Subgroups usually do not involve the same large number of people and are not necessarily thought of as accumulating values and patterns of behavior over generations in the same way as cultures do. Subgroups can be as small as a fewpeople or as large as a major religion. Subgroups provide their members with norms that tell people how to behave and think. Subgroups can be considered "deviant" forms of behavior. Subgroups can also be defined as "non-exclusive" and "temporary" forms of behavior.Chapter 2 intercultural communicationCommunicationmunication definedponents (组成) of communication(sender/message/encoding/channel/receiver/decoding 编码।/feedback/noise/context)Characteristics of communicationmunication is dynamicmunication is systematicmunication is symbolic 象征的munication is irreversible 不可逆的munication is transactional 相互作用的munication is self-reflective 自我反思的munication is contextual 前后关系的Culture and communicationCulture and communication, although two different concepts, are directly linked. They are so inextricably bound that some anthropologists believe the terms are virtually synonymous. Whenever people interact, they communicate. Culture is learned, acted out, transmitted, and preserved through communication.Although the concepts of communication and culture work together, we separate them here for purposes of our discussion, we begin by examining "communication" because to understand intercultural interaction, you must first recognize the role of communication in that process.Cultures inherently contain communication systems. Communication and culture are inseparable. One implication of this insight is that cultures generate symbols, rituals, customs, and formats. To use a simple example, every culture has rules for achievement and attainment. In Western culture, the symbols include degrees, promotions, certificates, material objects, technology, and other symbols of material wealth. However, nationals in rural Botswana take pride in the primary group and not just individual attainment. Cultural misunderstanding occurs when we fail to matchthe appropriate symbols and general communication system to the culture. Just witness the awkwardness of an expatriate who attends a gathering in a host culture, but fails to wear the appropriate clothes. One cannot escape this inseparability of culture and communication.Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols, but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion. Communication styles include mannerisms, phrases, rituals, and communication customs appropriate for various situations in a culture. For instance, in Saudi Arabia the correct interpersonal communication style upon meeting one's host is often language loaded with compliments and thanks. Public criticism of fellow workers in this culture is rare, for such a message would appear disrespectful. Some West Africans exhibit a friendly and warm interpersonal communication style. Some Asians are described as conscious of propriety, ceremony, and rules of respect and honor. Some U.S. culture members appear informal and uninhibited Some Britons display a reserved manner, preferring understatement and control in interpersonal interaction. These examples remind us of the importance of understanding intercultural communication style.Areas like loudness, pitch, rate, and certain stances and gestures characterize communication behaviors. A specific culture expects an "ideal" communication style. The contrasts are striking, such as when an American speaks in a "normal" conversational voice, a "quiet" Thai national may think the voice is too loud and interpret the American to be angry.Intercultural communication1.intercultural communication defined2.forms of intercultural communication (international communication/interracialcommunication 跨人种/interethnic communication 跨种族/intraculturalcommunication 同一文化内)SummaryCommunication is an element of culture. It is believed that every cultural pattern and every single act of social behavior involves communication. When a baby is just born, he usually cries. His crying communicates something. When you graduate, your friends usually say "Congratulations!" to you. When a driver sees the red light, he/she will stop. All these are cases of communication.Communication is derived from the Latin word communicate, meaning to share with or to make common, as in giving to another part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge.However, like culture, the term "communication" has been defined from different perspectives. In fact, the way that people view communication - what it is, how to do it, and reasons for doing it - is part of their culture. Western culture emphasizes the instrumental function of communication and the prior consideration is to achieve the sender's personal goal, while in Eastern culture, in addition to sending and receiving messages simultaneously, communicators take their relationship into account.The process of communication has nine components: sender/source, message, encoding, channel, receiver, decoding, feedback, noise and context. The sender encodes a message (information that the sender wants to share with other people) by putting it into symbols (usually words or nonverbal gestures) and then sending it through a channel. A channel can be printed media such as magazines and newspapers; electronic media such as television, radio, and the Internet; or sounds traveling through the air when two people speak face to face. Sometimes, it is difficult for the message to reach the receiver. The difficulty is due to "noise". When receivers get the message, they must "decode" or try to understand it. For example, if the sender encodes a message using English, the receiver must use their knowledge of English language to understand it. Often, the sender pays attention to the feedbackof the receiver. The communication takes place within a setting or situation called context.Any communication process demonstrates several characteristics, that is, dynamic, systematic, symbolic, irreversible, transactional, self-reflective and contextual.When communicating with people from different cultures, it is important to remember that culture and communication are strongly connected. Culture is a code we learn and share, and learning and sharing require communication.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event. Intercultural communication as a term was first used in 1959 by Edward T. Hall—an American anthropologist. Intercultural communication includes international communication, interracial communication, interethnic commurucat10n and intracultural communication.Chapter 4 barriersEmotional problems as barriers1.anxiety and uncertainty (definition/strategies to overcome)2.assuming similarity instead of difference 假想相同点多于不同点Attitudinal problems as barriers1.ethnocentrism 种族或民族中心主义(defined/various forms)2.stereotyping(definition/categories)3.prejudice4.racism5.reasons for the persistence of ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice and racism(socialization 社交化/social benefits/economic benefits/psychologicalbenefits)Translation problems as language barriersck of vocabulary equivalenceck of idiomatic equivalenceck of grammatical-syntactical equivalenceck of experiential equivalence 经验ck of conceptual equivalence 概念SummaryThere are several barriers to intercultural communication—anxiety and uncertainty,assuming similarity instead of difference, ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, racism and translation problems.Anxiety and uncertainty, as well as assuming similarity instead of difference belong to the emotional problems.Anxiety occurs because of not knowing what one is expected to do, and focusing on that feeling and not being totally present in the communication transaction. Anxiety may also affect your ability to communicate your ideas to others, for you pay too much attention to your uncomfortable feelings. Uncertainty refers to our cognitive inability to explain our own or other's feelings and behaviors in interactions because of an ambiguous situation that evokes anxiety.Assuming similarity instead of difference is a natural thing to do if you do not have any information about a culture. It refers to the idea that people coming from another culture are more similar to you than they actually are or that another person's situation is more similar to yours than it in fact is. Assuming that a culture is similar to your own can cause you to ignore important differences This assumption always leads to disrupted communication and even conflict.Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice and racism belong to the attitudinal problemsEthnocentrism is negatively judging another culture by your own culture's standards. To make ethnocentric judgments is to believe that the ways of your own culture are better than those of others.Stereotyping is used to refer to negative or positive judgments made about individuals based on any observable or believed group membership. It assumes that a person has certain qualities (good or bad) just because the person is a member of a specific group.Prejudice refers to the irrational dislike, suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Prejudiced attitudes can take many forms.A specific kind of prejudice, racism refers to any policy, practice, belief, or attitude that attributes characteristics or status to individuals based on their race. Racism involves not only prejudice, but also the exercise of power over individuals based on their race.Ethnocentrism, stereotyping, prejudice, racism continue to exist because of socialization and the apparent social, economic, and psychological benefits that come from it.Due to language differences and cultural differences, translation can become a barrier to intercultural communication.Five elements that typically cause problems in translation are the lack of equivalences in vocabulary, idioms, grammar and syntax, experiences, and concepts.Chapter 5 verbal communicationSignificance of verbal communication"Verbal" means "consisting of words". Language, spoken or written, is a means of verbal communication. Therefore, verbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.Language and culturenguage as a reflection of the environmentnguage as a reflection of values3.the meaning of wordsVerbal communication and indirect styles2.self-enhancement and self-effacement styles 宣扬和谦逊3.elaborate, exacting and succinct styles 详尽的,确切的,简洁的4.personal and contextual styles 不同的称呼方式根据场合和地位5.instrumental and affective styles 理性与感性Language diversity1.dialects and sociolects 方言和社会方言2.pidgin and lingua franca洋泾浜语(汉语中夹杂外语),混合语(母语不互通)3.taboo and euphemism 禁用语委婉语4.jargon 行话Cultural influence on written plan2.indirect planSummaryVerbal intercultural communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.It is agreed that language helps in communicating with people from different backgrounds. However, people may be less aware that cultural literacy is necessary in order to understand the language being used. Words in themselves do not carry the meaning. The meaning comes out of the context. Although people use the dictionary to explain one language with another language, words of differentlanguages don't mean the same thing because of the cultural influence on word meaning.There are mainly five verbal communication styles introduced in this chapter: direct / indirect; self-enhancement / self-effacement; elaborate / exacting / succinct; personal / contextual; and instrumental / affective.Language is a cultural phenomenon which is used to express different uses and to communicate different meanings. Language varies according to the communicative uses but also according to the users. In fact, users of the same language in a sense all speak differently and the kind of language each of them chooses to use is in part determined by their cultural background.In short, some language variations result from the language user, that is, his or her geographical origin (dialect), or his or her social condition (sociolect). However, some language variations result from the circumstances of communication, such as pidgin, Lingua Franca, jargon, taboo and euphemism. Dialect refers to geographical variation, while sociolect refers to variation in terms of social class or style. Pidgin refers to a mixed language that is used for trading purposes, while Lingua Franca refers to a specific language that is used as an international means of communication. Taboo refers to expressions that are considered impolite, while euphemism refers to polite expressions used to soften the offensive and disturbing language. Jargon refers to aspecial or technical vocabulary that is developed for professional purposes within professional groups like medicine or law.Furthermore, verbal communication involves both oral and written forms. Written communication is especially important in intercultural business communication. As the modem technological renovation (e-mail and ecommerce) calls for the written communication in business, businessmen should be more conscious about the written communication because mistakes made inwritten form are more serious and permanent.Cultural patterns influence not only oral communication but also written communication. Cultural impact on discourse patterns is to be classified into two categories: direct plan and indirect plan. In direct plans, clarity and conciseness are essential to a successful business writing style. The indirect plan has other priorities than the quick delivery of ideas, such as nurturing a relationship or developing some other context for the message. Direct plan is favored by results- oriented cultures Indirect plan is favored by relationship-oriented culture.Chapter 6 nonverbalSignificance of nonverbal communication1.nonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we get from conversations.2.nonverbal behavior is significant because it spontaneou sly<D reflects thesubconsciousness.3.Nonverbal communication is significant is that we cannot avoid communicating. Definition and functions of nonverbal communication1.definition of nonverbal communication2.functions of nonverbal communication (repeating 重复/complementing 补充/substituting 代替/regulating/contradicting 反对)Paralanguage and silence1.paralanguage副语言(语音语调)2.silenceTime and space1.chronemics 时间行为学的2.proxemics 人际距离学(fixed features of space/semifixed features ofspace/personal space包括四种情况下的不同距离)Other categories of nonverbal communication1.oculesics 目光语2.olfactics 嗅觉3.haptics 触觉4.kinesics 人体动作学(gestures/posture/facial expressions/chromatics 色彩/attire 打扮)SummaryWhen we learn to communicate, we learn not only language but also various ways of communicating. Communicators use both verbal and nonverbal codes to communicate, listeners expect to receive both kinds of messages during a conversation. If a speaker uses nonverbal codes poorly or inappropriately, a listener may consider the person a poor speaker. However, misunderstandings may occur when the speakers and listeners are from different cultures and do not share the same nonverbal codes.In brief, the messages sent without using words are called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication involves those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by the sender and his or her use of the environment—these have potential message value for both the sender and receiver.Nonverbal communication codes or symbols or stimuli in a communicating setting can be divided into different categories: paralanguage, silence, proxemics,chronemics, oculesics, olfactics, haptics, kinesics, chromatics and attire.Paralanguage is the set of audible sounds that accompany oral language to augment its meaning When the German poet Klopstock wrote "The tones of human voices are mightier than strings or brass to move the soul", he meant that sounds we generate often communicate more than the words that they produce. We have the experience of watching foreign movies: if we don't know the language they speak and there are no subtitles, we can still infer when performers are expressing anger, sorrow, joy, or any other emotions.Silence cues affect interpersonal communication by providing an interval in an ongoing interaction during which the participants have time to think, check or suppress an emotion, encode a lengthy response, or inaugurate another line of thought.Chronemics is the study of how people perceive and use time. People have different attitudes toward punctuality because they have different time orientations. People from monochronic cultures emphasize schedules, while people from polychronic cultures stress involvement of people and the completion of tasks as opposed to a strict adherence to schedules.Proxemics refers to the study of spatial relations. Cultures vary in such things as how living space is arranged and the distance between people in interaction.Oculesics refers to the study of communications sent by the eyes. Eyes play a central role in impression management. When people say that eyes talk, they mean that eyes convey messages. Although eye contact is a very important way of communication, direct eye-to-eye contact is not a custom throughout the world.Olfactics refers to the study of communication via smell. Americans feel uncomfortable with natural smells, so they spend millions of dollars to make themselves smell "good". However, many cultures regard natural smells as normal. Most 心abs perceive a person's smell as an extension of the person.Haptics or touch refers to communication through the use of bodily contact. There are different behavioral patterns regarding touch. We learn the rules, as we move from infancy into childhood. The wrong behavior of touching in strange cultures can create uncertainty and even ill feeling.Kinesics refers to gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body position, body movement, and forms of greeting and their relations to communication. Although any part of the body can be used for communicating nonverbally, face, hands, and armsare the primary 灼nesic channels through which nonverbal messages are sent.Chromatics refers to the study of color in reference to people's perceptions, behaviors, and impressions of others. The same color may be interpreted differently in different cultures. The wrong color of your clothes may make people dislike you, or even hate you. It is quite important to watch what color is appropriate in certain settings, when you are in a foreign countryAttire refers to clothing and physical appearance. It also serves as nonverbal symbols. We often identify a person's culture by his or her physical appearance and dress. Communication with others is often perceived by visual observations of his or her physical appearance.Chapter 7 cultural patternsDefining cultural patterns1.ways of thinking2.ways of actingComponents of cultural patterns 组成1.beliefs 信仰2.values 价值观3.norms 行为准则 practices 社会行为Culture theory1.high-context culture高语境文化(很多信息在环境中是可见的,没有必要用语言过多描述)2.low-context culture (语言作为主要传递信息的方式)3.problems posed (高语境的会嫌弃低语境的人说的太多,给予了太多不需要的信息)Value orientation1.human nature orientation2.person-nature orientation(mastery-over-nature view/harmony-with-natureview/subjugation-to-nature view)3.time orientation(value-past/value-present/value-future)4.activity orientation(value-doing/value-being/value-being-in-becoming)5.relational orientationCultural variability1.individualism and collectivism 独立的集中的2.uncertainty avoidance3.power distance4.masculinity and femininity 男权主义女权主义SummaryAlthough individuals, even in the same culture, tend to have different value patterns, there are overall values shaped by one's culture which are shared by the members of the group. Understanding a culture's value pattern is of great significance in terms of understanding their behaviorsShared beliefs, values, norms, and social practices that are stable over time andthat lead to roughly similar behaviors across similar situations are known as cultural patterns.A belief is an idea that people assume to be true about the world.Values involve what a culture regards as good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair, just or unjust, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, valuable or worthless, appropriate or inappropriate, and kind or cruel.Norms are the socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors.Social practices are the predictable behavior patterns that members of a culture typically follow.Context is defined as the information that surrounds an event; it is inextricably boundup with the meaning of the event. Edward T. Hall introduced the high context communication and low context communication. A high context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is already in the person, while very little is in the coded, explicitly transmitted part of the message. A low context (LC) communication is just the opposite; i.e., the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code. It is verbalized.Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations are based on: human nature, person-nature interface, time, activity and human relationships. These five aspects define group cultures according to different categories:A s for human-nature orientation, cultures could be divided into six groups: (1) Humans are evil but changeable; (2) Humans are evil and unchangeable; (3)Humans are neutral with respect to good and evil; (4) Humans are a mixture of good and evil; (5) Humans are good but changeable; (6) Humans are good and unchangeable.The person-nature orientation consists of three categories: (1) Mastery over nature;(2) Harmony with nature; (3) Subjugation to nature.As far as time orientation is concerned, cultures may belong to (1) The past orientation; (2) The present orientation; (3) The future orientation.The activity orientation involves three groups: (1) The d, omg onentat10n; (2) The being orientation; (3) The being-in-becoming orientation.Geert Hofstede has identified four value dimensions that have a significant impact on behavior in all cultures. These dimensions are individualism and collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, and masculinity and femininity.Individualistic cultures give more importance to individuals' needs when they do things such as setting goals.Collectivism is characterized by a rigid social framework that distinguishes between in-groups and out-groups.Uncertainty avoidance deals with the degree to which members of a culture try to avoid uncertainty.Power distance is "the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations accept that power is distributed unequally". That is to say, how equal or unequal .the people in a particular culture think people should be.The major differentiation between masculine and feminine cultures is how gender roles are distributed in cultures.Those dimensions offer certain measurements for researchers to study a specificculture or do comparative research work from an intercultural perspective.Chapter 8 cultural influence on contextsThe business context1.culture influence on business context2.management不同国家方式不同 etiquette norms 商务礼仪(appointment seeking/the date forbusiness/greeting behavior/gift giving)The educational context1.culture influence on the educational context2.role behaviors of students and teachers3.classroom participation4.turn taking说话的方式时间和行为The health care context1.culture influence on the health care and gender roles in the health care context3.conversational structures and languageSummaryMeaning in communication is basically decided by context. Communication is notdevoid of external influence: all human interaction is influenced to some degree by the social, physical, and cultural settings in which it occurs. This is known as the communication context. Context may consist of the social, political, and historical structuresin which the communication occurs. Communication in three areas is most influenced by context: business, education and health care.In the business field, management has become a crucial issue and the managing styles vary from culture to culture. These differences are apt to cause troubles for intercultural communication. In add 山on to management, many concrete business practices such as appointment seeking, greeting, gift giving and negotiation are also posing problems for the business interaction. People need to understand and practice the rules in intercultural business context to be competent communicators.The educational context is another significant area where intercultural communication frequently occurs. All participants in the educational context—teachers, students, parents, school administrators, and other staff—bring their cultures' beliefs, values, norms, and social practices with them. All of these can influence behaviors on how students and teachers relate to each other in the classroom.。



