白羊座和双子座都是善于表达和沟通的星座,他们在一起可以相互理解和支持 。然而,由于双方都较为独立自主,可能会在一些问题上产生分歧。需要双方 在沟通中互相理解,尊重对方的想法和意见。
白羊座和巨蟹座在性格和兴趣上具有很大的差异,但这种差异使得他们在相处中能够互相补充。白羊座注重行动 和开创性,而巨蟹座则注重情感和家庭。这种组合可以互相促进,但需要注意情感沟通,理解对方的情感需求。
白羊座和金牛座在性格和兴趣上具有明显的差异,但正是这种差异使得他们在相 处中能够互相补充,形成稳定的关系。白羊座注重行动和开创性,而金牛座则注 重稳定和实际性,这种组合可以互相促进,达到平衡。
性格特点:聪明机智,好奇心强,善于沟通,喜 欢追求新鲜和变化
关于星座的英语演讲稿全英(精选5篇)第一篇:关于星座的英语演讲稿全英Hello, everyone.T oday I will tell you something about 4 constellations-----cancer, leo, virgo and libra.And I will introduce all of them in four parts.The first part is a brief introduction.The second part is the obvious characters of the person in the same constellation.In the third part I will introduce some notables of these constellations and in the last part I will offer some proper choices to travel for cancerians, leos, virgos and libras.Now, let’s begin the first constellation-cancer.Cancers are born between June 22 and July 22.Its name is Latin for crab.Its symbol is.Cancer is a medium-size constellation with an area of 506 square degrees and its stars are rather faint.Located at the centre of constellation is Praesepe, one of the closest open clusters to Earth and a popular target for amateur astronomers.The cancerians are always emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective and sympathetic, while they are also changeable, moody, overemotional and touchy.Cancers are fit to be writers and Ernest Miller Hemingway who was born on July 21, 1899 was a representative.He was an American author and journalist whose economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction.More or less, we can find his charming characters in other cancers.Based on cancers’ characters, somewhere near lakes or rivers are best places to travel.For example, making a trip to Lijiang in Yunnan province or Holland is proper form of emotional outlet.And then let’s begin the second constellation—leo.Leos are born between July 23 and August 22.It is lying between Cancer to the west and Virgo to the east.Its symbol is(♌).Leo remains one of the 88 modernconstellations today.And it is very easy to find it due to its many bright stars and a distinctive shape.Leo was also one of the earliest found and defined constellations.Leos’ characters are more obvious and fixed compared with others.They are generous, warmhearted, creative, enthusiastic,broad-minded,expansive, faithful and loving.However they are also pompous, bossy, interfering, dogmatic and intolerant.Leos are born leaders just like Napoleon.Napoleon Bonaparte, who was born on August 15 was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and its associated wars in Europe.His arrogance and aggressive showed leos’ characters.Based on these characters, conquering somethin g is leo’s forever aims of life.So Beijing and Brazil are good choices to travel.They must try their best to conquer the best wall and sexy Brazilian girls and boys.And then let’s begin the third constellation.Virgos are born between August 23 and Sep 22.Its name is Latin for virgin, and its symbol is Unicode ♌.Lying between Leo to the west and Libra to the east, it is the second largest constellation