二语习得一.二语习得概述(一)语言习得研究中的两个基本问题(1)逻辑问题(logical problem):语言习得是如何成为可能的?(学习语言:儿童和猫狗的区别)说明:A.接触语言是语言习得的必要条件,但并不是充分条件;B.在语言习得方面,人类似乎天生有一种其他动物没有的潜能。
(2)发展问题( developmental problem ):语言习得遵循一定的发展顺序和步骤。
应用语言学早期代表人物之一皮特·科德(Pit Corder)曾说,第二语言习得研究的首要目的,是找到第二语言发展的“自然顺序”(natural route of development)。
(二)二语习得研究中的四大方面(1)学习者在二语习得过程中获得了什么? 关于“学习者语言”( learner language)的研究(2).学习者是怎样获得第二语言的?即关于习得过程的研究。
(3).学习者的个体差异,即关于“第二语言学习者”( language learner)自身的研究。
(三)二语习得研究的理论框架*研究领域一:二语学习者语言特征:(1) errors (2) acquisition orders and developmental sequences(3) variability (4) pragmatic features*研究领域二:学习者外部因素(learner external factors )(1) social context (2) input and interaction*研究领域三:学习者内部习得机制(1) L1 transfer (2) learning processes(3) communication strategies (4) knowledge of linguistic universals*研究领域四:二语学习者(the language learner ) :(1) general factors (2) learner strategies*二语习得研究的目标:系统研究二语习得的过程和本质。
成年人通过两种不同的、独立的方式获得第二语言,即“习得” (acquisition)和“学习”(learning)。
具体概念辨析“习得” (acquisition):获得方式——非正式的语言活动。
(informal learning)心理过程——下意识的语言获得。
(subconscious learning)知识类型——隐性语言知识。
(implicit knowledge)“学习”(learning):获得方式——正式的语言活动。
(formal learning)心理过程——有意识的语言获得。
(conscious learning)知识类型——隐性语言知识。
(explicit knowledge)“习得”与“学习”的关系克拉申(Krashen):“习得” (acquisition)为隐性知识,“学习”(learning)为显性知识,二者是不同类型的知识,通过学习获得的显性知识不能转化为隐性知识。
第二语言习得研究概述§1 第二语言习得研究概述§2 对比分析与偏误分析§3 中介语研究§4 第二语言习得顺序研究§5 克拉申的语言监控模式§6 第二语言学习者语言系统变异研究§7 第二语言习得研究的社会文化模式§8 语言输入与互动研究§9 普遍语法与第二语言习得§10 多元发展模式§11 第二语言习得的认知模式第一章:第二语言习得研究概述母语VS目的语母语通常指学习者所属种族、社团使用的语言,也称“本族语”。
习得acquisition VS学习learning(1)就语言获得的方式而言:习得指非正式的语言获得informal learning,类似于儿童母语的获得方式。
(2)就语言获得的心理过程而言:习得指在自然状态下“下意识”的语言获subconscious learning。
就语言获得的知识类型而言:通过习得方式获得的知识是隐性语言知识implicit knowledge,通过学习方式获得的知识是显性语言知识explicit knowledge。
★习得与学习的关系无接口观点non-interface position:认为通过习得和学习所获得的知识分别属于不同的且互相独立的类型,即隐性知识和显性知识。
Corder(1967)“The significance of leaners‟ errors”Selinker(1972)“Interlanguage”如果我们把Corder和Selinker的文章作为这个学科的发端,那就意味着在第二语言习得研究不包括“对比分析”。
教师语言:对外汉语教学课堂 例:请大家打开书。 书Book,打开Open
1、母语者与第二语言学习者交流使用的话语具有的“外国 人话语”“教师语言”特点,这种特定的语域风格的话语 为第二语言学习者提供了一个可理解输入环境。
