6sigma intro介绍(英文版)
An Introduction to Lean Six Sigma
Process Improvement过程改进
1. Initial Perception of problem感知问题 2. Clarify Problem澄清问题
3. Locate Point of Cause 定位问题的原因
4. Root Cause Analysis 根本原因分析 5. Design Solutions 设计解决方案 6. Measure Effectiveness测量效果
工业行业在发生一些改变-从大规模生产向柔性化,多品种小批量的方式转变 (人们想要更多的色彩、不同的外观、更多的形状等)
• •
Taiichi Ohno was inspired by 3 observations on a trip to America 大野耐一通过在一次美国的访问中观察到的3点受到了鼓舞和启发:
Lean Six Sigma Timeline 精益六西格玛发展史
英国黑啤 Guinness Brewery 休哈特控制图 Shewhart Introduces SPC 戴明14条 Deming •14 Points •7 Deadly Diseases
Ford Assembly Line 福特流水线
Assumptions Non-Value added steps exit 假定 非增值步骤排除 Results结果 Reduced cycle time降低周期时间
Waste Defined浪费定义
Transport 搬运的浪费
1. 2.
Healthcare Examples以医疗保健来举例
Asking the patient the same questions multiple times 多次问病人同样的问题 Unnecessary carbon copying 不必要的打印和复印 Batch printing patient labels 批量打印病人标签 Hospital-acquired illness - 在医院感染了疾病 Wrong-site surgeries – 错误的现场护理 Medication errors- 用药错误 Dealing with service complaints - 处理服务的投诉和抱怨 Illegible, handwritten information - 难以辨认的,手写信息 Collection of incorrect patient information - 收集了病人错误的信息 Not using people’s mental, creative, and physical abilities 不使用人们的智力, 创造性,和身体能力 Staff not involved in redesigning processes in their workplace 在他们的工作 场所,员工不参与重新设计过程 Nurses and Doctors spending time locating equipment and supplies 护士和医 生花时间定位(寻找)设备和用品 Staff rework due to system failures 由于系统故障,造成的员工返工
CTI 6 sigma綠帶訓練教材
CTI Collaborative Technology mgt & Innovation
全面消除變異與浪費 增進顧客滿足 持續的檢測流程 改善製程能力 降低不良 改變企業文化 建全公司體質 增加收益與提高市場佔有率
The philosophy of Six Sigma is to reduce variation.
Rule #1: No two objects are alike, therefore, variation exists everywhere! • Product performance • Service quality • Process outputs (y’s) Rule #2: Variation exists in two states of control: Controlled: referred to as common cause, is a stable or consistent pattern of variation over time (predictable)
6 5
Number of Parts/Process Steps
CTI 6 sigma綠帶訓練教材
CTI Collaborative Technology mgt & Innovation
CTIptimum quality level beyond which the costs of quality improvement exceed the expected cost savings from a reduced number of defects.
Six sigma basics(6 斯伽马)
Six Sigma BasicsNAVIN SHAMJI DEDHIASan Jose,California,USAA BSTRACT Six sigma concentrates on measuring product /service quality,reducing variation,driving improvements and saving the cost.The original application was to eliminate assembly-line defects,but since then it has expanded into almost every corporate operation.Six sigma is described as a philosophy,methodology and breakthrough strategy to solve problems.K EY W ORDS :Six sigma,variation,improvement,TQM,strategyIntroductionDuring the past half of the century,more than 69quality related initiatives have come into existence.Statistical Process Control (SPC),Quality Circles (QC),Total Quality Manage-ment (TQM),Bench Marking,Quality Management Systems (QMS),ISO 9000Quality Management System (QMS)Standard and other such initiatives have created a visible impact in the business world.Quality professionals have perpetuated the ‘Keep it Simple’formula for performance measurement over the past 70years in an effort to have the greatest impact on businesses.The classic tools and metrics have been applied differently in a competitive environment.It has been a common misconception that when the previous initiative does not work or fails to provide desired results,a new initiative is created.There has been a lot of talk and many articles have been published on the failures of TQM and QMS.And Six sigma is not far away from such critiques.The previous focus on methodologies using Quality Circles,Kaizen,TQM,ISO 9000QMS System,Quality Award models failed because of flawed applications and expectations.Bill Smith at Motorola,during the late 1970s,developed the six sigma approach to drive quality forward with an objective to control at parts per million (PPM)level.The Japanese were already controlling quality at the PPM level during late 1970s.Mikel Harry is considered as the father of six sigma.Motorola coined the word.Bill Galvin,CEO of Motorola,committed to the concept during the mid-1980s and stressed the need to cover every kind of activity in the company,which resulted to its success and expansion.Bob Galvin reset the agendas for all business unit meetings and he decreed quality always to Total Quality ManagementVol.16,No.5,567–574,July2005Correspondence Address:N.S.Dedhia,5080Bougainvillea Drive,San Jose,California 95111,USA.Email:NavinDedhia@1478-3363Print =1478-3371Online =05=050567–08#2005Taylor &Francis Group Ltd DOI:10.1080=14783360500077468568N.S.Dedhiabefirst.Galvin’s message was,if quality objectives were met,everything else would follow satisfactorily.Galvin would not permit the quality manager to present the quality report. That report had to be provided by the top business unit manager.As a result,the