


3) A-No.—工艺评定用铁基焊缝金属化学成分的大致分类,分组的 目 的在于减少焊接工艺评定的数量(QW-442)。
4) 钢及钢合金的焊条的F-No. (QW-432) (F-No.1~ FNo.5),主要决定于焊条药皮类型和适用范围。分成5类如 下:
F-No.1:EXX20(高氧化铁药皮;位置限为平焊,位置为横焊时,限角焊缝; 电流为交流或直流正接, 即工件接正极) EXX22 (高氧化铁药皮;仅用于单道焊, 位置限为平焊和横焊; 电流为交流或直流正接) EXX24 (铁粉、二氧化钛药皮;位置限为平焊,位置为横焊时,限角 焊缝;电流为交流或直流) EXX27 (高氧化铁+铁粉药皮;位置限为平焊,位置为横焊时,限角 焊缝;电流为交流或直流正接) EXX28 (低氢钾+铁粉药皮;位置限为平焊,位置为横焊时,限角焊 缝;电流为交流或直流正接) F-No.2: EXX12 (高二氧化钛钠药皮;全焊接位置;电流为交流或直流正接) EXX13 (高二氧化钛钾药皮;全焊接位置;交流或直流正或反接) EXX14 (二氧化钛+铁粉药皮;全焊接位置; 交流或直流正或反接) EXX19 (氧化铁+二氧化钛钾药皮;全焊接位置; 交流或直流正或 反 接)
Байду номын сангаас
(一) ASME锅炉及压力容器规范第IX卷的内容 ASME第IX卷的内容:是关于焊工、焊机操作工、钎 接 工、钎机操作工的评定,以及按照ASME锅炉及压力容器 规范和ASME B31压力管道规范所采用的焊接或钎接工艺 评定及操作工的技能评定。 。 第IX卷建立焊接和钎接的基本准则,在编制焊接和钎 接工艺评定及技能评定的要求时是应当遵守的。 焊接工艺规程(WPS)和工艺评定记录(PQR)的目 的是决定结构中焊件具有要求的使用性能。执行焊接工艺 评定的焊工和焊机操作工应当是技术熟练的工人。 我们这里主要介绍ASME第IX卷的焊接部分



焊接质量检验报告焊接质量检验报告1. 检验概述本次焊接质量检验报告旨在对焊接工艺和焊接接头的质量进行评估和检验,确保焊接过程和接头符合相关规范和标准要求。

2. 检验对象焊接接头检验是本次检验的主要对象,包括焊缝的质量、尺寸和外观等方面的检验。

3. 检验标准和规范本次焊接质量检验参考以下标准和规范进行:- ASME标准:ASME IX;- 国际电工委员会标准:IEC 60974-1;- 钢结构焊接标准:AWS D1.1/D1.1M。

4. 检验装置与工具为了保证检验的准确性和可靠性,使用以下装置和工具进行检验:- 视觉检测设备,如显微镜和放大镜;- 测量仪器,如游标卡尺和焊缝测量仪;- 非破坏性测试设备,如超声波探伤仪。

5. 检验方法和步骤5.1 焊接工艺评定根据ASME标准的要求,对焊接工艺进行评定,包括焊接程序规范的合规性和可行性验证等。

5.2 焊接材料检验对焊材进行检验,包括焊丝、气体等清晰、无损伤、腐蚀和污染等。

5.3 焊接接头外观检验对焊接接头外观进行检验,包括焊缝的几何形状、表面光洁度、气孔、夹渣、裂纹等外观缺陷。

5.4 焊缝尺寸检验通过测量焊缝的长度、宽度、高度、角度等参数,验证焊接接头的尺寸是否符合要求。

5.5 焊缝组织结构检验采用金相显微镜等设备对焊接接头的金属组织结构进行观察和分析,检查是否存在晶粒过大、疏松等缺陷。

5.6 非破坏性检测通过超声波探伤、X射线检测、磁粉探伤等非破坏性测试方法,对焊接接头进行缺陷检测和评估。

5.7 机械性能检验对焊接接头进行拉伸试验、冲击试验、硬度测试等机械性能检验,评定焊接接头的强度和韧性。

6. 检验结果与评定根据检验结果,对焊接接头的质量进行评定,符合规范和标准要求的接头可视为合格,否则为不合格。

7. 附件本所涉及的附件如下:- 检验报告附件1:焊接工艺评定结果;- 检验报告附件2:焊材检验报告;- 检验报告附件3:焊接接头外观照片;- 检验报告附件4:焊缝尺寸测量数据;- 检验报告附件5:焊缝组织金相照片。

