政府采购项目的评估报告:专注货物类和服务类1. 摘要本报告针对我国政府采购项目的货物类和服务类进行评估,旨在分析现有政府采购体系中的优点和不足,并提出改进措施和建议。
2. 背景政府采购是我国政府进行公共资源配置的重要方式之一,其目的是为了提高公共服务的质量和效率,促进财政资金的合理使用。
3. 评估方法本报告采用定量和定性相结合的方法对政府采购项目进行评估。
4. 评估结果4.1 货物类项目1) 采购金额:近年来,我国政府采购货物类项目的采购金额逐年上升,但增速有所放缓。
2) 采购数量:政府采购货物类项目的采购数量保持稳定增长,说明政府在公共服务的投入上持续加大。
3) 采购效率:从总体上看,政府采购货物类项目的采购效率较高,但部分地区和项目存在采购周期过长、竞争不充分等问题。
4) 监管情况:政府采购货物类项目的监管体系较为完善,但仍有个别项目存在监管不到位的情况。
4.2 服务类项目1) 采购金额:我国政府采购服务类项目的采购金额逐年上升,表明政府对公共服务质量的重视。
2) 采购数量:服务类项目的采购数量波动较大,这与政府各部门的服务需求密切相关。
3) 采购效率:政府采购服务类项目的采购效率相对较低,部分原因是服务类项目具有较强的专业性,导致市场竞争不充分。
综合评估报告:政府采购项目(货物类、服务类)1. 摘要本报告针对政府采购项目的货物类和服务类进行综合评估。
2. 项目背景随着国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的推进,政府采购作为公共资源配置的重要组成部分,日益受到广泛关注。
3. 评估范围和方法3.1 评估范围本次评估范围包括政府采购项目的申报、评审、执行和验收等各个阶段。
3.2 评估方法本次评估采用定性和定量相结合的方法,通过收集数据、访谈、查阅文件等方式,对政府采购项目的各个阶段进行深入分析。
4. 评估结果和分析4.1 货物类项目在货物类项目中,我们发现以下优点:- 申报阶段:项目申报单位严格按照规定程序和要求进行申报,项目申报材料齐全、规范。
- 评审阶段:评审专家充分发挥专业优势,确保评审过程的公正、公平和公开。
- 执行阶段:采购单位按照合同约定,确保货物质量和售后服务。
然而,也存在以下不足:- 预算执行:部分项目预算执行进度较慢,影响项目进度和资金使用效率。
- 合同管理:部分合同履行过程中,存在变更、延期等情况,影响项目进度和质量。
针对上述不足,我们提出以下改进措施和建议:- 加强预算执行管理,提高财政资金使用效率。
- 完善合同管理制度,确保合同履行顺利。
4.2 服务类项目在服务类项目中,我们发现以下优点:- 申报阶段:项目申报单位充分了解政策要求,项目申报质量较高。
政 府购买服务项目绩效评估报告
政府采购项目评估报告(货物类、服务类)1. 项目概述该政府采购项目为货物类/服务类项目,旨在满足政府各部门的需求。
2. 项目背景政府采购项目的背景是应对政府各部门的需求,并通过采购一定数量或一定质量的货物/服务来满足这些需求。
3. 评估方法我们采用了以下方法对政府采购项目进行评估:3.1 数据收集收集相关的政府采购项目文件、合同文件、支付文件等,并进行综合分析。
3.2 评估标准参考相关法律法规和政府采购相关的标准和要求,制定评估标准,确保评估的公正和客观。
3.3 评估内容对政府采购项目的各项内容进行评估,包括但不限于合同履行情况、支付情况、货物/服务质量等。
4. 评估结果基于以上的评估方法和标准,我们得出以下评估结果:4.1 评估指标1根据合同文件和支付文件的分析,政府采购项目在如期履行方面表现良好/存在一些延误。
4.2 评估指标2通过对货物/服务质量的检查和评价,政府采购项目达到了预期的质量要求/存在一些质量问题需要改进。
4.3 其他评估结果根据进一步的分析,我们还得出了其他相关的评估结果,具体内容请参考附录。
5. 建议和改进措施基于我们的评估结果,我们提出以下建议和改进措施:5.1 建议1针对如期履行方面的评估结果,建议政府采购部门加强合同管理和监督,确保项目按时完成。
5.2 建议2针对质量问题方面的评估结果,建议政府采购部门与供应商/服务提供商进行深入沟通,解决现有的质量问题,并加强后续的质量监管。
5.3 其他建议和改进措施根据具体的评估结果,我们还提出了其他相关的建议和改进措施,具体内容请参考附录。
6. 结论综上所述,政府采购项目在某些方面表现良好,但仍存在一些问题需要解决。
货物类、服务类政府采购项目的详细评估1. 引言根据我国《政府采购法》及相关规定,货物类和服务类政府采购项目应严格遵守公开、公平、公正的原则。
2. 评估范围与对象本次评估范围涵盖货物类和服务类政府采购项目,包括公开招标、邀请招标、竞争性谈判、竞争性磋商和单一来源采购等采购方式。
3. 评估方法本次评估采用文献分析、现场调研、访谈、问卷调查和统计分析等方法,对政府采购项目的全过程进行深入研究。
4. 评估内容4.1 采购计划和预算管理- 采购计划是否按照法律法规和财政预算要求编制;- 预算执行是否合规,是否存在超预算现象;- 预算调整是否符合规定程序。
4.2 采购程序- 采购公告是否全面、真实、准确;- 采购文件是否公平、公正、透明;- 评标(评审)过程是否合规,是否存在不正当竞争;- 中标(成交)结果是否公正。
4.3 合同履行- 合同签订是否合规,内容是否完整、明确;- 合同履行进度和质量是否符合要求;- 变更、解除合同是否符合规定程序。
4.4 投诉与处理- 投诉渠道是否畅通;- 投诉处理是否公正、及时;- 投诉处理结果是否公开。
4.5 绩效评价- 项目实施效果是否达到预期目标;- 资金使用效益是否明显;- 各项政策目标是否实现。
5. 评估结果与分析5.1 总体情况经过评估,货物类和服务类政府采购项目总体执行情况良好,但仍存在一定问题。
5.2 存在的问题- 采购预算管理不规范,存在超预算现象;- 采购文件编制不完善,导致评标过程不公正;- 合同履行监督不到位,部分项目存在质量问题;- 投诉处理机制不健全,处理结果未做到全面公开。
5.3 改进建议- 加强采购预算管理,完善预算编制和执行制度;- 提高采购文件质量,确保评标过程公平公正;- 强化合同履行监督,确保项目质量和进度;- 完善投诉处理机制,提高处理结果的公开程度。
服务类和货物类的政府采购项目评审报告1. 项目背景该政府采购项目旨在为政府部门提供服务或采购特定货物。
2. 评审目的本次评审的主要目的是确保该政府采购项目的合规性、可行性和效益性。
3. 评审内容针对该政府采购项目,我们进行了如下评审内容的分析和评估:3.1 项目需求分析对政府采购项目的需求进行了细致的分析,包括对服务或货物的具体要求、数量、质量标准等进行了评估。
3.2 供应商资格审查对参与该政府采购项目的供应商进行了资格审查,确保其具备所需的资质和能力来提供相关服务或货物。
3.3 技术和质量要求评估评估了项目中涉及的技术和质量要求,确保供应商能够满足项目的要求,并保证所提供的服务或货物符合相关标准和规定。
3.4 价格和合同条款评估对供应商提交的价格和合同条款进行了评估,确保其合理且符合政府采购规定。
3.5 风险评估对项目实施过程中可能存在的风险进行了评估,并提出相应的风险应对措施,以确保项目顺利进行。
4. 评审结论基于对该政府采购项目的全面评估,我们得出以下评审结论:- 项目需求合理明确,符合政府采购要求;- 参与项目的供应商具备所需的资质和能力;- 技术和质量要求得到满足,并符合相关标准和规定;- 价格和合同条款合理且符合政府采购规定;- 风险评估得到妥善处理,并提供了相应的风险应对措施。
5. 建议和意见基于评审结论,我们提出以下建议和意见:- 推荐政府部门与符合要求的供应商签订合同,确保项目的顺利实施;- 建议政府部门加强对项目实施过程中的监管和管理,以确保项目的质量和效益。
6. 总结本次评审报告对服务类和货物类的政府采购项目进行了全面评估,并提供了相关的建议和意见。
三、评估方法1. 数据收集采购部将通过采购记录、供应商绩效评价表、合同履行情况等渠道,收集供应商相关数据。
2. 评估指标(1)交付能力:供应商按时、足量地提供物料或服务的能力。
3. 数据分析与评估采购部将收集到的数据进行整理和分析,对每个供应商在各项评估指标上进行综合评分。
四、评估结果供应商A:交付能力:优秀质量控制:良好服务响应:一般合作稳定性:良好价格合理性:一般供应商B:交付能力:一般质量控制:良好服务响应:优秀合作稳定性:优秀价格合理性:优秀供应商C:交付能力:良好质量控制:一般服务响应:一般合作稳定性:一般价格合理性:良好...五、问题分析与建议1. 供应商A在服务响应方面需要提高,建议加强与采购部的沟通和协调。
2. 供应商B的综合表现较为出色,可考虑加强与其的合作并拓展合作范围。
3. 供应商C在质量控制方面有待提升,建议与其进行沟通并加强监督。
六、改进措施1. 与优秀供应商加强合作,搭建长期稳定的合作关系。
2. 对一般供应商进行培训和支持,提升其交付能力和质量控制水平。
3. 在合同中明确交付期限、质量要求和服务水平,加强管理和监督。
评估步骤1. 项目需求分析:政府采购项目开始前,必须明确项目需求。
2. 市场调研:对于货物类和服务类,必须进行市场调研以了解现有产品和供应商的情况。
3. 评估标准制定:根据项目需求和市场调研结果,制定评估货物和服务的标准。
4. 供应商筛选:基于评估标准,筛选合适的供应商。
5. 评估方法选择:根据货物类和服务类的不同特点,选择适当的评估方法,如实地考察、文件审核、实验测试等。
6. 评估执行:执行评估方法,对供应商的货物和服务进行评估。
7. 评估结果分析:对评估结果进行分析,比较不同供应商的表现,并确定最终的评估结果。
8. 决策和合同签订:基于评估结果,做出最终的决策,并与选定的供应商签订合同。
评估标准在政府采购项目中,货物类和服务类的评估标准应包括以下方面:- 质量:评估货物和服务的质量,包括性能、可靠性、安全性等。
- 价格:评估货物和服务的价格合理性,确保与市场相符并符合预算要求。
- 供应商能力:评估供应商的资质、经验和技术能力,确保其具备完成项目的能力。
- 交付期限:评估供应商的交付期限是否符合项目需求,确保项目按时完成。
- 售后服务:评估供应商的售后服务能力,包括维修、保养、培训等。
具体评估指标包括:1. 交货准时性:即供应商按照合同约定的时间交付货物的能力。
2. 产品质量:包括产品合格率、符合技术规范程度、是否频繁出现质量问题等方面。
3. 响应速度:即供应商对贵公司的需求及问题的反应速度。
4. 服务质量:包括配送准确性、售后服务质量等方面。
基于以上评估指标,我们得出供应商绩效评估如下:- 优秀:占总供应商的25%;- 良好:占总供应商的50%;- 一般:占总供应商的15%;- 不达标:占总供应商的10%。
我们对供应商的稳定性主要从以下几个方面进行评估:1. 经验与资质:我们对供应商的历史经验和相关认证进行了调查,表明大多数供应商具有丰富的经验和必要的资质。