business manager had to understand the qualityfigures to be able to defend the report if it was challenged.Allied Signal was one of thefirst to apply six sigma in its operation.Bob Galvin of Motorola and Jack Welch of General Electric(GE)are good examples of executives,who took a leadership approach in the six sigma methodologies and appli-cations.Six sigma at GE became a company policy in October1995.Six Sigma quality level equates to a3.4Parts Per Million(PPM)defect rate or3.4 defects occurring per million opportunities(DPMO).Six Sigma quality level is like parking a small car in a relatively large space.Quality ToolsDifferent quality tools have a different emphasis.Total Quality Management,Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award(MBNQA)Criteria for Performance Excellence,ISO 9000Standard and Six Sigma all aim at reducing cost and enhancing customer satisfac-tion.In principle,all these tools can be defined succinctly:Total Quality Management(TQM)The TQM approach creates an awareness in the organization.It is a cost effective system for integrating the continuous improvement efforts of people at all levels in an organi-zation to deliver products,services and solutions,which ensure customer satisfaction. Baldrige Criteria for Performance ExcellenceThe Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence focuses on performance excellence for the entire organization in an overall management framework.It identifies and tracks all important organizational results and effectiveness.It helps to determine‘Where the organ-ization is’.Essentially,performance excellence criteria involve the regular and systematic review of an organization’s activities and results.The process allows an organization to clearly discern its strengths and areas for improvement.Baldrige criteria are a holistic integrated set of criteria that addresses best business practices.ISO9000QMS StandardThe ISO9000QMS Standard installs a system in the organization using a process approach.It concentrates onfixing quality system defects and product/service non-conformities.It also helps to document‘What the organization is doing’.It is an organized approach to managing elements of a business in such a way that it fosters continual improvement and customer satisfaction.ISO9000requires fundamental concepts and a framework of process approach to be effective.Six SigmaSix sigma concentrates on measuring product/service quality,reducing variation and driving process improvements and reducing cost.It uses a set of statistical and management tools that can make leaps in improvement.The Six sigma process has a failure rate of3.4Six Sigma Basics569 parts per million(PPM)or99.99966%defect-free product.It uses a complicated approach to problem solving called DMAIC(Define,Measure,Analyse,Improve and Control).Six sigma is the foundation for driving breakthrough improvements.Six Sigma MethodologiesPoor quality costs amount to20to30%of a company’s revenues.Six sigma improvement activities should be carried out in a project form.The prioritization and selection of projects to be worked is vital to the success.A well thought-out introduction plan should be developed.Six sigma should occur in the early life cycle(research and design stage) of a product.Strategic process improvements are needed to compete in the market place. Six sigma in organizations is built around the customer’s needs.A six sigma project recognizes a performance gap,and goes through DMAIC steps before attempting a solution.It is more about reducing variation.Six Sigma is primarily a methodology for improving the capability of business pro-cesses by using statistical methods to identify and decrease or eliminate process variation. Its goal is defect reduction,elimination and improvement.A structured project approach and effective execution of the project are the keys to the success of the Six Sigma process.Characteristics of Six Sigma include:.Expected bottom line results delivered..Senior management leadership..A disciplinedfive step approach using Define,Measure,Analyse,Improve and Control (DMAIC)concept..Rapid project completion..Clearly defined performance measurements..A sound statistical approach to focusing on critical areas of a process for improvement. Six sigma is an evolution of the TQM approach.Six Sigma has integrated other tools and methodologies such as Cause-and-Effect Diagram,Poka-Yoke device(mistake-proof mechanism to prevent obvious errors),Kaizen(continuous improvement),Kanban (pulling of a product instead of pushing through a production process),Lean Manufactur-ing(reducing and preventing wastes),ISO9000(process system approach)and House of Quality(Quality Function Deployment or Voice of the Customer).Fundamentally,.Six Sigma relies on total commitment from leadership team..Projects and initiatives are aligned