the University of Queensland Academic Performance of International Students in
牛津大学简介牛津大学简介牛津大学(University of Oxford)位于英国牛津市,是世界上历史最悠久、声誉最高的大学之一,也是全球顶尖学府之一。
《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S.News & World Report)1983年开始对美国大学及其院系进行排名,该排名具有较高的知名度。
世界大学排名的指标为:1、Academic Peer Review (学术评分) 2、Employer Review (雇主评分) 3、Student to Faculty(师生比例) 4、International Faculty(国际学院评分) 5、International Students (国际学生评分) 。
排名学校名称综合得分国家1 哈佛大学Harvard University 100.0 美国2 剑桥大学University of Cambridge 99.6 英国3 耶鲁大学Yale University 99.1 美国4 伦敦大学学院UCL (University College London) 99.0 英国5 伦敦帝国理工学院Imperial College London 97.8 英国6 牛津大学University of Oxford 97.8 英国7 芝加哥大学University of Chicago 96.8 美国8 普林斯顿大学Princeton University 96.6 美国9 麻省理工大学Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 96.1 美国10 加州理工大学California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 95.9 美国11 哥伦比亚大学Columbia University 95.6 美国12 宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania 94.2 美国13 约翰斯霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University 94.1 美国14 杜克大学Duke University 92.9 美国15 康奈尔大学Cornell University 92.5 美国16 斯坦福大学Stanford University 92.2 美国17 澳大利亚国立大学Australian National University 90.5 澳大利亚18 麦吉尔大学McGill University 90.4 加拿大19 密西根大学University of Michigan 89.9 美国20 爱丁堡大学University of Edinburgh 89.3 英国21 苏黎世联邦理工学院ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) 89.3 瑞士22 东京大学University of Tokyo 88.9 日本23 伦敦国王学院King's College London 88.4 英国24 香港大学University of Hong Kong 87.5 香港25 京都大学Kyoto University 87.1 日本26 曼切斯特大学University of Manchester 85.7 英国27 卡内基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University 85.6 美国28 巴黎高等师范学院Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris 85.4 法国29 多伦多大学University of Toronto 85.3 加拿大30 新加坡国立大学National University of Singapore (NUS) 84.3 新加坡31 布朗大学Brown University 83.9 美国32 加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 83.5 美国33 西北大学Northwestern University 83.5 美国34 布里斯托大学University of Bristol 83.4 英国35 香港科技大学Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 83.3 香港36 巴黎综合理工学院École Polytechnique 83.1 法国37 墨尔本大学University of Melbourne 83.1 澳大利亚38 悉尼大学University of Sydney 83.1 澳大利亚39 加州大学伯克利分校University of California, Berkeley 82.7 美国40 不列颠哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia 81.2 加拿大41 昆士兰大学University of Queensland 80.7 澳大利亚42 洛桑联邦高等理工学院École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 80.6 瑞士43 大阪大学Osaka University 80.1 日本44 都柏林圣三一学院Trinity College Dublin 80.1 爱尔兰45 莫纳什大学Monash University 80.0 澳大利亚46 香港中文大学The Chinese University of Hong Kong 79.6 香港47 新南威尔士大学University of New South Wales 79.0 澳大利亚48 首尔国立大学Seoul National University 79.0 韩国49 阿姆斯特丹大学University of Amsterdam 78.9 荷兰50 清华大学Tsinghua University 78.9 中国51 哥本哈根大学University of Copenhagen 78.8 丹麦52 纽约大学New York University (NYU) 78.4 美国53 北京大学Peking University 78.4 中国54 波士顿大学Boston University 77.8 美国55 慕尼黑理工大学Technische Universität München 76.3 德国56 东京工业大学Tokyo Institute of Technology 76.3 日本57 海德堡大学Heidelberg University 76.2 德国58 华威大学University of Warwick 75.7 英国59 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta 75.4 加拿大60 莱顿大学Leiden University 75.3 荷兰61 奥克兰大学The University of Auckland 74.7 新西兰62 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin-Madison 74.7 美国63 奥胡斯大学Aarhus University 74.5 丹麦64 伊利诺伊大学厄本那—香槟分校University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 74.5 美国65 天主教鲁汶大学Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 74.2 比利时66 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham 73.9 英国67 伦敦政治经济学院London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 73.7 英国68 隆德大学Lund University 73.7 瑞典69 韩国高等科学技术学院KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology 72.6 韩国70 乌德勒支大学Utrecht University 72.4 荷兰71 约克大学University of York 72.4 英国72 日内瓦大学University of Geneva 72.3 瑞士73 南洋理工大学Nanyang Technological University (NTU) 72.0 新加坡74 圣路易华盛顿大学 Washington University in St. Louis 72.0 美国75 乌普萨拉大学Uppsala University 71.9 瑞典76 加州大学圣地亚哥分校University of California, San Diego 71.5 美国77 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校University of Texas at Austin 71.5 美国78 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 71.3 美国79 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow 71.2 英国80 华盛顿大学University of Washington 71.1 美国81 阿德莱德大学University of Adelaide 70.8 澳大利亚82 谢菲尔德大学University of Sheffield 70.6 英国83 代尔夫特理工大学Delft University of Technology 70.4 荷兰84 西澳大利亚大学University of Western Australia 70.2 澳大利亚85 达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College 70.1 美国86 佐治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology 70.0 美国87 普渡大学Purdue University 69.8 美国88 圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews 69.8 英国89 都柏林大学University College Dublin 69.7 爱尔兰90 爱默里大学Emory University 69.6 美国91 诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham 69.4 英国92 名古屋大学Nagoya University 69.2 日本93 苏黎世大学University of Zurich 69.2 瑞士94 柏林自由大学Freie Universität Berlin 69.0 德国95 南安普敦大学University of Southampton 68.9 英国96 国立台湾大学National T aiwan University 68.9 台湾97 东北大学Tohoku University 68.6 日本98 慕尼黑路德维希-马克西米利安大学Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 68.4 德国99 利兹大学University of Leeds 68.3 英国100 赖斯大学Rice University 68.1 美国【原创】非大牛如何拿到N个offer并申请CSC公派读博之路(一个科研菜鸟的海申经验交流?/span> 已有68人参与★★★beibei9535:设为精华非常好的经验,欢迎大家都多多写下这些心得~ 2011-04-01 00:09beibei9535(金币+3): 恩,基本上就是这个顺序了。
广东省汕头市潮阳启声学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题一、阅读理解Four Amusement Parks Near TorontoCanada’s WonderlandIt’s always exciting to find out the new experiences Canada’s largest amusement park will uncover. Visitors of all ages and interests are treated to endless adventures filled with wonder and excitement. From family-friendly rides to extremely exciting coasters, Canada’s Wonder-land has plenty of attractions for all levels of adventure.Centreville Amusement ParkFamilies with young children will enjoy a variety of kid friendly things to do at Centreville Amusement Park. It’s only a short ferry (渡船) ride across Toronto’s harbour to Centre Island’s Amusement Park. Nearby the park are beaches, trails and a small petting farm. You can also play mini-golf here.Fantasy FairEtobicoke’s Woodbine Mall is the home of Ontario’s largest indoor amusement park, where the midway attractions of games and rides are just steps away from shopping. Take a plane ride on the midway or hop aboard the ferris wheel (摩天轮). There are many activities and rides designed for small children. The large displays of dinosaurs will appeal to the younger kids and much more in this large indoor amusement park.Adventure VillageLocated in Hamilton’s Confederation Park, Adventure Village is a great open space to consume your energy. The one-hectare property features waterfalls, fish ponds and many fun activities for all ages. Kids will enjoy learning new skills. No need to worry about getting hungry. Big Al’s Cook House has you covered with a variety of selections on the menu.For more information, please click here.1.What can we know about Centreville Amusement Park?A.It provides mini golf.B.It is an indoor amusement park.C.It is Canada’s largest amusement park.D.It is part of Centre Island’s Amusement Park.2.Which park appeals to kids enjoying displays of dinosaurs?A.Canada’s Wonderland.B.Centreville Amusement Park.C.Fantasy Fair.D.Adventure Village.3.Where can you find the text?A.On a website.B.In a novel.C.In a magazine.D.In a brochure.A 99-year-old Australian swimmer appears to have broken a world record for his age group in the 50m freestyle. The likely new world record holder, George Corones, clocked 56.12 seconds at an official event in Queensland— a new benchmark for the 100-104 age category. He faded the previous record of 1:31. 19, which was set by British swimmer John Harrison in 2014, by 35 seconds. It will now be affirmed by the sports governing body.Corones, who is qualified for the record because he turns 100 in April, said he was “quite delighted” and “over the world” by the result. He said he had been overwhelmed by the “roaring” crowd on the Gold Coast on Wednesday. The event, in which he was the only entrant (新成员), had been specifically staged for him to challenge the record.Corones was a keen swimmer in his youth but only began to learn swimming again at the age of 80. He gave it up at the beginning of the World War II, and he didn’t think he would have a swim of any description until he retired. Then he started swimming again for exercise.Racing undeniably (不可否认的) challenged him physically, but it was manageable with preparation. On average he swims three times a week, and also fits in gym sessions. “At this age it takes a while to get going... you get exhausted much more easily, but if you do it properly, the rewards are astronomical,” he said.Corones will challenge the 100m freestyle record on Saturday night, believing he can beat the current mark of 03:23. 10, which was also set by Harrison.