关于远动的英语作文English Response:Dynamic Stretching: An Essential Component of Exercise.Dynamic stretching plays a crucial role in my fitness routine, aiding in enhancing flexibility, preventing injuries, and improving overall performance. It's apractice I've incorporated into my workouts for years, and its benefits are undeniable.One of the key advantages of dynamic stretching is its ability to activate muscles and prepare them for the demands of exercise. Unlike static stretching, where you hold a position for an extended period, dynamic stretching involves continuous movement through a full range of motion. For example, before a run, I perform leg swings, lungeswith a twist, and arm circles to loosen up my muscles and joints. This not only primes my body for the upcomingactivity but also helps improve my range of motion.Moreover, dynamic stretching can help prevent injuries by promoting blood flow and increasing body temperature. By gradually increasing blood flow to the muscles and joints, dynamic stretching reduces the risk of strains and sprains during exercise. I've experienced firsthand how dynamic stretching before weightlifting sessions has helped me avoid muscle pulls and strains, allowing me to lift heavier weights safely.Another benefit of dynamic stretching is its positive impact on athletic performance. By actively engaging muscles and mimicking movements specific to the activity, dynamic stretching helps improve coordination, balance, and agility. For instance, before playing basketball, I incorporate dynamic stretches like high knees, butt kicks, and lateral lunges to prepare my body for the dynamic movements required on the court. This not only enhances my performance but also reduces the likelihood of fatigue and muscle stiffness during the game.In addition to its physical benefits, dynamicstretching also serves as a mental warm-up, helping me focus and prepare mentally for the workout ahead. The rhythmic movements and focus required during dynamic stretching create a sense of mindfulness and concentration, setting the tone for a productive exercise session.Overall, dynamic stretching is an essential component of any exercise routine, offering a myriad of benefits for both the body and mind. By incorporating dynamic stretches into my workouts, I've not only improved my flexibility and performance but also reduced the risk of injuries, allowing me to enjoy a more fulfilling and sustainable fitness journey.中文回答:动态拉伸,锻炼不可或缺的一环。