with strategic objectives of the organizationSix Sigma emphasizes checking,inspection,audit and analysis..Empowered employees tackle issues proactively rather than reactively..Six Sigma is a problem solving methodology using systematic and organized project management tools.Initially,Motorola set a10times improvement during thefirst year,100times improvement during the third year and achieving six sigma during the fourth year.It meant reducing defects by10Âduring thefirst year of launching the program.Then within the next two years reducing defects by100Âto achieve six sigma level during the fourth year.Success requires committing to bold actions,continuous improvement and individual accountability.570N.S.DedhiaDMAIC steps involve:(1)Define:The problem has to be defined clearly and explicitly.It is a major step inselecting and prioritizing a project.A well-defined problem clearly sets ground rules for improvement.(2)Measure:Measurement points,sources,tools and equipment,and precision and accu-racy play a vital role in the project.Without measurement there is no control.Measurements are essential to collect data.(3)Analyse:The right approach in using analytical tools or methods will help tofind aclearly defined solution.Data are analysed into information to create a knowledge base and make decisions for actions.(4)Improve:Selecting the best alternative solution and implementing to remove the causeof a problem will bring the desired result.Improvements can be in the form of efficient equipment,new process,enhanced training to the employees,or new material.Impro-vements are actions,both corrective and preventive.(5)Control:After the implementation of improvement activities,monitoring becomesessential to control the processes.Six Sigma AppreciationCritics have already started labelling six sigma with such phrases as‘sick sigma,program of the month or an old wine in the new bottle’.Allfive senses are required to appreciate the wine.Thesefive senses are see,smell,touch,hear and taste.Six sigma application can only be appreciated when all thefive senses are applied.Thesefive senses play a key vital role in selling the six sigma programme to the management.(1)Seeing or observing with eyesEyes do the function of seeing and observing and thus providing evidence to support the claim.A criminal is innocent until proven guilty with evidence from witnesses.ISO9000standard requires supporting evidence for the observed non-conformity.Six sigma application is appreciated when noticing the benefits received from the six sigma project.These benefits come in the form of a cycle time reduction,cost reduction,savings in resources,yield increase,defect reduction,increase in the profits,space savings,etc.(2)Smelling with the noseA pleasant smell is always enjoyable and creates a thought-provoking environment.An event becomes memorable with a fragrance of a rose or an essence or an aroma of a wine.An organization’s environment remains happy and cheerful from the success of six sigma project and the resulting cost savings.(3)Touching with handsTouching gives a sense about the usefulness of an object and characterizes the surface as rough,smooth,hard or soft.Statistical,analytical and management tools are used to tackle a clearly defined problem.(4)Hearing with earsPeople like to hear sweet words and a sweet voice.Hearing excellent results from the six sigma project is as sweet as a song.Six Sigma Basics571 (5)Tasting with the tongueFood can only be tested when put in the mouth.When an application of six sigma tools and techniques bear the desired results,its value is known.Six Sigma SuccessSix sigma is not like a laser-guided smart bomb,but,rather,a statistically heavy regimen of analysing problems that has saved corporations billions of dollars.Numerous large and well-known corporations such as Motorola,General Electric,American Express,Ford Motor Company,and Allied Signal all have ambitiously applied the six sigma method-ologies in their operations.Impressive results have been obtained by the companies apply-ing a six sigma project in their organizations,as evidenced by:(1)Motorola Legal Department took two years for the patent application.Bob Galvinwanted the patent department tofigure out how to make the application time less ing six sigma tools,the patent department reduced time to somewhat less than that and the shortest time was17days.Motorola generated savings of$1.5 billion in a11year period.(2)A Japanese patent system’s application process cost was reduced from$48,000to$1200for eachfiling.(3)General Electric(GE)increased communication satellites’usage from63%to97%realizing a revenue increase of$1.3million/year.GE changed the original Motorola Six Sigma model to a project based approach that had executive buy-in.GE saved$2 billion during1999.