in the sky.It can be easily found through its brightest star, Spica, which makes it easy to locate Virgo.So me people jokes that don’t marry a leo and don’t be virgos’ roommates.I can justify it in some ways because the most of virgos are fussy, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative.Not that they are perfectly wrong.They are also modest, shy, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytical.Just like Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who was born on August 27, 1770, was a German philosopher, and a major figure in German His historicist and idealist account revolutionized European philosophy.Ba sed on virgo’s characters, Paris or Greece are not proper though they seems veryperfect.The most important factor to considerate is not beautiful but clean.After all, it is difficult to image a virgo live in a room with a stain on the wall.So Dalian and Germany are best choice.Then let’s begin the last constellation.Libras are born between923toOctober22.Itsname Idealism.of reality is Latin for weighing scales, and its symbol is.It is fairly faint, and lies between Virgo to the west and Scorpius to the east.Due to the effects of precession, the First Point of Libra, lies within the boundaries of Virgo very close to β Virginis.I am a libra, and you can find some characteristics in me.Libras are diplomaitic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable while hey are also indecisive, changeable, easily infuenced.Will Smith who was born on September 25, 1968 is an representative.He is an American actor, producer, and rapper.He has enjoyed success in television, film, and music.In April 2007, Newsweek called him the most powerful actor in Hollywood.Romantic and peaceful matter a lot when a libra chooses a place to travel.West lake and Greece are good choices.They can make libras relaxed and feel comfortable.T o prepare this talk show, I searched the Wikipedia to find some informations.第二篇:星座英语(本站推荐)星座英语:适合十二星座阅读的名著白羊座——How the Steel Was Tempered《钢铁是怎样炼成的》适合白羊座们读的书非《钢铁是怎样炼成的》莫属了,这本书中的主人公保尔与白羊座有着相同的性格,面对社会上的黑暗、不公,他从来没有退缩过。
天秤座(Libra)9月24日-10月23日 天秤座常常追求和平和谐的感觉,他们善于交谈, 沟通能力极强是他们最大的优点。但他们最大的 缺点,往往是犹豫不决。天秤座的人容易将自己 的想法加诸到别人身上,天秤座的人要小心这点。
摩羯座(Capricorn)12月22日-1月19日 摩羯座是十二星座中最有耐心,行事最小心、也是 最善良的星座。他们做事脚踏实地,也比较固执, 不达目的是不会放手的。他们的忍耐力也是出奇的 强大,同时也非常勤奋。他们心中总是背负着很多 的责任感,但往往又很没有安全感,不会完全地相 信别人。
每个人都会有属于自己的星座,根据自己的阳历 生日,来看一看自己是什么星座吧
星座的由来 星座起源于四大文明古国之一的古巴比伦,巴比伦人在公元前1000年前后已提 出30个星座。那里有底格里斯河与幼发拉底河从西北流向东南,注入波斯弯,所以又 叫“两河流域”地区。两河流域文化传到古希腊以后,推动了古希腊的文化发展。古 希腊天文学家对巴比伦的星座进行了补充和发展,编制出了古希腊星座表。 公元2世纪,古希腊天文学家托勒玫综合了当时的天文成就,编制了48个星座。、 中世纪以后,欧洲资本主义兴起,需要向外扩张,航海事业得到了很大的发展。船 舶在大海上航行,随时需要导航,星星就是最好的指路灯。而在星星中,星座的形 状比较特殊,最容易观测,因此,星座受到了普遍关注。 16世纪麦哲伦环球航行时,不仅利用星座导航定向,而且还对星座进行了研究 。1922年,国际天文学联合会大会决定将天空划分为88个星座,其名称基本依照历 史上的名称。 1928年,国际天文联合会正式公布了88个星座的名称。这88个星座分成3个天 区,北半球29个,南半球47个,黄道附近12个。 而我们平时所讲的星座也就是黄道上的12星座。它们各有关于自己的一些神话 传说。 星座起源于四大文明古国之一的古巴比伦,古代巴比伦人将天空分为许多区域, 称为“星座”,不过那时星座的用处不多,被发现和命名的更少。黄道带上的12星 座初开始就是用来计量时间的,而不像现在用来代表人的性格。
英语演讲 星座
Introduce the music
Faint Linkin park的专辑《天空之城—美特拉》的 一首歌,被认为是linkin Park最经典的曲目 之一,歌中的强烈嘶吼让每个孤独的人都 会产生共鸣。
42 Brains
A music
Are you ready?