“I’m not a young man by any means, but I am really looking forward to it and confident I can do it very well,” he said.4.What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1?A.To show who John Harrison is.B.To introduce the topic of the text.C.To emphasize the importance of age.D.To explain the reason for writing the text.5.What does the underlined word “astronomical” in paragraph 4 mean?A.Enormous.B.Original.C.Brief.D.Precise.6.What does Corones plan to do next?A.Prepare for his 100th birthday party.B.Challenge Harrison again.C.Celebrate his success.D.Challenge the 100 m backstroke.7.What does the author tell us by telling Corones’s story?A.It’s never too late to learn,B.He who laughs last laughs best.C.One good turn deserves another.D.Laziness in youth spells regret in old age.New research has found that people with mild cognitive impairment (认知损坏) may not necessarily develop dementia (痴呆) and, in fact, having higher education and advanced language skills more than doubles their chances of returning to normal.The study, led by researchers at the University of Waterloo, may reassure those with mild cognitive impairment as it contradicts a common assumption that the condition is simply an early stage of dementia. People with mild cognitive impairment show signs of cognitive decline, but not enough to prevent them from performing typical daily tasks. They have been considered at higher risk of progressing to the more severe cognitive decline seen in dementia.“Possessing high cognitive reserve, based on education, high academic grades, and written language skills, may predict what happens years after someone receives a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment,” said Suzanne Tyas, a professor in the School of Public Health Sciences at Waterloo and lead author. “Even after considering age, genetics and established risk factors fordementia, we found that higher levels of education more than doubled the chances that people with mild cognitive impairment would return to normal cognition instead of progressing to dementia.”The study’s findings have meanings for treatment and research in people with mild cognitive impairment.“If individuals with higher cognitive reserve are more likely to improve even without treatment, then this needs to be taken into consideration when recruiting participants for clinical trials of prospective treatments and when interpreting the results of these trials,” Tyas said, adding there’s no cure for most causes of dementia, so prevention is key.8.About mild cognitive impairment, which is consistent with the study?A.It surely results in dementia.B.It is an early stage of dementia.C.It will stop people's daily action.D.It doesn’t surely lead to dementia.9.How is one’s cognitive reserve assessed?A.Through personal income.B.Through social frequency.C.Through his education.D.Through personal relationship.10.What is the most significant to do with dementia?A.Early prevention.B.Medical care.C.Proper cure.D.Specific medicine.11.What is the main idea of the text?A.People with cognitive impairment show cognitive decline.B.Age and genetics are established risk factors for dementia.C.A study focuses on the consequence of cognitive impairment.D.Higher education and language skills may help stop dementia.Researchers from The University of Queensland(UQ) have helped design an app to protect birds at risk of extinction across the world by breaking down language barriers between scientists. The Bird Language Diversity web app will help provide a “birds eye view”, ensuring vital information is shared to improve worldwide conservation.UQ’s Dr Pablo Negret said the research team analysed more than 10,000 bird species, and found that 1,587 species have 10 languages or more spoken within their distributions. “Scientificinformation on species can be spread across different languages, but valuable information can go missing or get lost in translation,” Dr Negret said. “Without enough sharing of information, this can affect the effectiveness of conservation measures.”Take the common bird pochard for example. It is classified as vulnerable species(易危种) and crosses 108 countries in Europe, Asia and north Africa, where a total of 75 official languages are spoken. The survival of the common pochard, and so many other species, depends on effective cooperation and policy agreements among people with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.This app reveals where threatened and migratory birds(候鸟) exist geographically, in relation to the language spoken in those regions. “We hope the app will encourage researchers and conservation organisations to interact with their peers in other regions, especially if they speak different languages, and be a starting point to allow everyone to work together to protect threatened species,” Dr Negret said.Dr Tatsuya Amano, a researcher and the co-author of the paper, said this work could extend further than bird species. “Any species, whether they're mammals, amphibians(两栖动物), or plants, with a range crossing multiple countries will be impacted by language barriers, as well as species that migrate across different countries, such as marine species and butterflies,” he said. “The significance of the impact of poor communication on such an important issue is evident, and is the reason why we’re working hard to improve science communication across languages.”12.How can the app help scientists globally?A.By creating language barriers.B.By building language bridges.C.By sharing learning methods.D.By breaking down race barriers. 13.What is the function of adequate sharing of information?A.Ensuring the effectiveness of protective measures.B.Helping people know more about scientists' efforts.C.Spreading knowledge of the diversity of birds worldwide.D.Compromising the effectiveness of conservation measures.14.What is shown on the app?A.The producer of the app.B.The organizations involved.C.The location of endangered birds.D.The information of new geographers.15.What can be the best title for the text?A.Birds Protection Is an Urgency B.New Bird App Spreads Its WingsC.New Bird App Helps Learn Languages D.Poor Communication Impacts CooperationPreparations for Beginners Before Starting Tennis LessonsAs a beginner stepping into the world of tennis, it’s important to be well-prepared to make the most of your learning experience. Tennis is a physically and mentally challenging sport, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can set yourself upfor success. 16 .Get the Right Gear17 . A good tennis racket is essential—choose one that is lightweight, has a comfortable grip, and is suitable for your skill level. Additionally, wear proper footwear that provides support and stability on the court. Comfortable, breathable athletic clothing is a must, including moisture-wicking shirts and shorts or skirts. Don’t forget accessories like a tennis hat or visor, sunglasses, and sweatbands to protect yourself from the sun and keep sweat at bay.Learn the BasicsBefore stepping onto the court, familiarize yourself with the basic rules and terminologies(术语)of tennis. This includes understanding the layout of the court, how points are scored, and the different types of shots(forehand, backhand, volley and so on). 18 . It will build a strong foundation for your game.19Tennis is a physically demanding sport that requires strength, endurance, and agility(灵敏性). Prior to starting tennis lessons, engage in physical conditioning activities such as running, swimming, or cycling to improve your cardiovascular (心血管的) fitness. Incorporate strength training exercises targeting your core, legs, and upper body, as well as flexibility exercises like yoga or stretching.Develop Mental ToughnessMental preparation is just as important as physical preparation. 20 , and be mentally tough to bounce back from setbacks. Start practicing mindfulness techniques like deep breathing or visualization to develop mental resilience.A.Practice Physical ConditioningB.Find the Right Coach or ProgramC.Here are a few essential tips to help youD.First and foremost, invest in quality equipmentE.Tennis players need to remain calm and focused under pressureF.Knowing these basics will make it easier to follow along during lessonsG.It’s important to set achievable and realistic goals for your tennis journey二、完形填空“One person can make a difference” is one of those sayings that we teach youngsters. As adults, do we really believe this? Or is it a 21 just for young people? I am writing to tell you that 22 “one person can”, because one day a person did an act of 23 that changed my life and the lives of millions more. Almost 15 years ago, while driving, I was listening to a 24 interview and heard a story of selflessness and 25 . A woman had 26 ten winter coats through the Thanksgiving weekend crowds to 27 them at the One Warm Coat drive.She was only one person, yet it was her 28 that made me realize that there would always be a need for 29 coats and that more people would be able to donate if there were more drop off 30 .Now, nearly 15 years later, One Warm Coat has 31 the donation of over 4 million coats across the country. As the National Founder, I found my heart is full and 32 , knowing that we make a real 33 in the lives of thousands.So when you 34 to donate your time or give an item, perhaps you will wonder “Will it really 35 ?” I can tell you that it will! B.lesson C.truth D.blessing 22.A.hardly B.partly C.actually D.slightly 23.A.kindness B.forgiveness C.acceptance D.permission 24.A.job B.television D.newspaper 25.A.argument B.commitment C.competition D.cooperation 26.A.carried in B.turned over C.threw out D.put away27.A.sell B.donate C.wear D.change 28.A.action C.determination D.idea 29.A.casual B.formal C.better D.more 30.A.schools B.locations C.hospitals D.banks 31.A.advertised B.delayed C.inspired D.refused 32.A.healthy B.heavy C.strong D.warm 33.A.decision B.impression C.promise D.difference 34.A.agree B.decide C.offer D.regret 35.A.matter B.succeed C.happen D.disappear三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