小沈的单词本Chapter 6. 人文科学包括:a. 艺术与文学; b. 文化与历史; c. 经济与贸易; d. 企业与管理; e. 法律与犯罪.N.B.The words with shading are not required in IELTS, but required in at least one another examination, including TOEFL, SAT, GRE, CET4/6, and NETM. Also, the italicized words are neither required in IELTS, nor in TOEFL, SAT, GRE, CET4/6, or NETM according to YouDao Dict.The BrE phonetic transcriptions, but the NAmE spellings are typed in this article.There are 10 chapters in this article, other chapters and a complete version can be found in my Baidu blog.注意带黄底的单词是非雅思要求的词汇,但是是托福、SAT、GRE、四六级、考研英语之中至少一种考试所要求的词汇. 而斜体的单词既不是雅思要求的词汇,也不是托福、SAT、GRE、四六级、考研英语要求的词汇.本材料中采用单词的英音音标、美式拼写.本材料共10章, 其他章节和一个完整版均可以在我的百度文库店铺中找到.Chapter 6. 人文科学a.艺术与文学classical music 古典乐jazz /dʒæz/ 爵士乐rock /rɒk/ 摇滚乐hip-hop/ˈhɪp hɒp/ 嘻哈pop /pɒp/ 流行歌曲lyric /ˈlɪrɪk/ 抒情的lyrics /'lɪrɪks/ 抒情诗;歌词melody /ˈmelədi/ 旋律rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/ 节奏;韵律tone /təʊn/ 音调;音色;语气tune /tjuːn/ 曲调tuner/ˈtjuːnə(r)/ 调音师;谐振器instrument 乐器piano 钢琴violin /ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/ 小提琴cello /ˈtʃeləʊ/ 大提琴guitar 吉他harmonic /hɑːˈmɒnɪk/ 和声(的) harmonica/hɑːˈmɒnɪkə/ 口琴organ /ˈɔːɡən/ 风琴;器官mouth organ 口琴trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/ 喇叭drum 鼓flute /fluːt/ 长笛trombone /trɒmˈbəʊn/ 长号cornet/ˈkɔːnɪt/ 短号clarinet /ˌklærəˈnet/ 单簧管oboe/ˈəʊbəʊ/双簧管percussion /pəˈkʌʃn/ 敲打乐器;打击乐solo 独奏;独唱band 乐队concert 音乐会;演唱会conductor 指挥symphony /ˈsɪmfəni/ 交响乐;和声orchestra /ˈɔːkɪstrə/管弦乐队improvise /ˈɪmprəvaɪz/ 即兴表演;即兴创作opera /ˈɒprə/ 歌剧;歌剧院;歌剧团drama /ˈdrɑːmə/ 戏剧;剧本melodrama /ˈmelədrɑːmə/ 闹剧;夸张的(情节剧) modern drama 话剧musical /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ 音乐剧ballet /ˈbæleɪ/ 芭蕾costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/ 戏服academic costume 学位服scene (舞台)场景;现场senery 舞台布景;风景lighting 舞台灯光spotlight 聚光灯auditorium /ˌɔːdɪˈtɔːriəm/ 礼堂;观众席target audience /ˈɔːdiəns/目标观众magic/ˈmædʒɪk/ 魔法;魔术;有魔力的circus /ˈsɜːkəs/ 马戏;马戏团rehearsal /rɪˈhɜːsl/ 排练rehearse /rɪˈhɜːs/ v.排练gallery /ˈɡæləri/ 画廊exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn/ 展览;展会photograph /ˈfəʊtəɡrɑːf/ 照片;相片painting /ˈpeɪntɪŋ/ 绘画;油画sketch /sketʃ/ 素描;梗概portrait /ˈpɔːtreɪt/ 肖像;人像;半身雕塑像sculpture /ˈskʌlptʃə(r)/ v./n.雕塑;雕刻statue /ˈstætʃuː/ 雕像;塑像relief n.浮雕;救济;减轻mural /ˈmjʊərəl/ 壁画carve /kɑːv/ 雕刻stone/wood carving 石雕/木雕craft /krɑːft/手艺handicraft 手工艺;手工艺品artefact /ˈɑːtɪfækt/ 手工制品handwriting 笔迹;书法calligraphy /kəˈlɪɡrəfi/ 书法autograph /ˈɔːtəɡrɑːf/亲笔签名;手稿aesthetic /esˈθetɪk/ 审美;美学的movie/film(更英式) 电影cinema/theater /ˈsɪnəmə /电影院role 角色actor/actress 演员stand-in 替身演员hero/heroine /ˈherəʊɪn/ 男/女主角supporting actor/actress 男/女配角billing 演员表;广告;账款cast 演员阵容;投掷an all-star cast 全明星阵容members of the cast 剧组成员audition /ɔːˈdɪʃn/ (对演艺人员的)试演director 导演producer=PD制片人supervisor 监制photographer/cameraman摄影script 剧本scriptwriter编剧plot/scenario 情节frame 一帧(画面)original version /əˈrɪdʒənl/ 原版recompose/adapt /riːkəm'pəʊz//əˈdæpt/改编dub /dʌb/ v./n.配音lines 台词story line 故事梗概title 片名subtitile 字幕bullet screen 弹幕soundtrack配乐voiceover 旁白;画外音Oscar /ˈɑːskər/ 奥斯卡feature film 剧情片action film 动作片science fiction film 科幻片fantasy film 魔幻片comedy 喜剧tragedy film /ˈtrædʒədi/ 悲剧片X-rated 少儿不宜的porno film/ˈpɔːnəʊ/ 色情电影thriller /ˈθrɪlə(r)/ 惊悚片;恐怖小说horror film /ˈhɒrə(r)/ 恐怖片suspense film/səˈspens/悬疑片documentary /ˌdɒkjuˈmentri/ 纪录片newsreel/ˈnjuːzriːl/ 新闻影片animation /ˌænɪˈmeɪʃn/动画片cartoon /kɑːˈtuːn/卡通TV play 电视剧serial /ˈsɪəriəl/ 电视连续剧;小说连载;系列电影series /ˈsɪəriːz/ (广播或电视上的)系列节目superhero series 超级英雄系列电影Marvel/ˈmɑːvl/ 漫威a sequel to * /ˈsiːkwəl/ *的续集blockbuster /ˈblɒkbʌstə(r)/大片* was released/shown *上映a box-office hit 一部卖座的电影quiz program/kwɪz/ 知识竞赛节目game show游戏节目talent show 选秀节目reality talent show 真人秀talk show 脱口秀;访谈节目host 主持人emcee=MC/emˈsiː/主持人literate /ˈlɪtərət/ 有文化的;学者literature /ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)/ 文学literal /ˈlɪtərəl/ 文字的;逐字的;不夸张的tale 故事;传说fairy tale 童话fiction 小说poetry /ˈpəʊətri/ 诗satire /ˈsætaɪə(r)/ 讽刺;讽刺文学magazine 杂志;弹药库coverage 新闻报道;覆盖(范围) biography /baɪˈɒɡrəfi/ 传记;档案language 语言lingual /ˈlɪŋɡwəl/ 语言的;舌的linguistics /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/ 语言学monolingual/ˌmɒnəˈlɪŋɡwəl/ 只会一种语言的monotonous /məˈnɒtənəs/单调的mundane /mʌnˈdeɪn/ 单调的;平凡的bilingual /ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/ 双语的;会两种语言的multilingual /ˌmʌltiˈlɪŋɡwəl/ 会多种语言的Mandarin /ˈmændərɪn/普通话Cantonese /ˌkæntəˈniːz/广东话Chinese character 汉字pictograph /'pɪktəgrɑːf/ 象形文字pronounce /prəˈnaʊns/ 发音intonation /ˌɪntəˈneɪʃn/ 声调;语调inflection/ɪnˈflekʃn/ 声调变化;弯曲;变形accent /ˈæksənt/ 口音phonetics/fəˈnetɪks/ 语音学grammar /ˈɡræmə(r)/语法grammatical /ɡrəˈmætɪkl/ 文法的syntax /ˈsɪntæks/ 句法semantic /sɪˈmæntɪk/ 语义的;语义学的coherence /kəʊˈhɪərəns/连贯性fluency 流利;流利度syllable /ˈsɪləbl/ 音节vowel /ˈvaʊəl/ 元音(的) consonant /ˈkɒnsənənt/ 辅音(的)verbal /ˈvɜːbl/ 口头的;动词的oral /ˈɔːrəl/ 口头的;口述的utterance /ˈʌtərəns/ 表达;说话方式alphabet /ˈælfəbet/ 字母表vocabulary 词汇lexical /ˈleksɪkl/ 词汇的idiom /ˈɪdiəm/ 习语;土话;成语phrase /freɪz/ 短语proverb /ˈprɒvɜːb/ 谚语;格言adage /ˈædɪdʒ/ 格言;谚语;箴言slang/slæŋ/ 俚语root /ruːt/ 词源;根;生根prefix/ˈpriːfɪks/ (添加)前缀suffix/ˈsʌfɪks/ (添加)后缀abbreviation/əˌbriːviˈeɪʃn/ 缩写logogram/ˈlɒɡəɡræm/ 简写synonym /ˈsɪnənɪm/ 同义词antonym /ˈæntənɪm/ 反义词noun/naʊn/ 名词singular /ˈsɪŋɡjələ(r)/ 单数(的);单一的plural /ˈplʊərəl/ 复数(的)a pluralist society /ˈplʊərəlɪst/ 多元的社会pronoun /ˈprəʊnaʊn/ 代词verb 动词adjective/ˈædʒɪktɪv/ 形容词adverb /ˈædvɜːb/ 副词preposition /ˌprepəˈzɪʃn/ 介词conjunction /kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn/ 连接词;结合clause /klɔːz/ 从句;条款tense /tens/ 时态;紧张的translation 翻译compile /kəmˈpaɪl/ v.编译;编制paraphrase /ˈpærəfreɪz/ 意译;解释literality/,lɪtə'rælətɪ/ 直译interpret /ɪnˈtɜːprət/ 口译;说明interpreter /ɪnˈtɜːprətə(r)/口译员narrate /nəˈreɪt/ 叙述;讲述illuminate /ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/ 阐明decipher /dɪˈsaɪfə(r)/ 破译eloquence /ˈeləkwəns/ 口才;修辞;雄辩eloquent /ˈeləkwənt/ 有说服力的;意味深长的punchline /ˈpʌntʃlaɪn/(笑话最后的)关键句,妙语;画龙点睛之语gossip /ˈɡɒsɪp/ n./;闲聊rumour /ˈruːmə(r)/ 谣言;v.传闻medium /ˈmiːdiəm/ 媒介;中间的media /ˈmiːdiə/ 媒体;(复数)媒介press 新闻界;出版社publish 出版;发行journalism /ˈdʒɜːnəlɪzəm/ 新闻业commentary /ˈkɒməntri/实况报道;现场解说b.文化与历史culture文化civilization /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ 文明epic /ˈepɪk/ 史诗(般的)tradition 传统custom 风俗customs /ˈkʌstəmz/海关ritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ 仪式;惯例;礼制etiquette/ˈetɪkət/ 礼节;礼仪derive from/dɪˈraɪv/ 源于originate from/əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ 源于native 本土的local 当地的nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə/ 乡愁homesick 想家的exotic /ɪɡˈzɒtɪk/ 异国(风情)的alien /ˈeɪliən/ 外国(的);外星人heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ 遗产;传统;继承(权) inherit /ɪnˈherɪt/v.继承antique /ænˈtiːk/ 古老的;古董archaeology /ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒi/ 考古学archaeologist/ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒɪst/ 考古学家excavate /ˈekskəveɪt/ 挖掘;开凿excavation n.发掘;挖掘antique /ænˈtiːk/古董;古老的pottery /ˈpɒtəri/ 陶器engrave /ɪnˈɡreɪv/ 雕刻engraving 雕刻品inscription /ɪnˈskrɪpʃn/ 题词;铭文;碑文museum 博物馆religion /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ 宗教materialism /məˈtɪəriəlɪzəm/ 唯物主义idealism /aɪˈdiːəlɪzəm/ 唯心主义Christian /ˈkrɪstʃən/ 基督教的/徒Buddhism /ˈbʊdɪzəm/ 佛教Islam /ˈɪzlɑːm/伊斯兰教atheist /ˈeɪθiɪst/ 无神论者clan /klæn/ 宗族;部落religious belief/faith /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/宗教信仰sacred /ˈseɪkrɪd/ 神(圣)的hallowed /ˈhæləʊd/ 神圣的holy /ˈhəʊli/ 圣洁的pope /pəʊp/ 教皇bishop /ˈbɪʃəp/ (基督教)主教missionary /ˈmɪʃənri/ 传教的/士priest /priːst/ 神父;牧师Bible /ˈbaɪbl/ 圣经church 教堂cathedral /kəˈθiːdrəl/ 大教堂choir /ˈkwaɪə(r)/ 唱诗班monk /mʌŋk/ 僧侣temple /ˈtempl/ 庙宇pagoda/pəˈɡəʊdə/ (东方寺院的)宝塔oriental /ˌɔːriˈentl/ 东方的renaissance /rɪˈneɪsns/ 文艺复兴enlightenment /ɪnˈlaɪtnmənt/启蒙运动slavery /ˈsleɪvəri/ 奴隶制colony /ˈkɒləni/ 殖民地tribe /traɪb/ 部落tribal 部落的aboriginal /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənl/ 土著(的)feudal /ˈfjuːdl/ 封建制度的empire /ˈempaɪə(r)/ 帝国imperial /ɪmˈpɪəriəl/ 帝国的;皇帝的dynasty 王朝;朝代thrive /θraɪv/ v.繁荣;兴旺prosperity /prɒˈsperəti/繁荣;兴旺royal 皇家的nobility /nəʊˈbɪləti/ 贵族lord 主;上帝;(英)贵族emperor 皇帝king 国王majesty /ˈmædʒəsti/ 威严;王权status/ˈsteɪtəs/ 地位;状态queen 王后;女王prince 王子princess 公主;王妃knight 骑士anecdote /ˈænɪkdəʊt/ 奇闻;轶事c.经济与贸易economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ 经济economic /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ 经济上的economical /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl/ 经济的;划算的;节约的financial /faɪˈnænʃl/ 财政的revenue/ˈrevənjuː/ (政府)财政收入;税收收入expense /ɪkˈspens/ 开支;代价expenditure /ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)/ 支出;花费currency 货币;通货monetary /ˈmʌnɪtri/ 货币的;财政的monetary policy 货币政策exchange rate 汇率The exchange rate of pound to RMB is about 9. shilling /ˈʃɪlɪŋ/ 先令(英国1971年以前货币单位,20先令合一英镑) pence /pens/ (复数)便士(100便士合一英镑) cash 现金cheque=check 支票dishonor拒付dishonored cheque 空头支票debit card /ˈdebɪt/ 借记卡credit card /ˈkredɪt/ 信用卡coin 硬币copper /ˈkɒpə(r)/ 铜币treasure /ˈtreʒə(r)/ 财富;珍宝tax 税levy /ˈlevi/ v./n.