Voronoi Tessellation Based Interpolation Method for


Laboratory experiments for intense vortical structures in turbulence velocity fields

Laboratory experiments for intense vortical structures in turbulence velocity fields

a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0703057v 1 [p h y s i c s .f l u -d y n ] 6 M a r 2007Physics of FluidsLaboratory experiments for intense vortical structures in turbulence velocity fieldsHideaki Mouri,a Akihiro Hori,b and Yoshihide Kawashima bMeteorological Research Institute,Nagamine,Tsukuba 305-0052,Japan(Dated:February 2,2008)Vortical structures of turbulence,i.e.,vortex tubes and sheets,are studied using one-dimensional velocity data obtained in laboratory experiments for duct flows and boundary layers at microscale Reynolds numbers from 332to 1934.We study the mean velocity profile of intense vortical struc-tures.The contribution from vortex tubes is dominant.The radius scales with the Kolmogorov length.The circulation velocity scales with the rms velocity fluctuation.We also study the spatial distribution of intense vortical structures.The distribution is self-similar over small scales and is random over large scales.Since these features are independent of the microscale Reynolds number and of the configuration for turbulence production,they appear to be universal.I.INTRODUCTIONTurbulence contains various classes of structures that are embedded in the background random fluctuation.They are important to intermittency as well as mixing and diffusion.Of particular interest are small-scale struc-tures,which could have universal features that are inde-pendent of the Reynolds number and of the large-scale flow.We explore such universality using velocity data obtained in laboratory experiments.We focus on vortical structures,i.e.,vortex tubes and sheets.The former is often regarded as the elementary structure of turbulence.1,2,3At low microscale Reynoldsnumbers,Re λ<∼200,direct numerical simulations de-rived basic parameters of vortex tubes.3,4,5,6,7,8The radii are of the order of the Kolmogorov length η.The total lengths are of the order of the correlation length L .The circulation velocities are of the order of the rms velocity fluctuation u 2 1/2or the Kolmogorov velocity u K .Here · denotes an average.The lifetimes are of the order of the turnover time for energy-containing eddies L/ u 2 1/2.For these vortical structures,however,universality has not been established because the behavior at high Reynolds numbers has not been known.At Re λ>∼200,a direct numerical simulation is not easy for now.The promising approach is velocimetry in laboratory experiments.A probe suspended in the flow is used to obtain a one-dimensional cut of the velocity field.The velocity variation is intense at the positions of in-tense structures.Especially at the positions of intense vortical structures,the variation of the velocity compo-nent that is perpendicular to the one-dimensional cut is intense.9,10Thus,the velocity variation offers some infor-mation about intense structures,although it is difficult to specify their geometry.The above approach was taken in several studies.11,12,13,14,15For example,using grid turbulence 14at Re λ=105–329and boundary layers 15at Re λ=295–TABLE I:Experimental conditions and turbulence parameters:duct-exit or incoming-flow velocity U∗,coordinates x andz of the measurement position,mean streamwise velocity U,sampling frequency f s,kinematic viscosityν,mean energydissipation rate ε =15ν (∂x v)2 /2,rms velocityfluctuations u2 1/2and v2 1/2,Kolmogorov velocity u K=(ν ε )1/4,rms spanwise-velocity increment over the sampling interval δv2s 1/2= [v(x+U/2f s)−v(x−U/2f s)]2 1/2,correlation lengths L u=R∞0 u(x+r)u(x) / u2 dr and L v=R∞0 v(x+r)v(x) / v2 dr,Taylor microscaleλ=[2 v2 / (∂x v)2 ]1/2,Kolmogorov lengthη=(ν3/ ε )1/4,and microscale Reynolds number Reλ=λ v2 1/2/ν.The velocity derivative was obtained as∂x v=[8v(x+r)−8v(x−r)−v(x+2r)+v(x−2r)]/12r with r=U/f s.Ductflow Boundary layerUnits1234567891011FIG.1:Sketch of a vortex tube penetrating the(x,y)plane at a point(x0,y0).The inclination is(θ0,ϕ0).The circulation velocity is uΘ.We consider the spanwise velocity v along the x axis in the mean streamdirection.FIG.2:Mean profiles in the streamwise(u)and spanwise (v)velocities for the Burgers vortices with random positions (x0,y0)and inclinations(θ0,ϕ0).The u profile is separately shown for∂x u>0(u+)and∂x u≤0(u−)at x=0.The position x and velocities are normalized by the radius and maximum circulation velocity of the Burgers vortices.The dotted line is the v profile of the Burgers vortex for x0= y0=θ0=0,the peak value of which is scaled to that of the mean v profile.uΘand strainfield(u R,u Z)areuΘ∝ν4ν ,(1a) (u R,u Z)= −a0RRuΘ(R),(2a) v(x−x0)=(x−x0)cosθ0Ru R(R),(4a)v(x−x0)=−(x−x0)sin2θ0sinϕ0cosϕ0+y0(1−sin2θ0sin2ϕ0)FIG.3:Probability density distribution of the absolute spanwise-velocity increment|v(x+U/2f s)−v(x−U/2f s)| at Reλ=719,1304,and1934.The distribution is verti-cally shifted by a factor103.The increment is normalized by δv2s 1/2= [v(x+U/2f s)−v(x−U/2f s)]2 1/2.The arrows indicate the ranges for intense vortical structures,which share 0.1and1%of the total.The dotted line denotes the Gaussian distribution.bulence was almost isotropic becausethe measured ra-tio u2 / v2 is not far from unity(Table I).The vortex tubes induce small-scale variations in the spanwise veloc-ity.If we consider intense velocity variations above a high threshold,their scale and amplitude are close to the ra-dius and circulation velocity of intense vortex tubes with |y0|<∼R0andθ0≃0.To demonstrate this,mean profiles are calculated for the circulationflows uΘof the Burgers vortices with random positions(x0,y0)and inclinations (θ0,ϕ0).Their radii R0and maximum circulation veloc-ities V0=uΘ(R0)are set to be the same.We consider the Burgers vortices with|∂x v|at x=0being above a threshold,|∂x v|/3at x=0for x0=y0=θ0=0.When ∂x v is negative,the sign of the v signal is inverted before the averaging.The result is shown in Fig.2.Despite the relatively low threshold,the scale and peak amplitude of the mean v profile are still close to those of the v profile for x0=y0=θ0=0(dotted line).The extended tails are due to the Burgers vortices with|y0|≫R0orθ0≫0.IV.MEAN VELOCITY PROFILEMean profiles of intense vortical structures in the streamwise(u)and spanwise(v)velocities are extracted,FIG.4:Mean profiles of intense vortical structures for the 0.1%threshold in the streamwise(u)and spanwise(v)ve-locities.(a)Reλ=719.(b)Reλ=1098.The u profile is separately shown for∂x u>0(u+)and∂x u≤0(u−) at x=0.The position x is normalized by the Kolmogorov length.The velocities are normalized by the peak value of the v profile.We also show the v profile of the Burgers vortex for x0=y0=θ0=0by a dotted line.by averaging signals centered at the position where the absolute spanwise-velocity increment|v(x+r/2)−v(x−r/2)|is above a threshold.10,13,14,15,19The scale r is the sampling interval U/f s.The threshold is such that0.1% or1%of the increments are used for the averaging(here-after,the0.1%or1%threshold).These increments com-prise the tail of the probability density distribution of all the increments as in Fig.3.20Example of the results are shown in Fig.4.20The v profile in Fig.4is close to the v profile in Fig. 2.Hence,the contribution from vortex tubes is dominant.The contribution from vortex sheets is not dominant.If it were dominant,the v profile should ex-hibit some kind of step.12Direct numerical simulations at Reλ<∼200revealed that intense vorticity tends to be organized into tubes rather than sheets.4,5,6,7,21,22This tendency appears to exist up to Reλ≃2000.Vortex sheets might contribute to the extended tails in Fig. 4. They are more pronounced than those in Fig. 2.Here it should be noted that our discussion is somewhat sim-plified because there is no strict division between vortex tubes and sheets in real turbulence.Byfitting the v profile in Fig.4around its peaks by the v profile of the Burgers vortex for x0=y0=θ0=0 (dotted line),we estimate the radius R0and maximumTABLE II:Parameters for intense vortical structures:radius R 0,maximum circulation velocity V 0,Reynolds number Re 0=R 0V 0/νand small-scale clustering exponent µ0.We also list the threshold level τ0.Duct flowBoundary layer Units1234567891011δx pδx p /2−δx p /2v t (x +r )dr.(5)For allthe data,the R 0and V 0values are summarizedin Table II.They characterize the scale and intensity of vortical structures,even if they are not the Burgers vortices.The radius R 0is several times the Kolmogorov length η.The maximum circulation velocity V 0is several tenths of the rms velocity fluctuation v 2 1/2and several times the Kolmogorov velocity u K .Similar results were obtained from direct numerical simulations 3,4,6,7,8and laboratory experiments 11,12,14,15at the lower Reynolds numbers,Re λ<∼1300.The u profile in Fig.4is separated for ∂x u >0(u +)and ∂x u ≤0(u −)at x =0.Since the contamina-tion with the w component 17induces a symmetric posi-tive excursion,14,23,24we decomposed the u ±profiles into symmetric and antisymmetric components and show only the antisymmetric components.15The u ±profiles in Fig.4have larger amplitudes than those in Fig. 2.Hence,the u ±profiles in Fig.4are dominated by the circu-lation flows u Θof vortex tubes that passed the probe with some incidence angles to the mean flow direction,11tan −1[v/(U +u )].@The radial inflow u R of the strain field is not discernible,except that the u −profile has a larger amplitude than the u +profile.14,15Unlike the Burgers vortex,a real vortex tube is not always oriented to the stretching direction.4,5,6,7,8,25V.SPATIAL DISTRIBUTIONThe spatial distribution of intense vortical structures is studied using the distribution of interval δx 0between successive intense velocity increments.13,14,15,22The in-tense velocity increment is defined in the same manner as for the mean velocity profiles in Sec.IV.Since theyare dominated by vortex tubes,we expect that the distri-bution of intense vortical structures studied here is also essentially the distribution of intense vortex tubes.Ex-amples of the probability density distribution P (δx 0)are shown in Figs.5and 6.20The probability density distribution has an exponen-tial tail 14,15that appears linear on the semi-log plot of Fig.5.This exponential law is characteristic of intervals for a Poisson process of random and independent events.FIG.5:Probability density distribution of interval between intense vortical structures for the 1%threshold at Re λ=719,1304,and 1934.The distribution is normalized by the ampli-tude of the exponential tail (dotted line),and it is vertically shifted by a factor 10.The interval is normalized by the streamwise correlation length L u .The arrow indicates the spanwise correlation length L v .FIG.6:Probability density distribution of interval between intense vortical structures for the1%threshold at Reλ=719, 1304,and1934.The distribution is normalized by the peak value,and it is vertically shifted by a factor10.The dotted line indicates the power-law slope from30ηto300η.The interval is normalized by the Kolmogorov lengthη.The arrow indicates the spanwise correlation length L v.The large-scale distribution of intense vortical structures is random and independent.Below the spanwise correlation length L v,the proba-bility density is enhanced over that for the exponential distribution.15Thus,intense vortical structures cluster together below the energy-containing scale.In fact,di-rect numerical simulations revealed that intense vortex tubes lie on borders of energy-containing eddies.6Over small intervals,the probability density distribu-tion is apower law13,22that appears linear on the log-log plot of Fig.6:P(δx0)∝δx−µ0.(6)Thus,the small-scale clustering of intense vortical struc-tures is self-similar and has no characteristic scale.22Ta-ble II lists the clustering exponentµ0estimated over in-tervals fromδx0=30ηto300η.Its value is close to unity.The exponential law over large intervals and the power law over small intervals were also found in laboratory ex-periments for regions of low pressure.26,27,28,29They are associated with vortex tubes,although their radii tend to be larger than those of intense vortical structures studied here.29VI.SCALING LA WDependence of parameters for intense vortical struc-tures on the microscale Reynolds number Reλand on the configuration for turbulence production,i.e.,ductflow or boundary layer,is studied in Fig.7.Each quantity was normalized by its value in the ductflow at Reλ=1934 individually for the0.1%and1%thresholds.That is,we avoid the prefactors that depend on the threshold.When the threshold is high,the radius R0is small,the maxi-mum circulation velocity V0is large,and the clustering exponentµ0is small as in Table II.We focus on scaling laws of these quantities.The radius R0scales with the Kolmogorov lengthηas R0∝η[Fig.7(a)].Thus,intense vortical structures remain to be of smallest scales of turbulence.The maximum circulation velocity V0scales with the rms velocityfluctuation v2 1/2as V0∝ v2 1/2[Fig. 7(b)].Although the rms velocityfluctuation is a charac-FIG.7:Dependence of parameters for intense vortical struc-tures on Reλ.(a)R0/η.(b)V0/ v2 1/2.(c)V0/u K.(d)Re0.(e)Re0/Re1/2λ.(f)µ0.The open andfilled circles respec-tively denote the ductflows for the0.1%and1%thresholds. The upward and downward triangles respectively denote the boundary layers for the0.1%and1%thresholds.Each quan-tity is normalized by its value in the ductflow at Reλ=1934 individually for the0.1%and1%thresholds.teristic of the large-scaleflow,vortical structures could be formed via shear instability on borders of energy-containing eddies,6,27,28where a small-scale velocity vari-ation could be comparable to the rms velocityfluctua-tion.The maximum circulation velocity does not scale with the Kolmogorov velocity u K,a characteristic of the small-scaleflow,as V0∝u K[Fig.7(c)].Direct numerical simulations for intense vortex tubes6,7at Reλ<∼200and laboratory experiments for intense vortical structures11,15at Reλ<∼1300derived the scalings R0∝ηand V0∝ v2 1/2.We have found that these scalings exist up to Reλ≃2000,regardless of the configuration for turbulence production.The scalings of the radius R0and circulation veloc-ity V0lead to a scaling of the Reynolds number Re0= R0V0/νfor the intense vortical structures:6,7Re0∝Re1/2λif R0∝ηand V0∝ v2 1/2,(7a) Re0=constant if R0∝ηand V0∝u K.(7b) Our result favors the former scaling[Fig.7(e)]rather than the latter[Fig.7(d)].With an increase of Reλ, intense vortical structures progressively have higher Re0 and are more unstable.6,7Their lifetimes are shorter.It is known30that theflatness factor (∂x v)4 / (∂x v)2 2 scales with Re0.3λ.Since (∂x v)4 is dominated by in-tense vortical structures,it scales with v2 2/η4.Since (∂x v)2 2is dominated by the background randomfluc-tuation,it scales with u4K/η4.If the number density of intense vortical structures remains the same,we have (∂x v)4 / (∂x v)2 2∝ v2 2/u4K∝Re2λ.The difference from the real scaling implies that vortical structures with V0≃ v2 1/2are less numerous at a higher Reynolds num-ber Reλ,albeit energetically more important.The small-scale clustering exponentµ0is constant[Fig. 7(f)].A similar result withµ0≃1was obtained from laboratory experiments of the K´a rm´a nflow between two rotating disks22at Reλ≃400–1600.The small-scale clustering of intense vortical structures at high Reynolds numbers Reλis independent of the configuration for tur-bulence production.Lastly,recall that only intense vortical structures are considered here.For all vortical structures with vari-ous intensities,the scalings V0∝ v2 1/2and Re0=R0V0/ν∝Re1/2λare not necessarily expected.For allvortex tubes,in fact,direct numerical simulations3,8at Reλ<∼200derived the scaling V0∝u K.The devel-opment of an experimental method to study all vortical structures is desirable.VII.CONCLUSIONThe spanwise velocity was measured in ductflows at Reλ=719–1934and in boundary layers at Reλ=332–1304(Table I).We used these velocity data to study fea-tures of vortical structures,i.e.,vortex tubes and sheets. We studied the mean velocity profiles of intense vor-tical structures(Fig.4).The contribution from vortex tubes is dominant.Essentially,our results are those for vortex tubes.The radius R0is several times the Kol-mogorov lengthη.The maximum circulation velocity V0 is several tenths of the rms velocityfluctuation v2 1/2 and several times the Kolmogorov velocity u K(Table II).There are the scalings R0∝η,V0∝ v2 1/2,and Re0=R0V0/ν∝Re1/2λ(Fig.7).We also studied the distribution of interval between in-tense vortical structures.Over large intervals,the distri-bution obeys an exponential law(Fig.5),which reflects a random and independent distribution of intense vortical structures.Over small intervals,the distribution obeys a power law(Fig.6),which reflects self-similar clustering of intense vortical structures.The clustering exponent is constant,µ0≃1(Table II and Fig.7).Direct numerical simulations3,4,6,7,8,9,10and laboratory experiments11,12,13,14,15,22derived some of those features. We have found that they are independent of the Reynolds number and of the configuration for turbulence produc-tion,up to Reλ≃2000that exceeds the Reynolds num-bers of the prior studies.The Reynolds numbers Reλin our study are still lower than those of some turbulence,e.g.,atmospheric turbu-lence at Reλ>∼104.Such turbulence is expected to contain intense vortical structures,because turbulence is more intermittent at a higher Reynolds number Reλand small-scale intermittency is attributable to intense vortical structures.They are expected to have the same features as found in our study.These features appear to have reached asymptotes at Reλ≃2000(Fig.7),regard-less of the configuration for turbulence production,and hence appear to be universal at high Reynolds numbers Reλ.AcknowledgmentsThe authors are grateful to T.Gotoh,S.Kida, F. Moisy,M.Takaoka,and Y.Tsuji for interesting discus-sions.1U.Frisch,Turbulence,The Legacy of A.N.Kolmogorov (Cambridge Univ.Press,Cambridge,1995),Chap.8.2K.R.Sreenivasan and R.A.Antonia,“The phenomenol-ogy of small-scale turbulence,”Annu.Rev.Fluid Mech. 29,435(1997).3T.Makihara,S.Kida,and H.Miura,“Automatic tracking of low-pressure vortex,”J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.71,1622(2002). 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9---地铁站点Solving continuous location–districting problems with Voronoi diagrams