AWS QC1-2007 简体中文标题焊接检验师资质认可

AWS QC1-2007 简体中文标题焊接检验师资质认可

Standard forAWS Certification of Welding Inspectorssecond printing,September2007550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126AWS QC1:2007 Standard forAWS Certification ofWelding InspectorsSupersedes AWS QC1:2006Prepared by theAmerican Welding Society (AWS) Subcommittee on Certified Welding InspectorsUnder the Direction of theAWS Certification CommitteeApproved by theAWS Board of DirectorsAbstractThis standard defines the requirements and program for the American Welding Society to certify welding inspectors. The certification of visual welding inspectors requires documentation of experience, satisfactory completion of an examination, and proof of visual acuity. The examination tests the inspector’s knowledge of welding processes, welding procedures, destructive tests, terms, definitions, symbols, reports, safety, and responsibilities.标准分享网 免费下载AWS QC1:2007ii International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-037-4American Welding Society 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126© 2007 by American Welding SocietyAll rights reservedPrinted in the United States of America2nd Printing, September 2007Photocopy Rights. No portion of this standard may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, including mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use only or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use only of specific clients is granted by the American Welding Society provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, tel: (978) 750-8400; Internet: <>.iii AWS QC1:2007Statement on the Use of American Welding Society StandardsAll standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American Welding Society (AWS) are voluntary consensus standards that are developed through a consensus standards develop-ment process that brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus. While the American Welding Society administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus, it does not independently test, evaluate, or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards. Further, given the rapid changes in the field, AWS cannot warrant that the certifi-cation standard will at all times reflect the most current knowledge.Certification is achieved by satisfying a combination of defined education, experience, and/or examination require-ments. Certification is not an assurance of future competence or ability.An endorsement to a certification adds to a certification by indicating demonstration of ability in a particular skill area that may not be sufficiently broad or unique to support a separate and distinct certification designation. An endorsement is not an indication of approval by AWS or an assurance of future performance.AWS disclaims liability for any injury to persons or to property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, including special, indirect, consequential or compensatory damages, directly or indirectly resulting from the negligent conduct or other acts or omissions of any individual certified by AWS.In issuing and making this standard available, AWS is neither undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor is AWS undertaking to perform duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Employers and other persons utilizing the services individuals certified by AWS are responsible for determining the qualifications, competence, and ability of those individuals.This standard may be superseded by the issuance of new editions. Users should ensure that they have the latest edition.Publication of this standard does not authorize infringement of any patent or trade name. Users of this standard accept any and all liabilities for infringement of any patent or trade name items. AWS disclaims liability for the infringement of any patent or product trade name resulting from the use of this standard.Finally, the American Welding Society does not monitor or enforce compliance with this standard, nor does it have the power to do so.On occasion, text, tables, or figures are printed incorrectly, constituting errata. Such errata, when discovered are posted on the AWS web page ().Official interpretations of any of the technical requirements of this standard may only be obtained by sending a request, in writing, to the Managing Director, Certification Department, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126. With regard to certification inquiries made concerning AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS stan-dards may be rendered. However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular individuals giving them. These individuals do not speak on behalf of AWS, nor do these oral opinions constitute official or unofficial opin-ions or interpretations of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as a substitute for an offi-cial interpretation.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Certification Committee. Comments (recommendations, ad-ditions, or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are required and should be ad-dressed to AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS Certification Committee and the author of the comments will be informed of the Committee's response to the comments. Guests are invited to at-tend all meetings of the AWS Certification Committee to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an adverse decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Certification Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.标准分享网 免费下载AWS QC1:2007This page is intentionally blank.ivv AWS QC1:2007PersonnelAWS Certification CommitteeR. K. Wiswesser, Chair Welder Training & Testing InstituteS. L. Raymond, 1st Vice Chair International Training InstituteG. G. Hlifka, 2nd Vice Chair The Lincoln Electric CompanyN. A. Chapman, 3rd Vice Chair EntergyP. Howe, Secretary American Welding SocietyR. L. Arn WeldTech InternationalE. R. Bohnart Welding Education & ConsultingK. W. Coryell ConsultantB. Craft Trinity Industries, IncorporatedM. L. Deckard Parsons Brinckerhoff Transit and Rail Systems,IncorporatedE. K. Eden United Association, Local 430G. J. Frederick Electric Power Research InstituteJ. E. Greer Moraine Valley Community CollegeJ. D. Hollison Performance Mechanical, IncorporatedJ. H. Hope ConsultantJ. P. Kane Pennoni AssociatesP. F. Martin United AssociationA. J. Moore Marion Testing & InspectionR. N. Munroe Ironworkers Local 15T. Peshia Garbe Iron Works, IncorporatedAWS Subcommittee on Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI)J. E. Greer, Chair Moraine Valley Community College R. K. Wiswesser, Vice Chair Welder Training & Testing InstituteP. Howe, Secretary American Welding SocietyM. L. Deckard Parsons Brinckerhoff Transit and Rail Systems,IncorporatedP. R. Evans PCI Energy ServicesG. G. Hlifka The Lincoln Electric CompanyJ. P. Kane Pennoni AssociatesR. M. Nielsen ConsultantS. L. Raymond International Training Institute标准分享网 免费下载AWS QC1:2007This page is intentionally blank.vivii AWS QC1:2007ForewordThis foreword is not part of AWS QC1:2007, Standard for AWS Certification ofWelding Inspectors, but is included for informational purposes only.The purpose of welding inspection is to determine if a weldment meets the acceptance criteria of a specific code, standard, or other document. The welding inspector must be thoroughly familiar with welding processes, welding procedures, welder qualifications, materials, the limitation of weld testing, be able to read drawings, prepare and keep records, prepare and make reports, and make responsible judgments. For welding inspectors to be effective, the activities performed should be consistent with the requirements, and technical and ethical principles.AWS QC1, Standard for Certification of AWS Welding Inspectors, was first published in 1975. Subsequent editions were published in 1988, 1996, and 2006. This document, QC1:2007, Standard for Certification of AWS Welding Inspec-tors, replaces the 2006 edition. The first examinations for the certification of Welding Inspector were conducted in the spring and fall of 1976. Over 55,000 individuals have met the requirements of AWS QC1, worldwide, since the start of the program.This edition contains revisions approved by the AWS Certification Committee on January 15, 2007. All amended or added text is identified by underlines. The following is a summary of the amendments:•Statement on Use—a disclaimer paragraph was added to explain the use of endorsements.•Definition of endorsement—the definition was revised to clarify the term.• 6.2.2—the table in 6.2.2 was revised to include the requirements for endorsements.• 6.2.5—amended to clarify the requirements for re-examinations.•16.3.1—amended to clarify that endorsements may be used for recertification.•16.7—amended to clarify the various options for recertification and the various scenarios that could result if one of the examination options is chosen.Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary, AWS Certification Committee, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.标准分享网 免费下载AWS QC1:2007This page is intentionally blank.viiiix AWS QC1:2007Table of ContentsPage No. Personnel (v)Foreword (vii)1.Scope (1)2.Levels of Certification and Endorsements (1)3.Definitions (1)4.Functions of Certified Personnel (2)cation and Experience Requirements (2)6.Examination Requirements for SCWI and CWI (3)7.Achieving Certified Associate Welding Inspector (CAWI) Certification (4)8.Visual Acuity Requirements (4)9.Reciprocity (4)10.Certification (4)11.Code of Ethics, Rules of Conduct, and Practice (5)12.Revocation (6)13.Reinstatement (6)14.Upgrading of Certification (6)15.Renewals (6)16.9-Year Recertification for SCWI and CWI (7)List of AWS Documents (11)标准分享网 免费下载This page is intentionally blank.1.Scope1.1 This standard establishes the requirements for AWS certification of welding inspection personnel. It describes how personnel are certified, and the principles of conduct and practice by which certification may be maintained. Any oral or written claim of certification under the guidelines established herein shall be made only by those individual SCWIs, CWIs, and CAWIs who are, at the time of the claim, current and in compliance with all sections of this standard.This standard meets or exceeds the requirements of AWS B5.1:2003, Specification for the Qualification of Weld-ing Inspectors. This standard supersedes AWS QC1:2006.1.2 The three levels of certification are Senior Certified Welding Inspector (SCWI), Certified Welding Inspector (CWI), and Certified Associate Welding Inspector (CAWI).1.3 In the certification process, AWS conducts an exami-nation to determine a person’s general knowledge of welding inspection and related technical areas. No deter-mination is made of an individual’s capabilities in apply-ing that knowledge within a specific work environment or under actual working conditions.1.4 It shall be the responsibility of the employer to deter-mine that the SCWI/CWI/CAWI is capable of perform-ing the duties involved in his/her particular welding inspection assignment.1.5 This standard is intended to supplement the require-ments of an employer, code, or other documents and shall not be construed as a preemption of the employer’s responsibility for the work or for the performance of the work.1.6 Safety Precautions. This standard is not intended to address safety and health matters regarding certified welding inspectors. Safety and health requirements are provided in ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes, other safety and health standards, and federal, state, and local government regulations. This standard only covers the rules of certification.1.7 Verb Usage. As used in this standard, the word shall denotes a requirement; the word should denotes a guide-line, and the word may denotes an obligation to make a choice.2.Levels of Certification andEndorsementsThere are three levels of AWS certification of welding inspection personnel and specified endorsements. These levels are defined as follows:2.1 Senior Certified Welding Inspector (SCWI). A person certified by AWS as meeting the qualification requirements of 5.3, 6.1, and 6.2 of AWS B5.1, Specifi-cation for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors, and 5.2 of this standard.2.2 Certified Welding Inspector (CWI). A person cer-tified by AWS as meeting the qualification requirements of 5.2, 6.1, and 6.2 of AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors.2.3 Certified Associate Welding Inspector (CAWI). A person certified by AWS as meeting the qualification requirements of 5.1, 6.1, and 6.2 of AWS B5.1, Specifi-cation for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors.2.4 Endorsements. Endorsements may be added to the SCWI and CWI certifications as outlined in specific endorsement publications.3.DefinitionsThe welding terms used in this standard are defined in AWS A3.0, Standard Welding Terms and Definitions. Other terms used in this standard are defined as follows:Standard for AWS Certification of Welding Inspectors1applicant. A person who applies to the AWS for certification.AWS. The American Welding Society, 550 N.W.LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126.AWS National Registry. The AWS database in which all individuals certified through AWS or an AWS accredited testing facilities are nationally recognized and acknowledged.certificate. The document issued to the applicant on successful completion of the requirements for certification.certified. Having met the AWS certification requirements.certification. The act of determining, verifying and attesting in writing to the qualification of personnel in conformance to specified requirements.Certification Department. The department that admin-isters the certification activities of the American Welding Society.CEU. Continuing Education Unit.code. A standard consisting of a set of conditions and requirements relating to a particular subject and indi-cating appropriate procedures by which it can be determined that the requirements have been met. A standard suitable for adoption in whole or in part by a governmental authority as a part of a law or regulation or as specified by other mandatory documents. Committee. The Certification Committee of the Ameri-can Welding Society.endorsement. Indication of an additional skill docu-mented in writing and added to one’s certification credential(s).nondestructive examination. The act of determining the suitability of some material or component for its intended purpose using techniques that do not affect its serviceability.notarization. To authenticate or attest that specific information is valid.qualification. Demonstrated training, skill, knowledge and experience required for personnel to perform the duties of a specific job.qualified. Having complied with specific requirements.PDH. Professional Development Hour. A unit of approved professional or education activity involving class participation or performing as an instructor.PDHs are used to determine continuing education eli-gibility for recertification under this program.specification. A specification describes the essential technical requirements for material, fabrication, prod-uct, system, or service. It indicates the means to deter-mine that all requirements have been met. A standard suitable for adoption in procurement documents. standard. A