征收(税);征集(兵) impose /ɪmˈpəʊz/征收duty 关税;责任tariff /ˈtærɪf/ v./n.(征收)关税export /ˈekspɔːt/ v./n.出口quota /ˈkwəʊtə/ 配额;指标export quota 出口限额achieve/have quota of * 完成*的指标import 进口value of import 进口额dump /dʌmp/ 倾倒;(向国外)倾销global trade 环球贸易domestic and overseas markets 海内外市场GDP=gross domestic product/dəˈmestɪk/per capita/'kæpɪtə/ 人均surplus /ˈsɜːpləs/盈余;顺差;过剩的deficit /ˈdefɪsɪt/ 赤字;逆差inflation /ɪnˈfleɪʃn/ 通货膨胀;膨胀deflation/ˌdiːˈfleɪʃn/ 通货紧缩;放气recession/rɪˈseʃn/ 衰退;不景气depression 不景气;沮丧sluggish/ˈslʌɡɪʃ/ 萧条的;迟缓的economic crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ 经济危机manufacturing industry 制造业service industry 服务业catering industry 餐饮业hospitality industry /ˌhɒspɪˈtæləti/ 酒店业;服务业tourism industry 旅游业commercial /kəˈmɜːʃl/ 商业的commerce /ˈkɒmɜːs/ 贸易;商务entity /ˈentəti/ 实体;存在;本质a business entity 企业实体a sovereign entity /ˈsɒvrɪn/主权(国)实体invest 投资capital inflow资本流入influx of capital /ˈɪnflʌks/资本流入capital withdrawal /wɪðˈdrɔːəl/ 资产撤出bid v./n.出价;投标merchant /ˈmɜːtʃənt/ 商人;批发商;商家retail /'riːteɪl/ v./n.零售;零售的wholesale /ˈhəʊlseɪl/ 批发(的) transaction 交易deal 交易;买卖;约定;对付consumption /kənˈsʌmpʃn/ 消费;消耗consumer /kənˈsjuːmə(r)/ 消费者consumerism/kənˈsjuːmərɪzəm/消费主义dispense /dɪˈspens/发售;分配;免除goods 商品item (一件)商品;项目merchandise /ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪz/ 商品;货物commodity/kəˈmɒdəti/ 商品;日用品cargo /ˈkɑːɡəʊ/货物daily necessity /nəˈsesəti/ 生活必需品dispenser /dɪˈspensə(r)/自动售货机;药剂师customer 顾客client /ˈklaɪənt/顾客;客户sponser /ˈspɒnsə(r)/ 赞助者;主办方patron /ˈpeɪtrən/ 赞助人;主顾turnover /ˈtɜːnəʊvə(r)/ 翻覆;营业额cost 成本;代价profit 利润purchase /ˈpɜːtʃəs/ v./n.购买earn 赚钱afford 买得起;承担得起on sale (廉价)出售promotion 促销;提升;促进bargain /ˈbɑːɡən/ n.便宜货;v.讨价还价discount n./v.折扣a 10% discount 打九折membership 会员身份;会员资格voucher /ˈvaʊtʃə(r)/ 代金券;票券;凭证coupon /ˈkuːpɒn/ 优惠券lease /liːs/ 租约;v.出租receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ 收据invoice /ˈɪnvɔɪs/ 发票refund 退款;退税reimburse /ˌriːɪmˈbɜːs/ 偿还;赔偿reimbursement n.赔偿;报销apply for reimbursement 报销affluent /ˈæfluənt/ 富裕的;富人asset /ˈæset/ 资产estate /ɪˈsteɪt/ 房地产;财产real/immovable estate 不动产possession /pəˈzeʃn/ 拥有;财产property /ˈprɒpəti/ 财产;所有权;性质legacy /ˈleɡəsi/ 遗产ownership 所有权copyright 版权auction /ˈɔːkʃn/ v./n.拍卖donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ 捐赠endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/ (向学校等机构)捐钱;赋予wealth management 理财security 证券;安全(性) bond 债券;n./v.结合fund 基金;资金stock /stɒk/ 股票share 份额;股份dividend /ˈdɪvɪdend/ 红利;股息lottery /ˈlɒtəri/彩票account 账户deposit /dɪˈpɒzɪt/ n./v.存款;押金withdraw (从银行)取款;撤回interest /ˈɪntrəst/利益;利息insurance 保险loan /ləʊn/ 贷款;借款mortgage /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ/ n./v.抵押贷款debt /det/ 债务;借款obligation 义务;职责;债务liability /ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/ 责任;债务installment /ɪn'stɔ:lmənt/ 安装;分期付款penalty /ˈpenəlti/ 罚款d.企业与管理listed company 上市公司multinational company 跨国公司joint-stock company 合资公司firm 公司;商号state-owned enterprise /ˈentəpraɪz/ 国有企业foreign-invested enterprise 外资企业corporation /ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn/ 公司;法人(团体) legal person 法人consortium /kənˈsɔːtiəm/ 财团acquisition /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn/ 获得;收购negotiation 谈判;转让boss 老板director董事board 董事会chairman 董事长;会长;主席general manager 总经理supervisor 管理者superintendent /ˌsuːpərɪnˈtendənt/ 负责人;主管人executive /ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/主管subordinate 部属;下级apprentice /əˈprentɪs/ 学徒deputy/ˈdepjuti/ 副手;副职vice- 副的clerk /klɑːk/ 职员internship /ˈɪntɜːnʃɪp/ 实习生labor 劳动;劳动力workforce /ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ 劳动力white-collar worker 白领personnel /ˌpɜːsəˈnel/ 人事部门;全体人员human resource 人力资源regulate 调节;有系统地管理recruit /rɪˈkruːt/ v./n.招募;聘用;征兵post 岗位job vacancy/ˈveɪkənsi/ 职位空缺hunt for a job 找工作procedure /prəˈsiːdʒə(r)/程序;手续;步骤interview 面试;采访resume /rɪˈzjuːm/ 简历recommend 推荐recommendation /ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃn/ 推荐信employ 雇用employee /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/雇员employer /ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ 雇主hire 租用;(临时)聘用preservice training 岗前培训undertaking (重大或艰巨的)任务;项目commute /kəˈmjuːt/通勤clock in 打卡上班flextime /ˈfleksitaɪm/弹性工作制attend/əˈtendəns/ 出席;上(大学等);照料attendance /əˈtendəns/出席;考勤absent /ˈæbsənt/ 缺席的absenteeism /ˌæbsənˈtiːɪzəm/ 旷工;旷课ask for leave 请假overtime 加班时间;加班的overwork v./n.(工作)过度劳累salary 薪水income 收入wage /weɪdʒ/工资;报酬payment 付款;报酬payroll 工资单remuneration/rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃn/ 报酬;酬劳subsidy /ˈsʌbsədi/ 津贴;补贴allowance /əˈlaʊəns/ 津贴bonus /ˈbəʊnəs/ 奖金;红利increment /ˈɪŋkrəmənt/定期的加薪deduct /dɪˈdʌkt/ 扣除(工资) suspension/səˈspenʃn/ 停职;暂停downsize /ˈdaʊnsaɪz/ v.裁员redundancy/rɪˈdʌndənsi/ n.冗余;裁员fire 解雇lay-off n.解雇dismiss 解雇dismissal /dɪsˈmɪsl/ n.解雇discharge v./n.释放;免职;出院sack /sæk/ v.解雇;掠夺resign v./n.辞职resignation /ˌrezɪɡˈneɪʃn/ n.辞职;辞职信retire 退休retirement n.退休pension /ˈpenʃn/退休金;抚恤金e.法律与犯罪law 法律legal /ˈliːɡl/ 法律的;合法的illegal 非法的;违法的legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ 合法的;正当的statutory /ˈstætʃətri/ 法定的;可依法惩处的illegitimate /ˌɪləˈdʒɪtəmət/ 私生的;非法的valid/ˈvælɪd/ 有效的;合法的invalid 无效的;残疾的righteous /ˈraɪtʃəs/ 正义的;正直的rigorous/ˈrɪɡərəs/ 严格的;严密的rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd/ 严格的;死板的stern /stɜːn/ 严厉的;船尾rule 规则regulation 法规treaty /ˈtriːti/ 条约;协议charter/ˈtʃɑːtə(r)/ 宪章protocol /ˈprəʊtəkɒl/ 协议;草案draft n.草案;v.起草agreement 协议;共识;契约consensus /kənˈsensəs/共识attempt to reach a consensus 努力达成共识recognition /ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn/ 承认;识别;赞誉item/ˈaɪtəm/ 条目an undertaking clause/klɔːz/ 承诺条款convention /kənˈvenʃn/ 惯例;协定abide /əˈbaɪd/ 忍受;持续abide by 遵守observe/obey 遵守comply with /kəmˈplaɪ/ 遵守;照做violate/break the laws 违反法律deter 威慑;阻止;使打消念头mandatory /ˈmændətəri/ 法定的;义务的obligation /ˌɒblɪˈɡeɪʃn/ 义务;职责;债务enact /ɪˈnækt/ 制定(法律);颁布formulate /ˈfɔːmjuleɪt/规划;制定;确切表达legislate /ˈledʒɪsleɪt/ v.立法legislation /ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn/ n.立法legislative /ˈledʒɪslətɪv/立法的legislative power 立法权legislative institution 立法机构judicial /dʒuˈdɪʃl/ 司法的executive power/ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/ 行政权constitution /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn/ 宪法penal law/code /ˈpiːnl/ 刑法civil law/code 民法business/commercial law 商业法international law 国际法court 法院supreme court 最高法院judge 法官;裁判jury /ˈdʒʊəri/ 陪审团attorney /əˈtɜːni/[美]律师solicitor /səˈlɪsɪtə(r)/[英]诉状律师recess /ˈriːses/ n.休庭;休会trail /treɪl/ 审判;试验;痕迹awaiting trail 等候审判accuse /əˈkjuːz/ 控告accuse sb. of sth.petition/pəˈtɪʃn/ 请愿书;诉状prosecute /ˈprɒsɪkjuːt/ 检举;起诉mediate /ˈmiːdieɪt/ 调解;调停reconcile /ˈrekənsaɪl/调解;调停plead /pliːd/ 辩护pleading n.辩护justify/ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/ 替…辩护;证明…合法justifiable /ˌdʒʌstɪˈfaɪəbl/ 可证明为正当的justifiable defense 正当防卫mute /mjuːt/缄默的silent 沉默的oversee 监督;审查witness /ˈwɪtnəs/目击;目击者;证人clue 线索arrest 逮捕detain /dɪˈteɪn/扣押;拘留convict /kən'vɪkt/ 宣告…有罪;罪犯condemn /kənˈdem/ 谴责;判处(某人某种刑罚) condemn to death for murder 因凶杀被判处死刑appeal /əˈpiːl/ 上诉;呼吁appeal against the sentence 提出上诉a light/heavy sentence 轻/重刑victim 受害人hostage /ˈhɒstɪdʒ/ 人质decedent/dɪ'siːd(ə)nt/ 死者confess /kənˈfes/供认;忏悔succumb /səˈkʌm/ 屈从penalty /ˈpenəlti/ 处罚;罚款fine 罚款confine /kənˈfaɪn/ v.监禁n.范围;限制jail /dʒeɪl/监狱prison /ˈprɪzn/监狱suspect /səˈspekt/ 嫌疑人commit/kəˈmɪt/ 犯罪crime /kraɪm/罪行criminal /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ 罪犯guilt 犯罪vice /vaɪs/ 恶习;副的;代替offend /əˈfend/ 冒犯;违法petty/minor offend 轻微的罪行severe penal cases 严重的刑事案件offender 罪犯treason/ˈtriːzn/ 叛国罪bribe /braɪb/贿赂rob v.抢劫robbery/ˈrɒbəri/n.抢劫robber 强盗;劫匪burglar /ˈbɜːɡlə(r)/ 窃贼pirate /ˈpaɪərət/海盗;盗版hijack /ˈhaɪdʒæk/ (尤在交通工具上)劫持steal n.偷窃theif 小偷;盗贼larceny /ˈlɑːsəni/ 偷盗罪smuggle /ˈsmʌɡl/v.走私murder n./v.谋杀kidnap /ˈkɪdnæp/ v.绑架;拐骗kidnapping 拐骗罪murderer /ˈmɜːdərə(r)/ 杀人犯;凶手bloodguilt 杀人罪suicide /ˈsjuːɪsaɪd/ 自杀homicide /ˈhɒmɪsaɪd/他杀;杀人犯deceive /dɪˈsiːv/ v.行骗;欺骗deception /dɪˈsepʃn/ n.欺骗;欺诈fraud /frɔːd/ 欺诈;骗子sexual harassment/həˈræsmənt/ 性骚扰terrorist /ˈterərɪst/ 恐怖分子terrorism /ˈterərɪzəm/ 恐怖主义/行动shooting incident枪击事件evil /ˈiːvl/ 邪恶的wicked /ˈwɪkɪd/ 邪恶的;下流的devil /ˈdevl/ 魔鬼hatred /ˈheɪtrɪd/ 憎恨;仇恨loath=loth /ləʊθ/不情愿的;勉强的loathing 嫌恶;反感averse /əˈvɜːs/不愿意的ethic /ˈeθɪk/ 伦理道德ethical /ˈeθɪkl/ 伦理的moral /ˈmɒrəl/ 道德的inhumane /ˌɪnhjuːˈmeɪn/ 残忍的inhumanity /ˌɪnhjuːˈmænəti/不人道;无人性ruthless /ˈruːθləs/ 无情的;残忍的ruthlessness /ˈruːθləsnəs/ 残忍unfeeling 无情的;无怜悯心的cold-blooded 冷血的;无情的brutal /ˈbruːtl/ 残忍的;野蛮的cruel /ˈkruːəl/ 残忍的;残酷的vicious /ˈvɪʃəs/ 恶毒的;恶意的spite 恶意;不顾spiteful 恶毒的;恶意的venomous /ˈvenəməs/ 有毒的;恶毒的lenient /ˈliːniənt/ 宽大的;仁慈的leniency /ˈliːniənsi/ 宽大;仁慈tolerant /ˈtɒlərənt/宽容的charitable /ˈtʃærətəbl/行善的;宽厚的;慷慨的。