9---地铁站点Solving continuous location–districting problems with Voronoi diagrams
Computers & Operations Research 36 (2009) 40 – 59 /locate/cor
Solving continuous location–districting problems with Voronoi diagrams
Antonio G.N. Novaesa , ∗ , J.E. Souza de Cursib , Arinei C.L. da Silvac , João C. Souzaa
∗ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +55 48 32320409.
E-mail addresses: novaes@deps.ufsc.br (A.G.N. Novaes), souza@insa-rouen.fr (J.E. Souza de Cursi), lindbeck@mat.ufpr.br (A.C.L. da Silva), jcsouza@arq.ufsc.br (J.C. Souza). 0305-0548/$ - see front matter ᭧ 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2007.07.004
a Federal University of Santa Catarina, CP 476, Florianópolis, SC 88010-970, Brazil b INSA—Rouen, Av de l’Université BP8, 76801, Saint Etienne du Rouvray CEDEX, France c Federal University of Paraná, CP 019081, Curitiba, PR 81531-990, Brazil



9 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Hale Waihona Puke 2.Voronoi图的生成方法
2.3 间接法
间接法的基本思想是:假设在平面2维空间中,生长元为n个离散点,首先 生成生长元对应的 Delaunay三角网,接着为每个三角形的所有边作垂直平 分线,由Voronoi图与Delaunay三角网对偶性得出;生长元对应的voronoi图 就是所有的垂直平分线的交 , 即间接地生成生长元对应的 voronoi 图。
3.障碍Voronoi的结晶生成方法 3.4.3 算法具有一些特色之处
(1)为便于计算各像素点的距离,在算法中,对距离作规定:生成元的近邻点距 离为2,对角邻点距离为3。 (2)选用4一模板和8一模板来进行结晶生成。当仅用4一模板时,生成元以 菱形生长(图(a));当仅用8一模板时,生成元以方形生长(图(b));当4一模板和 8一模板交替(具体交替情况可由程序控制)使用时,生成元以接近圆形生长 (图(c))。
Voronoi结构的概念是由俄国数学家 M.G.Voronoi于1908年发现并以他的名字命名 的。它实质是一种在自然界中宏观和微观实 体以距离相互作用的普遍结构,具有广泛的 应用范围。
1.Voronoi图的概念和定义 1.1 V图定义
V图是对平面n个离散点而言的,它把平面分为几个区,每 一个区包括一个点,该点所在的区是到该点距离最近点的集合。
设P是一离散点集合P1,P2,…Pn∈P,定义Pi的Voronoi 区域V(Pi)为所有到Pi距离最小点的集合: V(Pi)={P/d(P,Pi)≤d(P,Pj), j≠i,j=1,2,…n} 假设P是一离散点集合,P1,P2,…Pn ∈ P,定义P的V图V (P)为: V(P)={V(P1),V(P2),…,V(Pn)}

Emulsions stabilization by lactoferrin nano-particles under in vitro digestion conditions

Emulsions stabilization by lactoferrin nano-particles under in vitro digestion conditions