generic term incorporating codes, specifica-tions, recommended practices, classifications, meth-ods, and guides that have been prepared by a sponsoring committee, and approved in accordance with established procedures.4.Functions of Certified Personnel 4.1 The SCWI shall be able to perform inspections, supervise one or more CWIs, CAWIs, and/or NDE per-sonnel, prepare inspection procedures, review and inter-pret joining procedures, conduct audits of vendors and/or organizations providing materials or services to the project, and ensure that the work performed and the records maintained conform to the requirements of the applicable standards and other contract documents and perform all SWI duties listed in AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors.4.2 The SCWI and CWI shall be able to perform inspec-tions or to verify that the work inspected and records maintained, conform to the requirements of the applica-ble standards and perform all WI duties listed in AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors.4.3 The SCWI and CWI shall be able to certify the quali-fication of welders to various codes and specifications. The requirements of the AWS QC7 Certified Welder program and the National Registry of AWS Certified Welders are outside the scope of this standard.4.4 The CAWI shall be able to perform inspections, under the direct supervision of a SCWI or CWI within visible and audible range, and as defined for the AWI as in AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors. It is the SCWI or CWI, however, who has responsibility for certifying that welded assem-blies conform to workmanship and acceptance criteria.cation and ExperienceRequirements5.1 Applicants seeking AWS SCWI, CWI, or CAWI cer-tification shall meet the applicable education and experi-ence requirements as stated in 5.5 of AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors for the desired level of certification.5.1.1 In addition to the activities listed in 5.5 of AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors, duration of membership on a technical, certi-fication, qualification, or education committee active in the technical activities listed in AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors shall count towards the time requirements for experience.5.2 In addition to the requirements of AWS B5.1, Speci-fication for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors, applicants for SCWI shall have been certified as a CWI for a minimum of six (6) years.5.3 All applicants shall submit with the application, writ-ten verification of documented employment. This verifi-cation or affidavit should be completed and signed by the applicant’s most recent employment supervisor or the appropriate personnel department staff, if available, attesting to the applicant’s employment activities of which he/she has personal knowledge or documentation. If acquiring this information is not possible, then the applicant will submit a detailed affidavit attesting to pre-vious work experiences.5.4 Experience claimed by applicants for all levels of certification and/or recertification, shall be documented by one or more of the following:5.4.1 Completion of the employment verification sec-tion of the application for certification.5.4.2 A letter of employment on company letterhead from present and former employers indicating appli-cant’s name, social security number (optional) job title(s), start date, company name, company address and telephone number, immediate supervisor’s name, and the name and title of the person completing the letter.5.4.3 A letter on organizational letterhead from the applicant’s associated or affiliated organizational repre-sentative containing information relevant to the organi-zation in which they were employed, accompanied by official copies of work assignment sheets, books, or records.5.4.4 Two (2) letters of reference on company letter-head from separate clients attesting to the nature of work assignments during the period of performance required for certification for self-employed or contract applicants. If letters of reference cannot be practically obtained, applicants shall submit an affidavit describing what type of work activity they performed, and indicat-ing the time frame of that activity for a sufficient number of clients to establish the length of activity required in 15.4 of this standard. Additional supporting documenta-tion, such as lesson plans, letters, billing invoices, or check stubs also may be submitted.5.5 All applicants shall be responsible for using the mostcurrent applications as provided by the AWS Certifica-tion Department. Use of obsolete forms may delay the certification process.6.Examination Requirements forSCWI and CWI6.1 Senior Certified Welding Inspector6.1.1 Applicants seeking SCWI certification shallsuccessfully meet the SWI requirements as contained in6.2 and7.2 of AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualifi-cation of Welding Inspectors.6.1.2 Applicants shall pass the examination(s) as follows:6.1.3 Re-examinations shall be considered as any teststaken within one year (12 months) of the original test date. Candidates may take up to two (2) re-examinations within one year of the original test date.6.2 Certified Welding Inspector6.2.1 Applicants seeking CWI certification shall suc-cessfully meet the WI requirements as contained in 6.2 and 7.1 of AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors.6.2.2 Applicants shall pass the examination(s) as follows:6.2.3 Applicants who achieve a 72% overall compositescore (simple average of three parts of the examination) and fail to meet the requirements of 6.2.2 may retake those parts failed subject to the requirements of An applicant shall select and indicate on his/hercertification application the Code to which they are to be tested. Applicants are responsible for verifying with the AWS Certification Department which Codes are available ExaminationMinimumNumber ofQuestionsMinimumPercentage ofCorrect Answers SCWI Part Aand Part B20072%(144 correct answers) ExaminationMinimumNumber ofQuestionsMinimumPercentage ofCorrect Answers Part A—FundamentalsPart B—PracticalPart C—Code BookCode Book EndorsementsOther Endorsements1504646N/AN/A72%72%72%72%As defined inthe endorsementspecifications3and which editions of those Codes are applicable to the examination.6.2.5 Re-examinations shall be considered as retaking the same exam. Candidates may take one (1) re-examination within one year of the original test date without further training. Any additional retests taken will require docu-mentation of 40 hours of further training received in welding inspection meeting the requirements of 16.5.1.The maximum number of retests taken in any three-year period is three (3).7.Achieving Certified Associate Welding Inspector (CAWI) Certification7.1 CAWI certification is obtained when an applicant achieves the following on the CWI examination:7.2 CAWIs shall adhere to the requirements of 15.1 of this standard.7.3 Existing CAWIs who achieve the minimum scores in 7.1 of this standard shall be awarded a CAWI certifica-tion and will be subject to the requirements of 15.1 of this standard.7.4 All CAWI certifications issued in accordance with this standard shall have new certification numbers assigned to them.7.5 CAWIs who meet the requirements of Section 14 of this standard are eligible for upgrading to CWI status. Cer-tification upgrade is not automatic. Applicants for upgrade must complete and submit all necessary documents to the AWS Certification Department for consideration.8.Visual Acuity Requirements8.1 Applicants for certification as SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall satisfy the visual acuity requirements of 6.1 of AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Weld-ing Inspectors .8.1.1 Eye examinations shall be administered by an Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, Medical Doctor, Regis-ExaminationMinimum Number of Questions Minimum Correct Percentage Part A—Fundamentals Part B—Practical Part C—Code Book150464660%60%60%tered Nurse, Certified Physician’s Assistant, or by other ophthalmic medical personnel, and must include the state or province license number. Examinations shall be per-formed not more than 7 months prior to the date of the welding inspector examination or recertification.8.1.2 The completed eye examination results shall be received in the AWS Certification Department not later than 30 days after the applicant’s completed examination date. Applicants who have not fulfilled all requirements by that date shall have all records, scores, and applica-tions voided and may be in jeopardy of forfeiting appli-cation fees.9.Reciprocity9.1 The Committee periodically approves reciprocity arrangements between the program defined in this stan-dard and welding inspector certification programs in other countries. The terms and conditions of each reci-procity arrangement are unique and conditional upon the uniform administration of the reciprocal program.Changes to programs subsequent to granting reciprocity shall be cause for reevaluation by the Committee of issu-ance of certifications beyond the date of change. Contact the AWS Certification Department for a listing of current approved reciprocal agreements and their respective requirements.10.Certification10.1 Documentation. The American Welding Society shall issue to each SCWI, CWI, and CAWI applicant who complies with the applicable requirements of AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors , a serialized (unique number) certificate and a wallet card stating that the applicant has met the AWS certification requirements. Certification shall be valid for three years unless revoked for reasons defined in 11.6and the authority of Section 12. The certificate shall indi-cate the date of certification. The wallet card shall indi-cate the expiration date of certification and any need for corrective lenses for near vision acuity. It shall also state results of color vision tests.10.1.1 SCWIs shall be issued a new certification num-ber but may request that the original date of CWI certifi-cation be listed on the SCWI wallet card.10.2 Verification. The American Welding Society shall release certification test results only to the applicant SCWI/CWI/CAWI, or to a person or agency designated by the applicant SCWI/CWI/CAWI upon written re-quest, and with notarized and witnessed release. Theexception to this requirement are members of American Welding Society staff and members and officers of the Certification Committee, who may request and receive access to all information relating to program participants in the necessary pursuit of their duties on behalf of the program. Extra copies of test results, in addition to those provided at the time of certification, may require pay-ment of a nominal administrative fee. Requests for veri-fication of status and certification number of SCWIs, CWIs, and CAWIs shall be provided to requestors with-out charge. Only the certification number, date certified, expiration date, and current status (current, revoked, etc.) shall be provided by American Welding Society staff members without the express written approval of the ap-plicant, SCWI, CWI, or CAWI.11.Code of Ethics, Rules of Conduct,and PracticePreamble. In order to safeguard the health and well being of the public and to maintain integrity and high standards of skills, practice, and conduct in the occupa-tion of welding inspection, the American Welding Soci-ety SCWIs, CWIs, and CAWIs shall be cognizant of the following principles and the scope to which they apply, with the understanding that any unauthorized practice is subject to the Committee’s review and may result in sus-pension, reprimand, or revocation of certification.11.1 Integrity. The SCWI, CWI, and CAWI shall act with complete integrity in professional matters and be forthright and candid to their employer, the regulator or employer’s customer, and with the Committee or its rep-resentatives, on matters pertaining to this standard. 11.2 Responsibility to the Public. The SCWI, CWI, and CAWI shall act to preserve the health and well being of the public by performing duties required of welding inspection in a conscientious and impartial manner to the full extent of the inspector(s) moral and civic responsi-bility and qualification. Accordingly, the SCWI, CWI, and CAWI shall:11.2.1 Undertake and perform assignments only when qualified by training, experience, and capability.11.2.2 Present credentials upon request to persons authorized to examine them.11.2.3 Neither falsely represent current status nor seek to misrepresent the certification level (SCWI/CWI/ CAWI) by modification of certification documents or false verbal or written testimony of current level or status.11.2.4 Be completely objective, thorough, and factual in any written report, statement, or testimony of the workand include all relevant or pertinent testimony in such communiqués or testimonials.11.2.5 Sign only for work that the inspector hasinspected, or for work over which the inspector has per-sonal knowledge through direct supervision.11.2.6 Neither associate with nor knowingly partici-pate in a fraudulent or dishonest venture or activity.11.3 Public Statements11.3.1 The SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall issue no state-ments, criticisms or arguments on weld inspection mat-ters connected with public policy which were inspired or paid for by an interested party, or parties, without first identifying the party, the speaker, and disclosing any possible financial interest.11.3.2 The SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall publiclyexpress no opinion on welding inspection subjects unless it is founded upon knowledge of the facts in issue, upon a background of technical competence pertinent to the sub-ject, and upon honest conviction of the accuracy and pro-priety of the statement.11.4 Conflict of Interest11.4.1 The SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall avoid a con-flict of interest with the employer or client and shall dis-close any business association, or circumstance that might be so considered.11.4.2 The SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall not acceptcompensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one party for services on the same project, or for services pertaining to the same project, unless the circumstances are fully disclosed to all interested parties or their autho-rized agents.11.4.3 The SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall not solicit oraccept gratuities, directly or indirectly, from any party, or parties, dealing with the client or employer in connec-tion with the SCWI’s, CWI’s, and CAWI’s work.11.4.4 The SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall, while servingin the capacity of an elected, retained, or employed pub-lic official, neither inspect, review, nor approve work in the capacity of SCWI, CWI, or CAWI on projects also subject to the inspector’s administrative jurisdiction as a public official, unless this practice is expressly dictated by a job description and/or specification and all affected parties to the action are in agreement.11.5 Solicitation of Employment11.5.1 The SCWI, CWI, or CAWI shall neither pay,solicit, nor offer, directly or indirectly, any bribe or com-mission for professional employment with the exception5。