牛津大学38个学院详细介绍留学申请本科学历要求:完成读该校认可学校的Alevel课程成绩要求:Alevel成绩达A*A*A*语言要求:雅思7分硕士学历要求:学士学位成绩要求:均分需达89分或GPA3.8语言要求:雅思7.5分学院介绍万灵学院All Souls College万灵学院几乎从未接收过本科生。
贝利奥尔学院Balliol College该学院的PPE专业出名天下,入学竞争非常剧烈。
所谓PPE,是牛津大学特有的“尊贵”金牌专业,即哲学、政治与经济学三合一专业〔Philosophy, Politics - Economics〕。
与国内特殊学校定向培养不同,牛津大学PPE 专业的学生,毕业后许多未必从政。
布雷齐诺斯学院Brasenose College建于1509年,位于牛津城的市中心。
本科生院在世界上最美广场之一的Radcliffe Square,并且到牛津的其他任何地方步行均不超过15分钟。
基督教堂学院Christ Church建于1525年,位于牛津城南部,规模最大的学院之一,建筑与风光美仑美奂。
基督圣体学院Corpus Christi College建于15___年,与剑大同名学院一样,是牛大最小的学院之一。
昆士兰大学雅思要求,昆士兰大学语言要求,昆士兰大学申请要求【2】学校名称:澳洲昆士兰大学 The University of Queensland所在位置:澳洲,St Lucia Campus:Brisbane St Lucia,QLD 4072学费:33280录取率:0.569In order to gain entry to an academic program at UQ, you will have to demonstrate you have the appropriate level of English language skills.To meet the UQ's English language proficiency requirements, you must demonstrate one of the following:a score equivalent to four semesters of Sound Achievement in Queensland Studies Authority English or Australian or international equivalent. Less than four semesters may be considered for some least 6.5 overall and a minimum of 6.0 in each sub-band of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or equivalent test. Some programs have higher English proficiency requirements; see individual program requirements.Other equivalent tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic are also accepted, and other qualifications and experience may also be considered.Study Abroad and Incoming Exchange students are only required to meet the overall score (eg 6.5 IELTS or 87 TOEFL or 64 PTE).For more detailed information on accepted tests and ways tomeet UQ's minimum English Language proficiency requirements, please see the "Procedures" tab of the UQ English language proficiency admission and concurrent support policy.Documentation requiredTo demonstrate your English language proficiency via Queensland Studies Authority English or equivalent Australian or international studies, you must provide certified copies of all relevant academic transcripts and award certificates with your application.For other students satisfying requirements with IELTS, TOEFL or Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic results, specific arrangements apply. Tests must be taken within two years of commencing study at UQ.IELTS testIf you are demonstrating your English proficiency with an IELTS test score, you must attach a copy of the IELTS test result to your application which we will verify.Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)For internet-based (IBT), computer-based (CBT) and paper-based TOEFL tests, you must attach a copy of the TOEFL test result to your application which we will verify.Note: UQ does not generally accept TOEFL results for quota-based programs, nor does it accept institutional TOEFL tests.Pearson Test of English (PTE) AcademicIf you wish to satisfy the English language proficiency requirement with your PTE result, you will need to send a copy of your results through your online PTE Academic account so they can be verified.To send your results, access your account. Click “Send Scores” and enter “UQ”, then click “Send”. Your s cores willthen be available for verification.English language proficiency for visa purposesIf you satisfy the University’s English language proficiency requirements, you may still need to meet additional student visa requirements for English proficiency as required by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).DIBP only accepts certain English tests for visa purposes where evidence of English language proficiency is required. For more information, check your local Australian Diplomatic Mission or theDepartment of Immigration and Border Protection website.English language studies and IELTS at UQDo you need help meeting UQ's English language requirements? Or do you want to improve your English and study skills before starting your degree?Each year more than 2500 students from over 50 countries around the world choose to learn English at UQ’s Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education (ICTE-UQ).If you meet all the academic entry requirements for your preferred UQ program, but need further English language training, you can apply for a package offer of English language studies at ICTE-UQ and a conditional offer of admission to a UQ academic program.想了解更多澳大利亚或其他国家留学资讯,请访问www.。
另外,大学的管理研究院(MBA)位于世界著名的黄金海岸(Gold Coast)。
202年12月4级考试真题第一套作文全文共9篇示例,供读者参考202年12月4级考试真题第一套作文篇1四级写作解析01第一套【题目】the most impressive aspects of university【范文】opinions vary greatly when it comes to what in the university impresses you the most. but in my opinion, attending university leaves a lasting impression on students’ growth, and there are several aspects of university that impress me the most.first and foremost, the diversity of academic programs at universities is truly impressive. universities offer a wide range of courses, allowing students to pursue their passions. this diversity encourages students to explore various disciplines, giving them a well-rounded education. furthermore, it prepares students for future careers by providing specialized knowledge and skills.another aspect that impresses me is the quality of faculty members at universities. professors are experts in their fields and are passionate about their subjects. they are quite responsible for ensuring that students receive a high-quality education. their dedication to teaching is truly inspiring.moreover, the vibrant campus life is another remarkable aspect of university. the numerous extracurricular activities, such as clubs, sports teams, and cultural events, create a lively atmosphere. participating in these activities not only helps students develop their interests but also fosters a sense of conclusion, the diversity of academic programs, the quality of faculty, and the vibrant campus life are the most impressive aspects of university. attending university offers a unique opportunity for personal and academic growth. who can not cherish the opportunity to study in the university!【译文】在大学中给你最深刻印象的事情,不同人有不同看法。
澳大利亚硕士学位 Masters degree in Australia 英语介绍
澳大利亚硕士学位Masters degree in Australia –Find your optionsHello folks. I hope you all are well. If you have completed your bachelor’s and wondering what to do now? You are at the right place as this article will tell you about a master’s degree to pursue in Australia. There are myriad options available for bachelors, but a master’s degree is one of the best if you want expertise in the particular subject. You might be wondering “which master’s degree is best?” “What is the best university to pursue a maste r’s degree?” “What are the criteria for getting into masters?” Keep reading this article till the end. As I am going to answer all such questions in this article.If you want to research in a particular field, a master’s degree is for you.The knowledge you gain at bachelors is successfully transmitted in skills at masters. Different students have different reasons for doing masters. But most of them hope to improve their career prospects. A masters’ degree prepares you for employment.Also, I am going to highlight the best courses of the best universities in Australia. Many students have confused about which university to opt for.I am sure this article will put an end to this confusion.In this article, I am going to share the following information:Five reasons why Masters degree is worth itBest universities for Masters degreeOptions for Overseas studentsFour Reasons why masters degree is worth itThe skills required to thrive in an accelerating world is changing. It means professional ability and ag ility have become imperative. A masters’ degree opens you up to more career options.Here are four outstanding advantages of a masters degree:Improve jobs Prospects –There is no gainsaying that a Master’s degree improves your chances of getting a stable and reputed job. In today’s competitive world, the UG degree alone is not sufficient to get noticed. Those having only a UG degree fail to appeal to employers. Masters degree holders have expertise in their field, due to which almost every employer keen to hire them.Academic recognition –Almost every master’s degree requires you to present your thesis before the College Board. There are manyconferences in which you will be asked to submit your paper. You will get recognized if you have done a little research on it. Your academic recognition depends upon the efforts you put in, by getting a hold of the subjects.Personal Growth –The typical life of a UG student revolves around socializing, organizing the different campaigns, and cramming alone in the library. and Masters’s degree is more about connecting with people professional. For research, you might go to many people to take help, or you might survey people. You have to interact with fellow students as well as faculty members. For a master’s de gree, you will have to learn to increase your network like a pro and hone your “People Skills.” Networking involvescollaboration with people who have similar interests as yours. It also about trying to know how to increase your knowledge base.Pursue your interests in more depth – one of the important criteriaPursue only that subject which you are passionate about. Though most UG degrees allow students to choose