Adobe Acrobat SDK 开发者指南说明书

Adobe Acrobat SDK 开发者指南说明书
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chapter 6_examing

chapter 6_examing

At least one senior programmer as reviewer 会泽百家,致公天下
Yunnan University
项目组长 程序员3
Yunnan University
Formal Reviews (正式评审)
A Formal review is the process under which static whitebox testing is performing. Four essential elements
Identify Problems(确定问题) find problems with the software not just items that are wrong, but missing items as well Follow Rules Amount of code, how much time, and what are commented Prepare Know duties and responsibilities Most of the problems found through the review process are found during preparation, not at the actual review Write a Report 6 Summarizing the results of the review 会泽百家,致公天下



动画专业英语作文简单Certainly, I will provide the response in English first, followed by the Chinese translation.English Response:Animation is a captivating and dynamic art form that has the power to transport audiences to enchanting worlds, evoke emotions, and convey complex narratives. As a professional in the field of animation, I am deeply fascinated by the intricacies and challenges that come with this art form.One of the key aspects of animation is the ability to bring inanimate objects to life, imbuing them with personality, movement, and a sense of realism that can be difficult to achieve in live-action filmmaking. The process of animating a character or object requires a meticulous attention to detail, an understanding of principles of motion, and a keen eye for storytelling.The technical skills required in animation are truly remarkable. From the intricate hand-drawn frames of traditional animation to the cutting-edge digitaltechniques of computer-generated imagery (CGI), animators must possess a deep understanding of various software, tools, and production workflows. The ability to seamlessly blend these technical elements with creative vision is what sets apart the most accomplished animators in the industry.Beyond the technical mastery, animation also requires a strong foundation in the principles of visual storytelling. Animators must be adept at conveying emotions, establishing narrative arcs, and creating compelling characters that resonate with the audience. The use of color, lighting, camera angles, and sound design all play a crucial role in shaping the overall aesthetic and emotional impact of an animated work.One of the fascinating aspects of animation is its versatility. From the whimsical and fantastical worlds of children's cartoons to the gritty realism of adult-oriented animated films, the medium has the ability to tackle a wide range of themes and genres. This diversity allows animators to explore complex social, political, and philosophical ideas, often in ways that live-action cinema cannot.Furthermore, the collaborative nature of animation production is an integral part of the profession. Animators often work closely with writers, directors, producers, anda team of skilled artists and technicians to bring a vision to life. The ability to effectively communicate, problem-solve, and work in harmony with a diverse group of creative individuals is essential for success in the animation industry.As I reflect on my own journey in the field of animation, I am continually in awe of the creative potential and the profound impact that this art form can have on audiences. The ability to breathe life into imaginary characters, to transport viewers to unfamiliar realms, and to evoke deep emotional responses is truly remarkable. It is this senseof wonder and the desire to push the boundaries of the medium that drives me forward in my pursuit of excellencein the field of animation.中文翻译:动画是一种迷人而富有活力的艺术形式,它有能力将观众带入迷人的世界,唤起情感,传达复杂的叙事。



八年级英语戏剧术语单选题50题1.Which of the following is a term for the main character in a play?A.Supporting roleB.Lead roleC.ExtrasD.Backstage crew答案:B。


选项A“Supporting role”是配角;选项B“Lead role”是主角;选项C“Extras”是临时演员;选项D“Backstage crew”是后台工作人员。


2.A character who has a small but important part in a play is called?A.Main characterB.Lead actorC.Supporting characterD.Director答案:C。

选项A“Main character”是主要角色;选项B“Lead actor”是男主角;选项C“Supporting character”是配角;选项D“Director”是导演。


3.The person who plays the villain in a play is known as?A.HeroB.Villain roleC.AntagonistD.Protagonist答案:C。

选项A“Hero”是英雄;选项B“Villain role”表述不太准确;选项C“Antagonist”是反派角色;选项D“Protagonist”是主角。


4.A character that provides comic relief in a play is?ic characterB.Funny roleedy actoric relief character答案:D。

选项A“Comic character”比较宽泛;选项B“Funny role”不准确;选项C“Comedy actor”是喜剧演员;选项D“Comic relief character”是提供喜剧效果的角色。