AWS D1.1美国焊接协会标准 《钢结构焊接规范---超声检测》
1. 非管材连接的焊接接头
1.1 评定
• 6.13.1 静荷载非管材连接的合格判据 除目检外还须进行UT的焊缝,其合格判据必须符合表6.2的要求。对于连接腹板
和翼缘板的CJP焊缝,不连续的合格与否,如采用除扫查方式“E”( 见6.30.2.2) 以外的扫查动作探测到的话,可根据实际腹板厚度加上 1 in. [25mm]得出的焊缝厚 度予以评判。而用扫查方式“E”探测到的不连续,则必须根据实际腹板厚度,用表 6.2的验收判据予以评判。当连接腹板与翼缘板的CJP焊缝承受垂直于焊缝的计算 拉应力时,此焊缝应在设计图上标明,并必须符合表6.2的要求。
D级(细小不连续) 任何这类指示,不论其在焊缝中的长度或部位,必须判定合格。
1.2 工艺 对接接头检测 所有对接焊缝必须从焊缝轴线的每一侧进行检测。角接接头和 T 型
接头焊缝基本上仅从焊缝轴线的一侧检测。所有焊缝的检测必须使用适 用的扫查方式,或在必要时使用图 6.15 所示的方式,以检测纵向和横 向不连续。这样做的意图是,只要可行,最低限度要使检测焊缝的声波 在两相交叉方向上通过所有受检测焊缝与HAZ(热影响区)的整个体积 。 扫查
孔上方(A位置),将孔回波调至基准高度(50%或80%),然 后将探头离开试块,再提高20dB,荧屏上大于12mm声程以 外,不应有超过基准高度的任何回波。
前沿 探头前沿应小于等于25mm。
分辨率 仪器控制处于正常试验状态下,将探头
分别置于RC分辨力对比试块上,使孔的反射 回波调到萤光屏中等高度。分辨能力必须至 少能区分来自三个孔的指示峰值。