2. 财务状况:我们对供应商的财务报告进行了审核,结果显示大部分供应商财务状况良好,没有出现明显的财务困境。
3. 供应链稳定性:我们分析了供应商的供应链管理情况,包括供应商与其下游供应商的关系、物流渠道的可靠性等,绝大多数供应商的供应链都能保持较好的稳定性。
综合以上评估指标,供应商的稳定性评估得出如下结果:- 稳定:占总供应商的80%;- 不稳定:占总供应商的20%。
1. 货物类政府采购项目评估在货物类政府采购项目评估中,以下几个方面需重点考虑:- 产品质量和性能:评估供应商提供的产品质量和性能是否符合采购要求。
- 交货能力和时效性:评估供应商的交货能力和是否能按时交付货物。
- 价格合理性:评估供应商报价是否合理,是否符合市场价格水平。
- 供应商信誉度:评估供应商的信誉度和声誉。
2. 服务类政府采购项目评估在服务类政府采购项目评估中,以下几个方面需重点考虑:- 服务质量:评估供应商提供的服务质量是否符合采购要求。
- 服务能力和经验:评估供应商的服务能力和经验是否能够满足采购需求。
1. 项目背景:描述为什么需要进行这个采购项目,以及项目的重要性和紧迫性。
2. 采购目标:明确采购项目的具体目标,包括预期效益和结果。
3. 采购活动和过程:详细说明采购的活动和过程,包括需求分析、招标、评审、合同签订和交付等环节。
4. 评估方法:描述用于评估采购项目效益的方法和工具。
5. 评估指标:列出用于评估采购项目效益的关键指标,如成本节约、项目完成时间、质量提升等。
6. 效益评估结果:根据评估指标,综合评估采购项目的效益,并初步分析所产生的效益。
7. 效益归因分析:对采购项目所产生的效益进行归因分析,确定具体哪些因素
8. 风险和限制因素:列出可能对项目效益产生影响的风险和限制因素,如供应链中断、技术失效等。
9. 结论和建议:根据评估结果和风险分析,得出结论,并提出针对性的建议,包括如何进一步提高效益和降低风险。
10. 参考资料和附件:列出参考的资料和附件,包括需求文档、合同文件、评估工具等。
货物与服务类政府采购评估分析1. 背景根据《中华人民共和国政府采购法》以及相关规定,我国政府采购分为货物、工程和服务三大类。
2. 评估目的本次评估的目的在于:- 分析货物与服务类政府采购的现状和问题;- 评估政府采购政策执行情况;- 提出改进措施和建议,提高政府采购效益。
3. 评估方法本次评估采用定性和定量相结合的方法,主要包括:- 文献分析:收集相关法律法规、政策文件和统计数据;- 案例分析:选取典型案例进行深入剖析;- 访谈调研:访谈政府部门、采购人和供应商等相关当事人;- 数据分析:对政府采购数据进行统计分析。
4. 评估内容4.1 货物类政府采购4.1.1 采购规模和结构分析货物类政府采购的规模、占比和分布情况,包括各类货物采购的金额、数量和比例等。
4.1.2 采购方式评估各种采购方式的适用性、效率和公平性,如公开招标、邀请招标、竞争性谈判、单一来源等。
4.1.3 供应商竞争状况分析供应商的市场份额、竞争格局和中标情况,评估是否存在垄断和不正当竞争现象。
4.1.4 价格和质量评估货物类政府采购的价格和质量,分析价格构成、性价比和质量保障机制。
4.2 服务类政府采购4.2.1 采购规模和结构分析服务类政府采购的规模、占比和分布情况,包括各类服务采购的金额、数量和比例等。
4.2.2 采购方式评估各种采购方式的适用性、效率和公平性,如公开招标、邀请招标、竞争性谈判、单一来源等。
4.2.3 供应商竞争状况分析供应商的市场份额、竞争格局和中标情况,评估是否存在垄断和不正当竞争现象。
4.2.4 服务质量评估服务类政府采购的质量,分析服务标准、绩效评价和质量保障机制。
5. 评估结果5.1 货物类政府采购- 采购规模逐年增长,但结构不合理;- 公开招标和邀请招标方式使用较多,竞争性谈判和单一来源方式较少;- 供应商市场竞争激烈,但部分领域存在垄断现象;- 价格和质量总体符合要求,但部分项目存在价格虚高和质量问题。
现将本年度跨境采购工作总结如下:二、主要工作及成果1. 采购规模与结构本年度,我司跨境采购总额达到XX万元,同比增长XX%。
2. 成本控制通过优化采购策略、加强与供应商的沟通与合作,本年度跨境采购成本同比下降XX%,有效降低了企业运营成本。
3. 供应商管理(1)新增供应商XX家,其中优质供应商XX家,为公司提供了更多选择,降低了采购风险。
4. 采购效率(1)采购周期缩短XX%,确保了生产线的正常运转。
5. 风险管理(1)针对汇率波动、贸易政策变化等风险,提前做好预警和应对措施。
三、存在的问题与不足1. 供应商质量不稳定:部分供应商产品质量波动较大,需进一步加强供应商管理,提升供应商质量意识。
2. 物流运输效率有待提高:部分跨境物流运输时间较长,影响生产进度,需进一步优化物流方案。
3. 采购信息化程度不高:部分采购流程仍采用传统方式,信息化程度有待提高。
四、未来工作计划1. 优化供应商结构:进一步筛选优质供应商,降低采购风险。
2. 提升采购效率:推进采购信息化建设,提高采购效率。
3. 加强风险管理:密切关注汇率、贸易政策等风险,制定应对措施。
4. 加强团队建设:提升员工业务能力和综合素质,打造一支优秀的跨境采购团队。
2.采购策略评估2.1 采购目标和战略根据公司的战略规划,采购目标应与公司整体目标相一致,然而在评估中发现,当前采购目标和战略并没有明确与公司整体目标相衔接,建议公司重新制定采购目标和战略,并与公司战略规划相融合。
2.2 供应商选择和评估在供应商选择和评估方面,公司需要加强供应商的考察和筛选,建立供应商绩效评估体系,综合考虑供应商的价格、质量、交货期等因素进行评估和选择,并与供应商建立长期稳定的合作关系。
3.采购流程评估3.1 采购需求确认在采购需求确认环节,建议公司完善内部各部门的沟通机制,确保采购需求的准确性和完整性,并及时进行记录和归档,以便后续采购流程的顺利进行。
3.2 供应商谈判和合同签订公司应加强与供应商的谈判能力,确保谈判结果符合公司利益,并在签订合同前进行全面审查,明确合同条款、义务和责任,以避免后续纠纷和风险。
3.3 采购执行和跟踪公司应建立完善的采购执行和跟踪机制,及时掌握采购进展情况,确保采购过程的透明度和及时性,同时加强对供应商的交货和质量控制,以确保顺利交付和产品质量。
4.绩效评估4.1 采购成本应对采购成本进行全面分析和评估,包括直接成本和间接成本,并与市场价格和竞争对手进行比较,以找出成本优化的可能性,并提出相应的成本控制措施。
4.2 供应商绩效公司应建立供应商绩效评估指标体系,定期对供应商进行评估和排名,并与供应商进行结果反馈,以提高供应商的整体绩效和协同能力。
5.改进建议5.1 制定明确的采购目标和战略,与公司整体目标相衔接。
5.2 加强供应商的选择和评估,建立供应商绩效评估体系。
5.3 完善采购流程,加强内部部门之间的沟通和协作。
三、评估结果基于我们的评估,以下是我们的评估结果:1. 市场调研:市场上存在多个供应商,竞争激烈,价格稳定。
2. 供应商评估:根据我们的调查,有三家供应商在信誉、质量管理和交付能力方面表现出色。
3. 风险评估:供应商可靠性风险较低,这三家供应商在过去与其他客户的合作中表现出良好的合作精神。
1. 供应商质量:从产品质量、生产工艺和质量体系等方面考核。
2. 供应商交货:从交货周期,运输方式等方面考核。
3. 供应商服务:从售后服务,技术支持等方面考核。
001 A公司 85 质量优秀,但交货速度有待提高。
002 B公司 80 质量不错,但售后服务之间和交货周期需要改善。
003 C公司 90 质量优秀,但需要进一步加强服务意识。
1. A公司的产品质量优秀,但交货速度有待提高。
2. B公司的产品质量排名第二,存在售后服务之间和交货周期需要改善的情况。
3. C公司在质量和服务方面上都有出色表现,需要继续加强服务意识并保证产品质量。
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Lao PDRN ATIONAL P UBLIC P ROCUREMENT S YSTEM A SSESSMENTR EPORTProcurement Monitoring OfficeMinistry of FinanceLao PDRMarch 2006T ABLE OF C ONTENTSINTRODUCTION – APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY (1)TEAM MEMBERS (2)ASSESSMENT RATINGS (3)BIS ASSESSMENT (4)S UMMARY OF F INDINGS (4)R ECOMMENDATIONS (6)Short Term Recommendations (7)Medium Term Recommendations (15)Long Term Recommendations (18)ANNEXES (20)Introduction – Approach and MethodologyThe assessment of the public procurement system of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) was conducted using the Baseline Indicators System (BIS) for measuring the quality of a country’s procurement policies and institutional capacity, which was developed by the joint World Bank and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Procurement Roundtable.1 As such, the assessment was undertaken on the basis of four (4) key areas called “Pillars,” which are composed of twelve (12) Indicators that have been identified as the core components of a public procurement system. These twelve (12) Indicators are, in turn, composed of Baselines that are considered the desirable standards against which the existing elements of Lao PDR’s public procurement system may be assessed.For the