Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2006 Computer algebra and geometry – some
1、UAL:London College of Fashion 伦敦时装学院
2、University of Southampton南安普顿大学
3、University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学
4、University of Leeds利兹大学
5、Kingston University London 金斯顿大学
6、The University of Westminster威斯敏斯特大
7、Birmingham City University伯明翰城市大学
8、Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学
9、lstituto Marangoni the school of fashion,art and design马兰戈尼学院伦敦校区
5、King's College London伦敦国王学院
6、University of Warwick华威大学
7、Edinburgh College of Art(ECA)爱丁堡艺术学院
8、Kingston University,London金斯顿大学
9、University of Bristol布里斯托大学
Design Innovation and Interaction Design(MDes)
Serious Games and Virtual Reality(Bsc/MSc)
9、Westminster University威斯敏斯特大学
10、Brunel University布鲁内尔大学
二、荷英科研管理组织的主要类型及其新变化(一)荷兰国家科研管理机构及其性质与职能1.荷兰国家科学研究组织(Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research,缩写NWO)NWO成立于1988年,是荷兰基础与战略科学研究的中心,是独立的国家机构。
世界美术学院排名附权威大学排名相关专业榜单 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021世界美术学院排名怎样世界美术学院排名如何参考以下鑫泉留学为准备留学美术专业的小伙伴带来关于世界美术学院排名的相关信息介绍,希望能够对您提供一定的帮助。
至19世纪后期,巴黎美术学院的学院派建筑思想和方法开始受到全世界的关注,以巴黎美术学院为中心,形成了全球性辐射)?世界美术学院排名:2 列宾美术学院(俄罗斯)(全名是绘画、雕塑与建筑艺术研究学院,于1757年建校,与巴黎的中央美术学院一样是世界着名的四大美术学院之一,主要培养大师级的美术人才。
爱丁堡艺术学院Edinburgh College of Art(简称ECA)是一所位于苏格兰爱丁堡的艺术、设计、创意及表演艺术院校,为爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)超过2000名学生提供艺术与设计、建筑、艺术史和音乐学等高等教育。
爱丁堡艺术学院申请指南本科专业:建筑学-Architecture景观建筑-Landscape Architecture建筑史-Architectural History新媒体艺术-Intermedia Art油画-Painting摄影-Photography雕塑-Sculpture动画-Animation时尚-Fashion影视-Film and Television平面设计-Graphic Design插画-Illustration室内设计-Interior Design珠宝和银器-Jewellery and Silversmithing 戏服-Performance Costume产品设计-Product Design纺织品设计-Textiles语言要求:雅思:6.5分,听说读写各单项不低于5.5分托福(机考):92分,听说读写各单项不低于20分剑桥英语:176分,各部分不低于162分PTE:61,各部分不低于51申请材料:1.高中毕业证中英文件2.高中成绩单中英文件3.信用卡信息,用来支付学校申请费4.护照首页扫描件5.雅思/托福/PTE/成绩单扫描件6.作品集作品集要求:作品集格式:建议电子版PDF格式;作品集大小:建议A4;三维作品如模型、雕塑需要拍成高质量的照片;确保原创,如果有引用需要做引用说明;作品集的表现媒介:铅笔、钢笔、水彩、油画、摄影、软件、模型、雕塑等研究生专业:建筑学Architecture-MArch景观建筑Landscape Architecture-MLA可持续设计Advanced Sustainable Design-MSc建筑与城市设计Architectural&Urban Design-MSc 艺术空间与自然Art,Space&Nature-MFA/MA城市规划与设计Urban Strategies&Design-MSc 艺术-Art MPhil艺术-Art PhD当代艺术实践-Contemporary Art Practice MA/MFA 当代艺术理论-Contemporary Art Theory MA材料实践-Material Practice MSC动画-Animation MA/MFA PhD设计学-Design MPhil/PhD信息设计-Design Informatics MFA,MA时尚设计-Fashion MFA电影导演-Film Directing MFA MA玻璃-Glass MFA MA平面设计-Graphic Design MFA MA插画-Illustration MFA MA室内设计-Interior Design MA珠宝-Jewellery MFA戏服设计-Performance Costume MFA/MA产品设计-Product Design MFA/MA纺织品设计-Textiles MFA/MA语言要求:雅思要求:6.5分,听说读写各单项不低于5,5分。
动画、艺术与设计学院(School of Animation, Arts and Design)位于谢里丹学院的Trafalgar Road校区,谢里丹的动画与新兴技术中心(the Sheridan for Animation and Emerging)也坐落在这里。
早在1967年,几位著名的动画制作师在谢里丹创办了传统动画专业,其中的创始人之一是迪斯尼动画大师Bill Mathews。
谢里丹的计算机动画专业则创办于1979年,是北美最早的计算机动画专业,但谢里丹的主要竞争对手还是美国顶尖的动画学校,如加州艺术学院(California Institute for the Arts),以及北卡罗来纳的The School of Communication Arts。
The Royal Academy of Art (KABK)学校介绍及申请条件
The Royal Academy of Art (KABK)学校介绍及申请条件The Royal Academy of Art (KABK),中文名称:皇家美术学院(荷兰语Koninklijke Acdemie van Beeldende Kunsten)位于荷兰南荷兰省海牙市,是一所以培养高级艺术人才为宗旨的高等院校。
RCA是伦敦皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art)的简称。
[关键词]神经科学;人文学;大脑;意识;自由意志Notes on Some Fundamental Questions in the Humanities Basedon Progresses in Brain ResearchBao Aimin1 Luo Jianhong1 Dick F.Swaab2(1.School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; herlandsInstitute for Neuroscience, an Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts andSciences, Meibergdreef 47, 1105 BA Amsterdam, The Netherlands)Abstract: The rapid and strong development of brain research in the recent decades necessitates a re thinking or re awaking of some classical questions in the humanities,which may have significant effects on our society.As neuroscientists we would like to share with our colleagues from the humanities our points of view concerning these questions.Our points presented in this paper concern three important issues: (i) essence of the human mind, (ii) consciousness and unconsciousness of the brain,and (iii) free will.Ad (i) Our fundamental point of view is that the classical body mind dualism has disappeared with the new development of neuroscience and should be replaced by a brain monism.The mind is the result of our 100 billion brain cells working together,and is thus a product of the brain.The mind is produced by the brain by action potentials,neurotransmitters and synaptic changes,resulting in changes in the activities of the brain cells,and interactions of the brain areas.The results of brain work areobjective since they are solely the consequences of the changes in transmitter release and activity of nerve cells in particular brain areas.There are also good neuroscientific explanations for the so called ″subjective″ properties of one s personality or character.It is the genetic background,early brain development,and remodeling of the brain caused by later developmental experiences playing together to make each brain unique.These mind differences can be explained on the basis of differences in brain structures and functions and they are purely objective.Ad (ii) Most of our brain work is unconscious and it can very well carry out complex tasks this way.Such unconscious processing of the brain is also one of