需要提出的是,通常在业主的规格书中都有关于钢材含碳量(CE)的要求,我们 在进行材料确认时需要注意这些特殊要求。另外,对于比较主要的钢材,如用来做 TKY节点的管节点的加厚段的管。大都有低温冲击/NDE的要求。
管材的预制通常在我们的检验计划中有要求,通常检验计划中会列出以下的一些检 查项: 1:焊接程序和焊工资格的检查. 2:材料的准备,包括了材料的确认和跟踪,坡口的制备. 3:焊接材料和焊接设备的检查. 4:焊接过程的控制(包括焊接参数的控制和焊接顺序的控制). 5:管材焊后外观的检查.
3:API 2A
焊接检验员通常需要在业主的技术规格书的要求下来开展他的工作, 通常在业主的规格书中列出了大量的标准和规范。我们来看看PL193的规格书
在接下来的几节里,我们将分别讨论以下的几个规范: API 2B---Specification for the fabrication of structure steel pipe(结构 钢管制造规范)
5:周长:在管材长度上的任意一处的外周长与公称周长的偏差不能大于公称周长的 ± 1%或±1/2in.(12.7mm),两者取小值。
6:直线度:任意10ft(3050mm)的管材上的直线度偏差不能大于1/8in.(3 .2mm),对于长度超过3050mm的,全长的直线度的误差不超过1/8in.x(总长度, ft)/10ft
API 2B是关于结构用钢管建造的规范,它覆盖了外径从14英寸到40英寸或更大的管 径的近海结构用的钢管的建造。它不包含电阻焊管和螺旋管的建造。
用于卷管的材料必须要有材质证书,以便将来提供给采购方。在材质证书上通常会 有以下的一些信息:炉号(HEAT No.)、批号(BATCH No.)、规格( Specification)、NDE 的检验结果、化学成分的分析(包括含碳量)、机械性能试 验的结果、供货状态(热扎/冷扎/调质等)等。我们需要将有些信息转移到我们卷 制的钢管上去。






















不连续的种类 2. 冶金的 1) 机械性能: 强度; 延伸率; 硬度 2) 化学性能: 化学成份; 抗腐蚀
3. 母材
1) 分层 2) 层状撕裂 3) 划伤和结疤
焊趾裂纹是指焊趾处开裂而扩展到母材,焊缝的几何形状,如焊缝加强高或内凹可 能会在焊趾处形成应力集中,再加上热影响区金相组织韧性较差,从而易产生焊趾 裂纹,焊趾裂纹通常是冷裂纹,是由焊接横向收缩应力或在役应力造成的或者兼而 有之.
各种不连续---未焊满各种不连续-ຫໍສະໝຸດ -气孔各种不连续---气孔
根部裂纹通常是纵向的,但它可能在焊缝或母材内扩展,与焊喉裂纹一样,通常是热 裂纹,接头装配或准备不当会导致根部裂纹,如根部间隙过大会导致应力集中而产 生根部裂纹
各种不连续---夹渣; 夹钨
各种不连续---夹渣; 夹钨
分层是一种母材的缺陷,是由于在钢的制造过程中有非金属 杂质的存在而造成的,这些杂质通常是由当钢在熔化的过程 中产生的氧化物造成的,在轧制的过程中,杂质伸长为长条,如 果这些长条特别大并形成平面形状,就形成分层.
AWSD1.1 目视检验验收标准
AWSD1.1 目视检验验收标准