Emulsions stabilization by lactoferrin nano-particles under in vitro digestion conditionsG.Shimoni,C.Shani Levi,S.Levi Tal,U.Lesmes*Laboratory of Chemistry of Foods and Bioactives,Department of Biotechnology and Food Engineering,Technion e Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa32000,Israela r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received27September2012 Accepted20March2013Keywords:LactoferrinDietaryfibersPickering emulsionsIn vitro digestionEmulsion stability a b s t r a c tIn recent years there has been a spur of interest in the utilization of nano and micro-particles to fabricate novel food-grade Pickering emulsions.Aligned with increased interest and efforts to promote health through food,this study aimed to extend the understanding of Pickering emulsions stabilized by lac-toferrin(LF)nano-particles in respect to their stability and responsiveness to physiological conditions of the human mouth and stomach.Analytical centrifugation revealed that LF nano-particles did not alter mean droplet size of coarse emulsions but significantly(p<0.05)reduced creaming rates by an order of magnitude.Infine emulsions produced through high pressure homogenization,the use of nano-particles increased mean droplet sizes.This resulted in noted(p<0.05)differences in stability with emulsions stabilized by LF nano-particles and alginate showing poorest stability.Concomitantly,the use of i-carrageenan and LF nano-particles yielded emulsions with the most reduced creaming(<1m m/s),even compared to emulsions stabilized by native LF.Interestingly,the use of alginate and i-carrageenan with LF nano-particles also altered emulsion stability to artificial saliva and modulated emulsion behavior under gastric conditions,which was linked to reduced rate of LF gastric proteolysis.Overall,this work establishes a new possibility to incorporate LF in emulsions and demonstrates how LF nano-particles could be harnessed to modulate emulsion destabilization and breakdown in the mouth and stomach.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionEngineering foods for health and well-being has become a central effort for many food scientists and manufacturers.Aligned with such efforts various studies have focused on the development of various hydrocolloid delivery systems,their functionalization and adaptation to food(Benshitrit,Levi,Tal,Shimoni,&Lesmes, 2012;Lesmes&McClements,2009;McClements,2010;Singh,Ye, &Horne,2009;Velikov&Pelan,2008).In many cases extending the benefits of food beyond its nutritional value requires the incorporation of lipophilic bioactive compounds which can be achieved through emulsion-based systems(McClements,2010; McClements&Li,2010).Thus,various studies have established physical and chemical strategies of modifying droplet interfaces to affect emulsion physical and chemical properties as well as their digestive fate(Lesmes&McClements,2012;Li,Hu,&McClements,2011;McClements,2010;McClements&Li,2010;Oliver,Melton,& Stanley,2006;Singh et al.,2009;Wooster&Augustin,2006).In spite of the great progress in emulsion science and technol-ogy,there is a constant need for ingredient and formulation in-novations which cope with the shortcomings of current formulations.Recently,there is a growing interest in the utilization of nano and micro-particles to fabricate novel food-grade Pickering emulsions(Adelmann,Binks,&Mezzenga,2012;Dickinson,2010b, 2012;Gupta&Rousseau,2012;Kargar,Fayazmanesh,Alavi, Spyropoulos,&Norton,2012;Rayner,Timgren,Sjoo,&Dejmek, 2012;Tzoumaki,Moschakis,Kiosseoglou,&Biliaderis,2011).Such emulsions were described in literature as early as the1900s and are now being revisited by researchers due to their special features, namely physical stability,distinct interfacial properties and ease of fabrication.Unlike emulsions stabilized by common food emulsifiers,e.g. whey proteins and lecithin,Pickering emulsions are stabilized by solid particles and the use of particles such as silica,chitin nano-crystals,cellulose nanocrystals,starch granules,solid lipid nano-particles and proteinaceousfibrils have been recently reported (Adelmann et al.,2012;Dickinson,2012;Gupta&Rousseau,2012; Humblet-Hua,Scheltens,van der Linden,&Sagis,2011;Rayner*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ972778871869;fax:þ97248293399.E-mail addresses:lesmesu@tx.technion.ac.il,uri_lesmes@ (U.Lesmes).Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectFood Hydrocolloidsjo urn al homepag e:/locate/foodhyd0268-005X/$e see front matterÓ2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.foodhyd.2013.03.017Food Hydrocolloids33(2013)264e272et al.,2012;Tzoumaki et al.,2011).Concomitantly,there has been significant progress into protein and protein e polysaccharide nano-particle formation and stability(Jones&McClements,2011).Such studies have already established how thermal processing,ionic strength,biopolymer segregation,electrostatic layer by layer deposition,protein self-assembly and other intrinsic reactant characteristics affect particle formation,size,morphology,fine ar-chitecture and overall stability.In respect to emulsions,there have been various recent advances in the study of protein-stabilized emulsions and their responsiveness to the physiological and anatomical conditions of the human gastrointestinal tract(GIT) (Dickinson,2008,2010a;Shani-Levi,Levi-Tal,&Lesmes,2013; Singh&Sarkar,2011;Wilde&Chu,2011).However,scarce data exists on the application of protein-based nano-particles to the formation and stabilization of emulsions,particularly as it pertains to emulsion behavior in the GIT.To this end,the use of proteins in emulsion systems also entails potential health benefits which may arise for the consumption of bioactive proteins or the formation of bioactive peptides post-ingestion(Agyei&Danquah,2012;Nagpal et al.,2011).In emul-sions,milk proteins have been extensively applied and studied (Dickinson,2010a;McClements,2010;Singh&Sarkar,2011),with certain recent reports demonstrating the specific benefits of using bovine lactoferrin to promote and extend emulsion physical and chemical stability(Lesmes,Baudot,&McClements,2010;Lesmes, Sandra,Decker,&McClements,2009;Sarkar,Horne,&Singh, 2010;Schmelz,Lesmes,Weiss,&McClements,2011;Tokle, Lesmes,Decker,&McClements,2012;Tokle,Lesmes,& McClements,2010;Ye&Singh,2007).This whey protein has drawn attention for its various implications to biological functions, e.g.antioxidant and antimicrobial activities,and as a source of bioactive peptides formed during digestion(Kuwata,Yip,Tomita,& Hutchens,1998;Lesmes et al.,2009;Lonnerdal&Iyer,1995; Madureira,Pereira,Gomes,Pintado,&Malcata,2007;Nagpal et al., 2011;Tomita et al.,2009;Troost,Steijns,Saris,&Brummer,2001; Wakabayashi,Yamauchi,&Takase,2006).Most recently this bioactive protein has been shown to form different nano-particles through heat treatment,pH adjustments and electrostatic interactions with food-grade polysaccharides (Bengoechea,Jones,Guerrero,&McClements,2011;Bengoechea, Peinado,&McClements,2011;Peinado,Lesmes,Andres,& McClements,2010).Moreover,our recent work has demonstrated that the susceptibility of such nano-particles to gastro-duodenal digestion alters depending on the type of dietaryfiber used (David-Birman,Mackie,&Lesmes,2013).Thus,the present study focused on extending the application of lactoferrin nano-particles to form emulsions and stabilize them under some physiological conditions relevant to their potential oral consumption.Particu-larly,we sought to assess whether altered nano-particle suscepti-bility to gastric proteolysis could be extended to control emulsion stability under bio-relevant physiological conditions.2.Materials and methods2.1.MaterialsFood-grade bovine lactoferrin(Vivinal lactoferrin FD,95.6% protein)was kindly donated by DMV International(Delhi,NY,USA). The polysaccharides(PS)used were GENUGELÒcarrageenan type CJ kindly donated by CPKelco.Alginic acid sodium salt from brown algae was purchased from Sigma e Aldrich(Rehovot,Israel).Olive oil was purchased from Shemen Industries Ltd.(Haifa,Israel). Pepsin from porcine gastric mucosa(!250units/mg)and a amylase from Aspergillus oryzae(1.7units/mg)were purchased from Sigma e Aldrich(Rehovot,Israel).All reagents and chemicals used were of analytical grade.Artificial saliva was prepared according to previous work(Hur, Decker,&McClements,2009).Practically,saliva was made by mixing10mL KCl solution(89.6g/L),10mL KSCN solution(20g/L), 10mL NaH2PO4solution(88.8g/L),1.7mL NaCl solution(57g/L), 20mL NaHCO3solution(84.7g/L)and8mL urea solution(25g/L). Into this solution290mg alpha-amylase,15mg uric acid and25mg of mucin were added and the pH was adjusted to6.8before use. Saliva was freshly made each day of experimentation and stored refrigerated until use.Simulated gastricfluid(SGF)contained2g NaCl,7mL HCl,pepsin(2.4units/mL)and pH was initially adjusted to1.2using HCl or NaOH1M,as previously described(Lesmes& McClements,2012;Sarkar,Goh,Singh,&Singh,2009).2.2.Preparation of biopolymer solutions and nano-particle stabilized emulsionsLF-based nano-particles were fabricated based on the protocol described previously(David-Birman et al.,2013;Peinado et al., 2010)to form three types of nano-particles(np): a.LF nano-particles(LFnp),b.LF nano-particles with alginate(LFnpþALG), c.LF nano-particles with i-carrageenan(LFnpþCAR).Native LF was used as control.Pre-emulsions were prepared as follows:(olive oil2%w/w:LF/ np0.2%w/w in DDW at pH7)homogenization for1min at 25,000RPM using a hand blender(PRO200,BIOGEN series pro scientific,Oxford CT,USA).Fine emulsions were produced by passing coarse emulsions4times through a high pressure ho-mogenizer(Micro DeBEE air operated,BEE International,MA,USA) at15kPa.For clarity,overall production scheme is illustrated in Fig.1.All emulsions were stored at4 C prior to in vitro digestion for maximum of72h.2.2.1.Characterization of emulsion propertiesCharacterization offine emulsions focused on stability,size, charge and appearance,while coarse emulsions exhibited rapid separation limiting their analysis to direct observations.Physical stability to creaming and particle size offine emulsions were evaluated using an analytical centrifugal analyzer(LUMisizer, L.U.M.GmbH,Berlin,Germany).The LUMisizer allows measure-ment of time and space-resolved transmission extinction profiles under analytical centrifugation.The data produced was then used to calculate the creaming rate of emulsions as well as their har-monic mean droplet size,as previously described(Detloff,Sobisch, &Lerche,2006;Lerche&Sobisch,2011).Practically,stability of non-diluted emulsions was determined at23 C under2000RPM for2h or8.5h forfine emulsions.Harmonic mean droplet sizes were determined based on analytical centrifugation at23 C for45min or85min for coarse orfine emulsion,respectively,under increasing speed between500and4000RPM using diluted(1:20v/v)emul-sion samples.The electrical charge(z-potential)of the oil droplets was determined by measuring their electrophoretic mobility using an automated capillary electrophoresis device(Zetasizer Nano ZS se-ries,Malvern Instruments,Worcestershire,U.K.).Emulsion samples were diluted in double distilled water(DDW)in pH7at a ratio of 1:50(v/v)and thenfilled into the test cell.After60s of equilibration in the instrument,the data was collected from at least10sequential readings per sample and the z-potential was calculated by the in-strument using the Smoluchowski model,as previous work (Lesmes et al.,2010;Lesmes&McClements,2012;Schmelz et al., 2011).Emulsions were visually inspected using a Cell Observer-Zeiss Axiovert200inverted microscope.Images were processed by the AxioVision(Zeiss)image analysis software for acquisition andG.Shimoni et al./Food Hydrocolloids33(2013)264e272265image processing.Additionally,coarse emulsions were directly inspected and photographed using a Nikkon camera.2.3.Evaluation of emulsion stability to salivaProtein-stabilized emulsions have been reported to be destabi-lized by saliva and consequently affect emulsions ’sensorial prop-erties (Aken,Vingerhoeds,&Wijk,2011;Sarkar,Goh,&Singh,2009;Vingerhoeds,Silletti,de Groot,Schipper,&van Aken,2009;van Vliet,van Aken,de Jongh,&Hamer,2009).This study sought to assess the potential oral behavior of the emulsion samples using arti ficial saliva,as previously described by others (Hur et al.,2009;Sarkar,Goh,&Singh,2009).In these experiments samples were mixed at 37 C with arti ficial saliva (1:1v/v)before being loaded onto the analytical centrifuge to measure their time and space-resolved extinction pro files (as mentioned in Section 2.2.1).The data collected was then analyzed to deduce emulsion stability and creaming rate.2.4.Evaluation of emulsion behavior during in vitro gastric digestionGastric proteolysis has been demonstrated to be detrimental to the stability of protein-stabilized emulsions (Sarkar,Goh,Singh,&Singh,2009;Singh &Sarkar,2011).Thus,we studied the physical stability of emulsion samples using a dynamic gastric model mir-roring gastric pH pro files of an adult ’s stomach,as recently described (Shani-Levi et al.,2013).For this purpose,a water heated jacketed reactor was maintained at 37 C and continuously stirred (230RPM)while controlled by an auto titration unit (Titrando 902,Metrohm,Switzerland)which gradually varied reactor pH using “TIAMO 2.3”software (Metrohm,Switzerland),based on previous reports (Blanquet et al.,2004;Chatterton,Rasmussen,Heegaard,Sorensen,&Petersen,2004;Mason,1962;Yoo &Chen,2006).Accounting for the serial events of digestion,emulsions were first mixed with arti ficial saliva (1:1v/v)for 2s and then introduced into SGF (reaching final ratio of 2:3emulsion:SGF).Reactor pH was rapidly increased to 4.5using 1M NaOH then TIAMO software was instructed to begin the gastric pH gradient reaching a final pH of 1.7.Samples were aspirated after 10,60and 120min and rapidly neutralized to pH ¼7using freshly prepared NaHCO 31M to inactivate pepsin before any further analysis.Control samples were produced from mixtures of emulsion:saliva:SGF before initiation of the TIAMO software.2.5.Characterization of gastric proteolysis by SDS-PAGEDifferences in emulsi fier degradation of LF and LF np as well as the formation of peptides during the in vitro gastric digestion of emulsions were analyzed using sodium dodecyl sulfate poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).Electrophoresis was run in a Tris/Glycine/SDS buffer (BioRad,Rishon le Zion,Israel)in pre-cast 4e 15%gradient gels (Bio-Rad,USA)which were stained by Instant blue stain (Bio Consult,Israel).2.6.Experimental design and analysisAll experiments were carried out in triplicates with each sample measured thrice,and results are presented as the calculated mean and standard deviation.Statistical analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel 2010data analysis toolpack and mainly relied on t -tests assuming equal variances and ANOVA single factor.3.Results and discussionRecent advances in the field of food emulsions have focused on understanding the underlying principles for their design as oral delivery vehicles (McClements,2010;McClements &Li,2010;Singh et al.,2009).Among the different strategies studied,there is an upsurge of interest in the application of food colloids and hydro-colloids to form and stabilize emulsions (Dickinson,2010b ,2012;McClements,2010;Singh et al.,2009).This study aimed to extend the understanding of Pickering emulsions in respect to their sta-bility and responsiveness to physiological conditions of the human mouth and stomach.Speci fically,the application of lactoferrin e polysaccharide nano-particles to the fabrication and stabilization of oil/water (O/W)emulsions wasinvestigated.Fig.1.Production LF nano-particles and fabrication of course and fine emulsion stabilized by LF,LFnp,LFnp þCAR or LFnp þALG.G.Shimoni et al./Food Hydrocolloids 33(2013)264e 2722663.1.Characterization of coarse and fine emulsionsInitially,evaluation of the ability of different lactoferrin-based nano-particles to form coarse emulsions (Fig.1)was performed.Based on a previously described method (Peinado et al.,2010),lactoferrin nano-particles were formed and used to fabricate coarse emulsions which were characterized for their size and overallappearance using analytical centrifugation (Fig.2).As can be seen,irrespective of the type of nano-particle used all coarse emulsions had similar droplet sizes (Fig.2)and overall appearance.Droplet interfacial properties affect emulsion stability,including in the case of colloid stabilized emulsions (Dickinson,2012;McClements,2005).Thus,the physical stability of these emulsions was studied under analytical centrifugation and the time and space-resolved transmission extinction pro files were recorded (Fig.3).In spite of the similar droplet sizes (Fig.2),differences were noted in the progression of the transmission extinction pro files (highlighted by arrows).For example,the coarse emulsion stabilized by LFnp þALG showed the most rapid changes in transmission pro files while LFnp þCAR showed the least changes.Such changes in the trans-mission pro files have been linked to colloid instability phenomena,such as sedimentation and creaming (Lerche &Sobisch,2011).In this case,the clari fication along the test tubes and away from the centrifugal axis can be attributed to creaming.This is due to the fact that the lipid droplets migrate toward the center of the rotor and cease to occupy the lower parts of the test tube;hence an increase in transmission in the lower parts of the test tube which are farther away from the centrifugation axis.Based on these observations,the creaming rate for each sample was calculated (Fig.4)and statistical analyses revealed two main differences.The first was that emul-sions stabilized by LFnp had signi ficantly (p <0.05)reduced creaming rate compared to emulsions stabilized by native LF.The second difference was that emulsions stabilized by LFnp and polysaccharides (alginate or carrageenan)exhibitedenhancedFig.2.Harmonic mean droplet size of LF and np stabilized coarseemulsions.Fig.3.Time and space pro files of course emulsions under analytical centrifugation.[A]Emulsion stabilized by native lactoferrin (nLF),[B]emulsion stabilized lactoferrin nano-particles (LFnp),[C]emulsion stabilized lactoferrin nano-particles and alginate (LFnp þALG),[D]emulsion stabilized lactoferrin nano-particles and iota-carrageenan (LFnp þCAR).G.Shimoni et al./Food Hydrocolloids 33(2013)264e 272267stability to creaming and signi ficantly (p <0.01)reduced creaming rates.In light of the marked improvement in emulsion stability when using LFnp,additional experiments focused on manufacturing corresponding fine emulsions through high pressure homogeni-zation (as described in Fig.1).Results of the characterization of these emulsions in terms of size and electrokinetic charge (z -po-tential)are given in Fig.5.In contrast to the observation made for coarse emulsions,marked differences were noted in the mean droplet sizes (Fig.5A)with all LFnp stabilized emulsions.These revealed LFnp stabilized emulsions had increased sizes compared to native LF-stabilized emulsions.Moreover,only emulsions stabilized by LFnp þCAR showed a signi ficant (p <0.06)difference in z -potential values compared to native LF-stabilized emulsions(Fig.5B).These emulsions were also studied for their physical stability to creaming using analytical centrifugation.The calculated creaming rates are summarized in Fig.6.This analysis revealed that emulsions stabilized by LF or LFnp did not vary in their stability to creaming while emulsions stabilized by LFnp þALG or LFnp þCAR had pronounced alterations in creaming rates.Speci fically,the use of LFnp þALG led to the formation of emulsions with signi ficantly (p <0.01)reduced stability to creaming.This reduced physical stability can be attributed to the noted elevated droplet sizes (Fig.5A)without any substantial z -potentials (Fig.5B)to provide electrostatic stabilization.Contrary,the use of LFnp þCAR led to the formation of emulsions with signi ficantly (p <0.001)improved stability.This improved stability may stem from the elevated z-Fig.4.Average creaming velocities of coarse emulsions under analytical centrifuga-tion.Statistically different samples denoted *p <0.05,**p <0.01.Fig.5.Mean droplet size of LF and np stabilized fine emulsions [A]and averages of z -potential [B].Statistically different samples denoted ***p <0.001.Fig.6.Velocity average of fine emulsions under analytical centrifugation demonstrates creaming rates.Statistically different samples denoted **p <0.01,***p <0.001.G.Shimoni et al./Food Hydrocolloids 33(2013)264e 272268potential of the sample that may increase droplet e droplet repul-sion thereby limiting creaming.Alternatively,it is possible that high pressure homogenization may break up the nano-particles and hence alter their emulsifying properties,as recently described for proteinaceous particles (Dickinson,2009,2012).Altogether,coarse and fine emulsions were produced and were found to have altered properties and physical stability.Having human health and pleasure in mind,it was hypothesized that these emulsions might exhibit modulated responsiveness to thephysiological conditions of the mouth and stomach.Thus,further experiments focused on evaluating how emulsi fier type and/or composition could be linked to emulsion behavior under in vitro digestive conditions.3.2.Responsiveness to salivaEmulsion behavior under oral conditions is strongly linked to emulsion sensorial perception and the sequential digestiveeventsFig.7.Harmonic mean droplet size [A]and velocity average [B]of LF and np stabilized fine emulsions before and after adding saliva.Insert image e LFnp þsaliva.Statistically different samples denoted *p <0.05,***p <0.001.Fig.8.Cumulative volume weighted particle size distribution of emulsions during gastric digestion (n ¼6).Background:light microscopy images (magni fication Â60)of emulsions after 10min of gastric digestion.[A]nLF-stabilized emulsion.[B]LFnp stabilized emulsion.[C]LFnp þALG stabilized emulsion.[D]LFnp þCAR stabilized emulsion.G.Shimoni et al./Food Hydrocolloids 33(2013)264e 272269(Singh&Sarkar,2011;Vingerhoeds et al.,2009;van Vliet et al., 2009).Subjecting the coarse emulsions to oral conditions and mixing with artificial saliva revealed that only an emulsion sta-bilized by native LF was destabilized.However,no reliable data could be produced for these samples under analytical centrifu-gation.In contrast,fine emulsions did enable analytical centrifu-gation,sample mean size and creaming rates were calculated (Fig.7).Thesefindings demonstrate that emulsions stabilized by either native LF or LFnp showed significant(p<0.001)increase in size upon exposure to saliva(Fig.7A)and similar creaming rates (Fig.7B).Emulsions stabilized by LFnpþALG showed only a slight increase in size(Fig.7A)accompanied by a significant(p<0.01) increase in creaming rate(Fig.7B).This instability may arise from either alginate e alginate physical interactions mediated by diva-lent ions(e.g.phosphate ions)present in the saliva or via mucin bridging,as described by others(Sarkar,Goh,&Singh,2009).This could lead to increased droplet e droplet interactions and conse-quentlyflocculation and accelerated creaming,which concurs with theflocks directly observed(insert in Fig.7B).Interestingly, emulsions stabilized by LFnpþCAR showed increase in size (p<0.01)(Fig.7A)but no marked increase in creaming rate (Fig.7B).This may arise from the demonstrated ability of carra-geenan to form gels as a result of polysaccharide interactions (Campo,Kawano,da Silva,&Carvalho,2009)and not mediated by divalent ions or mucin present in the saliva.This modulation in emulsion responsiveness to saliva could have implication not only to emulsion sensorial perception and product acceptability but also on emulsion subsequent behavior under gastric conditions and overall digestive fate.3.3.Responsiveness to in vitro gastric digestionGastric acidity and pH timed-profiles,proteolysis by pepsin and mechanical agitation are key parameters affecting the destabilization of protein-stabilized emulsions(Kong&Singh, 2010;McClements&Li,2010;Singh&Sarkar,2011).Some studies have shown modification of droplet interfacial structure and composition may modulate emulsion digestibility and that emulsification alters protein digestibility(Lesmes&McClements, 2012;Macierzanka,Sancho,Mills,Rigby,&Mackie,2009; McClements&Li,2010;Singh et al.,2009).Recently,electrostatic deposition of dietaryfibers was shown to alter the stability of LF-stabilized emulsions to gastro-duodenal conditions(Tokle et al., 2012).Moreover,electrostatic deposition of alginate and carra-geenan onto LF nano-particles was demonstrated to enable a proportion of lactoferrin to resist up to1h of simulated gastric digestion(David-Birman et al.,2013).Thus,it was postulated that such a protective effect could also extend to emulsions stabilized by such nano-particles and result in enhancing emulsion stability to gastric conditions and altering LF gastric proteolysis.This hy-pothesis was studied by subjecting all emulsions to in vitro gastric digestion according to a recently described protocol(Shani-Levi et al.,2013).Digestion experiments revealed that coarse emul-sions had very poor stability and complete separationoccurred Fig.9.SDS-PAGE offine emulsions stabilized by nLF[A],LFnp[B],LFnpþALG or LFnpþCAR[C and D respectively]following in vitro gastric digestion.G.Shimoni et al./Food Hydrocolloids33(2013)264e272270within minutes,limiting its physiological relevance.Thus,only the digestion offine emulsions was analytically monitored by assessing emulsion organization and droplet size using light mi-croscopy and analytical centrifugation(Fig.8).Emulsions stabi-lized by native LF(Fig.8A)exhibited little instability to the experimental conditions which is in agreement with a previous report(Tokle et al.,2012).A similar behavior was observed for LFnp stabilized emulsions(Fig.8B).In contrast,fine emulsions stabilized by LFnpþALG or LFnpþCAR(Fig.8C and D)showed noteworthyfluctuations in droplet sizes and microscopy images indicated emulsionflocculation was the governing instability phenomena.As electrostatic interactions between LF and the polysaccharides where elemental to the formation of the nano-particles,one can stipulate that during the breakdown of the protein nano-particles on the droplet interfaces some bridging between droplets may occur.If so,this could result in bridging flocculation and explain our observations.However,further investigation is required to establish the mechanisms behind these observations.In light of the possible ramifications of emulsification to prote-olysis(Macierzanka et al.,2009),SDS-PAGE analyses were per-formed on digesta samples collected during in vitro gastric digestion of allfine emulsions(Fig.9).Previous studies have shown that LF is highly susceptible to gastric proteolysis and generate bioactive peptides in the human stomach(Kuwata et al.,1998; Troost et al.,2001).Fig.9A and B reveals that emulsification did not significantly affect the rapid proteolysis of LF both when using native LF or LFnp as emulsifiers.On the contrary,the use of LFnpþALG as emulsifier(Fig.9C)enabled a fraction of LF to resist at least10min of gastric digestion.This protective effect was significantly more pronounced when LFnpþCAR was used as an emulsifier(Fig.9D)enabling some fractions of intact LF to evade even120min of gastric digestion.Moreover,different peptide fractions and quantities were noted to form during these gastric digestion experiments.Thesefindings require further in-vestigations into their potential implications to health,as LF and LF-derived peptides carry miscellaneous biological activities(Conesa et al.,2010;Lonnerdal&Iyer,1995;Madureira et al.,2007; Nagpal et al.,2011;Wakabayashi et al.,2006).4.ConclusionsOverall,this work sought to explore the applicability of lactoferrin-based nano-particles to form and stabilize emulsions, including the assessment of behavior under the bio-relevant physiological conditions.Physical stability tests as well as droplet sizing revealed that the use of protein nano-particles increased the stability of coarse emulsions but not offine emulsions produced by high pressure homogenization.This is believed to stem from the size of the nano-particles which limit their ability to support the formation and stability offine droplets of the same order of size magnitude,in line with previous work(Dickinson,2012).Inter-estingly,the use of alginate and i-carrageenan not only affected emulsion properties and physical stability but also improved emulsion stability to saliva and modulated emulsion behavior un-der gastric conditions.In spite of LF high susceptibility to gastric proteolysis,the incorporation of alginate and carrageenan into the emulsion formulations also delayed LF proteolysis with some LF escaping even2h of gastric digestion.Taking into account the bioactive nature of LF as well as emulsion functionality as a po-tential delivery vehicle,this work raises the possibility that LF-based nano-particles could be harnessed to modulate emulsion and protein digestion to promote human health with limited impact to food sensorial properties.Further work could provide the underlying principles for the rational design of such emulsion formulations which is held to be attainable through various structure e function studies.AcknowledgmentsThis research was supported by Technion funding through the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute and the Rubin Scientific and Medical Research Fund.ReferencesAdelmann,H.,Binks, B.P.,&Mezzenga,R.(2012).Oil powders and gels from particle-stabilized ngmuir,28(3),1694e1697.Agyei,D.,&Danquah,M.K.(2012).Rethinking food-derived bioactive peptides for antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities.Trends in Food Science& Technology,23(2),62e69.Aken,G.A.v.,Vingerhoeds,M.H.,&Wijk,R.A.d(2011).Textural perception of liquid emulsions:role of oil content,oil viscosity and emulsion viscosity.Food Hydrocolloids,25(4),789e796.Bengoechea,C.,Jones,O.G.,Guerrero,A.,&McClements,D.J.(2011).Formation and characterization of lactoferrin/pectin electrostatic complexes:impact of composition,pH and thermal treatment.Food Hydrocolloids,25(5),1227e1232. 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第44卷第2期航天返回与遥感2023年4月SPACECRAFT RECOVERY & REMOTE SENSING153基于双时相遥感影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测瞿渝王志辉于会泳*石娴(山东科技大学测绘与空间信息学院,青岛266590)摘要目前利用高分辨率卫星影像进行滑坡等地质灾害识别逐渐成为研究热点,滑坡目视解译依赖于解译人员的经验,耗时费力且提取精度低,而传统的滑坡自动识别方法易将滑坡和道路、裸地、建筑等多种具有相似光谱信息的地物混淆。