its objective properties.In addition,the brain (= I) does have the unconscious wish ″to survive,″ which has developed during evolution and that during evolution the wish for food and reproduction are strongly coupled to our brain reward systems has proven to be an extremely efficient mechanism.These basic wishes are sublimated in the human being into products of work,science and art.Ad (iii) Scientific experiments have shown that our brain makes decisions before we are conscious of them.These observations seriously question whether we have any degree of free will.The unconscious will takes split second decisions on the basis of what is going on in our surroundings,a process that is importantly determined by the way our brains were formed during development and by what we have learned since then (=memories).That the feeling of ″free will″ is an illusion has gained support of many experimental data,although the final answer to this important question should come from future experiments.Our current knowledge of neurobiology shows that many inherited factors and environmental influences during early development affect the structure and functioning of our brains for the rest of our lives. This means that along with all kinds of potentials and talents,we have many built in limitations,including a given level of aggression,our gender identity and our sexual orientation,and a greater or lesser tendency to develop brain disorders such as ADHD,borderline personality disorder,depression or schizophrenia.Finally,we think that developments in neuroscience not only promote our penetration into the essence of human beings,but also significantly inspire the improvement in our social ethics and mechanism,as for example,in the case of how we should fairly and efficiently punish the offenders who have psychiatric disorders.Key words: neuroscience; humanities; brain; mind; free will科学的每一项进步都有可能帮助我们在认识人类自身的问题上取得关键性突破,脑科学在近几十年中突飞猛进的发展的确起到了这样的作用。
立思辰留学360介绍,Royal Academy of Art 英国皇家美术研究院,简称RA,坐落在伦敦市中心,自从 1768 年成立以来迄今已有 247年,不仅历史悠久而且人才辈出,为培育世界绘画、雕刻、建筑艺术英才做出了巨大贡献。
皇家美术研究院现任院长莫里斯考克利尔教授,在研究院办公室接受‘留学英国’专访时说,皇家美术研究院开设为期三年的研究生阶段的课程,并授予毕业学员“皇家研究院.研究生证书”(royal academy postgraduate diploma in fine arts),有意申请的国内外年轻艺术家,必须至少具备绘画、雕刻、数码印刷或摄影专业等领域的一等荣誉学士学位或者更高的研究生学位资格,并在国家级艺术展览或着国际艺术展会中获得过艺术奖项。
很多人不能区分Royal Academy of Arts 和 Royal College of Art。
在英国,有数个以皇家为Title 的学会、机构和组织。
Royal Society of Arts 英国皇家美术学会RSA;
Royal College of Art 英国皇家艺术学院RCA;
Royal Academy of Arts 英国皇家美术研究院RAA
萨凡纳艺术与设计学院萨凡纳艺术与设计学院Savannah College of Art and Design(SCAD),位于美国佐治亚州的萨凡纳市中心,是全美最大的艺术学院,也是全球最大的艺术大学之一。
《辛普森一家》(The Simpsons)创作者马特·格勒宁、著名设计师ALexandra Wang都是SCAD 座上宾。
加拿大四大独立艺术院校之一——艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学加拿大四大独立艺术院校之一艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学Emily Carr University of Art and Design建立于1925年,是世界上公认的在视觉艺术、影视艺术和设计方面具有创新和卓越风格的学府。
学校培养了一批优秀的艺术设计人才,著名的摄影师Krista Jahnke,BC 创造成就奖获得者Bracken HanuseCorlett等都毕业于此。
艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学Emily Carr University of Art and Design的纯艺术、摄影专业较为有名,教学方式风格多样,学校注重学生对艺术设计的概念、评论、文化、就业能力等的培养。
荷兰皇家生态研究院简称(NIOO-KNAW),英文全称为Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)。
三个研究课题不同的中心构成,三个研究中心分别位于Nieuwersluis,Heteren和Yerseke (CEME),研究领域包括空间生态学(Spatial ecology)、海洋生态学(marine ecology)、淡水生态学(freshwater ecology)、陆地生态学(terrestrial ecology)。
1837 年建校,世界最著名的艺术设计学院之一,也是唯一的只有研究生阶段的艺术设计学院1837 年创立,原名为 Government School of Design,位于 Somerset House,Strand1851 年大博览会第一届世博会后,改革并更名为 National Art Training School,移至现今的South Kensington南肯辛顿校区1896 年更名为皇家艺术学院1967 年获皇家特许状,拥有独立颁发学位权利提供MA,MPhil 和 PhD 三种学位,总学生数约 800,平均年龄 26,总约 100 多教职员工,全部为著名艺术家,设计师,作家。
学生除了英国外,来自约 35 个国家,混合的背景和天赋使得在学院的学习是一种独特的经历。
学院的中心有着一个强烈的信念:基于 Project 的教育,面对面地教授和专业的指南。
一个以这些途径鼓励毕业生“找到他们自己的声音”的信念2002 年 Higher Education Funding Council for England 所进行的 Research Assessment Exercise RAE ,RCA 在 Art and Design 得到了5 分满分在 1997-2001 的官方统计中,超过 92% 的学生毕业后在曾学习的专业或相关的领域工作公立艺术类London UK作品集难度:4.8雅思:6.5写作>6中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院英文名:Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design是英国一所著名的艺术与设计学院,属于伦敦艺术大学的一部分,是世界四大时装设计学院之一。
荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹英语Amsterdam, seaport and principal city of the western Netherlands, in North Holland Province, near The Hague(海牙). Amsterdam is the country's constitutional capital; the real seat of government, however, is in The Hague. Amsterdam is divided by more than 80 km of canals into about 90 islands joined by about 400 bridges.Amsterdam, chartered as a city in 1300, became a member of the Hanseatic League(汉萨同盟) in 1369. In the 17th century, after the successful conclusion of the Dutch wars for independence from Spain, Amsterdam became the chief commercial center of northern Europe. The city held this position until the late 18th century, when trade declined as a result of the silting(淤积;淤塞) of the Zuider Zee(须德海) and the British blockade before and during the Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815). In 1810 Napoleon incorporated the Netherlands into the French Empire. After his downfall(衰败,垮台) the Netherlands regained its independence and the seat of government was moved to The Hague. In the latter part of the 19th century, commercial activities revived with the opening of the North Sea and North Holland canals. During World War II (1939-1945), Amsterdam was occupied by the German army