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约 定。
淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。 淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。
光阴会带走青春,带走容颜,但却带不走我对你的爱和誓言, 淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。
淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。
还记得我们的第一次旅行吗?你的笑容伴我远 行,宁静而温暖。我还要拉着你的手,走过天 涯海角,踏遍万水千山……
我们的第一个情人结,你送了我一份 精挑细选的礼物,而我知道,最好的 礼物,就是你……
淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。 淡蓝色的海水轻轻地拍打着沙滩,一 浪盖过 一浪, 连绵不 绝,源 源不断 。海水 在人们 的心中 无非是 易怒的 。可是 ,在现 在的我 眼中, 如同母 亲的手 温柔的 抚摸着 这岸上 的一切 生灵。 贝壳与 螃蟹戏 玩着, 玩累了 ,便躺 在柔软 的沙上 睡上一 会儿。



This is a subtitle for your presentation
1、 走过春的田野,趟过夏的激流,来到秋天就是安静祥和的世界。秋天,虽没有玫瑰的芳香,却有秋菊的淡雅, 没有繁花似锦,却有硕果累累。秋天,没有夏日的激情,却有浪漫的温情,没有春的奔放,却有收获的喜悦。清 风落叶舞秋韵,枝头硕果醉秋容。秋天是甘美的酒,秋天是壮丽的诗,秋天是动人的歌。 2、 人的一生就是一个储蓄的过程,在奋斗的时候储存了希望;在耕耘的时候储存了一粒种子;在旅行的时候储存 了风景;在微笑的时候储存了快乐。聪明的人善于储蓄,在漫长而短暂的人生旅途中,学会储蓄每一个闪光的瞬 间,然后用它们酿成一杯美好的回忆,在四季的变幻与交替之间,散发浓香,珍藏一生! 3、 春天来了,我要把心灵放回萦绕柔肠的远方。让心灵长出北归大雁的翅膀,乘着吹动彩云的熏风,捧着湿润江 南的霡霂,唱着荡漾晨舟的渔歌,沾着充盈夜窗的芬芳,回到久别的家乡。我翻开解冻的泥土,挖出埋藏在这里 的梦,让她沐浴灿烂的阳光,期待她慢慢长出枝蔓,结下向往已久的真爱的果实。 4、 好好享受生活吧,每个人都是幸福的。人生山一程,水一程,轻握一份懂得,将牵挂折叠,将幸福尽收,带着 明媚,温暖前行,只要心是温润的,再遥远的路也会走的安然,回眸处,愿阳光时时明媚,愿生活处处晴好。 5、 漂然月色,时光随风远逝,悄然又到雨季,花,依旧美;心,依旧静。月的柔情,夜懂;心的清澈,雨懂;你 的深情,我懂。人生没有绝美,曾经习惯漂浮的你我,曾几何时,向往一种平实的安定,风雨共度,淡然在心, 凡尘远路,彼此守护着心的旅程。沧桑不是自然,而是经历;幸福不是状态,而是感受。 6、 疏疏篱落,酒意消,惆怅多。阑珊灯火,映照旧阁。红粉朱唇,腔板欲与谁歌?画脸粉色,凝眸着世间因果; 未央歌舞,轮回着缘起缘落。舞袖舒广青衣薄,何似院落寂寞。风起,谁人轻叩我柴扉小门,执我之手,听我戏 说? 7、 经年,未染流殇漠漠清殇。流年为祭。琴瑟曲中倦红妆,霓裳舞中残娇靥。冗长红尘中,一曲浅吟轻诵描绘半 世薄凉寂寞,清殇如水。寂寞琉璃,荒城繁心。流逝的痕迹深深印骨。如烟流年中,一抹曼妙娇羞舞尽半世清冷 傲然,花祭唯美。邂逅的情劫,淡淡刻心。那些碎时光,用来祭奠流年,可好?

七夕情人节动态PPT模板爱情侣表白告白电子相册活动策划浪漫婚庆 (47)

七夕情人节动态PPT模板爱情侣表白告白电子相册活动策划浪漫婚庆 (47)

万物有始必有终,有相遇也会有 离别,永远持续得两个人得关系, 那将会是怎样得幸福呢?
我们在今生,在那个地方,在一转身时, 你说过我出现在错得时间里,但是都忘不 了那份真挚得情
爱得箴言 Proverbs of Love
宽阔得心,健康生活一辈子;包 容得心,快乐生活一辈子;善良 得心,无悔生活一辈子;童年得 心,年轻生活一辈子;保持平常 心,美丽人生一辈子!
你说,愿我得生命有足够多得云 翳,可以造成一个美丽得黄昏; 你说,你愿意为我积聚,从天光 除透到薄雾成辉。
告白气球 Confession balloon
天长地久 Enduring as the univers
有缘就会相遇。因为有了与你得相遇,我得 生活融入了更多得活力。相识,注定是一场 美丽得邂逅;相知,注定是一种情感得难舍
感情也如云,万千变化,云起时汹涌澎湃,云落时落寞舒缓。感情得事如云聚云 散,缘分是可遇不可求得风
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
你说,愿我得生命有足够多得云 翳,可以造成一个美丽得黄昏; 你说,你愿意为我积聚,从天光 除透到薄雾成辉。
心跳回忆 告白气球 爱得箴言 天长地久
心跳回忆 To k i m e k i M e m o r i a l
能遇见就是缘,哪怕就匆匆一眼;我们注定要相恋,不改变;思念像 无形红线,缘回缘起在不眠;今生等待你出现,到永远。
情亦如此,是一种温暖得对待与恒久得陪 伴。识得你,到如今,浅相处。也许,一 份情谊,淡淡得也很好,想起得瞬间,心 上会开出一朵好看得花。
也许,一份情谊,淡淡得也很好,想起得瞬间,心上会开出一朵好 看得花

婚礼婚庆PPT模板 情人节表白告白动态电子相册结婚婚纱照纪念册 (3)

婚礼婚庆PPT模板 情人节表白告白动态电子相册结婚婚纱照纪念册 (3)
with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold
up with you each morning.
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
The Love Between You And I give my love to you only I want to livMe eanIsdFloorveevwerith you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk
LOVE The Love Between You And
Me Is Forever
The Love Between You And I give mMy leoIvseFtooreyvoeur only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
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reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
LOV The Love Between You And Me Is Forever I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
LOV The Love Between You And Me Is Forever
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
LOV The Love Between You And Me Is Forever
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
The Love Between You And Me Is Forever
LOV The Love Between You And Me Is Forever
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can
LOV The Love Between You And Me Is Forever
LOV The Love Between You And Me Is
EI give my love Ftooryeovueronly I want to live and love with you
and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with yive my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up
The Love Between You And Me Is
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
The Love Between You And Me Is
E I give my love to you only I want to live and love withFyooruevaenrd be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you
so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be
I give my love to you only I want to live and
E love with you and be one forever; to be
with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
The Love Between You And Me Is
E I give my love to you only I want to live and love withFyooruevaenrd be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you
LOV The Love Between You And Me Is Forever
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.
with you each morning.
The Love Between You And Me Is Forever
I give my love to you only I want to live and love with you and be one forever; to be with you; to hold you near you so I can reach out and touch you; to make love with you, talk with you, and be silent close every night and wake up with you each morning.