( )1.We should use constellations to make the important decision ( )2.There are 13 constellations. 3.what’s my constellation? A. Virgo B. Leo C. Sagittarius D. Capricorn 4. Coincidentally means_____ A. 可惜的是 B. 可爱的是 C. 倒霉的是 D. 巧合的是
音乐整理:大脑怪 动画效果:大脑怪 文字朗诵:大脑怪 游戏设计:大脑怪
星座的英语演讲关于星座的英语演讲Good morning every body. Today I want to introduce something to all of you. Look at the blackboard please. Maybe you will find out that none of the words knows you, except this one “cancer”. Everyone in our claknows what cancer means. But a few know another meaning of it. That is what I want to tell you today.First, let us look at this word “Aries”. Aries is used to describe people who are born from March 21st to April 20th. You may say that I’m an Aries. You can also say that “he or she and I are the same as Aries.” And if someone ask you, look at this “do you know the personal characteristics of Aries?” you could answer them that they are energetic and active, but sometimes impatient. Aries also like to be the leader. And sometimes they may be selfish.The second word is “Taurus”. You may get it. Yeah, it is the people who born from April 21st to May 21st. And they do not like change, they are patient and do not give up easily, and they may be a hard-work person. You can also call them workaholic.The third word is “Gemini”. They born from May 22nd to June 21st. They are very curious and clever. And they are outgoing and love to talk very much.And finally we get the word “Cancer”. It is no longer use as a noun to describe a disease in my presentation. It is use to describe people who born from June 22nd to July 22nd. The cancer is kind and loves their family. They like to cook and save money.Next is “Leo”. It is from July 23rd to August 23rd. The Leois strong and confident. And they are also generous to their friends.“Virgo”. Virgo is from August 24th to September 23rd. The Virgo is shy and worry too much at times. And they pay attention to the details.“Libra”. Lib ra is a polite and fair person. They love peace and beautiful things. They born 9 24 10 23Scorpio October月24日~11月22日they are powerful person and have lots of energy. they like to keep secrets. And they do not like to forgive others for their faults.Sagittarius 11月23日~12月21日you enjoy life and have a good sense of humor .they are very lucky.you love traveling to different places.Capricorn 12.22 1.20They love busineand often successful. you are good at ma-ki-ng or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.Aquarius are kind and wise. They have many friends. however, some people think that they are strange because they hate to be like anyone else and they try everything just because they want to be different.Pisces 2.20 3.20they are generous ,kind,gentle and easy-going. they are also creative and imaginative. And they like to dream about everything.【扩展阅读篇】演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点、见解和主张的文稿。
By legend,nearly ten thousand-years ago,people lived in the mesoptamian plain can observe the astronomical,they are curious about the rise of the sun ,the fall of the moon and the position of th e stars.some suspects came to their mind which directly lead to the form of astrology.Till 5BC,the mostfamous country babylon started systemtical study of astrology,they have created the 12signs for the first time in the history.so many people consider they as the father of astrology.白羊座Aries IairiesI (March 21- April 20): Aries are the pioneer of the zodiac. Aries is symbolized b y a sheep,which means quick to take action and get things rolling. Aries has several features: en ergetic, enthusiastic, and warm. But sometimes Aries is impulsive. For example, when the Aries wa nt something, he/she will try their best to get it, no matter how hard it will be. Aries never consider if it is worth to do so, and they never think about the consequence.金牛座Taurus ['tɔ:rəs] (April 21- May 21): Taurus is symbolized by a bull, which means stability and reliability. Taurus is practical, solid and reliable. They dislike change, resist any chance, and may be slow to get moving. So Taurus is totally different from Aries. It’s very difficult to change the mi nd of Taurus.双子座Gemini IjieminaiI (May 22- June 21): Gemini the Twins. Gemini is good at gathering informati on and discovery things, they are smart, but they have a tendency to bend the truth. Gemini can b e talktive, they enjoy knowing a little about everything. A small hint for Gemini, every Gemini has t wo sides, sometimes they get a bit upset but they never let others know.