for five years. The people suffered great hardship and the port was badly damaged, but it has since been rebuilt and improved.Amsterdam is one of the most important commercial centersin Europe. The city is a major port linked to the North Sea and other European countries by a network of railways and canals, notably the North Sea Canal, which is navigable(适于航行的)by oceangoing(远洋航行的) vessels. Among leading industries in the city are shipbuilding, sugar refining, publishing, and the manufacture of heavy machinery, paper products, textiles and clothing, porcelain and glass, aircraft, automobiles, and chemicals. The city is also famous as a center for polishing and cutting diamonds and as the chief financial center of the Netherlands. A major European stock exchange is located in Amsterdam, as are the Bank of the Netherlands and several insurance firms.Amsterdam has been an important center of European cultural life since the 17th century. The city is the site of the National Academy of Art, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, and the University of Amsterdam (1632). Its Rijksmuseum(阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆) contains one of the largest collections of Dutch and Flemish paintings in the world, and its Stedelijk Museum(市立现代美术馆) has an extensive collection of modern works. The Van Gogh Museum(凡·高博物馆) includes about 800 works by 19th-century painter Vincent van Gogh(文森特· 凡高)in its collection. Amsterdam is also noted as the home of the renowned 17th-century painter Rembrandt(伦布兰特); his home is now a museum. The Concert-gebouw, completed in 1883, is the home of Amsterdam's renowned orchestra. The city has numerous examples of 16th- and 17th-century architecture, as well as two historic churches: Oude Kerk (Old Church), built about 1300, and Nieuwe Kerk (New Church), built in the 15th century. The royal palace, originally built in the 17th century as the town hall, stands on a large square in the center of the city.扩展:With or without you 等你LyricsWith or without you by U2See the stone set in your eyesSee the thorn twist in your sideI wait for youSleight1 of hand and twist of fateOn a bed of nails she makes me wait And I wait without youWith or without youWith or without youThrough the storm we reach the shore You give it all but I want moreAnd I'm waiting for youWith or without youWith or without youI can't liveWith or without youAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself awayMy hands are tiedMy body bruised2, she's got me with Nothing to win andNothing left to loseAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself away With or without youWith or without youI can't liveWith or without youWith or without youWith or without youI can't liveWith or without youWith or without you中文歌词等你 by U2看到你眼若冰霜看到你浑身带刺我在等你上天实在作弄人她就让我苦苦的等不论你是否在身旁我在等你我们在暴风雨中达到彼岸即使你献出所有我仍想得到更多我在等你不管你是否在身旁我会在这里等你我的生命中不能没有你你吐露了心声……我束茧自缚我遍体鳞伤她让我丧失了所有的筹码令我一无所有你吐露了心声……不管你是否在身旁我的生命中不能没有你不管你是否在身旁我的生命中不能没有你。
英国四大艺术大学最新介绍英国四大艺术大学 NO.1皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art英国皇家艺术学院成立于1837年,坐落于英国伦敦。
NO.2伦敦艺术大学University of the Arts London伦敦艺术大学由六所世界出名的艺术、设计、服装、影视表演、群众传媒和新闻出版学院组成,即坎伯韦尔艺术学院、中央圣马丁学院、切尔西艺术学院、伦敦服装学院、伦敦传媒学院、温布尔登艺术学院。
NO.3格拉斯哥艺术学院The Glasgow School of Art格拉斯哥艺术学院是英国久负盛名和最古老的苏格兰地区的艺术院校,艺术设计名列世界十强名校,也是现存为数不多的独立艺术院校之一,享誉欧洲。
英国艺术生留学院校推荐1.皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art申请难度:4.8;优势专业:工业设计、交互设计、摄影;院校地址:英国伦敦肯辛顿戈尔皇家艺术学院坐落在伦敦,皇家艺术学院的课程讲授者均为国际知名艺术家,从业者和理论家。
英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art不仅是创意的源泉,且极具特色。
许多从英国皇家艺术学院Royal College of Art毕业的学生已经对我们的日常生活产生了显著的影响,我们所穿的服装,参观的展览,驾驶的汽车以及购买的日用品,都有他们的设计作品。
2.中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design申请难度:4.7;优势专业:服装设计、配饰设计、室内设计、平面设计、插画;院校地址:英国伦敦伦敦国王十字格拉纳里广场一号格拉纳里大楼位于伦敦市中心的中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院 ( Central Saint Martins College ofArt and Design) 是英国著名的艺术与设计学院之一,属于伦敦艺术大学的一部分,也是世界四大时装设计学院之一。
Post-Doctoral FellowshipsAAACR Research Fellowships (American Association for Cancer Research)Academy Professorships Programme (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) Academy Research Fellow (Academy of Finland)ALSA Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association)ARC Federation Fellowships (Australian Research Council)ARC Professorial Fellowship (APF) (Australian Research Council)Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) Fellows ProgramArgonne National Laboratory Named Postdoctoral Fellowship ProgramASM Fellowships (American Society for Microbiology)Australian Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Australian Research Council)Australian Research Fellowship/Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship (Australian Research Council) Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Erwin Schrödinger FellowshipsAustrian Science Fund (FWF) Lise Meitner ProgramBBBSRC David Phillips Fellowships (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK)BBSRC International Fellowships (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK) BBSRC Professorial Fellowships (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK) Bluma Tischler Postdoctoral Fellowship (The University of British Columbia)British Academy Research Funding (UK)British Council Funding Programmes (UK)British Federation Crosby Hall Fellowship (International Federation of University Women)CCanadian Blood