their topics of interest independently, a Masters’s degree does this to a greater extent. You are supposed to do independent research on your area of interest to develop your thoughts and ideas. It doesn’t matter when or from where have you done your graduation, your knowledge of your subject might be obsolete. A Master’s degree offers thechance to hone your skills, keep updated with the latest happenings, and learn from the experts in the field.Best universities for Masters Degree in AustraliaAustralia is a top-notch destination for students when it comes to pursuing a degree. It is home to around 43 universities. But not of all them equally renowned. Many times, there is a lot of confusion in students’ minds. To dispel their doubts, I have assembled a list of the best universities that provide master’s degrees in Australia.1. The University of SydneyIf we talk about the first university in Australia, then it should be the University of Australia. Itwas founded in 1850. It is considered a world leader in higher education. Its alumni include 5 Nobel Prize winners and 6 Australian Prime ministers. There should be no surprise in finding that the University of Sydney is the best university in Australia.Masters level coursesSydney University has nine study areas in Masters Course. Architecture & design and planning, Arts and social sciences, Business, Education and social work, Engineering and IT, Medicine and health, Law, Music, Science, agriculture, veterinary science, and environment.Any student who wants to pursue the above mentioned course can seek admission in Sydney University. But before getting into it, youshould know the eligibility criteria to get into the University of Sydney.Admission CriteriaThe eligibility varies from course to course. But here the few points that are common to all:A minimum average grades in your last DegreeSuitable professional experience –such as at least three years in the management role to enter a Master of Business Administration(MBA) degreeHealth and security checks for anyone doing fieldwork in New south Wales hospitals or schoolA portfolio of work – for example, for admission to our urban design architecture courses.English language RequirementsIn case, english is not your first language, and you will need to have either:Completed tertiary studies in which the language of instruction, examination, and assessment was English, OrCompleted an English proficiency test and meet the admission criteria for your course.Best CoursesThe University of Sydney has the best ranking in these particular subjects. Architecture, EnglishLanguage & Literature, Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering, Modern Language, Sports related topics, Veterinary sciences are among them. If you are seeking admission into the aforesaid courses, the University of Sydney would be the right choice for you. By the end of your coursework, the university may require you to write a dissertation. You can always hire a dissertation writer on our website.2. Australian National University (ANU)Australian National University (ANU) is a world-leading university in Australia’s capital, Canberra. The university is ranked consistently among the best in the world. It is the only university created by the Parliament of Australia. Among its alumni are two Australian Prime Ministers.Master level coursesANU has different areas of study at Masters Level. It includes Art and social science, Asia and the Pacific, Business & Economics, Engineering and Computer science, Archeology, Law, Health, and Medicine.Postgraduate academic RequirementsFor admission into the postgraduate program at ANU, applicants must have:Completed a recognized UG or graduate degree, certificate, and/or relevant work experience, as appropriate, and satisfied any individual program subject prerequisites.Meet the specific academic grade required for the program.Satisfied any other individual program entry requirements.Satisfied English language proficiency requirements.Best CoursesAustralian national university ranks top in the country for many courses. Some of them are Agriculture & Forestry, Anthropology, Archeology, Development studies, Earth & Marine Sciences, Geography, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Sociology, Politics & International Studies, Social policy &Administration. You can find the complete list of courses here.3. University of MelbourneThe University of Melbourne is a public research University located in Melbourne. It offers the masters degree in the various discipline. But before you get into it, make yourself aware of the eligibility criteria.Master level CoursesThe University of Melbourne offers various courses at Masters Level. Public Health, Clinical optometry, Advance Nursing, Environmental Engineering, Architecture, Psychiatry, Law are some of its popular courses.Postgraduate academic RequirementsFor admission into the postgraduate program at the University of Melbourne, applicants must have:A graduate program requires the fulfillment of a UG degree either from the University of Melbourne or its equivalent in any other country.Applicants should also meet the English language requirements of the University to be entitled to be offered a place.English language requirementGraduate students should have satisfied one of the following creteria:Within the last two years have satisfactorily completed an entire UG degree at an Australian institution; orApplicants must completed either an entire PG degree of at least two years duration within the last two years at an Australian institution.Best CoursesThe University of Melbourne has the honor of being a very distinguished institution. Some of the best courses are Accounting & finance, Anatomy & Physiology, Biological Sciences, Business & Management Studies, Chemistry, Communication & Media studies, Computer Science & Information, Dentistry, Economics, and Education & training.4. University of QueenslandThe University of Queensland is a public research university primarily located in Queensland’s capital city, Brisbane. The University of Queensland is considered among best 50 universities globally.Master level CoursesMany courses being taught at the University of Queensland. From Agricultural sciences, Biotechnology, Computer science, Data Science to Counselling, Epidemiology, Engineering, Food science and Technology, Information Technology, it offers something for everybody.Coursework Master’s academic RequirementsThe eligibility creteria and assessment of applications will be judged from the following:Be currently enrolled and taking classes at a University of Queensland degree program.Applicants must have completed, or be about to finish at least one semester of study and at least six units in their current UQ program.You must have a minimum GPA of 4.5 on the studies report.GPA of at least 4.5 by the semester of application.Best CoursesEnvironmental sciences and chemical engineering are the best which is currently taught by the University of Queensland. Just get yourself into it if you are passionate about the above two courses.Options for Overseas StudentsThere are various universities that enroll overseas students. I am providing step by step information that will help overseas students to get into Australian universities.1. Entry RequirementsTo begin studying in Australia, there are various entry level requirements you may have to meet.English Language RequirementsIn some cases, you will have to provide the results of an English language Test. English language skill level required by an institution can be different from the level of skill test of your student visa application. You should carefully check student visa information on both the Department of Home Affairs website and the institution website for any English language requirements.Academic RequirementsThe academic requirements (including English language skills) may vary depending on the institution and the course to which you are applying to. Being an overseas student, make yourself sure about the various requirements of the concerned authority.A postgraduate degree requires you to have at least one degree at the UG level. Moreover, the concerned university may consider work experience as a plus.Requirements for VisaVisa for students depends on your chosen course of study. For a typical student, essential elements you will need to meet are:Issued an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) certificate.Sufficient funds for airfares, course fees, and living costs.English language proficiency.Meet health and character requirements.Acceptable Oversees Student Health Cover (OSHC)2. Apply to study in AustraliaYou have to apply separately for an admission and student visa to study in Australia. For admission, you must apply to an institution. For a student visa, you will need to refer to the Australian Government.Follow the steps below to get admission:●Deciding on your preferred course and institution.●Submitting your application to the institution.●Receiving and accepting a Letter of Offer.●Receiving your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE)● Applying for your Student VisaFinal wordsAustralia is home to some of the prestigious universities, many of which rank the best rank globally. Consider Australia as your academic destination irrespective of your home country as it opens up lots of opportunities. There are thousands of courses from which you can choose from. Professors at universities can help you to overcome any obstacle that comes in your academic way.。