2、母语者与第二语言学习者的交流除了话语形式的调整, 还有话语结构和功能的调整。这种互动环境对第二语言学 习者的语言习得过程也会产生重要的影响。
Hatch and Wagner-Gough,1976 Hatch ,1978a Peck,1978
早期关注是学习者的语言产出 语言输入与互动
研究材料来自母语者与学习者交流的转写材料,这些 材料使研究者不仅能观察到学习者的语言产出过程, 即学习者是怎么说的,同时也可以观察到母语者为学 习者提供语言输入的过程,即母语者对学习者是怎样 说的。
• 两种不同的语言输入环境 语言输入:为学习者提供的单向的语言信息。 例:听广播、看电视等。 学习者没有交流和沟通的机会。
互动:双向的语言沟通和交流。 例:母语者或教师与学习者之间的交流和沟通, 学习者之间的交流和沟通。 构成了语言习得发生的互动环境。
• 显示出一种特定的语域风格 保姆语言(儿语、母亲语言):母亲对学说话的儿童 外国人话语:母语者与第二语言学习者
二、 三种不同的语言 输入观
“狼孩”刚被发现时,生活习性与狼一样; 不会讲话,每到午夜后像狼似地引颈长嚎。
卡玛拉经过7年的教育,才掌握4、5个词,勉强地学 几句话,开始朝人的生活习性迈进。她死时估计已 有16岁左右,但其智力只相当3、4岁的孩子
1 二语习得是一个总和现象,由许多因素构成。
2 二语习得和第一语言习得的比较3 区分二语习得和外语习得4 句法和形态在二语习得中的中心地位 5 区分语言能力和语言行为 6 习得和学的对比第二部分主要论述了二语习得过程中出现的关键因素,也就是本章的重点问题。
主要有7 个方面:1 第一语言的作用论述了第一语言在二语习得过程中的影响,涉及到语言迁移和对比分析等概念。
2 语言发展的自然路线提出二语习得路线与第一语言习得的顺序相近,有一定的习得顺序。
3 学习者语言的情境变化主要讨论在两种不同的情境下,语言学习者使用二语知识存在差异。
4 个人学习者的差异主要讨论语言学习者的年龄、态度、认知风格、动机、个性等因素对二语习得的影响。
5 语言输入的重要作用6 学习策略7 正式教学在二语习得重的重要地位。
第三步分总结调查二语习得的框架 1 情境因素2 输入3 学习者差异 4 学习策略5 语言输出第二章第一语言的作用人们普遍认为第一语言对二语习得有重要的影响,而且这种影响又分为两种,一种是好的影响,及所谓的正迁移,另一种是起阻碍作用的影响,及所谓的负迁移。
穿是一种生活必须或者是礼仪必备。 戴是一种锦上添花。
*这些鲜花是被他送的。 *发现了田里的苗都被死了。
为什么不成立? 汉字:笔画教学 部件-结构教学法
2.了解中华文化、不同国家的文化差异、时事 。
法国女生:假如台湾人不希望统一,那么中国政府为什么 一定要统一呢? 教师: 那法国的科西嘉岛要独立,法国政府同意吗? 法国女生:同意,只要人民投票决定。 (因为她觉得这些地方对她的国家来说没什么意义。) 教师:那为什么法国还占领着别国的领土,占领着殖民地? 法国女生:那是以前的事,在60年代法国已经允许殖民地独 立了。 这时,班里的两个非洲学生,一个是塞拉利昂的,一个赞 比亚的一齐冲她喊:谁说的?你们还占领着圭亚纳,并且 用来进行核武器试验。 这个女生此后再也不就台湾、西藏这样的问题进行“挑衅” 了。
一部分学者认为习得=学习。 还有一部分学者认为习得≠学习。 “习得”(acquisition):非正式的、自然状 态下、下意识的语言获得,比如儿童母语 的获得方式;“ 学习”(learning):正式的、有意识的获得 语言知识,比如通过课堂教学的方式来获 得第二语言。
课堂环境 自然环境 二语环境 外语环境
你能结合自己学习英语的经历举出 一些正迁移或负迁移的例子吗?
奠基人查尔斯﹒福莱斯的两句名言: “外语教学就是把特定的外语教给具有特定 母语背景的学生。” “在对目的语和学习者的母语进行科学描写 和认真比较的基础上编写出的教材,是最 有效的教材”。
美国语言学家罗伯特﹒拉多1957年提出了 “对比分析假说”。
语言迁移理论 原有的习惯
习得 acquisition
implicit learning explicit learning informal learning formal learning natural learning conscious learning
“习得”是指在自然状态下下意识地、非 正式地学习语言。这种状态下的学习就好 像随手采摘东西一样、毫不费力地获得第 二语言。
“学习”是指有意识地、正式地学习语言。 这种状态下的学习获得的是一种“元语言 知识”(metalanguage knowledge)。即学 习者有意识地学习语言的规则,如语法规 则等。这种学习相对于习得来说,需要耗 费时力。
It is possible that there will be radical differences in both what is learnt and how it is learnt.