Services Postdoctoral Fellowship ProgramCanadian Diabetes Association ScholarshipsCancer Research Institute (CRI) Postdoctoral FellowshipsCassen Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award (Education and Research Foundation for the Society of Nuclear Medicine)The CERN Fellowship Program (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)CFUW/A Vibert Douglas International Fellowship (International Federation of University Women) Chandra Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, USA)CMS Postdoctoral Program (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, USA)CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)CNRS Centre National de la recherche scientifique (France)CoreGRID Fellowship Programme (European Union)CRM-ISM Postdoctoral Fellowships (Centre de recherches mathematiques, Canada)CSIRO Sir Frederick McMaster Fellowship (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization, Australia)CTCMS Resident Scholar and Postdoctoral Programs (The National Institute of Standards and Technology's, USA)Curie Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships (Curie Institute Research Division, France)DDAAD Visiting Professorships Programme (German Academic Exchange Service, Germany) Daland Fellowships in Clinical Investigation (American Philosophical Society, USA)Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Fellowship Award (USA)DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany)DISCCRS Symposia (Dissertations initiative for the advancement of Climate-Change Research, USA)EEllen Gleditsch Stipendiefond (International Federation of University Women, Norway)EMBO Long Term Fellowships (European Molecular Biology Organization)EMBO Short-Term Fellowship (European Molecular Biology Organization)EPSRC Fellowships (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK)ERCIM Fellowship Program (European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics) ESA Postdoctoral External Fellowship Program (European Space Agency)Brochure )ESRF Postdoctoral Fellowships (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)FFellowship Awards of the JCC Fund (Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research, USA)Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowships (European University Institute, Italy)Fields Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships (Fields Institute, Canada)Fight for Sight Postdoctoral Fellowship (Fight for Sight, USA)Firestone Fellowship (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA)FOM Postdoctoral Fellowships (Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter, The Netherlands)Fondation Erna Hamburger (Switzerland)GThe Grass Fellowships in Neuroscience (USA)HHarold C. 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Sloan Foundation, USA)Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Clay Fellowship (USA)Society in Science: The Branco Weiss Fellowship (ETHZ)South African Fellowship (International Federation of University Women)Stanley Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (Stanley Medical Research Institute, USA)Sturge-Weber Foundation Young Investigator Awards (USA)Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowships (Switzerland)TThe Royal Society Fellowships (UK)TSA Postdoctoral Fellowships (The Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc., USA)UUCL Scholarships and Funding (UK)UFAW Hume Animal Welfare Research Fellowship (Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, UK)UICC American Cancer Society International Fellowships For Beginning Investigators (ACSBI) (The International Union Against Cancer, Switzerland)UICC International Cancer Technology Transfer Fellowships (ICRETT) (The International Union Against Cancer, Switzerland)UICC Raisa Gorbachev Memorial fellowships (The International Union Against Cancer, Switzerland)UICC Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grants (The International Union Against Cancer, Switzerland)UNESCO - L'OREAL FellowshipsUniversity of Colorado Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowships and Visiting Scientist/Sabbatical Fellowships (The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)UW A Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (University of Western Australia)WWeizmann Institute of Science Postdoctoral Fellowships (Feinberg Graduate School, Israel) WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship Program (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA) Wolf Foundation Grants and ScholarshipsZonta International Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards (Advancing the Status of Women Worldwide)。