SHINYWAY EDUCATIONP LACEMENT T EST FOR IELTSStudent Name: Date: Phone number: 新通国际教育事业部 学术管理部Shinyway Education Academic Department PART1 LISTENING (15 Min.)SECTION1 Question 1-10Questions 1-3Choose THREE letters from A-F.Which THREE events have recently taken place? earthquakeB.a tsunamiC.a giant wave of waterD.a chain reactionE.measuring of the earthquakeF.airlifting of villagersQuestions 4-5Choose TWO letters from A-E.Which TWO items below describe the previous disaster in Mandaland?A.almost 1000 people killed and large areas devastatedB.2000 buildings destroyed and people killedC.the economy damaged and buildings destroyedD.sea-walls collapsedE.thousands killed and long recovery processQuestions 6-10Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Section2 Question11-20Questions 11-15Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 11. Which company does Julie work for?______________________________________________ 12. What diploma course did Julie take at college?______________________________________________ 13. What does Julie like most about her job?______________________________________________ 14. What is Julie’s main responsibility when on duty?_______________________________________________ 15. Why does Julie regularly change the time on her watch? _______________________________________________ Question 16-20Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.PART2 READING (15 min.)Passage 1Questions 1-12(A)After purchasing a house and a car, the next major life expenditure isalmost certainly the cost of tertiary education. The question is, are prospective university students getting value for money? Paying up to $40,000 for a university education, they need reliable information in order to compare institutions and courses.(B)There are now two official guides comparing universities, but not courses.As a result, academic controversy has arisen over their adequacy, and because of concerns about comparability and accuracy of data. When comparing universities, one should be aware of what exactly is being measured, and whether the information is useful. Professor Brian Smith, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Western Sydney, says, “There is as much variation within on university as between universities; no university has all the best activities, and no university is without its strengths.”(C)It takes little sense for prospective students to choose to go to a universitysimply because it has an excellent reputation. It is wiser to look first at the overall characteristics and reputation of a university, and then at the faculty or discipline desired. To do this one must have access to quality data for each discipline.(D)Let us look at three ways we can now rank universities. Agovernment-appointed Quality Review Committee made the first ranking of universities in 1993. It divided the 35 universities in Australia into six quality bands based mainly on research and teaching outcomes. In the top band, only two universities were represented: one from NSW (the University of NSW) and the other from the ACT (the Australian National University).(E)Sydney and Wollongong universities were both in the second ranking.Wollongong was the only newer university to make such a high grade.Macquarie and the University of Technology, Sydney, were in band four;Charles Sturt, Canberra, New England and Newcastle were in band five. In band six were the Australian Catholic University and the University of Western Sydney.(F)This ranking has drawn much criticism, since it was based on whatuniversities spent on research, and not on the quality of teaching. However, it should be stated that this was the first year of a continuing quality review. Next, the Quality Review Committee will assess the teaching record of universities.(G)T he Department of Education Employment and Training (DEET) haspublished 50 indicators of diversity and performance of Australian universities. This lists comparative data on everything from academic staff ratio and percentage of staff with PhDs, to expenditure on library grants.The document says it does not rank universities, and is designed to assist students to make informed comparisons. But the universities can be ranked by each measure using a key indicators of success –positive graduate outcomes – which combines the percentage of recent graduates in full-time work and / or full-time study.(H)Here, the University of Technology, Sydney, emerges as the leader in NSW,with 83.2% of its graduates in work and / or study, just behind the ANU with 83.5%. Sydney has 79.8%, Charles Sturt 75.5%, Wollongong 74.1%, Macquarie 73.2%, UNSW 73.1%, Newcastle 72.5%, New England / Southern Cross 72%, and Western Sydney 69.7%.(I)Professor Gannicort, a Professor of Education at Wollongong University,has developed his own “performance table”, ranking Australian universities using some of the DEET data –including the number of government research grants and grants from industry, as well as the number of recent graduates in full-time work or study. This time the University of Queensland tops the league. Sydney is third, UNSW fifth, ANU sixth, Macquarie 10th, Newcastle 15th, and all the other NSW universities well down in rankings. He says this show that the key factors which determine better university performance are what has always beensupposed: that is, high quality students, numerous well-qualified staff, and non-proliferation of courses.(J)Interestingly, Ms.Barbara Bell, the National Recruitment Manager for the Institute of Chartered Accountants, claims employers are not so much interested in the university as in the skills and all-round quality of graduates. Those graduates who lack communication skills, for example, are at a big disadvantage. Ms. Bell quotes a recent survey that found a quarter of employers of graduates chose not to rank universities “because they said there was no correlation between the university and performance”.(K)Dr. Michael Dack, Public Affairs Director of the Institution of Engineers, has commented that the prestige of a university does not count. The smaller universities are tailoring courses and products to the marketplace better than the large universities. They are trying harder to produce graduates who are acceptable to industry and employers. Traditional universities are often more academic and less industry-linked. He argues strongly the case for more broadly educated graduates. For example, the trend in engineering was to produce graduates with a broader education, communication and financial skills, and knowledge of the environmental and political context. Engineers with other skills were able to weather times of economic recession much better.Questions 1-5The reading passage contains 11 paragraphs (A-K). Which paragraphs includes the information below?1.Advice regarding the best way to judge the worth of a particular facultywithin a university.2.The case for a non-traditional approach to choosing the best university andan example within a particular discipline.3.Negative comment on the Quality Review Committee’s first ranking ofuniversities.4.Ranking universities using three well-known key factors.5.A discussion of how it is possible to rank universities according to howlikely graduates are to achieve success after graduation.Questions 6-9Look at the following statements (Questions 6-9).Write YES if the statement agrees with information in the passage NO if the statement contradicts information in the passageNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage6.Prospective students should consider the reputation of the universitybefore choosing the faculty.7.The university ranking system by the Quality Review Committee waswell-received by students.8.The Quality Review Committee’s basis for determining the ranking wasthe quality of tuition.9.The Committee will next review the amount universities spend onresearch.Questions 10-12Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.10.The government-appointed Quality Review Committee rankedAustralia’s universities within __________________________________. 11.I n order to rank universities, some of the DEET data was used by ProfessorGannicort to produce a ________________________________________. 12.E mployers are unlikely to employ graduates who ___________________.PART3 WRITING(选用测试, 20 min.)You should spend 20 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 150 words.PART3 SPEAKING(选用测试, 5 min.)。
世界最佳大学和大学:100强 中英文对照