(4)The Ames Rubber Corporation(1993recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige NationalQuality Award in Small Business Category)uses the Baldrige criteria,ISO9000Quality Management System and six sigma tools for continuous improvement activities. (5)The National Science Foundation achieved a reduction of sick people evacuationfrom Antarctica to22%with help from Raytheon Corporation on ways to pre-screening scientists prior to engaging them.(6)A hospital in Milwaukee,Wisconsin,used six sigma process to reduce prescriptionerrors.(7)Samsung Electronics Co.(SEC)of Seoul,Korea,uses six sigma tool for innovation,Efficiency and quality.SEC completed3,290six sigma projects during2000and2001.(8)Using six sigma techniques,American Express improved their plastic issuanceprocesses.(9)DuPont used six sigma methodologies to improve the cycle time to process appli-cations for long-term disability benefits.(10)Fort Wayne,Indiana,local governmentfilled98%of the potholes within24hoursusing six sigma project.(11)Military contractors were early implementers of six sigma(Ex:Northrop Grumman,etc.)(12)US Federal Government authorities are looking into six sigma application tofight the‘war on terrorism’(Homeland Security Project).Companies save an average of$100,000to$200,000per implemented improvement panies that have produced good results,have invested adequate resources, provided extensive training and involved many individuals.572N.S.DedhiaSix sigma success requires:.Strong proactive support with required resources provided by the top management. .Acceptance and implementation of six sigma’s basic disciplines by employees.The role of middle management has to be active and supportive for the success of a six sigma. Managers at all levels are required to be active..Linkage with all innovative and infrastructure activities..Accurate and fair evaluation of all successful six sigma projects with meaningful recognition and rewards for employees.General Electric made it clear that there will be no promotions without active participation in six sigma activities.Volvo refers to its Black Belts at future leaders.Lean Six SigmaThe lean manufacturing technique was developed by Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan. Lean tools are used to reduce waste and improve the efficiency of a process.Six sigma tools are used when the goal is to reduce variance and improve the performance. Keeping in mind the constraints,the lean manufacturing technique focuses on eliminating barriers to achieve a smooth continuous processflow.In six sigma,the focus is on elim-inating variation to reduce cost and cycle time and improve quality.Subject experts are trained differently and subjects are deployed differently in lean manufacturing and six sigma.Their approachesfit different types of problems.Lean and six sigma have a positivefinancial impact.Both need management’s active support and both can also be used in the non-manufacturing environment.Savings can be doubled,when lean and six sigma are used in a coordinated manner.Total Productive Maintenance(TPM)is used in the lean manufacturing technique to ensure equipment is operational and available when required.Single Minute Exchange of Dies(SMED)from the lean technique and Design of Experiment(DOE)from six sigma are used to achieve optimal results.The lean technique is aimed at creatingflow through the entire value stream.Six sigma works on reducing variation among the processes that operate on a product.Lean helps uncover the rocks in the value stream that can cause blockages or unnecessary variation in theflow.Six sigma helps tofind the rocks in the value stream.Lean goes beyond Just-In-Time(JIT)and TQM.Six sigma goes beyond TQM.Lean and six sigma both focus on increasing productivity,asset utilization and quality.Six Sigma BenefitsA number of benefits are realized when the six sigma process is applied in a systematic way.A hugefinancial payoff is realized within a short period of time.Some of these benefits are:.Decreased work-in-progressBottlenecks are removed and workflows smoothly in the line,thereby reducing in process inventory.Equipment and tools are utilized efficiently with decreased work-in-progress.There is no wait in line.Six Sigma Basics573 .Improved capacity and outputDue to decreased work-in-process,more can be produced and shipped..Improved customer satisfaction and processflowOn-time shipping and on-time delivery of goods will make customers happy..Improved inventory turnsWith decreased work-in-progress and improved output,product will move faster out the door.There will be less inventory of raw material andfinished product..Increased productivityProductivity increase is realized when equipment and tools are running at capacity and wastage is reduced..Reduced cycle timeFrom start tofinish,the job can be done within the prescribed time.Waiting is