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Constructive Algebra and Systems TheoryB.Hanzon and M.Hazewinkel(Editors)Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,2006Computer algebra and geometry–some interactionsFranz Winkler1RISC-Linz,Johannes Kepler Universität BSTRACTAlgebraic curves and surfaces have been studied intensively in algebraic geometry for centuries.Thus, there exists a huge amount of theoretical knowledge about these geometric objects.Recently,algebraic curves and surfaces play an important and ever increasing rôle in computer aided geometric design, computer vision,computer aided manufacturing,coding theory,and cryptography,just to name a few application areas.Consequently,theoretical results need to be adapted to practical needs.We need efficient algorithms for generating,representing,manipulating,analyzing,rendering algebraic curves and surfaces.Exact computer algebraic methods can be employed effectively for dealing with these geometric problems.1.I N T R O D U C T I O NAlgebraic curves and surfaces have been studied intensively in algebraic geometry for centuries.Thus,there exists a huge amount of theoretical knowledge about these geometric objects.Recently,algebraic curves and surfaces play an important and ever increasing rôle in computer aided geometric design,computer vision, computer aided manufacturing,coding theory,and cryptography,just to name a few application areas.Consequently,theoretical results need to be adapted to practical needs.We need efficient algorithms for generating,representing,manipulating, analyzing,rendering algebraic curves and surfaces.Exact computer algebraic methods can be employed effectively for dealing with these geometric problems. So,for instance,we need to be able to factor over algebraically closedfields for 1The author wants to acknowledge support from the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaft-lichen Forschung under the project SFB F013/1304.128F .Winklerdetermining whether a curve or surface is irreducible,we need to solve systems of algebraic equations for analyzing the singular locus of such objects,and we need to control algebraic extensions in computing rational parametrizations.We describe some of the algorithms for computations with algebraic curves and surfaces which have been developed in the last few years.One interesting subproblem is the rational parametrization of curves and surfaces.Determining whether a curve or surface has a rational parametrization,and if so,computing such a parametrization,is a non-trivial task.But in the last few years there has been quite some progress in this area.Implicit representations (by defining polynomial)and parametric representations (by rational parametrization)both have their particular advantages and disadvan-tages.Given an implicit representation of a curve and a point in the plane,it is easy to check whether the point is on the curve.But it is hard to generate “good”points on the curve,i.e.for instance points with rational coordinates if the defining field is Q .This is easy for a curve given parametrically.So it is highly desirable to have efficient algorithms for changing from implicit to parametric representation,and vice versa.We have described such parametrization algorithms for curves in [19,20].So,for instance,the cardioid curve and also its offset curve are both rational curves;compare Fig.1(a).Recently,in [12],we have developed a completely algebraic algorithm for parametrizing pipe and canal surfaces,such as the pipe around Viviani’s temple,see Fig.1(b).Sometimes algebraic curves and surfaces need to be visualized.Numerical approximation algorithms tend to have problems finding all the isolated components of these objects and also tracing them through singularities.On the other hand,symbolic algebraic algorithms might spend a lot of computation time on non-critical parts of these objects.We describe a hybrid symbolic-numerical algorithm for visualizing algebraic curves.–2–1012y –1.2–1–0.8–0.6–0.4– 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.82x (a)(b)Figure 1.(a)Cardioid curve and offset;(b)Viviani pipe surface.Computer algebra and geometry–some interactions129 In the last section we mention some open problems in computational alge-braic geometry.These open problems concern the“best”integer coefficients of a parametrization,optimal parametrization of surfaces,determining rational points on elliptic curves,decomposition of rational functions over the reals,and symbolic-numerical plotting of surfaces.For a general background on computer algebra and on symbolic algebraic algorithms for algebraic curves and surfaces we refer to[25]and[11].2.P A R A M E T R I Z A T I O N O F A L G E B R A I C C U R V E SOne interesting problem in computational algebraic geometry is the rational para-metrization of curves and surfaces.Consider an affine plane algebraic curve C in A2(K)defined by the bivariate polynomial f(x,y)∈K[x,y](here we denote by K the algebraic closure of the groundfield K).I.e.C=(a,b)|(a,b)∈A2(K)and f(a,b)=0.Of course,we could also view this curve in the projective plane P2(K),defined by F(x,y,z),the homogenization of f(x,y).A pair of rational functions(x(t),y(t))∈K(t)2is a rational parametrization of the curve C,if and only if f(x(t),y(t))=0and x(t),y(t)are not both constant.Only irreducible curves,i.e.curves whose defining polynomial is ab-solutely irreducible,can have a rational parametrization.Almost any rational transformation of a rational parametrization is again a rational parametrization, so such parametrizations are not unique.An algebraic curve having a rational parametrization is called a rational curve.A rational parametrization is called proper iff the corresponding rational map from K to C is invertible,i.e.iff the affine line and the curve C are birationally equivalent.By Lüroth’s theorem,every rational curve has a proper parametrization.Implicit representations(by defining polynomial)and parametric representations (by rational parametrization)both have their particular advantages and disadvan-tages.Given an