1.1.5 “自然环境的SLA”与“教学 环境的SLA”
Naturalistic SLA是指在自然环境进行的语言 习得;
“目的语”,也称“目标语”,一般是指 学习者正在学习的语言。这种语言可能是 他的第二语言、第三语言甚或第四语言。
它强调的是学习者正在学习的任何一种语 言,与学习者的语言习得环境无关。
美国学生无论在美国学习汉语,还是在中 国学习汉语,其目的语都是汉语。如果他 们同时在学习法语,那么法语也是他们的 目的语。
对第二语言学习者而言,母语对其目的语 的习得具有重要的影响。
二语习得定义二语习得理论概述二语习得的关键期二语习得(英语)四个阶段各阶段的教育技巧The definition of second language acquisition Overview of Second Language AcquisitionCritical period of second language acquisition Second language acquisition (English) in four phases Various stages of education skills二语习得理论目录二语习得定义二语习得理论概述二语习得的关键期二语习得(英语)四个阶段各阶段的教育技巧第一阶段:沉默期第二阶段:英语语法干扰期第三阶段:学术英语提高期二语习得定义二语习得理论概述二语习得的关键期二语习得(英语)四个阶段各阶段的教育技巧第一阶段:沉默期第二阶段:英语语法干扰期第三阶段:学术英语提高期•第四阶段:学习曲线上升期展开目录二语习得定义二语习得理论概述二语习得的关键期二语习得(英语)四个阶段各阶段的教育技巧编辑本段二语习得定义1960年代开始,有人研究人们获得语言能力的机制,尤其是获得外语能力的机制,综合了语言学、神经语言学、语言教育学、社会学多种学科,慢慢发展出一门新的学科,叫“二语习得”,Second Language Acquisition。
编辑本段二语习得理论概述自 20 世纪 70 年代以来 ,人们对二语习得从各个不同的方面进行了研究 ,所运用的研究方法也各具特色。
有的研究侧重于描写 ,有的研究偏重于假设 ,有的研究则采用实验。
20多年来 ,第二语言的多侧面、多方法的研究格局导致了该领域中的理论层出不穷。
目前较为流行的有:(一) 乔姆斯基的普遍语法与二语习得乔姆斯基和其支持者们认为 ,遗传基因赋予人类普遍的语言专门知识 ,他把这种先天知识称之为“普遍语法”。
异:了解目标语言的文化背景和语言习惯 交际技巧:掌握有效的沟通技巧,如倾听、表达、肢体语言等 文化适应:尊重并适应目标文化的价值观和习俗 文化交流:积极参与文化交流活动,提高跨文化交际能力
定义与特点:自主学习策略是一种学习者自我管理、自我监控和自我评估的学习方式,具有主动性、 独立性和有效性的特点。
理论观点:强调语言习得过程中社会文化因素的重要性,认为语言是社会文化交流的工具,语言习得是在社会文 化环境中通过与他人互动而实现的
定义:交互理论 是一种二语言习 得理论,强调学 习者通过与目标 语言的母语者进 行交流互动来提 高语言能力。
理论基础:自主学习策略的理论基础包括建构主义学习理论、人本主义学习理论等,强调学习者的 主体性和自主性。
实施步骤:自主学习策略的实施步骤包括制定学习计划、选择学习资源、进行自我监控和评估等, 旨在提高学习者的学习效果和自主学习能力。
优势与局限性:自主学习策略的优势在于能够激发学习者的学习兴趣和动力,提高学习者的自主学习能力和终身学习能力; 其局限性在于需要学习者具备一定的自我管理和自我监控能力,同时也需要教师提供必要的指导和支持。
精读:仔细阅读文章,理解细 节
略读:快速浏览文章,寻找特 定信息
查读:查找特定信息,理解文 章结构
注重语言表达和修辞 手法
《第二语言习得研究》全书概要 (知识点全)
《第二语言习得研究》全书概要第一章绪论第一节第二语言习得的一般概念第二语言习得(second language acquisition),简称SLA,是指人们在获得母语(第一语言)的基础上习得另一种或几种语言的过程。
即所谓“无接口观点”(non-interface position)。
[一]对比分析 [Contrastive Analysis] 一 对比分析
[一]、对比分析 [Contrastive Analysis] 一、 Contrastive analysis: Comparing and contrasting two languages Contrastive analysis is an inductive investigative approach based on the distinctive elements in a language. It involves the comparison of two or more languages or subsystems of languages in order to determine both the differences and similarities between them. It could also be done within one language. Contrastive analysis can be both theoretical and applied according to varied purposes. 对比分析是把两种语言进行对比, 对比分析是把两种语言进行对比,从而确定其中的相同 点和不同点。 点和不同点。对比分析最终的目是为了预测母语对第二语言 的学习所可能造成的影响。有语言之间的接触, 的学习所可能造成的影响。有语言之间的接触,也就有语言 的对比。这一派的观点认为母语与目的语的能力彼此冲突, 的对比。这一派的观点认为母语与目的语的能力彼此冲突, 会妨碍目的语能力。将两种语言对比一下, 会妨碍目的语能力。将两种语言对比一下,就能预测可能会 出现的错误。 出现的错误。
二 错误分析(error analysis) 错误分析( )
二语习得讲义 Second Language Acquisition-
Second Language Acquisition1.Introduction2.Description of Learner Language3.External Factors to SLA4.Internal factors to SLA5.Individual Differences and SLA6.Classroom and SLA7.Research Methodology in SLA8.Types of Data Analysis9.Theories in SLAReferences:Ellis, Rod 1999 The Study of Second Language Acquisition 上海外语教育出版社Ellis, Rod 1999 Understanding Second Language Acquisition 上海外语教育出版社Larsen-Freeman, Diane 2000 An introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research 外语教学与研究出版社Cook Vivian 2000 Second Language Learning and Language Teaching外语教学与研究出版社Cook Vivian 2000 Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition外语教学与研究出版社Chapter One Introduction1.Why Study Second Language Acquisitiona)Fascinating study itselfb)For second language learningc)For foreign language learning and teaching2.What is Second Language Acquisitiona)What is Second Language Acquisition?b)What do second language learners acquire?i.What is the reslut that the learners get regarding the rules ofthe the second langugae?ii.Are the rules like those of the native language?iii.Are they like the rules of the language being learned?iv.Do the rules created by second language learners vary according to the context of use?c)How do learners acquire a second language?i.What is the process of learning a second language like?ii.Do second language learners learn in the same way as they acquire their mother tongue?iii.Why don’t the learners learn the second language in a different way?1.Influence of first language2.Cognitive factors3.Affctive factors4.Input5.Output6.Cultural differencesd)What differences are there in the way in which individual learnersacquire a second language?i.native language variable; input variable; instructional variable;intelligence variable; social cultural variable; individualvariable(also include the social factors to which the individualis related)ii.Attitude and motivationiii.Intelligence and apptitudeiv.Agev.Personality(affective domain)1.introverson and extroverson2.self-esteem3.anxiety, risk-taking and inhibition4.empathy5.tolerance of ambiguityvi.learning strategy and learning stylese)What effects does instruction have on SLA?i.Effectiveness of L2 instruction1.On the order of acquisition2.On