1)经AWS QCI评定的具有焊接检验员资格证书的人员;
2)与AWS QCI评定相当,具有焊接检验员资格证书的人员;
ASTM A514|、A517钢和A709 100级及100W级钢焊缝验收必须以焊缝完工后至少48小时以后所作的目测检验为依据。






2.测量的精确性如果所要求的尺寸精度不合格,那么工程人员应考虑下列问题:——图纸所要求的产品尺寸精度确实是该产品使用时所必须的?——如果不是,什么样的公差可以为该产品使用所接受?——按本标准所要求的公差尺寸确实需要吗?——如果不是,何类公差可为该产品的使用所接受?2.1 各等级公差具体数据本标准要求的尺寸公差为一般焊接结构件的通用公差,数据来自GBT 19804-2005。





直线度测量图示(t 即为所要测量的直线度公差)2.2 公差等级的确定在未特别指出的情况下,请按下表确定各尺寸公差等级。

如表中未列出,则按作最低标准即D 级。








对弯曲和拉伸不能产生明显影响的因素Can’t produce visible
affection on bend ability and tension ability of joint
附加重要变素supplemental essential variables
影响接头冲击性能的因素Affect the toughness of joint
Who take charge of compiling WPS? WPS应该由谁制定 应该由谁制定? 应该由谁制定
每个制造者或承包者应按照焊接规范的规定编写合 理的WPS.具体的说WPS是由代表厂家的焊接工程 师编写的。 Each manufacturer and contractor shall prepare written Welding Procedure Specifications which are defined in corresponding welding code.
supervised by AI 授权检验师检查
How is a WPS created? 如何创建一个WPS? 如何创建一个
FCAW药芯焊丝保护 FCAW药芯焊丝保护 焊
接头形式 joint type
SAW埋弧焊 SAW埋弧焊 GMAW气保焊 GMAW气保焊 SMAW焊条电弧焊 SMAW焊条电弧焊 GTAW钨极氩弧焊 GTAW钨极氩弧焊
General 一般条件
For the PQR groove area, an increase or decrease > 25% in the number of passes 对于与PQR坡口面积相同的,焊道数改变超过 25% A change in position not qualified焊接位置改变为未经评定的位置 。



change in the amperage for each diameter每种焊丝 直径的电流变化超过10% A change in type of current (ac or dc) or polarity and mode of transfer (GMAW only)电流极性变化或GMAW过 渡模式变化 A change in the voltage for each diameter,surpass 7% 电压改变超过7% An increase or decrease in the wire feed speed for each electrode diameter surpass 10%送丝速度改变超 过10%
Availability of the WPS WPS的可得性
,以供查考,并供授权检验师(AI)检查。 A WPS used for Code production welding shall be available for reference and review by the Authorized Inspector (AI) at the fabrication site.
essential variables
对弯曲和拉伸不能产生明显影响的因素Can’t produce visible
affection on bend ability and tension ability of joint
essential variables


Increase in filler metal classification strength增加填料的强度 Change from one electrode classification to any other electrode classification,limited to FCAW从一种焊丝型号改变 到另一种焊丝型号(只限药芯焊丝) Change to an electrode classification not covered in AWS A5.18,A5.20,A5.28,A5.29.焊丝变为在AWS中没有的型号


非重要变素non essential variables
对弯曲和拉伸不能产生明显影响的因素Can’t produce visible affection on bend ability and tension ability of joint
附加重要变素supplemental essential variables
A change in the amperage for each diameter每种焊丝直 径的电流变化超过10%
A change in type of current (ac or dc) or polarity and mode of transfer (GMAW only)电流极性变化或GMAW过 渡模式变化
Essentials in GMAW or FCAW GMAW and FCAW中的重要变素(AWS)
A change in diameter, or thickness, or both, not qualified by Table 2工件直径或厚度未在评定范围之 外。
A change in base metal or combination of base metals not listed on the PQR 母材未经评定
A change in the voltage for each diameter,surpass 7% 电压改变超过7%
An increase or decrease in the wire feed speed for each electrode diameter surpass 10%送丝速度改变超 过10%
修订可行焊接方法 评估生产成本