implicit representation of a curve and a point in the plane,it is easy to check whether the point is on the curve.But it is hard to generate“good”points on the curve,i.e.for instance points with rational coordinates if the defining field is Q.On the other hand,generating good points is easy for a curve given parametrically,but deciding whether a point is on the curve requires the solution of a system of algebraic equations.So it is highly desirable to have efficient algorithms for changing from implicit to parametric representation,and vice versa. Example2.1.The curve defined in the affine or projective plane over C by the defining equation f(x,y)=y2−x3−x2=0is rationally parametrizable,andactually a parametrization is x(t)=t2−1,y(t)=t(t2−1).On the other hand,the elliptic curve defined by f(x,y)=y2−x3+x=0does not have a rational parametrization.130F.WinklerThe tacnode curve defined by f(x,y)=2x4−3x2y+y4−2y3+y2=0has the parametrizationx(t)=t3−6t2+9t−22t,y(t)=t2−4t+42t.The criterion for parametrizability of a curve is its genus.Only curves of genus0, i.e.curves having as many singularities as their degree permits,have a rational parametrization.A symbolic algebraic algorithm for rational parametrization of curves of genus 0has been developed in[18–20].Let us demonstrate the algorithm on a simple example.Example2.2.Let C be the curve in the complex plane defined byf(x,y)=x2+4y+y22−16x2+y2=0.The curve C has the following rational parametrization:x(t)=−32·−1024i+128t−144it2−22t3+it4 2304−3072it−736t2−192it3+9t4,y(t)=−40·1024−256it−80t2+16it3+t4 2304−3072it−736t.C has infinitely many real points.But generating any one of these real points from the above parametrization is not obvious.Does this real curve C also have a parametrization over R?Indeed it does,let’s see how we can get one.In the projective plane over C,C has3double points,namely(0:0:1)and (1:±i:0).Let H be the linear system of conics passing through all these double points. H is called the system of adjoint curves of degree2.The system H has dimension2and is defined byh(x,y,z,s,t)=x2+sxz+y2+tyz=0.I.e.for any particular values of s and t we get a conic in H.3elements of this linear system define a birational transformationT=h(x,y,z,0,1):h(x,y,z,1,0):h(x,y,z,1,1)=x2+y2+yz:x2+xz+y2:x2+xz+y2+yzwhich transforms C to the conic D defined by15x2+7y2+6xy−38x−14y+23=0.For a conic defined over Q we can decide whether it has a point over Q or R.In particular,we determine the point(1,8/7)on D,which,by T−1,corresponds toComputer algebra and geometry–some interactions131the regular point P=(0,−8)on C.Now,by restricting H to conics through P and intersecting H with C(for details see[19]),we get the parametrizationx(t)=−1024t3256t4+32t2+1,y(t)=−2048t4+128t2256t4+32t2+1over the reals.An alternative parametrization approach can be found in[23].In any case,computing such a parametrization essentially requires the solution of two major problems:(1)a full analysis of singularities and determination of genus and adjoint curves(either by successive blow-ups,or by Puiseux expansion)and(2)the determination of a regular point on the curve.The fastest known method for(1)has been presented in[22].If f(x,y)∈Q[x,y] is the defining polynomial for the curve under consideration,then the problem can be solved in time O(d5),where d is the degree of f.Let us discuss the treatment of problem(2).We can control the quality of the resulting parametrization by controlling thefield over which we choose this regular point.Thus,finding a regular curve point over a minimalfield extension on a curve of genus0is one of the central problems in rational parametrization.The treatment of this problem goes back to[7].Its importance for the parametrization problem has been described in[8].A rationally parametrizable curve always has infinitely many regular points over the algebraic closure K of the groundfield K.Every one of these regular points is contained in an algebraic extensionfield of K of certainfinite degree.The coordinates of the regular point determine directly the algebraic extension degree over K which is required for determining a parametrization based on this regular point.So the central issue is tofind a regular point on the curve C of as low an algebraic extension degree as possible.Example2.3.Let us once more consider the tacnode curve C of Example2.1, defined byf(x,y)=2x4−3x2y+y4−2y3+y2=0.According to the approach described in Example2.2we need a regular point on the curve.We might determine such a point by intersecting C with a line.Such intersecting lines are shown in Fig.2.Suppose we select the line L1defined by l1(x,y)=y+1.The4intersection points have the form P=(α,−1),whereαis a root of the irreducible polynomial 2α4+3α2+4=ing such a point leads to the parametrization(x(t),y(t))= (n1(t)/d(t),n2(t)/d(t)),where132F .Winkler –1–0.8–0.6–0.4– –2–112x Figure 2.Determining points on the tacnode curve.n 1(t)=−α4 36t 4+ 60α+72α3 t 3− 18+108α2 t 2+ 103α+42α3t−20−24α2 ,n 2(t)=−9t 4− 3α+18α3 t 3+ 2α2−33 t 2− 2α+12α3 t −4,d(t)=9t 4+24αt 3− 16α2+60 t 2− 20α+24α3 t +6+12α2.This parametrization of C has complex coefficients of algebraic degree 4over Q .Now suppose we select the line L 2defined by l 2(x,y)=y −1.L 2intersects C in the double point (0,1)and in the 2intersection points having the form P =(β:1),where βis a root of the irreducible polynomial 2β2−3=ing such a point