the pace of acquisition3.On the process of acquisitionii.Learnability(hypothesis) : the idea (Manfred Pienemann) that a second or foreign language learner’s acquisition of linguistic structures depends on how complex these structures are from a pschological processing point of view. Learnability is defined as the extent to which the linguistic material must be re-ordered and reoranged when mapping semantics and surface formiii.Teachability(hypothesis) : the idea that the teachability of language is constrained by what the learners is ready to acqriure. Instruction can only promote acquisition if the interlanguage is close to the point when the structure to be taught is learnable without instruction in natural settings.iv.The implicit and explicit knowledge1.Implicit knowledge(procedural)a)Formulaic: sequences of elements that are stored andaccessed as ready-made chunksb)Rule-based: unconscious knowledge of major andminor schemas consisting of abstract linguisticcategories realizable lexically in an indefinite numberof sentences/utterances.2.Explicit knowledge(declarative)a)Analysed: conscious awareness of minor and majorschemasb)Metalingual: lexical knowledge of technical andnon-technical linguistic terminologyv.The non interface/ interface hypothesis1.The non-interface hypothesis2.The interface hypothesisvi.Enhancing Adult SLA1.Implicit language teaching2.Focus on form3.Incidental language learning4.Task-based language learning5.Reconstruction3.An Overview of Second Language Acquisition Researcha)Second vs. third languageb)Second vs. Foreign Languagec)Naturalistic vs. instructed SLAd)Competence vs. Performancee)Usage vs. usef)Acquisition vs. learningg)Cross-sectional vs. longitudinal study4.What a Teacher can expected from SLA Researcha)Understanding the students’ contribution to learningb)Understanding how teaching methods and techniques workc)Understanding the goals of language teachingChapter Two Description of Learner Language1)Why study learner languageThe goal of SLA is the description and explanation of L2 learners’ competence and how this develops over time.Competence involves underlying systems of linguistic knowledge.2)What is learner language3)Learner language✓Mistakes vs. Errors random guess or slip caused by lack of attention, fatigue, carelessness, or some other aspects of performance;systematic result from incomplete knowledge✓Hypothesis making and testing4)The Definition of InterlanguageThe type of language produced by FL learners who are in the process of learning a language. The language which the learnerproduces using the processes (transfer, overgeneralization, communicative strategies--- This place, cannot park----It’s against the law to park here; a cloth for my nose----handkerchief ) differs both from the mother tongue and the TL---- so called interlanguage(Selinker,1972) or approximative systemErrors caused by different processes:✧Borrowing patters from the native language(language transfer)✧Extending patterns from the target language(overgeneralization)✧Expressing meaning using the words and grammar which are alreadyknown (communication strategy)Pidgin: Contact language or Mixed language when speakers of two languages try to communicate with each other on a regular basis. A pidgin usually has a limited vocabulary and a reduced grammatical structure. The process by which a pidgin develops is called pidginization Creole: When a pidgin is used for a long time, it will be expanded into a creole language. A creole is the native language of a group of speakers. The sentence structures and vocabulary of a creole are far more complex than those of a pidgin language. English-based French-based. Creolization---the process by which a pidgin becomes a creole, creolization involves the expansion of the vocabulary and the grammatical system.5)Stages of Interlanguage✧Random error stage✧Emergent stage✧Systematic stage✧Stabilization stage6)Sources of Error7)Fossilization(in SL/FL learning) a process which sometimes occurs in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language. Aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and grammar may become fixed or fossilized.Fossilized features of pronunciation contribute to a person’s foreign accent.8)Defossilization9)Attitudes toward errors1.C ontrastive Analysis1)Language Transfer(Zhang Guoyang 8)✓Definition: originally a psychological term: the effect of existing knowledge or skills on the learning or acquisition of new knowledge or skills; the effect of one language on the learning of another.✓Positive transfer is transfer, which makes learning easier, and may occur when both the native language and the target language have the same form. e.g. table-桌子desk-课桌.