assessment, points were given to each Baseline, the total of which corresponds to weights assigned to each of the Indicators. In turn, the weights of these Indicators comprise the total score for each of the four (4) Pillars. To reflect their equal importance, each of the Pillars was given a weight of twenty-five percent (25%) each, amounting to a grand total of one hundred percent (100%). These points and weights were discussed with, and agreed upon by, the Procurement Monitoring Office (PrMO), Ministry of Finance (MOF) of the Government of Laos (GOL), so that the distribution thereof would be based upon the importance and relevance of each of the Baselines and Indicators involved, in relation to the GOL’s public procurement reform program.In conducting the BIS assessment, a review of Lao PDR’s public procurement legislative and institutional framework had to be undertaken. This review included the following:1. The Decree of the Prime Minister on Government Procurement ofGoods, Construction, Maintenance and Service, dated 9 January 2004(the “Procurement Decree”);2. The Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Decree ofGovernment Procurement of Goods, Works, Maintenance andServices, specifically Ministry of Finance No. 0063/MOF, dated 12March 2004 (IRR); and3. The structure and operations of the PrMO, as well as its charter – theDecision of the Minister on the Establishment of the ProcurementMonitoring Office, specifically Ministry of Finance No. 2382/MOF, dated4 November 2004 (the “PrMO Charter”).Lao PDR’s Budget Law and its recently enacted Anti-Corruption Law were also considered during the discussions.1 The World Bank (Operations and Country Services), Increasing the Use of Country Systems in Procurement,p. 5 (March 2005).In order to provide field data for the BIS assessment, a national consultant visited the following key institutions to interview officials therein and, when possible, gather data and documentation:1. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF);2. Ministry of Communications, Transportation, Posts and Construction(MCTPC);of Education (MOE);3. Ministry4. Ministry of Health (MOH);andCapital;5. Vientiane6. Electricite du Laos (EDL), a State-Owned Enterprise.The PrMO plans to have two (2) more institutions visited, in order to conduct further interviews and gather data that may be used for the BIS assessment.The BIS weight distribution and the initial findings were presented to the GOL Procurement Technical Working Group (TWG) for review and further confirmation during a meeting held on 22 February 2006, at the PrMO office.A Validation Workshop was held on 10 March 2006, at the International Cooperation and Training Center (ICTC), Vientiane Capital, to further validate the findings of this BIS Report. The participants of the Validation Workshop were technical experts and representatives of key institutions – including those approached for this Report – as well as those represented in the GOL Procurement TWG. Professional associations and private companies involved in GOL goods and civil works procurements were invited to gather their views and comments on the Report, but did not attend. The institutions/agencies that were represented during the Validation Workshop were:1. MOH;2. MOE;3. MCTPC;4. MOF;5. MAF;6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA);Capital;7. Vientiane8. State Inspection Authority (SIA);9. Lao Telecommunications (LTC) (a State-Owned Enterprise);10. Enterprise Telecommunications of Lao (ETL) (a State-OwnedEnterprise); and11. The World Bank.Team MembersThe members of the team that conducted the BIS assessment are:1. Mr. Thone PHONEPHACHANH – Director, PrMO2. Mr. Phimpha PHOMMAVONG – Officer, PrMO3. Mr. Passaya PHOLSENA – Officer, PrMO4. Mr. Jose Luis SYQUIA – International Consultant5. Ms. Phongxay WAHL – National ConsultantThe representatives of the Procurement TWG who were present during the 22 February 2006 meeting and reviewed the BIS assessment are:1. Mr. Viratha PHONEKEO – Supply Department Manager, EDL2. Mr. Thongdeun KHAMMANY – Deputy Director of Division of Roads,MCTPC3. Mr. Somthong PHOMTHAVIXAY – Deputy Director of Planning andCooperation Department, MCTPC4. Ms. Siriphone SOUPHANTHONG – Deputy Head of Division,Cooperation Planning and Investment (CPI)Assessment RatingsThe Assessment Ratings per Indicator shown below were used to determine the Level of Achievement of Lao PDR in order to provide a mapping of its existing public procurement system. The Assessment Ratings are based upon the points garnered for each Baseline.Level of Achievement:0 – 19% of Indicator 20 – 69% ofIndicator70 – 89% ofIndicator90 – 100% ofIndicatorNA