Name _______________________________________Class hour ____________________The Scarlet IbisUnit Activity Packet“Pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death” (172).This packet is worth _____ points. Do not lose it. Bring it to class with you every day. We will do some of this packet together and some of it you will do on your own (**). Be sure to fill it in legibly Do your best.**Vocabulary:Fill in the part of speech and the definition for each of the vocabulary words below.Word Part of speech Definition, synonymrank169, col. 1billow(ed)169, col. 2vortex173, col. 1infallibility173, col. 4reiterated174, col. 2armada176, col. 1solder176, col.1evanesce176, col. 2vermilion176, col. 2Diction:Diction is the author’s choice of words. Authors will choose certain words for their effect based on their connotation. Connotation is the social meaning—it is what the word suggests to us beyond its dictionary meaning (denotation). For the word below, talk about what the word literally means and also what the words suggests in our culture. What is brother supposed to mean or be? What is our idea of brother?Word Denotation Connotationbrother**Plot:Record the main events of the story here.1.__________________________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________________________3.__________________________________________________________________4.__________________________________________________________________5.__________________________________________________________________ Setting:Give the correct information for the setting.Geographical placeHistorical yearPhysical place,housePhysical place, areaAtmosphere/detailsWorld events**Extending the setting:The narrator describes a place full of life: plants, flowers, insects, birds, and warm, sunny weather. There are several passages where he creates strong imagery. Find several and try to complete the following table with as many examples of the life he describes.Birds Weather Plants/flowers Insects & smallanimalsPoint of View:What point of view is this story narrated in? ______________________________How old is the narrator when he tells this story (in general) __________________Tone:The tone is the emotional aspect of the literature. The author creates a specific feeling right in the first paragraph. After we read this paragraph in class, complete this activity.What is the feeling you get from the first paragraph? _____________________________Give five examples (phrases taken directly from the first paragraph) that reinforce the tone. Put quotation marks around each phrase to show that you have taken them from the text.1.__________________________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________________________3.__________________________________________________________________4.__________________________________________________________________5.__________________________________________________________________ **Imagery:Images are pictures that the author creates to define setting, to reveal character, to reinforce theme, to reinforce tone, or for many other reasons. Images can be visual (sight), auditory (hearing), olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste), tactile (touch), and even kinesthetic (movement).Death imagery: Find as many examples of death images in the story as you can. Give the page number following the example. Also, use quotation marks to show that you have taken the example from the story.Example Page number, columnCharacter:There are really only two characters in this story—the narrator, whose name we never learn, and his brother, Doodle (William Armstrong).Answer the following questions related to character. Give reasons or prove your answer with examples from the story. Put a page reference in parentheses.How old was the narratorwhen Doodle was born?What is wrong withDoodle?Describe Doodle’sappearance as a baby.What is the narrator’sreaction to his newbrother?What kind of a brotherdoes the narrator want?Record Doodle’s reactionto seeing Old WomanSwamp for the first time.What does his reactionsay about him?How long does it take toteach Doodle to walk?What does that showabout each brother?Why does the narratorcry when everyonecongratulates him forteaching Doodle how towalk?The narrator says thatsometimes he is cruel tohis brother: give twoexamples to show thatthis is true.The narrator says thatDoodle is really good attelling lies. What arethese lies? (173)What is the theme ofmost of the lies and whatdoes this tell us aboutwhat is important toDoodle?How does Doodleimagine his perfect futurewill be? (173)**A developing (or dynamic) character is one who changes by the end of the story. He is one who learns something important that changes him, makes him more mature or gives him insight into himself or others. Is the narrator a developing/dynamic character? You must also say how you think he changed or what it is he learned. Support your answer with evidence from the story.________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________**Similes/metaphors:Hurst uses some great similes and metaphors that help the reader see exactly what he’s describing. Find three of them and record them in the table below. Show what is being compared—both the literal term (the thing being compared) and the figurative term (the thing being compared to). After recording the simile or metaphor, include the page number in ( ).Simile/metaphor Literal term Figurative term**Symbols:A symbol is a thing or idea that stands for something else. Authors use symbols to enhance the theme or to give readers a greater understanding of a key idea in the story. The main symbol is the scarlet ibis itself. The author implies that the bird is like Doodle, and at the end of the story, the narrator tells us himself that his brother looks just like the sad, lifeless bird.To get us ready for this symbol, the author “paints” his story red. Skim through the story and find as many things, images, ideas that are red and record them here. Follow the example given for you. Use quotation marks to show you have taken this information directly from the text.Example Page number, column “bleeding tree” p. 169, col. 1What emotions is the color red generally associated with?What things in ordinary life are red?How would you use the color red in an advertising campaign?The scarlet ibis and Doodle: Consider this: in captivity, a scarlet ibis will fade to pink. Where does it come from?What does it look like?How does Doodle respond tothe scarlet ibis and its death?What does this say abouthim?Describe how Doodleappears to be like the scarletibis at the end of the story(physically; how he looks).Theme:A theme is an idea or a truth that the author reveals to the reader in a story. This idea or truth get us to understand ourselves as human beings who are connected to all other human being in the world, across all spaces, cultures and across all time. The theme is the important thing for us to learn about others, but especially about ourselves. Themes are often related to life, death, love, friendship, family, courage, etc. Stories may not always present people in their best light, but by reading their stories, we can understand a better way for all people to live and behave towards each other.To come up with a theme sentence for this story, think about the important idea or truth we can learn from the narrator’s struggle to get a brother he could be proud of and the price he paid for that struggle.What did the narrator want?What did Doodle want?How did Doodle die?Why did Doodle die?How was Doodle like thescarlet ibis (not how helooked, but in other ways)?Remember what happens to thesebirds in captivity. Also, rememberthat this bird was far away from hishome.How should the narrator havetreated his brother?**Think of two different ways to state a theme idea for this story in addition to the first one that is done for you as an example. They can be about different ideas. Make your statement a complete sentence that reveals a truth about human behavior.1.Too much pride can make us treat those we love in cruel ways.2.__________________________________________________________________3.__________________________________________________________________ **Reader Response:Write a 100 word paragraph telling your reaction to any of the following: Doodle’s love for his brother, the narrator’s treatment of his brother, Doodle’s courage, or come up with your own idea. Support your ideas with examples from the story.________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________。



The Essence of Teenage SpiritIn the dynamic and vibrant phase of life, adolescence stands as a unique chapter, brimming with both challenges and opportunities. This is the time when young minds are molded, shaping their future perspectives and character traits. The teenage spirit, therefore, encompasses a range of qualities that define this critical stage.Firstly, curiosity is a quintessential trait of the teenage spirit. Adolescents are naturally inquisitive, eager to explore the world and its mysteries. They ask questions, seek answers, and are constantly on the lookout for new experiences. This curiosity drives them to learn, grow, and expand their horizons, making them agents of change and innovation.Secondly, resilience is a hallmark of the teenage spirit. Adolescence is a time of transition and growth, which often comes with its share of struggles and setbacks. However, teenagers are resilient by nature. They bounce back from failures, learn from their mistakes, and emerge stronger. This resilience is what helps them navigate through the challenges of life and emerge victorious.Moreover, the teenage spirit is also characterized by a sense of purpose and direction. As they grow, teenagers begin to understand their place in the world and the role they play. They develop a sense of purpose, knowing what they stand for and what they want to achieve. This sense of purpose gives them direction, allowing them to make informed choices and take responsible actions.Lastly, the teenage spirit is about optimism and hope. Teenagers are the future of our world, and their optimism and hope are what fuel their dreams and aspirations. They believe in themselves, in their abilities, and in the power of positive change. This optimism and hope are what drive them forward,激励他们追求更好的未来。

‘Dynamic Response Analysis

‘Dynamic Response Analysis

where A and B are unknown parameters. By substituting (6.2) in (6.1) and equating the coefficients of sin and cos terms, Ï ( k - mw ) A - cwB = 0 , Ì 2 ÓcwA + ( k - mw ) B = F which is then easily solved; F Ï A¸ Ï cw ¸ Ì ˝= 2 ˝. 2 2 2Ì Ó B˛ ( k - mw ) + (cw ) Ók - mw ˛ (6.3)
Байду номын сангаас
(k - mw )
2 2
+ (cw )
} = A sinwt + B coswt ,
which is identical with (6.3). Thus, analyses with real and complex numbers are equivalent when real parts of complex numbers are used. However, the derivation of (6.5) is simpler. The force–displacement relationship of a Voigt model thus derived is illustrated in Fig. 6.5. It is evident that the size of the loop, which stands for the energy loss per cycle, increases as the loading frequency is made higher. Note that real soil does not exhibit such rate dependency (Fig. 6.2 and Sect. 10.9). The frequency independency of damping ratio (Sect. 6.1) can also be achieved by changing the dashpot parameter with the loading frequency (inverse proportionality: μ 1 frequency ) . This idea, however, is not acceptable from a mathematical viewpoint. When the input consists of harmonic motion of different frequencies, the equation of motion is given by



Generalized Displacement This procedure is based on the assumption that the deflected shape of the structure can be expressed as the sum of a series of(一系列) specified displacement patterns(位移模式); these patterns then become the displacement coordinates of the structure.
In general, any arbitrary shape compatible with the prescribed support conditions(约束条件) of the simple beam can be represented by this infinite series of sine-wave components. This concept can be further generalized by recognizing that the sine-wave shapes used as the assumed displacement patterns were an arbitrary choice in this example. Thus a generalized expression for the displacements of any onedimensional structure might be written
The term dynamic may be defined simply as timevarying(时变); thus a dynamic load is any load of which its magnitude(幅值), direction, and/or position varies with time. Similarly, the structural response(响应) to a dynamic load is also time-varying, or dynamic.