巨蟹座Cancer (June 22- July 22): Cancer is symbolized by a crab, which means protectiveness. Ca ncer generally have an emotional relationship with their surroundings. They may tend to create a s mall, enclosed environment and only allow a few selected people into their private space.狮子座Leo (July 23- August 23): Leo the lion. The royal Leo is full of confidence for the future. Le o is playful, creative, warm-hearted, and risk taking. Leo has the strong, burning inner-desire of self -confident, they never say sorry to others even they know they are wrong. Ruled the Sun, Leo is t he King of the 12 zodiac signs.处女座Virgo['və:ɡəu](August 24- September 23): Virgo the virgin. One of the main keys to understa nding Virgo is “Perfectionism”, which means Virgo is eager of being “perfect”. Another feature of Vir go is that they enjoy focusing on the very smallest of details.天秤座Libra ['laibrə(September 24- October 23): Libra the scales means harmony and cooperation. Libra is sensitive to what’s going on around them, and they often act as peacemakers in their environment,The slightest upset will upset them. Librans hate to be mis-judged, and they really care what other people think of them.天蝎座Scorpio['skɔ:piəu](October 24- November 22): Scorpio is of course symbolized by a scorpion. They are passionate individuals. Scorpio have the strongest emotion in all 12 zodiacs. When they fall in love with some one, they may want to control their partners, they never accept a betrayed l over射手座Sagittarius[,sædʒi'tεəriəs](November 23- December 21): Sagittarius is symbolized by an arch er. They are optimistic, they need for change, they are friendly. Aries and Leo always can be good partners with Sagittarius. Because these three zodiacs are all open-minded and they have some c ommon features.摩羯座Capricorn ['kæprikɔ:n](December 22- January 20): Capricorn the goat is known for self-contro l and dependability. The sure-footed Caprocorn works its way slowly, but surely to the top of the m ountain.they are very career-orientated people. ambitious and have opinions about everything.水瓶座Aquarius [ə'kwεəriəs](January 21- February 18): Aquarius the water pourer, it is symbolized b y a bottle which is pouring water. Unconventional, friendly, and unpredictable are all characteristics of Aquarius. Aquarius values life, persuits happiness.双鱼座Pisces['pisi:z](February 19- March 20): Pisces the fishes. They are imaginative and sensitiv e, they feel the need to express their imagination and creativity. As a result, they may tend be a d reamer because our everyday life is practical. Pisces are romantic, and as fishes do, they love the water. There is an old saying “ You never see Pisces cry, that’s because they live in the water li ke fish and people can’t see their tears .”。
Hi, I'm Jenny Lynch, and I'm talking about the zodiac signs and what they mean. So the first sign of zodiac is Aries, and Aries is represented by a ram. So we know that Aries people have the qualities of being impulsive, of being leaders, of being very. . . impatient. They also are natural-born entrepreneurs. They don't wanna just sit here. They wanna just go and do thingsaurus, the Bull, does not move as fast as Aries. Taurus is grounded. It's patient, but it also can be very stubborn. So that's one of the qualities about Tauruses. They are fixed. Once they make up their mind, it's hard to change it.With the Gemini, that's the sign of the Twins. They are always changing their mind. Okay. It's a dual sign. It's an air sign, too. So, qualities of Geminis— endlessly curious, very social, friendly people, intellectual, too. And they like a lot of stimulationWhen we get to Cancer, we are talking about the sensitive sign. It's the Crab, and if the Crab gets sensitive, it will close down and run away. But they're also very much into their family, and they're very sweet and loving people. You just have to win their trust.'When it comes to Leo, Leo is the Lion—roar, you've heard this before, but it does mean that the person is a very loyal person. Um, they are very honorable, generally. Generous, gregarious, those are other fine qualities. They can also be very talented.With the Virgin, we are talking about somebody who is interested in health, nutrition, who's very