PA SA FA Legend:NA – Not Achieved (Less than 20% of Baseline elements achieved, or 1 or more Mandatory Baseline/s is/are not achieved)PA – Partially Achieved (At least 20% but less than 70% of Baseline elements achieved, with all Mandatory Baselines achieved)SA – Substantially achieved (At least 70% but less than 90% rating on Baseline elements, with all Mandatory Baselines achieved)FA – Fully Achieved (90% to 100% rating on Baseline elements, with all Mandatory Baselines achieved)It should be noted that a number of mandatory Baselines are identified as havingcritical importance, so that satisfactory compliance for each of these would alwayshave to be required ex ante.2 These mandatory Baselines/Sub-Baselines are highlighted in yellow in the attached BIS Assessment, and obtaining a "0" score inany of these would result to an NA rating for the Indicator where such Baseline/Sub-Baseline is found, regardless of the points attained therefor. These Assessment Ratings may also be applied to the scores attained by Lao PDR for each Pillar, oreven to the Grand Total Score, but the effect of the presence or absence of the mandatory Baselines would have to be disregarded so that an accurate overallprofile may be had.2Id., at 29.BIS AssessmentApplying the BIS weights upon Lao PDR’s public procurement system, a Grand Total Score of 46.15% was garnered as a result of the scores attained in the attached BIS Rating Sheet. Adopting the above Assessment Ratings, this translates to a PA Level of Achievement, whereby at least twenty percent (20%) but less than seventy percent (70%) of ALL Baseline elements have been achieved.The BIS Assessment Table, attached hereto as Annex “A,” provides for the descriptive analysis of the ratings as to where, how and why GOL fully, substantially, partially or fails to achieve the standards set by the Baselines. It contains: (i) the Pillars with their corresponding weights; (ii) the Indicators with their assigned weights; (iii) the Baselines and their allotted points; and (iv) the findings for each Baseline. The BIS Rating Sheet and Charts for this Report are attached hereto as Annex “B.”Summary of FindingsThe BIS Rating Sheet shows GOL garnering a rating of FA for Indicator 1 (the country’s procurement legislative and regulatory framework complies with applicable obligations deriving from national and international standards). This is due to the fact that the Procurement Decree satisfies majority of the Baselines therein. However, it should be noted that a concern was raised for a mandatory Sub-Baseline element under Indicator 1. In particular, on the matter of the existence of neutral specifications with reference to international standards, it was observed that complaints have been raised to PrMO regarding unclear specifications and high standards for goods procurement, as well as high qualification requirements for civil works – especially for foreign funded projects. Notwithstanding this, the Level of Achievement shows GOL attaining ninety-two percent (92%) of the Baselines under Indicator 1, and an overall score of seventy-one point twenty percent (71.20%) with a rating of SA for Pillar I (The Legislative and Regulatory Framework).A look at the BIS Assessment Table would further show that GOL’s strong rating in Pillar I is brought about by the fact that it recently passed a Procurement Decree on 9 January 2004, and that substantial portions of this Decree support – or at times are similar to – the principles and procedures found in the guidelines of International Financing Institutions (IFIs), e.g., The World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). For example, GOL attained positive marks on the use of open, competitive, fair and predictable procurement procedures, the use international competitive methods, the publication of opportunities, and the use of limited and controlled preferential clauses.However, as with any reform legislation or initiative, the next step to take after the successful passage of a law is to ensure effective implementation through the institutionalization of reform measures. As such, it comes as no surprise that, although GOL attained encouraging ratings for Pillar I, the results for Pillars II, III, and IV show much room for improvement. Otherwise stated, it is apparent from the overall ratings that, after having successfully legislated its procurement reforms, GOL would now have to focus its efforts toward ensuring that this new law issuccessfully implemented in both the central and local governments, including the provincial and district offices.In line with the above, the following weaknesses in GOL’s public procurement