absolutely/'æbsalu:tli/ad正是,当然accent/æksant/n. 口音according to 按……所说,根据account /akaunt/n.描述,报道ache /erk/ n.隐痛achievable /'tfi:vobl/adj.可完成的;做得成的actually/æktfuali/ad实际上,事实上adapt /odæpt/vi.(使)适应adapt to sth适应某事addict/ædikt/n.对……着迷的人adult/ædalt/n.成人,成年人affair /fea/ n.事件ahead/hed/ad在前面:向前aim/cim/n.目的,意图;vi.力求达到*album/'ælbam/n.簿,册all in all总而言之,总的来说am/erem/(antemeridiem)午前,上午amazed / meizd/adj.大为惊奇的,惊讶的amazingly /ameizinli/adv惊人地,了不起地amount/maunt/n.数量,数额announcement /naunsmantn. 通告,公告annual /'ænjual/adj.一年一度的,每年的apartment /apatmant/n.公寓套房application/æplkerfon/n.申请书apply/'pla/vi.申请;请求apply for 申请appropriately/proupriatliadv 合适地,适当地arise /oraiz!vi.(问题或困难)出现,发生as far as就……而言as well as ……以及……at the moment此刻,目前,眼下athlete/æ0li:t/n.运动员attach /'tætf7vt.贴;固定;附上attractive /a'traktrv/adj.有吸引力的;好看的,美观的audience/o:dions/n.观众;听众awesome/o:som adj.令人赞叹的;很好的awkward/o:kwad/adj.令人尴尬的Bbadminton/bedmmten/n.羽毛球balanced/belanst/adj.均衡的ballet/ble/n.芭蕾舞剧,芭蕾舞表演barbecue/ba:bikju:/n.烧烤野餐be capable of 有能力做be fed up with厌烦的,不满的,无法再忍受的be responsible for对……负责beer/bi/n.啤酒behaviour /bihervia/n.行为,举止belt/belt/n.腰带,皮带*bench/bent//n.替补队员席benefit/benifit/n.好处,益处*besides/br'saidz/ adv.除……之外bite /bat/vi.&vt.咬bone/bewn/n.骨头,骨bounce/bauns/vi.&vt.(使)弹起,(使)反弹bowling/boul/n.保龄球boxing/bpksin/n.拳击(运动)branch/bra:nt//n.树枝*bronze/bronz/n.铜*buzz/baz/vi.闹哄哄,喧闹cafe/kæfe/n.咖啡馆,小餐馆calm/ka:m/vi.&vt.(使)平静,(使)镇定(62)calm down冷静下来(62)campus/kempas/n.校园(6)capable/kerpebal/adj.能干的;能力强的(37)case/keis/n.状况,场合:事例,实例(102)catch sb's eye遇到某人的目光:吸引某人的注意(57) certificate /satfikat/n.合格证书(14)challenge/'tfælendn.挑战;具有挑战性的事物vt.向……挑战(101)challenging/tfelondiadj.富有挑战性的(6)champion/'tfæmpin/n.冠军,第一名(30)chapter/'tfæpta/n.一段时期;章节(100)character /keraktan.字,字体;人物,角色(52)charity/tferoti/n.慈善机构,慈善团体(15)chat /tfæt/vi. & n. 闲谈,聊天(8)cheer up(使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来(36)clap/klæp/vi.&vt.鼓掌,拍手(31)click/klik/vi.&vt.点击(鼠标) (37)company/kamponi/;一群人(30)competence/komprtans/n.能力,胜任(6)confidence/konfidansn. 自信,信心;信赖(6)confident/konfidant/adj.自信的(15)congratulation /kangretfuleifenn.恭喜,祝贺(50)contact/kontakt/n.联系,联络vt.(写信、打电话)联系(某人) (15) contribution/kontrbju:fn/n.贡献(15)convenient /kenvinientadj.方便的,便利的(8)court/ko:t/n.(网球等的)球场(102)crash /kræ∫/vi.&vt.猛撞(31)crash into猛撞,猛击(31)crowd/kraud/n.人群cuisine/kwi:'zi:n/n.烹饪custom/kastem/n.风俗,习惯;传统cycle/sarkol/vi骑自行车cyclist/sarklist/n.骑自行车者,自行车运动员(40)Ddealwith对付,应付,处理(15)decorate/dekarertvi.&vt.装饰,布置,美化(103)decoration/dekarefn/n.装饰物(52)defeat/drfi:t/vt.(在比赛、战争中)战胜,打败(30) defence/difens/n.防守队员,后卫(35)defend /dr'fend/vi.&vt.保护保ㄗ(43)definitely/defintli/adv.确切地,肯定地(8) description/dskripfan/n.描述,描写(62)desire/drzaro/ n.渴望(30)detail/di:teil/n.细节(38)diet/darat/n.日常饮食(28)differ/difa/vi.不同,不一样,有区别(6)digestion/dardestfon/n.消化(21)digital/drdtl/adj.数字的,数码的(8) disappointment/disopontmantn.失望,扫兴;沮丧(103) disease/drzi:z/n.疾病(37)distance/distons/n.距离,间距(9)downstairs/daunsteazladv往楼下,在楼下(62) downtown/daontaon/adv.向/在城镇商业中心区(12) drag/dreg/vt.拖,拉(8)dragon/dregan/n.龙(50)Dragon-Boat Festival端午节(50)due to 因为(101)dusty/dasti/adj.布满灰尘的(15)dynamic/darnamik/adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的(6)Eeager/i:ge/adj.热切的;渴望的(15)earn/3:n/vt.赢得;博得(31)editor/edrta/ n.编辑,主编(101)effort/efat/n.努力;力气(104)energy /enadzi/n. 力量,活力(31)engine/endm/n.引擎(8)entertainment/entateinmant/完全地,彻底地(101)envelope/envaloup/n.信封(58)equipment /i'kwipment/n.设备,装备(37)eve/i:v/ n.前夕,前一天(58)event/vent/n.事件;活动(62)expectant /ikspektant/adj. 期待的,期望的(52) expectation/ekspekterfen/n. 期待;预料,预期(6) expert/eksp3:t/n. 专家,行家(101)extend/ik'stend/vt.提供,给予,表示(105)extent /ikstent/n.程度(101)extra/ekstra/adj.额外的,另外的(31)Ffeature /'fi:tfalvt.以……为特色,是……的特征(14) *firecracker/fa krekan.鞭炮,爆竹(53)flash /fæ// vi.& vt.闪现,闪过n.照相机闪光灯(15) flexibility/fleksibilti/n.灵活性(45)flight/flart/n.航班(53)flow/flou/vi.流,流动;n.流动H(37)formal/fo:maladj.正式的,官方的(18)fortunate/fo:tfenet/adj.幸运的(105)forward/fo:wed/adv向前;进展(18)frank /frenk/adj.坦率的,坦诚的(101)frequency/frikwansi/n.发生的频率,发生率(28) from time to time有时;偶尔;间或(8)frosty/frosti/adj.严寒的(58)function/fankon/vi运转,工作;n.功能(101)Ggather /'gæða/vi.& vt.聚集,聚合(31)gather around 聚集(31)gathering/'gæðern/n.聚会(52)*gesture/dzestfa/n.姿态;手势:姿势(40)getahead取得进步,获得成功(9)giveup放弃(15)goal /goul/n.目标,目的(9)golf/golf/n. 高尔夫(28)graduate/graduert/vi.毕业(14)graduate from 从……毕业(14)graduation/gredu'erfen/n.毕业(50)greet/gri:t/vt.问候,欢迎;打招呼(56)guideline/'gaidlan/n.指导方针,指导原则(37)guy/ga/n.(非正式)男人,家伙(30)gym/dzm/n.体育馆,健身房(18)gymnastics/dzmnæstrks/n.体操(28)Hhalfway/hafwe/adv.半途地(103)hardware/ha:dwea/n.(计算机)硬件(8)host/houst/n.主人;东道主;主持人(52)hotpot/hotpot/n.火锅(53)humbly/hambli/ adv谦虚地(66)immediately/midiotli/adv即刻,马上(52)*immune /mju:n/adj.免疫的;有免疫力的(36)immune system免疫系统(36)in case以防万一(102)independently/nd pendantliadv. 独立地,自立地(15)informal/mfomel/adj.非正式的(18)in general 普遍地(104)ingood/badshape健康状况良好/不佳(28)injury/'mdzari/n.伤,损害(100)in other words换句话说(101)in particular尤其,特别(37)in person亲自(8)inspiration/insparexfon/n.激动,鼓舞;给人以灵感的人/物;灵感(30) inspire/mspa/vt.鼓励,激励(14)intend/ntend/vt.计划,打算,想要(15)Jjeans /dzi:nz/n.牛仔裤(104)jog/dzng/vi.&n.慢跑(28)joy/dzoi/n.欢欣,愉快,喜悦(53)junior /'dzu:nia/adj.低年级的(18)Kkeep up with 跟上,保持同步(31)lantern/læntan/n.灯笼,提灯(50)lap /lep/ n.大腿部(58)laptop/lptop/n.笔记本电脑,便携式电脑(8)laughter/la:fto/n.笑;笑声(15)leisure/le/n.空闲,闲暇,业余时间(100)let off 使某物爆炸(52)let sb down使失望,辜负(别人的信任或期望) (31)lifestyle/larfstail/n.生活方式(8)livingroom起居室(8)look forwardto(doing)sth期待,盼望(18)lunar/'lu:no/adj.阴历的;月球的(50)lunar month阴历月,农历月(50)Mmake an effort尽力(104)make sure 确保(38)*meanwhile/mi:nwail/adv与此同时(9)medal/med/n.奖牌;勋章(40)media/mi:die/n.新闻媒体,大众传播媒介(总称) (8)membership/membip/n.会员身份(37)memory/memari/n.记忆,回忆(58)merry/meri/adj.快乐的(59)military/mlrtori/n.军队,武装力量(101)moment/maument/n.某一时刻(18)*monster/monsta/n.怪兽,怪物(103)movein搬来(和某人)一起居住(58)muddy/madi/adj.泥泞的,多泥的(15)muscle/masl/n.肌肉(38)Nnative/nertrv/n.本地人(8)neat/ni:t/adj.整洁的(104)necessity/nseseti/n.必需品(8)net/net/n.(网球等的)球网;网(102)no longer 不再(59)not ... anymore 不再 (31)nowhere/nouwe/adv哪儿也见不到(62)occasion /okeionn.重要的社交活动;时刻,时候(50) occupy/'Dkjepa/vt. 占用,占去(时间) (103)onto /vntw/ prep.到……上,向……上(31) organisation/o:genazerfan/n.组织,团体,机构(15) organise/o:genaiz/vt.组织,筹划(101)original /ndmol/adj.原先的,最早的,最初的(53) ought to aux. 应该,应当(103)over andover再三地,重复地(58)overdo/oovadu:/vt.把……做得过火(38) overnight /euvenat/ady.突然,一下子(38) overtake/auvteik/vt.超过(40)oxygen/oksidzon/n.氧(37)pack/pæk/n.包,包裹vi.&vt.把……包起来(31) particular/patikjela/n.尤其,特别;adj.特定的(37) patience/perfens/n.耐心;耐力(58)pass away 去世(59)pay off 取得成功;奏效(31)plate /plert/n.盘;碟(59)plus/plas/adj.有利的,好的;prep.加(100)pole/poul/n.地极,北/南极(58)position/pzrfn/n.职位;位置(101)power/'pauo/n.电,电力;力量(15)prefer/prifs:/vt.更喜欢(28)presentation/prezenterfan/n.报告;陈述,说明(18) pressure /prefa/ n.压力(100)prevent /prvent/vt.预防;阻止,阻挡(37) previous/pri:vias/adj.以前的,先前的(6)principle/prinsapol/n.原则,基本的观念(38) professional /prafefenal/adj.专业的,职业的(101)prohibit/prohubrt/vt.禁止(102)province/'provins/n.省(14)pudding/'pudi/n.布丁;甜食,甜点心(104)put up 张贴(52)quality/'kwolati/n.质量,品质(8)quit/kwit/vi.&vt.停止(做某事) (103)Rrange /reindz/n.一系列;范围(8)rather than而不是(28)recover /nkav/vi.恢复健康,康复(100)recreation/rekri'ern/,消遣(22)reduce/ndju:s/vt.减少;降低;缩小(12)regularly/regjulli/ad经常;定期地(102)relief/nlif/n.减轻、缓解(37)relieve /rli:v/ vt.减轻,缓解(36)remind /r mand/vt.使(某人)想起,提醒(102)remove/nmu:v/vt.移走;去掉(101)replacement /npleismentn.替换的人(物) represent/repnzent/vt.代表(105)(30)response/rspons/n.回答,答复(40)responsible /rsponsobol/adj.负责的;有责任心的(15)retired/rtad/adj.退休的(53)revise /rivaiz/ vi.&vt.复习(9)roll/reul/vt.使成筒形(球形)n.一卷;面包卷(59)rural/roorol/adj.农村的,乡村的,田园的(22)satisfaction/sætisfekfn/n.满足,满意(38)saying/seun/n.格言,谚语(9)scare/ske/vt.吓唬;使(某人)惊恐(52)scare sb/sth away把……吓跑(52)schedule/fedju:1/n.日程表,计划表(6)searchengine搜索引擎(8)secondary/sekanderi/adj.中等教育;中级的;次要的(6)seck/si:k/vt.寻求;请求(101)select/salekt/vt.挑选,选拔(62)senior/sinia/adj较高的,高级的(6)sharply/fa:pli/adv严厉地,毫不客气地(31) shift//ifn.(工厂、医院等轮班制的)当班时间(100) shortcut //o:tkat/n.捷径,近路(38)*shot/fot/n.投球,击球(30)sight /sart/n.视野(40)sign up 报名(102)skateboard/skertbo:d/n.滑板;用滑板滑行(28)slide/slaid/n.幻灯片(18)slightly/slatli/adv略微,稍微(58)snack/snk/n.(正餐以外的)小吃,点心(52)socialmedia社交媒体(8)somehow/'samhau/ady不知怎的;不知为什么(58) sort/so:t/n.种、类:类型(15)sortof 有几分,有点(15)specific/sposifik/adj.具体的,特定的(104) sportsmanship/spo:tsmnrp/ n.体育精神(40)stair /stea/ n.楼梯;梯级(28)sticky/strki/adj.黏性的,黏的(50)*stocking/'stok/n.长筒袜(58)strengthen/streOon/vi.&vt.(使)强健(36)stress/stres/n.压力;忧虑;紧张(12)stressed/strest/adj.焦虑的,紧张的(101) stressful /stresfal/adj.充满压力的,紧张的(6) studio/stjudiou/n.录音室(104)stuff/staf/vt.给……填馅;填,塞(58)suffer/'safa/vi.&vt.遭受(痛苦)(12)suffer from(身体或精神上)遭受……(痛苦)(12) suit/sju:t/n.套装(104)summarise/'sameraiz/vi.& vt.总结,概括(52) supply/spla/n.供应,供给(15)surf/s3:f/vi.& vt.冲浪(8)surfthe Internet网上冲浪,浏览因特网(8) surround /sarawnd/vt.环绕,围绕(53)*swallow/'swoleu/vi.&vt.吞下,咽下(59)sweat/swet/n.汗水(38)sweep/swi:p/vt.扫;打扫(52)sweep away 扫除;清除(52)system/sistm/n.系统(36)Ttake advantage of sth 利用某物target/ta:git/n.目标tear /tia/n.眼泪,泪水teen/tin/n.少年,十几岁的孩子teenager/tineida/n.青少年,十几岁的孩子tend to do sth 易于做某事tension/ten/an/n.紧张;焦虑thoroughly/'0arali/adv完全地throughout /0ru:aut/prep.在整个期间,自始至终thus /ðas/adv.因此,因而,从而tip /tp/n. 建议,忠告,窍门tobefrank坦白说,坦地说tough/taf/adj.困难的,难办的track/træk/ n.跑道tradition/tredifan/n.传统try out for sth参加……选拔turkey/'t3:ki/n.火鸡typical/trpikol/adj.平常的;一贯的;典型的U*underdog/'andodog/n.处于劣势的人(队);弱方(30) unfortunately /anfo:tfentli/ady不幸地;令人遗憾地(100) uniform/ju:nofo:m/n.制服(62)unstable iansteibal/adj.不稳定的(15)update/apdert/vt.更新(9)upper/apa/adj.较上的,上面的(37)upside down 倒置地,颠倒地(52)various /'veorias!adj.各种各样的;多种(类型)的(8) voluntary/'volantari/adj.志愿的;服务的;白愿的(8) volunteer/volantralW vi.&vt. 自愿;志愿;n.志愿者版社(9) warm-upn.热身运动,准备活动(102)wave/werv/vi.&vt.挥手;招手(59)wedding/wedm/n.婚礼(56)weekly/wikl/adj. 一周一次的,每周的(36)whisper/wispo/vi.&vt.低声说,低语(59)wine/wan/n.葡萄酒(53)within/wið'n/prep.在……之内(102)。