针对以上问题,文章使用一种双时相高分辨率卫星影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测算法,获取时序影像各个波段和归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)的差异影像作为深度学习的输入特征。

为充分挖掘滑坡前后影像多种信息差异特征,采用了U-net 网络模型耦合空洞空间金字塔池化和嵌入注意力机制模块相结合进行滑坡特征提取的方法,该方法增强了滑坡边界信息的保存,能够有效地提取滑坡边界信息和发生剧烈变化的区域。



关键词滑坡检测差异影像空洞空间金字塔池化注意力机制模块中图分类号: TP79;P642.22文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1009-8518(2023)02-0153-10 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-8518.2023.02.016Deep Learning Landslide Extraction Based on Difference Information of Dual-phase Remote Sensing ImagesQU Yu WANG Zhihui YU Huiyong*SHI Xian(College of Surveying and Spatial Information, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China)Abstract Current using of high-resolution satellite images to identify geological hazards such as landslides has gradually become a research hotspot. The visual interpretation of landslides relies on the experience of the interpreter, and is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the extraction accuracy is low. However, the traditional landslide automatic identification method is easy to confuse the landslide with various ground objects with similar spectral information, such as roads, bare ground and buildings. In response to the above problems, this paper uses a deep learning technology landslide detection algorithm based on dual-phase high-resolution satellite image difference information, obtain each band of time series images and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) difference image as the input feature of deep learning. To fully excavate the characteristics of various information differences in the images before and after the landslide, a收稿日期:2022-05-24基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(ZR2020MD051)引用格式:瞿渝, 王志辉, 于会泳, 等. 基于双时相遥感影像差异信息的深度学习滑坡检测[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2023, 44(2): 153-162.QU Yu, WANG Zhihui, YU Huiyong, et al. Deep Learning Landslide Extraction Based on Difference Information of154航天返回与遥感2023年第44卷method for landslide feature detection with U-net network model coupled with atrous spatial pyramid pooling and embedded attention mechanism module, this method enhances the preservation of landslide boundary information, and can effectively extract landslide boundary information and areas with drastic changes. Landslide detection in Enshi and Jiuzhaigou by the method in this paper, the experimental results show that the obtained F1-Scores are 88.4% and 90.53%, respectively, with small errors and high precision. The method in this paper can accurately detect the landslide boundary of high-resolution satellite data, and can maintain the integrity of the landslide.Keywords landslide detection; difference image; atrous spatial pyramid pooling; attention mechanism module 0 引言滑坡作为自然灾害之一,对人们的生命和财产构成了严重威胁,频繁发生的滑坡引起了极大的社会关注。

Voronoi Diagrams - A Survey of a Fundamental Geometric Data Structure

Voronoi Diagrams - A Survey of a Fundamental Geometric Data Structure

convex hull, crystal structure, divide-and-conquer,
geometric data structure, growth
model, higher dimensional embedding, hyperplane arrangement,
k-set, motion
@ 1991 ACM 0360-0300/91/0900-0345
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 23, No. 3, September 1991
Franz A urenhammer
unified exposition of its mathematical
and algorithmic properties. Finally, the paper
provides the first comprehensive bibliography
on Voronoi diagrams and related
Relatlon to Higher Dimensional ObJects.
3.2 The Topology of Planar Diagrams:
and its Variants.
33 A Deformation of the Voronoi Diagram:
Categories and Subject Descriptors: F.2.2 [Analysis of Algorithms























接下来,对有限元模型进行网格划分,并根据材料的晶体结构和物理性质设 置相应的本构模型。最后,通过有限元求解器解算方程,得到材料的塑性变形行 为和应力应变曲线。
通过对比不同案例的分析结果,可以得出以下结论: (1)基于Voronoi图的 晶体塑性有限元多晶几何建模能够准确描述材料的塑性变形行为和应力应变曲线。 (2)不同的晶粒尺寸和形状分布会对材料的塑性变形产生影响。较小的晶粒尺寸 和更复杂的晶粒形状会导致材料具有更高的屈服强度和塑性变形能力。
基于图论的图像分割技术在许多嵌入式应用中都发挥着重要的作用。下面我 们列举几个典型的例子:
无人驾驶汽车是近年来研究的热点之一。在无人驾驶汽车中,基于图论的图 像分割技术可以用于识别和区分道路上的各种对象,如车辆、行人、交通标志等。 此外,还可以利用图论中的路径规划算法来制定行驶路径,确保车辆的安全行驶。
1、图像处理:在图像处理中,Voronoi图可用于图像分割、特征提取和图像 增强等方面。例如,将图像中的像素点作为输入点集,通过计算距离和插值,生 成Voronoi图,进而实现图像分割和特征提取。
2、数据挖掘:在数据挖掘中,Voronoi图可用于聚类分析、关联规则挖掘和 频繁项集挖掘等方面。通过将数据点作为输入点集,生成Voronoi图,可以更好 地理解数据分布和结构,从而发现隐藏在数据中的有用信息。
2、简化模型建立:无需手动创建复杂的几何模型,而是通过自动生成的多 晶几何模型进行模拟和分析。
3、优化计算效率:通过使用高效的有限元算法和计算机集群,可以大幅缩 短计算时间。
以一个多晶铜材料的晶体塑性有限元分析为例,详细介绍如何基于Voronoi 图的晶体塑性有限元多晶几何建模。首先,根据实验测量的晶粒尺寸和形状分布, 创建代表晶粒的点集合,并生成Voronoi图。然后,将Voronoi图导入有限元分析 软件中,建立有限元模型。在设置边界条件时,需考虑材料的固定约束和加载条 件。


1 Voronoi图背 景
1.1 Voronoi图 的 定 义 给定 平 面上有 限个 (大 于 1个 )孤 立点 的集 合 ,我 们 依 照欧 氏距离 将 平 面上 的所 有 位 置点 分 配 给点
集 中距 它最 近 的点 。结 果将 平 面分成 了一 个 网格 ,这个 网格 中的区域 与平 面给 出 的点集 有关 ,我 们 称这 个 网格 为 由这个点 集 生成 的平 面普通 Voronoi图 ,形成 Voronoi图的 区域 为普 通 Voronoi多 边形 。在 不混 淆 的情 况下 ,简称 普通 Voronoi图为 Voronoi图 ,普 通 Voronoi多边 形 为 Voronoi多 边形 。
Voronoi图概 念最早 源 于 以下 自然 问题 :宇 航 员研 究 宇 宙 结 构 ;考古 学家 试 图识 别 不 同部 落 影 响下 的地 区 ;气象 学家在 仪 器不灵 时估 算 降雨 (雪 )量 ;城 市规 划 者在 城 市 中进 行 公共 学 校定 位 ;物 流 园 区 范 围 的设 定 等 。它 们虽 然表 面涉 及 了完全 不 同的 现象 ,但 具 有 一 点共 同之 处 ,即都 可 以用 Voronoi图 的 概 念来解 决 。
Nature of V oronoi Diagram and Dynam ic Structure
LIU Xin, LI H ai—ming,LIU Ying—hua (Department of Social Sciences,Mathematics and Physics,Chengde Petroleum College,
刘 欣 ,李 海 明 ,刘 颖 华
(承德 石 油高等 专科 学校 社 科 与数理 部 ,河北 承 德 067000)


第 l 1 期 2 0 1 3年 1 1月
组 合 机 床 与 自 动 化 加 工 技 术
M o du l a r M a c h i n e To o l& A u t o ma t i c Ma nuf a c t ur i ng Te c hn i qu e
NO . 1 1 NO V. 2 0 1 3
t h e c a s e o f u n i a x i a l s t r e t c h c on t i n uo u s f a i l u r e e l e me n t s a p p e a r e d o n t h e g r a i n b o u nd a r y p e r p e n d i c u l a r t O
s i v e i n t e r f a c e mo de l wa s u s e d t o s i mu l a t e t h e p r o c e s s o f g r a i n - bo u n d a r y s e pa r a t i o n.Po l y c r y s t a l l i n e a l umi —
wh o l e mo d e l we r e i nv e s t i ga t e d. Ba s e d o n t h i s,a c o mp a r a t i v e s t u dy o n g r a i n— b o u n da r y d a ma g e a n d s t r e s s
Ab s t r a c t :The 2 D Vo r o n o i a l g o r i t h ms we r e u s e d f o r g e o me t r i c mo d e l i n g o f c r y s t a l l i n e g r a i ns . A c oh e —

voronoi tessellation遗传模式

voronoi tessellation遗传模式

voronoi tessellation遗传模式
Voronoi tessellation的遗传模式是指使用遗传算法来优化Voronoi tessellation的结果。