✓Negative transfer, or interference, is the use of a native- language pattern or rule, which leads to an error or inappropriate form in the target language. e.g. up-fire on the tree:Three levels of negative transfer:✧Phonological Level: thin-sin work—er dialect✧Lexical level: conceptual difference lover –爱人intellectual—知识分子connotative difference propaganda dog 明天我们和三班打篮球We will play basketball with Class Three.✧Syntactical level: tense-- What do you say to him? I very happy;word order-- he often is the first to come to school.2)The comparison of the linguistic system of two languages, forexample the sound system or the grammatical system. Developed and practised in the 1950s(Robert Lado) and 1960s, as an application of STRUCTURAL LINGUISTICS to language teaching, and is based on the following assumptions:✧the main difficulties in learning a new language are caused byinterference from the first language(language transfer)✧these difficulties can be predicted by contrastive analysis.✧teaching material can make use of contrastive analysis to reduce theeffects of interference.✧Contrastive analysis was more successful in phonology than in otherareas of language, and declined in the 1970s as interference was replaced by other explanations of learning difficulties(error analysis).In recent years contrastive analysis has been applied to other areas of language eg. Contrastive discourse analysis3)Strong Version: the hypothesis that one can predict the difficultiesof the students in learning a foreign language by comparing the target language with the native language.4)Weak Version: the hypothesis that one account for(explain)theobserved difficulties in second language learning using the linguistic knowledge they have about the TL and the NL.----- posteriori after the fact5)Procedure of CA✧Description: a formal description of the relevant features of languagecompared with the help of formal grammar.✧Selection: select the language items(rules, structures, )to becompared.✧Compare and contrast: the identification of the areas of difference andsimilarity.✧Prediction: identification of possible areas to cause errors.6)Application of CA✧Prediction of errors✧Diagnosis of errors✧Language testing✧Contrastive teaching --- grammar-translation methodalthough--but7)Evaluation of CA✧According to CA: difference(linguistic) is difficulty(psychological)it is not the case. similarity also cause problem✧CA can not predict all the errors student will meet.✧CA is restricted only on the contrast of the structure of the languagebarring the contrast of the culture.2.E rror Analysis1)Definition: the study and analysis of the errors made by secondlanguage learners. Error Analysis may be carried out in order to:a.i dentify strategies which learners use in language learningb.try to identify the causes of learner errorsc.o btain information on common difficulties in language learning,as an aid to teaching or in the preparation of teaching materials2)Basic Assumption of EAError analysis was developed as a branch of applied linguistics in the 1960s, and set out to criticize CA and demonstrate that many learner errors were not due to the learner’s mother tongue but reflect universal learning strategies.3)Types of Errors:A.according to aspects of language✧lexical error✧phonological error✧syntactic error✧interpretive error✧pragmatic errorB.according to the souses of errors✧Interlingual errors---an error resulting from language transfer; causedby the learner’s native language✧Intralingual errors---an error resulting from faulty or partial learningof the target language rather than language transfer; He is comes.OvergeneralizationSimplificationDevelopmental errorCommunication-based errorInduced error(resulting from transfer of training)Error of avoidanceError of overproduction(too often use of an item)4)Procedure of EA✧Collecting the data for analysis: either oral production or writtenexercises✧Identify the errorsError vs. LapseGrammatically right or wrong; pragmatically right or wrong(appropriate in the context)✧Classify the errorsClassify the errors into different categories:Addition; omission; substitution; and ordering, etc.Identify the levels of language within each categories:Phonological; orthography; lexicon; grammar; and discourseIdentify the global or local errorsGlobal errors hinder communication:Because Peter was absent, was snow hard.Local errors do not prevent the message from being heard,allowing the hearer to make accurate guess about the intendedmeaning:Peter was absent, because snowed hard.