organized, usually, although the key word here is compulsive. And so either they'd be really neat, or they could be very sloppy, but the main thing about Virgos is that they love to serve other people. So if you have one in your life, you're quite lucky.Now, we get into Libra. Libra is the sign of the Scales, and Libras are all about beauty, grace, refinement, the arts. They're into relationship very much. You'll never, ever, hardly, ever see a single Libra.We talk about Scorpio. There's two different types of Scorpios, they say: the ones that are very high with moral standing, and the other ones that go down. They take that role instead. So, when you're thinking about a Scorpio, though, you're thinking about someone who's very intense, who is very driven, and who can very much wanna be a part of your life and merge. This is somebody who doesn't take anything light-heartedly.Talking about the Sagittarius, we are talking about light-hearted. Sagittarius is the happy-go-lucky sign of the Archer. And they always say with Sagittarius that the symbol of the Archer pulling the bow back, it means that they are looking far into the future, or a far distance away, so these people often are. . . love to travel, and love foreigncultures, and they're very philosophical.Capricorn, this is the Goat, the mountain goat—highly, highly ambitious. They wanna climb the mountain, all right. You get the idea here. It's an earth sign. They're very practical, really organized. And they usually do very well in business and with any kind of structure because they are ruled by Saturn.When we get to Aquarius, this is this friendship sign. It's also the Water Bearer and carrying of liquids, but it's the most friendly, social sign of all, very strong with humanitarians. They love to be around groups of people, and they often make great doctors.When we get to Pisces, we're talking about another dual sign, the fish swimming into different directions. So, Pisces is often a very sensitive, very mystical, and very misunderstood sign. Okay. They're highly sympathetic. And as I said before, this is a sign that kind of goes with the flow. It's a water sign. And those are the 12 signs of the zodiac, and a little about them.。
1.白羊座,一宫,像小孩子一样,直率、热情、冲动,但也十分的自我为中心 和孩子气。 2.金牛座,二宫,出生日期为阳历4月20日—5月20日。 3.双子座,三宫,代表了多变、沟通 4巨蟹座,四宫,符号象征螃蟹,是夏天开始的第一个星座 5.狮子座,五宫,符号为♌,代表狮子的头及尾巴,守护星为太阳 6.处女座,六宫,其象徵图形是一名手持麦穗的少女 7.天秤座,七宫,风象星座,位于处女座之东,天蝎座之西 8.天蝎座,八宫,神秘、性感、极端、多疑 9射手座,九宫,在天蝎座之东,摩羯座之西 10.摩羯座,十宫,象征着冬天开始的星座 11.水瓶座,十一宫。在摩羯座之东,双鱼座之西 12.双鱼座,十二宫,代表着隐秘、梦想、潜意识的一宫
星座是指在道家占星学上,天上 一群群的恒星组合。自从古代以 来,人类便把三五成群的恒星与
来,称之为“星座”。星座一直 没有统一规定的精确边界,直到 1930 年,国际天文学联合会为了
边界把天空分为八十八个正式的 星座,使天空每一颗恒星都属于 某一特定星座。这些正式的星座 大多都以中世纪传下来的古希腊 神话为基础。
星座,12星座,第一星座网_女生都爱上的 权威星座 网站 /
星座时尚 1.打造独特个人风格 12星座
2.对号入座 12星座美人面膜
3.流行趋势 12星女2014夏流
巨蟹座水瓶座Fra bibliotek双鱼座狮子座
处女座 白羊座 双子座
The photos about constellation
今天我们给大家讲得主题是关于星座的, 大家应该都知道自己什么星座,那今天就让我们了解一下星座接下来我们来看一下PPTToday we give everyone speak theme was about the constellation, Everybody should know what constellation, what we'll talk about that today sign, next we see PPTTwelve Constellations (this is twelve constellations)星座起源于四大文明古国之一的古巴比伦,我们从时间和特征去了解它Constellation originated in the four ancient civilizations of the ancient,Our time and features from learning about it我们第一个看一下白羊座We first see AriesZodiac constellation first for Aries,Born in March 21 to April 20,It is sincerely,第一个星座为白羊座生于3月21到4月20,它是真诚This is AquariusBorn in every year April 21 and onMay20,the person of Taurus have art cell,have highly appreciate ability生于每年4月21日至5月20日,金牛座的人有艺术细胞,具有高度欣赏能力。
On May 21, was born in every year to June 21, in charge of the knowledge of the personal communication reasoning。
• constellation
originated in ancient
• And then spread to
the Greek
• 古希腊天文学家对巴比伦的星座进行了补 充和发展,编制出了古希腊星座表。公元 2 一样的不爱受约束、一
• 双子座 22/05-21/06 sleek 、Adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intellectual, eloquent, 10/24~11/22 youthful and lively. 优点:圆滑、适应性强,多才多艺,善于 沟通,懂得随机应变, 充满生命力,活泼 可爱,风趣幽默。Nervous, tense, superficial, inconsistent, cunning and inquisitive. 缺点:容易紧张,善变,处世缺乏原则, 做事蜻蜓点水不深入,过于圆滑,意志不 坚定。
• 金牛座 21/04-21/05 sedate 、Patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving. 优点:稳重、耐性十足,一往情深,脚踏 实地,做事有计划,能坚持到底,择善固 执,追求和平生活,值得信赖。 Jealous, possessive, resentful, inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy. 缺点:善妒,占有欲强,顽固的死硬派, 不知变通,过于坚持自己的步调,贪婪。
subjected to widespread concern.