Voronoi tessellation是一种将空间划分为各种不重叠的区域的方法,其中每个区域由距离最近的点所确定。


在传统的Voronoi tessellation中,通常会根据一组输入点来生成区域。




在Voronoi tessellation的遗传模式中,初始的输入点位置可以随机生成或者基于一些启发式的方法生成。

然后,使用遗传算法不断迭代优化每个点的位置,直到得到一个满意的Voronoi tessellation结果。


通过使用遗传算法优化Voronoi tessellation,可以获得更好的区域划分结果,适用于各种应用领域,例如图像分割、地图区域划分等。



第50卷第1期V〇1.50No.l红外与激光工程Infrared and Laser Engineering2021年1月Jan.2021等离激元微腔耦合长波红外量子阱高消光比偏振探测器(特邀)李志锋,李倩,景友亮,周玉伟,周靖,陈平平,周孝好,李宁,陈效双,陆卫(中国科学院上海技术物理研究所红外物理国家重点实验室,上海200083)摘要:长波红外偏振探测器能够大幅提升对热成像目标的识别能力。

受制于衍射极限的物理限制,目前的微线柵偏振片型长波红外偏振探测器的偏振消光比基本上只能做到最高10 : 1左右。

文中采 用金属/介质/金属的等离激元微腔结构,将量子阱红外探测激活层相嵌在微腔之中。

由于上、下金属 之间的近场耦合形成了在双层金属区域的横向法布里-珀罗共振模式,构成等离激元微腔。

文中利用 微腔的模式选择特性及其与量子阱子带间跃迁的共振耦合,将量子阱子带跃迁不能直接吸收的垂直入 射光耦合进入等离激元微腔并转变为横向传播,从而能够被量子阱子带吸收,实现了在长波红外 13.5 p m探测波长附近偏振消光比大于丨00 :1的结果。

相关工作为发展我国高消光比长波红外偏振 成像焦平面提供了全新的物理基础和技术路径。

关键词:等离激元;微腔;长波红外;量子阱红外探测器;偏振;消光比中图分类号:TN215 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3788/IRLA20211006Plasmonic microcavity coupled high extinction ratio polarimetric long wavelength quantum well infrared photodetectors(//ivi7^</)Li Zhifeng,Li Qian,Jing Youliang,Zhou Yuwei,Zhou Jing,Chen Pingping,Zhou Xiaohao,Li Ning,Chen Xiaoshuang,Lu Wei(State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, China)Abstract:The long wavelength infrared polarimetric detector can greatly improve the recognition ability of thermal imaging.Owing to the physical limitation of the diffraction limit,the polarization extinction ratio of the current micro-grid polarizer-type long wavelength infrared polarimetric detectors can basically only be as high as about 10 ! 1.In this paper,a metal/dielectric/metal plasmonic microcavity structure has been fabricated,with the infrared detection active layer of the quantum wells being embedded inside the microcavity.Due to the near-field coupling between the upper grating and bottom reflector metals,a lateral Fabry-Perot resonance was established in the double-metal region,forming the plasmonic microcavity.Benefited from the mode selection characteristics of the microcavity and its resonant coupling with the quantum well intersubband transition,the normal incident light,which cannot be directly absorbed by the intersubband transition of the quantum wells,was coupled into the plasmonic microcavity,transforming its propagation direction into lateral and being absorbed by the quantum wells.The mechanism was confirmed by finite element simulation and the microcavity key parameters such as the grating width and the thicknesses were designed and optimized.Such a structure was applied to the detecting pixels sized at27 x27 |im,which was suitable for focal plane arrays.Resulting from the capture and confinement of the incident photons,the detectivity of the detecting pixels could be promoted by about one order of magnitude comparing to the un-structured 45° edge facet coupled detector fabricated from the same epitaxy wafer.The polarization extinction ratio greater than 100 ! 1at about 13.5 (im of detecting peak wavelength in the long收稿日期:2020-11 -01;修订日期:2020-12-20基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61874126, 61521005);上海市市级科技重大专项(2019SHZDZX01)第1期红外与激光工程第50卷wavelength infrared waveband was achieved,while the peak intensity dependence on the polarizer azimuth angle fitted Malus law very well.Such a work provides a novel physical foundation and technical route for the development of high extinction ratio long wavelength infrared polarimetric imaging focal planes.Key words:plasmonic;microcavity;long wavelength infrared;quantum well infrared photodetectors;polarization;extinction ratioo引言偏振成像是在强度和波长(颜色)之外的又一个 成像维度[1]。



【作者单位】昆明理工大学,云南昆明 650000
1.移动机器人基于近似Voronoi图的3-D环境建模方法 [J], 邹小兵;蔡自兴
2.基于Voronoi图的植物叶脉建模方法 [J], 谷文哲;金文标;张智丰
3.基于Voronoi图的植物叶脉建模方法 [J], 谷文哲;金文标;张智丰
4.一种基于Voronoi图的多晶体有限元建模方法 [J], 郑战光;汪兆亮;冯强;袁帅;王
5.多晶体材料微结构二维有限元建模 [J], 陈震;周金宇;朱福先

Anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellations and their applications

Anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellations and their applications