世界最佳大学和大学:100强中英文对照国家的整体分数哈佛大学2美国100.0耶鲁大学2美国99.83剑桥大学英国99.54牛津大学英国98.95技术(加州理工学院)美国加州理工学院美国98.66伦敦大学帝国学院英国98.47伦敦大学学院英国98.18芝加哥大学美国98.09美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的美国96.7哥伦比亚大学10美国96.3宾夕法尼亚大学11美国96.1普林斯顿大学12美国95.7杜克大学13美国94.413约翰霍普金斯大学美国94.415康乃尔大学美国94.316日澳洲国立大学澳大利亚92.0斯坦福大学17美国91.2密歇根大学18美国91.019东京大学日本90.020麦吉尔大学加拿大89.721卡耐基梅隆大学美国89.622伦敦大学国王学院英国89.5爱丁堡大学23英国89.324苏黎世(瑞士联邦技术研究所)瑞士89.1京都大学25日本87.4香港大学26日香港87.127布朗大学美国85.228 28高等师范学校,巴黎法国84.829日英国曼彻斯特大学英国84.430新加坡国立大学(新加坡国立大学)新加坡84.330加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)美国84.332布里斯托大学英国84.133西北大学美国83.334法国高等理工大学法国83.0不列颠哥伦比亚大学34加拿大83.036加州大学伯克利分校美国82.937悉尼大学澳大利亚82.438墨尔本大学澳大利亚82.339香港科技大学香港81.440纽约大学(纽约大学)美国81.3多伦多大学41加拿大81.142香港中文大学香港81.043昆士兰大学澳大利亚80.744大阪大学日本80.145新南威尔士大学澳大利亚79.846波士顿大学美国79.1莫纳什大学47澳大利亚78.748哥本哈根大学丹麦78.549都柏林三一学院爱尔兰78.2综合得分排名50法国高等洛桑联邦理工学院瑞士78.1北京大学50中国78.1汉城国立大学50南韩78.153阿姆斯特丹大学荷兰78.054达特茅斯学院美国77.855威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校美国77.7清华大学56中国77.057海德堡Universität德国76.958加州大学圣地亚哥分校美国76.359华盛顿大学美国75.860圣路易斯华盛顿大学美国75.7东京工业大学61日本75.362埃默里大学美国75.0乌普萨拉大学63瑞典74.964莱顿大学荷兰74.8奥克兰大学的65新西兰74.566伦敦政治经济学院学校英国74.2乌得勒支大学67荷兰74.0日内瓦大学68瑞士73.9英国华威大学69英国73.870德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校71伊利诺伊大学美国73.272鲁汶天主教大学比利时73.1格拉斯哥大学73英国73.074阿尔伯塔大学加拿大72.975伯明翰大学英国72.3学术同行评议分数76谢菲尔德大学英国72.2南洋理工大学77新加坡72.178代尔夫特理工大学荷兰71.8莱斯大学78美国71.878慕尼黑工业大学德国71.881奥胡斯大学丹麦71.581约克大学英国71.5乔治亚理工学院83 美国71.383西澳大利亚大学澳大利亚71.383圣安德鲁斯大学英国71.3诺丁汉大学86英国71.087美国明尼苏达大学美国70.288隆德大学瑞典70.089加州大学戴维斯分校美国69.9凯斯西保留地大学90美国69.891蒙特利尔大学加拿大69.691赫尔辛基大学芬兰69.6耶路撒冷希伯来大学93以色列69.593路德维希-马克西米利安,慕尼黑大学德国69.595韩国科学技术院- 韩国高等科学技术研究院南韩69.396美国弗吉尼亚大学美国69.2匹兹堡大学97美国69.198加州大学圣巴巴拉分校美国68.899普渡大学美国68.699南安普敦大学英国68.61 Harvard UniversityUnited States 100.02 Yale UniversityUnited States 99.83 University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom 99.54 University of OxfordUnited Kingdom 98.95 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States 98.66 Imperial College LondonUnited Kingdom 98.47 University College LondonUnited Kingdom 98.18 University of ChicagoUnited States 98.09 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States 96.710 Columbia UniversityUnited States 96.311 University of PennsylvaniaUnited States 96.112 Princeton UniversityUnited States 95.713 Duke UniversityUnited States 94.413 Johns Hopkins UniversityUnited States 94.415 Cornell UniversityUnited States 94.316 Australian National UniversityAustralia 92.017 Stanford UniversityUnited States 91.218 University of MichiganUnited States 91.019 University of TokyoJapan 90.020 McGill UniversityCanada 89.7United States 89.622 King‘s College LondonUnited Kingdom 89.523 University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom 89.324 ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Switzerland 89.125 Kyoto UniversityJapan 87.426 University of Hong KongHong Kong 87.127 Brown UniversityUnited States 85.228 École Normale Supérieure, ParisFrance 84.829 University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom 84.430 National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore 84.330 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) United States 84.332 University of BristolUnited Kingdom 84.1United States 83.334 École PolytechniqueFrance 83.034 University of British ColumbiaCanada 83.036 University of California, BerkeleyUnited States 82.937 The University of SydneyAustralia 82.438 The University of MelbourneAustralia 82.339 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Hong Kong 81.440 New York University (NYU)United States 81.341 University of TorontoCanada 81.142 The Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong 81.043 University of QueenslandAustralia 80.744 Osaka UniversityJapan 80.145 University of New South Wales Australia 79.846 Boston UniversityUnited States 79.147 Monash UniversityAustralia 78.748 University of CopenhagenDenmark 78.549 Trinity College DublinIreland 78.2Rank Overall Score50 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland 78.150 Peking UniversityChina 78.150 Seoul National UniversityKorea, South 78.153 University of AmsterdamNetherlands 78.054 Dartmouth CollegeUnited States 77.855 University of Wisconsin-MadisonUnited States 77.756 Tsinghua UniversityChina 77.057 Heidelberg UniversitätGermany 76.958 University of California, San DiegoUnited States 76.359 University of WashingtonUnited States 75.860 Washington University in St. LouisUnited States 75.761 Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan 75.362 Emory UniversityUnited States 75.063 Uppsala UniversitySweden 74.964 Leiden UniversityNetherlands 74.865 The University of AucklandNew Zealand 74.566 London School of Economics and Political Science United Kingdom 74.267 Utrecht UniversityNetherlands 74.068 University of GenevaSwitzerland 73.9United Kingdom 73.870 University of Texas at Austin71 University of IllinoisUnited States 73.272 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Belgium 73.173 University of GlasgowUnited Kingdom 73.074 University of AlbertaCanada 72.975 University of Birmingham United Kingdom 72.3Academic Peer Review Score76 University of SheffieldUnited Kingdom 72.277 Nanyang Technological University Singapore 72.178 Delft University of Technology Netherlands 71.878 Rice UniversityUnited States 71.878 Technische Universität München Germany 71.8Denmark 71.581 University of YorkUnited Kingdom 71.583 Georgia Institute of Technology United States 71.383 The University of Western Australia Australia 71.383 University of St AndrewsUnited Kingdom 71.386 University of NottinghamUnited Kingdom 71.087 University of MinnesotaUnited States 70.288 Lund UniversitySweden 70.089 University of California, Davis United States 69.990 Case Western Reserve University United States 69.891 Université de MontréalCanada 69.691 University of HelsinkiFinland 69.693 Hebrew University of JerusalemIsrael 69.593 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität MünchenGermany 69.595 Kaist - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Korea, South 69.396 University of VirginiaUnited States 69.297 University of PittsburghUnited States 69.198 University of California, Santa BarbaraUnited States 68.899 Purdue UniversityUnited States 68.6100 University of SouthamptonUnited Kingdom 68.6。
UQ InternationalUQ International AdmissionsCRICOS Provider Code: 00025B Request for conditionalConfirmation of Enrolment (CoE) ReleaseTo be completed by the student onlyThis form should only be completed if your final academic results and award will not be released by your academic institution at least twelve weeks prior to the commencement of the semester of entry to UQ. The conditional COE is intended for students who are confident they will comfortably meet or exceed The University of Queensland’s entry requirements. If you are not confident that you will receive your final award, or you are concerned your final results will not meet or exceed the University’s entry requirements do not complete this form.You are required to your agent prior to departure, final transcripts confirming that you havemaintained the requisite cumulative grade point average.2.a certified copy of your official Award Certificate, to International AdmissionsSection at The University of Queensland by 15 September in the year of entry.Please understand that your offer will be withdrawn if you do not meet the entry requirements of your program on presentation of your final transcripts and award. This will result in your CoE being cancelled. Please be aware this will have financial implications if you have paid for flights and/or arrived in Australia.I______________________________________, request UQ to issue my Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) so that I may apply for my student visa. I understand that I have not yet met the University’s entry requirements and that I must submit my final official academic transcripts (prior to departure) and award certificate by Census date. Furthermore, I understand that if my results do not meet the entry requirements as stated in my Conditional Letter of Offer, then the offer will be withdrawn and my student visa will be cancelled. The University will refund my tuition fees and OSHC in accordance with The University of Queensland Refund Policy, but will not responsible for any other expenses incurred.Signed DatePrinted Name UQ ID NumberReturn this completed form with your acceptance documents to your agent or directly to:The ManagerInternational Admissions SectionThe University of QueenslandBrisbane QLD 4072AustraliaFax: +61 7 3365 1794。
澳大利亚名校英文介绍Australia is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities, known for their academic excellence, cutting-edge research, and vibrant campus life. In this document, I will introduce some of the top universities in Australia that are renowned for their academic reputation and global impact.One of the most well-known universities in Australia is the University of Melbourne, consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the world. Founded in 1853, the University of Melbourne offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including arts, sciences, engineering, and business. The university is known for its research excellence and innovative teaching methods, attracting students from all over the world.Another leading institution in Australia is the Australian National University (ANU) located in Canberra,the capital city of Australia. Established in 1946, ANU is renowned for its strong emphasis on research and its commitment to academic excellence. The university offers a diverse range of programs in fields such as politics, economics, law, and environmental studies, attracting top scholars and researchers from around the globe.The University of Sydney is another prestigious institution in Australia with a rich history dating back to 1850. Located in the vibrant city of Sydney, the university is known for its world-class facilities, cutting-edge research, and diverse student population. The University of Sydney offers a wide range of programs in areas such as medicine, engineering, architecture, and humanities, preparing students for successful careers in their chosen fields.Monash University, located in Melbourne, is another top university in Australia known for its innovative research and strong industry connections. With a focus on practical learning and real-world experience, Monash Universityoffers a range of programs in areas such as business, health sciences, technology, and arts. The university's commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship has made it a popular choice for students seeking a dynamic and forward-thinking education.The University of Queensland, located in Brisbane, is renowned for its world-class research and academic excellence. Established in 1909, the university offers a wide range of programs in areas such as science, engineering, agriculture, and humanities. The University of Queensland is known for its strong industry partnerships and commitment to sustainability, preparing students to make a positive impact on the world.In conclusion, Australia is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities, offering a diverse range of programs, cutting-edge research, and vibrant campus life. Whether you are interested in arts, sciences, business, or technology, there is a university in Australia that will meet your academic and career goals. With a strong emphasison innovation, research, and global engagement, Australian universities continue to attract students from around the world seeking a high-quality education and a truly unforgettable experience.。