system stand out:1. The lack of Standard Bidding Documents and Generic ProcurementManuals;integration with governance systems;2. Insufficient3. The absence of a professionalization program and private sectororientation;4. Insufficient competition in public biddings;5. The lack of a system for collecting key data and monitoringperformance;6. Weak external and internal control and audit at the agency level; and7. Low confidence of Private Sector in the legal and regulatoryframework, as well as in the enforcement of administrative penalties.To counter these weaknesses, GOL would have to work towards improving its ratings in the following indicators:1. The integration of the public procurement system with the entire publicgovernance system, such as establishing proper linkages betweenbudgeting and procurement;2. The capacity of public procurement practitioners and managers;3. The actual procurement operations of local governments and fieldoffices;4. The competitiveness and capacity of local suppliers and contractors, aswell as the overall confidence of the domestic market in the newsystem;5. The external and internal audit and control system; and6. The implementation of rules on ethics and anti-corruption.At any rate, with the establishment of the normative/regulatory body, i.e. the PrMO, it is safe to say that GOL has set itself on the right track towards achieving an institutionalized and effective public procurement system. Although the BIS Rating Sheet shows that GOL has only achieved a PA rating for Indicator 4 (on the normative/regulatory body), it is only five (5) percentage points short of a satisfactory rating of seventy percent (70%). This shows that the PrMO satisfies most of thecharacteristics and functions required of a centralized normative/regulatory body, such as its establishment in law and the operation of a “help desk,” but would require more resources, assistance and a higher status in law to perform these functions effectively.GOL also attained positive results in other aspects of the BIS, particularly in terms of:1. Having clearly defined rules and procedures for contract administration,dispute resolution and enforcement mechanisms;2. Having a framework for an administrative and judicial complaint reviewsystem, albeit one that needs strengthening in terms of structure andcapacity, to efficiently handle complaints; and3. Having a system that supports international publication of internationalpublic bidding opportunities.Finally, with the recent approval by the National Assembly of the Anti-Corruption Law, GOL attained a high rating for Indicator 12, particularly for having a legal and regulatory system that defines responsibilities, accountabilities and penalties for individuals and firms engaged in fraudulent or corrupt practices, a code of conduct/ethics, and an anti-corruption program that covers fraud and corruption in public procurement. This rating is enforced by the existence of the SIA as the body with which complaints or reports of fraudulent, corrupt or unethical behavior may be filed.All taken, the following strengths in GOL’s public procurement system may be listed:1. The omnibus Procurement Decree;Rules and Regulations;Implementing2. The3. The Similarity of GOL procurement rules with IFI Guidelines;4. A centralized oversight body;5. The existence of rules on contract administration; and6. An anti-corruption program.RecommendationsAlthough the BIS assessment shows several areas in the GOL public procurement system where improvement may be had, this does not necessarily mean that all these areas would have to be addressed at this point. As such, this Report will make a distinction among short term (within 1 year), medium term (within 3 years), and long term (within 5 years) recommendations, in order to distinguish those areas of the procurement system that would have to be prioritized, and those that may be attained realistically within a short period. Needless to say, these recommendations take the aforementioned strengths and weaknesses of GOL’s public procurementsystem into account, and are intended to assist it move from its current Assessment Rating to more comfortable rating.Short Term RecommendationsTo ensure that the reform measures provided in the Procurement Decree and its IRR are properly cemented and cascaded from the central government down to the local governments, provincial, district and project offices, GOL would have to focus much of its efforts on expanding knowledge of the new procedures, establishing a system for data collection and information generation, and building the capacity of the PrMO – as central office that may be used to catalyze