✧Explain the causes for the errorsInterlingual errorsPhonological: work-er, roomGrammatical: His work is often very busy--- he is often verybusy with his workCultural: Good morning Teacher Teacher LiIntralingual errors:I dislike getting up early in winterI don’t know when is the plane going to take off.Other errorsHe is heavier than an elephant is.Are you from the south? Yes, I am from the south.5)Evaluation of EA✧Function of EA in foreign language teachingBy EA, a teacher can know the degree to which the learners are familiar with the TL----Which stage of learning the learners are in?By EA, a teacher can know how a learner learns a language---the strategies and proceduresEA is also important and necessary to the learners themselves, learning process is actually one in which the learners make errors and correct the errors✧Limitations of EAEA emphasize too much on error, ignoring the correct and fluent language.EA concentrate on the language production, ignoring language perception.In practice it is very difficult to define and identify error, harder to classify them and even harder to explain the situation when thelearners use the strategy—avoidance.Chapter 3 External Factors to SLA1.Introductiona)What are the factors related to (or influence) SLA?b)What does the external factors include?c)Talk about the influence of the external factors on SLA.2.External Factors and SLAa)Learner Attitudesi.The target languageii.The speech communityiii.The target language cultureiv.The use and social value of learning the target languagev.Their own cultureb)Agec)Sexd)Social Classe)Context of SLAi.Natural vs. Educationalii.Submersion and emersioniii.Formal instruction3.Input And SLAa)Three views on inputi.Behaviouristii.Nativistiii.Interactionistb)Motherese; Teacher talkc)i+1 input4.Models of SLA Related to the External Factorsa)The Acculturation Modelb)The Inter-group Modelc)The Socio-educational Modeld)The Historical-structural perspectiveChapter 4 Internal factors to SLA1.Learner Internal Mechanism:a)Process of learning a language: perception;memory; problem-solving; information processingb)Language learning: knowledge-learning orskill-learningOutput Control Procedures ProductionReceptionc) Psychological Mechanismd) The Function of MemoryThe function of memory is to store information for later use: 1) for immediate use( checking telephone number and dial), 2) for short-term use(memorizing the speaker ’s words and respond), 3) for long-term use(knowledge, students memorizing what they have learnt for later use and examination) e) Encoding and decodingEncoding: the process of turning a message into a set of symbols, as part of the act of communication. Inencoding speech, the speaker must select a message to be communicated and turn it into linguistic form using semantic systems(e.g. concepts, propositions), grammatical systems(e.g. words, phrases, clauses), and phonological systems(e.g. phonemes, syllables).Decoding: the process of trying to understand the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence. When decoding a speech utterance, the listener must hold the utterance in short-term memory and analyse the utterance into segments and identify clauses, phrases, and other linguistic units, and identify the underlying propositions and illocutionary meaning.In memorizing information, a person also needs to encode the message in order to put the information in an appropriate places for later use. Encoding is to reduce and rearrange the information.f)The Information Processing System(The Structureof Memory)g)Sensory store (sensory register, sensory memory) i.Visual aural touchingh)Working memory(short-term memory)i.Controlled processii.Repeat, encode, decide, retrieveiii.7 +(-) 2幻灯片的Magic Seven原则:★幻灯片是辅助传达演讲信息的,只列出要点即可,切忌不要成为演讲稿的PPT版,全篇都是文字。
第二语言习得课程讲义程乔罡2011年10月12日第二语言习得课程讲义任课教师:张景华聊城大学外国语学院第一节语言1、语言的定义及性质2、第一语言与母语3、第二语言与外语4、语言与言语5、语言与社会6、语言与思维7、语言与文化、跨文化(文化:1)生态文化(ecologicalculture);2)语言文化(linguistic culture);3)宗教文化(religious culture);4)物质文化(materialculture);5)社会文化(social culture).跨文化:阅读下面短文,思考这些女生犯了什么错误?What is Wrong with Their “Hello”?A group of Chinese girls who just arrived at the<st1:country-region w:st="on">United States for their university education decided to visit the city of New York together. Since their school was not very far from the city, they planned to take a Greyhound bus(“灰狗”,美国一长途汽车公司名)to go there at weekend. Saturday morning, they got up ear ly and after two hours’ drive they got to the downtown of the city. They stayed there for a couple of hours, shopping and sightseeing happily. Everything seemed OK until it was the time for them to go back----they suddenly realized that they lost their way back to the Greyhound bus station. What made the situation worse was that it was getting darker. In despair, they stopped at a corner on the street and decided to ask for help. At this moment they saw a young couple passing by, so they said “Hello!” to th is couple. To their surprise, the couple looked at them coldly and hustled on. Having no way out, they approached to the next group of passerby and tried a louder“Hello!” this time. Again they got nothing but a cold shoulder from these city people.显而易见,细心的读者已经知道这些女生的错误所在了——不是语言错误,而是语用错误。
(1)那个孩子的名字叫什么? (2)那个孩子,他叫什么名字?
(3)母语者:那个孩子的名字叫什么? 二语者:嗯? 母语者:那个孩子,他叫什么名字?