首先关于排名,英国学生也看TIMES排名,QS WORLD RANKING是广泛被认可的世界排名。
第二,学校声望大部分源自于学校的历史,尽量选择历史悠久的学校,至少RED BRICK这个级别或之前的才能被称为有历史的名校,例如1960之前成立的。
原因:1960之后有一波学校成立高峰期,但是现在大部分有教授头衔的上大学的时候这些学校还没成立呢;1992之后英国特许了很多类似大专的学校成为UNIVERSITY,这些学校基本上都在TIMES 50名之后。
顺便说一下,QS WORLD RANKING比较在乎学校历史。
所以,以下是推荐的一些择校方法:第一选择:Russell Group 可以简单理解为英国985罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)成立于1994年,由英国一流的研究型大学组成,包含有24所大学。
牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称“牛津(Oxford)”,位于英国牛津,是一所誉满世界的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制,与剑桥大学并称“牛剑”,并且与剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院同属“G5超级精英大学”。
At a glanceOxford was ranked first in the world in the Times Higher Education (THE)World University Rankings 202X-202X.There are over 23,000 students at Oxford, including 11,728 undergraduatesand 10,941 postgraduates.Oxford is very competitive: around 18,300 people applied for around 3,200undergraduate places for entry in 2015. That means that Oxford receives, onaverage, around five applications for each available place.The majority of Oxford’s UK undergraduates come from state schools. Thelatest figures show that, of places offered to British students attendingschools or colleges in the UK, 59.2% of undergraduate places went to studentsfrom the state sector.Oxford offers more than 300 different graduate degree programmes. 5% of allthe UK’s graduate research students are studying at Oxford University.42% of our total student body - almost 9,900 students - are citizens offoreign countries. Students come to Oxford from over 140 countries andterritories.According to the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, the official UK-wideassessment of all university research, Oxford has thelargest volume ofworld-leading research in the country.The University, including the colleges and Oxford University Press, is thelargest employer in Oxfordshire, supporting around 17,000 jobs and injectingmore than £750 million annually into the regional economy.牛津大学的简介牛津大学在202X-202X年《泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名》中排名第一位。
(三)、递进论证 模板:To begin with → In the second place → Lastly Sample 1:科学研究应由政府还是私人机构开展 范文 1: There are many reasons for entrusting scientific research to the governments rather than private companies. [支持 1]To begin with, many large-scale and long-term research projects require substantial funding that only national governments can afford. [支持 2]In the second place, first-rate scientists who enjoy international reputation are largely concentrated in government-sponsored research institutions. [ 支 持 3]Lastly, since most private companies are profit-orientated, the findings and conclusions from their research are more likely to be skewed or biased and even represent the interests of a small group. 剖析: 支持 1:大型、长期的研究项目需要大量的资金,通常只有政府有这样的财力; 支持 2:一流科学家大量集中在由政府资助的研究机构中; 支持 3:私人机构大都以利益为导向,故而得出的结果可能是歪曲或带有偏见的,甚至代表 某些小团体的利益。 注意: 不要用 Last but not least,否则引起考官反感,直接用 Lastly 即可! 句型:(适用说明缺点)
Spolsky(2004): 真正意义 上的语言政策更有可能是存 在于一个言语社区中的个人 或团体的语言实践中,或者 存在于这些个人和团体对语 言的信念或意识中;它可能 是对一个特殊的语音、一种 表达方式、或是对某一种语 言的选择;做出这种选择可 能是某个人或者社会中某个 被授权或未被授权的团体; 这些选择可能会被某授权团 体以正式的语言规划的方式 使其形成明确的规定。
• 本文重点介绍语言政策与 规划领域中语言规划目标 的理论构架以及有关参与 语言规划过程的规划者的 研究,并辅以介绍有关中 国英语教师在语言教育政 策与规划中作用的一个案 研究结果。
Language Planning
Language planning, which has been variously defined by scholars in their literature (See, e.g., Cooper, 1989; Liu, 2006), is broadly perceived as the organized activity to study language issues for solving language problems. (For various definitions, see e.g., Cooper, 1989; Liu, 2006.)
Language Planning and Language Policy: Goals and Actors – An Overview
语言政策与规划 — 目标与参与者综述
Li Minglin and Richard B. Baldauf Jr. University of Queensland, Australia
5th International Conference on ELT in China and the 1st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, May 16th-21st, 2007 in Beijing
有什么教的比较好的英语作文网课Title: Best Online English Writing CoursesIn the age of technology, online learning has become increasingly popular and convenient. For those looking to improve their English writing skills, there are many online courses available that provide high-quality instruction. In this article, we will explore some of the best online English writing courses that can help you become a better writer.1. Coursera: Coursera offers a wide range of online courses, including several focused on English writing. "English for Career Development" is a popular course that helps students improve their writing skills for business and professional purposes. The course covers topics such as business emails, reports, and presentations.2. Udemy: Udemy is another popular platform for online courses, and there are many options for English writing courses. "Write Better Emails: Tactics for Smarter Writing" is a highly rated course that teaches students how to write effective and professional emails. Other courses on Udemy cover topics such as academic writing, creative writing, and grammar.3. Skillshare: Skillshare is a platform that offers a variety of creative courses, including many focused on writing. "Creative Writing for All: A 10-Day Journaling Challenge" is a popular course that helps students unleash their creativity and improve their writing skills through daily journaling prompts.4. edX: edX is a platform that offers courses from top universities around the world. "English Grammar and Style" is a course from the University of Queensland that helps students improve their grammar and writing style. The course covers topics such as sentence structure, punctuation, and editing.5. MasterClass: MasterClass is a platform that offers courses taught by famous and successful instructors. "Neil Gaiman Teaches the Art of Storytelling" is a course that can help aspiring writers learn how to craft compelling and engaging stories. While not specifically focused on English writing, this course can help students improve their storytelling skills.In conclusion, there are many online English writing courses available that can help you become a better writer. Whether you are looking to improve your business writing skills, academic writing skills, or creative writing skills, there is a course out there for you. Consider trying one of the courses mentioned above to take your writing to the next level.。
牛津大学llm要求Oxford沒有LLM,类似的法学研究生课程有两种,第一种是BCL(Bachelor of Civil Law供大陆法本科毕业生读进阶或者common law学生想学大陆法)和MJur (Magister Juris供common law本科毕业生修读进阶,或者大陆法学生想学common law)。
申请信息成绩要求MLF要求1等学位或者2:1荣誉学位,或者本身已经有了法学硕士学位或已经完成法学PGD课程的学生去申请,有相关工作经验也会参考;Master of Taxation 接受本科专业是经济学,会计,法学的学生申请,如果是其他专业的学生,建议有相关专业证书或者工作经验。
牛津大学法学院专业介绍牛津大学法学院共有7个Postgraduate Taught,分别是Bachelor of Civil Law(BCL)、Magister Juris (MJur)、MSc in Law and Finance、Mac in Criminology and Criminal Justice、MSc in Taxation、Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law and Practice和MSt in International Human Rights Law。