ANISOTROPIC CENTROIDAL VORONOI TESSELLATIONSAND THEIR APPLICATIONS∗QIANG DU†AND DESHENG W ANG‡Abstract.In this paper,we introduce a novel definition of the anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellation(ACVT)corresponding to a given Riemann metric tensor.A directional distance function is used in the definition to simplify the computation.We provide algorithms to approximate the ACVT using the Lloyd iteration and the construction of anisotropic Delaunay triangulation under the given Riemannian metric.The ACVT is applied to optimization of two dimensional anisotropic Delaunay triangulation,to the generation of surface CVT and high quality triangular mesh on general surfaces.Various numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Key words.Voronoi tessellations,anisotropy,Riemannian metric,anisotropic Delaunay trian-gulation,optimal tessellations,optimal mesh,surface mesh,surface triangulation AMS subject classifications.65D18,65D17,65N50,65Y201.Introduction.Anisotropic triangulations,in particular,anisotropic Delau-nay triangulations,have attracted the attention of many researchers,see[6,9,10,22, 25,28,29]and the references cited therein,due to their various applications rang-ing from volume and surface mesh generation to surface representation and image morphing.For best-performing triangulations,from the approximation theory point of view,it is well known that the aspect ratios and orientations of the triangles or tetrahedra should depend on the problems whose solutions are to be approximated. For problems such as influidflow,the solutions often display anisotropic behavior and are best resolved with anisotropic meshes.Same as in the isotropic case[19],the quality of the triangulation is closely related to the distribution of the vertices.In[12],a methodology for optimal points placement in regions,i.e.,volumes, in R d has been developed,based on the notion of centroidal Voronoi tessellations (CVTs).A CVT is a Voronoi tessellation whose generating points are the centroids (centers of mass)of the corresponding Voronoi regions associated with a given density. CVT’s enjoy an optimization characteristics so that they themselves turn out to be useful in many applications such as image and data analysis,vector quantization, resource optimizations,statistics,and meshless computing;see,e.g.,[12,14,15].The concept of CVT has also been successfully applied to high quality mesh generation and optimization[13,17,18,19],and to numerical solution of partial differential equations.The basic definition of the CVT can be generalized to very broad settings ranging from abstract spaces to discrete point sets[12].The purpose of this paper is to intro-duce a new and consistent definition for anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellations in the Euclidean space but related to a given Riemannian metric tensor which possesses anisotropy,and to develop computational algorithms for their efficient construction. By introducing a directional distance definition for any two points as a significant simplification of the classical Riemann distance measure,the notion of AnisotropicVoronoi region(AVR)and Anisotropic Voronoi Tessellation(AVT)and the corre-sponding Anisotropic Delaunay triangulation(ADT)can be suitably defined.Their definitions are different from the standard ones in[12]and they also differ from other popular definitions used in the literature[25,28].As our definition leads to a straight-forward definition of the mass centroids,it thus provides a consistent definition of the anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellations(ACVTs)which is the main concept to be discussed in this paper.The ACVTs enjoy useful optimization properties that are naturally tied to the basic function approximation theory,and they reduce to the standard CVTs for isotropic Riemannian tensors.When applied to surface tessella-tion and triangulation,our definition is also different from the notion of constrained CVTs discussed in[14]where the distance remains to be measured in the Euclidean metric and only the definition of the mass centroids reflects the surface geometry.Even with the simplified notion of directional distances,the direct construction of anisotropic Voronoi tessellation is still computationally challenging due to the com-plexity and universality of the Riemannian metric.We employ the method of unit meshing proposed in[6,22]to give an approximate construction of the ADT,which in turn aids to the approximate construction of the AVT.A key observation based on our computational experience is that the AVTs can often be well approximately by their visibility regions.Andfinally to compute the ACVT,we extend the classi-cal Lloyd method which iterates between computing the AVT with given generators and the computation of mass centroids with a given AVT.Our proposed algorithm is shown to be very effective for various examples.A direct application of ACVT is the two dimensional anisotropic Delaunay tri-angulation via the optimal Anisotropic Centroidal Voronoi Delaunay Triangulation (ACVDT).Under the Riemannian metric,the density function of ACVT is defined to be unit,which means,asymptotically speaking,the dual triangulation ACVDT of thefinal converged ACVT have approximately unit-length edges,and accordingly, the triangulation is an almost regular anisotropic triangulation under the Rieman-nian metric.This is similar to our previous work in isotropic meshing[19].Numerous anisotropic examples vindicate the above assertion.Another direct application of the anisotropic CVT constructed through the Lloyd iteration is surface tessellation and triangulation,similar to the work in[14].Various ACVTs and the resulting high-quality Delaunay meshes on general surfaces demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.In this regard,this paper serves as a companion work of[14].The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.First,in Section2,we review the basic notion of the Centroidal Voronoi tessellation,and introduce our definition of anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellation.Then,in Section3,we describe the algorithm for computing the anisotropic Delaunay triangulation under general Rie-mannian metric tensor.In section4,we address the main point of the paper:the gen-eration of anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellation.We also give some anisotropic CVT examples.In section5,we discuss the applications of anisotropic CVT:op-timization for two dimensional anisotropic Delaunay triangulation and high quality surface meshing.Some concluding remarks are given in section6.2.CVT and Anisotropic CVT.For detailed discussions on CVT,we refer to[12].For comparison purposes,some basic CVT terminologies in the Euclidean metric are briefly reviewed here.22.1.CVT in Euclidean metric.Let|.|denote the Euclidean norm in R d. Given a bounded open setΩ⊂R d and a set of points{Z i}n i=1belonging to¯Ω,let V i={x∈Ω||x−z i|<|x−z j|for j=1,...,n,j=i}i=1,....,n. Clearly,we have V i∩V j=∅for i=j and n i=1¯V i=¯Ω.The set{V i}n i=1is referred to as a Voronoi Tessellation(VT)or a Voronoi diagram ofΩ,the members of the set{z i}n i=1are referred to as generating points or generators,and each V i is referred to as the Voronoi region or Voronoi cell corresponding to z i.It is well known that the Voronoi regions are polyhedra and that they are very useful in a number of applications[12].Given a density functionρ=ρ(x)defined on¯Ωand positive and continuous almost everywhere,for each Voronoi region V i,we define its mass centroid z∗i byz∗i= V i xρ(x)dxand deterministic approaches.For example,as a representative of the probabilistic algorithms,the method by Macqueen is a very elegant random sequential method which divides sampling points into k sets or clusters by taking means of sampling points.The deterministic Lloyd algorithm is the obvious iteration between comput-ing Voronoi diagrams and mass centroids.In quantization and clustering literature,one can also find the related h -means and k -means algorithms for the construction of discrete CVTs.The notions of Voronoi regions and centroids,and therefore of centroidal Voronoi regions can be generalized to more abstract spaces and to metrics other than the Euclidean L 2norm,for there are many applications in computer science,arts,ar-chaeology,astronomy,biology,crystallography,physics and other areas related to generalized centroidal Voronoi tessellations [12,32].In this paper,we are interested in the special setting where a positive definite Riemannian metric tensor is defined in the two dimensional space.2.2.Riemannian structure and metric tensor.Although the discussions here on the Riemannian structure are easily extendable to higher dimensional spaces,to simplicify the notation and illustration,we merely present the two dimensional versions which are more directly relevant to the two dimensional triangulation and surface meshing applications considered in this paper.Let P be a point of the planar domain Ω.A metric tensor at P is the specification of a definite positive matrix (tensor)M (p )= a (p )b (p )b (p )c (p )where a (p )>0,c (p )>0,and a (p )c (p )−b (p )2>0.The metric field (M (p ))p ∈Ωinduces a Riemannian structure on Ω,and we denote it by (Ω,M (p )).If M is constant,i.e.,is independent of the position,we refer it as a constant or uniform Riemannian metric.Otherwise,it is non-uniform .If for all points the metric tensor remains identity,or a constant multiple of the identity,it is simplified (or equivalent)to the standard Euclidean structure.Since M (P )is positive definite,through diagonalization,we have M (P )=E T UE ,with E = cosθsinθsinθcosθ,U = λ1(P )00λ2(P ) .(2.2)Here,λ1(P )and λ2(P )are the two eigenvalues,and E the corresponding eigenvectorsof M (P ).Let h 1(P )=1/λ2(P ),then h 1(P ),h 2(P ),and θcan be interpreted as the lengths of the two radius and the rotation angle of the ellipse shown in Fig 2.1,and the metric M =M (P )corresponds to such ellipses with the specified orientations and aspect ratios [4,6,7,22,26,27,35].If for all point P ,h 1(P )=h 2(P ),i.e.,the ellipses become conventional circles,the metric is then called an isotropic metric;else,we have an anisotropic metric field.Let P,Q be two points in Ω,and S =S (t )be a path connecting the two points and parameterized by t ∈[0,1].The length of S =S (t )can be calculated by L M (S )=10Fig.2.1.Anisotropy:approximation by ellipsethenL M(S)= 10−−→P Q T M(P)−−→P Q.The above directional distance between P and Q can be interpreted as the Rie-mannian distance of these two points,with the metric being constant M(P).Obvi-ously,the directional distance is not symmetric as in the usual distance definitions. This,however,will serve our definitions for anisotropic Voronoi tessellation very well. Definition2.2.Given the set of points{Z i}n i=1in the domainΩand a smoothly defined positive definite Riemann metric M defined as above onΩ.We define thefollowing set as the Anisotropic Voronoi Region(AVR)of a point P inΩ:V(P)={x∈Ω|d x(x,P)<d x(x,Z i),∀Z i=P}.5Points having equal directional distances to any two generators Z i,Z j are called their bisectors.Clearly,the above definition is an extension of the classical definition.The AVRs of any two distinct points are non-overlapping and the union of all the AVRs of{Z i}n i=1covers the domain.The smoothness of the Riemannian metric insures that the bisectors have measure zero and consist of piecewise smooth curves.For practicalpurposes,the smoothness of the Riemannian metric is not always a necessity.Given two points P,Q and let X m=(P+Q)/2be their mid-point.Since−−−→X m Q=−−−−→X m P,we easily see that d Xm (X m,Q)=d Xm(X m,P).This leads to aninteresting property:Lemma2.1.The bisector of two generators defined using the directional distance always passes through their mid-point.We may attribute the above property as the mid-point of two generators being blind to the anisotropy with respect to the two generators.Note that AVRs defined as above are not necessarily connected.This is not surprising as this is also the case for the anisotropic Voronoi regions defined in[25,28].We refer the subregion of a AVR which contains the corresponding generator as its main subregion while the subregions do not contain the generator as orphan subregions,just like in[25].Although in most practical applications and with sufficiently number of generators,the appearance of orphan subregions is very rare.The part of the main subregion which is visible from the corresponding generator is called the visibility region in the AVR.Note that the visibility region is star-shaped with respect to the generators.The visibility regions serve as good approximations to the AVRs in practice.With well-defined AVRs and bisectors,we can define the Voronoi tessellation cor-responding to the directional distance.Definition2.3.Given the set of points{Z i}n i=1in the domainΩand a positive definite Riemann metric M defined as above onΩ.The tessellation ofΩby the set of Anisotropic Voronoi regions{V i=V(Z i)}n i=1is called the Anisotropic Voronoi Tes-sellation(AVT).The dual triangulation obtained by joining generators whose main subregions share common bisectors is called the Anisotropic Delaunay Triangulation (ADT).Some examples of the AVRs and AVTs in a two dimensional square[−1,1]2with various Riemannian metric are illustrated in Fig2.2.Five generators are taken with one at the center and four on the vertices.Note that for M=I we get the standard isotropic Voronoi tessellations.For M=diag(4,1),we see the symmetry breaking due to the anisotropy and similarly for M(x,y)=diag(7−6.3|x|,1).In the latter case,we also get two orphan subregions near points(−1,0)and(1,0)which belong to the AVR corresponding to the center point.We now give some comments on our notion of AVT here,since it differs signifi-cantly from the conventional definition.First of all,the use of directional distance is not new.In fact,at the time of this paper’s writing,it came to our attention that such a notion is also used in a recent work[25].There,the AVR is defined asV(P)={x∈Ω|d P(x,P)<d Zi(x,Z i),∀Z i=P}.6Fig.2.2.AVTs of [−1,1]2for M =I ,M =diag (4,1),and M =diag (7−6.3|x |,1).Note that,to determine the membership of the Voronoi cells,the distances are used in opposite directions to that in our definition.Historically,the multiplicative weighted Voronoi tessellation (MWVT)may also server as an earlier example [3].The definition of the multiplicative weighted Voronoi region [3,32]is defined asV i ={x ∈Ω|w i d (x,Z i )<w j d (x,Z j ),∀Z j =Z i }with d being the standard Euclidean distance and {w i }being a set of predetermined positive weights.As stated in [25],if we set d Z i (x,Z i )=w i d (x,Z i ),then the MWVT is a special case of the AVR given in [25].We are motivated by our interpretation of the space and distance distortion ef-fected by the Riemannian metric tensor:to decide the membership of a point x ,the distance and space distortion should be generally viewed through the Rieman-nian metric tensor at the point x rather than taking different views at the generators respectively.That is,locally at a given point,no change in the space and distance dis-tortion is needed when measuring distances from it to different generators.As we will see later that,in the context when the set of generators is viewed as variable objects that are subject to some optimization process,our definition leads to an optimization property.Moreover,the following simple proposition implies that our definition offers a consistent generalization to the standard Voronoi tessellation in the isotropic metric:Proposition 2.1.If the Riemannian metric tensor M (P )is isotropic,that is,λ1(P )=λ2(P )=ρ(P ),or equivalently,M (P )=ρ(P )I at all points,with I being the identity and ρ=ρ(P )being a scalar field,then the anisotropic Voronoi region reduces to the conventional Voronoi region in the Euclidean metric taking the form of a convex polyhedra.On the other hand,even for isotropic Riemannian tensor,the AVRs given in [25]does not reduce to the conventional Voronoi region unless the tensor in uniform,that is,ρ(p )is a constant field.Of course,for the truly anisotropic case,AVRs defined in this paper may have very complicated geometry and in comparison,the definition in[25]leads to AVRs with relatively less complicated boundary.In fact,the boundary of AVRs there consists of piecewise quadratic curves (quadratic surfaces in higher dimension)and the AVR can be viewed as the the projection of the lower envelope of the lifted paraboloids {p i (x )=d Z i (x,Z i )}.In our case,the lifted functions become {p i (x )=d x (x,Z i )}whose graphs are generally not paraboloids.Note however that the bisectors of the generators in the AVR definition of [25]does not pass through the7mid-points of the generators as in the our case.Even with our definition of AVRs and the dependence on the local Riemannian metric tensor,it is still simple to determine the membership of a given point in an AVT as the computation of the directional distance is quite straightforward.Of course,the bisector of any two points in the above anisotropic case may very well be very complicated for a general metric.It is generally impossible to solve the bisectors exactly,not to say with polynomial complexity.Thus,describing directly the AVT,in particular using efficient algorithms remains nontrivial.In practice, however,one is more interested infinding good approximations,so we will propose detailed construction and approximations of AVT and ADT in the following sections.2.4.Anisotropic Mass Center(Centroids).To define the Anisotropic Mass Center for a AVR of a generator,we recall that the mass center of a standard Voronoi region in the Euclidean metric is the point that minimizes the cost functional(the mean square Euclidean distance to such a point)in the given region.Thus,wefirst define the following anisotropic cost functional:Definition2.4.Let V(P)be the AVR of point P,the following integral is called the anisotropic cost functional or anisotropic energy functional of V(P):F(Y)= V(P)d2X(X,Y)dX.Here,different from[12,13,19],the density function is simplified to be the identity as it is often reflected in the underlying Riemannian metric.Also,the integral is interpreted as integration with respect to the Riemannian metric,instead of the usual Lebesgue integral[4,22].The details are to be discussed in Section4.Minimizing the above quadratic functional with respect to Y,we are led to the following:Definition2.5.The anisotropic mass center of V(P)is given by:Y c=[ V(P)(M(X),X)dX][ V(P)M(X)dX]−1.Here,(M(X),X)is the product of M(X)and X;A−1denotes the inverse of matrix A,and the integrals here are all defined in the Riemannian metric.It is easy to see that the following lemma is true:Lemma2.2.If M=M(P)is a smoothly defined positive definite Rieman-nian metric,and dX is taken in the sense of integration with respect to M,then V(P)M(X)dX is a positive definite matrix.Thus,the mass center is well-defined.Clearly,the definition for the mass centers is an natural generalization of that in Euclidean case.Moreover,once the AVR is given,the explicit formula makes the computation of the mass centers fairly straight-forward as we are simply minimizing a quadratic functional and this does not require8complicated optimization routines.Had the functional F(Y)being replaced byˆF(Y)= V(P)d2Y(X,Y)dX.there would be more issues to be addressed in defining and computing the mass centers.2.5.Anisotropic Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations.Once the anisotropic Voronoi regions and their mass centers are defined,we are ready to give the definition for anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellation(ACVT)and its dual ACVDT:Definition2.6.Given the set of points{Z i}n i=1in the domainΩand a smoothly defined positive definite Riemannian metric M defined as above onΩ,a Voronoi tessellation under the directional distance function is called an Anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellation(ACVT)ifz i=z∗i,i=1,...,k,i.e.,the points{z i}that serve as generators for the anisotropic Voronoi regions{V i} are themselves the anisotropic mass centers(centroids)of those regions.The corre-sponding dual triangulation is referred to as the anisotropic Centroidal Voronoi De-launay triangulation(ACVDT).Wefirst observe the following trivial but important fact:Proposition2.2.If the Riemannian metric tensor M(P)is isotropic,that is,λ1(P)=λ2(P)=ρ(P)for all points P,or equivalently,M(P)=ρ(P)I with I being the identity andρ=ρ(P)being a scalar positive density function,then the anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellation reduces to the standard centroidal Voronoi tessellation corresponding to the Euclidean distance and the density functionρ=ρ(P).The above proposition concludes that our definition of ACVT is a consistent generalization of the conventional CVT.If other definitions of directional distances were used,such a conclusion may not hold.Similar to the standard CVT,the above defined ACVT enjoys an optimality prop-erty:Proposition2.3.Given a compact setΩ⊂R d,a positive integer n,and a smoothly defined positive definite Riemannian metric M(·).Let{Z i}n i=1denote any set of n points belonging toΩand let{V i}n i=1denote any tessellation ofΩinto n regions.Define the energy(cost)functional for{(Z i,V i)}n i=1byF({(Z i,V i)}n i=1)=ni=1 X∈V i d2X(X,Z i)dX.(2.3)A necessary condition for F to be minimized is that the V i’s are the anisotropic Voronoi regions corresponding to the Z i’s and,simultaneously,the Z i’s are also the anisotropic mass centroids of the corresponding V i’s,i.e.{(Z i,V i)}n i=1is an anisotropic centroidal Voronoi tessellation ofΩ.9The proof follows easily from the definitions of the AVR and the anisotropic mass centroids.The functional F is often also called distortion value or total variance .In practice it can be related to the errors of numerical approximation,being errors of surface representation or errors of numerical solution of some partial differential equations [13].2.6.Relation to function approximation.Given a function f smoothly de-fined in the compact set Ω⊂R d ,a set of n distinct points {Z i }n i =1in Ωand a tessellation of Ωdenoted by {V i }n i =1,we consider the problem of the approximating the function f by a piecewise constant function f n defined by f n (x )=f (Z i )χi (x )for each i with χi being the characteristic function of the set V i .We may measure the error of the approximation byΩ|f n (X )−f (X )|2dX =n i =1 V i |f n (X )−f (Z i )|2dX ,which,by Taylor expansion,can be approximated to leading order byΩ|f n (X )−f (X )|2dX ≈n i =1 V i −−→XZ i T ∇f (X )∇T f (X )−−→XZ i dX ≤n i =1 V id 2X (X,Z i )dX ,(2.4)where d =d X (X,Y )can be any directional distance between X and Y corresponding to a Riemannian tensor M =M (X )that bounds ∇f ∇T f (e.g.,M =αI +∇f ∇T f with a small constant α>0).Clearly,if the elements of {Z i ,V i }n i =1are allowed vary in order to reduce the error of approximation,we may choose to minimize the error bound given on the right hand side of the equation (2.4)which is precisely in the form of the functional F ({(Z i ,V i )}n i =1).This observation,among others,is one of the motivations for the definition of the energy functional.Hence,we see that,under the above metric (related to ∇f ),the ACVT defined in the paper turns to provide the optimal error bound on the piecewise constant approximations of the given function f .Historically,such an idea has been used by Thiessen in one of the earliest applications of the Voronoi digrams to get estimation of precipitation data in a given geographical region [32].The relevant metric is obviously dependent on the quatities to be approximated and on how the errors are measured.If one is interested in approximating the deriva-tives ∇f by a piecewise vector valued functionv n (x )≈ ∇f (Z i )χi (x ),and estimating the errors withΩ| v n (X )−∇f (X )|2dX ,then the correponding metric would be tied to the Hessian matrix of f .Of course,the approximation error considered here is very generic and in practical applications such as the numerical solution of partial differential equations,more sophisticated10error estimators are desirable in order to ensure the optimal resolution.Nevertheless, the above discussion provides a natural link between the problem of optimal tessel-lation and the problem of optimal function(as well as surfaces to be discussed later) representation and approximation.2.7.On the construction of ACVT.The construction of ACVT can be done with several different methods.Here,we mainly discuss the Lloyd algorithm which is afixed point iteration between the generators and the mass centers of the anisotropic Voronoi regions.Given the generators,as mentioned before,the precise determination of the AVRs and their boundary can be computationally cumbersome,and there is little control in theory on the complexity of such procedures.However,in many applications,the construction of ACVT can often be viewed as an opimization procedure,thus it is of practical interests to compute good approximations of ACVT.Due to the complexity of the AVRs and the existence of orphan regions,we make an effective approximation in our construction of the ACVT:computing the visibility regions for the generators and their mass centroids instead of the full AVRs.The generation of the visibility regions is helped by the classical anisotropic Delaunay triangulation constructed by methods introduced in[4,6,22](here we use the term classical to differentiate from the definition of ADT given in this paper).In the next section,a systematic description of the algorithm for two dimen-sional classical anisotropic Delaunay triangulation is provided;then,in Section4,the detailed description of the ACVT construction is provided.3.Classical anisotropic Delaunay triangulation.In this section,we recall the technique of two dimensional classical anisotropic Delaunay triangulation for any planar domainΩ,with respect to a given Riemannian structure(Ω,M(P)P∈Ω)defined inΩ[4,6,22].The concepts of Delaunay measure and the generalized constrained Delaunay kernel are briefly reviewed;then,we discuss the traditional anisotropic2D Delaunay triangulation and the so-called unit mesh generation procedure.3.1.Generalized Constrained Delaunay kernel.The constrained Delaunay kernel,including the constructions of Base,Cavity and Ball,is a procedure for in-serting a new point into an existing Delaunay triangulation;see,e.g.[5,6,8,21,22]. The Delaunay criterion for insertion is based on the empty-circle(sphere for3D) test.When adding a point(say P),the mesh updating kernel takes on the form: T=T−C(P)+B(P)where C(P)is the Cavity associated with P,i.e.,the set of existing triangles whose circumdiscs contain P,and B(P)is the local updated trian-gulation of C(P)enclosing P as a vertex,which is called the Ball of P;T denotes both the existing and newly updated Delaunay meshes.The cavity is constructed by recursive neighboring searching or other methods[5,6,8,21,22],based on a proximity criterion,i.e.,the empty circle test.Such a criterion is not applicable to the anisotropic cases and a generalized kernel definition for the Riemannian metric is needed.The generalization consists mainly of a redefinition of the Cavity C(P).The Ball B(P)can be constructed similarly as in the classical case,provided that the cavity is star-shaped to P.First,we recall the Delaunay measuresαM with respect to a given metric M associated with the pair(P,k)with P being a vertex and k being a triangle.Detailed discussions may be found in[6,22].The measuresαM vary with a reference point Q,which is taken to be either P or any of the three vertices of k.First,let O Q and r Q be the circum-disc center and radius of k with respect to the(uniform)tensor11。