removed from the operation.Six Sigma EnvironmentThe success of a Six Sigma project depends on the role played by the team members,who are:(a)Executive(Involve in committing resources and sponsoring the project)(b)Master Black Belt(Training and coaching)(c)Black Belt(Lead improvement projects)(d)Green Belt(Support and run projects)(e)Champion(Involve in supporting the project)Master Black Belts(MBBs)provide training and support for both Black and Green Belts. Black Belts(BB)and Green Belt(GB)holders conduct the improvement projects.Master Black Belt and Black Belt holders are full-time improvement specialists having obtained four weeks’training over a four-month period.Green Belt holders are part-time improve-ment specialist and retain their previous job duties.They receive two weeks’training over a two-month period.Executive leaders establish the strategic focus of a Six Sigma programme.Champions take their company’s vision,missions,goals,and metrics and translate them for individual projects.The Executives and champions keep the programme moving in a planned direction.Executives attend a one-day Executive training session. Champions receive one week of training.Mikel Harry,one of Six Sigma’s creators and chief promoters,introduced the belt system for designating experience levels.Master Black Belts and Black Belts form the backbone of the Six Sigma program.Questions still arise at the validity of six sigma application infixing rare and random problems.Fewer than15%of the Fortune1000companies have embraced it in a significant way.Michael Dell,CEO of Dell Computers,says it is powerful stuff.Jack Welch,CEO of GE,says it requires obsessive and compulsive commitment to drive six sigma deep into a company’s culture.Success of six sigma demands on management com-mitment,full support,a trained workforce and cross-functional teams.The American Society for Quality(ASQ)offers the Six Sigma Black Belt(SSBB) Certification Examination twice a year.It is a150multiple-choice-question four-hour574N.S.Dedhiaexamination.The ASQ certification examination application requires two completed six sigma projects documented by signed affidavits or one project with a signed affidavit and three years of work experience related to six sigma activities.ASQ certification is not a licence or registration.It is peer recognition.ASQ launched a quarterly Six Sigma Forum Magazine in June2002.An annual six sigma conference is held by ASQ.ASQ started the Six Sigma Forum in May2001with an aim of connecting six sigma knowledge with experience for quality professionals.The ASQ Six Sigma Black Belt examination requires knowledge and understanding of:(1)Enterprise wide deployment(2)Business process management(3)Project management(4)Defining,measuring,analysing,improving and controlling six sigma improvementmethodology and tools(5)Lean enterprise(6)Design for six sigmaConclusionSix sigma,as developed by Motorola,was an extension of many existing quality tools and techniques,but with the addition of business accountability.This resulted in process improvement gains that increased productivity and profitability.Six sigma and Lean enter-prise methodologies are both systematic and both have evolved from separate paths.Lean was developed by Toyota.Lean is mainly focused on eliminating waste.In manufacturing, the lean principle includes zero waiting time,pull instead of push scheduling,smaller batch sizes,line balancing and shorter process times.Six Sigma organizations become forward moving organizations by adapting new tools and techniques and overcoming learning disabilities.Much can be achieved from programmes like six sigma with the active,consistent, innovative,continuous and widely apparent participation by top management.When implemented strategically,six sigma can help companies turn over working capital faster,reduce capital spending,make existing capacity available,produce better results from the design and R&D functions.Such outcomes also foster a working environ-ment that stimulates employee development,motivation,morale empowerment and commitment.The primary factor in the successful implementation of a six sigma project is to have the necessary resources,the support and leadership of top management,customer require-ments identified explicitly,and a comprehensive training programme.Six sigma’s DMAIC structure of problem solving is its ability to analyse,improve and control processes with an emphasis on the ability to measure the performance.Deploy-ment of six sigma is best achieved through the defined projects.Success of a six sigma project depends on buy-in by the entire organization,deployment of the process,effective training and key measurements.。
Six sigma(中英对照)
Flextronics Corporate Presentation 2022/3/23
A statistical measurement.统计测量法
A business strategy.经营战略
A philosophy.基本原理
What is 6 ? 何为6 ?