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Academic Performance of International Students in Electrical Engineering at the University of QueenslandBrian C. Lovell, Program Director EESchool of Information Technology and Electrical EngineeringThe University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 4072lovell@.auAbstract: In this paper we study the academic performance of the largecohort of international students enrolled in the Bachelor of Engineering(Electrical) program at the University of Queensland. The need for thisstudy arises from the extremely rapid internationalisation of the ElectricalEngineering program over the past five years and the possibleconsequences of this growth on graduate quality. We conclude that theinternational students perform as well as, if not better than, domesticstudents. Thus international student quality does not appear to representa major limiting factor when examining limits to program growth.Keywords: international, Singapore, electrical engineering, performanceAim of this StudyThe aim is to compare the academic performance of international students enrolled in the Bachelor of Engineering (electrical) program at the University of Queensland (UQ) to domestic students mainly recruited from the South-East Queensland region. Electrical engineering (EE) has experienced strong growth in international students over the past 5 years. For this reason, it is timely to review the performance of the international students to ensure that the quality of the Electrical Engineering program is not being degraded as a result of the rapid international growth. We need to address the following questions:1.Are international students comparable in quality to the domestic students?2.Are particular overseas institutions providing higher quality students than theaverage?3.Can UQ continue to grow international fee income from the EE programwithout damaging the reputation of Electrical Engineering?BackgroundEngineering at UQ had a cutoff Overall Performance (OP) Score of 8 (equivalent to TER 85) [ QTAC (2003)] in January 2002 and a median OP of 3 (TER 97). These scores mean that the academic standard of student enrolling in engineering programs is among the highest of any major program at UQ and indeed the State of Queensland. Many of the better engineering students select EE after year 1. Moreover EE is the most popular single degree representing about 25% of the graduating engineers in 2001 — about half of these EE graduates are currently international students.Figure 1 Engineering Graduates by Plan (2001)EE Program GrowthElectrical Engineering has experienced very rapid growth over the last five years as shown in Figure 2 — indeed the graduating numbers have more than doubled. As the number of domestic students is controlled by university quota which is controlled, in turn, by government funding, the growth has largely been in the number of international fee paying students. Nevertheless, overall growth has been additionally boosted by modest domestic increases despite the qu ota barrier. Due to the engineering quota, higher domestic demand for engineering has resulted in a rise in the OP cutoff rather than an increase in domestic numbers over the years.Figure 2 Growth in EE Graduates over last 5 yearsElectrical Engineering was the number 1 program at UQ for generating full-fee income from international students in 2002. In the same year, EE overtook traditional high full-fee revenue business programs, such as commerce and business administration, for the first time.Figure 3 Comparison of Top 10 International Tuition Fee Earning Programs at UQ Asian International MarketsPrimarily the growth in international students within the EE program is driven by the growth in the Singapore market. Although key academic staff have been encouraging market diversity through regular visits to Hong Kong, India, and China, Singapore is still the dominant market. The majority of these students have a polytechnic diploma and upgrade to a UQ engineering degree with our two-year diploma to degree program. The diploma to degree program is a well-integrated subset of courses from years 2, 3, and 4 of the standard 4-year EE degree schedule. The international students enrol in exactly the same classes as domestic students and compete on an equal basis for marks over the final two years of the course. Apart from a special orientation program at the beginning of study, absolutely no concessions are made for international students as a matter of UQ and School policy.Singapore polytechnic diplomas in electronics, communications, and electrical engineering and related areas are suitable for the diploma to degree program. Students are currently granted two years credit, if their diploma GPA is above 4.5: New EE CurriculumThe new EE curriculum at UQ started roll-out in 1997 and is based on the Carnegie-Mellon University model of engineering education as described by Director, Khosla, Rohrer, and Rutenbar (1995). After five years of experience with this model, we endorse the authors’ conclusions expressed as follows:“We believe the real impact in engineering education will be made only bylooking at the curriculum as a whole, in the context of present technological and societal needs, and not just by constant repolishing of aging courses. There are advantages to be found in taking a fresh, unfettered look at the undergraduate curriculum."The resulting curriculum at UQ has a significant similarity to that developed at CMU, but retains a strong flavour of the activities and interests of our local engineering environment. The key ideas of the new engineering curriculum are:•Engineering courses begin in the first year, concurrent with mathematics, science, and an exposure to other engineering disciplines. The core ofrequired "essential" engineering classes is small.•Area requirements across a spectrum of relevant, topical engineering areas replace most specific course requirements.•Breadth, depth and coverage are m andated across this spectrum of technical areas, but individual courses are not prescribed; students flexibly choose from among available topic areas.•Nearly three quarters of a year of the curriculum may be completely unconstrained.• A proportion of the "essential" engineering classes is allocated to the development and practice of team, management, and communications skills.Results and MethodologyDomestic and International Students were compared on the basis of mean cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and the distribution of grades over their final years of study for all year 3 and 4 students currently enrolled in EE in semester 2, 2002.Category Mean CGPADomestic 5.10International 5.26Poly 1 5.28Poly 2 5.25Poly 3 5.11Poly 45.33Figure 4 Comparison of Mean CGPAFigure 5 Comparison of CGPA Grade Distributions OverallFigure 5 Overall Contribution to GradesFigure 7 Comparison of Grade Distributions by InstitutionDiscussionThe comparison of means shows that the average international student is performing as well as, if not better than, domestic students. Considering the high standard of the domestic student entering engineering compared to the UQ average, this is a surprising and pleasing result.Some academic staff have commented that there are few really bright international students and that many are just getting bare passes in our courses. They argue that the School should therefore actively reduce the number of international students to boost graduate quality. Clearly, the analysis just does not support this view and shows that international students from Singapore are indeed well represented among our top engineering graduates. The spread of performance of international students is less than for domestic students, but they are well represented both above and below the mean CGPA.UQ appears to attract a similar standard of student from all four Singapore polytechnics, so there is a good case for treating the poly diplomas from each institution equally as is the current practice. Note that the uneven distribution of grades for some polytechnic is most likely explained by the smaller numbers of students from these institutions.Conclusions•The performance of international students in this study is as good as, if not better than, domestic students.•International students are well-represented among top UQ graduates, so internationalisation does not necessarily lead to a drop in academic standardsas has been reported elsewhere in the Australian university system.•The four Singapore polytechnics produce graduates of similar standard.•The current cut-off GPA of 4.5 for granting two years advanced standing to Singapore polytechnic diploma holders is probably set at about the right value — If anything, it is slightly high. This cutoff yields students with academicperformance similar to domestic students.•Despite the academic quality of the international students in this study, there are other limits to growth of the EE degree program including space, staffing, and dilution of the engineering culture.o Building accommodation is tight and EE staff are now spread across 6 separate buildings due to office and laboratory space shortages. Somemodest refurbishments are underway but the proposals provide verylittle additional space.o For various reasons, the Electrical Engineering program has been unable to hire engineering staff at a rate comparable to student bodygrowth.o Engineering culture is hard to define, but it is factor in choosing our institution and distinguishes our Alumni from graduates of otheruniversities. Anecdotal evidence suggests that once internationalstudents approach 50% of the graduating cohort, it is very difficult tomaintain a cohesive culture and give a proper Australian universityexperience.ReferencesQTAC (2003) [Online] .au/what_you_need/cutoffs_web.pdf, last visited 7/4/2003 Director, S.W, Khosla, P.K.; Rohrer, R.A.; Rutenbar, R.A.(1995), “Reengineering the curriculum: design and analysis of a new undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering degree at Carnegie Mellon University,”Proceedings of the IEEE , Volume: 83Issue: 9, Sept. 1995,Page(s): 1246-1269CopyrightCopyright © 2003 Brian C. Lovell: The author assign to AAE E and educational non-profit institutions a non-exclusive licence to use this document for personal use and in courses of instruction provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced. The authors also grant a non-exclusive licence to AAEE to publish this document in full on the World Wide Web (prime sites and mirrors) on CD-ROM and in printed form within the AAE E 2003 conference proceedings. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the authors.。