1 总则1.1 适用范围本规范包括制作和安装焊接钢结构的要求。


规范各章简介如下:1. 总则本章为规范适用范围和限度的基本资料。

2. 焊接连接的设计本章为有关管材、非管材、构件制成品组成的焊接连接设计的要求。

3. 免除评定本章为从本规范的评定要求中免除WPS(焊接工艺规程)评定的要求。

4. 评定本章为有关WPS评定以及必须执行规范内容的焊接人员(焊工、自动焊工和定位焊工)资格评定的要求。

5. 制作本章为对焊接钢结构的准备、装配及工艺的要求。

6. 检验本章包括检验员资格评定和职责的准则、产品焊缝的认可准则、以及进行外观检查和NDT(无损检测)的标准工艺。

7. 螺柱焊本章为螺柱焊于结构钢的要求。

8. 现有结构的补强和修理本章为有关现有钢结构用焊接方法改建或修理的基本知识。

1.1.1 限度规范不适用于下列情况:(1)最低屈服强度大于100 ksi(690MPa)的钢材。

(2)厚度小于1/8 in.(3mm)的钢材。

当所焊钢材厚度小于1/8 in.(3mm)时,应按AWS D1.3要求执行。

当连带使用ANSI/AWS D1.3时,必须遵守本规范的相关条款的规定。



应当将AWS D1.6 不锈钢结构焊接规范应用于焊接不锈钢结构。

凡当合同文件规定AWS D1.1用于焊接不锈钢时,均应实施AWS D1.6的要求。

1.2 认可1凡规范中提到需经认可必须理解为由建筑专员或工程师认可。


1.3 指令性条款当规定应用本规范时,规范的大多数条款是指令性的。



1.4 定义本规范所用焊接术语必须按最新版的AWS A3.0标准焊接术语和定义的定义来理解,本规范附录B加以补充。



焊接件检验流程与标准规范English Answer:Welded component inspection process and standard specifications are crucial to ensure the quality and integrity of welded joints. The inspection process typically involves several steps, including visual inspection, non-destructive testing (NDT), and destructive testing.Visual inspection is the first step in the inspection process, where the welder or inspector visually examines the welded joint to detect any visible defects such as cracks, porosity, or incomplete penetration. This inspection is done using various tools such as magnifying glasses, mirrors, and borescopes.Non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques are then employed to detect defects that may not be visible to the naked eye. Common NDT methods used in weld inspectioninclude ultrasonic testing (UT), radiographic testing (RT), magnetic particle testing (MT), and liquid penetranttesting (PT). These techniques can detect internal defects such as inclusions, lack of fusion, or weld discontinuities.Ultrasonic testing uses high-frequency sound waves to detect defects by analyzing the echo patterns produced when the sound waves encounter boundaries between different materials or internal defects. Radiographic testinginvolves passing X-rays or gamma rays through the weld and capturing the resulting image on a film or digital detector. Magnetic particle testing uses magnetic fields and iron particles to detect surface and near-surface defects.Liquid penetrant testing involves applying a liquid dye to the surface of the weld and observing if it seeps into any defects.In addition to NDT, destructive testing is also conducted to assess the mechanical properties of the welded joint. This includes tests such as tensile testing, bend testing, and impact testing. These tests help determine the strength, ductility, and toughness of the weld.The inspection process is guided by various standards and specifications. The most commonly used standard for welding inspection is the American Welding Society (AWS)D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel. This standard provides guidelines for weld inspection criteria, acceptance criteria, and inspection methods. Other standards such as ISO 3834, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and EN 1090 also provide specific requirements for weld inspection.In conclusion, the inspection process for welded components involves visual inspection, non-destructive testing, and destructive testing. Various NDT techniques such as ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing, and liquid penetrant testing are used to detect defects. The inspection process is guided by standards and specifications such as AWS D1.1, ISO 3834, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and EN 1090.中文回答:焊接件检验流程与标准规范对于确保焊接接头的质量和完整性至关重要。


























焊接⽬视检查验收标准焊接⽬视检查验收标准<<民⽤核安全设备焊⼯焊接操作⼯资格管理规定>>-- HAF603 附件2中对考试试件的检验要求a)板材、管材或接管⾓焊缝凸度或凹度应不⼤于1.5mm;焊⾓尺⼨K=T+(0-3)mm ( T为设计焊⾓尺⼨)不带衬垫的板材、管材、接管以及外径不⼩于76mm的管材试件背⾯焊缝的余⾼应不⼤于3mm.b)焊缝外形尺⼨要求:c)堆焊两相邻焊道之间的凹下量不得⼤于1.5mm;焊道⾼度差应⼩于或等于1.5mm。

d)⼿⼯焊焊缝表⾯的咬边和背⾯凹坑不得超过下表规定:当对ASME B31.1管道焊缝进⾏检测时:序号检测项⽬Inspected items可接受的标准Inspected items andacceptance criteria1尺⼨检查Dimensioncheck焊缝余⾼尺⼨ExcessWeld Metal不低于母材且不⼤于3mmNot less than the basemetal and not exceed3mm⾓焊缝焊⾓尺⼨fillet weld size 法兰:焊⾓尺⼨≥1.4Tn 或衬套壁厚两者中的较⼩者。


Tn=管道的公称壁厚2 表⾯咬边SurfaceUnder深度不⼤于1/32”(1mm)undercut on surfacewhich is greater than1?32in. (1.0 mm) deep3 表⾯焊接⽓孔Surfacewelding应⽆None4 焊接裂纹No WeldingCrack应⽆None5 未焊透(仅适⽤于易于看到的内表⾯)IncompletePenetration(appliesonly when inside应⽆Nonesurface is readily accessible);6 表⾯未熔合surfacelack of fusion应⽆None7 线性缺陷lineardefect不⼤于3/16”(5mm)8 圆形缺陷circulardefect尺⼨不⼤于3/16”(5mm),指⽰表⾯缩孔或者等于或多于四个分散的指⽰,其边缘间隔间距在任何⽅向等于或⼩于1/16”(2mm)surface porosity withrounded indicationshaving dimensionslesser than 3?16 in.(5.0 mm) or four ormore roundedindicationsseparated by 1?16 in.(2.0mm) or less edgeto edge in anydirection.当采⽤《钢结构焊接规范--碳钢》(AWS D1.1)进⾏检测时序号检测项⽬及可接受的标准静荷载⾮管材连接周期荷载⾮管材连接管材连接(所有荷载)1 禁⽌裂纹任何裂纹都不合格,⽆论尺⼨及部位x x x2 焊缝/母材的熔合焊缝的相邻焊层之间及焊缝⾦属与母材之间必须完全熔合3 弧坑横截⾯除了超出断续⾓焊缝有效长度的断续⾓焊缝的端部外,所有弧坑必须填焊⾄规定的焊缝尺⼨x x x4 焊缝轮廓形状必须符合AWS D1.1中5.24节的要求x x x5 检验的时间所有钢焊缝的⽬检可以在完⼯焊缝冷却到环境温度时进⾏。






国际标准组织ISO(International Organization for Standardization)制定的一系列焊接标准可作为执行标准。

ISO 3834系列标准是质量要求的参考标准,规定了焊接制造质量体系的要求和评定方法。

ISO 14731标准是指导并评定焊接协调人(Welding Coordinator)职责的标准。

在焊接材料方面,可以参考ISO 14341标准,该标准规定了焊接用胶接焊丝的分类和化学成分的要求。

国际电工委员会IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission)制定的IEC 60974-1标准是对焊接设备要求和测试方法的国际标准。

IEC 60811是对焊接电缆绝缘层进行测试的标准。

在国内,焊接检验报告可以参照国家标准GB/T 7140-2003《钢管焊接接头焊接质量评定》进行执行。


此外,焊接检验报告执行还应考虑相关行业标准,如ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)的标准和AWS (American Welding Society)的标准,它们对焊接质量评定和焊接程序规范有详细的规定。






AASHTO/A WS D1.5M/D1.5:2010《桥梁焊接规范》简介这是一部由AASHTO(美国国家公路和运输职员协会)和美国焊接学会(A WS)联合编撰的权威标准,适用于钢桥、起重机钢结构等动载荷钢结构企业。

适用人员包括:焊接工程师,A WS注册焊接检验师(CWI),焊接检验人员,桥梁结构设计人员,焊接工艺人员,焊接工程管理人员,焊工培训和管理人员。

AASHTO/AWS D1.5M/D1.5:2010《桥梁焊接规范》译本已由A WS指定的A WS标准全球唯一发行商“北京伟信网国际贸易有限公司”在中国发行。




)70 年代前,包括美国联邦公路管理处(FHWA)、美国焊接学会(AWS)和美国国家公路和运输职员协会(AASHTO)等机构都有各自的桥梁建造焊接标准和技术条件。