leads to the parametrization (x(t),y(t))=(n 1(t)/d(t),n 2(t)/d(t)),wheren 1(t)=2βt 4+9t 3−27t −18β,n 2(t)=2t 4+12βt 3+39t 2+36βt +18,d(t)=11t 4+24βt 3+12t 2+18.This parametrization of C has real coefficients of algebraic degree 2over Q .Next we select the line L 3defined by l 3(x,y)=y −1792025687968x =0.L3intersectsC in the double point (0,0)and in 2other rational points,one of which has the coordinates P = 12328881116501772841609267,32113536006251772841609267.Using this point P leads to the parametrization (x(t),y(t))=(n 1(t)/d(t),n 2(t)/d(t)),wheren 1(t)=−11095993004850t 4−12890994573912t 3+4296998191304t+1232888111650,Computer algebra and geometry–some interactions133 n2(t)=28902182405625t4+67155391392600t3+58277689547446t2 +22385130464200t+3211353600625,d(t)=15955574483403t4+44963405382900t3+54017766921682t2 +29782459134100t+6069839800571.This parametrization of C has rational coefficients,but they are huge.Finally we select the line L4defined by l4(x,y)=x−1.L4intersects C in2 complex points and2real points,one of which has the coordinates P=(1,2).Using this point P leads to the parametrization(x(t),y(t))=(n1(t)/d(t),n2(t)/d(t)), wheren1(t)=2t4+7t3−21t−18,n2(t)=4t4+28t3+73t2+84t+36,d(t)=9t4+40t3+64t2+48t+18.This parametrization of C has small rational coefficients.In[19]we present an algorithm for determining the lowest algebraic extension degree[Q(α):Q]of afield Q(α)which admits a rational parametrization of a curve defined over Q.In fact,this algorithm also determines a parametrization over this optimal extensionfield.In[20]we describe a decision procedure for determining whether an algebraic curve with defining polynomial in Q[x,y]has a parametrization over the real numbers R.Once we are able to parametrize algebraic curves over the optimal extension field,we can also determine Diophantine solutions of the corresponding polynomial equations.We do not go into details here,but refer the reader to[15].3.P A R A M E T R I Z A T I O N O F A L G E B R A I C S U R F A C E SThe problem of rational parametrization can also be solved for algebraic surfaces. Also in this case,the analysis of singularities plays an essential rôle.Many different authors have been involved in the solution of this problem,we just mention[9] and[24].Based on the algorithmic solution of the singularity problem,Schicho has developed a general algorithm for determining the rational parametrizability of an algebraic surface,and,in the positive case,for actually computing such a parametrization.See[16].But whereas for the case of curves we know exactly the degrees of the rational functions and also the degree of the algebraic extension which might appear in the parametrization,these bounds are not known for surfaces, in general.General parametrization algorithms for surfaces require considerable computa-tion time.So it is natural to try to develop algorithms specifically taylored for classes of surfaces of practical importance.Such a class is,for instance,the one of pipe and canal surfaces.A canal surface S,generated by a parametrized space curve C=(m1(t),m2(t),m3(t))in R3,is the envelope of the set of spheres with rational radius function r(t)centered at C.The curve C is called the spine curve134F.Winklerof S.In a pipe surface r(t)is constant.This concept generalizes the classical offsets (for constant r(t))of plane curves.Pipe surfaces have numerous applications,such as shape reconstruction or robotic path planning.Canal surfaces with variable radius arise in the context of computer aided geometric design mainly as transition surfaces between pipes.Whereas for curves it is crucial to determine a regular point with real coordinates, in the situation of pipe and canal surfaces we determine a rational curve with real coefficients on the surface,in the same parameter as the spine curve.Once we have determined such a rational curve on the canal surface S,we can rotate this curve around the spine curve and in such a way compute a parametrization of S.So,for instance,Viviani’s temple is defined as the intersection of a sphere of radius2a and a circular cylinder of radius a:x2+y2+z2=4a2,(x−a)2+y2=a2,see Fig.1(b).The pipe around Viviani’s temple can be rationally parametrized.In[14]it is shown that canal surfaces with rational spine curve and rational radius function are in general rational.To be precise,they admit rational parametrizations of their real components.Recently we have developed a completely symbolic algebraic algorithm for computing rational parametrizations of pipe and canal surfaces over Q,see[12].4.I M P L I C I T I Z A T I O N O F C U R V E S A N D S U R F A C E SThe inverse problem to the problem of parametrization consists in starting from a (rational)parametrization and determining the implicit algebraic equation of the curve or surface.This is basically an elimination problem.Let us demonstrate the procedure for curves.We write the parametric representation of the curve C,x(t)=p(t)/r(t),y(t)=q(t)/r(t),ash1(t,x)=x·r(t)−p(t)=0,h2(t,y)=y·r(t)−q(t)=0.The implicit equation of the curve must be the generator of the idealI=h1(t,x),h2(t,y)∩K[x,y].We can use any method in elimination theory,such as resultants of Gröbner bases, for determining this generator.For instance,resultant th1(t,x),h2(t,y)will yield the polynomial defining the curve pare[25]and[21]for details. In[21]we introduce the notion of the tracing