Flextronics Corporate Presentation 2022/3/23
Activity Based
Lean Enterprise
9. Acknowledge Team and Communicate Results
Project Report
2. Form Team and Scope the Project
Flextronics Corporate Presentation 2022/3/23
Topic Outline主题要点
1. What is 6 ? (Background history) 何为6?(背景知识)
Every process can be characterized 每个过程都可描述其特征 Every process can be measured 每个过程都可测量 Every process can be controlled 每个过程都可控制 Every process can be predicted 每个过程都可预测 Every process can be optimized 每个过程都可优化 Every defect can be prevented 每个缺陷都可预防
THE“SIX SIGMA“六西格玛PHENOMENA”- OLD OR NEW 新老现象”- - - - - -PERCEPTION OF QUALITY ? 感知的质量呢?Overview 概述Even if using Total Quality Management (TQM) as the main quality program represents a prevalent fact in nowadays industry, many companies are extending this kind of initiatives to incorporate strategic and financialissues .Among these initiatives, one such methodology is known as SIX Sigma, which originated from the Motorola Corporation .即使运用全面质量管理(TQM)为主要质量计划代表了在当今行业普遍存在的事实,许多公司都在扩展的举措将这种战略和财务问题。
The concept was created by Motorola Inc .in the 1980s and was initiated by the engineers'conclusion , which stated that new products , often failing to meet customer expectations , could be produced error-free from the very beginning .When it was presented , this represented a radical idea during the activities of manufacturing in the organization : measuring customer requirements and performance against these targets during production , rather than after a product's completion .这个概念是由摩托罗拉公司。
六西格玛基础知识简介(英文版)(ppt 22页)
Expediting costs
Inspection Warranty
Traditional Quality Costs
(Easily Identified)
Lost sales
Lost Opportunity
•Prevention Costs
•Internal Failure Costs
–Quality Engineering
–Design and Development of Quality Equipment
–Design Verification and Review to Evaluate the Quality of New Products –Quality Training –Quality Improvement Projects –Quality Data Gathering Analysis and Reporting –Other Process Control Activities U IN U O U S IM PROVEM ENT
Models of the relationships affecting quality and business performance
Deming’s Model:
Improve Quality
The Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) “Iceberg”
Engineering change orders
六西格玛简介(IntroductiontoSixSigma六西格瑪簡介(Introduction to Six Sigma)聽完後,期望你能對以下各點有⼀點認識六西格瑪的歷史六西格瑪是什麼?六西格瑪可以應⽤在時間管理 …DMAIC 模型六西格瑪個案研讨(時間管理)時機管理策略1.六西格瑪的历史80年代初期: Motorola 開始引⼊全⾯質量管理。
?1984 : 開始使⽤⼀些分析⽅法達到持續改善?1987 : 由喬治?費舍(George Fisher)推出⼀套名為六西格瑪創新改進概念1988 : Motorola贏得美國國家總量⿆博獎(Malcolm Baldrige National Award)1995 : 通⽤電⼒ (GE) 開始推⾏六西格瑪?1998 : 因推⾏六西格瑪為通⽤電⼒帶來收益7.5億美元1999 : 通⽤電⼒收益增⾧⾄15億美元Johnson & JohnsonKodak六西格玛演变質量量度标准質量系统管理系统⽣產市場銷售3.4 ppm699.99966%醫療銀⾏產品設計酒店80’s 90’s 2000’s採購製造航空2. 六西格瑪是什麼?8:12 am8:30 am公司允許有 2 分鐘差異有多差呢?3.4標準差18.0 平均 14.6最⼩23.5 最⼤ 23.51014.6 9 22.2 8 15.0 7 22.0 6 19.0 5 16.0 4 15.1 3 15.2 2 17.5 1 交通時間 (min)⽇數標準差是⽤來量度⼀組樣品或流程中變異的⼤⼩現在狀況USL = 20 minLSL = 16 min6 Sigma = 19.8 minMean = 18 minsigma = 0.33 min那麼六西格瑪⼜代表什麼呢?六西格瑪合標準範圍交通時間分佈USL = 20 min LSL = 16 min1 Sigma = 21.4 minMean = 18 minsigma = 3.4 min(正态分佈)18岁男⽣之正态分佈⾼度 (cm)⼈数50100 150 200 170 175 180 165 160 155 185六西格瑪換算表99.9997%3.4 6 99.98%320599.4% 6,210 4 93.3%66,800369.2% 308,000 2 30.9% 690,000 1 產率DPMO西格瑪六西格瑪的哲學3. 六西格瑪可以為企業帶來…1.改善產品及服務表現透過減少流程上差异,從⽽令⽣產及服務表現改進。
The purpose of FMEA is to identify the potential failures, their causes, and effects, and prioritize their corrective actions to prevent failures from occurring
The core concepts of Six Sigma include six aspects, namely Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control, and Deploy. These six steps constitute a complete Six Sigma project cycle.