规范仿照当时AWS D1.1《钢结构焊接规范》的编辑结构,共设置了11章。


《桥梁焊接规范》也是AWS结构焊接规范中唯一由AWS 和其他机构合作编撰的标准文献。

振华重工公司(ZPMC)成立之初,由于产品的特点和用户要求,在产品制造中不但应用AWS D1.1《钢结构焊接规范》,也应用D1.5《桥梁焊接规范》。

而在著名的加州奥克兰New Bay Bridge 钢桥项目中,更直接、完整地应用了《桥梁焊接规范》。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
焊接工艺评定及焊工评定是制造工序中最重要的的准备工作之一. 工艺评定: 工艺评定的目的是显示以下各项的匹配性:
1)母材 2)焊接材料,填充金属 3)方法及技巧 工艺评定的体系: AWS D1.1; ASME IX; API 1104 ASME: 平焊位置的工艺评定可以覆盖所有位置 重要变素: 决定了工艺评定的范围,一旦改变超出规定范围,就必须
焊趾裂纹是指焊趾处开裂而扩展到母材,焊缝的几何形状,如焊缝加强高或内凹可 能会在焊趾处形成应力集中,再加上热影响区金相组织韧性较差,从而易产生焊趾 裂纹,焊趾裂纹通常是冷裂纹,是由焊接横向收缩应力或在役应力造成的或者兼而 有之.
6. 标记接收或拒收
7. 接头状态: 坡口,表面清洁度, 尺寸精度,衬垫,定位焊等
8. 预热温度控制(如有要求)
7. 监督返修过程, 返修后 确认
8. 准备检验报告
焊接检验工作要求检验员了解或者通过各种途径获得与产品相 关的各种信息. 1.图纸: 材料;尺寸;技术要求等
2.规范: 规范具有法律地位;AWS, ASME
AWS Welding Inspection Training
Prepared by John Zhao
• 1. 职业态度: 以事实为依据 • 2. 良好的身体状况 • 3. 知识 • 1) 图纸及技术要求 • 2)焊接术语知识 • 3)焊接工艺知识 • 4)试验方法
• 4. 技巧: 检验经验; 焊接经验;专业培训 • 5.习惯: 安全操作; 保存记录
根部裂纹通常是纵向的,但它可能在焊缝或母材内扩展,与焊喉裂纹一样,通常是热 裂纹,接头装配或准备不当会导致根部裂纹,如根部间隙过大会导致应力集中而产 生根部裂纹
1. 规范/工艺 1) 几何形状: 未对齐; 变形; 最终尺寸; 焊缝尺寸;
焊瘤; 焊缝轮廓; 焊缝凸起,凹下; 焊缝加强高.
2) 焊缝/结构: 未融合; 未焊透; 咬边; 未焊满; 夹杂(夹渣, 夹钨); 气孔; 飞溅; 电弧击伤; 裂纹(热/冷裂纹; 纵向/横向; 焊喉/焊根/焊趾/ 弧坑/焊道下/热影响区/母材; 延迟裂纹;
6. 焊接设备的状态
1. 检查焊接参数是否符合 焊接工艺,包括层间温 度控制
2. 检查焊道质量
3. 检查层间清理
4. 检查焊接次序
5. 监督过程中的NDE,如有 要求
1. 检查完成焊缝的外观 情况
2. 检查焊缝尺寸
3. 检查焊接件的尺寸精 度 4. 检查后热或焊后热处 理 5. 监督NDE,如有要求
各种不连续---夹渣; 夹钨
各种不连续---夹渣; 夹钨
分层是一种母材的缺陷,是由于在钢的制造过程中有非金属 杂质的存在而造成的,这些杂质通常是由当钢在熔化的过程 中产生的氧化物造成的,在轧制的过程中,杂质伸长为长条,如 果这些长条特别大并形成平面形状,就形成分层.
焊接接头几何形状及焊接 符号
AWS A3.0 焊接术语及定义 AWS A2.4 焊接,钎焊及无损探伤检验的标准符号
1. 焊接接头: 对接,角接,T形,搭接和端接
2. 焊缝类型: 共有九类焊缝: 1)坡口焊缝 2)角焊缝 3)塞焊及槽焊 4)螺柱焊 5)点焊或凸焊 6)缝焊 7)封底焊及背面焊 8)堆焊 9)端接焊缝
焊工技能评定报告: WPQ
不连续: 通常是指一个均匀连续物体的中断.
缺陷: 缺陷是特殊的不连续,为了衡量一个特定的 不连续是是否是缺陷,必须有一些标准来规 定这些不连续的限值,当不连续的尺寸或密 集度超过了这些限值,那么它就是缺陷.
焊接接头几何形状及焊接 符号
焊接符号: 一种焊接的图示表示方法
1.审核所应用的资料:图纸,规范 ,技术 要求,工艺等
2.检查焊接工艺(WPS/PQR),焊 工资格(WPQ) 3.编制检验计划,设立检验停止 点 4.母材及焊接材料:化学成份,机 械性能 5. 母材及焊材的质量,状态
制造的一个重要的方面就是材料的跟踪及识别,材料的跟踪及识 别应当是焊接检验员的常规工作的一部分. MTR: 材料试验报告 MTC: 材料试验证明书 是材料制造商阐述材料物理及化学性能的证明文件.
材料识别, 标记及追溯: 确保提供正确的文件资料及材料; 确保材料能追溯至MTR和材料供应商.
2. 冶金的 1) 机械性能: 强度; 延伸 1) 分层 2) 层状撕裂 3) 划伤和结疤
各种不连续----焊接变形 焊接接头的变形
焊瘤 咬边
3. 标准: 标准是一种准则或基准,用于测量比较或决定事物的容 量,
数量,内容,范围,价值,质量等. 强制性或非强制性标准: ASTM, GB, JIS….
4. 技术要求:产品或部件的详细说明,对某一部件实际尺寸或要求 尺寸,质量,性能,条款等的解释,技术要求就是对某些 条款或步骤的详细说明.
重新评定 试验: 用来评估焊接技巧,母材及填充金属的影响. 焊接工艺评定报告: PQR 焊接工艺规程: WPS 实际应用: 特别是现场
焊工评定 焊工评定: 确定是否该焊工具有熟练的技能并使用已经评定的工 艺
重要变量: 焊接位置, 接头型式, 焊接材料, 焊接方法, 母材, 母材厚 度及某些焊接技巧等