话题句(topic—comment construction)起 因“此自:我“重语复言”输作入用调整”关注的是语言形式变 化的分析,而“互动调整”注重话语结构所表 达的话语功能的分析。
Michael Long认为,互动话语结构的调整是语言习 得发生的必要条件,尽管不是充要条件。
• 已有研究表明,无论语言输入调整还是互动调整 都可以为学习者提供可理解输入。
• Michael Long则认为,互动调整更有助于语言输 入的可理解性。但是Long的研究没有证明语言输 入调整或互动调整有助于语言习得。
3. 重置
no drive car
有研究表明,这种不合语法的外国人话语常 常发生在工厂的工头和移民工人的交流中,属 于一种特殊的话语类型。但也有研究表明,在 行人与旅游者之间也会出现这种不合语法的话 语。
关于第二语言课堂教师话语的研究表明, 在大多数第二语言课堂中,语言教师虽然对语 言输入的形式作一些调整,但是很少发现不合 语法的语言输入。也就是说在大多数情况下对 外国人的话语基本上是合语法的。
2、母语者与第二语言学习者的交流除了话语形式的调整, 还有话语结构和功能的调整。这种互动环境对第二语言学 习者的语言习得过程也会产生重要的影响。
二、 三种不同的语言 输入观
“狼孩”刚被发现时,生活习性与狼一样; 不会讲话,每到午夜后像狼似地引颈长嚎。
Social Distance
• Schumann认为,学习者与目的语社团之 间的社会距离是制约文化适应程度和第 二语言习得水平的主要原因。 因为决定 社会距离的社会因素可以影响学习者的 动机,其中包括对目的语及社团的态度, 目的语输入的品质和数量及总体学习环 境的优劣。
age differences
This difference explains the initially faster development of adults' linguistic ter though, older learners often find it difficult to move on to DO things with the language knowledge they are.
Acculturation model
含义 Schumann提出“文化适应是学习者与目 的语社团的社会和心理结合。” 文化适应是二语习得理论中的重要概念, 因为“二语习得是文化适应的一个方面, 学习者对目的语社团文化的适应程度将 制约第二语言水平。 ”
对二语学习的中国人,可从两个角度考虑 文化适应理论对二语习得的影响: 一是中国人在国外工作或留学,即处于 目的语环境中习得二语。 二是中国人在中国这一以汉语作为母语 的大环境下,在课堂中习得第二语言。
age differences
In addition, younger children are likely to obtain better, more carefully expresses, input from adults.They thus get clearer samples of the L2 from which to acquire accurate syntax.
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Chomsky (1965)的观点,“语言能力”是 由交际双方内在语法规则的心理表征构成 的。 简单地说,语言能力是一种反映交际双方 语言知识的心理语法。 “语言表达”指的是交际双方在语言的理 解与生成过程中对其内在语法的表现
语言能力是关于语言的知识。理想的母语 者根据“递归规则”生成无限递归的句子。 如: 桌子上那本我昨天晚上看过的蓝色封面的 刚刚出版的价格不太贵的关于第二语言习 得的著作中的第二章的第二节的一段话中 关于“交际能力”的解释当中的一个例子, 让我越看越糊涂因而产生了“不是我不明 白,是你写得坏”的感觉
语言习得是一种下意识过程。学习者通常 意识不到他们正在习得语言这一事实,但 是能意识到他们正在用语言进行交际。
语言学习是指有意识地学习语言知识,能 够明确地意识到所学的规则。Krashen 把通 过这两个方式获得语言的过程看作彼此独 立的学习过程。
1.1 “第二语言习得”的相关概念
1.1.1“母语”(native language) 通常指的是学习者幼年习得的语言。由于 母语是家庭或者所属种族、社团使用的语 言,因而也称作“本族语”。 一般说来,母语通常是儿童出生以后最先 接触、学会的语言。因此,母语通常也被 称作“第一语言”(first language)。
1.1.5 “自然环境的SLA”与“教学 环境的SLA”
Naturalistic SLA是指在自然环境进行的语言 习得; Instructed SLA是指在教学环境进行的语言 习得。在教学环境进行的第二语言习得可 以通过两种形式: 一是直接通过正式的课堂教学; 二是通过某些特定的环境间接地促进课堂 的自然习得。
1.1 “第二语言习得”的相关概念
1.1.4“第二语言习得”与“外语习得” Ellis(1994)认为,“第二语言习得”是指学习 者在目的语国家学习目的语。 该目的语在目的语国家是公认的交际工具,当然 也是学习者用来交际的工具。 “外语习得”是指学习者在本国学习目的语。该 目的语在本国不是作为整个社团的交际工具。 此外,该目的语基本上是在课堂上学习的。
Second Language Acquisition Research
1. 第二语言习得研究概述
1.1 与“第二语言习得”相关的概念 1.2 “第二语言习得研究” 的学科性质
1.3 “第二语言习得研究”与相关学科的关系
1.4 “第二语言习得研究”研究的四个领域
一、 二语习得研究的基本概念
Competence often refers to the ideal speaker-hearer, that is an idealized but not a real person who would have a complete knowledge of the whole language. A distinction is made between competence and performance, which is the actual use of the language by individuals in speech and writing.