关于星座的英语演讲稿 全英
Hello, everyone. Today I will tell you something about 4 constellations-----cancer, leo, virgo and libra. And I will introduce all of them in four parts. The first part is a brief introduction. The second part is the obvious characters of the person in the same constellation. In the third part I will introduce some notables of these constellations and in the last part I will offer some proper choices to travel for cancerians, leos, virgos and libras. Now, let’s begin the first constellation-cancer.Cancers are born between June 22 and July 22. Its name is Latin for crab. Its symbol is . Cancer is a medium-size constellation with an area of 506 square degrees and its stars are rather faint. Located at the centre of constellation is Praesepe, one of the closest open clusters to Earth and a popular target for amateur astronomers.The cancerians are always emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective and sympathetic, while they are also changeable, moody, overemotional and touchy. Cancers are fit to be writers and Ernest Miller Hemingway who was born on July 21, 1899 was a representative. He was an American author andjournalist whose economical and understated style had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction. More or less, we can find his charming characters in other cancers. Based on cancers’ characters, somewhere near lakes or rivers are best places to travel. For example, making a trip to Lijiang in Yunnan province or Holland is proper form of emotional outlet.And then let’s begin the second constellation—leo. Leos are born between July 23 and August 22. It is lying between Cancer to the west and Virgo to the east. Itssymbol is ( ♌). Leo remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. And it is very easy to find it due to its many bright stars and a distinctive shape. Leo was also one of the earliest found and defined constellations.Leos’characters are more obvious and fixed compared with others. They are generous, warmhearted, creative, enthusiastic, broad-minded, expansive, faithful and loving. However they are also pompous, bossy, interfering, dogmatic and intolerant. Leos are born leaders just like Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte, who wasborn on August 15 was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and its associated wars in Europe. His arrogance and aggressive showed leos’ characters.Based on these characters, conquering something is leo’s forever aims of life. So Beijing and Brazil are good choices to travel. They must try their best to conquer the best wall and sexy Brazilian girls and boys.And then let’s begin the third constellation. Virgos are born between August 23 and Sep 22. Its name is Latin for virgin, and its symbol is Unicode ♍. Lying between Leo to the west and Libra to the east, it is the second largest constellation in the sky. It can be easily found through its brightest star, Spica, which makes it easy to locate Virgo.Some people jokes that don’t marry a leo and don’t be virgos’ roommates. I can justify it in some ways because the most of virgos are fussy, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative. Not that they are perfectly wrong. They are also modest, shy, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytical. Justlike Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who was born on August 27, 1770, was a German philosopher, and a major figure in German Idealism. His historicist and idealist account of reality revolutionized European philosophy.Based on virgo’s characters, Paris or Greece are not proper though they seems very perfect. The most important factor to considerate is not beautiful but clean. After all, it is difficult to image a virgo live in a room with a stain on the wall. So Dalian and Germany are best choice.Then let’s