index of a rational parametrization,Computer algebra and geometry–some interactions135 i.e.the number of times a(possibly non-proper)parametrization“winds around, or traces,an algebraic curve”.When we compute the resultant of h1and h2as above for an non-proper parametrization,then this tracing index will show up in the exponent of the generating polynomial.Example4.1.Let us do this for the cardioid curve of Fig.1(a).We start from the parametrizationx(t)=256t4−16t2256t4+32t2+1,y(t)=−128t3256t4+32t2+1.So we have to eliminate the variable t from the equationsh1(t,x)=x·256t4+32t2+1−256t4+16t2,h2(t,y)=y·256t4+32t2+1+128t3.As the polynomial defining the cardioid curve we getresultant th1(t,x),h2(t,y)=17179869184·4y4−y2+8x2y2−4xy2+4x4−4x3.Similarly we could determine this defining polynomial by a Gröbner basis compu-tation.5.F U R T H E R T O P I C S I N C O M P U T A T I O N A L A L G E B R A I C G E O M E T R YWe have only described a few subproblems in computational algebraic geometry. For the algorithmic treatment of problems in computer aided geometric design,such as blending and offsetting,we refer the reader to[10].A thorough analysis of the offset curves,in particular their genus,is given in[2].If we need to decide problems on algebraic geometric objects involving not only equations but also inequalities, then the appropriate method is Collins’algorithm for cylindrical algebraic decom-position,see[3].Further areas of investigation are desingularization of surfaces, determining rational points on elliptic curves,and fast algorithms for visualization of curves and surfaces.In general,it will be more and more important to bridge the gap between symbolic and numerical algorithms,combining the best features of both worlds.6.O P E N P R O B L E M SInteger coefficients in curve parametrizationAs we have seen in Section2,the quality of a rational parametrization of an algebraic curve crucially depends on the quality of a regular point which we can determine on this curve.For instance,starting from a defining polynomial f(x,y) of C over the rational numbers Q,we know that we will need an algebraic extension of degree2,at most,for expressing such a point.But if we can actuallyfind a136F.Winklerregular point with coordinates in Q,and therefore a parametrization with rational coefficients,the question is still how tofind a parametrization with“smallest”rational coefficients.To our knowledge,this problem is unsolved.Optimality of surface parametrizationFor rational algebraic surfaces no algorithm is known,in general,forfinding a parametrization with lowest possible degree of rational functions.The best we can currently do is to compute a parametrization having at most twice the optimal degree,see[17].Also the problem of determining the smallest algebraicfield extension for expressing a rational parametrization of a rational algebraic surface is wide open. In general,we cannot decide whether there is a parametrization over the givenfield of definition.We also do not know whether a bound for the degree of the necessary extension exists.Decomposition of rational functions over RIn the algorithm for rationally parametrizing pipe and canal surfaces,[12],the problem isfinally reduced tofinding a representation of a rational function as a sum of two squares.This is a special case of Hilbert’s17th problem.Over the real algebraic numbers there exists a simple algorithm for solving this problem.Over R the problem is still open.Determining rational points on elliptic curvesFor curves of genus0we can decide the existence of rational points.If a curve of genus0over afield of characteristic0has one rational point then it must have infinitely many.In fact,we can determine these rational points.If the genus is greater or equal2,then there are onlyfinitely many rational points on the curve C. This was conjectured by Mordell and proved by Faltings[5].For curves of genus 1, elliptic curves,all possibilities can arise:no,finitely many,and infinitely many rational points.Elliptic curves play an important rôle in many areas of mathematics,and recently also in cryptography.Determining all,or at least one, rational point on an elliptic curve is an open problem.For a short introduction see[4].Symbolic–numerical plotting of surfacesWhen we work with curves and surfaces,we do not only construct,transform,and analyze them,but sometimes we also want to visualize them on the screen.These geometrical objects might be quite complicated,having several real components, perhaps isolated singularities,and complicated branch points.There are basically two approaches to the problem of plotting such curves or surfaces:numerical plotting and algebraic plotting.Whereas numerical plotting routines work well for simple objects and require relatively little computation time,they quickly become unreliable for more complicated objects:missing small components,getting the picture wrong around singularities.On the other hand, algebraic plotting routines can overcome these problems,but are notoriously slow.Computer algebra and geometry–some interactions137 Recently we have developed a hybrid symbolic–numerical routine in the program system CASA,[6],for reliable but relatively fast visualization of plane algebraic curves[13].These methods need to be understood better and extended to surfaces. 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