在L2习得研究中,“习得”(acquisition)和 “学习”(learning)是一对对应的概念。学者 们用这一对概念来区分两种不同的语言习 得过程或语言获得的方式。 Krashen (1981, 1982)认为,成年人通过两 种不同的、独立的方式获得第二语言。一 种方式是通过“习得”,即类似于儿童习 得母语的方式,另一种是通过“学习”的 方式。
1.1 “第二语言习得”的相关概念
1.1.3 “习得”与“学习” “习得”是一种下意识、非正式的类似儿 童母语的获得过程。学习者通常意识不到 他们正在学习语言这一事实,但是能意识 到他们正在用语言进行交际。 “学习”是指有意识地、正式的学习语言 知识,能够明确地意识到所学的规则。 Krashen 把这两个方式看作彼此独立的学习 过程。
“目的语”,也称“目标语”,一般是指 学习者正在学习的语言。这种语言可能是 他的第二语言、第三语言甚或第四语言。 它强调的是学习者正在学习的任何一种语 言,与学习者的语言习得环境无关。 美国学生无论在美国学习汉语,还是在中 国学习汉语,其目的语都是汉语。如果他 们同时在学习法语,那么法语也是他们的 目的语。 对第二语言学习者而言,母语对其目的语 的习得具有重要的影响。
1.1 “第二语言习得”的相关概念
“第二语言” Ellis (1994) 认为,“第二语言”是相对于 学习者习得的第一语言之外的任何一种其 他语言而言的。 因此,“第二语言”自然包含第三、第四 或更多的其他语言。
第二语言的概念强调的是语言习得的先后 顺序,与语言习得的环境无关。 中国儿童习得母语之后学习的任何一种语 言,无论是英语还是法语,都是第二语言。
Competence: (in Transformational Generative Grammar) a person’s internalized grammar of a language. This means a person’s ability to create and understand sentences, including sentences they have never heard before. It also includes a person’s knowledge of what are and what are not sentences of a particular language.
这些语言之所以被称为第二语言,都是相 对于学习者的第一语言而言的。
按照Ellis的观点,我们认为,这取决于华裔 儿童在幼年最先习得的第一语言是否是汉 语。 如果华裔儿童幼年首先获得的是汉语,即 其本族语,那么他后续习得的汉语仍然是 母语,母语就是他的第一语言; 如果华裔儿童幼年最先获得的不是汉语, 即汉语不是他的第一语言,那么后续习得 的汉语虽然依然是他的本族语,但相对他 习得的第一语言而言,他后续习得的汉语 仍然是第二语言。
“目的语”,也称“目标语”,一般是指 学习者正在学习的语言。这种语言可能是 他的第二语言、第三语言甚或第四语言。 它强调的是学习者正在学习的任何一种语 言,与学习者的语言习得环境无关。 美国学生无论在美国学习汉语,还是在中 国学习汉语,其目的语都是汉语。如果他 们同时在学习法语,那么法语也是他们的 目的语。 对第二语言学习者而言,母语对其目的语 的习得具有重要的影响。
一、母语与目的语 二、第一语言与第二语言 三、习得与学习 四、第二语言习得与外语习得 五、自然环境的SLA与教学环境的 SLA 六、语言能力与语言表达
Second language—first language; foreign language, non-native language—mother tongue, native language
1.1 “第二语言习得”的相关概念
1.1.2 “第一语言” 通常是指学习者的母语或本族语而言的。尽管有 些时候,学习者的第一语言并不是他的母语或本 族语。 比如: 在美国出生的汉族儿童接触的“第一语言”不是 汉语,而是英语; 在这种情况下,英语是他的“第一语言”; 但是,英语并不是他的母语,他的母语或本族语 是汉语。
Ellis认为,最好还是从社会语言学的角度来 划分这两个概念。因为它反映了学习者参 与习得过程的环境和活动。
如果从心理语言学角度来划分,似乎自然 习得就是下意识的,有教学指导的习得就 是有意识的。这恐怕不符合实际情况。
1.1.6“语言能力”与“语言表达” competence / performance
Ellis 1994对FLA的定义
In contrast, foreign language learning takes place in settings where the language plays no major role in the community and is primarily learnt only in the classroom. 区分二者的意义在于: It is possible that there will be radical differences in both what is learnt and how it is learnt.
语言表达是关于语言运用的知识。 母语者在具体的语言表达中,由于各种非 语言因素,如疲劳、注意力不集中以及记 忆的限制,不可能生成上面的句子。 母语者在实际的语言运用中所生成的语言 仅仅是整个话语的一部分,而且这些实际 生成的话语有些可能是不合语法的。也就 是说,这些实际运用的话语并不一定能够 反映那种理想的语言能力。
习得 acquisition
implicit learning explicit learning informal learning formal learning natural learning conscious learning
“习得”是指在自然状态下下意识地、非 正式地学习语言。这种状态下的学习就好 像随手采摘东西一样、毫不费力地获得第 二语言。 “学习”是指有意识地、正式地学习语言。 这种状态下的学习获得的是一种“元语言 知识”(metalanguage knowledge)。即学 习者有意识地学习语言的规则,如语法规 则等。这种学习相对于习得来说,需要耗 费时力。