all reform efforts, both within and outside the government. In particular, the following may be recommended:a. Strengthen the PrMO (to improve results in Indicator 4). TheProcurement Decree, its IRR and the PrMO Charter provide several responsibilities for the PrMO, thereby making it a significant agency for GOL public procurement. Some of these functions are listed in Article 4 of the PrMO Charter, and No. 13 of this Article provides further that the PrMO shall “fulfill the objectives of the Decree 03/PM dated January 2004 (the Procurement Decree) and the Implementing Rules and Regulations.” This reference to the Procurement Decree brings up more responsibilities for the PrMO, not only covering the fields of policy and regulation, but well into the realms of administrative review and operations. This particular issue on the multiple responsibilities of the PrMO would have to be addressed, because it creates a scenario whereby the PrMO is not only involved in regulation and policy formulation, but also is also involved to a certain extent in the execution of contract, such as: (i) the approval of extension of bid validity; (ii) the approval of a substantial reduction in the scope of contract documents in case of rejection of bids, and (iii) the approval of the bid evaluation. On this point, it is recommended that any portion of the Procurement Decree and its IRR granting the PrMO the authority to approve aspects of the actual procurement operations of a procuring entity would have to be rethought and, if possible, removed, to isolate it from controversies that may arise in the execution of government contracts. Another crucial matter is to ensure that the PrMO is sufficiently established to perform its role as “the central organ of state administration in all matters of public procurement.”3 In view of all these, it appears that the current level of authority, structure, staffing and resources of the PrMO are incongruent with its tasks.•On the level of authority, Article 2 of the PrMO Charter establishes this office as a Division of Office under the Ministry of Finance. However,given the fact that the PrMO is tasked to provide advisory services toline agencies and review decisions of Tendering Committees oncomplaints filed in accordance with Article 33 of the IRR, amongothers, it is recommended that the PrMO Charter be amended toincrease its level in the bureaucracy to at least that of a Department. Ahigher level would give the PrMO more ascendancy over other 3 Ministry of Finance No. 2382/MOF, dated 4 November 2004 (the “PrMO Charter”), Art. 3.procuring entities and Tendering Committees, with respect to itsdecision-making, administrative review and regulatory functions. Thiswould also allow it to have a structure composed of Division-leveloffices.•On structure and staffing, Article 6, Chapter II of the PrMO Charter provides for a structure consisting of three (3) Units, namely, theCompliance Unit, the Advisory and Training Unit, and the ProcurementReference Unit. Although the functions of the Advisory and TrainingUnit are well provided, it appears that the division of work between theCompliance Unit and the Procurement Reference Unit may beimproved further. The reason for this is that, as provided, theCompliance Unit would have to be responsible for all functionspertaining to the supervision and monitoring of suppliers, contractorsand consultants, the supervision/authorization and monitoring ofbidding activities, the collection and recording of statistics on publicprocurement, and the review of complaints. On the other hand, theProcurement Reference List Unit would only have to be responsible forthe creation of reference lists. Moreover, a danger of a conflict ofinterest may arise if the recording, monitoring,supervision/authorization and review powers are all given to one unit.As such, it may be recommended that the responsibilities of theProcurement Reference Unit be expanded to include the monitoring ofbidding activities, as well as the collection and recording of publicprocurement statistics, so that it now becomes a ProcurementMonitoring and Reference Unit; while the Compliance Unit retain itssupervisory/authorization and review functions. For obvious reasons,the staffing complement for each of these units would have to beincreased to perform their functions properly. For example, theAdvisory and Training Unit should be properly staffed with lawyers andtrainors, so that the former would be responsible for drafting legalopinions, while the latter would be utilized to conduct continuousregional trainings and capacity building sessions. The Advisory andTraining Unit should also have a