第24 卷第9 期2009 年9 月航空动力学报Journal of Aerospace Po w erVol. 24 No. 9Sep . 2009 文章编号:100028055 (2009) 0922007205开孔Voronoi 泡沫支柱形状变化对力学性能的影响卢子兴, 王建月(北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院, 北京100191)摘要: 针对开孔泡沫材料提出了新的支柱形状控制方程,并在Voronoi 随机泡沫模型基础上,研究了支柱形状变化对其各向同性弹性性能、非线性压缩和拉伸力学行为的影响;讨论了支柱细腰程度和模型随机度共同作用的影响效果,并比较了两种因素作用效果的大小. 结果表明,支柱细腰程度的增大明显降低了泡沫材料的弹性模量和无量纲应力. 同时,支柱细腰程度对泡沫力学性能的影响要大于模型随机度的影响,并随模型随机度的增加而增大.关键词: 泡沫材料; 力学性能; Voronoi 模型; 支柱形状中图分类号: V214 文献标识码: AInfluence of cell strut sha pe on the mechanical propertiesof Voronoi open2cell foamsL U Zi2xing , WAN G J ian2yue( School of A eronautic Science and Technology ,Beijing Univers ity of Aeronautics and Astronautics , Beijing 100191 , China) Abstract : The new equation was propos ed to control t he cell st rut shape of t hree dimen2 sional foams. Based on t he Voronoi random foam models , t he influences of cell st rut shape on isot ropic elastic properties, nonlinear compressive behavior and tensile behavior were in2 vestigated. In addition , effect s of t he interaction between t he cell st rut shape and t he model irregularity were discussed on a comparative basis. The result s show t hat t he elastic modulus and t he dimens ionless st ress es under compression and tens ion decrease evidently as st rut s t urn into a concave s hape. Effect s of cell st rut shape are larger t han t hose of model irregular2 ity , and become more significant as t he models are more irregular.Key words : foams ; mechanical properties ; Voronoi model ; cell st rut shape 已有开孔泡沫材料模型无论是规则的,如弹性杆支柱网络模型[ 1 ] 、立方体交错模型[ 2 ] 、十四面体模型[ 3 ] , 还是不规则的, 如Vo ronoi 随机模型[ 425 ] ,一般均假设材料支柱为细长直梁,且各支柱截面面积相同、支柱截面沿长度方向不变.然而,在实际泡沫微结构中支柱形状沿长度方向是变化的,呈两头粗中间细的变截面结构形态(本文简称为细腰结构形态) [ 628 ] . Harders 等[ 6 ] 讨论了支柱截面变化对二维蜂窝材料弹性性能的影响,发现支柱截面变化对杨氏模量影响较大; G o ng和Kyriakides[ 728 ] 等在采用十四面体模型研究开孔泡沫材料性能时考虑了支柱截面变化,但没有对该因素的影响进行单独分析,所给出的截面形状控制方程也不具有一般性. 本文针对开孔泡沫收稿日期:2008209223 ; 修订日期:2008211226基金项目:国家自然科学基金(10572013) ; 北京市教育委员会共建项目建设计划( XK100060522)作者简介:卢子兴(1960 - ) ,男,河北枣强人,教授、博导,主要从事复合材料结构分析和泡沫材料力学行为的研究.3 5 0 2008航 空 动 力 学 报 第 24 卷材料提出了新的支柱截面形状控制方程 ,在建立Voronoi 随机泡沫模型的基础上 ,研究了支柱呈 细腰结构形态时对开孔泡沫材料各向同性弹性性 腰形状 ,而大于 1 时支柱为鼓形形状.从而由式(2) 满足单根支柱体积独立于β而 保持定值的条件 ,可得能 、非线性压缩和拉伸力学行为的影响 ,讨论了支 柱细腰程度与模型随机度两种因素共同作用时对t (ξi) = t 0 - β 2+β (4)3泡沫材料力学性能的影响 ,并比较了两种因素影 响效果的大小.1 模型的建立Voronoi 随机泡沫模型的建立方法在文献[ 9 ]中已有详细的论述 ,这里不再赘述. 对模型随机度为α的 Voronoi 模型 ,假设支柱为细长直梁 ,则其截面尺寸 (厚度) 可由相对密度 、胞体尺寸以及支柱长度给出 ,即该方程能保证单根支柱体积 V ≡2 l t2,从而支 柱细腰程度变化时 ,相对密度保持不变. 若给定开 孔泡沫材料的相对密度和模型随机度 ,则通过改 变β的取值 ,即可研究支柱形状的变化对泡沫材 料力学性能的影响.在建立 Voronoi 泡沫有限元模型的过程中 ,采用能考虑剪切变形的梁单元来模拟支柱 ,并在 划分梁单元时通过β来调节支柱细腰的程度. 图 2 给出了相对密度为 01 01 ,支柱截面形状为圆形 , 模型随机度α为 01 5 ,β取 01 3 和 01 7 时的模型微 t 0 =(1)结构图. 可以看出 ,当β较小时 ,支柱明显地呈细 其中 R = ρ/ρs 是相对密度 ; L 1 ,L 2 和 L 3 分别是胞 体在 3 个方向上的长度 , l i 是第 i 根支柱一半的长 度 ; N 是模型中支柱的总数目 , C 为常数 , 与截面 形状有关 ,当截面形状分别为圆形 、正方形 、等边 三角形和曲边三角形时 , C 的取值分别为 4/π,1 ,腰形状 ,而较大时 ,支柱的形状变化并不明显.4/ 和 1/3 - π/ 2 .真实泡沫的支柱一般呈中间细 、两端粗的细 腰形状 ,基体在结点处堆积. 为模拟支柱的这种真 实结构形态 ,采用如图 1 所示的细腰支柱模型 ,并 利用厚度方程来控制支柱的细腰程度.图 1 细腰支柱形状Fig. 1 Concave cell st rut shape假设支柱厚度控制方程为t (ξi ) = t 0 [ ( k (ξi/ l i ) 2+ b] (2)图 2 模型的微结构图Fig. 2 Micro structur e of models文中采用与文献[ 9 ]类似的耦合边界条件 ,并施加位移载荷进行模拟. 模拟非线性压缩和拉伸 行为时 ,同样主要考虑泡沫材料支柱的几何非线 性效应. 类似于文献[ 9 ] ,为使模型具有更广泛的 适应性 ,计算结果仍用无量纲应力σ- 表示 ,则它可 以看作是模型随机度α、支柱细腰程度β、支柱截 面形状系数γ、相对密度 R 和泡沫材料应变ε的 函数 ,即其中ξi 表示支柱沿长度方向的位置坐标 ,如图 1所示 ; t 0 为支柱划分为细长 、等直梁单元时由式σ- =σE s (ρ/ρs )= F (α,β,γ,ρ/ρs ,ε) (4)(1) 确定的厚度 , l i 为半支柱长度 , k 和 b 为常数.引入中心厚度 t ξ= 0 与 t 0 的比值β= t ξ= 0 / t 0(3)其中β反映了支柱细腰程度的大小. 当β取 1 时 支柱截面沿长度方向不变 ,β小于 1 时支柱为细其中σ为泡沫材料的应力 , E s 为基体弹性模量.2 计算结果与讨论为了研究支柱细腰程度对泡沫材料力学性能的影响 ,以及与模型随机度的共同作用效应 ,模拟 分析了模型在α与β在四种不同取值组合下的情NCL 1 L 2 L 3 R∑2 l ii = 15 - 20β2 9 2第 9 期卢子兴等 :开孔 Voronoi 泡沫支柱形状变化对力学性能的影响 2009况 ,即 : ①α= 01 3 ,β= 01 3 对应两种因素均较小情 况 ; ②α= 01 3 ,β= 01 7 对应细腰程度较小情况 ; ③α= 01 7 ,β= 01 3 对应模型随 机度较 大情况 ; ④α= 01 7 ,β= 01 7 对应两种因素均较大的情况. 在模拟分析中 , 基体材料的杨氏模量 E s = 1 GPa ,泊松比νs = 01 45 ,支柱截面形状均为圆形 , 并且在模拟非线性压缩和拉伸行为时 ,取相对密 度为 01 011 模型采用 3 倍胞体进行计算 ,由于讨 论随机因素的影 响 , 故 取 10 个模型 结果的 平 均值.21 1 对各向同性弹性性能的影响图 3 给出了α与β取不同值时 ,相对弹性模 量和泊松比随相对密度变化的曲线. 对相对弹性 模量的影响如图 3 (a ) 所示. 将α与β在四种组合 情况下的结果进行对比 ,可见 ,在相对密度与α一 定时 ,β的减小对相对弹性模量起减小作用 ,说明 支柱明显地呈细腰形状时模型的相对模量要小于 支柱形状变化不明显时的情况 ,并且β的影响作用随相对密度的增加而增大 ; 而α与β都单独变 化相同幅度时 ,β的影响要明显大于α的影响. 此外 ,α= 01 7 时β对相对模量的影响作用要大于 α= 01 3 的情况 ,说明β的影响效果受α的影响 ,并随α的增加而增大 ; 由于α和β的增加都对相对 弹性模量起增强作用 ,因而α与β两种因素对相 对模量的共同作用效应增强了.对泊松比的影响如图 3 ( b ) 所示. 结果表明 , 相对密度一定时 ,β的增大对泊松比起减小作用 , 并且其影响作用要明显大于α的影响 ; 由于α也 对泊松比起减小作用 ,因而α与β的共同影响效 果要大于α与β单独作用时的情况.21 2 对非线性压缩行为的影响类似于对弹性性能的讨论 ,图 4 (a ) 给出了α 与β取不同值时对无量纲压缩应力2应变曲线的 影响. 从图中可以看出 ,α与应变一定时 ,无量纲 应力随β的增加而明显增大 ,且β的影响随应变 的增大而更加明显 ;而α与β都发生变化时 ,β的2010 航空动力学报第24 卷影响仍要高于α的影响,与弹性性能时类似. 在应变小于6 %时,α和β的增加对应力起增强作用,从而两种因素共同作用的效果要大于α或β单独作用时的情况;但当应变大于6 %时,α的增大对应力起减小作用而β起增强作用,由于β的影响作用更强,从而两种因素共同作用的效果要大于α单独作用而小于β单独作用时的情况,说明两种因素的共同作用效应被削弱了.对泊松比的影响如图4 ( b) 所示. 可见,随应变的增大,其影响趋势与对应力2应变曲线的影响类似. 十分有趣的是,β取01 3 而α变化时,若应变大于某一数值则泊松比为负值,即产生了负泊松比现象,这与Lakes[ 10 ] 通过三向压缩工艺获得负泊松比泡沫材料的方法是不同的.21 3 对非线性拉伸行为的影响对拉伸行为进行类似的讨论. 图5 (a) 给出了图 5 α和β共同作用对模型拉伸力学行为的影响Fig. 5 Effects of αandβon tensilebehavior of modelsα与β取不同值时模型的无量纲拉伸应力2应变曲线. 从图中可以看出,在相同应变和α取值的情况下,应力水平随着β的增加而增大, 与压缩时相似,且β的影响随应变的增大而更加明显;由α和β都单独变化相同幅度时的结果发现,β对无量纲拉伸应力的影响明显大于α的作用,而β在α= 01 3 时的影响作用要小于α= 01 7 时的情况,说明支柱细腰程度对泡沫拉伸行为的影响受模型随机度α的影响,随α的增加而更加明显;由于α和β的增大都对无量纲拉伸应力起增大作用,因而α与β都较大时的应力要大于α或β单独作用时的情况,表明两种因素的共同作用增强了.对泊松比的影响如图5 ( b) 所示. 结果表明,在应变一定时泊松比随β的增加而减小,与压缩情况时相反;β的影响作用要大于α的影响,并且其影响作用受α的影响,随α的增加而增大. 由于α对泊松比起增大作用而β起减小作用,因而α与β共同作用时的泊松比要大于β单独作用而小于α单独作用时的情况,说明两种因素的共同作用效应削弱了.3 结论本文提出了新的支柱形状控制方程,并基于Voronoi 随机泡沫模型,研究了支柱形状变化对开孔泡沫材料各向同性弹性性能、非线性压缩和拉伸力学行为的影响,讨论了支柱细腰程度与模型随机度两种因素的共同作用对泡沫材料力学性能的影响,并比较了两种因素影响效果的大小. 结果表明,支柱细腰程度的增大降低了泡沫材料的相对弹性模量而增大了泊松比,并且其影响随相对密度的增加而增大;支柱细腰程度的增大也大大降低了泡沫材料的无量纲应力,压缩情况时对泊松比起减小作用,而在拉伸时对泊松比起增大作用,且其影响随应变的增加而增大. 支柱形状变化对泡沫材料力学性能的影响受模型随机度的影响.参考文献:[ 1 ] 卢子兴, 石上路. 低密度开孔泡沫材料力学模型的理论研究进展[J ] . 力学与实践,2005 ,27 (5) :132201L U Zixing , SHI Shanglu. 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Voronoi单元的概念最早由乌克兰数学家Georgy Voronoi于1908年提出,因此得名为Voronoi单元。






