Definition: Experimental design is a method used to plan and conduct experiments to optimize a process or system
Purpose: The objective of experimental design is to minimize the number of experiments required to achieve the desired results while ensuring that all variables are controlled and measured accurately
Identify root cause
Analyze the root cause of the problem, rather than surface phenomena, to develop effective solutions.
© 1994 Six Sigma Academy
• Seven articles lost per hour
• One unsafe minute every seven months
• 1.7 incorrect operations per week • One short or long landing every
five years
• 68 wrong prescriptions per year
What is Six Sigma?
• Bottom line: Six Sigma
– Defines the goals of the business – Defines performance metrics that tie to the
business goals – Identifies, using performance metrics, projects that
– Customer focus – Breakthrough improvement – Continuous improvement – People Involvement
© 1999 Sigma Consultants, L.L.C. Revision 2.0 – October 1, 2000
Six Sigma Focus
• Delighting the customer through flawless execution
• Rapid breakthrough improvement • Advanced breakthrough tools that work • Positive and deep culture change • Real financial results that impact the bottom
六西格玛品质策略中英文版(ppt 81)
品質演進! 何謂 6σ? 為何要推動 6σ? 如何推動 6σ? Q×A=E文化測度 Q&A
統計觀點 管理觀點
6個 希革瑪
Six Sigma
6 希革瑪
middle of tolerance
σ and PPM比較
(PPM levels reflect process average shifts of up to ± 1.5s)
開源 : 提升商品力 , 進而提升顧客價值 節流 : 提升效率 , 降低本钱
不是 品質創新, 是 管理哲學 真正傾聽 顧客要的是什麼 排除 錯誤(Errors), 浪費(Wastes),
以及重工(Overlaps) 提供 系統性改善手法(DMAIC)
-Improve: 突破現況瓶頸 精進執行成效
管制流程要件 確保財務績效
6σ 設計展開
Introduction to Six Sigma六标准差简介
1 Week Training
Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy Training
Measure 测 量
Analyze 分 析
Introduction of Minitab
Basic SPC
基 础 SPC
Six Sigma Breakthrough Strategy Training
100 % class attendance. 课 堂 出 席 率 100% Passing all quiz. 所有测验合格 Complete an improvement project. 完成一个改善项目
(Difficult or impossible to measure) (无 法 或 难 以 测 量)
COPQ is a function of Sigma Capability COPQ 是 标 准 差 能 力 的 一 个 功 用
Six Sigma — A Philosophy 六标准差–一种哲学
Non Parametric Statistics
非常态统 计学
Introduction to Control
Response Surface Method
Advanced SPC
进 阶 SPC
Control Plan
控制计 划
Cost & Improvement Effectiveness
这 容 许 我 们 对 相 近 似 或 不 近 似 的 产 品 ,服 务及工艺作比较。
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INTRODUCTION TO SIX SIGMAMEASUREMENT SYSTEM: HOW DO WE ARRIVE AT SIGMA LEVEL?Identify the CTQs Look for Defects in Products or Services• “Critical to Quality” Characteristics or the CustomerRequirements for a Product or Service• Count Defects or failures to meet CTQrequirements in all process stepsDefine Defect Opportunities • Any step in the process where a Defect could occurin a CTQArrive at DPMO • Use the SIGMA TABLEConvert DPMO to Sigma Level • Defects Per MillionOpportunitiesDefects perSIX SIGMA STEPSSix Sigma methodology has four phases (MAIC): Measure, Analyze, Improve,Control. A specially trained Black Belt or Green Belt leads the team to help identify root causes of defects and/or variation in an existing process (or product)and then improve and control that process.• Identify CTQ(Critical to Quality) Variables• Map the Process• Develop andValidate Measurement Systems• Benchmark and Baseline Processes • Calculate Yield and Sigma• Target Opportunities and EstablishImprovement Goals • Use of Pareto Chart & Fishbone Diagrams• Use Design of Experiments • Isolate the“Vital Few” from the “Trivial Many”Sources of Variation• Test for Improvement in Centering • Use of Brainstorming and Action Workouts• Set up Control Mechanisms • Monitor Process Variation• Maintain “In Control” Processes• Use of ControlCharts andProcedures Measuring & Eliminating Defects is the “Core” of Six SigmaSIX SIGMA ROLESChampion: A business leader who provides overall strategic direction for a Six Sigma project team. This individual serves as a liaison between management and the project team; facilitates the acquisition of resources and support for the project.Master Black Belts: Quality leaders responsible for strategy, training, mentoring and deployment of Six Sigma.Black Belts: Six Sigma experts who work projects across the business.Green Belts: Fully-trained individuals who work