regular phone-in “help desk” toanswer telephone queries. By experience, these phone-in queries tendto increase once the regular regional training program comes into fullswing.b. Professionalize Public Procurement (to improve results in Indicators 5and 6). Although the PrMO has already undertaken an information drive onthe new Procurement Decree, there is a need for a sustainable procurementtraining program to be conducted regularly by experts from, or tapped by, thePrMO Advisory and Training Unit. This program should not only target GOLofficials involved in procurement, but also private suppliers, contractors andconsultants. It would be ideal for GOL to develop a course for governmentofficers, employees, and even private contractors, covering all aspects ofproject management and government procurement, including project andprocurement planning, IFI guidelines, the budget cycle, public contracts, anddispute resolution, among others; but this initiative would be best indicated asa medium or even long term objective. In the meantime, it would suffice forthe GOL to develop a short procurement training program which may run from one (1) to two (2) days, covering the following critical topics:• General Principles of Procurement•GOL Regulations on Procurement of Goods•GOL Regulations on Procurement of Civil Works•GOL Regulations on Hiring of Consultants•IFI Guidelines, such as those of the World Bank, ADB and Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)This short procurement training program may in fact be developed into a Public Procurement Training Certificate Program for all GOL officers and employees involved in the procurement process, so that attendance at this program and the receipt of a certificate from PrMO would be a prerequisite for one to perform any procurement function (including membership in a Tendering Committee). This program would help in ascertaining that those involved in the procurement process are properly trained on, and understand, all applicable rules and regulations, and would also help minimize the need for external consultants. On a related matter, due to the fact that several participants of the pervious procurement training sessions were not necessarily involved in the procurement process, the objectives and advantages of these sessions were not fully achieved at the procuring entity level. To avoid this from happening again, the PrMO should develop a list of targeted participants for the program, and strictly invite only those whose position classifications fall within the said list.The outcome of the Public Procurement Training Certificate Program – even if initially undertaken for only one (1) year – would allow GOL to assess the capabilities and training needs of its procurement practitioners in the central and local governments, as well as in the provincial, district and project offices; and would thus aid in determining whether a full-blown public procurement course would be necessary. Needless to say, the operation of a “help desk” would complement the training program, because it would provide a venue for participants to raise follow-up queries after the sessions, particularly those that arise during actual operations. In order to reach all levels of the government bureaucracy, i.e. central, local, provincial and district levels, within a shorter period of time, especially given the current limited staffing complement of the PrMO, GOL may consider establishing regional composite teams of trainors, utilizing selected professors from local state-owned universities or colleges and budget officers within the pertinent region or province. However, given the abstruse nature of public procurement, it would be necessary to conduct an intensive training-of-trainors workshop/seminar for these composite teams before sending them to the regions or provinces. It would also be imperative for the PrMO to be present – at least during the first training sessions of the composite teams – in order to ensure that issues are being addressed properly. The PrMO would also have to keep the lines of the “help desk” open, as several queries are expected to pour in during the early stages of the regional training sessions, most coming from the trainors themselves. Finally, the PrMO should regularly monitor the performance of the composite teams in order to ensure the quality of their presentations.c. Develop a Data Collection, Monitoring and Evaluation System (toimprove results Indicators 5, 6 and 11). Administrative systems and/or information databases on the following aspects of public procurement are absent in GOL:•Procurement opportunities and awards (Indicator 5, Baseline