Chapter 1 What is TranslationFill in the blanks with the correct answers.1.Translation is defined as: 1 the act or an instance of translating, and 2 a written orspoken expression of the meaning of a word, speech, book, etc. in another language.The first of these two senses relates to translation as a ( process), the second to the ( product ).2.In his “On Linguistic Aspect of Translation”, Roman Jakobson makes a distinctionbetween three types of written translation, namely, ( intralingual translation ), ( interlingual traslation ) and ( intersemiotic translation ).3.The burgeoning field received the name “Translation Studies” thanks to theNetherlands-based scholar James S. Holmes in his paper “( The Name and Nature of Translation Studies )”.4.The law of growing (standardization ) means that TTs generally display lesslinguistic variation than STs, and the law of ( interference ) means that common ST lexical and syntactic patterns tend to be copied, creating unusual patterns in the TT.5.( Universals of traslation ) refer to specific characteristics that, it is hypothesized,are typical of translated language as distinct from non-translated language.Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.1.“The so-called principles of translation and criteria of translation are the two sidesof the same thing. The former lays emphasis on ( translator ), referring to what ( the translator ) should follow while translating, whereas the latter on ( the reader or critic ), who may use the criteria to evaluate a translation.”2.公元4世纪,名僧(玄奘)主张“案本而传,不令有损言游字;时改倒句,余尽实录也。

















个性类型和职业环境类型的划分及衡量(一)个性类型和职业环境类型的划分对个性类型与职业类型进行分类,沿用霍兰德将人类的个性分为六种类型的划分,即:实际型(R型)、研究型(I型)、艺术型(A型)、社会型(S型)、企业型(E型)、传统型(C型),因此简称RIASEC 类型(见图1)。













关键词:三维试衣系统碰撞检测及响应衣片缝合Abstract3D garment-fitting system is a focus of pilot project that based on virtual reality technology, and the collision-checking and response is an important component of this system.Collision includes two parts: one is the collision between cloth and body; the other is the self-collision of cloth. The first one sets up a best distance between the cloth and the body for different somatotypes, and provides pre-conditions for collision-response. The second one, according to cloth's overhanging phenomena, simulates the real cloth.At first, this paper describes the prepare work for collision-checking, such as triangle gridding partition, adding springs and so on. Then we study the collision principle between sphere and the cloth, and improve it onto a collision between a body and two cloth which before and after it. At the first step, they (both body and cloth) are required to be partitioned by AABB boxes. Second, we have to control the cloth moving to the body .At last, the system checks whether the cloth comes into collision with the body. If it happens, the system carries out the collision-response immediately.Furthermore, this paper describes the processes of cloth-stitching after collision so that they can become integrative clothes. Then, the system puts all the particles of cloth into an array so as to add texture, wind and other real natural effect.To sum up, this paper generalizes the entire processes of the collision-checking and response, analyzes the algorithm used on each step, and finally puts the clothes which are made up by several separate clothes on the model. This imitation is a vivid virtual reality effect.Keywords:3D garment-fitting system collision-checking and response cloth-stitching目录第一章引言 (7)第二章衣片划分研究 (8)第一步衣片网格划分 (8)第二步衣片添加弹簧 (10)第三步衣片包围盒划分 (11)第四步人体包围盒划分 (11)第五步衣片向人体运动 (11)实验效果图 (11)第三章建立层次包围盒 (13)层次包围盒概念 (13)层次包围盒约束条件 (13)层次包围盒算法分类 (13)3.3.1包围球Sphere (14)3.3.2方向包围盒OBB (14)3.3.3沿坐标轴的包围盒AABB (14)3.3.4三种包围盒算法比较与抉择 (15)AABB包围盒存储优化 (15)3.4.1 A ABB树的构造 (16)3.4.2优化方法 (16)3.4.3优化后结果 (17)3.4.4人体AABB树 (17)第四章碰撞检测 (18)衣片与人体碰撞检测 (18)4.1.1碰撞检测原理 (18)4.1.2基于AABB层次包围盒树的碰撞检测算法实现 (19)4.1.3碰撞检测两大步骤 (19)衣片自碰撞检测 (21)4.2.1自碰撞检测由来与原理 (21)4.2.2自碰撞检测的算法实现 (22)碰撞响应实现方法 (25)碰撞响应效果图 (25)实验效果图 (26)第五章衣片缝合 (26)衣片缝合原理 (26)衣片缝合步骤 (26)衣片缝合的算法实现 (27)实验效果图 (28)第六章总结与展望 (29)总结 (29)展望 (29)致谢 (30)参考文献 (31)附录 (34)ContentsChapter One Introduction.................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

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and G(s) can be approximated as:
2.1s Ke s G Sk 6.5s 1
Chapter 6
The normalized step responses for G(s) and the two approximate models are shown in Fig. 6.10. Skogestad’s method provides better agreement with the actual response.
Chapter 6
• He approximates the largest neglected time constant in the following manner.
One half of its value is added to the existing time delay (if any) and the other half is added to the smallest retained time constant. Time constants that are smaller than the “largest neglected time constant” are approximated as time delays using (6-58).
Time required to do the analysis
Mathematical description: A time delay, θ , between an input u and an output y results in the following expression:
0 y t u t θ
Chapter 6
In Eq. 6-4 we showed that the transfer function for a time delay can be expressed as a Taylor series expansion. For small values of s,
e θ 0 s 1 θ 0 s
(b) To use Skogestad’s method, we note that the largest neglected time constant in (6-59) has a value of three. • According to his “half rule”, half of this value is added to the next largest time constant to generate a new time τ 5 0.5(3) 6.5. constant
for t θ for t θ
G( s) e
Y ( s) U ( s)
Chapter 6
Approximation of Higher-Order Transfer Functions
In this section, we present a general approach for approximating high-order transfer function models with lower-order models that have similar dynamic and steadystate characteristics.
• An alternative first-order approximation consists of the transfer function,
1 e
θ0 s
Chapter 6
θ 0 s

1 1 θ0 s
where the time constant has a value of θ0 .
bm s z1 s z2 s zm
Chapter 6
where {zi} are the “zeros” and {pi} are the “poles”. • We will assume that there are no “pole-zero” cancellations. That is, that no pole has the same numerical value as a zero. • Review: n m in order to have a physically realizable system.
• These expressions can be used to approximate the pole or zero term in a transfer function.
Skogestad’s “half rule”
• Skogestad (2002) has proposed an approximation method for higher-order models that contain multiple time constants.
Dynamic Response Characteristics of More Complicated Systems
Chapter 6
More General Transfer Function Models
• Poles and Zeros: • The dynamic behavior of a transfer function model can be characterized by the numerical value of its poles and zeros.
Solution (a) The dominant time constant (5) is retained. Applying the approximations in (6-57) and (6-58) gives:
0.1s 1 e0.1s
Cห้องสมุดไป่ตู้apter 6
Chapter 6
• General Representation of a TF: There are two equivalent representations:
i b s i i a s i i 0
G s
i 0 n
G s
an s p1 s p2 s pn
1 e3s 3s 1 1 e0.5s 0.5s 1 (6-62)
Substitution into (6-59) gives the Taylor series s : approximation, G TS
0.1s 3s 0.5 s 3.6 s Ke e e Ke s G TS 5s 1 5s 1
Chapter 6
• The other half provides a new time delay of 0.5(3) = 1.5. • The approximation of the RHP zero in (6-61) provides an additional time delay of 0.1. • Approximating the smallest time constant of 0.5 in (6-59) by (6-58) produces an additional time delay of 0.5. • Thus the total time delay in (6-60) is, θ 1.5 0.1 0.5 2.1
Figure 6.10 Comparison of the actual and approximate models for Example 6.4.
Example 6.4
Consider a transfer function:
G s
5s 1 3s 1 0.5s 1
K 0.1s 1
Chapter 6
Derive an approximate first-order-plus-time-delay model,
θs Ke s G τs 1 using two methods:
(a) The Taylor series expansions of Eqs. 6-57 and 6-58.
(b) Skogestad’s half rule
Compare the normalized responses of G(s) and the approximate models for a unit step input.
Time Delays
Time delays occur due to: 1. Fluid flow in a pipe 2. Transport of solid material (e.g., conveyor belt)
Chapter 6
3. Chemical analysis Sampling line delay