projects in their job.SIX SIGMA GLOSSARYCapability FlowupTrading off or optimizing defect levels by statistical propagation of defects from lower level variables to higher level variables in a system (design and/or product) CTQ flowdown.Critical To Quality (CTQ)An element of a design or a characteristic of a part that is essential to quality in the eyes of the customer.CTQ FlowdownA system (process and/or design) block diagramming technique to identify the transfer functions (dependencies) between Ys and Xs at various levels of the system. The Xs at one level are the Ys at a lower level.DefectA failure to meet an imposed requirement on a single quality characteristic or a single instance of nonconformance to the specification.DefectiveA unit of product containing one or more defects.Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)The number of defects counted, divided by the actual number of opportunities to make a defect, then multiplied by one million. A direct measure of sigma level.Defects Per Unit (DPU)The number of defects counted, divided by the number of products or characteristics produced. A process of counting and reducing defects as an initial step toward Six Sigma quality.Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)Creating a component, system, or process such that its capability approaches entitlement upon initiation.Design of Experiments (DOE)Statistical experimental designs to economically improve product and process quality. A major tool used during the “Improve Phase” of Six Sigma methodology. EntitlementThe expected performance level of a process when the major sources of variation are identified and controlled.Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)A process in which each potential failure mode in every sub-item of an item is analyzed to determine its effect on other sub-items and on the required function of the item.Gage Repeatability & Reproducibility (Gage R&R)A measurement system evaluation to quantify measurement error, and its ingredient components, e.g., equipment variability, appraiser variability, etc. This study is critical to ensure that the collected data is accurate and to assess how much of the total process variation is due to measurement.ProcessA particular method of doing something, generally involving a number of steps or operations.Process CapabilityThe relative ability of any process to produce consistent results centered on a desired target value when measured over time.Quality Functional Deployment (QFD)Structured methodology to identify and translate customer needs and wants into technical requirements and measurable features and characteristics. This tool is used to identify Critical to Quality Characteristics (CTQs).Sigma (σ)A measure of the consistency of a process.Sigma LevelA statistical measure (Z value) of process variation; the distribution or spread about the mean (average) of any process or procedure. The higher the sigma, the better the process. Z lt (long term Z) is the sigma level of a CTQ (or a process) in the presence of long term sources of variation. Z st (short term Z) is the sigma level in the presence of short term sources of variation only. This typically represents the basic entitlement of the process.Six Sigma QualityA combination of verified customer requirements reflected in robust designs and matched to the capability of production processes that creates products with fewer then 3.4 defects per million opportunities to make a defect. World-class quality. A collection of tools and techniques for raising quality to worked-class levels.Transfer FunctionModel for relationship (e.g., regression equation, response surface fit, simulation model, finite element model, etc) between the Xs and Ys.“Xs”Designation in Six Sigma terminology for those variables which are the root causes (“explanatory variables” in regression analysis); as opposed to “Ys” which are dependent outputs of a process. Six Sigma focuses on measuring and improving Xs, to see subsequent improvement in Ys.“Ys”Designation in Six Sigma terminology for those variables which are dependent outputs of a process, as opposed to “Xs” which are independent root causes that impact the Y’s.。