a)• National procurement statistics (Indicator 5, Baseline c)•Quality control standards (Indicator 5, Baseline d)•Public procurement operations and performance at the contracting entity level (Indicator 6, Baseline c)•Recording and documentation of procurement and contract transactions at the contracting entity level (Indicator 6, Baseline e) •Identified key data collected from the contracting entities to monitor national performance (Indicator 11, Baseline b)•Relevant records to validate key data (Indicator 11, Baseline c) Although the project offices are replete with procurement records and data, these appear to be project specific, and there exists no system that can identify the key data required to generate the information necessary for properperformance monitoring at both the national and line agency levels, generate the necessary procurement statistics, and report these to the central government. As an initial step towards developing a fully operational national and agency procurement information, monitoring and evaluation system, it is necessary to have a tool that:1. Identifies critical indicators on agency procurement performance;2. Specifies the standards or satisfactory thresholds that an agency wouldhave to meet for each of the performance indicators;3. Identifies the key data that are linked with the performance indicatorsand are thus needed to determine whether an agency meets thesatisfactory thresholds;4. Identifies the relevant contract and public bidding data;5. Identifies the documents relevant for gathering the key data;6. Guides the evaluator on the appropriate steps to take when conductinga procurement performance evaluation; and7. Is sufficiently linked to the BIS, so that a comprehensive picture may behad, covering both the national and agency levels of procurement.Attached hereto as Annex “C” is the Lao PDR Public Procurement Measurement Tool with Agency Performance Indicators (API), which was developed with the above-enumerated elements in mind.d. Establish Permanent Tendering Committee Secretariats (to improveresults in Indicator 6). Regardless of how well developed a data collection system may be, it would be of no practical use if there existed no permanent office in the line agencies to serve as the focal point where all the relevant data may be gathered and found. The BIS assessment reveals that line agencies tend to have ad hoc Tendering Committees and procurement offices, as procurements are generally project based, and officers in these agencies do not know, or have not identified, the specific office/s that would have to take custody of all relevant records and documents. It is recognized that Tendering Committees are usually ad hoc, as these consist of mid-level to high-level officials who perform other functions. The same may be said about technical working groups, because their members are experts who are usually drawn from other offices regularly involved in the type of project or procurement concerned. Given this scenario, it thus becomes vital for a procuring entity to have at least one permanent office that:1. Takes custody of procurement documents and keeps all the records forall activities relevant or related to procurement;2. Is responsible for the sale and distribution of bidding documents tointerested bidders;3. Provides administrative and secretariat support to the TenderingCommittee and technical working groups;4. Assists in managing the procurement processes;5. Monitors procurement activities and milestones for proper reporting tothe proper central government agencies, such as the PrMO and theSIA;6. Functions as the focal point in the procuring entity concerned forpurposes of implementing the professionalization program therein; and7. Serves as the central channel of communications for the TenderingCommittee with the end users, the Project Management Offices, otherunits of the line agency, other government agencies, the bidders, andthe general public.The requirement for the creation of this office or unit would have to be provided in an executive order or decree. It may be referred to as the Tendering Committee Secretariat, and the head of the agency may either create it as an entirely new office/unit or simply reorganize an existing office/unit and designate it as such. It would be very difficult to conduct an agency procurement performance evaluation without a procurement records system managed by a permanent office therein.e. Provide Adequate International Standards for Technical Specifications(to improve results in Indicator 1). Although GOL’s legislative framework achieves satisfactory ratings for majority of the Baselines under Indicator 1。