改进的限定Voronoi图梯形检测带细分算法李海生;曾宇航;蔡强;刘曰武【期刊名称】《计算机科学》【年(卷),期】2013(40)2【摘要】Aiming at the problem that existing constraint Voronoi diagram generation algorithm may not converge when the constraints are complex, this paper proposed an improved subdivision algorithm of trapezium examining strip for constraint Voronoi diagram by introducing several control factors. External and internal constraint line endpoint protection radius control factors are used to control the size of the constraint line near the end points of the Voronoi edge during calculating the initial Voronoi growth process. External and internal constraint segment size control factors are used to control in the size of the constraint line on the Voronoi edge during the process of subdivision examining strip. Experimental results show the proposed algorithm can get satisfied results even in the complex domain including internal boundary constraints,pencil of lines constraints and irregular areas.%针对已有的限定Voronoi图生成算法在一些复杂约束条件下不能收敛的问题,通过引入控制因子,给出一种改进的限定Voronoi图梯形检测带细分算法.在计算初始Voronoi生长元的过程中,引入外部和内部限定线段端点保护圆半径控制因子,控制限定线段两端点附近的Voronoi边的尺寸;在细分梯形检测带的过程中,引入外部和内部限定线段尺寸控制因子,控制位于限定线段上的Voronoi边的尺寸.实验结果表明,本算法对于内部边界约束、线束约束条件以及不规则区域均可以得到质量较好、满足约束条件的限定Voronoi图.【总页数】4页(P301-303,封3)【作者】李海生;曾宇航;蔡强;刘曰武【作者单位】北京工商大学计算机与信息工程学院北京100048;北京工商大学计算机与信息工程学院北京100048;北京工商大学计算机与信息工程学院北京100048;中国科学院力学研究所北京100190【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.41【相关文献】1.一种平面点集Voronoi图的细分算法 [J], 寿华好;袁子薇;缪永伟;王丽萍2.一种平面点集Voronoi图的细分算法 [J], 寿华好;袁子薇;缪永伟;王丽萍;3.基于梯形函数逼近的光栅数字细分算法 [J], 李朋;高立民;吴易明4.带线段障碍的城市Voronoi图生成算法研究 [J], 安志宏;张有会;李丹;兰连意;李前进;刘红娟5.基于Voronoi图和改进引力搜索算法的电动汽车充电站选址定容 [J], 赵炳耀;陈璟华;郭经韬;陈友鹏;张兆轩因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



控制超临界翼型边界层分离的微型涡流发生器数值模拟石清;李桦【摘要】本文基于任意曲线坐标系下的雷诺平均Navier-Stokes方程和Spalat-Allmaras一方程湍流模型,采用对接拼接网格技术和多重网格加速收敛技术,对安装有叶片式微型涡流发生器的超临界机翼翼身组合体进行了数值模拟,研究了微型涡流发生器的高度和弦向安装位置对超临界机翼附面层流动控制的机理以及对超临界机翼气动性能的影响规律.%In this paper, the main contents are focused on flow control mechanism of micro-vortex generators and aerodynamic performance of supercritical wing. To simulate the aerodynamic characteristics of supercritical wing using micro-vortex generators, based on the RANS equations and SA turbulent model, the numerical methods are adopted including cross-grid technology and multi-grid method. Effectiveness of micro-vortex generators heights and positions on flow control mechanism and aerodynamic performance of supercritical wing are investigated.【期刊名称】《空气动力学学报》【年(卷),期】2011(029)004【总页数】4页(P508-511)【关键词】微型涡流发生器;超临界机翼;流动控制;数值模拟【作者】石清;李桦【作者单位】中国空气动力研究与发展中心,四川绵阳621000;国防科学技术大学航天与材料工程学院,湖南长沙410073;国防科学技术大学航天与材料工程学院,湖南长沙410073【正文语种】中文【中图分类】V211.30 引言广义而言,一切可产生涡流的器件都可称之为涡流发生器。

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V oronoi Tessellation Based Interpolation Method for Wi-Fi Radio Map ConstructionMinkyu Lee and Dongsoo Han,Member,IEEEAbstract—Thefingerprint-based approach for positioning in WLAN has been drawing great attention these days.However, the approach usually requires tremendous time and efforts to collect locationfingerprints for the target area.In this paper,we propose an interpolation method based on Voronoi tessellation to significantly reduce such calibration efforts and to improve accuracy.Unlike other interpolation methods,our method refines the propagation model for each cell of the target area tessellated by a higher-order Voronoi diagram.Consequently,our method can take into account the signal fading caused by walls and obstacles more accurately.The proposed method significantly outperformed other interpolation methods in accuracy.Index Terms—Indoor environments,interpolation,radio prop-agation,wireless LAN.I.I NTRODUCTIONT HE proliferation of Wi-Fi infrastructures has facilitated numerous indoor positioning techniques using Wi-Fi lo-cationfingerprints.However,thefingerprint-based techniques usually require a lot of efforts to calibrate the target area. Several attempts to reduce the calibration efforts have been made.Some of them were developed based on the radio propagation model[1],[2],and others were based on inter-polation methods[3]–[6].However,in most cases,Reference Points(RPs),at whichfingerprints are to be collected,are not regularly distributed due to the structure of buildings,so interpolation methods for scattered data are widely used in practice.Radial Basis Function(RBF)[3],Linear[5],Inverse Distance Weighting(IDW)[6],and Kriging[4]are well-known methods for scattered data.Despite the numerous interpolation methods mentioned above,there is still potential to improve the conventional techniques in terms of increased accuracy and reduced ef-forts.In this paper,we propose a new interpolation method for scattered data based on higher-order V oronoi tessellation [8].Our method differs from conventional methods in two points.First,it adopts the Log-Distance Path Loss(LDPL) model which is widely used to estimate Signal Strength(SS) depending on the distance from the Access Point(AP).Other methods often use conventional models such as Gaussian, linear,or spline,but these models do not conform to signal fading patterns of Wi-Fi signals.Second,our method refines Manuscript received September26,2011.The associate editor coordinating the review of this letter and approving it for publication was S.Gupta.The authors are with the Department of Computer Science,Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST),291Daehak-ro,Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,Korea(e-mail:{niklaus,dshan}@kaist.ac.kr).This research was supported by the MKE(The Ministry of Knowledge Economy),Korea,under the ITRC(Information Technology Research Center) support program supervised by the NIPA(National IT Industry Promotion Agency)(NIPA-2011-(C1090-1111-0013)).Digital Object Identifier10.1109/LCOMM.2012.020212.111992the propagation model for each cell of a target area tessellated by a higher-order V oronoi diagram in order to take into account signal fading caused by walls and obstacles more accurately.According to the experiments performed in two buildings,the proposed method outperformed other commonly used interpolation methods in accuracy.This indicates that the proposed method can significantly reduce the calibration efforts for localization.II.T HE P ROPOSED I NTERPOLATION M ETHODOur method consists of two phases:Thefirst phase esti-mates locations of all the APs.The second phase estimates signal fading parameters of the APs for each V oronoi cell in order to take into account walls and obstacles more accurately.A.First PhaseThe propagation model based on LDPL is defined by:P(d)=P(d0)−10θlog10(d/d0)(1) where P(d),θ,d0,P(d0)represents SS at distance d,path loss exponent,reference distance,and SS at the reference distance respectively.Here,we set d0=1(meter)and substitute Euclidean distance from the location of AP k(ˆx k,ˆy k)for d, then interpolation function is defined by:Z k(x,y)=ˆc k−10ˆθk log10(ˆx k−x)2+(ˆy k−y)2(2) where Z k(x,y)represents SS at location x,y from AP k and ˆc k=P(d0).In order to compute SS value at an arbitrary point,we need to determine the parametersˆx k,ˆy k,ˆθk andˆc k. Although the purpose of thefirst phase is to estimate locations of all the APs,(ˆx k,ˆy k),all four of the parameters should be estimated together because the parametersˆθk and ˆc k are also unknown.To estimate the four parameters,actual observations are required at the pre-designated RPs.Let N be the number of RPs(RP1,RP2,...,RP N),s k,i be the observed SS value at RP i of AP k,and(x i,y i)be the location of the RP i.The values of the parameters is obtained using the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm[7],in which the sum of the weighted residual squares are minimized(3).(ˆx k,ˆy k,ˆθk,ˆc k)=arg minx k,y k,θk,c kNi=1w iNj=1w jγ2i(3)whereγi=s k,i−c k+10θlog10(x k−x i)2+(y k−y i)2(4)w i=1/|s k,i|p.(5)1089-7798/12$31.00c 2012IEEEFig.1:Example cases of interpolation.The top shows thefloor layout tessellated by the2nd-order V oronoi diagram where the squares denote RPs,thefilled square denotes AP and the crosses denote locations to be interpolated.The bottom shows the propagation modelsfitted for each cell of L1,L2,and L3.γi is a residual(i.e.the difference between s k,i and Z k(x i,y i)).Each residual is weighted by(5)in which a proper value for the power parameter p is essential in order to obtain the expected parameters.Since the Nelder-Mead algorithm is one of the direct search methods,a starting point for the parameters is essential.We use¯x,¯y,2.0,s k,max as a starting point forˆx k,ˆy k,ˆθk,ˆc k respectively,where¯x,¯y are the means of the x,y coordinates of RP i respectively,and s k,max is bigger than the strongest s k,i by one.Once the algorithm is successfully applied for all APs,we generate a radio map by(2)with the estimated parameters.In reality,however,SS attenuation does not follow this model exactly.A large gap still remains between the actual SS observation at the RP i and the SS value estimated by the model at the same RP i.This is because the parameters for the model are obtained by simply minimizing the weightedsquares.In the second phase,we reduce these gaps create a more accurate radio map.Second PhaseIn the second phase,we refine the parameterˆθk andˆc k each cell at the target area decomposed by a higher-order diagram.For a given set S of sites in a EuclideanV oronoi diagram is a partition of the space into regions cells).All the points in each region share the same closest in S.While a normal V oronoi cell considers only a single site,a higher-order V oronoi cell considers multiplesites.In our method,the RPs are used as the sites.1shows example cases of interpolating the three different L1,L2and L3,marked by crosses.While there is wall on the Line Of Sight(LOS)between L1&L3and marked by thefilled square,there are three walls on the between L2and the AP.We can easily guess that the SS of the L2case will be much more severe than the cases.If the target area is tessellated by Q th-order V oronoi each cell v has a set of closest RP v,j where ≤j≤Q.For example,for the cell including L2,RP3 RP6are the closest RPs when Q=2.As in thefirstwe also need observations for the refinement of each For each cell v,we can obtain a set of(s k,v,j,d k,v,j)where s k,v,j is the SS value of AP k at the RP v,jd k,v,j=(ˆx k−x v,j)2+(ˆy k−y v,j)2is the Euclidean between RP v,j and AP k.In addition,we can use onepair(s k,v,0=ˆc k,d k,v,0=1)becauseˆc k was estimated thefirst phase,which means the SS value is obtained at meter away from AP k.By using the Q+1pairs,the two can be refined further by(6)for each cell v and AP k.(ˆc k,v,ˆθk,v)=arg min(c k,v,θk,v)Qj=0(s k,v,j−c k,v+10θk,v log10(d k,v,j))2(6) Unlike in thefirst phase,the residues are not weighted in the second phase.With one or a small number of pairs,the sum of the residual squares is close to zero,and Q is very small in most cases;thus,the weighting effect is negligible.The Nelder-Mead algorithm is used to refine the parameters.The estimated values ofˆθk andˆc k obtained in thefirst phase are used as starting point values.We can get a more accurate radio map using the refined parametersˆθk,v andˆc k,v for(2).III.E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTSWe performed experiments in two buildings as illustrated in Fig.2.Thefirst one was COEX Mall,a large-scale shopping mall in Seoul,Korea,and the second one was N5building,a campus building at KAIST in Daejeon,Korea.The details of the two environments are summarized in Table I.We compared the proposed method(VORO)with the other two popular interpolation methods.Thefirst method is RBF described in[3]and the second one is IDW described in [6].The RBF method requiresσparameter,which denotes a standard deviation for the isotropic Gaussian used as a kernel function,and the IDW requiresλparameter,which denotesTABLE I:Summary of Experimental EnvironmentsCOEXN5Area (m 2)189000m 27650m 2#RPs 31115#Test Points 24273#Fingerprints/RP2060power to the weights.As described previously our method also requires two parameters p denoting power to the weights and Q denoting the number of the closest RPs for the refinement.Exactly the same KNN algorithm used in RADAR [1]is used for location estimation.Therefore,we need to determine theK parameter for the KNN algorithm.For a pair comparison,the parameters resulting in the best position accuracy were chosen by linear search.Half of the training dataset was used for training,and the remaining half was used for testing.For the shopping mall,σ=0.18,λ=3,p =4,Q =2and K =5were chosen,and for the campus building,σ=0.2,λ=1,p =1,Q =1and K =3were chosen.Interpolation was performed by 1meter interval only in the corridor area to reduce computing time.After the parameters were determined,we compared them in terms of mean distance error by varying the number of RPs for the two buildings as shown in Fig.3.RPs were randomly selected and then we took an average of the meandistanceFig.2:Floor plans of two buildings where the experiments were conducted.The top is COEX Mall (B1)and the bottom is N5Building at KAIST (2F).Rectangles denote RPs and crosses denote test points where test data were collected.Fig.3:A comparison of three interpolation methods with a varying number of RPs.errors of10times repetitions.In the case of the shopping mall, the mean error was8.79m for VORO,10.22m for RBF,and 9.73m for IDW when using all the311RPs.In the case of the campus building,the mean error was3.48m for VORO,4.69m for RBF,and4.88m for IDW.Even when we used a smaller number of RPs,VORO still outperformed other methods in both cases.IV.C ONCLUSIONThis paper presented a new interpolation method based on higher-order V oronoi tessellation.Unlike other interpolation methods,the proposed method adopted the LDPL model and took into account the signal fading caused by walls and obstacles.We confirmed that this method achieves better accu-racy than other conventional methods such as RBF and IDW through experiments with two infrastructures.In conclusion, due to the refined propagation model for each V oronoi cell, the proposed method can create more accurate Wi-Fi radio map from scattered data than the conventional methods such as RBF and IDW can.R EFERENCES[1]P.Bahl and V.N.Padmanabhan,“RADAR:an in-building RF-based userlocation and tracking system,”in Proc.2000IEEE INFOCOM,vol.2, pp.775–784.[2]L.F.M.de Moraes and B.A.A.Nunes,“Calibration-free WLAN locationsystem based on dynamic mapping of signal strength,”in Proc.2006ACM MOBIWAC,pp.92–99.[3]J.Krumm and J.Platt,“Minimizing calibration effort for an indoor802.11device location measurement system,”technical report MSRTR-2003-82, Microsoft Research,2003.[4] B.Li,Y.Wang,H.K.Lee, A.Dempster,and C.Rizos,“Methodfor yielding a database of locationfingerprints in WLAN,”IEE Proc.Commun.,vol.152,no.5,pp.580–586,2005.[5]X.Chai and Q.Yang,“Reducing the calibration effort for probabilisticindoor location estimation,”IEEE Trans.Mobile Comput.,vol.6,no.6, pp.649–662,2007.[6]S.P.Kuo and Y.C.Tseng,“Discriminant minimization search for large-scale RF-based localization systems,”IEEE Trans.Mobile 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