begin the last constellation. Libras are born between 923 to October 22. Its name is Latin for weighing scales, and its symbol is . It is fairly faint, and lies between Virgo to the west and Scorpius to the east. Due to the effects of precession, the First Point of Libra, lies within the boundaries of Virgo very close to β Virginis.I am a libra, and you can find some characteristics in me. Libras are diplomaitic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable while hey are also indecisive, changeable, easily infuenced.Will Smith who was born on September 25, 1968 is an representative. He is an American actor, producer, and rapper. He has enjoyed success in television, film, and music. In April 2007, Newsweek called him the most powerful actor in Hollywood.Romantic and peaceful matter a lot when a libra chooses a place to travel. West lake and Greece are good choices. They can make libras relaxed and feel comfortable.To prepare this talk show, I searched the Wikipedia to find some informations.。
天蝎座是夏天最显眼的星座,它里面亮星云集,光是亮于4m的星就有20多颗。天蝎 座又大亮星又多,简直可以说是夏夜星座的代表。再加上它也是黄道星座,所以格 外引人注目。 面积496.78平方度,占全天面积的1.204%,在全天88个星座中,面积排行第三十三。 M6 疏散星团 每年6月3日子夜天蝎座中心经过上中天。天蝎座中亮于5.5等的恒星有62颗,最亮星 为心宿二(天蝎座α),视星等为0.96,是全天第十五亮星。 M7 疏散星团
M3 球状星团
M57 指环星云 布罗基星 团
NGC7000 北美星云
M27 哑铃星云
哑铃星云 (M27)
指环星云 (M57)
现在国际通用的星座是以公元2世纪托勒密的《天文学大成》所载的48星座为基础的, 这48个星座被称为托勒密星座。除了南船座被拉卡伊分开为船底座、船尾座、船帆 座以外,所有星座都保留在现代星座中。托勒密星座主要继承了公元前2世纪希腊天 文学家喜帕恰斯所著的星表,其中还引用了公元前700年至公元前200年间巴比伦的 观测记录。 后来星座的数目不断增加,主要是为填补托勒密星座间的空缺(因古希腊人认为明 亮的星座间是有暗淡的空白地带的),另一原因是当欧洲的探险家往南进发时,能 够看见一些以前看不到的星空,所以要加入新星座以填满南面的天空。上述48个托 勒密星座中删去了南船座,加上以下41个较新的星座就构成了现代的88星座
增强自己的理性和逻辑思维能力,避免过于感情用事和盲目跟从他人 意见。
巨蟹座的人通常情感丰富且敏感,他们注重家庭和亲情,努 力维护家庭和谐与稳定。他们善于理解和体察他人的情感需 求,同时也非常注重自己的情感表达和情感安全。
狮子座的人通常自信且具有领导才能 ,他们善于展现自己的才华和魅力, 并乐于帮助他人。他们慷慨大方,喜 欢成为众人关注的焦点,同时也非常 注重自己的尊严和荣誉。
西方星座通常分为四个基本星座:白 羊座、金牛座、双子座、巨蟹座、狮 子座、处女座、天秤座、天蝎座、射 手座、摩羯座、水瓶座和双鱼座。
东方星座则通常分为三垣二十八宿, 其中三垣指紫微垣、太微垣、天市垣 ,二十八宿则按照方位分为东、南、 西、北四组,每组有七个星座。
星座在现代社会中具有广泛的影 响力,许多人相信星座可以影响 个人的性格、命运和运势等方面 。
巨蟹女生温柔多情,另异性爱慕不已。可一旦接近,就会发现这小妞太 过多愁善感了,总是忧郁敏感的样子,动辄落泪,你事事都要和她解 释,不然她就会愁眉不展怀疑你是不是不爱她了。一开始的各种美好 莫名的就变成了苦闷压抑,男人其实都是喜欢“小女儿”般的娇态和 “憨态”,但“小女人”的做作他们是吃不消的,恋爱如果变成苦行 僧一样的修行,那还是三十六计走为上计
&Advantages : Patient Down to earth Reliable
&Disadvantages : Possessive占有欲强 Not thrifty 不节俭 Stubborn固执
&Guardian stones守护石: Rose Quartz 粉水晶 &They are good at communication
双子遇到困难最先想到谁 Gemini difficulty first think of who
每一次想到的人都不一样。双子 座这么机灵可爱随机应变的人,擅 长耍点小聪明,遇到困难不先想怎 么解决,而是先想什么人能帮着解 决,所以每次想到的人都不一样, 但一定是最合适的人。双子座是朋 友眼中的小弟弟小妹妹,可爱天真, 但总欠缺了点毅力,所以偷点懒朋 友只是用无可奈何的眼光看他们, 并不会觉得他们这样做总是麻烦别 人,觉得烦,不喜欢这样的朋友。 因为双子座的嘴巴实在是太甜了。
Twelve constellation
白羊座Aries 3月21日-4月 20日
Anne Hathaway
Scarlett Johansson
A strong sense of sixth
and mysterious attraction
Love control othera Have the gift of gab Vindictiveness Possessive Scheming
Sociable善于交际的 Indecisive 犹豫不决的
Humane 人道主义的 Unpredictable难以捉摸的
Choister Sensitive Spare wheel
The spirit of cleanliness
Good-looks club Single-minded
Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group. They have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered.
Earth sign土象星座
Perfectionism 完美主义 Picky 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的
Down to earth 脚踏实地的 Introverted 内向的
cautious 谨慎的
Obstinate 倔强固执的
变动星座:双子座(春)、处女座(夏) 射手座(秋)、双鱼座(冬) 变动星座的人喜欢变化,对未来充满期 待。思想灵活,爱幻想,充满创新精神和 新概念。 使命就是为下一个季节做准备,是旧的 结束和新的开始。
• • • • • 你了解自己么? 了解自己的行为方式背后的秘密么? 了解自己的性格么? 能找到与所有人相处的模式和方法么? 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
白羊座 金牛座 双子座 巨蟹座 狮子座 处女座 3月21日—4月19日 4月20日---5月20日 5月21日---6月20日 6月21日---7月22日 7月23日—8月23日 8月24日---9月22日
冥王星:破茧而出的蝴蝶;主宰金钱、死亡、 复兴和重建;
改变命运, 从这里开始
独家档案: 不守规则的事业家,3月21日---4月19日; 我想要与能得到 最常说的话:我想要; 独家快乐秘籍:喜欢用自己的情绪来感染四 周,这种引人注目的行为能 够让他们感到快乐; 优点:大胆、努力、冒险、进取;
天秤座 天蝎座 射手座 摩羯座 水瓶座 双鱼座 9月23日---10月22日 10月23日---11月21日 11月22日---12月21日 12月22日---1月19日 1月20日---2月18日 2月19日---3月20日
星座是被阴阳能量交替影响的。 阳性:表示积极、好战、勇于向前冲; 阴性:表示消极、能容忍、被动的;